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Does Bernie Sanders have a significant accomplishment in his 28 years of Congressional service?
!!! New - Edit to address the uselessness of much of the commentary posted in replies to this answer:All right, the thread of replies to this answer is getting ridiculous and pointless with people finding all sorts of problems that I 1) are obsessed over numbers and the minutia of relatively iconsequential differences in the exact stats specified and 2) distract from point I was trying to make by posting the stats in the first place.1) the links are not landing on the pages that their URLs are pointing to, there is nothing I can do about that. Just enter the politicians’ names and activate the filters yourself if you want to check them.2) the stat info that is posted in this answer is what it was when I did the search on those politicians myself and first posted the information here. Those stats, as reported on | Library of Congress have changed (several times over, now) since I posted my answer. Seems the government makes regular updates to their database. Also, I am not responsible for that and it does not make my answer invalid. It just means the government has updated their own database so please quit trying to lodge accusations of misinformation or uncredibility at me/my answer for inconsistancies you may find between this answer and your current search results shown on the government website. The specific numbers in their database are going to be different because of their frequent updates to their records. Let it go.3) focusing on the exact numbers down to a variation of maybe 15% of the number shown (and that’s a very generous estimation of the tolerance we’re looking at here, usually it’s probably closer to only about 6% change over a month or two or three) is counter-productive to the conversation. The stats, regardless of what the exact value of the data points are, all of them (every set of stats for the searches for the people listed, in every point in time) reflect the same over-arching point I was getting at, than Bernie tallies outnumber every one else’s by orders of magnitude. The stats I posted show the same correlation in the spread between the candidates/their tallies in terms of the least to the greatest amount of legislation produced among the politicians concerned. Bernie’s tallies dwarf everyone else’s no matter which way you look at it.4) What these stats tell about what Sanders has done in his time in office leave out more than half of what’s he’s actually done. And the half of it missing is by far the more noteworthy half of ways in which Sanders has had far greater and more impressive of an impact on this country. It is his indiscriminate alarm sounding of government and corporate corruption happening that the citizens of the US deserve to know about and the identifying of the specific members of public office and their corporate crony counterparts that matters most when it comes to “what has he done in his 28 in office” debate. What he has done is fight for the average citizen, call attention to dirty politics, spread awareness of the corruption between the government and corporate moguls, and interrogate them all on the congressional floor, in political hearings, at political protests, legal proceedings, and so many other official public platforms. He is the line of communication between the citizens on the street who demand change and want the government and corporations to be held accountable for their activity and the actual ruling class of our population who have the power to bring about that change.And for those who question that Sanders does any of what I said in item #4 above, here are a handful of examples of the countless times where Bernie Sanders was doing exactly that:And that doesn’t even hint at what he’s done as an advocate/political activist participating in workers movements or strikes and other times he’s helped labor unions and marginalized communities to achieve victories in their persuits for justice!!! End of New Edit======== Original post: =======Seems this meme is very pervasive… I keep finding more places I need to post the following information to in order to debunk the ridiculous “Sanders hasn’t done anything useful across his political career” trope going around. Well in any case, this ought to clear things up a bit:Klobuchar has introduced 2743 bills. 237 passed. 132 became law. Search Results:[%22introduced%22,%22passed-one%22,%22law%22],%22type%22:%22bills%22}&KWICView=falseWarren has introduced 3184 bills. 562 passed. 275 became law.Harris has introduced 3774 bills. 739 passed. 329 became law.Hillary Clinton has introduced 1957 bills. 180 passed. 75 became law.Sanders has introduced 8178 bills. 882 passed. 444 became law.====== Editing to add ================If you want specifics, here:Bernie Sanders is an accomplished, effective leader (hope you read this and learn something new!)Here’s A LONG List Of Bernie Sanders’ Accomplishments (WITH CITATIONS)A couple things listed on his own campaign website: Legislative LandmarksVeteransLandmark legislation was passed in 2014 to help the Department of Veterans Affairs serve America’s aging population of veterans and to meet the needs of a new generation of men and women who served in Iraq and Afghanistan. As the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee chairman, Sanders steered the bill through Congress. The legislation (H.R. 3230) passed the Senate 93-3 after passing the House 265-160 and was signed by President Obama on Aug. 7, 2014. The law included $5 billion for the VA to hire more doctors and other health care professionals. Sanders commitment to veterans has a long history. In 1998, he worked with Rep. Chris Shays to pass a bill to care for illnesses afflicting Gulf War veterans.Free Credit ReportsThe House on November 2, 2003, passed legislation (H.R.2622) authored by Sanders (original bill) to provide all Americans with one free credit report per year. The bill became law (Public Law No: 108-159) on Dec. 4, 2003.Dairy FarmsFarmers were being forced off land that had been in their families for generations during the depths of a crisis in the late 1990s, when huge dairy conglomerates drove down prices they paid farmers. The Senate voted 60-37 on Aug. 4, 2009, for a Sanders amendment (S.Amdt. 2276 to S.Amdt. 1908 to H.R. 2997) to an appropriations bill (H.R. 2997) that was signed into law. It provided $350 million to help struggling dairy farmers survive.And below is a shortened version of the list found here:Bernie Sanders' accomplishments - Occasional Planet (Bernie Sanders' accomplishments - Occasional Planet)Co-founded the Congressional Progressive Caucus and chaired the group for its first 8 years.Both the NAACP and the NHLA (National Hispanic Leadership Agenda) have given Sanders 100% voting scores during his tenure in the Senate. Earns a D- from the NRA.1984: Mayor Sanders established the Burlington Community Land Trust, the first municipal housing land-trust in the country for affordable housing. The project becomes a model emulated throughout the world. It later wins an award from Jack Kemp-led HUD.1991: one of a handful in Congress to vote against authorizing US military force in Iraq. “I have a real fear that the region is not going to be more peaceful or more stable after the war,” he said at the time.1992: Congress passes Sanders’ first signed piece of legislation to create the National Program of Cancer Registries. A Reader’s Digest article calls the law “the cancer weapon America needs most.” All 50 states now run registries to help cancer researchers gain important insights.November 1993: Sanders votes against the Clinton-era North American Free Trade Agreement. Returning from a tour of factories in Mexico, Sanders says: “If NAFTA passes, corporate profits will soar because it will be even easier than now for American companies to flee to Mexico and hire workers there for starvation wages.”July 1996: Sanders is one of only 67 (out of 435, 15%) votes against the discriminatory Defense of Marriage Act, which denied federal benefits to same-sex couples legally married. Sanders urged the Supreme Court to throw out the law, which it did in a landmark 2013 ruling – some 17 years later.July 1999: Standing up against the major pharmaceutical companies, Sanders becomes the first member of Congress to personally take seniors across the border to Canada to buy lower-cost prescription drugs. The congressman continues his bus trips to Canada with a group of breast cancer patients the following April. These brave women are able to purchase their medications in Canada for almost one-tenth the price charged in the States.August 1999: An overflow crowd of Vermonters packs a St. Michael’s College town hall meeting hosted by Sanders to protest an IBM plan to cut older workers’ pensions by as much as 50 percent. CBS Evening News with Dan Rather and The New York Times cover the event. After IBM enacts the plan, Sanders works to reverse the cuts, passing a pair of amendments to prohibit the federal government from acting to overturn a federal district court decision that ruled that IBM’s plan violated pension age discrimination laws. Thanks to Sanders’ efforts, IBM agreed to a $320 million legal settlement with some 130,000 IBM workers and retirees.November 1999: About 10 years before the 2008 Wall Street crash spins the world economy into a massive recession, Sanders votes “no” on a bill to undo decades of financial regulations enacted after the Great Depression. “This legislation,” he predicts at the time, “will lead to fewer banks and financial service providers, increased charges and fees for individual consumers and small businesses, diminished credit for rural America and taxpayer exposure to potential losses should a financial conglomerate fail. It will lead to more mega-mergers, a small number of corporations dominating the financial service industry and further concentration of power in our country.” The House passed the bill 362-57 over Sanders’ objection.October 2001: Sanders votes against the USA Patriot Act. “All of us want to protect the American people from terrorist attacks, but in a way that does not undermine basic freedoms,” Sanders says at the time. He subsequently votes against reauthorizing the law in 2006 and 2011.October 2002: Sanders votes against the Bush-Cheney war in Iraq. He warns at the time that an invasion could “result in anti-Americanism, instability and more terrorism.” Hillary Clinton votes in favor of it.November 2006: Sanders defeats Vermont’s richest man, Rich Tarrant, to be elected to the U.S. Senate. Sanders, running as an Independent, is endorsed by the Vermont Democratic Party and supported by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.December 2007: Sanders’ authored energy efficiency and conservation grant program passes into law. He later secures $3.2 billion in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 for the grant program.September 2008: Thanks to Sanders’ efforts, funding for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program funding doubles, helping millions of low-income Americans heat their homes in winter.February 2009: Sanders works with Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley to pass an amendment to an economic recovery bill preventing Wall Street banks that take taxpayer bailouts from replacing laid-off U.S. workers with exploited and poorly-paid foreign workers.December 2009: Sanders passes language in the Affordable Care Act to allow states to apply for waivers to implement pilot health care systems by 2017. The legislation allows states to adopt more comprehensive systems to cover more people at lower costs.March 2010: President Barack Obama signs into law the Affordable Care Act with a major Sanders provision to expand federally qualified community health centers. Sanders secures $12.5 billion in funding for the program which now serves more than 25 million Americans. Another $1.5 billion from a Sanders provision went to the National Health Service Corps for scholarships and loan repayment for doctors and nurses who practice in under-served communities.July 2010: Sanders works with Republican Congressman Ron Paul in the House to pass a measure as part of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street reform bill to audit the Federal Reserve, revealing how the independent agency gave $16 trillion in near zero-interest loans to big banks and businesses after the 2008 economic collapse.March 2013: Sanders, now chairman of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee, and backed by seniors, women, veterans, labor unions and disabled Americans, leads a successful effort to stop a “chained-CPI” proposal supported by Congressional Republicans and the Administration to cut Social Security and disabled veterans’ benefits.April 2013: Sanders introduces legislation to break up major Wall Street banks so large that the collapse of one could send the overall economy into a downward spiral.August 2014: A bipartisan $16.5 billion veterans bill written by Sen. Sanders, Sen. John McCain and Rep. Jeff Miller is signed into law by President Barack Obama. The measure includes $5 billion for the VA to hire more doctors and health professionals to meet growing demand for care.January 2015: Sanders takes over as ranking member of the Senate Budget Committee, using the platform to fight for his economic agenda for the American middle class.January 2015: Sanders votes against the Keystone XL pipeline, which would allow multinational corporation TransCanada to transport dirty tar sands oil from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico.March 2015: Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) introduced legislation to expand benefits and strengthen the retirement program for generations to come. The Social Security Expansion Act was filed on the same day Sanders and other senators received the petitions signed by 2 million Americans, gathered by the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare.September 2015: Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva (D-Ariz.), Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) and Rep. Bobby L. Rush (D-Ill.) today introduced bills to ban private prisons, reinstate the federal parole system and eliminate quotas for the number of immigrants held in detention.January 2016: Sanders Places Hold on FDA Nominee Dr. Robert Califf because of his close ties to the pharmaceutical industry and lack of commitment to lowering drug prices. There is no reason to believe that he would make the FDA work for ordinary Americans, rather than just the CEOs of pharmaceutical companies.A shortened list of accomplishments from: Congress — 1995-1996• Require offenders who are convicted of fraud and other white collar crime to give appropriate notice to victims and other persons in cases where there are multiple victims eligible to receive restitution. H.Amdt. 98 to H.R. 665 (Victims of Justice Act of 1995)• The Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs should emphasize minimizing the burden on small businesses with 50 or fewer employees. H.Amdt. 210 to H.R. 830 (Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995)• Increase funding for the Court of Veterans Appeals by $1.4 million and reduce funding for Housing and Urban Development salaries and expenses by $1.4 million. H.Amdt. 1203 to H.R. 3666 Departments of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development, and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act, 1997105th Congress — 1997-1998• Congress declares that Ngawang Choephel and other prisoners of conscience in Tibet, as well as in China, should be released immediately, and that the U.S. government should seek access for internationally recognized human rights groups to monitor human rights in Tibet. H.Amdt.174 to H.R.1757 (Foreign Affairs Reform and Restructuring Act of 1998)• Increase funding for the Meals on Wheels program by $5 million and reduce funding for the Food and Drug Administration by $5.5 million. H.Amdt.267 to H.R.2160 (Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1998)• Prohibit funds for the U.S. Customs Office from being used to allow the importation into the U.S. any material mined, produced, or manufactured by forced or indentured child labor. H.Amdt.368 to H.R.2378 (Treasury and General Government Appropriations Act, 1998)• Increase funding for the office of the U.S. Trade Representative by $1 million and reduce funding for general administrative expenses within the Department of Commerce commensurately. H.Amdt.388 to H.R.2267 (Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1998)• Require the Comptroller General to report to Congress regarding the efficacy and benefits of uniformly limiting any commissions, fees, markups, or other costs incurred by customers in the acquisition of financial products. H.Amdt.626 to H.R.10 (Financial Services Act of 1998)• Increase funding for nutrition programs for senior citizens by $10 million. H.Amdt.706 to H.R.4101 (Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1999)• Prohibit funding to be used to enter into or renew a contract with any company owned, or partially owned, by the People’s Republic of China or the People’s Liberation Army of the People’s Republic of China. H.Amdt.708 to H.R.4103 (Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 1999)————-The partial list in the last section above is only some of the notable mentions in the first 2 out of 6 pages worth of legislative accomplishments found at and pasting all 6 pages of the list is too time-consuming for me to include it all here so feel free to follow the link and read the rest for yourself.
Can a liberal actually give a good reason not to vote for Trump?
Trump was a birther. Do I need more than that?Funny how these things happen. Yesterday I started making a list of bad things about Donald Trump. I got to 68 items and then realized that I had covered only about one tenth of his time in office. I got tired and quit and figured I’d never use the list. But the opportunity has arisen, and I’ll dump it for you. Later I added item 69, perhaps one of the worst things I have ever seen from a US president, a statement of moral depravity that should cause ANY DECENT PERSON not to vote for Donald Trump.For the latest version of this list, see:Kevin Davidson's Reasons Not to Vote for TrumpThe list:Allowed deterioration of the US Postal ServiceAppointed USPS Postmaster General who violated campaign finance lawsAttempt to illegally increase USPS shipping rates for AmazonAppointed Michael Flynn national security advisor who lied to the FBI and the Vice PresidentIllegal executive order regarding Tic TokCut Pandemic Early Warning program in 2019 and fired staffMismanagement at CDC over Coronavirus testing kitsAttempted to cut CDC funding each year of his administrationDeliberately underplayed dangers of COVID-19 leading to tens of thousands of excess deathsFlawed deal in the Middle East that ignored fighting in LibyaIllegal air strikes in Syria, followed by…Withdrew from Syria leaving the Russians in controlTariffs started trade war with China resulting in disastrous problems for US farmersSix TRILLION dollars added to the national debt in only 3 yearsAdministration lied to federal court in the attempt to block publication of John Bolton's bookWithdrew from Paris Agreement on climate change. Only the US and Syria are not part of it.Ended humanitarian program, ejecting 59,000 Haitian refugeesRevealed classified information to Russian ambassadorMuzzled employees from the EPA from speaking publicly about their workWithdrew from Iran nuclear deal, resulting in their renewed nuclear weapons programWent through 4 National Security Advisors and 5 Deputy National Security Advisors in less than 4 yearsUndermined federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies, siding with PutinRefuses to commit to leaving office if he loses electionIllegally attempted to halt the US census one month earlyTried to block AT&T - Time Warner merger to punish CNNSix migrant children died in federal custody, compared to none in previous 10 years.Trump illegally ordered the IRS to withhold his tax returns from a congressional committeeRefused to put his assets in a blind trustThe White House website had an advertisement for Melania's jewelry line (since removed)Repeatedly promised to announce replacement for Affordable Care Act, but did notIllegal diversion of funds to build border wallShut down the government to get more money for the wall, but actually got less than the deal he was offeredBorder wall progress almost nil.Asking China to start a politically-motivated investigation of the BidensIllegal withholding of funds to "sanctuary cities"Trump ordered fruitless raid in Yemen in which one Navy SEAL was killed, 5 American soldiers were wounded and 30 civilians, some of which were children died.Trump rented space to at least two foreign governments in Trump towerPresidential neglect and incompetence led to 3,000 deaths in Puerto Rico after Hurricane MariaMultiple instances of obstruction of justice documented in the Mueller ReportCommitted perjury in Mueller investigation when he denied discussing WikiLeaks with Roger Stone.Pardons issued for political reasons, including Roger Stone, Dinesh D'Souza, Kristian Saucier and Joe Arpaio.Trump removed environmental protections from mercury, a neurotoxin particularly dangerous to pregnant women and infantsTrump signed executive order reducing enforcement of the Johnson Amendment, which prevents tax-exempt religious institutions from taking political positions.Rolled back plan to provide affordable internet access to low-income communitiesFederal Elections Commission lacks quorum to bring actions against campaign law violations. Trump has not appointed replacement commissionersStaff exodus at the Elections Assistance Commission, the organization that assists the states to keep their elections systems from being hackedTrump staff turnover rate higher than 5 most recent presidentsStopped funding for Social SecurityRescinded rule preventing conflict of interest in investment advice offered to retirement savers.Attempts to end DACAExcluded health care workers and first responders from the Families First Coronavirus Relief Act (FFCRA)Congratulated China on the 70 anniversary of the Communist takeoverDisrespect to fallen soldiers, and veteran amputeesGave green light for Turkey to invade Syria and attack our Kurdish allies.Took no action against Russian interference in US elections, which is still ongoingTold police to treat suspects roughly.Told supporters to boycott private US companies, like GoodyearThreatened to "destroy the career" of a state senator in Texas because of his position on asset seizure.Attempted to remove protections for transgender individualsAppointed inexpert and ultimately disastrous secretary of housing and urban development, Ben CarsonEncouraged anti-vaxxers.Stopped family planning funds for the UNFalsely accused Obama of spying on himRetweeted anti-Islam videosRetweeted white supremacist videosSaid Democrats not applauding him was treasonAdministration talked about totally fake recent "terrorist attack" in Atlanta.White House counselor Kellyanne Conway promoted Ivanka Trump's retail brand when speaking in her official capacity. Trump tweet negatively about Nordstrom for discontinuing the line.Stated that a CNN reporter wounded in the knee by a rubber bullet was a “beautiful sight.”[1]I have decided to continue this project on my Quora Space here:Reasons not to vote for TrumpFootnotes[1]
Does my listing agent still get the commission if he ends up buying my property (house)?
Angela, thank you for your question.I understand where you are coming from totally.Agents are compensated for their expertise and time in assisting Sellers and Buyers in real estate transactions. The agent (Buyer) of your home should deserve compensation because he/she (as the Buyer) would still be assisting you with the whole transaction process. Unless you are representing yourself as well as the Agent Buyer with the whole process like; in writing your own contracts, negotiating, processing your own paper works, dealing with inspectors, lenders, escrow companies, termite companies, arranging for repairs, tracking the transaction process to stay on top of things, dealing with City or County inspectors….etc…then perhaps you have a valid reason to not pay. Agents are trained professionals however and it’s worth taking advantage of their skills to help you through your process.It is common for agents to apply their commissions towards either their down payment or closing costs when buying a home. This is not public knowledge, so I don’t expect you to know.There is a belief that agents don’t do enough to justify their commissions and rightly so in my opinion. The reason for that is because agents don’t advertise ALL of the things they do for their clients every time they go out to show homes or take listings. So, I’m here to debunk the belief.Agents are trained professionals just like ANY trained professionals in their respective jobs. Some professionals receive W2 wages while others, like for instances Real Estate Agents, gets paid in commissions. Agents are compensated for their expertise and all that is they do in real estate in assisting clients, in making sure that:Their transaction goes smoothly and completedThat all the right documents are completed, processed, and disseminated properlyThat nothing about the sale of the home comes back to haunt you in the future in the form of lawsuits.Agents work 60 hours weeks and do many duties that the public don’t realize they do because a LOT of what they do is usually done behind the scenes. To put this in perspective, here’s a list. It’s very comprehensive as you can see but I feel it warrants highlighting.Pre-Listing (before taking a listing)Property InformationTitle searchMLS search for COMPS ( similar homes sold)Active listings searchPending listings searchCancelled and Withdrawn listings search - for last 3-6 months (depending on market activities, hyper or slow)Search for withdrawn listings that ended up being rentedSearch for Listings that fell out of escrow and re-listedSearch for Listings that fell out of escrow and withdrawnAverage listing market days searchAverage sold market days searchAverage listing to sold dayssearchAverage listing to pending days searchAverage pending to sold days searchThese are typically things agents do before they even secure a listing, and they may not even get the listing.I like to include in my searches the following:Demographics searchAverage median family income searchMost used mortgage type search for the zip code the home is located inWhy?The demographic search provide information on what the dominant demographic is for that specific zip code. This gives an agent an educated idea as to who would most likely be the ideal buyer for the house.Search for the median family income. This search gives the agent an idea on how much home a Buyer from within the zip code can buy. This information gives the agent a sense of where the listing price of the home needs to be at. I try to keep it in line with the affordability range for the zip code.Search for the “most used mortgage type” . This search allows the agent to foresee as to the type of Buyer/s that would most likely be making offers on the home and what type of loan the offer would most like have.Having insight into these aspects prepares the agent for the types of negotiations he/she might expect to be engaging in.Here are more duties that agents perform as part of their occupation norm.Listing presentation - prepare and gather informationSet listing appointment & presentation with sellerConfirm listing appointment - call or email.Review property tax roll information.Neighborhood Drive - check neighborhood activities and traffic impact"Comparable Market Analysis" (CMA) - prepareObtain copy of subdivision plat/complex lay-out.Property's ownership and deed type - research and verify.Lot size and dimensions - research public recordLegal description - research and verify.Land Use - Deed restrictions- and Codes - researchLand Use and Zoning - researchOwnership Verification - research public property records.Prepare listing presentation packageEvaluate exterior Curb AppealCompile and assemble formal file on property.Confirm current public schools and explain impact of schools on market value.Review listing appointment checklist to ensure all steps and actions have been completed.Present Listing Presentation to SellerGive seller an overview of current market conditions and projections.Present CMA Results To Seller, including Comparables, Solds, Current Listings and Expireds.Offer pricing strategy based on professional judgment and interpretation of current market conditions.Discuss goals with seller to market effectively.Explain benefits of Multiple Listing Service.Explain the work the brokerage and agent do behind the scenes and agent's availability on weekends.Explain importance of agent taking and screening calls to protect seller privacy.Present and discuss marketing plan.Explain agency relationships.Explain the Listing ContractSecure seller's signature.Assess property condition - does it have deferred, if so whats the planProperty Under Listing Agreement - perform full Agent inspection and verification of informationsReview current title profile.Measure interior room sizes.Confirm lot size via owner's copy of certified survey, if available.Note any and all unrecorded property lines, agreements, easements.Obtain house plans, if applicable and available.Review house plans and make copy.Order plat map for record keepingDiscuss and Prepare showing instructions .Obtain current mortgage loan(s) information: companies and loan account numbers.Verify current loan information with lender(s).Discuss all financing options.47. Review current appraisal report if any.48. Gather Home Owner Association information.49. Verify Home Owner Association Fees with manager - mandatory or optional and current annual fee.50. Order copy of Homeowner Association bylaws51. Request and and retain copies of all utility bills with supplier's names and contact information.52. Calculate average utility usage from last 12 months of bills.53. Research and verify city sewer/septic tank system.54. Water Bill - Calculate average water usage and fees or rates from last 12 months of bills.55. Well water - Confirm well status, depth and output from Well Report.56. Natural gas -: Research/verify availability and supplier's name and contact57. Verify security system, current term of service and whether owned or leased.58. Solar panels - Verify if owned or leased59. Lead based paint - Ascertain need for disclosure.60. Prepare detailed list of property amenities and assess market impact.61. Prepare detailed list of property's "Inclusions & Conveyances with Sale."62. Compile list of completed repairs and maintenance items.63. Send "Vacancy Checklist" to seller if property is vacant.64. Explain benefits of Home Owner Warranty to seller.65. Assist sellers with completion and submission of Home Owner Warranty Application.66. Have extra key made for lock box.Does property have rental units - If so:Make copies of all leases for retention in listing file.Verify all rents and deposits.Inform tenants of listing and discuss how showings will be handled.Arrange for installation of yard sign(s).73. Assist seller with completion of Seller's Disclosure form.74. Complete "New Listing Checklist."75. Discuss Curb Appeal and provide suggestions for improvements76. Discuss needed work if any and benefits to the sale77. Prepare MLS Profile Sheet79. Input listing data into MLS80. Proof and verify all information is accurate81. Pitch listing to in house agents and add to company's Active Listings list.82. Provide seller within 48 hours signed copies of Listing Agreement and MLS Profile Sheet information83. Take photos for MLS and use in flyers.84. Discuss virtual tour photography as optionMarketingCreate blue print for marketing plan - discuss with Sellers - request their inputCoordinate and communicate showings with owners, tenants, and Realtors.Lock Box - Install if authorized by Seller.Prepare mailing and contact list..Generate mail-merge letters to contact list.Order "Just Listed" labels and reports.Prepare flyersRegularly review MLS market activities - make recommendations to change things if needed.Brochures - invite sellers to review.Print and distribute brochures or flyers.Upload listing to company and agent Internet site, if applicable.Mail Out “Just Listed” notice to all neighborhood residents.Advise Network Referral Program of listing.Provide marketing data to buyers coming through international relocation networks.Provide marketing data to buyers coming from referral network.Provide “Special Feature” cards for marketing, if applicable.Submit ads to company’s participating Internet real estate sites.Immediate communication of price or any changes to the listingReprint/supply brochures promptly as needed.Review loan informationReceive Feedback e-mails/faxes from agents after showings.Review weekly Market activities.Review lockbox reports to study home showing traffic.Discuss lockbox showing reports and feedback from showing agents with seller to determine if changes will accelerate the sale.Place regular weekly update calls to seller to discuss marketing and pricing.Promptly enter price changes in MLS listing database.The Offer And ContractReceive, review and communicate to Seller all Offers to submitted by buyers or buyers’ agents.Evaluate offer(s)Draft a “net sheet”Counsel seller on offers. Explain merits and weakness of each component of each offer.Contact buyers’ agents to review buyer’s qualifications and discuss offer.Fax/deliver Seller’s Disclosure to buyer’s agent or buyer upon request and prior to offer if possible.Call Buyers lender to confirm buyer is pre-qualificationRequest and receive Buyer pre-qualification letter lender.Negotiate all offers on seller’s behalf, setting time limit for loan approval and closing date.Prepare and convey any counter offers, acceptance or amendments to buyer’s agent.Fax copies of contract and all addendums to closing attorney or title company.Deliver to Buyers agent accepted offer for Buyer’s signatureIf received deposit money from buyer record in Trust Fund account.Deliver copies of fully signed Offer to Purchase contract to seller.Fax/deliver copies of Offer to Purchase contract to Selling Agent.Fax copies of Offer to Purchase contract to lender.Provide copies of signed Offer to broker file.Discuss action required on offers received after acceptance of anotherChange status in MLS to “Sale Pending.”Update MLS and transaction management program to show “Sale Pending.”Review buyer’s credit report results -- advise seller of worst and best case scenarios.Provide credit report information to seller if property will be seller-financed.Assist buyer with obtaining financing, if applicable and follow-up as necessary.Coordinate with lender on discount points being locked in with dates.Deliver unrecorded property information to buyer.Order septic system inspection, if applicable.Receive and review septic system report and assess any possible impact on sale.Deliver copy of septic system inspection report lender and buyer.Deliver Well Flow Test Report copies to lender and buyer and property listing file.Verify termite inspection ordered.Verify mold inspection ordered, if required.Loan TrackingRequest from lender copy of Buyers loan approval letterDiscuss with Lender Buyers strength in securing the loanFollow loan processing through to the underwriter.Add lender and other vendors to transaction management program so agents, buyer and seller can track progress of sale.Contact lender weekly to ensure processing is on track.Relay final approval of buyer’s loan application to seller.Home InspectionCoordinate buyer’s professional home inspection with seller.Review home inspector’s report.Enter completion into transaction management tracking software program.Explain seller’s responsibilities with respect to loan limits and interpret any clauses in the contract.Ensure seller’s compliance with Home Inspection Clause requirements.Recommend or assist seller with identifying and negotiating with trustworthy contractors to perform any required repairs.Negotiate payment and oversee completion of all required repairs on seller’s behalf, if needed.The AppraisalSchedule appraisal.Provide comparable sales used in market pricing to appraiser.Follow-Up on appraisal.Enter completion into transaction management program.Assist seller in questioning appraisal report, if questions arise.Closing PreparationsEnsure contract is signed by all parties.Coordinate closing process with buyer’s agent and lender.Update closing forms and files.Ensure all parties have all forms and information needed to close the sale.Select location where closing will be held.Confirm closing date and time and notify all parties.Assist in solving any title problems (boundary disputes, easements, etc) or in obtaining Death Certificates.Work with buyer’s agent in scheduling and conducting buyer’s final walk-through prior to closing.Research all tax, Home Owner Association, utility and other applicable prorations.Request final closing figures from closing agent (attorney or title company).Receive and carefully review closing figures to ensure accuracy of preparation.Forward verified closing figures to buyer’s agent.Request copy of closing documents from closing agent.Confirm buyer and buyer’s agent have received title insurance commitment.Provide Home Owners Warranty for availability at closing.Review all closing documents carefully for errors.Forward closing documents to absentee seller as requested.Review documents with closing agent (attorney).Provide earnest money deposit check from escrow account to closing agent.Coordinate this closing with seller’s next purchase and resolve any timing problems.Have a “no surprises” closing so that seller receives a net proceeds check at closing.Refer sellers to a Realtor at their destination, if applicable.Change MLS status to Sold. Enter sale date, price, selling broker and agent’s ID numbers, etc.Close out listing in transaction management program.After Closing Follow UpAnswer questions about filing claims with Home Owner Warranty company, if requested.Attempt to clarify and resolve any conflicts about repairs if buyer is not satisfied.Respond to any follow-on calls and provide any additional information required from office files.As you can see, this is a very comprehensive list and I may have overlooked other items but I hope this helps with your question…Cheers
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