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What are the best investments to generate a passive income?

By using this site you agree to our use of cookies. More informationLatest news Most popular Opinion Podcast The MagazineHomeMoneyMonday 16 January 2017 12:42pmHow to earn passive income: 22 ways to create multiple streams of incHere's a list of quite a few passive income ideas, so it's likely that you'll be able to find at least two or three that will work in your situation.1. Try out index funds.Index funds provide you with a way to invest in the stock market that is completely passive. For example, if you invest money in an index fund that is based on the S&P 500 Index, you will be invested in the general market, without having to concern yourself with choosing investments, rebalancing your portfolio, or knowing when to sell or buy individual companies. All that will be handled by the fund which will base the fund portfolio on the makeup of the underlying index.You are also free to choose a fund that is based on any index that you want. For example, there are index funds set up for just about every market sector there is — energy, precious metals, banking, emerging markets — you name it. All you have to do is decide that you want to participate, then contribute money and sit back and relax. Your stock portfolio will then be on automatic pilot.2. Make YouTube videos.This is a venture that is growing rapidly. You can create videos in just about any area that you like — music, tutorials, opinions, comedy, movie reviews — anything you want . . . then put them on YouTube. You can then attach Google AdSense to the videos, which will overlay your videos with automatic ads. When viewers click on those ads, you will earn money from AdSense.The keys will be to create compelling videos, to promote those videos on social media websites, and to create enough of them that your income will be coming from multiple sources. There's a good bit of work that goes into creating videos, but once a video is done it can become a completely passive cash flow source for a very long time.Don't think you can find success with YouTube? You sure can. Emily Eddington used her love for makeup and YouTube to quit her full-time job. She has received over 66 million views on YouTube. This former morning news anchor took her passion — makeup — and turned it into a phenomenal success.3. Try affiliate marketing and make sales.This is a passive income technique that is better suited to people who have blogs and active websites. You can sign up to promote certain products or services on your site, for which you will be paid either a flat fee or a percentage of the amount of the sale completed.This isn't as hard to do as you might think, since there are thousands of companies in the world who want to sell their products in as many places as they can.You can find affiliate offers either by contacting vendors directly, or on dedicated websites, such as ClickBank. It's always best if the product or service is one that you are either very interested in or is highly relevant to your website.4. Put your photography to work on the web.Do you like photography? If you do, you may be able to convert it into a passive income source. Photography websites such as Shutterstock and iStockphoto can provide you with platforms to sell your photos. They may offer either a percentage or a flat fee of each photo that is sold to a site client.In this way, a single photo could represent a cash flow source since it can be sold again and again. You simply need to create your photo portfolio, put it on one or more photo platforms, and then the activity becomes completely passive. All the technicalities of the photo sales are handled through the web platform.And yes, that's me in a stock photo you can purchase from Stock photos, royalty-free images & video clips. My good is a photographer and has uploaded a few hundred photos to their platform and makes a good residual income from it.5. Purchase high dividend stocks.By building a portfolio of high dividend stocks, you can create regular passive income at an annual rate that is much higher than what you get on bank investments.Just as important, since high dividend stocks are stocks, there is always the potential for capital appreciation.In that way, you can earn passive income from two sources — dividends and capital gains.You will need a brokerage account to purchase these stocks and complete the research needed.6. Write an ebook.This can be a lot of work upfront, but once the ebook is created and marketed it can provide you with a passive revenue stream for years. You can either sell the ebook on your own website or offer it as an affiliate arrangement with other websites that provide content related to your ebook.7. Get cash-back rewards on credit cards.There are credit cards that provide cash-back rewards ranging anywhere from 1% to 5% of the amount purchased. You're going to be out shopping and buying anyway, right?Rewards will give you an opportunity to earn some passive “income” (in the form of reduced outgo) from doing what you would do anyway.We recently started being mindful of collecting reward points on our cards especially since we like to travel. In the past year we've been able to use our reward points to pay for 9 round trip flights and few nights in a hotel. Now that's what I'm talking about!8. Sell your own products on the internet.The possibilities here are endless — you can sell just about any product or service that you like. It could be a product you have created and can manufacture on your own or it could be digital in nature (such as software, DVDs, or even instructional videos).You can set up a dedicated website for this product or service, unless of course you have a website or blog already in place. Alternatively, you can also sell it on an affiliate basis, either by offering it direct to websites and blogs related to your product or service, or through a platform such as ClickBank.If you make a lot of money in your current job and you're not sure that you can make a similar amount by selling products online, think again. A while back, I interviewed Steve Chou from Starting An Online Store When Your Spouse Wants To Quit And Stay At Home With The Kids | In our podcast interview, Steve explained how his wife quit her job to become a stay-at-home mom.Now, being a stay-at-home mom is a full-time job — but Steve Chou's wife also started an online business that replaced her former salary and started bringing in a six-figure income! Wow, right?You can learn to sell products online too and make quite a bit of money. While it's not entirely passive, it's certainly more passive than getting up and heading out the door to work every morning!9. Invest in real estateThis probably falls more in the category of semi-passive income, since an investment in real estate is always at least a little bit of an active venture. Still, once you have a property that is established and fully rented, it's mostly a matter of managing the property and keeping it performing well.Additionally, there are professional property managers who can manage your property for you, usually for around 10% of the monthly rent. This professional management can make the investment much more passive, but will take a bite out of your cash flow.According to Brandon Turner, an active real estate investor and co-host on the popular BiggerPockets Podcast,The key to success with rental properties is buying smart. Not every property is going to provide a good return or prove to be passive. Understanding how to analyse potential real estate opportunities is incredibly important. As the old adage goes — you make your money when you buy!Another benefit of investing in rental properties is the loan pay down. If you obtain a loan to buy the property, each month your tenants are paying off part of the loan. Once the mortgage on the property has been paid off, your cash flow will increase dramatically, allowing your mediocre investment to skyrocket into a full-fledged retirement program.It wouldn't take many paid-off properties to provide a pretty great, and mostly-passive, future for you and your family.10. Buy a blog.Thousands of blogs are created every year, and thousands are either completely abandoned by their owners sometime afterward. If you can buy blogs with a reasonable amount of web traffic — as well as a demonstrated cash flow — it could be a perfect passive income source.Most blogs employ Google AdSense, which provides a monthly revenue stream based on ads that Google places on the site. There may also be affiliate programs generating additional revenue. Both income sources will be yours once you purchase the blog.From a financial perspective, blogs usually sell for 24 times their monthly income. So if the site generates $250 a month in income, you can likely buy it for no more than $3,000. Translation: a $3,000 investment will buy you $1,500 per year in cash flow.You may even be able to purchase the site for less than 24 months' earnings, if the site owner is particularly anxious to get out. Some sites have good “evergreen” content that will continue generating revenue even years after the site has gone silent.Bonus tip: If you were to buy such a site, and then to reinvigorate it with fresh content, you may be able raise the monthly revenue enabling yourself to sell the site at a later date for substantially more than what you paid for it.Finally, instead of buying a blog, you might want to create your own blog. You can make some money either way!11. Pay off a credit card (or two or three).Reducing a fixed expense is the financial equivalent of creating passive income. This is certainly true when it comes to credit cards. Let's say that you owe £10,000 on a credit card, on which there is a monthly payment equal to 2% of the balance, or £200 per month.By paying the card off, you'll be free up £2,400 per year in cash flow that would've gone to the monthly payments.That's like getting a guaranteed 24% return on a £10,000 investment. Good deal?12. Write a book and collect royalties.Much like writing an ebook, there's a lot of work upfront. But once that's done, and the book goes into the sales stage, it becomes a completely passive venture.This is especially true if you can sell the book to a publisher who will pay you royalties for the distribution and sale of the book. You'll get a percentage of each sale made, and if the book is fairly popular, the royalties could be substantial. Just as important, the royalties can continue flowing for many years.Mike Piper from did just that. He wrote a book, Investing Made Simple, which was sold strictly on Amazon. He had decent success with the first book that he created an entire series of book. Those books now net him over 6 figures per year. Not too shabby.13. Set up a website selling a product.If there is a product that you are particularly knowledgeable about, you may be able to sell it on a dedicated website. The technique is similar to what you would use for your own product, except that you will not to be concerning yourself with product creation, but only with the sale of someone else's product.You may even find after a while that you are able to add other products that are related. Should that happen, the site could generate substantial revenues.If you are able to have the product drop shipped to customers directly from the manufacturer, you won't even have to get your hands dirty. That may not be 100% passive, but it's darn close.14. Invest in real estate investment trusts (REITs).In #10 we talked about investing in real estate. But let's say that you want to invest in real estate, but do it in a truly passive way. You can do that through a real estate investment trust. This is something like a mutual fund holding various real estate projects. The fund is managed by professionals, so you never have to get involved.One of the big benefits of investing in REITs is that they typically pay higher dividends than stocks, bonds, or bank investments. You can also sell your interest in a REIT anytime you like, which makes it more liquid than owning real estate outright.15. Become a business silent partner.Do you know of a successful business that needs capital for expansion? If so, you can become something of a small-time angel investor and provide that needed capital. But rather than offering a loan to a business owner, you instead take an equity position in the business. In this way, the business owner will handle the day-to-day operations, while you will act as a silent partner who also participates in the profits of the business.16. Become a referral source.Every small business needs referral sources in order to maintain sales. Make a list of small business providers that you use on a regular basis and feel you can recommend to others without reservation. Then contact the owners and see if they have any kind of cash referral offers available.You can do this with accountants, landscapers, electricians, plumbers, carpet cleaning services — the list is endless. Keep a list of these businesses, and be ready to refer them to your friends, family and coworkers. You can earn a fee on each referral just from talking to people.Don't overlook referral programs at work either. If your company offers a referral bonus for either new employees or for new customers, then take advantage of that plan. It's easy money with virtually no work.17. Rent out unused space with Airbnb.Airbnb is a concept that has only been around for a few years, but it has exploded around the globe. Airbnb allows people to travel all around the world and to stay in accommodations that are a lot less expensive than traditional hotels. They do this by staying with participating Airbnb members who rent out part of their homes to travelers. By participating in Airbnb, you can use your residence to accommodate guests and earn extra money just for renting out space in your home.Paula Pant, cubicle renegade Afford Anything took a stab at making extra money renting out locations exclusively through Airnbnb. Her Airbnb experiment netted her an extra $19,000 in revenue and 1 police visit!How much you will make will depend upon the size and condition of your home and your location. Naturally, if your home is located in a high cost city, or close to a popular resort, your income will be much higher. It's a way of earning money on space in your home that might just be sitting empty otherwise.18. Build an app.Apps can be an incredibly lucrative income source. Think about how many people today have smartphones. Come on, it's just about everybody! People are downloading apps like crazy — and for good reason . . .Apps make people's lives easier. Whether it's an app that helps people put together nice pictures for their blog or an app that keeps track of tasks, there are helpful apps out there for everyone.You might be asking if there are so many apps out there, why would you want to attempt to create an app? Isn't there a lot of competition? Well, yes, but fresh, creative ideas can win. If you can come up with something unique, you can make quite a bit of money. Simple — yet unique — apps can be pretty passive.Don't know how to code? No problem. First, you can learn. Check out Nathan Barry's success in his inspiring article, "How I Made $19,000 on the App Store While Learning to Code." Nathan also put his design expertise to work in an ebook teaching others how they can design their own apps.Second, you can hire a developer to build your app based on your idea. This could end up being an expensive option, although it will probably yield a professional-looking app.The end result is an app that has the potential to make you some relatively passive income. Don't downplay the idea to build an app — it's a good one!19. Create an online course.Everyone is an expert at something. Why not create an online course about your passion?My buddy Ramit Sethi at I Will Teach You To Be Rich is an expert at creating online courses. He has made an insane amount of money selling his lessons. Most people would be happy making a fraction of what he makes online.There are a number of ways you can produce and host your own online course. One very simple way is to use a website like Online Courses - Learn Anything, On Your Schedule | Udemy. Udemy as over eight million students and is a great way to get your content in front of others for their consideration.Once you create an online course, it can work for you while you sleep!What do you put in your online course? Good question. You can add video lessons, checklists for completing steps you recommend in your video lessons, small ebooks to supplement the lessons, audio files for people listening while travelling, informative interviews with like-minded experts, and a whole bunch more!In fact, you can create several packages at different price points. Some people will want everything, so you can include ‘the works' for the highest price point and then have two lower price points so that you can receive the largest possible volume of orders.19. Create an online course.Everyone is an expert at something. Why not create an online course about your passion?My buddy Ramit Sethi at I Will Teach You To Be Rich is an expert at creating online courses. He has made an insane amount of money selling his lessons. Most people would be happy making a fraction of what he makes online.There are a number of ways you can produce and host your own online course. One very simple way is to use a website like Online Courses - Learn Anything, On Your Schedule | Udemy. Udemy as over eight million students and is a great way to get your content in front of others for their consideration.Once you create an online course, it can work for you while you sleep!What do you put in your online course? Good question. You can add video lessons, checklists for completing steps you recommend in your video lessons, small ebooks to supplement the lessons, audio files for people listening while travelling, informative interviews with like-minded experts, and a whole bunch more!In fact, you can create several packages at different price points. Some people will want everything, so you can include ‘the works' for the highest price point and then have two lower price points so that you can receive the largest possible volume of orders.20. Make an online guide.If writing articles or creating videos isn't your thing, and you want to make money online, try creating an online guide.A good example of this comes from Pat Flynn's website, Security Guard Training. On the website, he has a map of the United States that allows someone to click on any state to see the security guard requirements for that state.By providing specific information in a guide-like format, you can make money through some of the means already addressed: advertisements through Google AdSense, affiliate links, and even memberships you can sell from your online guide. It's a fantastic idea!21. Outsource most if not all of your business needs.If you're spending too much of your time on an existing business running it yourself, why not outsource most if not all of your tasks? Yes, it will require you to give up some control, but in many businesses it's the only way to free up your time so you can focus on other tasks that will result in more income.If you don't want to hire employees, consider hiring freelancers who work as contract laborers. Look for freelancers with a strong work ethic who provide quality results.Here's a list of tasks that you might want to outsource:BookkeepingWritingWeb designEditingTask managementSocial media marketingand so much more!Yes, many people can turn their existing businesses into passive income businesses. As long as the main product or service isn't something only you can do, you can transform your business into a passive moneymaker.22. Make money for tasks you'd do anyway.Yes, you can make some money doing some of the things you're already doing.For example, InboxDollars allows you to make money by playing games, shopping online, searching the web, and more! Swagbucks also allows to make money doing similar activities. It's amazing. Take advantage of these websites and make some extra money!I've purposely provided a long list of passive income ideas in the hope that there is something on this list for everyone.This article originally appeared on Business InsiderGood luck.

What is the source of income for a website?

Source of income From website…These Are The Best Ideas For Earning Eight(8) Money For 2021.I Make Money From It AllYou can too.Here's how.It's called income, and I got it by A Beautiful Coincident Real life Story.When I first graduated from my master's degree and got a job as a biotechnology engineer, I was well paid but felt very uninspired. I was hungry for a job change and was worried about where to start.I have always loved food and cooking. I played with the idea of ​​quitting my job to go to cooking school. But after careful thought, I realized that the last thing I wanted was to move from a tedious job to another. So I started a food blog and thought it might be a creative place for me. Ironically, I was laid off six months later.This was when I dedicated my efforts to a new love project - learning to make money online. I was drawn to the idea of ​​having the freedom to live and work anywhere, and I was not dependent on living in the same place for a living.What I have now are unallocated cash streams. And with a lot of revenue streams, I end up with financial stability and protection from job losses.Sounds too good to be true? My Delish D'Lites food blog earns more than $ 7,000 in monthly income.Here are eight ways in which I can earn a living.DiscardingBloggingDigital studiesE-BooksDigital DownloadMarketing AgentInvestment in Real EstateInvesting in Stock MarketWhat Is Income?Earnings are earned through investments or work that has already been completed and you continue to make money without any extra effort.In contrast, active income is the income earned in exchange for performing a service. Artificial income, by its very definition, does not require active work after a certain point.Many sources of income will require time, energy and effort in the future. But if done right, you will reach a point where your revenue streams earn money on their own, without much effort.My 8 Best Money Laundering Ideas for 2021Many types of unpaid earnings can be made online, so if you want to earn a living, income can be yours. All you need is a computer and an internet connection.DiscardingDrop shipping is where you manage an online store and use a third party supplier to fulfill the order. By dropping, you don't have to handle the product directly. The main difference between a downtime and a typical sales model is that the seller does not keep or have inventory. Instead, the seller buys the inventory as required by the seller or builder to fulfill the orders.With a downhill model, you don’t need a lot of money in advance to get started. That’s because you don’t need to buy the requested product until the sale happens. Without the need for investment, it is possible to start a successful withdrawal business with minimal previous costs. And you do not need to know how to enter code or build a website to get started. Websites like Shopify, Big commerce, and Wix are the platforms you can use to start your business today.BloggingBlogs are a perfect source of income for writers or hobbies.A blog (abbreviated "weblog") is an online journal or informative website that shows details in chronological order, with new posts appearing first. It is a forum in which writers share their views on a particular subject.Your blog becomes an incoming broadcaster with targeted advertising, affiliate marketing, and / or digital product sales. To generate revenue through targeted advertising, you will want to focus on SEO (search engine optimization). SEO is the science of getting traffic to your website. When your blog gets traffic consistently, companies can even get involved in projects.Starting your blog:Choose the perfect niche for your blogChoose a blogging platform (Example: WordPress)Choose a domain nameGet a web hosting account (Example: Site round)Create your own blog, write content, and promote social mediaDigital studiesWe all have expertise in something that someone is willing to pay for. You can turn your skills into dollar bills with a digital course.A digital career is a source of income that continues to sell itself without having to do a lot of work after the first creation.You may already be sharing your expertise and you may not even know it. Maybe it was a Facebook post, a YouTube channel, or a blog-sharing advice on a particular topic. Instead of giving all your information for free, you can turn it into revenue by combining ideas, skills, and knowledge into a digital course. Platforms like Teachable, Podia, and Kajabi make it easy to package, market, and sell your digital studies.E-BooksSimilar to the digital course, writing an e-book (electronic book) is another way to sell a specific set of technology or technology. The big difference is the way this information is put together.An e-book uses a computer, mobile device, or e-book reader (such as Kindle) to view long form text in a book form with text, pictures, or both. This does not have to be the length of full novels (though it may be).Remember that your price will determine what your customer expects. A typical e-book can be between 2,500 and 10,000 words, depending on your niche. You can build your e-book on sites like Canvas, Beacon, or Microsoft Word.Digital DownloadsDigital downloads are tools that provide your customer with a quick win over a problem they have.Instead of producing a complete e-book, by digital download you produce one downloadable product. These are products that are self-sufficient and add value to your customers. Printable checklists, art and entertainment guides, downloadable spreadsheets, and social media templates are all options for digital downloads.You will want to do market research to learn what your potential customer base wants. The best place to start is by researching competitors in your space. Search related keywords on Google and see what comes up. That's your competition. Read what they offer, and see how you can make your own different version of the same offering.Canva is ready to create digital downloads, while platforms like Etsy and SendOwl are ready to sell.Marketing AgentAffiliate marketing includes partnerships with retailers to promote their products. You can be paid a commission for each sale in exchange for products or services. This is an easy way to earn money because you simply promote someone else's product and get paid.Other places to advertise your relevant links are social media, email marketing, YouTube channel, podcast, or blog. Other well-known marketing platforms are Amazon Associates & ShareASale. But there are plenty of platforms to choose from.The key here is authenticity. The moment you promote bad products is the time when your audience loses trust in you. Make sure you only promote products that you know and like.Investment in Real EstateReal estate investment is the most expensive way to generate income. It requires significant initial investment, especially if you are new to the real estate world.But before you enter the world, it is important to ask yourself these questions to help you decide what kind of investor you would like to be.Depending on your financial goals and the potential for investment, you have many investment options to choose from. Revenue from real estate can come in temporary rental (think Airbnb) or in long-term rental, when you are the real owner of the property.Investing in the Stock MarketBeing an stock market investor is an easy way to earn an income. This type of income is driven by revenue or benefits.As the value of your shares grows and as you continue to invest in any profits you earn, you can watch your investments grow with the power of compound interest rates.The key to earning money in the stock market using a buy-and-take strategy. If you use a retirement account, such as the Roth IRA, this revenue stream is not really an income you can live on now. It is more than a car to save and invest to earn a living when you retire. But you are still earning money with compound interest, and that requires less work for your unemployment.How Many Stream Streams Should You Have?This study, published by the IRS, shows the most common types of income streams for high-income people:Revenue from dividends from held shares.Payment received.Rental income from rental properties.Taxes from the sale of copyrighted material that they have written or invented.Profits from selling popular goods.Profits from the businesses they have.Interest from savings, CDs, or bonds.So, how many should you have?It all depends on your financial goals and your current situation.Are you in a stable job with a chance to grow? Maybe you only need two incoming streams, such as your regular earnings and the benefits from stock investing.If your employment is very risky or unusual you may want to increase your revenue streams to have revenue streams that you can return to.But if you are a millionaire like me, you might want to split your income and invest in it.Taxes and IncomeLike the income from a full-time job, the revenue earned from the activities is paid.The amount you owe, however, will depend on a number of factors, including the type of income and how much time you spend in the business. Revenue from rental properties is taxed separately from the income from the sale of the product or from the corresponding marketing.Because there are so many ways to earn money, you may want to consult a tax professional to learn more about your situation. They can also provide additional information on record keeping and what documents you may need when submitting your form.In a nutshellIncoming revenue streams can give impetus to your savings, investment goals, and unexpected job losses. Who wouldn’t want to earn money without going in for 8 hours a working day?The good news is that there are many options to start building revenue streams beyond what I have already mentioned above. Most will need advance time and energy to build before you can begin to see the return.

How do you create multiple incomes?

1. Try out index funds.Index funds provide you with a way to invest in the stock market that is completely passive. For example, if you invest money in an index fund that is based on the S&P 500 Index, you will be invested in the general market, without having to concern yourself with choosing investments, rebalancing your portfolio, or knowing when to sell or buy individual companies. All that will be handled by the fund which will base the fund portfolio on the makeup of the underlying index.You are also free to choose a fund that is based on any index that you want. For example, there are index funds set up for just about every market sector there is — energy, precious metals, banking, emerging markets — you name it. All you have to do is decide that you want to participate, then contribute money and sit back and relax. Your stock portfolio will then be on automatic pilot.2. Make YouTube videos.This is a venture that is growing rapidly. You can create videos in just about any area that you like — music, tutorials, opinions, comedy, movie reviews — anything you want . . . then put them on YouTube. You can then attach Google AdSense to the videos, which will overlay your videos with automatic ads. When viewers click on those ads, you will earn money from AdSense.The keys will be to create compelling videos, to promote those videos on social media websites, and to create enough of them that your income will be coming from multiple sources. There's a good bit of work that goes into creating videos, but once a video is done it can become a completely passive cash flow source for a very long time.Don't think you can find success with YouTube? You sure can. Emily Eddington used her love for makeup and YouTube to quit her full-time job. She has received over 66 million views on YouTube. This former morning news anchor took her passion — makeup — and turned it into a phenomenal success.3. Try affiliate marketing and make sales.This is a passive income technique that is better suited to people who have blogs and active websites. You can sign up to promote certain products or services on your site, for which you will be paid either a flat fee or a percentage of the amount of the sale completed.This isn't as hard to do as you might think, since there are thousands of companies in the world who want to sell their products in as many places as they can.You can find affiliate offers either by contacting vendors directly, or on dedicated websites, such as ClickBank. It's always best if the product or service is one that you are either very interested in or is highly relevant to your website.4. Put your photography to work on the web.Do you like photography? If you do, you may be able to convert it into a passive income source. Photography websites such as Shutterstock and iStockphoto can provide you with platforms to sell your photos. They may offer either a percentage or a flat fee of each photo that is sold to a site client.In this way, a single photo could represent a cash flow source since it can be sold again and again. You simply need to create your photo portfolio, put it on one or more photo platforms, and then the activity becomes completely passive. All the technicalities of the photo sales are handled through the web platform.And yes, that's me in a stock photo you can purchase from Stock Images, Royalty-Free Pictures, Illustrations & Videos - iStock. My good is a photographer and has uploaded a few hundred photos to their platform and makes a good residual income from it.5. Purchase high dividend stocks.By building a portfolio of high dividend stocks, you can create regular passive income at an annual rate that is much higher than what you get on bank investments.Just as important, since high dividend stocks are stocks, there is always the potential for capital appreciation.In that way, you can earn passive income from two sources — dividends and capital gains.You will need a brokerage account to purchase these stocks and complete the research needed.6. Write an ebook.This can be a lot of work upfront, but once the ebook is created and marketed it can provide you with a passive revenue stream for years. You can either sell the ebook on your own website or offer it as an affiliate arrangement with other websites that provide content related to your ebook.7. Get cash-back rewards on credit cards.There are credit cards that provide cash-back rewards ranging anywhere from 1% to 5% of the amount purchased. You're going to be out shopping and buying anyway, right?Rewards will give you an opportunity to earn some passive “income” (in the form of reduced outgo) from doing what you would do anyway.We recently started being mindful of collecting reward points on our cards especially since we like to travel. In the past year we've been able to use our reward points to pay for 9 round trip flights and few nights in a hotel. Now that's what I'm talking about!8. Sell your own products on the internet.The possibilities here are endless — you can sell just about any product or service that you like. It could be a product you have created and can manufacture on your own or it could be digital in nature (such as software, DVDs, or even instructional videos).You can set up a dedicated website for this product or service, unless of course you have a website or blog already in place. Alternatively, you can also sell it on an affiliate basis, either by offering it direct to websites and blogs related to your product or service, or through a platform such as ClickBank.If you make a lot of money in your current job and you're not sure that you can make a similar amount by selling products online, think again. A while back, I interviewed Steve Chou from How To Start An Online Store So Your Spouse Can Quit And Stay At Home With The Kids - In our podcast interview, Steve explained how his wife quit her job to become a stay-at-home mom.Now, being a stay-at-home mom is a full-time job — but Steve Chou's wife also started an online business that replaced her former salary and started bringing in a six-figure income! Wow, right?You can learn to sell products online too and make quite a bit of money. While it's not entirely passive, it's certainly more passive than getting up and heading out the door to work every morning!9. Invest in real estateThis probably falls more in the category of semi-passive income, since an investment in real estate is always at least a little bit of an active venture. Still, once you have a property that is established and fully rented, it's mostly a matter of managing the property and keeping it performing well.Additionally, there are professional property managers who can manage your property for you, usually for around 10% of the monthly rent. This professional management can make the investment much more passive, but will take a bite out of your cash flow.According to Brandon Turner, an active real estate investor and co-host on the popular BiggerPockets Podcast,The key to success with rental properties is buying smart. Not every property is going to provide a good return or prove to be passive. Understanding how to analyse potential real estate opportunities is incredibly important. As the old adage goes — you make your money when you buy!Another benefit of investing in rental properties is the loan pay down. If you obtain a loan to buy the property, each month your tenants are paying off part of the loan. Once the mortgage on the property has been paid off, your cash flow will increase dramatically, allowing your mediocre investment to skyrocket into a full-fledged retirement program.It wouldn't take many paid-off properties to provide a pretty great, and mostly-passive, future for you and your family.10. Buy a blog.Thousands of blogs are created every year, and thousands are either completely abandoned by their owners sometime afterward. If you can buy blogs with a reasonable amount of web traffic — as well as a demonstrated cash flow — it could be a perfect passive income source.Most blogs employ Google AdSense, which provides a monthly revenue stream based on ads that Google places on the site. There may also be affiliate programs generating additional revenue. Both income sources will be yours once you purchase the blog.From a financial perspective, blogs usually sell for 24 times their monthly income. So if the site generates $250 a month in income, you can likely buy it for no more than $3,000. Translation: a $3,000 investment will buy you $1,500 per year in cash flow.You may even be able to purchase the site for less than 24 months' earnings, if the site owner is particularly anxious to get out. Some sites have good “evergreen” content that will continue generating revenue even years after the site has gone silent.Bonus tip: If you were to buy such a site, and then to reinvigorate it with fresh content, you may be able raise the monthly revenue enabling yourself to sell the site at a later date for substantially more than what you paid for it.Finally, instead of buying a blog, you might want to create your own blog. You can make some money either way!11. Pay off a credit card (or two or three).Reducing a fixed expense is the financial equivalent of creating passive income. This is certainly true when it comes to credit cards. Let's say that you owe £10,000 on a credit card, on which there is a monthly payment equal to 2% of the balance, or £200 per month.By paying the card off, you'll be free up £2,400 per year in cash flow that would've gone to the monthly payments.That's like getting a guaranteed 24% return on a £10,000 investment. Good deal?12. Write a book and collect royalties.Much like writing an ebook, there's a lot of work upfront. But once that's done, and the book goes into the sales stage, it becomes a completely passive venture.This is especially true if you can sell the book to a publisher who will pay you royalties for the distribution and sale of the book. You'll get a percentage of each sale made, and if the book is fairly popular, the royalties could be substantial. Just as important, the royalties can continue flowing for many years.Mike Piper from did just that. He wrote a book, Investing Made Simple, which was sold strictly on Amazon. He had decent success with the first book that he created an entire series of book. Those books now net him over 6 figures per year. Not too shabby.13. Set up a website selling a product.If there is a product that you are particularly knowledgeable about, you may be able to sell it on a dedicated website. The technique is similar to what you would use for your own product, except that you will not to be concerning yourself with product creation, but only with the sale of someone else's product.You may even find after a while that you are able to add other products that are related. Should that happen, the site could generate substantial revenues.If you are able to have the product drop shipped to customers directly from the manufacturer, you won't even have to get your hands dirty. That may not be 100% passive, but it's darn close.14. Invest in real estate investment trusts (REITs).In #10 we talked about investing in real estate. But let's say that you want to invest in real estate, but do it in a truly passive way. You can do that through a real estate investment trust. This is something like a mutual fund holding various real estate projects. The fund is managed by professionals, so you never have to get involved.One of the big benefits of investing in REITs is that they typically pay higher dividends than stocks, bonds, or bank investments. You can also sell your interest in a REIT anytime you like, which makes it more liquid than owning real estate outright.15. Become a business silent partner.Do you know of a successful business that needs capital for expansion? If so, you can become something of a small-time angel investor and provide that needed capital. But rather than offering a loan to a business owner, you instead take an equity position in the business. In this way, the business owner will handle the day-to-day operations, while you will act as a silent partner who also participates in the profits of the business.16. Become a referral source.Every small business needs referral sources in order to maintain sales. Make a list of small business providers that you use on a regular basis and feel you can recommend to others without reservation. Then contact the owners and see if they have any kind of cash referral offers available.You can do this with accountants, landscapers, electricians, plumbers, carpet cleaning services — the list is endless. Keep a list of these businesses, and be ready to refer them to your friends, family and coworkers. You can earn a fee on each referral just from talking to people.Don't overlook referral programs at work either. If your company offers a referral bonus for either new employees or for new customers, then take advantage of that plan. It's easy money with virtually no work.17. Rent out unused space with Airbnb.Airbnb is a concept that has only been around for a few years, but it has exploded around the globe. Airbnb allows people to travel all around the world and to stay in accommodations that are a lot less expensive than traditional hotels. They do this by staying with participating Airbnb members who rent out part of their homes to travelers. By participating in Airbnb, you can use your residence to accommodate guests and earn extra money just for renting out space in your home.Paula Pant, cubicle renegade Home took a stab at making extra money renting out locations exclusively through Airnbnb. Her Airbnb experiment netted her an extra $19,000 in revenue and 1 police visit!How much you will make will depend upon the size and condition of your home and your location. Naturally, if your home is located in a high cost city, or close to a popular resort, your income will be much higher. It's a way of earning money on space in your home that might just be sitting empty otherwise.18. Build an app.Apps can be an incredibly lucrative income source. Think about how many people today have smartphones. Come on, it's just about everybody! People are downloading apps like crazy — and for good reason . . .Apps make people's lives easier. Whether it's an app that helps people put together nice pictures for their blog or an app that keeps track of tasks, there are helpful apps out there for everyone.You might be asking if there are so many apps out there, why would you want to attempt to create an app? Isn't there a lot of competition? Well, yes, but fresh, creative ideas can win. If you can come up with something unique, you can make quite a bit of money. Simple — yet unique — apps can be pretty passive.Don't know how to code? No problem. First, you can learn. Check out Nathan Barry's success in his inspiring article, "How I Made $19,000 on the App Store While Learning to Code." Nathan also put his design expertise to work in an ebook teaching others how they can design their own apps.Second, you can hire a developer to build your app based on your idea. This could end up being an expensive option, although it will probably yield a professional-looking app.The end result is an app that has the potential to make you some relatively passive income. Don't downplay the idea to build an app — it's a good one!19. Create an online course.Everyone is an expert at something. Why not create an online course about your passion?My buddy Ramit Sethi at I Will Teach You To Be Rich is an expert at creating online courses. He has made an insane amount of money selling his lessons. Most people would be happy making a fraction of what he makes online.There are a number of ways you can produce and host your own online course. One very simple way is to use a website like Online Courses - Learn Anything, On Your Schedule | Udemy. Udemy as over eight million students and is a great way to get your content in front of others for their consideration.Once you create an online course, it can work for you while you sleep!What do you put in your online course? Good question. You can add video lessons, checklists for completing steps you recommend in your video lessons, small ebooks to supplement the lessons, audio files for people listening while travelling, informative interviews with like-minded experts, and a whole bunch more!In fact, you can create several packages at different price points. Some people will want everything, so you can include ‘the works' for the highest price point and then have two lower price points so that you can receive the largest possible volume of orders.19. Create an online course.Everyone is an expert at something. Why not create an online course about your passion?My buddy Ramit Sethi at I Will Teach You To Be Rich is an expert at creating online courses. He has made an insane amount of money selling his lessons. Most people would be happy making a fraction of what he makes online.There are a number of ways you can produce and host your own online course. One very simple way is to use a website like Online Courses - Learn Anything, On Your Schedule | Udemy. Udemy as over eight million students and is a great way to get your content in front of others for their consideration.Once you create an online course, it can work for you while you sleep!What do you put in your online course? Good question. You can add video lessons, checklists for completing steps you recommend in your video lessons, small ebooks to supplement the lessons, audio files for people listening while travelling, informative interviews with like-minded experts, and a whole bunch more!In fact, you can create several packages at different price points. Some people will want everything, so you can include ‘the works' for the highest price point and then have two lower price points so that you can receive the largest possible volume of orders.20. Make an online guide.If writing articles or creating videos isn't your thing, and you want to make money online, try creating an online guide.A good example of this comes from Pat Flynn's website, Security Guard Training. On the website, he has a map of the United States that allows someone to click on any state to see the security guard requirements for that state.By providing specific information in a guide-like format, you can make money through some of the means already addressed: advertisements through Google AdSense, affiliate links, and even memberships you can sell from your online guide. It's a fantastic idea!21. Outsource most if not all of your business needs.If you're spending too much of your time on an existing business running it yourself, why not outsource most if not all of your tasks? Yes, it will require you to give up some control, but in many businesses it's the only way to free up your time so you can focus on other tasks that will result in more income.If you don't want to hire employees, consider hiring freelancers who work as contract laborers. Look for freelancers with a strong work ethic who provide quality results.Here's a list of tasks that you might want to outsource:BookkeepingWritingWeb designEditingTask managementSocial media marketingand so much more!Yes, many people can turn their existing businesses into passive income businesses. As long as the main product or service isn't something only you can do, you can transform your business into a passive moneymaker.22. Make money for tasks you'd do anyway.Yes, you can make some money doing some of the things you're already doing.For example, InboxDollars allows you to make money by playing games, shopping online, searching the web, and more! Swagbucks also allows to make money doing similar activities. It's amazing. Take advantage of these websites and make some extra money!I've purposely provided a long list of passive income ideas in the hope that there is something on this list for everyone.

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