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PDF Editor FAQ

If Israel won’t give Palestine a state, will they pay the current market value for the property of Palestinian homes taken by the Israelis in 1948?

INQUIRY: Why should Israel pay the current market value of properties in Israel for the land they already own?RESPONSE: Ironically, Israel has actually paid the market value of most of the land a number of times to various land owners, who had originally stolen or conquered the land from the Jews in the first place. Almost all of the land was owned in public trust until the late period of the Ottomans. Often absent Ottoman landlords were the legitimate and legal owners of the land. Thousands of legitimately legal deeds of sale exist between Jewish interests and Ottoman sellers. A very large number of legal records of sale also exist between local Arabs, usually Syrians or Egyptians, and Jews. In fact, the term Palestinian most often referred to Palestinian-Jews during that period. The idea of Palestinians as Palestinian-Arabs hadn't yet been embraced. In fact, many Arabs prized Jewish buyers, who often paid in cash up front, until local bigots declared it a death penalty crime to sell to Jews and started murdering real estate agents.It's a huge and erroneous assumption that Palestinian-Arabs are the owners of the land. Except for a minority of cases, Palestinian-Arabs have not owned but a fraction of Israel at any time. Palestinian-Arabs were overwhelmingly renters, migratory workers, local peasant workers, and indentured servants to Ottoman Effendi landowners, mostly living outside of the locality in Syria. That's historical fact as recorded within Ottoman legislation. There are hundreds of stories of Ottoman landowners abandoning their local peasants to live in the big cities of Syria supported by rent monies from the Vilayet of Syria.Israel has numerous legitimate bills of sale, often extorted at horrendous prices as in mafia protection money prices, from the legitimate Ottoman owners of the land who most often originally and illegitimately stole it from local Jews. The Israelis have these legitimate deeds of sale. The Palestinian-Arabs, for the most part, cannot produce legitimate deeds of ownership, sale, or residence. Even the famous Palestinian-Arab house keys have mostly turned out to be hollow symbols. In fact, the PLO had a large number of replica keys made several times over the years. Some of the replica keys were even made of plastic, which did not exist back then.Israel has also offered to pay those Palestinian-Arabs who could produce credible proof of ownership. Few have taken up the offer and even fewer could produce credible proof of ownership. Israel would be happy to financially compensate Palestinian-Arabs for any voluntary exchanges of land.In return, Israelis of Arab world origin (…Arab and Persian Jews among others), would also like to be compensated for their lands, belongings, and properties which were seized by various Muslim governments including those of Jordan and the Palestinian-Arabs. After the 1948 War of Israeli Independence, Jordan and the Palestinian-Arabs ethnically cleansed Judea and Samaria without ever financially compensating the local, indigenous Palestinian-Jews. Israel would love to see all of these accounts finally settled out in the open with a full, public accounting.Sephardi Jews from the Islamic world were robbed when they were exiled as refugees to Israel. The world didn't even create a new refugee agency for them as UNRWA was created for the Palestinian-Arabs. However, the Sephardi Jews were lucky that their own people took care of them, helping them to rebuild their lives and move on. This stands in stark contrast to the unfortunate Palestinian-Arabs, who were imprisoned in refugee camps, forbidden professions, and used as political pawns by their fellow Arabs and Muslims. In fact, some Arab and Muslim countries even tried to annex or occupy the disputed lands. Both Jordan and Egypt have since thought twice about annexing the disputed lands now claimed by both Israel and the Palestinian-Arabs.To directly respond to your question, Israel would be happy to financially compensate any Palestinian-Arabs with credible proof of ownership or sale, but in most cases, Israel already owns the land in the clear, quite legally and quite legitimately under international law. That's one of the many reasons the United Nations confirmed Israel as a nation when it came to a vote. Israel is not paying again for lands that it originally owned before invaders and opportunists erroneously claimed the land.Despite that, Israel has already unilaterally turned Gaza over to the Palestinian-Arabs to better create a civil society and legitimate proto-state. How do you think the Palestinian-Arabs are coming along in forming a civil society and nascent proto-state in Gaza? Many are disappointed with the results so far.Thanks for the A2A, anonymous poster and supporter of Nigerian princes.

Is a narcissistic parent capable of showing their child true love?

Unfortunately, NO. Not to any real degree.A pwNPD is NOT capable of showing or even truly understanding real love for their child.A narcissist does not understand true or real love 💗 because long ago, their positive emotions were shut down, right along with their true nature and real personality. The narcissist was arrested in their emotional development early on, probably by age 3 and, at the latest, before the age of 5. Now, they cannot move forward to develop at least emotionally, more fully and are frozen in time.Narcissist’s cannot connect to,bond with,relate deeply to,or identify with…complicated or mature emotionsthat are not primal or negative andbased in some form of fear or anger,often, due to the pursuit of the interest of self, and it’s opportunities.They can feel hate, envy, jealousy, fear and express sadistic-humor and other negative or primal emotions quite easily. Narcissist’s are emotionally like small children and driven by self-centeredness. Narcissist’s like to get reactions of “shock and awe,” while they thrive on creating drama and conflict, often to reduce their own anxiety or boredom. They enjoy watching the “sky” fall around them, (often by their own making), onto their very own children. They may even enjoy the child’s fearful and shocked expressions.Often, the narcissist is “caught” displaying a sadistic-style smirk at times of their children’s distress. Many adult-children-survivors have reported these kind of occurrences. They may ask themselves if the narcissist is actually pleased by causing them pain.Yes, Narcissist’s create “emotional storms” for others, and then stand in the eye of the storm they started, and watch with detached interest, their child suffering in the “blowing wind.” They often report that they feel no empathy and no internal prompting to move and help or alleviate their child’s pain. Narcissist’s often tease and torment. They enjoy watching their “work” manifest in the childish tears or tantrums of their kids, after provoking them. The narcissist parent could easily assist in decelerating the emotional pain their children express in frustration. They know how to fake concern when they have to or pretend to love and care to have sex or get attention, don’t they?They could put even these fake skills of “pretend-comfort” to use while engaging with their children in a helpful way, if they so chose. With even a small pat on a shoulder or a small comfort-hug or even pretending to understand would be helpful. Yet, the narcissist could help, but most often, they choose to be an unaffected observer. They often do not lift a finger to help their child struggling severely, without an audience to impress and address; whatever for? Narcissist’s are very difficult to live with behind closed doors. They will create havoc, even in a room full of Buddhist monks, and walk away with their robes without a thought.They often mistake love, with the feelings they experience as power or from being in control. Narcissistic parents control their children to feel satisfied. When the children are being controlled and under the direct submission of the narcissist, they believe THAT is love or it means their children love them.Narcissistic parents also confuse love with respect and are known to aggressively demand respect from their children. At the very same time they are aggressively demanding a child’s respect, they are engaging in actions of disrespect to them such as violations of boundaries with behaviors and/or words that are abusive and can get violent against their children. They hit, they punish, they lecture and will judge a child severely. Often they will label the child as “disrespectful” to others, as a type of projection. This is due to a lack of ownership of their own weaknesses and their personal blind spots. Denial is a primary guard within their own framework of chaos and disruption. To “put the icing on the proverbial cake,” as they say, the narcissist parent then inflicts the punishment the narcissist deserves, onto the innocent child for a minor mistake, blown far out of proportion.No, Narcissist’s cannot love their children because love is an action of connection and because of the narcissist’s need to reverse manufacture and deflect responsibility. You cannot manufacture goodness or peace with war on the mind. Narcissist’s are all about competition or “survival of the fittest-games” and “psychological warfare.” Whatever the psychological-mind or war games they are playing with you at home, the one thing you can be sure of is that this is not a game a parent should ever engage in against a child, or any human being for that matter. Narcissist’s are really just spoiled children, not at all grown-up, who throw tantrums at least internally, when things, people, places or their games; don’t go their way.Children learn quickly to let the narcissist “win” or begin avoiding them, staying away early, like an “avoidance at all costs” type of strategy or they have the internal strength to fight back in their own way, until they can leave home and escape the narcissist.Sometimes, narcissist’s may use words of endearment with their children, but have no emotional connection like a normal heathy parent would, with their child. Narcissist’s are often focused on the people who pay them the most attention and admiration, and those people who will choose to value what they value. Narcissist’s often base their feelings on how the other person makes the narcissist feel about themselves.Simply stated for a narcissist:I feel good around a person = person is good.I feel bad around a person = person is bad.This includes their own biological children.Remember, everything that matters tothe narcissist, is about the narcissist.Yet, they believe they love their children. Having never experienced real stable feelings of love beyond lust or infatuation, they don't really understand how shallow and fleeting their “love” for others actually is. Narcissist’s only “love” their children to the degree that the child mirrors and seemingly adores, the narcissist. Thus, the narcissist, making everything about themselves again, focuses on the need to feel good trumping the welfare of the child. They truly believe what makes them happy is true happiness, and the measure of that equals the quality of a person in their eyes.They often lack wisdom, discretion and discernment themselves, duped by flattery, often with their own brand of manipulation, by various other manipulators and ill-intentioned agencies. The narcissist can also, easily be deceived by the sounds of fake attention and adulation. Narcissist’s have limited ability to use contextual frames of reference, and lacking the insight of any emotional connections, they can fall prey to con -artists quite easily. Without a strong ability to understand others emotions or intentions to discern in them intent, the narcissist has been known to be duped by a charlatan or two. Some “con-artist types” will target the emotional blindness of their jackpot narc-target, dangling a pot of gold to extort the narcissist with the quick hand of a snake charmer. In these cases, Karma has arrived for work and is reporting for duty!If the child has learned after some time with the narcissist parent to excessively praise or even cower to the narc parent’s needs and wishes, the narcissist will hold the child in high-esteem or value for a time. To survive a narcissistic parent who can’t really love, a child must sometimes develop the same fake-charming and hero-worship behaviors like a sycophant to keep the narcissist rich in supply and keep the true child’s self, out of harm’s way. Everyone in a narcissist’s family is forced into an interaction of almost fakery and avoidance to survive. A narcissist corrupts honest interactions, by what they represent. As time moves on, the child of a narcissist begins to mature, and as this happens, they developmentally also are growing in wisdom and discernment, as part of a normal emotional maturing process.At some point, the narcissistic adult- children, often begin to realize about the narcissistic parent for what they truly are, can be painful to discover. They may well adore the narcissistic parent before this, but, during this phase of insight can become saddened by their realizations. There are certain parts of their parent’s narcissistic actions and character, that can be extreme and cruel.It is often shocking that the narcissistic parent really is so different and disordered from the average parent. The child realizes the loss of not having a safe and trustworthy parent to mentor them and for them to admire puts them at a great disadvantage in life.These children love their narcissistic parent, but are often disillusioned significantly and do not approve of their behavior. Usually, the child starts to notice after approximately five to six years of age, some of the harsh and brutal punishment they receive for minor inadequacies that don’t seem to “fit the crime.” When comparing and evaluating, the child realizes these severe punishments are unlike anything any other parents would do to their friends of the same age. They begin to get angry, sad and unimpressed when they compare the levels of cruelty and callousness of their narcissist parent with an average parent. The narcissist can dish out judgment without mercy but won’t tolerate being judged or evaluated by anyone. Before the ability of comparisons with parents of peers and people who aren’t as extreme, the child believed that normal was the narcissist parent. The child may begin pulling away from the narcissist emotionally, after some of these types of realities come to light or begin avoiding the narcissist altogether. Objectively they may begin questioning long held beliefs or assumptions about the narcissist and evaluating people and behaviors to sufficiently compare how extreme some of the ideas and behaviors really are with the narcissist’s actions.The narcissist parent sees these great developments in their maturing child as a declaration of war and prepare to do battle, “god save the queen” type of psychological war. They are often brutal in their war-games against their children and show no mercy to their own offspring. Most of their children are left weary and don’t show their emotions at all or act out in other ways and may also simply withdraw in pain.So, in a nutshell, Narcissists cannot really feel real love for a child or anyone. They do treat some of their children better than others. This will be based on the individual child’s reaction to the narcissist, and how the child’s personality and talents compliment or detract, specifically, on the narcissistic parent. If the child enhances the narcissistic person’s personality, from their perception and garners them attention and/or adulation, then the narcissist will believe they love the child and will treat them civilly. If this equation is perceived as negative to the narcissist, then the child will often be scapegoated, abused and devalued.What narcissist’s don’t understand is a mature-type of “action-oriented” LOVE and healthy parenting.Narcissists can’t be tuned into and are not easily aware of, a child's needs. They have difficulty with reading the cues and signals their children send that would easily prompt most parents to provide comfort for the child when sad or emotional support when unsure or unsettled. Narcissists just don’t see their children for who they really are but through the filter of who the narcissist wants them to be.Narcissistic Personality D/O’d people do not make good parents because they are underdeveloped emotionally and cannot evolve to a more empathetic or emotionally mature adulthood without intervention and many years of therapy. Many clinicians doubt if true and lasting change, is even possible for these people. This is a question that poses much debate. Narcissists often mistake respect and fearful obedience for love as well. They want to control their children and force them to comply with their wishes and demands. Narcissistic parents often expect nothing less than what’s called “blind obedience,” from their children.The questioning and independent type of children are often seen as a threat to a narcissist, who wants to control everyone and everything with ease. So, as long as the children blindly obey the narcissist and do not question their authority or rules, the happier the narcissist parent will be with the child. Narcissist’s may “love” one person today and not think about them again for decades, tomorrow.Just like a little child, who loves a 🧸 new toy one day and throws it in the corner the next, forgetting it ever existed, narcissists do this same type of emotional discarding or devaluing with real people in their lives, including their own children.Narcissist’s can spend 10 years with a family and their biological child, day after day, and year after year, just to decide one day they want to leave the spouse, and from that day on for decades after, the narcissist never sees their child again. This usually happens without hardly a thought, on the narcissistic parents part. This may go on sometimes 20 + years in estrangement with their children in these cases. Then out of the blue, the narcissist might try to set up a hoover upon a brief moment of remembrance or when they are low on narcissistic supply and begin feeling a touch nostalgic or begin getting older and needing someone to take care of them.Again, a narcissist parent doesn’t bond, miss or feel bad about the estranged relationship with their children as a normal parent would. They just move on and have other kids as replacements. Toys or people, it’s all the same to a narcissist. All people, even a narcissist’s own blood children, are replaceable and discardable at any time. This can be heartbreaking for the children, who don’t think it is possible, for the narcissist to just drop them like a an old 🧸 toy and walk away, never to return again. Yet, this is a very commonly reported phenomena with narcissistic parents.Until it actually happens to a child, no one can understand why a narcissistic parent disappears so often from a first or even second family, and then re-appears on a Hoover years later, offers the now adult-child, a salad for example for lunch upon meeting them again and sits down with their adult child who they abandoned when they were young and act as if nothing happened at all. In these situations, it is common that a narcissist will often pretend like they have been in their child’s life all along and that the decades of separation never even happened. They rarely offer any heartfelt apology, and even if they do, it’s more to shut up the uncomfortable questions and move away from the uncomfortable subjects. Narcissist’s do this often; avoid, pretend and deny reality.A narcissist is incapable of truly giving without expectation of a reward of more potential supply. Their inability to provide opportunities, for a child to learn without shame, limit the positive experiences and accentuate the psychologically harmful ones.Shame can be a cruel task-master and so are the weapons shame uses to inflict harm on the emotional and internal landscape in the forming psyche of a child. Proceed with caution. A dangerous game has been invoked when interacting with a narcissist. Rest assured, King 👑 Narc will “have your head” in a manner of speaking. You aren’t allowed to think for yourself. You better not reason. You better not question. Any critical thinking is off limits! Do as I say and don’t question anything! is the official yet unspoken, command.Narcissists actually just cannot understand real love and just don’t see their child as an important and individual little human outside of themselves. Children are unique with their own thoughts, feelings, interests and needs, but the narcissist, (to their detriment), cannot view individuality as beautiful.Children are props in the Narcissist’s movie and the narcissist is always the main character and director. The child may be afforded a minor role, (with the caveat that if they don’t say the lines provided by the narc director, or take up too many scenes in the movie, the narcissist will fire them from their film and hire a new “actor-replacement” to fill the child’s role), without hesitation.In the narcissist’s 🎥 🍿 movie, the same goes for the co-starring spouse, the occasional appearances by mistresses and assorted lovers, and any friendly- extra whose roles are interchangeable in the background. This is a Narcissist’s very own, big screen movie drama.So, Narcissist’s DO NOT LOVE.Narcissist’s are ANTI- ❤️- LOVE.True love of a child is positive ACTION and it takes some self- sacrifice. The child needs a lot of resources and much emotional dedication daily. It takes emotional maturity from a parent, to put the needs of another human being, ahead of their own. Narcissist’s do not have good object constancy and are very black and white thinkers. This is a huge stumbling block and why narcissists can be so dangerous in raising and understanding children and adolescents.When a narcissist is mad at a child, they usually attempt to punish severely for even relatively minor offenses because they see any mistake or disobedience as a violation directed against them personally. This is what they view as disrespect. Healthy adult parents don’t personalize their child’s behavior or seek revenge or punishment on their children. Healthy parents seek to correct behaviors that will later cause their children pain, or will help them in the world to avoid negative consequences by the use of healthy behaviors.Even the motivation for correction, is different with a healthy parent than a narcissistic parent. The narcissistic parent doesn’t understand it’s normal for children to test boundaries, make mistakes, question ethics like unfairness or inequality, and begin to evaluate other people objectively for positive and negative behaviors. This is the time to evaluate if their character is safe or desirable for friendship or a longer relationship. When these skills are developed in a child or adolescent, it makes for the building blocks of critical thinking skills which are required for sound judgment and decision making all their lives.A narcissist parent will be intimidated and insecure with these critical thinking skills in their children, and will attempt to undermine or stifle their natural development. A narcissist fears they will soon be evaluated by the child and can’t allow that to happen. They sabotage their child’s development, in an attempt to create a family system, where they have no accountability.So, the narcissist cannot love partly because of or as a symptom of a deficit in understanding. Narcissist’s don’t have the skills of internalizing object constantcy in their emotional development and don’t have a proper and complete understanding of life. The narcissist’s own life, is a revised and edited version of their own making with all the horrible and inconsistent behaviors edited out and forgotten by them.Sadly, the narcissist was not really PRESENT to experience a shared reality of bonding and to code the beautiful memories of the hugs or discoveries or playing ball in their long term memory. These memories are often trivial and unimportant to the narcissist due to their disordered brain 🧠 processing. Their entire memory works to defend, protect and guard the narcissist from any questions, slights, criticisms and/or narcissistic injuries.Narcissist’s are extreme and emotionally immature. They hate over very little, and they hate very often!They often devalue and discard their own child repeatedly. This can happen over any type of behavior or words that challenge, question or dare to acknowledge the narcissist’s controlling behaviors and hypocrisy.If a child or adolescent speaks up to defend themselves against the narc’s false accusations or misrepresentations for example, that child will be scapegoated, shunned or severely raged against by the narcissist parent. Then, a smear campaign will ensue.Narcissists take great offense to even innocent comments and can stonewall, emotionally and financially withhold, physically abuse, triangulate and give silent treatments as punishment for even the most minor childish indiscretions. These are some of the abusive tactics narcs use to control their children and anyone else who gets in their way. NPD and all of its manifestations cause disorder and chaos. The cause of this disorder and chaos is usually projected from the narcissist onto and expressed by and acted out by, those closest to them, especially the children.One of the most loving gestures a parent can learn to provide to their child is actively listening. A parent that tries understanding and the self-discipline to engage and attempt to understand their child’s perspective will do a lot towards establishing mutual trust and compassion along with developing a good bond with their child.Narc’s don’t know how to listen with attention, as they are so self-focused. They can pretend to focus and understand but, do not have the empathy or skill set to really understand another person’s perspective.Narcissist’s talk AT their children, not WITH them. They lecture their children, critique their children, criticize their children, control their children, and indoctrinate their children. No one has ever accused a pwNPD of active or empathic listening. This is pretty much a sure thing.If a narcissist IS Listening, Watch Out.They listen to CONTROL and they listen out for your vulnerabilities. They listen to find out what hurts you and what lines you said you would ever let anyone cross and try to cross them. They listen to later torment you and listen to find the ways into to your heart. They don’t listen to be loving and they do not listen to find understanding.A narc has no internal love to give from inside himself, to provide outside himself to a child. The narcissist seeks outside sources to supply him with what he lacks. This example of behavior is not beneficial to a child’s development. To watch or mirror a parent engage in a selfish quest for external validation is a step in the wrong direction of true self value. They cannot model appropriate behavior for their children or even close. True growth is within oneself and in taking accountability and stock of your strengths and weaknesses and making corrective action when needed.Internal insights involve emotional honesty, fearless recollection of mistakes and learning and correcting those errors. To evolve, and make future decisions that are in our best interest, this evaluative process can be so important. Narcissists cannot do any of these healthy type of healthy inventories and are emotionally stunted and frozen in early childhood where blaming, finger pointing and lying prevail.For a narcissist, their internal evaluation and navigation system, (to seek an honest assessment of themselves) is irreparably broken and no longer operational. They will never understand why they should OWN their negative behaviors and problems or how to accept constructive suggestions to better themselves.Narcissist’s avoid necessary truths and experiences, to their own detriment, in the long-term. Narcissist’s cannot and will not engage in the practice of lovingly to teach their child, coping skills by example. They don’t want to be questioned. They don’t want to be evaluated. They don’t have the patience or self-discipline to learn. They would have to care about their child as something “more or greater than themselves,” and, they simply aren’t wired that way.Narcissist’s systematically stifle the expression of vulnerability in their children whenever they can. They hate vulnerability and humanity. It reminds them of their own weakness so long ago, when they were a young child.The narcissistic person is like an emotionally immature child in an adult body with PTSD. They are traumatized over the death 💀 of their truest self. The TS was left alone, murdered and abandoned by the false self, and now hybrid- false-self, who falsely took over captaining a ship 🛳 that wasn’t theirs to direct, many years before is calling all the shots and giving all the orders. The narcissist has been hiding behind a mask and covering up that murder, pretending it never happened, for many, many years.Behind the mask of a narcissist, there really is just an angry darkness and the vacated abandonment of a vessel that used to be their child self or a more true version of themselves then they now and who they were supposed to be. They cannot love in a real way, because the only part that could love, was also the part that could hurt because of 💗 love. That is the part of them that died.A narc can no more supply real love to child, than a fish can supply the ocean they swim in. The capability for consistent love and empathy is just not in their bag of tricks. Narcissists don’t develop true character and opt out for selfish desires and selfish interests. The accounts for how most all adult children of narcissist’s seek help and recovery for years from being so deeply effected by the narcs abusive parenting and the LACK of EMPATHY and LOVE .Narcissist’s are usually a nightmare for their children and sadly, that sets the stage for future nightmares. NPD lovers are often attracted to the adult-children of narcissists, for relationships in adulthood. This is all an unconscious process to both of them from the unconscious trauma bonding from a childhood of an abusive parent and victim -where the abnormal seems comfortable and cozy in the beginning. This cycle can repeat itself over and over again in adult relationships until it is broken and trauma bonds are healed.So, please consider when questioning wether a narcissist can really love their child, these final things:Narcissist’s hate and envy! They hide their negativity and selfishness behind a smile and mimic words of love but, they have no empathy.Watch their actions, not their words! See if they show up for you in a crisis or even are capable of self evaluating and taking accountability for themselves. If they do not, or cannot, better be on your way. The only thing that other road of the narcissist will do, is get you really lost in a deep 🌳 forest of darkness and suffering. Block off that road and don’t travel 🧳 that way again. Become narc-free ! That is your new game, for at least six months.So again, final answer is No. Narcissists cannot give away what they simply don’t have. Love to a narcissist is power and control. Don’t waste your time or energy trying to receive something from an empty vessel. They don’t love their children or anyone else They will destroy their children, while telling them with a straight face they are doing it because they love them. Avoid this type of child abuser and don’t believe a word of the so-called love that they utter, from their professionally lie-filled 👄 lips.Love is positive action for the betterment of another human beings life and welfare. Narcissists destroy their children, their hopes and their dreams. They use their child’s desire to be loved, as a weapon of control. This disorder is anti-love and anti-life. Run like hell and never look back. That person that looks like your father or mother and is a narcissist with NPD, they died a long time ago. If you are looking for real love from someone with NPD, sadly, you continue looking for a long time to come. Fill yourself up with information, recovery, healing, meditation 🧘‍♀️ and friends that are safe and centered. The universe is waiting to give you the true freedom to never look 👀 to a narcissist for love ever again. ☮️ TO ALL.

If gun control is not the answer, what other solutions do republicans propose to prevent violence and mass shootings?

To be clear, I don’t oppose all gun control. I only oppose gun control that treats law-abiding, non-violent gun owners as if they were criminals. Licensing people to own guns is fine. Minimum ages are fine. The instant background checks we use to determine legal eligibility to buy a gun don’t bother me. Neither do laws that most civilians can’t own fully automatic rifles, or explosive rounds, or any weapons outside the definition of small arms. I’m very much in favor of withdrawing firearm rights during domestic violence investigations and in demonstrated domestic violence homes; that could easily save some lives.What bothers me is taking gun ownership away from most everyone because a vanishingly small minority have abused their gun ownership. Collective punishment for individual crimes is wrong, and withdrawing legal recognition of a constitutionally protected right from the entire citizenry without a constitutional amendment can only be called collective punishment. Therefore, there is a line that when crossed indicates too much gun control.Generally, I have high standards of proof for gun control policies. One popular gun control argument says that Australia had a couple mass shootings, so they passed gun control legislation and never had mass shootings again. That’s true, but not the whole story. They had so few mass shootings before their gun control reforms that statisticians cannot tell if anything changed. It’ll be a couple more decades before statistical analysis will be able to tell the almost-zero mass shootings before the law from the almost-zero mass shootings since. That, to me, does not look like proof that Australian-style gun control works.Lots of conservatives like to say things like “Most shootings happen in places with strict gun control laws or in gun-free zones. Allowing guns in those places would make shooters afraid of someone shooting back, and would reduce shootings.” Such arguments have the same flaw as the Australian gun control policy argument from the last paragraph. When gun control policies cease, violence and shootings usually don’t end with has pointed out issues with such reasoning. The assault weapons ban of 1994–2003, for example, roughly correlated with a reduction in crime rates. But even as late as 2013 (and I think still today) no study has been able to connect the two facts as being related. Gun crime started dropping a couple years before the assault weapons ban was enacted, and continued dropping for years afterward. When a great many factors are accounted for, reductions in lead in consumer products (gasoline especially) and changes to the black market in crack cocaine seem to account for most of the reduction in crime. Some say the assault weapons ban did nothing, and others say it saved many thousands of lives, and neither side can prove those claims. It’s just the belief that your theory’s predictions came true because it’s your theory and you trust it. People see what they want to see, and the data doesn’t uphold it.So what do I think would help? Well, I can only guess like everyone else, but I think people going out of their way to find social connections for themselves and those around them, to sew the social fabric via neighborhood cooperation, church or civic organizations, parties, friendship, mentorship, leagues, activities, group service projects, and general social inclusiveness would help minimize that alienation and miserable self-absorption that makes people feel that life is so excruciating that personal Armageddon is preferable.Maybe you were thinking of something more like a government program rather than a social change, though. Well, if people would stop merely complaining about how our society deals with mental health and instead provide some services, that could help. The US Federal Government has long been banned from funding gun violence research; I’d like that to end.Back when involuntary institutionalization was the typical treatment for mental illness, firearm law was set up to deny those so treated gun rights until their doctor declared them no longer a danger to themselves and/or others. But involuntary institutionalization has fallen out of favor, with doctors almost always getting the mentally ill to volunteer to be institutionalized. That’s all well and good for patient care, but it fundamentally undermines the precautionary elimination of gun rights for the mentally ill. I don’t know exactly what procedure should exist, but there should be some way for a therapist to indicate to law enforcement that a given patient cannot be trusted with a firearm for a while.Seattle recently realized that less than 50% of their court orders for gun owners accused of domestic violence to give up their firearms actually resulted in firearms being given up. Abusers (and suspected abusers) so ordered would often do nothing or claim their firearms were given to a friend for safe keeping. Verification of compliance was left up to the honor system. They are reforming that somewhat insane policy by sending law enforcement officers to verify in person that the firearms are really removed from the premises. That’s a pretty simple reform to make sure that existing laws are enforced properly, and doesn’t require new legislation or anyone not accused of a crime to change their behavior.I don’t think hallucinogenic drugs should be legalized, and I’m perfectly fine with intoxicated carry of a firearm being a criminal offense. Drugs (or alcohol) and firearms don’t mix.There are some things that should help without threatening the general population’s gun rights.

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