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What is an IIM interview like? If you have had an IIM interview, what is your profile, i.e. academic record, CAT percentile, etc.?

The IIM Ahmedabad Interview : Season 1It was a dream, and it still feels like one.CAT 2013 Aggregate 99.99 | Verbal: 100.00 | Quant: 99.44Profile: X ICSE 2008 (95.00) | XII Maharashtra Board HSC (Science) 2010 (84.7) | BTech Engineering Physics IIT Bombay 2014 (85.4) | Work-Ex:0Extra-curricular: National Business Plan Competition winner, Startup core team Member, Institute Literary Arts Secretary with Organisational Color, National Level Quiz winner, International Quiz participant, Case Competition national runner up.Venue: The Orchid, MumbaiDate : 10.02.2014PI:Panel Members: One young gentleman (P1) and another older gentleman (P2) . The young gentleman was on the left and I think he was an alumni of IIT Bombay (he knew about where the lake was etc.).Walk in, P2 is at the door and takes me inside. I take my seat, I was quite peaceful, had chit chatted with them a little bit before the PI. I was the first person of my panel (and I think the first person to be interviewed by IIM Ahmedabad)Episode 1: The one with PleasantriesP1 : So you seem to have run out of space for the essay on your teacher, do you want to add something else? It looks like you ran out of spaceMe : No, I just overshot a bit, I don’t have anything to add.P1 : Are you sure?Me : Yes.P1 rummaging through my file. I see he needs help.Me : Can I take out my certificates.P1 : Please do soI take out my certificate along with the magazine made by our startup, and give it to themEpisode 2 : The WAT SWOT analysisP2 : How do you think you did on them? Do you want to discuss something more, or should we move on?Me : No sir, I think I wrote decently well enoughP2 : Okay, so do you know anything about such problems (with reference to the case) in present day India?Me : No, I can’t think of any. But I am aware of this one. (Pause, so I continue). There was this issue concerning Vedanta (wasn’t there in the case) trying to get a captive bauxite mine.P2 : So where was this?Me : It was in Odisha, and the tribals opposed the move. It was given as a verbal confirmation by the government, and Vedanta invested a lot of money in it. But this issue cropped up and the tribals the MoEF opposed it, so it was disallowedEpisode 3: The one about Home 1.0 and 2.0P1 : Okay, so you’re from IIT Bombay, what is your favorite place?Me : Lakeside (Powai Lake) and Hillside (Sameer Hill)P1 : Which lake Powai or Vihar?Me : Powai LakeP1 : Why not Vihar? You’re in which hostel?Me: Hostel 4P1 : So isn’t there a road near Hostel 4 to Vihar Lake (Here is where I guessed he is an alum)Me: Yes, but it’s restricted nowP1 : Hmm, so where do you get potable water from in IIT?Me: There is pipeline that passes by my hostel, I am not sure if it carries potable water from ViharP1 : Hmm, so how does Mumbai get potable water? What are the other lakes?Me : I know of these two and Vasai Lake (which is tiny, couldn’t think of anything else)P1 : Okay, so you’re from Pune, where does Pune get its water from?Me : (Damn!) There is water carried by tankers from the Mulshi Dam areaP1 : So what about Khadakvasla?Me : (Using sense to come up with something which couldn’t be verified) My area gets it from Mulshi, the other area of the city gets it from Khadakvasla. (Which is sort of true)P1 : Okay, so you stay in Viman Nagar, what are the landmarks there?Me : Sir, there are a lot of hotels that have come up recently, it’s become like a hotel road. Malls, and the air force baseEpisode 4: The one with the CaseP1 : Okay, so you join IIM A and want to get in to hospitality, what are the parameters that you will use to judge a restaurant? (Placements case prep FTW!)Me : (using paper) Footfall (Was going to add more stuff)P1 : Okay, tell me about hotelsMe : Sir, occupancy in peak season and off season, the number of professional engagements like this one organized by IIM A (chuckle in the head)Episode 5: The one with Physics, Chemistry and a TVP2 : (Interrupts) Okay. So you talk about your chemistry teacher who had an impression on you. Why the change from Physics to Chemistry?Me : I did both Chemistry and Physics for JEEP2 : Right, right. But you chose Physics right, what was the reason?Me : Nowadays Physics has become the node of major understanding of a sciences. Even Chemistry has become more of Physics and more of Chemistry. I was seeing this interview with the Bharat Ratna CNR Rao on Walk the Talk with Shekhar Gupta. Shekhar Gupta enters this lab and says “where are the Bunsen burners?” and CNR Rao says that we now do more of Physics, Quantum Physics and Schrodinger’s equation. So, Chemistry has become more about manipulation of molecules understanding their effects on a quantum level and so on and so forthP1: Hmm. So I am layman who thinks Physics and Chemistry are different. Can you give me an example of where they are being used together?Me: Sir, Semiconductors. We understand the behavior of the matter using the Physics, Quantum Physics etc. and choose between various elements depending on the properties of the two.P1 : You seem to be forcing physical and chemical properties against each other, aren’t you?Me : No. Physics is the understanding of the behavior of the matter while chemistry is the macroscopic manifestation of this behavior (I have no idea how I came up with this!)Episode 6: The one with the shot in the darkP1 and P2 look at each otherP1 : Hmm, okay. So can you give me an example of materials used in Semiconductors?Me : Silicon, Germaninum Arsenic.P1 : So any new elements or materials?Me : (Thinking) Some variant using Carbon, I can’t exactly recall. Graphene! (Phew!)P1 : Hmm, so can you tell me a semiconductor manufacturing company in India?Me : (Dafuq!) Texas Instruments?P1 : But don’t they have only an R&D lab in Bangalore?Me : (No idea if the manufacturing facility is there) I think it is thereP1 : A pilot facility of some sort?Me : Yes I think so (No clue!)P1 : What are the other manufacturing facilities of Texas Instruments?Me : Sir, the USP1 : What about Taiwan?Me : (Facepalm) Yes, yes Taiwan alsoEpisode 7: The one where you are on a TV Show in a TV ShowP1: So what is this Brain World Cup that you participated in? Is it something like the Olympics? I haven’t heard of it, it should be quite popular shouldn’t it?Me: Yes it is. Very popular in Japan, but not telecast worldwide. It is a quiz competition that is held inter varsity with participants from Harvard Oxford Stanford etc. It was actually televised before the Olympic games in Japan.Episode 8: The one with GravitasP1 : Hmm, so where did you do your internship?Me : Sir I was working on developing an equity portfolio allocator at Gravitas, as a risk analyst intern. Gravitas is a risk management and technological co sourcing firm.P1 : What was the goal of your internship?Me: My project leader asked me to develop a tool that was targeted at retail investors. So I had to make a tool that was cost effective. I used global data sources such as Yahoo instead of Bloomberg which is a paid data source. Using this I made a tool with a simple intuitive interface coded in VBA with Excel as a front end.P1 : Okay, so if you had to choose between hedge fund management and this economic policy outlined in the essay, what would you choose?Episode 9: The one with Strategic ImportanceMe : Sir, firstly I have an inclination towards strategy management consulting and I would like to work there and not a hedge fundP2 : (I guess I wasn’t clear enough) What does strategy management consulting have to do with this?Me: I was saying that I would choose strategy management consulting over the hedge fund and it would be a choice between this and the economic policy. I have got placed at Monitor Deloitte, which is a strategy management consulting firm.Episode 10: The one with the Masquerading Policy MakerP1: Okay, so elaborateMe : I think the environment is very important to us, and so is this policy. I have a few friends working on Energy policy making, so I have had discussions with them. The environment is something that will influence our lives (realizing that I am going too much on the environment thing). Parallely, the economy is also important to drive growth for the country. If we need to progress we need to push our facilities and drive growth for more prosperityP1 : Hmm, go onMe: Sir, I think we need to strike a balance between the two through good legislature and policies that are inclusive. (Back to my environment crap) I think when they say they are saving the earth and saving the world, I think it is more about saving humanity. We as a race are the most affected by environmental changes, and not the earth, which has been through great variations. For example, if we see Shanghai, life has become miserable because of the smog. We must progress along with taking care of how the environment is affected. This will only be possible with a strong policy that takes care of various parameters, sustainably.Episode 11: The one with the Improvized DefinitionP2: Okay, so you talked about Strategy Management Consulting. What is it?Me: Strategy Management Consulting is the process of providing advice to clients to improve efficiency or performance, taking into account various parameters that are important and defined by themP1 is looking through the startup’s magazine in the meanwhile. He looked quite interested!P2: Okay, so what is strategy in simple terms?Me: Sir, it is the path that you design and follow to reach a certain goalEpisode 12: The one with Einstein as a ConsultantP2: So what is the application of Engineering Physics to Strategy Management Consulting? You seem to be switching again here?Me: I actually I learnt a lot. I learnt how to communicate complex ideas in a simple manner. Can I show you an example on paper?P2: SureMe: Sir, so in General Theory of Relativity we understood how masses behave at high velocities in the presence of an acceleration or gravitational force. Writing the equation of tensors is quite complex. But this idea can be explained in a simpler manner using the space time fabric and that masses create curvatures in this space time fabric, just like balls on a table cloth. We can understand how light bends, or objects behave quite easily using this. A black hole is like a hole through the cloth, more massive objects create more curvatureP2: Hmm, okay (He nodded his head quite a lot during this)Episode 13: The one with Drive and MotivationP2: So in your form you write that you worked where you learnt team spirit and drive and motivation. Can they co exist? Aren’t they contrarian?Me: I think team spirit is the framework through which a group of individuals synergize and work to use the power of a multiplying force. Drive and motivation is on an individual level, where each individual is driven or motivated to succeed. A team which has team spirit running through it, along with very driven and motivated individuals in superb.Episode 14: The one with the elusive ToffeeP1 and P2 look at each other (Bakre ko jaane de?)P1: So, nice talking to you. Here, have a toffee.I grasp it say my thank youP1: How did you rate the interview?Me: I think it was goodP1 and P2 smile: Okay, you can leaveMe: Should I call the next person in?P1 : No it’s fine.Really nice interview. Left me with a great feeling. It was really nice talking to such learned and well aware people!Episode 15 : The FlashbackBoth gentlemen take my courses in Operations and Finance (and I do like the courses too, deja vu) on campus.Thanks for the A2A.

How was the interview of Aviral Bhatnagar in IIM-A?

The IIM Ahmedabad Interview : Season 1It was a dream, and it still feels like one.CAT 2013 Aggregate 99.99 | Verbal: 100.00 | Quant: 99.44Profile: X ICSE 2008 (95.00) | XII Maharashtra Board HSC (Science) 2010 (84.7) | BTech Engineering Physics IIT Bombay 2014 (85.4) | Work-Ex:0Extra-curricular: National Business Plan Competition winner, Startup core team Member, Institute Literary Arts Secretary with Organisational Color, National Level Quiz winner, International Quiz participant, Case Competition national runner up.Venue: The Orchid, MumbaiDate : 10.02.2014PI:Panel Members: One young gentleman (P1) and another older gentleman (P2) . The young gentleman was on the left and I think he was an alumni of IIT Bombay (he knew about where the lake was etc.).Walk in, P2 is at the door and takes me inside. I take my seat, I was quite peaceful, had chit chatted with them a little bit before the PI. I was the first person of my panel (and I think the first person to be interviewed by IIM Ahmedabad)Episode 1: The one with PleasantriesP1 : So you seem to have run out of space for the essay on your teacher, do you want to add something else? It looks like you ran out of spaceMe : No, I just overshot a bit, I don’t have anything to add.P1 : Are you sure?Me : Yes.P1 rummaging through my file. I see he needs help.Me : Can I take out my certificates.P1 : Please do soI take out my certificate along with the magazine made by our startup, and give it to themEpisode 2 : The WAT SWOT analysisP2 : How do you think you did on them? Do you want to discuss something more, or should we move on?Me : No sir, I think I wrote decently well enoughP2 : Okay, so do you know anything about such problems (with reference to the case) in present day India?Me : No, I can’t think of any. But I am aware of this one. (Pause, so I continue). There was this issue concerning Vedanta (wasn’t there in the case) trying to get a captive bauxite mine.P2 : So where was this?Me : It was in Odisha, and the tribals opposed the move. It was given as a verbal confirmation by the government, and Vedanta invested a lot of money in it. But this issue cropped up and the tribals the MoEF opposed it, so it was disallowedEpisode 3: The one about Home 1.0 and 2.0P1 : Okay, so you’re from IIT Bombay, what is your favorite place?Me : Lakeside (Powai Lake) and Hillside (Sameer Hill)P1 : Which lake Powai or Vihar?Me : Powai LakeP1 : Why not Vihar? You’re in which hostel?Me: Hostel 4P1 : So isn’t there a road near Hostel 4 to Vihar Lake (Here is where I guessed he is an alum)Me: Yes, but it’s restricted nowP1 : Hmm, so where do you get potable water from in IIT?Me: There is pipeline that passes by my hostel, I am not sure if it carries potable water from ViharP1 : Hmm, so how does Mumbai get potable water? What are the other lakes?Me : I know of these two and Vasai Lake (which is tiny, couldn’t think of anything else)P1 : Okay, so you’re from Pune, where does Pune get its water from?Me : (Damn!) There is water carried by tankers from the Mulshi Dam areaP1 : So what about Khadakvasla?Me : (Using sense to come up with something which couldn’t be verified) My area gets it from Mulshi, the other area of the city gets it from Khadakvasla. (Which is sort of true)P1 : Okay, so you stay in Viman Nagar, what are the landmarks there?Me : Sir, there are a lot of hotels that have come up recently, it’s become like a hotel road. Malls, and the air force baseEpisode 4: The one with the CaseP1 : Okay, so you join IIM A and want to get in to hospitality, what are the parameters that you will use to judge a restaurant? (Placements case prep FTW!)Me : (using paper) Footfall (Was going to add more stuff)P1 : Okay, tell me about hotelsMe : Sir, occupancy in peak season and off season, the number of professional engagements like this one organized by IIM A (chuckle in the head)Episode 5: The one with Physics, Chemistry and a TVP2 : (Interrupts) Okay. So you talk about your chemistry teacher who had an impression on you. Why the change from Physics to Chemistry?Me : I did both Chemistry and Physics for JEEP2 : Right, right. But you chose Physics right, what was the reason?Me : Nowadays Physics has become the node of major understanding of a sciences. Even Chemistry has become more of Physics and more of Chemistry. I was seeing this interview with the Bharat Ratna CNR Rao on Walk the Talk with Shekhar Gupta. Shekhar Gupta enters this lab and says “where are the Bunsen burners?” and CNR Rao says that we now do more of Physics, Quantum Physics and Schrodinger’s equation. So, Chemistry has become more about manipulation of molecules understanding their effects on a quantum level and so on and so forthP1: Hmm. So I am layman who thinks Physics and Chemistry are different. Can you give me an example of where they are being used together?Me: Sir, Semiconductors. We understand the behavior of the matter using the Physics, Quantum Physics etc. and choose between various elements depending on the properties of the two.P1 : You seem to be forcing physical and chemical properties against each other, aren’t you?Me : No. Physics is the understanding of the behavior of the matter while chemistry is the macroscopic manifestation of this behavior (I have no idea how I came up with this!)Episode 6: The one with the shot in the darkP1 and P2 look at each otherP1 : Hmm, okay. So can you give me an example of materials used in Semiconductors?Me : Silicon, Germaninum Arsenic.P1 : So any new elements or materials?Me : (Thinking) Some variant using Carbon, I can’t exactly recall. Graphene! (Phew!)P1 : Hmm, so can you tell me a semiconductor manufacturing company in India?Me : (Dafuq!) Texas Instruments?P1 : But don’t they have only an R&D lab in Bangalore?Me : (No idea if the manufacturing facility is there) I think it is thereP1 : A pilot facility of some sort?Me : Yes I think so (No clue!)P1 : What are the other manufacturing facilities of Texas Instruments?Me : Sir, the USP1 : What about Taiwan?Me : (Facepalm) Yes, yes Taiwan alsoEpisode 7: The one where you are on a TV Show in a TV ShowP1: So what is this Brain World Cup that you participated in? Is it something like the Olympics? I haven’t heard of it, it should be quite popular shouldn’t it?Me: Yes it is. Very popular in Japan, but not telecast worldwide. It is a quiz competition that is held inter varsity with participants from Harvard Oxford Stanford etc. It was actually televised before the Olympic games in Japan.Episode 8: The one with GravitasP1 : Hmm, so where did you do your internship?Me : Sir I was working on developing an equity portfolio allocator at Gravitas, as a risk analyst intern. Gravitas is a risk management and technological co sourcing firm.P1 : What was the goal of your internship?Me: My project leader asked me to develop a tool that was targeted at retail investors. So I had to make a tool that was cost effective. I used global data sources such as Yahoo instead of Bloomberg which is a paid data source. Using this I made a tool with a simple intuitive interface coded in VBA with Excel as a front end.P1 : Okay, so if you had to choose between hedge fund management and this economic policy outlined in the essay, what would you choose?Episode 9: The one with Strategic ImportanceMe : Sir, firstly I have an inclination towards strategy management consulting and I would like to work there and not a hedge fundP2 : (I guess I wasn’t clear enough) What does strategy management consulting have to do with this?Me: I was saying that I would choose strategy management consulting over the hedge fund and it would be a choice between this and the economic policy. I have got placed at Monitor Deloitte, which is a strategy management consulting firm.Episode 10: The one with the Masquerading Policy MakerP1: Okay, so elaborateMe : I think the environment is very important to us, and so is this policy. I have a few friends working on Energy policy making, so I have had discussions with them. The environment is something that will influence our lives (realizing that I am going too much on the environment thing). Parallely, the economy is also important to drive growth for the country. If we need to progress we need to push our facilities and drive growth for more prosperityP1 : Hmm, go onMe: Sir, I think we need to strike a balance between the two through good legislature and policies that are inclusive. (Back to my environment crap) I think when they say they are saving the earth and saving the world, I think it is more about saving humanity. We as a race are the most affected by environmental changes, and not the earth, which has been through great variations. For example, if we see Shanghai, life has become miserable because of the smog. We must progress along with taking care of how the environment is affected. This will only be possible with a strong policy that takes care of various parameters, sustainably.Episode 11: The one with the Improvized DefinitionP2: Okay, so you talked about Strategy Management Consulting. What is it?Me: Strategy Management Consulting is the process of providing advice to clients to improve efficiency or performance, taking into account various parameters that are important and defined by themP1 is looking through the startup’s magazine in the meanwhile. He looked quite interested!P2: Okay, so what is strategy in simple terms?Me: Sir, it is the path that you design and follow to reach a certain goalEpisode 12: The one with Einstein as a ConsultantP2: So what is the application of Engineering Physics to Strategy Management Consulting? You seem to be switching again here?Me: I actually I learnt a lot. I learnt how to communicate complex ideas in a simple manner. Can I show you an example on paper?P2: SureMe: Sir, so in General Theory of Relativity we understood how masses behave at high velocities in the presence of an acceleration or gravitational force. Writing the equation of tensors is quite complex. But this idea can be explained in a simpler manner using the space time fabric and that masses create curvatures in this space time fabric, just like balls on a table cloth. We can understand how light bends, or objects behave quite easily using this. A black hole is like a hole through the cloth, more massive objects create more curvatureP2: Hmm, okay (He nodded his head quite a lot during this)Episode 13: The one with Drive and MotivationP2: So in your form you write that you worked where you learnt team spirit and drive and motivation. Can they co exist? Aren’t they contrarian?Me: I think team spirit is the framework through which a group of individuals synergize and work to use the power of a multiplying force. Drive and motivation is on an individual level, where each individual is driven or motivated to succeed. A team which has team spirit running through it, along with very driven and motivated individuals in superb.Episode 14: The one with the elusive ToffeeP1 and P2 look at each other (Bakre ko jaane de?)P1: So, nice talking to you. Here, have a toffee.I grasp it say my thank youP1: How did you rate the interview?Me: I think it was goodP1 and P2 smile: Okay, you can leaveMe: Should I call the next person in?P1 : No it’s fine.Really nice interview. Left me with a great feeling. It was really nice talking to such learned and well aware people!Episode 15 : The FlashbackBoth gentlemen take my courses in Operations and Finance (and I do like the courses too, deja vu) on campus.Thanks for the A2A.

Does China have the ability to produce original products?

Of course, it has the ability. China's independent innovation ability is very strong in the world's top five, and now it can be said that it is the top two only after the United States. In many high-tech fields, China is catching up with or even surpassing the advanced technologies of the United States and Europe. China will soon have its own space station, land on the moon and Mars, carry out dark matter exploration and capture, build more radio telescopes, complete Beidou system networking, etc.This summer, China's scientific and technological innovation news is frequent and exciting——The high-speed maglev test prototype with a cool appearance and a speed of 600 kilometers per hour was successfully rolled off the assembly line, marking a major breakthrough in the field of high-speed maglev technology in my country;The Long March 3B carrier rocket took off and put the 46th Beidou navigation satellite into the predetermined orbit, which will further enhance the coverage and service performance of the Beidou system;The intelligent stamping production line developed by Jinan No. 2 Machine Tool entered the European market for the first time and became the "turnkey" project of Peugeot Citroen's French Sochaux plant, and was enthusiastically praised by the local media..."In today’s world, scientific and technological innovation has become a key support for improving overall national strength, and a powerful leader in the transformation and progress of social production methods and lifestyles. Whoever holds the bull nose of technological innovation and who takes the first step of technological innovation Can take the lead and gain advantages.” Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has made a series of important expositions on scientific and technological innovation, guiding and motivating scientific researchers to devote themselves to scientific research and tackling key problems. Strong innovation momentum.Facing the complex and ever-changing external environment, many people have doubts: What is China's technological competitiveness? Will changes in the external environment hinder my country's pace of innovation? What is the prospect of China's technology development? The reporter conducted in-depth interviews around these issues.Look at the status quoAfter years of accumulation, my country has become an influential technological power"Scientific and technological strength is mainly reflected in basic scientific research capabilities and high-tech R&D levels. In recent years, China has made tremendous progress in both aspects." Wang Xiaodong, director of the Beijing Institute of Biological Sciences, is deeply touched by the technological changes in the motherland. "We Researchers of the Institute are often invited to give academic reports at international conferences, and they have founded 5 companies to develop new drugs based on their original discoveries. This was unimaginable before."Xiaoxiao Beisheng Institute reflects the overall rise of my country's scientific and technological strength.Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, my country’s scientific and technological undertakings have intensively exerted their efforts and accelerated leapfrogging, and have achieved major historical, holistic, and structural changes. Major innovations have emerged eagerly. Some cutting-edge directions have begun to enter the parallel and leading stage. An important period from quantitative accumulation to qualitative leap and point breakthrough to system capability improvement. Zhao Zhiyun, secretary of the Party Committee of the China Institute of Science and Technology Information, believes that my country has become an influential technological power.——Scientific research conditions are not what they used to be.Research and experimental development (R&D) expenditures increased from 89.6 billion yuan in 2000 to 19,957 billion yuan in 2018, and since 2013 it has become the world's second largest R&D investment country after the United States;"Artificial sun", "Chinese Sky Eye", spallation neutron source, high-energy synchrotron radiation light source and other internationally leading large-scale scientific installations have been put into use one after another, and more and more powerful tools for exploring the mysteries of nature..."I think the current domestic scientific research conditions are different from the past. It is an inevitable trend to make more world-leading results in China." After graduating from the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Neuroscience researcher Liu Zhen, he was able to apply for jobs in top foreign laboratories. But he finally chose to stay.——Major achievements continue to emerge.On the newly released global supercomputer top 500 list, China continued to rank first with 219 units on the list, and "Shenwei·Light of Taihu Lake" and "Tianhe No. 2" continued to top the list;In January 2018, the Chinese Academy of Sciences team announced that they had cultivated somatic cloned monkey babies "Zhongzhong" and "Huahua" for the first time in the world; in January 2019, they successfully constructed a batch of genetically identical baby monkeys for the first time in the world. Biological rhythm disorder macaque model, batch, standardized creation of a new era of disease cloning monkey model has thus opened, which has important value for disease research and drug development.——Technological innovation promotes high-quality development.In 2018, the number of national high-tech enterprises reached 181,000, and the number of small and medium-sized technology enterprises exceeded 130,000. The national technology contract turnover was 1.78 trillion yuan; the contribution rate of scientific and technological progress increased to 58.5%.The economic data for the first half of the year released by the National Bureau of Statistics showed that the added value of high-tech manufacturing increased by 9.0% year-on-year, which was 3 percentage points faster than that of industries above designated size, accounting for 13.8% of all industries above designated size, an increase of 0.8 percentage points from the same period last year; From January to May, the operating income of the strategic emerging service industry, high-tech service industry and technology service industry increased by 12.5%, 12.3% and 12.0% year-on-year respectively.Help companies increase revenue and improve quality.Fiber optic gyroscope is one of the most basic, core and key devices and systems in the field of inertial navigation technology. The Harbin Engineering University Yuan Libo team invented the high-precision fiber optic gyroscope optical path detection and diagnosis technology, which is like a CT machine that detects the human body. It can detect the fiber optic gyroscope and its key components, find the problem, and improve the accuracy of the gyroscope. After the application of gyro R&D units such as Aerospace Science and Industry and China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, it has created direct economic benefits of more than 47 million yuan.Make production smart and efficient.Guo Dongxu, a software engineer at the Central Research Institute of Siasun Corporation, holds a mobile phone and can assign production tasks and monitor the production and operation of the robot. They are using 5G technology to develop smart factories and realize unmanned production in the workshop. "At that time, no matter where you are, you can monitor the entire production process in the workshop by using the APP software on your mobile phone.""Science and technology innovation has become the primary driving force leading high-quality development." said Pan Jiaofeng, president of the Institute of Science and Technology Strategy Consulting, Chinese Academy of Sciences.see the impactOpen cooperation is the general trend, and changes in the external environment have limited impact on my country’s technological innovationSince last year, due to changes in the international situation, my country’s technological innovation has encountered some new situations. High-tech companies such as Huawei are included in the "Entity List" of the "Export Control Regulations" by the United States and have been unreasonably suppressed. In addition, some normal technological cooperation and cultural exchanges are restricted.It is undeniable that developed countries are at the top of the global high-tech chain. Individual countries exert extreme pressure on the industrial chain, supply chain, and innovation chain, which will adversely affect some leading companies and institutions. But in the long run, these effects are temporary and cannot contain the good momentum of my country's technological development.-China has a relatively complete scientific and technological innovation system wit strong breakthrough ability.In April 2015, my country's 4 national supercomputer centers were prohibited from purchasing foreign high-end chips. However, a year later, my country's supercomputer "Shenwei·Light of Taihu", which was developed based on a completely independent processor, was on top of the world's supercomputing. At the International Supercomputing Conference held a few days ago, Supercomputing expert Stromeier said: "With the rapid development of China's supercomputing, it is only a matter of time before China builds a broader supercomputing ecosystem.""my country's economic system and innovation system have sufficient resilience. Through the efforts of innovation entities and open cooperation, they can withstand the test." said Wan Jinbo, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Sciences' Science and Technology Strategy Consulting Institute.——The huge market capacity and huge technical demand provide a broad space for technological development.Not long ago, a research report released by CB Insights, an internationally renowned research organization, showed that among the 32 artificial intelligence unicorn companies in the world, China accounted for 10. Driven by the smart education market, my country is in the forefront of the world in the field of voice recognition technology; the reality of smart security requirements has allowed my country to lead the industry in face recognition technology, and leading companies such as SenseTime, Yuncong, and Yitu have been born. .The huge market potential has supported the application and experimentation of many technologies. Today, innovation in my country's 5G, industrial Internet, artificial intelligence chips and other fields is in full swing. "From a global perspective, my country's demand for innovation is unparalleled, which will be an important driving force for my country's technological development." Pan Jiaofeng said.——The institutional advantage of concentrating resources on major tasks to ensure that scientific and technological research focuses on major national strategic needs.In May 2017, the domestically produced large aircraft C919 completed its maiden flight, and my country became one of the few countries in the world capable of producing large aircraft; in December 2018, the Beidou-3 basic system was declared completed, and my country is the third country in the world to have autonomous satellite navigation System country. In recent years, my country's major breakthroughs in aviation, new energy vehicles, tunneling equipment and other fields are closely related to the efficient decision-making system that concentrates forces and allocates resources rationally."my country's comprehensive public R&D system can guarantee the systematic advancement of strategic planning and the effective implementation of major projects. Practice has proved that this is the organizational advantage of my country's scientific and technological innovation." Wan Jinbo believes.-The "stuck neck" issue strengthens my country's determination to innovate independently.A few days ago, my country announced the first batch of space science experiments around the China Space Station. 23 entities from 17 countries actively participated; the ecology of Intel architecture has gathered millions of developers from all over the world, including China.“Throughout the history of modern science and technology development, everyone’s achievements in scientific research are done on the basis of others, and the high-tech industry also develops rapidly in competition and cooperation. The artificial hindrance of scientific and technological exchanges violates the laws of technological development and also It doesn't conform to the trend of history, it can't be long." Wang Xiaodong said."Before the ZTE and Huawei incidents, many people thought that chips could be bought directly from the market, just like ordinary electronic components. With this lesson, more and more Chinese people are now spontaneously concerned about domestic chip technology and industry." Ni Guangnan, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said that technological control will only further stimulate the country's motivation for independent innovation and force the upsurge of independent innovation.The interviewed experts believe that in the short term, the "stuck neck" problem will cause certain obstacles to my country's current technological development, but in the long term it may also be a major opportunity to enhance independent innovation capabilities. Open cooperation is still the general the futureContinue to deepen the reform of the science and technology system, fully tap the innovation potential, and stimulate innovation vitalityIn the face of external risks and challenges, doing one's own affairs well and developing our country's science and technology better and faster is the most powerful response.——Continue to deepen the reform of the scientific and technological system and fully tap the potential for innovation.In April of this year, Tsinghua University issued "Several Opinions on Improving the Academic Evaluation System", focusing on reversing the tendency of academic evaluations to be papers, hats, titles, academic qualifications, and awards, and stimulate innovation. As soon as this "breaking the five wei" reform document was released, it caused heated discussions in academic circles."Our country's technological competitiveness must leap from first-class to super-class, and it must be driven by reform," said Wen Jirong, dean of the School of Information, Renmin University of China.The interviewed experts pointed out that to build a world power in science and technology, it is necessary to further deepen reforms to establish a more efficient fund use mechanism, a more scientific technology evaluation system, a more reasonable salary system, and a more complete intellectual property protection system to further encourage innovation. , An environment of tolerance and innovation fully stimulates the huge potential of science and technology as the primary productive force.——Continue to strengthen basic research and lay a solid foundation for technological innovation.Tsinghua University professor Xue Qikun’s team observed the "quantum anomalous Hall effect" for the first time in the world. This achievement won the first prize of the 2018 National Natural Science Award. The first prize of the National Natural Science Award, which was vacant for 9 times, has now been "undefeated" for 6 consecutive years, marking a significant improvement in the overall level of basic research in my country."Basic research must have a spirit of foolish old man moving mountains, insisting on doing one thing well for one, two, or even several generations." Xue Qikun said.The source of Jun is long, and the root is Ye Mao. As the source of the entire scientific system, the importance of basic research is self-evident. With a deep reserve of basic research, it is possible to grasp the leading power of technological development, the right to formulate technical standards, and obtain the first-mover advantage of innovation. Strengthening basic research requires not only increased investment in national finance and social capital, but also scientific research personnel with lofty aspirations, the pursuit of excellence, and the spirit of "sit on the bench for ten years" to concentrate on research.-Make great efforts to continuously tackle key problems and realize independent control of key core technologies.Not long ago, the 2019 undergraduates of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences were pleasantly surprised when they received the admission notice: This "hardest core" notice is embedded with a "Loongson III" chip! Although the chip is small, it is the soul of the information industry, and it is the result of 18 years of hard work and innovation by the Godson team. General-purpose chips, commercial aircraft, third-generation nuclear power, high-speed trains...In recent years, as the key core technology of the “national weight”, the supporting role of high-quality economic and social development has become increasingly prominent.Time is changing, the opportunity is still in me. Only by effectively improving key core technological innovation capabilities can we firmly grasp the initiative in technological development in our own hands. "The key core technology is not unattainable. We have enough confidence." According to Hu Zhijian, the director of the China Academy of Science and Technology Development Strategy, today's China is more equipped to break through key core technologies in terms of scientific and technological strength and economic foundation. Emboldened. "As long as we continue to carry forward the spirit of self-reliance and hard work, and unswervingly follow the road of independent innovation, we will surely be able to achieve independent and controllable key core technologies."-firmly establish the strategic position of talents leading development and stimulate the innovative vitality of scientific and technological talents.At the front line of Huawei’s innovation, there are more than 700 mathematicians, more than 800 physicists, more than 120 chemists, and more than 6,000 experts from other fields; Huawei’s R&D personnel still maintain a proportion of nearly 50%. …It is with a strong talent pool that Huawei has the confidence to deal with wind and rain without fear of wind and rain.

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