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What is Christmas?

Jesus’ apostles and early disciples did not celebrate Christmas. The New Catholic Encyclopedia says that “the Nativity feast was instituted no earlier than 243 [C.E.],” more than a century after the last of the apostles died.There is no proof that Jesus was born on December 25; his birth date is not recorded in the Bible.Christmas is not approved by God because it is rooted in pagan customs and rites.—2 Corinthians 6:17.Why make Christmas an issue?Many still celebrate Christmas despite knowing about its pagan roots and lack of support from the Bible. Such persons could ask: Why should Christians take such an unpopular stance? Why make it an issue?The Bible encourages us to think for ourselves, to use our “power of reason.” (Romans 12:1, 2) It teaches us to value the truth. (John 4:23, 24) So while we are interested in how others view us, we adhere to Bible principles even if it means that we become unpopular.Remembering Jesus Christ?“Keep doing this in remembrance of me.”—LUKE 22:19.A reason why some celebrate Christmas.Regarding Christmas, some say that Jesus is “the reason for the season.” They celebrate Christmas to commemorate his birthday.Why is it a challenge?Popular Christmas music and many Christmas customs have little to do with Jesus Christ. Millions who celebrate the holiday do not put faith in him; some do not even believe that he existed. In the commercial world, Christmas has become a holiday to advertise goods rather than an occasion to remember Jesus.What Bible principles can help?“The Son of man came . . . to give his soul a ransom in exchange for many.” (Mark 10:45) Jesus spoke the words quoted at the beginning of this article, obviously not on his birthday, but on the night before he died. On that evening, he instituted a simple ceremony to memorialize his death. Yet, why would Jesus want his followers to remember his death rather than his birth? Because Jesus’ ransom sacrifice gives obedient humans the opportunity to receive everlasting life. “The wages sin pays is death,” says the Bible, “but the gift God gives is everlasting life by Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 6:23) Thus, each year, on the anniversary of his death, Jesus’ followers remember Jesus Christ, not as a helpless infant, but as “the savior of the world.”—John 4:42.“Christ suffered for you, leaving you a model for you to follow his steps closely.” (1 Peter 2:21) To honor and remember Jesus, you should study his example as a perfect, intelligent man. Also, meditate on the way Jesus displayed compassion, patience, and the courage to do what is right, and look for opportunities to imitate him in your own life.“The kingdom of the world did become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will rule as king forever and ever.” (Revelation 11:15) When you remember Jesus Christ, consider what he is doing now. Jesus is ruling as a heavenly King. God’s Word prophesied regarding Jesus: “With righteousness he must judge the lowly ones, and with uprightness he must give reproof in behalf of the meek ones of the earth.” (Isaiah 11:4) Those appealing qualities belong, not to a newborn baby, but to a mighty Ruler.There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving.”—ACTS 20:35.A reason why some celebrate Christmas.As Jesus stated, giving makes both the giver and the receiver happy. In pursuit of that happiness, many view gift-giving as one of the most important features of Christmas. Even during last year’s economic crisis, one survey found, for example, that in Ireland, each household expected to spend over 500 euros (about $660 U.S.) on Christmas gifts.Why is it a challenge?Many feel that Christmas gift-giving brings more stress, not more happiness. How so? A lot of shoppers feel compelled to buy gifts that they cannot afford. And since everyone is shopping for gifts at the same time, crowds and long lines make shopping an exasperating experience for many.What Bible principles can help?“Practice giving,” said Jesus. * (Luke 6:38) He did not limit gift-giving to a certain time of the year when people would be expected to give. Jesus urged his followers to make spontaneous gift-giving a practice, a way of life.“Let each one do just as he has resolved in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:7) The essence of Paul’s counsel is that “nothing is ever to be given ‘from compulsion,’ from a feeling that one is forced to give,” explains one Bible commentary. Being “a cheerful giver” rules out the feeling of being obligated to give a specific item to a specific person at a specific time—the way Christmas gift-giving often turns out to be.“If the readiness is there first, it is especially acceptable according to what a person has, not according to what a person does not have.” (2 Corinthians 8:12) God does not require Christians to go into debt to pay for expensive gifts. Rather, when a person gives ‘according to what he has,’ his gifts are not merely tolerable but “especially acceptable.” What a refreshing contrast to the “buy now, pay later” message of advertisers during the holidays!“He that is kindly in eye will be blessed, for he has given of his food to the lowly one.”—PROVERBS 22:9.A reason why some celebrate Christmas.Because Jesus helped people who were poor, sick, and afflicted, some want to follow his example. They feel that the best time to do that may be Christmas, when charities often put forth extra effort to collect donations.Why is it a challenge?During the holidays, many people are preoccupied with shopping, entertaining, and visiting friends and family. All of this leaves them with little time, energy, or money to attend to the poor and needy, other than perhaps making a donation.What Bible principles can help?“Do not hold back good from those to whom it is owing, when it happens to be in the power of your hand to do it.” (Proverbs 3:27) The poor, the hungry, and the afflicted do not suffer only at Christmastime. If you perceive that someone needs help and it is within “the power of your hand” to assist, why wait for a holiday to act? Your kindness and compassionate actions will be blessed.“Every first day of the week let each of you at his own house set something aside in store as he may be prospering.” (1 Corinthians 16:2) The apostle Paul gave that advice to early Christians who wanted to help the poor. Could you ‘set aside,’ or budget, some money that you can regularly give to individuals or to an organization that uses its funds wisely? In this way, you ensure that you care for the needy while still giving within your means.“Do not forget the doing of good and the sharing of things with others, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.” (Hebrews 13:16) Notice that besides “the sharing of things with others,” we must also remember “the doing of good,” or helpful acts. For example, wise parents train their children to help the elderly with everyday tasks; to encourage the sick by means of a card, a visit, or a phone call; and to take a personal interest in other children who are poor or suffer from a disability. As a result, children learn to be kind and generous year-round.Wise parents train their children to help the elderly, the sick, and children who are disadvantaged. As a result, children learn to be kind and generous year-roundLook! How good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity!”—PSALM 133:1.A reason why some celebrate Christmas.Since the Israelites were all descendants of one man, Jacob, or Israel, they were “brothers,” members of one family. When they assembled for festivals in Jerusalem, it was “good” and “pleasant.” Like them, many families today look forward to getting together and enjoying a “good” and “pleasant” time at Christmas.Why is it a challenge?The Encyclopedia of Christmas and New Year’s Celebrations acknowledges: “Family tensions that simmer below the surface during the rest of the year very often boil over when the family gathers together for the holidays.”What Bible principles can help?“Keep paying a due compensation to [your] parents and grandparents.” (1 Timothy 5:4) To the extent possible, arrange regular visits with your family. If your relatives live far away, you can still communicate often. Why not write a letter, call them on the telephone, send an e-mail, or chat online? Regular communication keeps misunderstandings to a minimum.“You are cramped for room in your own tender affections. . . . Widen out.” (2 Corinthians 6:12, 13) Relatives seen only once a year can quickly become strangers—especially for children. Some children feel that they have little in common with their grandparents or distant relatives. Therefore, encourage your children to “widen out” in their affections by including elderly relatives. * Children who regularly spend time with elderly people tend to develop more empathy and appreciation for people who are older than they are.“Saying the right word at the right time is so pleasing.” (Proverbs 15:23, New Century Version) How can you prevent misunderstandings or issues from straining family relationships? One way is to select “the right time” to discuss legitimate concerns. If your relationship is lubricated by regular communication, you will find it easier to approach family members privately to resolve any problems and enjoy “good” and “pleasant” times when you come together.“Glory in the heights above to God, and upon earth peace among men of goodwill.”—LUKE 2:14.A reason why some celebrate Christmas.Every year, the pope and other religious leaders preach messages of peace, hopeful that the Christmas season will fulfill the angelic proclamation: “Upon earth peace among men of goodwill.” Some make special pilgrimages to celebrate.Why is it a challenge?Peace during Christmastime is temporary at best. For example, in December 1914, while Europe was engulfed in World War I, British and German soldiers emerged from the trenches and celebrated Christmas together. They shared food, drink, and cigarettes. They even played soccer. However, the truce did not last long. In a letter from the front lines, a British soldier related that a German soldier told him: “Today we have peace. Tomorrow you fight for your country; I fight for mine.”What Bible principles can help?“There has been a child born to us . . . His name will be called . . . Prince of Peace. To the abundance of the princely rule and to peace there will be no end.” (Isaiah 9:6, 7) Is not that prophecy about Jesus Christ reassuring? Jesus was not born on earth to bring one day of peace each year. As a heavenly Ruler, he will bring genuine peace that will not end.“By means of me [Jesus] you may have peace. In the world you are having tribulation, but take courage! I have conquered the world.” (John 16:33) Even today, Jesus nurtures peace among his followers. True, Christians have tribulation. Yet, thanks to the Bible, they understand why suffering exists and how Jesus will bring lasting peace. Therefore, they enjoy peace of mind.The Bible does not give a specific date for the birth of Jesus Christ, as these reference works show:“The true birth date of Christ is unknown.”—New Catholic Encyclopedia.“The exact date of Christ’s birth is not known.”—Encyclopedia of Early Christianity.While the Bible does not directly answer the question, ‘When was Jesus born?’ it does describe two events surrounding his birth that lead many to conclude that he was not born on December 25.Not in winterThe registration. Shortly before Jesus was born, Caesar Augustus issued a decree ordering “all the inhabited earth to be registered.” Everyone had to register in “his own city,” which might have required a journey of a week or more. (Luke 2:1-3) That order—probably made to support taxation and military conscription—would have been unpopular at any time of year, but it is unlikely that Augustus would have provoked his subjects further by forcing many of them to make long trips during the cold winter.The sheep. Shepherds were “living out of doors and keeping watches in the night over their flocks.” (Luke 2:8) The book Daily Life in the Time of Jesus notes that flocks lived in the open air from “the week before the Passover [late March]” through mid-November. It then adds: “They passed the winter under cover; and from this alone it may be seen that the traditional date for Christmas, in the winter, is unlikely to be right, since the Gospel says that the shepherds were in the fields.”In early fallWe can estimate when Jesus was born by counting backward from his death on Passover, Nisan 14 in the spring of the year 33 C.E. (John 19:14-16) Jesus was about 30 years old when he began his three-and-a-half-year ministry, so he was born in the early fall of 2 B.C.E.—Luke 3:23.Why is Christmas on December 25?Since there is no evidence that the birth of Jesus Christ occurred on December 25, why is Christmas celebrated on this date? The Encyclopædia Britannica says that church leaders probably chose it “to coincide with the pagan Roman festival marking the ‘birthday of the unconquered sun,’” at the time of the winter solstice. According to The Encyclopedia Americana, many scholars believe that this was done “in order to make Christianity more meaningful to pagan converts.”Christmas has long been described as a traditional Christian festival to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Many of the customs used in this celebration, however, make us wonder how they came to be associated with Jesus’ birth in the first place.For one thing, there is the myth of Santa Claus. The modern-day jolly, white-bearded, rosy-cheeked, red-suited Santa is known to have been a successful Christmas advertisement created for a North American beverage company in 1931. During the 1950’s, some Brazilians tried to replace Santa Claus with a native legendary figure—Grandpa Indian. The result? Santa Claus not only defeated Grandpa Indian but even “defeated the child Jesus and became the official representative of the feast of December 25,” says Professor Carlos E. Fantinati. But are myths such as Santa Claus the only problem with Christmas? For the answer, let us go back to early Christianity.Santa Claus with a big bag slung over his shoulder“During the first two centuries of Christianity there was strong opposition to recognizing birthdays of martyrs or, for that matter, of Jesus,” states the Encyclopedia Britannica. Why? Christians viewed birthday celebrations as a pagan custom, something to be avoided altogether. In fact, no mention of the date of Jesus’ birth can be found in the Bible.In the fourth century C.E., despite the stand taken by the early Christians against the custom of celebrating birthdays, the Catholic Church instituted Christmas. The church wanted to strengthen its position by removing one of the main obstacles in its way—the popularity of the pagan Roman religions and their winter solstice festivals. Each year, from December 17 through January 1, “most Romans feasted, gamed, reveled, paraded, and joined in other festivities as they paid homage to their deities,” says Christmas in America, by Penne L. Restad. And on December 25, the Romans celebrated the birth of the Invincible Sun. Instituting Christmas on that day, the church cajoled many Romans into celebrating the birth of Jesus instead of the birth of the sun. Romans “were still able to enjoy the trappings of these midwinter festivals,” says Santa Claus, a Biography, by Gerry Bowler. In reality, they “continued to mark the new days with old ways.”Clearly, then, the main problem with Christmas celebrations lies in their unsavory origins. In his book The Battle for Christmas, Stephen Nissenbaum refers to Christmas as “nothing but a pagan festival covered with a Christian veneer.” Christmas, therefore, dishonors God and his Son, Jesus Christ. Is this just a trivial matter? The Bible asks: “What fellowship do righteousness and lawlessness have? Or what sharing does light have with darkness?” (2 Corinthians 6:14) Like the trunk of a tree that has grown crooked, Christmas is so twisted that it “cannot be made straight.”—Ecclesiastes 1:15.A third reason: There is no historical evidence that the early Christians celebrated the birth of the Christ. But they did memorialize his death. (1 Corinthians 11:23-26) It was not until more than 300 years after Jesus’ birth that Christendom officially began to observe Christmas on December 25. Interestingly, in the mid-17th century, an act of parliament banned Christmas celebrations in England. In the United States, the Massachusetts General Court did the same. Why? The book The Battle for Christmas, says: “There is no biblical or historical reason to place the birth of Jesus on December 25.” It adds that to the Puritans, “Christmas was nothing but a pagan festival covered with a Christian veneer.”That brings us to a fourth reason: The unsavory origin of the celebration itself. The roots of Christmas can be traced back to pagan Rome with its mixture of festivals for honoring the agricultural god Saturn and the sun god Sol Invictus, or Mithra. Anthropologists Christian Rätsch and Claudia Müller-Ebeling, coauthors of the book Pagan Christmas, write: “Like many pre-Christian customs and beliefs, the old feast commemorating the yearly return of the sun was rededicated to the birth of Christ.”On Christmas Day, about one third more heart-attack patients are admitted to hospitals than at any other time of the year, according to one survey by an insurance company. The company suggests that increased stress when searching for Christmas gifts and unreasonably high expectations on the part of family and friends are the principal causes.

What are some weird facts?

There's a reason people say that truth is stranger than fiction. Between impressive inventions and natural oddities, the world can be a pretty incredible place. Just when you think you're too jaded and you know it all, people and things can surprise you in delightful ways. Wondering how long it would take to drive to space? Or where a quarter of the bones on your body are located? Or what you call a rainbow that happens at night? You'll find out all that and more when you read through trivia tidbits from around the world. Prepare to be astounded by these 50 weird facts that you won't believe are true. And for more trivia to blow your mind, check out these 50 Incredible "Did You Know" Facts That Will Astonish You.1Squirrels are behind most power outages in the U.S.iStockThe American Public Power Association (APPA) says that squirrels are the most frequent cause of power outages in the U.S. The APPA even developed a data tracker called "The Squirrel Index" that analyzes the patterns and timing of squirrels' impact on electrical power systems. Turns out, the peak times of the year for squirrel attacks are from May to June and October to November.Typically, the squirrels cause problems by tunneling, chewing through electrical insulation, or becoming a current path between electrical conductors. "Frankly, the number one threat experienced to date by the U.S. electrical grid is squirrels," said John C. Inglis, the former deputy director of the National Security Agency, in 2015. And for some "facts" you only thought were true, ditch these 50 Well-Known "Facts" That Are Actually Just Common Myths.2Spider webs were used as bandages in ancient times.ShutterstockIn ancient Greece and Rome, doctors used spider webs to make bandages for their patients. Spider webs supposedly have natural antiseptic and anti-fungal properties, which can help keep wounds clean and prevent infection. It's also said that spider webs are rich in vitamin K, which helps promote clotting. So, next time you're out of Band-Aids, just head to your attic and grab some "webicillin."3A woman who lost her wedding ring found it 16 years later on a carrot in her garden.ShutterstockA woman in Sweden lost her wedding ring while cooking for Christmas in 1995. She looked everywhere for it, and even had her kitchen floor pulled up hoping she could find it. But she wouldn't see it again until 2012.While gardening 16 years later, the woman found the ring around a carrot that was sprouting in the middle of it. The only explanation was that the ring must have been lost in vegetable peelings that were turned into compost. Clearly, composting isn't just good for the environment. And for more trivia to bring you joy, try these 50 Feel-Good Facts Guaranteed to Make You Smile.4One-quarter of all your bones are located in your feet.ShutterstockThere are 26 bones in each foot. That's 52 bones in both feet, out of 206 total bones in your whole body, which is more than 25 percent. It may sound crazy at first, but think about it: Your feet support your weight and allow you to jump, run, and climb. Those bones and joints also allow your feet to absorb and release energy efficiently. It's one of the reasons humans can outrun any other animal in an endurance race.5Blood donors in Sweden receive a text when their blood is used.ShutterstockTo encourage more young people to donate blood, Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Gothenburg, Sweden, sends a text to donors when their blood has been dispensed to someone in need. A common issue with blood donation—along with other types of charitable donations—is that if a donor doesn't know the recipient, it's harder to convince them that donating is beneficial. But with this system, which started in 2012, potential donors in Sweden have proof that their contribution is going to good use. And for more quick trivia to kill some time, here are 35 Fascinating Fast Facts for When You're Bored.6You're more likely to get a computer virus from visiting religious sites than porn sites.ShutterstockAccording to research from security firm Symantec, religious websites carry three times more malware threats than pornography sites. Symantec found that the average number of security threats on religious sites was around 115, compared to adult content sites which carried around 25. In fact, only 2.4 percent of adult sites were infected with malware. The researchers hypothesized that's because porn sites need to generate a profit, so there's a financial incentive to keeping them virus-free to encourage repeat business.7The inventor of the Pringles can is now buried in one.ShutterstockIn 1966, Fredric Baur developed the ingenious idea for Procter & Gamble to uniformly stack chips inside a can instead of tossing them in a bag. Baur was so proud of his invention that he wanted to take it to the grave—literally.He communicated his burial wishes to his family, and when he died at age 89, his children stopped at Walgreens on the way to the funeral home to buy his burial Pringles can. They did have one decision to make, though. "My siblings and I briefly debated what flavor to use," Baur's eldest son, Larry, told Time. "But I said, 'Look, we need to use the original.'" Fredric Baur, an American classic.8Sunglasses were originally designed for Chinese judges to hide their facial expressions in court.ShutterstockToday, sunglasses serve as protective eyewear, effectively preventing bright sunlight from causing discomfort or damage to our eyes. Of course, they're also a fashion accessory. But sunglasses were originally made out of smoky quartz in 12th century China, where they were used by judges to mask their emotions when they were questioning witnesses. And for more facts that are so cool they're hard to believe, check out these 100 Fascinating Facts You'll Want to Share with Everyone You Know.9Cotton candy was invented by a dentist.ShutterstockDentist William Morrison and confectioner John C. Wharton invented machine-spun cotton candy in 1897. It was first introduced at the 1904 World's Fair as "Fairy Floss." Then, another dentist, Josef Lascaux, reinvented the machine in 1921. He came up with the name "cotton candy," which replaced "fairy floss."10Shakespeare's epitaph contains a curse for grave robbers.iStockWhen William Shakespeare died at 52 years old on April 23, 1616, he was buried in a tomb that featured an epitaph meant to ward off grave robbers: "GOOD FREND FOR IESVS SAKE FORBEARE / TO DIGG THE DVST ENCLOASED HEARE / BLESTe BE Ye MAN Yt SPARES THES STONES / AND CVRST BE HE Yt MOVES MY BONES." Or more clearly: "Good friend, for Jesus' sake forbear / To dig the dust enclosed here / Blessed be the man that spares these stones / And cursed be he that moves my bones." And for more fun content delivered straight to your inbox, sign up for our daily newsletter.11A New Orleans hotel offered a $15,000 stay to a whoever stole the "most outrageous" item from them.Image via the Roosevelt New Orleans, a Waldorf Astoria HotelIn March 2019, the Roosevelt Hotel in New Orleans decided to celebrate its 125th anniversary by offering a free seven-night stay in its presidential suite, along with complimentary private dinners and spa treatments worth a whopping $15,000. But this wasn't a standard giveaway: The prize was only available to the person who returned the "most outrageous" item ever stolen from the hotel.12Children of identical twins are genetically siblings, not cousins.ShutterstockCousins whose parents are identical twins share 25 percent of their DNA, instead of the usual 12.5 percent. While full-siblings share 50 percent of their DNA, half-siblings share 25 percent. That's why, though children of identical twins are legally cousins, they are genetically the equivalent of half-siblings.13A giant tortoise thought to be extinct for 100 years was recently discovered in the Galápagos.ShutterstockBecause there hadn't been a sighting of a Fernandina giant tortoise in more than 100 years, scientists believed that we had lost the last of the creatures ages ago. However, in Feb. 2019, an adult female was spotted around Fernandina Island in the Galápagos. Scientists also found bite marks on nearby cacti that led them to suspect there may be other tortoises in the area, too.Wacho Tapia, director of the Giant Tortoise Restoration Initiative at the Galápagos Conservancy, released a statement saying, "To find a living tortoise on Fernandina Island is perhaps the most important find of the century … Now we just need to confirm the genetic origin of this female. She is old but she is alive!"14The Goodyear Blimp is the official bird of Redondo Beach, California.ShutterstockThe Goodyear Blimp is nothing short of iconic, but we wouldn't classify it as a bird. Still, that didn't stop Redondo Beach—a coastal city situated near the Goodyear Blimp's home airport in Carson, California—from passing a resolution in 1983 to make the blimp its official bird.15It would only take one hour to drive to space.ShutterstockIf you got into your car, turned on the ignition and drove up to the sky at 60 mph, it would take just one hour to get to outer space, according to astronomer Fred Hoyle. Of course, this is purely a theoretical, but it sure is fun to think about!16A cornflake in the shape of Illinois sold on eBay for $1,350.ShutterstockIn 2008, two Virginia sisters found a cornflake that was shaped like the state of Illinois, and sold it on eBay for $1,350. Monty Kerr, the owner of a trivia website from Austin, Texas, was the buyer; he explained that he wanted the special piece of cereal for his traveling museum. "We're starting a collection of pop culture and Americana items," he told the Associated Press. "We thought this was a fantastic one."17The amount of copper on the Arizona capitol building roof is equivalent to nearly 5 million pennies.ShutterstockThe copper roof of Arizona's capitol building in Phoenix is undeniably impressive, especially once you learn that it's the equivalent to 4,800,000 pennies. That's a heck of a lot of pocket change!18A cloud can weigh more than a million pounds.ShutterstockClouds are not as light and fluffy as they appear. In fact, researchers have found that a single cloud weighs about 1.1 million pounds. How do they know? Well, that number is calculated by taking the water density of a cloud and multiplying it by its volume. Fortunately, the cloud can still "float" at that weight because the air below it is even heavier.19The Apollo 11 crew used hundreds of autographs as life insurance.Image via NASANeil Armstrong and the Apollo 11 crew faced the real chance that they wouldn't return from the moon safely, leaving their families without financial support. Due to the extreme danger that they were about to face, they couldn't take out life insurance policies. So instead, they signed hundreds of autographs, which their families would have been able to sell if they didn't make it home. Luckily, those life insurance autographs weren't needed. They do, however, show up in space memorabilia auctions today, selling for as much as $30,000.20The Queen owns all the swans in England.ShutterstockAccording to British law, any unclaimed swan swimming in the open waters of England and Wales belongs to the Queen. The law originated in medieval times when swans were a delicacy for the wealthy, but it still stands today. Queen Elizabeth II also upholds a centuries-old tradition with the swans: Every year during the third week of July, all the swans in the River Thames are counted for the Queen in a practice called "Swan Upping."21A fortune cookie company once foretold the lottery, resulting in 110 winners.ShutterstockIn 2005, one Powerball drawing had a shocking 110 second-place winners who all attributed their luck to a fortune cookie. The folks at Powerball were suspicious (typically, there are just four or five second-place winners); however, no foul play was involved.Wonton Food, a Chinese fortune cookie distribution factory in Long Island City, just so happened to correctly foretell five of the six winning numbers. "We are so excited," Ho Sing Lee, president of the cookie manufacturer, said at the time. "I knew people took our lucky numbers seriously. It shows that they really do tell fortunes, and we are happy so many people have benefited." Each winner took home between $100,000 and $500,000, depending on how much they bet.22A woman with two uteruses gave birth to twins less than a month after having a baby.ShutterstockWhen most people have a baby, they typically wait a little while before even thinking about having another child. But that wasn't an option for one woman in Bangladesh, who unexpectedly gave birth to twins in March 2019, less than a month after having another newborn. The highly unusual circumstance came about because the woman has two uteruses and both were able to successfully carry the three healthy children to term. However, the mother's doctor did admit, "We were very shocked and surprised. I have never observed something like this before."23A meteor exploded over Earth with the force of 10 atomic bombs and everyone missed it.ShutterstockYou'd think if a spacial body met a phenomenally fiery fate right above our heads, we'd notice. But when a meteor hit our atmosphere on Dec. 18, 2018, and exploded with a force that was 10 times the energy of the Hiroshima atomic bomb, it wasn't discovered by NASA scientists until after the fact. Turns out, it went largely undetected because it took place over the Bering Sea in an area that was close, but not directly on, the path of commercial planes flying between North America and Asia.24Louisiana is home to a rare pink dolphin.ShutterstockIt's hard to imagine dolphins being any more wonderful than they already are, but a Louisiana bottlenose dolphin named "Pinky" is almost too adorable to believe. First spotted in 2007, the unusual creature got its name from its surprising pink color, which is likely the result of a rare genetic condition.Pinky was seen again in 2015 and in 2018 while mating. Despite the fact that fishermen have apparently seen her swimming with baby dolphins, they're not sure if she's their mother—especially since no news of any pink baby dolphins has surfaced.25A "moonbow" is a rainbow that happens at night.ShutterstockIf a storm is passing and the sun starts shining, you might be lucky enough to spot a rainbow. But did you know that you can see something just as amazing at night? While they're incredibly unusual, moonbows (or lunar rainbows) are caused by the reflection, refraction, and dispersion of light, and tend to happen most often in places with waterfalls and mist. There also needs to be a near full moon for there to be enough light for you to see the moonbow.26Bumblebees can fly higher than Mount Everest.ShutterstockIf you thought it was impressive that humans can make it to the top of Mount Everest, you'll be stunned to find out that bumblebees can make it to the summit, too. Researchers who tracked two bees that were able to fly at more than 29,525 feet (or 9,000 meters, which is higher than Everest) admitted that they were "shocked at how high they could fly."27The Terminator sold for $1.Image via MGMThe Terminator, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Linda Hamilton, earned a worldwide total of $78.3 million at the box office in 1984. As it went on, the franchise took in over $1.4 billion—not bad for a movie whose rights sold for a dollar.Before James Cameron became famous for directing blockbusters like Titanic and Avatar, he was just an unknown filmmaker with an ambitious idea. In order to get his movie made, he handed over the rights to the script for a token amount on the terms that he would be allowed to direct the movie. Despite the eventual success of the project, Cameron later admitted that he regrets the decision to sell such a valuable story for such a low amount, saying, "I wish I hadn't sold the rights for one dollar. If I had a little time machine and I could only send back something the length of a tweet, it'd be—'Don't sell.'"28Scientists discovered an organism with a disappearing butt.ShutterstockThe comb jelly—also known as the warty comb jelly, sea walnut, or Mnemiopsis leidyi—has a disappearing butt. Sidney Tamm of the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, told New Scientist that "there is no documentation of a transient anus in any other animals that I know of. It is not visible when the animal is not pooping. There's no trace under the microscope. It's invisible to me."29Someone tried to sell New Zealand on eBay.ShutterstockSome odd things have been sold on eBay, from a grilled cheese sandwich with the face of the Virgin Mary to Justin Timberlake's half-eaten French toast. But one of the strangest listings ever had to be for the country of New Zealand. That's right: A man from Brisbane, Australia tried to sell New Zealand off on eBay in 2006.The listing described the country as "the dodgiest American Cup win ever" and said it has "very ordinary weather." Despite those selling points, the ridiculous auction gained a ton of interest. The starting bid was 1 cent and after 6,000 hits and 22 bids, the selling price for New Zealand climbed all the way to $3,000. Eventually, eBay caught wind of the auction and pulled it from its site. "Clearly New Zealand is not for sale," a spokesperson for eBay Australia said at the time.30A London tomb is supposedly a time machine or teleportation chamber.iStockLondon's Brompton Cemetery inspires some strange beliefs. It's the final resting place of Hannah Courtoy, who had a well-known respect for ancient Egyptians' astrological (and perhaps mystical) knowledge. She's buried there, along with two of her daughters, in a massive 20-foot granite mausoleum that includes a pyramid peak and a bronze door decorated with Egyptian hieroglyphs.The entryway also features a keyhole, but the key that unlocks it was lost, which—along with Courtoy's history—sparked the tomb's peculiar reputation. Because no one can get inside to confirm or deny superstitious suspicion, there's a local legend that says it isn't a tomb at all, but a time machine. However, historian Stephen Coates told Mental Floss, "It's not a time machine. It's a teleportation chamber."31Sumo wrestlers make babies cry for good luck.iStockWhile most parents do what they can to prevent or stop their babies from crying, that's not always the case in Japan. That's because it's a 400-year-old Japanese tradition that if a sumo wrestler can make your baby cry, it means he or she will live a healthy life. During a special ceremony, parents hand over their infants to sumo wrestlers who bounce their precious tots up and down and sometimes even roar in their little faces to get the tears flowing. "He's not a baby that cries much, but today he cried a lot for us and we are very happy about it," mother Mae Shige said at a 2014 event.32A 155-year-old mousetrap successfully caught a mouse in 2016.ShutterstockThey say if it ain't broke, don't fix it—and that turned out to be the case for a very early design of the mousetrap. In the mid-1800s, inventor Colin Pullinger unveiled his Perpetual Mousetrap and claimed that it would last a lifetime. More than a century later, Pullinger could still make that claim.The 155-year-old device, on display at England's Museum of English Rural Life, managed to catch a mouse that snuck into it in 2016—even without bait! The mouse entered the trap attempting to build a nest and ended up activating its see-saw mechanism. Sadly, the rodent didn't survive. But clearly, the perpetual mousetrap does!33A human could swim through a blue whale's veins.ShutterstockThe blue whale is the largest living creature—it's even larger than most dinosaurs. The biggest blue whales can be over 100 feet in length and weigh more than 100 tons. Their hearts alone can weigh 1,300 pounds, and are the size of a small car. Unsurprisingly, blue whales have enormous arteries, which pump blood through their massive hearts and into their vital organs. These arteries are so big that a fully grown human could swim through them, not that you should try it.34Crying makes you feel happier.ShutterstockThey don't call it a "good cry" for nothing. Studies suggest that crying stimulates the production of endorphins, our body's natural painkiller, and feel-good hormones, like oxytocin. In short, crying more will ultimately lead to smiling more.35International astronauts must be able to speak Russian.ShutterstockAs the International Space Station (ISS) has modules and operations in Russian, all astronauts going to the ISS must know how to speak Russian. Some astronauts have claimed that learning this new language was the biggest challenge of their training. According to the U.S. State Department Foreign Service Institute, English-speaking astronauts can expect to spend 1,100 class hours to reach a reasonable level of fluency in Russian. That's twice as many hours as it typically takes to learn other languages like French, Spanish, and Dutch.36The electric chair was invented by a dentist.ShutterstockIn 1881, dentist Alfred P. Southwick witnessed a drunk man die quickly after touching a live electric generator. Southwick soon realized that electricity could be a quick and more humane alternative to hanging for executions. And thusly, the electric chair was born, and was first used in 1890. Though it wasn't an initial success—a second jolt needed to be used—Southwick eventually worked out the kinks. Cotton candy and electric chairs: What will dentists think of next?37Even the man who created Comic Sans has only used it once.ShutterstockComic Sans is the classic cute, lighthearted, informal, good-for-a-child's-birthday-party-invitation font. But it also comes across as immature and unprofessional, and has been called the world's most hated font. Comic Sans was designed by Vincent Connare in 1995, and even he isn't a fan. "I've only ever used Comic Sans once. I was having trouble changing my broadband to Sky so wrote them a letter in Comic Sans, saying how disappointed I was," he told The Guardian. "I got a £10 refund." Worth it, we guess.38At least one of the colors of the Olympic flag appears on all the national flags.ShutterstockFresh aristocrat Baron de Coubertin designed the Olympic flag in the early 1900s, and he was very intentional with his creation. At least one of the colors on the Olympic flag appears on the flags of every nation that competed in the games at the time (but only if you count the white background of the flag itself). "A white background, with five interlaced rings in the center: blue, yellow, black, green, and red … is symbolic," Coubertin said in 1931. "It represents the five inhabited continents of the world, united by Olympism, while the six colors are those that appear on all the national flags of the world at the present time."39Australia has pink and purple lakes.ShutterstockLake Hillier sits on the edge of Middle Island, which is off the coast of Western Australia. It's known for its vibrant pink color, which is due to the presence of the algae Dunaliella salina. It causes the lake's salt content to create a red dye, which helps produce its bubble gum color. And despite the high salt levels, Lake Hillier is safe to swim in.Hillier also has a purple-ish lake sibling. Hutt Lagoon, in Port Gregory on Western Australia's Coral Coast, has a large amount of Dunaliella salina, too. Depending on the season and the amount of cloud coverage, Hutt Lagoon can be different colors, ranging from red to pink to lilac.40The tea bag was an accidental invention.ShutterstockIn 1908, New York tea merchant Thomas Sullivan sent samples of tea leaves to some of his customers in small silken bags. Many of the recipients assumed that the bags were supposed to be used in the same way as the metal infusers. So, they put the entire bag into the teapot, rather than emptying out its contents.After such positive feedback from the happy accident, Sullivan designed intentional teabags for commercial production. In the 1920s, his sachets made of gauze—and later, paper—included the string with the tag hanging over the side so the bag could be easily removed. Some things really do stay the same.41Almost 163,000 pints of Guinness are wasted in facial hair each year.ShutterstockAn actual research study commissioned by Guinness found that an estimated 162,719 pints of Irish stout go to waste every year… via mustaches. The study found that 0.56 milliliters of Guinness get trapped in the average beard or mustache with each sip. And it takes about 10 sips to finish a pint.An estimated 92,370 Guinness consumers every year in the UK have facial hair. Assuming they consume on average 180 pints each a year, the total cost of wasted Guinness annually is about $536,000. The moral of this story? Shave and save!42The Russians arrived 12 days late to the 1908 Olympics because they were using the wrong calendar.ShutterstockOver 2,000 years ago, Julius Caesar promoted the use of the Julian calendar, a 365-day calendar that didn't account for leap years. Eventually, the calendar fell out of sync with the seasonal equinoxes, and holidays—like Easter—didn't land where they should. Finally, in 1582, Pope Gregory XIII mandated that Catholic nations switch to a new Gregorian calendar that solved the problem.But for many countries, including Russia, the switch from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian took centuries. As a result, in 1908, the Russians missed the first 12 days of the Olympics, which was hosted in London, because they were still using the Julian calendar. The country finally changed over in 1918 after the Bolsheviks took control. Fun bonus fact: Greece, the country where the Olympics were born, was the last nation to make the switch in 1923.43Grooves in the road on Route 66 play "America the Beautiful."ShutterstockNew Mexico's Department of Transportation decided to spice up a desolate quarter-mile stretch of Route 66 between Albuquerque and Tijeras. Grooves were added in the road that play music when you drive over them going the speed limit of 45 mph. The grooves work just like the rumble strips, which vibrate your car if you drift out of your lane. These particular strips are positioned to create different pitches when you drive over them, and if you do, you can clearly hear "America the Beautiful" play through the vibrations in your car's wheels.44Elvis Presley's manager sold "I Hate Elvis" badges.AlamyColonel Tom Parker was Elvis Presley's manager for nearly two decades. Many credit him as the mastermind behind Presley's massive commercial success. In 1956, Parker signed a merchandising deal to turn Elvis into a brand name, and by the end of the year, merchandise sales had brought in $22 million.Because he got a 25 percent profit share, Parker was always finding new ways to get fans to spend. He even decided to market to Presley's haters. He came up with the idea to sell badges that read "I Hate Elvis," "Elvis is a Jerk," and "Elvis the Joik" ("jerk" in a New York accent).45Paper bags can be worse for the environment than plastic ones.iStockIt's become a common notion that paper is always a better choice than plastic. In fact, bans on plastic bags are regularly being enacted.However, both paper and plastic have their drawbacks. According to research, paper bag production emits 70 percent more pollution, uses four times as much energy, and takes more time to break down, when compared to plastic bags. Guess the best option is to carry reusable bags with you.46The fastest man in the world has scoliosis.ShutterstockYou might assume that a man who can run as fast as Usain Bolt would be the embodiment of physical perfection. But it turns out, Bolt has had his share of physical difficulties to overcome, including scoliosis. "My spine's really curved bad," Bolt told ESPN Magazine in 2011. "But if I keep my core and back strong, the scoliosis doesn't really bother me. So I don't have to worry about it as long as I work hard."47The majority of people in Iceland believe in elves.Shutterstock/Bhushan Raj TimiaA 2007 University of Iceland survey found that 62 percent of Icelanders believe in real-life elves. In fact, in 2014, protesters claimed a proposed highway would destroy an "elf church," which to many was just a gigantic rock. Eventually, the "church" was moved to a safe place so that it would not be harmed and the construction continued. Though the rock weighed 70 tons and required a crane to move it, the preservation of places important to elves is significant to Icelanders.The country's elf history dates back to Viking-era poems from around the year 1000. To Icelanders, these elves are not tiny figures who build toys for Santa; they actually look very much like humans and can range in size. Many believe that grave misfortune will befall those who dare to build in elf territory, even though it cannot be seen—hence the "church" preservation.48Janis Joplin left $2,500 in her will for her friends to have a party.Archive PL / Alamy Stock PhotoArticle 11 of Janis Joplin's will included the stipulation that she wanted $2,500 of her estate set aside for a post-funeral party "at a suitable location as a final gesture of appreciation and farewell."About 200 special guests were invited to the party with invitations that read, "Drinks are on Pearl," which was a reference to Joplin's nickname and her final album title. The party took place at a suitable location for Joplin: the Lion's Share in San Anselmo, California. "I think it was fitting to send her off that way," Joplin's former lover James Gurley wrote in Pearl: The Obsessions and Passions of Janis Joplin.49Bubble wrap was originally intended to be wallpaper.ShutterstockBubble wrap was invented in 1957 by engineers Alfred W. Fielding and Marc Chavannes, who sealed two shower curtains together, creating a smattering of air bubbles, which they initially tried to sell as wallpaper. Then, in 1960, they realized their product could be used for protection in packaging, and they founded Sealed Air Corporation. When the inventors showed the product to IBM, which had just launched its first mass-produced computers, the tech company became the first big bubble wrap client. Sealed Air still exists today, creating both Cryovac food packaging and yes, bubble wrap.50Ohio DUI offenders must use yellow license plates.Image via Wikimedia CommonsThe standard Ohio license plate is white with navy blue letters and numbers, and a red border at the top. That is, of course, if you don't have multiple DUIs. Since 1967, Ohio has issued special yellow license plates with red characters to DUI offenders. As of 2004, these "scarlet letter plates"—or "party plates"—are mandatory for repeat DUI offenders, and whenever a driver's blood-alcohol level is twice the legal limit. While there is public shame that comes along with these license plates, it also helps the police spot these vehicles when patrolling highways.Source: BestLife

How will you introduce yourself as a Filipino to a person of another nationality and he or she asks “Who are Filipino?”

If you a Filipino and introducing yourself to a foreigner here are some things to remember:Filipinos are famous for their politeness and hospitality, they are also very nice to everyone they meet. Any time you meet or greet someone you can expect a sir or ma’am added onto the end, without fail.This level of politeness is nation wide, no matter who you’re speaking with or who they’re speaking to. Whether you’re speaking to the municipal government about getting your visa renewed, having your gas pumped at a station or down the local fish market, everyone will greet you with that formality.PRONUNCIATION: fih-lih-PEE-nohzLOCATION: PhilippinesPOPULATION: 66 millionLANGUAGE: Tagalog (national language); English; Cebuano; Ilocano; Hiligaynon (Ilongo); Bicolano; Waray-Waray; Pampango, and PangasinanRELIGION: Roman Catholicism; Philippine Independent Church; Iglesia ni Kristo (Church of Christ); Protestantism; Islam; animismThe Philippines is made up of thousands of islands with many distinct cultures. For three hundred years, the Philippines was a colony of Spain. Despite speaking several different languages, 90 percent of the population share a common way of life and practice Christianity. The remaining 10 percent consists of many small groups, none of whom are Christian.As early as 40,000 years ago, the first modern humans roamed the Philippines, which were then still linked to Asia by land bridges exposed during the Ice Age. Agriculturalists arrived from Taiwan between 3000 and 2000 BC . Some of their children and grandchildren migrated to colonize Indonesia, Madagascar, and the Pacific Islands.The Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan (c.1480–1521) first visited the islands in 1521 on behalf of Spain. Spain saw the islands as a good place to build a base, and sent several expeditions. The Spanish brought the Catholic religion to the people of the islands, and European ways that had both good and bad results. Islanders frequent revolted against Spanish abuses. On the other hand, Catholic Filipinos stood with the Spanish against invaders and their own rebellious brethren.In 1896, members of a secret society launched a revolution to end Spanish rule. On June 12, 1898, Filipinos proclaimed their independence. The United States moved to take possession of the islands for their strategic value. A war resulted, dragging on for years and causing the death of an estimated one million Filipinos. American rule introduced mass education in the English language. Japanese invasion and occupation of the Philippines during World War II (1939–45) devastated the country. The United States granted the Philippines independence in 1946.For the next forty-five years, the Philippines struggled to establish a democratic government. The election of President Fidel Ramos in 1992 brought the country some stability and launched a period of economic growth.The 7,000 islands (1,000 of which are inhabited) of the Philippines comprise a land area equal to that of Italy and a little larger than that of Arizona. If superimposed on the eastern United States, the islands would stretch east-west from New York City to Chicago and north-south from Massachusetts to Florida. There are eleven major islands: Luzon (more than one-third of the total land area); Mindoro; Palawan; Masbate; Panay; Negros; Cebu; Bohol; Leyte; Samar; and Mindanao (another one-third of the land area).Mountains separated by narrow valleys dominate all the islands. Throughout the country, deforestation (cutting down of forest trees) has reduced the rainforest cover. This has encouraged erosion, which carries silt to the coastal areas and chokes the coral reefs.The tropical climate is dominated by the monsoon cycle: from June to October the southwest monsoon carries torrential rains to most of the country; from November through February, the northeast monsoon brings warm, dry weather; and from March to May, easterly North Pacific tradewinds afflict the islands with a period of extreme heat and drought. Over twenty typhoons each year cause extreme havoc in the country.Over 66 million people inhabit the Philippines. Population density is very high at 570 persons per square mile (220 persons per square kilometer). The population is growing at a rapid rate, due in part to Catholic opposition to the use of birth control. The country's economic difficulties have pushed many people to emigrate in search of work.Some seventy languages are spoken in the Philippines. The five languages with the greatest number of speakers are:Tagalog, the basis of Pilipino/Filipino, the national language, spoken by a quarter of the total Filipino population, concentrated in Manila;Cebuano, spoken by another quarter of the population inhabiting the islands of Cebu, Bohol, southern Leyte, western Negros, and the northern and eastern coasts of Mindanao;Ilocano, whose speakers comprise about 11 percent of the population found throughout northern Luzon;Hiligaynon (or Ilongo), spoken by 10 percent of the population on Panay, eastern Negros, and southern Mindoro;Bicolano, whose speakers represent almost 7 percent of the population and inhabit the long southeastern "tail" of Luzon.After conquering the country (in 1898), the Americans introduced English as the language of government and education. In 1937, the government decided to promote the use of Tagalog as the national language. It is now called "Pilipino" by most people, although some other ethnic groups resist using that name. Tagalog-Pilipino is taught in schools and is heard in pop music, television programs, and movies, although people continue to use their local languages for everyday purposes. English remains important for professional, academic, government, and business careers.Among Christians, names of Spanish origin are common. Filipinos generally have three names in the following order: (1) one's personal name; (2) one's mother's surname (usually appearing only as an initial); and (3) one's father's surname. Upon marriage, a woman's name follows a different pattern: (1) her personal name; (2) her father's surname; and (3) her husband's surname.Many Filipinos believe that beings who can influence human lives for good or ill live around them in mounds of earth (including termite nests and backyard garbage heaps), old trees, and on mountaintops. In appearance, these beings are believed to range from beautiful goddess-like figures such as Mariang Makiling, mistress of a Luzon mountain, to monsters such as the kapre , a black-skinned giant. They may also take the form of dwarves and elves (often pictured dressed in archaic European fashions). By far the most widely feared supernatural creature is the asuwang , a being who appears as an attractive woman by day. At night, asuwang leaves behind the lower portion of its body in a hiding place and flies about in search of human victims, usually the sick, from whom it can suck the entrails with the aid of a long, tubular tongue. Inexplicable deaths in sleep are often ascribed to attacks by asuwang, although they are frequently also credited to bangungot , a fatal nightmare induced by witchcraft. Filipinos expect recently deceased kin to return in some form, as a moth, a strange breeze, or, if resentful of the living, as a wail heard in the night.The legendary Juan Tamad (John Lazy) appears in a great many folk tales. His extraordinary laziness and stupidity involve him in all sorts of misadventures. He usually ends up being beaten up by his fellow villagers or scolded by his mother. In popular imagination, the opposite of Juan Tamad is Jose Rizal (1861–96), the national hero. Rizal was a doctor, scholar, and novelist who received his education in Europe. He was executed by the Spaniards in 1896, and became the supreme martyr of the Filipinos. There is even a sect comprised of 250,000 people that believes Rizal was the reincarnation of Christ.The Spanish colonial settlers in the Philippines were Roman Catholic. Due to their influence, 85 percent of Filipinos are Roman Catholic. This gives the Roman Catholic Church a powerful influence on national life, despite the separation of church and state introduced by the American colonists.About 5 percent of Filipinos, concentrated in the south of the country, practice Islam, the main religion in neighboring Indonesia and Malaysia. About 3 percent of Filipinos still follow ancestral animist traditions.Even Catholics believe in supernatural forces. Faith healers and spirit mediums, who use herbs and massage to treat physical ailments, are popular. Catholicism in the Philippines involves looking to patron saints and the Virgin Mary for help in everyday life. Although adult men tend to avoid weekly mass and some Filipinos are skeptical of organized religion, many others express an intense personal religious devotion. Acts of self-mortification such as the world-famous flagellations (self-beatings) and (nonfatal) crucifixions are practiced by a minority of Filipinos.Christian holidays are the most widely celebrated holidays in the Philippines. Christmas festivities begin on December 16 with the first of the simbang gabi or misa de gallo, masses held before sunrise every morning before Christmas Day. After Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve, families gather for a feast, the Noche Buena. On Christmas Day, parties are held, with children making the rounds, visiting relatives and godparents to pay respect to them and receive presents.The other highlight of the year is Holy Week (week preceding Easter) in March or April, celebrated in different ways from locality to locality. Many towns hold a sinakulo, a traditional musical drama, staged over several nights (and occupying many hours per segment). This drama focuses on the sufferings of Christ but often including scenes from the Old Testament, all the way back to Genesis. Mass on the night before Easter is followed by the reenactment of the meeting of the resurrected Christ and his grieving mother (represented by life-sized statues carried in procession).Another important nationwide festival is the Santacruzan in May, commemorating the discovery of Christ's cross by Saint Helena (c.248–c.328), mother of Constantine the Great (d.337), the first Christian Roman emperor. These celebrations feature processions in which the daughters of prominent families are splendidly dressed as Reina Elena (Queen Helena), and accompanied by male escorts and a parade of other couples.On All Souls' Day (November 2), people gather at the graves of family members for a twenty-four-hour vigil. During the vigil, family members pray, clean the graves and decorate them with candles and wreaths. They also eat, drink, and play cards.Each town has an annual fiesta in honor of its patron saint. Fiestas include public feasting, fairs, brass-band playing, performing arts, social dancing, sporting events (especially cockfights), and beauty contests.To ensure the well-being and good fortune of a newborn child, a folk custom requires that the placenta be buried in a place where it will not be stepped on. This custom is still practiced in some rural areas of the Philippines. For Christians, baptism offers an occasion for the parents to choose a relative or friend to serve as godparent. The godparent-godchild relationship is almost like that of a family member.Around the onset of puberty, boys undergo circumcision, without religious connotations; a simple lecture on hygiene by older female relatives accompanies a girl's first menstruation. Graduations from elementary, high school, and college require major celebrations. Wealthier families give their daughters debuts (special parties to introduce them to society) on their eighteenth birthday; the girl, her close female relatives, and male escorts rehearse set-pieces of ballroom dancing to perform in front of the guests.Catholic weddings in the Philippines consist of the standard nuptial mass but also include a segment during which a white veil and a cord are draped over the couple's shoulder and an arias, an object made of coins, is presented to them (all symbols of unity and prosperity). A couple will have several sponsors (referred to as "wedding godparents"). The ceremony is followed by a reception, to which everyone even remotely connected to the couple and their families is invited.Funerals are held several days after death to allow relatives of the deceased to arrive from as far away as the United States. The body is kept at home. There are always people keeping vigil over it, usually by playing cards or mah-jong through the night. A procession accompanied by somber music from a brass band accompanies the body to church for the funeral mass and carries the body from there to the cemetery amid dramatic weeping from older relatives. Afterward, mourners gather for nine nights to pray for the departed. Surviving members of the immediate family will avoid wearing brightly colored clothes for some time, often attaching a black ribbon to their clothes. A widow will wear only black for a full year. Family and friends get together again on the first anniversary of the death.Filipino values aim to promote group solidarity and to emphasize individuals' mutual dependence. A person must have hiya, a sense of shame or a social conscience that prevents him or her from violating social norms. Unaccepted behavior damages the reputations of both the individual and his or her immediate family. An individual strives to earn and keep the respect of others, a value called amor-propio, Spanish for "loving oneself."Filipinos are careful to show respect to those of superior status (due to age, education, organizational rank, perceived wealth, etc.). For instance, when speaking (in Tagalog-Pilipino) to an elder, a social superior, or a stranger, a person inserts the particle po or ho ("sir" or "ma'am") into almost every sentence. A person must show that he or she is grateful for the good others have done for him or her, and must be prepared to repay the act. Some utang na loob ("inner debts") can never be repaid, as with a child's debt to its mother for the gift of life.A common greeting translates as "Where have you just come from?" and "Where are you off to now?" In reply, no one expects to hear more than "Just over there."It is customary to greet older relatives with a kiss on the cheek or forehead. More traditionally, a younger person bows in front of the elder, take his or her hand, and presses it to the forehead to receive a "blessing."While passing in front of older people or people of higher status, etiquette dictates that one walk slowly, bowing the head, and either clasping the hands together in front or extending one of the open palms in the direction one is going. One beckons another to come closer with a downward motion of the open palm. Pointing with the fingers is considered offensive; people point pursed lips in the direction they wish to indicate. When catching sight of acquaintances, quickly raising and lowering the eyebrows is sufficient sign of recognition and may substitute for small talk if one is in a hurry. Prolonged staring is considered aggressive, as is holding the arms outstretched. With merely a sharp, clipped hiss, mothers can show displeasure to their children; anyone can use a softer, somewhat more prolonged hiss as a very informal means of catching someone's attention. Physical contact between members of the same sex is a common sign of affection. In embarrassing situations, the reflex is to smile or sometimes also to lower the head and rub the back of the neck.All guests, even unexpected ones, are served drinks and snacks. It is polite for the guest to appear reluctant to accept what is offered, but the host will insist. The guest leaves a little on the plate to show that the host has provided more than enough. Saying goodbye is usually a lengthy operation. Those returning from long-distance trips are expected to bring back presents (pasalu-bong) for those at home.Chaperones, often of the same age as the dating couple, and group dates continue to make courting a public affair. Public displays of affection, though no longer taboo, are still subject to social disapproval.Almost half the population lives below the poverty line set by the government. Sharing of resources by more affluent family members and relatives working overseas helps many of the poor. Standards of living also vary dramatically from region to region and between urban and rural areas.The Spanish colonists settled the Philippines in a pattern called población. This is a town laid out in a grid around a church plaza. The población was in turn the center for a number of barrios, villages surrounded by fields. Many of the barrios had remote satellite hamlets (very small villages) known as sitios. Sitios have a small chapel that does not have its own priest, but receives occasional visits from the priest from the población.The bahay kubo or nipa hut, a two-or three-room structure with bamboo walls and floors and a cogon-grass or palm-leaf roof raised on wooden piles, was the traditional style of housing for the majority of less wealthy Filipinos. Below the house, animals were kept, primarily pigs, chickens, and perhaps a water buffalo. In less-developed parts of the country, this remains the most common type of house. A little less than half of all housing was of this type as of the late 1990s.In contemporary towns, houses typically have two stories with wooden walls, corrugated iron roofs, and cement foundations. Wealthier residences adopt Spanish elements such as tiled roofs and floors, walls of brick or stone, and iron grillwork on windows, fences, and gates.Over half of households had electricity in 1990. Drinkable water was available to about 65 percent of households in 1990, and 20 percent of households had a refrigerator. Only about 4 percent of all Filipino household have telephones, but more than 50 percent of those in the capital, Manila, do. Over 50 percent of houses dispose of garbage by burning it in their backyards.As of the late 1990s, less that 10 percent of households owned a car. In both cities and rural areas, people take tricycles (motorcycles with a passenger car on the side). In rural areas, kalesas (horse drawn carts) are still common. Brightly painted jeepneys (originally U.S. military surplus jeeps with back sections lengthened to accommodate passengers) are the cheapest way to get around cities and between towns. Travel between islands is by large passenger ships or by airplane. The traditional bangka, an outrigger canoe, is still in common use for fishing and local transport.The family is Filipino society's central institution. The typical household consists of a married couple, children, grandparents, and sometimes servants (common in middle-class households). Children generally live at home until marriage. Newlywed couples stay with either set of parents for some time. Older children, grandparents, and other relatives, help care for younger children; it is common for older children to help their younger siblings by working to put them through school, for example.Older siblings are addressed with special terms—in Tagalog-Pilipino, Ate for an older sister and Kuya for an older brother. Filipinos feel equal bonds with relatives from both the mother's and father's sides. Married couples are expected to maintain equal closeness with both spouses' families.Individuals are free to choose their marriage partners, but family approval is an important consideration. Among Catholics, divorce is illegal. It is legal only among Muslims and other non-Christians.Filipino men and women have relative equality. Filipino wives manage family finances, giving spending money to their husbands just as to their children. Women are well represented in the professions, government, and business. However, men still hold most of the top positions.The male national costume, the barong tagalog, is a shirt, finely embroidered and woven of pineapple leaf fibers. Indio (native) women traditionally wore wide-necked, wide-sleeved short blouses and ankle-length tube skirts; in public, they draped a shawl over their shoulders and wrapped a tapis, a small piece of cloth, over the skirt. Mestizo (mixed-blood) women preferred fuller skirts (or sometimes ones ending in a long train) and butterfly sleeves. This became known as the terno, the female national costume.For formal occasions men wear either the barong tagalog or Western-style suits. Women wear either a modified terno or Western-style dresses. Daily casual attire often consists of shorts with or without a tank top for men, and a maong—a loose one-piece dress with wide sleeves and open neck—for women. For younger people, T-shirts and jeans are common.Boiled rice is almost always included as part of a full meal. All other foods are called ulam (accompaniments). The ulam is often dried fish and some sliced tomato or onion. Only the well-to-do include meat as a regular part of the diet. Most Filipinos consume meat only at special celebrations (often in the form of lechon, roasted whole pig). Common preparations include soups heavy with vegetables and seafood (such as sinigang and tinola ); meat or seafood simmered in coconut milk ( ginataan ) ; Chinese noodle dishes (such as pancit ) ; stewed meat dishes of Spanish origin (such as adobo or kaldereta ), or grilled fish.The traditional mode of eating has been to scoop up food from flat dishes with the fingers of the right hand. (The left hand is reserved for personal hygiene.) Now, it is considered more refined to eat with a spoon and fork. The fork is held in the left hand and used to push food onto a spoon held in the right hand. Diners do not have their own individual portions served to them. Everyone takes from common dishes laid out in the center of the table.Breakfast usually consists of leftovers from the previous evening's dinner, such as rice fried with garlic. Alternatively, fresh bread bought from a bakery may be eaten with coffee. The main meal of the day for rural people is lunch. In the city, the main meal is dinner when the entire family can gather together. An afternoon snack, called the merienda, is almost a meal in itself (usually without the rice). It is common for those who can afford it.Smoking is common among men, but uncommon among women. Traditionally, the betel nut was chewed as a mild stimulant, but this is much less common today. Small groups of men often gather at night on the porch of a house to chat and drink beer and eat pulutan— snacks ranging from peanuts or quail eggs to grilled fish or shrimp.The literacy rate (percent of the population who can read and write) is more than 90 percent. Elementary school lasts for six years beginning at age seven. It is followed by four years of high school. While almost all students attend elementary school (which is free), less than two-thirds of all students go on to high school, where there are fees. Some families cannot spare the money for fees and travel costs to high schools, which are often a distance away. Also, families need teenage children to help in the fields or otherwise earn income for the family. Many of those who do graduate from high school go on to college. In the 1990s, about 13 percent of the population held an academic degree. Filipinos have a deep appreciation for education, seeing it as a way to enter better occupations such as medicine, law, or education. Many families sacrifice a great deal to send a child to college.The rondalla, a traditional music ensemble, consists of plucked and bowed string instruments to accompany social dancing and suitors' serenades. Many communities have a brass band to contribute to the gaiety of fiestas.The tinikling is a folk dance where a couple executes intricate figures while skipping through two bamboo poles being clapped together at an accelerating pace.When the Spanish arrived, Filipinos were using an alphabet derived from India, carving messages on palm leaves or bamboo. Word play ranged from riddles (bugtong) to extended debates in poetry (balagtasan) , an integral part of courtship. Long verse narratives, from retellings of Christ's Passion to heroic tales set in mythical lands, came to be composed in native languages. Today, most literature in native languages is confined to stories (nobela) appearing serially in comics.About one-third of Filipino workers are employed in agriculture. Most agricultural workers do not own the land they work, but work either as tenant farmers or plantation laborers. The staple crops are rice, maize (corn), and sweet potatoes. In rural areas, wet-rice fields dominate the landscape. In some places, these rice fields are planted as terraces climbing steep mountainsides. The principal cash crops are coconuts, bananas, pineapples, sugar, tobacco, and abaca (hemp).Sipa is an traditional game in which two teams of one to four players each hit a wickerwork ball with their knees, legs, or feet over a net or across a circle. Introduced by the Americans, baseball and basketball are popular. The professional basketball league pits teams identified by the companies that own them, rather than with cities as in the United States. Fond of watching boxing, many Filipinos also practice arnis, a martial art using bamboo rods three feet (one meter) long. Cockfighting (two roosters battling each other in a ring) commands a fanatical following. Held during Sundays, public holidays, and fiestas in mini-stadiums, cock-fights are the occasion for intense gambling.Two in three households have a radio. One in three households has a television. Domestically produced programming is strong on talent shows, comedies, family dramas, and romance stories.Traditional theater consisted of the comedia or moro-moro, verse-plays depicting warfare between Christians and Muslims, usually ending in the conversion of the Muslims. The zarzuela, a Spanish-derived operetta sung in local languages, has been-popular since the late 1800s.Film tickets are comparatively cheap, and cinema attendance rates are among the world's highest. The Philippines possesses a lively film industry, producing comedies, action films (frequently punctuated with shoot-outs and kung fu), and melodramas. American television programs and movies attract a wide audience.Children commonly play sungka, a game of skill in which players move cowrie (a type of seashell) shells around a course of two rows of seven holes carved in a wooden board. Every neighborhood has chess enthusiasts, and the Philippines has produced many world-class players. Card games and mah-jongg, a Chinese game similar to rummy that is played with ivory tiles, regularly involve gambling.A variety of crafts are practiced by individual Filipino ethnic groups, including wood-carving; weaving textiles, baskets, and mats; and tie-dying.Under the civil war conditions during the regimes of Ferdinand Marcos (governed 1965–86) and his successor, Corazon Aquino (governed 1986–92), human rights abuses were common, with government forces, insurgents, and anti-insurgent vigilantes victimizing noncombatant civilians as a matter of course. Under the Ramos regime in the late 1990s, the more prominent problem was violence by criminal elements, and by supposedly noncriminal elements such as corrupt law-enforcers and elected officials. Filipinos have little faith in their justice system since the wealthy and powerful are able to buy the verdicts they want.

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