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What are the most valued characteristics for one to succeed in academic research?

(A2A).There are so many qualities that help you succeed. Ranking them is near impossible, but I will try to list a few that I think really matter.1. Fearlessness. I don't see this answer often, but I attribute much of my personal success to it. While other colleagues fretted about all the ways a particular research problem could possibly fail, from reasons A to Z, I was already doing it. Often I see students paralyzed by the possibilities in front of them, instead of diving into the path most likely to succeed.This is also very related to the ability to fail and to face failure. We all fail, but to be able to see failure for what they are, and move past them, is hard. I've seen colleagues who are damaged by significant personal and professional failures, and they're not quite the same afterwards.I've been lucky in both respects, because I had some personal tragedies early on in my research career that led to quite a bit of suffering. After getting through those, failures in research were tame in comparison. That really changed how I saw research, and taking risks and dealing with failures got a lot easier.While I wouldn't wish my personal adversities on any one, I would suggest that to be fearless, you should fail, fail early, fail hard, and fail often. Once you get past it and get back up, you'll be much better prepared to succeed.2. Creativity. This gets mentioned a lot. I think true creativity is a gift, but it can also be learned.3. Humility. Working in academic research is a constantly humbling experience. No matter what prizes you win, what papers you write, and what accolades you accumulate, there are always others who are better, faster, smarter than you. Going to conferences, reading papers, talking with others, all these produce constant reminders of how limited you are and how much further you have to go. It's extremely hard to overcome that twisted feeling in your gut, the fear that you're not good enough, that you'll never be as good as your colleagues, friends, and advisors. If you're not careful, that can eat you up inside and paralyze you.Even those with abundant humility will find it hard at times, when we're constantly faced with comparisons with numerous others in our field. One solution is to learn to not give a F#@* what others think, good or bad, and to calibrate your metric for success solely on what you think of your own work. This is easier said than done. I think it took roughly 2 years for me to get this "under control." But even today, there are occasional moments when I wish I was as smart or as productive or as creative as some of my friends/colleagues. At best, I can turn those into motivation to work harder. At worst, I'll go distract myself by burying my head in my favorite current project or some investments.

What is the PhD thesis of Kanhaiya Kumar, of the JNU fame, about? Did he write it himself?

Having done Master’s (by Research) in IIT Madras, and doing PhD in one of the best research groups in Europe, I like to think I know a thing or two about what is a PhD. It is a long answer, sorry about that.Here is what a PhD in generally entails, an extensive/thorough research into a topic, at the end of which you come up with something novel, develop your research into a manuscript which you submit to a ‘respectable’ journal. The manuscript then undergoes peer-review which is the process in which experts in the field check your work and at the end of the process either accept or reject your manuscript. It is the quality control process to make sure nobody does Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V job. Now the thing to keep in mind, not all journals are good, there are a lot of predatory journals which take money from people and publish sub-standard work without any peer-review process. It is an outlet for sub-standard researchers who cannot publish their work, who have not done anything during their PhD to have their name on something. Publishing is also a mandatory requirement for graduating. Finally, the PhD student compiles all his papers into a thesis which goes to a review board. In the review board, there will be ‘experts’ who judge the thesis based on its merits. On the basis of which the candidate is awarded a doctorate and he becomes a Doctor, a PhD.With this introduction, let us see if ‘Dr. Kanhaiya Kumar’ passes the basic smell test of a PhD.Generally universities make it a point to publish the PhD theses open-source so that the research they do can be helpful for others and easily accessible. However, if someone from outside wants to access JNU theses, they have to go through a long bureaucratic process or wait for three years embargo period. After three years of submission of the thesis, they might (who knows, they might not) upload it on Shodhganga the repository of Indian PhD theses. But, that should not deter us from reading what is in a thesis, because people generally publish 'research paper' of their work which can be accessed through the journal website.Here is the link to the ‘research’ paper Dr. Kanhaiya Kumar published: International Journal of Humanities, Engineering and pharmaceutical science. Anyone can download the paper, you just need to register (for free) and download by logging in.Now, a few things about the ‘journal’. He published his work in ‘INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES, ENGINEERING & PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES’. If you look at the title itself, you can see that it publishes everything from humanities, engineering and even pharmaceutical works. Nothing wrong in that, but it begs the question, who reviews the works submitted. So, let us look at the review board[1][1][1][1], as you can see, the so-called reviewer list has no real experts. It is general practice in academic research to submit your work to journals where there are experts from reputed institutions. Even a cursory glance at the reviewer and editorial board shows that here are people from ‘not-so-good’ institutions where no-real research happens. Moreover, we cannot even be sure if they are real people. There are no emails or any links to any of these people. Furthermore, you can see there are not even a single JNU professor on the list, which basically means either they don’t know about the journal, or don’t consider it to be ‘good’ journal. Also, the authors need to pay some ‘nominal’ fee to publish articles in the journal. PAID JOURNAL.Furthermore, the journal website says, they are indexed by Thomson Reuters, they have an impact factor of 5.484, if you check the Thomson Reuters website, the journal does not feature there, nor is the impact factor listed anywhere. The listed impact factor is some obscure Morocco science impact factor of 6 or something. Meaning, this is a shady journal which is not indexed anywhere. The journal is so local, it's proprietor is sitting somewhere in the paper mill colony, Balmiki Nagar, Lucknow [2][2][2][2], but talks of International collaborations this and that. They have this special award called 'Udaan', which they have conferred on a famous US neuro-scientist[3][3][3][3] . I contacted the professor who had been conferred the ‘Udaan’ award and asked him if he knew about this. I have masked the contact details for obvious reasons.This is their modus operandi, they contact genuine researchers and tell them they will award them honorary awards this and that. If and when the researcher says yes (who does not like awards) these journals derive legitimacy by putting photos of those people. In this case, even though Dr. Perry[4][4][4][4]has asked them to delist his name, IJHEPS editors or proprietors have not done that.On a side note, a librarian in Colorado university - Bealls, used to publish the list of predatory journals, here is a link to the Bealls list: Standalone Journals, enter IJHEPS and you can see that the journal in which Kanhaiya Kumar published his so-called ‘reserach’ is listed as a predatory journal.The menace of predatory journals in India is unparalleled. Recognising the importance of maintaining the academic excellence, UGC periodically publishes a list of journals[5][5][5][5]which are considered to be respectable. Before 2019, IJHEPS was approved by the UGC as an acceptable journal. However, it later came to light that a lot of predatory journals were also included in the UGC approved list. Read this Nature[6][6][6][6]article to understand the severity of the problem. The subsequent analysis of the list by Prof. Bhushan Patwardhan et al. [7][7][7][7] revealed that over 88% of the non-indexed journals in the UGC approved list were probably of low quality. Following the publication of this article, UGC cancelled the old list of approved journals and set up the UGC-Consortium for Academic Research Ethics (CARE)[8][8][8][8] committee under the chairmanship of Prof. Bhushan Patwardhan. Under UGC-CARE, updated journals list were published in 2019. IJHEPS was removed from the list of approved journals because of its dubious credentials. The journal IJHEPS does not feature in the list of journals approved by UGC, check here [9][9][9][9]. UGC finally realised its mistake and removed IJHEPS from the list of approved journals, but the journal website still shows that it is UGC-approved and flaunts its cancelled UGC serial number. Btw, the journal has not published anything in the last two years.Now, even a cursory glance at the journal gives a wrong vibe when you cannot find its indexing anywhere on standard indexing websites, that should tell you that it is not a high-quality journal. Okay, you accept your work is not high-quality so you want to publish in a non-indexed journal, even then you should make sure the reviewer board has experts from top universities. JNU is one of the premier institutes in India, you would expect so-called brilliant, academically sound geniuses to recognise a shady journal when they encounter one. But, here knowingly or unknowingly ‘Dr. Kanhaiya Kumar’ decided to publish it in a shady journal. Any half-decent researcher would know that someone publishes here if the work is worthless. But, ‘Dr. Kanhaiya’ could not even recognise he is making a mistake and his supervisor allowed it. This is India’s top central university. Facepalm.Okay, the journal is shady, but lets judge the article not based on its association with a shady journal but based on its merits.Here is the abstract of Kanhaiya’s paper:Interestingly, his supervisor’s name does not feature in the paper. It is general practice to put supervisor’s name in a PhD paper because, he is also involved in the work and it also provides some merit into the work. Generally, professors avoid publishing in predatory journals because it is a black mark on their profile. Is Kanhaiya’s supervisor a good researcher? His PhD was supervised by Dr. S. N. Malakar. The only information available about him (he is not there on Google scholar or any of the reputed academic research websites) is that he has written 'few' books. Generally professors make it a point to list out their international peer-reviewed, publications in high-impact factor journals. Somehow, Dr. Malakar doesn't think it is important. Moreover, a supervisor who allows his student to commit academic fraud by allowing publication in a shady journal is as much guilty as the student himself. From academic view point, it is not an understatement that his supervisor is also of the same ‘standard’ (what standard is that, we will see eventually) as ‘Dr. Kanhaiya Kumar’. Yatha Raja, Thatha Praja. If you want a comparison, here is a link to Prof. A. R. Ranganathan’s profile on the JNU web page, look at his publications and credentials: Anand Ranganathan, you can clearly see he does some good work. Why is it so hard to find anything about the ‘research’ or the so-called ‘African studies’ of Mr. S. N. Malakar? Your guess is as good as mine.So, in the abstract the hard-working researcher Kanhaiya Kumar who says he did not waste his time in JNU, and he did not mooch off the tax payer’s money says this, ‘this paper attempts to analyse the process of Social Transformation from the formation of Union of South Africa to Republic of South Africa and the end of apartheid regime.’ This comes after a bunch of he did that, they did that, we ‘attempt’ to do this. So, they are ‘analyzing’ the process of social transformation in South Africa. We don’t see any method how they analyze this or whatever. But, hey he is a revolutionary so he must have done something ground breaking. Let’s see the body of the paper.In the first section, he introduces us to the concept of social transformation.For two pages, he rants on and on about who defined what, this guy did that, that guy did this, and ‘Marxism’ is ‘a science of social sciences (sic)’ or a scientific apparatus to understand the entire processes of the society (whatever that means), he also introduces us to the ‘Manifesto of the Communist party’, which according to me is the most important part of the paper. (2 pages/7 pages over).Next he talks about the formation of union of South Africa, which is a literature review of how Union of South Africa came into existence (4.5 pages/ 7 pages over), the ‘actual’ research has not started yet, I am not really sure it takes 5 years to reproduce the ‘Manifesto of The Communist Party (sic)’ and a basic literature review of African union. Leave all that, a basic Wikipedia page would have more information than this ‘research journal’.Then he gives a literature review of the formation of the Republic of South Africa. This happened in 1967, that happened in 1980, one more thing happened in 1989. Where is he ‘analyzing’ the formation I do not know. Again, a Wikipedia page would have more detailed discussion on the topic than a ‘research’ paper by this PhD scholar. (6.5 pages/7 pages over)After this brief literature survey, right away comes the conclusion, his ‘goal’ as stated in the abstract was an ‘attempt to analyse the process of Social Transformation from the formation of Union of South Africa to Republic of South Africa and the end of apartheid regime.’ His conclusion is, considering the case of South Africa it can be argued that, Social Transformation is the comprehensive study of the entire worth of a given society. Well, he stated that in the abstract, gave a bunch of definitions and a Wiki history of South Africa and writes it is important. SURE. Where is the analysis he promised the reader in the abstract? Facts are not analysis, what is his ‘expert opinion’ we will never know, because he is busy listing the events from some history book.At least in the conclusion, I expected him to give his opinion or the so-called analysis, again he keeps stating the obvious facts without venturing in to the realm of using the brain.A journal publication is a mandatory requirement to get the PhD degree. Since, Mr. BiharToTihar could not publish it in a proper journal, he published it in a predatory journal with dubious credentials. The guy who once said his family cannot afford a gas cylinder, somehow could afford to pay this journal enough money to publish his work. FYI a full-time PhD student in a central university gets around 25–30k per month. If he wanted, he could've bought a gas cylinder for his mother, it says a lot about the kind of politics he represents. All the main-stream media published about his graduation saying, ‘Oh Humra Kanha finished his thesis (love love), he is Doctor now, he wants a job, he is asking Modi to provide jobs to the Youth’. (see here: JNU's Kanhaiya Kumar Says He Wants a Job After Submitting his PhD). Nobody went into the quality of the work, if he really produced something meaningful. Remember, on top of the subsidised education, these people get money to go to conferences abroad, the government gives students in central universities around 3 lakh Rs. to travel for two International conferences. They are supposed to present their work there and get feed back from experts. If these people have not done any work (which is the case here), what do they do going abroad? Vacation on tax payer’s money?Now, to conclude, I had a Bachelor student who assisted me for two months and carried out a part of my research. He did more work in two months than what this ‘revolutionary’, ‘liberal heart throb’ did in ‘five’ years. These revolutionary PhD scholars in JNU start complaining when an honest tax payer asks them to stop mooching off the government money. As I have clearly shown, this is the quality of work, a revolutionary, brilliant researcher like Kanhaiya Kumar in JNU humanities publishes at the end of his decade-long research career. Funnily enough, Kanhaiya Kumar’s supervisor said Kanhaiya put my head high by his work. This makes me wonder, where his head was when he supervised Kanhaiya into publishing this ‘great research work’.Here is what his supervisor said once, ‘after being closer in the academic interaction I could know him better as a brilliant student whenever we discussed some of the writings of the African literary personalities like Woke Soyenka, Ngugi-Wa-Thango, and Chine Wa Achebe.’ Looking at his work, ‘brilliant’ is an understatement for Kanhaiya Kumar.Now, Kanhaiya Kumar wants to enter academia, and looking for a post of Asst. Professor. We keep wondering why cannot India produce good researchers like JC Bose, Meghnad Saha or CV Raman anymore, why is there such a brain drain?Here is a reason, because in India mediocrities who masquerade as brilliant are celebrated and we fund such mediocrities in research.Everyone hailing this fraud as a public intellectual, remember the old saying, 'every country gets the leaders it deserves'. India has long been the land of intellectual achievements, it deserves better leaders than this fraud.Read more at:Kanhaiya put my head high, says his PhD supervisor | India News - Times of India’Edit 1: Did he write the thesis himself?There are a lot of grammatical errors in the paper, so I guess he wrote it himself. On the other hand, there is nothing in the paper anyway. Look at that paper, a high school student would do a better literature review than this genius.Edit 2: Somebody said only JRF students get PhD stipend and kind of hinted that Kanhaiya might not have been getting stipend, and could not have afforded a gas cylinder.Here is a link to the list of registered students at JNU: for Kanhaiya kumar, entry number 2042.The website of CAS says all PhD students get UGC fellowships. Our ‘hero’ Kanhaiya Kumar also availed fellowship awarded by UGC. UGC gives every student 25000 Rs. per month first 2 years and 28000/- Rs in the last three years (there might be a little variation here and there).Here is how much an Indane gas connection costs -> Indane Gas Price: New Connection, Cylinder, Regulator, Refill. If Kanhaiya wanted, he could have bought a gas connection for his poor mother. In this video[10][10][10][10], when Rahul Kanwal asks him gas cylinder Modiji diye hain kya, he says gas cylinder toh feasible nahin hain isliye Chulha use karte hain. Any middle class person would know a family would utilize a 14.2 kg gas cylinder for atleast 15–20 days. Even if we take this hero’s words at face value, we know he is earning 25000/- Rs. per month (which is like average monthly income of millions of Indians), he does not help his mother. Kanhaiya used to get subsidised hostel, food, internet access everything in JNU (living in JNU is heaven, everything is free, free, free). However, his mother was burning roti on a Chulha. The guy who asks for Azadi from poverty, even when he has money (plenty at that by the standards of a poor person), he does not give Azadi from Chulha to his own mother. A 14.2 kg gas cylinder costs somewhere around 500–600 Rs, with 25000/- Rs monthly salary, this guy says he cannot afford a gas cylinder. And we are being given sermons on poverty by people who cannot even take care of their own family. Incredible India.I repaid my education loan and bought few things for my family with the small 8000/- Rs stipend I used to get when I did my Master’s in IIT.Why are we letting the people like Kanhaiya cheat poor people claiming they are poor? This guy is an ‘intellectual’ and we have people defending him. God save India.It reminds me of the recent interview of a PhD student from JNU. When somebody asked him what do you do with your scholarship, he said I bought an iPad, ‘isme main padhaai karta hoon’. Any middle class person would know an iPad (any Apple product for that matter) is a luxury, it is for people who are not pressed for money. Any reasonable person, when he desperately needs a tablet (JNU provides free internet, library and all sorts of facilities it is not a need, but fine) he could have bought a cheaper Samsung or some tablet, not shell a lakh on an iPad. Priorities. The disgraceful person even took 16–20k from his poor parents for the iPad. With the iPad in hand he said, ‘I am very poor, thats why I need subsidy.’H.Y.P.O.C.R.I.T.E.Edit 3: Somebody also raised another question saying, this is just one paper and it is not complete thesis, and JNU professors are smart enough to judge it by themselves. In other words, no need of publishing or peer-review.CUTE.Hello cupcakes, here is how it works, people can write whatever they want in their thesis, and if their supervisors also do not care about research but only about running their agendas they will simply accept whatever their student writes. Here, research is not the main goal, but student politics, the ideological fights and the revolutions are. Moreover, if you belong to an ecosystem like JNU, the external examiners will also be JNU by-products, there will be NO real scrutiny of the work.That is exactly why the peer-review process and publishing your work in a ‘research’ journal is important. If a thesis written in JNU and checked only by JNU professors is the only product of your PhD, I am sorry, no academician would take you seriously.I am trying to get access to his PhD, if and when I get it I will dissect it like I did his ‘research’ paper. And a humble request, if you are studying in JNU, go to the library and send me a copy of his thesis.Anyway, in five years of PhD and three years of MPhil (oh btw, he worked on the same social transformation thing in his MPhil too, not African union but Senegal, here is the thesis:, the revolutionary published only one shady journal article, gives me ‘high hopes’ about his thesis. If you check it carefully, first two pages of this PhD ‘research’ paper is just copy-paste of his MPhil thesis. ‘Dr. Kanhaiya Kumar’ published his paper in a predatory journal, says a lot about his ethics. Unless and until a research gets published in a peer-reviewed International journal (Indian journals have a bad reputation because of such fraudulent activities) it is as good as non-existent. I can also write something about, ‘Technological advancement and Social transformation in Wakanda: A case study of the Marvel universe’, pay some money and get it published. ‘Dr. Kanhaiya Kumar’ indulged in academic malpractice, PERIOD. There is a famous adage in Kannada, ‘a thief is a thief whether he steals a small areca nut or an elephant’.Edit 4: I am accused of being biased against Communists.Let me make it easy for everyone reading this, I have no regard for the people who romanticise poverty and cheat the poor with elaborate dreams of the dictatorship of the proletariat which ultimately leads to senseless violence. Ideology which has resulted in the worst of the dictatorships possible, which has resulted in the deaths of millions of innocents should be opposed with all our might. I am a free-market capitalism supporter, I know for sure Communism is not the way forward for India. India was stuck in the socialist dark age till we opened our markets in the 90s. Look at the state of Bengal today with all that rosy Communism. India does not need that, and people should fight it.Edit 5: People talking about colonialism to defend communismColonial empires were inherently racist, the British never looked at us as equals. Apples and Oranges. If you want to really compare, compare the 60s-70s India with 2020 India, or even Mao’s China with present China (which is basically Capitalist Communism, an oxymoron, but fine). Before the 1991 market reforms, 'socialist economy' was forced on us. The Nehru family took cues from the Soviet Union and China, they followed them in every possible way. For those who don’t know, Indian five year plans were copy-paste of five year plans of the Soviet Union. Indian PSUs are copy-paste of the Soviet state-controlled industries.If you want to understand how the poverty in India has been reducing post-1991 market reforms read the research paper by Datt et al. (2016) or read this article - Revisiting poverty reduction in India with 60 years of data. To quote them, ‘Even though a trend decline in poverty emerged around the early 1970s, the year 1991-92 – the benchmark year for economic reforms in India – stands out as the year of the great divide. Markers of a structural break are many. There was a significant spurt in economic growth, driven by growth in the tertiary sector and to a lesser extent, secondary sector. The pace of poverty reduction also accelerated, with a three- to fourfold increase in the proportionate rate of decline in the post-1991 period. The acceleration in rural poverty decline was even higher than that for urban poverty.’Ever since the market reforms, we have been lifting the poor out of poverty faster than we ever could. The communism which I am talking about is the maddeningly authoritative state control of every sphere of life, which is essentially what the 'Communism' has led to everywhere in the world. People should have the freedom to do what they want, run their businesses how they want, buy goods from wherever they want. Yes, there needs to be a control to make sure environmental and other concerns are addressed but dictatorship is never the answer.On-paper Communism is great, everybody knows that, the ideals are lofty, but we know the end result, Soviet Union, China etc etc. And please don't tell 'real Communism' has not been tried anywhere. I have heard it so many times. It has failed time and time again for the simple reason that people love being free, and dictatorships of any kind ultimately devolve into oppression, because hey, human nature. If anything, the paths taken by Western countries like Netherlands, with free markets and universal health care, social security is good. But closing down the markets, demonising the capitalists does not help. Let me say it again, India was dirt-poor before the 90s. It is only after freeing the markets that we developed. The poor in 2020 is definitely better off than the poor before 1991, at least now the government has more money to spend. It is the capitalists who created the wealth which the government could then spend. The Communists of today have no other job than demonising the industrialists. Look at the state of West Bengal after decades of Communist rule. There are million other examples. I don't need the Communist sermons on how I am blindfolded. I was born in a poor family, I know what poverty is. Anyone who cheats the poor with unrealistic ideologies deserve to be countered. If your comment is about how I am blindfolded and etc, don't bother to comment. I am not uninformed, I am just realistic. And please stick to the critique of the revolutionary’s work.Edit 6: People asking me about the certificates of BJP leadersFirstly, I am not BJP spokesperson, you can go and ask them directly. Secondly, the only legitimacy of Kanhaiya Kumar is his ‘student leader’ and ‘PhD’ status. I am just a concerned researcher about the state of Indian universities. I wrote the answer for the simple reason that Kanhaiya professed his interest in becoming a professor, which will lead to more Kanhaiyas and bad research.Edit 7: People saying publishing is not necessary and even UGC has recommended doing away with the mandatory requirementYou argument would be valid, if and only if the work which is being done is surely of good quality or of some confidential nature which cannot be published. Before making this line of argument, ask yourself, how can we trust a work if everyone who checks the thesis is from JNU? Peer-review is a time-tested process for this reason only. There needs to be a quality-check, do not defend something for the sake of defending.Footnotes[1] International Journal of Humanities, Engineering and pharmaceutical science[1] International Journal of Humanities, Engineering and pharmaceutical science[1] International Journal of Humanities, Engineering and pharmaceutical science[1] International Journal of Humanities, Engineering and pharmaceutical science[2] International Journal of Humanities, Engineering and pharmaceutical science[2] International Journal of Humanities, Engineering and pharmaceutical science[2] International Journal of Humanities, Engineering and pharmaceutical science[2] International Journal of Humanities, Engineering and pharmaceutical science[3] International Journal of Humanities, Engineering and pharmaceutical science[3] International Journal of Humanities, Engineering and pharmaceutical science[3] International Journal of Humanities, Engineering and pharmaceutical science[3] International Journal of Humanities, Engineering and pharmaceutical science[4] International Journal of Humanities, Engineering and pharmaceutical science[4] International Journal of Humanities, Engineering and pharmaceutical science[4] International Journal of Humanities, Engineering and pharmaceutical science[4] International Journal of Humanities, Engineering and pharmaceutical science[5][5][5][5][6] Why India is striking back against predatory journals[6] Why India is striking back against predatory journals[6] Why India is striking back against predatory journals[6] Why India is striking back against predatory journals[7][7][7][7][8] Consortium for Academic and Research Ethics (CARE)[8] Consortium for Academic and Research Ethics (CARE)[8] Consortium for Academic and Research Ethics (CARE)[8] Consortium for Academic and Research Ethics (CARE)[9] Consortium for Academic and Research Ethics (CARE)[9] Consortium for Academic and Research Ethics (CARE)[9] Consortium for Academic and Research Ethics (CARE)[9] Consortium for Academic and Research Ethics (CARE)[10] Kanhaiya Kumar Exclusive From His Home Town Begusarai | Jab We Met With Rahul Kanwal[10] Kanhaiya Kumar Exclusive From His Home Town Begusarai | Jab We Met With Rahul Kanwal[10] Kanhaiya Kumar Exclusive From His Home Town Begusarai | Jab We Met With Rahul Kanwal[10] Kanhaiya Kumar Exclusive From His Home Town Begusarai | Jab We Met With Rahul Kanwal

As an Indian, what is your takeaway from Pakistani PM Imran Khan's UNGA speech?

To begin with, I would personally use this platform to congratulate Imran Khan on his maiden UN speech, specifically for two reasonThe first reason would be, somewhere back in 1965, another very popular Prime Minister of Pakistan, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, promised what he called a “1000 year war” against India[1][1][1][1] , on the same place where Imran gave his speech yesterday. I personally felt that there are some eerie similarities in both the men’s speeches when I compared them.The second reason would be, that his way of saying also reminded me of another “esteemed gentleman”, not from Pakistan, but it’s western neighbour, IranYup, the same Ahmadinejad who on UNGA podium made the unpardonable sin, of calling 9/11 as something that was actually a handiwork of USA[2][2][2][2] on their own soil and followed by peddling anti-Semitic remarks targeted at Israelis and the same Ahmadinejad who in public forum was infamous for everything from sexist to vulgar remarks on those he hated.Now in another story, somewhere in a packed stadium in Houston a few days ago, the Indian Prime Minister made a remark on Pakistan without taking the name-The ones who can’t take care of their own houses, the ones who have made their hatred of India as cornerstone of domestic politics, are getting sleepless nights for this (the removal of Article 370)Also the same man yesterday before Imran, gave his speech, the speech which as usual , focused more on India’s own things than any other. And of course, no mention of Pakistan again.Imran on other hand, went on to do what can be called a “Zulfiqar-Ahmadinejad ek kar dena” (translation: Combining Zulfiqar and Ahmadinejad) and dedicate a whole speech dedicated toBlaming India for KashmirBlaming Western world for IslamophobiaBlaming his own country’s corrupt for poverty back homeBlaming RSS for removal of Article 370Blaming common sense for world hating his fraternityAnd so goes on the list.Overall, the plan was simply to portray India as some evil empire, something that apparently few nations (except probably China) and probably some so-called human rights groups are buying.Not much attention to Pakistan in his speech. Whether Pakistan has become Disneyland or whether there is nothing new to talk of Pakistan, I guess anyone can decide.The obliviousness of the oblivious, or the hypocrisy of the hypocrite?Meanwhile as it goes, while Imran Khan is spending his precious time projecting India, a nation with not just a larger size and a better image around the world, but a far larger military with an actual experience of fighting wars and winning them all, as some kind of “Nazi-style aggressor hungry for territories and butchering minorities” just like how Bhutto did, what he clearly fails to see in last few days in his own country,A cartoonist got sacked from a newspaper for mocking Imran Khan believing Trump’s meditation offer[3] [4]Hindu, Sikh and Christian unmarried girls were getting abducted and and married off to Muslim men after a forced conversion, all apparently being done under a certain cleric close to Imran KhanA school principal who was a Hindu, getting attacked after a student peddled a fake story on blasphemy against him[5] , later this culminated to a mob attacking an entire community of Hindus.And many more incidents, more or less the same.So in his entire 50 minute roleplay of Bhutto Sr and Ahmadinejad at same time, Imran Khan managed to prove one thing too well, and that one thing is that irrespective of whether it’s 1965 , 1971,1999 or 2019, Pakistan’s age-old mindset of seeing Kashmir issue as it’s numero-uno reason for existence on this planet , has hardly changed a bit. What Bhutto peddled once upon a time when he was popular in Pakistan, is what Imran is peddling now when he is popular there.As it seems to be, his speech has become extremely popular back home among his countrymen, more so among those who voted for him, because many people still think that without Kashmir Pakistan as a nation is incomplete. This popularity is quite essential for him, specifically at a time when Pakistan’s economy is heading for more or less into doldrums. However beyond this , the speech is like any other UN speech. This too shall pass.What shall not pass, are the actions and words.Hatred is something one must do carefullyPakistan’s hatred for India was something that led to India’s attempts of getting into Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) in 1969 a dead pause, all thanks to Yahya Khan’s call for boycott that led to not simply a denial to India, but likes of King of both Saudi Arabia and Jordan apologizing to Pakistan and calling Indians as “crafty” and then King Hussein of Jordan declare the Indian ambassador to his nation as personal non-grata.While I am not much of a fan of India getting into OIC especially by the statements it makes on India, however that incident was something that India remembered too well.Because two years later, a new Muslim majority nation got created, once again, thanks to Yahya Khan and Zulfiqar Bhutto, and a little bit of help from India and it’s military+government.Some more decades later into today, many of these Islamic nations are having their companies like Saudi Aramco dealing with Indian companies, their Crown Princes sharing dias with Indian leaders and awarding top medals to Indian PM and siding with Indian narrative on Kashmir conflict[6][6][6][6] , all while Pakistan can do is nothing beyond it’s National Assembly speaker boycotting UAE.So in a way, Pakistan’s hatred for India didn’t convert into India’s hatred for Pakistan on a whole. It converted into India’s wish to be better than Pakistan.Are we better than them? Definitely we are.Should we now attempt to be even better than those who still side with Pakistan? We must!!!At the same time, Imran Khan must realize the same for himself on how far hatred can damage a person.To quote it by those two men at the top, Bhutto’s hatred converted into later bringing Zia ul Haq as his Chief of Army Staff , who later on ended up getting him hanged, and then Zia began Pakistan’s program to bleed India with a 1000 cuts, which today might certainly haven’t able to bleed India since it’s wounds healed and now can thrash Pakistan and in many cases even make it feel all alone in this world.Similarly, Ahmadinejad's hatred for all those around him has led to him today become the least popular politician in Iran[7][7][7][7]Now what lies tomorrow, I can’t tell it all. What I can definitely tell is, that India will as usual keep walking on it’s path, irrespective of what Pakistan says or does. Because we don’t need to justify our existence by showing another nation.Footnotes[1] Bhutto[1] Bhutto[1] Bhutto[1] Bhutto[2] Ahmadinejad tells U.N. most blame U.S. government for 9/11[2] Ahmadinejad tells U.N. most blame U.S. government for 9/11[2] Ahmadinejad tells U.N. most blame U.S. government for 9/11[2] Ahmadinejad tells U.N. most blame U.S. government for 9/11[3] Naila Inayat नायला इनायत on Twitter[4] Pakistani Cartoonist Fired Over PM Caricature[5] Bilal Farooqi on Twitter[6] Pakistan snubbed again after UAE says ‘Kashmir does not concern Muslim community’ [6] Pakistan snubbed again after UAE says ‘Kashmir does not concern Muslim community’ [6] Pakistan snubbed again after UAE says ‘Kashmir does not concern Muslim community’ [6] Pakistan snubbed again after UAE says ‘Kashmir does not concern Muslim community’ [7] Iran's former President Ahmadinejad relies on tweets to help maintain a public persona[7] Iran's former President Ahmadinejad relies on tweets to help maintain a public persona[7] Iran's former President Ahmadinejad relies on tweets to help maintain a public persona[7] Iran's former President Ahmadinejad relies on tweets to help maintain a public persona

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