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A quick guide to Edit Your Summer Learning Gain Operating Budget Form Program Name on G Suite

If you are looking about for a solution for PDF editing on G suite, CocoDoc PDF editor is a commendable tool that can be used directly from Google Drive to create or edit files.

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How can the US welfare system incentivize people to get back to work?

Question: How can the US welfare system incentivize people to get back to work?Welfare in the US aims to provide a short-term safety net for needy families with children and prepare adults to get jobs. More supports for working families in the form of increased child care assistance, in-house child care for companies, transportation assistance, minimum wage and wage increases, health insurance benefits included as part of pay packages, turning part-time positions into full-time positions, better public transportation options, and other work-related services can substantially increase the incentive to work.Income gains after leaving welfare will be absolutely paramount to provide incentives for women to leave welfare for work. While current methods and work requirements can continue to be used to get women into the work force, they will operate much more successfully if financial incentives operate in the same direction at a pace that keeps up with the cost of living, increased rent, child-care, medical care, and nutrition assistance.Housing is an absolute necessity which makes me a firm believer in providing adequate rent controlled decent, housing in safe, family areas. Renting a home or apartment without those controls is like getting fleeced every month for substandard housing. Because of our upside down pay rate and inflated cost of living, I think secondary education should be one of the most important incentives.As an incentive for working mothers to return to their position after their maternity leave instead of leaving work altogether, or being dissatisfied and/or less productive, one place I lived wanted to set up an on-site daycare, preschool system within the corporation with child-care provided by the working mothers, our shared-shifters. I am not at liberty to discuss any names or contributors so it is simply referred to as the company. Because I had developed a similar program for incoming families in Germany, I was asked to set one up for them. The mothers would take turns running the in-house daycare on a rotating schedule, earning the same salary and benefits and kept the same position. We allowed the shared-shifters to work half-days if they preferred and swapped with other shared-shifters. Mothers with older children were eager to allow the new mothers more daycare hours. As long as each persons job was getting done within the deadline, the mothers could work their schedule out with another just by reporting the changes to me that were to take place. If they worked neither place on a day those were treated just like a regular call in to stay home and they would not get paid for those hours. They all worked full-time hour. Working with a pediatrician I implemented a policy that allowed breast-feeding breaks for shared-shift mothers until their child was a year old. The mothers could eat lunch or have snack time with their children on their breaks. The program was in-house where the mothers could easily visit with their child during work breaks and if an emergency occurred, the mother was never more than a minute or two away. Each of our shared-shifters had a regular employee pay package, including insurance, retirement and other benefits and were equally eligible for promotions. This created an environment where the mothers returning to work after maternity leave could have their child near them, which encouraged the mother to both work and see their child periodically throughout the day without losing hours or pay. It eased the return to work transition for both mothers and their babies and since the program was run by the workers themselves the policies and methods were ones they would also use with their own children. I monitored the pilot daycare to confirm that the desires of the mothers were carried out. Each mother had a stake in the program and contributed their talents.The six month, pilot program at the test location, was very successful and experienced significant improvements in the following areas:absenteeism decreased,employee turnover decreased:productivity increased by half, andjob satisfaction weighed in at 99% up from 92%.In the area we selected, there was no doubt an improvement in work environment and resulted in happier employees. I believe the employees were very satisfied with the program and seemed to enjoy their flexibility. wThe company already believed that employees are the backbone of the company and sponsored regular employee activities like picnics, hire date anniversaries, holiday gatherings, birthday recognition, they also promoted from within first, and behaved more like a family than a business which could have influenced some of these statistics, but there is no reason to believe that another site would not enjoy the benefits of my in-house daycare/preschool program.I have no more information regarding the program other than they did implement the program as I had completed that contract and took a position under a federal grant gang intervention program for kids elsewhere.Personal ResponsibilityLet’s take a look at the personal side of welfare programs and their intent. I firmly believe that parents must be responsible for their choice to have children, accidental or not, (barring extenuating circumstances, e.g. rape, incest), and should be held responsible for funding the child’s upbringing. While one birth can be considered an accident, subsequent births raise many questions and should require more responsibility by both the parties. Extending WIC benefits (Women, Infants, Children) and SNAP benefits for eligible families should be implemented. Having more children should not provide you increased benefits, one doesn’t get a raise at work for having a baby at any other job, there should be no increase in most welfare benefits either especially not without employment by both parties.The government, federal or local, should not have to bear the entire burden for these families. Welfare benefits are a hand-up not a hand-out and certainly not a permanent solution.Welfare is Intended to be TemporaryWelfare is intended as a temporary stop-gap and should never be turned into a long-term occupation. Despite all the rumors about people making hundreds of thousands of dollars on welfare benefits, it is simply not true. A mother of two, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, "The average SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) benefit per person is about $125 per month, which works out to about $1.40 per person per meal." It adds up to about $375 a month for a mom and the kids. People who qualify for Medicaid, SNAP, and SSI live at or below 135 percent of the poverty line.Studies show that a small subset of TANF recipients require specialized assistance and ongoing support to be able to provide for their families, because they are dealing with one or more mitigating difficulties such as physical or mental health problems, caring for a disabled child, the aftermath of domestic violence, or educational deficits and learning disabilities. As TANF gets older though, it’s effectiveness is dwindling, leaving a huge gap for needy families. Especially if funds are diverted to an area that may need more funds. The state decides how to distribute those funds so it is at the state level where you would voice your concerns.Every case needs to be determined individually, by a skilled occupational coach, designing an appropriate set of services for each individual geared towards continued success once benefits end. Education, job retraining, and other need based provisions should be available to single mothers.President Franklin D. Roosevelt stressed the importance that welfare must be temporary, just prior to signing the Social Security Act in 1935:“The lessons of history, confirmed by the evidence immediately before me, show conclusively that continued dependence upon relief induces a spiritual and moral disintegration fundamentally destructive to the national fiber. To dole out relief in this way is to administer a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit. . . .”Vigilance of Job Seekers Pays OffI have found that there are over 100 positions available with ten miles of my house, indicating the need for workers, dozens for unskilled labor. Public transportation is easily accessible in the area. Each of the positions I am speaking about, pays at least one and one half times the minimum wage and includes health insurance, long and short term disability, vacation and sick leave benefits and all of them are M-F daytime positions. There are many available positions in the same area that pays double to triple minimum wage.Self-SufficiencyCurrently, in Michigan, recipients are expected to apply for work sort of… Recipients need to get a required number of signatures from the boss of the business where they claimed to have applied for work. While I was responsible for hiring and firing, I had several people each week come in to get a signature but didn’t really want a job. The few questions it took me to ascertain that information, took me all of five minutes or less. If they really wanted a job, I would take their application and schedule an interview and then sign their form at the interview. If they only wanted my signature, I refused it, as I was not going to lie about their seeking employment. Coming in expecting a signature because they walked through the door is completely different from coming in to actually apply for work or returning a completed application.The cost of living grew, and grew, but wages didn’t keep up with it. For example, I was making $7.50 an hour unskilled labor back in 1975, ability to read, the only requirement. How the heck did the minimum wage get stuck at the average wage of 42 years ago? My two-bedroom apartment in 1975 cost $130.00 a month, now the same, is nearly 10 times more a month, if not more. So a family of four needs at least two, full-time incomes just to make ends meet if they can even find safe housing. And then child-care costs get tossed into the mix, upsetting the apple cart once again.Brief Overview of WelfareAccidents, serious illness or even death can occur, leaving a family reeling, unable to make ends meet or provide even the basic necessities for their family and increasing the funds needed to support the welfare program.In 1929, there were about 18 million elderly, disabled, and single mothers with children living at a bare subsistence level in the United States. State and local governments together with private charities helped these people. By 1933, another 13 million Americans had been thrown out of work. State and local governments could no longer keep up with increasing needs, so the “welfare” program was born.The Great Depression gave rise to the Federal Welfare Program, SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance), SSI (Supplemental Security Income) for the disabled, and the UI (Unemployment Insurance) program. Local and state governments as well as private charities were overwhelmed by families seeking food, clothing, and shelter. Beginning in 1935, welfare for poor children and other dependent persons became a federal government responsibility and it remained as such for the next 60 years.Much Needed Welfare ReformAs the welfare rolls grew and grew until the 80’s and especially the 90’s so did the criticism, the stories of welfare moms getting rich, and rampant finger-pointing and bullying.In 1996, a Republican Congress passed and President Clinton, a Democrat, signed a reform law that returned most control of welfare back to the states.The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 replaced AFDC (Aid to Families with Dependent Children) with TANF (Temporary Aid to Needy Families, temporary is the key word). It stipulates that people could receive no more than five years of government benefits in a lifetime, though states could set their limits lower and many did, with some instituting a two-year lifetime limit. It requires a percentage of welfare recipients in states to be working, and those who couldn’t find jobs would have to participate in community service or get vocational training to enable them to get a job. Those who didn’t work or volunteer would be eliminated from welfare rolls.Individual states have the ability to set their own limits lower, which several states have done, some down to two years. But the intent of the reformation is that people must work to provide for their family. Welfare is intended only as a “temporary” measure for those in need and limits the duration of eligibility. Welfare programs are designed and intended to encourage people to work for those benefits and using the protections provided by the system helps families become self sufficient.US Welfare System - Help for US Citizens

What are the best blog niches for 2020?

Here are best blog nichesTravel (1-5)Health (6-15)Fitness and sports (16-25)Hobbies (26-45)Food (46-56)Entertainment (57-62)Gaming (63-67)Finance (68-72)Relationships (73-77)Family and home (78-87)Education and career (88-92)Social networks (93-96)Politics and society (97-100)Travel (1-5)City guide:Explore your own city and its surroundings. Recommend unusual places to visit. Great for budget traveling.Travel tips:Share your tips and tricks for traveling.Getting through long flights, packing efficiently, etc.Cultural differences:Share what you’ve learned about the customs and proper manners in a foreign culture. This is a great niche for helping expats and travellers respect local customs.Language and travel:If you like learning languages, why not create a blog about it? Help your readers learn some basic words and useful phrases for their next trip. For even more value, create a few helpful PDF cheat sheets that your readers can print out!Traveling for work:Do you work for an airline or just travel a lot for work? Use your layovers to capture the essence of each city and country.Share your stories with the world – you have a global audience waiting!Health (6-15)Diets:This is one of the most profitable blog niches out there. There’s always a new trendy diet to focus on – you just need to start your blog asap to outdo your competition!Nutrition and supplements:We all know we should eat better foods – but why is it so difficult? Help your readers achieve their goals and nourish their bodies with healthy foods!Meditation:Share your experience and tips for achieving a clear state of mind with meditation. Provide beginner-level guided meditations to attract new readers and grow your reach.Herbal remedies:Teach your blog target audience how they can benefit from what nature has to offer.Mindfulness:This is a big thing in the health and wellness niche. Mindfulness is a great blog topic to make money online, too. Just share your tips for practising mindful living in everyday life.Mental health:Help your readers find the root causes of depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. Keep your tips simple and make sure you don’t give medical advice if you’re not a certified practitioner.Self-care and self-worth:We do so many things for so many other people every day. How can your readers achieve a happier life by dedicating more time to themselves instead of spending their days working for the needs of other people?Confidence boosting:Help your audience with self-esteem issues. If you’ve struggled with feeling good about yourself, share your story and how you overcame the issue! How can your readers achieve a better confidence to succeed in life and become happier in general?Skincare:There are plenty of skin health topics to write about. Acne and ageing are probably the most popular niches out there.Traditional medicine:Alternative medical treatments are becoming more and more popular.Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Ayurveda, acupuncture – the list is long!Fitness and sports (16-25)Yoga:This niche has incredible potential formaking money by blogging. If you’re a certified yoga instructor, create a series of articles and publish them as an e-book.Weight loss:Dieting and losing weight is an endless source of blog post ideas! It’s one of the most popular niches when it comes to starting a blog to make money.Crossfit training:Share your story, experience, and tips on how your readers can achieve their fitness goals with crossfit training.Cycling:How to take care of your bike? What to pay attention when buying one? Write about the best biking trips in your region or make it into a travel blog on two wheels!Running and marathons:Running is one of the most popular forms of exercising with huge global readership potential. Write about running tips and techniques, seasonal training for summer and winter, training for marathons, running equipment etc.Extreme sports:Parachuting, base jumping, you name it!This blog niche is easy to turn into a travel blog if you tour the world looking for the next adrenaline rush.Hiking:Write about urban hiking, day trips, hiking challenges, or pilgrimage routes.Cheerleading:This is the most interesting part of a football game to many, but it’s also a great sport!Pilates:If you know pilates, why not share your tips and experience with the world?Personal training:This would be the ultimate traffic magnet for your blog. If you can write about exercising tips and offer workout and meal plans, you could make yourself a big name online. Write about fitness tips for busy people!Hobbies (26-45)Gardening:Tons of different areas to focus on: urban gardening, growing flowers, organic gardening, growing vegetables, etc.Drawing:Create a series of articles where you teach your readers how they can become better at drawing.Art:Share your own work or those of others.Give tips on where to go in your city for great art.Music:Make your own music or blog about that of others. Teach your readers how to play an instrument!Writing:Copywriting is a popular topic these days.Why not show your readers how they can become successful freelance writers, for instance?Motorcycles:Blog about the best models, vintage pieces, or maintenance advice, for example.Gambling:How to play poker? How to become a successful gambler online?Technology:Write about the latest gadgets, new technologies, tips and tricks for using them.Programming and web development:Help your readers learn programming so that they can start new careers in the technology industry. How to build a website? How to create a mobile application to sell on App Store?Boating and fishing:Review equipment, give your recommendations, and share your experience out on the sea.Photography:You could offer photography tips and write a helpful beginner’s guide for taking beautiful photos. If you want to, you can niche down to portrait, nature, or product photography, for example.Fashion:Blog about fashion trends, share your best looks, and establish yourself a name in the fashion blogosphere.Makeup:Write a blog and create YouTube videos with makeup tutorials. Lots of makeup gurus are already going viral online – you just need to add your own flavor to the soup and you can do it, too.Golf:Share your golf hacks and learning tips. If you travel with your golf bag, share your experience about the best golf courses around the world.Astronomy and horoscopes:Writing about start signs is a great blog niche to sell personal horoscopes and teach your readers about astronomy.Horseback ridingSelf-defence and martial artsInterior designDancingDogs, cats, petsFood and cooking (46-56)Wines and champagne:If you know a lot about wines, share that passion with the world.Craft beer:Blog about what makes craft beer so awesome and establish yourself a name online. How to make craft beer at home?Exotic cuisine:Share your favorite tips and recipes for preparing authentic meals from countries far away.Cooking:Choose a niche and help your readers with easy but tasty recipes. How about blogging about 30-minute meals or affordable cooking for families, for example?Home-cooked meals:We all love a delicious home-cooked meal, right? There’s just something about traditional cooking that warms our souls and makes us feel good. Share your family recipes and gather them together to publish a branded cook book!Health foods, super foods:How to cook and eat to stay healthy?What seasonal foods should your readers focus on in each month of the year?Baking:Muffins, cupcakes, pancakes, frosted cakes. If you can spell it, you can bake it!Recipes:Gather the best recipes you can find for a particular niche. Then cook them and write roundup posts on them. Recipe blogs are huge right now – especially if you plan on using a solid Pinterest strategy to attract massive traffic to your blog!Kitchen equipment:Share your tips on which pots and pans to use. There are tons of utensils to make cooking easier and more enjoyable. Write honest reviews and make sure to include affiliate links for your readers to click and buy the products right away.Veganism and plant-based diet:How to become a vegan step-by-step?Share your tips and favorite recipes with your readers! What should your readers do when they start feeling a craving for something non-vegan again?Coffee or tea:Write for all of us caffeine addicts – and drop me a link so I can check it out! Share your coffee tips and teach your readers new things about their favorite hot beverages.Movies:Review films, create lists with the best movies for each genre out there.TV shows:Similar to movies – rate and review! If you’re using Netflix or Amazon Prime Video, you can focus on a single streaming service and rate the most recent shows out there, for instance.Funny cat videos:Find the funniest videos online and make them go viral. Attract enough visitors andmake money with ads on your blog.Theatre, opera, and ballet:Review pieces in your region or write about old and new pieces for your visitors to read and learn more about.Stand-up comedy and improvisation:Offer tips and create fun, helpful content you can turn into a book some day. Why not offer workshops, courses, or 1-to-1 coaching, too?Upcoming events:Write about events that attract attention in a specific target group, such as families with kids, single guys and gals, or people looking to network within a certain industry, for example. The more people are interested in reading about them, the more traffic you get.Gaming (63-67)Video game tutorials for beginners:Help others enjoy their games more!Game walkthroughs and tips:Adventure games are the ideal candidates for walkthrough posts, like Tomb Raider.Strategy game best practices:There’s so much to learn about an advanced strategy game like Civilization orCities: Skylines. Write a blog or start a YouTube channel – or both!Card and board games:Although not digital, playing cards and board games is still popular! Why not share your opinions on board games and make it into a blog where you review games.Outdoor games:Get your readers out in the nature! Write an article about 50 different outdoor games for kids and publish the collection as an e-book. Sell it at a discount to schools!Finance (68-72)Personal finance and frugal living:How to manage your finances the best?Everyone is interested in making the most out of their bucks. Frugal living is one of the most popular blog topics right now!Financial independence:Share your tips for achieving financial independence by saving, investing, and planning for the long run.Insurances and savings:How to find the best insurances and save wisely?Retirement and pension savings:We are all ageing and getting closer to retirement every day. Although it might be decades away, most of us are interested in learning how we could start saving now already.Managing the family budget:It’s not always easy to make ends meet with a bigger family. Share tips for saving money in daily things like groceries, transportation, hobbies, clothing, etc.Relationships (73-77)Dating guide:Everyone is looking for love! Write a dating guide – you can choose to be serious, satirical, or funny, for example.Moving together and starting a family:How to make it work with the significant other? Blog about tips for new couples who want to start a family.Weddings and marriage:Wedding blogs are HUGE right now. Help people plan their weddings and come up with wedding concepts. Offer your help as a wedding planner!Relationship advice:How to take care and cherish your relationship and make it last?Divorce:Well, it just doesn’t always work out with relationships, right? Help your readers overcome their divorce. There are many different topics you can help people with: legal advice, self-care, dealing with frustration and anger, forgiveness, etc.Family and home (78-87)Pregnancy and becoming parents:Write a series of blog posts about pregnancy! Every mother and father have a bunch of questions they need answers for during this time.Parenting and childcare:Every parent needs help with their kids from time to time. Solve their parenting problems with helpful articles on your blog. How to be a cool mom or a cool dad? How to deal with a tantrum at the supermarket?Family holidays:Where to go with the whole family for holidays? How to make the most out of the holiday budget and pinch a few pennies?Hobbies for the whole family:What to do and where to go together with the entire family?Saving money:Help parents come up with ideas for things they can do for free with their kids.Or how they can save money when doing groceries or buying clothes for their kids.House and garden:Write helpful how-to posts with tips about taking care of the house and garden.Renovation, makeovers, maintenance – the list goes on and on!Homeschooling:Share your knowledge and experience about homeschooling. How does it work?Who can do it? Where do you start?School and bullying:How to help children who are bullied?What signs should parents pay attention to so that they can intervene as early as possible? How to stop bullying altogether?Education:Blog about different options for school or college. How to finance your kid’s college degree? How to write the perfect college application?Eco-friendly homes:Write about how to turn any apartment or house into an eco-friendly, green home. Also, you could blog about how your family takes care of the environment at home in your daily life.Education and career (88-92)Career path advice:How to find your passion and the right career and job to fit?Promotions and career coaching:Help your readers achieve their career goals more quickly.Learning new skills:Languages, management skills, IT & software skills.Study hacks:How to learn more efficiently? How to party in college but still nail your exams?SAT tips and tricks:How to prepare for your SATs and get top scores?Social networks (93-96)Instagram celebrities:How to become a social media celebrity on Instagram?Mastering a social network:How to boost your business on social media?Social media detox:Help your readers with their phone addiction!Beginner’s guides:Write about the basics of social networks.How to start using them and how to make the most out of them?Politics and society (97-100)News and current events:Write about your own views on the hottest topics in the media right now.Political satire:Capture your readers’ attention with witty perspectives and your personal touch to current political events.Society and politics:Address political issues in the society.Choose a matter you wish to stand for and create a community around it.Educational blog:Teach people about political systems, processes and why their voice matters in every election they can participate in.Here are the 10 Best Blog Niches in details that can Help You to Make Money in 20201. Technical BlogTechnology is a topic that is developing every day.People are looking to get updates on the daily launch and changes in technology.Technology has positively transformed the face of professionalism.This has become one of the hottest blog niches.If you are passionate about the latest gadgets and exploring the latest tech, you should start a tech blog.Your main aim should be to attract audiences by giving out your knowledge of the technology space.Your target audience will be looking for the latest technology news and want your blog to be the place where they can find everything related to technology.If you are able to recognize the latest tech available in the market and educate your viewers on budget and practical specifications, you will become their hub for tech-related things.One of the major benefits of selecting technology over other best blog niches is that it is a vast field.Every week, hundreds of tech companies are developing and releasing products.Therefore, you won’t face a lack of content to provide to your viewers.As the field of technology has a wide variety of topics, you will have a number of sub-niches to post content on.You can create blogs that are directed towards providing information on mobile devices, applications, operating systems, mobile games, etc.You can also create a blog that gives information regarding the updates in Windows and Mac.PC gaming is another vibrant field to shed knowledge on.Reviews of the latest products are very much in demand as viewers tend to gain more knowledge about the products.2. Digital Marketing BlogOne of the most trending professions in this modern world is digital marketing.There has been a massive increase in job opportunities in this field.With the advancement in technology, the digital space has rapidly grown.Digital marketing is one of the in-demand blog niches.Digital marketing is a large field that has gradually grown over the years.Many people are searching to brush up their digital marketing expertise with the decreasing reliance on traditional marketing approaches.Businesses are now working to refresh their online presence and get the word out of their line of offers.The advantages of implementing expert digital marketing strategies for your business are infinite.Digital marketing consists of all the marketing done via the website, search engines, social media, mobile applications, etc.Creating a digital marketing blog not only helps you to make money but will also enable you to learn more and apply it yourself.You can create a blog on sub-niches such as social media marketing, web designing, web optimization, search engine optimization, mobile marketing, email marketing, video marketing, etc.By giving out more information regarding the changes in the algorithms of different search engines and social media platforms, you can attract audiences.Educating your audience on how to conduct market analysis and developing business strategies will also help to build a positive following.3. Finance and Investment BlogFinance and Investment have been a major part of the modern world.This field is constantly evolving, as there are tons of ways to make money, and no one has explored all of the options available.This is one of the blog niches that need to be researched more and provide more options to invest.Having knowledge of personal finance, stock market, foreign exchange market, etc can prove to a boost to your blog.Reviewing financial products and investment schemes can be an exciting way to attract a suitable audience.Helping people with methods of saving and multiplying their money can prove to be fruitful for you, and your blog as well.Creating a blog that compares and reviews different currencies and software programs can also boost your traffic.Analyzing stock market instruments and drifts are influential topics that are vividly looked upon by readers.4. Fashion BlogCreating a fashion blog is a huge step, as it needs to be updated almost every week.But the best part about it that a fashion blog will never go obsolete.The fashion blog is one of those blog niches that will never go out of trend.Style is what we are wearing and how we are wearing it.If you want to start your own blog, the fashion niche is highly profitable.Whether you want to keep it simple or prefer to dazzle, all of us have made investments in fashion.Not only does it covers the clothes we wear but also the cosmetics, perfumes, accessories we use as well.People love to invest money in looking good and often seek guidance over the internet.This is where you can capitalize and give solutions to their queries.Start a fashion blog and write informative posts about trends in fashion, new releases, major fashion weeks and more.Don’t just simply repeat what’s out there; share your unique view of stories related to fashion.You can sub-categorize it further into fashion trends and beauty and cosmetics.This would widen your niche and help you to attract a wide range of audiences.5. Travelling BlogThis is one of the most exciting blog niches as traveling is a fantasy for most people nowadays.People stay busy with their workload, stress, and big-city hassles.The travel niche is the right fit for you if you’re excited about traveling & curious about new experiences.Traveling is relaxing for many people, and for travel destinations and tips, you can be their go-to-person.People who love to see the world and write about it manage the best travel blogs.When you can’t afford to travel yet, you can vicariously relive other people’s experiences.You need to fine-tune your skills in analysis and storytelling.You must also show the secret beauty of the finest locations.Guest writers can also be engaged to share their travel experiences.There are many hacks and tips for traveling that encourage travelers on the road to save money.You should write informative blog posts for travelers.For example, you can write on topics like how to save money while traveling or how to prevent scams from travel agents.You can also educate people on how to take advantage of discount deals and cash rewards.You can conduct a survey or extract information from review websites and write extensive reviews of these airlines and travel companies.Write guides that help backpackers plan and travel soundly.6. Movie and Music BlogMovies and music are a huge part of everyone’s life.In the busy routine of today’s modern world, movies and music provide relaxation.If you have an insatiable passion for music and movies, you should start writing.Create a blog for reviewing the music/movie and check the latest releases by the minute.Don’t write what everyone thinks and don’t write just to create a positive impression.Share your original views and honest opinions.This will attract a loyal following.There are many genres in movies as well as music.This gives you a wide variety to create content.Having a passion for music can be very beneficial to your blog.Giving out reviews of different music instruments can attract a large audience.People also check reviews of new movies before going to watch it.Giving a right opinion of the movies can assist you in gaining a loyal audience.7. Health BlogOne of the most looked up blog niches over the internet is a health blog.The health and fitness industry has diversified its activities since the rise of the internet and has sought ways to reach and communicate online with its audience.The need to stay fit means that people will always look for procedures of anti-aging, diet strategies, work out schemes and more.This is a major reason health is one of the most profitable blog niches.There’s massive traffic in this field, and there’s enough to go around.The good thing about blogging in the health and wellness niche is that you don’t have to be a trainer or a medical professional with credentials.If you’re serious about learning and providing answers, even without these qualifications, you will make it big in the health and fitness niche.Health and fitness is an extensive topic.You won’t have to waste time finding content.Write a comprehensive review surrounding every perspective of the product and let your audience know exactly what to expect from using these items.Create blogs that concentrate on food and diet.To inspire and empower your audience, you can also share stories about weight loss.You can create a blog for everyone that focuses on posting healthier food recipes.Share information on food, strength training, psychological preparation, and facilities.Share tips on fighting stress and tidying their lives.Teach readers how to care for their skin while recommending daily use of beneficial skincare products.This would help you to attract targeted audience.8. News BlogNews Blog is one of the blog niches that will never go out of trend.Especially when it is focused on trending topics, news blogs have a high potential for engagement.News is a never-ending topic, and so there is no shortage of content.Posting the latest news is the best way to gain instant traffic to your blog.There are many sub-categories that you can share your opinion on.You can share the latest news on politics, sports, entertainment, finance, international news, etc.Not only can you share about the current affairs but also cover interesting stories that can attract a wide range of audiences.9. Food BlogOne of the more interesting and appealing blog niches is a food blog.Everyone loves to eat food.There are a large number of cuisines.Creating a food blog is a fun task for someone passionate about food.Food is one of the most popular topics and creating a food blog will attract a huge audience.It is an extensive topic that can never lack content.You will obtain a decent amount of organic traffic from recipe posts if you have a specific food blog.As a collaboration, you can review food from various restaurants.Sharing the appropriate feedback will help your blog and will build a positive relationship with your audience.Sharing videos of food recipes and also giving out tips and hacks of cooking food easily will also help you to engage more with your followers.10. Personal Development BlogOne of the most underestimated blog niches is personal development.In today’s highly competitive world, people look to develop and become better in every aspect of life.As a blogger in the niche of personal development, your job is to provide content tailored to individuals seeking further education in their desired field.If you are an expert in a specific field, start a blog regarding that field and post content dedicatedly to growing in that field.Public speaking and leadership are important things in any profession, yet many people are struggling with them.You can share the secrets of professional development that will assist your viewers to build relationships and impact from the very beginning.

Which business has a low investment, but very large profits?

Small Business Ideas with Low Investment and High Profits Students, Men and WomenTop 10 Most Successful Small Business Ideas:1. Tuition/ Coaching Classes:What was your favourite subject in school? Did you sail through Mathematics like a wizard or did you have a special chemistry with Chemistry? If yes, a room, some chairs, a board, marker and duster is all you would need to start teaching a subject. If you know a foreign language like French, Spanish or German, you could easily impart lessons in such languages and start a small business without any great investment. There is always a demand for foreign language classes from students and professionals hence you need not worry about the pipeline drying up as an entrepreneur. The idea is not only about low investment and high returns, it also has a certain sense of cash inflow and demand predictability. For such businesses, you can start with a very small business loan too and there is no dearth of avenues from where you can get a basic loan to start this type of business.2. Event/ Wedding Planner:Weddings never go out of fashion. Whether the economy is booming or going through a recession, there is always a market for weddings. To add to it, weddings range from the “big fat Indian weddings” to very private gatherings. To put things in perspective, the Indian wedding market was estimated to be around $50 billion (around ₹33,000 crore) in the year 2017 and it is growing at a rate of 20 percent per year. This presents a huge opportunity for wedding planners who can ensure wedding themes, planners, decorators, caterers in place and immaculately plan and organize the entire wedding ceremony. It requires initial capital investment for staff, logistics and arrangements for which a plethora of small business loan options are available at your disposal. While the initial investment is low, the returns that can be made once the business scales, is significant.3. Cooking Classes:If the popularity of shows such as Master Chef is any indication, cooking classes may be a great business in India. It requires very low investment but can earn good profits. All you need is to set up a kitchen and equipment, the allied infrastructure, the raw materials and cooking ingredients. Anyone who believes in the potential of this business would need to make a very low initial investment. They can avail small business loans from a wide range of financial service firms. Once the cooking class is set up, the proprietor can run several batches at the same facility. The Capex investment is thus limited, and a small working capital investment would suffice to run the enterprise seamlessly.4. Driving School/ Cab Service:If one has good driving skills and can buy a vehicle such as a car, driving lessons can be imparted to people. With the same vehicle, the person can teach 10-15 customers in a month and earn a decent amount with minimum investment. It might not be very difficult to avail a small business loan and buy a car. A part of the earnings from the driving school can be used towards repayments to service the loan. Depending on the savings, the fleet of cars can be expanded, more driving instructors can be hired, and the business can flourish. A person may also avail a small business loan to buy a new car. If he has the required driving skills, he can enroll into a ride hailing service such as an Ola or Uber. Once he does that, he can offer rides through the ride hailing app and make money to pay off his loans and save for further business expansion.5. Food Catering Business:Everyone enjoys good food. A food catering business is never out of demand. All occasions such as birthday parties, weddings, anniversaries, etc. have food on offer and caterers are in demand to ensure that the food served is delicious. For a food catering service, all you need is a kitchen and a few employees to cook, serve, deliver and manage logistics. Did you always want to own a dream restaurant chain? You can start with a food catering business as it is comparatively low investment and high return business. You can avail a loan for the capex investments and slowly build a great business. Considering our country and the celebrations, rituals and events we have throughout the year, a catering service will always be in demand. It is one of the best small investment ideas in India.6. Fitness Centers:More than 65% of India’s population is less than 35 years old. The youth are a health-conscious lot and many of them are members of a fitness center or gym. They love to hit the gym and burn a few excess calories. The remaining 35% also comprises a lot of fitness enthusiasts and health conscious people. Anyone who has trained in an area of fitness can start a fitness center. The space or infrastructure and equipment can be leased or bought. The space can be used for almost 16 hours a day as people like to walk into the fitness center at various times during the day. The idea of opening a fitness center is a business idea with low investment. Even if the person interested in opening this center cannot afford it, he has multiple avenues at his disposal to avail a small business loan. It is a very profitable business idea as subscribers of the fitness center find it difficult to keep coming to the fitness center regularly but most of them pay an annual subscription.7. Computer Training Center:We are in an era wherein there is a lot of demand for computer literacy and proficiency. If one has a basic idea of how to operate a computer and how to work with simple tools such as the Microsoft Office suite of products – Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, the chances of employment of the person is much brighter. Hence, there is a great demand to learn computers, programming and the booming areas in technology such as artificial intelligence, block chain, data analytics, IoT etc. Are you an expert in any such area? If yes, you can start a training center equipped with internet connection, a few computers and learning aids such as whiteboards, projectors etc. The business is driven by knowledge and hence the subsequent investment after the initial capex outgo is low. Multiple batches can be run for college students, working professionals etc. and a handsome profit can be made on a very small initial investment. What’s more, a small business loan for such initiatives is easily available.8. Boutique, Salon, Spa etc.:There is always a demand for personal hygiene, fashion and grooming related services. Once you make an initial investment in the store and raw material, if you can focus on selling and brand partnerships, you are highly likely to turn it into a profitable business idea. A small business loan for the same can be easily availed. If you are interested in becoming your own boss with any such venture, the right time is now!9. Real Estate Agent or Broker:How about becoming a rainmaker for your own business? Sounds interesting. With a little research on the real estate market in the area and an understanding of the prospects for both commercial and residential real estate, one could venture into creating a real estate agency. If you have good communication and people skills, you are likely to attract buyers and sellers alike and broking a deal could help you earn a handsome commission. The investment required to start this is very less and as you build your network and start playing a role in more deals, the commission you earn can make the business venture a highly profitable one.10. Web/ Social Media agency:In the digital age, most companies want to spend their marketing budgets on advertising through digital channels and through paid social media campaigns. If you have a good knowledge of marketing, communications, branding, web presence management and social media, you could start your own venture to help companies establish a strong digital footprint. All you need is an office, a few computers, some skilled professionals and you are good to start. Are funds to start up a problem? You needn’t worry as there are many options to avail a small business loan to start a web/ social media agency.Other Lucrative Business Ideas include:Creative Business Ideas:1. Children Play/Adventure Area:Starting a children play area is one of the very profitable idea for a small business. Investment required for such a business is medium.2. Tea/Coffee Cafe:Working at a Cafe is a new trend. Having a well-furnished cafe with good ambiance and variety of Teas & Coffee is a profitable business. A rented/owned place with small investment is required for starting a Cafe.3. Custom Gift Store:A gift store is one of the best creative ideas. A customer is always looking for a customization in their gift. Giving them what they need is surely going to benefit your business and increase profits.4. Antique Business:Opening a small antiques shop with different kinds of antique items and furniture is surely going to pull the crowd. Antique business can become highly profitable if you find the right customers who are interested in antiques.5. Game Organizer at Event:A game organizer is in high demands at various parties like birthdays, anniversaries, etc. It is a creative business idea where you have to be good at communication and creativity.6. Hot Air Balloon or Boat Ride Services:This is one of the most adventurous business ideas. The investment required here is big and skilled manpower is required to assure customer safety. To start such a business, you need a bigger space.7. DJ Services:Be it any event, party or a wedding; DJ’s are always a priority. The pubs are completely dependent on the DJ’s to pull in the crowd. A person needs good amount of skills and experience to make the crowd groove.8. Chatbot services:One of the upcoming business in the recent years is developing a Chat bot. Many companies are incorporating chat bot service on their website. Building a custom chat bot as per requirement will definitely yield high profits.9. Interior Designer:If you have a degree in Architecture, you can become an Interior Designer. Real Estate in India is booming day by day. It is expected to reach $1 trillion by 2030. In such a developing market, the need for Interior designer is always going to be high. If you’re skilled and have bright ideas to turn a House into a Home, this business can do wonders.10. Dance/Music Classes:Dance and Music are two creative businesses. Both these businesses require special skills and lots of experience. One of the best things is you can start this business at your Home, with a minimal investment.11. Ice Cream Business:One innovative idea for a business is selling ice creams. Create unique flavours according to the seasons to attract your customer. This business requires special skill and patience to try out different combinations of ice cream.12. Hair Business:People might think of Hair business as a weird idea, but the hair industry is one of the most profitable industry. Hair industry contributed to $248 million in 2018. India exports hair to US, Europe, China and Middle East.13. Ethnic Food Service:Now a days people do not eat to satiate their hunger but for pleasure. If you think you have amazing culinary skills that can make people lick their fingers out, then you should start an Ethnic Food Service at home. You just need to have the right knowledge of ingredients and the idea of culture and region the recipe comes from.14. Funeral Services:Though it may sound weird, such services do exist and are making a good business in India. You need to provide services that might include transportation of the dead body and providing advice about the rituals. The services can also include providing all the material required for the cremation ritual.15. Doula Services:With little training in childbirth and care you can start your own Doula Service. The investment in this business is very less compared to any other business. The services include a prenatal visit, labour and delivery, and a post-delivery follow-up.16. Organic Farming:Organic Farming is being followed in India since the ancient times. It aims at cultivating the land by use of organic wastes. With the increasing demand for organic grain in the market, Organic farming has gained a lot of popularity. If you have a land you can invest in this small business.17. Mobile garage service:Most of the time cars break down in the area where there is no garage service. If you have a vehicle you can convert it into a mobile garage with a small investment.Home Based Business Ideas:1. Home Chocolate Business:No matter what, chocolates will never go out of demand. May it be any occasion or event chocolates are a must. With little investment in the raw material you can start a home-based business of making chocolates. Home made chocolates have a huge demand in the market.2. Recruitment Services:Recruitment service is one of the most lucrative business in today’s time. All you got to do is shortlisting, selecting and appointing suitable candidates for jobs at the comfort of your house and earn great commission out of it from the company.3.Tailoring:Fashion and lifestyle today are one of the most money-making businesses. If you are a housewife or want to earn some extra income, then you can start tailoring service at home. All you need to have is a sewing machine and some fashion sense.4. Tiffin Services:Providing food has become a major business in the industrial areas. For some working professionals who are unable to cook at home or who stay away from home in other cities, Tiffin Services becomes a convenient option. You can use your kitchen to cook fresh food and start this profitable business.5. Hobby Class:If you want to enjoy doing a business start a hobby class. Today, parents want their kids to learn as many things as they can and not waste time hopping around in the sun. you can start hobby class for dance, music, craft based on the skill you possess. The best time to earn in this business is during the summer vacations.6. Yoga Class:Wellness industry is growing in India. In this fast-paced life, people want to give some time to themselves and attain peace. You can start yoga classes at home and train individuals to live a healthy life with just little investment.7. Insurance Agent:If you possess good communication skills and have great convincing power be an insurance agent. With little investment, you can start this business. There cannot be any other easy way to earn good commission than selling insurance policies.8. MLM – Network Marketing:Multi-level marketing or Network Marketing is a business where you need to sell product and services of associated company to earn profits. The income also includes a percentage of income from the sales group which is recruited by you. This is completely a referral business and you can operate from home.9. Marriage Bureau:One on the most productive business for housewives and retired individuals is Marriage Bureau. You just have to meet and greet people and with little investment you can run this business from home.10. Medical Sample Collection:If you have marginal knowledge about the blood group and various medical procedures, you can start this business. It only requires you to collect body fluid samples and provide it to a pathology clinic near you. This is a less competitive business and can be started in a small place.Part Time Business Ideas:1. Errand Services:If you think you have excellent management and planning skills, you can run this business efficiently. All you have to do is look out for errand task such as banking, grocery shopping, paying utility bills, delivering things etc. and earn through the services you provide.2. Party planner:If you enjoy planning and organizing, how about being a party planner. This is the most exciting job as it involves creativity. This business is in very much demand in the metro cities due to their party culture.3. Accounting and Record Keeping:If numbers excite you then you can start an Accounting and Record Keeping business. A finance person with experience in accounting job can earn through this business by rendering their expert services. You need special training for this business but can start on your own with very little investment.4. Day Care Services:These days many parents rely on daycare centres to care for their children while they work. While some parents may just consider a professional daycare centre to be the safest option for babysitting, but others consider a homely environment for their children the best. So, if you like children and don’t mind spending a few hours of your day caring for them then you can start a Day Care Service centre.5. Sofa Cleaning Services:People are getting busier each day. They do not find time to clean their furniture at home and office. If you enjoy cleaning, then you can team up with some semi-skilled or unskilled manpower and start Sofa Cleaning service with the help of right equipment.6. Visa Consultant:Consultants are always in demand. If you have knowledge about various rules and regulations of visa and can guide about the documents required in the process you can establish a Visa Consultancy firm.7. Personal Chef:If you love cooking and hold expertise in cooking various cuisines, you can be a Personal Chef and generate income from your services. This business requires you to investment in mainly the cooking apparatus as well as the ingredients.8. Sports Coach:If you share love for sports and hold a degree in sports coaching, you can train children or individuals who want to make a career in sports. You will need to personally train the individual so he can achieve his goal.Low-Cost Business Ideas:1. Mobile Food Shop:Mobile Food Shop is the top small business idea as people all over the world love to eat tasty and healthy food. This is a business which you can start with minimum investment and gain maximum profits as no one can ever refuse tasty food provided in a hygienic manner.2. Fast Food Parlour:Fast food is the first choice for people who are hungry and do not have access to home cooked food. If you provide tasty and hygienic food at an economical rate you will gain quick profit.3. Diet Food Shop:These days people are too much conscious about what they eat. You can find fast food joints everywhere in the rural and urban areas, but we hardly have shops that provide healthy diet food. Therefore, starting a diet food shop is an excellent idea for a small business.4. Health Drink:Due to social media, people are well aware about what is good for their health. They have started opting for health drinks over carbonated drinks. Juices like neem, beetroot and carrot are too much in demand. Thus, starting a Health Drink stall is a good business idea.5. Ice Dish & Soda Shop:Ice Dish & Soda Shop is one of the lowest investment business with maximum profit. All you need is to invest in the equipment required to make the drink, like ice snow maker and soda maker.6. Courier Shop:If you are quite efficient in delivers a message, package or letter from one place or person in the required time, this business is for you. You will require semi-skilled workers to manage the business.7. Laundry Shop:Every individual love wearing fresh clothes that smells good. If you are efficient in providing good laundry service this business is for you. You can employ a few unskilled workers to help you manage the task.8. Candle Making:Candle Making is an art but you can make this art into a profitable business if you provide bulk orders by using available machinery through marginal investments.9. Soap Making:Organic and herbal soaps are in demand in the market. If you have the skills to make soaps using various ingredients, then you can make this hobby a business.10. Idol Making:If you are creative and have the skills to make idols, then you can start a business of making idols. We are an idol worshipping country and during festivals like Ganesh Chaturthi, Durga Puja etc idols are in great demand.11. Bag Making:After ban on plastic, this area of business is flourishing as there is a huge demand for paper bags from malls and shopping units. You can use your creativity to make bags from jute, cotton etc to sell them online or offline.12. Pickle-Papad Making:Pickle-Papad Making is one of the best home-based business idea that women engage in since earlier times. You start this business part time or full time as per your convenience.13. Fruit Jam Making:Home made fruit jams are fondly relished by people as they are free from preservatives. You can make this into a profitable business with less investment provided by various organisations.14. Career Counselling:If you understand the work trends and the careers that are in demand you can opt to be a Career Counselling. You can start this business from home. Nowadays parents and teachers look out for good Career Counsellors so they can guide children in pursuing a career for their future.15. Religious Items:India is a country of multiple religion and languages, there are various customs and traditions that people follow. The requirements of religious items for engaging in various customs are different. The religious items such as Diya, Dhup, Murti, Shankha are always in demand. Therefore, this business is favourable in areas where there is a religious organisation nearby.16. Pest Control:Pest control business is slowly becoming one of the top business in the metro cities. Everyone wants to live a healthy life free from diseases caused by insects and mosquitos. Thus, Pest Control business is a good option in the metro cities.17. Paan Centre:Anyone can open a Paan centre as it does not require any skill. It is a low-cost business idea and involves preparation and sale of paan and other related items. You can also sell small items like biscuits and chocolates along with paan.18. Landscaping Service:Through landscaping business, you can provide clients with lawn services to keep their yards groomed and can also plant flowers, trees and shrubs. To start this business, you need to have the knowledge to plant flowerbeds and gardens to raise the value of a property. As the property rates are going high this business will give you maximum turnover.19. Aquarium Shop:Aquarium is a low-cost business where you need to take care of the fish tank and provide Professional Aquarium Leasing and Maintenance for Office or Home. Aquarium is considered good for Vaastu therefore this is a good business in less investment.20. House Repair Service:Every now and then houses need maintenance and repair thus House repair Service is a lucrative business idea. If you have knowledge about construction along with a few skilled workers, you can start this business.21. Palm Reader or Astrology:Palm reading is a practice of predicting the future of a person by examining his/her hands. It is a convenient business and a person having the skills of a palm reader can earn a moderate sum through this business.22. Fumigation Services:Through Fumigation Services, gaseous pesticides are sprayed or filled in the infected area to get rid of pests. The fumigants or pesticides poison the pests in and around the area. One needs to have clear idea of the chemicals used in the process to run this business.23. Spy & Security Services:No one can be trusted at present day. Due to which the need for Spy & Security Services arrived. Many people use such services for their homes and offices24. Car Pooling Services:Car-pooling is a type of car rental designed to be convenient for people who want to use cars for relatively short periods of times. Car sharing services offer casual drivers the option to rent a car by the hour or day. Due to awareness about pollution and traffic control this business is booming day by day.25. Software Training:If you are an expert in computer language such as C, C++,JAVA, HTML etc. you can start a business of software training from a small rental area or from your house.Online Business Ideas:1. Blogging:A weblog which is also called as a blog is maintained by a blogger to give out information about a subject. Blogging has gained momentum now a days as it helps generate traffic and there is demand for bloggers in the market. Therefore, this can turn as an amazing online business in today’s time.2. Vlogging:Video blogging, or vlogging is an affordable avenue to use to help your small business grow. Video blogging is an innovative way to increase your brand awareness. You can upload your blogs on YouTube and make money out of it easily. All you need is confidence in front of the camera and some editing skills to start with.3. YouTube Channel:By 2021, it’s estimated that 82 percent of all internet traffic will be for video. Starting a YouTube channel gives you a powerful medium to produce and distribute video content, which is only going to become more important day by day. Youtubers help individuals and businesses build influence, income, and impact with YouTube and online video.4. Freelance writer:Freelance writing is any sort of writing assignment that you do for pay, outside of a staff position. You can meet client and write content for Web pages, Blog posts, Magazine articles, Newspaper articles etc many companies nowadays hire freelance writers for their business.5. SEO Expert:An SEO company offers search engine optimization services to businesses to help them improve their visibility online. Search engine optimization is the process of making changes to your website design and content to make your site more attractive to the search engines. If you are somebody who have an expertise in this area, then you are good to start a SEO Business.6. Hosting Paid Webinars:A webinar is an online event that is hosted by an organization/company and broadcast to a selected group of individuals through their computers via the Internet. A webinar allows a speaker from the hosting organization/company to share PowerPoint presentations, videos, web pages or other multimedia content with audiences that can be located anywhere. If you are someone with a good domain knowledge, then this is an exceptional business idea for you.7. App Development:Application development involves creating a computer program which performs different tasks that a business requires. Application helps businesses automate tedious process like calculating monthly expenses to scheduling sales reports, to increase efficiency. Many companies require this service so if you have the software skills you can make App development a profitable business.8. Affiliate Marketing:Affiliate marketing is the most profitable way to make money online. It is the oldest forms of digital marketing wherein you refer someone to any online product and when that person buys the product based on your recommendation, you receive a commission. You can start this business with very little investment.9. Products Sell on Facebook:Facebook has more than 2.3 billion monthly active users as of December 2018. Other than being a popular social networking website Facebook provides facility to make your own store or group online. If you have a product or service with some marketing knowledge you can sell it online on Facebook and make money out of it.10. Domain Flipping:Domain Flipping is the business of buying a domain at a lower cost and selling it at a profitable amount. It is a simple business which can lend you a lot of revenue without much effort.11. Sell Photos Online:There are many different websites to sell stock photography to be used further for making graphic designs or other resources. You can create portfolios of your images and earn money. There are many different websites to sell stock photography which can help you expand your business.12. Stock Market Trading:Stocks are a type of security that gives the investor a share of ownership in a company. Brokers buy and sell stocks through an exchange, charging a commission to do so. A broker is simply a person who is licensed to trade stocks through the exchange. A broker can be on the trading floor or can make trades by phone or electronically. This can be a profitable online business if you have good communication skills.13. Data Entry:Data entry is one of the easiest business idea where one can earn by adding data using the desired software hosted on a computer and its data entry operators who perform these tasks. The benefit of this business is that you can start this business with no previous experience.Profitable Business Ideas:1. Restaurant:You can start an eatery that serves food and drinks to customers in exchange for money. Meals are generally served and eaten on the premises, but many restaurants also offer take-out and food delivery services which is the need of the hour. This business requires a lot of planning and hard work. With a few skilled workers you can start this business at a medium investment from any organisation.2. Readymade Namkeen Breakfast Shop:Namkeens are easy Breakfast that can be had on the go. You can start a Readymade Namkeen Breakfast Shop across the street as people prefer readymade Namkeen and breakfast instead of cooking at home and it is an easy snack.3. Mobile Sales and Repair:Mobile phone business is growing exponentially. Your customers who buy phones from you ever need mobile repairing services, there are high chances that they will come to you to get their handsets repaired. Your mobile repairing business can be a highly profitable business venture if its run in a professional way. The best thing is that you can start this business with a very small investment and with little experience into the same.4. Package Drinking Water:Demand of packaged drinking water is growing exponentially in small towns and cities in India. This is an evergreen business and there is place for everyone who want to step into this opportunity. Investment required in this business depends on the size of the business and the clients you hold.5. Jewellery Production & sale:If fashion is an area where you thrive, and you have a talent for creating unique jewellery then you can start this business. You can build a name in the local market and ask for referrals from previous customers to excel in this business.6. Dairy:Milk and milk products are always in demand. All you need is a small shop and cold storage facility to run this business. You can serve milk, sweet and related products and establish a dairy business.7. Commercial and Industrial Machinery Equipment Rental:Offering commercial and industrial machinery and equipment on rent to various industries like construction, mining, transportation, and forestry machinery could be a profitable business idea. These firms generally do not own a store-front facility. As this heavy machinery are usually very costly, companies prefer renting them instead of buying. This business requires moderate investment, but the returns are high compared to other businesses.8. Travel Agency:A travel agency is a public service related to travel and tourism. You need to have a good communication skill to start this business. You can also operate from home and do not need to rent a place for starting this business. You can provide Air, Road and Railway travel tickets to start with. This business is in huge demand at metro cities.9. IT Hardware shop:Hardware shops provide hardware items building material, plumbing material, etc. to huge electrical materials. To start this business, you need to have the knowledge of the products. On average a good performing hardware makes a net profit of 10% on its daily sales.Big Investment Business Ideas:1. Textile Unit:The textile industry is currently contributing 2% to India’s GDP and 15% to the export earnings of the country. Opening a textile unit firm means to supply different types of fabrics for the fashion and apparel industry. The shop should be in an area where there is demand and the factory should be in an area that is well connected.2. Rice Mill:Rice Mill involves the post production of rice. the equipment and machinery will help remove the husk from the rice to make it edible. India is still the largest exporter of Rice in the world therefore this is a profitable business.3. Beer and Wine Making:In the last few years the wine industry was at a high-growth, $30 billion industry for both domestic and international wines. Therefore, starting your own beer and wine company is the diverse opportunity for business startups.4. Manufacturing Fabrication Plant:Metal fabrication is the creation of metal structures by cutting, bending, welding and assembling processes. It is a value-added process involving the creation of machines, parts, and structures from various raw materials. You need skill manpower and lot of machinery for this business.5. Crane and Lifting Service:Crane and Lifting Service deliver the right lifting equipment and service to match the customer needs. You need specialized maintenance services and spare parts for all types and makes of industrial cranes and hoists to start this business.6. Transportation services:To start a transportation business, you will need to decide which type of business you intend to create. The type of company you think of establishing should be determined based, among other things, on the need and competition in the area you decide to work in. You can start a taxi service, bike rental, or bus service as per your investment into the business.7. Car Parking Services:If you have a huge vacant area outdoor which you can use for business purpose you can start a Car Parking Services business. It is a recent concept as the number of cars on road are increasing.8. Petrol Pump & Gas Station:Gas stations offers various fuels to motorists including petrol, diesel and LPG and CNG gas. Petrol Pump is considered to be a very beneficial business. If you open petrol pumps at a decent place, you can make a lot of money.9. Marriage Halls:There are marriages and events happening every now and then in India. Which gives rise to the demand for Marriage Halls. If you own a property which can be converted into a big hall that can accommodate 800-1000 people, you can start this business and rent it to people looking for ceremonies, weddings, parties, etc.10. Luxurious Car Services:The sale of Luxurious Car has reduced because despite of the desire to buy such cars not many can afford it. The demand for Luxurious Car Services has increased in the market. In this business you need to purchase luxurious cars and lease them. People rent luxury cars for special occasions or making airport transport easier.11. Imported Furniture Store:According to data from The Retail Owners Institute, the gross profit margin for retail furniture stores has risen slightly from 43.8 percent in 2014 to 45 percent in 2018. For this business you can import furniture from China, UAE or other countries. You need a huge capital to start this business.12. Electronic Store:We are now living in the age of electronics. Electronics are tied into so many different aspects of our life. So, starting an electronic store is a profitable business but you need to have information about the products. The amount required to invest in this business may vary according to the products you provide.13. Art and Collection Shop:Professional artists can start their own art business. Starting an Art and Collection Shop requires a little business planning, a whole lot of marketing, and most importantly, the ability to create work that resonates with people.14. Video Conference and Board Room Services:With businesses operating more globally and at a faster pace than ever, there is increasing need to bring together remote participants using a variety of video services for conferences, training, or regular information-sharing sessions without the requirement for extensive travel. You can make business by providing digital solutions that enhance convenience, improve productivity, and save companies crucial time and money.15. Night Club:If you are a night person and love music and dance, you can make others groove by starting a night club. The investment is big as licence and good quality sound equipment are required to start this kind of the business.16. Poultry and Fisheries:Poultry and Fisheries has now become a popular rural enterprise in different states of the country. Apart from eggs and chicken, poultry also yields manure, which has high fertilizer value. This becomes an added profit for the business.17. Building Construction:A construction company is a capital-intensive business. You may need to rent or buy heavy equipment or purchase material in bulk. A solid business plan can outline your assets and make the case for your new construction company to access funding from investment sources. This is a business with high investments that can provide higher outcome.18. Solar Farm:Solar farms are replacing croplands that don’t generate enough income from traditional farming. Solar farms use solar panels to generate huge amount of renewable electricity that can be used by individual for commercial and residential purpose. Building a solar farm is a capital-intensive business but the Returns on Investment (ROI) are worth it in the long run.19. UPS Business:UPS business involves buying and selling of UPS. You can collaborate with major UPS Company like APC and sell their products to make business.20. Auto Modification Services:Custom car shops appeal to automotive enthusiasts who are in love with engineering and designing. This business is needed because of the large demand for vehicle customization. You need to have a creative mind to start this business.21. Chemical Unit:The chemical industry landscape has opened new doors of opportunities for chemical buyers and sellers. This business has a huge export potential and requires huge investment.Gold Ornament Shop: Starting your own Gold Ornament shop business is a great way to tap into the jewellery industry. A small jewellery store can be started for as little as $20,000. The cost may vary depending on your location.22. Printing Press:Our society is so much influenced by the printing press. Nowadays, running a printing press is a successful business. We can print books, newspapers, invitation cards, magazines, posters, flyers, pamphlets, envelopes, business cards, and stationery items. Operating a printing business requires a few specialized pieces of equipment, and can be operated as a home-based, storefront or online business.23. Peer 2 Peer Lending Business:P2P lending is a business where one lends money to individuals or small and moderate businesses through online services. To start a Peer 2 Peer Lending business, you need to open an investor account for starting this business. Though profitable, this business involves great risk.24. Internet Service provider:An Internet service provider (ISP) is a company that provides customers with Internet access. There is a huge demand for internet thus starting this business makes sense.25. Computer Class:If you have the knowledge of computer and can teach others the same, then you can start a Computer Class. All you need is a few computers and a space where you can set up your business.26. Hotel Business:Hotel business requires huge investment and manpower. To start this business, you need to buy or rent an establishment that provides lodging and, often times, meals and other services for travellers and other paying guests.27. Oxygen gas bottle:To start this business, you need to Invest in quality equipment, healthy supply of cylinders of liquid oxygen, compressed oxygen, and flow meters. You need to remember to maintain a safe, hygienic environment for your equipment at all times. You can own cash to cover start-up and operating expenses.28. Car Battery:If you are seriously thinking of launching a car battery business, get advice from someone who is already in the business. Every vehicle needs battery may it be a two-wheeler or a four-wheeler. Therefore, Car Battery business is a very good business idea29. Cement Business:India has a huge potential for infrastructural growth. When the future involves the development of 99 smart cities, you can expect a positive growth in the cement business. Opening a cement business can get you on the path to a secure financial future but it’s important to plan out the business in detail before you start.30. Spice or Masala Powder:Spices from India are going places, with exports on course to top $3 billion in the last few years. Spice Powder Making Business ensures a good return with low investment.31. Money Lender:Lenders are businesses or financial institutions that lend money, with the expectation that it will be paid back. The lender is paid interest on the loan as a cost of the loan. The higher the risk of not being paid back, the higher the interest rate. This business involves money therefore, you need to carefully lend money to people who can return the borrowed money with proper documentation.32. Nursery school:The demand for good nursery school is growing in the city. Now is the perfect time to consider opening a nursing school. To start this business, you need trained staff and huge space to start this business.33. Modelling Agency:If you are interested in representing fashion models, to work for the fashion industry then you should start a Modelling Agency. These agencies earn their income via commission, usually from the deal they make with the model and/or the head agency. The top agencies work with big-budget advertising agencies and fashion designers.34. Pathology Lab:Indian diagnostic market is growing at nearly 15-20% and is estimated to be currently worth 40,000 Cr. Setting up a pathological lab can be an extremely lucrative business idea.Retail Business Ideas:1. Grocery Store:Grocery stores sell food and other household items. Often called supermarkets, grocery stores are go-to sources for a home’s food needs. grocery shopping is an integral part of human life, and any such business that appeals to life sustenance is sure to become profitable if it is handled properly.2. Organic Food Store:Organic food store is another niche in the grocery business idea. To succeed in the organic food business, it is essential to have a proper plan on how to get authentic organic produce on a regular basis. Location is another very important thing to consider as you have to set up in an area where the people are health conscious and can afford the high price of organic produce.3. Hardware Store:A hardware store typically sells hand and power tools, building materials, plumbing supplies, cleaning products and much more. A hardware store has a lot of components to the business that require detail-oriented planning. You need to research and find a developing area to start this business for its success.4. Auto Spare Part Store:Auto Spare Part Store is a cash-intensive business. With substantial capital investment and strategic planning, you can initiate this type of store. Starting an Auto Parts store is a fulfilling way to make money.5. Stationary & Book Store:Stationery items are always in demand whether be it a school or corporate. The best place for running stationery and bookstore is always nearby school or corporate the chances of getting more business and good profit is very high. In this business investment is not much required and no special skills needed.6. Cosmetic Store:As people are now a days becoming more beauty conscious so the demand for the beauty products have increased than before. Ladies are always in search for cosmetic store. This business too needs very small investment.7. Leather & Perfume Shop:This is another form of small business in which you need to keep products like bags, belts, wallets and perfumes. These kinds of business are always an evergreen business with good product and small investment.8. Xerox Shop:Xerox Shop is a good business for making profits. A Xerox Shop is available in every locality. This itself proves the success of running Xerox Shop along with other products like bookbinding, lamination and small stationary items. The investment required too is low. The best location to start up this business set up would be schools, colleges, office etc.9. Beauty Salon:Beauty salon are now among the emerging business in the India. Beauty care segment is most likely carried out by ladies. This business demands some special skills related to skin care. The person carrying out this business should have undergone special training and courses related to skin care and have good knowledge of beauty products. Investment required for this small business start-up is very low or else you can even opt for a franchise for a good renown brand.10. Medical Diagnostic Center:Medical care is essential in today’s world. Day by day there are new disease effecting health of people, so timely health and medical check-up has become very important. With proper medical check-up and advance analysis, we can be safe from many prone diseases. The investment required for running this business is substantial.11. Photo Studio:Photo studio is a business which can be started up with very less investment. Business success depends upon the skills and ideas that you have in the photography line.12. Safety & Security Products Retail Business:In today world safety and security is all what one needs. So, the safety and security products in the market is always in good demand in the retails business. For starting this business, you need to have products like helmet, safety lockers, CCTV cameras etc.13. Herbal & Ayurveda Products Retail Business:Herbal and Ayurveda exist in India from a very long time. Ayurveda is a proven medicine for healing and curing diseases with no side effects. The herbal and Ayurveda medicine manufactures are now booming in the health segment. Especially after the entry of Patanjali into the industry. This is the right time to start up with herbal and Ayurveda products retails business with moderate investment and get better profits.14. Scrap Store:You can also earn profit from scrap store. In this business what you need to do is collect scrap like newspaper, plastic, and other discarded material.15. Gift Card Shop:You will find at least one gift shop in all locality. Today’s world is much excited for giving and accepting gifts. Gift shop also possess good amount of revenue. Gift shop business consist of business or personal giftings. Gift shop business require proper location and good collection of gift cards. Gift cards are used widely at every occasion.16. Optician Shop:You may have even noticed there would be at least one optician shop in all areas. Eyeglasses are mostly used by majority of people. Due to the constant climatic changes there are often eyesight issues caused to people of all age group. To start up with eyeglasses business you need to have sunglasses, contact lenses and different trendy frames for specks. Rate of the products depends on quality of the products and business location.17. Seasonal Business:Seasonal Business ideas are another form of business in India. This business start-up can be done with small investment. Your business depends on the seasonal and festive needs of the consumers like crackers, raincoat, woollen clothes etc.18. Utensil Shop:Utensil shopping business is a never-ending retail business idea. Requirements for starting this business is you need a suitable shop and inventory of steel items. A success of this business depends upon location of shop and quality of utensils.19. Foam Mattress:Thinking of starting own foam mattress business? Starting of manufacturing foam business is among small investments. You either can become trader or a manufacturer.20. Business Idea of Ice:Business of ice can be started up with a very low investment. Ice is a commodity frequently used by us in day to day for cooling.21. Tattoo Shop:Today generation is crazy for tattoo and ready for paying any amount for good designer and trendy tattoo collection with them. Tattoo business is among the upcoming business for earning good profit. Only thing you need to know is skills required for tattoo making or have skilled people for the same.Manufacturing Business Ideas:1. Honey making:Honey Manufacturing business is another form of small Business. Honey processing can be performed in two different process manual or automatic. Starting your honey manufacturing business is easy and convenient for people planning for small scale business.2. Manufacturing toys:Toy Manufacturing business is a top booming industry in the Indian business segment. Starting up a new Toy Manufacturing business is very profitable. Before setting up the business unit we need to have proper research on the prototype and raw material required for toy manufacturing. There are machineries available in the market by which you can produce ample number of toys and earn more profits. Toy Manufacturing business can be started up with a very low investment and then further expanded.3. Manufacturing of Plastic bottles:If you are looking for starting up your own business venture, currently there is a booming rise in the plastic products manufacturing business. Day by day the demand and supply for the plastic bottles are increasing. Before starting up with the manufacturing of plastic bottles you need to have proper knowledge and expertise in injection moulding and manufacturing. You also need to complete some legal formalities like getting up your legal documents ready, factory license number, GST number etc.4. Fertilizer Manufacturing:India is the third largest manufacturer of nitrogenous fertilizers in the globe. Fertilizer manufacturing business can be started with very low investment or high investment. If you are new to this business start with a small investment with compost fertilizer from waste items, and soon you understand the business expand your business.5. Water Filter and bottling Plant:Water filter and bottling plant is a commercial enterprise and one of the prime requirements now a days. The role of mineral water bottle plant is important for this industry and to the society. For setting up a business of water filter and bottling plant you need to have ample space and skilled manpower. The investment required for this business is very high.6. Furniture making:Furniture are an essential part of our daily life. Furniture business is also to be considered as a booming industry. Furniture always have its never-ending demand from schools, colleges, offices and homes. If you have ample of space with you and skilled workers to start furniture making.7. Production of Leather related items:Production of leather related items are always in huge demand in the market. Leather products such as bags, footwear and garments etc are some leather related items which have huge demand and are used in day to day living. If you get proper manpower you start up your business of production of leather related items.8. Electrical Fitting Production:Electricity has become a essential for our day to day living. We cannot even imagine a day without electricity. In today’s life there is a high demand for electrical fitting production in the market. But even though the investment required in this business is not so high as compared to others, with small investment to we can start up an electrical fitting production.9. Embroiderer:We will now next cover the details related to Embroiderer business. To start-up with this business you need to have a creative designing idea for embroidery. Creative designer Embroiderer can be done with low-end machine or by sophisticated tools. This is a lucrative business and can earn good margin.10. Carpet Making:The Carpet making business is among the creative business and is among the large business opportunity. Starting up a carpet making company with good creative mindset, would lead to a high profitable business. Before starting this business, you need to know the appropriate skill before starting the business.11. Ceramic Tile Maker:Ceramic Tile business is another profitable business as Tiles are required in every household. The investment required is high in this business.12. Kitchen Utensil maker:There is huge requirement of Kitchen Utensils in every house. Starting a Kitchen utensil business is a great idea in terms of the profit that it will give.Renting Business Ideas:1. ATM Space Rental:A commercial space always yields good profits. Renting your space to Bank ATM will yield fix monthly profits.2. Car/Bus Rental:Car rental business has grown since Ola & Uber came into existence. Buses are in huge demand for family functions, weddings, etc. Start a Car/Bus rental business with a business loan from Unsecured Business Loan, MSME Loan - Working Capital Finance3. Construction Equipment Rental:Real Estate Industry in India is booming day by day. Due to high cost, developers prefer getting construction equipment on rent. Starting this business will result in high profits every time.4. Fancy Dress Renting Business:Starting a Fancy-dress business is a low investment business idea as you need to buy dresses that fits kids as there is a huge requirement from school kids for school events. Start your fancy-dress renting business and earn handsomely.5. Decorator:Starting a Decorator business is always a great idea as every event requires decoration material, chairs, stage material, etc. Though the initial investment in this business is high, it will yield profit at every event as the same stuff will be used.There are many more such ideas wherein the investment required is low, but the profits can be significantly high. Such lucrative ideas mostly depend on your people and networking skills, knowledge in niche areas and latent demand for the same in the market. If you are bitten by the entrepreneurial bug, take the plunge today.

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