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Why did BCCI allow Kohli to play county cricket in the UK?

It's not like BCCI allowed Virat Kohli.It's like Virat told them, “I am going to play County Cricket. I need to adjust myself to those conditions before the big series.”When the captain of the national team and one of the best batsman in the world makes such a statement to his board, it's their privilege to have a leader like him for their nation.It reflects the temperament of Virat. It was more of his decision. He just needed the board's permission.They had to allow him. They did.If you can remain grounded and keep toiling even after reaching the summit, you'll be a man to look upon.So is Virat Kohli.Image source: GoogleVirat Kohli To Prepare For India's Tour Of England With County Stint – NDTV Sports

What should I expect when I move from Seattle to San Diego next summer?

Seattle to San Diego - God I love that drive down the coast! I’ve done it a number of times and each time it’s a special event in my heart.You’ll probably come down “the 5” though, which is as straight as can be and boring for most the trip.Don’t let that stop you though, because upon arrival, you’ll enter a whole new world! Let me outline some things you’re sure to notice!“The 5”Because we are casual and lazy, we call the freeways around here “the _____ (#)”.For example, today I took the 8 over to the 5 headed towards Mt. Soledad. On the way home, I took the 5 to the 52 to the 805 to the 8.Did you follow? Locals get it, but newcomers take a minute to adjust.Casual Friday is everydayEven in the most serious business professions, you’re likely to find people not wearing suits that often. A suit is reserved for “important” meetings only.That said, check with the companies you interview with before you show up under dressed.Be PunctualWe move quickly and like it when people are on time in San Diego. Time is measured by the tides it seems and the gnarly waves at sunset aren’t waiting for us, so please don’t make us wait for you…That said, we’re also quick to cut you some slack, because hey, it’s 70*F and sunny outside and life is beautiful. Go figure?!?Also, if it’s raining outside, you are totally forgiven for being late or even cancelling. Drivers are crazy in the rain here…300+ days of clouds vs 300+ days of sunIt’ll take you two summers for your skin to adjust and be able to tolerate the massive amounts of sun it’s going to bask in…I did the opposite move for college (San Diego → Portland) and I never knew how white I could really get outside the reach of the sun…I also didn’t realize how burnt I’d get so quickly when I returned. I’m normal now, thank God!Sun = DrySan Diego does have humidity, but it’s not pervasive like in Seattle. It’s relatively dry here and that’s something to consider for chapped lips and dry skin.No SnowWe do get snow in the local mountains.Last year (or year before - time is lost on me as a new parent), it caused an 8 hour traffic jam and gas shortages in the mountain town because the entirety of San Diego wanted to see what snow looked like… enough said.The local ski/board mountains are 2.5 hours away +/- traffic and weather. They are located just north of San Bernardino (east of LA).Big Bear and Summit are the names of the resorts that everyone from LA and San Diego visit when there’s snow… something to consider before going, right?Distance is Measured in TimeThe best way to descibe this is that I have a large number of friends and family who live outside the US. When they come visit, they always ask how far it is for me to go to LAX in LA.My answer is that it’s between 2 and 6 hours. Confused, they ask about the distance in miles or kilometers. I repeat my answer because….traffic.(for your information, it’s roughly 115 miles to LAX from San Diego airport)We measure everything by time because actual milaege isn’t relavent information. What people really want to is:“How long will it take me to get there?”We just save people the mental math. It’s a service we offer. You’re welcome.Driving vs WalkingSan Diego has a downtown that is walk able. That said, San Diego is really a conglomerate of little towns that each have their own value proposition.People drive between them depending on what they are looking for and each location is 10 - 30 minutes away, with the exceptions of Ramona and Julian. (30 mins to 1 hr away respectively)Some examples are:La Jolla - Fine dining, expensive boutiquesPB (Pacific Beach) - College aged party townOB (Ocean Beach) - Where the PB crowd goes after 40Kearny Mesa (Convoy) - Asian FoodEl Cajon/Santee - Conservative countryDel Mar/Carlsbad/RSF - The conservative country with moneyMission Valley - ShoppingRB/4S Ranch/Carmel Valley/etc - middle to upper class suburbia with cookie cutter tract homesPoway - Old version of the above, sans cookie cutter track homesEscondido - North County InlandOceanside - military townMiramar - Furniture and cars, former home of Top Gun (we grieve, but we love the Marines!)Ramona - FarmlandTemecula - So Cal’s wine sceneJulian - We have a mining town and we are proud as pie (try one, they rock!)Coffee shops Galor vs “where can I get my fix”Seattle is known for it’s coffee thanks to Howard, but San Diego isn’t. We don’t value the sweet nectar of the gods as much as we value beer.Not Sad, but tis true.There are a couple of good coffee shops around if you exclude Starbucks, which do have our share of… but, you’re unlikely to find anything that really hits the spot.BeerWhat we lacked in the caffiene department we make up for in beer tenfold. Beer is the beverage of choice here and IPA’s are the king of that currency.I don’t have the time or keyboard to withstand the list I’d have to type here - so, ask your colleagues and neighbors when you get here and go try a brewery or two for the rest of your life… good news, no repeats!We’re up and down with the tidesWe get up early, and we shut down early. San Diegans typically have dinner right around sunset (5:30 - 7:30) and the restuarants all close their kitchen by 10pm it seems.It’s just so darn early compared to New York, Chicago, London, Shanghai, Hong Kong, LA, Seattle, etc.Tax of RaEarlier I mentioned we have a lot of sunshine. Well, you pay through the nose for it, and California is pressing to make it even more expensive in this department.In San Diego, we pay an average of 8% sales tax, 11- 12% income tax, and 1.25% in property tax. OUCH!If you’re in the top income brackets, you’re shelling out nearly 45% of your income just to live in California… and whatever you spend, 8% of that…Consider it takes around $75,000 to live here, and it adds up quickly!Be prepared to ask the question:“Where’d my money go?”What’d you think of my list? Natives and locals, did I miss anything? I hope this helps you on your move, or at the very least, gives you some insight from one man’s perspective.Let me know in the comments below.

What has Trump actually done for his loyal cult members, those who steadfastly support him?

First, I must say that I don’t believe for a nano-second that you really want to know the answer to the question you asked. I think it’s more likely that your intention is to simply instigate Democrats & Liberals into more of the rhetorical hate speech that has been spewed on this forum for the past 4 years. Still, I will challenge you to read the entire following post, endeavor and to understand it’s depth and the true value that the past President brought to our country. ( Rich Wilkerson’s Post )• Pushed law enforcement to arrest more than 1,500 sex traffickers in his first month of office. (Why the MSM Is Ignoring Trump's Sex Trafficking Busts)• Kept a campaign promise by signing legislation that gives leadership at the Department of Veterans Affairs more power to protect those who uncover wrongdoing at the agency and to fire failed employees. (Veterans Affairs reform is now reality under President Trump)• Signed the VA Mission Act, which allows veterans who don’t live near a VA facility or can’t get an appointment in a timely manner to seek medical care from private health-care providers. (Trump Signs $55 Billion Bill to Replace VA Choice Program)• Moved Israel's embassy to Jerusalem, recognizing it as their capital, something the prior three presidents all promised to do as candidates but failed to do. (Jerusalem Embassy Is a Victory for Trump, and a Complication for Middle East Peace)• Appointed Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch from a list candidate Trump promised to use. Huge SCORTUS wins thanks to Gorsuch include: (Neil Gorsuch Confirmed by Senate as Supreme Court Justice)—○ Striking down of laws that force non-union government workers to pay union dues. (—○ Sustaining Trumps heightened scrutiny of visitors from terror-supporting countries. (The Supreme Court's disgraceful decision on Trump's travel ban)—○ Sustaining Ohio's dead or deadwood voter registration scrub. (Supreme Court gives Ohio right to purge thousands of voters from its rolls)—○ Struck down a law forcing all California crisis pregnancy centers to advertise abortion alternatives. (Supreme Court sides with crisis pregnancy centers in fight over California law)• Appointed 187 new constitution-oriented federal judges in first 3 years. (Trump boasts record number of federal judges appointed in first term )• Reinstated an expanded Mexico City Policy blocking US aid from being used for abortions in foreign countries. (Trump's 'Mexico City Policy' or 'Global Gag Rule')• Signed legislation to empower states to defund Planned Parenthood. (Trump Gives States The Okay To Defund Planned Parenthood)• Dramatically reduced illegal immigration. (Trump immigration policies showing results, with illegal border crossings plummeting)• Stopped the separation of illegal immigrant families signed into law by Bush and practiced by Obama. (Trump signs executive order to stop family separations at border)• Cracked down on sanctuary cities and counties. (Trump admin sues NJ and county in Washington over 'sanctuary' policies)• Deprived ISIS of all its territory. (The Inconvenient Truth About ISIS)• After issuing an order to kill two federal regulations for every new one, he killed 22 for every new one. (Trump literally cuts the red tape on regulations)• Engineered the passage of a historic tax cut that left 80% of US households with more money in their pockets and brought about pay raises and bonuses for 4 million workers. (Trump signs tax bill before Mar-a-Lago trip)• Withdrew from the Paris Climate Agreement, preserving our independence from international regulators. (• Reversed business-dampening Obama-era EPA rules that were killing energy jobs and abrogating private property rights. (84 environmental rules on the way out under Trump)• Facilitated the Keystone Pipeline project. (Thanks to Trump, Keystone XL is back. The anti-pipeline movement is ready.)• Signed the First Step Act into law, which reforms the criminal justice system to allow lighter sentences for lesser drug offenses and help boost prison rehab efforts. (Trump signs sweeping criminal justice First Step Act into law)• Signed the Fair Chance Act into law so people with criminal records can be employed by the federal government. (FAIR CHANCE ACT BECOMES FEDERAL LAW ONE YEAR AFTER PASSAGE OF GROUNDBREAKING FIRST STEP ACT)• Met with N. Korea's dictator who subsequently stopped its intercontinental ballistic missile testing. (The past 3 days of surprising North Korea news, explained)• Got 70 Korean war remains sent from North Korea to the USA just days after visiting with Kim. (70 Korean War MIAs have been identified from remains released after 2018 Kim-Trump summit)• Opened up vast federal coastal oil and gas exploration. (Trump administration plans to allow oil and gas drilling off nearly all US coast)• Opened up oil and gas exploration in Alaskan reserve. (• Opened up federal lands in Utah to natural resource exploration. (Trump Opens National Monument Land to Energy Exploration)• Relaxed fracking prohibitions. (Trump rattles industry with fracking position)• Presided over an energy boom that made the US a net exporter of oil. (The U.S. Just Became a Net Oil Exporter for the First Time in 75 Years)• Rebuilt the nation’s neglected military. (Trump signs $738 billion defense bill. Here's what the Pentagon is poised to get)• Gave military personnel the biggest pay raise they’ve had in nearly a decade. (It’s Official: 2020 Budget Proposal Has Largest Troop Pay Raise in a Decade)• Issued an order enforcing 1st Amendment protections for religious liberty. (Trump's executive order allows religious organizations greater freedom in political speech)• Restored freedom for military chaplains to espouse biblical morality. (Senate Approves Freedom of Conscience Measure for Military Chaplains)• Revoked the Department of Education's order that schools allow gender-dysphoric males to enter girl's restrooms and dressing rooms. (Trump drops Obama’s ‘transgender’ school bathroom order)• Signed a law that allows states to move more strongly against online sex trafficking and internet prostitution ads. (Trump signs bill targeting online sex trafficking)• Overhauled the VA, giving more healthcare choices to vets by signing the Veterans Benefits and Transition Act. (New Veterans Benefits and Transition Act paves way for military spouse same-state tax filing)• Signed the Forever GI Bill Housing Payment Fulfillment Act. (Trump signs Forever GI Bill Housing Payment Fulfillment Act, two DHS acts)• Chipped the worst parts of Obamacare away, most notably the law fining people for not buying insurance. (Trump has quietly saved millions from ObamaCare's individual mandate)• Cracked down on MS-13 gangs in the US with DHS arresting 796 members and associates in FY 2017, an 83 percent increase from the prior year. (MS-13 crackdown wins praise for Trump ahead of NY gang summit)• Presided over the lowest unemployment numbers for blacks on record. (Black unemployment rate falls to a record low)• Presided over the lowest black black poverty rate on record. (Under Trump Record Low Black Poverty Rate ⋆ Deneen Borelli)• Presided over the lowest unemployment numbers for Hispanics on record. (Hispanic unemployment at all-time low under Trump)• Presided over the lowest unemployment numbers for Asian-Americans on record. (Black and Hispanic unemployment is at a record low)• Presided over the lowest unemployment numbers for women in 66 years. (PolitiFact - Is unemployment for women at lowest point in almost 70 years?)• Presided over the lowest unemployment numbers for veterans on record. (Veteran unemployment rates fall to record low in October)• Presided over the lowest unemployment rate for Americans without high school diplomas on record. (Unemployment for high school dropouts falls to record low in July)• Presided over a lower average unemployment rate than any president at a comparable point in office in recorded history. (Trump's average unemployment rate is the lowest in recorded history )• Presided over monthly job openings posting a record high of 7.136 million in August, 2018 and again in December 2018 with 7.3 million. (US job openings jump to record high of 7.3 million)• Was president when there were 1 million more job openings than unemployed of record. (The U.S. has 1 million more job openings than unemployed workers)• Created the new workforce training initiative to deliver job-training to more than 4 million Americans. (Trump Launches New Workforce Training Initiative)• Goosed manufacturing job creation to 10 times that of Obama's in a 21 month period, the fastest pace in over 30 years. (The Trump Manufacturing Jobs Boom: 10 Times Obama's Over 21 Months)• Took credit for lifting over 6 Million Americans off food stamps in first 2.5 years in office. (Over 6 Million Americans Have Dropped Off Food Stamps Since Trump Took Office)• Presided over record highs in the stock market. (Stock market under Trump posts record highs, but markets under Obama performed far better)• Extended the bull market to the longest in history. (Welcome to the longest bull market in Wall Street history)• Presided over the creation of 6.56 million new jobs in his first three years in office. (Trump has created 1.5 million fewer jobs than Obama did during his final 3 years in office: analysis)• Got Pastor Andrew Brunson released from Turkish prison. (U.S. pastor released from prison in Turkey, under house arrest)• Used tariff issue to strike a massive free trade agreement with the European Union. (Trade war fears fizzle as Trump strikes deal with EU)• Pushed through passage of reauthorization of the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act. (Donald Trump Signs First Major Education Policy Bill of His Presidency)• Used diplomacy to get 55 sets of US soldier remains returned from North Korea. (North Korea hands over remains of Korean War soldiers to U.S.)• Pulled out of Iran nuclear deal as that country continued to violate its terms. (Trump Abandons Iran Nuclear Deal He Long Scorned (Published 2018))• Implemented new rule that grants customers greater access to affordable health insurance policies. (Trump’s new short-term health insurance rule is a major victory for young people and working families)• Presided of an increase in consumer confidence to an 18-year high October 2018. (Consumer confidence running high at the start of 2020, hits biggest peak in 5 months)• Ordered the hiring of 15,000 new border guards, a record number. (Must Reads: Trump ordered 15,000 new border and immigration officers — but got thousands of vacancies instead)• Deported over a quarter million who were in the USA illegally in 2018. (• Barred welfare benefits to foreigners in the country illegally. (Trump’s Immigration Rule Is Cruel and Racist—But It’s Nothing New)• Ended Obama's war on coal. (Trump and the end of Obama's bitter 'war on coal')• Renegotiated NAFTA - Reached Trade Deal with Canada and Mexico, USMCA. The House passed the trade deal on Dec. 19 on a vote of 385-41. The Senate passed it Jan 15, 2020. (• Deported WW2 NAZI (Trump's ICE Deports NAZI War Criminal Who Stayed Under Obama)• Reduced the 4-wk moving average of jobless claims to the lowest level since 1969 in Aug '18. (Weekly Jobless Claims, 4-Week Average Lowest Since December 6, 1969 | People's Pundit Daily)• Chose Education Secretary DeVos, who replaced Obama's campus kangaroo court rules with ones that allow cross-examination of accusers, submission of evidence of innocence, and require that the roles of investigator, judge, and jury be filled by different people. (Betsy DeVos is getting savaged for closing campus kangaroo courts)• Made the USA the biggest exporter of oil. (US oil exports set to hit all-time high under Trump)• Got Congress to rescind $15.4 billion in unused appropriations. (House Votes to Trim Unused Funding, a Gesture of Fiscal Restraint (Published 2018))• Appointed the first female director of the CIA, Gina Haspel. (Gina Haspel, new CIA director, is a "seasoned spymaster")• Signed the “Right to Try” Act to give terminally ill patients a chance to try lifesaving treatments. (Trump signs 'Right to Try Act' aimed at helping terminally ill patients seek drug treatments - CNN Politics)• Put Judge Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court. (Kavanaugh sworn in as Supreme Court justice)• Signed the Music Modernization Act into law to close copyright loopholes, helping songwriters get paid. (The Music Modernization Act has been signed into law)• Signed the Save Our Seas Act into law to clean eight million tons of debris from the oceans. (Trump signs 'Save Our Seas Act' to boost clean-up efforts in world's oceans)• Signed two bills into law to block insurers from enforcing ‘gag clauses’ that forbid pharmacies from telling customers about how they can pay less for drugs, ‘Patient Right to Know Drug Prices Act’ and ‘Know the Lowest Price Act' of 2018.(Donald Trump)• Enabled the U.S. to reclaim status as the World’s Most Competitive Economy for First Time in a Decade. (US 'world's most competitive economy' according to World Economic Forum report | DW | 17.10.2018)• Ended Obama's work permit program outsourcing 100,000 to foreigners. (Trump's Deputies Are Ending Obama-Created Outsourcing Program)• Medicate Enrollment Declined for the First Time in More Than a Decade. (Medicaid enrollment declines for the first time in more than a decade as strong US economy boosts income for poor Americans)• Initiated, promoted, and signed a sweeping criminal justice bill. (Trump signs criminal justice overhaul)• Banned bump stocks, making the law consistent with the automatic weapns ban. (Trump administration officially bans bump stocks - CNN Politics)• Signed an $867 farm bill. (• He issued an executive order to allow for active management of forest and rangelands, in the aftermath of the record-setting spate of California wildfires, including thinning and removing debris from millions of acres of federal lands. (Trump issues executive order on forest management)• Forced hospitals to post their prices online so consumers can shop for what fits their insurance coverage. (Trump aims at health cost transparency with executive order)• Enlisted the help of Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, and Mexico to stop Migrant Caravans heading for the USA border. (BREAKING. Caravan of Central American Illegals Turned Back By Mexico)• Fulfilled campaign promise to withdraw from Syria. (Trump orders rapid withdrawal from Syria in apparent reversal - CNN Politics)• Instituted new rules allowing small businesses and individuals to access health insurance through ‘association health plans,’ permitting certain businesses and the self-employed to band together, even across state lines. (Trump officials roll out new rule for small business health insurance plans - CNN Politics)• Presided the economy when "the unemployment rate for people with disabilities has indeed reached a record low at 9 percent." (• Deregulated US energy to make it the #1 producer of oil and gas globally. (Top 10 Largest Gas Producing Countries In The World)• Launched an economic empowerment for women in developing countries. (Ivanka Trump takes lead in global fight to empower women, could boost GDP $7 trillion)• Signed the STOP School Violence Act and Fix NICS Act into law, which provides grants to improve school safety and strengthens background checks for firearm purchases. (Donald J. Trump for President)• Issued a rule barring Planned Parenthood and other groups that offer abortions or abortion referrals from participating in the $286 million federal family planning program. (• Issued a pardon to I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby who was convicted of process crimes (the usual lying to the FBI and obstruction of justice charges) while being investigated for a crime of which he was innocent, unmasking CIA agent Valerie Plame. The key witness, Judith Miller, had recanted her testimony. (Trump issues pardon for Lewis 'Scooter' Libby)• Signed the Save Our Seas Act in 2018. (Trump signs 'Save Our Seas Act' to boost clean-up efforts in world's oceans)• Got the EPA to complete “cleanup work on all or part of 22 Superfund sites from the National Priorities List, the largest number in any one year since 2005. (Trump signs 'Save Our Seas Act' to boost clean-up efforts in world's oceans)• Signed an executive order to help end veteran suicide. (Trump Signs Executive Order to Help End Veterans Suicide)• Presided over the fastest wage grown since 2009, the bulk being in lower wage jobs. (Workers at the lower end of the pay scale finally are getting the most benefit from rising wages)• Presided over the United States as it surpassed Saudi Arabia in exports of oil, natural gas liquids and petroleum products according to energy research firm Rystad Energy. (America unseats Russia, Saudi Arabia as No. 1 oil producer)• Officially recognized the Golan Heights as part of Israel, something prior presidents promised to do but hadn't the courage after being elected. (Trump officially recognized Israel's annexation of the occupied Golan Heights. Here's what it means)• Signed an executive order to harden USA's infrastructure against EMPs (bursts of radiation triggered by solar storms, or more worryingly to defense officials, by nuclear explosions). A 1989 solar storm that knocked out Ontario's power grid, for example, deprived millions of people of power in the midst of a Canadian winter. (Trump signs executive order to protect the US from a 'debilitating' EMP attack)• Called on NATO members to step up and pay their obligated portion of defense costs. NATO chief, in speech to Congress, declares Trump's push for more defense spending is working. (Trump Warns NATO Allies to Spend More on Defense, or Else (Published 2018))• Designated the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a Foreign Terrorist Organization. (• Signed executive orders to fast-track oil and gas pipelines. (• Pushed back against attempts by the International Criminal Court (ICC) to launch a probe into post-9/11 war crimes in Afghanistan by the USA and its allies. A 3-judge ICC panel ruled in Trump's favor. (• Got Mexico to agree to keep asylum applicants in Mexico while awaiting a court date. (• Got court approval for asylum applicants to wait in Mexico for court date. (Trump Administration Can Keep Sending Asylum Seekers to Mexico, Court Rules (Published 2019))• Issued a memorandum recommending severe sanctions on countries with high rates of visa overstays in the United States and placing travel restrictions on citizens of countries who have higher than 10% visa overstay rates. (US: Fewer Visas Issued to Countries Under Trump's Travel Ban)• Signed executive order banning use of technology posing a national security risk. (• Cut the white house expenses with 36 few staffers than Obama at this point in his presidency and Melania has 12 fewer, saving $20 million so far. (Trump's Leaner White House 2019 Payroll Has Already Saved Taxpayers $20 Million)• Donated all of his salary to various public and private causes, etc. (VERIFY: President Trump has donated his president's salary, but it hasn't gone to rebuilding military cemeteries)• Using tariff threats, compelled Mexico to agree to stop migrants from coming north from Guatemala. The deal includes plans to return migrants seeking asylum to Mexico, where they will remain until their claims can be processed. (Trump drops tariff threat on Mexico after migration deal reached)• Terminated the funding UNWRA. (• Drove down Price Of F-35 Fighter 25% From Obama Level. (• Signed an executive order on Monday aimed at curbing health care costs by requiring health insurers and providers to reveal pricing for care to patients. (President Trump signs executive order tackling health care cost transparency)• Became the first POTUS to set foot inside N. Korea. (President Trump becomes 1st president to step inside North Korea ahead of meeting with Kim Jong Un)• Set new HHS rule that allows employers to give workers tax-exempt dollars for purchasing health insurance in the individual market. (Obamacare still lives, but Trump’s rule on HRAs may remake health insurance in U.S.)• Signed a bill that delivered $4.6 billion in emergency funding for humanitarian aid and security at our southern border. (Senate Passes $4.6 Billion Emergency Border Funding Bill Signalling Battle With House)• Became the first president to initiate an Independence Day celebration in D.C. with speech saluting the USA, the military, and a parade that including tanks and jet fighter fly-overs. (• Issued an executive order under which Medicare will test adjusting payment incentives to encourage preventative kidney care, as well as the use of home dialysis and kidney transplants. (Trump’s kidney health executive order aimed at improving quality of care, Dr. Marc Siegel says)• Implemented a new rule that will make aliens ineligible for asylum if they passed through another country on their way to our border without applying for protection. This means migrants should seek asylum in the first safe country they encounter rather than take the extended and more dangerous trip to the US. (• Honored an 83-year-old Muslim cleric from Nigeria who saved hundreds of Christians in 2018 — when he hid them in his home and mosque during a terrorist attack that killed 84 in Nghar village that day. (• Appointed AG William Barr who ordered reinstatement of the federal death penalty. (• Appointed Justice Kavanaugh who made history by bringing on board an all-female law clerk crew. (• Signed bill permanently funding 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund. (• Pressured Sweden (sent an envoy to there) to release A$AP Rocky who had been arrested and jailed for being part of a street scuffle initiated by somebody attacking his security guard. (• Cancelled student debt for 25,000 disabled veterans. (• Secured Trade Deal Opening Japan For U.S. Agricultural Products. (• Signed an agreement with Greenland to survey its land to help spur mineral exploration, June, 2019. Greenland is believed to house a significant resource of rare earths, a group of elements necessary for critical defense and commercial technology. (!)• Awarded $1.8 billion in grants to help states and communities continue to battle the opioid epidemic. (• Unveiled a plan for privatizing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the two mortgage finance giants that nearly collapsed in the financial crisis. (• Presented the Presidential Medal of Freedom—America’s highest civilian honor—to one of the best closers in American sports history, former New York Yankees pitcher Mariano Rivera. (• Revoked California's authority to set strict fuel economy standards to reduce car prices and make cars safer. (• Reversed the Obama era ban on incandescent light bulbs and kept big government at bay. (• Spoke to the UN about the persecution against people of faith and held a meeting with world leaders about it, the first national leader to ever do this. (• Launched the Women’s Global Development & Prosperity Initiative. (• Ended the “catch and release” practice within immigration enforcement. (• Raised the salary threshold under which all employees, regardless of occupation, are eligible for overtime pay. (• Courted Poland to buy $4.6 billion in US fighter jets amid talks of building a US base at their own expense there. (• Made asylum agreements with El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. (• Blocked an Obama deal that would have put SoCal's Port of Long Beach in communist China's control. (China-based COSCO Shipping Holdings Co. (OOCL) was forced to sell its container terminal business, which handles among the largest freight of imports into the US. (• Created a 2020 budget that includes $291 million to fight HIV. (• Officially recognized Down Syndrome Awareness Month for the third time in a row, condemning the abortion of babies with Down syndrome. (• Became the first sitting president to visit the Wailing Wall. (• Upgraded MLK's birthplace to a national park. (• Pardoned legendary black boxer Jack Johnson. (• Got Nelson Mandela out of a travel pinch by providing his own jet for travel to an event. (• Took action to stop the slaughter by chemical weapons of innocent civilians in Syria's civil war. (• Became the first president to talk to women astronauts on a spacewalk, the first all-female spacewalk. (• Took taxpayer funding away from almost 900 Abortion Clinics. (• Got China to lift a five-year ban on U.S. poultry. (• Signed bill providing $1.8B in funding for autism programs. (• Signed animal cruelty bill targeting 'heinous and sadistic' animal 'crush' video producers. (• Signed an Executive Order Creating Task Force For Missing Native-American Women. (• Signed two bills supporting Hong Kong protesters into law. (• Won the elimination of unpopular Obamacare taxes, such as one on medical devices. (• Signed legislation to provide permanent federal funding for historically black colleges and universities. (• Created the 6th branch of the USA's military, the Space Force. (• Relaunched the Interior Repatriation Initiative, which deports Mexican nationals deep into in the interior of the country instead of just a few miles past the border, making recidivism more difficult. (• Made rule changes to streamline approval process required by National Environmental Policy Act Regulations. (• Talked directly to reporters more than any prior president. (• Wrote the most-liked Persian tweet in history, telling the Iranian government in Farsi to stop killing protestors, turn the internet back on, allow journalists freedom, etc. (• Struck Phase 1 of a renegotiated trade deal with China that will keep jobs in the USA and prevent theft of intellectual property by China. Together with the USMCA, Trump's progress on trade sent the stock market to new highs mid-January 2020. (• Presided over record low unemployment for blacks and Hispanics. (Black and Hispanic unemployment is at a record low)• Presided over record low rate of Hispanic poverty in America, 18.3% as of early 2019. (• Presided over a three-year decline in the rate of poor Americans (• Presided over an economy in which unemployment for workers without HS diplomas is the lowest in recorded history as of mid-2018. (Unemployment for high school dropouts falls to record low in July)• Presided over an economy in which over 6 million people no longer need food stamps. (Over 6 Million Americans Have Dropped Off Food Stamps Since Trump Took Office)• Negotiated a new and better trade deal with South Korea. (• Won the challenge to his terrorist-country travel ban in the Supreme Court. (• Became the first president to speak in person at the March for Life. (• Killed top ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi since bin Laden’s death. (• Killed IRG leader Qassem Soleimani who is known to be responsible for at least 603 American military, recently 1 American contractor, and at least 1500 of his own countrymen as they protested. (• Got a U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) regulation approved by the SCOTUS that gives officials more power to deny visas and green card applications to would-be immigrants or would be dependent on certain public benefits like food stamps and government housing. (• Reduced illegal immigration 73% from spring 2019 to January November. (• Implemented the Public Charge Rule effective Feb. 24, 2020 after winning challenge in the SCOTUS. The term "Liable to become a public charge" was introduced in the Immigration Act of 1882. (• Killed al Qaeda leader, Qassim al-Rimi, in a January 2020 airstrike in Yemen. (• Launched a large-scale effort to dismantle crime syndicates that traffic in humans and drugs. (• Managed the effort to tamp down incursions of the Corona Virus into the USA declaring emergency and creating a task force and ordering filtering of incoming travelers based on point of origin. ( and and (• Proposed a bold Middle East Peace plan. (• Extended economic expansion to the longest on record. (• Created the new ‘reentry czar’ position to help former inmates find housing, employment and other opportunities to provide ‘second chances’ for success after they leave prison. (• Signed the Education Freedom and Opportunity Scholarships Acts. (• Supported 1st lady's "Be Best" initiative for children. (• Got the FDA approving new drugs faster than ever before. (• Signed legislation to reduce opioid abuse. (• Signed a measure that provides paid family leave for all federal workers. (• Joined the USA to the One Trillion Trees initiative that plants trees around the world. (• Secured the release of Danny Burch from Yemen. Burch was not a deserter. He was reunited with his wife and children. (• Presided over the New High of 90% of Americans Satisfied With Personal Life. (• The latest survey finds 45% now satisfied with the USA, the highest since February 2005, per Gallup.(• Reclassified Federal portions of the land in Utah locked down by Clinton and Obama to allow fossil fuel, coal, and uranium harvesting that is expected to yield $220 million in annual revenues. (• Tightened air travel screening at airports in NY where people illegally in the country can obtain State ID - suspended trusted traveler programs in NY! (• Lifted a federal moratorium on new oil and gas leases on federal lands. (• Presided over the lowest average unemployment rate of any prior president. (Trump's average unemployment rate is the lowest in recorded history )• Got his Justice Department to file multiple lawsuits against sanctuary jurisdictions for unconstitutionally interfering with federal immigration enforcement and implemented unprecedented national reviews of left-wing sanctuary governments and prosecutors. (• Presided over a happy country in which a record 61% of Americans say they are better off now than they were before President Trump took office 3 years ago, according to a new Gallup poll. (• Signed an order to help save California’s farmers, who have been squeezed dry by the state’s environmental policies denying them water. (• Balanced the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals by adding 10 more constitutionally-oriented judges to it as of Feb 2020. ( a $3 billion that will send state-of-the-art military helicopters to India which he announced to a crowd of 110,000 at a cricket stadium in Ahmedabad. (• Launched border wall construction project his first year in office and secured funds for 1,000 miles in the 2020 budget. (• In response to the Coronavirus, identified 30 December 2019, Trump put in motion the following actions: 1) Travel restrictions from infected areas, 2) mandatory 2-week quarantines for returning US citizens who had been in China's Hubei Province in the past 14 days, 3) declaration of state of emergency. All this was done at the point that only 6 cases were known in the USA.

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