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Has the recent leak of Unite the Right's Discord chat which appears to show premeditated attack plans for the Charlottesville march been confirmed?

The story has apparently been independently confirmed by Wire.[1][1][1][1] The New York Times has reported on at least one infiltration of the altright-com server, although it is not clear if it is related to the UnicornRiot leak.[2][2][2][2] Most of the initial UnicornRiot leak is pretty banal but a few specific details are pretty damning.Background: On Monday, GoDaddy took the highly unusual action of refusing to manage the domain registration for the The Daily Stormer website, taking them off the internet until they later found a new host in Russia.[3][3][3][3] On Tuesday, Discord followed by taking down the altright-dot-com chat server. [4][4][4][4] Both cited harassment and incitement to violence as the reason.[5][5][5][5]If you are familiar at all with the internet, you know that harassment is everywhere and rarely results in websites being shutdown. The Daily Stormer openly advertises itself as "The World's Most Genocidal Republican Website". The website is a torrent of racist abuse, organized harassment,[6][6][6][6][7][7][7][7] doxing, and pretty much everything else bad. It stays clear from actual threats of violence to specific people though. This has allowed it to stay online for 4 years and mostly avoid the type of legal action that took down Aryan Nations.[8][8][8][8]Why the sites were taken down: Daily Stormer was taken down for after a Twitter campaign disparaging the victim of the Charlottesville car attack.[9][9][9][9] The Discord chat server was private and not open to the public. However, this server and others were known to journalists [10][10][10][10][11][11][11][11] and the Charlottesville 2.0 server and possibly others had been infiltrated prior to the Charlottesville rally.[12][12][12][12] From the New York Times:[13][13][13][13]For two months before the Charlottesville rally, I embedded with a large group of white nationalists on Discord, a group chat app that was popular among far-right activists. I lurked silently and saw these activists organize themselves into a cohesive coalition, and interviewed a number of moderators and members about how they used the service to craft and propagate their messages.The Unicorn Riot Leak: The most detailed information comes from Unicorn Riot (this appears to be a separate infiltration then the New York Times). UNICORN RIOT is a small, fairly obscure independent volunteer media outfit that specializes in documenting protests throughout the US and deep dives of declassified documents. MediaMatters rates it as “left-leaning” but “highly factually accurate.[14][14][14][14] Unicorn Riot had a large presence at Charlottesville. It captured some of the initial violence on Friday that served as a catalyst for the later street brawl on Saturday. Among other things, Unicorn riot appeared to capture white nationalists[15][15][15][15] starting a wild and mostly one sided melee by attacking apparently unarmed counter-protesters with torches (starts around 0:37), mace (0:32), and other weapons. As far as I know, this was the first violent act in the Charlottesville demonstration.[16][16][16][16]Soon after the events in Charlottesville, Unicorn Riot claimed to have screenshots from the Discord server. [17][17][17][17][18][18][18][18][19][19][19][19][20][20][20][20] They also claimed to have the audio chat of the operational planning session. As we will see below, this turned out to be a lot more damning.What they found: Most of the chat logs is pretty banal. In contrast to most of the alt-right stuff, most of the Discord chat is pretty straight up with none of the irony or attempts at humor that characterize the alt-right.[21][21][21][21] In multiple places they emphasize they are not to attack except in self-defense. Two interesting screenshots from the chatlog:In July, a month before the rally, they joke about mowing down protesters with a car Screenshots 133 and 134. Unlike most of the chat, this was apparently not meant seriously. However, members of Vanguard America[22], the group James Alex Fields associated himself with,[23]were on the server. It is unknown if James Alex Fields himself was. The exact relationship between James Alex Fields and Vanguard America is also under dispute.There is a concern to play down the white nationalist iconography and falsely portray it as a primarily free speech march, which later became a conservative counter-narrative Screenshot 233All of this is from screenshots from the main Discord server. But there is an audio chat of vetted members of the server that has a lot more sensitive information (at several points they discuss the need for operational security and tell people to not discuss certain things on the main server, Screenshots 42–44).[24][24][24][24]Some excerpts from the leaked operational plans document discussed in the audiochat.[25][25][25][25] Plan red discusses taking the Park by force. Discussion of Plan Red starts around 8:20 minutes in the audio chat.[26][26][26][26] Eli Mosely originally would not confirm or deny the veracity of the chat,[27][27][27][27] but in later accounts appears to confirm its authenticity while disputing it showed violent intent. [28][28][28][28]On the escalation from social media threats to real life violence (context unclear, see possible Alternative Explanations below)Ϯ:If we say on social media we’re gonna gas the k^&! tomorrow, we haven’t gassed the k^&! yetOne particularly damning statement occurs near the end of the chat around 17:30 (context unclear, see Alternative Explanations below).[29][29][29][29]<What if someone tries to disrupt a speaker by doing something like playing an accordian loudly>Ϯwell then they get attacked by right wing death squads.UPDATE: Possible transcript of the end of the chat[starting at 16:58][Speaker 1] "If somebody shows up with a super-soaker full of gasoline, they're going to be burned alive by a mob.”[Speaker 2] "It was also a location...”[crosstalk][Speaker 3] "They say it on social media, you know, 'bring gasoline'.”[Speaker 1] "Alright, my bad. I'm sorry."[Speaker 2] "We say it on social media, we're going to gas the k**es tomorrow; we haven't gassed the k**es yet."[crosstalk][starting at 17:17][?] "I have a question."[crosstalk][Speaker 1] "If you see a tuba and you're like within like reaching distance, pour your entire bottle of water down it."[?] "Another thing, there's this thing, Eddie, where they get accordions and they run up to the speakers podium and then they play the accordion really loud and obnoxiously in front of the microphone and it just sucks."[Speaker 2] "Or they get tackled by right-wing death squads."[?] "Well, not just that, we have a mixer, so we'll just cut the...[?,interrupting] “What is the sort of tldr of, uh, common law?[Speaker 1] There is no state in the union where you can premeditatedly murder somebody. That’s common law[?] Hmm hmm[Speaker 1] With shields for example, okay, so common law is the idea that any object that you hold in your hand and try to hurt somebody with is basically a deadly weapon. Up until, like the only way you can try to get away with it is like [if you are holding your ground? indecipherable] <video ends>Possible alternative interpretations:[Speaker 3] "They say it on social media, you know, 'bring gasoline'.”[Speaker 1] "Alright, my bad. I'm sorry."[Speaker 2] "We say it on social media, we're going to gas the k**es tomorrow; we haven't gassed the k**es yet."Antifa is saying they have gasoline, but don’t worry about because they, like us, make threats online that they have no intention of carrying out."Another thing, there's this thing, Eddie, where they get accordions and they run up to the speakers podium and then they play the accordion really loud and obnoxiously in front of the microphone and it just sucks."[Speaker 2] "Or they get tackled by right-wing death squads."[?] "Well, not just that, we have a mixer, so we'll just cut the..."Ken Davis has pointed out in the comments below that “Right Wing Death Squads” is meme from a song by MoonMan.[30][30][30][30] The statement maybe a reference to the meme and is not meant to be taken seriously. However, to my mind, the absence of laughter (the speaker appears to chuckle to himself slightly but no one else seems to react to the statement and the conversation immediately goes to the legality of shields as weapons) suggests a mutual understanding that violence would be employed.It is also a reference to a quote from Ann Coulter[31][31][31][31], which is referenced in screenshot 674[32][32][32][32]Immigration is forever, it is game over when that happens. Amnesty is forever. You gotta vote for the Republicans one more time, and just make it clear that if you pass amnesty that’s it, it’s over. And then we organize the death squads for the people that wrecked America.Are more leaks coming?Possibly. Red Ice tv, a Swedish white nationalist video site,[33][33][33][33] was hacked the same day of the protests and its 23,000 member database stolen, opening up the possibility of a mass far right doxing.[34][34][34][34]Is there an investigation coming?The Department of Justice, led by Sessions, has asked for 1.3 million IP addresses in response to the inaugural riot in DC, everyone that had visited the disruptj20 website.[35][35][35][35] The inaugural riot in DC[36][36][36][36] resulted in 6 minor injuries and some property damage, including a limousine set on fire.[37][37][37][37] In response, 230 people were arrested, 214 with felony riot charges,[38][38][38][38] including journalists covering the riot.[39][39][39][39] The Charlottesville clash, which resulted in 3 deaths (2 state troopers died in a helicopter crash coming to the site) and around 35 injuries, has so far apparently resulted in 8 arrests.I am not affiliated in any way with UnicornRiot. If you like what they do,[40][40][40][40] support them SUPPORT OUR WORK - UNICORN RIOT. Any mistakes in the attempt at transcription are my own and not UnicornRiot’s.Footnotes[1] Alt-Right Chat Logs Are Key to Charlottesville Lawsuits[1] Alt-Right Chat Logs Are Key to Charlottesville Lawsuits[1] Alt-Right Chat Logs Are Key to Charlottesville Lawsuits[1] Alt-Right Chat Logs Are Key to Charlottesville Lawsuits[2] This Was the Alt-Right’s Favorite Chat App. Then Came Charlottesville.[2] This Was the Alt-Right’s Favorite Chat App. Then Came Charlottesville.[2] This Was the Alt-Right’s Favorite Chat App. Then Came Charlottesville.[2] This Was the Alt-Right’s Favorite Chat App. Then Came Charlottesville.[3] https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2017/08/14/godaddy-bans-neo-nazi-site-daily-stormer-for-disparaging-woman-killed-at-charlottesville-rally/?utm_term=.d647f9712081[3] https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2017/08/14/godaddy-bans-neo-nazi-site-daily-stormer-for-disparaging-woman-killed-at-charlottesville-rally/?utm_term=.d647f9712081[3] https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2017/08/14/godaddy-bans-neo-nazi-site-daily-stormer-for-disparaging-woman-killed-at-charlottesville-rally/?utm_term=.d647f9712081[3] https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2017/08/14/godaddy-bans-neo-nazi-site-daily-stormer-for-disparaging-woman-killed-at-charlottesville-rally/?utm_term=.d647f9712081[4] GoDaddy boots white supremacist site The Daily Stormer[4] GoDaddy boots white supremacist site The Daily Stormer[4] GoDaddy boots white supremacist site The Daily Stormer[4] GoDaddy boots white supremacist site The Daily Stormer[5] Discord on Twitter[5] Discord on Twitter[5] Discord on Twitter[5] Discord on Twitter[6] Comedian Sues Neo-Nazi Daily Stormer as Site Resurfaces From Dark Web[6] Comedian Sues Neo-Nazi Daily Stormer as Site Resurfaces From Dark Web[6] Comedian Sues Neo-Nazi Daily Stormer as Site Resurfaces From Dark Web[6] Comedian Sues Neo-Nazi Daily Stormer as Site Resurfaces From Dark Web[7] https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-intersect/wp/2017/04/18/the-man-behind-the-neo-nazi-daily-stormer-website-is-being-sued-by-one-of-his-troll-storm-targets/?utm_term=.a3c63d8d551a[7] https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-intersect/wp/2017/04/18/the-man-behind-the-neo-nazi-daily-stormer-website-is-being-sued-by-one-of-his-troll-storm-targets/?utm_term=.a3c63d8d551a[7] https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-intersect/wp/2017/04/18/the-man-behind-the-neo-nazi-daily-stormer-website-is-being-sued-by-one-of-his-troll-storm-targets/?utm_term=.a3c63d8d551a[7] https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-intersect/wp/2017/04/18/the-man-behind-the-neo-nazi-daily-stormer-website-is-being-sued-by-one-of-his-troll-storm-targets/?utm_term=.a3c63d8d551a[8] Aryan Nations Quickly Fading into Racist History[8] Aryan Nations Quickly Fading into Racist History[8] Aryan Nations Quickly Fading into Racist History[8] Aryan Nations Quickly Fading into Racist History[9] GoDaddy boots neo-Nazi site after a derogatory story on the Charlottesville victim[9] GoDaddy boots neo-Nazi site after a derogatory story on the Charlottesville victim[9] GoDaddy boots neo-Nazi site after a derogatory story on the Charlottesville victim[9] GoDaddy boots neo-Nazi site after a derogatory story on the Charlottesville victim[10] Pro-Trump Discord Server 'Centipede Central' Says It's Being Monitored[10] Pro-Trump Discord Server 'Centipede Central' Says It's Being Monitored[10] Pro-Trump Discord Server 'Centipede Central' Says It's Being Monitored[10] Pro-Trump Discord Server 'Centipede Central' Says It's Being Monitored[11] Discord’s new policies will be tested on notorious alt-right server, Centipede Central[11] Discord’s new policies will be tested on notorious alt-right server, Centipede Central[11] Discord’s new policies will be tested on notorious alt-right server, Centipede Central[11] Discord’s new policies will be tested on notorious alt-right server, Centipede Central[12] Meet The “Good Trolls” Secretly Spying On Trump Supporters And Neo-Nazis[12] Meet The “Good Trolls” Secretly Spying On Trump Supporters And Neo-Nazis[12] Meet The “Good Trolls” Secretly Spying On Trump Supporters And Neo-Nazis[12] Meet The “Good Trolls” Secretly Spying On Trump Supporters And Neo-Nazis[13] This Was the Alt-Right’s Favorite Chat App. Then Came Charlottesville.[13] This Was the Alt-Right’s Favorite Chat App. Then Came Charlottesville.[13] This Was the Alt-Right’s Favorite Chat App. Then Came Charlottesville.[13] This Was the Alt-Right’s Favorite Chat App. Then Came Charlottesville.[14] Unicorn Riot - Media Bias/Fact Check[14] Unicorn Riot - Media Bias/Fact Check[14] Unicorn Riot - Media Bias/Fact Check[14] Unicorn Riot - Media Bias/Fact Check[15] Jeffrey Brender's answer to What groups make up the Unite the Right?[15] Jeffrey Brender's answer to What groups make up the Unite the Right?[15] Jeffrey Brender's answer to What groups make up the Unite the Right?[15] Jeffrey Brender's answer to What groups make up the Unite the Right?[16] United we stand: Charlottesville says no to hate - C-VILLE Weekly[16] United we stand: Charlottesville says no to hate - C-VILLE Weekly[16] United we stand: Charlottesville says no to hate - C-VILLE Weekly[16] United we stand: Charlottesville says no to hate - C-VILLE Weekly[17] DATA RELEASE: Discord Chats Planned Armed Neo-Nazi Militia Operations In Charlottesville - UNICORN RIOT[17] DATA RELEASE: Discord Chats Planned Armed Neo-Nazi Militia Operations In Charlottesville - UNICORN RIOT[17] DATA RELEASE: Discord Chats Planned Armed Neo-Nazi Militia Operations In Charlottesville - UNICORN RIOT[17] DATA RELEASE: Discord Chats Planned Armed Neo-Nazi Militia Operations In Charlottesville - UNICORN RIOT[18] https://www.unicornriot.ninja/?p=18253[18] https://www.unicornriot.ninja/?p=18253[18] https://www.unicornriot.ninja/?p=18253[18] https://www.unicornriot.ninja/?p=18253[19] LEAKED: The Planning Meetings that Led Up to Neo-Nazi Terrorism in Charlottesville - UNICORN RIOT[19] LEAKED: The Planning Meetings that Led Up to Neo-Nazi Terrorism in Charlottesville - UNICORN RIOT[19] LEAKED: The Planning Meetings that Led Up to Neo-Nazi Terrorism in Charlottesville - UNICORN RIOT[19] LEAKED: The Planning Meetings that Led Up to Neo-Nazi Terrorism in Charlottesville - UNICORN RIOT[20] LEAKED: Chats of #UniteTheRight Charlottesville Organizers Exposed on Discord App - UNICORN RIOT[20] LEAKED: Chats of #UniteTheRight Charlottesville Organizers Exposed on Discord App - UNICORN RIOT[20] LEAKED: Chats of #UniteTheRight Charlottesville Organizers Exposed on Discord App - UNICORN RIOT[20] LEAKED: Chats of #UniteTheRight Charlottesville Organizers Exposed on Discord App - UNICORN RIOT[21] 4chan: The Skeleton Key to the Rise of Trump – Dale Beran – Medium[21] 4chan: The Skeleton Key to the Rise of Trump – Dale Beran – Medium[21] 4chan: The Skeleton Key to the Rise of Trump – Dale Beran – Medium[21] 4chan: The Skeleton Key to the Rise of Trump – Dale Beran – Medium[22] Vanguard America[23] https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/vanguard-america-a-white-supremacist-group-denies-charlottesville-attacker-was-a-member/2017/08/15/2ec897c6-810e-11e7-8072-73e1718c524d_story.html?utm_term=.46db010f67cb[24] https://www.unicornriot.ninja/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/OpOrd3_General.pdf[24] https://www.unicornriot.ninja/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/OpOrd3_General.pdf[24] https://www.unicornriot.ninja/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/OpOrd3_General.pdf[24] https://www.unicornriot.ninja/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/OpOrd3_General.pdf[25] https://www.unicornriot.ninja/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/OpOrd3_General.pdf[25] https://www.unicornriot.ninja/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/OpOrd3_General.pdf[25] https://www.unicornriot.ninja/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/OpOrd3_General.pdf[25] https://www.unicornriot.ninja/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/OpOrd3_General.pdf[26] LEAKED: The Planning Meetings that Led Up to Neo-Nazi Terrorism in Charlottesville - UNICORN RIOT[26] LEAKED: The Planning Meetings that Led Up to Neo-Nazi Terrorism in Charlottesville - UNICORN RIOT[26] LEAKED: The Planning Meetings that Led Up to Neo-Nazi Terrorism in Charlottesville - UNICORN RIOT[26] LEAKED: The Planning Meetings that Led Up to Neo-Nazi Terrorism in Charlottesville - UNICORN RIOT[27] Unicorn Riot on Twitter[27] Unicorn Riot on Twitter[27] Unicorn Riot on Twitter[27] Unicorn Riot on Twitter[28] Alt-Right Chat Logs Are Key to Charlottesville Lawsuits[28] Alt-Right Chat Logs Are Key to Charlottesville Lawsuits[28] Alt-Right Chat Logs Are Key to Charlottesville Lawsuits[28] Alt-Right Chat Logs Are Key to Charlottesville Lawsuits[29] LEAKED: The Planning Meetings that Led Up to Neo-Nazi Terrorism in Charlottesville - UNICORN RIOT[29] LEAKED: The Planning Meetings that Led Up to Neo-Nazi Terrorism in Charlottesville - UNICORN RIOT[29] LEAKED: The Planning Meetings that Led Up to Neo-Nazi Terrorism in Charlottesville - UNICORN RIOT[29] LEAKED: The Planning Meetings that Led Up to Neo-Nazi Terrorism in Charlottesville - UNICORN RIOT[30] Right Wing Death Squads | Fashwave / Trumpwave[30] Right Wing Death Squads | Fashwave / Trumpwave[30] Right Wing Death Squads | Fashwave / Trumpwave[30] Right Wing Death Squads | Fashwave / Trumpwave[31] Ann Coulter Suggests Creating 'Death Squads' if Immigration Reform Passes[31] Ann Coulter Suggests Creating 'Death Squads' if Immigration Reform Passes[31] Ann Coulter Suggests Creating 'Death Squads' if Immigration Reform Passes[31] Ann Coulter Suggests Creating 'Death Squads' if Immigration Reform Passes[32] DATA RELEASE: "Unite The Right" Planning Chats Demonstrate Violent Intent - UNICORN RIOT[32] DATA RELEASE: "Unite The Right" Planning Chats Demonstrate Violent Intent - UNICORN RIOT[32] DATA RELEASE: "Unite The Right" Planning Chats Demonstrate Violent Intent - UNICORN RIOT[32] DATA RELEASE: "Unite The Right" Planning Chats Demonstrate Violent Intent - UNICORN RIOT[33] Red Ice Creations and the New Fascist Media[33] Red Ice Creations and the New Fascist Media[33] Red Ice Creations and the New Fascist Media[33] Red Ice Creations and the New Fascist Media[34] Vox Popoli: Red Ice hacked[34] Vox Popoli: Red Ice hacked[34] Vox Popoli: Red Ice hacked[34] Vox Popoli: Red Ice hacked[35] The Department of Justice Demands Records on Every Visit to Anti-Trump Protest Site DisruptJ20[35] The Department of Justice Demands Records on Every Visit to Anti-Trump Protest Site DisruptJ20[35] The Department of Justice Demands Records on Every Visit to Anti-Trump Protest Site DisruptJ20[35] The Department of Justice Demands Records on Every Visit to Anti-Trump Protest Site DisruptJ20[36] More than 200 D.C. protesters arrested in day of clashes with cops at Trump inauguration[36] More than 200 D.C. protesters arrested in day of clashes with cops at Trump inauguration[36] More than 200 D.C. protesters arrested in day of clashes with cops at Trump inauguration[36] More than 200 D.C. protesters arrested in day of clashes with cops at Trump inauguration[37] Violence flares in Washington during Trump inauguration[37] Violence flares in Washington during Trump inauguration[37] Violence flares in Washington during Trump inauguration[37] Violence flares in Washington during Trump inauguration[38] Defend J20 Resistance[38] Defend J20 Resistance[38] Defend J20 Resistance[38] Defend J20 Resistance[39] Journalist's felony indictment draws scrutiny to Inauguration Day arrests[39] Journalist's felony indictment draws scrutiny to Inauguration Day arrests[39] Journalist's felony indictment draws scrutiny to Inauguration Day arrests[39] Journalist's felony indictment draws scrutiny to Inauguration Day arrests[40] The media, the protest movement and Unicorn Riot[40] The media, the protest movement and Unicorn Riot[40] The media, the protest movement and Unicorn Riot[40] The media, the protest movement and Unicorn Riot

What is Rep. Anna Eshoo's (D-CA) stance on SOPA?

She's against it, has been since before the stacked Judiciary Committee hearing on Nov 16th: http://eshoo.house.gov/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1107:eshoo-house-members-blast-qstop-online-piracy-actq-urge-judiciary-committee-to-target-actual-rogue-internet-sites-&catid=51:2011-press-releasesWashington, DC – Today, Rep. Anna G. Eshoo (D-Palo Alto), Ranking Member of the Communications and Technology Subcommittee, led a bipartisan group of eleven Members in sending a letter to the Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith and Ranking Member John Conyers, expressing their opposition to H.R. 3261, the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA).The Judiciary Committee is holding a hearing on SOPA on Wednesday, November 16th. Reps. Anna Eshoo, Zoe Lofgren, Jared Polis, Ron Paul, Doris Matsui, Mike Doyle, Mike Honda, Lloyd Doggett, Mike Thompson, George Miller and John Campbell signed the letter.Each Member is opposed to online piracy and committed to combating it, but this legislation would cause substantial harm to innovation and the economic opportunities created by the Internet. Specifically, the legislation gives the government broad new authority to order Internet Service Providers to implement various filtering technologies on their networks and create new forms of private legal action against websites.In the letter, the Members wrote:"At a time of continued economic uncertainty, this legislation will result in fewer new businesses, fewer new investments, and fewer new jobs. 'Rogue websites' are no doubt a serious problem and we fully support targeted measures to shut them down. Like you, we understand the importance of combating piracy to protect the intellectual property of the American entertainment industry from copyright infringement in other parts of the world. We believe this is a serious problem that needs to be addressed.""The SOPA as written, however, is overly broad and would cause serious and long term damage to the technology industry, one of the few bright spots in our economy. We hope you will work with the technology community to find narrow and targeted remedies against online infringers. We also stand ready to work with you and your colleagues to find a solution that protects innovation, while combating against truly 'rogue' websites."The full letter is below and can be found here, http://eshoo.house.gov/images/stories/Eshoo_Letter_SOPA_11.15.11.pdf :Dear Chairman Smith and Ranking Member Conyers,We write to express our concerns with H.R. 3261, the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA). While combating online copyright infringement is a goal we all strongly support, if enacted as currently written, this legislation would cause substantial harm to the innovation and economic opportunities created by the Internet.The Internet continues to be a revolutionary tool, advancing technological innovation, disseminating artistic expression, and supporting millions of jobs across the country. In fact, a recent McKinsey report concluded that 15 percent of U.S. GDP growth from 2004 through 2009 came from the Internet industry.You've previously stated that this legislation is intended to target "rogue" foreign websites engaging in copyright infringement. While this is a laudable goal and one we support, the SOPA's overly broad language, in its current form, would target legitimate domestic websites, creating significant uncertainty for those in the technology and venture capital industries.As you know, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, signed into law in 1998, already includes a notice-and-takedown process for both foreign and domestic infringing content. Additionally, a carefully crafted safe harbor protection has enabled countless Silicon Valley successes like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Google. The SOPA overturns this basic protection through broad, vague new standards of liability. The result will be an explosion of innovation-killing lawsuits and litigation.The impact on new businesses and startups, particularly small businesses, will be far more detrimental. For example, venture capitalists will be hesitant to invest in new Internet-based businesses if they fear their money will be tied up in litigation. As prominent Silicon Valley investor Derek Parham explains,What used to be two guys in a garage coming up with an idea and starting a company is now going to be two guys in a garage with four lawyers behind them — and that's not how the Valley really got started. People shouldn't be fearful of getting sued out of oblivion when they go create a new idea.At a time of continued economic uncertainty, this legislation will result in fewer new businesses, fewer new investments, and fewer new jobs. "Rogue websites" are no doubt a serious problem and we fully support targeted measures to shut them down. Like you, we understand the importance of combating piracy to protect the intellectual property of the American entertainment industry from copyright infringement in other parts of the world. We believe this is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. The SOPA as written, however, is overly broad and would cause serious and long term damage to the technology industry, one of the few bright spots in our economy.We hope you will work with the technology community to find narrow and targeted remedies against online infringers. We also stand ready to work with you and your colleagues to find a solution that protects innovation, while combating against truly "rogue" websites. Thank you in advance for your consideration of our views.###

Whose opinion do you respect the most here on Quora on the Superman topic?

Original Question: Whose opinion do you respect the most here on Quora on the Superman topic?My own. I have been reading and collecting comics for almost forty-five years. Superman is my favorite character and I probably have more Superman titles than any other book franchise in my collection.I could conceivably write more on the Man of Steel, but my choices of questions tend to be off the beaten path. For the most part, I am not interested in versus battles or who Superman isn’t beating up this week.Numerically speaking, about 8% of the questions I have answered on Quora have to do with Superman, so I consider him a significant character in my Quora portfolio.Yet if you look through the top writers on the subject of the Superman franchise, in the last 30 days, I barely rank among the top fifty writers. Metrics only tell part of the story.Depending on who you are, how much time you have, what you have to do in your real life, those factors determines how much or little time one has for writing on Quora.Since I am an adult with a son who has autism, I rarely have the kind of time I would like to spend on writing, particularly on Quora, that I would like to.But if you ask me whose opinion on Superman, I value highest, I would say, my own, first and foremost.I prefer my own answers on Quora on the subject of Superman because I have over the decades of answering questions on the subject, not only do I accept the narrative liberties the writers have taken but the historical significance of Superman as one of the godfathers of the comic industry, no matter where the characters lie on the narrative genre tree.The Starnet Metahuman Information DatabaseI wrote one of the first database-like entries on Superman back in 1999 and published online in February 2001 when I created the Starnet Metahuman Information Database. Long before people were cataloging heroes in Wikis, I decided I wanted a definitive place where information about Superman (as much as could be known given the writing at the time) could be found.Since I could not find one, I made one:Superman Entry (as it Appeared in the Starnet Metahuman Information Database, now only accessible via the Wayback Machine.)Species: Kryptonian (extraterrestrial), Height: 6’3″, Weight: 225, Hair: Black, Eyes: BlueOther Aliases: The Krypton Man, Superman Blue, Superman Red, GangbusterOrigin: From the planet Krypton. Parent star believed to be a red giant within 30 to 100 light years from Earth.Base of Operations: MetropolisGroup Membership Justice League of AmericaOverview: The being called Superman appears to be a human male approximately 26 to 35 years of age. His actual age and aging process is indeterminate. In actuality, Superman is a highly advanced, genetically enhanced or modified, sentient life form from the planet Krypton. As far as we are aware, he claims to be the last of his race, though variants are believed to exist, q.v. Daxamites. While possessing a human appearance, at the cellular level, he is quite different than Humanity.History: Appearing approximately 10 years ago, in the city of Metropolis, little is publicly known about the being called Superman. First seen in Metropolis rescuing a space plane from crashing into the city, he has become a regular fixture of the Metropolis skyscape, rescuing the city from one disaster or another, up to apparently sacrificing his life against the extra-stellar menace of Doomsday, a few years ago. Some of this data is compiled from before his “death” but much more has been compiled afterwards.Known Powers: Superman’s cellular structure is more dense, resilient and biologically more effective than human tissue. Strangely enough, he does not seem to possess superhuman strength levels despite his enhanced cellular ability. Without constant exposure to solar energy, his strength seems on par for a human of his height and weight. He does possess several organs whose functions are not yet disclosed or understood but are believed to be part of and perhaps even the source of his bio-matrix force field and reclamation aura. Superman has manifested a wide range of metahuman abilities and from our studies is considered to be one of the most powerful metahumans on Earth at the present time. The catalog of powers he possesses is vast. He can defy gravity, move at superhuman speeds, has an incredible reaction time and superhuman reflexes to match, lift incredible weights, is almost invulnerable to conventional injury, possesses superhuman sensory and powerful energy projection capabilities.Superman’s body also stores energy actively within his bio-cellular matrix as an energy pattern that is linked to his body’s electromagnetic field. This energy powers most of Superman’s electromagnetic capabilities such as flight, telekinesis, and heat vision. It also supplements his physical strength by a factor of 12,000 times or so.Invulnerability: Superman is nearly invulnerable to weapons used by normal humans in warfare and we believe that, fully powered, he could survive a near-direct nuclear strike with a ten megaton warhead. In his battle with Doomsday, he was the of the only metahumans able to hold his own against the creature. The battle eventually destroyed over half of Metropolis. He can survive in an environment completely devoid of atmosphere and suffer no ill effects, provided that he carries his own air resources He can operate for periods of up to 30 minutes without air. Extremes of heat and cold have no effect on him and he has been see to skirt the photosphere of the sun (10,000,000 degrees F) with no long term side effects, probably due to a feedback loop of solar energy powering his biomatrix field.Super Strength: He can lift incredible weights and objects and not have them collapse under their own weight, indicating a powerful form of telekinesis that surrounds the object protecting it from outside stresses. The upper limit to his physical strength is not known but with the telekinetic lifting capabilities possessed by Superman, he could conceivably lift objects weighing 100,000 tons or more. It is conceivable that he could lift more if he was completely powered and using all of his stored energies.Energy Projection: He may project beams of force that have the ability to reach temperatures of 11,000 degrees F, sufficient to melt steel in seconds. He may also exercise some control of his telekinetic-like abilities with a feat he calls his super-breath. He may push objects down or move them back. He manifests this effect by blowing outward but even with his superior lung capacity, we believe it has more to do with a psionic manifestation of his telekinesis than with actual lung capacity.Super Senses: He also possess a superior sensory arrangement of microscopic, telescopic, infrared and ultraviolet visual capabilities. Star Laboratories has not been able to complete define how Superman has been able to utilize his powerful senses, part of the mechanism is physical, part of it is believed to be psionic in nature. He can also hear in a range equal to that of the best natural or man-made sensors. His hearing is so acute and precise he can detect a whisper at 500 yards. He may also extend his hearing into the infra and ultrasonic ranges. How his senses can be so acute and so excellently calibrated is as yet unknown.Superspeed: Superman is capable of enhanced reflex action and the ability to move at incredible speeds by sheer force of will. He is not quite as fast as the Flash and cannot achieve light-speed under his own power, but can reach a high speed percentage of light-speed in normal space. Superman can match most other speedsters in their ability to perform super-fast movements, reactions, and processes. He can use this power to disarm opponents without heightened reflexes, catch bullets or shrapnel or cross vast distances in seconds. He has been seen flying from the Moon to the Earth in under 2 minutes. That is the equivalent of 2000 miles per second or 1% the speed of light. The source of this power remains unexplained.Flight: Superman is able to manipulate psionically, graviton particles, in an unknown and apparently unconscious manner, to defy the forces of gravity. Under one Earth gravity, Utilizing molecular motion, Superman is capable of Mach speeds in excess of Mach 10 in atmosphere. He has been seen to fly to the moon in minutes so we can assume that he can fly faster than that outside of atmospheric interference. His control of his flight is perfect and he can perform aerobatic feats such as hovering, flying backwards and even lifting great weights while flying. We assume that he also manipulates gravitons for the object being lifted as well.Sources of Powers: Superman seems to have two primary sources of energy. The first is that Superman’s cellular structure is suffused with specialized cells, organelles and organs whose function seems to be the storage of the radiant energy in multiple formats. It is unknown if this is a part of the normal Kryptonian physiology or was added due to their scientific advancements in bio-modifications.One of these formats is a super-dense cellular protein that can be broken down and turned back into biological energy. This meta-protein is what powers Superman’s long-term endurance and is restored slowly. The second is Superman’s bio-aura that acts as effective an energy containment device as ever seen in nature. This field is constantly reclaiming stray electromagnetic energies from the environment and converting them into this cellular protein (for the remainder of this report it shall be called Meta-ATP).The energy for the meta-energy protein in Superman’s body is captured by his biological electromagnetic reclamation aura. This invisible (to the naked eye) structure acts as a radiant energy collector that creates an energy-retentive skintight force field capable of absorbing and converting cosmic radiation (solar, radiant and electromagnetic energies). One aspect of the energy gathered by this field is that there is almost no electromagnetic waste. This biomatrix recycles almost all of its radiation-harnessed energies. Otherwise, Superman would glow with a distinctive signature, easily detected by others, whenever he uses his powers.Weaknesses: Kryptonite, the radioactive material from the core of Krypton also possesses the ability to displace electromagnetic energies within Superman’s bio-aura and quickly reduce his ability to access his powers. With enough exposure, we believe that Kryptonite will even kill Superman by causing his body to metabolize the dangerous radiation as he would any other radiant energy and poison him. Superman could also be vulnerable to radioactive energies that are extremely specific, radiations that damage him without powering his bio-aura. With that information, and further study, we might find a way of stopping Superman in the event that Kryptonite was unavailable for use. See Krypton Protocols for further information.Magic: Superman’s biomatrix is his most powerful asset, but the strength of this field is also its greatest weakness. It’s permeability to certain wavelengths makes Superman vulnerable to certain radiations, particularly magical energies whose chaotic electromagnetic or extradimensional signatures disrupt this force-field. Superman’s vulnerability to magic varies on the special effects of the magic. No magic seems to be able to directly destroy him unless it comes from a semi-divine or divine source. He can be injured and worn down by magical entities. Magic can have powerful and unpredictable effects on Superman and his magical enemies have often proven to be the most dangerous.High Energy Attacks or Radiation: High energy radiations of a particular wavelength can also cause injury by overloading the field at a single point, hence the reason he can be harmed by high energy weapons such as blasters, lasers and plasma weapons. Kinetic kill weapons with sufficient force can also overload the field at that point.Allies: John Henry Irons a.k.a. Steel, Supergirl, Superboy, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Aquaman, Zauriel, The Martian Manhunter, Big Barda, Flash, OracleEnemies: Lex Luthor, Doomsday, Brainiac, Darkseid, Metallo, Cyborg Superman, Mr. MxyzplkA long, long time ago.It’s been nearly twenty years since I wrote this entry, and I have watched the proliferation of wikis and the like over those two decades, spurred, I like to think because other people wanted the same kinds of things I did, a reference they could rely on to learn about the characters they loved in comics.With one vital difference:I am not obsessed with defeating him in versus battles, though I have done so purely for the joy of creating complicated treatments and analyses around the character. The fighting in and of itself has no interest for me. See: Who would win in a fight between Superman and the Flash?I am not driven to make him the most powerful character in any Universe, though I have pointed out how he might rank if he was ranked. See: What Marvel characters are comparable to Superman (or even stronger) and have a very similar power set?I am focused on the nature of the character, not just the nature of his completely inexplicable power set, in which before most of the people here were trying to learn to read, I had already decided DC failed to present Superman with anything resembling science and failed to deliver on the idea of HOW he could possibly contain all of that incredible energy controlled by a brain, similar but superior to our own. See: How smart is Superman?Superman is a character with a long history, multiple iterations, contradictory stories and entire decades of storytelling which defined and redefined the comic industry again and again. See: What is the difference between the Pre-Crisis version of Superman and Post-Crisis version of Superman? How did the Crisis affect the DC Universe?Before Wikis was trying to catalog heroes, before Wikipedia even existed, before most of the writers on this forum or any other forum had attempted to understand the character, I was defining his powers and the need for structure around his superhuman physiology.So, when it comes to the Superman Franchise on Quora, I trust my own judgment over almost anyone else, no matter how many answers someone may have written on the subject. Quantity never trumps Quality.Are there quality writers on the subject I respect? Absolutely.Chris Bentivegna is one of my favorite Superman writers on Quora. The love of the character is palpable in his every treatment on the Man of Steel. He loves the character and what he represents and is able to share that enthusiasm with readers of his work. I enjoy his posts on Superman and he and I have shared a correspondence from time to time. You can’t go wrong enjoying his work.Li Hei Bao and I have a good relationship and mutual respect around the superhuman characteristics of Superman, but bond on the narrative aspects of what makes him the hero and archetype he is today. He is a proponent of what makes the man, not just the super aspect of the character important. For the sake of disclosure, we did not start off as friends on Quora. There was a bit of tension at first, but now, he and I are almost always in accord on the subject. His knowledge of Superman is superb.Dallas Nairne is a comic generalist much like myself. The breadth of his knowledge on comics and their narratives is both well-versed and enthusiastic. Dallas loves comics and properties derived from them. I am not certain Dallas and I have ever truly communicated directly, but the work produced is first rate and reputable.Isaac Heredia probably doesn’t know who I am, but I am a fan of his superhero scholarship on Quora and read his essays whenever they pop up in my feed. No gushing fanboy enthusiasm, just good old fashioned love of the narrative. He reminds me why I love comics. Not a fan of versus battles or hero on hero combat, Issac likes the old stories as much as the new ones and while his treatments are relatively short, he finds great images to support his work.User-10533836139469525965 is someone who has just come to my attention for his extremely detailed synopses of the DC and Marvel Universes. Despite my lack of familiarity with him, there are plenty of people who like and enjoy his work and his readership is vast and his fans enthusiastic. I have only recently come to know his work and have a measure of respect for the effort it takes to create his treatments.Rui Silva: I don’t know much about this writer beyond his work on Quora. He is a through researcher though and while there are times I disagree with his perspective, he is consistent in his delivery and rational in the case he builds methodically. His treatments are thoughtful and even when I disagree, I cannot fault the effort made, only the conclusion reached. He has an enthusiastic fan base and they love his work. Given his popularity and capacity for producing a prodigious amount of writing, he will likely acquire and maintain a following of dedicated readers on Quora. Curiously enough, I read a recent treatment on Superman and he and I have come to similar conclusions about the electromagnetic nature of Superman’s powers. A keen intellect hides behind his comic enthusiasm.Are there others? Most certainly. These are the ones which come to mind most likely because we tend to answer similar questions. Though a lack of overlap doesn’t mean I am not interested in answering the same questions as they have.Writing these kinds of documents, where good research and an attempt at scholarship, such as comics allow, is not an easy thing. There are often assumptions made which may or may not be easily substantiated.Given the community of comic readers, some are more enthusiastic or dare I say aggressive than others. Such an environment sometimes brings out the worst in readers and writers and many times, great writers bail from Quora, when the going gets too rough.If you find a writer whose work you respect, or a piece which gets your attention and more rarely an upvote, stop and offer a word to that writer. Something kind and supportive, an effort to let them know the HOURS of research, comic reading, image sourcing, and narrative review over decades of comics, is appreciated.Since I am a slow writer, create long documents and have a lot of commitments in the real world, the number of answers I produce compared to some of these writers, relatively speaking, is quite small.I have not had the time to write nearly as many answers on Quora as I would like. Since part of my work IS as a writer, those paying gigs come first. One of the best things about writing on Quora tends to be there will always be good writers creating good answers.Comics are a niche on Quora, even with the popularity of movies, comic entries are probably far less often read than almost any other category. The writers who can do a good job, write a treatment I respect, log and track where they find their images, so I can read those publications later, and substantiate their work with references, gain my highest esteem.Ultimately:If I find I don’t have time to answer a question, I look around at what one of these writers might have done and will probably not answer it myself. From me, that is high praise.Keep up the great work, everyone.More Superman than you can handle:Why do some people insist that the Martian Manhunter is more powerful than Superman?How smart is Superman? Does he have the potential to be super-intelligent?Why exactly does Kryptonite hurt Superman?Why doesn't Superman fly away when he sees Kryptonite?Which superheroes can defeat Superman?Mashup MadnessIn unarmed battle, who are the best five fighters of DC and Marvel?In an all-out struggle, who wins: the Marvel Universe or the DC Universe?About the Author:Just call him Answerman: Thaddeus Howze is super in more ways than one: Call him, Answer-Man!Who are the favourite superheroes of Thaddeus Howze?

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