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What are some great mind-blowing books? Why?

New does not mean better for high-quality thinking and writing. Instead of describing notable books published this year, I detail what you will enjoy. I bet my reputation on these picks.This list is a portion of the 65 books that I read since January. It would be selfish to keep these great works to myself. You should purchase each book so you can initiate an emotional roller coaster or intellectual journey within seconds.1. Oryx and Crake by Margaret AtwoodWith shades of Aldous Huxley's Brave New World and the Black Mirror series on Netflix, it is time for you to read this before Atwood receives the Nobel Prize in Literature (my prediction is within the next 3 years). Without giving away the plot, this is a story about the price of analytical intelligence without emotional intelligence, unrequited love, and a dark look at futuristic technology. Consider this quote about the pursuit of eternal, physical youth:Maybe this is the reason that these women arouse in Snowman not even the faintest stirrings of lust. It was the thumbprints of human imperfection that used to move him, the flaws in the design: the lopsided smile, the wart next to the navel, the mole, the bruise. There were the places he'd single out, putting his mouth of them. Was it consolation he'd had in mind, kissing the wound to make it better? There was always an element of melancholy involved in sex.Don't you want to leave your computer right now and carefully trace the unique contours of a lover's body right now? Passages with this level of depth are spread throughout the novel, seemingly irrelevant to the larger topic. Learn how to think and write. Learn why I adore Margaret Atwood.As a bonus: read the other two books of the trilogy in order: The Year of the Flood followed by the finale, MaddAddam.2. The Prestige by Christopher PriestYeah, yeah, you might have enjoyed Christopher Nolan's movie based on the book and relished exceptional performances by two of my favorite actors (Christian Bale and Michael Caine). It was a good movie but alas the book is a deep dive into the psychological depths of envy and revenge. And if by chance you idolize Tesla as I do, pick this up for his character development alone. Let me offer a single quote that captures Priest's appreciation of the art of curiosity:My error, at first, was to assume that the sheer brilliance of the effect would be enough to dazzle my audiences. What I was neglecting was one of the oldest axioms of magic, that the miracle of the trick must be made clear by the presentation. Audiences are not easily misled, so the magician must provoke their interest, hold it, then confound every expectation by performing the apparently impossible.Honestly, this is one of my favorite fictional books and Priest is one of my favorite writers. His books are a testament to my belief that reading fiction is an ideal strategy to develop divergent thinking, perspective taking, and wisdom. So many of my colleagues believe fiction is a waste of time when there is much to learn about psychology, history, economics, and politics. To them I say, fuck you. Humans are storytellers. Persuasion is about storytelling. Without storytelling, communication is nothing more than a collection of words. Good fiction is the jam.As a bonus: read his two other books for a lesson on innovative thinking: The Inverted World and The Affirmation. Let me state that again: Read these books if you want to enter a landscape that is so foreign that you will wonder how you became such a linear, non-creative thinker in comparison. Both are profound but imperfect. If I had to recommend one it would beThe Affirmation. The entire novel revolves around one question: Imagine you received an offer of immortality but the price was the loss of all your memories, would you do it? You are in for a treat.3. The Remains of the Day by Kazuo IshiguroHe won the Nobel Prize in literature this year, primarily because of this book. I am embarrassed to admit that I never read it until scoring a $2 used copy in a hidden store called Books and Other Found Things. It just seems so damn boring - the life of a butler. But oh how I was mistaken. This short treatise is about a man who must contend with his employer's link to Nazis. To bring this to life is what separates a Nobel Prize winner from the rest of us. Forget the narrative arc. This story is about deciding whether to express emotions or not, whether to speak up or not, and the internal suffering from trying to remain neutral in a chaotic world. Pay close attention to his exquisite choice of words as a lesson on exceptional writing.4. Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste NgHow does mother handle a relationship with a daughter who finds another family to be more desirable than her own? How does a town deal with a free spirit, a renegade thinker who encourages people to be themselves? I suspect this book would do wonders as a mandatory reading in high school English classes. Let me share my favorite paragraph:Parents, she thought, learned to survive touching their children less and less. As a baby Pearl had clung to her; she’d worn Pearl in a sling because whenever she’d set her down, Pearl would cry. There’d scarcely been a moment in the day when they had not been pressed together. As she got older, Pearl would still cling to her mother’s leg, then her waist, then her hand, as if there was something in her mother she needed to absorb through the skin. Even when she had her own bed, she would often crawl into Mia’s in the middle of the night and burrow under the old patchwork quilt, and in the morning they would wake up tangled, Mia’s arm pinned beneath Pearl’s head, or Pearl’s legs thrown across Mia’s belly. Now, as a teenager, Pearl’s caresses had become rare—a peck on the cheek, a one-armed, half-hearted hug—and all the more precious because of that. It was the way of things, Mia thought to herself, but how hard it was. The occasional embrace, a head leaned for just a moment on your shoulder, when what you really wanted more than anything was to press them to you and hold them so tight you fused together and could never be taken apart. It was like training yourself to live on the smell of an apple alone, when what you really wanted was to devour it, to sink your teeth into it and consume it, seeds, core, and all.Need I say more? This is a cautionary tale about the fluidity of relationships, small-town thinking, conformity, and the roadblocks in accepting change.5. Girls & Sex: Navigating the Complicated New Landscape by Peggy OrensteinHaving read this before the influx of sexual harassment and abuse scandals, the relevance is only increasing in value. I realize that this book has been pitched to women. Pink binding. Girls & Sex in 72 font on the front. Men need to read this, especially dads (read my letter to Dads of Daughters). Peggy interviewed hundreds of girls and describes the trends and outliers of what its like to be a sexual being in a male-dominated world. pleasures. fears. intimacy. pain and suffering. This is a well-researched book as demonstrated by her exploration of cultural differences in the Netherlands compared to the United States:What’s their secret? The Dutch girls said that teachers and doctors had talked candidly to them about sex, pleasure, and the importance of a loving relationship. More than that, though, there was a stark difference in how their parents approached those topics. The American moms had focused on the potential risks and dangers of sex, while their dads, if they said anything at all, stuck to lame jokes. Dutch parents, by contrast, had talked to their daughters from an early age about both the joys and responsibilities of intimacy. As a result, one Dutch girl said she told her mother immediately after her first intercourse, “because we talk very open[ly] about this. My friend’s mother also asked me how it was, if I had an orgasm and if he had one.”You might be asking, so what, does it matter? The answer appears to be yes.By 2005, four out of five Dutch youth said that their first sexual experiences were well timed, within their control, and fun. Eighty-six percent of girls and 93 percent of boys agreed that “We both were equally eager to have it.” Compare that to the United States, where two-thirds of sexually experienced teenagers say they wish they had waited longer to have intercourse for the first time.Be prepared to have 4 highlighters ready. You will be a better man for reading this book. Get this for the girls in your life, to let them know they are not alone in this confusing landscape. We are all ignorant bastards and the best thing we can do is educate ourselves and stop assuming we know what we don't know.6. Popular by Mitch PrinsteinThere's a reason you need to buy this book: You will be exposed to a solid body of scientific research that will change the way you think about yourself. That sounds lofty and untrustworthy.Far too many popular psychology books rehash the same studies (gritty West Point cadets get better grades, kids that resist eating a marshmallow for a few minutes are less likely to get divorced later in life, adults ironically experience a greater sense of flow when they are "in the zone" at work than in their free time, etc.). Prinstein will expose you to research that has never been shared outside of academia. And here's what you will appreciate: the research is embedded into the narrative, easy to digest, and requires minimal knowledge about psychological science.The fact is, Prinstein is a great storyteller. He weaves together meaningful studies, interesting stories, and important questions to ask yourself. The highlights:In Chapter 2 he provides a fantastic framework of the 5 types of kids/adolescents/adults in terms of their likability. I will resist sharing the details.In Chapter 3 he discusses how we are wired to follow crowds with a discussion of 4 problems with popularity. This chapter alone is worth the price of the bookIn Chapter 6 he discusses how our sense of popularity is built-into our sense of self (for better or worse) and more importantly, why.In Chapter 8 he dives into parents who possess their own popularity concerns that can be toxic to raising kids who successfully manage their own friendships and foes. A thought-provoking chapter with sexy science.In some ways, we are frozen in adolescence. The world remains a junior high school lunchroom where you stroll to find the table you wanted to sit at, the table you avoided, and the table you sat at. Frozen in the past, many of us are unable to escape the behavioral patterns during that time period and fail to outgrow what worked then to fit in that might be obsolete.This is an important book with beautiful prose. I hope it gets into more people's hands.7. I Contain Multitudes by Ed YongA hot trend in science is the microbiome. Deepak Chopra claims that our gut microbiome listens to our thoughts and if you think positively, say goodbye to irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea, and other physical health maladies. Other writers, theorists, and scientists argue that our microbiome helps explain autism, anxiety and depression, reactions to traumatic events, and the progression from HIV to AIDS. I bring this up to point out the difference between Young's book and much of what I have read on this topic. I Contain Multitudes does not go beyond the data. The science is astounding and Young tells awe-inspiring stories about the history of this field, oddities in the animal kingdom, and exquisite descriptions of where there hopes and myths exceed existing evidence.Young provided one of the most compelling answers to this question:When a human mother breastfeeds her child, she isn’t just feeding it; she is also feeding the child its first microbes, and ensuring that the right pioneers settle inside its gut. Knight wonders if the same applies to meerkats. Do the abandoned pups start their lives with the wrong microbes because they don’t get mother’s milk? Do those early changes affect their health in later life?Read the book to uncover fodder for the debate on whether a formula can match the biopsychosocial benefits of breastfeeding. I will admit that this is a tough read because of the density of interesting content. But don't let this deter your curiosity...enjoy the work in small bites.8. Mrs. Fletcher by Tom PerrotaI confess I love books that address meaningful life transitions. I have a particular fondness for lives unlike my own. All this is to say Mrs. Fletcher hit me because it's about how mothers manage life once their children are fully grown. Few people discuss the loneliness, for mothers and fathers. Perrota captures it beautifully:She was lonely and looking for new friends, and it broke her heart a little every time she showered and changed without exchanging a single pleasant word or sympathetic look with anyone.All the freedom she’d experienced in the fall, that giddy sense of new horizons, all that was gone...She was just plain old Mom, chopping onions, feeling neglected, cleaning lint from the filter. Her life felt shrunken and constricted, as if the world had shoved her back into an all-too-familiar box that was no longer large enough to contain her.You can read this in two days. Yes, some of the sexual threads are over the top and some of the characters are underdeveloped but the entertainment value is worth the price.9. The 33 Strategies of War by Robert GreeneHere is the problem with most writers: They don't ask whether the world needs them to write a book. The world needs this book. War metaphors can be tiresome but Robert Greene is not your typical writer. He conducts years of meticulous research on how wars are won and lost over the past 3,000 years of history. Somehow he distills lessons learned into 33 principles. You will remember them because Greene knows how to tell stories. Exhibit A: THE ONE-UPMANSHIP STRATEGY:The Academie Francaise, founded by CardinalRichelieu in 1635, is a highly select body of France'sforty most learned scholars, whose task it is tooversee the purity of the French language. It wascustomary in the early years of the academy that whena seat became empty, potential members wouldpetition to fill it, but on the occasion of a vacant seat in1694, King Louis XIV decided to go against protocoland nominated the bishop of Noyon. Louis'snomination certainly made sense. The bishop was alearned man, well respected, an excellent orator, anda fine writer.The bishop, however, had another quality as well:an incredible sense of self-importance. Louis wasamused by this failing, but most in the court found itdownright insufferable: the bishop had a way ofmaking almost everyone feel inferior, in piety,erudition, family pedigree--whatever they had.Because of his rank, for instance, the bishop wasaccorded the rare privilege of being able to have hiscoach drive up to the front door of the royal residence,while most others had to get out and walk from theentrance doors of the driveway. One time thearchbishop of Paris was walking along the drivewaywhen the bishop of Noyon passed. From his carriagethe bishop waved and signaled for the archbishop toapproach him. The archbishop expected him to alightand accompany him to the palace on foot. InsteadNoyon had the carriage slow down and continued hisdrive to the front door, leading the archbishop throughthe window by the arm, as if he were a dog on aleash, meanwhile chatting away superciliously. Then,once the bishop did get out of the carriage and thetwo men started up the grand staircase, Noyondropped the archbishop as if he were nobody. Almosteveryone in the court had a story like this one to tell,and they all nursed secret grudges against thebishop.With Louis's approval, however, it was impossibleto not vote Noyon into the academy. The king furtherinsisted that his courtiers attend the inauguration ofthe bishop, since this was his first nominee to theillustrious institution. At the inauguration, customarily,the nominee would deliver a speech, which would beanswered by the academy's director--who at the timewas a bold and witty man called the abbe deCaumartin. The abbe could not stand the bishop butparticularly disliked his florid style of writing. DeCaumartin conceived the idea of subtly mockingNoyon: he would compose his response in perfectimitation of the bishop, full of elaborate metaphorsand gushing praise for the newest academician. Tomake sure he could not get into trouble for this, hewould show his speech to the bishop beforehand.Noyon was delighted, read the text with great interest,and even went so far as to supplement it with moreeffusive words of praise and high-flying rhetoric.On the day of the inauguration, the hall of theacademy was packed with the most eminentmembers of French society. (None dared incur theking's displeasure by not attending.) The bishopappeared before them, monstrously pleased tocommand this prestigious audience. The speech hedelivered had a flowery pomposity exceeding any hehad given previously; it was tiresome in the extreme.Then came the abbe's response. It started slowly, andmany listeners began to squirm. But then it graduallytook off, as everyone realized that it was an elaborateyet subtle parody of the bishop's style. DeCaumartin's bold satire captivated everyone, andwhen it was over, the audience applauded, loudly andgratefully. But the bishop--intoxicated by the event andthe attention--thought that the applause was genuineand that in applauding the abbe's praise of him, theaudience was really applauding him. He left with hisvanity inflated beyond all proportion.Soon Noyon was talking about the event to one andall, boring everyone to tears. Finally he had themisfortune to brag about it to the archbishop of Paris,who had never gotten over the carriage incident. Thearchbishop could not resist: he told Noyon that theabbe's speech was a joke on him and that everyonein the court was laughing at the bishop's expense.Noyon could not believe this, so he visited his friendand confessor Pere La Chaise, who confirmed that itwas true.Now the bishop's former delight turned to the mostbitter rage. He complained to the king and asked himto punish the abbe. The king tried to defuse theproblem, but he valued peace and quiet, and Noyon'salmost insane anger got on his nerves. Finally thebishop, wounded to the core, left the court andreturned to his diocese, where he remained for a longtime, humiliated and humbled.InterpretationThe bishop of Noyon was not a harmless man. Hisconceit had made him think his power had no limits.He was grossly unaware of the offense he had givento so many people, but no one could confront him orbring his behavior to his attention. The abbe hit uponthe only real way to bring such a man down. Had hisparody been too obvious, it would not have been veryentertaining, and the bishop, its poor victim, wouldhave won sympathy. By making it devilishly subtle,and making the bishop complicit in it as well, deCaumartin both entertained the court (alwaysimportant) and let Noyon dig his own grave with hisreaction--from the heights of vanity to the depths ofhumiliation and rage.Winner of the most dog-eared pages of any book read this year. Enjoy a classic. Practical as well as entertaining, you will add tools to dealing with other people.10. The Dark Net by Jamie BartlettIf you want to know what lies beneath the surface of Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, read on. If you are curious about what people do with bitcoins, discover the activities that your neighbors intentionally leave out when asked "so, what have you been up to?" Trolls. Pornography. Hardcore drugs. Racists. Terrorists. Read this and then find me a pub so we can talk about the details.Do not skip over the haunting Chapter 4—three clicks.#11. bonus time.I want to offer another book written by a writer in my neighborhood—Wishes, Sins, and the Wissahickon Creek by PJ Devlin. For only $3.25, you can get this set of 10 short stories. The first one, I Wish It Every Day, blew me away. It is a beautiful tale about the transience and often illusory nature of friendships from the perspective of two high school girls. This one story is worth it. But I suspect you will fall for the 9th story, Pogo's Bridge about the torturous life of two brothers, one being a dwarf. Do me a favor - pick this hidden gem up.This company’s service will blow your mind.

How can I improve time management?

The best way to do so is to set worthwhile goals and work on achieving your goals.Think about it. What is success?It is the deliberate accomplishment of worthwhile goals over a specified time frame.Success, therefore, begins with goals and goals define success.Successful people are driven by goals and they take massive and ever-improving action to achieve them.Goal setting compels them to go further and faster in life. It helps them to focus and channel all their resources in the right direction.Goal setting is a key to managing a successful life. It's a logical and fulfilling approach to purposeful living.Step 1: Define Your 5Cs GoalsGoal setting begins with the choice of worthy goals. Goals that help you serve a high calling and for a worthwhile cause.The following are the 5Cs of worthy goals:1. Goals must be concise.A goal that is concise and well defined is already half achieved. With clarity, you will have a greater sense of strength, control, and direction.2. Goals should be clear. Eg. Do not, for example, say you wish to make a lot of money. State, specifically, how much money you plan to earn.It should be in a written format. This is in line with an Oriental proverb which says that “The palest ink is more enduring than the strongest memory.’Preferably, you should be able to carry it in your wallet so that you can review it regularly.Your goals must be expressed in terms of measurable results. In that way, you can monitor your progress and improve accordingly.3. Goals should be challengingDouglas Edwards, a pioneer in sales training commented, “If you don’t believe you can achieve the goal, you won’t pay the full price for it.”Besides being achievable, goals should be inspirational and motivational. It should challenge you, stretch your mind, and bring out the best in yourself.Goal setting will become a meaningless exercise if you cannot give it your total commitment. It will not drive you to take action if you are not passionate about it and you don’t have faith that your goals will come to pass.4. Goals should be controllable.Achievement of your goals depends on the intensity of desire to turn it into a reality and your desire depends on how easy it is to recall your goals.You should make it a point to remember your goal and strategy to achieve it at all times even if you do not refer to the written planIn addition, you should be able to map out the goals on to a schedule. There must be a specific time frame for achieving the appropriate activities, key performance indicators (KPIs), and sub-goals.5. Goal-setting should be continuos.Goal-setting is not a one-time affair. It goes through an iterative process of correcting and changing itself for the better. It should be constantly updated to stay relevant, effective, and beneficial to you and others around you.Step 2: Develop Sub-GoalsThe Chinese have a saying, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” And, if I may add, and then one more step… and then one more step… until you achieve your goal.By developing sub-goals, it will also help you monitor your progress and ensure you are moving in the right direction. Eg. By the first week, I must do… By the first month, I must achieve…Step 3: Determine A Compelling PurposeTo achieve your goals, you must have compelling reasons to do it. If you do not know the ‘Why’s for achieving your goals, you will never find out the ‘How’s.Your purpose will drive your performance and pursuits.Whatever the compelling reasons you have for achieving the goal, they must be vital, passionate, and sustainable to you.These qualities will cause you to jump out of bed every morning to work hard and smart to achieve your goals.Step 4: Prepare YourselfBarriers.To succeed, you need to know why you may fail. You need to know what will prevent you from achieving your goal and take every possible action to overcome them.Your barriers may be related to people, things, yourself, situation, or even something intangible like a bad experience in the past. Eg. bad habits, procrastination, fear of failure etc.Price.Success comes with a price. You must make sacrifices, discipline yourself, and persevere through the long, narrow, and winding path towards success.When you persist, the price will become an enjoyable part of a satisfying and fulfilled life.Remember, in the future, you will look back and either experience the joy of relentless pursuit or the pain of endless regret.Take action now, eg. Give up eating unhealthy food, stop negative activities, end toxic relationships etc.Learning.You cannot attain a higher level of achievement with current capacity and competence.You need to upgrade your knowledge, skills and other resources to play at a higher plane in life.Step 5: Craft StrategiesYou need to constantly ask yourself, “How can I achieve my goals?”Explore all options by answering questions that begin with why, what, where, who, when, and how.You have to evaluate the resources that you have; for example, your time, money, and energy, and decide how best to deploy them to achieve your goals.Decide what you have to do every single day to achieve your goals. What kind of a lifestyle you need to have so as to achieve your goals.In addition, determine how you can leverage on systems, technologies, people, tools, and other resources to achieve more and better results.You should not only take the right action but also take these action correctly.The best way to learn and improve is to teach others.Share your goal-setting journey with like-minded people. Help them to duplicate and improve on your success and achieve even better results.The more you inspire others to be better than you, the more inspired you will become to improve yourself. It will increase your motivation to achieve your goal.Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).You need to set appropriate KPIs that will help you chart your progress, help you take corrective action, and help you improve yourself. Eg. How much weight loss, how many books to read, how many people to train, etc.You must continue to take every action to learn and improve your knowledge, attitude, skills, and habits (KASH).You need to make time time to role play and practice your skills. Solicit 360-degree feedback from competent and caring parties to help you improve and achieve your goals.Step 6: Motivate YourselfA lot of goals live and die shortly after they have been set.For goals to be achieved, it must be driven by a growing desire and this desire must be kept alive and burning until the goals are achieved.Goals must become a vital, integral, and desirable part of your life.Goals must be constantly visualised using all five senses. The clearer you see, hear, smell, taste, and feel how joyful and rewarding it is to achieve your goal, the faster it will be achieved.Use aids; including pictures, photographs, and words placed in strategic locations, to remind you of your goal.You can also record what it means to achieve your goal and play it back to yourself regularly so as to stay motivated.Request positive people to help you stay motivated in achieving your goal.Avoid ‘energy vampires’ who will suck your energy, distract you, and keep you away from achieving your goals.Work through the goal with your friend or as a team. Hold each other accountable every step of the way.Adopt successful people as your mentors. Like they say, “You cannot fly with eagles if you mix with turkeys.”Interact with these top performers, learn from them, and model after their positive action.Communicate your goal daily through SMSes, Emails, social media,and telephone calls to people who will be able to give you positive encouragement, feedback, and other forms of value-additions.Surround yourself with a team of goal-driven performers. You can synergise with and leverage on them to achieve better results.Place yourself in an environment where there are minimal temptations and maximum motivators to drive you to your goal.You should also reward yourself when you reach every sub-goal. By celebrating your achievement, it will motivate you to set more and better goals.Success breeds success. It will spur you to do more for your life.Step 7: Take ActionAfter you have planned for the activities to reach your goal, you must act.You must master the courage and commit yourself totally to your goal. Remove all fears, uncertainties, and doubts that will hold you back.Continue to strategise and take massive action to turn your goal into a reality.If you have been reading my Love Notes, you’ll know that I call this process, ‘Go4It!’You must take the first step and then be prepared to take the next better step.Do not be sidetracked until you have completed your action plan and achieve your goal.James Russel Lowell, a famous poet once wrote, ‘All the beautiful sentiments in the world weigh less than one single lovely action.’Remember, if you keep walking on the same path, you will always reach the same destination.To reach a better destination, you need to improve the road, find a better road, or develop your own road.Commit yourself to a process of purposeful and never-ending improvements to take yourself to a higher level of success.Successful people will always do the things ordinary people will not do and will not do the things that ordinary people will do.In the words of Paul Myer, ‘Whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe, and enthusiastically act upon must inevitably come to pass.’Continue to review and improve on your plan on a daily basis.Please make goal setting an integral part of your life.When you do so, you will become an effective time manager.

How do I become a master at attracting women, considering that I'm socially awkward right now?

This will be very long as a question like this deserves a proper answer and this subject is a huge passion of mine!Its going to be hugely educational, hopefully fun and its going to lay out the understanding at a deeper level on how to be ‘that guy’ women find attractive. See it as a manifesto of sorts or like a guide, something you can learn. This is for guys who struggle with women or women who just want to learn a bit as well.So sit back, take some notes, it took me a long time to piece this together, i commend you for taking the time out to read this, enjoy!Im going to lay out the foundations.Meeting women is a SkillsetThe first thing you need to learn about meeting women is that meeting women is a skillset, its something you can learn.The average guy today sees it that you are x/10 in looks, x/10 in money, you walk up and go ‘hi’ and however much you are good looking or rich, the girl just like bends over and starts fucking you or she doesn’t. Thats the average guys concept of this.(It doesn’t necessarily work like that theres more to it, sure if you are very good looking as a guy you can stand there and girls would make it very easy for you to take it further with them but for most of us thats not the case).There are even guys who go to a great school, wear an expensive watch, gain 30ibs in the gym, have a great car and they are still unable to attract the girls they want.Many guys are stuck in this paradigm, its a paradigm where they believe that attraction, theres nothing you can do about it, you just walk up and whatever happens happens because a lot of men feel that way about women, like you either like her or you wouldn’t, so she will either like me or she won’t.Im gonna make a suttle point here. If you’ve ever studied spiritual growth, the lowest level in spiritual growth is called being a victim and being a victim, the common element of someone operating at a low level, the main thing that they believe is that they are at the effect of the universe not at the cause.So you’ll notice theres a lot of toxic individuals that are carrying around the heaviest of energy of the world and they believe there is nothing they can do, you can call them incels, they truly believe there is nothing in the world they can do.They always want to believe they have no control, its like when you talk to a homeless person what are they gonna say? ‘The world is stacked against me, wether its the illuminati, the government’, but you’re sitting there smoking crack all day, are you sure its not the crack?..no its the government.So when you’re in a low state you often feel like you’re a victim.What does it mean then that it is a ‘skillset’?What that means is if you can give her the emotions that she wants (even if you dont have the logical things she thinks she wants on paper) you can still get through by giving her the emotions.For example on paper what is it shes going to say she wants?‘A cute guy, whos rich, whos 6ft tall etc’Cool thats great, make sense right?But what does she really want when she says she wants a guy whos 6ft tall or whos rich or whoever it is?What are some things she wants:One of them is a feeling of safety and security.The feeling of a leaderThe feeling of being taken care of, she can feel in her feminine around a masculine man.Wants the feeling of validation (why do you think she likes a popular guy)She probably wants emotional highs and lows. She wants to feel a range of emotions.So learning how to be good with women can allow you to create those emotions in women even if you might not have that exact perfect criteria.Your looks and money is not as important as you thinkThe reason why this is, is because women look at behaviour.There looking at whats called ‘sub-communication’.In your behaviour, whenever you walk into a room, how much are you the leader? How comfortable are you with yourself? Who is the boss in that room?Any guy who believes that only the most ‘prettyboy’ in the room is the ‘top’ guy is probably very limited in their experience.I never said being a prettyboy doesn’t help, but if you think it doesn’t help at all thats also pretty delusional.But that doesn’t stop a guy who’s good with girls from taking women off that guy night, after night after night and in addition to that, most guys who are pretty boys because they dont bother to learn deeper, will do the dumbest things to ruin everything, with the women they talk to.Lets talk about money. Using money to get women is so cheesy. It does not work. If you dont believe it, heres my advice to you, go test it, lie, lie about your money.Go take pictures of yourself with all this baller shit, find someone who has a lambo, if you get laid doing it then i guess you found the answer to all your problems.Learn what a real boss is, learn to be a boss.Learn what it means to be in any room and know that nobody is above you.Learn what it means to be in a room and understand that everyone will benefit from talking to you.Dont assume that attraction is just being good looking or having money. That if you’re good looking enough you can just sit there and be like ‘Hi, im good looking’ then the girls just fucks you.Learn:The Eye contactThe Vocal TonalityThe JokesThe Frame controlThe HumourThe leadershipHaving them chase validationBuilding social proof, working a venueHaving a gameplan of logistics to bring her home.Heres a point about being ‘ugly’ vs being ‘good looking’.Do you think guys who are short and who are balding are creepy?Well heres why they can be seen as that.When a man is short he will have so many limiting beliefs in his head, he’s been battered down by society for so long, he gets paranoid, so if someone just throws a little tease at him he’ll be like ‘why are you insulting me’ and he’ll get funny about it, and a guy who’s balding gets rejected he’ll be like ‘I knew its my hair!’ And then he’ll be depressed about it, he’ll come off rather creepy.A lot of the times good looking guys are very relaxed, have you noticed that?A man who’s been very attractive at a young age and has been given great social feedback his entire life, carries himself oftentimes with great ease.So if you see a good looking guy who is great with women, i would encourage you to look at the ease with which he carries himself, the assumption of rapport.When you walk up to a woman, and you just assume rapport, she feels that other people in the past have been nice to you, so she should be nice to you as well.A guy who’s been good looking most of his life, will often walk with no defences up, he just expects people to be nice and friendly because of that he does well.Learn to:Let goBe at easeTo have funBe RelaxedSure, if you’re a shorter less attractive guy it may be more harder for you, but with that being said if you’re a short guy and you can’t get most people at the club to talk to you is this really an ‘attraction’ problem? Or is this that you can’t get someone to talk to you? Because if you can’t get most people to talk to you, thats a social problem.So for that, practise talking to people without trying to get laid for a month. When you can get everyone talking to you and enjoying your company, if you still dont get laid then you can look at it deeper.Understand that the same thing that puts you in your head, that makes you have limiting beliefs is probably whats making you act creepy and its probably whats putting people off.All those self-doubt and defensiveness and weirdness around your insecurities is usually whats putting people off.When you’re just very free and you have your guard down and you’re just talking to people in a fun free way, people generally will be very responsive.Men Often Experience Attraction like a light-switchHeres what i mean.When you see a woman, you know pretty quickly wether or not you’ll have sex with her.You know how women are like ‘men are pigs?’Thats because us men, we’d have sex with a tree. Its the truth.Right now if you saw a tree that had a lubricated hole in it and no-one would know, for sure you’d do it.Why do you think american pie was so popular? Because when you saw that kid try to fuck the pie, you related. You’re like ‘its warm, its sticky i’d fuck the pie.’Btw women would call men pigs for this but really there insulting men at a core biological level.It is a woman’s best interest to get the best seed that she can because it takes her 9 months to have a kid and shes probably gonna raise it.A man can reproduce in 20 seconds. So if a pies looks warm and lubed up.....you got 20 seconds to fuck the pie.A lot of the times women will front as though them wanting to be married is very ‘high-brow’ like them wanting to secure a high level man for ‘provisions and security’ is ethically great, but a guy who wants to have sex with tons of girls is a ‘bad, naughty little boy’.Well if you think about it a woman getting married to a high level man, is the equivalent of a man having sex with everything that moves.She is optimising her evolutionary strategy and you are optimising yours.But for some reason women’s strategy is viewed as a ‘good’ one whereas mens strategy is viewed as a bad one, but of course when a man like Leo Di Caprio does it, he gets a ‘pass’, more on that later.Women experience attraction like a volume-knobWhat does that mean?Girls are not gonna know right away if there gonna have sex with a guy.They’re gonna want to experience his personality, evaluate his status.So when you go up to a girl shes looking at things like yourVocal TonalityEye contactBody languagePersonal boundariesLeadershipWho’s ‘Alpha’The way the energies flowingGood emotionsIf she wants your validationAnd that will cause your volume-knob to go up.Understand that what you experience in attraction is very different than what she experiences as attraction.Knowing to control your:EnergyCommunicationSub-communicationwhen you learn to become a master of this, you’ll be able to make an impact almost nobody can make.The reason why is because most men are creepy and you’ll be one of the few guys who’s not creepy and for that reason, women will be so appreciative because you understand what they’re experiencing and you’re giving them an energy only so few people can give.Whats the way this works in practise?You go to a girl and you communicate with her in a way where she doesn’t have to make a decision right away.Let her see your personality, when shes into it, move her to the other area of the club and you escalate from there.You’ll sense what she wants, this is called social calibration.Women will categorise you as a Lover or Provider and have Two different standards depending on who you areAnytime you talk to a woman about what she wants in a man, shes gonna be 99% of the time in her logical mind.So you’ll ask her ‘Have you ever had a one-night stand?’ She’ll say no.‘Would you ever have sex with a guy you just met?’ the answer no.‘What do you think of guys who do threesomes?’ Ewwww.‘What do you think of guys who get laid a lot?’ Ewwww‘How would you like a guy to act?’ Nice!‘What do you wanna do?’ Date!‘What kind of date?’ Nice date!‘How long are you gonna wait to have sex with him?’ Months!Now you have that girl in a different frame of mind. Have her by Leo Di Caprio where every girl is fighting for his attention, do you not think she’ll go back with Leo and have a threesome, or a foursome, or fivesome?Her behaviour is gonna be completely different to her ‘boyfriend’ or ‘husband’, she will beta male shame him‘Take out the trash!’‘You suck’‘You’re being annoying!’‘You just can’t get anything right’A lot of the times women have a deep seated resentment because heres what happens.You get a guy who’s a ‘beta male’ she will NEVER sleep with him for fun or have a choice.But what he does is ‘sweeten the deal’. He will be like well if you wont give me sex for fun, ill give you half of my net-worth, half of my assets, i will be a rug for you to step on, and for that reason shes had sex with a bunch of guys she really wants to have sex with, but they wont commit because those guys have too many options, and then finally she’ll be like well this guy will commit to me, so then because of that she’ll commit to him, but deep down she hates it!So ‘provider males’ sweeten the pot.For every girl who would make a guy wait for sex, theres a guy she will 100% have sex with, same night, no problem.So theres always a guy who will pay full price, he’ll get yelled out, treated like crap, beta male shamed, told to take the trash out in a nagging tone, she’ll make him wait six months.For every girl who would make a guy pay full price, theres a guy who would get a ‘discount’.There will be a girl who is doing the chasing and would sweeten the deal to get a guy, on the other end the guys chasing the girl will put up with being treated like dirt.So the question is do you want to be the general consumer, a consumer who gets a really good deal? Or do you wanna be the guy who’s no longer a consumer?So you have to become that guy who gets a good a deal.The reason is not to get loads of casual sex, even though you will.The reason why you do this, is so when you get in a relationship your girlfriend will want to fuck you twice a day.Its common to find a girlfriend who would have a ‘low’ sex drive until she starts dating you and then becomes horny all the time.The problem is if she doesn’t worship you, she’ll worship someone else.Be the exceptionYou want women to make an exception for you.That same girl who she delayed other guys for sex, you want her to do it quickly for you because its gonna be healthier for her in the long-run.Women typically enjoy sex as much or more than men doThe problem is, they get judged for it.So women have a messed up relationship with sex.A reason why is because they have to stuff their emotions down with logic, to make sure what shes doing isn’t ‘slutty’ behaviour, but really shes just having fun and enjoying the moment.Its like when you talk to a girl and shes enjoying your attention, your making her laugh and you’ll see her friends leap in and drag her away, this happens with girls who have boyfriends too, you’ll see this all the time.Understand that with women, they start off with a low buying temperature point (Their attraction knob is low), then when you talk more and give them the feelings they need, now maybe they’re willing to talk for a minute, now maybe a couple minutes, now willing to hold hands, now willing to kiss or something, now willing to move around the club with you, now shes willing to tongue you down, now willing to go restaurant with you, now willing to hang at your crib, now shes lying in your bed, now you’re making out in bed, now shes willing to have sex.But its a ‘progression’, theres a ‘progression’ that women have with their buying temperature.Just because a woman’s willing to hold hands now, doesn’t mean she wants to make out, later she wants to make out, and it will go up and down like a volume knob, depending on how you’re effecting them.So what you’ve got to do to be great with women is understand how to walk up, and use your personality to move that needle up.As the needle moves up, you can check in with her and see, if she may want to go further with you.That can go up and that can go down.Heres the pros and cons:Pros-If you’re a man who is 6/10 in attractiveness you can have sex with women many points more attractive than you, when you move her up, but, it also means for the rest of your life, your relationship is in jeopardy, badly.Heres why, cons -When you’re ‘winning’ in life, women want to have sex with you. So you meet your wife, you’re in ‘winner’ mode, she got aroused for you, now shes with you.Later, you take a couple of hard knocks and your win mode goes down, now your ‘sub communication’ changes to a ‘beta’ male because you get beaten down.So the thing is this, there are two things that are truly important to a woman:To Fuck Alpha Males, she will do this quickly and to make a double standard by treating him like a god.To NOT FUCK A BETA MALE, to not have an alien Beta male child put in her stomach.Because women will always say ‘I like ‘beta’ males (or nice guys), they’re nice’, but say to them ‘do you like beta male cum? Do you want the cum of a beta male in your pussy?’ They’ll be like ‘NO!’. You’ll see it they get like angry, they’ll get enraged.Have you ever had your girlfriend, you became a beta male and she hated you like she was satan? Like she was possessed by the devil? Your sweet little princess who you adored, this girl you had these tender moments, and then the next thing you know shes like satan and bringing up random shit from 5 years ago you barely remember, like ‘5 years ago you were late for the donuts store, you dont appreciate me or love me!’.What do you do? ‘No honey i do appreciate you and love you with my entire heart’ , which is like ‘beta, beta, beta, beta’ in her mind.You’ll notice that girls who just dump a beta male, they will walk and NEVER think about that guy again, but often times a girl who got cheated on, (like she found out he was with 20 different girls) she will be following his instagram for YEARS, she’ll be talking about him for YEARS.You get caught being a beta male, you are dead to her.So when a girl discovers you’re a beta male and she previously thought you were an alpha, she will feel an enragement and a disgust and horror.Now there ls beta male shaming, where they poison drip you and shame you and theres all out beta male rage, when the woman realises ‘my man is a loser’.The reason shes going into a rage is because its a biological defence to stop her from fucking the beta.She cannot afford genetically to fuck losers. Meanwhile a winner, she will treat like a god of the earth.So be aware that theres this huge swing, that same girl who you shared good moments with, then later becomes satan, when shes with a new alpha, she will be that sweet girl for him, but no longer for you.Guys are only mad about this when they identify as the victim.If you feel any anger or fear about this its because you’re a beta male.So rather than blame women for you being a ‘beta’ male, fix the problem. Stop complaining.Its like when people complain about big businesses take the money.....so run a business then. Stop complaining. Do you think being mad at this will solve anything?The mechanism in your mind that makes you mad about this is the same reason you’re a beta male; you’re too liberal with your time and energy. An alpha male has boundaries, an alpha male is stingy with his time, mental capital, emotional capital, he doesn’t waste time thinking about stuff thats not productive.How does this apply when you approach a girl?So you go up, you make good eye contact, vocal tonality, everything seems great she is into you.But then at some point you get a little nervous or outcome dependant and then she runs off.So then whats happening is the reason why a girl doesn’t fuck a guy right away, (you already know if you’re attracted to her or not) is because she doesn’t know if you can stay ‘consistent’ for a couple hours.Typically what a woman needs to see is a couple hours of you consistently staying as that guy.Where her buying temperature goes up and you ‘stay as that guy’, for several hours.Now shes gonna test you (shit test), so shes gonna act up and if you become reactive and you get emotional and lose your confidence, whats funny is she’ll often get mad at you (beta male rage), like she’ll test you and you’ll say ‘oh no please no’ then shes like ‘you’re an asshole!’ And walk off.Stop wishing that women like beta males, change your perspective.Be happy that women dont fuck beta males, be happy at beta male rage because what it means is it will incentivise you to change.You will be forced to change in ways that will help your life dramatically. You should be thanking women, women are there to help you, they’re there to assist you.If you became a beta they’re like ‘you dont need to be fucking me right now, fix your shit. Im gonna go over here now, you fix your shit and come back when you’re ready’.So women reward winners, its evolution.What do women want and what does it mean when they say ‘just be yourself’?When women say just be yourself, they want you to be yourself in a way where you dont have this front, or a wall up, pretending like you’re being higher value than you really are.What women want is for you to be a high value guy and to be congruent to that.Example of a high value guy?Club promoters. Club promoters typically tend to be having sex with the hottest women.Why?All it is is because they have this bubble where they are the shit. They are the top guys in their circle, they are the alphas of their group.You dont need to be super rich, super good looking and be this perfect guy in order to be the alpha that gets women, but if you do that is for your own happiness.What does this all mean?Girls pick the fun, leader guys.When you do this It means if you choose to develop in this way you can pick a girl from abundance rather than scarcity. You can actually choose a girl that is your best fit.How do most guys pick their next girlfriend?Answer - whoever will have them.You’d think that women would be turned off if other women like you, but women are not afraid of popular guys. They may say they dont like a popular guy, but they would still bang him if given the chance.Anytime that a girl isnt treating you right, like dirt ask yourself a question.‘How can i become the guy where for him my girlfriend would have a one-night stand’ and go become that guy.Dont chase what you want, elevate your game so that what you want chases you.Women enjoy sex as much as men, but they feel judgedWhat would get you laid more, a medical degree, having a lot of money and a nice house?OrBeing fun and non-judgemental?Fun and non judgement is the key to getting laid.The more that you are non-judgemental and don’t care, when you get it that a woman wants to have sex that night, you’ll get laid you may not just have one girl, but two or three at a time because you’re somebody they can explore their sexuality with.You gotta frame yourself as someone who women can explore their sexuality with, who will not judge them, otherwise you become that guy who is paying full price.Why do you think girls like gay guys, one of the reasons is because theres no judgement, its just easy, fun and free to be around them.Once you go to be that guy who judges her, her social value is at risk. So she will cut you out of reality.Why?Because men may hear about it.For example if Dolce and Gabanna had a sale or gave away their clothes for free and word got out, are you now willing to spend $5000 on their jacket?They go bankrupt.Women deal with this pressure continually.On one level women want to have sex with fun guys, on another level they want their value to stay high.This is the lover, provider distinction.Women usually take dating in a logical, slow and awkward fashion, but they make decisions about sex very quicklyThe strongest position is to be a lover and to offer to be the provider not the other way round.What does that mean?A girl will think about the perfect boyfriend for months, but by the time shes done thinking about it, the answers usually no, but with a hook up she’ll just do it.Heres why.If you go to vegas and your friends say lets throw down $2000 on a table and you have the money to do it, do you need to see the table in advance?Now if you’re just thinking about a table to buy for your house, do you need to see that table?One is an experience, the other is an investment.An experience you’ll decide quick which sounds fun and exclusive.The table in your house, the investment, you’ll think for a long time.So you wanna be the guy who’s the experience for the girl, make it an experience.If you make it this big heavy decision, there gonna think about a million things, unless you truly have a shit load in common the answers gonna be no.Girls will say‘I love it when a guy buys me a drink’,okay but how many guys buys you a drink?‘Hundreds’,how many guys have you fucked?‘Three’,Well whats the answer then.Don’t listen to what women are saying who makes them attracted, look at who they fuck.Who she fucks is her actual buying behaviour.Its like when we say ‘i just want to eat kale and vegetables’ but then you go out with your buddies and you have a pizza, you’re lying to yourself, you dont know what you respond to.Women will think they know who they wanna fuck, they dont, look at who they actually hook up.Most girls will say ‘All these guys are narcissists and assholes’.What does that mean?Most guys are incredibly nice, like most guys are personable and nice people, like where do you find these narcissist? Whats going on as explained above is the narcissists just happen to be alpha.So look at the guy shes hooking up with. Understand why shes out with him, high status, fun, alpha.These are the components girls respond to.Become abundant with women, it is the ultimate self-fulfilling prophecyThe ultimate aspect of all this is abundance.Abundance means somebody who is no longer in scarcity.When you get a crush on a woman theres two types of feelings for her you can get.Scarcity basedAbundanceThe quality of difference with a woman you fall in love with in abundance vs scarcity is so different.In scarcity you need her so badly, she is your world, she is your only option, you are desperate and pathetic.Please get out of that.If you’re in complete abundance and you know that you could be sleeping with women who are equally attractive or more attractive, maybe even a better fit, you will view your relationship completely differently.You’re gonna have the ability to love women so different from if you were in scarcity and they are going to feel it.They will find that love and affection to be far more genuine and real than from a guy in scarcity.They’ll often find the love from men in scarcity to be very fake and disingenuous.Often times when you tease a girl and treat her like your dorky sister, she finds that treatment more real than someone who puts her on a pedestal.Putting women on a pedestal turns them off, not just because it shows you as a beta male, but more importantly because they view it as fake.She knows shes not some princess, so if you treat her that way as if you fully believe that it freaks her out.On the other hand when you know shes a dork, but shes ‘your’ princess, that is a completely different quality that shes gonna experience and shes gonna fall in love.Closing ThoughtsA lot of the time learning to be better with women is viewed in a sleazy way in society, like ‘you’re just some sleazy guy fucking these random girls’.Learning to meet women is creepy, true, but do you know whats even creepier?Not learning to meet women.At some point a guys gotta try something, you can either own your sexuality and say ‘im a sexual being, i’d like to meet a partner, i’d like to meet women and date women on the way to being that partner and im gonna go out and work on my social skills, im gonna work on my fundamentals and im gonna become a more attractive man and bring more on the table for women and learn to meet women’.You can do that and hopefully get some success or you can flip that around and say ‘im not gonna do anything, im gonna sit on my hands and do nothing, hope the problems gonna sort themselves out, which it doesn’t, while the problem festers and make your life worse and at some point you’re gonna be so lonely and be really weird.The solution to society’s problems with men is not to further isolate them from women and frame them as being creepy, thats not gonna fix the problem.The solution to society’s problem is a couple things:Teach men what is attractive.Give them vehicles to be attractiveHelp them to meet people and to connect with other humans. Don’t say going out on a Friday night and talking to humans is creepy, do you know whats creepy? NOT going out and talking to humans. Thats creepy.So anybody that tells you as a man you shouldn’t improve yourself and you shouldn’t get better at meeting humans on a Friday night, does mot have you best interests in mind and doesn’t have societies best interests in mind. They’re trying to preach division and what they’re doing is evil. They think they’re helping, they’re not.Helping men means helping them to become attractive and give them vehicles to meet women.Notice in society theres so many problems, people complaining, but who’s fixing the problems?Fixing the problems is teaching men social cues.Teach that guy to be more attractiveTeach that guy to connect with humansTeach that guy to read social cuesTheres a real solution thats not just complaining and thats why learning this stuff is the answer in society not the enemy, but nobody sees that and thats a shame.The answer is not division, its not sitting at home on a Friday night alone, its not complaining that women dont like you, the answer isn’t limiting beliefs, the answer isn’t being mad, the answer is to realise when a girl doesn’t like you shes doing you a favour, shes saying you got to step up, ill be your girlfriend when you step up your shit.Learn what getting better means, learn from great people, learn from your own field experience, get better with this, make a little private world for yourself full of fun and joy and happiness.Theres gonna be periods where you can just enjoy being single and dating around because thats where the growth is and theres gonna be periods where you’re being in a relationship, theres a period where you might wanna build a family.Get better at approaching women, work on yourself and your skills, work on meeting people, enjoy these skills they are awesome.Learn to be successful with women and your life will change for the better.

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