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I'm 16. What do I have to do from now on to become Batman if I have less than $1k to my name?

Well, I could just tell you to go read my answer to whether it's possible for someone to become Batman. That answer is extremely detailed and goes into step-by-step explanations of what you'd have to do, and how long you'd have to do it, to even begin to try to become something as close to the real-world equivalent of Batman as is probably possible. And I do highly recommend you go read that answer, if you haven't already.Or I could save you the trouble of reading that answer (but no, seriously, do go read it) by saying "You can't, don't waste your time trying because it's not possible and too many people spend life chasing and/or otherwise fantasizing about unrealistic goals and expectations to the point of neglecting developing realistic, healthy goals and expectations in life. Young people already tend to have less fully matured (in a literal sense) realistic expectations and experiences in life, and are more inclined to internalize certain of the less helpful, less realistic sets of expectations and self-images and worldviews sold to them via unhelpful media that's explicitly out to exploit people through those unrealistic expectations and so on."But that's taking the question far too seriously and cynically, because nobody is asking how to become Batman just to hear an old dude grumping about getting over idealistic daydreaming about being a superhero and facing the hard cold facts of Batmanless life. This is a question seeking some fun discussion, and so again I have to say "go read my other answer first, then come back and read the rest of this answer."So, go read it......okay, you're back. That was fast. I'm almost inclined to believe you DIDN'T read it at all, and just skipped right on down to this next sentence. In fact, I'm pretty sure that's exactly what you did. What's that? Oh, you read it previously, so you don't need to read it now? Suuuure you did. Well, if that's the case, then why did you ask me how to become Batman in THIS question? Gotcha, didn't I? You didn't really read that other answer after all! Now go read it, already, and then come back here when you're done.(...You better not be cheating this time...)Now then, I've dashed your hopes and you hate me. I realize that, it's what I do sometimes. But I'm about to make it up to you. What I'm going to do is, I'm putting aside my "face the facts" hat, and going to just go ahead and divulge the real secrets to becoming Batman after all.You're 16 years old [note: this answer was originally written when the question included mention of the asker's age, and sought advice for how to start preparing as a teenager for eventually becoming Batman]? Time to get cracking. First up, look online to find the best-rated Judo, Aikido, and Karate classes in your area. See how much they cost, and make a schedule for yourself that allows you to manage taking all of those classes on a regular basis, so that you go to each one every week (meaning three classes per week, one for each). Meanwhile, in the rest of your free time, begin endurance-running, weight lifting, push-ups, sit-ups, other strength-training exercises (I won't give you a detailed exercise regimen, you can find this online yourself since you want to be the world's greatest detective! just make sure it's strenuous strength and endurance-building exercise), and Yoga -- spend two hours every single day on these things, and slowly increase the amount of time to incorporate exerices into your day whenever possible (I'll explain this more later below).To pay for all of this, use Kickstarter to post a request for people to fund your study of each individual class you take -- meaning one Kickstarter campaign for Judo, a separate one for Aikido, etc -- and tell them how important these classes are to you and that you cannot afford them because you're too young to work full time and your parents cannot pay for it either. Do NOT mention that you are doing this to become Batman. You might think that would be a good way to convince more people to give you money -- IT'S NOT, and part of becoming Batman involves not letting everyone know that you're planning to become Batman. (Note: The fact you asked this question publicly kind of dramatically goes against this rule, but that ship has already sailed my friend, so good luck with that -- I'm just hear to tell you about what to do from this point forward.) You really have to put time into thinking about this, writing out different ideas and plans for your "please give me money" video, and selling yourself and your desperate, helpless need for money to take classes that will help you defend yourself and so on. Make it good, because you need at least one of these videos to work. If they don't, wait the necessary amount of time and then post a new one asking for money again as soon as the site allows you to do so. Keep this up, as long as it takes to get money flowing.Meanwhile, sign up for any credit cards available to you. Plus, get a job, specifically something that doesn't involve sitting around on your butt. It should be a job that gives you hands-on experience with electronics, skilled labor in other words; or something involving a lot of manual labor, lifting and carrying things for long periods of time. Be sure you wear proper back braces, use proper lifting techniques, and wear all other necessary safety equipment to avoid injury.Don't buy fun things for yourself. No more spending time or money at movies, or running around with friends, or dating. You want to be Batman? COMMIT to it. Your whole life will revolve around this from now on, you will do nothing that isn't feeding the goal of becoming Batman. That attitude is, itself, part of being Batman, so get used to it.So, work and save every penny while acquiring as much credit as you possibly can. Sell anything of value you own that might decrease in value over time, and put that money into savings as well. Open a bank account with the highest interest return you can find. Meanwhile, ask your parents for money any time you can do so and expect to get any from them -- don't spend it on anything, just obtain it and put it into your savings. You should also be getting some money for those Kickstarter campaigns at some point, too.At the point you have enough money to pay for a month of martial arts classes, sign up and start taking them all as explained earlier. Hopefully you can talk your parents into paying for one classes regularly, your Kickstarter will fund at least one other class, and then your work will pay for a third one.Work out, practice your martial arts, read books on your martial arts, and do Yoga in your spare time. Focus all of your free time on developing your body and your meditation and your understanding of the marital arts. Besides those things, you should only be going to school and going to work. You'll need to slowly increase your caloric intake, to 3,000 calories per day (with lots and lots of protein) and then 4,000 calories per day. Your exercise should increase in intensity and duration and the weight you use etc -- and do it every chance you get, so if you are reading a book on martial arts you could be doing push-ups with the book under your face, for example; if you're waiting for the bus to school you can be doing push-ups or sit-ups; if you are in study hall or riding home sitting down, you can be doing stomach vacuums. Use any opportunity to add a few seconds or minutes of exercise to your day.This is a good time to start changing your sleep schedule. You will do this over a period of the next two years, so this is a relatively slow process. The way it works is, for now you use the regular 8 hours of sleep at night. But then, after you get into a comfortable rhythm with your work and exercise etc, you need to adjust to sleeping 3 1/2 hours at night plus taking a 20 minute nap in the day (during your lunch break at school, find a teacher who lets you use their room for this) and then a 90 minute nap when you first get home from your martial arts class each day. After about 6 months of this, you will switch to sleeping 4 1/2 hours at night and taking two 20 minute naps during the day, which you'll do for another 6 months. Then, you will go to 3 1/2 hours at night plus three 20 minute naps, and will do this for 6 months. Finally, you will switch to 1 1/2 hours of sleep at night plus four 20 minute naps, doing this for 6 more months.Keep all of that up, working and getting money and credit anywhere you can, and doing your martial arts classes, until you are 18 years old. Two years of this intense focus should mean you're ready for the next step.At 18, you should be graduated from high school. Great, more free time to focus on becoming Batman! Live at home with your parents as long as you can, to save money and get free room and board plus free food -- if and when they eventually start asking for you to help pay your way, put it off as long as possible, make excuses, sweet-talk them, and if necessary because they are too insistant then finally negotiate to get the lowest possible payment agreement with them. Then of course pay late, pay half when you can get away with convincing them to take the other half later, whatever it takes to save your money and avoid spending a dime you don't absolutely have to spend. Remember, if you have to be deceiving, that's okay, because your life will soon revolve around being Batman and Batman has no time for personal relationships.Plus, you can't let your family know what you're really up to, so you have to make excuses for why you are supposedly out looking for a job or doing low-paying work etc, to cover for your real job and your increasingly extensive training. Again, Batman lies to everybody about what he's real doing in his spare time, so get used to it and get GOOD at it. The greater good demands it! That's what Batman would say, anyway.So, as an adult who is 18, you can work 40 hours a week, so I recommend getting a job selling shoes on commission at a department store with a good commission rate. You think this sounds crazy, but you need to develop a good ability to judge people and tell what they want, how to find them what they want, and how to convince them that what you found is indeed what they want. You need to get fast, get aggressive, get confident, and most of all GET MONEY. I worked commission shoe sales back when minimum wage was $3.35 an hour, and I averaged $18 an hour because if you came into my area for shoes I was selling you so many g**damn shoes you'd need to grow ten more feet to ever get use out of all of them, and I'd sell you ever accessory you can possibly imagine goes with shoes because I CAN SELL SOME G**DAMN SHOES, BUDDY. My point is, yeah, shoes are easy to understand and easy to get good at, and if you work commission you can make pretty good money at it. 40 hours a week at $18/hr is more than $700 per week, if you can talk your boss into working you 40 hours -- and if you're a good salesman, then guess who can talk their boss into anything they WANT? (The answer is "you," by the way.) That's not gonna make you rich, but for an 18 year old that's a decent way to start adulthood.But hey, obviously if you can get a job paying more than that, then by all means do it -- just make sure it's one that doesn't involve selling illegal substances or othewise being a criminal, since you're about to be Batman and the only laws you are allowed to break are the ones about vigilantism, assault, carrying weapons in public, breaking and entering if you think someone is suspicious, and other such things related to taking the law into your own hands.But besides your 40 hr/week job, keep your time free. Don't go to college, or have any friends, or have a love life, or visit your family for anything other than free meals, free room and board, and borrowing money. All of your remaining time besides your job will be spent on exercise, reading about your martial arts and exercise, Yoga, and -- here it comes -- increasing your training to include MORE martial arts and other classes.That's right, you are now going to start taking additional classes, studying Jujitsu, Muay Thai, and Parkour. So find classes and do some more Kickstarter campaigns, borrow money, keep getting credit cards, and so on. If possible, go to the bank you've been using for the last couple of years and apply for a loan of several thousand dollars to cover the costs of the marital arts classes, and then make your loan payments the best way possible (pay them at the last possible time allowed, and if possible pay it with a credit card so that the minimum monthly payments are further decreased -- you want to postpone spending much moeny, trust me, you'll see why shortly).Now your free time should be pretty full, with classes in Judo, Aikido, Karate, Jujitsu, Muay Thai, and Parkour. Have one class of each of these every week.By this point, you've gone though your slow change in sleep cycles, remember, and at 18 you will have ended your 6 months on the 1.5 hours of sleep at night plus four 20 minute naps. So, with these new added classes, it is time of the switch to a new sleep schedule -- take four 30 minute naps a day, meaning one nap every six hours. You will be sleeping a total of two hours per day, giving you 22 waking hours. This is hard, but people have proven able to do it. Will there be side effects of all this insane change to your sleep schedule? Of course, and some people suffer severe side-effects or just cannot maintain it. But if you are going to be Batman, you have to be the kind of person who CAN maintain it. If you can't, then frankly that throws the whole "being Batman" thing out the window!You should be working 40 hours per week, taking 6-10 hours of training classes every week (martial arts plus Parkour), and exercising (by this point in time) at least 28 hours per week (at least four hours per day). Guess what? That leaves you with nearly 11 hours per day, lazy-bones! Sure, figure probably an hour per day is for eating food, plus maybe 30 minutes to prepare food, plus maybe 30 minutes of total bathroom time for using the toilet plus showering (oh yeah, you need to keep your hair buzz-cut like the military to save time and money, and learn to shower fast to conserve time as well). That knocks it down to 9 hours left in your day, of which we will just be generous and give you two hours of "getting around from place to place, like work and classes," so now it's 7 hours of time to fill each day. You probably will have some unexpected stuff come up, so we'll let you have 30 minutes for "incidentals" and then another 30 minutes to put in time talking to your family so they don't disown you and kick you out. So, 6 hours left now. What to do, what to do...?Oh! I know! More training! Time to start sharpening up those detective skills, by signing up for classes to get your private investigator's license. Will this cost money? You bet. Does that mean more Kickstarter campaigns? Yep. And in the mean time, go online and look for all the free information you can find about investigative techniques for P.I.'s and detectives, go to the library to get non-fiction books on the topics, and study your butt off. Spend a good 3 hours every day reading on these topics and attending whatever classes you need to take to get that P.I. license.With your remaining 3 hours per day, you will start your secret life. What this involves is picking a new name, a new "look" and "style," and going thrift store shopping for clothing and glasses and wigs to supplement this new alternate "you" you've created.This is a persona you are creating to go out around town and look into things that are outside of your normal life. You are experimenting with learning to act, learning to perform, learning to take bigger risks by going outside of your comfort zone to places you don't normally go. This is NOT a time to get into criminal stuff, that isn't what this stage is about yet. This is training, this is learning, so you build this new persona and use it to practice and get really great at taking on a new identity and approaching different kinds of people and going to places you would normally never go. It will expand your horizons and expose you to all manner of interesting new things you'd otherwise never see. One time, go stay at a homeless shelter to see what it's like, walk around all day without going inside anywhere and ask people for spare change and dress accordingly. Another day, go to a rough bar and drink sodas without any alcohol (but get it in a regular bar glass so it looks like you're drinking rum and coke or whatever), and just watch people and how they interact and what the atmosphere is like. Go be a hipster one day, a rightwing conservative another day, and so on. Spend a day in a poor neighborhood, spend a day in a rich neighborhood, spend a day as a tourist, spend a day as a blind person. And so on.Learn to enjoy this, to slip into your performances every day, always something new at first, but eventually you are going to create a specific new "persona." Spend time thinking up a life story for this new person, the places they've been, what they like and dislike, and build it out of things you really know a lot about but that are different from your own life and opinions and tastes. Never, ever overlap what this new "you" does or where the new "you" goes etc with your real self. Make this a new person who supposedly has a separate life from your own. Do NOT try to get fake IDs or anything like that, all you'd do is risk drawing attention to yourself and going to jail for something stupid. Just create the persona, and live it for three hours each day. What does this new person like to eat -- something different than your own favorite food, and pick a few "favorite" places for this persona. What music do they like -- not what you mostly like, but something very different. What jobs did they work -- not things you spend any significant time doing, but pick things that are simple and easy to find out about and visit the places they supposedly worked to see the layout and some people who work there so you can mention those folks and what they are like etc, little details that fill in the story. Learn this stuff, and take it with you in your mind and really let yourself perform the role and become this person.Some day, you'll start using this persona to get information, to go into places you cannot be seen going, and so on. So put time into it and be careful, do not risk this persona in any dumb ways or take it too far, just do the exercise here like any other training you're doing and perfect it and become great at it.Two years of this will take you to 20 years of age, and you'll be pretty damn good at martial arts and detective training, plus have a very well-developed second persona. You are exercising constantly, in top physical shape and strong and fast and powerful. You should also have saved up some money, too, after all these years of getting Kickstarter and loans and borrowing and avoiding paying for anything while living at home with your family and putting every spare penny into your savings account.Time to sign up for some college courses. Take your ACT and score above a 23, which I think is enough to get you free tuition to most state colleges for a basic course load 12-18 hours per semester, and there is usually a bit of money left over to help pay your books -- and shop at the used bookstore, every campus has one so don't buy new books!Sign up for classes, and ignore anything not specific to your goal -- that means only take classes in criminal justice related to gangs, organized crime, drug trade, law enforcement training, any FBI seminars, that sort of thing. Plus, add in sociology and psychology courses -- take the basic stuff because you need a foundation of understanding for the later classes, but then focus on courses in abnormal psychology, and anything related to crime or deviations and disorders. Sign up for any Judo, Karate, etc classes, too, just for the added training time and use of the gym. You aren't getting a degree, you are just targeting the classes you most need, and remember that any classes with a prerequisite should still let you "audit" the course (meaning you take the class like everyone else, but don't get credit for it towards your degree and don't get a grade or anything -- which is fine, you don't care, you just want the knowledge, this isn't about a degree). Talk with your professors after class and around campus, pick their brains and delve into specifics and details and conversations about crime, criminals, law enforcement, criminal psychology, and get recommendations for other classes or just other people/professors/whomever to talk to or books to read etc. Note who are the best students in class and get to know them, ask to study with them, and ask for their recommendations as well.These courses will necessitate making more time in your schedule. Go ahead and stop your Judo, Aikido, Karate, and Parkour classes, and fold those studies into your remaining martial arts and exercise time (which needs to always be intensifying and increasing to push your limits during the time spent on those things). Also during this time, you won't have to do your P.I. studies etc since you're studying in college and should've gained your P.I. license anyway.Start asking for ride-alongs with the police, getting to know the neighborhoods and how crime works, how to spot street crime or suspicious behavior, where certain kinds of crime are most prevalent in which areas, and so on. Also, if you can get any time in internships with law enforcement agencies -- local, county, state, or federal -- take those opportunities, and be sure to always ask for internships or just any opportunity to participate and learn hands-on/eyes-on/whatever from professionals. Start studying Spanish in your spare time, too. Take classes in it at college if and when it won't interfere with your other studies.Now your "new persona" can start to put your knowledge to some better use. Start going to places that are known hangouts of criminals, not literally a crack den or such things but rather public bars, restaurants, clubs, and so on. Be there, watch and listen but don't be obvious and don't get nosy. Don't ask questions, just be there and become a face they are used to seeing around so you start to blend into the crowd and background. Be familiar even though you aren't talking to them or involved in anything that's going on. Don't take any notes, don't record anything, don't try to do anything other than sit at the bar/tables by yourself drinking and eating, listening to music, make smalltalk with the servers and bar tenders, that kind of casual thing. You want to notice the faces you see regularly, the ones who know one another, the ones conducting business there. If anyone from the criminal gangs tries to engage you or ask you questions, play totally innocent and remember you're just a person having food and drinks and relaxing after a day's work. What work? Well, just looking for work actually, you're out of work but used to work at this and that place -- remember your background details -- and aren't doing anything now. Don't try to play coy or tough with them, keep it simple and remember you're just a regular dude trying to have a normal night. Don't leave in a hurry, but if you've been approached in a suspicious manner then finish your drink/food, pay your tab, and leave. The goal is to NOT get noticed, remember, and NOT draw attention, and NOT engage them here. The goal is to blend in so they forget you're there, so you can watch and learn.This will be your life for about four years, so by the time you reach 24 years of age you will be in top physical shape, excellent at many martial arts and Parkour, meditative and able to control your breathing and relaxation, have a well-developed alternate persona, have a P.I. license with plenty of knowledge of investigation, and the equivalent knowledge of a degree in law enforcement and sociology, as well as practical hands-on experience for several years around the city with police, feds, and whatnot. And you'll have saved a lot of money and driven your parents/siblings half-crazy.Time for a vacation! Go to Mexico. Specifically, go to Chiapas and spend your time in the rainforest and in cinotes, zip-lining and rappelling and swimming and diving. Climb mountains and hike in jungles. Go during the end of the rainy season, so you can experience a few different climates and do outdoor activities in the rain and in the sun, in the heat and in the cold. Don't stay in nice hotels or resorts, stay in the cheapest places you can find right in the jungle. Don't bring cell phones or computers, bring a single duffle bag with a few days worth of clothing, toothbrush, and a water bottle. You want to go off the grid and expose yourself to the elements, put yourself into a totally different environment where you are living day to day as much in the wilderness as possible. This experience is a way to relax but also push yourself in a new environment. You'll still do your exercises and practice your martial arts while you're there, of course, but you can put them to a less intense schedule -- dial it back to a couple of hours a day practicing martial arts, and an hour of exercise in the morning when you wake up and an hour at night. Spend two weeks doing this, and what you'll want to do is work your way through Southern Mexico and cross the border to Guatemala, on foot as much as possible, and fly back to the U.S. from Guatemala.This next part is going to be hard, but you need to do it anyway. Sign up for the military for a four-year engagement. Don't reenlist afterward, just do a four-year tour of duty that includes combat zones. You need to learn what combat is like, how to survive it, how to develop muscle memory in crisis situations, and get access to supplies that might come in handy in your future, so to speak. Go into the Army Rangers, with your skills and training and schooling this shouldn't be a problem. Commit to being an obsessive soldier, training in your spare time and pushing yourself to the limits of your endurance -- but don't get brainwashed or become politicized, that's the worst thing that could happen if you want to be Batman. You are using this strictly as a final opportunity to hone your skills in a war zone setting, that's all it is, more training for your future as Batman, so take it that way. When your time is up, walk away and don't look back.You'll now be 28 years old, and almost ready to take up the mantle as Batman. Your final step is to make sure your P.I. license is in order,Now your ready to take a big step. Go shopping, and pay cash. You will be getting expensive stuff here, so be prepared for a hefty pricetag. You'll need to go to gun shows, look at army surplus stores and "soldier of fortune" type places -- even look online in forums for people who want to guy and sell and trade this stuff etc, too. The point is, find it from folks where you can pay cash.Get this:Shirts That Stop BulletsAnd this (it will be readily available by the time you are 24 years old):BAE Systems Liquid Body ArmorAnd this:TacPro™ from SafeGuard ARMOR™And this (the page is in French, but I use it b/c of the many images demonstrating what Quadguard V is (about 5 lbs of segmented body armor for arms and legs, or 9 lbs for the full body suit):QuadgardYou will be fitting all this together into your main bat-suit. You'll wear the shirt under the liquid armor and/or TacPro armor (the liquid armor will be very light and thin), and then add Quadgard for your arms and legs. The total weight of all of this armor will be less than 10 lbs over your entire body. It will get hot, though. So you'll have to stay hydrated and only go out at night (but that's the plan anyway).You will have to color all of this black, of course. And you'll add jump-boots (steel-toed combat boots, and you can find some with steel plates in the soles too if you get an old enough set from the 1970s, I believe). Get insulated (against electrical shock) gloves. Add some knee-guards and elbow pads from a sporting goods store. Then use another of those bulletproof shirts as the starting material for a mask -- this won't be as cool and fancy as the suit in the films and comics, obviously, but you need to be as well-protected as possible for what you're embarking on, so use the bottom half of the shirt to start your mask. Don't leave a large open space for the whole lower-half of your face, that's absurd, just cover your whole face and include holes for your nostrils and eyes, and a wide slit for your mouth. Wear detachable Gargoyle light-yellow sunglasses lenses on the inside of the mask to cover your eyes (Gargoyle lenses are partially "bulletproof"). Add the ears out of whatever material you want, it doesn't matter of course.Your cape needs to be no longer than knee-length, to avoid tripping. A cape has advantages and disadvantages -- it's good for waving and spreading out to distract and make it harder for an enemy to see where your body really is in the dark, it can be used to wrap around an enemy's head and blind or suffocate them, and it adds an added "fear" factor to your appearance. However, it can be grabbed and used to jerk you around in a fight, it can get caught in a door or on top of a fence when you're trying to climb over, and if you wear it a lot your DNA might get on it and then a piece of the cape gets torn off somewhere and is used to identify you. My advice is, carry the cape with you and only put it on when you aren't climbing things or in a fight with multiple people.You'll also want high-quality ninja-style throwing stars (forget the bat-shaped ones, that's crazy), a couple of Tasers, some pepper spray, nightvision goggles, lock picks, a police baton, knives, mini-flashlight, a small first-aid kit, ear plugs, nose plugs, a gas mask, tactical thunder B grenades, a blow-gun with small darts, a lighter, and some M80 firecrackers. Get a military style belt with lots of pouches, plus a leg pouch, and keep these items in the pouch. Get a small lightweight backpack for the remaining items and your cape.Then go buy a police scanner. And maps of the city. And rappelling rope and harnesses. And a dirt bike (motorcycle, in case it's not clear) that you paint black. And recording devices. And home surveillance cameras. And a private "drone" remote controlled vehicle (these are about a foot across, are silent, and have camera mounts, you can get them for a few hundred bucks now). Get a plain black car, something ordinary and simple but sturdy and dependable -- you'll be welding a large, heavy pointed steel fender to the front, for ramming purposes, and buy extra body armor to attach to the inside of the doors and trunk. Keep additional belts pre-packed with your basic materials in the trunk, extra backpacks, wigs and changes of regular clothing, water bottles, a larger first-aid kit, more listening devices and camera equipment, and your drone. The car will be your vehicle for getting to your "patrol location."This is a good time to get back to the finances for a moment. You want to charge things to credit cards in everyday life as much as possible, and always make the minimum monthly payments, pay late if you can do so without incurring additional fees, and so on. You're pushing off your debt into the future and relying on credit and loans to fund the opening stages of your crimefighting adventures -- you'll get money later that makes up for it, trust me.You will now start to collect information from people you know in the police department, at the bars and clubs etc you frequent in your alternate personality, from your own notes around the city and at the clubs etc, and from studying crime reports and news articles -- the goal is to figure out where to fly your drone to watch and spot criminal gang activities, identifying where they do their illicit business. During daylight hours, you'll dress as a repair man and go to spots near these locations of illicit criminal activity, and hide your surveillance cameras and recording equipment. You'll then collect more information about planned criminal activities. With all of this data, you will pick and choose targets of opportunity to focus your efforts on, to disrupt the gangs and their activities and take them down a few at a time. Then you'll plan to hit their buildings -- crack dens, meeting houses, that sort of smaller thing, by creating diversions that draw the members outside so you can sneak in and take down whomever is inside, then depart before the others return, taking any drugs and cash readily available to pick up -- you'll destroy the drugs, keep the cash. Leave behind a few flash-bangs to surprise them and cover your escape at first, then using your weapons to take down anyone pursuing you.For these missions, you'll be using your dirt bike to get within a few blocks and then sneak up on foot the rest of the way, so make it bback to your mike and get out of there fast when you're done. The bike is just to get you the one mile or so from your target to the pre-arranged drop-off location......which is a place you can ditch the bike and hide it overnight, to retrieve it in the morning, while you then leave in your car that has been driven there from the garage to pick you up. Who drove it there?Robin did.Because if you want to be Batman, you have to have a Robin. You need a sidekick, someone to assist you, and that someone will be doing the same training you've done, basically. They don't even have to be younger than you, you can be the same age or they can be older -- you are Batman because you're the one who is clearly the absolute best at this, and who recruited the other person to help you on this lifelong mission. You and Robin will share a small apartment, and will save and combine all your money (you'll get a signing bonus from the military, too).You'll drop the bike off beforehand, then go home and change into bat-gear, and Robin will then drive you that night back to the bike's location. You'll ride the bike over to the target area, do the mission, then ride back and leave the bike. You'll get back into the car and Robin will drive you both out of there.Sometimes, as you get more intense in your missions, you'll drive the car straight up to a hideout or den of criminals, crash through the front door (make sure it's a regular house first) and jump out with flash-bangs and weapons using full military-style raid techniques. Target places where you'll grab a lot of drugs to destroy and a lot of cash lying around, and where you won't face a huge number of foes. Also target corrupt officials and corporations for raiding for information that will bring them down -- those will be much closer to "supervillains" than anything else you'll face, aside from organized crime. All the while, you'll be getting cash that you liberate from the criminals, remember, so use that to fund your crimefighting.Meanwhile, also use the police scanner to catch crimes in progress -- you'll try to spend your nights in areas with the highest violent crime rates. You'll also try to figure out some way of identifying the names of sexual offenders and where they might be located, and then question them intently about where to catch sex offenders, who and what and where the real-life forcible sex trade and online trade/selling of material with victims can be located. Use them to connect you to others in that vile world, and take them down one by one while following the trail whever possible to the next target to bring down. If you somehow manage to find a lot of the names of these folks and where to locate them, you can pick out the ones involved in sexual assaults and watch them and wait for them to attempt other crimes and then bring them down with extreme prejudice, too. You just have to manage to locate some method of tracking them down, but you're a brilliant detective now so you can probably manage this somehow.Try to reach out to make friends with cops who seem inclined to approve of what you're doing. Send anonymous letters to them and leave them tips about criminal activity, tell them when shipments or other things are happening, let them get busts and credit for the work, and provide information to help with their investigations when you can. Develop a reputation of being helpful to them.This is as close to being Batman as you will realistically get. It will be hard, it will be insane, and you will have to dedicate your entire life to this while knowing you'll end up dead or arrested -- just like I warned you in that other answer that I know you read in detail and thought about deeply. But you will say "I was, for one shining period of time, Batman!"No, don't actually do this, it's ridiculous and crazy. It won't work and it's nuts. Seriously, don't even think about doing any of this. Go have a normal life and don't try to be Batman. Ever. This isn't real advice, fun's over. Put the mask down and step away!!

How should I utilize the time post JEE Mains (around 50 days) exam to score well in JEE Advanced ? Which books/materials and what strategy must I follow to increase my speed, accuracy and output?

Here is a complete strategy, being written after considering psychological, practical, scientific, spiritual scientific factors. (with some useful vedic solutions)This is being written after working upon my own experience, realizations from my Diary of coaching days.Firstly, Kudos to all JEE Adv aspirants on giving Mains successfully.Index of ContentsDisclaimerSuccess sutraThings to knowFactors affecting success.Things to doThe concept of companion.Plan and sub-strategies.Subject strategies*Daily routine (important)Spl. focus on Health(necessary Wealth)Food habits as Good habits.Subtle Austerities-their purpose. (Tips for betterment of your Deserve bank account)PrecautionsArt of Exam(crucial) and related tipsExam strategy (most important)In examBefore examTips from experts1. Disclaimer:All the below mentioned things are to be received as suggestions and are to be inculcated at will.This is a complete strategy (hence very long). Completely apt for self-study aspirants. Coaching students can make changes accordingly.Except the Plan, remaining parts is very useful for all students in JEE Coaching.Some parts are useful for Non-JEE aspirants also.This strategy is meant for those who want to make it to top 2000 (~1000 ~100)).2.Success sutra : C + C + CCC.C = ConfidenceThis comes from your work.C = Concentration (both in preparation and performance in exam)This should be enhanced by burning desire, daily self-motivation and meditation.CCC = Crystal Clarity of ConceptsThis is attained by your attempts for perfection.vyavasayatmika buddhir  ekeha kuru-nandana  bahu-sakha hy anantas ca  buddhayo 'vyavasayinam BG 2.41 Translation : Those who are on this path are resolute in purpose, and their aim is one. O beloved child of the Kurus, the intelligence of those who are irresolute is Many branched.It is intended to say that - those who are resolute at their goal, concentrate at only one thing at a time.So stay Focused.3.The things one should know :JEE Advance is not just a matter of IQ, hardwork, Reading, Memorising and Retrieving.It needs great strategy, perfect execution, smart work, retrospection and mastering the Art of giving Exam.You'll hardly get 40–50 days. (leaving the days of other engineering entrances)Know the competition. JEE Mains is attempted by 10 lakh+ students. And you are trying for top 0.1%Know your task. 70% marks in Advance can get you a Top 100 rank. And just 50% can get you a three-digit rank. So the target is not 100% perfection of total syllabus. And of course u can aim for 100%.Know the importance of Art of Exam. How many hours you may work per day. The result is completely based on the 6 hours of exam. (this you must have already experienced after Mains)Success is not just dependent on your hardwork, time, energy invested in preparation. According to Spiritual Scientific reasoning, it depends on the equations ofDesire - DeserveFree Will - FateDesire:You must have a burning desire which helps you stay dedicated for ur work.Deserve:It is the effect of your past work and deeds. For eg. When you are getting pocket money from your father. If you spend it wisely, he will feel that you deserve more money,and will increase your allowances. (tips for betterment of your deserve are given in later section of the answer)Fate:It is the resultant of all your past karma(work, efforts, deeds, sacrifices). It just works as the Newton's 3rd law! fate It may be either positive, negative or both.Free will:Besides the effect of your fate, you have a free will. For eg., if you get a holiday, it's your wish to sleep /enjoy /study /waste.4.Things to do :(by Apr 3–4) Keep a good Notebook (may be of 100–200 pages). This is your companion and friend through these 50 days. It helps u to stay organised with your work.Fill its cover page and first page with your targets and motivational stuff.Because, daily motivation is the key. Just as bath is for body, motivation is for mind. So get self motivated daily.Start every day with Date - Goals for the Day - Good Morning (or a Motivational quote if you remember one)Write in it every thing you do/read.(Like 14:00 - 17:00 - Chemistry (org) - Named Reactions and Mechanisms)Write in it all your emotions, whatever you feel. (like 16:00 - Bored.)Emotions are like tomatoes, they get rotten, if not disposed away.Write in it every question /point you read /find to be innovative /special. (like Mathematics - found a striking relation between complex numbers and vectors)End everyday Recording your progress in preparation, tasks postponed.Also write in it all innovative questions in the mock tests you attempt.List out all the chapters of the 3 subjects in a table with 4–5 columns against them (Poor, Average, Good, Very Good, Perfect)Complete this list by Apr 8–9. Attempt a Mock test before that.This is very important in building your strategy.Keep updating it as you progress.Sort out the time and ways in which you tend to waste time.Knowing your own weakness is half success. (Like, after lunch, before evening break, by day-dreaming, by getting excited)And also keep another Notebook for remedial work.5.Plan :Sub-strategies:Focus on your Strengths it gives you the strength to overcome your weaknesses.Failures are stepping stones to success only when worked upon.So along with taking Mock-tests, Remedial is more important.Success is the sum of many other subtle things brought together constructively.Our Target is not 100%(as discussed in Things to know Point 4.)Day 0: Apr 3 : Relax and peacefully think and do the “Things to do” given above.Week 0: upto Apr 9 : Start your preparation Seriously. But, in a more introspective way. So that by the end of the week, you shall come to know all your lapses, weaknesses, tasks, plans.During this week, Work on the chapters in which you feel perfect/very good. (not others, because u must've already knew them)Give two 6 hr mock tests - one on Wednesday and other on SaturdaySo that you'll clearly know your lapses by 9thOn Apr 10:Fill your chapters list completely, and make a study plan for 35–40 days. Leaving the poor chapters.List all the factors which waste your time and energy. And Get rid of them as soon as possible.And the Ultimate 40 days. (Apr 10–30, May 1–19.)From the chapters list you prepared, Better leave the poor chapters(at max 20% chapters*) completely.Because as I have already said we just need to get 50–70% marks for a three-digit AIRSo by leaving weak chapters (20% at max), u have 80% in hand.And who knows if the question from your poor chapter a dead easy one, u can score in it also.Give at least 10 mock tests (6 hrs) as exams. Suggested to take on every Thursday and Sunday.Take exams 9:30 - 12:30 and 14:00 - 17:00.Morning (before P1) ~7:00 - 9:15 - Revision of formulae and concepts as many as you can.In 12:30 - 14:00 - Have lunch and take rest. B'coz on the D-Day, you won't know the result of P-1 before P-2.After exam - 18:00 - 22:30. Correction and noting mistakes in 30 mins.Now U have 3+ hrs (leaving time for dinner). In that 3 hrs complete remedial work as 1 hr per subject that too only typical /innovative questions.On non-exam days, U have 3 slots ~7:00 to 12:00, 13:00 to 17:30, 18:00 to 22:30/23:00(with dinner break).The allotment of slots is upto you. (based on your strengths and weaknesses)I suggest C, P, M order for the 3 slots.Because, C in morning is good for remembering things.M at night won't allow you fall asleep.Whatever you do it timed.If you do not have practice problems or mock test papers, U can get good ones from JEE Main, Advanced & AIPMT Prep & Learning App - Embibe without any charge.For perfect and very good chapters in your list, give a quick glance at formulae and concepts. And then proceed with problems.For Good, Average chapters in your list, perfect your concepts and then proceed with problems.Work with Concept of Companion. (given earlier in the answer)For suggested problem books, read Neeraj Alavelli (నీరజ్ ఆలవెల్లి)'s answer to What is best problem books for IIT JEE?Subject strategies:M: Try to atleast 80 problems /day giving atleast 3hrs for problems/day.P: Atleast 60 problems/day giving atleast 2 hrs for problems/day.C: Atleast 50 problems/day giving atleast 90 mins for problems/dayAs I told you to leave 20% chapters in which you feel you are poor. But if you feel that you are weak in a whole part of a subject, follow this:For eg., If you are weak in Organic Chemistry (about 35-40 % in chemistry), you can leave it, But, prepare some limited portion from which atleast 2–3 questions are guaranteed. Like Named reactions and their Mechanisms, Ozonolysis , Biomolecules etc.For personalised suggestions, contact on message/ comment below.6.Daily Routine :A fixed daily routine with some austerities is recommended for efficient work and better result(austerities add up in ur deserve balance sheet)Wake up at <=6:00.This increases brain's capacity to memorize.This decreases body's tendency to sleep.By 6:30, attend Nature calls, brush and bath.Bath compulsory in the morning.This increases peace of mind.This acts as a massage to your body. Relaxing muscles and comforting blood flow.Decreases the risk of skin diseases(it's summer now!)Negates the irritation of sweating.6:30.- Mantra Meditation / Chanting.Chant God's holy name 108 times (or for 10 mins). Hare Krsna Mahamantra suggested.This increaes your pratiba, medha and prajña.(power of grasping, retaining and retrieving)This brings your brain waves to alpha-zone. Which is the most optimum, efficient and consistent zone.For more details, read Neeraj Alavelli's answer to Which is the best method of MeditationThis greatly benefits your deserve bank account6:40 - 7:00 - BreakfastTake only light food in more quantity.Idli/ Upma/Vegetable Sandwitch/poha /Bread Jam/Corn flakes/Oats etc and fruit juice/milk /butter milk etc are suggested. (egg/ omlet are not suggested)Now Study slot 1: ~7:00 to 12:00U can take a 10–15 min break at 10:00.12:00 - 12:30 - Lunch:Have a normal vegetarian lunch.Take Butter milk (suggested)12:30 - 12:55 - Rest.This increases your efficiency in Afn slot.12:55 - Wash your face, and get ready for Slot 2.13:00 - 17:30 - Slot 2.17:30 - 18:00 - Break.One more round of Mantra Meditation. (8–10 mins).A quick Second Bath is suggested to stay fresh. (10 min) /Atleast wash your face.If you have a habit of drinking tea or coffee, green tea/herbal tea is suggested instead.18:00 - 22:30/23:00 - Study slot 3.Dinner (suggested at 20:00)A vegetarian, light dinner is suggested.For pleasant sleep and healthy digestion.Suggested to eat salad (carrot, cucumber, tomato, beetroot, radish) fruits like Grapes, banana, apple etc.After Slot 3,Record your progress in your companion as said in the concept of companion.If not bathed in evening, bath before sleeping. To have pleasant sleep. /Atleast wash your face.Brush your teeth 2nd time to safeguard your health.Go to bed as early as possible. Latest by 00:00.Pleasant sleep is for nourishing mind and memory.Food Habits :You must be wondering(if u r non-vegetarian)- Why this guy is insisting upon Vegetarian diet. Because:It is scientifically proven that Diet has great effect on thought process.Vegetarian diet helps you stay free from bad thoughts and negative emotions (anxiety, anger, frustration, excitement, envy, over-confidence (pride), depression)And spiritual science says, Non- Vegetarian diet has bad reactions which diminishes your deserve bank account.Pray God before every meal, to get your food sanctified. So that it is free from bad karma.Do not over-eat. Do not skip meal.Minds is happy when Stomach is Happy.Avoid outside food, junk food, fast foods, oily and over-spicy foods.Subtle austerities and their effect.Subtle austerity suggested :Waking up early.Bath daily.Give up movies and TV.Give up unproductive chats (whatsapp, messenger), unproductive surfing facebook, google, youtube).Give up meat eating.Effect:These increases your good karma/avoid bad karma, hence benefitting your deserve bank account.They increase your efficiency to work.7.Precautions:Never get affected by negative emotions(anxiety, frustration, excitement etc..).If they are persistent, Read Neeraj Alavelli (నీరజ్ ఆలవెల్లి)'s answer to I'm dead tired of preparing for JEE now. Can you motivate me?The Áyur Veda lists 3 causes of disease - anxiety, over-eating and uncleanliness.Get rid of them for good health.Stay away from Sun. Sunstroke is possible.It's high summer, drink plenty water and other liquids (buttermilk, juices, shakes, glucose, ORS, Basil seed water, etc)If you have a habit of Intoxication (smoking tobacco, alcohol consumption, addictive drugs etc).,Give up immediately and forever.8.Art of exam:Exam strategy :It is recommended to formulate your own exam strategy. Based on your comfort.Advance exam has a lot of multi-correct. So read, analyse every option carefully.Try to make use of the question paper as much as possible. By linking between options. Or even between two questions sometimes.Do not leave any question with no negative marking unattempted.If u r lucky enough, that one question can change 100s of ranks.Suggested strategy:Give a quick glance all over the paper in first few minutes. (you can also mark easy questions)Finish off easy questions first, skip time-taking ones.Unless you are super-strong in M/P, starting paper with Chemistry is suggested.By the end of 2 hrs, choices of all solved questions must have been bubbled in the OMR.So that you'll clearly know,how many questions are left and which are they.Do not get excited in the end. It may damage your accuracy.Others suggestions:Carry a pencil for rough work. So that the readability of the questions is not damaged.Enter the exam hall with a blissful smile on ur face.This boosts your confidence.Take seat and take deep breaths and you can also pray God.This removes anxiety or tension.Run your pencil along with your eye, this increases your reading speed.Underlining questions :During the first reading, underline the numerical values, what is asked, important logics and connectingThis increases your solving speed and decreases solving time.Increase accuracy.Decreases the so called “silly mistakes”While skipping a question, mark it with different symbols(like #, @, *, d, ~ etc), pre - assigned for time-taking, difficult, second try, doubt, leave it etc. AccordinglyMake it a habit before the exam itself.If you don't clearly remember something /get confused on something. Fold ur left fist tightly and take a deep breath..This clears blockage in mind.Stay time conscious during exam.Before exam:One week before exam, Decrease ur study time by 1 hr, increase your sleep time.Pleasant sleep is very necessary for peace of mind.If you have a Temple/ Church/ Mosque nearby, visit in the last week.It gives you internal peace and boosts your confidence.Take good care of your healthEat grapes... They help to increase the health of ur memory.Don't let these negative emotions grow (anxiety, tension, excitement, frustration, confusion etc).Wear very comfortable clothes and do not forget to carry a handkerchief.It's Better to take very light food for breakfast (Idli /vegetable sandwich (unfried), milk/fruit juice).Don't read anything new just 1 hr before exam. Better stop reading /revising 1 or 1/2 hr ahead of exam.U can listen to some plain music (if possible) but not songs.B'coz u'll start recalling the lyrics inside exam.Be at your BEST, forget the rest.9.Tips from experts:It is observed that, on an average 80% of the time, energy of students during coaching is wasted by 4 anarthas - Anger, Pride, Envy, Lust and other negative emotions like fear, depression, anxiety, daydreaming.So, cut the anarthas, with the scissor of HOLY NAME - Practice Mantra Meditation.The GIGO principle.Garbage IN Garbage OUTGood IN Good OUTSo fill your mind with positive thoughts and surround yourself with positive surroundings. Tyuktahara-viharasya yukta-cestasya karmasu yukta-svapnavabodhasya yogo bhavati duhkha-ha BG 6.17 Translation :He who is temperate(regulated) in his habits of eating, sleeping, working and recreation can mitigate all material pains by practicing the yoga system.In our context, material pains =failure, yoga (karma yoga) = preparation.Have constant faith in GOD,If he solves your problems, you will have faith in his abilities, but if he doesn't solve your problem, it means he has faith in your abilities.Enjoy every walk of life.Learn to love the Journey, not just the Destination.Keep smiling, Stay Positive.Never give place for negative thoughts.Some things in life, happen for your good which may take time to show up.Try to get the best out of every situation.Things turn out in the Best way for the people who make best of the way things turn out.Those who are depressed /disappointed by their past preparation and performance - Leave it, Past no more in your hands.Only thing one can change about his past is, the way one feels about it.And those who fly the future, day-dreaming /worrying, Learn to live in present. Otherwise one day you must again live in Past.Our Present is the only Present, present in our hands at present.Work whole - heartedly, without any attachment with the kuru karmani sangam tyaktva dhananjaya siddhy-asiddhyoh samo bhutva samatvam yoga ucyate BG 2.48 Translation: Be steadfast in yoga, O Arjuna. Perform your duty and abandon all attachment to success or failure. Such evenness of mind is called yoga.Here yoga refers to karma-yoga DUTY. So, without any thought about the Result, stay focused on the work. And Success will be yours.karmaṇy evādhikāras te mā phaleṣu kadācana mā karma-phala-hetur bhūr mā te saňgo ’stv akarmaṇi B. G. 2.47 Translation : You have the right to work only but never to its fruits. Let not the fruits of action be your motive, nor let your attachment be to inaction.Stay focused on your work, Success will come to you.God has his own plan for u, but you may take time to realise it. Be Patient.Every situation has two sides - +ve and - ve.Learn to see the positive in every situation.Do not neglect subtle things. They all sum up to be effect BIG.Association matters a lot, choose it wisely.Stay isolated rather than staying in a bad associatioYoga and Meditation(Mantra Meditation /Vedic Chanting) are great benefactors.They can help you alot. May not be immediately, but definitely.Learn from everyone,particular from their mistakeRead Neeraj Alavelli (నీరజ్ ఆలవెల్లి)'s answer to What are the biggest blunders JEE aspirants commit during their preparation but realise when it's too late?Whenever you fail, do not fail to learn the lesson.So Retrospection is more important than giving exams and mock tests. Maintain error noteses as perfect as possible.Remember, Failures are stepping stones for success, only when worked upon.An EXAM of 6 hrs is going to judge YRS of Hardwork. So, besides M, P, C, master the Art of giving Exam.Practice is the key to perfection. So, Give atleast 10 mock tests seriously.Its ur LIFE, make it LARGE.yatra yogesvarah krsno yatra partho dhanur-dharah tatra srir vijayo bhutir dhruva nitir matir mama BG-18.78 Translation:Wherever there is Krsna, the master of all mystics, and wherever there is Arjuna, the supreme archer, there will also certainly be opulence, victory, extraordinary power, and morality. That is my opinion.So with GOD beside your talent, work; Great victory is possible.P. S. Suggestions and queries are most welcome in comments section.Wishing you a Great Success!All the very Best! 512!!!

How have you successfully lost a large amount of weight?

I've always found I work hardest with a goal in mind. A deadline.At the start of 2015, I had recently got a girlfriend and had gained some weight. I decided I wanted to get lean. So I signed up to compete in a physique competition with one of my best friends. I had three months to get ready to walk on stage.Here's a before and after shot. The tan is most definitely fake.So you may be thinking, “3 months? That's ridiculous.” You're right.I'm not special, so how did I do it?As Will Smith says,I agree with the first half of that statement. But not as much with the second, I value sleep. But I didn't get shredded enough to walk on stage by sleeping. And working hard as an answer is a cop out. Everyone knows to go through anything transformational requires hard work.I can't teach you how to work hard, that's something you'll have to master yourself.What I can do though, is run you through EXACTLY what I did over those 92 days of competition prep.1. Sign UpThis is often overlooked when considering trying to lose weight. To me, this is one of the most important parts and why I'm putting it first.For me, signing up was registering and paying for the competition. I entered in two divisions, paid my fees and had a final date in mind.For you, signing up may be some sort of challenge, it could be the fact you want to run in the fun run coming up later in the year, it may well be a competition like me.It could be anything. Whatever it is. Be specific. Be really specific.Just saying, "I want to lose weight." is not good enough. It's too easy to stray away from. It's equivalent to, "I want to be a millionaire."Cool goal, but how, when, why?Frame it in a way you can keep working towards. Pick a goal weight, a goal number, a goal date, a goal dress size, whatever it is be specific. Pick a date, write it on your wall, post it in your bathroom, above your scale.In my case, my goal was to "Today is February 22, 2015, I, Daniel Bourke, will get lean enough to stand on stage in a fitness model competition by 25/05/17."I had no choice. The competition date wasn't going to move. It was the 25th May. Not the 26th, not the 24th, the 25th.This will put you in the right mindset. This is fundamental. Now all of a sudden you're accountable. Every single day counts.Thinking of missing a day? Well you just decreased your chances of reaching your goals.So sign yourself up to something. Sign yourself up to a specific goal.2. Get a CoachAnyone who claims they're self-made, be skeptical of them. Sure, weight loss is most definitely an individual journey but why do everything yourself when you can (especially in today's world) stand on the shoulders of giants.Even Arnold, who is often referred to as self-made, strongly states that he is not a self-made man.Tools of Titans Foreword — Arnold Schwarzenegger!!! “I Am Not A Self-Made Man”I had a competition deadline and I wanted to do it right, I didn't want to just compete, I wanted to win. I had dabbled in the fitness world for a couple of years. I had even competed before. The first time, I did it all myself. Not this time.So I reached out to one of my idols, Marc Lobliner. I had been watching his videos for years and loved his approach to everything fitness.I hired him as my coach. It was probably the best decision I've ever made in my seven year fitness journey (so far).Yes, I PAID for a coach. Even though, I knew the information I needed was available online for free.Do you have to pay for a coach? No you don't. You could follow everything I'm about to write in this answer and you can do what I did (remember I'm not special). But another thing I've learned is that often, people (including me) don't take things seriously unless their paying for it.If you can't afford a coach. Become your own coach by educating yourself with the abundance of free resources online.So now, not only was I paying for the information on how to best get ready for a show. I was accountable to someone other than myself. I was accountable to Marc.So if you want to lose weight, or complete any sort of goal for that fact, I'd highly recommend getting a coach. If you can't afford one, do your research.Remember though, there's an abundance of people out there who will claim they can help you achieve your goals and sure they may be able to but ultimately it's up to you. No coach in the world will have a magic wand to help you achieve your goals.What I loved about Marc is that from the start he told me,Nothing works unless you do.It has resonated with me ever since.My advice for getting a coach?Do your research. First and foremost, don't just hire anyone. If you're going to be paying for someone to guide you through something as significant as losing weight (ultimately the knowledge they impart on you could change your life), find the right person.As I said, I had watched Marc for years, I had seen him do the things I wanted to do (get on stage).So find someone who has done what you want to achieve. If you're paying for it, try and make sure you're contacting them, not a member of their team. You want to be able to pick their brain when you can. And make sure you do.If you hire a coach, ASK THEM EVERYTHING.The goal of every good coach/teacher should be to ensure their pupils become better than them. If you're coach isn't trying to put themselves out of a job with you, you can do better.In person coaching is best but sometimes it's not an option. Online with contact options is the next best thing.3. Put It Out ThereWhen I signed up to my first competition, I told no one. I was scared of what other people would think of me. Looking back, this was the opposite of what I should have done.The next time was different. I made it known. I told everyone.Even if people didn't ask, I would work out a way to make it known I was competing in a few months.This made me even more accountable. All of a sudden, I was no longer only accountable to myself. I had an entire network of people around me holding me accountable.I created fear myself. The fear of letting everyone down. Fear and love are the two best motivators in the world. I had both.I fell in love with the process. I made it a game with myself to see what I could achieve.So put it out there what your goals are. It'll end two ways. You'll either fail or you'll achieve what you set out to achieve.And trust me, the latter is one of the best feelings you'll ever experience.4. Track Your ProgressHumans are terrible at estimating. Even experts are terrible are estimating.We overestimate, underestimate, claim this, claim that, sometimes we may get it right but there's no arguing with numbers and evidence.Track your results. What should you track? You should track the results that are directly relevant to your goal. Your goal may be different to mine (competing on stage) but I did manage to lose a fair bit of weight in ~90 days so I'll run you through how and what I tracked.I tracked:Calorie and macronutrient intakeWorkouts (reps and weights)WeightAppearance (with progress photos)I would send a weekly email to Marc with all of these details. This is where the accountability comes into play.I'll break each of these down in seperate points.5. Progress PhotosThis a screenshot of my Prep 2015 photo album.Every week, I would take photos of my front, back and side, tensed and relaxed.Why? Because my goal was to get on stage. I needed to get lean. I needed to to look good.But there's also the fact that the scale can be deceiving. If you're working out, chances are you may be putting on muscle AND losing weight. So paying attention to the number on the scale may not be the best indicator of whether you're losing weight.Take progress photos. The changes will be minimal on a weekly basis. Fortnightly or monthly may be best for you.But these will be you reference. Photos don't lie. If you feel like you're not making progress, compare the photos from when you started to where you are now, then decide. Take action based on these.6. FoodMy philosophy with weight loss is that it is 90% food and 10% training. Obviously this not an exact science but from my experience this ratio holds true.You can never out train a bad diet.Below is a shot of what a daily food prep would look like for me.Yes, this took a lot of time. Making food takes time.I would get up early and cook food before going to university or work. I would make time to make food. There's no two ways about it.Okay, you may have 3 kids, a full time job, other commitments etc. And food prep like this is just a no go. Well invest in a meal prep service. Out source the food preparation. And yes, I know eating healthier costs more. It shouldn't but it does. Can you really put a price on health though?If you're still going to make excuses, realise that you have to eat. You can't not eat. The leading causes of death around the world can be prevented with proper nutrition.So if you're going to eat badly, understand you'll be both lowering your chances of losing weight as well as damaging your overall health.I could spend hours talking about this but let's get back to what I actually did.The first week of my preparation, I found my baseline calorie intake. Let me run you through what this is and how you can do it starting today.A baseline calorie intake is the average amount of calories you take in on a daily basis.To work this out, I used an app called MyFitnessPal.Here are the steps:I signed into the app.I tracked everything I ate for a week.I got the average intake of my calories for the week (by adding up the total daily intake and dividing it by 7).Tracked everything? Yes. I tracked everything that I put into my mouth.You may be thinking that sounds tedious and you're right. But it got me results.I weighed all of my foods using a small digital. Below is the actual scale I used and still use.If you can't weigh your foods, use the inbuilt barcode scanner in MyFitnessPal or even the hand portion size rule.Use this to estimate what you eat and track it.Don't change what you eat for a week. Keep it the same. Just track it as if you were eating your normal diet. This is important.By doing this for a week. I knew exactly what I was eating. Remember what I said about people being bad at guessing?So now I had a starting point. Most calorie tracking apps will give you a starting point based off your height and weight and this may be fairly accurate but mine was completely different.My average daily intake was about 3100 calories. Now I could use this number and work it into the magic equation.In other words, if you burn more calories than you consume, you will lose weight.There's far more science behind it but this is weight loss in a nutshell. So to lose weight, I would have to burn more calories than I consumed.The body requires a lot of energy to stay up and running as it is. So by lowering my calorie intake, slowly, as well as burning a few extra working out, in theory, I should lose weight.At the start of the prep I was eating around 3100 calories per day, by the end, I was eating about 1600 calories per day.I was hungry all the time. It was hard. But if it was easy, everyone would be shredded with abs.Each week my calories were lowered by 100-200. This is where Marc came in. His keen eye and experience was guiding me through the process.Throughout the entire process I was burning more calories than I was consuming and in turn, losing weight.What did I eat?Anything, but mostly whole foods. 90% single ingredient foods and 10% processed foods.My main protein sources were:Lean meatsWhey proteinEggsEgg whitesMy main carbohydrate sources were:Sweet potatoOther PotatoesRiceOatsFruitVegetablesMy main fat sources were:OilsNutsRather than a strict meal based diet plan, I was following a modified version of the dieting style IIFYM (if it fits your macros).This means, no food was off limits as long as it fit within my macronutrient goals. But it wasn’t an excuse to eat poor quality foods.For example, if my total calorie intake for a day was meant to be 3100 calories. My macronutrient goals for the day may look like:180g protein (4 calories per gram of protein = 720 calories)370g carbohydrates (4 calories per gram of carbohydrate = 1480 calories)100g fats (9 calories per gram of fat = 900 calories)This means, I could eat anything (within reason) that would fit within those ranges.Each day of eating was similar though because prepping meals in bulk is easier than cooking every single day.Tracking your food is hard. But it gives you an idea of what you're eating on a daily basis.If you think you're food is plain and boring, you're probably doing it right. It will take a while for your body to adjust to eating in a different way. There are bacteria in your gut which enjoy the foods you most eat, so when you change it, they get angry and start to cause you to crave those foods.How The Bacteria In Our Gut Affect Our Cravings For FoodIt takes a few a months to adjust these bacteria to get used to certain foods. I've eaten in a certain way for long enough that I no longer crave foods high in sugar, or damaged fats (usually these are the worst, but do your own research as to what foods you feel you should eat).What should you eat? There's arguments for and against for almost every kind of diet. My advice, eat what's sustainable for you. My favourite resource for nutrition information at the moment is, my opinion, the best diet in seven words is, eat food (whole foods), not too much, mostly plants. But this can be interpreted in many different ways so find what suits you best, track it, start understanding the quantities and adjust your intake to your goals.7. TrainingNotice how I put training at number 7? Most people start with training as number 1.Looking back at my journey, this was the easiest part.I was training 4-6 times per week, including additional cardio sessions towards the end of the prep.During the three months, this probably changed the least. I was already training at least 4-6 times per week (without cardio) and I still currently train at least 4-6 times per week.A typical week of training at the start of the prep might have looked like this:Monday - Chest DayTuesday - Back DayWednesday - Leg DayThursday - Rest DayFriday - Shoulders and ArmsSaturday - Whole BodySunday - RestBy the end of the prep the training days weren't much different, the only difference was the added cardio sessions.So the week would've looked like:Monday - Chest Day + 20 mins walking on treadmill inclineTuesday - Back Day + 4 mins of TABATA trainingWednesday - Leg DayThursday - Rest Day + 30 minute walkFriday - Shoulders and Arms + 11 mins of HIIT trainingSaturday - Whole Body + 4 mins of TABATA trainingSunday - Rest + 20 mins walking on treadmill machineThe extra cardio was to the increase the amount of calories I was burning on a daily basis.What did I track for training?My training mainly involved weightlifting. So I was tracking the number of reps, sets and weights I was doing every session. With every new session, I would try to beat my previous records in some small way. Many consecutive small steps add up.I had this training schedule in my calendar. I knew ahead of time what I would be training, whether or not I needed to do cardio and because of my tracking I knew what my goals would be for each session.The best app I've found for tracking weight sessions is Strong.Or a simple notebook will suffice.8. WeightIn terms of tracking, this was my lowest priority. Getting on stage didn't mean weighing in at a certain weight. My goal was to look lean and muscular.I started the prep at 88kg and got on stage at 71kg.This is what I ended up looking like on stage.I weighed in every morning, naked, after going to the toilet. I average about a ~100g weight loss per day. But this weight loss wasn't a goal, the idea was that if I was losing weight, I should be getting leaner which was the goal.If I lost too much weight, I'd end up losing the muscle I worked so hard to build.Progress pictures were more important to me than numbers on the scale. I was more worried about the look than what I was weighing.How did I keep the weight loss up?If my weight stayed the same for a consecutive number of days (didn't go down) or went up, my daily calorie intake would be lowered slightly.What would this look like? Here's an example:22/02/15 - Weight: 88.0kg, Calories: 310028/02/15 - Weight: 87.0kg, Calories: 300001/03/15 - Weight: 87.1kg, Calories: 300002/03/15 - Weight: 87.0kg, Calories: 290009/03/15 - Weight: 86.5kg, Calories: 280010/03/15 - Weight: 86.5kg, Calories: 280011/03/15 - Weight: 86.5kg, Calories: 280012/03/15 - Weight 86.5kg, Calories: 270013/03/15 - Weight 86.4kg, Calories: 270014/03/15 - Weight 86.3kg, Calories: 2700This process repeated until the end of prep where as previously mentioned I ended at about ~1600 daily calories and ~71kg.I've created a tracking template you can use for free on Google Docs, feel free to make yourself a copy. I used one exactly like it for my prep and I use the exact same one for my clients.[NAME] Macro and Weight Tracking Document [TEMPLATE]9. RestPreparing for a competition is a real test. Looking back, I didn't rest enough. I continually put myself in situations where I could've suffered a serious injury.I was sacrificing proper sleep to make sure my food was prepared and I had done morning cardio sessions.Now I treat sleep as being sacred. My goal is 8 hours per night. Some people need more, some people need less.Find what you need and get it. No excuses.Don't overwork yourself. You're weight loss goals will be impeded if you're injured or worse, be completely undone.If you have a choice of getting a proper nights sleep or getting up early to fit a workout into your schedule. Get the proper nights sleep and do a shorter more intense workout instead. The sleep is worth it. There's studies promoting both sides, my experience favours the sleep side but everyone is different.That's not to say don't workout. If you really want to improve your health/workout. Proper rest, proper workouts and eating well should be priorities.10. Getting Back to RealityFor 12 weeks and many subsequent weeks, I was a hermit. I ate a very particular way, I trained practically every day, without excuses and I was studying full time/working 30+ hours a week.I was on a mission. I didn't eat out with my girlfriend at the time. Even at family dinners, I had my own prepped meal.My life revolved around looking as best I possibly could on stage.Living like this is not for everyone. Even after getting on stage, I continued to eat tracking my calories for months.I didn't want to undo all of the work I'd done getting lean. This is where I was lucky to have a coach. Marc strongly advised that I start reverse dieting. Essentially eating in a controlled manner until I got back to my baseline calorie intake I started at (about 3100 calories).So if it took me 12 weeks to slowly get down to 1600 calories per day, I should do the same but in reverse back towards 3100.I continually attribute this to being the most important part of my weight loss journey. The reverse is just as important, if not more important as losing weight in the first place.You see people like Oprah who lose 50 pounds in 8 weeks and then gain 100 pounds in the subsequent weeks (major over exaggeration).No hate towards Oprah, just a public example, she has been very open about her weight loss/gain journey.This is called yoyo dieting. It's what happens when you lose a drastic amount of weight over a short period and think you've made it so you go back to how you were living before the weight loss.Here's how most fad diets work:Massive immediate daily calorie reduction = rapid weight lossThis would be the equivalent of me going from a starting 3100 calories per day to 2000 calories per day. Instead of slowly going down little bits of a time, they get you to drop a massive amount in one hit and then show you before and after photos of massive weight loss.What they don't show is the after after photos.Here's a few recent photos of me:Trust me, I don’t look like this all the time. Both of these photos were taking under optimal lighting conditions.I still use selfies like the one above to track my progress.The reverse diet helps you get back to a sustainable amount of daily calorie consumption whilst staying lean.I'm now eating around 3000-3500 calories per day (I don't track anymore, this is a guesstimate after tracking for two years). I believe I'm as lean as I am now because of the work I put in during the reverse dieting phase.The reverse dieting allowed me to return to a normal way of living. No longer did I have to worry about tracking my foods or weighing them. I had built up a keen eye for knowing how much I should be eating on a daily basis.I now no longer pay for coaching. Marc embodied in me all of the knowledge I need to coach myself. But if I was to ever go for a big goal like stepping on stage again, I would definitely consider hiring a coach.I didn't win any prizes for stepping on stage but the fulfilment of accomplishing a goal I set out to complete was far better than any prizes that were on offer.Summary1. Sign UpSign up to a goal. Don't have a competition to get ready for like I did? Create your own goal. Be sure to make to specific.2. Get a CoachIf you want to get serious. Pay for a coach. The right coach, find someone who has done what you want to do. Do your research right and the value you will get from them will be worth far more than the price you pay.If you can't afford a coach, become your own coach by educating yourself. Read books, watch YouTube. The information is out there.3. Put It Out ThereMake yourself accountable. Create a fear of letting others down. Fear is an incredible motivator. You're more likely to let yourself down than you are others.If you fail, who cares? At least you tried. Try again. If you succeed, it's the best feeling in the world.4. Track Your ProgressMake your results concrete. Measure your success in relation to your goal.5. Progress PhotosIf your goal is weight loss and you're working out, you may be gaining muscle and losing fat at the same time. So take progress photos. If the scale isn't moving, refer to these as evidence of your progress.6. FoodTrack your food. As I mentioned, for me this is 90% of weight loss. You can never out train a bad diet.7. TrainingThis is a small piece of the puzzle. Your body burns enough calories just staying alive. If you do it right, you can lose weight without training at all but I wouldn't suggest this.Train in a way that moves you closer towards your goals.8. WeightThe whole point of this question was weight loss but I put this at point number 8. There's much more to losing weight than just a number on the scale. Work on the above and this one will happen automatically.9. RestSleep well, and don't overtrain yourself especially if you're new to training.10. Getting Back to RealityJust because you've lost a lot of weight, doesn't mean you're finished. There is no finish line. Staying healthy and keeping the weight off is a perpetual journey.Be skeptical of any diet which promises extreme results in a short amount of time. The best diet shouldn't even be referred to as a diet. It should be a sustainable way of life.Final NoteI hope this helps in some way. I tried to impart as much as my story as possible. Remember, my goal of getting on stage may be completely different to yours. However, I did end up losing a fair amount of weight and have kept it off ever since using the exact steps I mentioned above.If you're looking for more help, my email address is [email protected]. I respond to ALL emails (if I take too long, email me again).I also offer fitness coaching services if you're interested in learning more but if I'm honest, what I've put above is more than enough to get started.Whatever your goal and journey, I wish you all the best.

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Justin Miller