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Why has Nathanael Greene been largely overlooked as one of the Revolutionary War's great generals?

The Greenes were devout Quakers and his ancestor, John Greene Sr., settled in Rhode Island after conflict with the Puritans drove him from the Massachusetts Bay Colony.Nathanael Greene was the unlikeliest of military heroes. Born a Quaker, raised a pacifist and afflicted with asthma, the Rhode Island native was even denied election as an officer in the Kentish Guard militia he helped to form in 1774 because of his pronounced limp.Greene was an avid reader, eventually acquiring a large library. His father purchased a mill in Coventry for Nathanael to manage. He took an active part in community affairs and helped establish the first public school in Coventry. He also added books on military science to his library which he studied diligently.This passion eventually drew disapproval from the uncompromisingly pacifistic Quaker church.When Greene attended a military parade and showed support for armed rebellion against England, he was expelled from his church.Greene remained a devout Quaker for the rest of his life, and struggled to reconcile Quaker admonitions against warfare under any circumstances with his support for and participation in the War for American Independence.Greene, however, taught himself to be a great soldier by reading books on military tactics, leadership and fortifications that he purchased from Knox on trips to Boston and caught Washington’s eye. “He had never been in a battle in his life, yet Washington saw his talent”.Thus Greene was appointed the youngest brigadier general in the Continental Army in 1775 and was promoted to major general under Washington the following year.Midway through his two and a half year tour of duty as Quartermaster General of Washington’s army, Nathanael Greene wrote to George Washington: “No body ever heard of a quarter Master in History as such or in relateing any brilliant Action.”A later commander, Erwin Rommel, took a different view. He wrote: “The first essential condition for an Army to be able to stand the strain of battle [is an] adequate stock of weapons, petrol, ammunition. In fact, the battle is fought and decided by the quartermasters.” A modern military historian agrees: “How to feed, how to shelter, how to move an army in the field remain today the first, chief and most persistent problems that a commander has to solve.”Why was Greene named Quartermaster General? By 1778 Greene had become Washington’s most trusted subordinate; the Army’s supply situation was catastrophic, revealed by the destitution of troops in their camps at Valley Forge; finally, Greene was no stranger to logistics. Like most Continental commanders, he was self-educated in military matters; he had read closely the era’s recognized military classics, and had acted, under Washington’s watchful eye, skillfully and efficiently.Greene’s talent at logistics had become apparent in the closing months of 1776 when Washington’s army was in full retreat. In addition to preparing Fort Washington and Fort Lee on the Hudson River, he had ordered three month’s provisions for 20,000 men to be placed “upon the Back Road to Philadelphia.” He established a chain of supply depots that was very well placed, lying west of the main road between New York City and Philadelphia. In these actions, Greene was following the doctrine of Frederick the Great, who wrote that “the foundation of an army is the belly. . . the primary duty of a general . . . is always to place magazines and fortified places behind the localities where you are assembling the army.”Greene did not know (but perhaps guessed) that this supply line would be vital to cover Washington’s retreat to the Delaware, should he choose that route. It is not an exaggeration to say that Greene’s actions here (made without prior guidance from Washington) saved the army and the Revolution in December 1776. Washington still had a force with which to strike at Trenton because provisions had been available along the route to the Delaware. Few took notice of this in the confusion that reigned at the end of the year, but Washington clearly did.By the time the army encamped at Valley Forge in the winter of 1777-78, supply arrangements had all but broken down. Blame began to settle on the Quartermaster General, Thomas Mifflin, who (except for a brief period in late 1776) had been in this post since the beginning of the war, and even more so on Commissary General Jonathan Trumbull.According to the most authoritative study of the Quartermaster Department, “The best [Trumbull] could do was to attempt to provide the soldiers with sufficient cooked rations to maintain 4 days’ supply on hand.” Washington knew that Greene had done more than this the year before, while preparing to defend (ill-advisedly) Fort Washington on the Hudson.On December 23, 1777, Washington wrote to Congress requesting that two or three members of the Board of War visit the camp to see the situation for themselves and formulate “the most perfect plan that can be devised for correcting all abuses.” Within a month Francis Dana, Joseph Reed and Nathanael Folsom arrived and began to investigate the logistics nightmare.By the end of January, the committee informed Congress that “the Appointment of a Q[uarte]r Master Gen[era]l is a Matter of great Importance and immediate Necessity,” and recommended (with numerous caveats) Gen. Philip Schuyler for the job. But Schuyler was in such bad odor with Congress that it was obvious he was unsuitable.After consultations with Washington and various others, the committee’s attention began to focus on Greene. Noting in another letter to Congress that the Quartermaster General was the “great Wheel in the Machine,” a person who had to be scrupulously honest and competent, they reported that a “Character has presented itself, which in a great Degree meets our Judgment and Wishes; we have opened the Subject to him, and it is now under his Consideration.” The “Character” was Nathanael Greene.Washington reviewing his troops at Valley Forge by William Trego (Museum of the American Revolution)During most of the month of February 1778, the committee (and Washington) urged Greene to accept the job.Greene was reluctant; he had been a small businessman before the war, and felt that “this large field of Business” was beyond his capability.But he also feared being shifted from the line to a “staff” position. He liked being a combat general, and did not wish to relinquish his position fighting at Washington’s right hand. If he agreed to the appointment, he would be “taken out of the line of splendor.”Only when it was agreed that he would have the aid of two men he respected, Charles Pettit and John Cox, as assistant quartermasters general, and that they would share a one percent commission on all purchases, did Greene relent.In the end, however, it was not personnel or pay that persuaded Greene to accept the post, but his dedication to the Patriot cause, his belief that the Army had to survive, and Washington’s insistence that he was the only man who could do the job.The committee reported to Congress that “Nothing but a thorough Conviction of the absolute necessity of straining every Nerve in the Service, could have brought these Gentlemen into Office upon any Terms.” Congress passed a resolution naming Greene Quartermaster General on March 2, 1778. It was a wise choice; the most renowned student of this topic declares that, of the four Quartermasters General who served (Mifflin, Steven Moylan, Greene, and Thomas Pickering), “Greene was the most effective.”Surrender of the British at Yorktown by John Trumbull (US Capitol)Nathanael Greene inherited a supply department that was suffering from structural flaws and from neglect by his predecessor.With the aid of well-chosen subordinates, a more vigorous administration of the army’s supply network evolved during the summer of 1778. Greene also changed previous practice by opting to remain in camp with the army, which allowed him to see for himself the army’s supply state.However, Greene also strongly believed that to adequately support the army, more manpower was needed in procuring and transporting supplies, and this caused a ballooning of the size of the Quartermaster Department together with the hiring of “contractors,” purchasing agents who were not always trustworthy in their business dealings.This in turn led to an explosion in the cost of running the department (aggravated by skyrocketing commodity prices and the plummeting purchasing power of the Continental currency).Congress grew alarmed, suspecting that Greene and his subordinates were pocketing huge commissions. In fact, Congress, ensconced in Philadelphia, was largely clueless about how an army was run or what was needed to sustain a long-term military effort. Greene ultimately saw himself as working not for Congress, but for George Washington and his army.Those in a position to observe his administration of the Quartermaster Department (his aides, two Congressional investigating committees, and Washington himself), were unanimous in their verdict that Greene was competent, honest and effective as Quartermaster General of the United States Army.SOURCES:Golway, Terry: “Washington's General: Nathanael Greene and the Triumph of the American Revolution”. Holt Paperbacks; First Ed., 2006. ISBN-13: 978-0805080056The Fighting Quaker: Nathanael Greene

Why hasn't something been done about the contract for Trump’s Washington hotel? He has clearly broken the contract by being an elected official.

Answer as of February 16, 2017:It appears that nothing has been done yet about Trump’s ownership of the Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C. because the General Services Administration is concerned about both legal uncertainty and (to state the obvious) political peril.The most recent information I have found suggests that the GSA is pursuing this matter actively. Quoting portions ofa February 10, 2017 Washington Post article, Feds, Trump attorneys wrangle over president’s D.C. hotel lease:Federal officials have held private talks in recent days with attorneys for President Trump’s real estate company to address a potential violation of Trump’s lease with the government for his new luxury hotel near the White House, but the two sides have so far failed to reach a resolution, according to documents and people familiar with the discussions.…While Trump has signed management of the hotel over to his oldest son, Don Jr., as part of his agreement to relinquish management of his businesses to his sons, the president has kept his 76.725 percent ownership stake in the project. The remaining portion is owned by his company and his children.…The issue concerning the lease has proven difficult for the GSA, the federal agency that oversees contracting, which has undergone management changes as part of the transition between the Obama and Trump administrations. Trump, who replaced the interim director with an official from the GSA’s Denver office within hours of taking office on Jan. 20, has yet to name a permanent pick to head the agency.…The agency has been in repeated contact with Trump Organization attorneys since the election but has declined to issue any enforcement action thus far, according to documents and officials.GSA attorneys met with attorneys representing the Trump Organization four days after the election, in a meeting that one official said took place at the agency’s headquarters.Afterward the GSA issued a statement saying it was “reviewing and evaluating” the contract to assess the Trump Organization’s compliance.”In December, the Trump Organization sent the GSA two letters about reorganizing Trump’s D.C. hotel company, Trump Old Post Office LLC. The GSA did not respond to requests to release the letters.On Jan. 10. the government’s contracting officer for the hotel, Kevin Terry, wrote to Trump Organization attorney Lawrence S. Rosen to say he anticipated hearing more specifics on changes planned by the company.“We look forward to receiving the final documents that explain the transfers and new organizational structure of Tenant,” Terry wrote.The issue remained up in the air as Trump took the oath of office on Jan. 20, formally putting him in control of the agency responsible for the lease held by his company.The Trump company’s reorganization of the hotel became public on Feb. 3, with a filing to D.C. government showing that Trump had transferred control of Trump Old Post Office LLC to Don Jr., who is now president, and Allen H. Weisselberg, now vice president, secretary and treasurer.Three days later, in response to further questions from Democrats, the GSA sent a two-page letter from Saul Japson, acting associate administrator, saying that the agency “will continue to abide by its obligations under the Old Post Office contract and remain vigilant regarding the Government’s rights and remedies under the contract.”Spokesmen for GSA and the Trump Organization declined to comment for this article. The agency released a statement saying it was “committed to expeditiously resolving issues associated with the Old Post Office Lease.”The GSA’s inspector general, Carol F. Ochoa, has also reserved judgment. A spokeswoman for Ochoa, Sarah Breen, said the office was “still considering what would be the best course of action.”Dan Tangherlini, the former GSA administrator who oversaw initial lease negotiations with Trump for the Obama administration and left the government two years ago, said he was not surprised the agency has not acted.

Who is the most famous superhero (the one who gets the most movies, comics and animated shows)?

It would be a toss-up betweenSuperman,Radio and audio1940s:The Adventures of Superman– radio series starringBud CollyerandJoan Alexander1966:The Adventures of Superman–vinyl LPfeaturingBob Holidayas Superman1970s–1980s: variousSuperman-related vinyl albums fromPeter Pan Records1993:Superman Lives!– BBC Radio Light Entertainment, BBC Radio 5; Superman is voiced byStuart Milligan1995:DC Comics Super Heroes – Attack of the Elementals– audio drama featuring the Justice League; Superman is voiced by David Earl Waterman2008:The Never-Ending Battle– Graphic Audio; Superman voiced by James KonicekFilm1941–1943:Fleischer Studios/Famous Studios'Supermantheatrical cartoon– series of 17 shorts initially starring Bud Collyer2006:Superman: Brainiac Attacks– direct-to-video film utilizing character designs fromSuperman: The Animated Series; starring Tim Daly and Dana Delany2007:Superman: Doomsday– direct-to-video from DC Comics featuringAdam Baldwinas Superman2008:Justice League: The New Frontier– direct-to-video (DC Comics) featuringKyle MacLachlanas Superman2009:Superman/Batman: Public Enemies– direct-to-video (DC Comics) featuringTim Dalyas Superman2010:DC Super Friendsdirect-to-video (Warner Bros. andFisher-Price); featuringDavid Kayeas Superman2010:Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths– direct-to-video (DC Comics); Superman is voiced byMark Harmon2010:Superman/Batman: Apocalypse– direct-to-video (DC Comics);Tim Dalyreprises his role as Superman2010:Batman: Under the Red Hood– direct-to-video (DC Comics); Only referenced throughAmazo2010:Superman/Shazam!: The Return of Black Adam– direct-to-video short (DC Comics) featuringGeorge Newbernas Superman.2011:All-Star Superman– direct-to-video (DC Comics) featuringJames Dentonas Superman2012:Mad– When their fellow heroes feel under-appreciated, they appeal to Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman about being called "Super Friends."2012:Justice League: Doom– direct-to-video (DC Comics) featuring Tim Daly as Superman2012:Superman vs. The Elite– direct-to-video (DC Comics) featuring George Newbern as Superman2013:Batman: The Dark Knight Returns– direct-to-video (DC Comics) two-part adaption of the graphic novel featuringMark Valleyas Superman in Part 2 of the adaption2013:Superman: Unbound– direct-to-video (DC Comics) featuringMatt Bomeras Superman2013:Lego Batman: The Movie - DC Super Heroes Unite– direct-to-video (DC Comics) featuringTravis Willinghamas Superman2013:Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox– direct-to-video (DC Comics) featuringSam Daly, following in his father Tim's footsteps as Superman2014:The Lego Movie- Animated film featuringChanning Tatumas Superman.2014:JLA Adventures: Trapped in Time– direct-to-video (DC Comics) featuringPeter Jessopas Superman2014:Justice League: War– direct-to-video (DC Comics) featuringAlan Tudykas Superman2014:Lego Batman: Be-Leaguered– TV special featuring Nolan North as Superman2015:Justice League: Throne of Atlantis– direct-to-video (DC Comics) featuringJerry O'Connellas Superman2015:Lego DC Comics Super Heroes: Justice League vs. Bizarro League– direct-to-video (DC Comics) featuringNolan Northas Superman2015:Justice League: Gods and Monsters- direct-to-video (DC Comics) featuring a reimagined version of Superman who is the son ofGeneral Zod.2015:Lego DC Comics Super Heroes: Justice League: Attack of the Legion of Doom- direct-to-video with Nolan North reprising his role as Superman2016:Lego DC Comics Super Heroes: Justice League: Cosmic Clash- direct-to-video with Nolan North reprising his role2016:Justice League vs. Teen Titans– direct-to-video (DC Comics) withJerry O'Connellas reprising his role2017:Justice League Dark- direct-to-video (DC Comics) withJerry O'Connellas reprising his role2017:The Lego Batman Movie- Animated film featuring Superman.Live-action film1948:Superman– a serial in 15 chapters starringKirk AlynandNoel Neill; recounts origin story, then fights the Spider Lady1950:Atom Man vs. Superman– serial in 15 parts starring Kirk Alyn, Noel Neill andLyle Talbot; Fights Atom Man,Lex Luthor1951:Superman and the Mole Men– feature film, starringGeorge ReevesandPhyllis Coates1954:Stamp Day for Superman– short film featuring George Reeves and Noel Neill promoting Stamp Day for theU.S. Treasury1978:Superman: The Movie– directed byRichard Donnerand starringChristopher Reeve,Marlon Brando,Gene Hackman,Margot Kidder,Ned BeattyandValerie Perrine(ranked at no. 26 onThe AFI's Top 50 Heroes list)1979:The Return of Superman(also known as "Turkish Superman") is an adaptation of Superman fromTurkey1981:Superman II– directed byRichard Lesterand starring Christopher Reeve, Gene Hackman, Margot Kidder, andTerence Stamp1983:Superman III– directed by Richard Lester and starring Christopher Reeve,Richard Pryor,Annette O'TooleandRobert Vaughn1984:Supergirl– spin-off directed byJeannot Szwarcand starringHelen Slater,Faye Dunaway, andMarc McClure(repeating his role ofJimmy Olsenfrom the Reeve features)1987:Superman IV: The Quest For Peace– directed bySidney J. Furieand starring Christopher Reeve, Gene Hackman, Margot Kidder,Jon CryerandMariel Hemingway2006:Superman Returns– directed byBryan Singerand starringBrandon Routh,Kate Bosworth,Kevin SpaceyandJames Marsden(includes material featuring Marlon Brando, originally filmed forSuperman: The Movie)2006:Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut– New edit ofSuperman II, featuring around 80% new footage originally shot by director Richard Donner, including material featuring Marlon Brando2013:Man of Steel– directed byZack Snyderand starringHenry Cavill,Amy Adams,Russell Crowe,Kevin Costner,Diane Lane,Laurence FishburneandMichael Shannon2016:Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice– directed by Zack Snyder, the film is a sequel/follow-up toMan of Steelfeaturing the first meeting between Superman (Henry Cavill) and Batman (Ben Affleck). Also starring Amy Adams,Jesse Eisenberg, Diane Lane, Laurence Fishburne,Jeremy Irons,Holly Hunter, andGal Gadot.2017:Justice League- directed by Zack Snyder, this film is a follow-up toBatman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Cavill is confirmed to reprise his role as Superman. Also starring Ben Affleck, Gal Gadot,Jason Momoa,Ezra Miller, andRay Fisher.TelevisionLive-action television1952–1958:Adventures of Superman– starring George Reeves, Phyllis Coates (season 1) and Noel Neill (seasons 2–6)1957:I Love Lucy, episode: "Lucy and Superman" featuring George Reeves as Superman1961:The Adventures of Superboy– unaired series pilot starringJohnny Rockwell1975:It's a Bird...It's a Plane...It's Superman– Televised production of the Broadway play starringDavid WilsonandLesley Ann Warren1988–1992:Superboy– series starringJohn Haymes Newton(1988–1989),Gerard Christopher(1989–1992), andStacy Haiduk1993–1997:Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman– series starringDean CainandTeri Hatcher2001–2011:Smallville– series starringTom Wellingas Clark Kent2016:Supergirl– series guest-starringTyler Hoechlinas Superman2017:Powerless- Superman appears in the opening credits.Animated television1966–1969: VariousSupermanseries byFilmation– Bud Collyer as Superman andBob HastingsasSuperboy1966:The New Adventures of Superman1967:The Superman-Aquaman Hour of Adventure– included threeJustice League of Americashorts (also featuring Collyer as Superman)1968–1969:The Batman-Superman Hour1969: Superman is mentioned by Ernie in the television promotional specialThis Way to Sesame Streetwhen he discusses to Bert about celebrities visiting the street includingBurt Lancaster,James Earl Jones,Mahalia Jackson,Batman,Kermit the Frog, andCarol Burnett.1970:Lennie Weinribvoices Superman in aSesame Streetsketch for a lecture of words beginning with "S" which happens to be the character's favorite letter of the Alphabet.1973–1985: VariousSuper Friendsseries produced byHanna-Barbera;Danny Darkas Superman1973:Super Friends1977:The All-New Super Friends Hour1978:Challenge of the Super Friends1979:The World's Greatest Super Friends1980–83:Super Friends1984:Super Friends: The Legendary Super Powers Show1985:The Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardians1988:Superman– TV series based on the "new" DC Comics Superman; produced byRuby-Spears; starringBeau Weaverand Ginny McSwain. Animated byToei Animation, Japan1996–2000:Superman: The Animated SeriesbyWarner Bros.; starringTim DalyandDana Delany1999:The Multipath Adventures of SupermanbyWarner Bros.over 50 interactive webisodes2000:Batman Beyond, episodes: "The Call" (parts 1 & 2) (Warner Bros.); featuring an older Superman (Christopher McDonald) as the leader of theJustice League2001–2006:Justice League/Justice League Unlimited(Warner Bros.); featuringGeorge Newbernas Superman2004:Static Shock2005:Krypto the Superdog– TV series; Superman voiced by Michael Daingerfield (appears in episode one)2006–2008:Legion of Super Heroes(Warner Bros.); featuringYuri Lowenthalas Superman2007–2008:The Batman(Warner Bros.) – Superman is featured in the two-part season five premiere, "The Batman/Superman Story" and the two-part series finale, "Lost Heroes"; George Newbern reprises the role2010–2013:Young Justice(Warner Bros.); featuresNolan Northas Superman2016-:Justice League Actiona series featuring a rotating cast of Justice League members including Superman played by Jason L. Lewis.DC Animated UniverseSuperman is a major character in theDC Animated Universe, under the portrayal of various different actors. Although still a very difficult character to beat, he is portrayed as being considerably weaker than he is in the comics. He also has a specific set of stylized sound effects whenever his powers are used. Additionally, his personality is very similar to Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster's original comics, the same one used by John Byrne in the reboot of the DC Universe from 1986: somewhat rough and aggressive, although remaining the personification of moral excellence.Superman first appears inhis eponymous series. As with the comics, he is the sole survivor ofKrypton's demise, caused byBrainiacin this continuity. He is portrayed with the same powers and weaknesses, but like average people of Earth cannot breathe in space and thus requires a space suit. He also wears a special lead suit for protection againstkryptonite. Superman's reputation becomes jeopardized in the two-parterLegacy, where he gets brainwashed byDarkseidand set upon Earth, losing the trust of many, includingProfessor Hamiltonand givingLex Luthoran advantage. His baby age, who only appears inThe Last Son of Krypton, the first episode, is voiced byLeslie Lamers. His teenaged self, who only appears inThe Last Son of Krypton, as well as the episodeNew Kids in Town, is voiced byJason Marsden.Tim Dalyvoices the adult character.Superman next appears in theBatman Beyondtwo-parterThe Call. He wears a different suit of black and silver, but is shown to have aged slower than anyone on Earth, due to his Kryptonian DNA, asBruce Waynejokes about. He is first shown disguised as a bystander that is taken hostage byInque, but he quickly reveals himself and takes her out. He then shows up at theBatcaveto recruitTerry McGinnis, the new Batman, into the Justice League, apparently in order to help him find a traitor within the league. Bruce and Terry both discover the traitor to be Superman himself, and Bruce gives Terry a piece of kryptonite, referring to the events ofLegacy. However, it is then discovered that Superman had been under the control of a starfish-like alien (Starro) that he had saved a long time ago. Terry frees Superman, and the two help the rest of the league send the aliens back. Superman was voiced byChristopher McDonald, the voice ofJor-Elin the DCAU, due to an idea that Superman sounds more like his father as he ages.Superman next appears inJustice League, now voiced byGeorge Newbern. Daly was supposed to return, and had even done initial recordings, but was ultimately too involved with other television shows and had to be replaced. Superman, having already got back his reputation that Darkseid had put at stake, forms the league, along withBatman. He begins to wonder about what might happen to him after the events of theJustice Lords, what with his counterpart giving into the urge and killing Luthor. Superman was originally designed with a shine in his hair, along with wrinkles and squintier eyes in order to make him look more detailed, but was redesigned again with his look fromSupermanafter it was not well received.Newbern returns to the role of Superman inStatic Shock, where he helps the title character battle againstToyman. In this series, Superman is given full eyes with blue irises, compared to his other appearances within the DCAU.Superman is again voiced by Newbern inJustice League Unlimited. In this series, he nearly gives into the urge to become like his Justice Lord counterpart, attempting to lobotomizeDoomsday, who he instead finally banished into thePhantom Zone, much to the questioning of Batman and the general public. His doubts about not being like his Justice Lord counterpart are fleshed out inDivided We Fall, where a mechanical duplicate of his counterpart points out about his trust from the public and his power. Superman insists that he is not like his counterpart at all. Most noteworthy is after Flash apparently died defeating the Lex Luthor/ Braniac hybrid, he brought Luthor to eye level and said: "I'm not the man that killed President Luthor. Right now, I wish to heaven that I were, but I'm not." It was because of this, Superman considered shutting down the Justice League, only to be talked out of it byGreen Arrow. During the series finale,Destroyer, Superman briefly gets the upper hand on a resurrected Darkseid. He explains "I feel like I live in a world made of cardboard.", saying that he thus is always taking care of not to attack too hard or he might kill someone. With Darkseid, however, he says "But you can take it, can't you big man. What we have here is a rare opportunity for me to cut loose, and show you just how powerful I really am." and punches Darkseid hard into the sky, through several buildings, and knocks him back into the ground, creating a huge crater. Darkseid then stuns Superman using the Agony Matrix, which causes him to feel extreme pain in every part of his body, and is about to kill him with a kryptonite knife when he is saved by Luthor, whom had agreed with Superman to stop Darkseid, or in his case, get revenge on him for taking a piece of Brainiac from him.Superman/BatmanMitch Watsonrevealed that there was a planned Superman/Batman animated series which Clark as a cub reporter coming to Gotham City, where he meets Bruce and beginning his career as Superman.Postage stampsAppearing in countries world-wide The USPS debuted a new series of stamps in honor of the 75 years ago today the Man of Steel debuted in the pages of Action Comics #1 (cover dated June 1938). Since then his daring deeds of good not only have changed the world (and the world of comic books) but also have inspired all of us to make a difference. This stamp is one of two Superman stamps released in 2006.Games, action figures, and other toysHero ClixSuperman has appeared as aHeroClixfigure, along with other Batman characters, in the following HeroClix sets:HypertimeCosmic JusticeUnleashedLegacyIconsWorld's FinestUnleashedTrinity WarDCTenth AnniversaryTeen TitansTabApp - TabApp Elite - ExtremeSuperman/Wonder WomanSupermanOriginsJustice LeagueJoker's WildDC ExclusivesDC AnniversaryDark Knight RisesConvention LEsThe Brave and the BoldBatman vs. Superman: Dawn of JusticeBatman AlphaBatman GF and Fast ForcesVideo gamesMain article:List of Superman video games1978:SupermanbyAtarifor theAtari 26001984:Superman IIIfor theAtari 8-bit familyof computers (unreleased)1985:Superman: The GamebyFirst Star Softwarefor theCommodore 641987:Supermanby Kemco for theNintendo Entertainment System1988:Superman: Man of SteelbyTynesoftfor the Commodore 641988:SupermanbyTaito;Arcade game1992:Superman: The Man of SteelbyVirgin Interactivefor theMaster System1992:SupermanbySunsoftfor theGenesis1994/1995:The Death and Return of Supermanby Sunsoft for theSuper NESand Genesis1995:Justice League Task ForcebyAcclaimfor the Super NES and Genesis1998:SupermanbyTitusfor theGame Boy1999:Supermanby Titus for theNintendo 641999:The Multipath Adventures of Superman: Menace of Metalloby Brilliant Digital for PC (Windows 95/98)2002:Justice League: Injustice for AllbyMidwayfor theGame Boy Advance; Superman is a playable character2002:Superman: The Man of SteelbyInfogrames/Atari for theXbox2002/2003:Superman: Shadow of Apokolipsby Infogrames/Atari for thePlayStation 2andGameCube2003:Superman: Countdown to Apokolipsby Infogrames/Atari for the Game Boy Advance2003:Justice League: Chroniclesby Midway for the Game Boy Advance; Superman is a playable character2005:Justice LeagueTV Gamesunit byJakks Pacific; Superman is playable in some games, non-playable in others2006:Superman: The Greatest HerobyVTechfor theV.Smilesystem2006:SupermanTV Games unit by Jakks Pacific (five different games)2006:Justice League HeroesbyEidosfor the PlayStation 2, Xbox andPlayStation Portable; Superman is a playable character, and is voiced byCrispin Freeman2006:Superman ReturnsbyElectronic Artsfor the PlayStation 2, Xbox &Xbox 360featuring voices from the cast of the film2006:Superman Returnsby Electronic Arts for theNintendo DS2006:Superman Returns: Fortress of Solitudeby Electronic Arts for the Game Boy Advance2008:Mortal Kombat vs. DC UniversebyMidwayfor thePlayStation 3and Xbox 3602011:DC Universe OnlinebySony Computer Entertainmentfor the PlayStation 3 andMicrosoft Windows2012:Lego Batman 2: DC Super HeroesbyTraveller's Talesfor the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 3602013:Injustice: Gods Among UsbyNetherRealm Studiosfor the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360,Wii U, Windows, PlayStation Vita, and PlayStation 42013/2014:Scribblenauts Unmaskedby 5th Cell for Wii U and Nintendo 3DS2014:The Lego Movie Videogameby Traveller's Tales for thePlayStation 4,Xbox One, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 3602014:Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gothamby Traveller's Tales for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 3602015:Lego Dimensionsby Traveller's Tales for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 3602017:Injustice 2by NetherRealm Studios for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox OneTheatre and live performances1940:New York World's Fair– Broadway actor Ray Middleton played the Man of Steel in his first public appearance on July 3 for "Superman Day"[6]1966:"It's a Bird...It's a Plane...It's Superman"– aBroadwaymusical; lyrics byLee Adams, music byCharles Strouse; starringBob HolidayandJack Cassidy2010: "The History of Invulnerability" – a play about the creation of Superman and the childhood of one of his creators:Joe Shuster2012: "Holy Musical B@man!", a parody musical done by internet theatre troupeStarKid Productionsfeatured Superman portrayed by actor Brian Holden.Literature and printed media1942:The Adventures of SupermanbyGeorge Lowther1971:Man of Steel, Woman of KleenexbyLarry Niven1978:Last Son of KryptonbyElliot S! Maggin1981:Miracle Mondayby Elliot S! Maggin1983:Superman III(novelization) byWilliam Kotzwinkle1991: "Übermensch!" byKim Newman1993:Superman: Doomsday & BeyondbyLouise Simonson, illustrated byDan JurgensandJosé Luis García-López1994:The Death and Life of SupermanbyRoger Stern1996:Lois & Clark: A Superman NovelbyC. J. Cherryh2005:It's Superman!byTom De Haven2005:Superman Returns(novelization), byMarv Wolfman2007:The Last Days of KryptonbyKevin J. Anderson2009:Enemies & AlliesbyKevin J. AndersonAttractions and theme park ridesThe world famous Superman Museum officially opened in 1993 in the Man of Steel's official hometown of Metropolis, Illinois on Superman Square.The museum features 20,000+ items from the life's work of longtime Superman enthusiast and collector, Jim Hambrick who has amassed one of the greatest collections of Superman memorabilia in the world.Among the items showcased in the museum from the iconic superhero's 75+ year history are virtually every Superman toy ever produced as well as movie props and promotional materials from all the Superman movies & TV series (including "Smallville" and "Man of Steel") and one of the only George Reeves Superman costumes still in existence.The musum is organized around particular eras and portrayals of Superman, spanning television, movies, and comics; and is changed frequently, to encourage repeat visits.Superman Escape atWarner Bros. Movie WorldSuperman: Escape from Krypton,roller coasteratSix Flags Magic Mountainis a steelshuttle roller coasterinValencia, California. When it opened in 1997, it was the tallest roller coaster in the world, and its speed of 100 mph (160 km/h) was tied for the fastest withTower of Terror II, a similar roller coaster which opened two months earlier atDreamworldinAustralia. These two coasters were the first to utilizeLinear Synchronous Motor(LSM) technology to propel vehicles to top speed. The park originally intended to open the ride in 1996, but the opening was delayed because of several issues with the launch system. The ride was closed in late 2010 for refurbishment, and it emerged in 2011 as "Superman: Escape from Krypton". The refurbished ride featured new trains which face backward, and it was painted with a new color scheme. As of 2013, Superman: Escape from Krypton has thethird-tallest structure, thefifth-fastest speedand thethird-longest dropin the world.Superman: Ultimate Flight, roller coaster atSix Flags Over Georgia,Six Flags Great Adventure, andSix Flags Great America.Superman: Ultimate Flight, roller coaster atSix Flags Discovery KingdomSuperman – Ride of Steel, roller coaster atSix Flags America.Superman: Krypton Coaster, roller coaster atSix Flags Fiesta Texas.Superman el Último Escape, roller coaster atSix Flags México.Superman la Atracción de Acero, roller coaster atParque Warner MadridSuperman Escape, roller coaster atWarner Bros. Movie World.Superman: Tower of Powertower ride atSix Flags Over TexasandSix Flags St. Louis.MusicMusic about or that references Superman or the Superman franchise:1966: "Sunshine Superman" byDonovan1968: "Superman" byNew Riders of the Purple Sage1968: "My Name is Jack" byManfred Mann1969: "Superman" byThe Clique(covered byR.E.M., 1986)1971: "The Day Superman Got Busted" byCompany Caine1972: "Superman" byAlison McCallum1972: "Thick as a Brick" byJethro Tull1972: "You Don't Mess Around with Jim" byJim Croce(covered byPoison, 2006)1973: "Superman" by Donna Fargo1974: "Carpet Crawlers" byGenesis1975: "Black Superman (Muhammad Ali)" byJohnny Wakelin1976: "Superman Lover" byJohnny Guitar Watson1977: "Superman" byBarbra Streisand1978: "Bicycle Race" byQueen1978: "What's Next to the Moon" byAC/DC1978: "Can You Read My Mind" byJohn Williamsand lyrics byLeslie Bricusse1979: "Super Superman" byMiguel Bosé1979: "(Wish I Could Fly Like) Superman" byThe Kinks1979: "Rapper's Delight" byThe Sugarhill Gang(covered byDef Squad, 1998)1979: "We All Love You Superman" by Luisa Fernandez, Warner Bros 17 317 (7") / 26 081 (12")1979: "Sei Il Piu' Forte Superman" by Luisa Fernandez, Warner Bros 17 350 (Italian Version)1981: "O Superman (For Massenet)" byLaurie Anderson1981: "The Land of Make Believe" byBucks Fizz1983: "Make Me A Believer" byLuther Vandross1984: "Holding Out for a Hero" byBonnie Tyler1984: "Jam On It" byNewcleus1984: "Man of Steel" byHank Williams, Jr.1985: "Impressed" byCharlie Sextonreferences Superman and Lois Lane (fromPictures for Pleasure)1986: "Land of Confusion" byGenesis1987: "Sunset Superman" byDio1988 - 93: "Metropolis Symphony" byMichael Daugherty1988: "Do What You Want" byBad Religion1989: "Heaven" byWarrant1989: "Superman" byRobyn Hitchcock1991: "Superman's Song" byCrash Test Dummies1991: "Superman" byAlanis Morissette1991: "Jimmy Olsen's Blues" bySpin Doctors1991: "Superman" byGaunt1991: "Can't Stop This Thing We Started" byBryan Adams1992: "Superman's Ghost" byDon McLean1993: "Award Tour" byA Tribe Called Quest1994: "Black Superman" byAbove the Law1994: "Silvergun Superman" byStone Temple Pilots1994: "Superman" byLove Spit Love1995: "Foe Life" byMack 101996: "Real World" byMatchbox Twenty1997: "Superman" byGoldfinger1997: "Superman's Dead" byOur Lady Peace1999: "Soopaman Lover" byChico DeBargefeatRedmanandErick Sermon1999: "Waitin' for a Superman" byThe Flaming Lips1999: "Get Ready" byMase1999: "I'll Be Your Everything" byYoungstown1999: "Super-Duper-Man" byToy-Box2000: "Kryptonite" by3 Doors Down2000: "Say It Isn't So" byBon Jovi2000: "Superman" byLazlo Bane2000: "Party Up (Up in Here)" byDMX2000: "I Can't Lie to Me" byClay Davidson2000: "Save Me" byAimee Mann2001: "Superman (It's Not Easy)" byFive for Fighting2001: "Superman" byBush2001: "Jimmy" byAmy Jo Johnson2001: "Superhero" byBrian McKnight2002: "Invincible" byEmma Bunton2002: "Where Are You Going?" byDave Matthews Band2002: "Superman" byEminem2002: "She's Got A Boyfriend" byBowling for Soup2003: "Change You or Change Me" byFabolous2003: "Save The Day" byTrain2004: "Big Red Cheese" byThe Roy Clark Method2004: "超人"(Superman) byMayday2004: "Black Superman" byJude2004: "100 Ways" byJC Chasez2005: "The Man of Metropolis Steals Our Hearts" bySufjan Stevens2005: "Superman on Ice" by13 & God2005: "Superman" byStereophonics2006: "Kingdom Come" byJay-Z2006: "Superman" bySandi Thom2006: "Who Said" byHannah Montana2007: "Kryptonite" byMariofeaturingRich Boy2007: "Crank That (Soulja Boy)" bySoulja Boy2008: "Superman" byT-Pain2008: "Superman" byThe Game2008: "Hero" byPop Evil2008: "Superman 14" byKevin Costner & Modern West2009: "Superman" byJoe Brooks2009: "Superman High" byR. Kellyand OJ2009: "Superman" byWillie Nelson2009: "No One Likes Superman Anymore" byI Fight Dragons2009: "La La La" byLMFAO2010: "Superman Tonight" byBon Jovi2010: "Cars, Money, and Fame" byTimeflies2010: "Fire in the Kitchen" byManafest2010: "Love the Way You Lie" byEminemfeaturingRihanna2011: "Superman" byTaylor Swift2011: "6 Weeks" byJames Morrison2011: "Drink In My Hand" byEric Church2012: "Hit the Ground (Superman)" byThe Big Pink2012: "One Thing" byOne Direction2012: "Metropolis" byOwl City2012: "Superman" byRick Astley2012: "50 Ways to Say Goodbye" byTrain2013: "Can't Say Love" ByHunter Hayes2013: "Waiting for Superman" byDaughtry2014: "Shut Up and Dance" byWalk the Moon2015: "Hide Away" byDaya2015: "One Call Away" byCharlie Puth2016: "Superman" by KINGDM2017: "Something Just Like This" byChainsmokersandColdplayArt2007:Beautiful Superman, a sculpture byDavid Herbert, exhibited in 2008 inThe Hague SculptureinThe Hague.ParodiesThe cartoonUnderdogin which Shoeshine boy becomes "Underdog" with the help of an energy pill.The cartoon seriesGroovy Gooliesfeatured dim witted Frankie as "Super Goof".Walt Disney'sGoofydid a parody of Superman with the help of "super goobers" {Peanuts} in which Goofy became "Super Goof" clothed in red underwear with "SG" and a blue cape and endowed with Super ears: Super sight; Super strength, Super voice and super flying-Goofy's crime fighting always interrupted his date withClarabelle Cow.Warner Brothers'Daffy Duckdid a parody of Superman asStupor Duck.MerchandisingSuperman peanut butterSunnyland Refining Co., in 1981, marketed jars of creamy and crunchy peanut butter using the familiar image of Superman. In the 50th anniversary publicationFifty Who Made DC Great, it was noted that this was DC's first licensing deal for a brand of food.ASupermanpinball machine was produced byAtariin 1979.Superman is part of the DC Deckbuilding Game byCryptozoic EntertainmentBatmanLive-actionA number of Batman theatricalfilmshave been made. There have also been several attempted projects during the hiatus betweenBatman & RobinandBatman Begins.Serials1943:Batman, 15-chapter serial starringLewis Wilsonas Batman andDouglas CroftasRobin1949:Batman and Robin, 15-chapter serial starringRobert Loweryas Batman andJohnny Duncanas Robin19661966:Batman: The Movie, feature film based on the contemporaneousBatmantelevision series; starringAdam Westas Batman,Burt Wardas Robin,Cesar Romeroas theJoker,Burgess Meredithas thePenguin,Frank Gorshinas theRiddler, andLee MeriweatherasCatwoman1989-19971989:Batman, directed byTim Burton; starringMichael Keatonas Batman,Jack Nicholsonas the Joker, andKim BasingerasVicki Vale1992:Batman Returns, directed by Tim Burton; starring Michael Keaton as Batman,Michelle PfeifferasCatwoman,Danny DeVitoas the Penguin, andChristopher WalkenasMax Shreck1995:Batman Forever, directed byJoel Schumacher; starringVal Kilmeras Batman,Chris O'Donnellas Robin,Nicole Kidmanas Chase Meridian,Tommy Lee JonesasTwo-Face, andJim Carreyas the Riddler1997:Batman & Robin, directed by Joel Schumacher; starringGeorge Clooneyas Batman, Chris O'Donnell as Robin,Alicia SilverstoneasBatgirl,Arnold SchwarzeneggerasMr. Freeze,Uma ThurmanasPoison IvyandRobert SwensonasBaneThe Dark Knight Trilogy2005:Batman Begins, directed byChristopher Nolan; starringChristian Baleas Batman,Michael CaineasAlfred Pennyworth,Gary OldmanasJames Gordon,Katie HolmesasRachel Dawes,Liam NeesonasHenri Ducard/Ra's al Ghul,Cillian Murphyas theScarecrow, andMorgan FreemanasLucius Fox2008:The Dark Knight, directed by Christopher Nolan; starring Christian Bale as Batman, Michael Caine as Alfred Pennyworth, Gary Oldman as James Gordon,Maggie Gyllenhaalas Rachel Dawes,Aaron Eckhartas Harvey Dent/Two-Face,Heath Ledgeras the Joker, and Morgan Freeman as Lucius Fox2012:The Dark Knight Rises, directed by Christopher Nolan; starring Christian Bale as Batman, Michael Caine as Alfred Pennyworth, Gary Oldman as James Gordon,Anne HathawayasCatwoman,Joseph Gordon-LevittasJohn Blake,Tom Hardyas Bane,Marion CotillardasMiranda Tate/Talia al Ghul, and Morgan Freeman as Lucius FoxDC Extended Universe2016:Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, a follow-up toMan of Steeldirected byZack Snyder.Ben Affleckportrays Batman.2016:Suicide Squad, reprised again by Affleck as a means to the Squad's background stories.2017:Justice League, Affleck is signed on to star in, produce, and co-write a Batman film set within the DC Extended Universe.AnimatedFeaturing Batman1993:Batman: Mask of the Phantasm, an animated theatrical feature tie-in forBatman: The Animated Series; starringKevin Conroyas Batman,Mark Hamillas the Joker, andDana DelanyasAndrea Beaumont/The Phantasm1998:Subzero, set in the continuity ofBatman: The Animated Series, with Kevin Conroy voicing Batman2000:Return of the Joker, set in the continuity ofBatman Beyond, withWill Friedleand Kevin Conroy voicing Batman2003:Mystery of the Batwoman, set in the continuity ofThe New Batman Adventures, with Kevin Conroy voicing Batman2005:The Batman vs. Dracula, set in the continuity ofThe Batman, withRino Romanovoicing Batman2010:Under the Red Hood, an adaptation ofBatman: Under the Hood, withBruce Greenwoodvoicing Batman2011:Year One, an adaptation ofBatman: Year One, withBenjamin McKenzievoicing Batman2012:Batman: The Dark Knight Returns - Part 1, an adaptation of the first half ofThe Dark Knight Returns, withPeter Wellervoicing Batman2013:The Dark Knight Returns - Part 2, an adaptation of the second half ofThe Dark Knight Returns, with Peter Weller voicing Batman2013:DC Super Heroes UnitewithTroy Bakervoicing Batman2014:Son of Batman, a loose adaptation ofBatman and Son, withJason O'Maravoicing Batman2014:Assault on Arkham, set in the continuity ofBatman: Arkham, with Kevin Conroy voicing Batman2015:Batman vs. Robin, a loose adaptation ofCourt of Owls[citation needed], withJason O'Maravoicing Batman2015:Batman Unlimited: Animal Instincts, withRoger Craig Smithvoicing Batman2015:Batman Unlimited: Monster Mayhem, with Roger Craig Smith voicing Batman2016:Batman Unlimited: Mechs vs. Mutants, with Roger Craig Smith voicing Batman2016:Batman: Bad Blood, an animated film also featuringBatwomanandBatwingwithJason O'Maravoicing Batman andSean Mahervoicing Dick Grayson/Nightwing as Batman2016:Batman: The Killing Joke, an adaptation ofBatman: The Killing Joke, with Kevin Conroy voicing Batman2016:Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders, an animated film based on the contemporaneousBatmantelevision series; starringAdam Westas Batman,Burt Wardas Robin, andJulie NewmarasCatwoman2017:Batman and Harley Quinn, an original animated film in the style ofBatman: The Animated Series, with Kevin Conroy voicing BatmanWith other DC Comics heroes1997:The Batman/Superman Movie: World's Finest2008:Justice League: The New Frontier, based on thecomic of the same name, withJeremy Sistovoicing Batman2009:Superman/Batman: Public Enemies, based on the comic of the same name, with Kevin Conroy voicing Batman2010:Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths, a loose adaptation of various DC comics, withWilliam Baldwinvoicing Batman2010:Superman/Batman: Apocalypse, based onSuperman/Batman: The Supergirl from Krypton, with Kevin Conroy voicing Batman2010:DC Super Friends, based on theFisher-Pricetoyline, withDaran Norrisvoicing Batman2012:Justice League: Doom, based onJLA: Tower of Babel, with Kevin Conroy voicing Batman2013:Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox, based onFlashpoint, withKevin McKiddand Kevin Conroy voicing Batman2014:JLA Adventures: Trapped in Time, an original story withDiedrich Badervoicing Batman2014:Justice League: War, based onJustice League: Origin, with Jason O'Mara voicing Batman2014:Lego DC Comics: Batman Be-Leagueredanimated television special, withTroy Bakerreprising his role as Batman from the Lego video games2015:Justice League: Throne of Atlantis, based onThrone of Atlantis, with Jason O'Mara reprising his role2015:Lego DC Comics Super Heroes: Justice League vs. Bizarro League, with Troy Baker reprising his role2015:Justice League: Gods and Monsters, withMichael C. Hallvoicing Batman2016:Lego DC Comics Super Heroes: Justice League: Cosmic Clash, with Troy Baker reprising his role2016:Justice League vs. Teen Titans, with Jason O'Mara reprising his role2016:Lego DC Comics Super Heroes: Justice League: Gotham City Breakout, with Troy Baker reprising his role2017:Justice League Dark, with Jason O'Mara reprising his roleWeb series[edit]2015:Justice League: Gods and Monsters Chronicles, withMichael C. Hallvoicing Batman2015:Batman Unlimited, withRoger Craig Smithvoicing BatmanOther[edit]2008:Batman: Gotham Knight, a collection of original shorts, with Kevin Conroy voicing Batman2014: ALego-themed version of Batman appears inThe Lego Movie, voiced byWill Arnett2017:The Lego Batman Movie, with Arnett reprising his roleTelevisionLive-action1966–68:BatmanstarringAdam WestandBurt Wardas Bruce Wayne/Batman and Dick Grayson/Robin1972: "Equal pay"Public Service AnnouncementfeaturingDick Gautieras Batman, Burt Ward as Robin, andYvonne Craigas Batgirl1979:Legends of the Superheroesby Hanna Barbera, featuring West and Ward as Batman and Robin2001: "OnStar" commercials featuringBruce Thomasas Batman andMichael Goughas Alfred, and followed the visual style of the 1989–97 film series2002:Birds of Prey, TV series that featured Batman in the first episode2012 – present: Batman has been referenced throughout theCWTV series,Arrow,The Flash,SupergirlandLegends of Tomorrow.2017:Powerless: Batman is seen in the opening theme, and mentioned throughout the show. One of the main characters is actually Bruce Wayne's cousin,Van Wayne.Bruce WayneIn 1999,Tim McCanlieswrote a pilot script and series bible for a planned series calledBruce Wayneto be produced by Tollin/Robbins Productions. Taking place in his teenage years, the series would cover his passage into young adulthood, training, and development into becoming Batman. Other characters would include Alfred, Sergeant Jim Gordon, law school student Harvey Dent, and a seductive young Selina Kyle. Planned to run for five to six seasons, it would show how he acquired his martial arts skills, his equipment, and detective abilities he would use in his war on crime. It would also focus on topics such as corruption within the board of Wayne Enterprises (an element which influencedBatman BeginsandGotham) and police affiliation with the mafia.Bruce Waynewas nearing pre-production whenWarner Bros.movie division felt it would conflict with the plannedYear Onemovie and scrapped it. The result wasBatman Beginsand Tollin/Robbins Productions later went to createSmallville, a series about a teenage Clark Kent.GothamIn 2014, Warner Bros. Television andFox Networkpremiered the seriesGothamwith show creatorBruno Heller, which focuses on James Gordon (played byBen McKenzie), a detective solving Thomas and Martha Wayne's murder. The pilot began filming in March 2014 and features Bruce Wayne (played byDavid Mazouz) at 12 years old. Fox ChairmanKevin Reillyrevealed that the series has an origin story of Wayne becoming Batman in the final episode, and origin stories for Riddler, Penguin, Joker and Catwoman.The series has a similar tone to the Christopher Nolan Batman films.Danny Cannondirected the pilot and executive produces the series.AnimatedSuper Friends1973–86: VariousSuper Friendsseries produced by Hanna-Barbera; Olan Soule again reprises his role as Batman in all but the last twoSuper Friendsseries, where he is replaced byAdam West.1973–74:Super Friends1977–78:The All-New Super Friends Hour1978–79:Challenge of the Super Friends1979–80:The World's Greatest Super Friends1980–83:Super Friends1984–85:Super Friends: The Legendary Super Powers Show1985–86:The Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardians1977–78:The New Adventures of Batman, produced by Filmation; while the H-B producedSuper Friendsran on ABC, Adam West andBurt Ward(Robin) voiced their previously live-action roles for this CBS cartoon series; later rerun as part ofThe Batman/Tarzan Adventure Hour(the Tarzan segments had also been previously seen as their own series)DC Animated Universe1992–2006: TheDC animated universeproduced byWarner Bros. Animation; Batman is voiced byKevin Conroyin all appearances1992–95:Batman: The Animated Series; the first series of the DCAU1997–99:Superman: The Animated Series; Batman guest stars in "World's Finest", "Knight Time" and "The Demon Reborn"1997–99:The New Batman Adventures; a continuation ofBatman: The Animated Series1999–2001:Batman Beyond; an elderly Bruce Wayne passes the mantle of Batman onto teenagerTerry McGinnis(voiced byWill Friedle)2001:The Zeta Project; the future Batman guest stars in the episode "Shadows"2001–04:Justice League; the original Batman becomes one of the founding members of the League2002–04:Static Shock; Batman guest stars in "The Big Leagues", "Hard as Nails", "A League of Their Own" and "Future Shock"; he appears in the "New Batman Adventures" for three episodes and "Justice League" appearance for one episode2004–06:Justice League Unlimited; a continuation ofJustice LeagueOther1968–69:Superman, produced byFilmation; featured Batman inBatman with Robin the Boy Wondersegments; Batman segments were later repackaged asThe Adventures of SupermanandBatman with Robin the Boy Wonder(voiced byOlan Soule)1970: Batman appears in three animated educational shorts as part ofSesame Street's first season. Olan Soule reprises his role of Batman1972:The New Scooby-Doo Movies, produced byHanna-Barbera; Batman and Robin appeared in episodes "The Dynamic Scooby-Doo Affair" (9/16/72) and "The Caped Crusader Caper" (12/16/72), where Olan Soule again portrays the Caped Crusader1990:Alvin and the Chipmunksparodied Batman in the 1990 television episode "Batmunk".1997: Appeared in theAnimaniacsepisode "Boo Wonder"; Adam West reprises his role as the Caped Crusader2004:Teen Titans; appears in silhouette in the episode "Haunted", in a flashback sequence2004–08:The Batman; in this series, Bruce Wayne is a young crime fighter just three years into his career as Batman. He is voiced byRino Romano2005–06: InKrypto the Superdog, Batman himself makes no appearances, but his pet dogAce the Bat-Hounddoes, although Ace prefers to refer to himself as "Batman's partner," rather than his pet2008–11:Batman: The Brave and the Bold; based in part on the comic book seriesof the same name, the series has Batman (voiced byDiedrich Bader) team-up with several otherDC Comicsheroes2010–13:Young Justice; the animated series of Young Justice features Justice League members as well as Batman voiced byBruce Greenwood, who played the role in the animated filmBatman: Under the Red Hood2012:Mad; when their fellow heroes feel under-appreciated, they appeal to Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman about being called "Super Friends"2012:New Teen Titansshort, "Red X Unmasked"; a cameo appearance as one of the people under the mask of Red X and says his famous line fromBatman: The Animated Series, "I am Vengeance, I am the Night, I am," but his mask comes off before he can say his name; voiced byKevin Michael Richardson2013:Teen Titans Go!; Batman makes non-speaking cameo appearances in the episodes "La Larva de Amor", "Girl's Night Out", "Books", "Sidekick", "Slumber Party", "Thanksgiving" and "Real Boy Adventures"2013:Beware the Batman; aCGI animatedseries that featuresKatanaas Batman's sidekick[11](voiced byAnthony Ruivivar)2016:Justice League Action; Batman appears as one of the three lead characters in the show, with Kevin Conroy reprising his roleRadioBeginning in March 1945, Batman and Robin made regular appearances on theradio dramaThe Adventures of Supermanon theMutual Broadcasting System. Efforts were made to launch a Batman radio series in 1943 and again in 1950, but neither came to fruition.In 1989, an original radio drama,Batman: The Lazarus Syndrome, was produced byDirk MaggsforBBC Radio 4.A second Maggs production aired onBBC Radio 1in 1994, this time adapting the comic book storylineBatman: Knightfall. It was adapted, produced and directed by Maggs—with music composed byMark Russell—who had also madeSuperman: Doomsday & BeyondonBBC Radio 5. This show, however was not commissioned of its own, but rather to be three-minute episodes on the Mark Goodier Show. This meant it was written with a sense of immediacy; having to make an instant effect and each three-minute segment contains a major plot development or sound effect stunt and ends on a cliffhanger. DC acknowledged the effort in an issueShadow of The Batby having villains jump past a sign reading "Dirk Maggs Radio".Michael Goughreprised the role ofAlfred Pennyworthfrom the Burton/Schumacher film series.NewspaperFrom 1943 to 1946, Batman and Robin appeared in a syndicated daily newspapercomic stripproduced by theMcClure Syndicate. Other versions appeared in 1953, 1966, and 1989. The original run is collected in the bookBatman: The Dailies. One more comic strip series ran briefly after the success of the 1989 film.BooksBatman appears in a novel by cyberpunk/horror novelistJohn Shirley, titledBatman: Dead WhitefromDel Rey. Many other novels and short story collections featuring Batman have been published over the years, including novelizations of each of the recent movies (such asBatmanandThe Dark Knight Rises) and many of the comic book arcs.There are also several more scholarly works, aimed at either Batman's history or art, such asLes Daniels'Batman: The Complete History,Will Brooker'sBatman Unmasked: Analysing a Cultural Iconand compilations such asBatman: Cover to Cover: The Greatest Comic Book Covers of the Dark Knight. In 2004,The Batman Handbook: The Ultimate Training Manual, written byScott Beattywas published by Quirk Books (ISBN1-59474-023-2). Written in the same style asThe Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbookseries, the book explained the basics on how to be Batman. Amongst the skills included in the book are "How to Train a Sidekick", "How to Execute a Backflip", "How to Throw a Grappling Hook", and "How to Survive a Poison Gas Attack". Finally, there are of course countless sticker, coloring, activity, and other children's books featuring the Dark Knight.Foreign comicsBatman: Child of DreamsbyKia Asamiya—mangaBatman: Death MaskbyYoshinori Natsume—mangaBatmanbyJiro Kuwata—mangaBatman trong Hőtữ Thầnby Nguyễn Th—Vietnamese comicsNovelty singlesSeveral musical singles featuring cast members of the television show singing in-character were released in 1966:Burgess Meredithas the Penguin in "The Capture" and "The Escape",Frank Gorshinas the Riddler in "The Riddler", andAdam Westas Batman in "Miranda". In 1976 West performed a pair of novelty songs, "The Story of Batman" and "Batman and Robin", for Target Records. All six of these recordings (sans the b-sides to Gorshin and West's singles) were later included on the 1997 compilation,Batmania: Songs Inspired by Batman TV Series.In 1966,Burt Wardalso recorded a limited "disc jokey only" release withFrank Zappacalled "Boy Wonder, I Love You".Also in 1966, British novelty groupThe Scaffoldproduced a single called "Goodbat Nightman" (lyrics byRoger McGough, who "has written several poems" about Batman and Robin).Audio dramaFollowing the popularity of the Adam West television series, a pair of LPs were released in 1966 on MGM's "Leo the Lion" label. Each contained three dramatizations, including stories adapted from Batman comic books:The Official Adventures Of Batman And Robin:The Legend of Batman and RobinThe Penguin's PlunderThe Joker's RevengeMore Official Adventures of Batman & Robin:The Marriage of Batman and BatwomanThe Fake Boy WonderWhen Batman Became a CowardThroughout the 1970s Batman was the subject of a number ofPower RecordsBook-and-record sets, as well as records unaccompanied by books:45 rpm book and record sets:Batman: Stacked CardsBatman: Robin Meets Man-Bat7" 33 1⁄3 rpm records no comic:Batman: If Music be the Food of DeathBatman: The Scarecrow's MiragesBatman: Catwoman's Revenge33 1⁄3 rpm 12 book and record sets:Batman: Gorilla City & Mystery of the Scarecrow CorpseBatman (Collects Stacked Cards, The Scarecrow's Mirage, Challenge of the Catwoman, If Music Be the Food of Death)Batman (Collects Robin Meets Man Bat, Gorilla City, Mystery of the Scarecrow Corpse, The Catwoman's Revenge)A Super Hero Christmas (segment Batman: Christmas Carol Caper)The 1980 mini-series,The Untold Legend of the Batmanwas available in a special "MPI Audio Edition." Each of the three issues were accompanied by an audio cassette containing a performance of the text of the issue, with musical cues.As part of its DC Superheroes collection, in 1982Fisher-PricereleasedBatman: The Case of the Laughing Sphinx, an audio cassette accompanied by a hard back illustrated book.In 2007, the audiobook publisherGraphicAudiolicensed DC Comics properties to adapt as audiodramas. They have produced three adaptations of Batman novels:Batman: Dead WhitebyJohn Shirley,Batman: InfernobyAlex Irvine, andAlan Grant'sBatman: The Stone King. Batman also appears as a supporting cast member in the GraphicAudio's adaptations ofCrisis on Infinite Earths,Infinite CrisisandJLA: Exterminators.Superman has appeared as aHeroClixfigure, along with other Superman characters, in the following HeroClix sets:HypertimeCosmic JusticeUnleashedLegacyIconsBatman Classic TVWorld's FinestUnleashedTrinity WarDCTenth AnniversaryTeen TitansTabApp - TabApp Elite - ExtremeSuperman/Wonder WomanSupermanOriginsJustice LeagueJoker's WildDC ExclusivesDC AnniversaryDark Knight RisesConvention LEsThe Brave and the BoldBatman vs. Superman: Dawn of JusticeBatman AlphaBatman GF and Fast ForcesBatmanArkham OriginsArkham AsylumVideo gamesVideo games featuring Batman include:Batman(1986) for theZX Spectrum,MSXandAmstrad PCW; now known asBatman 3DBatman: The Caped Crusader(1988) for various8-bitand16-bitplatformsBatman(1989) forMega Drive/Genesis,Nintendo Entertainment System(NES),Atari Lynx,Commodore Amiga,Sinclair ZX Spectrumand other platforms. (In October 1989, theAmiga 500was bundled with this game as part of theBatman Pack,[16]which was sold in the United Kingdom and was a phenomenal success)Batman: Return of the Joker(1991) for Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) andGame BoyBatman Returns(1993) for Nintendo Entertainment System (NES),Super NES, Mega Drive/Genesis,Mega CD/Sega CD,Game Gear, and Atari LynxBatman: The Animated Series(1993) for Game BoyBatman & Robin: The Animated Series(1993) forGame GearThe Adventures of Batman & Robin(1994) for Super NES, Mega Drive/Genesis, Mega CD/Sega CD, and Game GearBatman Forever(1996) forSuper NES, Game Boy, Mega Drive/Genesis, and Game GearBatman Forever: The Arcade Game(1996) forArcade,PlayStationandSega SaturnBatman & Robin(1997) for theGame.comand the PlayStationBatman Beyond: Return of the Joker(2000) for theNintendo 64and the PlayStationBatman: Chaos in Gotham(2001) forGame Boy ColorBatman: Gotham City Racer(2001) A racing game for the PlayStationBatman: Vengeance(2001) for theNintendo GameCube,PlayStation 2,PC,Game Boy AdvanceandXboxBatman: Dark Tomorrow(2003) for Xbox and Nintendo GameCubeBatman: Rise of Sin Tzu(2004) for the PlayStation 2, Xbox, the Nintendo GameCube and Game Boy AdvanceBatman Begins(2005) for the PlayStation 2, Xbox, Nintendo GameCube and Game Boy Advance (2005)Batman: The Brave and the Bold – The Videogame(2010) for theWiiandNintendo DS: Based on the television series of the same name (voiced by Diedrich Bader)Gotham City Impostors(2012) A downloadable multi-player first-person shooter game viaPlayStation Network,Xbox Live ArcadeandGames for Windows Live; a "team deathmatch" game, with one team dressed like Batman and the other dressed like The JokerInjustice: Gods Among Us(2013) for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3,PlayStation 4,Wii U, and Windows PC: A fighting game featuring several DC superheroes (voiced byKevin Conroy)Injustice 2(2017) for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One: the sequel toInjustice: Gods Among Us(voiced by Kevin Conroy)The Revenge of Shinobifeatures a non-authorized Batman as aboss. The 8-bit Nintendo Entertainment System gameFinal Fantasyfeatures "Badman", a character with strong resemblances to Batman, as one of the enemies of the final area.Lego: BatmanLego Batman: The Video Game(2008): a video game in the style ofLego Star Warsbased on theLEGO Batmantoyline[17](vocals bySteven Blum)Lego Batman 2: DC Superheroes(2012): the sequel toLego Batman: The Video Game(voiced byTroy Baker)Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham(2014): the sequel toLego Batman 2: DC Superheroes(voiced by Troy Baker)Lego Dimensions(2015): Troy Baker reprises Batman in this multi-franchise game.The Lego Movieversion also appears in this version voiced byWill Arnett. Batman is one of the three main heroes alongsideThe Lego Movie'sWyldstyleandGandalfofLord of the Ringsas he works with them to rescue Robin from Lord Vortech. Additional content also includes an adaptation ofThe Lego Batman Movie.Batman appears in theJustice League Task ForceSuper NESfighting game, a pair ofJustice Leaguegames for Game Boy Advance, and an arcade game based onthe Tim Burton film. He appears in theJustice League Heroesgame for PS2, Xbox, and PSP and has appeared in the crossover gameMortal Kombat vs. DC Universe.Batman has also appeared as a non-player character in theMMORPGDC Universe Online. He is one of the three available "mentors" for the player, choosing him as a mentor will open an exclusive storyline and exclusive missions. Batman can be unlocked to use in Legends PVP matches with two available appearances: the normal Batman or Future Batman, wearing a grey plated armor instead of a suit, and a helmet instead of just a cowl.Batman ArkhamBatman: Arkham Asylum(2009) for theXbox 360,PlayStation 3, andWindowsPC (voiced by Kevin Conroy)Batman: Arkham City(2011) for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Windows PC andWii U: The sequel toBatman: Arkham Asylum(voiced by Kevin Conroy)Batman: Arkham City Lockdown(2011): spin-off toArkham CityBatman: Arkham Origins(2013) for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Windows PC and Wii U: Prequel toArkham AsylumandArkham City(voiced byRoger Craig Smith)Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate(2013) forNintendo 3DSandPlayStation Vita: 2.5D platform game set betweenArkham OriginsandArkham Asylum.Batman: Arkham Knight(2015): the sequel toArkham Cityand the final game in theArkhamseries, forXbox One,PlayStation 4,Microsoft Windows(voiced by Kevin Conroy)Musical theatreWhile a parody of aBatmanmusicalwas featured in one of the most recent series' comics, in 2002,Jim Steinman,David Ives, andTim Burtonhad worked on a theatre production calledBatman: The Musicalalthough it was ultimately cancelled. Steinman has revealed five songs from the musical. The first is the opening theme for "Gotham City" and the entry of Batman with his tortured solo "The Graveyard Shift"; followed by "The Joker's Song (Where Does He Get All Those Wonderful Toys?)", "The Catwoman's Song (I Need All The Love I Can Get)", "We're Still The Children We Once Were" (the climactic sequence) and "In The Land Of The Pig The Butcher Is King", sung by the corrupt blood-suckers ruling Gotham, covered on theMeat LoafalbumBat Out of Hell III: The Monster Is Loose. These songs can be heard at theBatman: The Musicalmemorial site,Dark Knight of the Soul.A Batman musical is also parodied in the animated seriesBatman Beyond. The episode "Out of the Past", (first aired October 21, 2000) opens with Bruce Wayne andTerry McGinnisattending a performance of (a fictional)Batman: The Musical, featuring caricatures of prominent members of theRogues Gallery(the Joker, the Penguin, Two-Face, Catwoman, Poison Ivy, and Harley Quinn). Series creatorPaul Dini, who wrote the episode in question, also wrote a song for the fictitious musical entitledSuperstitious and Cowardly Lot.An episode of the sketch comedy showMADtvalso featured aBatman: The Musicalparody calledBatman V: Out of the Cavewhich starredTommy Tuneas Batman, andBen Vereenas Robin.A live stage show was also created, calledBatman Live: World Tour. The show is a unique fusion of live action theatre, magic, stunts, digital projection and music from an 85-piece orchestra and choir. The tour began at Manchester, UK in Summer 2011 and visited arenas throughout the UK and Europe before arriving in North America in Summer 2012.In 2012, the Internet theatre troupeStarKid Productionscreated a musical titledHoly Musical B@man!, which went on YouTube on April 13. It was performed in Chicago from March 16–25, and because of copyright laws, tickets were free.Batmanis portrayed by Joseph (Joe) Walker.MusicBatman LP - 1975Tracks:Batman ThemeStacked CardsThe Scarecrow's MirageChallenge of the CatwomanIf Music Be The Food of DeathOne of the most--if not the most--popular Power Records LP, if its ubiquitous appearance on eBay is any indication.The label lists Cornel Tanassy as producer, and for the first time writing credits are given: Joey Lapidos wrote "Stacked Cards", Joan Wile wrote "If Music Be The Food of Death", and DC Keeper of the Flame E.Nelson Bridwell wrote "The Scarecrow's Mirage" and "Challenge of the Catwoman."I simply adore this Neal Adams cover--Adams makes The Riddler and especially The Scarecrow look so darn creepy. Between that and the muffled sound they gave his voice on the record(like he was being heard through a burlap hood) it cemented the Scarecrow in my young mind as one of Batman's most disturbing bad guys.The albumKnightfallby multinational Swedish bandSilent Images, is based on theBatman:Knightfallstory arc, with Batman serving as a central character, the "Nightly Priest". The album explores the underlying sociopolitical themes in the Batman universe, and his struggle against "The Venomous One", which is the album´s interpretation ofBane.Games, action figures, and other toysHundreds ofBatman action figures,die-cast models, and other items have been released. Many companies have acquired the rights to make Batman merchandise, including:Ideal—Captain ActionMego—Action figures anddollsCorgi—Die-cast metalvehiclesRemco—Playsetsand roleplaying toysToy Biz—Action figuresErtl—Die-cast figures & vehicles andmodel kitsApplause—PVCfigures anddollsHasbro—Action figuresMonogram—Bobble headsMattel—Action figures andjigsaw puzzlesLego—Building bricks andminifiguresBandaiJapan—SH FiguartsBatman has appeared as aHeroClixfigure, along with other Batman characters, in the following HeroClix sets:HypertimeCosmic JusticeUnleashedLegacyIconsBatman Classic TVWorld's FinestUnleashedTrinity WarDCTenth AnniversaryTeen TitansTabApp - TabApp Elite - ExtremeSuperman/Wonder WomanSupermanOriginsJustice LeagueJoker's WildDC ExclusivesDC AnniversaryDark Knight RisesConvention LEsThe Brave and the BoldBatman vs. Superman: Dawn of JusticeBatman AlphaBatman GF and Fast ForcesBatmanArkham OriginsArkham AsylumFor April 2006, Lego introduced a Batman line which also includes characters such asthe JokerandTwo-Face, atAmerican International Toy Fair.Postage stampsIn 2006, theUnited States Postal Service(USPS) issued a DC Comics Superheroes pane of 20 stamps which included a stamp of Batman.To celebrate the 75th anniversary of Batman, USPS released a limited edition stamp series on October 9, 2014.Four versions of the superhero were depicted from the four eras of comic book history: Golden, Silver, Bronze and Modern. In addition, it included four versions of the Bat-Signal.Theme park attractionsThe 61 metres (200 ft)-tallBatwing Spaceshottower in theGold Coast, AustraliaSeveralSix Flagstheme parks, formerly owned byWarner Bros., opened live-action "Batman Stunt Shows" as the movies increased in popularity. The now closedSix Flags AstroworldinHouston, Texaswas home to a standing roller coaster known as Batman: The Escape.Six Flags Over TexasinArlington, Texasis home to two roller coasters calledMr. Freeze, andBatman: The Ride.Six Flags MéxicoinMexico City, Mexico has also a looping, suspendedroller coasternamed Batman: The Ride (Six Flags St. Louishas the same ride, as doesSix Flags Great AmericainGurnee, Illinois) as well as twinroller coastersnamed Batman and Robin: The Chiller. On the latter attraction, riders may ride on either the Batman or Robin versions of the coaster. But unfortunately in the 2007 off-season, the ride was removed after a long history of technical difficulties and occasionally breaking down.Six Flags Over Georgiacontains a Gotham City area that contains the same Batman: The Ride and also features a looping coaster called The Mindbender that was adapted to fit the color tone of theRiddlerafterBatman Forevercame out to fit theGotham Citysection of the park it shares with Batman: The Ride.Six Flags Magic MountaininValencia, Californiahas two Batman-themed coasters, the suspended coaster Batman: The Ride, and The Riddler's Revenge, a stand-up type roller coaster. This Six Flags park also features an entire themed area called "Gotham City" complete with architecture to match that of the fictional Gotham City.Warner Bros. Movie Worldin theGold Coast, Australia, also has two Batman-themed rides.Batman Adventure – The Ride, revamped in 2001, is amotion simulatorstyle simulator ride whileBatwing Spaceshotis a vertical free-fall ride.In 2008, The Dark Knight Coaster opened inSix Flags Great AdventureandSix Flags Great America. Based onThe Dark Knightfilm, they areWild Mouse roller coasters, indoors, heavily themed, and give riders a feeling that they are being stalked by the Joker.Six Flags New Englandwas originally going to receive this roller coaster; however, due to problems with building permits, the park scratched the project and then sent the coaster toSix Flags México.andSpider-ManTelevisionSpider-Man has been adapted totelevisionmany times, as a short-lived live-actiontelevision series, aJapanese tokusatsuseries, and several animated cartoon series. There were also the "Spidey Super Stories" segments on thePBSeducational seriesThe Electric Company, which featured a Spider-Man (played by Danny Seagren) who did not speak out loud but instead used onlyword balloons.Animated seriesSpider-Man'sfirst cartoon seriesran from 1967-1970.Two Spider-Man cartoons aired on television in 1981: thesyndicatedseriesSpider-Manwhich ran for one twenty-six episode season, and the more popularSpider-Man and His Amazing Friends, which aired on theNBCnetwork for three seasons (ultimately totaling twenty-four episodes).Spider-Man in the 1990s animated seriesInSpider-WomanSpider-Man appeared in "Pyramids of Terror" and "the Kongo Spider" voiced by Paul Soles.As a bit of foreshadowing, Spider-Man's hand appears shooting a web to save a citizen in the third seasonX-Menepisode "Phoenix Saga (Part 5): Child of Light". This episode aired just months before the web-slinger's next series,Spider-Man, which ran for five seasons from 1994–1998, totaling 65 episodes, onFox Broadcasting's afternoon programming block, "Fox Kids." In this series, Spider-Man was voiced byChristopher Daniel Barnes. That series continued asSpider-Man Unlimitedthe following year.Spider-Man Unlimitedended, after only one season, on acliffhangerthat was never resolved.Loosely based on the2002 film continuity, Marvel editorial publisherBrian Michael Bendisdeveloped aCGI spinoffforMainframe Entertainment, with actorNeil Patrick Harrisproviding Peter Parker's voice.MTVpicked up the show from July 11 to September 9, 2003. David and Greenberger p. 173: "It was notable...for being the first and thus far [as of 2010] the only Spidey animated series to be done as CGI."The next series,The Spectacular Spider-Man, premiered on March 8, 2008 and ran two seasons. Spider-Man/Peter Parker was voiced byJosh Keaton.Ultimate Spider-Manbegan airing onDisney XDin 2012. Peter Parker/Spider-Man is voiced byDrake Bell. This version has him team up with Iron Fist, Nova, Luke Cage and White Tiger while undergoing training with S.H.I.E.L.D.Spider-Mananimated was announced in October 2016 to replaceUltimate Spider-Man.Live-action seriesFrom 1978 to 1979,Nicholas Hammondstarred as Peter Parker/Spider-Man in the live-action television seriesThe Amazing Spider-Man. The short-lived series, which had started out as a TV film in 1977, was created before the popularThe Incredible Hulktelevision series of the same decade, and ran for two abbreviated seasons consisting of 13 episodes during the 1977/1978 and 1978/1979 seasons. The series concluded with a two-hour episode on July 6, 1979.Takuya Yamashiro(山城拓也?Yamashiro Takuya) is Spider-Man in theJapaneseSpider-Mantelevision series, produced byToei Company.FilmLive-actionHammond seriesNicholas Hammondportrayed Peter Parker / Spider-Man on-screen in the 1970sThe Amazing Spider-Man tv series, and in three films which were released theatrically in Europe.Spider-ManSpider-Man Strikes BackSpider-Man: The Dragon's ChallengeToei'sSpider-ManA film based on the ToeiSpider-ManTV series namedSpider-Manwas shown at the Toei Manga Matsuri film festival on July 22, 1979. It later aired theatrically in Japan. It was released on VHS in the 1980s and on DVD in 2004.Raimi seriesSpider-Man: On May 3, 2002, thefeature filmSpider-Manwas released. It was directed bySam Raimiand stars actorTobey Maguireas Peter Parker. The film uses variousCGIeffects to bring Spider-Man to life. Although the film adaptation took liberties with the character's history and powers—notably, he was bitten by agenetically modifiedrather than aradioactivespider (an idea originating withUltimate Spider-Man), hadorganicweb-shooters rather than mechanical ones, and had a long-standing crush onMary Jane Watson—it generally held true to the character and was widely embraced by the viewing public. It opened at a record US$114.8 million and earned more thanUS$403 million in the U.S. and Canada, the highest North American gross of any film released that year, though surpassed internationally (see2002 in film). The villain of this film was theGreen Goblinportrayed byWillem Dafoe.Spider-Man 2was 2004's second-most financially successful film in North America and third internationally (see2004 in film). It premiered in more North American movie theaters (4,152) than any previous film. Its original opening day was July 2, 2004, but was moved to June 30, 2004. Its first-day gross (US$40.5 million) surpassed its predecessor's US$39.4 million record.Spider-Man 2was also the first motion picture released in theSonyUniversal Media Discformat for thePlayStation Portable, included free with the first one million PSP systems released in theUnited States. The villain of the film wasDoctor Octopus, portrayed byAlfred Molina.Spider-Man 3began production in 2005 under director Raimi. The studio released the film on May 4, 2007, on a budget reported to be more than US$250 million. The film features three villains: theSandman / Flint Marko(portrayed byThomas Haden Church), theNew Goblin / Harry Osborn(portrayed byJames Franco), andVenom / Eddie Brock(portrayed byTopher Grace).Bryce Dallas HowardplaysGwen Stacy. The plot centers on Peter and MJ's relationship problems, which are exacerbated by the arrival of an alien symbiote that takes over Spider-Man's costume and, despite enhancing his powers, also amplifies his anger, arrogance and other negative personality traits. Despite mixed reviews by critics,Spider-Man 3opened to record-breaking sales with $59 million on its first day.Spider-Man 4began production in 2008 with Raimi attached to direct and the core cast of the previous films to return. Come 2009, however, Raimi dismissed the rumors that all three films were being made, instead confirming that only the fourth was under development. Sony hired James Vanderbilt in October 2008 to pen the screenplay, after contacting David Koepp, the writer of the first film. The script underwent further revision by playwright David Lindsay-Abaire and once more by Gary Ross in October 2009. Sony had also hired Vanderbilt to pen scripts forSpider-Man 5andSpider-Man 6. On the subject of villains, Raimi considered showcasing the transformation ofDr. Curt Connorsinto the Lizard, withDylan Bakerreprising his role. He also had plans to upgrade Bruce Campbell to a more significant role than his prior cameos. In December 2009, it was reported thatJohn Malkovichwas in talks to play theVulture, withAnne HathawayplayingFelicia Hardy. Hardy would be taking a departure from her prior portrayals in this film, becoming "Vulturess" instead of the familiar Black Cat. Disagreements between Raimi and Sony threatened to push the release date back. Raimi reportedly doubted that he could adhere to the film's May 6, 2011 release date without sacrificing quality. Further complicating things, Raimi reportedly went through four revisions of the script, with different writers, and still "hated it". With so many issues, Sony cancelled the film in January 2010.Webb seriesThe Amazing Spider-Manbegan production in December 2010 and was directed byMarc Webbfrom a screenplay byJames Vanderbilt,Alvin Sargent, andSteve Kloves. Avi Arad and Laura Ziskin produced the 3D film released on July 3, 2012.Andrew Garfieldassumed the role of Peter Parker. The film featured the villainDr. Curt Connors / The Lizard(portrayed byRhys Ifans), the love interestGwen Stacy(portrayed byEmma Stone), and Peter's auntMay Parker(portrayed bySally Field).A sequel,The Amazing Spider-Man 2was announced in August 2012. Garfield, Stone and Field reprised their roles whileJamie Foxx,Dane DeHaan,Paul Giamatti,Colm Feore,Felicity JonesandChris Cooperjoined the cast asMax Dillon / Electro,Harry Osborn / Green Goblin,Aleksei Sytsevich / Rhino,Donald Menken,Felicia HardyandNorman Osborn, respectively. The film was released on May 2, 2014.Sony Pictures announced that they had set release dates for the next twoSpider-Manfilms. A third film was set for release on June 10, 2016, and a fourth for May 4, 2018. Sony also announced two spin-offs of the film series that will focus on Spider-Man villains, Venom and the Sinister Six. Sony had pushed back the third and fourthSpider-Manfilms, with their intended release dates respectively taken by an adaptation of the video gameUnchartedandAvengers: Infinity War - Part I. After Sony and Marvel Studios reached a deal to reintroduce Spider-Man into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the sequels ofThe Amazing Spider-Manseries, including the proposed spin-off were officially cancelled. In March 2016,The Hollywood Reporterreported that Sony are moving forward with the standalone Venom movie withDante Harperpenning the script whileAvi AradandMatt Tolmachwill be producing and overseeing the project.Marvel Cinematic UniverseOn February 9, 2015, it was announced that Sony andDisneymade a deal for Spider-Man to appear in the Marvel Cinematic Universe with a new film to be released on July 7, 2017. The companies announced on June 23, 2015 that after many auditions,Tom Hollandhad been cast to play Spider-Man within the MCU. In November 2016, Holland announced that he's signed for 6 films in the MCU.The first reference to Spider-Man within the Marvel Cinematic Universe, following the deal with Sony, is at the end ofAnt-Man, according to directorPeyton Reed, when the reporter says to Sam Wilson who is looking for Ant-Man, "Well, we got everything nowadays. We got a guy who jumps, we got a guy who swings, we got a guy who crawls up the walls, you gotta be more specific."Peter Parker makes his Marvel Cinematic Universe on-screen debut inCaptain America: Civil Warwhen Tony Stark recruits him to his side. In the post-credits scene, he fiddles with a device that projects the Spider Signal on the ceiling in his bedroom.InSpider-Man: Homecoming, directed byJon Watts, Parker balances his high school life with his duties as Spider-Man, while being mentored by Tony Stark.Holland will reprise his role as Peter Parker / Spider-Man inAvengers: Infinity War.Spider-Man will also appear in theuntitled Avengers film.A sequel toSpider-Man: Homecomingis scheduled to be released on July 5, 2019.AnimationSpider-Man appears inLego Marvel Super Heroes: Maximum Overload, voiced byDrake Bell.Spider-Man appears inLego Marvel Super Heroes: Avengers ReassembledwithBenjamin Diskinreprising the role.The Miles Morales version of Spider-Man will appear inan animated filmproduced by Sony Pictures Animation and directed by Bob Persichetti[25]Novels and booksSpider-Man features in three originalMarvelnovels published in the 1970s byPocket Books--Mayhem in ManhattanbyLen WeinandMarv Wolfman, andCrime CampaignandMurder Moon, both byPaul Kupperberg.In the 1990s,Byron Preisspublished aseries of novelsbased on Marvel Comics, edited byKeith R. A. DeCandido, and written by various authors includingAdam-Troy Castro,Tom DeFalco, andDiane Duane; Preiss also published two Spider-Man short-story anthologies. Byron Preiss' license eventually lapsed, and the new licensee, Pocket Star (an imprint of Pocket Books), releasedDown These Mean Streets,by DeCandido, in 2005. In 2006, they releasedThe Darkest HoursbyJim Butcher, and in 2007,Drowned in ThunderbyChristopher L. Bennett. Some of the Preiss novels were team-ups with other Marvel characters (including the X-Men, Iron Man, and the Hulk), while others were solo adventures. The Byron Preiss novels shared a common continuity and occasionally referenced events in earlier novels, while later novels included a time-line.A number of Spider-Man children's books have also been published, from early readers and picture books to novels. Guide books includeDK Publishing'sSpider-Man: The Ultimate Guide, by Tom DeFalco andSpider-Man: Inside the World of Your Friendly Neighborhood Heroby Matthew K. Manning.Motion comicsSpider-Man appears in theSpider-Womanmotion comics. In this series, he is voiced by Geoff Boothby.Comic stripsThe daily newspapercomic stripThe Amazing Spider-Mandebuted on January 3, 1977.Mr. and Mrs. Spider-Manwas a comic strip published in 2008.Games, action figures, and other toysMarvel Superheroes RPGSpider-man is a featured character in the Marvel Superheroes RPGis arole playing gameset in theMarvel Universe, first published byTSRunder license fromMarvel Comicsin 1984. In 1986, TSR published an expanded edition, entitled theMarvel Superheroes Advanced Game.Jeff Grubbdesigned both editions, andSteve Winterwrote both editions. Both use the same game system.The basic game was designed to let players assume the roles of superheroes from Marvel Comics, such asSpider-Man,Daredevil,Hulk,Captain America, theFantastic Four, theX-Men, and others. The game was designed to be easy to understand,and the simplest version, found in the 16-page "Battle Book" of the Basic Set, contains a bare-bones combat system sufficient to resolve comic book style superheroic fights.Islands of AdventureThe Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man is amotion-based3Ddark ridelocated at theIslands of Adventure, Orlando andUniversal Studios Japan, Osakatheme parks. Built for Islands of Adventure's opening in 1999, the attraction is a hybrid ride combining special roving motion vehicles with3Dprojection, elaborate physical sets, and both practical and tactile effects.The ride takes park guests-turned-last-minute-reporters into the world ofMarvel Comics'Spider-Man, and after boarding aDaily Buglevehicle known as the "Scoop", the rider learns that the evilSinister Syndicatehas captured theStatue of Libertywith ananti-gravitygun. This evil group is made up of many famous Spider-Man villains, includingDoctor Octopus,Scream,Electro,Hydro-Man, and theHobgoblin.The attraction took three years to produce, with many new technologies and techniques being developed.The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Manhas been well received, winning several awards including theGolden Ticket Awardfor Best Dark Ride for twelve consecutive years.Guests enter theDaily BuglefromMarvel Super Hero Islandat Islands of Adventure orNew Yorkat Universal Studios Japan.Guests are shown a video in which the company's good reputation is touted and a new newsgathering vehicle, the "Scoop", is introduced. After walking though the empty office, guests are shown a "live" video feed of news coverage.Five supervillainsled byDoctor Octopushave lain siege to the city by an experimental anti-gravity cannon created by Doctor Octopus himself. The syndicate steals theStatue of Libertyand threatens to destroy it if the city does not surrender to them. As guests walk through the empty offices of theBugle, it becomes apparent that all the reporters have fled, leaving The Bugle's Editor-in-ChiefJ. Jonah Jamesonwith no choice but to send the tourists to cover the story using the Bugle's new Scoop vehicle.After donning night vision goggles (3D glasses) the "cub reporters" get in the Scoop and leave the loading docks to aManhattanback alley where they encounter Spider-Man. He warns that he is in for the most dangerous night of his life and for the guests to be careful. In this scene, a series of synchronized effects are used to simulate Spider-Man jumping on the Scoop. Nearly missing a trash truck driven by aStan Leecameo, the guests enter a warehouse where the Sinister Syndicate are holding the Statue of Liberty hostage. Once spotted,Electro,Scream, and Doctor Octopus attack and hurl the Scoop into the sewer, where Spider-Man is waiting. After he fends offHydro-Manand Doctor Octopus there, the guests escape narrowly to the river whereHobgoblinattacks with exploding pumpkins and sends guests into the streets. In the ride's climax, Doctor Octopus lifts the Scoop up to a height of 400 feet (120 m) using the anti-gravity cannon.A number of synchronized effects help achieve this without the vehicle leaving the ground. These include a movable building set, lighting cues, simulator movements, projections and wind effects. Spider-Man attempts to pull the Scoop down, but is attacked by all the super-villains. Spider-Man thwarts them, but not before Doctor Octopus disengages the anti-gravity device, sending the Scoop on a simulated freefall until it is rescued by Spider-Man's webbing right above the ground and another Stan Lee cameo. Spider-Man manages to capture all of the supervillains by tying them with webs. As the vehicle pulls into the unload station, Spider-Man thanks the guests for their help and sends them back to theDaily Bugle, where he has rigged the anti-gravity cannon to lift Jameson up to the ceiling in his office. Guests unload while a modern rendition of the classic Spider-Man theme song plays and a voiceover by Stan Lee instructs the riders on exiting properly.Hero ClixSpider-man has appeared as aHeroClixfigure, along with other Spider-man characters, in the following HeroClix sets:Infinity ChallengeClobberin' TimeXplosionCritical MassUniverseUltimatesWeb of SpidermanAmazing SpidermanMarvel 10th AniversaryWhat IfTabApp - TabApp Elite - Extreme HeroclixSuperior Foes of Spider-ManSinisterSecret InvasionMutations and MonstersMutant MayhemMarvel ExclusivesIncredible HulkHammer of ThorGalactic GuardiansFear ItselfFantastic FourDeadpoolCivil War OPChaos WarArmor WarsAvengers vs. XMenAvengersHundreds of Spider-man action figures,die-cast models, and other items have been released. Many companies have acquired the rights to make Batman merchandise, including:Ideal—Captain ActionMego—Action figures anddollsCorgi—Die-cast metalvehiclesRemco—Playsetsand roleplaying toysToy Biz—Action figuresErtl—Die-cast figures & vehicles andmodel kitsApplause—PVCfigures anddollsHasbro—Action figuresMonogram—Bobble headsMattel—Action figures andjigsaw puzzlesLego—Building bricks andminifiguresBandaiJapan—SH FiguartsCollectors most commonly to refer to several lines produced byToy Bizfocusing onSpider-Manand his allies and enemies. The lines have over 17 series, with dozens of Spider-Man incarnations and many of his famous enemies. The toyline lasted 5 years starting from 2000 to 2005. A year later, ToyBiz released a new series titled "The Amazing Spider-Man". That same year, by changing the license from Marvel at the hands of Hasbro, they released Spider-Man Origins. In 2008, Hasbro released a reboot of Spider-Man Classics simply called "Spider-Man".RadiosIn 1995,BBC Radiocommissioned a Spider-Man radio play which aired on BBC Radio 1 over 50 episodes on week days between January 15, 1996 and March 24, 1996. The performance was co-produced byBrian May, who also contributed to the musical arrangement and wrote and performed the theme tune.The scope of the story included a number of familiar characters from the Spider-Man comic books as well as key figures from the Marvel Universe such as theFantastic Four,Namor the Submariner, andDoctor Doom. The role of Spider-Man was performed byWilliam Dufries. The cast list includedEastEndersstarAnita Dobson.Live performancesSpider-Man: Turn Off the Darkpromotional poster.In 1987 Marvel staged amock wedding at Shea Stadiumas publicity stunt to promote the wedding issue ofthe Amazing Spider-Man.At theButlinsfamily entertainment resorts in the United Kingdom, amusicaltitledSpider-Man On Stageplayed in 1999. The show contained music byHenry Marshand Phil Pickett and a book and lyrics by David H. Bell. The original cast album by Varios Records runs 44 minutes.In 2002, the company 2MA produced the first live-actionSpider-Man stunt show, staged inJeddah, Saudi Arabia. The same show played atThorpe Parkin Surrey, England in 2003 and 2004. Spider-Man has also made stage appearances in Pantomime at the Birmingham Hippodrome Theatre and the Churchill Theatre, Bromley, United Kingdom. In 2003 a similar stage show calledSpider-Man Live!toured North America.AtUniversal Studios Hollywoodin Los Angeles, a musical stage version (loosely based on the 2002 live-action film and based on the comics) titledSpider-Man Rocks!was produced, combined singing and action stunt sequences similar to a Broadway musical. The attraction ran from May 2002 to August 2004, when it was replaced byFear Factor Live!Because it is loosely based on the 2002 film, Green Goblin is basically in his comic book form instead of his movie form.ABroadwaymusical titledSpider-Man: Turn Off the Darkopened at theFoxwoods Theatrein New York on June 14, 2011. The show is directed byJulie Taymorand features music byBonoandThe Edge. The production starsReeve Carney,Jennifer Damiano,T.V. CarpioandPatrick Page. The much-in-the-news troubled musical, is the most expensive piece of live theatre to date, and features high-flying action sequences and stunts. It holds the record for the most preview performances, with 182 before its opening. Spider-Man is featured inMarvel Universe Live!, a 2014 arena show.Video gamesDozens of computer and video games starring Spider-Man have been released for over 15 different gaming platforms.The Amazing Spider-Man, a puzzle-oriented action game developed by Oxford Digital Enterprises and released in 1990 for the Amiga, then later ported toPC:DOS,Commodore 64, andAtari ST. The title was published byParagon Software Corporationand features over 250 screens.In 1990,The Amazing Spider-Man vs. The Kingpin, developed and published bySega, premiered on theSega Master Systemand was later ported to theMega Drive/Genesisin 1991, theSega Game Gearin 1992, and theSega Mega-CDin 1993. Fundamentally, the game is the same on each platform with each iteration including new levels, enhanced graphics and a few incremental improvements to the game play. The story involves Spider-Man trying to collect six keys from six villains to defuse a bomb in New York planted by theKingpin. Spider-Man has a finite supply of webfluid and the only way to replenish is to take photos, most profitably of the supervillains, to sell to theDaily Bugle.The Amazing Spider-Manis the title of avideo gamereleased for the originalNintendoGame Boy. It was published in 1990 byLJNLtd. (a subsidiary ofAcclaim), and developed byRare. It is aplatformside scrollingaction game. The game play involves running acrossNew Yorkchasing supervillains to locateMary Jane Watson.The Amazing Spider-Man 2was released the following year and was developed by B.I.T.S. The game is a side-scrollingbeat-'em up. Spider-Man attempts to clear his name after he is accused of a crime committed by theHobgoblin. In 1993, B.I.T.S. released the third in the series titled,The Amazing Spider-Man 3: Invasion of the Spider-Slayers.As well as various games based on theSpider-Manlicense, Spider-Man has also appeared in a few cross-over titles. He appears as a guest character inX-Men: Mutant Academy 2andTony Hawk's Pro Skater 2, as well as appearing in bothMarvel: Ultimate Alliancegames. He is also a playable character inCapcom's series of Marvel-based fighting games, first appearing inMarvel Super Heroesas well as every game in theMarvel vs. Capcomseries of games starting fromMarvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter. While not appearing in the main series due to licensing issues, Spider-Man appears inMarvel Super Hero Squad,Marvel Super Hero Squad: The Infinity Gauntlet, andMarvel Super Hero Squad Onlineas a playable character. He appears as a playable character in theFacebookgameMarvel: Avengers Alliance.Spider-Man appears as a non-playable character in the 2003 game,X2: Wolverine's Revengeand is voiced byRino Romano. He is also mentioned in the 2013 video gameDeadpool.Spider-Man is a playable character in the 2014 and 2015 gamesDisney Infinity: Marvel Super HeroesandDisney Infinity 3.0, withDrake Bellreprising his role.The Amazing Spider-Manis a game based on the 2012 movie of the same name for thePlayStation 4and theXbox One, A sequelThe Amazing Spider-Man 2was released in 2014 along with the movie of the same name.A new Spider-Man gamewas announced during theSonyElectronic Entertainment Expo 2016Press Conference under the working title "Spider-Man PS4" with the hashtag #spidermanPS4.Vinyl RecordsPeter Pan Records: The Amazing Spider-Man & FriendsYear 1974Peter Pan RecordsPower Records: Amazing Spider-Man Vol IIYear 1974Story:"The Invasion of the Dragon-Men; The Mad Hatter of Manhattan!; Return of the Conquistador!; The Abominable Showman!; The Bells of Doom!"Summary:33rpm LP RecordPower Records: The Abominable Showman! (F2283)Year 1975Power Records: The Mad Hatter of Manhattan! (F2284)Year 1975Power Records: Bells of Doom! (F2286)Year 1975Power Records: Conquistador (F2297)Year 19757 Super Adventures (66627)Jan 1975: NM ($20.00) : SM TitleStory:"Records: Star Trek: In Vino Veritas (2296), Amazing Spider-Man: The Abominable Showman! (2283), Superman: P.O. Box 65 (2295), Batman: If Music Be the Food of Death (2293), Amazing Spider-Man: The Mad Hatter of Manhattan (2284), Flash-Aquaman: The Three Faces of Mr. Big, The Defeat of the Dehydrator (2301), Metamorpho-Plastic Man: The Invasion of the Plastic Men, Fumo the Fire Giant (2302)"Summary:Contains Two Spider-Man RecordsThe Amazing Spiderman(Buddha Records, 1972)This had combinations of music and stories in between. It was kind of spooky at the same time because it talked about Peter Parker’s dad getting shot and murdered. Green Goblin’s parts all had scary sound effects too. And you could hear Peter Parker’s uncle talking to him from beyond the grave! And Kingpin’s voice was super scary too. I remember it all! I think it’s because it embodies so much emotional elements. As a producer, Iit’s brilliantly recorded, brilliantly produced, especially with limited early '70s technology.Spider-Man:Rock Reflections of a SuperheroA record album entitled;Spider-Man: Rock Reflections of a SuperherofromLifesong Records. It came out in 1975, and in obvious conjunction withMarvel Comics.Spider-Man: Rock Reflections of a Superhero LP from 1975As you can see from the cover above, it’s got a great painted cover byJohn Romita, senior, not junior! It features Peter Parker looking into a mirror and Spider-Man being reflected backThe back cover of the album is pretty great too, take a look:Spider-Man: Rock Reflections back coverAgain, as you can see, it features Spider-Man, himself, singing and dancing in the center. And around him is his backing band. The captions may be too small to read so let me help you out. There’s Luke Cage, Power Man on Bass, the Silver Surfer on Keyboards, the Fantastic Four providing back-up vocals, Conan and the Barbarians on Strings, Captain America on Percussion, the Incredible Hulk on Drums, T’Challa, the Black Panther on Electric Guitar, the Flacon providing Handclaps and the Mighty Thor on Trumpet! Now that’s a band!All of the pics on the back cover are also drawn by John Romita. He signed the painting used on the front cover and he is credited on the back cover at the bottom.Stan Leeis also credited as the narrator, as he appears on the record album doing just that!The record will never be considered a great rock album and I must admit to not liking it very much when I bought it back in 1975, but listening to it now, it really isn’t that bad, and actually holds up pretty well. The narration is pure Stan Lee and some people would say that the record was worth it, just for Stan’s part!The songs themselves are interesting and they writers have captured the Marvel/Spider-Man tone very wellWeb seriesSpider-Man appears in several episodes of thestop-motionanimatedweb seriesMarvel Superheroes: What the--?!.Unofficial mediaSeriesItalian Spiderman, an Australian filmparodyof Italian action–adventure films of the 1960s and 1970s, first released onYouTubein 2007.Fan filmsSpider-Man: is an unauthorized short film directed byDonald F. Glutand released in 1969.The Green Goblin's Last Stand: a 1992 fan film, based onThe Amazing Spider-Mancomic book story "The Night Gwen Stacy Died", directed, written, and starring actor-stuntman Dan Poole. It was acclaimed for its high-risk stunts andguerrilla marketing.Viva Spider-Man: a 1989 student film. It's creator Jim Krieg went on to write forSpider-Man: The Animated Series.

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