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What is an IIM interview like? If you have had an IIM interview, what is your profile, i.e. academic record, CAT percentile, etc.?

This is my first answer on quora and It's because I am just paying it forward !I must admit that I have been hugely benefited by the answers at quora to this questions in past, which I had read before my interview. (Hence I am just paying it forward :) ) I understand that the answer is long but I decided to write in detail because I loved such details before my interview. Of course, It took me a day to write such a long answer (I am lazy, and not a professional writer) , but for a lifetime's experience, it's okay!IIM Ahmedabad Interview Experience.Date 25th March'16, 2pm, Taj Bengal, Kolkata.WAT topic: It was a case study on “School children in the Indian education system are overburdened with home-works”. We were asked to analyse the pros and cons of current system and conclude accordingly. I believe I wrote a pretty decent one! Many of you may find it strange that I actually supported the present situation of assigning home-works to children and explained how this is, in fact, beneficial in the Indian context and how liberalization of homework, although desirable in an ideal situation, may work negatively in the Indian scenario (thankfully, I remembered the data of teacher recruitment and school performances across Jharkhand as my elder brother happens to be a government teacher). However, I took precautions to conclude it diplomatically, stating that the overall growth of kids OR in other words, imbibing discipline and improving the thought-process of kids should be the first priority over simply assigning repetitive and mundane home-works. Reason: I have a belief that when an examiner has to check so many papers, writing in a slightly different perspective than what he is normally expecting, is more appealing and impressive. However, your ideas should have a strong logical foundation and there should be sufficient clarity to separate your ideas from the rest. Remember, having a mere opinion with baseless arguments or a fantasy wish-list without stating practical approaches for the achieving the same, could backfire! On the other hand, If you like to remain in a defensive mode (especially when you have a sky-scrapping CAT score so that you don’t have an extra pressure of doing significantly well in WAT and PI), just write down on the basis of the first opinion that comes to your mind as a layman, plainly, but keep your ideas flowing clearly till the final rational conclusion.Interview Duration: aprox.30 minutes.There were two profs, one aged early 40s (P1), another early 50s (P2).P1 seemed little intimidating!I was the 3rd guy to go in my panel. 1st guy to go inside the panel room was a talented friend of mine, a guy from IIT kgp, one year junior to me at TATA Steel Jamshedpur. I generally do not take feedback from those who come out of the interview room, but because he was my friend I asked him. He told that the interviewers are grilling a bit (it was a stress interview for him)and in some questions they will keep asking you back to back questions and won’t let you move on. (BTW even he has made it to IIMA now and we are going to be batch mates :p ).The 2nd guy to go inside must have had some serious problem, as to much of a shock for many of us sitting outside our respective panels, when the interview room door opened after some 15 minutes, it was the interviewer P1 himself who came out while the candidate followed him and they walked together out of the hall. P1 had a robotic expression while the candidate was anxious (sweating profusely). People started guessing and whispering about what could have been the issue with him. Such things happen almost never during an IIM interview, I should tell you. After another 15 minutes of wait, P1 returned alone and went inside the interview room. Since I was the next guy to be called, I was little nervous for a moment, partially because of the unusual scene that happened and partially because it was an IIM Ahmedabad interview, my best shot! In my nervousness I said to myself- only good will happen to me because that is what I always wish for others too, Karma will save me :p !! I was confident again; started walking to and fro gently outside the door and in 2 minutes P1 peeped outside and called me in.I went inside empty handed without any stuff (that was the instruction given to us after our WAT), had an exchange of smiles with P2, greeted them both a good afternoon and non-verbally sought permission to sit. P2 smiled again and loudly said “Mr. Mandal, Plz take your seat !!”There was a silence in the room for 10 seconds as P1 looked at my application form and P2 was looking at some other paper (possibly the academic documents list).P1: (without even looking at me) so do you have any paper, folder or mobile phones with you?Me *I wasn’t expecting this to be my first question. Had a wrinkled forehead initially, but then grinned and said*: “No sir, nothing !!”P2:(looking at P1 with a crooked smile) He is having everything inside his brain may be, he used to be a ten pointer in B.Tech !!I was happy that they noticed it, so my confidence was boosted a bit now. As soon as P2 finished his sentence I started grinning. P1 silently smiled (somewhat superciliously) while P2 grinned.Me: Hmm, also, we were told to leave all our stuffs outside, sir!!P1: (looking at my form)Even you are from tata steel !! Why man? Why this mass exodus of tata steel guys? * Then they look at each other and P2 starts laughing, P1 again kept reading the form sincerely! *P1 continues: (looking at me for a second then at P2) the first guy to be interviewed was from tata steel, and I guess there was one in the morning also and one yesterday, all coming to us!! Is tata steel becoming so repulsive? (And P2 starts laughing while P1 again starts looking into the form seriously)I was already tired of replying this question in my earlier interviews, specially IIM Bangalore interview, but this time I chose to remain quite rather than answering anything because I noticed that this actually was not a question put directly on my face, but they were just amused noticing this coincidence. I kept smiling with them. (In my IIMB interview, where coincidentally 6 out of 8 people in my panel were from tata steel and I was the 3rd one to go, I had said that I did not know the reasons for others leaving the company but mine. And when they asked mine,I just gave my well framed “Why MBA?” answer!!After this initial vortex of irregularity, my actual interview started-(Hmmm = thinking, For information)P1: so Gautam, if I phone Mr. XYZ Singh (my boss), what do you think he will say about you? I have his number written in your form.Me : Hmm.. I guess he will say something good only, he should say good about me sir! He always has !! (FYI My boss is amazing !!)P1: Should I call him now, he knows that you are here for an interview right?Me: Yes sir, he knows it very well.. and sir, of course you can call him, I guess he shouldn’t be busy.P1: Well, so first tell me what will he say if I ask about you?Me: I can’t actually comment on that sir, how do I know…but you could certainly try asking!P1: Still tell us what would he think your strengths are, your good qualities? Tell me three !Me: hmm… as per him!! ok let me think… (I think for awhile).. sir I guess he would say my commitment towards work is my biggest strength as I have never failed him in any target (I could have replied this immediately, but I took time to think because I genuinely wanted to answer his question from my boss’s perspective) and I think this has helped him and my department achieve…P1 (interrupts in between) : Ok forget about strengths, tell me what WEAKNESSES he would say about you?Me: Can’t really say sir ! How do I know if he even knows what my weaknesses are…( I think for a moment.. can’t figure out what to reply…actually I had not prepared very much for the interview in a stereotypical manner)Immediately something comes to my mind and I ask them back loudly.Me: Should I say something that he used to scold me for? I mean in my initial days… later I improved those habits, of course.P1 is very happy (as if he has got the right trap for me now) : ya ya, say that!!Me: Sir, in my initial days at work he used to say that I miss the big picture at the shop, for example I would be too much involved in the discharge area jobs for prolonged times, doing so much research on the health and behaviour of each small machine while in upstream there would be other major problems hampering the production… steel plant is a cluster of numerous large sized heavy duty machines, and as manager caster operations, u can’t really keep your focus confined on a single area or process even if that work has been specifically assigned to you…!!Of late, however, I never received such feedback from him, possibly because I had learnt the way to work in operations, and moreover when I realised his feedback about myself missing the big picture in the business was kind of true, it served as one of the initial catalyst prompting me to go for a formal management course, which is exactly why I am here today!P1: I see, what were the other problems in the upstream as you mentioned.Me: * started telling how there were increased number of breakdowns in slab solidification(breakouts), trials of different casting powder..blah blahP2: Ok gautam, That’s too specific to a steel plant, Can u first explain what your responsibilities were as Manager Casting operations?Me: *Expalined, e.g. man management, inventory management (we call it as ‘consumables management’ in our shop), process improvement so & so..blah blahP1: what kind of inventory management do you do?Me: Sir, basically we look after the stock of those materials which get consumed as we cast solid slabs from liquid steel, for example, there is a buffer container called as TUNDISH which serves for 15-20 hours of continuous casting, receiving liquid metal from steel ladle and transferring it to the mold; In case of tundish, we keep the reserve TUNDISH ready for change after the running tundish expires, also we need to take care of any unplanned changes due to failures. Similarly for, casting powder (lubricant for casting), Tundish covering husk etc.P2: How do you plan the safety stock?Me: As in the stock of consumables?P1 (becomes stern): Do you even know what safety stock is?Me: Sir, we don’t really use that term at our shop, we use inventory and consumables management?P1: I am not interested in knowing your process gautam ! Do you have a reply for how to decide the safety stock?Me: Yes sir, I believe safety stock should be decided based on two factors- one is the rate of consumption, which we generally average out based on previous data available and the kind of production load we have, and then we assign a safety factor over and above it. Secondly, we take into account the time required to transport the materials from our vendors outlet to our shop, which in some case is pretty significant?P1: Any other consideration to decide the safety stock? Have you done anything to control the time of transportation?Me: Hmm.. No sir, as per my experience, I believe these two considerations are sufficient. Lead time is a fair indicator. And yes, for controlling the transportation time, we are shifting from international to local vendors for most of our consumables, it has other benefits as well.P1: But shifting to local vendors will have an adverse effect on your quality?Me: Not necessarily sir, we carry out sufficient number of trials before finalising a local vendor. In fact, The casting powder local vendor is more quick in action to our grievances, with few persons permanently assigned for our shop, and we have been able to develop some "low viscosity powders" which has increased our casting speed, and production.P2: So, finally you mean only these 2 factors are sufficient to decide the safety stock?Me:*thinking for a long time* I cannot think of anything else as of now. I guess these two should sufficiently do !P1: Are you sure you don’t have to make any other consideration?Me: *think* I am not sure sir ! But I cannot think of any other solid steps as of now.( I immediately realised that he was probably willing to listen a factor about any mishap in transportation e.g.strike, government declared bandh, public holiday, road blocks and all- thought of saying it out immediately, but stopped myself as I saw P2 was already speaking something)P2 : So the low viscosity powder from a local vendor increased the production, what did YOU do in that?Me: *excited tone* Sir, this is just one supporting factor, there were other factors as well. Moreover, finalising the right viscosity, or any other property for that matter, needed repeated trials, we took those trials !! Monitored the behaviour at our own risk. We studied the heat transfer characteristics in case of those powders and compared with earlier powders. This heat transfer characteristics was independently studied apart from the study of indirect cooling water supply, our agent of heat extraction.. blah blah.. of course, the continual support from the vendor side was one big help, and any big achievement needs such support, and by the way , we are paying them for that. It’s a win win.P1: *calmly* So you did a comparison of heat transfer rates!! Well Gautam, you sound good in technical, even your co-curricular says you have some research papers and conferences, why do you even want to get into management?This was a question put very articulately, and I did not have an answer for a moment. But then I replied philosophically.Me: *confident tone* Sir, I want to go for mba, not because for something I am good at, but because of something that I lack ! The reason for mba is not my past, but my future !<Thank god I had a similar conversation with one of the career launcher faculties few days back !! People criticize so much about the interview preparation coaching centres being so vague and useless, but who knows, sometimes some shit from there may help you!! My ideology- respect for all xD >Then came the best part !! I will never forget this for my entire life !P2: So Gautam, what do u do in your spare time?Me: Sir I like doing poetry, actually I observe nature and human behaviour and like doing poetry on the same when I am alone. It acts as a stress buster and gives me a sense of satisfaction. I also feel accomplished by exercising. I have a home gym and I used to run as an athlete under Jharkhand Athletics association in my teenage. But mostly I like doing poetry ! *stopped for one second* Hindi Poetry (loudly)!(I mentioned poetry again because I did not want to end with athletics, I wanted them to ask about poetry, also I put emphasis on Hindi Poetry because I know shit about English poetry)P1: Hindi Poetry?? (surprised*) Why not Bengali poetry?P2: He is not a Bengali. (in hindi) Ye Bihar waala “Mandal” hai !!P1: So you are not a Bengali? You are a “Mandal” from Bihar?Me: Ha ha, yes sir, I am not a Bengali.. I am from Jharkhand sir, specifically.P2: But you would have migrated from Bihar only no?Me: No sir, our family lived in Jharkhand only, from always.P2: Ya but then Jharkhand itself was a part of Bihar right?Me: *laughing* that way.. yes sir, it was a part of bihar !P1: When was Jharkhand separated?Me: Sir 15th Novemeber, 2000… 15th Nov is Birsa Jayanti in fact.P2: Okay, So u like doing poetry? Can u do some poetry on the present situation, as in you sitting in this room being interviewed by us... something like this.. impromptu poetry ? Will you be able to do?I was just surprised at the smartness of the interviewer !!I mean, I was expecting a question on poetry, but not this ! I had googled the names of some famous hindi poets just before my interview. Also, I had well-rehearsed some of my good poems, and I was expecting they would like to hear one of them, but impromptu poetry !! *what should I say, should I say yes or should I offer something else*Me: Hmmm.. yes sir, that’s difficult, but I can try.P2: Don’t worry, take this paper and pen, write down and recite it to us, take ur time.P2 slid a paper towards me.Me:*wrote one line on the sheet, took 30 seconds then stopped* Sir, I am not writing, I will just speak, and think and then again speak , plz forgive me if I am not able to come out with a good one that way, but I will certainly try…!P2: yes, yes fine, do it.Then I must thank my lord, I was able to frame some good lines, 4 lines I framed quickly, then struggled for another three lines and finally declared period.P2: (requesting) I just need one more line. I just want your poem to end smoothly.Me:* could produce one line. I was so happy I did it. *P1 & P2 both complimented me by saying it was a great job!!Me: thank you so much sir * I was super duper happy now*Here are few lines of the poem that I extempored that day. It’s written cleanly here, but remember that in reality I stammered and got stucked up a lot, as I was thinking and speaking.करने चिर प्रतिक्षित स्वपन को साकारदेने आया हूँ हृदय से साक्षात्कार !इस आयाम को तराश लूँ मैं, हैं और महफिलें आने को.इस भय से उबर लूँ ज़रा, हैं और मंजीलें पाने को.हैं विजय गीत गुनगुनाने को, शंकाओं को देना है नकारअवसर है सतरंगा आया आज, देने आया हूँ हृदय से साक्षात्कार …P1: So Gautam ! why do you think Jharkhand was separated from Bihar?Me: There were governance issues sir. The living condition of native tribes was getting worse and the feeling of resentment among the “Jharkhand Mukti Morcha” was growing strong. Minerals and coal deposits, industries and education institutions were all present in Jharkhand but people were deprived of the benefits. Southern areas were being neglected by the Patna centre...P1: do you think separation provided a solution?Me: Well, things have improved a bit.P1: But Jharkhand is still lagging behind.Me: yes sir, but that has its own reasons.P1: what reasons? Governance? Bad politics? So how do you justify the separation then ?Me: Sir, I am not justifying separation of states. I am just saying proper governance is a must for the growth of a state. And if a government has been formed by the votes of both the northern and southern chunks of bihar, the southern chunk cannot face a selective bias.P2: But everyone supports ones native place and doesn’t bother about far off places. Isn’t it?Me: yes sir, I understand that, even I do that. But as a leader of the whole state one cannot do that. You have taken a pledge after victory to serve the whole of state, and you must abide by that.P1: But after separation also poor governance remains an issue.Me: sir it’s difficult to connect dots looking forward. During separation, the only feasible solution seemed to be the division of state. We cannot just declare that there is a danger of a plan to fail, hence do not execute the plan itself. That way any change won't ever be possible.P1: So do you support the formation of Telangana also then?Me: Sorry sir, I don’t really have much knowledge about how and in what situation Telangana was formed.P1 seemed satisfied now !!P2: How many districts do you think are there in India?Me: Districts?? I am afraid I have no idea sir.P2: You can make a guess !Me: I think it should be around 500 sir, or 600. I will go with 600 !P2: And how do you say so?Me: Sir approximately 24 or 20 districts per state, as in Jharkhand , multiplied by the number of states i.e. 29, should give around 600 !!P1: But do you know, Tripura has only 4 districts?P1 is so smart !! Always !Me: Sir, that way Rajasthan and Bihar have more than 35 districts each, so it’s all balanced out. *smile* And anyway, my 600 is just a guess sir *I grinned*P1: *starts laughing aloud* Gautam do you have any questions for us?Me: hmm... No sir.. thank you.P2 and P1 look at each other.P2: It was nice talking to you gautam !As I get up, P1 asks me to pick one toffee !!I am all smile :)Verdict : CONVERTED !!!and now I am going to study at the hallowed campus of IIM Ahmedabad !I know the answer is long but couldn’t resist explaining the feel. Kindly forgive me for the errors if any. Hope it helps someone which is why I have tried my best to describe it as it actually happened!My advice to candidates : Just keep calm. Believe in yourself. Even if it's a stress interview keep taking things positively. Smile. And try to treat the interview as a conversation rather than a question- answer round. All the best !!

How can students apply in Flipkart as it seeks interns for 45 days and it will pay around Rs 500 per day?

Flipkart is looking for understudies who can work in its flexibly and coordinations chain as assistants for 45-days as the organization slopes up to its tasks for the up and coming happy season deal. This is a paid temporary position opportunity from Flipkart with assistants being paid around Rs 500 every day, however, the compensation will be founded on the neighborhood state and work laws and can be as high as Rs 600 every day. The offer is important for Flipkart's Launchpad program.Update: Flipkart has explained that while it is searching for understudies, to get them it works legitimately with instructive organizations. So in the event that you need a temporary position with Flipkart under the Launchpad program, you should move toward your organization or school rather than Flipkart."Understudies from level II urban areas and past will get a chance to work across key gracefully chain capacities at Flipkart's offices across India," Flipkart said in an announcement. "Launchpad will assist understudies with increasing basic aptitudes in gracefully chain the board and make a biological system of prepared experts for the web-based business industry."The program will likewise enable Flipkart to deal with its flexibly coordinations chain adequately during the bubbly season deal when it is holding Flipkart Big Billion Days deal.Flipkart says that it is working with "instructive foundations across 21 areas including Binola (Haryana), Bhiwandi (Maharashtra), Uluberia and Dankuni (West Bengal) and Malur (Karnataka), Medchal (Telangana) and a lot more to recognize worthy understudies and draw in the chose understudies at its satisfaction places."The organization said that separated from cash, the understudies will likewise get an opportunity to learn new aptitudes. "After joining, understudies will be prepared in different parts of gracefully chain the executives while following severe practices that organize their wellbeing and security," said the organization.Discussing the program, Amitesh Jha, senior VP, Flipkart, stated, "We presented Launchpad entry-level position program a year ago to offer understudies the active experience of working in a best in class current gracefully chain and teach important aptitudes to prevail in this industry We are sure of giving a connecting with and vivid working experience to our assistants during the up and coming bubbly season, which will help produce more enthusiasm towards the flexible chain."A year ago the temporary job program saw the interest of more than 2,000 understudies during The Big Billion Days.

How does a bio student get admission in IBS to do a BBA?

ICFAI Business School-IBS Hyderabad BBA Admission 2018ICFAI IBS Hyderabad BBA Admissions 2018ICFAI Business School, Hyderabad has invited applications for admissions to Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Program for the session 2018ICFAI - IBS HyderabadICFAI Business School (IBS) Hyderabad is a constituent of the ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education (IFHE), a Deemed University as per the UGC Act 1956Established in 1985, IBS-Hyderabad is one of the top business schools in India. It has been ranked at #12 in the nation by Hindustan Times in a 2012 survey. The school has been re-accredited by SAQS (South Asian Quality Standards), rated A** by CRISIL, EB2 IN by ICRA and as an Excellent Business School by UniversalBBA ProgramThe BBA Program offered by IBS is a 3-year campus-based program designed to enhance the skills and competencies of talented and ambitious young aspirantsThe Program comprises of 42 courses (of which 35 are compulsory, 5 are electives and 2 are soft skills). In addition, there are two summer internship programs, one at the end of the first yearEligibilityPass in Class XII or equivalent examination with an aggregate of 50% and above marks (any discipline) with English as medium of instructionThe applicant should fulfill the minimum age requirements as prescribed by the respective board through which the applicant has appeared for the qualifying examinationApplicants who have appeared for Class XII (or equivalent) examination and awaiting results are also eligible to apply provided they complete their examinations (including practical exams) before 16th July 2018The admission of applicants will, however remain provisional until they produce marksheets establishing their eligibilitySelection ProcessThe selection for the program is made based on merit. Eligible applicants are required to apply for the program using the Application FormFinal selection will be made based on personal interviewApplicationStudents interested can apply by any one of the following methods:a) Online Application: Applicants can apply online by filling up the Application Form available at www.ifheindia. org/ibs and make payment of Rs.600/- towards the cost using Credit/Debit Card (Visa/ Master Card /Internet Banking) through secure internet payment gateway. Applicants applying online should upload their passport size color photograph while filling theOnline Application. The Prospectus will be sent to such applicantsb) Download of Application Form: Applicants can fill their details online and download the Application Form from Untitled Document and send it to the Admissions Office along with the Demand Draft of Rs.600/- towards the cost of the application in favor of "IFHE-Prospectus Fee A/c BBA 2018" payable at Hyderabadc) Fill the Application Form: Applicants can fill in the application and send it to the Admissions Office EmailAll applicants are mandatorily required to indicate their e-mail ID, as all important information relating to programs will be intimated to the applicants by e-mail. Similarly, all applicants are required to send their communication by e-mail only to:[email protected] of Application FormCompleted application forms should reach the following address before 21st May 2018 by Person/Post/ Courier IFHE Admissions Office,#65, Nagarjuna Hills, Punjagutta,Hyderabad-500082, Telangana StateImportant DatesLast Date for Submission of Completed Application Form: 21st May 2018Date of Interviews: 01st - 04th June 2018Registration and Commencement of Program: 16th July 2018For more information visit the website: Untitled DocumentICFAI Business School (IBS)-HyderabadIBS Campus, Donthanapally, Shankarapalli Road, Hyderabad-501203, Telangana, India, Tel: 08417-236660/61/62, 08417-236653

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