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Why is the British Labour Party so reluctant to take Boris Johnson’s early election offer?

< Please note that this answer was originally posted on Friday 6th September 2019. Opposition MP had passed the law intended to prevent a no-deal exit from happening by default on the 31st Oct.Boris’s call for an early election had been rejected by the House.And Parliament was due to be prorogue the following week.>QAA:”Why is the British Labour Party so reluctant to take the Boris Johnson’s early election offer?”The easy answer is to say that Corbyn, Labour and opposition MPs do not trust PM Boris Johnson.There is however quite a bit more to the situation.The issue is one of timing.Currently I imagine every political commentator believes that an election is coming and will have to be held in either October before the 31st Brexit exit deadline or in November.Even on Monday ( 2nd September 2019 ) the PM had an all but non existent working majority in the House of Commons ( either zero or one depending on whether you include of exclude the deputy speakers from the vote count. ) So even before Philip Lee defected to the Lib-Dems and 21 Conservative MPs voted against the government and were promptly expelled form the party ( had the party whip withdrawn ), the PM needed an election in the hope of the winning a majority and a mandate for his Brexit position. i.e. his Brexit on the 31st October, do or die, deal or no deal.No doubt you have noticed that since becoming PM, Boris and some of his of his cabinet minister have been making announcement about government spending for the police, the NHS and other stuff, while at the same time saying very little about there the money for this spending is going to come from. This sort of behaviour supports the idea that the PM is trying to get a jump start on his general election campaign.So while Boris would love to hang on as PM, until he has delivered Brexit on the 31st October, this week’s government defeats in the House by opposition MPs set on talking a no-deal exit off the table, demonstrate that hanging on until the Brexit deadline was never going to be a viable option especially if he wanted to keep ‘no-deal’ on the table.Boris’s next best option is a general election before the Brexit exit deadline.However on the other side of the House, opposition MPs want an election before Brexit happens, but it is also in their best interests it the ballot is after the 31st October.Having the actual day of the election after the 31st October, means Boris will have failed to deliver on his Brexit on the 31st, do or die, deal or no deal pledge. And not just failed because the deadline would have been missed, but also failed because the no-deal option would have been taken off the table to. ( Which is just what MP and now the Lords have been doing this week - taking no-deal off the table ). And that failure as well as being bad for Boris and the Conservative party, pretty much also guarantees that Farage and Brexit party will use that failure to attack Boris and the Conservatives in an election campaign. And that would be really helpful for the Labour and Lib-Dems chances in the election.So on Wednesday ( 4th September 2019 ) when Boris called for the House to vote for an early election, he was doing so in the hope of getting an election before the 31st October, and he was suggesting it would be on the 15th October. And if he won the election and returned to parliament with a majority he could put a no-deal exit back on the table and with a majority and an election mandate he would be in a position to deliver Brexit on the 31st October.But it wasn’t in the interest of opposition MPs, including Corbyn and Labour, to give Boris his election before the 31st Oct, but they don’t want to openly declare that they don’t want an early election in October, because they want Boris to be forced to go ‘cap in hand’ to the EU and ‘beg’ ( request ) a delay to the Brexit exit deadline.Fortunately for Corbyn Labour and the rest of the opposition MPs, they have a great excuse or justification for not agreeing to an early election just yet.The first part of the excuse is that, their bill to prevent an default no-deal exit hasn’t finished its passage through parliament and gained royal assent yet. So its not law yet.The second part is that Gove, presumably in an attempt to goad Labour into calling a vote of no-confidence in the government, provoked quite a bit of outrage among MPs, when during an interview ( last weekend - the Andrew Mar show I think ) he refused to rule out Boris and the government simply ignoring whatever opposition MPs might do to stop a no-deal exit.That now appears to have been a tactical error on Boris, Gove or the government’s part. Because now it appears that Labour MPs may have persuaded Corbyn to agree to hold off having Labour vote for an election, until after Boris has actually asked the EU to agree to delay the Brexit exit deadline. In part because they ( opposition MP’s ) can say that they do not trust that Boris won’t ignore the law, that is going to say the PM has to ask the EU for a delay to the exit date, if a deal hasn’t been agreed, in order to avoid a no-deal exit. So to be sure that Boris doesn’t just ignore the law, they want to wait until he actually makes the request.And there have an additional reason for doing so too, in that the EU might not agree to the request, so they need parliament to still be sitting, so that parliament can decide what to do, if the EU refuse to postpone the Brexit exit date.One other complicating possibility is that in theory, if MPs agree to an early election that Boris says would be on the 15th Oct. Boris as PM, might then change to date of the election until after the 31st October. And then with Parliament suspended for the election there would be very little MP’s could do, other than try to form a caretaker government, to stop the election and that might not even be possible. Personally I don’t think there is any risk of Boris trying such a move, because if he had been minded to try that sort of a thing, then I would suggest he would have tried to prorogue parliament until November. And his decision to not try that suggests to me that he doesn’t consider that sort of a thing acceptable. i.e. Boris is not completely without honour.So to summarise.Boris wants an early election before the 31st October to win a majority and a mandate for his Brexit on the 31st October, do or die, deal or no-deal.But it is in the best interested of opposition MP’s chances in an election, to delay the 31st October deadline and have an election after the 31st October, so that Boris will have failed to deliver on his central Brexit promise as PM and to ensure Brexit party will attack Boris and the Conservatives in the election campaign and split the leave vote.I should add, that I don’t know how many opposition MPs will be persuaded by the idea of holding off voting for an election until after Boris has been forced to ask the EU for a delay to the 31st October dead line.And now one final complicating twist to the current situation.Parliamentary convention says that if a government loses a confidence vote, e.g. the vote on a Queens speech or a Budget, but also any vote the government wants to declare to be a confidence vote. If a government loses a confidence vote, then the government falls and must either be replaced by a new government that can pass a confidence vote or there must be a general election.So as far as I can see, and I have suggested this in other answers here on Quora, if Boris calls a confidence vote in the House and the loses that vote, then the government would fall and he ought to get his general election.Annoyingly I don’t thing I have seen any news media reports to support my view of the confidence vote option in light of the Fixed Term Parliament Act, though there is this:“No 10 could introduce a simple vote where they would only need a majority of one, or in a more extreme circumstance, hold a vote of no-confidence in itself, that Labour might find hard to stand against.” Will the PM get his breakneck election timetable?I had initially assumed that the “a simple vote ….” might refer to a confidence motion, but I now think it more likely it refers to the idea that the government could try to pass a law that would allow an election specifically to be held on say the 15th of October, not withstanding the Fixed Term Parliament act. Such a law would only require a simple majority to pass in the House.However, and not withstanding the above, I don’t see how a government can reasonably be prevented from resigning and if opposition MPs can’t form a new government which would presumably have to pass its own confidence vote, then there would have to be an election.Personally I think the FTPA has created a problem, because as things stands Boris, who is still PM, needs the support of 2/3rd of MPs in order to get an election. Where as Corbyn needs only the support of 1/3rd of MPs to deny the House an election, until the time of his choosing ( possibly he could keep blocking an election until 2022. And in either case it would take only a normal simple majority in the House to pass a lay to side step the FTPA and give Boris his election, or end Corbyn’s ability to prevent an election.Hope this If you are interest in the FTPA and confidence motions have a look at.Fixed-term Parliaments Act 2011Confidence motionsand in particular.The Role of Parliament in the UK Constitution Interim ReportThe Status and Effect of Confidence Motions and the Fixed-term Parliaments Act 2011https://publications.parliament....

If Donald Trump gets voted out in 2020, and he refuses to recognise the result, what will happen to him?

October 13, 2017:That’s not really that interesting a question on its own. It seems to be a thing that the backers of the non-incumbent always imagine that the incumbent will stop the elections, refuse to accept the results, etc. But it’s important to understand that in the USA, the only power elected officials have is through the consent of the governed. One Trump versus 300 million Americans isn’t a contest.But there are many interesting things leading up to what might actually happen on January 20th, 2021.There’s a fair chance Trump won’t make it to 2020. Between the various investigations, his poor health, and his apparently declining mental state, there’s the chance he’ll leave early. That could be a resignation, that could be removal under the 25th Amendment, that could be Impeachment. I’m not suggesting it’s an extremely high chance, either, just that he’s the least likely President to make it four year that we’ve had in modern times.But let’s assume we get to 2020. Trump has already started his 2020 campaign, so it’s completely reasonable to assume he’s going to run again. And it’s also completely reasonable to assume he’ll see a Primary challenge. There are two ways that can go.First scenario is that enough of the mainstream Republicans are behind Trump that the challenges are not serious enough to go anywhere. This is more of a measure of their wishing to retain the Presidency — even if it’s Trump — than of their actual approval of the man.The alternative is that mainstream Republicans go against Trump and get together on a single opponent fairly quickly in the 2020 race. They will understand that, in doing that, they’re fighting against the “Steve Bannon Wing” of the Republican Party and probably can’t win the election. But they’re making a small bet that the Democrats, as they so often do, will figure out how to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, and the even larger bet that the Republican Party and/or the Country will be better off without four more years of Trump.So if Trump’s out at this level, there’s not much crying foul he can do. He could — and given his ego, just might — run an Independent campaign. Now THAT would be political theater. I’d put good money on his being the most successful Independent candidate in modern times.. and still losing. A good, solid 25% of the Republican Party are die-hard Trump fans, and you can bet they all come out to vote. If he evenly split the Party, he might take some states, but his split of the Republican vote means it’ll be a landslide for the Democrat. Any Democrat.Let’s assume Trump gets the nomination and runs in the general election. And he loses to the Democrat. The first question — does he care about that? There are plenty of stories going around about how Trump hates this job. Not the power and the attention — he loves all of that. But the way he’s actually called out on his daily lies, the way the people around him really are running an “Adult Daycare”, the fact that as President, rather than the head of a small family business, people don’t have to listen to him… he seems to spend a good portion of each week in a rage. Who wants to live like that. So it’s quite possible that, even Trump being Trump, he takes the loss with grace, because it’s what he really wants.If he really was set on being President for the next four years, he can do the “Full Trump” and whine and complain about the press, make up stories about an unfair election, claim he really won, etc. That won’t do anyone any good. People in Washington DC, the Press, most Americans, etc… no one believes a thing Donald J. Trump says anymore. Even his supporters know that when he’s speaking, he’s lying. So he can have whatever ragefest he wants after the election.But there’s not much else he can do. There’s always this idea that the President can delay the election. But elections are run at the State and Local levels — the Fed doens’t get much to say on the issue. The results of the Presidential election, via the electors, are presented to Congress, not the President, and not in a closed session.So come January 20th, Trump is out. He can walk out like a man, or he can be dragged out by Secret Service like a big baby, but either way, he’s out.November 9, 2020Well, hey, Trump actually did get Impeached. He had so many opportunities, too. But the one that got him: he tried to get a fake investigation of Biden announced by the Ukraine. He was doing this via bribery. He withheld US aid from Ukraine, money already voted to them by Congress, in return for this fake investigation announcement, aided by a bit of Russian propaganda. It all crashed and burned, Trump was caught six ways to Sunday, and become the third US President to be Impeached. But he wasn’t voted out. Weirdly, neither the Republicans in the House or the Senate had any real defense other than “we don’t think bribing a foreign head of state to take down your political rival is an Impeachable offence.”So Trump did make it to 2020. We had an on-time election. He lost. He cares, and he’s going “Full Trump” or so trying to fight back the fact that he lost the election, and will forever be a loser, only the fourth Incumbent President to lose his re-election bid in the last 100 years. But hey, he was the first Impeached President in history to run for re-election, the first in history to mimic pretty much every dictator ever and call the press “The Enemy of the People”, the first to refuse to concede, etc… so he’s a hot mess of singular mal-achievements.So the vote took awhile. And yeah, during a global pandemic, we might have expected, this. Heck, in a functional democracy, we might have done everything possible to safeguard the health and welfare of the American people. Think about this: in Delaware, I voted by email. That even gets past Trump’s successful attempts at screwing with the Postal Service to slow down the delivery of mail-in ballots… and life-saving medications, pay checks, etc.So yeah, sure, it took a few days to count all the votes. The medical community in the USA strongly recommended mail-in voting to keep voting-in-person from becoming superspreading-in-person, and it worked very well. But there was a problem: voter suppression. A good chunk of the Republican means of voter suppression developed over the last forty year counted on in-person voting: voter IDs you can’t get, 8 hour lines in Democratic strongholds, intimidating people outside of polling locations, etc. are entirely short-circuited by mail-in voting. So of course Trump started to make shit up about the terrible nature of mail-in voting. And that whole “sabotage the Postal Service” thing.But he couldn’t stop the election. And he had some help to spread a bit of FUD, by getting Republican legislatures, such as that of Pennsylvania, to vote down changes in the mail-in election law preventing early counting. So states like Florida and Colorado, already supporting heavy mail-in voting, had their mail-in tallies out the first few minutes after their polls closed, except for election-day mail-ins and anything still in the mail. But PA had a massive mail-in vote. And of course, since Trump was telling his base to not vote by mail, it was strongly Democratic. Up to about 91% Democratic in Philadelphia, for example.But end of the day, Trump apparently didn’t cheat, or at least, cheat enough to prevent Biden from being the clear winner. And I don’t see much left in Donnie’s DouchBag of Tricks. So what’s next?Yeah, okay, he’s going to “fight” the results. Good luck with that. For one, it’s expensive. It looks like the 11,000 or so Biden margin in Georgia is enough for an automatic recount. But think about 2000… the Florida recount was based largely on a technical glitch, which might be correctable in a recount, and some deceptive ballots, which, well, too late to do anything about that. And that was a 537 vote margin.Every other state is past the threshold of an automatic recount, so the Trump Campaign has to pay. And nothing will change in any significant way. In 2016, the Wisconsin recount netted Hillary Clinton about 82 votes… Trump was still ahead by 22,000. Jill Stein’s recount in Michigan found 73 votes for Trump, 123 for Clinton, and actually subtracted two for Stein. Trump had a margin of 10,700 votes, and curiously, Trump sued Michigan to stop the recount — and actually won! The court ruled that Jill Stein, with 1% of the vote, lacked standing to ask for a recount. Bottom line: recounts might yield 10’s or even small hundreds of votes. Unless there’s some specific problem that occurred, though, they don’t change elections won by thousands or tens of thousands or more votes.So why is Trump doing this? Well, there are two very, very Trumpy reasons he might be doing this, which has nothing to do with ever winning the 2020 election. The first of these is explained in just three words: Election Defense Fund. Trump is tweeting, getting ready to hold rallies, inciting his followers, etc. for the “all out war” his idiot son Junior asked for. And part of that is your contribution to that Election Defense Fund… at least 60% of which is going to pay off the debt of the Trump Campaign. I mean, it’s right there in the fine print! In short, all of this Tweeting about the election, the “unfairness” of it all, organizing Y’all Queda protests, maybe even holding a rally in the next few weeks, it probably more about him making back some money to pay his bills than it is any sincere chance to change the election results. Biden just won by too much… more than Trump did in 2016. And Biden has about a 4.5 million popular vote majority, so Trump can’t even question the will of the American People… just “his” people.In the short term, I expect there’s a pretty good chance that Trump will keep up his lies, his fake fight, etc. At some point, though, he’s going to really take in the fact he’s lost. No, I don’t think he’ll give a concession speech, not ever. But by the third week of November, all of the states will have certified their votes. Trump’s recounts won’t help, his conspiracy-laden lawsuits will be tossed out.And on December 15th, the EC will select Biden. Don’t believe the Conspiracy Theory about Republican Legislatures all picking their electors. In Pennsylvania, for example, Joe Biden picks his 20 electors, or he can delegate that choice to Kamala Harris. In other states, the electors are chosen at state-level party conventions, and the winning party has their set set to make the vote. As well, 33 states have laws against faithless electors, an appointed elector who does not vote the people’s choice. Some, but not all of those, allow the state to invalidate the vote of a faithless elector. Don’t get me started on the electoral college… it’s a weird 18th Century anomaly that didn’t work very well as originally conceived, and has been transformed by law into little more than a means of transferring voting power from large states to small states… and I say this as a resident of Delaware, where my vote is probably worth about two of most of yours!So I’m thinking — this is a fortune-telling article, after all — that somewhere between Thanksgiving and Christmas, Trump may just head down to Mar-a-Lago and never return. Lots of golf, maybe some tweets about the unfairness of it all, but no more Presidentin’ for the last month or so.Oh, and that other thing: Trump’s next reality show. Well, let’s say, the one that he controls. The “Trump Plays President” show is ending very soon… it was cancelled by the network. And he lost, but he wasn’t shellacked… he didn’t lose like Carter in 1980. So while he does get the “Loser” tatoo on his forehead, as do all losers (in Trump’s mind, anyway), it will be a faint one. And perhaps, in seeming to fight this, Trump gets to keep a following.What for? I think there’s very excellent chance that Trump’s new personal reality show may actually be “The Trump Show,” maybe on OANN, Newsmax, or some other fringey far right propaganda outlet. Trump will get to air his grievances every week or so, and he’ll get to hold the rallies he loves so much — only with paid admission this time around. And if Trump does maintain a cult-like grip on his followers, even 20–25% of likely Republican voters, he could very well remain the single more powerful Republican power broker (well, along with his handlers) in the USA. Just like the NRA could, he’d be able to swing pretty much any election in a “safe” red state/red district, he’d be able to pick and choose candidates in Primaries, etc. unless the RNC itself got their act together under a strong alternate leader.However, the other Trump reality show coming to our mass media in 2021 is “Donald Trump’s Just Desserts.” There is a long list of Trump, Trump Corp, and Trump Family crimes that have been held off because Trump is President, and of course, because he interferes daily in the workings of the Justice Department. All that protection goes away on January 20th, 2021. Yes, it’s very likely that Trump will pardon himself, assuming he lets common sense rule out over ego for once. That will lead to all kind of interesting legal discussions, court cases, etc… can a President pre-emptively pardon himself of past or even future crimes?That, of course, won’t have any effect on one or more state-level prosecutions. The simple fact that these are already active cases in places like New York suggest to me they don’t magically vanish in January. Then there’s the financial mess of Trump and the Trump Corp. They have somewhere between $350 and $900 million in loans coming up in the next two years. Deutsche Bank has already cut off Trump from any future loans and has promised to get their money back… but does Trump actually have that kind of money? That debt is secured with Trump properties, so there could be some serious fireworks there. This could be the Best Reality Show Ever… Bigly!November 16, 2020Well, hey, this does change fast. I actually believed that Trump was going to fight the election results. And maybe he was. But in the last week, much has happened.One of the keys here is simple: Trump’s cases get laughed out of court, even in red states. Why? Well, it’s likely that folks such as me, not fans of Trump, will just reject pretty much anything Trump says, because, well, we know he’d much rather lie than the tell the truth. And if you’re one of my good friends and neighbors in the cult of MAGA, you might well believe (or at least not overtly question) anything Trump says. But in a court of law, it’s neither of those. It’s make your case and present your evidence. Much to Trump’s surprise, “things I made up” and “things I read on 4chan” and “things Hannity told be about what he read on 4chan” do not constitute evidence.And it’s all progressing. Georgia was the only state that fell under their mandatory recount threshold, and that means a state paid recount. The recount results are expected on Wednesday. Other states would have to be paid, and yet, far as its been made public, the Trump Campaign has not offer up the $2–5 million it might cost to run a recount in another state. States have also completed or nearly completed their election canvassing. Independent election officials check the results of every election, looking for problems, red flags, even process issues to fix next time. This election was, reportedly, sound enough that any court challenge that did get approved would likely make Trump’s general case even worse than it is now.While Trump was getting tossed out of court, the Department of Homeland Security — yeah, that one, part of the government run by Trump — completed their security analysis of the election and proclaimed it the most secure election in US history. Remember in 2016, all the actual reporting of Russian (and perhaps other) hacking attempts, other irregularities, etc. (yes, there was a cloud of left-wing noise, but also, plenty of actual issues with the election)? This is what happens each election: our National Security folks do their job and report on any irregularities they’ve detected. The take-away: despite the lack of action from the President or Congress, our National Security agencies and state governments took the analysis of the 2016 election to heart and battened down their hatched, patched their leaky roofs, and made it a secure election after all.And after a round or two of failed challenges, Trump’s white shoe law firms (King & Spalding, Porter Wright, Jones Day) started quitting. Basically, they could not give Trump what he wanted without lying in court, so they chose to remain lawyers rather than continue to defend Trump. This week ended with Rudy Giuliani left in charge of Trump’s election challenges. Think about that one for a minute!So recall that Election Defense Fund I mentioned? That’s still alive and kicking. But consider, this was never an actual fund, it was a passthrough. As I mentioned, money sent there went 60% to pay back Trump Campaign debt, 40% to the Recount Committee/Recount Found. And yeah, I’m sure someone was paying all those expensive lawyers a few weeks ago.Think a minute about campaign debt. If you’re new here, you may not know that Trump has a long history of not paying his bills… he’s been involved in over 4,100 law suits over the years. So why siphon off that money from important election challenge work? Well, there might be two kinds of campaign debt that Trump cares about.One is donor debt. Yes, you and I can donate to a campaign, they can spend that on election night champagne, they can spend it on TV ads, they can probably even send some of it to their party or to other campaigns. But they can’t normally pocket it. But if you’re a rich donor, you can structure part or all of your donation as a loan, just as Trump did in 2016 when he “self-financed”. If the campaign brings in enough, maybe you can “undonate.” Once the election’s over, though, your loan becomes a donation, except for up to $250,000. So if the campaign can bring in lots of small dollar money after the campaign, maybe some big money folks get to undonate. This is a possibility.As for certainty, the other thing is the Trump Organization itself. The Trump Campaign has been charged by the Trump Organization for every little Trump thing that Trump does with, what’s basically, his own stuff. They charge the Campaign for travel and other things using Trump properties that are campaign-enough in nature Trump can’t get the US Taxpayer to cover it. And so those small dollar donations Trump’s been pushing for have been lining his pockets, as well as, sure, fighting the election results.However, as the white shoes were power-walking away, as Crazy Rudy was grabbing the reins of the legal fights to come, Trump did a new thing. He formed a new Leadership PAC. All political action committees have rules, based on their type, on what they can and cannot do with their money. Leadership PACs, for example, can’t contribute directly to any election. But they can pay for consultants, travel, other help to campaigns. And personal expenses. This PAC suggests that Trump’s interested in a future as a GOP power broker more than he’s expecting to be President again. As always in politics and business, but especially with Trump, ignore everything he says and just follow the money.And the money this week tells an entirely different story than Trump’s Tweet Machine. Remember that Election Defense Fund I mentioned? As of this week, Monday or Tuesday, 60% of those donations are going to the Leadership PAC. The remaining 40% go to the RNC. That leaves zero for actual election defense. Well, technically, no… if you were to donate over $8,333, you’d hit the individual contribution max for the PAC, so the remainder would presumably go to pay for Crazy Rudy… if he’s even paid.So clearly, even Trump doesn’t believe he’s got a case. What does he believe? That he’s found a way to make money off losing. I have to hand it to him, this guy may be a moron when it comes to running the country or just being a human being, but he’s some kind of mad savant when it comes to cheats, scams, and cons. And then there’s Rudy in charge. You don’t put Crazy Rudy Giuliani in charge of anything you want fixed. You put him in a place that needs someone to bring the crazy. Rudy’s out there to pump up the idea that Trump’s fighting the election, even though he’s not anymore. He’s going to milk his supporters for all they’re willing to pay.It will be interesting to see how long this goes on. States will be certifying their vote this week, and there will not be any surprises on those totals. On December 8th we hit the safe harbor law — no new lawsuits can be filed against states related to the election. Not even from Trump. And of course, on the 15th, the EC will vote in Joe Biden. So there’s limited life left in this whole Trump drama, regardless of when they actually stop pretending that Trump’s got any chance to be President for four more years.Read MoreTrump Election Lawsuits Have Mostly Failed. Here's What They TriedTrump’s Vote Count Lawsuits Fail in Court But Rouse His BaseEXPLAINER: Trump's challenges fail to prove election fraudThe Trump Campaign Can’t Find a Judge Who Will Ignore Facts — but It’s TryingRepresenting GOP, Trump in Election Suits Is Risky for Jones Day and Porter Wright | The American LawyerAnother law firm bails out on Trump campaignOnce Loyal to Trump, Law Firms Pull Back From His Election FightRead the Fine Print First If You're Donating to Trump's 'Election Defense' FundMoney to support Trump court fight could flow to president

What are some loopholes you find in Harry Potter books and movies?

As obsessive fans will tell you, I do slip up! Several classrooms move floors mysteriously between books and these are the least serious continuity errors! Most of the fansites will point you in the direction of my mistakes. But the essentials remain consistent from book to book because the story has been plotted for a long time and it is clear in my mind.J. K. Rowling on the errors within the franchise[1]Below is a list of mistakes that occur in the Harry Potter book series. Some of these mistakes were fixed in later editions of the same book.[2]Harry Potter and the Philosopher's StoneCoverThe art for the cover of the original UK edition depicts Harry at Platform Nine and Three-Quarters wearing a Gryffindor scarf, however, Harry hasn't been sorted yet. It is possible, however, that the illustration is of Harry returning to Little Whinging at the end of the school term.The cover art of the original UK edition depicts another train beside the Hogwarts Express.The 15th Anniversary US cover by Kazu Kibuishi depicts Hagrid and Harry with only four fingers on their right hand.Chapter 1: The Boy Who LivedThe beginning of the story takes place on a "dull, grey Tuesday." But in 1981, 31 Octoberwas on a Saturday.It is very unclear how much time goes by between certain events on 31 October and 1 November. Sirius arrived on the scene at Godric's Hollow the night James and Lily died, and Hagrid arrived there a short while later. When Hagrid picks up Harry from Godric's Hollow early in the morning "right before the Muggles started swarmin' around" he borrows Sirius' motorbike. However, Hagrid arrives on the motorbike late to Privet Drive when it is "nearly midnight" the next day, having not spoken to Dumbledore since he went to go pick Harry up. As the chapter depicts a whole day between when James and Lily died and when Hagrid arrives at Privet Drive, Hagrid and Harry are missing, or unaccounted for, for nearly 24 hours.Dumbledore says that he passed through several parties to get to Little Whinging, even though he apparently got there by Apparition, a direct form of transport, judging from his sudden appearance next to Minerva McGonagall. He could have apparated several times to go to many parties – possibly in order to lose anyone (such as Death Eaters) who might have been following him. It is also possible he walked or flew most of the way, and only decided to Apparate a very short distance to Privet Drive, though what motive he would have for this is unknown.In the Bloomsbury edition, on page 17, Hagrid says "I'll be takin' Sirius his bike back"; yet, in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Sirius told Hagrid to keep the bike because he didn't need it anymore. It is, of course, possible that Hagrid intended to give the bike back in spite of his friend's protests, feeling Sirius may not have meant it. Still, in later editions of this book, the problem was fixed by having Hagrid say "I'd best get this bike away" instead.Chapter 2: The Vanishing GlassThe trip to the zoo is said to take place on a Saturday, but Dudley's eleventh birthday (23 June, 1991) was actually on a Sunday.The boa constrictor at the Zoo supposedly winked at Harry during their conversation. As snakes don't have eyelids in real life, it is impossible for them to wink. The snake may have instead contracted his facial muscles around his eyes to appear to wink, though the possibility of even this is debatable. It is also possible, if unlikely, that snakes in the Harry Potter universe are slightly different from their real world counterparts, which would go along with their apparent higher intelligence.Chapter 3: The Letters from No OneHarry's 11th birthday (31 July, 1991) was said to be on a Tuesday. But in 1991 in the real world, that date was a Wednesday.On page 31, the sentence "Harry could see Uncle Vernon's shiny black shoes pacing up and down the kitchen" begins with a speech mark, even though the line is not being spoken by anyone. It is amended in later editions.Chapter 5: Diagon AlleyOn Harry's Hogwarts list of school supplies, "1 Wand" is listed twice, as both the first and last item on the list. This mistake was fixed in later editions of the book. The list of school supplies also doesn't include potion ingredients, although Harry later buys them. In later editions of the book this has been corrected.Harry buys the book One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi, but later, he looks up dittany in "One Hundred Magical Herbs and Fungi". This error was, however, amended in later editions.The air in the tunnels of the Gringottsvaults is described as getting colder when you go deeper into the earth. However, in theory, it should get hotter as you go deeper as once you get below a level where the temperature depends heavily on the weather at the surface, the geothermal gradient takes over and it gets hotter as you go deeper. Of course, there may be enchantments in place to account for this discrepancy.When Harry returns from Diagon Alley to Little Whinging, he takes a train from Paddington Station. However, Little Whinging is in Surrey, south of London, so he should have travelled from Victoria or Waterloo; trains from Paddington head to the west.Chapter 6: The Journey from Platform Nine and Three-QuartersAunt Petunia is described as looking as surprised as the other Dursleys about Harry needing to board at Platform Nine and Three-Quarters, yet according to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, she had been there at least once. Although, she may have been pretending to be startled in order to distance herself from the magical world.On page 79, the closing quotation mark is missing right after Hermione tells Harry about the books he is in. This mistake was fixed in later editions of the book.Chapter 7: The Sorting HatWhile being sorted into houses, Harry looks up at the Sorting Hat's stool, and there are only three people left to be sorted. Professor McGonagall then calls out the names of four more students. This error only occurred in the US edition and was rectified in later editions – in the UK edition Dean Thomas's name is omitted.During the Sorting ceremony, Sally-Anne Perks is sorted before Harry but in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, when everyone in fifth year are being called in alphabetical order to take their practical O.W.L.s, Parvati Patil is called before Harry. It should actually have been Sally-Anne Perks, but because many students were pulled out of the school that year, it is possible that Sally-Anne was cut out.When Harry first meets Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington, the ghost says how he has not eaten in nearly 400 years. Yet he had, at the time, already been dead for 99 years longer than that. This was an error which was fixed in later editions of the book.Chapter 9: The Midnight DuelFred tells Harry that the Gryffindor Quidditch team hadn't won a championship "since Charlie left". Charlie attended Hogwarts from 1984-1991, and so had only just graduated as Harry arrived – Harry filled the seeker vacancy left by Charlie. It is a strange way to put it since no time had really passed since Charlie left, though Fred is still telling the truth as they hadn't won since 1986 which is when Charlie attended. It is possible Charlie, while still at school, had left the Quidditch team a few years before actually leaving Hogwarts.Chapter 10: Hallowe'enDuring the Hallowe'en feast, when the trollis let in, Professor Dumbledore sends the students to their dormitories. But the troll is said to be in the dungeons, and that is also where the Slytherin dormitories are, meaning that Dumbledore has put them directly in harm's way by sending them there. The logical move would be for every student to stay in the Great Hall, do a roll call, and send teachers to go and look for missing students.Chapter 14: Norbert the Norwegian RidgebackThe night Charlie's letter shows up at Hogwarts is said to be Wednesday at midnight. However, earlier in the book it is mentioned that Astronomy classes take place every Wednesday at midnight which means that they are presumably skipping class, and the other students should not be asleep. This error was corrected to Saturday in later editions of the book.Chapter 16: Through the TrapdoorDuring the match against the giant chess set, Ron says "Well, Harry, you take the place of that bishop, and Hermione, you go next to him instead of that castle". Except the castle is next to the knight, not the bishop. It is possible though that when Ron said "next to him" he didn't mean immediately next to, only in the general area of where Harry was located.At the beginning of the chess match, Ron is the knight in the giant chess set. It later says that he had to "move ahead one" so that the Queen could take him, opening the path for Harry to checkmate the king, and win the match. If he were a knight, he would only be able to move either ahead one, and sideways two, or ahead two, and sideways one. It is possible, however, that "one" was meant as one move, rather than one space.When Harry and Hermione drink the two potions to get them through Snape's task, there is only one bottle to get them through the black fire and only one bottle to get them through the purple fire. The smallest bottle holds the potion for the black fire, and it only contains enough for one person. If this is so, then it is unknown how Quirrell got to the Mirror of Erised in the first place.Although, it's possible that the task just reappears again, just like the chess set was intact and Harry, Ron and Hermione had to play the game again.Chapter 17: The Man with Two FacesDumbledore says that his and Hermione's owls crossed in mid-air, however a few pages later Hermione says to Harry that she ran into Dumbledore on the way to the Owlery to send him the owl.Harry Potter and the Chamber of SecretsCoverThe UK version of the cover illustration of Harry, Ron, and Hedwig in the flying Ford Anglia incorrectly depicts Hedwig as a Barn Owl rather than a Snowy Owl.Chapter 2: Dobby's WarningPetunia should have been aware that underage wizards and witches are not allowed to use magic outside of school, since the rule was written in 1875, well before Lily's time at Hogwarts.Chapter 3: The BurrowAfter Harry, Ron, Fred, and George arrive at the Burrow, Mrs Weasley shouts at Fred first. Then she says, "and you two" glaring at Ron and Fred, but it should say George since she has already yelled at Fred. This error was corrected in later editions of the book.Chapter 4: At Flourish and BlottsThe Hogwarts' equipment list mentions the Lockhart book "Wanderings with Werewolves", but later, Lockhart refers to the book as "Weekend with a Werewolf". This error was fixed in later editions of the same book.Chapter 5: The Whomping WillowWhen Harry and Ron arrive at Hogwarts in the flying Ford Anglia, a scene which takes place on September 1, 1992, they are told that they had been seen by Muggles in various locations, including the "Post Office Tower". But due to a change of ownership, the tower has actually been called the BT Tower since 1984. Also, the building is about a mile southwest of King's Cross, so to pass it, Harry and Ron would have had to be going in an entirely different direction to be following the Hogwarts Express.Chapter 9: The Writing on the WallHermione says that Moaning Myrtle haunts the bathroom on the first floor. However, when Harry sees the writing on the wall outside her bathroom, he is on the second floor.It remains unknown how Moaning Myrtle never notices Ginny visiting her bathroom, or the pipe door opening, or the Basiliskcoming through her bathroom.It also remains unknown how literally the whole of Hogwarts School (thousands of students) could possibly all fit into one crowded second floor corridor which could barely contain the entire http://school.It is certainly implied in the books that there are hundreds, thousands maybe, of students attending Hogwarts. However, judging by the fact that there are only 5 boys in one year in Gryffindor house, one could assume that there are 10 students from each house in each year, totalling to 40 students per year and therefore 280 students over the seven years. Of course this is an estimation and the figure could rise to 3- or 400, but there is almost no possibility of there being thousands of students within the entire school.Percy's name is once misspelled as Perry after he catches Harry, Ron and Hermione leaving Myrtle's bathroom.Chapter 11: The Duelling ClubWhen Harry speaks Parseltongue to the snake during his duel with Draco, everyone hears him hissing. Therefore, when Harry hears the Basilisk speaking in the walls, Ron and Hermione should hear hissing, yet they claim to hear nothing. A possible explanation for this could be that the Basilisk is hissing very quietly, so Ron and Hermione can barely hear it, but Harry can make out the words as he hears them in English.Chapter 14: Cornelius FudgeWhen Harry is at the Quidditch pitch, reflecting with relief that there will be no one in the castle to become victims of the monster of Slytherin, Professor McGonagall shows up to say that the monster has struck again, and that everyone should return to their dormitories, presumably to keep them safe. However, the students would have been far safer to remain at the pitch while the professors checked the castle again.Chapter 15: AragogWhen Harry and Ron go to see Aragog, they feed Fang treacle toffee to glue his teeth together. Later, "Fang suddenly let loose a great bark." It is possible, however, that the treacle toffee dissolved after a certain period of time.When Harry tells Ron to be quiet or the 'something big' will hear them, Ron responds, "Hear *me*? It's already heard. Fang!" However the sentence should probably be "It's already heard Fang!" as it is read in the audio books. It is amended in later editions.Chapter 16: The Chamber of SecretsIt is stated that the Basilisk was able to move through the castle's pipes, but it remains unknown how something as large as the Basilisk would be able to fit through the plumbing, or where it was entering into the castle undetected in order to attack students.Chapter 18: Dobby's RewardOn page 283 of some copies of the US paperback edition, the word "professor" is misspelled as "professorr".Dumbledore tells Harry that Lord Voldemort is the last remaining ancestor of Salazar Slytherin. This is meant to say that Lord Voldemort is the last remaining descendant of Salazar Slytherin. This error was fixed in later editions of the book.Harry Potter and the Prisoner of AzkabanCoverOn the US version of the cover, the front art is the night that Harry and Hermione save Sirius and Buckbeak. However, on the back side of the cover (Lupin appears as a werewolf), the moon is a crescent, but it should be a full moon.The cover of the Scholastic edition depicts Harry and Hermione riding Buckbeak. Harry's legs are shown to be in front of Buckbeak's wings, however, when Harry was in Care of Magical Creatures and rode Buckbeak for the first time, Hagrid had told him to sit behind the wing joint. Although, this may have been because Hermione is sitting behind him.On the back cover of some editions, it said that Harry blew up his horrible Aunt Petuniainstead of Aunt Marge. This error was fixed in later editions of the same book.Chapter 1: Owl PostIn earlier editions of the book, the first page stated that A History of Magic was written by Adalbert Waffling, rather than Bathilda Bagshot; this was rectified in later editions of the same book.Chapter 4: The Leaky CauldronWhen Harry is buying his books at Flourish and Blotts, it mentions that he is being served by the manager, but when Harry is staring at the book Death Omens, it says that he is being served by the assistant of the store. Although, it is possible that the manager was simply the assistant to the shop owner.Mrs Weasley complains that Fred and George have not been made prefects. However, as only one male Gryffindor prefect would have been chosen from their year, it would have been impossible for both of them to be prefects.Mr Weasley says that Ron and Harry have ended up in the Forbidden Forest twice, but only Harry has ended up in the forest twice. Ron's first time into the forest was when he went with Harry to see Aragog in their second year, but in their first year, only Harry went into the forest for his detention; Ron was not there (he is in the film but not in the book).Chapter 5: The DementorWhen Harry, Ron, and Hermione first find a carriage, and have stowed their luggage, they return to the platform to say goodbye to Mr and Mrs Weasley. Upon reentering the train, it is said that the three of them set off looking for an empty compartment and end up finding one at the very end of the train. Since the trio had already stowed their luggage earlier, there would be no need for them to go looking for an empty compartment. However, after Harry explains his situation with Sirius, it's revealed that Harry's Sneakoscope is in his trunk on the rack above them.1 September in 1993 was the night of a full moon. Therefore, Lupin should not have been on the train, considering how later in the book he is unable to teach for the three days around the full moon.Chapter 6: Talons and Tea LeavesHermione's Time-Turner is a major secret that supposedly took a lot of persuasion to obtain. However, the reason it was necessary should not have been an out-of-place occurrence: any Gryffindor taking the Study of Ancient Runes would need to use one to attend their Friday Charms class that happens at the same time. Likewise, any Gryffindor who takes any combination of Divination, Muggle Studies, and Ancient Runes would require a Time-Turner since all of those classes occur at the same time on Wednesday mornings. However, one solution that Hermione's case was an unusual one. Perhaps most students would be told that they could not take those classes together in one year, but she persisted in asking for them.On page 101 of the US hardcover edition, Sybill Trelawney's name is misspelled as "Sibyll."Chapter 8: Flight of the Fat LadyOn page 117 of the UK paperback edition, when Harry is talking to Lupin about the Boggart and he mentions Voldemort, it says "The only person Harry had ever heard say the name aloud (apart from himself) was Professor Dumbledore" But in the Philosopher's Stone, Hagrid says, "Nah - can't spell it. All right - Voldemort." Although, Harry may have excluded Hagrid as he does not use the name habitually. Hagrid also whispered it begrudgingly.Chapter 9: Grim DefeatDuring his substitution of the Defence Against the Dark Arts class, Snape says "That is the second time you have spoken out of turn, Miss Granger", but actually it is the third time she speaks out of turn. Although, Snape may have not counted the first time.Chapter 11: The FireboltGiven that Remus Lupin had a transformation after Hallowe'en but before the following weekend, the full moon would have had to be sometime in the first week of November. Since a full moon occurs every month or so, the December and January full moons would also have occurred sometime around the first week of those months. Therefore, a full moon during the Christmas period is not possible. Yet, Dumbledore explains to Trelawney that Lupin's absence from the Christmas dinner is that he is not well again; implying either a transformation or post-transformation exhaustion, especially since Snape is mentioned as having brewed his potion for him.Chapter 12: The PatronusWhen Harry gets back into the Gryffindor common room with his Firebolt given back to him after being tested for jinxes, the common room admires the broom. An unidentified Gryffindor tells Harry, "Ravenclaw'll have no chance, they're all on Cleansweep Sevens!" However, later in the book, Oliver Wood tells Harry that Cho Chang, the Ravenclaw Seeker, rides a Comet 260. It is possible, however, that the unidentified Gryffindor who told Harry this only meant that most of the Ravenclaws ride Cleansweep Sevens. Or, it could be due to the fact that they didn't know the Ravenclaw team's line-up before the match, so they just generalised from what they had seen in previous games.Chapter 14: Snape's GrudgeOn page 285 of some versions of the US hardback edition, Snape's name is misspelled as "Snap".Chapter 15: The Quidditch FinalWhen Katie Bell is taking her second penalty shot, it says she put it past the Slytherin Seeker (Draco Malfoy), instead of the Keeper.Chapter 16: Professor Trelawney's PredictionBefore Harry and Hermione go back in time, it mentions that Buckbeak is tied to a tree. But when they go back in time, Buckbeak is tied to a fence. This error was fixed in later editions of the same book.This chapter takes place in June of 1994. At the beginning of that chapter, Harry Potter reads a note from Hagrid that says "Buckbeak's appeal — it's set for the sixth." The night after the hippogriff's appeal, Remus Lupin is forced into werewolf form by the full moon, which means that this happened on the night of 6 June, 1994. However, in 1994, 9 June was the night of a new moon, which means that a full moon could not possibly rise three days earlier.Chapter 19: The Servant of Lord VoldemortSnape says in the Shrieking Shack that Lupin had not taken his potion that night, but it is explained that one must drink the Wolfsbane Potion the week beforetransforming — not on the night ITSELF.IT - IL PORTALE may be that the potion must be continually consumed before the full moon to be effective, rather than just once the week before.Sirius Black says that Voldemort has been in hiding for fifteen years, but he has actually only been in hiding for twelve years (almost thirteen at the time that he says it), about the same amount of time since Black was imprisoned. Voldemort went into hiding right after he was ripped from his body after failing to kill Harry.Of course, Black could just be rounding off to an approximated number (fifteen years), but this seems unlikely since he keeps talking about being in Azkaban for twelve years, being that the two time frames are almost exactly the same. Sirius also says to Pettigrew, 'you haven't been hiding from me for 12 years, you've been hiding from Voldemort's old supporters'.Chapter 20: The Dementors' KissIn the US paperback edition, when exiting the tunnel that lead out of the Whomping Willow, the group was in the following order: Crookshanks, Lupin, Pettigrew, Ron, Snape, Sirius, Harry, and Hermione. Later, when Hermione uses the Time-Turner, Harry and Hermione see themselves coming out in the order: Lupin, Ron, Pettigrew, Hermione, Snape, Harry, and Sirius.Chapter 21: Hermione's SecretOn page 287 of the UK paperback edition, Dumbledore is speaking to Harry and Hermione and tells them, "There is not a shred of proof to support Black’s story, except your word – and the word of two thirteen-year-old wizards will not convince anybody," but Hermione's birthday is in September, so she's 14 years-old at this point. However, this may not be considered a mistake, as it could be explained simply by Dumbledore not remembering Hermione's birthday.When Harry and Hermione leave from the hospital wing using the Time-Turner, Dumbledore says it is ten minutes until midnight, but on the way back to the ward after they rescue Sirius, they hear Dumbledore say to the other versions of them that it is five minutes to midnight.Corrected in later editions, making Dumbledore say "five minutes to midnight" the first time, instead of ten.Chapter 22: Owl Post AgainIn June, Fred and George Weasley find out they have scraped "a few O.W.L.s apiece." However, in subsequent books, it is firmly established that O.W.L. results are sent home by owl and are not received until August.On page 311 of some editions, it said "Dumblefore" instead of "Dumbledore". This typographic error was rectified in later editions.Harry Potter and the Goblet of FireIn the early printings of the Scholastic edition, there are some books which were bound incorrectly, the spine and cover having been bound inverted. Upon opening, one notices that the text seems inverted, that the first page ones sees is really the last of the book.For a supposedly spectator event, the staging of the Triwizard Tournament is remarkably unfriendly to spectators. Although the entire school turns out for every event, they can only see what happens in the first event, as the second occurs at the bottom of a lake and the third occurs within an impenetrable maze. It is hard to explain why no effort is made to give the audience a better view of the champions' adventures, as this is presumably the whole point of the tournament, and the justification for cancelling the entire season of Quidditch, a spectator sport that people can actually see.In the book's opening chapter, there are repeated references to a planned murder, with lines such as "... one more death and our path to Harry Potter is clear" and "One more murder… my faithful servant at Hogwarts…" Yet, there is no indication that anyone else is murdered that was part of this plan. Bertha Jorkins was already dead, Frank Bryce was only a victim of circumstance, and Barty Crouch was originally kept alive and only killed because he had escaped and become a liability.Voldemort's original plan may have been to kill Crouch Snr, and he was subsequently convinced otherwise by Wormtail or Crouch Jr, though if so, nothing was ever explained.The death referenced may also refer to the planned future execution of Harry, as the "faithful servant at Hogwarts" is Barty Crouch Jr, who has taken Mad Eye Moody's appearance in order to capture Harry and sacrifice him to grant Voldemort a new body. At the time it is possible that Voldemort believed the "blood of the enemy" may have required Harry's death.Also it is possible that Wormtail, not wanting to kill Harry, may have taken the blood from his arm to see if that would suffice for the resurrection spell.This is the fault of the American version. The English version specifically said curse; not murder.In the Scholastic Edition, in chapter eleven, in the 28th line of the Sorting Hat's new song, Hufflepuff is spelled as "Hufflepujf."The narration mentions at one point that Harry "had only found out that Sirius was his godfather two months ago," when in fact it had been on the December Hogsmeade trip (in other words, eight months ago) when Harry overheard that Sirius was his godfather. It would be more accurate to say he "had only found out that Sirius was innocent two months ago."In "Back to the Burrow," Mr Weasley puts a pinch of Floo Powder into the fire for their group to return to the Burrow, but in book 2 everyone has to use Floo Powder individually to travel.In "Back to the Burrow" Mr Weasley uses magic to deflect something that Vernon Dursley has thrown at him. In The Chamber of Secrets Harry receives a warning from the Ministry of Magic for using magic in the presence of muggles and also because he is under aged and away from Hogwarts, even though it was Dobby who used magic, not Harry. We later learn that this is because the Ministry doesn't know when a specific wizard uses magic, but rather, where it is used. Since the ministry knows Harry is the only wizard living in that general area, any magic performed is assumed to come from Harry. So why wouldn't Harry have received a letter after Mr Weasley performed magic in the Dursleys' home?This might be due to the fact that Mr Weasley notified the Ministry that he was going there, so they couldn't just assume it was Harry.Toward the end of the book when Voldemort puts the Imperius Curse on Harry, the book says "for the third time in his life," but toward the middle of the book it states Harry had the Imperius Curse put on him four times by Moody (Crouch, Jr.).This, however, may have been a reference to the number of occasions and situations on which it was used rather than the exact number of times the curse was placed on him.Harry's fourteenth birthday is on 31 July, 1994, but in his letter to Sirius at the beginning of the book he mentions that his cousin Dudley got really angry and chucked his PlayStation out of the window. The PlayStation was not released in Europe until 29 September, 1995. It could not have been imported either because the PlayStation was not released in Japan until 3 December, 1994.However, it is possible that the Dursleys had signed up to be product testers, which would mean that they would receive the product (in this case, a PlayStation and a couple of games) months before the product was is also possible that Harry, due to his lack of interest in the materialism of the Dursleys, had confused the PlayStation with a similar console.In what is now known as the "Wand Order Mistake," when Harry and Lord Voldemort's wands engage in Priori Incantatem while in the graveyard, James Potter exits the wand before Lily Potter. It has always been said that James died first as he was trying to give Lily and Harry time to flee, and since victims of Lord Voldemort were exiting the wand in reverse order of being killed, it was thought to have been a clue from J.K. Rowling.Rowling later said that "late night writer's fatigue" was the reason, and the error has been fixed in later editions.During the meeting between Fudge, Dumbledore, and Moody, Fudge is mistakenly referred to as both "Crouch" and also as his first name, "Cornelius."In the European and Canadian versions of the book, Snape shouts, "Ten points from Hufflepuff, Fawcett! And ten points from Ravenclaw too, Stebbins!" Really, Fawcett is in Ravenclaw, and Stebbins is in http://Hufflepuff.It may, of course, be that Snape, angry as he was, mixed up the two students' affiliation to the houses. The American version corrects this error, but in a deleted scene from the film, included in the uncut DVD, Fawcett is again the Hufflepuff and Stebbins the Ravenclaw.In Quidditch Through the Ages, it says that the first ever World Cup was in 1473, with a match being held every four years. Yet, the World Cup in 1994 is number 422. There cannot be 422 world cups in 521 years with a four-year gap in between.The period of years in between Quidditch matches in 1473 may have been slightly different, or the years may have been counted differently.When Fred and George bet on the Quidditch match with Bagman, it says Fred put the paper with their wages in his robes, but Fred was wearing Muggle clothing.Barty Crouch Snr mentions that his son got twelve O.W.L.s. Once again, this is inconsistent with the time-table clashes from Prisoner of Azkaban.However, given Crouch Snr's damaged state of mind, he could have just been rambling insanely.Another possibility is that it is not necessary to take a class in order to sit an O.W.L. This is logical since Remus Lupin mentions in Deathly Hallows that until Voldemort took over the Ministry, parents were allowed to educate their children at home, though virtually all British magical children attended Hogwarts. These students would presumably need the credentials given by an O.W.L. or an N.E.W.T. in order to obtain employment in many occupations. It is thus possible that a highly motivated student may be able to do "independent study" to achieve an O.W.L. or that a student was already so familiar with the Muggle world, for example, that they could easily pass an O.W.L. in Muggle Studies without attending classes.In some printings, the spell to revive Krum and Crouch from unconsciousness is ennervate. The correct spelling is rennervate since ennervate would have the opposite effect (corrected in later editions).The notice that says classes will end a half hour early for the arrival of the Durmstrang and Beauxbatons students states that 30 October, 1994 is a Friday. However, it was really a Sunday.In the American paperback edition on page 148, Harry asks Ron if he can dump his things upstairs in his room. It then states, "'What's up Harry?' said Ron, the moment they had closed the door of the attic room behind them." In the Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets American paperback edition, on page 41, Ron says "... I'm right underneath the ghoul in the attic," referring to his room. Therefore the sentence in Goblet of Fire where he closes the attic door (to his room) does not make sense because that is where the ghoul resides.Although with The Burrow being such a haphazard building, it is likely that it contains more than just one attic (an attic referring to a room beneath the eeves).It is also possible that, due to the familiarity with the ghoul, the Weasleys managed to move it into a different room over the course of two school years. An example that supports this would be Ron's plan for the ghoul to take up residence in his room while he was away searching for horcruxes with Harry and Hermione.Near the beginning of Chapter 14, Neville is assigned the task of disembowelling horned toads as punishment from Professor Snape. When Hermione teaches him the Scouring Charm to remove the filth from under his fingernails, they're referred to as "frog guts." However, the horned toad is actually a species of lizard, despite the name.Since this was from Harry's point of view, however, he might not have known that fact and simply assumed the horned toad was a species of frog.On page 550, Cedric Diggory discusses with Harry what the third task of the Triwizard Tournament might be. He says Fleur keeps talking about underground tunnels and how she believes the champions will have to find treasure. Harry believes that wouldn't because he could borrow a "niftier" from Hagrid. It appears to be a spelling mistake for the magical creature, the niffler, which the fourth years recently learned about in a Care of Magical Creatures lesson.Harry may have just forgotten the correct name of the creature since there only was one lesson with nifflers up to this point. However, it seems unlikely because Harry Potter is usually shown to retain information from most of his classes.On page 594 in the first edition of the Canadian paperback and page 685 of the first edition American hardcover, when Dumbledore is questioning Barty Crouch, it says, "'How did your father subdue you?' said Dumbledore. 'The Imperius curse,' said Moody." Crouch is mistakenly referred to as Moody in this sentence because it was after Barty Couch had already returned to his original physical state (no longer an impersonation of Moody). Crouch had already been referred to by his real name earlier on that page, and the real Moody was lying stunned at the bottom of the trunk in his office.When the Weasleys, Hermione, and Harry arrive at the camp site for the Quidditch match, they have to use a map to find where they set up their camps. Yet Percy, Bill, and Charlie are able to find them right away after apparating in the woods. This is proved by Percy saying, "Just Apparated, Dad" as soon as they emerged from the woods. It seems impossible that the three could have found their camps that quick, unless Mr Weasley had sent a message to his sons while collecting wood for their fire.However it is said that their camping spot was located right next to the main path, so Percy, Bill and Charlie may just have got http://lucky.It is also possible that the three eldest children did in fact go to find a map, and Percy was referring to them Apparating a short while ago.Since Percy is a very proud person, who has just left Hogwarts, he may be simply bragging about his ability to apparate, while his younger siblings cannot.In "The Hungarian Horntail" as Hagrid takes Harry to see the dragons he stops to pick up Madame Maxime, and Harry wonders to himself "Had Hagrid wanted to show him Madame Maxime? He could see her any old time he wanted...she wasn't exactly hard to miss....". However, as a meiotic reference to her great height, what he should have said is that Madame Maxime isn't exactly easy to miss.Harry Potter and the Order of the PhoenixIn the American paperback edition, on page 161, when talking about the old Defence Against the Dark Arts teachers, Harry says, "One sacked, one dead, one's memory removed, and one locked in a trunk for nine months," referring to Lupin, Quirrell, Lockhart, and Moody respectively. However, according to the Prisoner of Azkaban American paperback edition, on page 423, Lupin did not get sacked — he resigned.However, Harry could have interpreted Lupin's resignation as forced by Snape's revelation of his lycanthropy and therefore considered it the same as a sacking. Also, Fred does not mention either of his first two Defence Against the Dark Arts teachers, though it is possible that those two simply resigned and nothing particularly bad happened to them, thus no mention.Lupin was not officially sacked, but there was pressure from the School Board for him to resign.In chapter 3, when the Advance Guard arrives at 4 Privet Drive to take Harry to 12 Grimmauld Place, Harry is already in trouble for casting a Patronus Charm in the presence of a Muggle. Yet, Tonks casts several spells (Lumos, a packing spell, Scourgify and Locomotor Trunk) and Moody casts a Disillusionment Charm on Harry while they are still at 4 Privet Drive. Lupin had clearly stated that they were not using the Floo Network because they were being watched (by the Ministry), so of course the Ministry was not aware of any Wizards that are allowed to do magic inside Harry's house. If the Ministry can detect magic, and Harry is the only known wizard in Little Whinging, then he should have either had another owl sent from the Improper Use of Magic Office or the uses of those spells should have been brought up at some point during his trial. Possible explanations include the fact that there were no Muggles present at the time, or that unlike Dobby, magic used by registered wizards does not activate the Trace, however this is inconsistent with the seventh book, when Harry is told they had to escape using Polyjuice Potion and physical transport because using any magic at all around Harry would alert the Ministry to his presence.When asked to look into a desk in another room in Grimmauld Place, Mad-Eye Moody was able to determine it contained a Boggart. However, Remus Lupin established that nobody knows what a Boggart's true form is, as it always shapeshifts into the deepest fear of whomever sees it. It seems unlikely that the Boggart could have taken the form of Moody's greatest fear as he was not in the presence of the Boggart, so he must have seen it in it's true form and known what it Boraso - Conversion Marketing Agency is possible the Boggart took the form of Moody's greatest fear and thus he was able to recognise it as a Boggart, but it has never been established that Boggarts can take on a subjective form if observed http://indirectly.It has also been said that Mad-Eye is the only person to have seen a Boggart in its true form, because of this scene.In chapter 19, Harry refers to the Dark Marks on the arms of the Death Eaters as scars when they are actually brandings.In Chapter 2, after Harry tells Uncle Vernon about Voldemort and Uncle Vernon tells Harry to get out, Dumbledore sends Petunia a Howler which says "Remember my last, Petunia" referring to the letter Dumbledore had left on the doorstep with baby Harry. Later, in chapter 37, Dumbledore explains that Petunia "might need reminding of the pact she had sealed by taking [Harry]". However, in chapter 5 of the Chamber of Secrets, after Harry and Ron crash the Ford Anglia into the Whomping Willow, Dumbledore says he will "be writing to both [their] families tonight". This means that the Howler was referring to this letter about the flying car rather than the letter written by Dumbledore on the night of Lily and James' death as intended.Sirius Black told Harry Potter that Bellatrixran in the same crowd as Severus Snapewhile at Hogwarts, but her date of birth makes this impossible. Bellatrix would have attended Hogwarts from 1962 to 1969, or possibly 1963 to 1970, depending on which month in 1951 she was born in, whereas Snape began his schooling in 1971.This may simply be an error since J. K. Rowling has admitted that maths is not her strong suit.Another possible explanation could be that both Bellatrix and Snape went around with the same type of people, some of whom may have overlapped depending on age. For example, Lucius Malfoy was mentioned to be a prefect during Snape's Sorting in Deathly Hallows.During Harry's hearing, Cornelius said that he blew up his aunt three years ago. However, the incident when Harry inflated Marjorie Dursley occurred almost exactly two years previously.Although, this may be a mistake on Cornelius's part, and could show that he was not told accurate information, he had forgotten the date Harry blew up Aunt Marge, or that he was desperate enough to give away the wrong information; the second theory is most probable.When Cho and Harry go to Hogsmeade together, she recalls their first match against each other "in the third year." As she is a year older than him it should have been "in your third year."She may have been referring to the third year they had been on their house Quidditch teams, Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, respectfully.In chapter 9, Ron's prefect badge is described as scarlet and gold. Page 162 of the American paperback edition states, "A large P was superimposed on the Gryffindor lion. He had seen a badge just like this on Percy's chest on his very first day at Hogwarts." However, Percy's badge in Philosopher's Stone is described as silver with a P on it (later editions of the first book are fixed).In chapter 9, Mrs Weasley says that everyone in the family has been a prefect, but Charlie was a Quidditch is possible that she was including Charlie since Hermione says in the sixth book that Quidditch Captains have equal status with http://prefects.It is also possible that Charlie was a prefect in addition to being Quidditch Captain.She also leaves out Fred and George, who ask, "What are we, next-door neighbours?"It is mentioned that Remus, rather than James, was the male Gryffindor prefect in Harry's father's year. However, Hagrid mentions in Philosopher's Stone that James and Lily were Head Boy and Girl at Hogwarts. Since it is implied that the Head Boy and Girl are chosen from the prefects, this does not work.Although it is implied that the Head Boy and Girl are chosen from the prefects, it is never explicitly stated, so James could have been Head Boy without being a prefect.If James had been Quidditch Captain, he could have become Head Boy through that, as Quidditch Captains have equal status with prefects.Hagrid could simply have been mistaken in thinking that James had been Head Boy.In chapter 12, Ron says "That's the worst Monday I've ever seen" in reference to his and Harry's schedule for the first day of classes. As school commences with the feast on 1 September, this first day of classes would fall on 2 September. However, at the end of Chapter 6, it is written that the night before Harry's trial is a Wednesday. Thus, Harry's trial, which takes place on 12 August, falls on a Thursday. So 2 September would actually have to be a Thursday, as well. (And in 1995, 12 August and 2 September were actually Saturdays.)During the meeting in the Hog's Head, Dennis Creevey shows up for the meeting. However, in Harry's fifth year, Dennis would only be a second year, and therefore would not be able to visit Hogsmeade.He could, however, have sneaked out of the school with his brother, although what with Filch guarding the entrance and the Creeveys not having been notified of any secret passageways, this seems unlikely (unless they discovered one by chance).However, Fred and George were both aware of who Hermione was intending to recruit (having been recruited themselves) and could have shown him one of the secret passageways.After Harry has seen his father bully Snape in a memory, he remembers Professor McGonagall saying that James and Sirius were troublemakers at school but no more so than the Weasley twins. This is incorrect. She said in Prisoner of Azkabanthat she had no memory of anyone else being so troublesome, and Hagrid said Fred and George could have given them a run for their money.One possible explanation is that McGonagall's earlier statement was a hyperbole. Regardless, it was still not her who said that they were like Fred and George. (It actually just states in the book that Harry imagined them as precursors of Fred and George, so McGonagall didn't really imply it.)In the chapter "Snape's Worst Memory," Draco Malfoy takes away points from Gryffindor and Hufflepuff when he catches Hermoine saying what she really thinks of Umbridge. Then a conversation ensues in which Ernie Macmillan says that prefects can't take away points, even though Percy Weasley takes away points in the 2nd Book in the chapter "The Writing on the Wall" when he discovers Ron coming out of Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. In later editions this is fixed to say that prefects cannot take points away from other prefects, but this clarification is not reflected in the Jim Dale or Stephen Frye read audio-book editions of Book http://5.It may also be that Percy merely intended to report the trio's actions to someone who could take those points away, rather than doing it himself.In Chapter 30 of the American hardcover edition, Harry and Hermione find seats in the topmost row at the Quidditch match, but when Hagrid comes to tell them about Grawp, he squeezes his way through the row behind them. If Harry and Hermione are in the topmost row, there cannot be a row behind them (corrected in later editions). But there could be a walkway behind the top row.It states that after watching Ginny play it was Harry's first time watching Quidditch in the stands but Harry would have watched all the other matches that didn't involve Gryffindor (all matches since his first year at Hogwarts).In the chapter "O.W.L.s," it is stated that the practical Astronomy O.W.L. began at 11:00 pm, and Harry observed Venus one hour later (12:00 am). However, Venus can only be observed shortly before sunrise or shortly after sunset;[3] it can never be seen at midnight. Harry was also filling in his star chart with the stars in the constellation of Orion. However, Orion would have set before 11:00pm on that date.[4] Also, Hogwarts is somewhere in the Highlands of Scotland (according to the movie of Prisoner of Azkaban, it's near Dufftown in Moray); at that latitude, in the two months either side of June 21, the sky never gets completely dark. There is at least one website showing that sunset on the day of the examination would be about 11pm — the time the examination is supposed to start. It would be unlikely to be dark enough to observe any but the brightest stars.The telescopes may be charmed to show every star regardless.Harry could have mistaken Venus for a different celestial body.During the Ordinary Wizarding Levelexaminations, Hannah Abbott was doing her Transfiguration practical at the same time as Harry Potter. This is odd since the examinations are done by surname, meaning that Hannah should have finished a while ago, unless she was a rather incompetent student, or unless she had a fit of anxiety in the middle of the examination and had to be calmed, which could take time, and then resume the exam when Harry started his. (it is implied that Hannah was given a calming draught).When Snape calls Voldemort "the Dark Lord," Harry makes an accusatory statement, claiming to have only heard the Death Eaters call him that, but in Prisoner of Azkban, Professor Trelawney, who has never been suspected of being a Death Eater, called him that.However, Trelawney's use of the title "the Dark Lord" was used largely for poetic effect rather than out of loyalty. Even earlier, in Chamber of Secrets, Ginny Weasley wrote a poem that referred to Voldemort as "the Dark Lord." Another year before that, in Philosopher's Stone, Ollivander also called him "the Dark Lord" as he talked about his past http://achievements.It is possible that Harry forgot these examples due to his anger at Snape, or ignored them in favour of accusing Snape of being a Death Eater.In the UK paperback celebratory edition, in the chapter "Beyond the Veil", the first line of the sentence which runs from page 710 to 711 is repeated, first on the bottom of page 710 and again at the top of page 711. The line reads, "Harry saw the look of mingled fear and surprise on his god-".Harry mentions that he gave the interview on the last Hogsmeade weekend. He did it on 14 February, which was a Wednesday in 1996.During the trip of Ministry of Magic with his friends, it was left out why there was no Order members there on watch duty, as in the beginning of the book, they mentioned about constantly being on watch duty, day and night.In chapter 2, Mrs Figg tells Harry that she had stationed her cat, Mr Tibbles, to keep a watch on the Dursley house. However, In the first book, it gives a short list of Mrs Figg's cats, one of which is simply Tibbles, as opposed to Mr Tibbles.A possible explanation is that Harry some or all of her cats' names mixed up, which is understandable as she has so many. Also, it's possible that they both refer to the same cat, only she calls it by slightly different names.She could also be referring to the same cat, but changing whether or not to use the honorific. Many people switch between using 'Mr' or not before a name.Harry Potter and the Half-Blood PrinceOn page 101 of the earliest printings, and in the original audiobook editions of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Ron mentions that Hermione got ten Outstandings and one Exceeds Expectations for Defence Against the Dark Arts, giving her a total of eleven O.W.L.s. However, since she dropped both Divination and Muggle Studies in her third year, she could not possibly have got eleven O.W.L.s since she was only doing ten subjects — Transfiguration, Charms, Herbology, Potions, Defence Against the Dark Arts, History of Magic, Astronomy, Care of Magical Creatures, Arithmancy, and Ancient Runes (This error was corrected in later editions, in which Ron instead says nine Outstandings and one Exceeds Expectations.)In the sixth book, a comma is placed instead of a full stop at the end of a paragraph that ended in `Snape`. The next paragraph has nothing to do with the previous paragraph, so it shouldn't end in a comma. (typos aren't very important mistakes though)Harry's sixteenth birthday happens on 31 July, 1996. Looking at any full moon calendar, in that year the full moon was on 30 July. Remus Lupin was recovering from the after effects of his werewolftransformation and it is therefore difficult for him to go to birthday parties. It is said, though, that he was looking "gaunt and grim," so he might have transformed the night before. At Christmas, however, it is stated that Remus Lupin comes over to the Burrow and even uses Bill's bedroom. 24 December, 1996, is the exact date of a full moon and, since Lupin was already living with the werewolves, there was little chance he could get the seven days worth of doses of Wolfsbane Potion required to make him harmless. Therefore, on that night he would have been a dangerous transformed werewolf.On page 126 in Chapter Seven on some American Editions it says Chapter One.In the chapter "The Secret Riddle," it says, "... Dumbledore entered the room... It was a small bare room with nothing in it except an old wardrobe and an iron bedstead." A couple paragraphs later, "Dumbledore drew up the hard wooden chair beside Riddle, so that the pair of them looked rather like a hospital patient and visitor."This may have been a pun, since with Dumbledore especially, the term "draw up a chair" is used literally several times when Dumbledore magically conjures a chair by drawing it. This may have been a covert way of implying this, especially considering Riddle may have missed this action by Dumbledore.On page 342 of the American version, there is a punctuation error when Molly Weasleysays "Have a little purkey, or some tooding...I mean-" to Rufus Scrimgeour. There are no quotation marks in front of the "have" in the statement. This mistake is corrected in later printings.At the start of term feast, Dumbledore tells Quidditch hopefuls to put their names down for selection. For the Gryffindor House, at least, there had never been trials before. Katie Bell also warns Harry against just "picking the old faces," but this had automatically been the case for the five years preceding Harry's sixth year. It is likely Wood was happy with the team for three years, and there was no reason to hold a trial with no spots becoming vacant up until he left. There was no need to hold trials in Harry's fourth year. Angelina held trials in Harry's fifth year, but only for the parts that needed to be filled in; this could mean that Angelina was happy with the remaining players on the team.This may also be a sign of Harry simply bowing to pressure since he could have chosen to allow those that were already on the team to continue playing but instead chose to take Katie's http://advice.It is also possible that a new team is chosen only if there's a new captain.Lastly, it could be that Katie was referring to the bad players from the year previous, and simply wanted to replace the players whom had weighed down the team.In chapter 22 After the Burial, Harry sees Dean, Neville, and Seamus in the common room just before he takes Felix Felicis. But as he is leaving Gryffindor tower a few minutes later, Dean and Ginny are entering through the portrait hole.In chapter 23 Horcruxes, Dumbledore says that Voldemort didn't want to wear Gaunt's ring after turning it into a Horcrux, but Harry saw Voldemort wear the ring in Slughorn's memory. Pursuant to Morfin's memory and Dumbledore's explanation, the Riddles were killed right after Voldemort met with Morfin and stole the ring. There would not have been enough time for Voldemort to steal the ring, return to Hogwarts, and then kill the Riddles and make the ring into a horcrux.Harry Potter and the Deathly HallowsAt the beginning of chapter 2, it says that Harry cannot use magic due to not coming of age for another four days. In chapter six, days have passed since the Battle over Little Whinging, but Harry states the Trace will break in four days.In chapter five, Harry says 'What d'you mean? Isn't anyone else back?' but the first apostrophe is missing.In chapter nine Ron, Harry and Hermione are discussing where to go after being ambushed at a cafe on Tottenham Court. Although Hermione wipes the memories of the two Death Eaters the discussion to go to Grimmuald Place occurs after the memory charm is performed. Hermione and Ron both use Harry's name and Harry states the name Grimmauld Place. One Death Eater was stupiefied leaving him unconscious but the other was only put in a full body bind curse. From Harry's previous experience with the full body bind (on the train arriving at Hogwarts in the half blood prince and when Dumbledore is killed) we know that that particular Death Eater must have heard the entire conversation. Therefore Harry would have told him the secret and allowed the Death Eaters access into Grimmauld Place.In chapter 20 Ron explains that Voldemort had placed a Taboo on his name so that if anyone said it he would be able to find that person, and explains that was how the Death Eaters had found them on Tottenham Court Road—Hermione used the name once, while they were sitting in the cafe. However, the trio used Voldemort's name several times while they stayed at Number Twelve Grimmauld Place, and the Death Eaters did not manage to find them there until Hermione accidentally brought one back with them, after Disapparating from the Ministry of Magic, although one or two strangers did appear near Grimmauld Place before with a dozen on September 1st. The charms placed on 12 Grimmauld Place which make the location impossible to enter unless invited but the jinx placed on Voldemort's name is specifically said to "break protective enchantments." However, it is highly likely that it may not be able to break the Fidelius Charm, which is notoriously strong.In chapter 20, when Harry, Ron, and Hermione are at the front door of Xenophilius Lovegood's house, Hermione says to Harry, "You better take off the Invisibility Cloak, Harry, it's you Mr Lovegood wants to help," and he handed her his Cloak to place in the beaded bag, but after the Death Eaters arrive Hermione says, "Harry give me the Invisibility Cloak, Ron, you're going to put it on.In chapter 23, Narcissa says that Draco "is home for his Easter holidays." In Chapter 24, the sun is described as rising at Shell Cottage in Cornwall, but shortly after this, Harry sees into Voldemort's mind at Hogsmeade, where it is "still dark, because it was so much farther north." However (in the absence of a significant longitudinal difference, as in this case), this sort of thing is only true between the Autumnal and Vernal Equinoxes; Easter occurs after the Vernal Equinox[5] (e.g. on 12 April in 1998), in the other half of the year when sunrise is earlier the further north one goes, thus it should not have been dark at Hogwarts when Harry saw into Voldemort's mind.In chapter 25, "Shell Cottage", Lupin says that Bill is the Cottage's Secret Keeper, yet Ron was able to tell Dobby about where the cottage was when escaping from Malfoy Manor. However, the Fidelius Charm may not have been placed upon the cottage at the time, or Ron was already aware of the house previously at an unknown point, or it might be that the Fidelius Charm does not apply to House-Elves; several times in the series, elves are able to apparate to places witches and wizards cannot.In chapter 26, when Harry, Ron, and Hermione break into the Lestranges' vault at Gringotts in Chapter 26, Hermione performs a whispered Levicorpus spell on Harry so that he can reach the Horcrux without touching the other contents of the vault. The Levicorpus spell, however, is most effective as a nonverbal spell, which Hermione ought to have been capable of given her talent.Of course, this may be because Hermione was intending on warning Harry on what she was doing, rather than catching him off-guard.In chapter 27 Harry drips dittany through the singed hole in his jeans to the angry burn beneath, but he has just got changed, so he shouldn't be wearing his singed jeans anymore. Not much later in this chapter, Harry returns from an excursion into Voldemort's mind, and is "vaguely surprised" that he is "still wet to his skin", which he should not be since he had got changed into dry robes earlier. Harry may have been so effected by this excursion that he woke up in a cold sweat, however this is unlikely, since Harry has had a lot of experience seeing Voldemort's thoughts by this point, and because the statement implies that Harry's clothing is still soaked.When Harry is viewing Snape's memories, he witnesses a scene on Platform 9¾ between his mother and Aunt Petunia, in which Petunia tugs her hand out of Lily's grasp. Her hand is then back in Lily's, and she tugs it out again.Lily may have grabbed her hand again against her will.In chapter 33, "The Prince's Tale", we see Dumbledore asking Snape to cast a Confundus Charm on Mundungus Fletcher, but since Voldemort took over the Ministry after the chase, Snape shouldn't have been able to enter Hogwarts and go to the Headmaster's office. Unless Dumbledore showed him a way to enter unnoticed, had allowed him access, or something SIMILAR.IT is also possible he used the Vanishing Cabinet in Borgin & Burkes to enter the Room of Requirement at night and thus sneak to the Headmaster's Office, or used the same passage through the Room of Requirement that the DA later used..Alternatively, he might have entered at day time and used a Disillusionment Charm in order to render himself almost invisible and spy on his former colleagues in order to find out what the password for the office is.Ron went to shell cottage after he left Harry, but how could he find it if Bill was secret keeper? Ron apparated right into some Snatchers, got out, and went where?In chapter 36, Harry sees Charlie Weasley overtaking Horace Slughorn and in the next page Voldemort is seen duelling McGonagall, Slughorn, and Kingsley; however, Slughorn could have caught up again.Harry Potter and the Cursed ChildPart 1Act 1Scene One and Scene Two take place in the Epilogue: Nineteen Years Later of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. However, there are a few modifications. In Harry Potter and the Cursed Child (Special Rehearsal Edition), the whole Potter family run into the barrier together. In the book, James leaves before the rest of his family. Some lines in the book are not said by the same characters. In the play it's Harry who says "James, give it a rest" while in the book it's Ginny.Albus explains why he doesn't want to be in Slytherin, stating "Slytherin is the House of the snake, of Dark Magic... it’s not a House of brave wizards".Act 2When Eloise Mintumble time-travelled and changed things, it was noticed by other witches and wizards from the original timeline who went to retrieve her without seemingly time-travelling themselves. When Albus Potter and Scorpius Malfoytime-travelled and changed things, no one from the original timeline knew they could retrieve them. They never mention being able to retrieve them in the same way Eloise was retrieved.When Eloise was retrieved, her body aged the five centuries it had to travel through, and it created paradoxes such as Tuesday lasting two and a half days and Thursday going by in only four hours. When Albus and Scorpius time-travel, the only real consequences was that things had changed and Albus' arm being injured as if it broke twenty years ago and 'allowed to set in the 'most contrary of directions'. There are no paradoxes.Part 2Act 4In the play, Polyjuice Potion seems faster to make. In Act 4, Scene 10, Albus proposes that they use this potion to turn into Voldemort because he thinks Bathilda Bagshot may have all the ingredients, and Ron only contradicts him with the argument that they don’t have a bit of Voldemort, just like as though the one month of preparation was not an issue when they only have a few hours ahead of them.Both may have assumed that either they could use the Turner again to give themselves time to make the potion or Bathilda would have a potion ready for their use.Harry only had the ability to speak Parseltongue because he was a Horcrux. He never knew how to speak it himself. It only happened because he had a piece of Voldemort's soul residing in him. Rowling stated this to be correct in an interview when she confirmed that Harry "lost the ability and was very glad" when Voldemort destroyed that part of his soul. However, in the play, he speaks it anyway as though he had never lost the ability.References- Harry potter wiki

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