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Is there a time limit for the awarding of US military service medals?

Yes, but with caveats.I’m going to publish the US Army take, which probably applies generally to the other branches because of title 10 USC 1130.“Time Limitations.Each recommendation for an award of a military decoration must be entered administratively into military channels within 2 years of the act, achievement, or service to be honored. Submission into military channels is defined as “signed by the initiating official and endorsed by a higher official in the chain of command.”To be fully effective, an award must be timely. Undue delay in submitting a recommendation may preclude its consideration. Recommendation must be placed in military channels and acted upon as quickly as possible. If circumstances preclude submission of a completely documented recommendation, it is best to submit it as soon as possible and note that additional data will be submitted later. However, to ensure prompt recognition, interim awards should be considered and are encouraged as indicated in paragraph 1–20.No Army decoration, except the Purple Heart, will be awarded more than 2 years after the act or period of service to be honored. The Purple Heart differs from all other decorations in that an individual is not “recommended” for the decoration; rather he or she is entitled to it upon meeting specific criteria. Exceptions to the time limit include decorations approved under 10 USC 1130.These time limitations do not apply to retroactive and conversion awards made in confirmation of recognition of previously issued orders, letters, or certificates or in exchange of decorations hereinafter authorized.In cases where it can be conclusively proven that formal submission of a recommendation for award was not made within the time limitations indicated above (within 2 years), because either the person recommending or the person being recommended was in a prisoner of war (POW), missing in action (MIA) or in a medically incapacitated status, award of the Silver Star or lesser decorations may be approved without regard to elapsed time since the act, achievement, or service occurred, that is to be honored.Lost Recommendations.If the Secretary of the Army determines that a statement setting forth the distinguished act, achievement, or service, and a recommendation for official recognition was made and supported by sufficient evidence within 2 years after the distinguished service, and that no award was made because the statement was lost, or through inadvertence the recommendation was not acted upon; he or she may, within 2 years after the date of the determination, award any appropriate military decoration, Numeral, or Oak Leaf Cluster in lieu thereof, to the person concerned.Conclusive evidence of the formal submission of the recommendation into military channels.Conclusive evidence of the loss of the recommendation or the failure to act on the recommendation through inadvertence.A copy of the original recommendation, or its substantive equivalent. As a minimum, the recommendation should be accompanied by statements, certificates, or affidavits corroborating the events or services involved. It is emphasized that the proponent must provide Commander, USAHRC, ATTN: AHRC–PDP–A, Fort Knox, KY 40122-5408, with adequate information for Secretarial evaluation of the deed or service to determine if an award is to be made.Reconsideration/Appeal of Disapproved or Downgraded Award Recommendations.A request for reconsideration or the appeal of a disapproved or downgraded award recommendation must be placed in official channels within 1 year from the date of the awarding authority’s decision, unless submitted under the provisions of 10 USC 1130. One time reconsideration by the award approval authority will be conclusive.Recommendations are submitted for reconsideration or appeal only if new, substantive and material information is furnished and the time limits specified in paragraph 1–14 above do not prevent such action. Requests for reconsideration or appeal must be forwarded through the same official channels as the original recommendation. The additional justification for reconsideration or appeal must be in letter format, not to exceed two single-spaced typewritten pages. A copy of the original recommendation, with all endorsements, and the citation must be attached. If the original recommendation is not available, a new/reconstructed recommendation should be submitted.If the reconsideration or appeal is approved and when a lesser decoration has already been approved, action is taken by the awarding authority to revoke the lesser awarded decoration.Other options for reconsideration or appeal include the Army Board for Correction of Military Records (ABCMR)Member of Congress - 1130 ProcessMember of Congress (MOC) may request consideration/reconsideration of a proposal for an award or presentation of decoration (or the upgrading of a decoration), either for an individual or unit, that is not otherwise authorized to be presented or awarded due to limitations established by law or policy for timely submission of a recommendation. Based upon such review, the SA will make a determination as to the merits of approving the award or presentation of the decoration and other determinations necessary to comply with congressional reporting under 10 USC 1130.The following is a guide to the 1130 process that is separated by initial requests/consideration or reconsideration. Steps will assist recommenders in the accuracy and completeness of the initial or reconsideration request received from the MOC and the Office, Chief of Legislative Liaison (OCLL).Steps for preparing and submitting for an initial award or reconsideration 1130 process.1. The recommender: requests for consideration of an action (over 2 year time limitation).2. The recommender: prepares and completes the following for submission to MOC: (*Initial award requests only).Completed DA Form 638 or DA Form 7594 (if applicable) with proposed citation and narrative,Unit awards will require the documentation outlined in chapter 7 for the respective award.Endorsements from the chain of command (from the time of the award on either form listed above).DD-214, supporting documentation (if applicable).Eyewitness statements (valor requests).Unit report of incident (valor requests).3. The recommender: prepares/completes the following for submission to MOC: (*Award reconsideration requests only).Justification in letter format request from Soldier/Unit/Veteran.Copy of original recommendation/reconstructed recommendation.Copy of all endorsements from the chain of command (from the time of the award).Copy of original citation.Proposed citation and narrative.DD-214, supporting documentation (if applicable).Eyewitness statements (valor requests).Unit report of incident (valor requests).3. The recommender: sends completed documents to MOC for staffing.4. MOC: receives; staff prepares endorsements of request for the MOC. Staff forwards packet to OCLL for staffing.5. OCLL: staffs request and assigns a tracking number. Office Chief of Legislative Liaison (OCLL) forwards request to HRC, Awards and Decorations Branch (ADB).6. ADB: receives request and reviews for completeness.7. ADB: verifies packet as complete or incomplete.Complete packets: ADB staffs for processing.Incomplete packets: ADB contacts the MOC for additional documents/information required for the request.8. ADB: Upon final review and determination, recommender will be notified in writing on the determination. Action will be taken to complete the process that is required for the desired request.9. ADB: Awards and decorations that are approved: ADB, will forward award elements directly to the Soldier’s chain of command if active duty or if a Unit Award. ADB will forward Veteran’s award elements to the endorsing MOC.10. ADB: Awards and decorations that are disapproved: ADB will forward notification directly to the recommender, and will notify the MOC/OCLL that the request has been completed.”The above can be found at the Army Human Resources Command website HRC Homepage

Did the black and tans in Ireland act like a terrorist group?

This answer may contain sensitive images. Click on an image to unblur it.The Brutality of the Black and Tans subjected on the Irish people was State sponsored Terrorism . It was so bad that the King himself had to personally Intervene and voice his Protest against them .Although the Black and Tans force was deployed for only a couple of years, from 1920 to 1922, nationalist Ireland still associates it with murder, brutality, massacre and indiscipline in the years leading to southern Ireland's independence.In this instance, its reputation is not based on any republican propaganda and exaggeration, since there is no dispute that "the Tans" killed and destroyed on a large scale. Nor did they make any secret of their ferocious reprisals. When a Tan was killed in Cork, they burnt down more than 300 buildings in the city centre and afterwards proudly pinned pieces of burnt cork to their caps.This is Cork in Ireland following the city being burnt to the ground by the British. The Black & Tans set fire to the homes of Irish people. The Brits shot at those that tried to extinguish the blazes. An old woman even died from a heart attack when the Brits burst into her house— Crimes of Britain (@crimesofbrits) March 11, 2018A British Labour Party commission reported that it felt feelings of shame at witnessing the "insolent swagger" of the Tans, whom they described as "rough, brutal, abusive and distinctly the worse for liquor".Another observer reported: "They had neither religion nor morals, they used foul language, they had the old soldier's talent for dodging and scrounging, called the Irish 'natives', associated with low company, stole from each other, sneered at the customs of the country and drank to excess."The Catholic cardinal of the day called them "a horde of savages, some of them simply brigands, burglars and thieves". Similar denunciations came from within the armed forces, their commander, General Frank Crozier resigned in 1921 because they had been "used to murder, rob, loot, and burn up the innocent because they could not catch the few guilty on the run".The Black and Tans were created after the First World War by Winston Churchill and other ministers who were faced with an increasing tide of violence from the IRA, which had launched a campaign to drive Britain out of Ireland.This is known as the War of Independence, though republicans took to calling it the "Tan War". With the IRA inflicting heavy casualties on the Royal Irish Constabulary, killing more than 50 of its officers, London created new forces to cope with republican insurrection. They were part of a hurriedly constructed counter-insurgency apparatus which included the existing police force, the regular army, secret service detachments and two completely new forces, the Auxiliaries and the Black and Tans.In the years that followed, all these groups were deployed against republican rebels, but the particularly violent behaviour of the Tans, together with their striking nickname, has meant that the blame for most of the misbehaviour has stuck to them.The nickname arose entirely accidentally and is usually traced back to a well-known pack of Limerick foxhounds which had that title. As members of the new force poured into Ireland there were not enough uniforms to go round, so they were originally dressed in a motley mixture of army khaki and police tunics.Irish women, it is said, jeered at them as Black and Tans. Their irregular ensembles served to emphasise that, although they were technically part of the Irish police, they disregarded all normal policing procedures, and committed almost casual murders. Most of them were Great War veterans who answered an advertising campaign in Britain for men willing to face "a rough and dangerous task". With unemployment high, there were many ready to join for the pay of 10 shillings a day plus board and lodging. Pay for a British Army private soldier was little more than a shilling a day.The recruits, many hardened by trench warfare, were given only a few months' training before being despatched to Ireland, supposedly to act as policemen but in fact to provide military steel. In Ireland, they faced a very different type of war. The IRA waged guerrilla warfare, with hit-and-run tactics, attacks on isolated police barracks and deadly ambushes in the territory which was unfamiliar to the Tans. All the security forces found this an extremely frustrating type of conflict but the Tans in particular quickly abandoned the normal rules and conduct of war.They were in any case explicitly instructed to step outside the law, one police divisional commander instructing his men in a speech: "If a police barracks is burnt then the best house in the locality is to be commandeered, the occupants were thrown into the gutter. Let them die there; the more the merrier."He instructed them to shout "Hands up" at civilians and to shoot anyone who did not immediately obey. He added: "Innocent persons may be shot, but that cannot be helped, and you are bound to get the right parties some time. The more you shoot, the better I will like you, and I assure you no policeman will get into trouble for shooting any man."The old-style policemen did not care for the Tans, one saying years later: "The Black and Tans were all English and Scotch people; very rough, effing and blinding and boozing and all." A British Army officer complained to a general: "We are importing crowds of undisciplined men who are just terrorising the country."Not all of the almost 10,000 Tans scattered around Ireland were guilty of atrocities; some were actually liked. But many felt free, as individuals or as units, to go far beyond the substantial degree of licence they had been officially granted.Tans were reportedly among those who took part in "Bloody Sunday", an incident which followed the assassinations of a large number of suspected members of the British secret service in Dublin. Hours after these killings, security forces opened fire at a Gaelic football match in the city, causing 12 deaths and wounding scores.In other cases, homes and businesses, particularly creameries, were burnt by the Tans. In the town of Balbriggan near Dublin, the IRA killing of a police officer led to severe reprisals: two republican suspects were shot dead, and 19 houses and various buildings were torched.There were hundreds of reports of misbehaviour on a smaller scale. The late Lord Longford wrote of Tans torturing captured republicans, "cutting out the tongue of one, the nose of another, the heart of another and battering in the skull of a fourth".The government at first turned a blind eye to such incidents. Field Marshal Sir Henry Wilson described a conversation with Churchill: "I warned him again that those Black and Tans who are committing very indiscriminate reprisals will play the devil in Ireland, but he won't listen or agree."The security forces, the Field Marshal said, "marked down certain Sinn Feiners as in their opinion actual murderers or instigators and then coolly went and shot them without question or trial. Winston saw very little harm in this but it horrifies me".Pressure on the government to end the activities mounted steadily, the Archbishop of Canterbury warning Lloyd George: "You do not cast out Beelzebub by Beelzebub."Churchill's wife Clementine joined in the chorus of protest, asking him to end the reprisals and adding: "It always makes me unhappy and disappointed when I see you inclined to take for granted the rough, iron-fisted 'Hunnish' way will prevail."Later, Churchill openly acknowledged the excesses of the Black and Tans, admitting in the House of Commons: "It was quite impossible to prevent the police and military making reprisals on their own account."Ministers pondered on whether they should officially endorse reprisals and persisted in believing that the oppressive tactics of the Tans and other forces were on the point of delivering victory. Lloyd George famously boasted that he "had murdered by the throat".But on top of everything, the harsh methods of the Tans did not even work and certainly did not defeat the IRA.Professor Roy Foster wrote of the Tans: "They behaved more like independent mercenaries; their brutal regime followed the IRA's policy of killing policemen and was taken by many to vindicate it."The historian, Peter Hart, agreed. "It was astoundingly counter-productive. The militarised police formed their own death squads and regularly engaged in reprisals against civilians. IRA violence only increased."Despite the battering which all this inflicted on the image of Britain at home and abroad, the continuing IRA campaign eventually led Lloyd George to seek talks with the republicans, which led to British withdrawal.In a little-known historical footnote, some of the Black and Tans were transferred to Palestine where, under much stricter discipline, their performance was judged a success.But in Ireland older folk still relate with a shiver what the Tans did in their little village or town, the name and reputation of the force continuing to resound throughout history.The name of the Black and Tans thus lives on to the present day, and can still be heard from the lips of Republican orators driving home their ancient messages of British iniquity and Irish victimhood.The phrase can in other words still generate much heat, so much heat, perhaps, that an ice-cream company may think twice about associating its cool product with a topic that can still raise the temperature in Ireland.Erin Go Bragh! Taste What's on Tap at Ben & Jerry's - Toast St. Patrick's Day with New Black & Tan Ice CreamIn any language or definition the Black and Tans used tactics designed to terrorise people they targeted civilian infrastructure s and there is evidence they used sexual humiliation and rape.The homes of several Republican sympathisers were raided and one woman, Miss O'Grady, was dragged from her bed in the middle of the night and her hair was cut off. On the following day (28 October) the Cork Examiner elaborated on this story now under the headline' Terrorism Kerry'.The report claimed that Miss O'Grady had been stripped of her night-clothes and thrown into a pool of cold water before her hair was cut off. On the same night a 'party of uniformed men' arrived at the O'Sullivan home and while the young men were taken outside and beaten with rifle butts, 'the girl's hair was crudely cut or almost dragged from her head' (28 October 1920).”14 April 1921, it devoted a special issue to 'Outrages on Irishwomen'. Inresponse to the British government claims that there 'had never been one bitof evidence' to support accusations of sexual violence, the paper publishedsworn affidavits by women who claimed they had been sexually abused byBritish soldiers. All the incidents involved night-time raiding parties. Forexample, in her testimony Mrs Healy (full address given), a mother of fouryoung children described how a group of masked, uniformed men enteredher home at 2.15 a.m. One of them forced Mrs Healy, who was in her night-clothes,into the kitchen here she succeeded n pulling he mask offhis face. 'In spite of my every resistance he then succeeded in criminallyassaulting and raping me'. The next day accompanied by her husband andsolicitor, Mrs Healy went to the barracks to complain about the incidentand to identify the man but the sergeant in charge refused to cooperateand sent her away. In another testimony, 21-year-old Miss Nellie O'Mahony (full address given) related how two uniformed men broke into her home at midnight on Christmas night 1920. 'The men seemed to have some drink taken'. Miss O'Mahony described in considerable detail how one of the men lifted her night-dress and proceeded to 'put his hands all around my body'.Although she identified the men and made an initial complaint to the military barracks she stated that: 'I did not pursuit he matters further as, from the state of terror that exists consequent upon the deeds of the "Black and Tans", I was afraid and am afraid to pursue the matter further' (Irish Bulletin 14 April 1921). Both of these testimonies concur with many of the details described by both Kathleen Clarke and Kathleen Keyes McDonnell;However, the report concluded that the threat of rape and attempted rapes'had the effect of spreading a profound feeling of dread amongst largenumbers of women in the districts where they occurred'. Under the subheading 'Mid-night raids, searching, etc.' The Bulletin went on to outlinethe impact of military raids on women and girls: 'These raids are a sourceof sleeplessness, nervous break-down, and in the case of expectantmothers, produce very grave results for mothers and children ... Womenknow that it is during curfew hours attempts of a sexual character havebeen made'.This Documentary is Unique that it gives first-hand accounts and Interviews both IRA members and Black and TansIreland - A Television History - Part 9 of 13 - 'Terror 1919-1921'Due to the ferocity of the Tans' behaviour in Ireland and the numerous War Crimes they committed, feelings continue to run high regarding their actions. "Black and Tan" or "Tan" remains a pejorative term for the British in Ireland. and the reputation of the Tans is still hated in Ireland. The term can still stir bad reactions because of their remembered brutality.The war of Independence is known as The Tan War in Ireland. The Brutality of the Black and Tans did more to turn Irish people against the British that eventually led to Ireland leaving the UK.These guys were State-sponsored Terrorists.During the winter of 1920 and spring of 1921, at the height of the Tan War, an American Commission of Inquiry on Conditions in Ireland focused worldwide attention on the campaign of terror being waged by the British forces against the Irish people. Launched in August 1920 by Dr W. J. Maloney and Frank Walsh, with the support of the Government of the Irish Republic, the American Commission of Inquiry sought to investigate means of checking the excesses of British troops and police in Ireland.Of the original committee (which comprised 150 individuals, including prominent clergymen, a number of senators, congressmen, newspaper editors, labour and industrial representatives) a list of members was selected to act as the court of the commission: The court, which consisted of five members, had the power to request the attendance of witnesses representing English and Irish opinion and was to take evidence at public sessions in Washington.The committee secured promises from the British authorities, who declined an invitation to attend, that passports would be issued to persons travelling from Ireland to testify and that reprisals would not be taken against them.The testimony given during the winter of 1920, under-skilled examination, constitutes an appalling record of terrorism by British troops and police while at the same time giving an extraordinary account of what can be endured by a risen people in defence of their national integrity.WITNESS MURDEREDThe court held its first session on 19 November. One of the first witnesses requested to attend was Fr Michael Griffin of Gurteen, County Galway, but the following day they received word that he had been murdered by the Black & Tans.Three weeks later, in early December, Daniel Crowley, a former member of the Royal Irish Constabulary who had resigned the previous June, gave evidence to the commission explaining the reasons for his action. His testimony also reflected considerable tension between the RIC and the Tans.The situation which he described as existing at Clogheen, County Tipperary, was typical of Ireland at the time. He described how, at the time of the murder of the Mayor of Cork Tomás Mac Curtain, the previous March, the police had received an order which required them to accompany the military in patrolling the country night and day. “They were,” he continued, “to go on an armoured car with a machine-gun . . . and every man who took a prominent part in the Sinn Féin movement they were to stand up in front of his own house and turn the machine-gun on it. In the armoured car, there were put 120 cans of petrol and also 120 Mills bombs, and the reason for this was that they were for burning houses.”Black & TansTANS FIRE AT RICHe went on to describe how, on the night of 21 May, a number of RIC constables, accompanied by heavily-armed Tans, arrived at the home of Maurice Walsh, the Chairperson of Clogheen District Council. One of the Tans said that he was going to shoot them. “We reminded him that he was not in the army now,” recalled Crowley, “and he said that when he left the training depot he was told that he could not be subjected to any discipline whatever if he shot any Sinn Féiners.” The dispute ended with the Tans firing on the police during the following months, the commission heard numerous accounts of the horrific atrocities being committed in Ireland by the RIC, Tans, Auxiliaries and British military.The committee's interim report, published early in 1921, which was a huge embarrassment to the British authorities, highlighted the appalling conditions in Ireland and brought further pressure on the English government to bring about an end to their reign of terror in Ireland.Details of some of the atrocities being committed in Ireland by the crown forces were vividly described at one of the public sessions of the American Commission of Inquiry on conditions in Ireland on 12 December 1920,Ireland's War of Independence: The chilling story of the Black andAmerican Commission of Inquiry into Black & Tan terror, 1920

What is this controversy regarding CBI all about?

On 25 October 2018, in a move dubbed by government critics as a midnight coup the government divested CBI director Alok Verma of his charge.The government also sent on leave the man against whom Verma had initiated corruption proceedings, his number two special director Rakesh Asthana.In a pre-dawn order the government appointed Joint Director M. Nageshwar Rao as interim CBI chief.So what basically was the controversy?A short recap for those unfamiliar with recent developments in India's premier investigating agency.The CBI filed an FIR against special director Rakesh Astana an officer believed to have been handpicked by Prime Minister Modi. The accusation was that Rakesh Asthana and his junior were running an extortion racket in the garb of investigation.According to the FIR Astana demanded and accepted a bribe from a businessman associate of meat exporter Moyne Qureshi for dropping proceedings against him.Qureshi who was arrested by the Enforcement Directorate(ED) last year is accused among other things of helping government servants launder money.Last year Astana's appointment a special director was challenged in the Supreme Court on the grounds of lack of integrity.· The petitioner had then cited a corruption investigation into Gujarat based Sterling Biotech a company that maintained Diaries of bribes in which Astana's name reportedly appears.What is Astana's response?Astana has in returned reportedly alleged the director Verma had sought toImpede his functioningInterfere in investigations andMaligned his reputation on the basis of unverified factsAstana wrote to the Central Vigilance Commission making allegations against CBI director Verma and then the government sent Verma on leave.The ongoings in India's premier investigating agency were dubbed in the media as CBI versus CBI.With Alok Velma sent on leave what will happen to the probe against Astana?Now it is a pertinent question given that Deputy SP AJ Bassi, Alok Verma’s aid and the investigating officer of the Astana bribery case has also been transferred to Port Blair in what the government called Public Interest.Joint director Arun Kumar Sharma overlooking the probe too has been transferred in fact the entire team formed by Alok Verma to probe the bribery charge has been removed.Alok Verma has challenged the government's order divesting him of his charge in the Supreme Court.So what is the illegality here?In the 1997 Supreme Court judgement in Vinita Narayan laid down fixed tenure for a CBI Director.It said that the director of the CBI shall have a minimum tenure of two years. It also clearly stated that the transfer of an incumbent director CBI in an extraordinary situation should have the approval of the selection committee.Now the selection of the CBI director is governed by the Lokpal Actunder which the director is appointed by a committee including the Prime Minister, the Chief Justice of India and the Leader of the Opposition.So did the government consult the selection committee before divesting Alok Verma of his charge as CBI chief?Evidently not, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley has said Alok Verma's removal was done on the basis of a recommendation by the Central Vigilance Commission but as per the CVC Act the CVC Supervisory powers over the CBI are only limited to probes under the Prevention of Corruption Act.The opposition has alleged that Alok Verma had requested for papers related to the Rafale deal which is the chief reason behind his removal from the post.Meanwhile the appointment of M. Nageshwara Rao as interim CBI chief has also been questioned by some like DMK chief MK Stalin Stalinalleging that several complaints were sent to the CBI director against Nageshwar Rao and there are reports that CBI director Alok Verma wanted to initiate investigations into allegations against him.Verma who moved the Supreme Court against the centre's decision to divest him of his charges CBI chief urged the court to insulate the agency from governmental interference.Verma told the court the decision to divest him of his powers overnight was :patently illegal”.Meanwhile NGO Common Cause filed a petition in the Supreme Court accusing the government of subverting the CBI through “brazen interference” it sought the quashing of the October 23rd order appointing Nageshwara Rao as the interim CBI chief and asked that a Special Investigation Team look into the case.Why were IB officials found spying on Alok Verma?Adding to the intrigue surrounding the government's ousting of CBI chief Alok Verma, four men in plain clothes were found lurking around his Janpath residence, allegedly in an effort to carry out surveillance and were later detained by the Delhi Police.The four men reportedly belonged to the Intelligence Bureau a fact later born out in the Ministry of Home Affairs a statement.The Indian Express reports that it is also alleged that there were two other persons in civilian clothes who were spying on Verma's house allegedly from R&AW (Research and Analysis Wing), they managed to escape in the melee that followed once the four suspected IB officers were identified.The Ministry of Home Affairs in the statement said that the men were there to check why an unusual collection of people had gathered at Janpath ostensibly referring to the group of journalists gathered there.They said this is a high-security zone where several VIPs reside. Unfortunately their “presence was projected otherwise”.The ministry also said that officers were routinely deployed on a regular basis in sensitive areas that affect public order and internal security.Who is Manish Kumar Sinha? Why was his petition of urgent hearing was rejected?Manish Kumar Sinha, a CBI officer who was probing the agency's number two join director Rakesh Astana in an alleged bribery case claimed in the Supreme Court that a few crore rupees was paid to Union Minister of State for Mines and Coal- Haribhai Chaudhary to intervene on behalf of a businessman being investigated.The officer in his application also cited instances of alleged interference in the functioning of the CBI by some other senior functionaries like Ajit Doval.Sinha's intervention application in the top court challenges his transfer to Nagpur. He was among the 13 officers who were transferred as part of the shake-up a fall out of the Rakesh Astana probe and the consequent action against CBI director Alok Verma by the government.The CBI officer told the court his transfer was aimed at changing the course of Investigation and claimed he had documents that will shock the court.“Nothing shocks us”, Chief Justice Ranjan Gogoi responded as per NDTV while rejecting his request for an urgent hearing.What was the Supreme Court Judgment regarding Alok Verma?Overturning the government’s October 2018 decision of divesting CBI Alok Verma of his charge the Supreme Court reinstated him as the agency top boss.The court held that it cannot be oblivious to the judgment in the Vineet Narain Case.The intent in bringing the Vineet Narain Judgment into the statute books are “for the purpose of ensuring complete insulation of the office of Director, CBI from all kinds of extraneous influences”, the bench held.The government did not appoint selection committee before divesting Alok Verma of his charge.The Supreme Court while reinstating Verma though said that he will not take any major policy decisions until this high powered committee takes decision in his case.What is the Vineet Narain Judgment?The 1997 Supreme Court laid down fixed tenure. It said that the Director of the CBI shall have fixed tenure of two years regardless of the date of his superannuation.It also clearly stated that the transfer of an incumbent Director CBI in an extraordinary situation, including the need for him to take up more important assignment should have the approval of the Selection Committee.Selection of the CBI director is governed by the Lokpal Act under which the director is appointed by committee including the Prime Minister and Chief Justice of India and the Leader of the Opposition.What was the decision of the high powered selection committee?Less than 48 hours after he was reinstated as director CBI by the Supreme Court Alok Verma has been shunted out again.The high-powered selection committee comprising the Prime Minister, the Chief Justice of India who nominated Justice AK Sikri in his place and leader of the Opposition-Mallikarjun Kharge met under directions from the Supreme Court.The decision of the committee was not unanimous as Kharge reportedly insisted that the CBI chief be heard by the panel first dissented with the decision to remove him. This is also a violation of the Principle of Natural Justice.Ahead of the meeting of that committee oppposition alleged the Prime Minister was “in a hurry to sack the CBI chief because of Rafale”.One of the petitioners in the Rafale case in the Supreme Court Prashant Bhushan also alleged the government feared Verma would file an FIR in the Rafale case and he was removed to prevent the agency investigating the matterThe government has pointed to the Supreme Court's decision dismissing plea seeking a court monitored probe into the Rafale in response.Thus, all in all the entire episode readily points to the fact that all political parties irrespective of their affiliation tend to misuse the premiere investigating agency. Indeed CBI is what Supreme Court very aptly defined as “Caged Parrot”.Sources:CBI dispute: All you need to know "caged parrot" - Supreme Court describes CBIFour Intelligence Bureau men held outside Alok Verma home, charges of snooping flyNSA Ajit Doval Interfered In Probe, CBI Officer Tells Supreme Court

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