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A Guide of Editing Cas & Cad Series Single & Twin Cross Arm Bracket on G Suite

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Why do libertarians' Quora answers criticize the left more often than the right?

I criticize the left considerably more than the right simply because the many of the left on Quora (and in the real world) can be more vicious.Yes, I have a friend is against gay marriage (I’m bisexual) but I can tolerate that. He believes that marriage is between a man and a woman, and I can respect that. He’s honestly quite a nice guy.But compare that to the left.I made an off-handed comment about how I thought that third wave feminism was getting out of hand. You know, the SJW kind.And my liberal friend jumped on me.“So, you’re a misogynist, right?”“No?”“You must hate women, because you hate feminism!”“No?”They then proceed to storm off in a cloud of righteous indignation.Um, ok?I talk to people on the right about abortion all the time. I am pro-choice up to twenty weeks. They are always respectful and nice. They say they believe it is murder and inhumane. I disagree. In the end, we end up becoming friends.Compare that to me talking to a liberal about it.They start off with “pro-birthers” and “anti-lifers” are all “sexist and controlling white men” and that women who oppose abortion are “indoctrinated”. We talk some more, and I hear this accusatory, honestly hateful language. More things like “religion is a source of indoctrination and designed to oppress women” and “the patriarchy!” Then the conversation progresses to me being pro-life after 20 weeks.I get called all sorts of slurs and personal attacks. Things like “retard” (I’m an aspie), “f*ggot” and again “sexist”.“You’re a pro-birther” is also something I hear a lot.Look, my mother works as a nurse and occasionally gets shifts in L and D. She has seen 24 week babies being delivered. I have a moral objection to ripping limbs off something that can survive out of the womb.And then they storm off.They also call a fairly elected president, a fascist for some reason. A racist too (because HRC lost):As an ideological instead of attitude issue, I criticize liberals more because they are no longer liberal. They are statist. Conservatives tend to be small government. As a libertarian, so am I. They tend to support higher taxes. Conservatives don’t. They want me to pay for other people’s healthcare and tertiary education. Conservatives don’t. That inclines me disagree with liberals more and agree with conservatives.The left also treats libertarians with derision. “They’re a white sausage party” and “just republicans with a bong” are some of the most common things we hear.Finally, I see more liberals who just won’t leave me alone.Do you see this?These are extinction rebellion protestors (a well-known climate and socialism activist group) blocking the Brisbane (where I live) central business district. Traffic was blocked. People couldn’t get to work. Hell, even emergency vehicles couldn’t get past.They don’t leave me alone.Contrast that to conservatives. They rarely protest, they leave me alone, a core libertarian tenet. They don’t tell me I hate the environment, they don’t tell me that I hate women and they don’t tell me that I am racist for opposing reparations. They let me be.I get that some conservatives and liberals treat us to the contrary. But they are the minority.In general, conservatives treat us as allies with slightly different views. Liberals treat us like we are human oppressor machines.If you want me to stop criticizing you as much, treat me with the respect I treat you with.ETA: I’ve had quite the blowback from this answer. Let me clear a few things up:The most common sticking point is the Trump racism meme for either: Back 50 years ago he wanted the death penalty for a group of people of colour who raped and assualted a girl and back 50 years ago he refused to rent to black peopleLook, I by no means support the second incident. That was racist. But it was also 50ish years ago. Many liberals are big on rehabilitation and change. So I am. I believe he changed.The first one from what I’ve seen has nothing to do with race. Like, at all. So please stop commenting that.Another thing that has ruffled some feathers is me saying that conservatives are small government but want more abortion control and that they are indeed controlling white menFor pro-life people and especially conservatives, that is a civil rights issue. They believe that a baby is created at conception. They don’t want to oppress women, they want to save the baby and by doing that, they oppose abortion.About me using “the extremes”I’m really not. Antifa and radical AOC SJWs have become normalised. As I said in a comment, “It’s not extreme, just further to the left than I”.“I wouldn’t say I’m a statist. I do support higher taxes.”That makes you a statist.Trump is a fascist!Yes, the democraticly elected business man with a several billion dollar empire is a fascist! Why? Because he treats the media and interviews poorly (irrelevant) and goes after his rivals using his office (almost every president has done this).A liberal has never called you a f*ggot!Good to know you have seen inside my memories and gleamed the truth from them. You have a career as a fortune teller ahead.Selection bias!This is my experience. Please remember that. If I haven’t seen the conservative that you have who offended you, that isn’t my fault. Nearly all conservatives on Quora are polite, informed and well spoken. Many of the top liberal writers call Trump supporters awful names, regularly degrade religion and write so aggressively and matter-of-fact that I find myself unfollowing them, again tying back to the attitude issue I have seen.ETA 11/19/19:I got this gem:You claim the left is more vicious but have you seen Richard Johnson's answers? That man is a right wing vicious attack dog going after the left like his personal vendetta. Ol' Double Dick contradicts the anecdotal claims you bring up in your love of Trump that your side is better than the other. I'll be reporting your answer to collapse it like it rightfully should be.Thank you. You have provided me enough salt for the next decade.

Is the A-10 style of CAS obsolete (getting low, slow, and dropping unguided weapons)?

Uhm, actually…What IS woefully outdated is public perception of how the mighty Hawg does CAS.The A-10 now performs almost all of its CAS missions in roughly the same altitude block as its more pointy-nosed brethren.And it drops the same precision-guided munitions.A Hawg over Afghanistan on March 12, 2018. Photo taken from a tanker. PGMs, rockets, and targeting pod on display from a fairly good altitude. Oh, and let’s not forget the versatile bit of rotary kit on the nose. 1,150 rounds of “How ya’ doin’?”Now, it still goes “slow” when compared with jets that can push it up to mach snot (even though they usually go slower because of fuel burn rate), but cruising in the 275–300 knot range will still get you most places in time to only be fashionably late rather than miss the party altogether.The difference is that, once it arrives, the Hawg can often hang around for the after-party, and still have enough party favors to go around. (Some of which you likely won’t find on any other jet.)And the ability to do that will never go out of style. ;-)With all of that said, I highly recommend you pop over to this question:(With air superiority) If you could choose a plane for cas, would you choose the a-10 or f-35?Over there, I explain why it is sometimes vitally important to have the option of going low. Like when your troops are fighting for their lives, withdrawing under withering fire, at night, under a low cloud deck, against a moving enemy. That’s when you MUST be able to get down in the weeds with your troops, get eyes on, and do your job as a professional CAS pilot to save their lives.(I also address dealing with more advanced threats.)So, the Hawg usually fights from high and outside with PGMs like every other carnivore these days, but it hasn’t forgotten how to get down and dirty when the situation calls for it.And that’s why it’s still the best there is at what it does. :-)BRRRRRRRRRTTTTTTTTTT!!!!

Why is Piyush Goyal tweeting a lot about CAs lately?

It is because Piyush Goyal is himself a Chartered accountant. It is his field of interest.Let's see what he tweeted about it once:I think this tweet is enough to let us know why he tweets a lot about CAs.(Source: Twitter)Thank You!Chaitanya Agrawal ✍🏻

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