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How to Edit and Download Open on Windows

Windows users are very common throughout the world. They have met a lot of applications that have offered them services in editing PDF documents. However, they have always missed an important feature within these applications. CocoDoc are willing to offer Windows users the ultimate experience of editing their documents across their online interface.

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A Guide of Editing Open on Mac

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For understanding the process of editing document with CocoDoc, you should look across the steps presented as follows:

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A Guide of Editing Open on G Suite

Google Workplace is a powerful platform that has connected officials of a single workplace in a unique manner. If users want to share file across the platform, they are interconnected in covering all major tasks that can be carried out within a physical workplace.

follow the steps to eidt Open on G Suite

  • move toward Google Workspace Marketplace and Install CocoDoc add-on.
  • Upload the file and Press "Open with" in Google Drive.
  • Moving forward to edit the document with the CocoDoc present in the PDF editing window.
  • When the file is edited at last, save it through the platform.

PDF Editor FAQ

If you were given a chance to frame a manifesto of an Indian political party, how would you frame it?

Here are some of the main points in my manifesto:(1) Income tax and corporate tax will be completely abolished. This would promote investments, growth, industries and employment. A large number of MNCs are expected to shift manufacturing / service industry base to India to save taxes. More industries and more businesses are the only ways to increase employment in India. For this to happen, other necessary infrastructure improvements will also be made. GST will be rationalised (with less number of rates) with strict implementation through technologies. This will also help in reduction of black money and corruption. [Please see one of my earlier replies on this issue for some more details.](2) All currency notes of ₹ 100 and above will be demonetised with no option to exchange them. There will however be six months’ period given before implementing this decision. This will make it possible to all to adjust to the new system and deposit all their high denomination notes in the banks (they would be checked for fake notes). All transactions above the value of ₹ 20,000 shall be compulsorily required to be in the form of crossed cheques / drafts / digital currency / online payments. RuPay Card will be taken over by the Government / RBI which will have ZERO transaction costs for all values for everybody, whether it is traders or customers (or, else, if needed, a new simple card will be launched for this purpose). UPI / BHIM app payments will also be made FREE for traders as well as customers for all values. These payment methods will be made universal and easier. The cost incurred on these will be borne by the Government, which will be much less than the cost incurred on printing / distribution of currency notes. If needed, smart card currency (somewhat similar to Delhi Metro smart card) with innovative features will be introduced. All small denomination currency notes of ₹ 50 and below will continue to be in operation (for the near future and medium term, at least) so that poor and less-educated citizens are not inconvenienced. These measures will help in reduction of black money and corruption.(3) The strength of judiciary will be increased at least by 500%, i.e., 5 times (or more, if needed), along with sufficient supporting staff. This will ensure that instead of litigants waiting for the cases to be heard, the judges will have to wait for newer cases to come up, i.e., the judges should be able to sit idle and most cases will be decided in matter of days, or at the most in months (and, not in decades as at present). Likewise, strength of police forces will also be hiked by 5 times. This will ensure that police should be able to reach the spot in about 2 minutes (in cities) and about 15 minutes (in villages) on the report of a crime occurring. This will ensure better prevention and detection of crime. These measures will ensure that ALL LAWS are respected, unlike today when most laws are broken with impunity. Mere enactment of laws is not sufficient, they also need to be enforced. This will ensure discipline. This will also provide some employment opportunities.(4) A permanent ban on future increases in reservation will be made effective. Creamy layer concept with strict guidelines will be enforced on all reserved categories (maximum of one benefit per person, and limited number of benefits per family). This will ensure that the real deserving sections of the reserved categories get the benefit unlike the present system where the same people get the benefit again and again at the cost of the most needy. At the same time, the existing reservation will be reduced by 5% for each category on pro rata basis every year (for example, for SC category, 15% reservation will be reduced by 0.75% every year), so that in 20 years the reservation could be ended completely. This will ensure that merit is given its due place after 20 years, while ensuring equality for everybody. A slow and long-term withdrawal of reservations will help ease tensions in the concerned communities. At the same time, due to heavily increased employment opportunities in private sector (due to zero-tax effect) and decreasing importance of government sector, reduction of reservations will be less painful for the concerned communities. Also, scholarships and financial help to poor and needy students of all communities will be given liberally. Drastic increase in educational institutions of repute (see next point) will help students of all communities to get better education opportunities even without reservations.(5) Top 100 universities / educational institutes of the world (such as Harvard, MIT, etc.) will be given not only permission, but also incentives, to set up their institutes in India, wherever they want. They would be encouraged to open more and more such institutes in India in order to provide world-class education to Indian students within India. Instead of the “Not for Profit” concept in education, the concept of “For Profit” education will also be allowed. There is no free lunch, after all. A free lunch cannot be a good lunch. At the same time, drastically increased number of scholarships and cheaper / easier educational loans would be provided to students. It will be ensured that if a student can get admission on merit in a reputed top level institute, he does not have to forego his admission due to want of financial resources. This system will enhance the standards of existing Indian institutes also (something similar when industries, such as auto industry was opened up for foreign competition). What is of priority would be giving best education to Indians, it is immaterial whether it is given by foreign institutes (in India) or the Indian institutes. The priority is not the welfare of Indian institutes but the welfare of the Indian students and the education. [For some more details on this issue, please see my previous answer on a related topic.](6) No country can be strong, if its defence forces are weak. Consider the examples of UK and USA at their respective prime times. Now, look at China. So, best technologies would be made available to defence forces. 100% FDI will be allowed in Defence sector without restrictions, with freedom to export their defence products (in order to incentivize them). In addition, incentives will be given to those who bring best / latest technologies in India. A transparent / fixed price-advantage will be given for defence products manufactured in India (even if by foreign companies) vis-à-vis imported ones, OTHER THINGS remaining the same; however, this does not mean that quality of products would be compromised; wherever, latest technology is not available in India, firstly efforts will be made to get that in India, otherwise such products can still be imported so as to ensure that our defence forces get the latest and best weapons and equipment. To remove chances of corruption and to avoid delays in defence acquisitions, transparent acquisition committees will be formed which will also have leaders of 3 largest opposition parties (in that order) in the Lok Sabha, and some prominent defence / technology experts who will be selected jointly by the government / opposition members.(7) Irrigation (including drip-irrigation) will be greatly enhanced. Best agricultural technologies will be introduced, if needed, by importing them. MSP based system will be abolished to avoid distorted crop pattern. Instead of that, if needed, a fixed amount per acre will be given as help to marginal farmers. Farmers will be given advance information about pattern of crops being currently sowed in India (using satellite and other technologies) so that they can take informed decision about which crops are going to be more beneficial to them. Artificial restrictions on movement of crops out of a state will be removed and farmers will be free to sell their crops anywhere in India (as is allowed to industries and traders). Exports of agricultural produce will be freely allowed (without restrictions) to help farmers achieve better incomes wherever possible. If necessary, the Government may store minimum crucial stocks of some important crops to protect consumers, but it will be at the cost of the Government and not at the cost of the farmers. Main problem of farmers is small farm size (sometimes, one acre or even less). Cooperative farming, contract farming, and even corporate farming (with sufficient safeguards) will be allowed to willing farmers on voluntary basis. Crop insurance will be enhanced drastically to secure farmers’ income. Agriculture and farm-based / cottage industries will be encouraged to take care of employment of persons in presently over-employed agriculture sector. Water management technologies (such as those used in Israel) will be used. All other technologies and methods would be used (with OPEN MIND) that help farmers increase their income, making them self-independent instead of making them dependent on loan waivers, freebies, etc. The emphasis is on asset-creation that can have long-term use, instead of freebies which are of short term use. Teach a person how to earn, instead of giving him food free for one or two times.(8) All transactions with Government will be made digital (except where it is impossible). No new law / rule / circular / guidelines, etc., will be allowed to be issued, unless it has first been uploaded online. All applications from citizens will be allowed online. Citizens will be allowed to interact with officers through video-conferencing (instead of personal meets) which shall be recorded. Such centres will be set up at designated places, if needed. Red tape breeds corruption, and all efforts would be made to reduce delays in delivery of services. Time-bound services will be ensured for all government functions. All government information shall be deemed to be open to all, and if any information is to be marked “confidential” or “secret” etc., that can be done only on some well-established guidelines and not at the whims of the officers. These and various other transparency measures will make better governance possible, with reduced corruption.(9) All PSUs will be privatized (not mere disinvestment of part-equity), barring in space and nuclear energy. But, even in space and nuclear energy, private sector will also be permitted (such as, those similar to, SpaceX of Elon Musk, or Areva and Westinghouse). Government has no business to be in business. Banks, Railways, etc., will also be privatised in phases, but within specified limited time period. For example, operations of railways can be privatized initially (starting with some trains), construction and upkeep of some tracks can be privatised (like some national highways), goods trains can be completely privatised. This can also raise money for initial years to take care of temporary effects of abolition of income tax and corporate tax.(10) All new technologies, such as solar power, electric vehicles, artificial intelligence, genetic science, 5G, etc., will be sufficiently encouraged, incentivized and promoted. India will be made the hub of the fourth industrial revolution by taking all steps necessary to promote innovation by facilitating research. A proper ecosystem will be put in place for this purpose that can self-propel innovation and research in all sectors, without any unnecessary government intervention. In fact, experience shows that the government only restricts growth by its intervention in newer technologies. So, there would not be any unnecessary intervention from Government. On the other hand, DARPA model of US, of giving special grants for high-tech and cutting-edge innovations by universities, private industries, research institutes, etc., will be followed.(11) Governance will be made visible everywhere, while Government will be made invisible. This means, minimum Government, maximum Governance. A rule-based transparent governance, helped by technology, not by discretion of human beings. With less and less human interface, and more and more technology-interface.Well, I can go on and on. I have at least 100 more points for my manifesto, and each of the above points can also be expanded with more details. But, I thought I should stop at 11.Yes, I know, this manifesto may not perhaps win votes. But, it can help India grow. In fact, I feel that it can win votes too, if properly followed and explained to people.I know it is an academic exercise. But, it may create some awareness. And, after all, every big idea has a small origin.[Edit: I have answered this question only as an academic exercise. This is an imaginary question. I have no intention to create any political party. I am writing this Edit, since some friends have perhaps thought that I may be floating any party. Not at all. My answer was just to create awareness about the issues that should be in national interest. That’s all. Thanks.]

What are some of the startups in India in the field of Agriculture?

Disclosure: I work at, a startup discovery platform.In the last five years, India has seen a steady rise in entrepreneurial activity in agriculture-focused startups. Around 300 companies were founded in the sector from 2011 to 2015, with a 20% YoY growth rate in company formation. The sector has also seen increase in funding activity, with $540M funding from 2013 to 2016. Most of the investments have gone towards digitization efforts, and integration of supply chains for agricultural produce as well as agricultural inputs. Other niche areas of investments include precision agriculture (site specific crop management) and biotechnology. Here’s a list of (more than 10) interesting startups in this space, with a breakdown of the domain they operate in.1. Platforms connecting farmers to consumers/retailers: These are platforms that link farmers to consumer (B2C) or retail (B2B) markets such as agriculture supplies market for procurement of seeds, fertilizers, etc. They are further classified as follows:1.1 Connecting farmers with suppliers: These companies provide online platforms for connecting farmers with those who supply farm inputs products like seeds, machinery, agrochemicals etc through methods as buying, renting, leasing, sharing etc. (Eg - Cloud Farm, MachineryLink)Agrostar (2010, Pune, $4M) It provides agronomy consultation and takes orders for farm inputs such as seeds, fertilizers, farm implements, etc. over a phone call. Manages delivery and fulfillment using third-party logistics providers, banking heavily on India Post for rural last-mile logistics.FarmGuru (2015, Pune) It holds campaigns for farm inputs typically required for a particular crop. Farmers pledge for the campaign, thereby forming a community. The company buys the products in bulk directly from manufacturers, and sells at wholesale prices to farmers, delivered at their village level representative’s doorsteps.Trringo (2016, Mumbai) Developed by Tractor manufacturing company Mahindra, Triingo operates as an ‘Uber-for-tractors’ in India. Trringo provides tractors and other farm machinery on rent. Inventory is aggregated from Mahindra's franchise, or from independent machinery owners. Charges anywhere between Rs. 400 to 700 per hour.1.2) Connecting farmers with buyers: These companies build platforms that connect farmers with buyers/consumers like wholesalers, traders and retailers who work along the product value chain and help farmers sell their produce. (Eg - Tony's Farm, Meicai)Lawrencedale Agro Processing (LEAF) (2009, Ooty, $20M) The company procures produce from farmers, sorts, grades, packages and supplies to retail stores. The company has its own infrastructure for processing and packaging, and a logistics fleet equipped with refrigeration systems.Siddhi Vinayak Agri Processing (2008, Pune, $4.74M) Specialised in potatoes, the company sells seeds and other inputs and offers consultation to around 6,000 farmers across seven states. It procures potatoes from them and supplies the same to agro processing and marketing companies.Crofarm (2016, Delhi, $1.5M) Provides retail stores with direct access to fruit and vegetable farmers; harvest is done on demand and delivered to retailers through company managed logistics.2) Farming As A Service: Companies offering farm operations as a service, through an in-house or crowdsourced model.EM3 Agri Services (2013, Delhi, $3.3M) It provides farming operations as a service removing the requirement of heavy upfront investments in farm machinery and labour. The company claims to have harvested 35k acres since last two years, and has worked with 13k farmers, growing 30-40% MoM.3) Farm Business Management: Companies offering ERP and BI solutions for analysis, recording and management of farms. (Eg - Granular, Conservis)CropIn (2010, Bangalore, $2.17M) It engages in digitization of farm planning. Its digital platform includes modules for farm activity recording, farm mapping and resource management. Also provides yield visibility to agribusinesses to help them plan their sales and procurement strategies.4) Precision Agriculture: Companies leveraging technologies such as wireless sensors, IoT, predictive analytics, machine learning, machine vision, image processing and multi-spectral analysis for planning and operations in open field farming, livestock and aquaculture. (Eg - The Climate Corp, Farmlink)Airwood (2013, Chennai) Using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), Airwood captures farm imagery, while a team scouts the farm for soil sampling and testing. It then processes the imagery and soil data using proprietary algorithms and big data analytics to provide actionable insights on improving crop yields.Eruvaka (2012, Vijayawada) It provides integrated an hardware and software platform for remote data capture, monitoring, analytics, and automation for commercial aquaculture. Eruvaka's sensors, connected to wireless floating buoys monitor water parameters (pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO) levels) and fish movements. The system can automatically control the aerators based on DO levels.Other notable mentions: Sea6 Energy, which grows and converts seaplants into bio-fuels and soil nutrients, Ninjacart, a Mobile app to connect farmers with retailers, Truce, a supplier of vegetables to businesses, BigHaat, an online marketplace for agro seeds and nutrients, RML AgTech, an info services provider, Yuktix a maker of IoT sensors for remote monitoring, Stellapps, which offers a platform for bovine monitoring, and Akshayakalpa, a producer of organic dairy products.Note: I’m employed with Tracxn, a startup intelligence platform. We have covered over 3,000 AgriTech startups on our platform, using which, I’ve made this list. We share more such insights and data on Tracxn’s blog.

What are the best current startup ideas?

My school of thought is anything that uses technology to help people are ideas that are some of the best start ups. There are a number of start ups aimed at disrupting certain areas and spaces but the theme below is a mix of helping companies succeed and navigating via technology and using AI.Of course, I am partial to randrr! randrr, is a free & private tech start up that provides career and job insights to people that have a thirst for knowledge and don't want to go to 10 different sites to look for a job.However, here are some of the best start ups by business insider.IcertisIcertis is a Seattle-based startup that offers cloud-software to help companies manage contracts.ConfluentConfluent is the commercial version of open source software Apache Kafka and the company was founded by the creators of Kafka. Kafka is a way for software developers to add real time streaming data in their big data apps.C3 IoTProvider of a cloud server designed to host big data, AI and Internet of Things applications.SmartsheetSmartsheet offers online project management software.KnowBe4KnowBe4 offers security awareness training to help employees identify malware attacks and avoid them.LobLob offers online software for managing business mail.TextioTextio is a platform for recruiters that helps them write better job listings. It offers advice on improving the listing by analyzing the outcomes of millions of job posts per month.LeanDNALeanDNA offers cloud-based software to analyze a company's supply chain and its factory operations.InstabaseInstabase offers a cloud workflow software that helps team members work together and solve problems, especially if they are working on very complex projects.Momentum Machines has created hamburger-making robots to replace human workers in fast-food restaurants.CiBO TechnologiesCiBO Technologies offers a big-data analytics platform for sustainable agriculture that helps improve yields.CIMCON LightingCIMCON Lighting makes smart lighting control systems for businesses and cities.MatterHackersMatterHackers sells the 3D printer materials to schools, businesses and consumers.UiPathUiPath makes workflow software that automates business processes.HackerEarthHackerEarth offers a recruiting tool that allows programmers to practice and compete and allows recruiters to assess prospective employees' skills.OpCityOpCity makes cloud software for real estate brokerages that helps match agents with prospective home buyers.RoadRunnerRoadrunner Recycling is a waste management service that picks up businesses' recyclable materials. It uses analytics software to maximize efficiency and help everyone save money.

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Justin Miller