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What role did the efforts of the United Nations play in resolving the Israel-Israel conflict?

Are you kidding, the United Nations?.an organization of resolving Conflicts? You must be kidding not only me, however the members of the United Nation.Now comes the explanation. The Arabs, the 3rd world countries, European countries, and south east Asians, African countries and any Muslims countries.Therefore any resolution that the Arab countries against IsraeI automatically us being Democratically accepted on majority voted in the general assembly or the security council.Thus, IsraeI was credited with more than 50% of all resolutions against her.Now imagine, a tiny country less than 9 millions citizens with 2 millions Arabs citizens. Receiving more than half of the UN resolutions against her as diplomatically most of the global earth country supporting the Arabs on any vote, as the Arabs are leading as oil and other energies supplies and the world are willing to foresake IsraeI defence and it's security in order not to interrupt the flow of oil to their automobiles and Industries.So far none of the agreements to peace has ever been addressed by the United Nations resolutions initiatives.It was all initiated by IsraeI and brokered by the USA and once by king Hassan of Morroco.The United Nations as peace organization can be pushed the trush history as a corrupted and I efficient organization.Please view below list of resolutions against IsraeI by the United Nations.You simply will not believe it.List of United Nations resolutions concerning IsraelUN Security Council Chamber in New York.The following is a list of United Nations resolutions concerning Israel. As of 2013, Israel had been condemned in 45 resolutions by the United Nations Human Rights Council. Since the creation of the Council in 2006, it has resolved almost more resolutions condemning Israel than on the rest of the world combined. The 45 resolutions comprised almost half (45.9%) of all country-specific resolutions passed by the Council, not counting those under Agenda Item 10 (countries requiring technical assistance).[1]From 1967 to 1989 the UN Security Council adopted 131 resolutions directly addressing the Arab–Israeli conflict. In early Security Council practice, resolutions did not directly invoke Chapter VII. They made an explicit determination of a threat, breach of the peace, or act of aggression, and ordered an action in accordance with Article 39 or 40. Resolution 54 determined that a threat to peace existed within the meaning of Article 39 of the Charter, reiterated the need for a truce, and ordered a cease-fire pursuant to Article 40 of the Charter. Although the phrase "Acting under Chapter VII" was never mentioned as the basis for the action taken, the chapter's authority was being used.[2]The United Nations General Assembly has adopted a number of resolutions saying that the strategic relationship with the United States encourages Israel to pursue aggressive and expansionist policies and practices.[3]The 9th Emergency Session of the General Assembly was convened at the request of the Security Council when the United States blocked efforts to adopt sanctions against Israel.[4]The United States responded to the frequent criticism from UN organs by adopting the Negroponte doctrine of opposing any Security Council resolutions criticizing Israel that did not also denounce Palestinian militant activity.Anti-Defamation League &ISRAEL ADVOCACY & EDUCATIONThe United Nations, Israel and Anti-SemitismHistoryThe United Nations (UN) played a pivotal role in the establishment of the Jewish State by passing UN Resolution 181 in 1947, which called for the partition of British Mandate Palestine into two states, one Jewish and one Arab. Following Israel's independence in 1948, the Jewish State became an official member-state of the international body.At the same time, the international body has a continuing history of a one-sided, hostile approach to Israel. After decades of bias and marginalization, recent years have brought some positive developments for Israel to the UN. Nonetheless, the UN's record and culture continue to demonstrate a predisposition against Israel. Successive Secretary Generals have acknowledged this an issue for the institution. Indeed, in a meeting in April 2007, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon acknowledged to ADL leaders that Israel has been treated poorly at the UN and that, while some progress has been made, this bias still remains an issue. Secretary Ban stated this view publicly during his visit to Israel in August 2013. “Unfortunately, because of the [Israeli-Palestinian] conflict, Israel’s been weighed down by criticism and suffered from bias — and sometimes even discrimination,” Ban said in response to a question about discrimination against Israel at the UN. “It’s an unfortunate situation,” Ban said, adding that Israel should be treated equal to all the other 192 member states. In his first public address to a Jewish group, Secretary General Antonio Guterres told the World Jewish Congress in April 2017: “As secretary general of the United Nations I consider that the State of Israel needs to be treated as any other state.” And in August 2017, he stated that calls for Israel’s destruction are a form of modern-day anti-Semitism.UN actions continue to play an important role in the conflict. Resolutions 242 and 338, which were passed following the 1967 Six Day War and during 1973 Yom Kippur, call for Israel to withdraw from territories occupied in 1967, and for peace talks between Israel and her Arab neighbors based on the land-for-peace premise. These resolutions continue to play a role in the ongoing debate at the UN over the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and are often cited to criticize Israel’s presence in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.Most recently, in December 2016, the Security Council passed Resolution 2334which condemned Israeli settlement building, and labeled settlements a “major obstacle” to peace. The resolution passed 14-0, with the US abstaining. It was the first Security Council resolution to deal specifically with settlements in over 35 years.Israel rejected the resolution, and Israel’s Ambassador to the U.N., Danny Danon called said it “set us back in pursuit of peace” and “rewarded” the Palestinians “to continue down a dangerous path they have chosen” of avoiding direct negotiations with Israel.In December 2017, the US vetoed a UN Security Council resolution calling on President Trump to reverse the US decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. In June 2018, the US vetoed a resolution condemning Israel for using excessive forwards Palestinian protesters along the Gaza border. There was no mention of Hamas in the resolution. A second resolution that did reference Hamas’s role failed to pass.Israel’s IsolationSince Israel’s establishment, Arab member states of the UN have used the General Assembly (GA) as a forum for isolating and chastising Israel. With support from third-world nations, particularly the Non-Aligned Movement, and others, the Arab states have had little difficulty passing harsh anti-Israel resolutions through the GA. Even today, the strength of these groups in the world body allows them to continue rebuking Israel. While anti-Israel resolutions are easily passed in the GA, this is not the case in the Security Council, where resolutions are binding in nature, as the United States has used its veto power to prevent the passage of such resolutions.In the 1970s, the Arab bloc used its power to establish and authorize funding for several UN committees and divisions of the Secretariat which primarily carry out the anti-Israel agenda. Among these are: The Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat, The Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices in the Territories, and The Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People. Today, these bodies continue to be deeply engaged in promoting programs and initiatives that are harshly critical of Israel.A low point at the UN was the passage of the Arab and Soviet-sponsored United Nations resolution of November 10, 1975 which declared Zionism a “form of racism and racial discrimination.” The highly politicized resolution was aimed at denying Israel its political legitimacy by attacking its moral basis for existence. The resolution was finally repealed on December 16, 1991.For decades, Israel was the only member state consistently denied admission into a regional group, the organizational structure by which member states can participate on UN bodies and committees. The Arab states continue to prevent Israeli membership in the Asian Regional Group, Israel’s natural geopolitical grouping. As a result, Israel long sought entry into the Western and Others Group (WEOG) and in May 2000 was granted admission in New York. In 2013, Israel was invited to join WEOG in Geneva, the seat of several UN bodies and subsidiary organizations.The Human Rights CouncilThe UN Human Rights Council (HRC), which replaced the Commission on Human Rights in March 2006, has continued its predecessor's extreme focus on and biased treatment of issues relating to Israel, particularly in comparison with its mild action on pressing international human rights crises. The permanent agenda of the HRC includes a specific item targeting Israel - Agenda Item #7 – which is titled: "Human rights situation in Palestine and other occupied Arab territories: Human rights violations and implications of the Israeli occupation of Palestine and other occupied Arab territories and the Right to self-determination of the Palestinian people. Israel is the only country to appear on the HRC's permanent agenda, while other countries such as Iran and Sudan, notorious for their human rights abuses, are included as part of the general debate.The HRC has appointed a few “Special Rapporteurs” on “the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967,” whose biased mandate has been evident in their one-sided reports on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Two of the most problematic Special Rapporteurs have been John Dugard – who in 2008 justified Palestinian terrorism as an “inevitable consequence” of Israel’s actions – and Richard Falk – who has made a number of outrageous comments about Israel, including endorsing the anti-Israel BDS movement and comparing Israel’s treatment of Palestinians to Nazi activity during the Holocaust.The HRC has also initiated a number of “investigations” of Israeli military action following recent conflicts between Israel and Hamas in Gaza. In 2009, it published the so-called “Goldstone Report” (named for the investigation’s head Justice Richard Goldstone of South Africa) which accused Israel of committing war crimes in Gaza during its military operations in December 2008 – January 2009 (Operation Cast Lead), including the deliberate and premeditated targeting of civilians. While the report contained some discussion of Palestinian actions, including charges that Hamas violated international law, the focus of the report and its recommendations were on Israel, causing Israel, the United States, some European countries and others in the international community to reject the report’s validity. In 2011, Justice Goldstone published an op-ed where he withdrew the report’s claim that Israel deliberately targeted civilians, and commended Israel’s independent investigations into charges of abuse.In 2015, the HRC published a report on Israel’s 2014 military operation against Hamas in Gaza (Operation Protective Edge), which accused both Israel and Hamas of violations in international law which could amount to war crimes. The report accused Israel of using disproportionate force in Gaza, and not doing enough to prevent civilian casualties. Israel and US rejected the report.In 2016, the HRC ratcheted up its hostility to Israel by passing a resolution calling for the creation of a “blacklist” of companies operating in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Golan Heights. The resolution condemned Israeli settlements, and called on companies not to do business with them. The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights said he planned to publish the list by the end of 2017, despite objections from Israel and the US. As of 2018, the UN has only published a list of countries where the companies are based, but not the names of the companies themselves.In June 2018, the US announced that it was formally withdrawing from the HRC, citing anti-Israel bias and the body’s inclusion of human rights-violating countries as motivating the decision. The UK also announced that it would withdraw if the Council continued its anti-Israel bias.United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)In October 2011, UNESCO granted the Palestinians full admission into the organization, the first UN body to do so. In the past few years, a number of problematic resolutions relating to Israel have been adopted by the body, which have include harsh criticism of Israel’s handling of holy sites in Jerusalem.In April 2016, the UNESCO Executive Board adopted a resolution on “Occupied Palestine” which was harshly critical of Israel and which only refers to the Muslim name for the Temple Mount – Al-Aqsa Mosque/Al-Haram al-Sharif – without using the Jewish “Temple Mount”, effectively ignoring the Jewish connection to the site.In October 2016, the Executive Board passed a resolution on Jerusalem which referred to the Temple Mount / Holy Sanctuary solely by its Muslim name and to the Western Wall Plaza in quotation marks, effectively diminishing the 3,000 year Jewish connection to the city.In July 2017, UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee voted to designate the old city of Hebron, including the Tomb of the Patriarchs, as a “World Heritage Site in Danger” and listed the site as part of the State of Palestine.In 2018, a toned-down compromise UNESCO resolution was reached on an Israel-focused resolution, which Israel welcomed as a positive step.Palestinian Statehood ActivitiesThe UN has also become a vehicle for the Palestinians to take unilateral action to gain statehood recognition.In September 2011, the Palestinians began the process of securing UN admission by submitting an application to the UN Security Council. The Palestinians ultimately decided to “postpone” a vote on their admission after it became clear that they lacked sufficient support for approval.On October 31, 2011, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) granted “Palestine” membership, marking the first time the Palestinians had gained full admittance into a UN organization.In 2012, the UNGA voted overwhelmingly to upgrade the Palestinians to non-member observer status, effectively recognizing the State of Palestine, a move that was rejected by Israel and the US as a ploy to circumvent direct negotiations with Israel.Since January 2019, the Palestinians have chaired the Group of 77 bloc (G77), the largest bloc of developing countries making up over 80% of the world’s population.Positive Developments on IsraelThere have been some recent positive developments at the UN with Israel accomplishing a major first when the UN's Second Committee (Economic and Financial) adopted an Israeli-initiated draft resolution dealing with agricultural technology for development in 2009.In June 2016, Israeli UN Ambassador Danny Danon was elected chairman of the UN General Assembly’s Sixth Committee (which deals with legal issues, including matters related to terrorism and the Geneva Conventions), marking the first time Israel has been elected to head a permanent UN committee.In 2018, Israeli law professor Yuval Shany was chosen to head the UN Human Rights Committee, a body of independent experts that monitors the implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Shany is the first Israeli to hold the position.In 2019, the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) issued a report criticizing Palestinian authorities and calling on Palestinian leaders to act against “racist hate speech and hate crimes,” including incitement to violence against Israelis and Jews. The report marked the first time CERD had ever criticized Palestinian officials for incitement.Anti-SemitismIn recent years, the UN has begun to address other issues of concern to the Jewish community, particularly anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial, in a highly visible way. In January 2015, the UNGA held its first ever special session on the rise of anti-Semitic violence worldwide. The event was cosponsored by the US, Israel, the 28 EU members and other countries, and featured a statements and speeches by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon and a number of government officials.In June 2019, the UN General Assembly held an informal session on combating anti-Semitism and other forms of racism. The meeting was organized at the initiative of the Israeli UN Mission, was over 90 countries participated, including representatives from Syria, Egypt, Turkey, Iran and Morocco. Secretary General Antonio Guterres opened the session, saying “I guarantee you that I will continue to call out Anti-Semitic racism and other forms of hatred loudly and unapologetically.”Hundreds of guests also participated, including Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein, who was injured in the April 27 shooting attack at the Poway synagogue in San Diego, as well as the daughter and sister of Lori Gilbert Kaye, who was killed in the attack

How the Israelis can live in a spot, surrounded by Arab nations that hate their existence, and would not like to give the Palestinians their land to live together? How they exist in an area surrounded by enmity?

No other choice really.I live in America and I am making Aliyah because the USA has a Holocaust on.In our schools for the past two decades they have taught everyone that we Jews are generally more diseased and inbred. We're not. Tinder even considers Judaism an STD and will ban you if they see a Sidur photo or Israeli flag.My older brother they tested the Human Growth Hormone on in the 5740s-5750s (1980s-1990s) which gave him chronic brain damage. They tested it on him before they even tested on animals or cadavers. They did the same to my little cousin who now has Autism.In high school I was segregated. They re-segregated Mansfield ISD around 5763/2003 building a new campus for the rich white Christians and sending the poor white kids and minorities to the old campuses. Like one of my white friends could see my High School from his front door but instead they made him go 10 miles away to the >90% white school. By my senior year the Hispanic children had their own campus, African-Americana theirs, and being the only Jew left they stuck me with the pregnant teens in the annex center cross town.Several hallmark TV shows literally get their rating based on defamatory images of Jews. Family Guy, South Park, heck even the Simpsons all have done it. I get that it is intended as comedy but the result of the joke was unfortunately mainstreaming disrespect. So now every asshole and their Mom makes fun of Jews like Eric Cartman would.We now have Pogroms nation wide: Pittsburgh, Poway, and Crown Heights. They didn't just attack one place in those areas they attacked everyone around too.Our Congress has enforced taxation to be collected to pay tribute to another religion and of we refuse to pay and keep our own religion then the IRS will put us in prison.They shut down our largest Kosher Foods provider and forced us out of the Workforce. I now operate my own business because I wasn't allowed Shabbat off or holidays and when I complain I typically get a Star of David to wear or some other insult. Heck one co-worker even told me she was writing Germany to see what the life of a Jew was worth. I now operate my own business which scraps by just barely because they are making it harder for small businesses to exist. Like insurance alone is almost as much as rent.They've even made it so conversion to Christianity is mandatory for a College Degree through forcing people to learn the History of Jesus Christ if they want to pass history or sing to Jesus Christ if they want to use Music for a Fine Arts credit needed for General Studies.This is why the Antidefamation League (ADL) and National Holocaust Museum both started using #NeverIsNow because the Rhetoric of the Nazi Party has literally been accepted as scientific fact in the USA. We're literally trying to warn people and it is the only tool we got.I mean I've even tried fleeing to Europe where I claimed Asylum after they took all my belongings (except those I could quickly hide or take in a backpack) in Texas telling me I have no Rights in America. Sweden, where I made the claim, just told me Pres. Obama wanted me back and sent me to the location printed on my Birth Certificate.Literally the Palestinians, Lebanese, Algerians, Syrians, and Iraqis told me to move to Israel having understood me. No one else did, even the Israelis have their head too far up their own asses to listen.And it isn't necessarily Pres. Trump. I mean this was all happening before him. If anything he was just the byproduct of the predominantly antisemitic culture of current day America.It is important to remember the Holocaust did not start with the Concentration Camps. It ended with them.

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