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Was George Custer an incompetent military commander?

George Armstrong Custer is a character where there is more myth about him that seems to be completely out of step with historical facts. Even finding the facts there conflicting accounts, perhaps to save face but it was subsequently used to justify the actions of the US Army. He essentially was a martyr for Western expansion even though he was not the polished soldier that was made of him after his death.Yes he certainly was incompetent on the day of the battle of Little Big Horn, there have been many revisions as the news came of the massacre at Little Big Horn and there was the myth that made him out to be a great hero which existed for many decades after his death. On July 6, 1876, just two days after the United States centenary, news of Custer’s defeat was received. Custer’s defeat clashed with the centennial celebrations. Writers, poets and politicians romanticized Custer’s death, painting him as a hero to aspire to. As magazine editor E.M. Stannard wrote,“Custer fell! But not until his manly worth had won for him imperishable honor. Pure as a virgin, frank and open-hearted as a child, opposed to the use of tobacco, liquors, and profane language, free from political corruption, cool and courageous in the midst of the fiercest battle, he has left to us the model of a Christian warrior.”This was essentially what was said about him for the next 60 years even though there were plenty of Native Americans as well as people who knew him who would have called it out as Bullshit. There was the 1941 film “They died with their boots on” with Errol Flynn that kept this image take directly from his widow’s writings about himIn 1934, one year after Custer’s widow died, Frederic F. Van de Water published the biography Glory-Hunter, which portrayed Custer in a far more unfavorable light. Van de Water saw Custer as a proud, immature and foolish man “with little to recommend him beyond a headlong bravery and a picturesque appearance. He’d have made a damned spectacular United States Senator, but he was a deplorable soldier.” By the late 1960s he was seen as stupid to the point of being a lunatic and had become an embarrassment to educated white Americans this was an image of him in the film Little Big Man which implied he was suffering from advanced syphillus.Though he did not really have the makings of a good soldier as according to records he graduated bottom of his class at West point and racked up one of the worst records of personal conduct ever accumulated at the military academy. There are anecdotes that he only learned French to read Napoleon’s maxims.Custer was always an over the top character who loved publicity and gained more than other more accomplished officers. He was autocratic and a dictatorial leader, who had risen quickly through the ranks. He was certainly brave to the point of being almost comical as he had yet another horse shot from under him, he would be unhurt he was essentially immortal even Abraham Lincoln described him as “ the man who goes into the cavalry charges with a whoop and a yell.”. By all accounts, he was a bold, aggressive, and often inspiring field commander of cavalry. His trademark was not so much tactical brilliance as a combination of self-confidence, daring and luck. His dogged determination in pursuit of the Army of Northern Virginia is often partially credited for helping to end the Civil War.Custer’s first post war command ended when his Michigan Cavalry was disbanded after a mutiny, which was partly caused by his heavy-handed discipline as Custer had reintroduced the lash as a form of discipline. He was also court martialed in 1867. Before he went west, hoping to improve his résumé with a some triumphs over the Native tribes, Custer had pursued a book deal in New York writing a bestselling biography “my life on the plains” which one sardonic wit called “My lies on the plains”.Though at the time of the battle Custer was very much in disgrace as because of his participation in hearings aimed at exposing the corruption of the Ulysses S. Grant administration—a political blunder that infuriated the president to such a degree that he was ready to punish Custer by keeping him on the military sidelines.In any modern army Custer would have been weeded out quickly as unsuitable for command or perhaps ending up fragged by his own men even the camp mascot would be involved by some, but more people would just mention he liked the action but hated doing the mundane things that a commanding officer has to do like paperwork. Almost like the caricature of the American soldier who shouts “Gung Ho” into battle and has “pray for war” tattooed on their biceps.However, after the civil war there was a lack of competent commanders. Custer had a reputation for reckless bravery to the point of stupidity, it was mentioned that he had at least eleven horses shot from under him yet was only wounded once. The Battle of Little Bighorn and the disastrous defeat had a lot to do with this behavior: as the Battle was one of the US Army’s greatest defeats. Under the command of Philip Sheridan, the US Army moved against the natives, but plans went awry when Lieutenant Colonel George A. Custer, on his own initiative, tried to attack with his 7th Cavalry.He had been certainly mistrusted by his superiors but also he had the problem of his subordinates: Major Marcus Reno and Captain Frederick Benteen, who didn't much, like each other either. This was fateful, since Reno and Benteen were in charge of the Seventh Cavalry's other two columns once Custer's contingent rode off. Reports of Reno being so drunk during most of the battle to exercise command, but he recuperated afterward by buying and drinking eleven gallons of whiskey over a twenty-two-day period. Captain Benteen was a very different kettle of fish to Reno; Benteen saw himself as a professional and was disgusted by Custer's "pretentious silliness." Yet his chilling satisfaction at the sight of Custer and his brother and nephew dead on the field "The Lord, in His own good time, had at last rounded the scoundrels up" highlights the distain he had for Custer.Yet the battle could have different had Reno's charge had not been repulsed. That panicked him and his men into a retreat as the survivors took refuge on a promontory known today as Reno Hill. Meanwhile, Benteen, sent with his three companies by Custer on an expedition with no recognizable purpose except to cheat him of his share of the expected glory, had turned back.The Natives certainly were not waiting to ambush in fact many reports seem to suggest they were really surprised by the attack as many were having their breakfast.If anything Custer’s willingness to attack combined with his ambitions was the problem and ultimately caused the defeat. The Native reports seem to suggest they didn’t know what was going on and it was Custer’s failure as he made many fundamental errors He was over-confident, and wanted and easy victory to bolster his personal ambitions, there are suggestions that he was considering running for President in the future was speculated. He ignored the advice of his scouts to wait for reinforcements. There is also conflicting accounts that he did listen to his scouts to attack as the seventh Calvary should attack immediately as they had been spotted.The last stand was very much a myth an archaeological survey in 1983 found that Custer's men fell in a running battle, perhaps as they scattered and fled down the hillside towards the river. It also found that Custer was not scalped, which suggests that he shot himself, because the Sioux did not scalp a suicide according to an article I had read. Though some think it was more likely that, to avoid capture and torture, he was shot near the end by his own brother Tom - who died with him. There are accounts in Native American oral histories that often assert that Custer and his men committed suicide when they realized they had lost. One account from Wooden Leg, a Northern Cheyenne Indian, described a chaotic scene up on the ridge: “Right away, all of the white men went crazy. Instead of shooting us, they turned their guns upon themselves. Almost before we could get to them, every one of them was dead. They killed themselves.” though an examination of the bodies only found 3 bodies that could be seen as suicides. Though there was the story that was made by two Cheyenne women asserted they had pierced George Custer’s ears with needles so he could hear better in the afterlife. Reports also circulated that George’s penis had an arrow rammed up it, a detail kept secret to protect his widow, Libbie. Whilst. Many reports state this body only suffered gunshot wounds to the chest and left temple was not badly mutilated. While every other soldier’s remains were mutilated as part of the native’s revenge rituals. His Brother Tom’s body was so badly mutilated; he was only identified by a tattoo on his arm.Custer was incompetent as he had attacked a far larger enemy who turned out to be better armed in part because he thought it would have been an easy victory, could be an explanation. There is also the fact that he had two officers who were not going support him Reno was drunk whilst Benteen was a lot more comfortable with Custer being dead. The Natives were always portrayed as being primitive and he saw his tactics more like a medieval knight than a modern soldier. Friends in high places as well as the efforts of his wife who as a professional widow over the years went to preserve a myth of a great hero, for a man who was routed by “a bunch of savages”. Going through the various stories and myths he has gone from heroic fighter to just a warning on how not to fight an enemy. In fact a mock court martial of Custer found that Custer violated the United States’ Articles of War “by failing to conduct appropriate reconnaissance and by dividing his force in the face of a numerically superior enemy.” Which does highlight a level of incompetence simply because this is not a mistake that any military officer would make now.If anything from doing a bit of research Custer’s character is a lot more complicated as he changed from a heroic soldier, who died with his boots on, to a fool whose bravery resulted in both his death and all the men under his command. There are plenty anecdotes either way. Was he incompetent - well getting all his men killed certainly suggests so. It could be argued that Custer’s achievement at little Bighorn was that his utter defeat created a martyr and contributed more to winning the west than many other things.<spell checked and translated into American English as some people get upset that I use Imperial English spelling>

What schools accepted/rejected you (April 2020)?

I applied to 19 schools (I considered an honors college as a separate one). Majority of them were in-state (NYC/Upstate area, Long Island), with 8 of the schools being out of state. I’ll include some of my stats as well as a short description of how they are presented the way they are, and what school I’ve decided on at the moment.BackgroundBlack/ First Generation College Student (both of my parents are from Trinidad and Tobago).Middle class family.My public high school is split into 3 communities, not actual schools. This was part of the plan when the school was first created, as it allowed for more student focus since they were put into 3 different communities. At graduation, we would have 3 salutatorians and 3 valedictorians.Class Rank: In my community, I rank 2 out of what I think is 85 students.Test ScoresSAT: 1190/1600 (640-EBRW/550-Math)21/24 on the essayACT: 25 (I didn’t report this score in any of my applications)AP English Language and Composition Exam: 3My school only offered a few AP classes, as the way they were ran made the material much simpler than it was supposed to be. I had only taken AP US History, Environmental Science, Psychology, and English Language. I was expecting to take English Literature and Statistics in my senior year, but before it started the two courses had been removed. This was the only course in which I passed the following exam for, everything else was a 2.Senior Year CoursesCalculus: this wasn’t an Honors or AP course, it was mainly a standard one.Senior EnglishRegents Chemistry (In NY, certain subjects have a test you take at the end of the school year called the Regents)Dual-enrollment classes at CUNY Queensborough Community College. For my senior year, I’ve taken a second level Psychology course known as “The Psychology of Adjustment”. I’ve taken my fourth course, overall, known as “Introduction to Criminal Justice.”Government: Our (high) school is run on a semester system. The first semester was dedicated to economics, and the second was dedicated to Civics.Participatory Budgeting and Justice: This was a special course, as I believe only 40 schools were selected to offer this course. The school received $2,000, and our principal matched that, so we had $4,000 to work with. Throughout the course, we learned about budgeting and government proceedings, as we had also worked to give a voice to school opinions and determine what they would like us to improve with the $4K. After conducting a survey vote, our school had spent the money on improvements on bathrooms (although I don’t think that change could materialize since the COVID-19 pandemic closed down our schools).Student/Senior Government: This is both a class and a club, as once every week we meet up to discuss events that we can hold for the student body and what can be done for the seniors.Physical EducationExtracurricular ActivitiesNational Honor Society member since 10th GradeSchool Beautification Club co-founder: I founded this club along with 3 other NHS members. It mainly started off as cleaning up areas of the school and trying to promote a much cleaner environment, as I was hoping we could’ve done more than this. Unfortunately, it had to be halted given all that was occurring. I received the Leadership award along with my 3 other founders from our school’s NHS.Fencing: I only did this in the 11th grade and then the coach quit :/Church Lector: Every Saturday I would help out at mass by participating in the daily readings since the 10th Grade.Field Biology Internship: For 8 weeks, I participated in an internship at a nearby park and its nature center. I conducted some small research regarding the environment, where at the end of the internship we had to prepare a presentation on an environmental topic based on the research we conducted. My topic was simply about Climate Change.Student/Senior Government: see description under “Senior Courses” section.“Herstory”: This was a writing club headlined by my Sophomore and Junior Year English teacher. It was partnered with Adelphi University, as every week we would come together and collaborate. We would share pieces on topics ranging from mental health to loss of a loved one, as would provide positive feedback and suggestions on what can be done to improve it for the next time. In the end of each semester, the club would have a final reading where we all gather and share the culmination of our weeks work.Teaching Intern: This was part of another class I took in Junior Year, in which we were required to attend an internship with one of two neighboring elementary/middle schools. I was assigned to a first grade class, which grew very fond of me including the co-teachers for that course. I helped teach some lessons, ensured that the students were completing their work, and cleaned the classroom and organized files for the teachers (some of this may have sound mundane, but as the year progressed I helped along with other interns in decorating a hallway in preparation for some of the school’s bigger events).CollegeNow: This was the program that offered the dual-enrollment course(s) I had taken. We earned real college credit that can be applied towards the college that we go to (dependent on if the credit matches any course that we would have to take). I’ve done this since junior year.GPA: My school went by a 100 system, and the last I’ve checked, my cumulative GPA was a 97.36 weighted.Letters of Recommendation: I got one from the person who I always help every Saturday at church, the professor at my dual enrollment course(s) for psychology, my Chemistry teacher (who was also my Biology teacher sophomore year), my Spanish teacher (he had known me for the 3 years I was in his class), and my Algebra 2 teacher (we got close, and she liked me as a student throughout the year I was in her class). When I write this part of the answer, it did seem like a lot of letters to have.My common app essay was about my ability to succeed in a speech contest at elementary school despite having a speech disability, where I managed to grow into a succeeding person at high school. Felt a bit generic, but after getting it edited it seemed to be something much more deeper to me.Here are the college decisions. I applied to most of these for Regular DecisionAcceptedCUNY Hunter CollegeCUNY City CollegeCUNY Brooklyn CollegeAdelphi University: I was accepted to this school through an on-site admissions** program that my high school offered.Long Island University-Post : I was also accepted to this school through an on-site admissions program at my high school.SUNY Binghamton: This was considered to be one of the best SUNY schools out of those that were in the system.University of Minnesota-Twin Cities: I was a bit surprised to be accepted to this school. I applied here because I wanted to move to Minnesota in my adult life, or when my career began. This school felt like more of a target for me.Penn State-University Park: I liked this school as well, and was happy to be accepted. However, I don’t think I would attend this school given the lack of financial aid they provided me. :/Hofstra University: I was also accepted to the Honor College (which I don’t think I applied for). I got the Dean’s Scholarship, which was $26,000 per year. I don’t think I’ll attend this school either, given it’s short distance from where I live.** On-site admissions is when an admissions counselor from a college visits your high school, reviews your application and then immediately tells you whether or not you have been accepted to said college.WaitlistedSUNY Stony Brook University: I was a little surprised to see that I was offered a spot on the wait list. I declined it however since I wasn’t too keen on attending this school. Plus I knew there were other applicants who wanted to go to this school more than I did.University of Michigan: This is my dream school! I knew it was a competitive school, but I fell in love with the atmosphere and the academics as well. I was also surprised to see that I was considered up to the point I got this decision, but upon reading the letter, I immediately accepted the offer. I’m still praying and hoping for good news from this school (l listed 4 majors for this school and attached 3 letters of rec. That probably could’ve been why I’m in this position as well).RejectedBowdoin College: I didn’t submit my test scores for this school since it was test optional. I thought my essays and some of my achievement would help in my application, but I guess not. I also had a slight feeling this would happen given the competition among the other applicants.Boston University: This one stung for a little bit. I first woke up on the Saturday that the decision was posted, checked my email and found that the decision was available. I logged into my portal only to see that I was rejected. I wouldn’t really mind going to this school since it’s pretty great academically and it’s in Boston, which is a pretty nice city. However I did see the average SAT range, and I didn’t think the academic rigor at my school would help given the caliber of this one.Yale University: I toured the campus and attended an info session the July before my senior year started. New Haven did have its sketchy parts and moments, but I fell in love with the campus and the vibe that the school exuded. I know my test score(s) weren’t exactly the best, nor the courses I had taken, but I still took a risk and applied. I completed the application a few days before it was due, and managed to get them edited, but when I revisit the supplements, it still felt a little bit mediocre to me.Columbia University: I couldn’t really tour this school, but I still applied regardless. I hadn’t really exposed myself to much classical material as I thought Columbia had expected, but I still provided lists of my interest in literature and entertainment. Again, a little bit stunned yet still had a strong expectation this would happen.Brandeis University: I was stunned by this one as well. I had help in the college application process by two people. One person is from a service known as UStrive and the other was a former student from my school who goes to this college. He checks up on me to see how I’m doing and helps guide me through anything I need to complete for the sake of the process. I even referenced him on my application when it asked for all the sources I learned about Brandeis from. I was on the phone with him when I was opening up the status update, but again as me and him were both stunned to see that I had been rejected. I didn’t submit my test scores as I instead used a graded paper from my Government class. I guess I underestimated how competitive this school was as well.New York University: I had originally expected this to happen to me, despite how well I crafted my application. I was a little bit down when viewing the decision, but it was a bit expected given that over 85,000 people applied here for the CO2024. Plus I’ve also heard that the financial aid NYU gives out isn’t really helpful, so to say. My parents also liked this school, since their medical school is free for any student that attends NYU. I toured the school in Junior Year and loved it especially since it was in the Greenwich Village area.CUNY Macaulay Honors College: I actually expected this to happen, but I only applied since I felt like it was worth a shot given my academic standing.CUNY Baruch: I didn’t have any strong feelings towards this school, and by the time I got a decision from them, I had already committed to another college.University of Michigan: *see the second update at the bottom of this post*As of now, I’m mainly looking towards committing to SUNY Binghamton, as it still provides a traditional college experience I’m looking for and has a pretty good value with it, that is unless Michigan accepts me (I’m hoping that they also provide some substantial financial aid despite my being an out-of-state student, if the acceptance happens).Reflecting on this process, I definitely would’ve changed some of the things I had done, starting with studying more for the benefit of improving my test scores. I also would’ve limited the amount of EC’s I had listed, since I probably should’ve kept only some of the ones that were the most meaningful to me or I dedicated the most time to. More time could’ve also been put into crafting my essay and writing supplements. I understand that the college I go to doesn’t define my worth or abilities as a person, even if an elitist part of me tells me otherwise. In the end, I still managed to make my parents proud, even despite the rejections from the schools that had plentiful resources and opportunities. Overall, the college application process was a pretty interesting time during my high school years, as it also had taught me more about myself in ways I wouldn’t have thought to look at.I had applied to most of these schools for Psychology, but I am now interested in studying Neuroscience for the Pre-Med track. I’m open to hearing any advice on how to adjust to the college life as a first-generation student, and if anyone is studying Neuroscience or is a Pre-Med student. I’m also open to hearing your opinion on how the major is and any study skills that might help. I’ll come back to this post later once I make my decision or if anything has changed before my final high school year ends.Last Note: I had contacted the admissions office and my regional counselor for Michigan about whether it’s acceptable to send a letter of continued interest, and they said no (I first asked the counselor via email, where he thanked me for the email and appreciates my interest in the school). I simply ask, if you’ve been waitlisted, how was your experience? Did the school accept you off of it? If not, what school do/did you go to?UPDATE: I apologize for being extremely late on not updating this post at an earlier time, but here I am now. I’ve committed to Binghamton University! I still haven’t heard anything from U of Michigan, but I feel that I’d be better off going to Binghamton for the time being since I’m already deep in the process of preparing to start the Fall 2020 term.SECOND UPDATE: Again, apologies for not being timely on updating this post. On July 24, I got an email from U of Michigan in which I had been rejected (or in other words, am unable to attend the school since all of the remaining spots had been filled up). U of M did say that I am welcome to apply as a transfer student, preferably when I am a rising junior. For now, I’ll enjoy my first two years at Binghamton (planning to major in Neuroscience for Pre-Med) and decide where I’ll go from there. I look forward to starting my time at college.THIRD UPDATE: I’ve finished my first semester at Binghamton. Overall, it was a rather interesting experience transitioning from high school to college. I’ve learned how to properly manage the classes I’m taking (Rate My Professor helps), and next semester I intend to develop a stronger work ethic, and a more rigid study routine and schedule. I did manage to pass all my classes, but I know I can do much better in the coming months and years.

Was there a Macedonian genocide?

This is a complete fabrication which is fascilitated by taking mutual attrocities perpetrated in the Macedonian struggle between Greeks and Bulgarians , and substitution the word “Macedonians” in place of the word Bulgarians.The Macedonian Struggle was a series of social, political, cultural and military conflicts that were mainly fought between Greek and Bulgarian subjects who lived in Ottoman Macedonia between 1893 and 1908.War crimes were committed by both sides during the Macedonian struggle. According to a 1900 British report compiled by Alfred Biliotti, ] starting from 1897, the members of the Exarchist committees had embarked upon a systematic and extensive campaign of executions of the leading members of the Greek side. Moreover, Bulgarian Komitadjis, pursued a campaign of extermination of Greek and Serbian teachers and clergy. On the other hand, there were attacks by Greek Andartes on many Macedonian Bulgarian villages, with the aim of forcing their inhabitants to switch their allegiance from the Exarchate back to the Patriarchate and accept Greek priest and teachers, but they also carried out massacres against the civilian population, especially in the central parts of Macedonia in 1905 and in 1906. One of the notable cases was the massacre at the village Zagorichani (today Vasiliada, Greece), which was an Bulgarian Exarchist stronghold[15] near Kastoria on 25 March 1905, where between 60 and 78 villagers were killed by Greek bands.According to British reports on political during the period from 1897 to 1912 over 4000 political murders were committed (66 before 1901, 200 between 1901 and 1903, 3300 between 1903 and 1908 and 600 between 1908 and 1912), excluding those killed during the Ilinden uprising and the members of the Bulgarian and Greek bands. Of those who were killed, 53% were Bulgarians, 33.5% were Greeks, Serbs and Aromanians together 3.5% and 10% were of unknown nationality.David Barchard, The Fearless and Self-Reliant Servant: The Life and Career of Sir Alfred Biliotti (1833-1895), p.50Gounaris, Basil C. "National Claims, Conflicts and Developments in Macedonia, 1870-1912" (PDF). An online Review of the Affairs, History and Culture of Macedonia. p. 189. Retrieved 8 May 2012.Jezernik, Božidar (2004). Wild Europe: the Balkans in the gaze of Western travellers. London: Saqi [u.a.] p. 183. ISBN 978-0-86356-574-8.Hazell's Annual. Hazell, Watson and Viney. 1908. p. 574.; Edmund Burke (1907). The Annual Register of World Events: A Review of the Year. 148. Longmans, Green. p. 334.The Encyclopedia Americana: A Library of Universal Knowledge. 27. Encyclopedia Americana Corporation. 1920. p. 194.Henry Noël Brailsford (1906). Macedonia; its races and their future. Metheun. pp. 215–216.Theodora Dragostinova (17 March 2011). Between Two Motherlands: Nationality and Emigration among the Greeks of Bulgaria, 1900–1949. Cornell University Press. pp. 39–40. ISBN 978-0-8014-6116-3.Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons (1906). Parliamentary Papers, House of Commons and Command. 137. H.M. Stationery Office. p. 24.The Macedonian question, 1893-1908, from Western sources; Nadine Lange-Akhund; 1998 p.279Basil C. Gounaris; Preachers of God and martyrs of the Nation: The politics of murder in Ottoman Macedonia in the early 20th century; Balkanologie, Vol. IX, December 2005While reading the above, it is obvious that there are mutual acts of aggression with a sense of reciprocity. By pretending that the Bulgarians described above were actually Macedonians, their is no longer anything mutual , and their is no sense of reciprocity, hence Greeks are presented as aggressors.Unfortunately, a false version of history has been taught in North Macedonia and the ethnic Macedonians have been convinced that they were never Bulgarians. This is why they erroneously claim that there was a genocide. Historians tell us otherwise.The mainstream European historiography maintains that the idea of separate Macedonian nation was developed mainly during the Second World War and was adopted en masse immediately after itNaoum Kaytschev, Being Macedonian: different types of ethnic identifications in the contemporary Republic of Macedonia. No. 30, Macedonia in 20th and 21st century (2014), pp. 123-132John Van Antwerp Fine states that throughout the Middle Ages and Ottoman era modern Bulgarians and Macedonians comprised a single people.John Van Antwerp Fine, "The Early Medieval Balkans: A Critical Survey from the Sixth to the Late Twelfth Century"; University of Michigan Press, 1991, ISBN 0472081497, pp. 36–37.Ethnic Macedonians erroneously depict Bulgarians fighting for Bulgaria against Greece in the Second Balkan War, WW1 and WW2 as innocent “Macedonians”.After WWII in Macedonia the past was systematically falsified to conceal the fact that many prominent ‘Macedonians’ had supposed themselves to be Bulgarians, and generations of students were taught the pseudo-history of the Macedonian nation. The mass media and education were the key to this process of national acculturation, speaking to people in a language that they came to regard as their Macedonian mother tongue, even if it was perfectly understood in Sofia.Michael L. Benson, Yugoslavia: A Concise History, Edition 2, Springer, 2003, ISBN 1403997209, p. 89.The fabrication of a genocide is further collaborated by ignoring all of the following:The Slavic people in Macedonia INCLUDING GREECE, greeted the Nazis and the Bulgarians as liberators hence they were the enemy.A crowd in Skopje on 20 April 1941 celebrating the entry of the Bulgarian Army and displaying banners praising the Axis invasion in MacedoniaBulgarian troops entering Bitola on 21 April 1941. In fact, they were greeted as alleged liberators from Serbian rule, while pro-Bulgarian feelings prevailed during the early stages of the occupation.Ohrana were armed collaborationist detachments organized by the former Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization (IMRO) structures, composed of Bulgarians in Nazi-occupied Greek Macedonia during World War II and led by officers of the Bulgarian Army."The Second World War and the Triple Occupation" Archived 2007-07-02 at the Wayback MachineMiller, Marshall Lee (1975). Bulgaria During the Second World War. Stanford University Press. p. 129. ISBN 0-8047-0870-3.Detachment of Ohrana in Lakkomata, Kastoria, Orestida in 1943Wow, the local Slavs (the Bulgarian that are erroneoulsy being referred to as Macedonians) were organized into Slav security batallions against the Greeks!The Bulgarian occupying forces began a campaign of exterminating Greeks from Macedonia. The Bulgarians were supported in this ethnic cleansing by the Slavic minority in Macedonia. In the city of Drama in May 1941, over 15,000 Greeks were killed. By the end of 1941, over 100,000 Greeks were expelled from this region.Max, Ben. "atrocities during the greek civil war".Following the defeat of the Axis powers and the evacuation of the Nazi occupation forces many members of the Ohrana joined the SNOF where they could still pursue their goal of secession. The advance of the Red Army into Bulgaria in September 1944, the withdrawal of the German armed forces from Greece in October, meant that the Bulgarian Army had to withdraw from Greek Macedonia and Thrace. There was a rapprochement between the Greek Communist Party and the Ohrana collaborationist units.The National Liberation Front was a communist political and military organization created by the Slavic Macedonian minority in Greece. The organization operated from 1945–1949, most prominently in the Greek Civil War. As far as its ruling cadres were concerned its participation in the Greek Civil War was nationalist rather than communist, with the goal of secession from Greece.In summary, the Bulgarians in the Macedonian region of Greece fought with the Bulgarian Army against Greece in the 2nd Balkan War, WW1, WW2 and the Greek civil war alongside the communists as ethnic Macedonians for the first time after 1945. They collaborated on all four occasions for the purpose of seceeding , and annexing Northern Greece to Bulgaria on the first three occasions and to Yugoslavia in the Greek civil war. After so many failed attempts, they were evicted or ethnically cleansed.Ethnic Macedonian historiography portrays all of the above as a genocide by refraining from mentioning that Slavic people in Northern Greece were actively participating in armed conflicts for the purpose of taking away Greek territory, and also by substituting the word “Macedonians” in place of the word “Bulgarians” for all of the events taking place before the end of WW2.There is no reference to any sort of Macedonian genocide outside of North Macedonia ultra-nationalist spheres of influence. Unfortunately the fanaticism of some of these people is so great, that they have even resorted to presenting photos which have nothing to do with an alleged genocide of Macedonians on social media. Here is a compilation of such fabricated evidence.(warning!!!: The site contains graphic images)Macedonian League | FYROM Slav Genocide PropagandaPictures of genocide used out of context in a fraudulent manner by FYROM Slav diaspora groups and their supporters in order to promote the so-called "Macedonian Genocide"

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