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How to Edit Your Name Chapter Class Date 15 Daily Quiz 15 With Adobe Dc on Mac

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How do you study? What do you do before, during and after the lecture? How do you take notes and utilize your time? What studying revelations have you discovered?

A lot can go into planning a semester. There are assignments to think about, breaks to plan, and other schedules to work around. It’s quite a bit of work actually. In fact, I myself am planning my semester out this week. It’s a bit of a workout, but it is a study strategy that pays off in the long run.So how do we actually go about planning a semester? While it may not be terribly complicated, it does require some time on the front end and follow-through on the back end. That’s why we know most students won’t ever do this. It’s extra work.But planning your semester is extra work that results in a big-time pay off. Specifically, we’re talking about less time spent, fewer crazy-stressful late night study sessions, and ultimately better grades.Are you convinced that this is a good idea? Try these four steps to develop a plan for your semester that will ultimately save you loads of time.Midterm season is here already, and whether you have one or five tests looming over your head, it's time to hit the books and get prepped. You may think you perfected your study habits in eighth grade, but unless you're pulling off 99's every time, everyone could use a little brushing up on their study habits.Students seem to direct the majority of their energy to learning the material after class, which causes an unnecessary cycle of complication. Their time in class is spent attempting to keep up with the material by taking notes word for word. This scramble to gather information can cause some students to give up and simply check out for the remainder of the lecture. By the time class is over, all that remains for the notetakers are pages filled with new, intimidating words and inapplicable concepts. They then attempt to study this material, even though they’ve yet to identify the lesson’s objectives. More often than not, their frustration leads to avoidance and procrastination. The result of this chain reaction becomes a dangerous combination of heightened levels of stress, lack of preparedness, and recurring test anxiety.To break this destructive study cycle, students must recognize the importance of being prepared for lecture. A short amount of time spent previewing the day’s material prior to class can save hours of ineffective study later. The following is a three-step study method that I share with almost every student I meet. The feedback from those who follow the plan consistently has been overwhelmingly positive. These tips were written to directly address students, so please share this system however you wish with your classes. While course styles vary, we will assume for the purpose of this article that the course utilizes a textbook and instructors hold exams after every 4–5 chapters.Step 1. Pre-Lecture Prep: Within 24 hours before lecture, it’s imperative to preview the material to be covered. This step rarely takes longer than 30 minutes, especially once you’re familiar with how to properly preview information.Read the title and chapter objectives. Skipping the title and chapter objectives can be detrimental. It’s virtually impossible to process information when you have no overarching theme to apply it to.Read the chapter summary. The summary combined with the information on the title page can act as a movie preview, creating intrigue and providing a bit of familiarity with the concepts.Skim the chapter by reading subheadings and viewing the content under those subheadings. Begin applying what you see within the text and images to what you already know.Acknowledge vocabulary that you’re unfamiliar with so that you’re not intimidated when you hear the same term(s) again in lecture. Also, be sure to note questions that arise during the pre-lecture prep.Step 2. Be Active during Lecture: Now that you’ve effectively prepped for the lecture’s content, taking notes and following along should be far more manageable. However, concentration can be affected by a variety of factors, so to ensure success, practice the tips below:Distracted? Take a moment to reflect on the cause of the distraction. Are you hungry? Interested in the laptop screen of the person in front of you? Struggling to see the material? All of these problems have rather simple solutions.If you notice that personal issues are flooding your thoughts during class, keep a separate sheet of paper next to your notes to jot down your concern and assign a time to deal with it. The more we repress worry, the more it presents itself. Validating the thought and scheduling time to address it can help you regain focus quickly.Remember those questions you noted during Step 1? Make it a game to try to find the answers during class. Consider it an academic scavenger hunt.Be sure to include confusing or incomplete information on your notes so that you can get more complete answers later.Step 3. Post-Lecture Review: Within 24 hours of the lecture, it’s important to solidify the information that you took in. This is the most time-consuming step within the process, but it becomes easier by consistently following the first two steps.Take what you prepared before lecture and compare it to what was discussed in class. Did the information seem to link together more readily during lecture?Utilize your resources (textbook, lecture slides, teaching assistant, tutor, supplemental instruction, etc.) to fill in any gaps that remain from lecture. Do not ignore information you don’t understand—it is not going away.Create a study tool from the lecture material. Examples would be creating flashcard questions from your notes (make sure they’re applicable questions, not word/definition) or pulling together a self-test from the end-of-chapter questions.From here on out, all you need are short, frequent reviews of your comprehensive study tool until it’s time for a more detailed in-depth practice session before the exam.Few people realize how fast memory fades. Studies on memory have shown that, without review, 47% of what a person has just learned is forgotten in the first twenty minutes and 62% is forgotten after the first day. (University of Texas at Austin). Therefore, having good lecture notes to review can determine how well you are able to perform on exams.1. Go to class prepared.“Always have a plan and believe in it. Nothing good happens by accident.” — Chuck Knox, NFL football coachUse a three-ring binder instead of a spiral or bound book. Pages can be easily removed for reviewing. Handouts can be inserted into your notes for cross-referencing. You can insert your own out-of-class notes in the correct order (Ellis).Bring highlighters to class. Instructors will frequently make comments like, “This is an important concept.” Or, “Make sure you understand this.” These are direct clues that this will more than likely be on an exam. Highlighting these notes will help remind you later that this is definitely something you need to know.Read assigned material and previous class notes before class. Make notations about material or concepts you don’t understand. Look up vocabulary words that are unfamiliar to you. You will have a better understanding about what the instructor is lecturing about and that will allow you to better decipher the more important points of the lecture.2. Improve your listening skills.“Learn how to listen and you will prosper even from those who talk badly.” — Plutarch (A.D. 46 – 120). Greek biographer and philosopherStart by entering the classroom with a positive attitude. Going to class thinking, “This is the last place I want to be today” only sets the stage for inattentive listening. Approaching lectures with a positive attitude allows one to be open-minded and enables you to get the most out of the information presented.Make a conscious effort to pay attention. Concentrate on concentrating. “Without concentration there is no focus, and without focus there is no learning” (Pauk 190).Adapt to whatever direction a lecture takes. When a lecture takes an unexpected detour, say a student asks a question you aren’t particularly interested in, students have a tendency to “zone out.” Before you know it, the lecture got back on track five minutes ago, and you missed crucial information that should have been noted.3. Develop a notetaking method that works for you.“Learn, compare, collect the facts.” – Ivan Petrovic Pavlov (1849 – 1936), Russian physiologist.Fine-tune the structure and organization of your notes to increase your notetaking speed and comprehension later.Start each new lecture on a new page, and date and number each page. The sequence of material is important.Write on one side of the paper only. You can set them out side-by-side for easier reviewing when studying for an exam.Leave blank spaces. This allows you to add comments or note questions later.Make your notes as brief as possible. “Never use a sentence when you can use a phrase, or a phrase when you can use a word” (Berkeley).Develop a system of abbreviations and symbols you can use wherever possible.Note all unfamiliar vocabulary or concepts you don’t understand. This reminds you to look them up later.4. Pay close attention to contentKnowing what and how much to write down is sometimes difficult. Rely on some of the following tips for what to include in your notes.Details, facts, or explanations that expand or explain the main points that are mentioned. Don’t forget examples.Definitions, word for word.Enumerations or lists of things that are discussed.Material written on the chalkboard or on a transparency, including drawings or charts.Information that is repeated or spelled out. (University of Texas at Austin)5. Review and edit your notes.“Ideas won’t keep; something must be done about them.” – Alfred North Whitehead (1861 – 1947), English mathematician and philosopherAcademic skills centers and other authorities on effective study skills consider reviewing and editing class notes to be the most important part of notetaking and essential to increasing learning capacity.It is extremely important to review your notes within 24 hours.Edit for words and phrases that are illegible or don’t make sense. Write out abbreviated words that might be unclear later.Edit with a different colored pen to distinguish between what you wrote in class and what you filled in later.Fill in key words and questions in the left-hand column.Note anything you don’t understand by underlining or highlighting to remind you to ask the instructor.Compare your notes with the textbook reading and fill in important details in the blank spaces you left.Consider rewriting or typing up your notes. (Ellis).Time is precious, particularly when it comes to running a small business. Yet there are never more than 24 hours in a day. Some entrepreneurs respond to this fact of life with focus and purpose. Others freak out.Are you in the latter group? You don’t have to be. With the right approach, you can work efficiently, productively, and relatively stress-free.1. Know your goals.Make sure you’re engaging in activities that support your business goals, both short- and long-term. Everything else is a potential time-waster. Your daily plan should revolve around working on tasks and activities that directly relate to generating income and growing your business.2. Prioritize wisely.Stephen Covey, co-author of First Things First, offers an organizational tool for your to-do list based on how important and urgent tasks are.Looking at what goes into making up your day, where do your activities fit into these categories?Important and urgent — Tasks that must be done. Do them right away.Important but not urgent — Tasks that appear important, but upon closer examination aren’t. Decide when to do them.Urgent but not important — Tasks that make the most “noise,” but when accomplished, have little or no lasting value. Delegate these if possible.Not urgent and not important — Low-priority stuff that offer the illusion of “being busy.” Do them later.Write down your three or four “important and urgent” tasks that must be addressed today. As you complete each one, check it off your list. This will provide you with a sense of accomplishment and can motivate you to tackle less essential items.3. Just say no.You’re the boss. If you have to decline a request in order to attend to what’s truly important and urgent, do not hesitate to do so. The same goes for any projects or activities that you’ve determined are headed nowhere: Be prepared to move on to more productive tasks. Learn from the experience to avoid wasting time later on.4. Plan ahead.One of the worst things you can do is jump into the workday with no clear idea about what needs to get done. The time you spend thinking ahead and planning your activities is trivial compared with the time you’ll lose jumping from one thing to the next (and rarely completing anything). Depending on your personality, try one of these options:The night before — At the end of the day, take 15 minutes to clear your desk and put together a list of the next day’s most pressing tasks. It’s a great decompression technique, and you’ll feel better sitting down at a clean desk in the morning.First thing in the morning — Arrive a few minutes early and assemble your prioritized to-do list (see #2). This may prove to be the most productive part of your day.5. Eliminate distractions.Start paying attention to the number of times someone interrupts you when you’re in the midst of an important task. Track self-induced interruptions, too, particularly those of the social media variety. Your smartphone is extremely useful, but it’s also addictive and among the most insidious time-wasters known to mankind.It may take a massive exercise in will power, but shut the door and turn off your phone to maximize your time. Instead of being “always on,” plan a break in the day to catch up on email, call people back, talk with staff, etc.6. Delegate more often.If you’ve done a good job of hiring talented, dedicated employees, there’s always more work they can take off your desk. Running a successful small business depends upon the owner’s ability to think about what lies ahead and not get mired in day-to-day operations. Look for opportunities to pass responsibility for specific tasks to others on your team.7. Take care of yourself.Be sure to get plenty of sleep and exercise. An alert mind is a high-functioning mind and one that’s less tolerant of time-wasting activities.Studying doesn't have to be hard. In fact, there are plenty of simple methods that exist which simplify the entire process.It’s true: not all methods work for every person, but, with a little bit of trial-and-error, you can find the methods that work for you and stick with them like your life depends on it. Or, at least, like your grades do.While nothing replaces good old fashioned hard work, every little bit helps when it comes to increasing your efficiency in college (because we know it can be overwhelming at times).The following study hacks make student life simpler by helping to increase productivity levels, boost focus, help concentration and eliminate distractions.Chew gum.The act of chewing gum is actually a brain booster. And, since there aren’t severe side effects (like there can be with caffeine) chomping on your favorite flavor is a great study aid.Why? Scientists aren’t exactly certain why chewing gum helps you focus, but they think it’s based on the act of chewing waking us up and keeping us focused.The only down side is that it doesn’t last. It will help, but for shorter periods of time, so save this hack for the harder parts of your material.Control your focus.Sometimes, you’re your own worst enemy. You can literally block yourself from getting distracted by websites, email or anything else computer-related with the apps like, SelfControl(for Mac), Cold Turkey (for PC). There are also similar options for Android users.Download study apps.You’re probably aware that there are more student apps than you could ever need or want – choose one or two that suit your study needs and utilize them.If you feel they aren’t working for you, try out a different type.Eat.Yep, you read that correctly – we made a list that included one of the basic human needs on it. Because we know that some students need to be reminded to eat. Eat healthy, nutritious (and, hopefully, delicious) meals. This is kind of a given seeing as your brain needs food to function.Search online.Search outside study resources via the web. Google your subject – there are often great resources from other colleges that may have practice quizzes, for example. If you enter “site:edu [your subject] exam” into Google, you will be able to access exams at different colleges with questions pertaining to your subject for study practice.Or, YouTube may have someone explaining topics you’re studying in layman’s terms. There are endless channels offering free tutorials, like CrashCourse, Khan Academy, Brightstorm, Bozeman Science – just to name a few.A quick search will likely lead you to a wealth of resources!Jazz up your notes.Add visual prompts and colors to your notes to help you recall important details, both of which can aid in your memory recall.This idea stems from mind mapping concepts, which are basically thought diagrams, said to be much more effective in terms of learning than text-based notes.There are even mind mapping programs for those interested (but creativity, pens and paper, work just fine, too!Memory aids.Try using different memory aids like notecards, etc. These aids come in handy for memorization techniques. You may find it helpful to repetitively quiz yourself on the key aspects, facts or data you’re trying to memorize.Mnemonic Devices.Circa grade and middle school, you’ll likely recall learning the order of operations through mnemonic devices, (Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally), the planets (My Very Earnest Mother Just Served Us Nine Pickles), the great lakes (HOMES) and so on.If you didn’t learn those exact variations, it was probably something similar.The point is, there’s nothing stopping you from creating your own to help you remember the material for your advanced chemistry test.You can easily remember key concepts, sequences and whatever else you need to learn by creating your very own relatable story. Come up with something you know you can remember and stick with it. It will actually help!Organize your materials, categorizing them by subject or chapter.This will help you sort the material by subject matter, visualizing which aspects go together.Believe it or not, it actually helps you understand the scope of the topics you’re learning and categorizing them allows you to see how everything fits together as a whole.Rewrite your notes by hand.Go old school and rewrite your notes by hand. Studies show that when you take the time to rewrite them by hand, you actually learn more effectively than when using your computer, tablet or laptop.Listen to music.Choosing the right type of music to listen to while studying can enhance your productivity, motivation and focus levels.Certain genres of music are actually recommended for studying – known as “music for the mind.” Study musicshould enhance concentration, focus and allow you to work for longer periods. It should never be counterproductive or distracting – no matter what genre you decide on.Make a cheat sheet you’ll never use.Though you’ll obviously never use a cheat sheet during an actual exam or quiz, it can help to create one because in order to do so, you’ll need to sift through all of your notes and materials to find the key items and rewrite them on your sheet.Doing so helps you recognize what you need to learn, and rewriting what you need to learn helps you remember it.Sleep.Again, it’s a basic human need that, unfortunately, needs to be stated. Get plenty of rest while studying (and before the test or quiz). Your body needs to sleep to think properly.A good night’s rest is one of the most basic ways you can improve your score because it will help improve your ability to think logically. Sleep affects your cognitive function, thus, your test-taking abilities. Enough said!Study early.Start studying early, instead of your usual cramming session. Nobody ever sets out to cram because it’s a great idea – they do it because of poor planning.Plan out your study routine ahead of time so that you’re not trapped into a cram session, having to lose sleep (and, likely, not eating properly) as a result.Poor planning tends to cause the domino effect – other bad habits start to follow suit because of time constraints, convenience, necessity, etc. Now that you’re aware this happens, avoid it like the plague.Switch settings.Vary your study settings – literally. Studiesshow having a dedicated study area no longer works in your favor. Avoiding a standard space actually benefits you because the mind makes subconscious pairing between your atmosphere and the material.This means, if you constantly in the same space, you would perform best taking the exam in that space. If you change up your space, your mind will associate all of the spaces you are studying in and adapt more easily to your test-taking surroundings.Teach.Teach someone else the material you’re trying to learn. Teaching someone else is such an effective way for you to better understand the material, plus, you’ll earn karma points for helping out a classmate who needs a little extra help!Teaching is the best test (before the actual test) to know whether or not you know the concepts.Why do you learn through teaching? If you’re teaching someone the material and you find you cannot answer basic questions about it, then you know you need to go back to square one. It’s a simple way to discover if you have a basic grasp of the concepts.Turn on the lights.Light helps your brain focus, affects visual clarity, psychological factors and the wrong types of lighting can contribute to off task behavior.The best type of lighting for maximum productivity (which you obviously want for studying) is soft and natural, though still as bright as possible so you can see clearly.If your lighting is too dim, it will affect focus and visual clarity. Lighting that is too bright (like fluorescent lighting, for example) can contribute to getting off task.It took me a huge chunk of time to write this answer. Hope you find it useful and as always Thanks for reading.Happy Learning.

What are the best tips for taking online classes?

At your convenience.1. Set a Major GoalMy most important tip for anyone attending or considering an online degree is to stay on task. It’s understandable that sometimes things happen in life that are unforeseen and pull us away from our studies. But you must keep your primary goal in mind.When you set goals that are personally important, you’re more likely to manage your time in a way to accomplish them.For online study to be a successful experience, you need to be passionate about your chosen course of study. This passion will drive you to be disciplined and to persevere when deadlines are looming.Focus on the big picture and remember why you chose to study in the first place. Take one step at a time and, before you know it, you'll be closer to achieving your dreams.Keep in mind why you are seeking this degree. Just having the mindset that I'm doing this for my family, or I'm doing this for a better career, or just doing it to say "hey I did it" is enough encouragement to keep your mind on your studies.Keep the end goal in mind. When I have been stressed about a deadline, or my thoughts are diverted from my studies, I like to take a 5-minute break and visualize where I want to be. My end goal is to be a social worker in the hospital, because my children both have a rare disease and the social worker has been a great influence to me during our many hospital stays. I visualize myself helping other parents during their difficult times, and it helps me get back on track.Want it! Want it bad enough to obtain it through any means necessary. It's imperative to read more, listen closely, collaborate and keep in close contact with online teams, professors and peers.Constantly remind yourself why you are going to school. Online school is completely self-driven and reminding yourself why you started in the first place can boost your drive and help you achieve your goal of a diploma!That desire to attain dreams and become a student must always be with you, through every course, and for every goal you wish to accomplish. You must approach assignments with conviction, whether it be taking notes on a 2-minute educational video or doing research for a thesis.2. Treat Study Like a JobAlways remember, study is your work. Consciously choose to show up, absorb wonderful content available to you, schedule in assessments, lectures, tasks, and really set and keep those boundaries. Have a success mindset. Implement firm boundaries. Keep a schedule like your depends on it.I plan to treat my online classes like a job. Setting daily goals and making checklists can help me succeed in each course and project, allowing me to prove that I can work efficiently and independently. Accomplishing small goals each day and creating a portfolio will help motivate me to keep working.Make school your top priority every day and you can't fail!Some online classes ask you to post a picture of yourself that your classmates can see on your online class. I have seen some doozies, including shots that almost look pornographic. Please remember that your online class is not a model shoot where you get to show off your assets. Oh, and that also includes posting a picture of your dog’s face instead of yours.3. Make a Study PlanMake a study plan! At the beginning of each term I take the time to plan readings and work on assignments. Although I regularly adjust the plan if necessary, it keeps me on track.Set out a clear and achievable study plan and stick to it to it 95% of the time, allowing yourself some room and respite for the unexpected.Be organized and set a certain amount of hours per day or week into your schedule for studying.Write out a weekly schedule with dates and times. Make sure to set aside enough time to focus only on school with no distractions. That's important.Have a planner for school only. In my planner I can organize my daily tasks or assignments that need to be completed. I will write down how many times I will have to be involved in discussion. I will also schedule my study sessions and which topic I will be working on for that day. This really helps me to stay on top of due dates and keeps me on track to be successful in my classes.Plan ahead! When it comes to online school, you don’t have a set time to sit around and do your work. You must always plan a time specifically on your own to do your work.I strongly recommend creating a semester plan, study plan, and time management strategy according to the prescribed study hours per week. These should be made a few days before the semester starts.4. Manage Time CarefullySet a schedule and stick with it to keep you structured. People generally do better in a structured environment. So why not make it even easier for yourself? If you know what time block you devote to school, you are more apt to be consistent, avoid late assignments and put study first.I used to wait until the last minute to complete and submit my assignments. That does nothing but add more stress. I have come to realize that, if I pace myself and stay proactive in my classes, I feel better about my assignments. If I mess up on something, I still have time to go back and fix it.Estimate how much time you will need for study. Set up a schedule and inform your family / housemates. It’s imperative to have the support of the people you live with. They can't help you succeed if you don't give them a chance.Success in online study boils down to one skill that can be applied to everything you do in life: Time Management. Make a schedule that you can quickly check to see what you need to accomplish and when those tasks need to be complete. Set aside time for yourself and for your studies. During your dedicated study time, try to disconnect from distractions like social media, your phone, or television so that you are able to focus on what you really need to get done. And when you finish the assignments ahead of schedule like the rock star you are? Look ahead and get a jump on future work. Trust me, you’ll thank yourself later.Make a weekly plan the day before a new week starts so you know what you are going to do as far as homework and research. Divide everything up during the week so you know what to complete on a daily basis. Review materials in small portions so you’re not cramming everything into one day, stressing out, and trying to hurry and get everything done at the last minute.5. Have Dedicated Study BlocksFirst and foremost, there needs to be time set aside each day, without interruptions, to fully focus on your work.Make time for your schooling. No matter how busy you are, you’re going to have to cut time out of your life to focus on school. Sacrifices will have to be made – deal with it. If I have a kickboxing tournament the same night as an exam, guess what? Exam it is!It is best to have a scheduled time to study. I have two hours a night set aside for my studies. When my boys were younger, this was after they went to bed, so I had from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. every night for my studies. Now we do homework/studies together at night.What has been incredibly helpful to me is setting aside ‘school time’. This has been essentially my savings grace. I treat my online classes as if they are a traditional classroom setting. Three times a week I ‘go to school’. I literally block off a two hour window to complete homework, participate in online discussions with my classmates, and also study. I don’t allow myself to be ‘late’ to school or to reschedule class time in light of social events, activities, or anything else that could easily become a diversion.Your education is important so scheduling the right time each day to focus on it can really make a difference. This schedule allows you to get everything done without feeling like you neglected anything.Set aside a time. I prefer early morning. I run into office earlier (usually 1 hour earlier) and dedicate this to study. I lock myself in my room. Morning is best, because you are still fresh and have not yet had any work related stress issues have been brought to your desk.Dedicate a specific amount of time each day or each week to studying and commit to it. A lot can come up in life, and there will always be many distractions. If you are a morning person, then wake up an hour earlier and spend some time studying. If you are a night owl, then dedicate some of that Facebook and Instagram time on an evening to studying.Personally, I tend to enjoy (and benefit) the most from my courses when I deliberately schedule blocks of time in advance to devote to school work. This helps me to prioritize school and meet my deadlines, while still allowing me to have an otherwise busy, active life.6. Find a Quiet SpacePick a time throughout the day when either everyone is away from home, pick a corner of the house where you can relax and study.Create a space of peace. You need to designate an area that is free of distraction. When diversions are present, it may reflect in poor quality of work; hindering your education. Discussing your "quiet zone" with your family or friends may be beneficial as well so they understand that your time is crucial to your academic success.Make sure the kids are not around or are sleeping. I have found that a quiet house is much more conducive to quality study time.Tell your family or roommates that you need quiet time and to not be disturbed. This works because if you are not disturbed you are not likely to lose train of thought or get distracted.7. Eliminate DistractionsDedicate a specified time for school work each day and isolate yourself from distractions. When I was enrolled in my online Spanish class during the summer in high school, I made it a point to work at least 2 hours a day on the course directly after lunch. If it is routine, then it will be easy to maintain. I also placed myself at the table with only the computer so that nothing else could gain my attention.I've found that it's important to have a designated study area free from outside noises and distractions. Turn off mobile phones and TV. Some background music can help you to relax, but it's important that it's not too loud to become a distraction.Cut off all electronics or put them on silent. A distraction-free environment slows your thinking down and helps you feel more at ease because you are no longer concentrating about everyone else. It overcomes the problem of not being able to concentrate when you try to study.Allow quiet time to focus. My time is in the morning before the kids wake up is when my mind is awake, fresh to new ideas and most creative. I believe that creativity is an important asset for completing assignments.8. Limit Social MediaSure, it's fun to get lost in the black hole of Facebook, but when it comes to getting a college degree, that blue and white "thumbs up" gets shoved to the wayside for studying!One way that I stay focused on my studies is by logging off of all my social media accounts. There are enough distractions around me in the real world. I don't need to add more in the virtual world. It's easy to lose track of time scrolling through your friend's vacation photos or reading all of your favorite comedian's hilarious tweets.Since the computer screen is an online student's classroom, it may be difficult to resist the temptation to see how many Likes my latest post received, but by logging off and not having my social media pages up, I'm able to focus more on what I'm reading or on the assignment I'm working on.When I have a big project due... I go off the grid. I will literally disable my Facebook account I will utilize my phone settings such as do not disturb mode so I won't be tempted to chat instead of work.9. Use Online ResourcesUse any of the student resources that are available. For instance, your college has an online library which offers sources for assignments. Another resource that is sometimes available is a writing center. If you need your paper fixed or just have a question on formatting, the writing center can help.I would assume that most online colleges have resources available to help with your studies. The college that I attend has a virtual Math tutor. I also have an excellent writing center. One program checks plagiarism another check for grammar and spelling errors.My tip for succeeding at online study is to make sure you learn how to navigate around your classroom home tabs. This is where you will find your weekly assignments and activities. You will also find your teacher info and fellow classmates for if you have questions. Learn your school website so you know how to access your library, upcoming classes, website info, technical support, and more. Also make sure you know how to contact your school, teachers, and other people when you have a question or concern. Take time to click on each tab on the school website to see what they all do and mean before you get started.10. Break Down TasksHaving a detailed calendar of what you will accomplish each day will definitely give you the base to achieve your goals.I have found the best way to study is to break the information down. It is easier to retain small amounts of information at a time and is not as time consuming. You do not feel as though you are "cramming". I can divide my time up on each section which ultimately puts me in control of what I am studying and prevents the studying from taking over me. Small breaks in between sections allow me to refresh my brain and give me the extra boost to continue on.Create a timetable which breaks your study schedule up into 1-hour study blocks with 15 minute breaks in between. This style of studying will seem less daunting and allow for you to keep on top of your work. By studying in small blocks, your brain is also better able to consolidate and understand the information – thus facilitating an enriched learning experience, as opposed to rote learning, where you essentially forget all the information after or even during the assessment.Each study session should have a specific goal.11. Be Mentally EngagedI like to quiz myself on whatever I am studying. This helps me to check my knowledge, and feel more confident when it is time for the real exam.Go back and either watch the video or read the chapter again. If you do not understand it, do not just keep going and hope it makes sense. Going back and doing it again and again always makes it stick.A good strategy for success is to turn off all distractions. Turn off the TV, radio and phone and focus on the work. This will help you to better concentrate on the task at hand (and without the distractions that social media can provide). When you allow yourself to become absorbed in study, learning improves.12. Take NotesWrite down important points. Just like in a traditional classroom setting, taking notes may make it easier to remember the important pieces of information you will need to retain.When I first started studying online, I found it difficult to listen to videos 3 hours straight and remember everything. Take breaks! Also, you could record teaching videos if they are only streamed online. Divide the video into several parts, depending on topics and sub-topics. Give the file a name (Psychology: An Introduction) and a date (27.09.2015) so it is easier to find at a later point. Write down in bullet points what you can hear (Psychology is…) in each section and put the time (01:35 or 00:57-2:13) behind it.All of my books through my college are eBooks, and I use digital text for reading. I sit at my computer and use my headphones to listen to the book as I follow along, highlighting important points. When finished, I go over it and write all the important points in outline format using pen and paper. This helps me retain the information. Doing this has been vital for my study time.Keep notes on a regular Word document and click on the “Ctrl” & “F” key to find information. This has been a tremendous help when taking online quizzes and exams. Your notes are all available on the same document and easier to find when needed, rather than having your information scattered in various areas.13. Browse IntelligentlyYou have the entire world at your fingertips. You can research entire events from history in color, or have a renowned mathematician take your hand and work you through a problem, or a scientist explain to you how exactly your solar system works. Use your time and resources wisely.To keep my research organized, I created an online flashcards account and keep the tab open while online. I created a folder for each class and made a set of cards for the various study topics. When I find interesting content, I copy the data to a flashcard and include a link back to the source. Because the flashcards are stored online, they can be accessed at any time, even when I am reading online material using my phone.14. Make Study EnjoyablePlaying happy music keeps me alert and in a good mood. Keeping good vibes going while I study, make the studying go by faster, and much more enjoyable.Play mellow music. When I study, the music helps me remember what I studied and I tend to turn it in to a song.My tip is coffee, coffee, coffee and more coffee. Well, OK, that's just for me. And, if you don't have a quiet room because you have noisy children who do not come with a volume control, try noise cancelling headphones (joke).I like to study with coffee. Coffee is my treat for myself when I need to study hard. By starting my studying with something I enjoy, it makes my entire study session better.Have fun. It is exciting and rewarding to be in school and learning about new topics that interest you. It is too easy to get stressed out when going to school online but, if done correctly, the schooling can be very rewarding.Above all else, enjoy the process, the opportunities and unique experience that online study can provide!15. Take BreaksTake frequent, short breaks. My mind becomes a little bit numb after an hour of looking at the computer screen, so I have found that stepping away and taking a few minutes to myself is a way to rejuvenate my brain.Maintain regular breaks to avoid strain (and make sure your study space is set up correctly). A quick break and walk outside can really revitalize you to continue studies. And don’t force it. Do the work when you are in the right frame of mind (online studies are more flexible so you can do this).Schedule breaks of 5 or ten minutes between study time. It helps you get a breather and grab a snack or use bathroom. You stay on track while also getting a few minutes of peace and relief.Decide on a task, set a timer for 25 minutes, and work! If a distraction pops into your head, write it down, but get back to the task. When the bell rings, have a small break. Go for a walk, make a cup of tea, or find a dog to cuddle. This legitimately stops me from getting square eyes. Mum would be proud.16. Stay HealthyStay healthy! “Mens sana in corpore sano: A healthy mind in a healthy body”. Our brain can only work to its fullest if our body is well. Have regular breaks that involve exercise and fresh air and eat good food! Preparing a healthy meal or going for a run is not wasting your time. I usually come up with my best ideas during a mountain jog.Eating well, getting plenty of sleep and taking regular breaks for 10-15 mins to stretch the arms and legs helps keep focus and avoids eye strain from computer monitors.Eat healthy and stay hydrated. While running around doing everything, I was forgetting to eat right and not drinking enough fluids. So guess what happened? I became ill. That really placed a huge stone in my educational road. You can't study online when you’re in hospital, so think about you.The important thing is sleep. We as human adults need seven to eight hours of sleep to function. I understand that the need to cram all knowledge before a quiz is a well-known idea of college but studying is key. I am not talking about studying the night before, but possibly the month before. The night before a quiz should be dedicated to a good meal and sleep. When the brain is asleep, the mind can think clearly and go over past studying tips.Getting rest is a must. I find my papers sound less insane if I have had a decent night’s sleep.Don’t overdo it. Remember to spend time with friends and family. It is good to have some balance. It’s good for your overall happiness, sanity and for the preservation of relationships.17. Connect with OthersConnect with others! Online portals, discussion boards and Facebook can help to find students in the same course, maybe even in your local area. Connect with peers and team up for group assessments, stay in touch, and help each other with proof-reading, tips and exchange of resources. Talking to other students opens my mind and keeps me motivated.An important part of the online classroom is classroom participation and discussion. Posts that engage others in a back and forth repartee aid in the conceptualization of research papers and slide presentations that are assigned as homework. Although class participation does not amount to a large percentage of my grade, it does guide my though processes for the entire class. It accounts for the A-grade point average that I've maintained throughout the course of my online study.Engage! Don’t disengage simply because it is online learning. Interact with your classmates and lecturer as though you were doing in-class learning to gain the ultimate benefits.Communication with other students is vital. People may think that online schooling is a way to avoid talking to other students. However, this is not true. In order to fully comprehend certain material, it is sometime necessary to see another person’s point of view on the subject matter. Talking to other students by messaging or posting comments can sometimes open a student’s mind to other opinions or help them understand an assignment. Students learn from each other and cooperative learning is the same online as it is in any traditional college.Stay proactive in your class as well as with your classmates. Ask questions and participate as much as you can. There are so many great opportunities as an online learner because the students in your class are usually from all over the United States. As a student, you are able to draw information and gain more knowledge and different perspectives than you may in a face-to-face classroom setting.Communication is the number one thing that will make online learning a positive experience. Email your professor, post in the forums, text your classmates – use every communication skill you have to make sure you are getting what you need from the course. Getting to know your classmates as much as possible is a positive aspect of online learning. You never know when you will make a new friend!I am new to online courses and realized rather quickly that just responding to the professor’s posts was not enough. To get a better grasp of the idea or concept being taught in a group discussion, we must ask questions among ourselves and respond in a positive manner to ideas that would be considered “Thinking outside the box”.Email etiquette is essential and extremely important as it is the only form of communication many online programs partake in. A simple "Good Morning", "I hope this email reaches you well", "Thank you", "Please" or "You are greatly appreciated" matters a lot. Warm gestures go a long way and I'm constantly reminded that it makes a huge difference.18. Join a Study TeamCreate a team of virtual friends, 2-3, maybe more and have regular discussions. Meet up like once a fortnight to pick each other’s brains, see how far each is with the assignments, and also any challenges anyone is facing. This can be through WhatsApp or Facebook.Build relationships with fellow students. I’ve made some wonderful friendships that are based on a mutual passion for the nursing profession and providing support and encouragement for each other through the highs and lows that can come with study.One of the best ways to be successful is to group together with some study buddies. The friends I have made have been invaluable for surviving and passing online courses. We are there for each other to bounce ideas, work out task requirements, cram for exams and offload when stressed. We are encouraging and remind one another that it will all be worth it.We all struggled in the same ways, with the same assignments and readings and, once we discovered this, were able to assist each other. Everyone is fighting for the same goal.19. Ask QuestionsIt's important if you're struggling with a topic to be proactive and seek out help. Many online courses have great teachers just waiting to assist you.Ask questions as soon as you have them. There's nothing worse than convincing yourself that you will eventually learn the subject and find out a week later that you still do not understand the topic. Generally with online classes, one week is built off the knowledge of the past week. If you do not understand week 1, you will have greater difficulty in week 2, and so on.Don’t be afraid to ask for help. If you don't understand, just ask. The professors are there to help. Failure to ask may cost you a good grade on an assignment.If you are confused about a course or have questions about an assignment, do not hesitate to ask your instructor. They are there to guide students in the learning process. They want to help students succeed.20. Beat DeadlinesSet a strict guideline on assignments. If an assignment is due on a Monday, do not wait to do it until Sunday night. It creates unnecessary stress and anxiety.Most students find themselves putting in a lot of work on the day an assignment is due. I like to pretend that everything is due one day early, giving me a little extra time if needed.For bigger assignments, such as outlines and essays, it is beneficial to set a personal deadline to finish 2 days before the actual deadline. Two days is an ideal time to do extra revision and editing to any work. It allows 1 day for rest and 1 day to revisit the work with clear eyes. That one day could mean catching errors in grammar that were missed in the original revision process and making a satisfactory grade into an excellent one.Save your work when you are finished and come back them next day and read it aloud. You will find more mistakes that way and possibly see a better way to write something. This only works if you manage your time well enough to have those extra hours later to review.Taking online courses does not mean putting away homework for a few days and catching up on The Walking Dead series, before finishing a course project 2 hours before midnight on the night it is due. I have learned to not procrastinate because I like my sleep better than pulling all-nighters.Finishing work early means you have more time to ask questions or make improvements. The flexibility of online study should allow you to review and critique your work before turning it in.21. Reward YourselfIf you get an A on a paper, treat yourself. If you get an A in the class, go big. You have to remember that you do have a life. Go out with your friends. Go to the movies with your partner. If you only do homework, you’re going to get burned out.Reward yourself! "Look, if I can just sit down for 2 hours and kick this math in the ass, then I can take myself out for a nice greasy burger!" It always seems to be easier to motivate ourselves when we know there's something waiting for us at the finish line.

How do I study 12th class math in just one day?

How do you study? What do you do before, during and after the lecture? How do you take notes and utilize your time? What studying revelations have you discovered?This question previously had details. They are now in a comment.Answer302303FollowRequestMoreAd by Online Courses & Education Programs for ProfessionalsPost graduate program in data science from IIIT Bangalore.360 degree career support, IIIT Bangalore alumni status and 1:1 mentorship.Apply Now88 ANSWERSShailaja Ajaykumar Pandey, Human being at The World (2002-present)Answered Feb 2, 2018A lot can go into planning a semester. There are assignments to think about, breaks to plan, and other schedules to work around. It’s quite a bit of work actually. In fact, I myself am planning my semester out this week. It’s a bit of a workout, but it is a study strategy that pays off in the long http://run.So how do we actually go about planning a semester? While it may not be terribly complicated, it does require some time on the front end and follow-through on the back end. That’s why we know most students won’t ever do this. It’s extra work.But planning your semester is extra work that results in a big-time pay off. Specifically, we’re talking about less time spent, fewer crazy-stressful late night study sessions, and ultimately better grades.Are you convinced that this is a good idea? Try these four steps to develop a plan for your semester that will ultimately save you loads of time.Midterm season is here already, and whether you have one or five tests looming over your head, it's time to hit the books and get prepped. You may think you perfected your study habits in eighth grade, but unless you're pulling off 99's every time, everyone could use a little brushing up on their study habits.Students seem to direct the majority of their energy to learning the material after class, which causes an unnecessary cycle of complication. Their time in class is spent attempting to keep up with the material by taking notes word for word. This scramble to gather information can cause some students to give up and simply check out for the remainder of the lecture. By the time class is over, all that remains for the notetakers are pages filled with new, intimidating words and inapplicable concepts. They then attempt to study this material, even though they’ve yet to identify the lesson’s objectives. More often than not, their frustration leads to avoidance and procrastination. The result of this chain reaction becomes a dangerous combination of heightened levels of stress, lack of preparedness, and recurring test http://anxiety.To break this destructive study cycle, students must recognize the importance of being prepared for lecture. A short amount of time spent previewing the day’s material prior to class can save hours of ineffective study later. The following is a three-step study method that I share with almost every student I meet. The feedback from those who follow the plan consistently has been overwhelmingly positive. These tips were written to directly address students, so please share this system however you wish with your classes. While course styles vary, we will assume for the purpose of this article that the course utilizes a textbook and instructors hold exams after every 4–5 chapters.Step 1. Pre-Lecture Prep: Within 24 hours before lecture, it’s imperative to preview the material to be covered. This step rarely takes longer than 30 minutes, especially once you’re familiar with how to properly preview information.Read the title and chapter objectives. Skipping the title and chapter objectives can be detrimental. It’s virtually impossible to process information when you have no overarching theme to apply it to.Read the chapter summary. The summary combined with the information on the title page can act as a movie preview, creating intrigue and providing a bit of familiarity with the concepts.Skim the chapter by reading subheadings and viewing the content under those subheadings. Begin applying what you see within the text and images to what you already know.Acknowledge vocabulary that you’re unfamiliar with so that you’re not intimidated when you hear the same term(s) again in lecture. Also, be sure to note questions that arise during the pre-lecture prep.Step 2. Be Active during Lecture: Now that you’ve effectively prepped for the lecture’s content, taking notes and following along should be far more manageable. However, concentration can be affected by a variety of factors, so to ensure success, practice the tips below:Distracted? Take a moment to reflect on the cause of the distraction. Are you hungry? Interested in the laptop screen of the person in front of you? Struggling to see the material? All of these problems have rather simple solutions.If you notice that personal issues are flooding your thoughts during class, keep a separate sheet of paper next to your notes to jot down your concern and assign a time to deal with it. The more we repress worry, the more it presents itself. Validating the thought and scheduling time to address it can help you regain focus quickly.Remember those questions you noted during Step 1? Make it a game to try to find the answers during class. Consider it an academic scavenger sure to include confusing or incomplete information on your notes so that you can get more complete answers later.Step 3. Post-Lecture Review: Within 24 hours of the lecture, it’s important to solidify the information that you took in. This is the most time-consuming step within the process, but it becomes easier by consistently following the first two steps.Take what you prepared before lecture and compare it to what was discussed in class. Did the information seem to link together more readily during lecture?Utilize your resources (textbook, lecture slides, teaching assistant, tutor, supplemental instruction, etc.) to fill in any gaps that remain from lecture. Do not ignore information you don’t understand—it is not going away.Create a study tool from the lecture material. Examples would be creating flashcard questions from your notes (make sure they’re applicable questions, not word/definition) or pulling together a self-test from the end-of-chapter questions.From here on out, all you need are short, frequent reviews of your comprehensive study tool until it’s time for a more detailed in-depth practice session before the exam.Few people realize how fast memory fades. Studies on memory have shown that, without review, 47% of what a person has just learned is forgotten in the first twenty minutes and 62% is forgotten after the first day. (University of Texas at Austin). Therefore, having good lecture notes to review can determine how well you are able to perform on exams.1. Go to class prepared.“Always have a plan and believe in it. Nothing good happens by accident.” — Chuck Knox, NFL football coachUse a three-ring binder instead of a spiral or bound book. Pages can be easily removed for reviewing. Handouts can be inserted into your notes for cross-referencing. You can insert your own out-of-class notes in the correct order (Ellis).Bring highlighters to class. Instructors will frequently make comments like, “This is an important concept.” Or, “Make sure you understand this.” These are direct clues that this will more than likely be on an exam. Highlighting these notes will help remind you later that this is definitely something you need to know.Read assigned material and previous class notes before class. Make notations about material or concepts you don’t understand. Look up vocabulary words that are unfamiliar to you. You will have a better understanding about what the instructor is lecturing about and that will allow you to better decipher the more important points of the lecture.2. Improve your listening skills.“Learn how to listen and you will prosper even from those who talk badly.” — Plutarch (A.D. 46 – 120). Greek biographer and philosopherStart by entering the classroom with a positive attitude. Going to class thinking, “This is the last place I want to be today” only sets the stage for inattentive listening. Approaching lectures with a positive attitude allows one to be open-minded and enables you to get the most out of the information presented.Make a conscious effort to pay attention. Concentrate on concentrating. “Without concentration there is no focus, and without focus there is no learning” (Pauk 190).Adapt to whatever direction a lecture takes. When a lecture takes an unexpected detour, say a student asks a question you aren’t particularly interested in, students have a tendency to “zone out.” Before you know it, the lecture got back on track five minutes ago, and you missed crucial information that should have been noted.3. Develop a notetaking method that works for you.“Learn, compare, collect the facts.” – Ivan Petrovic Pavlov (1849 – 1936), Russian physiologist.Fine-tune the structure and organization of your notes to increase your notetaking speed and comprehension later.Start each new lecture on a new page, and date and number each page. The sequence of material is important.Write on one side of the paper only. You can set them out side-by-side for easier reviewing when studying for an exam.Leave blank spaces. This allows you to add comments or note questions later.Make your notes as brief as possible. “Never use a sentence when you can use a phrase, or a phrase when you can use a word” (Berkeley).Develop a system of abbreviations and symbols you can use wherever possible.Note all unfamiliar vocabulary or concepts you don’t understand. This reminds you to look them up later.4. Pay close attention to contentKnowing what and how much to write down is sometimes difficult. Rely on some of the following tips for what to include in your notes.Details, facts, or explanations that expand or explain the main points that are mentioned. Don’t forget examples.Definitions, word for word.Enumerations or lists of things that are discussed.Material written on the chalkboard or on a transparency, including drawings or charts.Information that is repeated or spelled out. (University of Texas at Austin)5. Review and edit your notes.“Ideas won’t keep; something must be done about them.” – Alfred North Whitehead (1861 – 1947), English mathematician and philosopherAcademic skills centers and other authorities on effective study skills consider reviewing and editing class notes to be the most important part of notetaking and essential to increasing learning capacity.It is extremely important to review your notes within 24 hours.Edit for words and phrases that are illegible or don’t make sense. Write out abbreviated words that might be unclear later.Edit with a different colored pen to distinguish between what you wrote in class and what you filled in later.Fill in key words and questions in the left-hand column.Note anything you don’t understand by underlining or highlighting to remind you to ask the instructor.Compare your notes with the textbook reading and fill in important details in the blank spaces you left.Consider rewriting or typing up your notes. (Ellis).Time is precious, particularly when it comes to running a small business. Yet there are never more than 24 hours in a day. Some entrepreneurs respond to this fact of life with focus and purpose. Others freak out.Are you in the latter group? You don’t have to be. With the right approach, you can work efficiently, productively, and relatively stress-free.1. Know your goals.Make sure you’re engaging in activities that support your business goals, both short- and long-term. Everything else is a potential time-waster. Your daily plan should revolve around working on tasks and activities that directly relate to generating income and growing your business.2. Prioritize wisely.Stephen Covey, co-author of First Things First, offers an organizational tool for your to-do list based on how important and urgent tasks are.Looking at what goes into making up your day, where do your activities fit into these categories?Important and urgent — Tasks that must be done. Do them right away.Important but not urgent — Tasks that appear important, but upon closer examination aren’t. Decide when to do them.Urgent but not important — Tasks that make the most “noise,” but when accomplished, have little or no lasting value. Delegate these if possible.Not urgent and not important— Low-priority stuff that offer the illusion of “being busy.” Do them later.Write down your three or four “important and urgent” tasks that must be addressed today. As you complete each one, check it off your list. This will provide you with a sense of accomplishment and can motivate you to tackle less essential items.3. Just say no.You’re the boss. If you have to decline a request in order to attend to what’s truly important and urgent, do not hesitate to do so. The same goes for any projects or activities that you’ve determined are headed nowhere: Be prepared to move on to more productive tasks. Learn from the experience to avoid wasting time later on.4. Plan ahead.One of the worst things you can do is jump into the workday with no clear idea about what needs to get done. The time you spend thinking ahead and planning your activities is trivial compared with the time you’ll lose jumping from one thing to the next (and rarely completing anything). Depending on your personality, try one of these options:The night before — At the end of the day, take 15 minutes to clear your desk and put together a list of the next day’s most pressing tasks. It’s a great decompression technique, and you’ll feel better sitting down at a clean desk in the morning.First thing in the morning — Arrive a few minutes early and assemble your prioritized to-do list (see #2). This may prove to be the most productive part of your day.5. Eliminate distractions.Start paying attention to the number of times someone interrupts you when you’re in the midst of an important task. Track self-induced interruptions, too, particularly those of the social media variety. Your smartphone is extremely useful, but it’s also addictive and among the most insidious time-wasters known to http://mankind.It may take a massive exercise in will power, but shut the door and turn off your phone to maximize your time. Instead of being “always on,” plan a break in the day to catch up on email, call people back, talk with staff, etc.6. Delegate more often.If you’ve done a good job of hiring talented, dedicated employees, there’s always more work they can take off your desk. Running a successful small business depends upon the owner’s ability to think about what lies ahead and not get mired in day-to-day operations. Look for opportunities to pass responsibility for specific tasks toothers on your team.7. Take care of yourself.Be sure to get plenty of sleep and exercise. An alert mind is a high-functioning mind and one that’s less tolerant of time-wasting activities.Studying doesn't have to be hard. In fact, there are plenty of simple methods that exist which simplify the entire process.It’s true: not all methods work for every person, but, with a little bit of trial-and-error, you can find the methods that work for you and stick with them like your life depends on it. Or, at least, like your grades do.While nothing replaces good old fashioned hard work, every little bit helps when it comes to increasing your efficiency in college (because we know it can be overwhelming at times).The following study hacks make student life simpler by helping to increase productivity levels, boost focus, help concentration and eliminate distractions.Chew gum.The act of chewing gum is actually a brain booster. And, since there aren’t severe side effects (like there can be with caffeine) chomping on your favorite flavor is a great study aid.Why? Scientists aren’t exactly certainwhy chewing gum helps you focus, but they think it’s based on the act of chewing waking us up and keeping us focused.The only down side is that it doesn’t last. It will help, but for shorter periods of time, so save this hack for the harder parts of your material.Control your focus.Sometimes, you’re your own worst enemy. You can literally block yourself from getting distracted by websites, email or anything else computer-related with the apps like,SelfControl(for Mac), Cold Turkey(for PC). There are also similar options for Android users.Download study apps.You’re probably aware that there are more student apps than you could ever need or want – choose one or two that suit your study needs and utilize them.If you feel they aren’t working for you, try out a different type.Eat.Yep, you read that correctly – we made a list that included one of the basic human needs on it. Because we know that some students need to be reminded to eat. Eat healthy, nutritious (and, hopefully, delicious) meals. This is kind of a given seeing as your brain needs food to function.Search online.Search outside study resources via the web. Google your subject – there are often great resources from other colleges that may have practice quizzes, for example. If you enter “site:edu [your subject] exam” into Google, you will be able to access exams at different colleges with questions pertaining to your subject for study practice.Or, YouTube may have someone explaining topics you’re studying in layman’s terms. There are endless channels offering free tutorials, likeCrashCourse, Khan Academy,Brightstorm, Bozeman Science – just to name a few.A quick search will likely lead you to a wealth of resources!Jazz up your notes.Add visual prompts and colors to your notes to help you recall important details, both of which can aid in your memory recall.This idea stems from mind mapping concepts, which are basically thought diagrams, said to be much more effective in terms of learning than text-based notes.There are even mind mapping programs for those interested (but creativity, pens and paper, work just fine, too!Memory aids.Try using different memory aids like notecards, etc. These aids come in handy for memorization techniques. You may find it helpful to repetitively quiz yourself on the key aspects, facts or data you’re trying to memorize.Mnemonic Devices.Circa grade and middle school, you’ll likely recall learning the order of operations through mnemonic devices, (Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally), the planets (My Very Earnest Mother Just Served Us Nine Pickles), the great lakes (HOMES) and so on.If you didn’t learn those exact variations, it was probably something similar.The point is, there’s nothing stopping you from creating your own to help you remember the material for your advanced chemistry test.You can easily remember key concepts, sequences and whatever else you need to learn by creating your very own relatable story. Come up with something you know you can remember and stick with it. It will actually help!Organize your materials, categorizing them by subject or chapter.This will help you sort the material by subject matter, visualizing which aspects go together.Believe it or not, it actually helps you understand the scope of the topics you’re learning and categorizing them allows you to see how everything fits together as a whole.Rewrite your notes by hand.Go old school and rewrite your notes by hand. Studies show that when you take the time to rewrite them by hand, you actually learn more effectively than when using your computer, tablet or laptop.Listen to music.Choosing the right type of music to listen to while studying can enhance your productivity, motivation and focus levels.Certain genres of music are actually recommended for studying – known as “music for the mind.” Study musicshould enhance concentration, focus and allow you to work for longer periods. It should never be counterproductive or distracting – no matter what genre you decide on.Make a cheat sheet you’ll never use.Though you’ll obviously never use a cheat sheet during an actual exam or quiz, it can help to create one because in order to do so, you’ll need to sift through all of your notes and materials to find the key items and rewrite them on your sheet.Doing so helps you recognize what you need to learn, and rewriting what you need to learn helps you remember it.Sleep.Again, it’s a basic human need that, unfortunately, needs to be stated. Get plenty of rest while studying (and before the test or quiz). Your body needs to sleep to think properly.A good night’s rest is one of the most basic ways you can improve your score because it will help improve your ability to think logically. Sleep affects your cognitive function, thus, your test-taking abilities. Enough said!Study early.Start studying early, instead of your usual cramming session. Nobody ever sets out to cram because it’s a great idea – they do it because of poor planning.Plan out your study routine ahead of time so that you’re not trapped into a cram session, having to lose sleep (and, likely, not eating properly) as a result.Poor planning tends to cause the domino effect – other bad habits start to follow suit because of time constraints, convenience, necessity, etc. Now that you’re aware this happens, avoid it like the plague.Switch settings.Vary your study settings – literally.Studiesshow having a dedicated study area no longer works in your favor. Avoiding a standard space actually benefits you because the mind makes subconscious pairing between your atmosphere and the material.This means, if you constantly in the same space, you would perform best taking the exam in that space. If you change up your space, your mind will associate all of the spaces you are studying in and adapt more easily to your test-taking surroundings.Teach.Teach someone else the material you’re trying to learn. Teaching someone else is such an effective way for you to better understand the material, plus, you’ll earn karma points for helping out a classmate who needs a little extra help!Teaching is the best test (before the actual test) to know whether or not you know the concepts.Why do you learn through teaching? If you’re teaching someone the material and you find you cannot answer basic questions about it, then you know you need to go back to square one. It’s a simple way to discover if you have a basic grasp of the concepts.Turn on the lights.Light helps your brain focus, affects visual clarity, psychological factors and the wrong types of lighting can contribute to off task behavior.The best type of lighting for maximum productivity (which you obviously want for studying) is soft and natural, though still as bright as possible so you can see clearly.If your lighting is too dim, it will affect focus and visual clarity. Lighting that is too bright (like fluorescent lighting, for example) can contribute to getting off Apache2 Ubuntu Default Page: It works took me a huge chunk of time to write this answer. Hope you find it useful and as always Thanks for reading.Happy Learning.1.9k Views · View Upvoters · View Sharers · Answer requested by Ravi BharathUpvote· 2122Share Comment...RecommendedAllSponsored by PlanAll Looking for help in planning & organizing your application?Use our application planner & never miss an important step in your application nor a crucial deadline.Learn MoreShehan Sachithra, Founder at (2018-present)Answered Mar 22, 2018Continue ReadingDo you know Research shows that we forget 50% of what we hear in a lecture within an hour and more than 70% within next two days?After learning this fact I investigated are there any methods that I can gain 100% use of the time i spend at the lectures.Also, I researched about any scientifically proven method to study the information I collect at the lectures.After extensive efforts and years of testing, I found a perfectly working system for studying for me!Whenever before going to a lecture, when I have a free time I did some pre-reading about the topic to follow.(I must say most of the time, being an earthly creature )This pre-reading of previous lectures helped me to get in touch with the topic I am about to learn, so I could absorb most of the new facts I learn.I knew what I need to know in order to understand the ongoing http://topic.Do you know about about the Cornell note taking system for students? Just in case if you don’t know read The most popular note taking system for achieving good gradesOf course, I used Cornell note taking system to extract knowledge from the lecture it helped me to build up a note containing the most important factsfrom the lecture, in your word, something like a short note.A short note in no time!Now, let's focus how i studied after the lectures. The time management system I used was" 30 minute time management system".The "30 minute time management system" was really the game changer!Every time I start studying I selected 2 subjects I have to study and in every 30 minutes, I switched between the topics.This 30 minute time period is called a zone.And every day when I start, made up a target number of zones that I should cover for the day.For an example, if I covered 26 zones I have studied 13 hours that day.My personal best was 30 zones a day!(Not to mention I wasted next day celebrating the fact of studying 15 hours a previous day!)The best thing about the system was whenever I finished a zone and felt that I'm not really in a mood to move to the next zone, I took a little interval. And whenever I felt like not studying, I just had to wait the 30 minutes to end.I had the feeling that I am in control of everything which is truly amazing!Studying was just like a game for me.This system made me enjoy it, in every 30 minutes I was determined to make the most out of it!Another fact was while studying I tried to make an environment distraction free . It helped me to stay focused on studying and to give my 100%.If you want to know how to make your study environment distraction free.I recommend 6 Amazing Study Tips That Will Boost Your Study Environment304 Views · View UpvotersUpvote· 23Share Comment...RecommendedAllSponsored by ICICI Prudential Term Insurance Secure your family's future with our affordable term insurance.Value for money term plan with 34 critical illness cover. Get 1 crore life cover at Rs. 490* pm.Get QuoteParth Sharma, Cleared JEEAnswered Mar 17, 2016Continue ReadingHere's an answer I wrote on a similar topic a while back.There are a few techniques that I'd like to share which I came upon by Coaching,Reading,Experimenting and Improvising during my JEE(2014) preparation. :-tl:dr Don't rely on traditional "gyaan" and don't try to "fight" your exams like a "warrior".MotivationAvoid the rat raceAlways study your subjects for the sake of themselves.Don't get into the habit of studying just for the exams. Studying just for the exams or "rat race" is dangerous in two ways:Makes studies "work"Study just for the exams and you'll find that it becomes "work" and sort of "burden" or "something to just get over with". This lowers your motivation to study further and in the long run you'll find yourself studying less and lesser.While, if you approach it in a way so that it becomes interesting and exciting, it becomes "play" and not "work".It becomes an end in itself and enjoyable.This change in attitude takes time and effort but it's worth it.Anxiety , and depression and "analysis paralysis"I don't really know if you're a kind of neurotic (like me) but if you are, failure to achieve your goals(which are marks and ranks!) can cause you dysphoria which in turn hampers cognitive abilities, which lead lead to a downward spiral.Therefore, also avoid linking your marks and ranks with your sense of self-worth.Set a GoalDecide and fix a goal for your studies and you don't need to write it down or anything , just be aware of a vague performance in so and so test.If you feel like it you can write it down too.Always choose a goal which is rational and achievable but at the same time not easy.Something which just tinkers on your limits.Avoid fantasiesI am assuming that you've told somewhere or the other to "want something very strongly" or visualize yourself achieving the goal. and so on .Don't . Do .That.Research shows that fantasising romantically about positive outcomes can actuallylower your performance. Basically, your mind kind of believes that it's already achieved so you don't work much to achieve your goal, and hence fail to achieve it.Instead, visualise a negative outcome , immediately after the positive one. Try to think about all those which could block or hamper your success .Now, Compare and Contrastthe two .Think of how you'll tackle those possible obstacles and make plans about them.Study techniquesMake connections in conceptsTry to see how each concept relates with what you already know, and build on that.Try to see how one concept relates to the others in topics .Drawing Mind maps is a great and fun way to do that .More connections=better memory.Revise. Revise.Revise.Revision is extremely important to retain information especially in subjects which require mugging. You can follow a revision cycle of revising a topic periodically , You can set your revision schedule like this :ASAP revisionRevision after 24 hours.1 week4 weeks3 months5 months and so on.Draw to mug pointsIn some subjects , you just have to mug long answers up. Do the following to make it easier :-Break the answer into points. (if it's in the form of a paragraph )Draw images corresponding to each pointAnything that will remind you of the point will do, it doesn't have to be precise or neat.Memorise those images.It would be a hell lot easier than memorising the text.Acronyms for each pointDuh!P.S. I'll add more study techniques shortly. It would be more helpful if you provided more details regarding your field of study and your exams.SourcesPsychology studies relevant to everyday life from PsyBlogYour Brain at Work: Strategies for Overcoming Distraction, Regaining Focus, and Working Smarter All Day Long: David Rock: 9780061771293: Books4.2k Views · View Upvoters · View SharersUpvote· 6465Share Comment...RecommendedAllSteve Kinzey, Ret Professor | Autism Dad | Web Mktg | Coach | SpeakerAnswered Dec 23, 2017Continue ReadingYou must first believe that you can and will understand the material presented. An easy example of this would be to ask yourself do you know the words to your favorite song, the melody, etc.? If you are not into music perhaps your favorite movie. Are you familiar with the actors, their lines, the plot, etc.? If still no, how about your favorite game? Do you know all the cheat codes etc.?Most certainly the answer to at least one of the above is yes. Hence, you know all of the information and would likely score very well on an exam on the subject if only that was a course taught in a typical High School, right?Ok so now you know that you can memorize and understand a tremendous amount of information based on what interests you. Now you must take the next step and realize that all the must presented to you in High School must interest you at a minimal level and your only job as a student is to earn the very best grades possible. Furthermore, lectures by the teachers, the textbooks (very important) and any extra material the teachers provide you with contain all of the information.The issue becomes how to organize the information so that you can understand it, recall it (memorize it), and then correctly apply it when the situation is appropriate (on a test for instance).I will be publishing this in more detail on my site HeroStyle shortly. I hope to have it up on the site before January 8, simplify:Attend all classesSit in the front of the class, if your teacher has some predetermined seating chart, meet with them after the class is over and ask if you can be moved to within the first or second row. It has been shown over and over that those that sit closer to the teacher while the teacher is teaching do better in classes.Make sure you have a clean notebook for each class when the term or school year begins and without fail to make sure you take notes.Every night make sure your rewrite your notes into a backup notebook. So YES you will have two notebooks for each class. One notebook for school (notebook 1), and the other for your studying (notebook 2).Before class and after class you must read the textbook. The night before you will read the chapter and create an outline for the chapter in Notebook 2 (you might prefer to do this using MS Word rather than pencil and paper; which would mean your Notebook 2 will be an MS Word Document). If you choose MS Word, format the document as an OUTLINE, not as a regular word document (more on this will be on the http://website.So the first evening, I would recommend that you start immediately upon arriving home, would go something like this:The day before class you read chapter 1 and outline the information in chapter 1 in notebook 2.During class, you are lectured about chapter 1, and you take notes in notebook 1.That night you re-read chapter 1, and your rewrite your notes from notebook one into notebook two, incorporating the class notes into the chapter outline you created the night before.+You complete any homework for that class, and you do the same for the next class.I would do the classes in the order of perceived difficulty.Then the second evening and every night after that you will review all the subject material prior, rewrite the day's notes to incorporated them into the outline you created the night before, and then homework:Review all of the previous material chapter 1, as well as the previously turned in assignments (make a copy of all assignments, you can use your mobile device to scan them if necessary).Rewrite chapter 2 notes from notebook 1, incorporating them into chapter 2 outline in notebook http://2.Do chapter 2 homework.Read and outline chapter 3.Move to next subject.Give yourself time to rest on Saturday but do the above five steps Sun - Fri.REMEMBER YOUR ONLY JOB IS TO LEARN THE MATERIAL TO THE BEST OF YOUR ABILITY.The above might seem to be quite a bit of work, and the answer is yes it is quite a bit of work, but you will need to do the work to catch up for all the material you have missed so far. Math will be the toughest because math builds on previous material. You might want to check on getting yourself a math tutor.Because you have been reviewing and staying prepared for the lectures pop quizzes should not even be a concern. When it comes time for tests, again you have been studying the whole time and should be very familiar with the material. So you should not have to spend many hours cramming but rather doing your normal routine and making sure you are completely up-to-date with the material.Get plenty of rest, strive for 8 hours each night.ONCE AGAIN: REMEMBER YOUR ONLY JOB IS TO LEARN THE MATERIAL TO THE BEST OF YOUR ABILITY.710 Views ·

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