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Who do you think that is the biggest hero among American presidents?

This one is trickier than what you might think.I'm going to assume that we are talking about men who were heroic overthe entire course of their lives and not just during their presidencies.By that standard, George Washington would have to count as the most heroic, bar none.Before the American Revolution (1775-1783) Washington was one of the main American combat leaders during the French-and-Indian War (1755-1763) that effectively removed the French from control of what is now the United States.After that -- and before the Revolution -- as a land developer and surveyor he did a lot to open the trans-Alleghany frontier to American settlement.In the years closer to the Revolution he was one of the leading political forces moving America towards freedom from the Brits.His record during the Revolution was strategically and politically brilliant though only intermittently so tactically.After the war he retired to his farm when many wanted to proclaim him king and, within a few years was one of the leading figures calling for the creation of a new form of government.In the summer of 1787, he presided over the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia that invented that new form of government and the next year and for eight years after that he was the first president of the United States, establishing far too many democratic practices to be listed here.After two terms in office, he quietly retired to his farm again and not too long after that died quietly. The old saying was that he was "first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen".The only president who can compare with him in terms of the importance of their presidency was Abraham Lincoln who from 1861-65 led the country in a terribly bloody civil war that preserved the Union and ended slavery.But aside from that, before being elected president he was a relatively minor Mid-Western politician and lawyer for the railroad industry.Two other presidents, in my estimation, count as heroes: Andrew Jackson and Teddy Roosevelt.Jackson is not well-remembered now but he was a rough-and-ready frontiersman and Indian fighter who in 1815 led the Americans in the Battle of New Orleans, defeating some of the British Army's finest troops with a ragtag bunch of American regulars, irregulars, civilians and pirates.As president (1829-1837) he instituted some critically important financial reforms and rescued American politics from an increasingly mandarin political elite.Teddy Roosevelt is probably the most outrageously interesting person to ever become president. As a child he suffered from particularly severe asthmatic attacks that left him sickly and debilitated. Largely on his own he set about rebuilding his body with a strenuous course of physical exercise. At the same time he became a fair-to-middling amateur naturalist.Later on he would at one time or another he would police commissioner of New York City instituting some critical reforms. When his first wife died, in mourning, he moved from New York to the Dakota territories and set himself up as a cowboy and a rancher, during the course of which he would write several books about the West including both his personal adventures, the area's natural history and the history of its exploration and settlements -- all of which became acknowledge minor classics down to the present time.In 1898, when war broke out with Spain, he helped form and eventually became the unofficial tactical leader of the now legendary cavalry unit nicknamed "the Rough Riders" -- a unit made up in almost equal parts of society swells and cowboys.Throughout the 1890s Roosevelt was also a tireless advocate for Civil Service reform and for pure food and drug laws.In 1904 he ran for and won the presidency and while president implemented the first major civil rights practices within the government, securing for African Americans many of the civil rights they supposedly already had but which had never really been effected.When Japan began an aggressive naval policy throughout the western Pacific, he sent an American naval fleet to confront them, an action that ensured relative peace in the region for another three decades.He left the presidency 1909 and almost immediately led an ambitious hunting and natural history expedition into little known parts of Africa.His book about this expedition is another minor classic.In 1912 he ran again for president and before one campaign stop, a would-be assassin shot him in the chest. After the police hauled the would be killer away, Roosevelt went on to make a 90 minute speech, all the while bleeding heavily from his chest wound. Later, doctors would decide not to remove the bullet because it was embedded in his massive chest muscles and removing it could cause more damage than letting it stay in place.He lost the election of 1912.But a few months later, he and several naturalist friends and fellow explorers set out on the River of Doubt through the jungles of South America to trace its then unknown relationship to the Amazon. Roosevelt was severely injured while trying to save some of the expedition's equipment and over the course of the next several months lost nearly 50 pounds while he and the other members continued their natural history studies of the region's plants, animals, geology and geography. When he got back home Roosevelt wrote a book about his experience, this time producing one of the 20th Century's greatest tales of adventure and science.One book that I've left out -- in the early 1890s, Roosevelt served as the Asst. Sec'y of the (U.S.) Navy. Since the Secretary was a socialite wastrel, Roosevelt effectively ran the Department and while he was doing this he basically rewrote the strategy of naval warfare, a set of policies that the U.S. Navy still follows in part today, a century-and-a-quarter later.Also during this time he also wrote The Naval War of 1812, a work that is generally considered one of the finest naval histories ever produced.And one other thing, while serving as president he won a Nobel Peace Prize for ending the intractable Russo-Japanese War.Two presidents that many might assume to be listed here are not.Thomas Jefferson was a poltroon and a scoundrel. He took credit for writing the U.S. Declaration of Independence when he almost certainly did not; he was at best its amanuensis. He refused to send Virginia troops to fight in the Revolution while he was governor. He carried on a long-time affair with one of his slave women (who was, incidentally, the half-sister of his dead wife) and had several children by her. He hired journalistic hacks by the handful and some historians claim he was involved in the death of one of them who turned against him. He used every dirty trick in the political book and through a strange last minute deal became elected president in 1800 when he had won neither the popular or the electoral vote. He had his one-time vice president tried for treason -- he was found innocent -- and when one supreme court justice disagreed with him on a number of issues, Jefferson had him impeached. Though he is often given credit for playing a major role in the drafting of the Constitution, Jefferson had no hand in it; he was serving in Paris as the American ambassador at the time. His economic policies and tariffs while president virtually destroyed the American economy and his defense policies left the country virtually defenseless, a condition which many historians think was one of the main causes of the War of 1812. After he retired from the presidency and took up residence at his mountain-top plantation, Monticello, he was forced into an active program of raising and selling slaves so that he could maintain his sumptuous lifestyle. And, finally, the one notably good thing that came out of his two terms as president (1801-1809) was the Louisiana Purchase, which was carried out by his ambassador to France without his permission and with, some historians say, his active opposition.The other president I'll not list here is Teddy Roosevelt's younger cousin, Franklin D. Roosevelt who served three-plus terms in office (1933-1945). Though he is given credit with having ended the Great Depression though most non-leftist economists and historians now think that what ended the Depression was the coming of World War II in the closing years of the 1930s. While his policies may not have succeeded in ending the Depression they gave FDR the chance to create several immensely important Federal programs and offices, including most notably Social Security and the Securities & Exchange Commission.With the coming of WWII, most historians think that Roosevelt deftly maneuvered the country from a position of studied neutrality to one of alliance with the British and the Russians. Fortunately, Roosevelt had chosen wisely the men to be his Army Chief of Staff (George C. Marshall)and his Chief of Naval Operations (Chester Nimitz) and these two men essentially won the war for him.In some ways I've given FDR too short shrift here. He did have one very, very important accomplishment. More than anything tangible that he did, Roosevelt created the spirit and the elan that let America finally get through the Depression and go on to win the war.

Is Donald Trump telling two lies when he decribes himself as a "very stable genius"?

Trumpf has never been a gENIOUS,he is the dumbest President and the Most corrupt president ,even worse than crooked Dick Nixon.Now pence is under the spotlight,yep the Christian Hypocrite V.P. was in up to his eyeballs with corruption,And Thumpf threw Pence under the Bus yesterday. Now let's get William Barr The worst and most corrupt Attorney in USA History, and Pompeo the Crooked Secretary of State of the USA..The Hill's Morning Report — Trump, Dems trade barbs as investigators focus on witnesses, evidence | Sanders has heart procedure, putting campaign on pause | GOP, Dems raise concerns about big tech ahead of 2020 election | Booker struggles to break through | Trump admin announces new tariffs on European products after WTO ruling | House Dems look to ‘walk and chew gum’ on USMCA despite impeachment push | Boris Johnson tries again to get Brexit deal as deadline with EU looms | Quiz day! |InboxxThe Hill <[email protected]> Unsubscribe© Getty ImagesWelcome to The Hill’s Morning Report. Happy Thursday! Our newsletter gets you up to speed on the most important developments in politics and policy, plus trends to watch. Alexis Simendinger and Al Weaver are the up-early co-creators. Find us @asimendinger and @alweaver22 on Twitter and CLICK HERE to subscribe!President Trump and House Democratic leaders continued trading accusations and threats on Wednesday, digging into the impeachment battlefield to distract from questions at both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue.Trump dispensed with niceties in the Oval Office while seated next to the visiting president of Finland to declare that House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) is dishonest.The president said Schiff, who has the investigative reins during the impeachment inquiry, is especially untrustworthy following a report on Wednesday that an Intelligence Committee staff member advised the unnamed intelligence community whistleblower to file a formal complaint. A lawyer for the whistleblower said his client filed a document that was drafted “entirely on their own” (ABC News).The complaint asserted the president used a July conversation with the president of Ukraine to ask for the government’s help to investigate political rival Joe Biden’s activities while in Kiev for the Obama administration (The New York Times).The Hill: Biden said again there is “zero” evidence he or his son Hunter Biden did anything wrong in Ukraine, as argued repeatedly by Trump and his lawyer Rudy Giuliani.House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Schiff met with reporters to publicly warn Trump to expect a subpoena in the Ukraine investigation (The Associated Press). The president threatened a lawsuit tied to the Russia probe he approved, headed by former special counsel Robert Mueller (The Hill).The Speaker and her California colleague defended the whistleblower, who is weighing whether or how to speak to Congress after being publicly attacked by Trump as partisan, factually incorrect and a “spy” who merits punishment. The president has said he wants to face his “accuser,” something Pelosi and Schiff said would not happen (The Hill)."Let's not make any mistake here; the president wants to make this all about the whistleblower and suggest people that come forward with evidence of his wrongdoing are somehow treasonous, and should be treated as traitors and spies," Schiff said. "This is a blatant effort to intimidate witnesses. It's an incitement to violence” (The Hill).Against that venomous backdrop, House Democrats and staff members participated in a closed-door “urgent” briefing from the State Department’s watchdog on Wednesday. It was reportedly focused on documents disseminated to employees that were perceived within the department as threats of retaliation should employees speak to Congress as part of impeachment fact-finding.Relations between Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, a former Republican congressman from Kansas, and Democrats in the House went from bad to worse after impeachment investigators subpoenaed him to provide information about Trump’s interactions with Ukraine by Friday.Pompeo conceded for the first time on Wednesday that he had been listening to Trump’s July phone call with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky (The Associated Press). The secretary on Sept. 22 dodged a question from ABC News about his knowledge of the president’s conversation. Pelosi asserted to her caucus on a conference call that Pompeo, Giuliani and Attorney General William Barr have “gone rogue” to try to protect the president (The Hill). Democratic lawmakers want to question them all.In the meantime, House investigators today will depose former U.S. envoy to Ukraine Kurt Volker, who before his recent resignation met with Giuliani and Ukrainian officials. On Friday, House members expect to hear from Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson, who received the whistleblower complaint and sought to turn it over to Congress in August. Next week, lawmakers expect question former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch, whom Trump and Giuliani criticized before she was withdrawn from Kiev (The Los Angeles Times).The bottom line: The White House and Trump’s allies favor a “this is war” public relations strategy practiced during the Russia probe. Shaping a narrative for voters, according to that playbook, involves shredding the investigators, throwing up roadblocks to slow the process, elevating Trump’s poll numbers and keeping Senate Republicans in the fold. House Democrats, on the other hand, say they need speed, clear-cut evidence, unblemished witnesses and a compelling justification for the pursuit of impeachment just 13 months before voters will speak for themselves.The Hill: Meet Atkinson, the Trump-appointed watchdog at the center of the whistleblower drama.The Hill: GOP turns furor on media amid impeachment fight.The Hill: House Republicans voice messaging frustrations tied to impeachment. “We have to do better.”The Hill: The president rails about the impeachment inquiry before saying he “always” cooperates.The Hill: Here’s how the impeachment process works.© Getty ImagesLEADING THE DAYPOLITICS: Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) underwent a heart procedure in which doctors inserted two stents to clear a blocked coronary artery. Jeff Weaver, a top adviser to Sanders, said Vermont independent would be was postponing campaign appearances “until further notice.”The senator experienced chest discomfort during a campaign event Tuesday and was taken to a Las Vegas hospital. According to the campaign, the stents were “successfully inserted,” and Sanders “is conversing and in good spirits” (The Washington Post).Sanders, who is one of three septuagenarians in the 2020 Democratic primary race, was set to campaign across California in the coming days, but those plans are now on hold while he recuperates. The news comes at a key time for Sanders, who announced on Tuesday that he raised $25.3 million in the last three months of his campaign as he looks to blunt the rise of Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and cut into the lead held by Biden.The news also comes less than two weeks before the fourth Democratic debate in Ohio and amid growing party concerns about nominating a candidate well beyond retirement age. Until this week, many of those conversations focused on Biden. Former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julián Castro and Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) alluded to age, mental dexterity and the party’s need for fresh ideas on and off debate stages this summer, which angered Biden’s campaign and allies.Sanders turned 78 last month and will be 79 on inauguration day in January, 2021. Biden is 76, and will be 78 on inauguration day, while Warren turned 70 in June (The Hill).Trump is 73 and would be 74 at the outset of a potential second term.The Hill: Booker struggles to sell unity as Democrats itch for fight.The Associated Press: Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) faces questions about whether Iowa focus is too late.Politico: With Warren gaining, Biden builds a Super Tuesday fortress.The Washington Post: Andrew Yang raises $10 million, campaign says, outpacing two senators so far in the third quarter.© Getty Images> 2020 Tech: The social media giants are in a vise as the 2020 presidential race heats up and both sides work the referees over fears the platforms are being abused by their rivals for political gain.As Jonathan Easley reports, on one side, Democrats are demanding that Facebook and Twitter censor Trump and his campaign, headlined by Harris’s call to suspend the president’s Twitter account. Democrats are deeply worried that the social media giants will tilt the election in favor of Trump by running ads filled with distortions, echoing concerns from 2016, when foreign agents flooded the platforms with divisive ads and misinformation aimed at harming Hillary Clinton.On the other side are Trump and the GOP, who have long held that conservative voices are being suppressed by the Silicon Valley liberals running the tech conglomerates. This week alone, Warren and Donald Trump Jr. renewed their calls for the government to dismantle Facebook and Twitter, though for completely different reasons.“The prevailing view from both sides now is that these companies have become so large and so important in political and social life that there needs to be some sort of government intervention,” said Shannon McGregor, a professor of communications at the University of Utah. “What that looks like could depend on the outcome of the election.”IN FOCUS/SHARP TAKESADMINISTRATION: With impeachment taking up all the oxygen in the political world, it was nearly a foregone conclusion that the next 13 months would be spent getting nothing done between Capitol Hill and the White House outside of must-pass legislation.Not so fast, says Pelosi.As Niv Elis writes, the hullabaloo surrounding impeachment seems to have had little effect so far on the potential passage of the U.S-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), which Pelosi said on Wednesday could get done no matter the situation surrounding impeachment.“They have nothing to do with each other,” she said at her weekly press conference. “The president has said he wants this U.S. Mexico Canada trade agreement to go forward, and we are awaiting the language on enforceability. Does it mean he can't do that? That's really up to him.”Democratic strategists argue that Pelosi has incentive to work with Trump and Republicans on the issue in order to show that Democrats can “walk and chew gum” at the same time.The Hill: Hispanic voters push campaigns to address gun violence.© Getty Images> Tariffs: The Trump administration announced plans to impose tariffs on $7.5 billion worth of European goods, including Scotch and Irish whisky, gouda cheese, and aircrafts starting on Oct. 18 in retaliation for the illegal subsidies the European Union gave Airbus for 15 years.The administration’s move came after the World Trade Organization gave the go-ahead to do so, ruling that the U.S. could impose the tariffs over the illegal aid EU gave to Airbus in its longtime battle with Boeing.European aircrafts will face a 10 percent import tax, while the other products on the administration’s list will be taxed at a 25 percent rate (The Hill).The Associated Press: Trump administration to expand DNA collection from migrants.OPINIONOn impeachment, Pelosi has many good options, by Rahm Emanuel, opinion contributor, The Washington Post. https://wapo.st/2oHhlUjJamal Khashoggi reminds us all to never forget our fallen journalists, by former Rep. David Dreier (R-Calif.), opinion contributor, The Hill. https://bit.ly/2n6Qhh6WHERE AND WHENHill.TV’s “Rising” at 9 a.m. ET features Jodi Kantor and Megan Twohey, investigative reporters for The New York Times, on their new book, “She Said;” and Gigi Sohn, a Benton senior fellow and public advocate, to discuss California privacy law, net neutrality ruling, and Yang’s proposal to turn data into a property right. Find Hill.TV programming at http://thehill.com/hilltv or on YouTube at 10 a.m.The House anticipates its next roll call votes will take place on Oct. 15 at 6:30 p.m.The Senate convenes on Friday at 4:30 p.m. for a pro forma session.The president travels to central Florida this morning to speak about Medicare and sign an executive order at a senior living development called The Villages at 2 p.m. He returns to Washington this evening.Vice President Pence is in Phoenix today where he will lead a roundtable discussion with Hispanic American leaders at the First Baptist Church of Scottsdale at 8:45 a.m. Flying to Tucson, Pence will advocate ratification of the USMCA in Congress during remarks at Caterpillar Inc.’s Tinaja Hills facility at 12:30 p.m. He returns to Washington in the evening.Pompeo meets with Pope Francis in Vatican City at 9:30 a.m. He plans to visit Italy’s Pacentro World War Memorial and his family’s ancestral homes in Pacentro at midday. The secretary will attend a working dinner in Rome at 8 p.m. hosted by U.S. Ambassador to Italy Lewis Eisenberg and American and Italian business leaders.Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin speaks at the German Embassy in Washington during its German Day of Unity celebration at 6:30 p.m.Attorney General William Barr will speak at 1:45 p.m. at the Securities and Exchange Commission Criminal Coordination Conference in Washington.ELSEWHERE➔ Brexit: The United Kingdom offered the European Union a last-minute Brexit deal on Wednesday, with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson saying that the proposal represents a realistic compromise for both sides and calling for “rapid negotiations towards a solution” for finalized deal with the union. Johnson said in a letter to European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker that not reaching a deal would be “a failure of statecraft for which we would all be responsible” as the British are scheduled to leave the EU at the end of the month (The Associated Press).➔ Boeing: The Federal Aviation Administration is ordering new inspections of used versions of the Boeing 737 for potential cracks in the wings of aircrafts, delivering a fresh blow to the airplane manufacturer after a year of tumult. The order will force 2,000 planes to be inspected, with 165 of those coming in the next seven days. The announcement came months after the 737 Max was grounded after two crashes in five months (USA Today).➔ Ocean refuse: A giant boom device is working in the Pacific Ocean to capture and retain plastic garbage, including microplastics, in a current-driven waste field three times the size of France between California and Hawaii. The plan of the nonprofit Ocean Cleanup project is to perfect the design and fortify the device so it can retain plastic for up to a year before collection is necessary. The boom’s designers want it to be able to clean up at least half of the debris in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch (The Guardian).➔ Commercial space travel: Virgin Galactic said Wednesday the Italian air force contracted with the company for a suborbital research flight aboard its winged rocket ship. The mission will be flown as early as next year, carrying three Italian payload specialists who will focus on the experiments while the craft is in space, the company said (The Verge).

Who were the greatest three U.S. presidents before 1960?

I would like to preface this answer with a bit of an explanation as to why Abraham Lincoln and George Washington do not appear in my top three.While Abraham Lincoln was responsible for overseeing the United States during the horrible Civil War that lasted from 1861–1865, thus ultimately resulting in the freedom of the enslaved persons, he was not as morally pure as he seems to be. While the Emancipation Proclamation is often lauded as Lincoln’s strongest disavowal of slavery, the document only freed those enslaved persons that were located in the rebellious Southern Confederacy; the enslaved persons in the neutral colonies such as Kentucky and Maryland were not freed by the Emancipation Proclamation. Furthermore, he was not opposed to rounding up all of the former enslaved persons and sailing back to Africa with them, regardless of whether or not they wanted to go. Furthermore, while Lincoln was the individual who did deal with the Civil War and the end of African enslavement, other popular Republicans, such as Major General John Charles Fremont, would have handled the Civil War more efficiently and would have been more aggressive in his denunciation of slavery. Lastly, many of Andrew Johnson’s horrendous ideas concerning Reconstruction of the South originated with Abraham Lincoln, thus Reconstruction largely would have gone the same even if Lincoln had lived to carry out his second term. Therefore, while Abraham Lincoln is in my top ten lists of US Presidents, he cannot be in my top three.The omission of George Washington from my list of the three best US Presidents is a bit more complicated. Since I am only considering Presidents’ achievements while actually in office, all of Washington’s accomplishments during the American Revolution and while drafting the US Constitution cannot be considered. Similarly, Thomas Jefferson’s authoring of the Declaration of Independence and James Madison’s compiling of the US Constitution/Bill of Rights must be overlooked when considering their accomplishments as US Presidents. That being said, George Washington did oversee a relatively peaceful transition from the Articles of Confederation to the US Constitution, for which he must be lauded; furthermore, several of his precedents helped ensure that the United States would have a successful, lengthy future. However, in terms of actual legislative accomplishments that ultimately bettered the United States, George Washington had very few while President; furthermore, directly after Washington stepped down, two political parties were formed, thus immediately contradicting Washington’s warning. While George Washington is both in my top ten list of US Presidents and amongst the most respected Americans in history IMO, his accomplishments while President do not guarantee him a spot in the top three.Anyway, without further ado, my top three favorite US Presidents before 1960 are.Franklin Delano RooseveltTo begin with, Franklin D. Roosevelt had a number of qualities that were admirable, to say the least. He was undoubtedly concerned with the wellbeing of his nation’s people, and he wanted to do anything within his power to help those most in need of assistance; furthermore, he accomplished most of his political achievements after having suffered from Polio, a disease that left him partially disabled.When he assumed the Presidency, the United States was experiencing the worst economic Depression in its history. The Stock Market had crashed; people were literally starving, etc. I’m not saying that Herbert Hoover’s policies, or lack thereof, wouldn't have eventually reversed the Depression; however, I am saying that Hoover’s ideas would've taken too long and resulted in much more loss of life, weakening of infrastructure, etc.Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal, on the other hand, finally got the government directly involved, to a proper extent, in remedying the Depression. He created initiatives such as the TVA and the CCC in order to allow people the opportunity to return to work; furthermore, he expanded the welfare state for those most in need of federal economic assistance, thus the end goal was for people to return to work. However, he was willing to involve the government in maintaining its citizens until such time that employment opportunities were available, whereas his predecessor was wary of any government involvement.He called for rural electrification and aid for the struggling agricultural class, which, IMO, is one of his greatest accomplishments. The farmers of the United States had been struggling for years, yet Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover had done nothing to provide them with government assistance, thus ultimately beginning the slow trickle that would become the Great Depression landslide.Furthermore, he finally created the Securities and Exchange Commission, which was headed by Joseph Kennedy, in order to ensure that the government would maintain a semblance of oversight over the issuance of stock, thus hoping to avoid future stock markets crashes.While he did not do as much to correct the unacceptable racial bias in the United States as he could've done, he did move toward providing aid for all regardless of their race, ethnicity, etc.Finally, Roosevelt’s biggest decision was the promise to involve the United Staes in World War II, following the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor. He understood the threat that Hideki Tojo, Benito Mussolini, and particularly, Adolf Hitler, posed to the safety and longevity of capitalism and the Western world; therefore, he knew that the United States had to get involved in World War II. Furthermore, it was his decision to involve the United States that ultimately allowed for the defeat of the Third Reich and the end of World War II. Furthermore, his alliance with France and the UK during the war ultimately begot the decades long friendship between Western Europe and the United States that continues to the present day.While he did consolidate the President’s power to a greater extent than ever before, it was necessary at the time to ensure that swift decisions regarding the economic disaster and later, World War II, could be made and carried out effectively. He did violate Washington’s informal, two-term precedent, but it is scary to think what might've happened if the US had a shift of power in 1941, thus I believe the violation of the precedent was not only accetable but necessary for the future of the United States. I don’t know what would’ve happened if FDR had lived longer; he might’ve continued to consolidate his power to an unacceptable extent, which would’ve ruined his legacy. But, as things stand, Roosevelt’s collection of power was both justified and necessary to handle the Great Depression and World War II.However, Roosevelt’s willingness to relocate and confine thousands of Japanese citizens to internment camps without proof of negative action or negative intent was horrendous and unacceptable, thus his World War II image is marred considerably.Regardless of his flaws, he stepped up, when others wouldn't, in hopes that the economy could recover and the United Staes could become the economic powerhouse it had been before. Furthermore, he understood the threat that a Nazi Europe posed to the future of the United States locally and democracy as a whole; therefore, he was willing to stand in as the champion of capitalist democracy in order to oppose the spread of fascism throughout the world.2. James Knox PolkThroughout US history, presidential candidates have made promises, gotten elected, pandered while in office, and accomplished very little of what they swore they would fight for, James K. Polk was not one of those candidates.When he got the Democratic nomination for President, he made three promises that he would (1) serve only one term, (2) usher in Manifest Destiny resulting in an American presence from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and (3) improve the economy by lowering tariffs, increasing US trade with England, and creating an Independent Treasury that was free of private-sector oversight. He did all of these things.Either through warfare or diplomacy, James K. Polk was able to (1) acquire the Oregon Territory, (2) help Texas gain its independence from Mexico thus allowing them to eventually join the Union (3) and nearly double the size of the United States, thus fulfilling his promise to have an American presence on both coasts of the Continental United States. However, many of the lands gained during James K. Polk’s tenure were due to an American victory in the Mexican-American War, resulting in the cession of many Mexican lands to the US government.Lastly, James K. Polk did institute all of his ideas concerning the economy, thus allowing the US economy to grow steadily during his time in office.While James K. Polk’s policies did double the size of the Union and improve the economy, many of his accomplishments came at the expense of the Native Americans, who were often booted off their lands due to westward expansion by the European Americans. Furthermore, James Polk was a slave owner; however, it is important to remember that, while all of these considerations are terrible in hindsight, James K. Polk ensured that relocation of the Native Americans was handled swiftly, professionally, and humanely. Therefore, while the relocation of the Native Americans was terrible, James K. Polk managed it much better than most other Presidents who oversaw relocation efforts.Lastly, the accomplishments of Manifest Destiny did open up the western territories to potential statehood, thus strengthening the sectional differences between the North and South and ultimately causing the Civil War; however, it would be unfair to blame Polk for the Civil War as eventually, the tensions would've heightened anyway.3. Thomas “Woodrow” WilsonAlthough Woodrow Wilson campaigned for the Presidency on a platform of reformative domestic policy, he also proved himself to be an able wartime commander as well when World War I broke out in Europe.When World War I broke out in Europe, the United States, who were historically isolationist toward the the unfortunate situations in Europe, wanted to stay out of the war; however, Woodrow Wilson understood that Kaiser Wilhelm’s aggressive push westward into France was a direct threat to the future of western Europe, capitalism in its present form, and eventually, the United States. Therefore, while he did lie to the American people to ensure his reelection, his decision to enter the United States into World War I ensured that western Europe/UK/France would win the conflict, thus allowing the United States to create a more permanent alliance with the nations of western Europe.Furthermore, Woodrow Wilson possessed lofty ideas of a new world order in which most, if not all, of the world’s nations would join a League of Nations, but many of his hopes for the future were more idealistic than pragmatic. However, shortly after the end of World War I, Wilson suffered a massive stroke and Congress refused to allow the United States to enter the League of Nations, thus Woodrow Wilson’s dream for the post-war world came to a screeching halt; furthermore, he greatly jeopardized the Constitution by allowing his wife to practically serve as interim President while he “recovered” from his stroke.While Woodrow Wilson’s wartime efforts were admirable and effective, his biggest accomplishments dealt with the Progressive Movement and the expansion of Civil liberties; under his tenure, the 19th Amendment was ratified, the first welfare state was created, the Federal Reserve System was created, the banks were reformed, the government began to regulate business, education was reformed, labor laws were altered and updated, new agricultural policies were implemented, and European imperialism abroad was denounced. However, Woodrow Wilson was also relatively racist, perhaps even excessively so for his time. Therefore, Woodrow Wilson’s greatest accomplishment was not necessarily the expansion of Civil liberties; his greatest accomplishment was the creation of the ideology that would go on to inspire other progressive, reformative presidents such as Franklin D. Roosevelt and Lyndon B. Johnson. While Wilson may have been a racist, his lofty political ideology created an atmosphere that would eventually allow for the creation of FDR’s New Deal and LBJ’s Great Society, both of which were massive legislative victories in the push for Civil liberties and equal rights.

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