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Are yellow mushrooms in a balcony pot bad, and how can I remove them?

Are yellow mushrooms in a balcony pot bad, and how can I remove them?The Answer is: NoYou are now the proud steward of Leucocoprinus birnbaumii, also known as : the plant-pot dapperling. A handsome hitchhiker from the tropics, they are quite common in Nursery stock in North America and Europe. I find they tend to pop after a deep soak, or some heavy moisture event. I like them, so do: my dog, cats, plants and kids. They won’t harm any of them.Image courtesy of the Forest Floor narrative website.I had to answer this question because the other answers were SO WRONG, that some actual information was called for, nay, demanded.They are not known to be either poisonous nor edible. So pop one in the mouth and you’ll probably go Blah, maybe wretch at bit and be fine once you spit it out. Gilled mushrooms are of a type called: Basidiomycetes. Some of our most delicious mushrooms come from this Phylum (Shitake, Oysters, Maitake, the list goes on). The other main type is the: Ascomycetes and they have cup-like structures instead of gills, called: Ascos, strangely enough.I gave one answer to a two-part question, because the answer to both was: negative. P. birnbaumii is harmless to both the plant and animal kingdoms, and you won’t get rid of it. It will probably come and go with moisture levels and soil conditions. It may re-appear for years or never be seen again. Since it is a Saprophyte (it decays organic matter) even replacing the soil might not get rid of it. The choice of it thriving or dying are not in your hands.But why get rid of it? It’s certainly a handsome species and you can take praise for having quite a yellow/green thumb. Two different orders of life growing in one pot, would be quite a feat, if you were trying to do it on purpose. Take your wins graciously.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Prosopis juliflora (seemai karuvelam in tamil)?

Prosopis julifora, a Thorny Shrub, has a wide range of vernacular names, although no widely used English one except for mesquite, which is used for several species of Prosopis (seemai karuvelam in Tamil; angaraji babul in Hindi; gando baval in gujarati; Ballaari Jaali in Kannada; mulla tumma in Telugu) grows immensely and spreads mainly due to its inbuilt mechanism to overcome adverse conditions of like drought and salt.With deep penetrating roots, it can draw water from deeper layers. Its roots are able to grow to a great depth in search of water: in 1960, they were discovered at a depth of 53 meters (175 feet) at an open-pit mine near Tucson, Arizona, putting them among the deepest known roots.Prosopis juliflora is and can be a very aggressive invader and replaces native vegetation and takes over range-lands. It has become established as noxious and as an invasive weed in Africa, Asia, Australia and elsewhere. Though the species has played a role in changing land use and the livelihood security of huge populations of the world, due to poor management practices, it has colonized many important ecosystems, creating a negative pressure on biodiversity. It is hard and expensive to remove as the plant can regenerate from the roots.The tree reproduces by way of seeds, not vegetatively. Seeds are spread by cattle and other animals that consume the seed pods and spread the seeds in their droppings. A mature plant can produce hundreds of thousands of seeds. Seeds remain viable for up to 10 years.In Australia, mesquite has colonized more than 800,000 hectares of arable land, having severe economic and environmental impacts. With its thorns and many low branches it forms impenetrable thickets which prevent cattle from accessing watering holes, etc. It also takes over pastoral grasslands and uses scarce water. Livestock which consume excessive amounts of seed pods are poisoned. It causes land erosion due to the loss of the grasslands that are habitats for native plants and animals. It also provides shelter for feral animals such as pigs and cats. In the Afar Region in Ethiopia, where the mesquite was introduced in the late 1970s and early 1980s, its aggressive growth leads to a mono-culture, denying native plants water and sunlight, and not providing food for native animals and cattle. The regional government with the non-governmental organisation FARM-Africa are looking for ways to commercialize the tree's wood, but pastoralists who call it the "Devil Tree" insist that P. juliflora be eradicated.Advantages: The tree provides food, cattle fodder, and major source of honey (Apiculture). It also provided fuel through its firewood and provides excellent charcoal. It provides fibre for the production of paper, paperboard and hardboard. The Timber from its seasoned wood is used for fence posts, furniture, crafts and corrals. It also provides shelter for feral animals such as pigs and cats.Prosopis juliflora heartwood contains significant amounts of extractable polyphenolic compounds from which can be isolated a unique flavinol compound used in the formation of new phenol-formaldehyde polymeric resins and gums. Flavanol (-)-mesquitol also helps maintain the elasticity of blood vessels – which in turn contributes to normal blood flow. Tannin or dyestuff can be extracted from it. In countries like Argentina, Chile and Peru, the pods from this tree are an important component in making alcoholic drinks and cocktails.Syrup prepared from ground pods has various medicinal values. It is given to children showing weight deficiency or retardation in motor development, the syrup is believed to increase lactation. It is also used for preparing various medicinal syrups, particularly for expectorants. Tea made from Prosopis juliflora is thought to be good for digestive disturbances and skin lesions.A vernacular Tamil name is velikathan (வேலிகாத்தான்), from veli (வேலி) "fence" and kathan (காத்தான்) "protector", for its use to make spiny barriers. Prosopis juliflora is sometimes used to arrest wind erosion and stabilize sand dunes on coastal areas. It is listed as on the tree species used in sand-dune stabilization in India. But, in some areas, It causes land erosion due to the loss of the grasslands that are habitats for native plants and animals. Tree is widely planted for land reclamation because it is an aggressive colonizer, tolerant of very poor, degraded, saline and alkaline soils.Prosopis juliflora moderately enriches the soil with atmospheric nitrogen obtained through symbiosis with cowpea-type Rhizobium. The roots also form mycorrhizal associations with Glomus fungi helps in significantly higher nitrogen fixation. Total nitrogen, sulphur and soluble salts, as well as organic matter, have been shown to increase 3-fold in the upper 4.5 m of soil under this tree.This tree can also be used to line urban motorways and is highly encouraged/ suggested for Green Highways project. However, its thorns pose problems for pruning and maintenance.Disadvantages: Prosopis juliflora is one of the top invasive plants, which has created negative biodiversity in many parts of the world. There is even a court order issued in Tamilnadu (Southern state of India) to deracinate/uproot most of these trees. This maybe due to the persistent drought situation prevailing in Tamilnadu (as these trees suck most of the groundwater).Sources: P. juliflora-Wikipedia, FAO corporate Document Repository.

Why do most vegetarians in India dislike non-vegetarian food without even tasting it?

I will answer it for all vegetarians in general, not just for Indians.Short Answer:For the same reasons people who eat non-vegetarian food would not want to eat human meat (cannibalism) even though they have never tasted human meat.Long Answer:(Grab a coffee before you read this, cause it might take a while)Lot of people have often asked me to 'try' eating meat, telling me that I will like it once I taste it. But they have never bothered to listen why vegetarians don’t want to try eating meat, I have received a smug smile and a condescending look when I try to explain and therefore over time I have just learnt to politely say "No Thanks" without trying to explain myself and I am sure this is often the case for many others.For me personally here are the reasons why I don’t eat meatPain and Suffering:Just like Humans, all Birds and Animals feel pain (yes even fishes). They have sensory neurons that are sensitive to damaging stimuli and are physiologically identical to human nociceptor. Some countries, like Germany, have banned specific types of fishing, and the British RSPCA now formally prosecutes individuals who are cruel to fish.Cows are very intelligent animals who can remember things for a long time. Cows interact in socially complex ways, developing friendships over time and sometimes holding grudges against other cows who treat them badly. They mourn the deaths of and even separation from those they love, even shedding tears over their loss. The mother-calf bond is particularly strong, and there are countless reports of mother cows who continue to frantically call and search for their babies after the calves have been taken away and sold to veal or beef farms. Like all animals, cows value their lives and don’t want to die. There are several storiesof cows who have gone to extraordinary lengths to fight for their lives.Pigs are highly social animals, they are more intelligent than either your cat or dog, they are placed as the fourth most intelligent creature on earth. Yet few people know very much about these much maligned and misunderstood animals. Many pigs confined in the cramped spaces of factory farms become seriously depressed, because they are intelligent creatures they are aware of their awful plight: the cramped space in pens where they can do nothing and can barely sit down nor turn round with nothing to occupy their intelligent active minds.But Plants feel pain too - Plants when stressed, release a chemical called ethylene. While this research shows that plants might have a stress-avoidance response, it is quite a stretch to refer to this as “pain.” It is even more erroneous to equate this response with the pain suffered by animals and human beings. Plants lack nerve endings, brains, hormones, and other structures that would allow them to experience pain. They also lack the ability to move away from sources of stress, an evolutionary trait linked with the ability to feel pain. The argument that plants feel pain and suffer and that killing them is as bad as killing animals is weak and illogical. Try biting a celery and do the same to your neighbor’s dog (don’t try this at home!!) and when you are arrested and facing a judge (make sure he is not vegan) tell him that biting a celery and biting a dog (or any other animal) is the same thing and see what happens.I do believe that plants do feel some sort of pain or stress or whatever you call it. But by being a vegetarian you can actually reducing the number of plants that are killed to keep your alive. Meat-eaters are responsible for “killing” 10 times more plants than vegetarians, and they also kill and cause suffering to animals.For the record I don’t support the leather and associated industries like milk, cheese etc. After watching the brutality exposed byMercy For Animals I have decided to become a vegan slowly by the end of this year. Educate yourself and decide for yourself whats right and whats wrong.Watch the "Philip Wollen : Animals Should Be Off The Menu debate" video on youtube.comMeat industry is unsustainable and it severely affects our Ecosystem:To produce 1 pound of beef, a farmer will need 13 pounds of grain and 2,500 gallons of water. If a 1,000-pound cow yields 600 pounds of beef, that cow used 1.5 million gallons of water and 7,800 pounds of grain. So, on a basic level, (animal) farming at this scale is pretty inefficient, when you could effectively feed thousands of people with just the grain and water it takes to produce that one cow.80% to 90% of all the corn, soy, alfalfa, wheat, oats, and other grains we grow are fed to animals. So, even though we are growing enough food to feed 12-15 billion people every year and we only have 7.2 billion people on the planet, at least one billion of our brothers and sisters are chronically hungry and starving because we feed most of our grains and legumes to imprisoned animals - to feed those living in countries with higher-powered economies diets rich animal-based foods.We are destroying about an acre per second of Amazonian rainforest in order to grow soybeans to feed imprisoned animals for meat, dairy products, and eggs that are consumed right here in this country. Cutting down an acre of rainforest is not just killing trees; it is also destroying webs of life that took millions of years to evolve, resulting in loss of habitat for both animals and plants, and driving the largest mass extinction of species in 65 million years. The oceans are similarly being overfished for fish for both human and livestock consumption, similarly driving extinction, climate destabilization, and environmental destruction. According to the book “world peace diet”, a person who switches from a standard western diet to a vegan diet saves at least 100 trees every yearRaising livestock emit greenhouses gasses, and all have been on a steep rise since large-scale manufacturing processes were applied to various industries, including animal farming. A 2006 report by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) for the UN estimated that around 18 percent of worldwide human-caused GHG emissions were the result of livestock. The figure is closer to 50 percent, if you count emissions from respiration, land use, and methane are taken into consideration.Robert Goodland, who was the lead environmental adviser to the World Bank Group for 23 years, co-authored an influential 2009 study for the World Watch Institute with Jeffrey Anhang (also of the World Bank) notes that the Kyoto Protocol "originally focused primarily on efforts to reduce fossil fuels or come up with renewable energy alternatives." But if the emissions from livestock are close to 50 percent of the rising GHG levels, it follows that the only "pragmatic solution," at this point, as Goodland says, "is likely to be increasing plant-based diets" and drastically reduced animal consumption. It’s a behavior, he says, that can be changed "overnight." Having a positive impact on the environment by moving to a plant-based diet, Goodland and Anhang argue, would be the most effective way to immediately and significantly reduce our man-made GHG emissions. In fact, some estimate that if we globally reduced our animal consumption by 25 percent, we could reach our GHG emission goals as set forth by the United Nations.Roughly, twenty-five times more energy is required to produce one calorie of beef than to produce one calorie of corn for human consumption. Vegans may be able to boast that their diets use 90% less energy than the average American’s. (List of Foods by Environmental Impact and Energy Efficiency) We can raise that percentage by buying local (find a local CSA pickup farm fresh healthy food), remember that most of the energy is spent on transportation, heating, cooling etc.The environmental impacts of eating meat go far beyond the trash thrown away afterward. Because of the quantities of water used, the greenhouse gases emitted and the pollution generated during the meat production process, it's not a big leap to speculate that the transition of huge proportions of the world's population from a plant-based diet to a meat-centric one could have dire consequences for the environment. A growing consensus among scientists, doctors, environmentalists, and animal rights activists suggest that our current system of food — specifically meat — production is not sustainable. By 2050, the global demand for meat will double as our population continues to rapidly grow. The effects of all this farming on our environment are currently devastating, and getting worse. Simply put, we are destroying the planet, and meat production and consumption is arguably the most to blame.FACT: US Livestock also drink about half of the country’s potable water each year, and they produce more excrement than humans, waste which is usually just spread on the ground, further contaminating the water (and remember, there’s a decent amount of antibiotics in that waste, too).FACT: Up to one third of earth's landmass is used for livestockPage on youtube.comMeat is not healthy:The life cycle of an animal through large scale farming operations is generally: birth at a farm (most come from factories as defined by the EPA), movement to a feedlot for "finishing" (a highly confined "city" for animals), and finally, processing at a plant such as Tyson. In 2010, Tyson "processed" (slaughtered) an average of 42.3 million chickens, 143,000 cows, and nearly 390,000 pigs per week. The company makes its profit by processing animals in efficient and brutal circumstances. For example, in 1925, the average Tyson chicken lived approximately 112 days, weighed around 2.5 pounds at the time of slaughter, and had consumed about 4.7 pounds of grain per pound of its body weight. In 2010, the same chicken lived just 45 days, was slaughtered at an average weight of 5.63 pounds, and consumed just 1.92 pounds of grain per pound. Simply put, the animals live less than half as long, eat half as much and are more than double the size they were 100 years ago.The efficiency of these operations has enabled them to produce an ever-increasing amount of animals for ballooning profits. The first few decades of the 20th century saw the introduction of vitamin supplements. Combined with artificial lighting, it allowed animals to be raised indoors (chickens will even lay eggs year round, now), and at increasing body weights. The advent of refrigeration meant that animal meat could be kept much longer, and transported farther distances, before going bad. A growing understanding of genetics led to the selective breeding of the strongest, healthiest birds. In the 1950s livestock vaccination became standard. Around the same time, the largest and most often-cited technological advance in factory farming came with the introduction of low-grade antibiotics into the chickens’ feed and water supply. Farmers were raising animals in such large quantities that disease could quickly and easily wipe out huge numbers of them; the application of antibiotics, it was thought, would lessen some of that risk. It also meant they could be raised in far less sterile conditions. But there was also an unforeseen consequence: the animals quickly grew fatter. Antibiotics, it turns out, kill off the bacterium —which makes up the microbiome — found in the guts of all animals and helps digest carbohydrates. Unable to process the bacteria, the animal puts on weight, and fast. The cause of such rapid weight gain wasn’t understood until early 2013, but it became a standard method of fattening livestock in the 1950s.FACT: Today around 80 percent of all antibiotics produced in the US are used for livestock.Eating Meat not support evolution:We all know that Humans evolved from Primates (if you didn’t know that go back to school, if you are in school stop reading this and complete your homework) The majority of the food consumed by primates today–and every indication is for the last thirty million years–is vegetable, not animal. Plants are what our ape and even earlier ancestors ate; they were our paleo diet for most of the last thirty million years during which our bodies, and our guts in particular, were evolving. In other words, there is very little evidence that our guts are terribly special and the job of a generalist primate gut is primarily to eat pieces of plants. We have special immune systems, special brains, even special hands, but our guts are ordinary and for tens of millions of years those ordinary guts have tended to be filled with fruit, leaves.But I have canine teeth, surely they must be for eating meat? Well, all mammals have canine teeth (except rabbit, rodents and pikas). Your teeth don’t make you a carnivore (or an omnivore) infact the largest canine teeth of any land animal belong to a true herbivore (answer, after the break.. Hint: Its Hippo).Mammalian carnivores and omnivores share a number of physical attributes that make them well suited for killing and tearing apart their prey. They have a wide mouth opening - relative to head size; a simple jaw joint that operates as a stable hinge for effective slicing but which is ill-suited to side-to-side motion; and dagger-like teeth spaced apart to avoid trapping stringy debris. They also have sharp claws. The mammalian carnivores and omnivores additionally have huge stomachs that enable gorging, an important capacity in animals who tend to average only about one kill per week. These animals also have a very low gastric pH (which means their stomachs are very acidic), enabling the breakdown of highly concentrated protein as well as the killing of dangerous bacteria that typically colonize decaying flesh. Each of these traits enables the lion or bear to use her body to kill prey.Herbivorous animals, by contrast, have fleshy lips, a small mouth opening, a thick and muscular tongue, and a far less stable, mobile jaw joint that facilitates chewing, crushing, and grinding. Herbivores also generally lack sharp claws (when properly manicured). These qualities are well-adapted to the eating of plants, which provide nutrients when their cell walls are broken, a process that requires crushing food with side-to-side motion rather than simply swallowing it in large chunks the way that a carnivore or omnivore swallows flesh.In short, humans were not evolved to eat meat. Unless you can tear through cows hide with bare teeth and tear its flesh off its bones with bare hands I would say you are human and have evolved to be an herbivore. However, if you can, please check your lineage to see if you are related to Tarzan (or Jane)Herbivores have digestive systems in which the stomach is not nearly as spacious as the carnivore’s or omnivore’s, a feature that is suitable for the more regular eating of smaller portions permitted with a diet of plants (which stay in place and are therefore much easier to chase down), rather than the sporadic gorging of a predator on his prey. The herbivore’s stomach also has a higher pH (which means that it is less acidic) than the carnivore’s or omnivore’s, perhaps in part because plants ordinarily do not carry the dangerous bacteria associated with rotting flesh. The small intestines of herbivores are quite long and permit the time-consuming and complex breakdown of the carbohydrates present in plants. In virtually every respect, the human anatomy resembles that of herbivorous animals (such as the gorilla and the elephant) more than that of carnivorous and omnivorous species. Our mouths’ openings are small; our teeth are not extremely sharp (even our “canines”); and our lips and tongues are muscular. Our jaws are not very stable (and would therefore be easy to dislocate in a battle with prey), but they are quite mobile and allow the side-to-side motion that facilitates the crushing and grinding of plants.Many people believe that Humans are at the top of food chain and therefore out treatment to other species or a carnivorous lifestyle is justified. However, the fact is humans are not at the top of food chain. Infact we are closer to the bottom than to the top. On a scale of 1 to 5, 1 being a plant and 5 being a pure apex predator (Lion, Shark, Crocodile, your MIL), Humans score a 2.21 roughly equal to an anchovy or a pig.Human race has over several thousands of years evolved from a nomadic society of hunters & gatherers to farmers following the invention of agriculture. The Neolithic Demographic Transition was the wide-scale transition of many human cultures from a lifestyle of hunting and gathering to one of agriculture and settlement, allowing the ability to support an increasingly large population (Neolithic Revolution). As population of human beings and the average number of people in a community living together increased beyond a limit, the land area within their reach was not sufficiently big to sustain their life by hunting and gathering alone. Thus, humans were forced to develop other means of obtaining. This is the primary reason for hunter-gatherers becoming farmers. Farmers eventually displaced hunters & gatherers, as farming could sustain (feed) more people than hunting per square mile area of land.If you are looking to switch, here are some alternatives for Meat EatersVegetarianism is on the rise — by some estimates it’s at an all-time high of 10 percent in the United StatesA 2001 study found that people who avoided meat were "far healthier, especially in terms of coronary heart disease" and "40 percent less likely to develop cancer compared to meat eaters."Try meat alternatives or meat replacements like Boca Burger (owned by Kraft Foods), Morningstar Farms and Gardenburger (both owned by Kellogg’s) and Lightlife (ConAgra)Find alternatives at Products | Beyond Meat® or A Guide to Vegetarian and Vegan Livingor Vegetarian & Vegan RecipesIf nothing else, remember thatmeat industry cannot sustain entire human populations but agriculture canDon’t take my word for anything I have said, do your own research, watch the undercover investigation videos on how animals are raised, treated, slaughtered before they end of on your plate and decide for yourself (Investigations& Undercover Investigations of Factory Farms and Slaughterhouses)If after watching these videos, you still cannot give up meat than atleast try to advocate humane killing for farm animals. Buy meat from farms that raise animals properly without torture and ensure that they are raised without any hormonesEducate yourself and learn the life-cycle of the food you eat, from farm to nicely wrapped portion in your supermarket (watch "Farm to Fridge" video and several expose' videos done byMercy For Animals)Lower or offset your carbon footprints by buying local if possible through the CSA (its good for the community, your health and the earth).Meat industry is unsustainable and will eventually destroy our ecosystem. Imagine if your house is completely destroyed by a hurricane, flood or any other calamity, you can always pick up your things and move over to the next town or neighborhood. BUT…. if earth's ecosystem is destroyed we have nowhere else to go.Humans are "eating away at our own life support systems" at a rate unseen in the past 10,000 years by degrading land and freshwater systems, emitting greenhouse gases and releasing vast amounts of agricultural chemicals into the environment. We have done more damage in last 100 years then what the human race did in the last 10,000 years.Resources:Your meat addiction is destroying the planetHuman Ancestors Were Nearly All Vegetarians | Guest Blog, Scientific American Blog NetworkTwo Arguments For Eating Animals: It's Natural and Animals Do It TooList of Foods by Environmental Impact and Energy EfficiencyPlants Feel Pain Too? What’s a Vegan To Do?Cosmic CalendarThe Hidden Lives of CowsWatch Earthlings - Full length documentary on youtube.comPLEASE UPVOTE, PROMOTE AND SHARE THIS ANSWER ON FACEBOOK AND OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA TO RAISE AWARENSS

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