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Are there any Western historian who deny that an Armenian genocide took place? Who are they?

All of them.. Including Armenia..Armenia denies the genocide and claims that they themselves did it against Anatolian people for the creation of “Greater Armenia”, and that they ignored peace because they thought they would winLEVON BOĞOS DABAĞYAN (ARMENIAN Author and Historian),– The genocide [against Armenians] didn’t happen. The real genocide against Armenians was carried out by the Byzantine Empire. That’s why we fought against the Crusaders Army with [Turkish Sultan] Alparslan army together in 1071.– Tolerance means accept somebody’s behavior even if you don’t agree. Ottoman didn’t just show us tolerance; in fact, Ottoman actually nurtured us.– The countries, who couldn’t provoke us; first, divided our religion into three, and then commenced the rebellion.Translated by TASFOProf Justin McCarthy - Over 5 Million Muslims Died Before World War 1Prof Justin McCarthy, Melbourne Symposium: "What Happened During 1915-1919?"Armenian Question by Prof Justin McCarthy LSEPart 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5Part 6Part 7Tsarist Russia played Armenia and backed them for the creation of Greater Armenia, they created revolutionary bands over a period of 20 years and then with 900,000 strong and armed committed the state sponsored Genocide, systematically exterminating and eradicating the Kurds and 600,000 Ottoman Armenians, and all the 2.4 million Turkic tribes in Anatolia.. The international community recognizes only the genocide of Ottoman Armenians, and is CAREFULLY worded to not say that Turks did it, or that Russian Backed Armenians did it.. Russian backed Armenians wanted to sacrifice their own Ottoman Armenians at all costs just to get Europe on their side and involved in the Genocide..THE ARMENIAN REVOLUTIONARY FEDERATION AND DASHNAKSArmenian Revolutionary Federation - WikipediaTurks succeeded in defending themselves against 1.5 Million Armenians in total, the Ottoman ones were relocated by the Germans and deported out of the cities Turks were trying to defend as both Russian and Ottoman Armenian “Both look the same”, were then left alone (true), and being left alone, they died from starvation due to Russian Armenians seeing them as Impure, Turk Hybrids, and Kurdish women who sought revenge on Armenians for rapes along the journey to new colonies like Syria and Iraq, Lebanon etc,USA is one of the countries that originally said that Turks committed genocide, then later because it is not right, such a claim was withdrawn after Turkey cut off all political ties with USA, resolutions were made and now USA just says “ A genocide of Armenians in Anatolia occurred” and no mentioning of “Who done it” Any other country who blamed the Turks and created laws based on the lies also did back flips, especially France, as their history states that they dressed Armenians in French uniforms while they killed, later regretting it and no longer supporting them because their actions were genocide.When the Turks won, Russia then invaded Armenia and added it to USSR, proving that they just wanted land in Anatolia, had the Armenians won, Russia was going to betray them and expand into Istanbul/Europe eventually..The Armenian genocide is the extermination and eradication of Anatolian people for the creation of “Greater Armenia”..Armenians from Armenia allied with the Russian Tsar, creating revolutionary bands over a period of 20 years, then invaded Anatolia and systematically exterminated and eradicated Ottoman Kurds and Ottoman Armenians sponsored by the Armenian nation, for the creation of Greater Armenia, Ottoman empire had only 600,000 Legal Ottoman Armenian citizens, and another 900,000 illegals who crossed into Ottoman lands to fight..Armenian Revolutionary Bands Formed (Page 5)The manifesto of hovhannes Katchaznouni (The manifesto of hovhannes Katchaznouni)the-manifesto-of-hovhannes-katchaznouni Armenia, A terrorist state forgery was withdrawn from court, it was very embarrassing for Armenia’s caseLog In or Sign Up to ViewTalaat pasha’s documents found to be forgedDid Talat Pasha Send Secret Telegrams Ordering Massacres?Did Talat Pasha Send Secret Telegrams Ordering Massacres?Foreign reporters newspaper articles used as evidence proving Armenian guilt1961) Innocent(!) Armenians Through Historical NewsPaper ArchivesScholar Vahakn Dadrian’s works no longer acceptable due to sex offenses Rape Charge3560) Dadrian File Declassified by CIAVahakn Dadrian's Sexual Harrasment Secrets & Vahakn Dadrian BUSTED: Halil Pasha580) Vahakn Dadrian's Sexual Harrasment Secrets & Vahakn Dadrian BUSTED: Halil PashaFact Check ArmeniaFact Check Armenia"From the point of view of international law, there is a Convention on the Prevention of Genocide, which Armenia and Russia signed, among other countries. The document says that it is only the court in The Hague that is entitled to recognize a crime as an act of genocide.Neither Armenia nor the Armenian diaspora abroad has never appealed to this court. Why? Because they understand that they are unable to prove this genocide in legal and historical terms. Moreover, all international courts - the European Court for Human Rights, the French Court of Justice and so on - dismissed appeals from the Armenian diaspora to hold genocide hearings in those courts. There have been three of such trials since October of 2015, and the Armenian side has lost all of them.''Also the statement to rebut the term Armenian genocide is a matter for public record, as the term is an opinion and has not been proven, therefore we can exercise our right for freedom of speech.Under ECHR. Perencik vs Switzerland.----''The Muslim casualties were negligible''.... and you accuse me of being a holocaust denier? You are deliberately rewriting history, you’re obviously blind to see how many Muslims perished by the hands of butchers, Here are some accounts for you to chew on.... "A. Lalayan, Revolutsionniy Vostok (Revolutionary East) No: 2-3, Moscow, 1936."I killed Muslims by every means possible. Yet it is sometimes a pity to waste bullets for this. The best way is to gather all of these dogs and throw them into wells and then fill the wells with big and heavy stones. as I did. I gathered all of the women. men and children, threw big stones down on top of them. They must never live on this earth."It is important however to underline that the Armenian communities are not the only ones to have been ground down by the plague of the war. In the spring of 1915, the tsarist army moved to the region of the lake of Van, dragging behind it battalions of volunteers composed of Caucasus and Turkish Armenians. (...) For each of the provinces which suffered from the Russian occupation and from the Armenian militias acts of vengeance, an important demographic deficit appears in the statistics of the post-war years — adding up to several hundred thousands of souls due largely to the massacres committed by the enemy.""Histoire de l'Empire Ottoman (History of the Ottoman Empire)", supervised by Robert Mantran, Editions Fayard, Paris, 1989, page 624"They (the Armenians) burned and destroyed many Turkish villages as punitive measures in their advance and practically all Turkish villages in their retreat..."General Hamelin in a letter to the High Commissioner, February 2, 1919, "Les Armees Francaises au Levant," vol. 1, p. 122.~"We will fight to the last man and in the end we will smash their plans over their heads" ~ The ATATURK ~"We will file a legal complaint against all of those people behind this conference,"“They don't let us inside... they don't give us a chance to put our case. They forget those of the Turkish nation killed by Armenians,”"Sovereignty and kingship are never decided by academic debate. They are seized by force. The Ottoman dynasty appropriated by force the government of the Turks, and reigned over them for six centuries. Now the Turkish nation has effectively gained possession of its sovereignty… This is an accomplished fact… If those assembled here … see the matter in its natural light, we shall all agree. Otherwise, facts will still prevail, but some heads may roll."~ Mustafa Kemal, THE ATATURK ~---------------------------The Rebellion of Armenians Against the Ottoman State..1st Episode: The Rebellion Of Armenians Against The Ottoman State Terr..|1st Episode: 1915 Terror and Rebellion2nd Episode: 1915 Relocation and Resettlement3rd Episode: The Diaspora, Diplomacy and Propaganda4th Episode: Asala, Fire and Blood5th Episode: False Documents and The Truth6th Episode: Diplomacy Without History7th Episode: The First Fire:: 1915 Atrocities Against The Muslim CommunityNotice: Age-restricted video (based on Community Guidelines)The photograph is another Armenian forgery. Because the women and children in the picture are indeed Turkish women and children slaughtered by Armenians in Subatan (in Ottoman Empire) on April 25, 1918. The Picture is being copied by Armenians in internet and is presented as a Picture of Armenian victims.The original photo is in Turkish Archives’ATASE Archive: Directory of Genelkurmay Military History and Strategic Studies Archive, The photograph collection of WWI, Album No: 4, photograph No: 123)In the following video in this blog, 2616) Video: Armenian Forgeries: Exploitation of Holocaust Photos to Promote False Genocide Claims, the six photos representing Armenian forgeries, including the aforementioned one, have been well presentedHere are other photograph forgeries of the Armenians, except those in the aforementioned video:1)The cover photograph of the book of Tessa Hoffmann: German Greek scholar Tessa Hoffmann who is a scholar of genocide of the Armenians, printed the painting of Russian artist Vasili Vereshchagin entitled ‘The Apotheosis of the Franco-Prussia War of 1871, depicting a mass of skulls which was probably painted after 1878, as if it were the photograph of 1915 Armenian genocide, in the cover of her book and had to admit her forgery during the trial of Dogu Perinçek held in Switzerland in March 2007, in which she was listened as a witness.Interestingly, Tessa Hoffman is a scholar of genocide. "The Genocide of truth", (Sükrü Server Aya)2429) Free E-Book : "Genocide Of Truth" by Sukru Server Aya, Based On Neutral or Anti-Turkish Sources2) Atatürk’s photograph: The large poster with ‘FACE OF DENIAL-DOES NOT LIE’ related to a conference given by Dr Vahram Shemmasian, Ardashes Kassakhian and Dr Levon Marashlian, at UCLA on April 14, 2005, organized by Armenian Genocide Commemoration Committee of Alpha Epsilon Omega, ( photo depicts the founder of the Turkish Republic, Ataturk, sitting on a chair outside a house with the corpse of a young girl with her innards exposed to the elements. Soon, the original of this photo was found by the Turks: It was a photograph of Ataturk for his wife Latife Hanim as a souvenir, posing with some ‘cute dog puppies’ at his feet. Two photos were printed in the July 1, 2005 issue of Hurriyet (Tarih böyle bir vahşet görmedi), as ‘a forgery scandal’.Then, what UCLA’s ethical committee did was to erase the handwritten note and doctor a photo of Armin Wengler in place of the puppies. "The Genocide of truth", (Sükrü Server Aya)2429) Free E-Book : "Genocide Of Truth" by Sukru Server Aya, Based On Neutral or Anti-Turkish Sources3) Photos of victims of Khojaly:Nobert Yevdayev, editor-in-chief of New York-based Russian language newspaper “Noviy Rubezh” (‘New Frontier’) and chairman Azerbaijani Friendly Association AZEM spoke in an interview with Новости и погода Азербайджана, Армении и Грузии said : ‘Photos of victims of Khojaly genocide allegedly to be victims of so-called “genocide” of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire were published in the newspaper ‘In a New light’. We contacted the editor, invited him to the Mission of Azerbaijan to the UN where he had to apologize for the correspondent who resorted to such provocation’. Today az, 4 September 2009.4) A photograph published in Donald Bloxham's The Great Game of Genocide (Oxford University Press published in 2005 and 2007) which shows a man in an unbuttoned jacket and tie standing in front of a circle of ragged children and one apparent adult with something in his hand, with the caption of: 'A Turkish official taunting starving Armenians with bread' was proven not to be a 'photograph' at all but a photographic soup, composed of bits and pieces taken from other photographs, Forging the past: OUP and the 'Armenian question', "heads" are often presented either as genocide victims or as Armenian notables. Steve Keohane of Bibleprobe provided the following caption: "Heads of Christians, traditionally treated like trophies by the Turks." (Yes, Mr. Keohane is surely an expert on the traditions of the Turks.)The AGA site gets to the bottom of the story behind this photo; we are given the names of these heads as well as the source. They are the members of Dashnaktsutiun and resided in a village in Iran. From its own page:"... If such partisans fell into the hands of the Ottoman authorities, they had to count on execution. The photo shows the heads of eight of nine Armenians from the village Mahlam in Salmast (Iran), who were executed on 26 October 1898 on instruction of the Ottoman government and to which the Dashnaktsutiun had belonged to a social-revolutionary Armenian party. It concerned Chatschatur Harutjunjan out of Moks (left above), Harutjun out of Ulnia (Sejtun), Stepan of Chisan, Harik of Schatach, Gabriel Muradjan, Nahapet Jeriasarjan ("Nacho" from Wosm), Harutjun Chatschatrjan out of Moks as well as Galust Galojan. Awetis Ohanjan, the ninth victim, is not to be seen in the picture."The source is none other than the official news organ of the Dashnaktsutiun, "The Droshak," Jan. 31, 1899, S. 5.As these Dashnaks were executed in October of 1898, Gokalp has made the excellent point that since the time window somewhat fits, "we can easily and rightfully assume that these are the ones who are responsible" of the events recorded below; it's very possible some of these desperadoes got nabbed in the following year:From The Liverpool Courier, August 10,1897:The Reported Armenian Aggression.Terrible Barbarities.Constantinople, Sunday.The following telegram was received to-day by the Porte from Veli? : — On August 6th several thousand Armenian agitators crossed the frontier from Persia and attacked the Mizriki tribe, killing about two hundred persons, among whom were women and children. They further put the wife of the chief of the tribe to the most cruel death, and cut off the noses of several others of their victims. It is officially declared that the necessary precautions have been taken by the Imperial authorities not only to capture these marauders, but also to provide against eventualities in the vilayet of Van. The Ottoman Government has also requested the Persian Government to arrest these criminal bands, who on being pursued by Turkish troops may attempt to recross the frontier. The Persian Government is also urged to take proper measures for preventing in future these incursions of Armenian revolutionaries into Turkish territory. — Reuter,From The Bristol Times And Mirror, September 9, 1897:THE RECENT ARMENIAN RAID.TEHERAN, TUESDAY.A prolonged inquiry has just been concluded by the Persian authorities regarding the Armenian raid on the Turco-Persian frontiers last month, which was followed by serious fighting between Armenians and Kurds, with heavy losses on both sides. The result of the inquiry shows that the bulk of the raiders were from Turkish territory, and that fewer than 300 came from Persia. Nine villages were sacked, and there were massacred over 300 Mussulmans and Christians, including women and children. Twenty-nine of the ringleaders have been arrested, and handed over to the authorities to be dealt with. — Reuter.Native American Indian deathbycheeseJan 12 2015Native American Indian massacres.American Native women hung on crosses. So many Natives died and suffered many cruel deaths, sometimes there would be fields full of Natives on crosses that you could not count them, almost as if they were the Forrest themselves.This was done for hundreds of years by the Spaniards as they practiced extensive use of torture, murder, and mutilation against the Natives.These cruelties were designed to be extraordinary cruel so that Natives would not think or look at them selves to be human. Many languages and tribes became extinct, almost wiping out the Native nation leaving very few behind to die from other causes such as disease and starvation.Source:Native American Indian massacres.Near East Relief ReportArmy Commander's July 1915 Order to Protect Armenians"...[T]hese records were at the time compiled for strictly internal use, i.e. for in-house consideration, and were not intended for public consumption, [so that] one may be reasonably safe in declaring the evidence obtained thusly as incontestable."Vahakn Dadrian, “The signal facts surrounding the Armenian genocide and the Turkish denial syndrome," The Journal of Genocide Research (2003, June, pp. 269-279; regarding German internal reports.)Let's take a look at one Ottoman army report, prepared internally, and must "thusly" be regarded as "incontestable":Coded Message received by the Acting Supreme Command from Erzurum" Orders and instructions were issued not to give way to insults or humiliation of Armenians being transferred to inner regions and for strict protection of their properties and goods. The same orders are reiterated 17/18 July 1331 (30/31 July 1915)Third Army CommanderMahmut Kamil "These Ottomans should have been totally out of their minds !!! They send people on death marches (as Armenian propagandists claim) but worry about their insults, humiliation and protection of properties! Which one are we to trust: the written authentic document or the presumed scenario?It turns out, as proven by the authentic Ottoman archival documents, Armenians were not “sent to death marches” after all, but instead safely moved/relocated to their relocation destinations under the PROTECTIVE DETAIL of Ottoman military units.They were safely moved to Syria and Lebanon, out of the war zone, in many cases utilizing cars, caravans, trains, horse & buggy and whatever other safe transportation means there was.And surely, those relocated folks did not “evaporate in the desert” like the Armenian propagandists claim.So, where is the genocide here? Better yet, where is the “genocidal intent” even?Shared By: E. Serbest (credit to Sukru Aya)Source: 1583) Army Commander's July 1915 Order to Protect Armenians-----------HOW A SINGLE PIECE OF EVIDENCE SHREDS VOLUMES OF ARMENIAN PROPAGANDA LIES!MYTH: Armenian propagandists argue that Turks forced Armenians to “death marches” in 1915 into deserts of Syria and left them to die down there. These same self-proclaimed “righteous liars” do “estimate” that “up to 1.5 million Armenians died” during this ordeal.MYTH BUSTED: The following report by Near East Relief Organization is dated 22.04.1922 but gives the status of 1921 year-end, signed by James Barton, approved with thanks by Armenian Patriarchs Bezdjian (Protestant) and Sayegiiyan (Catholic) shreds the above myth into pieces while confirming the following:P.4: It states that 300.000 Armenians returned to Cilicia after British-French occupation, but that they evacuated the region in 1921 after F. Bouillon’s Treaty with Kemalist Turks. It says that 200.000 to 300.000 Armenians were alive in Syria region -in need of help-. (Other sources said 150.000 only!)P.5: The number of living people in Russian Armenia is 1 million and 500.000 of these need help of the Relief Organization. (This 1 million matches with Katchaznuni and Lalaian statements for 1918, before war - 200.000 who died of starvation until end of 1921 there.It states that at the time 1.000.000 are alive in Caucasus Armenia,- 500.000 in need of help!Page 8: It gives account of 64.000 alive in 124 orphanages + 50.000 in the areas = 114.000 living.P.9: Relief activities continued in full during Kemalist rule in all areas, the following figures were given for some of the orphanages: Ankara 350, Kayseri 3190, Harput 5176, Konya 813, Sivas 1368, Maras 468 etc etc.. (USA was at an undeclared war with the Turks… for sure)It states that 500.000 persons have migrated from Anatolia to Caucasus region. (Other sources had indicated this figure as 400.000). It lists various orphanages in occupied - unoccupied cities of the Ottoman Empire and Kemalists, showing that Turks never hindered their activities!Throughout the report, there is not a word of Turkish atrocities or refusal of cooperation or attacks on relief goods protected by famished soldiers or Turks, and that only Christians received subject Relief!- Generally there’s NO mention of “massacre-genocide or even LACK OF HELP” of Turks!P. 4: As of end of 1921, 200.000 to 300.000 refugees are alive in Syria and around- in need of housing (since they are alive).- The report shows that some $ 51 million was spent on various Relief Works.The Relief Organization was approved by the President on Aug.6,1918 and the report gives the status and audits up to Dec. 31st, 1921.This new “obelisk-like document” sheds more light on the contents of following chapters of Sukru S. Aya’s book “Genocide of Truth”:Ch. 2: “Ottoman Treat of Millets” - It confirms that CUP or Kemalist Turks helped-protected Relief !Ch. 5: “Marvelous Missionaries” - It confirms that Turks never hindered Missionaries and Relief!Ch. 7: “Distorting Realism” - It shows that HS 106 (Ch. 24) is an official distortion of above!Ch.14: “Relocations-Arrivals” - It confirms that the figures of HS 106 and others are wrong!Ch.15: “Population Controversy” - It proves that figures of Art. 1 of HS 106 and alike are all tall lies!Ch.16: “Propaganda Fabrication - It shows that HS 106 is a propaganda fabrication of high degree!Ch.17: “Proven Forgery to distort History”- Self-explanatory involving the supporters of HS 106! Ch.18: “Charity & Relief Organizations” - It gives detailed a/c $ 52 million Relief to Christians only!Ch.19: “Famine & Epidemics” - It implies deaths were caused by epidemics, famine & treks!Ch 24: “The Success of Armenian Lobbies” - It proves that HS 106 Committee was misguided,Conclusion: According to this report, the Armenian deaths are unbelievably low if we are to add 1 million alive in 1921 (say 800.000 in Armenia after loss of 200.000 by starvation plus 200.000 or 300.000 in Syria district) we have a figure of 1.1 million alive and by adding those who went to other countries, Greek Islands etc. we arrive to about 1.3 million alive in 1921. If we are to depend on this report which is an official U.S. document, the deaths due to several reasons are much to less and only around 300.000 (or 20% versus 40% estimated by McCarthy for Turks and Armenians in the area).Shared By: E. Serbest(Credit: Sukru S Aya)2335) Free E-Book: Near East Relief Report 31Dec1921Were there any Turkish massacres by Greeks during the Greek occupation in Anatolia (during 1919-1922)?(by Ela Nur, lives in Turkey)Greek writer-journalist Tasos Kostopoulos, in his book “War and Ethnic Cleaning of 1912-1922′’, revealed the murders made by Greek soldiers in Anatolia. The writer said about the book: ‘’But I have to say this. I wrote this book with a focus only on the violence of the Greek army and the mistakes of politicians. I tried to show that it was no different from the violence that we were facing. That is, whether it be Turkish, Bulgarian or Serbian. I wanted to remind you that official history should be impartial. I believe that sooner or later nations should accept their own mistakes, the murders they commit. People who will read my book in Turkey, if they will only say"Here the Greek barbarism" or If it's going to evoke feelings of hatred towards Greece, it's better not to ever publish. As a researcher, my aim is to spread the fact that each Balkan country faces its own history, mistakes, murders. I believe that as these self-criticisms spread, the feelings of hatred among nations will diminish and the trumps of the extreme nationalists will disappear one by one. "[1]….‘’Greek soldiers and some armed local Christians attempted violence, murder, rape and looting for two days, citing several shots fired at the port of Izmir during the arrival of the Greek soldiers. 200 people were killed. 2500 people, including all the students and teachers of a class of a school, were arrested and tortured. The Greek soldiers attacked all the Muslim villages, as if a circle had been drawn up to a few kilometers beyond Izmir. The Allied research team blamed the Greek army for all the bloodshed in Izmir.’’‘’(Greek doctor tells) In the village near Uşak, Turkish women, children and elderly people were closed to the mosque. Some of our soldiers noticed the situation. Instead of breaking the door of the mosque and raping the women, as all the dirty men would do, they burned the grass they collected and threw it through the window of the mosque. People ran out of the smoke, and then our rascals started shooting at women and children as if they were shooting drills ...’’‘’(Kopruhisar, 1920: Greek officer Dimitriu tells) I entered the house, I passed over the body of a dead old Turkish man. Noises coming from inside. About 10 Greek soldiers lifted the skirt of a Turkish girl, was forced to dance. They said to me, "Come and taste the appetizer." I said ‘Shame’’ in Turkish. The Turkish girl rushed to my feet and said, "Save me." I begged the soldiers, I said don't do it. Somebody pulled out his bayonet and headed towards me. I had to escape. I couldn't forget the woman's screams. In the morning, about a thousand houses in Köprühisar were in flames.’’(A Greek soldier tells): Prince Andreas ordered us to burn everything.(August 30, 1921: A photographer from the Greek army tells): We burn everything we leave. It was a terrifying sight.(July 9, 1921: Greek officer tells): We entered Arıveren village. The girls were raped in front of their parents. The soldiers slept on the silk quilts they had ransacked that night.(Major Panagakos recounts): In Uşak, the Turks hid their families in cemeteries at night. I saved a young girl whom two Greek soldiers tried to rape. Her mother started running and kissing my hands. Shortly ahead, her other two daughters lay lifeless on the floor.[2]Footnotes[1] STELYO BERBERAKİS - Yunanlılar, kendi tarihiyle yüzleşiyorSTELYO BERBERAKİS - Yunanlılar, kendi tarihiyle yüzleşiyor[2] Türklere Nasıl Mezalim YaptıkTürklere Nasıl Mezalim YaptıkThe four Armenian members of the Turkish-Armenian Reconciliation Commission (TARC) announced their withdrawal from that body.TURKISH-ARMENIAN RECONCILIATION COMMISSION GOES OUT OF EXISTENCE. - JamestownDear Friends,As a Scholar who studied the 1985 Special Rapporteur Whitaker Report with a fine tooth and comb, I can say the following:1. The UN Subcommission did not accept the report, but decided to “receive” it due to the reference to the Armenian case as genocide in a footnote.2. Since 1985, the UN Spokesperson has three times declared that the UN does not accept the Armenian case as genocide.3. Of the seven independent organizations who provided their expert opinions, three were later to be found to be fronts for Armenian groups that support the Dashnaks.4. The Special Rapporteur (Whitaker) who snuck in the footnote later admitted that he had been retained by the Armenian lobby, but that he did not receive any money for his report. However, he later did work for the Armenian lobby for money.Attached to this statement of mine, above are some of the documents I use to inform the public that the UN does not accept the Armenian case as genocide.Kind regards,Emre Serbest1.

Why did the Armenian Genocide occur? What were the implications of this genocide? Why is Turkey denying the genocide that is being debated today?

LEVON BOĞOS DABAĞYAN (ARMENIAN Author and Historian),– The genocide [against Armenians] didn’t happen. The real genocide against Armenians was carried out by the Byzantine Empire. That’s why we fought against the Crusaders Army with [Turkish Sultan] Alparslan army together in 1071.– Tolerance means accept somebody’s behavior even if you don’t agree. Ottoman didn’t just show us tolerance; in fact, Ottoman actually nurtured us.– The countries, who couldn’t provoke us; first, divided our religion into three, and then commenced the rebellion.Translated by TASFOThe photograph is another Armenian forgery. Because the women and children in the picture are indeed Turkish women and children slaughtered by Armenians in Subatan (in Ottoman Empire) on April 25, 1918. The Picture is being copied by Armenians in internet and is presented as a Picture of Armenian victims.The original photo is in Turkish Archives’ATASE Archive: Directory of Genelkurmay Military History and Strategic Studies Archive, The photograph collection of WWI, Album No: 4, photograph No: 123)In the following video in this blog, 2616) Video: Armenian Forgeries: Exploitation of Holocaust Photos to Promote False Genocide Claims, the six photos representing Armenian forgeries, including the aforementioned one, have been well presentedHere are other photograph forgeries of the Armenians, except those in the aforementioned video:1)The cover photograph of the book of Tessa Hoffmann: German Greek scholar Tessa Hoffmann who is a scholar of genocide of the Armenians, printed the painting of Russian artist Vasili Vereshchagin entitled ‘The Apotheosis of the Franco-Prussia War of 1871, depicting a mass of skulls which was probably painted after 1878, as if it were the photograph of 1915 Armenian genocide, in the cover of her book and had to admit her forgery during the trial of Dogu Perinçek held in Switzerland in March 2007, in which she was listened as a witness.Interestingly, Tessa Hoffman is a scholar of genocide. "The Genocide of truth", (Sükrü Server Aya)2429) Free E-Book : "Genocide Of Truth" by Sukru Server Aya, Based On Neutral or Anti-Turkish Sources2) Atatürk’s photograph: The large poster with ‘FACE OF DENIAL-DOES NOT LIE’ related to a conference given by Dr Vahram Shemmasian, Ardashes Kassakhian and Dr Levon Marashlian, at UCLA on April 14, 2005, organized by Armenian Genocide Commemoration Committee of Alpha Epsilon Omega, ( photo depicts the founder of the Turkish Republic, Ataturk, sitting on a chair outside a house with the corpse of a young girl with her innards exposed to the elements. Soon, the original of this photo was found by the Turks: It was a photograph of Ataturk for his wife Latife Hanim as a souvenir, posing with some ‘cute dog puppies’ at his feet. Two photos were printed in the July 1, 2005 issue of Hurriyet (Tarih böyle bir vahşet görmedi), as ‘a forgery scandal’.Then, what UCLA’s ethical committee did was to erase the handwritten note and doctor a photo of Armin Wengler in place of the puppies. "The Genocide of truth", (Sükrü Server Aya)2429) Free E-Book : "Genocide Of Truth" by Sukru Server Aya, Based On Neutral or Anti-Turkish Sources3) Photos of victims of Khojaly:Nobert Yevdayev, editor-in-chief of New York-based Russian language newspaper “Noviy Rubezh” (‘New Frontier’) and chairman Azerbaijani Friendly Association AZEM spoke in an interview with Новости и погода Азербайджана, Армении и Грузии said : ‘Photos of victims of Khojaly genocide allegedly to be victims of so-called “genocide” of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire were published in the newspaper ‘In a New light’. We contacted the editor, invited him to the Mission of Azerbaijan to the UN where he had to apologize for the correspondent who resorted to such provocation’. Today az, 4 September 2009.4) A photograph published in Donald Bloxham's The Great Game of Genocide (Oxford University Press published in 2005 and 2007) which shows a man in an unbuttoned jacket and tie standing in front of a circle of ragged children and one apparent adult with something in his hand, with the caption of: 'A Turkish official taunting starving Armenians with bread' was proven not to be a 'photograph' at all but a photographic soup, composed of bits and pieces taken from other photographs, Forging the past: OUP and the 'Armenian question', "heads" are often presented either as genocide victims or as Armenian notables. Steve Keohane of Bibleprobe provided the following caption: "Heads of Christians, traditionally treated like trophies by the Turks." (Yes, Mr. Keohane is surely an expert on the traditions of the Turks.)The AGA site gets to the bottom of the story behind this photo; we are given the names of these heads as well as the source. They are the members of Dashnaktsutiun and resided in a village in Iran. From its own page:"... If such partisans fell into the hands of the Ottoman authorities, they had to count on execution. The photo shows the heads of eight of nine Armenians from the village Mahlam in Salmast (Iran), who were executed on 26 October 1898 on instruction of the Ottoman government and to which the Dashnaktsutiun had belonged to a social-revolutionary Armenian party. It concerned Chatschatur Harutjunjan out of Moks (left above), Harutjun out of Ulnia (Sejtun), Stepan of Chisan, Harik of Schatach, Gabriel Muradjan, Nahapet Jeriasarjan ("Nacho" from Wosm), Harutjun Chatschatrjan out of Moks as well as Galust Galojan. Awetis Ohanjan, the ninth victim, is not to be seen in the picture."The source is none other than the official news organ of the Dashnaktsutiun, "The Droshak," Jan. 31, 1899, S. 5.As these Dashnaks were executed in October of 1898, Gokalp has made the excellent point that since the time window somewhat fits, "we can easily and rightfully assume that these are the ones who are responsible" of the events recorded below; it's very possible some of these desperadoes got nabbed in the following year:From The Liverpool Courier, August 10,1897:The Reported Armenian Aggression.Terrible Barbarities.Constantinople, Sunday.The following telegram was received to-day by the Porte from Veli? : — On August 6th several thousand Armenian agitators crossed the frontier from Persia and attacked the Mizriki tribe, killing about two hundred persons, among whom were women and children. They further put the wife of the chief of the tribe to the most cruel death, and cut off the noses of several others of their victims. It is officially declared that the necessary precautions have been taken by the Imperial authorities not only to capture these marauders, but also to provide against eventualities in the vilayet of Van. The Ottoman Government has also requested the Persian Government to arrest these criminal bands, who on being pursued by Turkish troops may attempt to recross the frontier. The Persian Government is also urged to take proper measures for preventing in future these incursions of Armenian revolutionaries into Turkish territory. — Reuter,From The Bristol Times And Mirror, September 9, 1897:THE RECENT ARMENIAN RAID.TEHERAN, TUESDAY.A prolonged inquiry has just been concluded by the Persian authorities regarding the Armenian raid on the Turco-Persian frontiers last month, which was followed by serious fighting between Armenians and Kurds, with heavy losses on both sides. The result of the inquiry shows that the bulk of the raiders were from Turkish territory, and that fewer than 300 came from Persia. Nine villages were sacked, and there were massacred over 300 Mussulmans and Christians, including women and children. Twenty-nine of the ringleaders have been arrested, and handed over to the authorities to be dealt with. — Reuter.Native American Indian deathbycheeseJan 12 2015Native American Indian massacres.American Native women hung on crosses. So many Natives died and suffered many cruel deaths, sometimes there would be fields full of Natives on crosses that you could not count them, almost as if they were the Forrest themselves.This was done for hundreds of years by the Spaniards as they practiced extensive use of torture, murder, and mutilation against the Natives.These cruelties were designed to be extraordinary cruel so that Natives would not think or look at them selves to be human. Many languages and tribes became extinct, almost wiping out the Native nation leaving very few behind to die from other causes such as disease and starvation.Source:Native American Indian massacres.Both Russia/USSR played Armenia and backed them for the creation of Greater Armenia, they created revolutionary bands over a period of 20 years and then with 900,000 strong and armed committed the state sponsored Genocide, systematically exterminating and eradicating the Kurds and 600,000 Ottoman Armenians, and all the 2.4 million Turkic tribes in Anatolia.. The international community recognizes only the genocide of Ottoman Armenians, and is CAREFULLY worded to not say that Turks did it, or that Russian Backed Armenians did it.. Russian backed Armenians wanted to sacrifice their own Ottoman Armenians at all costs just to get Europe on their side and involved in the Genocide..THE ARMENIAN REVOLUTIONARY FEDERATION AND DASHNAKSArmenian Revolutionary Federation - WikipediaTurks succeeded in defending themselves against 1.5 Million Armenians in total, the Ottoman ones were relocated by the Germans and deported out of the cities Turks were trying to defend as both Russian and Ottoman Armenian “Both look the same”, were then left alone (true), and being left alone, they died from starvation due to Russian Armenians seeing them as Impure, Turk Hybrids, and Kurdish women who sought revenge on Armenians for rapes along the journey to new colonies like Syria and Iraq, Lebanon etc,USA is one of the countries that originally said that Turks committed genocide, then later because it is not right, such a claim was withdrawn after Turkey cut off all political ties with USA, resolutions were made and now USA just says “ A genocide of Armenians in Anatolia occurred” and no mentioning of “Who done it” Any other country who blamed the Turks and created laws based on the lies also did back flips, especially France, as their history states that they dressed Armenians in French uniforms while they killed, later regretting it and no longer supporting them because their actions were genocide.When the Turks won, Russia then invaded Armenia and added it to USSR, proving that they just wanted land in Anatolia, had the Armenians won, Russia was going to betray them and expand into Istanbul/Europe eventually..The Armenian genocide is the extermination and eradication of Anatolian people for the creation of “Greater Armenia”..Treaty of Sevres 1920Armenians from Armenia allied with the Russian Tsar, creating revolutionary bands over a period of 20 years, then invaded Anatolia and systematically exterminated and eradicated Ottoman Kurds and Ottoman Armenians sponsored by the Armenian nation, for the creation of Greater Armenia, Ottoman empire had only 600,000 Legal Ottoman Armenian citizens, and another 900,000 illegals who crossed into Ottoman lands to fight..Armenian Revolutionary Bands Formed (Page 5)The manifesto of hovhannes Katchaznouni (The manifesto of hovhannes Katchaznouni)the-manifesto-of-hovhannes-katchaznouni Armenia, A terrorist state forgery was withdrawn from court, it was very embarrassing for Armenia’s caseLog In or Sign Up to ViewTalaat pasha’s documents found to be forgedDid Talat Pasha Send Secret Telegrams Ordering Massacres?Did Talat Pasha Send Secret Telegrams Ordering Massacres?Foreign reporters newspaper articles used as evidence proving Armenian guilt1961) Innocent(!) Armenians Through Historical NewsPaper ArchivesScholar Vahakn Dadrian’s works no longer acceptable due to sex offenses Rape Charge3560) Dadrian File Declassified by CIAVahakn Dadrian's Sexual Harrasment Secrets & Vahakn Dadrian BUSTED: Halil Pasha580) Vahakn Dadrian's Sexual Harrasment Secrets & Vahakn Dadrian BUSTED: Halil PashaFact Check ArmeniaFact Check Armenia"From the point of view of international law, there is a Convention on the Prevention of Genocide, which Armenia and Russia signed, among other countries. The document says that it is only the court in The Hague that is entitled to recognize a crime as an act of genocide.Neither Armenia nor the Armenian diaspora abroad has never appealed to this court. Why? Because they understand that they are unable to prove this genocide in legal and historical terms. Moreover, all international courts - the European Court for Human Rights, the French Court of Justice and so on - dismissed appeals from the Armenian diaspora to hold genocide hearings in those courts. There have been three of such trials since October of 2015, and the Armenian side has lost all of them.''Also the statement to rebut the term Armenian genocide is a matter for public record, as the term is an opinion and has not been proven, therefore we can exercise our right for freedom of speech.Under ECHR. Perencik vs Switzerland.----''The Muslim casualties were negligible''.... and you accuse me of being a holocaust denier? You are deliberately rewriting history, you’re obviously blind to see how many Muslims perished by the hands of butchers, Here are some accounts for you to chew on.... "A. Lalayan, Revolutsionniy Vostok (Revolutionary East) No: 2-3, Moscow, 1936."I killed Muslims by every means possible. Yet it is sometimes a pity to waste bullets for this. The best way is to gather all of these dogs and throw them into wells and then fill the wells with big and heavy stones. as I did. I gathered all of the women. men and children, threw big stones down on top of them. They must never live on this earth."It is important however to underline that the Armenian communities are not the only ones to have been ground down by the plague of the war. In the spring of 1915, the tsarist army moved to the region of the lake of Van, dragging behind it battalions of volunteers composed of Caucasus and Turkish Armenians. (...) For each of the provinces which suffered from the Russian occupation and from the Armenian militias acts of vengeance, an important demographic deficit appears in the statistics of the post-war years — adding up to several hundred thousands of souls due largely to the massacres committed by the enemy.""Histoire de l'Empire Ottoman (History of the Ottoman Empire)", supervised by Robert Mantran, Editions Fayard, Paris, 1989, page 624"They (the Armenians) burned and destroyed many Turkish villages as punitive measures in their advance and practically all Turkish villages in their retreat..."General Hamelin in a letter to the High Commissioner, February 2, 1919, "Les Armees Francaises au Levant," vol. 1, p. 122.~"We will fight to the last man and in the end we will smash their plans over their heads" ~ The ATATURK ~"We will file a legal complaint against all of those people behind this conference,"“They don't let us inside... they don't give us a chance to put our case. They forget those of the Turkish nation killed by Armenians,”"Sovereignty and kingship are never decided by academic debate. They are seized by force. The Ottoman dynasty appropriated by force the government of the Turks, and reigned over them for six centuries. Now the Turkish nation has effectively gained possession of its sovereignty… This is an accomplished fact… If those assembled here … see the matter in its natural light, we shall all agree. Otherwise, facts will still prevail, but some heads may roll."~ Mustafa Kemal, THE ATATURK ~---------------------------The Rebellion of Armenians Against the Ottoman State..1st Episode: The Rebellion Of Armenians Against The Ottoman State Terr..|1st Episode: 1915 Terror and Rebellion2nd Episode: 1915 Relocation and Resettlement3rd Episode: The Diaspora, Diplomacy and Propaganda4th Episode: Asala, Fire and Blood5th Episode: False Documents and The Truth6th Episode: Diplomacy Without History7th Episode: The First Fire:: 1915 Atrocities Against The Muslim CommunityNotice: Age-restricted video (based on Community Guidelines)Near East Relief ReportArmy Commander's July 1915 Order to Protect Armenians"...[T]hese records were at the time compiled for strictly internal use, i.e. for in-house consideration, and were not intended for public consumption, [so that] one may be reasonably safe in declaring the evidence obtained thusly as incontestable."Vahakn Dadrian, “The signal facts surrounding the Armenian genocide and the Turkish denial syndrome," The Journal of Genocide Research (2003, June, pp. 269-279; regarding German internal reports.)Let's take a look at one Ottoman army report, prepared internally, and must "thusly" be regarded as "incontestable":Coded Message received by the Acting Supreme Command from Erzurum" Orders and instructions were issued not to give way to insults or humiliation of Armenians being transferred to inner regions and for strict protection of their properties and goods. The same orders are reiterated 17/18 July 1331 (30/31 July 1915)Third Army CommanderMahmut Kamil "These Ottomans should have been totally out of their minds !!! They send people on death marches (as Armenian propagandists claim) but worry about their insults, humiliation and protection of properties! Which one are we to trust: the written authentic document or the presumed scenario?It turns out, as proven by the authentic Ottoman archival documents, Armenians were not “sent to death marches” after all, but instead safely moved/relocated to their relocation destinations under the PROTECTIVE DETAIL of Ottoman military units.They were safely moved to Syria and Lebanon, out of the war zone, in many cases utilizing cars, caravans, trains, horse & buggy and whatever other safe transportation means there was.And surely, those relocated folks did not “evaporate in the desert” like the Armenian propagandists claim.So, where is the genocide here? Better yet, where is the “genocidal intent” even?Shared By: E. Serbest (credit to Sukru Aya)Source: 1583) Army Commander's July 1915 Order to Protect Armenians-----------HOW A SINGLE PIECE OF EVIDENCE SHREDS VOLUMES OF ARMENIAN PROPAGANDA LIES!MYTH: Armenian propagandists argue that Turks forced Armenians to “death marches” in 1915 into deserts of Syria and left them to die down there. These same self-proclaimed “righteous liars” do “estimate” that “up to 1.5 million Armenians died” during this ordeal.MYTH BUSTED: The following report by Near East Relief Organization is dated 22.04.1922 but gives the status of 1921 year-end, signed by James Barton, approved with thanks by Armenian Patriarchs Bezdjian (Protestant) and Sayegiiyan (Catholic) shreds the above myth into pieces while confirming the following:P.4: It states that 300.000 Armenians returned to Cilicia after British-French occupation, but that they evacuated the region in 1921 after F. Bouillon’s Treaty with Kemalist Turks. It says that 200.000 to 300.000 Armenians were alive in Syria region -in need of help-. (Other sources said 150.000 only!)P.5: The number of living people in Russian Armenia is 1 million and 500.000 of these need help of the Relief Organization. (This 1 million matches with Katchaznuni and Lalaian statements for 1918, before war - 200.000 who died of starvation until end of 1921 there.It states that at the time 1.000.000 are alive in Caucasus Armenia,- 500.000 in need of help!Page 8: It gives account of 64.000 alive in 124 orphanages + 50.000 in the areas = 114.000 living.P.9: Relief activities continued in full during Kemalist rule in all areas, the following figures were given for some of the orphanages: Ankara 350, Kayseri 3190, Harput 5176, Konya 813, Sivas 1368, Maras 468 etc etc.. (USA was at an undeclared war with the Turks… for sure)It states that 500.000 persons have migrated from Anatolia to Caucasus region. (Other sources had indicated this figure as 400.000). It lists various orphanages in occupied - unoccupied cities of the Ottoman Empire and Kemalists, showing that Turks never hindered their activities!Throughout the report, there is not a word of Turkish atrocities or refusal of cooperation or attacks on relief goods protected by famished soldiers or Turks, and that only Christians received subject Relief!- Generally there’s NO mention of “massacre-genocide or even LACK OF HELP” of Turks!P. 4: As of end of 1921, 200.000 to 300.000 refugees are alive in Syria and around- in need of housing (since they are alive).- The report shows that some $ 51 million was spent on various Relief Works.The Relief Organization was approved by the President on Aug.6,1918 and the report gives the status and audits up to Dec. 31st, 1921.This new “obelisk-like document” sheds more light on the contents of following chapters of Sukru S. Aya’s book “Genocide of Truth”:Ch. 2: “Ottoman Treat of Millets” - It confirms that CUP or Kemalist Turks helped-protected Relief !Ch. 5: “Marvelous Missionaries” - It confirms that Turks never hindered Missionaries and Relief!Ch. 7: “Distorting Realism” - It shows that HS 106 (Ch. 24) is an official distortion of above!Ch.14: “Relocations-Arrivals” - It confirms that the figures of HS 106 and others are wrong!Ch.15: “Population Controversy” - It proves that figures of Art. 1 of HS 106 and alike are all tall lies!Ch.16: “Propaganda Fabrication - It shows that HS 106 is a propaganda fabrication of high degree!Ch.17: “Proven Forgery to distort History”- Self-explanatory involving the supporters of HS 106! Ch.18: “Charity & Relief Organizations” - It gives detailed a/c $ 52 million Relief to Christians only!Ch.19: “Famine & Epidemics” - It implies deaths were caused by epidemics, famine & treks!Ch 24: “The Success of Armenian Lobbies” - It proves that HS 106 Committee was misguided,Conclusion: According to this report, the Armenian deaths are unbelievably low if we are to add 1 million alive in 1921 (say 800.000 in Armenia after loss of 200.000 by starvation plus 200.000 or 300.000 in Syria district) we have a figure of 1.1 million alive and by adding those who went to other countries, Greek Islands etc. we arrive to about 1.3 million alive in 1921. If we are to depend on this report which is an official U.S. document, the deaths due to several reasons are much to less and only around 300.000 (or 20% versus 40% estimated by McCarthy for Turks and Armenians in the area).Shared By: E. Serbest(Credit: Sukru S Aya)2335) Free E-Book: Near East Relief Report 31Dec1921Were there any Turkish massacres by Greeks during the Greek occupation in Anatolia (during 1919-1922)?(by Ela Nur, lives in Turkey)Greek writer-journalist Tasos Kostopoulos, in his book “War and Ethnic Cleaning of 1912-1922′’, revealed the murders made by Greek soldiers in Anatolia. The writer said about the book: ‘’But I have to say this. I wrote this book with a focus only on the violence of the Greek army and the mistakes of politicians. I tried to show that it was no different from the violence that we were facing. That is, whether it be Turkish, Bulgarian or Serbian. I wanted to remind you that official history should be impartial. I believe that sooner or later nations should accept their own mistakes, the murders they commit. People who will read my book in Turkey, if they will only say"Here the Greek barbarism" or If it's going to evoke feelings of hatred towards Greece, it's better not to ever publish. As a researcher, my aim is to spread the fact that each Balkan country faces its own history, mistakes, murders. I believe that as these self-criticisms spread, the feelings of hatred among nations will diminish and the trumps of the extreme nationalists will disappear one by one. "[1]….‘’Greek soldiers and some armed local Christians attempted violence, murder, rape and looting for two days, citing several shots fired at the port of Izmir during the arrival of the Greek soldiers. 200 people were killed. 2500 people, including all the students and teachers of a class of a school, were arrested and tortured. The Greek soldiers attacked all the Muslim villages, as if a circle had been drawn up to a few kilometers beyond Izmir. The Allied research team blamed the Greek army for all the bloodshed in Izmir.’’‘’(Greek doctor tells) In the village near Uşak, Turkish women, children and elderly people were closed to the mosque. Some of our soldiers noticed the situation. Instead of breaking the door of the mosque and raping the women, as all the dirty men would do, they burned the grass they collected and threw it through the window of the mosque. People ran out of the smoke, and then our rascals started shooting at women and children as if they were shooting drills ...’’‘’(Kopruhisar, 1920: Greek officer Dimitriu tells) I entered the house, I passed over the body of a dead old Turkish man. Noises coming from inside. About 10 Greek soldiers lifted the skirt of a Turkish girl, was forced to dance. They said to me, "Come and taste the appetizer." I said ‘Shame’’ in Turkish. The Turkish girl rushed to my feet and said, "Save me." I begged the soldiers, I said don't do it. Somebody pulled out his bayonet and headed towards me. I had to escape. I couldn't forget the woman's screams. In the morning, about a thousand houses in Köprühisar were in flames.’’(A Greek soldier tells): Prince Andreas ordered us to burn everything.(August 30, 1921: A photographer from the Greek army tells): We burn everything we leave. It was a terrifying sight.(July 9, 1921: Greek officer tells): We entered Arıveren village. The girls were raped in front of their parents. The soldiers slept on the silk quilts they had ransacked that night.(Major Panagakos recounts): In Uşak, the Turks hid their families in cemeteries at night. I saved a young girl whom two Greek soldiers tried to rape. Her mother started running and kissing my hands. Shortly ahead, her other two daughters lay lifeless on the floor.[2]Footnotes[1] STELYO BERBERAKİS - Yunanlılar, kendi tarihiyle yüzleşiyorSTELYO BERBERAKİS - Yunanlılar, kendi tarihiyle yüzleşiyor[2] Türklere Nasıl Mezalim YaptıkTürklere Nasıl Mezalim YaptıkThe four Armenian members of the Turkish-Armenian Reconciliation Commission (TARC) announced their withdrawal from that body.TURKISH-ARMENIAN RECONCILIATION COMMISSION GOES OUT OF EXISTENCE. - JamestownDear Friends,As a Scholar who studied the 1985 Special Rapporteur Whitaker Report with a fine tooth and comb, I can say the following:1. The UN Subcommission did not accept the report, but decided to “receive” it due to the reference to the Armenian case as genocide in a footnote.2. Since 1985, the UN Spokesperson has three times declared that the UN does not accept the Armenian case as genocide.3. Of the seven independent organizations who provided their expert opinions, three were later to be found to be fronts for Armenian groups that support the Dashnaks.4. The Special Rapporteur (Whitaker) who snuck in the footnote later admitted that he had been retained by the Armenian lobby, but that he did not receive any money for his report. However, he later did work for the Armenian lobby for money.Attached to this statement of mine, above are some of the documents I use to inform the public that the UN does not accept the Armenian case as genocide.Kind regards,Emre Serbest1.

If the Ottoman Empire was that tolerant, then why did they still commit Armenian genocide?

They didn’t… Russian Armenians committed Genocide against Ottoman Armenians, they wanted Europe in the war to help create Greater Armenia, but Kurds and Turks also were killed..LEVON BOĞOS DABAĞYAN (ARMENIAN Author and Historian),– The genocide [against Armenians] didn’t happen. The real genocide against Armenians was carried out by the Byzantine Empire. That’s why we fought against the Crusaders Army with [Turkish Sultan] Alparslan army together in 1071.– Tolerance means accept somebody’s behavior even if you don’t agree. Ottoman didn’t just show us tolerance; in fact, Ottoman actually nurtured us.– The countries, who couldn’t provoke us; first, divided our religion into three, and then commenced the rebellion.Translated by TASFOBoth Russia/USSR played Armenia and backed them for the creation of Greater Armenia, they created revolutionary bands over a period of 20 years and then with 900,000 strong and armed committed the state sponsored Genocide, systematically exterminating and eradicating the Kurds and 600,000 Ottoman Armenians, and all the 2.4 million Turkic tribes in Anatolia.. The international community recognizes only the genocide of Ottoman Armenians, and is CAREFULLY worded to not say that Turks did it, or that Russian Backed Armenians did it.. Russian backed Armenians wanted to sacrifice their own Ottoman Armenians at all costs just to get Europe on their side and involved in the Genocide..THE ARMENIAN REVOLUTIONARY FEDERATION AND DASHNAKSArmenian Revolutionary Federation - WikipediaTurks succeeded in defending themselves against 1.5 Million Armenians in total, the Ottoman ones were relocated by the Germans and deported out of the cities Turks were trying to defend as both Russian and Ottoman Armenian “Both look the same”, were then left alone (true), and being left alone, they died from starvation due to Russian Armenians seeing them as Impure, Turk Hybrids, and Kurdish women who sought revenge on Armenians for rapes along the journey to new colonies like Syria and Iraq, Lebanon etc,USA is one of the countries that originally said that Turks committed genocide, then later because it is not right, such a claim was withdrawn after Turkey cut off all political ties with USA, resolutions were made and now USA just says “ A genocide of Armenians in Anatolia occurred” and no mentioning of “Who done it” Any other country who blamed the Turks and created laws based on the lies also did back flips, especially France, as their history states that they dressed Armenians in French uniforms while they killed, later regretting it and no longer supporting them because their actions were genocide.When the Turks won, Russia then invaded Armenia and added it to USSR, proving that they just wanted land in Anatolia, had the Armenians won, Russia was going to betray them and expand into Istanbul/Europe eventually..The Armenian genocide is the extermination and eradication of Anatolian people for the creation of “Greater Armenia”..Armenians from Armenia allied with the Russian Tsar, creating revolutionary bands over a period of 20 years, then invaded Anatolia and systematically exterminated and eradicated Ottoman Kurds and Ottoman Armenians sponsored by the Armenian nation, for the creation of Greater Armenia, Ottoman empire had only 600,000 Legal Ottoman Armenian citizens, and another 900,000 illegals who crossed into Ottoman lands to fight..Armenian Revolutionary Bands Formed (Page 5)The manifesto of hovhannes Katchaznouni (The manifesto of hovhannes Katchaznouni)the-manifesto-of-hovhannes-katchaznouni Armenia, A terrorist state forgery was withdrawn from court, it was very embarrassing for Armenia’s caseLog In or Sign Up to ViewTalaat pasha’s documents found to be forgedDid Talat Pasha Send Secret Telegrams Ordering Massacres?Did Talat Pasha Send Secret Telegrams Ordering Massacres?Foreign reporters newspaper articles used as evidence proving Armenian guilt1961) Innocent(!) Armenians Through Historical NewsPaper ArchivesScholar Vahakn Dadrian’s works no longer acceptable due to sex offenses Rape Charge3560) Dadrian File Declassified by CIAVahakn Dadrian's Sexual Harrasment Secrets & Vahakn Dadrian BUSTED: Halil Pasha580) Vahakn Dadrian's Sexual Harrasment Secrets & Vahakn Dadrian BUSTED: Halil PashaFact Check ArmeniaFact Check Armenia"From the point of view of international law, there is a Convention on the Prevention of Genocide, which Armenia and Russia signed, among other countries. The document says that it is only the court in The Hague that is entitled to recognize a crime as an act of genocide.Neither Armenia nor the Armenian diaspora abroad has never appealed to this court. Why? Because they understand that they are unable to prove this genocide in legal and historical terms. Moreover, all international courts - the European Court for Human Rights, the French Court of Justice and so on - dismissed appeals from the Armenian diaspora to hold genocide hearings in those courts. There have been three of such trials since October of 2015, and the Armenian side has lost all of them.''Also the statement to rebut the term Armenian genocide is a matter for public record, as the term is an opinion and has not been proven, therefore we can exercise our right for freedom of speech.Under ECHR. Perencik vs Switzerland.----''The Muslim casualties were negligible''.... and you accuse me of being a holocaust denier? You are deliberately rewriting history, you’re obviously blind to see how many Muslims perished by the hands of butchers, Here are some accounts for you to chew on.... "A. Lalayan, Revolutsionniy Vostok (Revolutionary East) No: 2-3, Moscow, 1936."I killed Muslims by every means possible. Yet it is sometimes a pity to waste bullets for this. The best way is to gather all of these dogs and throw them into wells and then fill the wells with big and heavy stones. as I did. I gathered all of the women. men and children, threw big stones down on top of them. They must never live on this earth."It is important however to underline that the Armenian communities are not the only ones to have been ground down by the plague of the war. In the spring of 1915, the tsarist army moved to the region of the lake of Van, dragging behind it battalions of volunteers composed of Caucasus and Turkish Armenians. (...) For each of the provinces which suffered from the Russian occupation and from the Armenian militias acts of vengeance, an important demographic deficit appears in the statistics of the post-war years — adding up to several hundred thousands of souls due largely to the massacres committed by the enemy.""Histoire de l'Empire Ottoman (History of the Ottoman Empire)", supervised by Robert Mantran, Editions Fayard, Paris, 1989, page 624"They (the Armenians) burned and destroyed many Turkish villages as punitive measures in their advance and practically all Turkish villages in their retreat..."General Hamelin in a letter to the High Commissioner, February 2, 1919, "Les Armees Francaises au Levant," vol. 1, p. 122.~"We will fight to the last man and in the end we will smash their plans over their heads" ~ The ATATURK ~"We will file a legal complaint against all of those people behind this conference,"“They don't let us inside... they don't give us a chance to put our case. They forget those of the Turkish nation killed by Armenians,”"Sovereignty and kingship are never decided by academic debate. They are seized by force. The Ottoman dynasty appropriated by force the government of the Turks, and reigned over them for six centuries. Now the Turkish nation has effectively gained possession of its sovereignty… This is an accomplished fact… If those assembled here … see the matter in its natural light, we shall all agree. Otherwise, facts will still prevail, but some heads may roll."~ Mustafa Kemal, THE ATATURK ~---------------------------The Rebellion of Armenians Against the Ottoman State..1st Episode: The Rebellion Of Armenians Against The Ottoman State Terr..|1st Episode: 1915 Terror and Rebellion2nd Episode: 1915 Relocation and Resettlement3rd Episode: The Diaspora, Diplomacy and Propaganda4th Episode: Asala, Fire and Blood5th Episode: False Documents and The Truth6th Episode: Diplomacy Without History7th Episode: The First Fire:: 1915 Atrocities Against The Muslim CommunityNotice: Age-restricted video (based on Community Guidelines)The photograph is another Armenian forgery. Because the women and children in the picture are indeed Turkish women and children slaughtered by Armenians in Subatan (in Ottoman Empire) on April 25, 1918. The Picture is being copied by Armenians in internet and is presented as a Picture of Armenian victims.The original photo is in Turkish Archives’ATASE Archive: Directory of Genelkurmay Military History and Strategic Studies Archive, The photograph collection of WWI, Album No: 4, photograph No: 123)In the following video in this blog, 2616) Video: Armenian Forgeries: Exploitation of Holocaust Photos to Promote False Genocide Claims, the six photos representing Armenian forgeries, including the aforementioned one, have been well presentedHere are other photograph forgeries of the Armenians, except those in the aforementioned video:1)The cover photograph of the book of Tessa Hoffmann: German Greek scholar Tessa Hoffmann who is a scholar of genocide of the Armenians, printed the painting of Russian artist Vasili Vereshchagin entitled ‘The Apotheosis of the Franco-Prussia War of 1871, depicting a mass of skulls which was probably painted after 1878, as if it were the photograph of 1915 Armenian genocide, in the cover of her book and had to admit her forgery during the trial of Dogu Perinçek held in Switzerland in March 2007, in which she was listened as a witness.Interestingly, Tessa Hoffman is a scholar of genocide. "The Genocide of truth", (Sükrü Server Aya)2429) Free E-Book : "Genocide Of Truth" by Sukru Server Aya, Based On Neutral or Anti-Turkish Sources2) Atatürk’s photograph: The large poster with ‘FACE OF DENIAL-DOES NOT LIE’ related to a conference given by Dr Vahram Shemmasian, Ardashes Kassakhian and Dr Levon Marashlian, at UCLA on April 14, 2005, organized by Armenian Genocide Commemoration Committee of Alpha Epsilon Omega, ( photo depicts the founder of the Turkish Republic, Ataturk, sitting on a chair outside a house with the corpse of a young girl with her innards exposed to the elements. Soon, the original of this photo was found by the Turks: It was a photograph of Ataturk for his wife Latife Hanim as a souvenir, posing with some ‘cute dog puppies’ at his feet. Two photos were printed in the July 1, 2005 issue of Hurriyet (Tarih böyle bir vahşet görmedi), as ‘a forgery scandal’.Then, what UCLA’s ethical committee did was to erase the handwritten note and doctor a photo of Armin Wengler in place of the puppies. "The Genocide of truth", (Sükrü Server Aya)2429) Free E-Book : "Genocide Of Truth" by Sukru Server Aya, Based On Neutral or Anti-Turkish Sources3) Photos of victims of Khojaly:Nobert Yevdayev, editor-in-chief of New York-based Russian language newspaper “Noviy Rubezh” (‘New Frontier’) and chairman Azerbaijani Friendly Association AZEM spoke in an interview with Новости и погода Азербайджана, Армении и Грузии said : ‘Photos of victims of Khojaly genocide allegedly to be victims of so-called “genocide” of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire were published in the newspaper ‘In a New light’. We contacted the editor, invited him to the Mission of Azerbaijan to the UN where he had to apologize for the correspondent who resorted to such provocation’. Today az, 4 September 2009.4) A photograph published in Donald Bloxham's The Great Game of Genocide (Oxford University Press published in 2005 and 2007) which shows a man in an unbuttoned jacket and tie standing in front of a circle of ragged children and one apparent adult with something in his hand, with the caption of: 'A Turkish official taunting starving Armenians with bread' was proven not to be a 'photograph' at all but a photographic soup, composed of bits and pieces taken from other photographs, Forging the past: OUP and the 'Armenian question', "heads" are often presented either as genocide victims or as Armenian notables. Steve Keohane of Bibleprobe provided the following caption: "Heads of Christians, traditionally treated like trophies by the Turks." (Yes, Mr. Keohane is surely an expert on the traditions of the Turks.)The AGA site gets to the bottom of the story behind this photo; we are given the names of these heads as well as the source. They are the members of Dashnaktsutiun and resided in a village in Iran. From its own page:"... If such partisans fell into the hands of the Ottoman authorities, they had to count on execution. The photo shows the heads of eight of nine Armenians from the village Mahlam in Salmast (Iran), who were executed on 26 October 1898 on instruction of the Ottoman government and to which the Dashnaktsutiun had belonged to a social-revolutionary Armenian party. It concerned Chatschatur Harutjunjan out of Moks (left above), Harutjun out of Ulnia (Sejtun), Stepan of Chisan, Harik of Schatach, Gabriel Muradjan, Nahapet Jeriasarjan ("Nacho" from Wosm), Harutjun Chatschatrjan out of Moks as well as Galust Galojan. Awetis Ohanjan, the ninth victim, is not to be seen in the picture."The source is none other than the official news organ of the Dashnaktsutiun, "The Droshak," Jan. 31, 1899, S. 5.As these Dashnaks were executed in October of 1898, Gokalp has made the excellent point that since the time window somewhat fits, "we can easily and rightfully assume that these are the ones who are responsible" of the events recorded below; it's very possible some of these desperadoes got nabbed in the following year:From The Liverpool Courier, August 10,1897:The Reported Armenian Aggression.Terrible Barbarities.Constantinople, Sunday.The following telegram was received to-day by the Porte from Veli? : — On August 6th several thousand Armenian agitators crossed the frontier from Persia and attacked the Mizriki tribe, killing about two hundred persons, among whom were women and children. They further put the wife of the chief of the tribe to the most cruel death, and cut off the noses of several others of their victims. It is officially declared that the necessary precautions have been taken by the Imperial authorities not only to capture these marauders, but also to provide against eventualities in the vilayet of Van. The Ottoman Government has also requested the Persian Government to arrest these criminal bands, who on being pursued by Turkish troops may attempt to recross the frontier. The Persian Government is also urged to take proper measures for preventing in future these incursions of Armenian revolutionaries into Turkish territory. — Reuter,From The Bristol Times And Mirror, September 9, 1897:THE RECENT ARMENIAN RAID.TEHERAN, TUESDAY.A prolonged inquiry has just been concluded by the Persian authorities regarding the Armenian raid on the Turco-Persian frontiers last month, which was followed by serious fighting between Armenians and Kurds, with heavy losses on both sides. The result of the inquiry shows that the bulk of the raiders were from Turkish territory, and that fewer than 300 came from Persia. Nine villages were sacked, and there were massacred over 300 Mussulmans and Christians, including women and children. Twenty-nine of the ringleaders have been arrested, and handed over to the authorities to be dealt with. — Reuter.Native American Indian deathbycheeseJan 12 2015Native American Indian massacres.American Native women hung on crosses. So many Natives died and suffered many cruel deaths, sometimes there would be fields full of Natives on crosses that you could not count them, almost as if they were the Forrest themselves.This was done for hundreds of years by the Spaniards as they practiced extensive use of torture, murder, and mutilation against the Natives.These cruelties were designed to be extraordinary cruel so that Natives would not think or look at them selves to be human. Many languages and tribes became extinct, almost wiping out the Native nation leaving very few behind to die from other causes such as disease and starvation.Source:Native American Indian massacres.Near East Relief ReportArmy Commander's July 1915 Order to Protect Armenians"...[T]hese records were at the time compiled for strictly internal use, i.e. for in-house consideration, and were not intended for public consumption, [so that] one may be reasonably safe in declaring the evidence obtained thusly as incontestable."Vahakn Dadrian, “The signal facts surrounding the Armenian genocide and the Turkish denial syndrome," The Journal of Genocide Research (2003, June, pp. 269-279; regarding German internal reports.)Let's take a look at one Ottoman army report, prepared internally, and must "thusly" be regarded as "incontestable":Coded Message received by the Acting Supreme Command from Erzurum" Orders and instructions were issued not to give way to insults or humiliation of Armenians being transferred to inner regions and for strict protection of their properties and goods. The same orders are reiterated 17/18 July 1331 (30/31 July 1915)Third Army CommanderMahmut Kamil "These Ottomans should have been totally out of their minds !!! They send people on death marches (as Armenian propagandists claim) but worry about their insults, humiliation and protection of properties! Which one are we to trust: the written authentic document or the presumed scenario?It turns out, as proven by the authentic Ottoman archival documents, Armenians were not “sent to death marches” after all, but instead safely moved/relocated to their relocation destinations under the PROTECTIVE DETAIL of Ottoman military units.They were safely moved to Syria and Lebanon, out of the war zone, in many cases utilizing cars, caravans, trains, horse & buggy and whatever other safe transportation means there was.And surely, those relocated folks did not “evaporate in the desert” like the Armenian propagandists claim.So, where is the genocide here? Better yet, where is the “genocidal intent” even?Shared By: E. Serbest (credit to Sukru Aya)Source: 1583) Army Commander's July 1915 Order to Protect Armenians-----------HOW A SINGLE PIECE OF EVIDENCE SHREDS VOLUMES OF ARMENIAN PROPAGANDA LIES!MYTH: Armenian propagandists argue that Turks forced Armenians to “death marches” in 1915 into deserts of Syria and left them to die down there. These same self-proclaimed “righteous liars” do “estimate” that “up to 1.5 million Armenians died” during this ordeal.MYTH BUSTED: The following report by Near East Relief Organization is dated 22.04.1922 but gives the status of 1921 year-end, signed by James Barton, approved with thanks by Armenian Patriarchs Bezdjian (Protestant) and Sayegiiyan (Catholic) shreds the above myth into pieces while confirming the following:P.4: It states that 300.000 Armenians returned to Cilicia after British-French occupation, but that they evacuated the region in 1921 after F. Bouillon’s Treaty with Kemalist Turks. It says that 200.000 to 300.000 Armenians were alive in Syria region -in need of help-. (Other sources said 150.000 only!)P.5: The number of living people in Russian Armenia is 1 million and 500.000 of these need help of the Relief Organization. (This 1 million matches with Katchaznuni and Lalaian statements for 1918, before war - 200.000 who died of starvation until end of 1921 there.It states that at the time 1.000.000 are alive in Caucasus Armenia,- 500.000 in need of help!Page 8: It gives account of 64.000 alive in 124 orphanages + 50.000 in the areas = 114.000 living.P.9: Relief activities continued in full during Kemalist rule in all areas, the following figures were given for some of the orphanages: Ankara 350, Kayseri 3190, Harput 5176, Konya 813, Sivas 1368, Maras 468 etc etc.. (USA was at an undeclared war with the Turks… for sure)It states that 500.000 persons have migrated from Anatolia to Caucasus region. (Other sources had indicated this figure as 400.000). It lists various orphanages in occupied - unoccupied cities of the Ottoman Empire and Kemalists, showing that Turks never hindered their activities!Throughout the report, there is not a word of Turkish atrocities or refusal of cooperation or attacks on relief goods protected by famished soldiers or Turks, and that only Christians received subject Relief!- Generally there’s NO mention of “massacre-genocide or even LACK OF HELP” of Turks!P. 4: As of end of 1921, 200.000 to 300.000 refugees are alive in Syria and around- in need of housing (since they are alive).- The report shows that some $ 51 million was spent on various Relief Works.The Relief Organization was approved by the President on Aug.6,1918 and the report gives the status and audits up to Dec. 31st, 1921.This new “obelisk-like document” sheds more light on the contents of following chapters of Sukru S. Aya’s book “Genocide of Truth”:Ch. 2: “Ottoman Treat of Millets” - It confirms that CUP or Kemalist Turks helped-protected Relief !Ch. 5: “Marvelous Missionaries” - It confirms that Turks never hindered Missionaries and Relief!Ch. 7: “Distorting Realism” - It shows that HS 106 (Ch. 24) is an official distortion of above!Ch.14: “Relocations-Arrivals” - It confirms that the figures of HS 106 and others are wrong!Ch.15: “Population Controversy” - It proves that figures of Art. 1 of HS 106 and alike are all tall lies!Ch.16: “Propaganda Fabrication - It shows that HS 106 is a propaganda fabrication of high degree!Ch.17: “Proven Forgery to distort History”- Self-explanatory involving the supporters of HS 106! Ch.18: “Charity & Relief Organizations” - It gives detailed a/c $ 52 million Relief to Christians only!Ch.19: “Famine & Epidemics” - It implies deaths were caused by epidemics, famine & treks!Ch 24: “The Success of Armenian Lobbies” - It proves that HS 106 Committee was misguided,Conclusion: According to this report, the Armenian deaths are unbelievably low if we are to add 1 million alive in 1921 (say 800.000 in Armenia after loss of 200.000 by starvation plus 200.000 or 300.000 in Syria district) we have a figure of 1.1 million alive and by adding those who went to other countries, Greek Islands etc. we arrive to about 1.3 million alive in 1921. If we are to depend on this report which is an official U.S. document, the deaths due to several reasons are much to less and only around 300.000 (or 20% versus 40% estimated by McCarthy for Turks and Armenians in the area).Shared By: E. Serbest(Credit: Sukru S Aya)2335) Free E-Book: Near East Relief Report 31Dec1921Were there any Turkish massacres by Greeks during the Greek occupation in Anatolia (during 1919-1922)?(by Ela Nur, lives in Turkey)Greek writer-journalist Tasos Kostopoulos, in his book “War and Ethnic Cleaning of 1912-1922′’, revealed the murders made by Greek soldiers in Anatolia. The writer said about the book: ‘’But I have to say this. I wrote this book with a focus only on the violence of the Greek army and the mistakes of politicians. I tried to show that it was no different from the violence that we were facing. That is, whether it be Turkish, Bulgarian or Serbian. I wanted to remind you that official history should be impartial. I believe that sooner or later nations should accept their own mistakes, the murders they commit. People who will read my book in Turkey, if they will only say"Here the Greek barbarism" or If it's going to evoke feelings of hatred towards Greece, it's better not to ever publish. As a researcher, my aim is to spread the fact that each Balkan country faces its own history, mistakes, murders. I believe that as these self-criticisms spread, the feelings of hatred among nations will diminish and the trumps of the extreme nationalists will disappear one by one. "[1]….‘’Greek soldiers and some armed local Christians attempted violence, murder, rape and looting for two days, citing several shots fired at the port of Izmir during the arrival of the Greek soldiers. 200 people were killed. 2500 people, including all the students and teachers of a class of a school, were arrested and tortured. The Greek soldiers attacked all the Muslim villages, as if a circle had been drawn up to a few kilometers beyond Izmir. The Allied research team blamed the Greek army for all the bloodshed in Izmir.’’‘’(Greek doctor tells) In the village near Uşak, Turkish women, children and elderly people were closed to the mosque. Some of our soldiers noticed the situation. Instead of breaking the door of the mosque and raping the women, as all the dirty men would do, they burned the grass they collected and threw it through the window of the mosque. People ran out of the smoke, and then our rascals started shooting at women and children as if they were shooting drills ...’’‘’(Kopruhisar, 1920: Greek officer Dimitriu tells) I entered the house, I passed over the body of a dead old Turkish man. Noises coming from inside. About 10 Greek soldiers lifted the skirt of a Turkish girl, was forced to dance. They said to me, "Come and taste the appetizer." I said ‘Shame’’ in Turkish. The Turkish girl rushed to my feet and said, "Save me." I begged the soldiers, I said don't do it. Somebody pulled out his bayonet and headed towards me. I had to escape. I couldn't forget the woman's screams. In the morning, about a thousand houses in Köprühisar were in flames.’’(A Greek soldier tells): Prince Andreas ordered us to burn everything.(August 30, 1921: A photographer from the Greek army tells): We burn everything we leave. It was a terrifying sight.(July 9, 1921: Greek officer tells): We entered Arıveren village. The girls were raped in front of their parents. The soldiers slept on the silk quilts they had ransacked that night.(Major Panagakos recounts): In Uşak, the Turks hid their families in cemeteries at night. I saved a young girl whom two Greek soldiers tried to rape. Her mother started running and kissing my hands. Shortly ahead, her other two daughters lay lifeless on the floor.[2]Footnotes[1] STELYO BERBERAKİS - Yunanlılar, kendi tarihiyle yüzleşiyorSTELYO BERBERAKİS - Yunanlılar, kendi tarihiyle yüzleşiyor[2] Türklere Nasıl Mezalim YaptıkTürklere Nasıl Mezalim YaptıkThe four Armenian members of the Turkish-Armenian Reconciliation Commission (TARC) announced their withdrawal from that body.TURKISH-ARMENIAN RECONCILIATION COMMISSION GOES OUT OF EXISTENCE. - JamestownDear Friends,As a Scholar who studied the 1985 Special Rapporteur Whitaker Report with a fine tooth and comb, I can say the following:1. The UN Subcommission did not accept the report, but decided to “receive” it due to the reference to the Armenian case as genocide in a footnote.2. Since 1985, the UN Spokesperson has three times declared that the UN does not accept the Armenian case as genocide.3. Of the seven independent organizations who provided their expert opinions, three were later to be found to be fronts for Armenian groups that support the Dashnaks.4. The Special Rapporteur (Whitaker) who snuck in the footnote later admitted that he had been retained by the Armenian lobby, but that he did not receive any money for his report. However, he later did work for the Armenian lobby for money.Attached to this statement of mine, above are some of the documents I use to inform the public that the UN does not accept the Armenian case as genocide.Kind regards,Emre Serbest1.

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