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A Guide of Editing The Self Storage Facility, Tax Id# 111111111 , At 123 Main St, Glendale, Ca 912011111 on Mac

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A Guide of Editing The Self Storage Facility, Tax Id# 111111111 , At 123 Main St, Glendale, Ca 912011111 on G Suite

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What are the benefits of DigiLocker?

DigiLocker – A Secure Cloud Storage For DocumentsWe have many government-related documents such as PAN card, voter ID card, passport, driving license, education certificate, birth certificate, property tax receipt, income tax return etc.When we apply for a government job, for a passport or a driver’s license, we have to take many of these documents together, which is not only difficult but also unsafe. Apart from this, it is also important to organize all these documents in one place, because in the emergency it becomes easy to access all the documents for your family.For this, you have to go to paperless and you can use it for free, like Google Drive and Dropbox, free cloud storage, but Google Drive and Dropbox are operated under US rules and they do not get any direct security under the IT Act.Keeping all these facts in mind, Government of India has launched the Digital Locker to avail the services of the Government and to provide a personal cloud storage service for you.What is a digital Locker?Digital Locker System (DigiLocker) is your Personal Online Document Storage Facility, given by the Government of India. In DigiLockar, you get up to 10 MB of free personal storage space, where you can upload PAN card, voter ID card, passport, driving license, educational certificate etc. You can also sign in to all these documents, which is similar to the process of self-attestation.All these documents are added to your base number and they can be used as your authorization document. Therefore, when you apply for a government job, for a passport or a driver’s license, you will not have to take all these documents together. This Government agency will demand your digital document from your Aadhaar number and digitizer.The digital locker will reduce the expenses incurred by the administrative department of all government departments and agencies created due to paperwork. Apart from this, your personal documents will be available at any time, anywhere and you will be able to share it with anyone you want.How to use the digital locker?There are two ways to create an account in the DigiLocker.1. Aadhaar based method: You can sign up using your Aadhaar number (issued by UIDAI) using the mobile OTP (this requires your mobile number connected to your base number in the UIDAI system)2. Non Aadhaar method: In this method, you can authenticate your mobile number and manually upload your Identity and Address Proof and sign up.After you signed In in DigiLocker account, the dashboard will look like this.Upload Documents in DigiLockerOnce you register, you can upload your document. After signing in to the Digital Locker, click Uploaded Documents and then upload the document to the Digital Locker Account. (Each file uploaded should not be more than 1MB)Click the Upload button.Select the location of the document and then select the file and click on the Open button.Upload Documents List Click on Select Doc Type for any document.Select the type of document from the drop-down list and click Save.Issue Documents:You can Issue documents directly to your DigiLocker account from registered government department.Click on the link Issued DocumentsClick on pull documents as marked in pics with redYou will get this prompt to pull the documents from registered government departments.Fill the Partner name and Document Type and submit the form, this will pull the certificate to your DigiLock account.Share Document:To share your e-document, the share link has been given in the Uploaded Document section. After clicking on the share link you will get a pop up to enter the e-mail id. After entering the mail id, click the send button. Only one document share can happen at one time.

Do you support Modi on the Farmer's Bill?

No . I don't support this Farmer Bill as it is more in favour of Corporates like Ambani,Adani etc in long run. One one thing benefits farmers in this bill ,that farmers can sell their product anywhere ,rest is in favour of Corporates.Ambani,Adani & other corporates had an eye on massive food grain market of India. They had a few problems:Problem 1 : States had different rules & regulations to buy food grains from farmers. It was difficult for corporates to handle so many states with so many different regulations & taxes.Modi Solution: Took control from states and made 1 act for whole country.Corporates happy now.Problem 2: Corporates wanted to buy crops and store them. But Essential Commodity act would stop them from storing crops for long time, as it would increase prices in market.Modi Solution: Food crops will not come under Essential Commodity act and can be stored for longer period. Corporates again happy.Problem 3 : It was hard to determine that what type of crop would be grown by farmers.Modi Solution: Contract farming for farmers where they will be told by corporates to grow what kind of crop. Corporates again happy.Problem 4: How Corporates will handle court cases if anything goes wrong against farmers.Modi Solution: Farmers can not go to courts. They will go to SDM and DC. Corporates again happy as they can bribe themThey say bills are in favor of farmers...'Firstly Corporate media praised Modi for his corporate friendly nature of governance in Gujarat and made him popular among Indians,this is how he became PM. Masses blindly voted out to Modi's BJP by the influence of Corporate friendly media.If Govt really wants to help farmers ,it can do it in another way like providing food storage facilities by building godowns, fixing MSP , govt selling(instead of mandi system, giving salaries to sellers ) ,etc. If you give this to private entity , they only care for profits.Just like how Fraud Corporate friendly GREEN REVOLUTION has destroyed age old self-sufficient nature friendly agriculture(desi seeds ,desi cow based agriculture) , pushing with hybrid seeds , chemical fertilizers pesticides,, making soil lifeless thirsty , destroying health of people by hybrid chemically grown foods, increased cost of investment for farmers resulted in debt & bankruptcy, farmers suicides etc. This corporate friendly farm laws in long run does the same with corporatisation of agriculture.Similarly White revolution (usless hybrid jersey cows toxic A1 milk)destroying health of Indians.Read below, know global evil forces are behind pressuring Modi government to corporatise Indian agriculture.The WEF Agenda Behind Modi Farm ReformBy F. William Engdahl15 February 2021The WEF Agenda Behind Modi Farm ReformIn September 2021 the UN will hold a Food Systems Summit. The aim will be to reshape world agriculture and food production in the context of the Malthusian UN Agenda 2030 “sustainable agriculture” goals. The recent radical farm laws from the government of Narenda Modi in India are part of the same global agenda, and it’s all not good . new Modi laws are measures the IMF and World Bank have been demanding since the early 1990s to bring Indian agriculture and farming into the corporate agribusiness model pioneered in the USA by the Rockefeller Foundation decades ago_____This is all part of ILLUMINATIs New World order agenda of World control. Top Global corporations are fronts of global satanic elite who wants to monopolise world resources .Research “NEW WORLD ORDER agenda of evil illuminati” on GoogleSearch YouTube channel “Anarchy for Freedom India” subscribe it.See all videos in it , to know what's really happening around world about FAKE CORONA PANDEMIC and all unknown to majority common publicThese global evil forces are creating fake virus scares by suggesting medical authorities to test with fraud viral tests,like RT-PCR scaring everybody and suggesting lockdowns etc to destroy small businesses jobs etc paving way for Big Corporations to take over . Big Pharma came to do vaccines business with all countries by scaring everybody with fake virus. They are actually testing Genetic Material,RNAs , exosomes, which are commonly present in all human beings and falsely blaming it as viral RNA and coronavirus.For more see below YouTube channel(anarchy of freedom India) ,know whats hidden evil agenda behind fake corona scare.In It See YouTube video “Truth About GMO's & Farm Bills in India - Colin Todhunter” .As Quora is not allowing this YouTube link .Or see in facebookYohan Tengra super evil intelligence which came from lower lokas of earth ,illuminati forces are ruling world by divide and rule way by dividing humanity religiously, racially, politically,economically ,geographically (countries) and diverted humanity towards modern materialistic money lifestyle. Now they are in a process of achieving one world centralise governance and AI Controlled digital economic system based on 5g soon .Ww3 was planned by evil illuminati before 2027 to establish their New World Order ,world centralise governance ,digital economic system by 2030..Previous world wars too created by them.CORONA FAKE virus scare is created by these evil forces using China to push lockdowns & economic collapses,to speed up digitalisation agenda ,cashless economy,mass vaccination, digital IDs, Health cards etc . They are pushing population under more digital surveillance system of control.They will eventually introduce new digital currency system(by saying currency notes spread virus so turn to digital) ,we have to transform into it. Firstly China will announce their digital version of yuan,then rest of world follow.See how modern System works and is being controlled by very few people at the top. And we majority humanity is slaves to modern system of Illuminati ,busy working for money struggling for survival. We all come under , birth, school, labour,debt ,tax, retirement cycle

What are your views on gun control?

Warning: Long read. Apologies, wrote it on mobile and just kept going didn’t realize how long it was getting. Editing now for clarity and readability.==============================================================Original question: What is your stance on gun control?Answer: Sounds great in theory, but the devil is in the details.I am all for improving safety, reducing violence, and leaving the world a better place for my future kids. I am also all for maintaining and improving civil rights for all - something we’ve been pretty consistently successfully improving over the last 100 years or so.Gun rights are civil rights, plain and simple. When suggested gun control laws and measures would violate multiple civil rights, multiple other constitutional amendments OTHER than the Second, and disproportionately affect minorities and those most at risk or marginalized in our society, I will not support those gun control laws. And unfortunately, the vast, vast majority of gun-control advocates continually gloss over this or are in flat out denial of it.Consider the following:Getting a photo ID so you can vote is easy. Unless you’re poor, black, Latino or elderly.Summary:Fees to obtain a license to vote are equivalent to a poll tax, and prohibitively expensive and convoluted a process for minorities.But when it comes to guns:Fees to obtain a license to own a gun, along with extra taxes on the guns, ammunition, and dealers, let alone every other aspect, are “reasonable and common sense”.A waiting period of 10 days to obtain a handgun seems like no big deal. But consider: gun stores are retailers and guns are inventory like anything else. If your inventory is purchased but remains in your store, you have less room for more inventory to sell to replace it. So it hurts your business. Still - no big deal right, screw those bloodthirsty gun dealers! Ok, well that just means the dealer is going to charge a modest storage fee for every day after the waiting period is up that the buyer doesn’t come pick up their new gun. A week is 7 days long, wherever you are in the world. Most poorer, disadvantaged people who have to work multiple jobs, part time jobs, take community college courses, etc, don’t have the flexibility in their schedule to take different days off back to back in consecutive weeks. So that gun is going to sit in the store for another 4 days till the weekend rolls around again….increasing the purchase price even more. It’s not going to affect a salaried white collar working who can simply pay a bit more - or has a cushy enough job schedule to pick it up on time if they don’t want to pay more.This bill was just introduced in Congress.H.R.5103 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Gun Violence Prevention and Safe Communities Act of 2018It increases the tax on firearms by another 20% and adds another 50% to the ammunition tax. When was the last time you heard of anything getting that big of a tax hike added to its cost? Let alone anything specifically in our constitution?Extra taxes on the ammunition and everything? Again, not going to affect the wealthier, more affluent gun owners - but will disproportionately affect the poorer gun owners.Extra fees and licensing? Once again, no big deal for the wealthier gun buyers who have flexible schedules and more disposable income….not so for others.Let’s talk about this:Supreme Court Tests Texas' New Restrictions On AbortionWhen it comes to abortions, “these provisions are ‘unnecessary’ and ‘harmful’ to women's health and safety… the law erects gratuitous barriers to abortion, adds needless expense, and — by causing the closure of so many clinics — creates significant delays…”The provisions being referenced include such things as facility HVAC requirements and hallway widths and other things that effectively shut down smaller buildings and clinics that couldn’t physically meet those standards. Other things basically were enacted seemingly solely to push the clinics out of the way and made it where women had to drive hundreds of miles to the nearest authorized center - and waiting periods have been discussed for abortions too (and are in place in some states) meaning a woman would have to make that trip twice….taking time off twice….spending more money on gas….increasing risks to her health in between….etc.And yet, states like California have done the same thing to guns - pushing stores out and shutting them down, pushing ranges out and shutting them down, not allowing ammunition to be sold in stores or shipped to your house via online purchases, forcing people to get it shipped to an FFL (dealer) whom, again, has been pushed out of the cities and such…San Francisco's Last Gun Shop Calls It QuitsIs that not equally increasing risk to those who have an urgent need, or putting gratuitous barriers of entry into place? Again, does it not disproportionately affect poorer minorities who will have to pay more for gas, put more miles on a less reliable car, take more time off work to make the drive, etc?Oh and that waiting period thing to keep people from committing a crime of passion where they shoot a spouse in a fit of domestic abuse rage? What about the spouse whose husband beats her regularly, who’s physically far smaller, whose only defense is a knife - but knows that if she goes for it, she has a low chance of surviving, vs much greater chances with a gun? You’re telling her she must endure another 10 days of abuse even if she is in immediate fear for her life and has nowhere to go? Maybe she called the police and they talked to the husband….and he’s perfectly good at playing up the nice guy angle, and hasn’t left any recent bruises to show them.Or perhaps that same woman has a stalker who’s stated he’s coming for her tomorrow - and texted her details that proves he knows where she works, lives, even eats lunch. She’s never taken martial arts before because she never thought she’d need it - and now it’s too late to start training, this isn’t a Mr. Miyagi movie where she can fast forward through a training montage and kick the stalker’s ass when he shows up the next day. She calls the police, but they don’t know who this guy is - all they have is the phone number he texted her from, and that turned out to be an anonymous prepaid phone that they can’t track down any further. That waiting period means she’s defenseless. Sure, she could maybe get a taser, or pepper spray, but those have a much, much lower chance of successful defense. Hell, I’ve tasered myself out of boredom in Iraq - YouTube is replete with videos of people tasering themselves with mixed results. Similarly, pepper spray also requires close range, and is drastically reduced in effectiveness by simple weather. A gun has none of these downsides.Let’s talk “assault” features on weapons for a moment. Things like making it more complicated and difficult to reload by requiring fixed magazines and partially disassembling the weapon. That’s a minor inconvenience for the more able-bodied amongst us - but what about the woman born with only one hand? What about the elderly? What about the guy confined to a wheelchair who only has use of 1 hand, and no option to just run away or fight a mugger? Collapsible or adjustable buttstocks? They only vary the overall length by about 3–4 inches - hardly enough to make something - that’s at a minimum (per federal requirements) 26 inches long - concealable. But they DO make it easier for women and people of smaller stature to properly shoot safely.Hopefully you get the point by now. The vast majority of gun control measures I’ve seen proposed are frequently subtly or overtly racist, sexist, ableist, and discriminatory towards poorer minorities, and all of those groups tend to be the most frequent victims of violent crime and most in need of an individual ability to defend themselves. Police response times are typically worse where they live, and that’s before we even get into issues with police brutality or abuse - and I’m someone who’s a strong supporter of law enforcement as well, and believe 99.9999% of law enforcement officers and interactions are positive. So why, if you support gun control, would you want to further marginalize, discriminate against, demean, etc those groups that you otherwise champion for?Now, I realize that so far I’ve done little to say what I would support, and instead simply pointed out the problems with current proposals.So here are some things I would support, as a reasonable compromise, even though I see a high likelihood of potential abuse and overreach that would make these ideas untenable to most others.Suppressors : remove them from the NFA items list and make them cheaper and easier to purchase for everyone. This would also necessitate removing “threaded barrels” from the list of “assault features” from other bills and measures. Suppressors are one item of reference that I would love to copy Europe and other countries on. It’s seen as rude to shoot WITHOUT one due to the noise, let alone the safety factor from reducing hearing damage (and thus increasing medical costs down the road as well). In many European countries you can get them for under $100, over the counter, etc. Suppressors are big, they’re bulky, they can more than double the length of a handgun making it harder to conceal, let alone conceal illegally. I’d even be tempted to make them mandatory when shooting at a public range, but that would require all guns to have threaded barrels as well and that’s simply not feasible - so instead, I’d have them available to rent at ranges.Safety classes : It’s a simple fact that we have far too many guns in existence, both in the US and the rest of the world, to ever put that back in the box. At least not in several generations and lifetimes. This means that sooner or later, at any age, in any place, there is a pretty high likelihood that everyone will encounter a gun. Maybe that’ll just be seeing one carried by a police officer, maybe shooting it for a one-time experience at a public range while on vacation, maybe it will be at a friend’s house as a collector’s piece in a display cabinet. Either way, there IS an inherent - if small - measure of danger associated with guns and mishandling them. I would like to see a bare minimum of safety taught as early as possible, and yes, that includes to children. We commonly lament the rare tragedies when a child gets hold of an unsecured firearm and accidentally shoots a parent, sibling, neighbor, whatever. We encourage the most rudimentary beginnings of first aid taught at a young age - the dangers of infection of an open cut or wound, maybe CPR, epi-pens, allergies, etc. Most of that consists of “don’t do XYZ and call an adult as soon as possible if you see something.” Why is it discouraged that we do the same for guns? Teach kids “don’t touch, assume it’s loaded, know to point it in a safe direction if you have to handle it, keep your finger off the trigger, and call an adult as soon as possible.” Similarly, teach the rest of the population. Roughly 500 people a year die from gun accidents. That’s about the same as are killed by so-called assault rifles each year. Teaching safety to reduce those numbers is an easy, common-sense and reasonable step to reduce those numbers that doesn’t involve punishing unrelated people, taking anyone’s rights away, etc, meaning it will get no pushback from the NRA, right-wing politicians, etc.Marksmanship training : Additionally, I’d be all for making marksmanship training mandatory prior to or immediately following (within a reasonable time window) purchase of a first firearm. Something minimum akin to what police go through - can you hit the target, can you take the gun apart and clean it at a basic user level (not completely down to armorer level). Think of it like requiring someone to know how to use their turn signals, drive in a straight line, park, etc, with the addition of knowing how to clean their windows and put gas in it. That’s it. Of course, that would also necessitate more conveniently accessed training facilities, but here too you could make do with rented guns, mandated suppressors since the range would own and configure the guns prior to use, etc. This would mean you could control the nuisance to neighbors by controlling noise, you could even allow for “range-only” facilities with only storage for the range guns secured on-site, no sales of guns or ammunition allowed. You show up, you shoot, you get certified, you leave with nothing but the piece of paper and then take that to a dealer to purchase. Kinda like how motorcycle safety courses are run - you show up, they give you helmets and bikes, teach you basic controls and operation until they’re reasonable confident you’re not going to crash and kill yourself driving out of a parking lot, and give you a piece of paper to take to the DMV to get your license.Now here’s the big compromise that most right-wing pro-gun advocates may not like (and I’m prefacing this part like that for a reason - most left-wing gun-control advocates probably won’t like the other half of this compromise, which is how you know it’s a legit compromise and probably the best deal):Background checks/registry : NICS (current National Instant Check System) available to everyone, not just dealers, for private sales too. Doesn’t give out or let you save info, you just run someone’s details one time, on the spot, from any internet connection, and it spits out a yes or no. Yes you can buy/sell to that person, or no you can’t. However, make it more robust and thorough - whatever that may entail. Fingerprints, more detailed checks, and a better-kept database for starters. And have it tiered.Say you pass a Level 1 background check (per our current system) and have never purchased or owned a gun before. Ok, then you get the typical market stuff here - semi-autos, revolvers, shotguns, etc, but caliber restricted to a certain extent - say, nothing over a .50 cal, and you can only purchase (number pulled out of my rear, but with some logic to it) 5,000 rounds per year. This should be plenty sufficient for the recreational shooter, collector, self defense, etc. A typical range day shooter will go through 2–3 boxes of ammo in a brief session and 4–5 or more in a longer dedicated training session. At 50 rounds per box, that’s about 100–250 rounds per range day, so you could still go pretty much every week at a 5,000 round limit. This would also have some purchasing limitations such as a minimal 1 week waiting period for your first purchase.At a level 2 background check, it elevates things a bit - let’s say we add training requirements or specialties, but this is also where you would qualify for a hunting license, concealed carry permit, etc. It’d be a more in-depth check as well, similar to the requirements for getting a Secret security clearance, but in return the caliber restrictions and ammunition limits are also lifted (in addition to the various licenses listed above). Also, if someone has an urgent need for concealed carry or something there would exist a process for something like Level 1.5 maybe - expedited CCW/CHL, but still caliber and ammunition limits and other small restrictions.Level 3 would involve the same requirements right now for NFA items, with the more elevated background checks, but in return would also come with an automatic CCW / CHL (with additional exhaustive training requirements and such). Additionally, the restrictions on new assault weapons are removed (NFA 1934, GCA 1968, etc) and you can buy whatever you want, as much as you want, whenever you want. Level 3 would also come with an annual re-certification check though, along with requirements notifying the state and federal government if you move, sell anything, etc. On the plus side though, your level 3 license would also be valid in all 50 states and other US territories, as well as on airplanes or anywhere except government buildings similar to how current restrictions are. Obviously, this one would be the most difficult and expensive to get.Still, I know most of this is highly unlikely to ever happen, and yes, I’m aware that in the rest of the “free” states in the US you’re already able to get most of it anyway. This question was not “what are your thoughts on gun rights” though, this was “what are your thoughts on gun control.” I’m pretty ok with the so-called “free” states’ gun laws and would be perfectly fine going the other way - loosening everything instead of increasing restrictions.

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