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How to Edit Text for Your Commuter Student Immunization Record with Adobe DC on Windows

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How to Edit Your Commuter Student Immunization Record With Adobe Dc on Mac

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  • Click the Fill & Sign tool and select the Sign icon in the top toolbar to make a signature for the signing purpose.
  • Select File > Save to save all the changes.

How to Edit your Commuter Student Immunization Record from G Suite with CocoDoc

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  • Click the Download button to keep the updated copy of the form.

PDF Editor FAQ

What do you, as a teenager, think about the issue of climate change?

In my student council/gov, I created a sustainability committee as a freshman in order to bring real attention to the issue. Most teachers don't even use the recycle bins available in each and every class room (Paper remains the main source of content, computers are being phased in). Students and teachers alike see climate as an after-thought. Bringing it to the spotlight is vital. We did some surveying and found that student's aren't denying climate change, but they don't see it happening dramatically in a single lifetime (immunity to the "media hype" perhaps...). They recycle when they can, but don't go out of the way to truly live sustainably. Teachers basically echo the same idea, only some of them even deny climate change. I am happy students aren't denying change, even in my upper-middle class, supposedly conservative, Catholic high school.They talk about changing ways, but never seem to follow through. They like the idea of a good environment, but aren't interested in doing the work. How do I know? The school's garden that had great student backing (sufficient enough to even build it) might not see it's 5th year of planting because students just aren't interested anymore. When asked about the garden, they "love the idea, but just don't have the time to work in it."Nearly every student over 16 drives to school. It is a commuter school, but kids tend to come from four definitive neighborhoods, and carpooling is a possibility for at least half the student population, "It's not convenient" is often a rebuttal.Finally, recycling has been a flop. We brought in recycling bins for every classroom and nearly every administrative room four years ago (prior to then, there was one bin for every 5 classrooms). Instead of making throwing paper into the bin a habit, it's been ignored, as evidenced by a 3 year decline in lbs/paper recycled (all recycling is dumped into a single, large paper-only dumpster, contents are weighed and recorded monthly.)So, inconvenience seems to be the main thing. Climate change is real, and it's inconvenient in every way.

How do you deal with your parents screwing you over time and time again? My parents rented out a house on me and is now selling it leaving me with no where to go.

You have it backwards, your keep screwing yourself over and over and expect your parents to bail you out over and over. Your parents are getting tired of it or can no longer afford to do that, and either way, you have to take responsibility for yourself.My second step-father had a saying he would repeat often whenever any of us kids complained about the unfairness of life. He said, life is tough, then you die. What he was saying is there is no promises that life is easy, the majority of people on this Earth have life much harder than you do, and many people die early because of tough circumstances in their lives and ultimately, nobody gives a damn. Suck it up and do the best you can.My grandmother always said what does not kill you makes you stronger. She was born in Nicaragua to parents who were American citizens that decided they did not like the politics in America. She was born in 1913. She only spoke Spanish. At the age of 16, both of her parents had died of TB. The Nicaraguan government sent her back to the US because her father had made enemies because he was a doctor who treated anybody that came to him, whether a friend or enemy of the government. She had TB and was placed in a sanatarium in AZ on the side reserved for Mexicans because her skin was dark from living 16 years in the tropical sun and she could only speak Spanish. She got substandard medical care because she was thought to be a dumb Mexican compared to the best care reserved for the Americans on the other side of the facilities. She was expected to die and be buried in the paupers grave with no grave marker.She did the remarkable, she survived. While there, she learned English, was allowed to help on the English speaking side which helped her to learn English quickly, got access to better medical care, and her immune system fought off the TB. She survived. She then moved to Los Angeles, got a job as a nanny and maid, went to school at night, and got her education. She was a very strong and intelligent woman. When she met my grandfather, she did not allow him to pay for anything on their dates, she paid her own way, she did not want to owe him anything. She was her own woman and was until the day she died. My grandfather loved that she was independent and different. Her independence did annoy him at times, but he got over it.My mom had 5 kids. All but the youngest had some sort of job since the age of 8 or 9. I was always working at some sort of job since I was 8 and always was earning money. My mother always took care of the basics. If I wanted extras, that I had to pay for.Mom could not pay for college. I worked my way through. I did get one student loan, for $1000. That was paid off within a year of graduation even though I was in graduate school. I still had a job and was still working while going to school.I earned what I have. I paid my own way in life. It was not giving to me. I was still living at home at 18 and while I was going to the local community college. I lived rent free and paid for everything else. I paid my food, my car, insurance, gas, clothes, and everything else. I also helped my mom with household chores and drove my younger siblings to where they needed to go and never once asked for gas money. I figured I was living under her roof I was paying it back in labor. That is what family does.If you are over 18, your parents owe you nothing. You are legally an adult and are responsible for yourself. That means you find a job, you work, you find a place to live and you use the money from your job to pay for that place to live. If your parents decide to continue to help you, that is their choice. Their help comes with strings attached. There is a very old saying that supposedly comes from the UK, if you take the king’s money, you play by the king’s rule. If you take money from anyone, you have to follow their rules for getting the money and using the money. Jobs are like that, when you work, you have to follow the rules of your employer. If you do not like that, start your own business and you can make your own rules.So if your parents provide help after the age of 18, they can place conditions on that help. They have no obligations to help you. That is the part of life is tough.As for your question, you left out key pieces of information. I am sure you did it in purpose, it makes your side of the story sound better.What was the agreement over the house your parents rented out on you? What was going on with your parents? Why did your parents then later sell the house? You presented the question as if everything is about you. Sorry buttercup, life is not all about you. Your parents are not here to be your slaves. That ended when you could feed yourself and toilet yourself. The legal requirement to be responsible for you ended at age 18. You are now responsible for you.My best guess is your parents, being the bad parents they are (sarcasm alert) decided they wanted to move. Maybe they retired and decided it was time to move someplace where their retirement income would go further. The old family home is bigger than they need. For whatever reason, they may have agreed to let you live there for awhile. Maybe money got tight and they needed more income so they needed to rent out the house so they did. They probably let you know in advance and gave you notice that you needed to find a new place to live.Understand, you parents probably spent much of their married life in that house and it is hard to give up. Maybe they needed to let go of it slowly. After awhile, being landlords, having to maintain a rental property got to be too much so they finally decided to sell it. So they are. They can take that money and invest it for their retirement years or to buy a house where they are now living because they have decided it is where they really do want to live now.They have no obligation to consider your situation. You are responsible for you, they are no longer responsible for you. They might be open to you moving in with them for a little time if there is an agreement at what you will do. It may require you go back to school or you actively search for a job with definite time limits of what will happen if you do not meet certain goals, including getting kicked out to the street. Then again, they may be so tired of your games, they know you better than anyone else, they have decided no more help, you are on your own. Some kids only learn the tough lessons this way.This was my younger brother. He lived at home going to college. After 8 years and several changes in majors, and all the other siblings having long left the nest, mom decided it was time to sell the big 5 bedroom house that she was living in with just her middle son who was going nowhere and still had 2 years to go to graduate. She could retire but wanted to join the traveling nurses program and see different parts of the country. She could work 3 months at a time in a different part of the country, then move on to another part. She bought a diesel pickup and large travel trailer and was ready to hit the road. She gave my brother more than enough to cover living and college expenses for two years.All he could do was complain how mom put him out on the street. He had more than enough money to rent an apartment near campus in the city he was going to school in and not commute 60 miles one way every day. He would not even need to have roommates. He spent that money in two months. He gambled it away in his pity party. Then he complained mom would not bail him out. I was stupid enough to let him live with me and my wife and he got a job.A year later, when I was moving out of state to go to graduate school, we had to work with the rental property manager to go through the eviction process to get my brother out. He refused to leave even though we were giving up the lease. I was putting him out on the street. I even gave him money to put first and last month’s rent on an apartment and he gambled it away in a pity party. The eviction went on my record because my wife and I signed the lease. He finally moved in with friends. When their lease was up, it was a repeat.He burned through all of his friends in this way. Today, he has no friends and is very miserable. All he talks about is how everybody always screws him over because he cannot take responsibility for himself or his actions.When he got married and beat his wife and the police were called, it was not his fault, it was her fault for making him angry. This is why I have little to do with him even today.Man up, be responsible for yourself. Your parents owe you nothing. They did their part, now it is time you do your part, become responsible for yourself.

What is it like to have schizophrenia?

When I’ve read the post of Anon user I was convinced that I need to share my story too about being schizophrenic. I think people need to have as many of information we can get to help them better understand this condition. If Anon User is luckier then I’m luckiest… ha ha I know having this illness isn’t much of a luck but compare to him I don’t suffer from it within a regular basis. My case seems to be a very mild one. Right now I no longer have prescriptions and I just take care of myself by taking food supplement, making sure I get enough sleep and not too pressured, I stay away from alcohol but once in a while when there’s an occasion I’m okay to drink, and I have a job. But I want to share my experience about it my female version along with its hallucinations.The Root of the EvilI’ve just graduated from college, I was 20 then. My mom and I argue a lot because she didn’t want me to go to the big city for work and forcing me to do what she wants which made me depressed. I was aware that I am going through a depression so I went to seek help but people didn’t believe me. Because when they heard my story I’m saying that I’m doing all the things that I’m doing now for my mom and I was paranoid that photos of me where in the internet and there is such a website that was made just for me and everything about me is in there. I kept searching for it but it seems the people behind this are too good in computers that I was the only one that has been blocked from the site and everybody is already talking about it. I was asking for help from a Guidance Counselor to help me find the website and I want to sue people because I know who they are.And I had a proof because I was aware that people are taking pictures of me and videos too while I’m in the campus or hanging out just outside the campus since 2nd year college up to that very minute. Obviously it wasn’t hallucination back then but this time it is already and it’s hard to figure that out because I had prior evidence before this incident. And the Counselor is pretty much aware of that so he’s not making it a big deal thinking I’m just being paranoid because I was the shy type then that didn’t want to be pictured and they know from the fact that my Friendster was very private but they got all the idea about my weirdness in it. Maybe you are wondering why, hmmm… this is the first time I’m going to admit this in written form that I was aware of my admirers. Pictures of me appeared in our school paper and other stuff like a poetry book but discreetly it’s either I’m in the middle of a group of people or it’s showing my back but there’s one large sketch of my face that had been pinned for months on the School Paper Headquarters bulletin right at their door. They put me on the centerfold for a school magazine with my back head-to-toe shot occupying almost half of the whole spread and labeled it mystery girl for women’s month along with some small head-shots of pretty girls group in the left side with a tagline that says something like “Who needs fairies when they are roaming around the campus?” Everyone in that issue was asked except me if I wanted that feature because they know the answer is No. I didn’t believe first that that’s me even if it’s screaming right in my face that I know that back, the hair, the shirt, the pants, the way how the elbow is bend and the hands touching on that hips. That’s how I stand when I talk to people and I pretty much have the idea of the exact place where it had been taken and the day it was taken (I don’t repeat clothes in a span of 1 – 3 months so it was easy for me to pin point it through the clothes I was wearing in that particular picture). So when I started hearing people saying “Oh she’s the girl? Why is that they didn’t show her face, she’s cute.” I started to act awkward trying to deny that I was that mystery girl and even taught myself not to do the same pose every time I remember it I try to change that mannerism and I avoided wearing that favorite shirt of mine.I started memorizing car plates to know people who are stalking me. Because we have a lot of cars either just passing by inside the subdivision or parking near our house and our neighborhood is starting to be alarmed wondering for the shiny cars roaming around our place. Maybe some girls would want that attention but I was different I just wanted to be a regular student hanging out with ordinary people and avoiding those rich kids and socialites in our school. Yeah, it was like a teen-flick and it sucks.My First EpisodesI was crying for days and my family finally discovered that I have a problem. I remember that I just stop going out, taking a bath is forgotten, as well as using tooth brush. My cousin asked me to join him to a party because he knows that I’m a party girl. I was I used to party up ‘til dawn but to his dismay I refused and he left me still crying non-stop.Then I applied for a job but after 2 days on training I wasn’t able to report for the 3rd day because I’m starting to feel that people in that company and the customers as well are accusing me of stealing some things. I didn’t know about it but I was so guilty because when I was a child I did stole a thing. In my case it seems my hallucinations are rooted from my past experiences, desires, whims and fears. That it seems so real, it’s impossible not to believe.I was in my best friend’s house and discovered that Paris Hilton is actually talking to me through the TV. It was weird but she’s using our language. How did she ever know that? Then I stopped going to my friend’s house because all of their neighbors are already talking about me???And our country has its own Big Brother show and I happened to have a diary when I was in 4th grade starting with the words “I always wanted a big brother” and thought they are already making the story of my life in that reality show. I was watching it and was pretty convinced that I am the original of the story and the 13 people in it are representations of all my personalities since I have multiple personalities (which I believe I have). And sometimes they acted things that are so me and I was already thinking of claiming the prizes that I deserve for being the original of that show but I didn’t know how? So I ask my aunt about it since my mom is the mastermind of all this. She wants to sell me to some rich man so she can be a millionaire out of me and my aunt naturally kind as she is just tried to ignore me and change the topic. And I’m so shy to ask about that again because she might think I’m hallucinating but I know I’m telling the truth and it’s real. Crazy stuff!MedicationMy mom started bringing me to different neurologists and psychiatrist but when they interview me I stopped saying things that I know will make them think I’m crazy. My mom already suspected that I don’t trust people so she brought me to a doctor whom is our close relative but when she started with “What is your problem?” I know she wouldn’t believe me because she’s also included in this conspiracy. Everyone in my family had been paid by someone so powerful and rich that they are just waiting for me to get crazy before they shipped me somewhere abroad so they can study how the brain of someone with multiple personality works. Or the other theory, that the drugs my mom is giving me are actually contraceptive pills that won’t ever let me have kids because some gang will have me as their sex slave. Then will throw me away in the streets so I can finally roam already mad and no one will care about.They let me take psychological tests and they can’t find anything abnormal. My answers are all good, no signs of any weirdness or craziness. Until one day, my younger sister was using the computer and I noticed that she was able to use the internet but when it was already my turn suddenly the net is cut. I accused her of stealing my boyfriend (btw there is no real bf) by using my Friendster account and talking to him. I started becoming violent, turned the gas range on and let it burn until my mom had stopped it. Then I’d tried to punch my sister and since she’s my mom’s favorite daughter my mom helped her. After a few minutes my older cousin came in and my mom was able to get a rod and tied my hands and feet. It was so painful and I felt like a criminal, better an animal like a dog for impound. They said I need to go with the police because they need to ask me few questions as scared as I was I followed them. Too late before I realized they are bringing me to the Mental Hospital. Still escorted by 2 policemen they were able to drag me to that hell. My hands and feet were tied in the bed and they injected something to me. I’m scared of needles that’s why I’ve talked myself to stay calm and make it look like I am already aware of what they are insisting to me that I am sick. So I stopped shouting and cursing my mom and behave well thinking that way, they let me loose but I stayed in that position up to sunrise with the bonds. I started thinking it was just Hollywood they just want to see if I know how to act by bringing me there. It was an immersion so I’ll know how it really feels to be in there. It’s part of my initiation to be a Hollywood Star. Fortunately that same morning we went home. (My mom stayed with me the whole time.) We both realize how scary it is in an asylum. They just let people roam around in the same room with me and they are all acting like normal people but some looks like just too eager to have new people there. You can’t really tell the difference whether they are normal or not. They seem just like the other normal people I know that has ADHD and seeking out some more attention.Finally, my mom had brought me to a neurologist who is sympathetic enough about my condition. I was able to share to him everything that I went through and he told my mom “Why she had let people injected me that substance?” I thought it had made me weak. My super powers are already gone because of that. Now that I’m afraid that they will bring me again to asylum I started to take my medicines. There are several that I have to take 3 times each day, pretty expensive the highest is worth $6 in our country which is multiplied by 50 in our currency. So that’s 300 multiplied by 3 since it’s prescribed 3x a day plus the other drugs too. Plus some more extra prescriptions since the primary meds have their side effects so we need other prescription for the side effects as well. The $6 med stops the voices in my head (but made me stiff like a walking zombie literally), those feelings that you are like in The Truman Show, yep that movie. You feel like you’ve been surrounded by cameras from birth to present. They are even in the toilets while you’re taking a bath, when you’re sleeping, they’re everywhere. I had to take showers with clothes on and change with towels on. Then finally I’ve learned to accept that people are watching me and it’s just natural to be naked inside the bathroom so I was learning and adapting to the situation. My inhibitions are gone and I’m enjoying the attention.Then it literally felt that the cameras are no longer there. I slowly emerge to the realization that it was all hallucinations. Slowly the voices in my head that kept asking me questions and telling me how I should act disappear. All was left is literally a tabula rasa. I didn’t know anything, felt like I was a new born. It was frustrating sitting in front of a computer and not knowing what to do with the mouse and patiently I tried to relearn everything and was thankful that I am a fast learner. I read a lot and practice writing and speaking again because it seems I lost my voice.Life After The First EpisodesAfter a few months I was well already. No one can even tell that I am schizophrenic. I gained 5 kilo because of the meds but after that I stopped the medications. I’m already well I don’t need them anymore. I got a job in a State College for 1 semester got tired and decided to go to the big city. Got to work in a top Company and started living healthy. Walking has been my exercise, I started learning how to commute, less on the cab rides and discover every corner of the city streets by walking to work and I usually go Malling to exercise some more my feet, my eyes and my money. LOL. I ate salad most of the time, pancakes for breakfast, some steak on weekends and was able to lose weight. I live as an independent woman and my experience brought some good things to my life. It taught me how to be confident, truthful to myself, strong and fight adversities. I’m such a workaholic and some days I’m having trouble sleeping and thinking about my work kept me up all night, I just love it that I’m looking forward doing it every day. What more can I ask for my life is already perfect that I’m away from that sickness with good lessons learned.The 2nd EpisodesSo I was living my dream life when all of a sudden 2 years after my first job in the State College while I was in the City without any medication too. I started feeling weird. Feels like vomiting but nothing comes out every time I try to let it out. My co-workers started giving me that strange look and I’m hearing people talking that I might be pregnant. My neighbors back in my space we’re starting to change. They’ve seemed all friendly but now all they want from me is money. And the caretaker of the building I’m staying was a pervert, he’s probably peeping while I’m in the shower. The voices started popping again and this time they are telling me that I might be God because I haven’t committed anything wrong all throughout my life. I heard this too from the asylum patients when I was there for a night and so I have doubted this. But the proof are too strong and the voices on my head tells me I should do something bad to stop people from believing that I am God if not they are going to crucify me. The best solution for that is to have sex. Yes, sex is bad so I have to do it with anyone and the more the better. But I couldn’t do that I have my faith and my belief but no you should or else you’ll be crucified to death.My mom and my youngest sister visited me that Christmas and found out that I am sick again. But thought it’s still fine. Since they can no longer force me to do what they want they just ask me to stay with a distant relative who can take care of me. She is a nice old lady, a divorcee with 2 kids and a Regional Trial Court judge as a profession plus a University teacher. I stayed in her condo along with her son and a niece she’s supporting the schooling to be a nurse so just the right person to look out for me. I stayed there for almost a month and when they’d realized that I’m already becoming violent (I think this is the worst sign my mom informed them that they already need to bring me home) they are going to call my mom in the province.I’ve argued with the security of the condominium, smashed all the things on the lobby desk, slapped the face the chief security and ranting stupid words in what appears like in a native British tongue and accents. I’ve put on make-up, dressed sexy, wore spaghetti straps and disguised it as a simple sleeveless by hiding it through my long hair and going to work in a nice platform shoes without any jacket. To think it’s freezing cold in our office, the mirrors are actually foggy when you look at it outside the building but who cares.This was the most obvious of the events that happened that if one can see me they’ll need to think twice if I am normal because there’s something like a hint that’s giving me away. I look sophisticated enough with nice clothes, shoes, make-up but you’ll find me talking to myself in public. Once I was in the high-end mall and I chose to stay in the 2nd floor balcony overlooking the resto and cafes talking to Tyra Banks. Yeah, it’s funny but we’re chit chatting right there only in my mind but my answers to her are loud enough because I could hear that she’s on the speaker talking to me. There are a lot of famous people I’ve talked to and they’re saying that they’ve been encouraging me to come out and speak out about having a multiple personality because it’s very rare and I’m already a Guinness world record holder for that. I know how it feels like to be interviewed by Oprah along with Bush in a French restaurant with me sitting there and them on a high-tech projector that their images as life-like talking to me in real-time. Maybe when people noticed that I’m actually talking solo they thought I’m just a strange foreigner on a business call over the phone with a little Bluetooth earpiece that’s covered by my hair so it seems I was just fine.My Aunt Judge told my mom that I spent the nights singing in the balcony with the construction workers for the new condo in front as my audience and begging for some more singing with applauses for me. (This is embarrassingly true and not part of the hallucinations). Along with my mom are my cousins and one of the trusted neighbors in the province who held me in my bed and injected that substance again. The 2nd time they’ve done that to me. And afraid that they might bring me to the asylum again I calm down. They rented the ambulance from our province to the city and it took us 8 hours to go back home while on the trip I kept telling the driver to bring me to the airport because the Hollywood people are already waiting for me there.The RecoveryAmazingly right after a month of the same medications as before I’m already fine, I was able to apply for a new job and after 2 more months I was working already. Just like before no one can ever tell what I’ve been through. Though this time the doctor made sure that I needed maintenance so I did. Everything was fine. Got promoted after 6 months and was transferred to another location far away from home. When I was finally there I stopped taking meds but it was fine nothing happened. Then I decided to resign so return back home to the main company and file my resignation. Go back to the big city and found a new job again in one of the top international companies in our country and there goes my life as a yuppie. Stubborn as I am still not taking meds I’ve spend my money to leisure, shopping, gimmicks, drinking spree and I’ve enrolled in an exclusive gym. I spent 5 hours per day in the gym right after work wasn’t able to get the right amount of sleep and then the same story goes on. The voices reappear this time with a different plot for a story more like Hollywood romance movies but because I am already aware about it I kept questioning the truth and asking for proof. Like Anon User said you have to learn to mistrust your own judgment and perceptions. And it’s harder for me because I have all the senses of hallucinations. I can hear voices so I ask if it’s real I should see it, when I am already looking at it, I must feel it and yes I was able to have all that so it was so hard not to be convinced by the voices in my head with all of these evidence presented to me.But God was still caring for me. When I was about to commit suicide my family came with our old van as their service. (They are already aware that I am traumatized seeing an ambulance) They told me that the HR called them and said that I had a break down at work. Yes, I was fired because I started arguing with the customers and when I was coached about this all I can say is that my younger sister who is already dead at that time was sabotaging my work. I heard her voice in the recording not mine and it was rude, it’s impossible for me to be that rude plus that voice speaking in there isn’t too British in her accent so it’s not me obviously.Then I went home with my family knowing that the real prince of England will marry me soon. (Darn stupid to believe this, right?) I certainly leave some of the details for this story because it’s really pretty lunatic of me to believe on this and I don’t know where the hell my mind get that idea because I’m really not attracted to the Windsors and I needed to be careful with my thoughts because people can read them and are even able to guess exactly what’s on my mind right at every moment.The Final RecoveryIt seems the longer without meds the worst it gets to recover. That’s almost 9 months without meds and the recovery this time was slow maybe because we switched to a cheaper remedy. For the 1st month I’ve taken all the meds from 2 doctors. The usual expensive meds plus the injection, it came into my senses that I am actually making my mom spend her fortune on my meds that’s why even though I’ve phobia on needles I’ve agreed to prefer it to save some money. The savings is pretty much high because I only need one shot once a month and that’s $6 per month, pretty cheap huh? And I’ve learned to overcome my fear of those damn needles.The Bad CatchYes it was cheap but the side effects are not. It is a downer almost swiped away my emotions. I was a living zombie. I wake up, eat, sleep, eat, sleep, eat, and sleep. I try to get a little life by using the internet but only a few minutes sitting there makes me uncomfortable already. Focus is scarce. I need to sleep to help me calm and stop my mind from running miles. No more hallucinations but my brain is tiring itself thinking of a lot of things that I don’t have control of which makes me more depress. I started eating a lot and I guess just around 3 months I was able to almost double my weight. And all the confidence I’ve gained from the previous experience was down to zero. I started to pray of death because I feel so useless. I wanted to work but I can’t since I have acquired the short attention span for things. I can’t get out that much because what happened is after an hour outside my head starts to spin and I feel dizzy and have to hurry back home. Home seemed to be the only place I am immune to those kind of attacks. I didn’t feel anything when I’m at home.The Life I am LivingAlthough after 4 months of the last episode I was able to get an online job as an article writer because I was getting better on focusing and was very determined to live a normal life I still didn’t succeed so I just stopped working since I have problems with my moods and my general view on day-to-day basis. To have at least something new in my life I lived in different places, traveling back and forth to my aunt’s house, to my sister’s and to my mom’s. Everybody just let me do anything and everything I want. I’m very thankful that I have a supportive family.At my aunt’s I’m busy blogging, chatting or surfing the web, eat, sleep, discuss spirituality and yoga with my cousin or relax at the roof top or spend my time in the mini grocery store, help with photocopying or encoding important papers with pay of course.At my sister’s I spend the day sleeping and when I’m tired of sleeping I simply go to the Souvenir Shop/café/restaurant to eat, talk with the customers mostly deans, professors, parents or students of the nearby schools or go to the boutique choose clothes that I like then bring it home for free. (Mostly I got the freebie from the 2nd hand garment store not in the boutique but I got bags from there).Then now, I’m finally like staying only in one place that’s in my mom’s house. I was really very determined to have a normal life so we stop the injections and as I said I’m just taking food supplements almost 6 months now. I’m still sane nothing is really happening. If ever voices starts popping out again I’m fully aware already and with a slightest hint of possible hallucinations I’ll immediately inform my mom. I finally decided to take on a job and slowly adjusting to it making sure I will not be stress that much.The good thing about it is I finally appreciate being home. I like where I live now it’s a suburb compare to the hectic condo life in the big city. It’s more peaceful and I’m already in touch with my peaceful side. I’m no longer a complex person, I’m simpler now. I used to be a little of this and that but now the real me is emerging. I am more of a loner, I can spend days, weeks inside without the need of going out but I still go out and chill with friends but only on special occasions and sometimes I surprise myself for still having that people skill that no one would ever know what happened to me. I started blogging again and my socialization has been net-based since most of the people I know are already working abroad and they’re asking me when I will join them.The answer is as much as I would like to but I can’t because my mom needs a companion here which in truth it’s the other way around.I’m not European that’s why when I’m sick people are shock why suddenly I speak like a native, I can read other languages too and translate it (however this isn't too reliable because I don’t know if that’s the real meaning of what I’ve understood) and yes, I’m more intelligent and process information better than usual plus the confidence is usually super high that I was able to partake in the same gym classes with local celebrities looking them straight in the eye even in shower rooms and especially in the sauna.I got to experience having multiple personalities like 3 souls dwelling in one body simultaneously (me & 2 others). The other half does a different thing from the other half. Sometimes the boy is more dominant so I would wear something boyish, other times it’s the woman so I look more sophisticated and then the childish one who likes dresses and ponytails. I’ve experienced this in the first episodes (13 personalities) and the recovery (me & the prince). Usually I’m just the spectator but I take control when there’s something bad or foolish that the others wanted to do.There are bottled feelings and problems that started from childhood and other issues too. The root of the evil is just a little light on those issues.Some people might say it’s better to be crazy because you’re escaping reality and they didn’t know what they are doing that’s actually not true. In fact you are there inside alive and fighting for the truth. You are aware of every details that’s happening in the real world and the world inside your head and it’s much more difficult because you have to connect everything and differentiate which is the real truth and which is the make-believe and it’s making it more difficult when through coincidences the two worlds intertwined and coincide with each other and there is no way to tell which is which. And still hold on to that truth whichever they have figured out it is making them look like crazy people in a normal’s point of view. Imagine it like having a headphone with 3 to 5 radio stations you’re listening to 1 is AM, 2 is FM, 3 Nascar, 4 is your family and friends special station and 5 is your work as undercover detective while you are just sitting somewhere and everything is perfectly normal except Nicole Richie just popped out of that little wormhole and walked past you and if you ask if magic is real David Blaine is there and for a proof coins popped out out of nowhere (but I forgot to pick them up). How about romance? You’ll get to kiss a pillow and taste and feel it like a real kiss in the mouth, you’ll take showers together and give back rubs and you’ll get gifts from them when you go to restaurants and shopping malls you can grab anything because someone had paid all of it for you or you own the whole place already (even in hallucinations romance department is a trouble for me, I was thankful that I have a lot of pride that I don’t take enormous free gifts from people and every time there’s a voice in my head saying “Take it, it’s for you, it’s free” I still insist on paying or else I might have ended up in jail and insisting that I am the owner of that Mall). Plus you are fully aware that you are being monitored through a satellite so you have to be careful of the things you do and you’re thoughts are being read by people, it’s screaming over the whole place in a built-in speaker on your head with the microchip in your body.I intently memorized everything that happened to me on the thought that I may need to provide a detailed story to the court in case I wanted to finally sue my family for starting this conspiracy. I want to win it by telling everyone that I am aware of all the stupid things, every detail of it and I can tell it to them in any other way they want like they’re viewing slideshows on a presentation or documentaries. However there are some events that I wasn’t aware like the rude call responses on my work, it seems that the other souls had totally took over my body which makes me feel like I didn’t exist that time, I’m somewhere else or I was asleep. But that was very rare I seldom let them took over.If it will be summed up as a movie it’s a combination of Inception, A Beautiful Mind, The Black Swan, Joan of Arc, The Prince & Me, Babel, Confessions of a Shopaholic and of course The Truman Show. And lots of other side issues and reality shows.Through this experience I have learned that I am a real good person. I was able to experience all the things people wanted like fame, money and power (at least the thought that I have all of that) and I was able to remain humble, good-natured (despite the few violent reactions which are very dignified because of the deliberate causes in my head) and my faith in God never falter. It was like a test and I think I’ve passed with flying colors.I prefer to use episodes because the story happened back to back to back to back, Anon user already described most of it so I’m just sharing an elaborate view of my experience. Please bear with me if this seems to be long but this is just the summary.

People Want Us

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Justin Miller