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Beside NTDTV, the Epoch Times, and Shen Yun Performing Arts, what other association, organization, and channels of media are actually backed by Falun Gong?

First, please allow me to correct the inaccuracy of the question. Falun Gong is self-improvement cultivation practice and is not possible to back some organizations. In one Washington Post interview, Stephen Gregory, chairman of the board for English-language editions of Epoch Times said:"It's not a Falun Gong newspaper. Falun Gong is a question of an individual's belief. The paper's not owned by Falun Gong, it doesn't speak for Falun Gong, it doesn't represent Falun Gong. It does cover the persecution of Falun Gong in China."I think, if saying these organizations is backed by some Falun Gong practitioners, it could be reasonable.Secondly, in addressing the question, please note the soundofhope radio is also backed by some Falun Gong practitioners. The Minghui website and the pureinsight website are run by practitioners and are for Falun Gong practitioners to share info and ideas.All these are part of Falun Gong practitioners’ response and resistance to the brutal persecution from Jiang Zemin and the communist party.The US Freedom House’s new report The Battle for China's Spirit: Falun Gong has one section that well covered this topic. I copied to here FYR. ThanksCommunity response and resistanceFalun Gong believers in China have responded to CCP persecution with tenacity, nonviolence, and creativity.Falun Gong believers in China have responded to CCP persecution with tenacity, nonviolence, and creativity. In the first days and weeks of the ban, many picketed local government offices. When these lower-level officials proved unreceptive, adherents began writing letters to higher authorities or petitioning directly in Beijing. They shared their positive experiences with the practice in an effort to convince officials that Falun Gong posed no threat to society. By 2000, practitioners unfurling banners and performing qigong exercises were a daily presence on Tiananmen Square, though most were immediately arrested.In 2001, as it became clear that a top-down reversal of the ban was unlikely, adherents turned their focus to the Chinese public and local police, engaging in a proactive effort to educate them about Falun Gong and urge them not to participate in the persecution. Printed leaflets and homemade videos were produced and disseminated en masse in a form of activism that one scholarly account likens to a “Chinese samizdat.”101 Falun Gong devotees in the diaspora designed censorship circumvention software, produced videos for dissemination inside China, and developed newspaper, radio, and satellite television outlets to relay uncensored news about Falun Gong and other human rights issues to audiences inside and outside China.The Minghui website has itself played a critical role, serving as a communications channel between overseas and Chinese practitioners, a clearinghouse for accounts of persecution, and an activist resource. One section of the website serves as something of a toolkit, replete with the latest versions of circumvention tools, videos for download, and instructions for hanging banners and making automated phone calls.102 These distribution channels and content have evolved as practitioners gauge what might resonate with Chinese audiences, and as many lost faith in the CCP’s willingness—or even ability—to reverse the campaign. Some types of content have been consistent: personal accounts of the benefits of the practice, examples of rights abuses occurring nationwide and locally, evidence of Falun Gong’s spread around the world, and specialized content to debunk claims in party propaganda.103Over the past decade, a broader array of information has joined this regular repertoire for circulation in China, including DVDs of classical Chinese dance performances and the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party (Jiuping Gongchandang), a book-length series of articles first published in 2004 that offers a critical narrative of the CCP’s history and a moral vision for how the country might recover from decades of violent political campaigns, including the one against Falun Gong. Such content suggests that Falun Gong activists are no longer focused simply on clearing the practice’s name and ending the persecution, but are also seeking to help revive traditional culture and prepare the Chinese population for a future without the CCP.Falun Gong practitioners’ grassroots resistance and advocacy efforts in China since 2012 can be sorted into five major categories:Campaigns to win the release of detained practitioners: When a Falun Gong practitioner is detained, particularly if the person is well known within the community, adherents inside and outside China have developed various tactics for applying grassroots pressure on local officials to secure the detainee’s release. For example, several teams of volunteers outside China make phone calls to local police, 6-10 Office agents, prosecutors, and judges, using numbers obtained from inside China (sometimes from sympathetic police). According to the coordinator of one such team, over 3,000 calls might be made on behalf of 350 detained individuals in a given week.104 Within China, adherents write letters to local authorities, hire human rights lawyers to represent the detained believer, and increasingly circulate petitions among nonpractitioners calling for the individual’s release.105Although it is difficult to track the impact of these efforts, there have been cases in which the detainee was released, as with Pang You in Shaanxi, noted above. Pang’s lawyer reported that when he met with an officer to gain access to his client, a stack of letters was handed to the officer and phones were constantly ringing; the policeman said the calls were from friends of the detainee.106 At least 1,000 residents in Pang’s hometown of Beijing also signed a petition calling for his release.107Adapting public education to new technology and censorship: Increases in mobile phone and internet penetration in China have created both challenges and opportunities for Falun Gong practitioners’ public education efforts. Certain types of media, like video discs, have become less prevalent and therefore less effective. Some activists have switched to social media applications like QQ or WeChat, which allow them to share links to videos or other content in a manner that does not trigger automated keyword filtering.108 Yet increased government censorship, tighter surveillance, and more consistent enforcement of real-name registration have created new obstacles, requiring constant innovation. For example, rather than making individual calls, it is now safer and more efficient to obtain a large number of registered phone cards and devices, then use them to make simultaneous calls with automated recordings. After a Beijing adherent was tracked down by authorities via geolocation technology, activists in that city began urging practitioners to move from place to place while making the calls.109Using legal channels to challenge persecution: The Chinese legal system, with its institutionalized political control, is better suited to serve as a tool of repression than as a guarantor of justice. Nonetheless, as a matter of principle and with the hope of giving those within the system a chance to play a positive role, Falun Gong adherents have regularly engaged in legal activism. As a larger number of human rights lawyers have been willing to take Falun Gong cases, more adherents and their families have been hiring attorneys to enter not guilty pleas and appeal convictions. Court documents analyzed by Freedom House found that between January 2014 and June 2016, second instance courts had issued at least 275 decisions in Falun Gong cases, indicating that a certain percentage of jailed adherents decided to appeal despite the extremely slim—or even nonexistent—chances of a reversed decision.Lodging legal complaints against Jiang Zemin to seek accountability: Since May 2015, large numbers of Falun Gong torture survivors have gone on the offensive, taking advantage of a change in regulations to lodge criminal complaints that name Jiang Zemin as the one responsible for their suffering. New Supreme People’s Court guidelines that took effect on May 1, 2015, require judicial authorities to accept criminal complaints submitted by individual citizens; previously, they had the leeway to reject the complaints. A number of articles on Minghui raised awareness of the change and proposed that adherents take advantage of Xi’s anticorruption drive—which had brought down key Jiang allies—by submitting their accounts of persecution and calling for Jiang to be investigated. Victims of persecution inside and outside China began drafting complaints and mailing them to the Supreme People’s Court and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, either individually or jointly. One interviewee who had done so reported that he was able to track the package and received confirmation that it had arrived at its destination and was signed for, though he had received no further news of its processing.110 As of July 2016, Minghui reported that over 200,000 practitioners had submitted complaints, often sharing a copy for publication on the website. Although unable to verify such a large number of cases, Freedom House researchers obtained copies of several complaints and spoke to individuals from Beijing, Shanghai, Heilongjiang, and the United States who had submitted complaints and personally knew dozens of others who had done the same. Many noted that while some plaintiffs had been imprisoned, the vast majority had not experienced retribution or had been quickly released.Encouraging fellow citizens to renounce the CCP: Since late 2004, a centerpiece of content disseminated by Falun Gong practitioners has been the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party mentioned above, including text, video, and audio versions. Noakes and Ford explain that the book’s publishers also “encourage citizens to issue ‘tuidang’ [‘withdraw from the party’] statements, symbolically severing their affiliations with the Party, youth league, or young pioneers as a form of catharsis and a way to clear the conscience.”111 Freedom House interviews with Falun Gong activists and references in Chinese official documents indicate that this has become a focus of outreach efforts in China.112 A 2011 study of the phenomenon found that the aim of those involved was not to overthrow the CCP. Rather, the campaign stems from the belief that the CCP is on its last legs, but that in order to ensure a peaceful transition to a less repressive form of government, the Chinese people must undertake a process of moral awakening and a commitment to nonviolence.113 As of November 2016, the overseas website tracking the tuidang movement claimed that over 255 million people inside and outside China had published statements. Although this figure could not be verified, Chinese court documents from early 2016 identify multiple cases in which Falun Gong adherents were sentenced to prison for possessing tuidang literature, indicating that the CCP itself is taking the movement seriously.114Falun Gong outreach efforts and advocacy campaigns appear to have had at least some success, despite the harsh environment in which Falun Gong adherents in China operate. The sheer scale of information sharing is evident from court documents, in which a single defendant is often accused of possessing hundreds of leaflets, DVDs, or phone cards. Some practitioners have been released after intense campaigns on their behalf, and some proportion of police who receive phone calls have reportedly changed their attitudes and committed to treat detained practitioners more humanely.115Perhaps most impressive is the large contingent of nonpractitioners who have joined Falun Gong initiatives. Despite the 2015 crackdown on human rights lawyers, hundreds continue to represent Falun Gong clients.116 Tens of thousands of people around China have signed petitions, not only for the release of detained neighbors, but more recently in support of Jiang Zemin’s prosecution.117 The aforementioned 2011 study of tuidang statements and accounts from Freedom House interviewees indicate that the majority of people making such commitments are not Falun Gong adherents. Meanwhile, a number of high-profile human rights and democracy activists have published their own separation statements over the years, including Gao Zhisheng, Hu Jia, Wei Jingsheng, and Yang Jianli.

Is India growing in the BJP government?

No person with the sane mind can support Modi.Modi is the worst PM of India.1.Ticket to Criminal Candidates :A report in Hindu says that 57 members of Gujarat cabinet have criminal cases on them. Well, I seriously don’t understand how my India will shine under criminal candidates. Can BJP stop giving tickets to criminals ? if yes,then I can think to vote for them.2 . Right to Information Act (RTI) –RTI activists in Gujarat are suffering , their RTI Applications are not responded and thousands of RTI applications are pending. Gujarat RTI Activists Association, which has around 5,000 members, says that there are around 14,000 RTI applications pending at different stages in various departments of the state government. According to them, these RTIs can expose Corruption on larger scale. So stopping an RTI and Modi ji wants India to be like USA, no that is not possible if you stop the Right To Information for your citizens.Apart from this , why Modi has to keep tainted minister in his Cabinet? Many RTI activists have received threats to life , RTI Activist Amit Jethwa was murdered and BJP MP Dinu Bogha Solanki has been held . Freedom of knowledge and Free Speech which can threaten the govt is silenced . BJP MP arrested for RTI Activists Murder3. Weak Lokayukta :In April2012, Modi ji passed a new bill, The Gujarat Lokayukta Aayog which allows him to1. Choose the Lokayukta of his own choice.2. Block Lokayukta from investigating any cases against himself or his cabinet ministers.3. Remove the primacy of high court chief justice and the governor in the appointment of Lokayukta. ReadSupreme Court Upholds Gujarat’s Lokayukta Appointment And Mr Modi was slammedIs this what you call a strong Lokpal, when you criticize central government for bringing strong Lokpal, Mr Modi? If this is what you call a strong Lokpal, then all corrupt politicians would have backed Anna Hazare for this bill.4. No Riots after 2002: Narendra Modi ji has claimed Many times that there are no riots in Gujarat after 2002, any intelligent person would try to do a re-search on this claim . No Riots in Gujarat in Last 12 years – ModiFacts : Large scale riots happened within Vadodara in 2006 (no coincidence that next Gujarat elections were in 2007), Apart from that, regular stream of incidences involving arson, stone-pelting, stabbing, lynching etc kept on happening regularly all over Gujarat – Ahmedabad, Rajkot, Dohad, Veraval etc.4. False Promotions and fudging of facts , there are many examples of the same. i will list out some.a) Claim: Modi Claims that Gujarat has generated 25 lakh jobs generated in 2009 link and also said that jobs generated will be 52 lakh in 2011 . 52 lakh jobs in 2011.Truth: Planning Commission Employment Report, page no 126, suggests that, number of people employed in major sectors has come down from 25.3 million in 2004-05 to 24.65 million in 2009-10. Check Page number 126, Planning Commission Employment ReportSo, these high figures are for what when the jobs have gone down from 2004 to 2009 ?b) Education : let’s look at the Gujarat’s education Sector .Gujarat is the worst state in the country, when we look at the reading, writing and math skills of the rural students. Planning Commission reports Education Report. Only 7% of Gujarat’s class 5 kids can read English sentences, way below all India average and it’s better not to compare with other states.ASER survey taken in Jan 2013, shows clearly this fact. ASER surveyA major part of survey was reported by DNA which can be read here. Gujarat’s Class 8 literates can’t read.Its clear that Mr Modi is too busy in infrastructure and building roads that he doesn’t have time for future generations, he is aware that they can’t vote.b) TOURISM : Under Modi, Gujarat has turned out to be the visitors favourite destination in India. this is a quote from Modi’s website : Potential of Gujarat TourismHere is a quote from Modi’s website : ‘In the last year Gujarat got over 22 million tourists and witnessed a tourism growth rate of over 16%, which is double of the national tourism growth rate. From Rs 30 crore in 2005-2006, the tourism budget today is Rs 500 crore.’As recorded in Gujarat’s official tourism website Gujarat Tourism.Number of tourists during 2010-11 = 19,811,936 (19.8 million)Number of tourists during 2011-12 = 22,354,665 (22.3 million)Anyone who can do simple calculation would find out that, increase is around 13% (12.8% to be exact) and not 16% as Modi tells the nation.c) FALSE CLAIMS : Automobile majors are flocking to Gujarat because of great industrial climate Modi has created.Fact: Plain lie. Tata was given sops estimated to be worth Rs 30,000 crores over a period of time for investing only a fraction (Rs 2,000 crore) in Sanand, Gujarat. That’s what brought Nano to Gujarat. Modi Team confirms Mega Loan For TataModi Gives Rs 30,000 crore loan to Tata : Free public money in form of Rs 9,570 crore loan as the interest is 0.1% and payment time is 20 years (23% of Gujarat’s budget for that year). Plus, usual sops of tax and duty exemption, infrastructure development and 100 acres of land near Ahmedabad for township. Which businessman will refuse such a deal? link –> linkd) Claim: Gujarat is only state in the whole India to provide 24*7 and 365 days electricity to almost all of its 18000 villages. Modi to Mulayam: Modi to Mulayam: Making Gujarat means providing 24/7 electricityFact : Plain Lie . This is a two part claim1. 100% village electrification2. Gujarat’s leadership in electricity availability to its populaceGujarat’s villages were fully electrified by 1996 (or even before), Modi has no role in 100% village electrification. Electrification of villages, Page 23, Annual Report 1996-97, Ministry of PowerMoving on to availability of electricity, refer to a report of Census 2011, Availability of Electricity Census 2011Percentage of households using electricity as the source of lighting in Gujarat is 90.4%, ranked 14th behind big states like (TN 93.4, Andhra 92.2), many smaller states and UTs. Thus, Gujarat is not the leader in providing electricity to its populace. Interestingly, Gujarat rank fell from 12th in 2001 Census to 14th in 2011 Census.E) FALSE CLAIMS :Every Gujarati is in love with ModiFact: Less than 50% Gujaratis are voting for Modi and around 40% are voting for Congress. BJP’s high vote share pre-dates Modi.Vote per cent share Gujarat elections.In last General Elections (2009) in Gujarat, vote share difference between BJP and Congress was only 3.5%. Correspondingly, seats won BJP 15 and Congress 11.In India electoral systems, winners are based on seats won in which Modi/BJP is clear winner, but that does not mean everyone in Gujarat is voting for Modi/BJP. Within Gujarat Congress too have a healthy vote share in range of 40%.Source: Election Commission of IndiaF) False Claims: Gujarat’s agricultural growth is 10-11% , modi proudly says this fact and writes on his official website too Gujarat Agricultural growthFact : Plain lie. In last 6 years, Gujarat’s agriculture had -ve years of growth -1.08% (2007) & -8.71% (2009), and a zero growth year 0.3% (2010). Gujarat has had a very peculiar growth rate for agriculture. Although I have to say that the Sardar Sarovar Project has had a huge impact on agriculture in Gujarat.Page 61, GDP by Industry of Origin, Data for use of Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission.Furthermore, another data table of Ministry of Agriculture, mentions Gujarat’s agriculture from 1996-97 to 2010-2011 (not given whether it is at constant/current price or gross/net DP), to have frequently years of high negative growth and high positive growth, the variance is so high, by selecting a year, the corresponding growth can significantly change over a period.Page 53, GDP by Industry of Origin, Data for use of Deputy Chairman, Planning CommissionBy no stretch of Imagination Gujarat has 10-11% Agriculture growth, if that be would the farmers do suicides in Gujarat? Yet another lie exposed from RTI. What drove 135 Gujarat farmers to suicide?One more interesting read on suicides of Farmers in Gujarat . -> Sudden rise in farmer suicides in Gujarat.g) FALSE CLAIMS:Gujarat is the only state in country to have “high speed wireless broadband” service in its all 18000 villages.Fact: BSNL brought that to Gujarat. Ironically this is one of deals for which former Telecom minister A Raja is under investigation.BSNL, US’ Soma Networks in tie-up for largest WiMAX deal.SNL Launches India’s First High-speed Wireless Broadband Network in GujaratNow,they say its the only state in the country ,is it so ? No. Wimax comes to GoaIncidentally, BSNL-SOMA WiMAX deal is under investigation in corruption saga of former Telecom Minister A Raja. A Raja may be booked in BSNL’s WiMax deal.In other words, its A Raja, who bought WiMax to Gujarat.h) FALSE CLAIMS :Modi made the Asia’s biggest solar plant.Intending: Solar energy revolution was started by Modi.Fact: Solar energy revolution in India was started by UPA govt in 2010. JLNSM was launched on the 11th January, 2010 by the Prime Minister. The mission has set the ambitious target of deploying 20,000 MW of grid connected solar power by 2022. Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar MissionSince launch of the JLNSM, the capacity of solar power projects has grown from 8 MW in January 2010 to over 979 MW in the country. Progress under Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar MissionClearly Rajasthan and Gujarat, being the biggest desert states in India, solar program was likely to have the largest impact there. Due credit to Gujarat though that it beat Rajasthan to first placeH) Also Modi PR people have claimed that “The entire length of SSNL canal network in Gujarat is around 19,000 kilometres and if even 10 per cent of it is used for this type of projects it could generate 2,400 MW of clean energy annually.” People have touted him as if he was the inventor of the idea of putting solar panels over the canals.Fact: Again Plain Lie. First and foremost, the World’s first over the water solar power project is in California, United States. It’s functioning over a pond since April 2011 (picture above and below). Thus, there is nothing original about the idea of solar panel over water nor Gujarat is first to implement that.Forget 2,400 MW, not even 2MW is a reality.In last one & half year, after 1MW launched in April 2012, not a even one MW more is added. At best there are few “announcements” of Gujarat government to fund 10-20 MW. No news of any further construction as of now. Perhaps Gujarat’s bureaucracy knows; the whole thing was just a publicity stunt, why waste more money on this one.The 0.75 km is the total length of the existing canal top solar panels; somehow fan boys are convinced that 1,900 km (2,500 times) is being covered on war footing and try to force this lie with full rhetoric over anyone skeptical.Just to add, the original purpose of Narmada canals, to bring water to parched lands of Gujarat (a high priority task for any Gujarat CM), as of now remains way behind schedule. Only 35% of the total 75,000 km canal work is complete and in Modi’s 10 years as CM, 10,000 km is dug. Modi’s announced deadline of year 2010 for the task expired 3 years back.I ) FALSE MODELS: Gujarat model of governance – Clean and corruption free.Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India has come up with many reports on How Modi government gave undue benefits to corporates resulting in several hundred crores loss to exchequer. CAG reportApart from this, there are many allegations of him providing land at Rs 1 sq/ft to Adani , 17 scams of Gujarat govt can be read here – > 17 Scams that Narendra Modi doesn’t want to talk.j) Gujarat has lost zero man days due to labour unrest (strikes, lockouts etc.), Modi ji in his videos and his speeches many times claimed the same.Plain lie : Check the annual report of Union finance ministry – The economic survey for the year 2010/11 (page no. 235 – 236), It clearly shows the “maximum incidences” of strikes and lockouts were recorded in Gujarat. Wage and allowance, bonus, personnel, indiscipline and violence were the major reasons.k): Somethings that are not spoken about.a. POVERTYThere are some things which Modi doesn’t tell you. In social sector, Gujarat is one of the worst performing states in the country. Source: Planning Commission Report on state Wise Population Below Poverty lineAnd this was not enough that. Now facts coming out that a person who earns Rs 11/ Day is not below Poverty line in Gujarat and so the person who earns below Rs 11/day are 24 lakhs in number. Read Rs 11/day and you are rich in Gujarat.These were my reasons, apart from that there are many reasons why I wouldn’t choose Modi as my PM. There are 24 hour trolling of BJP trolls on Twitter, Facebook. Their abusive nature and calling other parties with a bad name. Let’s know that showing disregard and abusing are two different things. Many of the journalists are being threatened if they say against Modi and they have shown disregard on Twitter and some of them even have been fired because they write against Mr Modi. Must read -> Why Sagarika Ghose can no longer criticize Modi.Apart from that, the silence of BJP on section 377, their links with LTTE funded Viako (please Google for that), Baba Ramdev’s and Subharamaniam Swamy’s dual nature forces me to not vote for Modi. Silence of BJP big wigs in Asaram Bapu case too is worrying . Apart from it, Wikileaks never said Modi as fully uncorrupt and the whole cable tells Modi to be communal and a ruler by few means and corruption in Oil refinery is evident.1 The Namami Gange schemeThe Modi government set up a separate ministry headed by Uma Bharti to oversee the work to clean and rejuvenate the Ganga. The Union Cabinet approved a budget outlay of Rs 20,000 crore for the mission - to be spent over the next five years under the Namami Gange Mission.This was almost ten times the amount allocated in the previous cleaning programmes - namely, the Ganga Action Plan phase I and II. The government also declared a 100% tax exemption for those contributing to the clean project in 2015-2016.However, a number of promises made under the ambitious project are yet to materialize. Take a look:Calling the 'Clean Ganga' scheme a failure, the National Green Tribunal slammed the Centre and Uttar Pradesh government for their failure to clean River Ganga in Varanasi.A major roadblock that the scheme is yet to overcome is the issue of sewage discharge into the river. Nothing concrete has been done so far to manage the massive waste disposal (2700 million litres a day (MLD) from all the cities located alongside the banks of the river.A major hindrance is the tussle between the Centre and the states. Most of the states through which the Ganga flows are governed by opposition parties. The scheme is now 100% centrally funded, but is still implemented by local authorities.Corporate houses in the country have shown no interest in funding the project under CSR. Data from the corporate affairs ministry has shown that among all projects of the Narendra Modi government, the Swachh Bharat and Namami Gange have received least amount of funding from private companies in the year 2014-15.The government plans to implement river-interlinking. However, environmentalists claim this could obstruct the natural ecology of rivers.India can’t afford another failure of gigantic proportions because 7,300 million litres of sewage is flowing directly or indirectly into the river every day and effluents from 764 polluting industries on the banks of the river are continuing to add to the problem.2 DemonetizationPrime objectives of Demonetization:Abolish the cash component of Black money. This was the major goal (over 99% weightage), estimated to bring in around 3.5–7 L Cr of total cash in circulation. But (as on 13th Dec 2016) with over 12.4L Cr (80%) currency already deposited out of 15.4L Cr (in 500, 1000 Rs notes) it’s clear that this goal has gone for a toss. Govt. (as on 4th Jan 2017) has not declared the numbers after 13 Dec 2016, it clearly points at the dire situation.However there is an advantage to it, much of this cash, was lying idle, has now entered the banking system and can now be put to use for development (if utilized properly).But since it happened suddenly, there is a huge disadvantage. Deposit rates have come down, so you won’t get less interest than you were getting earlier, but lending rates have not come down (As per latest RBI meeting), so housing or other industry activity will not get its advantage.Abolish Fake currency: The total fake currency estimated (by RBI) was around 400 Cr. which was 0.025% of total currency in circulation, making this a minor goal with <1% weightage. Surprisingly apart from mentioning it in initial speeches, Govt. did not released much data about this. And finally RBI confirmed that it has no confirmed data on fake notes.And within 3 months of Narendra Modi’s demonetisation move, fake Rs 2000 notes from Pakistan enter India.Fake currency will always keep getting generated and govt. has to keep reducing it. Advertising that such drastic change will end fake currency is just a stunt.All other objectives like terrorism etc. were dependent on these 2 prime objectives.B. Impact on Economy:In India, 94% transactions use to happen in cash. With 86% of currency notes suddenly out of circulation, most trade activities came to grinding halt for many weeks. Standing in ques for hours also caused sever loss of productivity. This caused hide loss to economy.As per CMIE 25 Nov. 2016 estimates there will be loss of 1.68 L Cr to the economy.Most conservative figures calculate the loss at 1% of GDP or 1.25L Cr. and some even count it at 2% of economy at 2.5L Cr.C. Social Impact:Job Loss: Demonetization has resulted in severe job losses. It’s hard to put exact number, but it runs in Millions. Here are few examples for it:Demonetisation-induced unemployment is pushing some in Bundelkhand to the brink of starvationMGNREGA hires plummet by 23% in NovemberConstruction workers return home as cash crunch heightensDeaths: Dozens of people have died due to one of the following reasons:a. Not getting treatment due to not having currency notes.b. Death while waiting in lines for Cash.c. Suicide due to conditions created by cash crunch.Though it is not an alarmingly high number, but for a family which lost even 1 member it’s devastating. And these death’s could have been averted with proper planning.Industrial output, tax numbers show note ban impactIt’s disheartening to hear that even as dozens of people lost their lives and millions got unemployed, some people still call it “minor inconvenience”?There are some social advantages to this too. Many people entered banking system for the fist time. This will increase bank savings in India, which is much required. But govt. Need to make people aware of this for long term results.Also some people became aware of digital transactions. This will increase the amount of accounted transactions. Which will marginally reduce corrupt practices and increase taxes.D: Digital Economy:Demonetization is not prerequisite for Digitization. It’s a separate activity and could (rather should) have been done earlier. But yes, not getting good result of demonstration compelled the government to look for alternatives and thats why it started talking about Digitization after 2 weeks of Demonetization.Lack of cash does gives a push to people to go digital but for the amount economy lost due to demonetization (1.25–2.5L Cr.), every Indian could have been incentivized by Rs 1000–2000 (very crude form) for going digital. And that would have much higher penetration than Demonetization.On other hand, if Digitization was planned properly, India had huge potential to start manufacturing the components to build digital infrastructure. One example is POS machines for cards are being imported in huge numbers mainly from China, could have been otherwise 'Made in India'. But ill planing gave such opportunities to foreign countries.If govt. is so serious about going cashless, why don't BJP declares that now they will take all donations only in cashless form (by cheque, DD, Online transfer etc.)? Why not practice what you preach?However there is a silver lining to this. Govt. was quick to realize the failure of demonetization, so it changed the focus and started pushing Digital money. This could have been done earlier also, but there was a lack of political will. Looming failure of demonetization, provided enough political will to push digital currency, even though the required infrastructure or awareness is not created by government. Penetration is still very low. But cash scarcity has Pushed some people to opt for digital currency. Which is good.E: Raids:Many raids were conducted during the exercise and it was widely covered on media. It felt like every corrupt person is raided and all black money will be recovered. But if we put the numbers in to prospective the total cash in old currency seized is 452 Cr, which around 0.1% of the estimated goal of over 3.5L Cr. So the catch was not as big as it was being portrayed.For undeclared asset, govt. could have conducted these raids any time. But yes, not getting desired results of demonstration “pushed the government” to conduct these raids, so there is some positive outcome.But again if we look at the flip side, new currency worth 110 Cr is also found in these raids, which points toward new avenues of black money being created.This is counter productive to the whole excise.The old black money is getting converted via various channels to new black money. And in the process it’s getting redistributed as black money to various people involved. On a lighter note this ‘redistribution’ is like “socialism of black money”.F. Corruption:Demonetization can only kill existing black money, that too only to some extent, it does not have any feature to end new black money from getting generated and as the raids suggest, that cycle has already begun. Creation of new black money while trying to convert old black money is a testimony to this.G. Long term Impact:Demonetization is not a structural policy change, hence it’s impacts (both +ve and -ve) are temporary and limited only to this event. Though the 2% loss of economy will have compounding ill effect in long term, but its very hard to calculate. While the advantages are mostly soft in nature, those fade off exponentially after the impetus ends.I don’t know why demonetization supporters are expecting long term changes without any policy change?Conclusion:Even if we over look the fact that only 3–7% of black money was in cash form (which is very less as compared to other forms). Isn't it a failure to achieve the main objective of demonetization?To make things worse it created a GDP loss of over 1.25L Cr. and a slew of other social losses?There are some benefits due to side effects, but those are either quite small as compared to the evident losses or could have been gained more efficiently by other less loss making methods. Overall it's a net loss to economy.3 Clean India CampaignThe specific objectives of Swachh Bharat mission areElimination of open defecationConversion of unsanitary toilets to pour flush toilets (a type of pit latrine, usually connected to two pits)Eradication of manual scavenging100% collection and processing/disposal/reuse/recycling of municipal solid wasteA behavioural change in people regarding healthy sanitationpracticesGeneration of awareness among citizens about sanitation and its linkages with public healthSupporting urban local bodies in designing, executing and operating waste disposal systemsFacilitating private-sector participation in capital expenditure and operation and maintenance costs for sanitary facilities.Source: Swachh Bharat AbhiyanNone of the objectives get fulfilled.4.Failure in creating new jobsThe India Exclusion Report 2016, released by the New Delhi-based Centre for Equity Studies (CES) on Friday, says that fewer jobs were created under the Modi government in 2015 compared to the previous government led by the Congress Party.Citing Labour Ministry Data, the report says that employment creation in 2015 plummeted to 135,000 jobs compared to 930,000 in 2011. "Yet more than half-way through his (Modi's) tenure, there are almost no jobs available. Job creation has fallen to levels even below those that the preceding UPA governments plunged to," the reportsays.The report also says that Dalits, Adivasis, Muslims and women, groups that have been traditionally oppressed, continue to be the most excluded from accessing public goods.Job Creation Under Modi Government Plunges To Levels Even Below The UPA Regime: Report5.Let us take Modi’s PET Smart City, the GIFT city and see it’s progress !! GIFT city is LIVING example of Modi’s LIES !!I guess 3 of 110 buildings have been completed in 9 years…another 107 buildings in 3 years is next to IMPOSSIBLE.2.7 percent work completed in 75% timeline ; do you expect remaining 97.3 percent will be completed in 25% time ?Coming to occupancy rate of 3 buildings, it is 82,12 & 6% ,Avg. occupancy = 33.33 % occupancy in 3 buildings (in spite of Modi forcing many PSUs and private companies to occupy these buildings) !!In the first year, Mumbai got Rs.100 crore as Smart City funds, this is not enough to clean silt in Mumbai gutters !!2007: We will re-negotiate nuclear deal: BJP2014: Ahead of Modi’s US trip, IAEA pact ratifiedIAEA to get more access to India’s nuclear programme.Then: Narendra Modi opposes GSTBJP blocks GST because of Gujarat minister (Amit Shah): PMNow: Modi’s GST U-turn set to make India single market for first timeThen: 1962 Indo-China war secret report 'blames' Nehru; BJP demands the document be made publicNow: In U-turn, Modi govt rules out release of Henderson Brooks reportJaitley Wanted China War Report Declassified, Changes OpinionJaitley Deletes blog post demanding release of Henderson BrooksThen: No talks till Dawood and Saeed are handed over, demands BJPNow: Pakistan PM to attend inauguration of India's Narendra ModiThen: BJP warns against removal of AFSPA - The Times of IndiaNow: After Article 370, BJP does a U-turn on AFSPA in J&KThen: BJP wanted files on Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose made publicNow: U-turn: BJP govt won't make Netaji files publicBJP following Congress path in suppressing facts on NetajiThen: We'll bring back black money in 150 days: BJP presidentWill bring back black money in 100 days: BJP chief Rajnath SinghNow: Never talked about bringing black money in 100 days: GovtBlack money: Back to square one, list same as last June, says SITBJP falling into black money ditch: SIT report will embarrass ModiBlack money case: Most accounts cleared or closedHave BJP's white lies on black money been nailed?Then: UPA failed to deliver on promisesNow: Congress accuses BJP of U-turns on poll promises180 days, 25 U-turns by Modi government: CongressThen: Irony: Rape accused PJ Kurien heads for global meet on womenNow: Sexual assault: No question of minister's resignation, BJP saysThen: BJP to oppose land boundary agreement with BangladeshNow: PM Modi endorses UPA’s land swap deal with BangladeshThen: BJP attacks Robert Vadra over ‘inappropriate’ behaviourNow: Robert Vadra continue to enjoy security check exemptionsThen: BJP looking for clean candidatesBJP wants Chidambaram, Sibal droppedNow: Half of Modi's new ministers face criminal cases, majority crorepatis Government’s FCRA tweak plan to benefit BJP, CongressThen: BJP dubs loan waiver as fraudulent propaganda by UPANow: Chandrababu Naidu to waive off farm loans totalling Rs 54,000 croreThen: BJP against hiking FDI cap to 49 per cent in insurance sectorNow: Determined BJP seeks to table insurance, GST BillsInsurance bill: The reasons behind BJP's puzzling about-turnThen: BJP calls for direct transfer of subsidiesNow: Modi's "Free Loans" depends on rapid expansion of cash transfersThen: Train fare hike unacceptable, says BJPDMK opposes railway fare hike, BJP wants rollbackNow: BJP defends railway fare hike, puts blame on UPAThen: We condemn the decision to deregulate diesel prices, says BJPNow: Govt raises diesel price, puts limit on LPG subsidyBJP allies want diesel subsidy to continueThen: BJP to strengthen institutions like CVC, CAGBJP to oppose any government attempt to dilute CAG authorityNow: BJP pulls up Narayanasamy for questioning CAG's mandateThen: BJP, Left hit out at interim budgetNow: Jaitley's budget is like Chidambaram's with a saffron lipstickBJP at pains to explain why Budget isn't extension of UPA policiesThen: BJP hails PM Modi's Jan Dhan YojanaNow: NDA copying UPA's financial inclusion plan: CongressIt's an UPA scheme: Congress on Jan Dhan Yojna's launch todayThen: BJP accuses Trinamool of using Saradha money to fund terror Now: Govt contradicts Amit Shah's claim Saradha money used for terrorThen: Congress opposed to being covered by RTI; BJP sees no wrongNow: BJP reverses stand on bringing  parties under RTIThen: Uma Bharti promises clean Ganga in 3 years - The Times of IndiaNow: Centre’s claim on Ganga remains unfulfilled: ExpertsCleaning Ganga will take 18yrs massive investment, Centre tells SCThen: Aadhaar not approved by Parliament, says BJPNilekani's Aadhaar project a political gimmick with no visionNot afraid of Nilekani Aadhaar a national threat: BJP's Ananth ‘Will Scrap Aadhaar, Revive National Population Registry’Now: PM Modi sees advantage for BJP government from UID scheme Modi govt to give legal backing to AadhaarThen: Ceasefire violations should not be politicized, says PM ModiNow: Where's The Pakistan Tough Talk Now, Modiji?Narendra Modi on TwitterCongress targets PM over his ceasefire violations remarksThen: People won't spare congress for fixing LPG cap:BJPLPG cylinder cap will be increased to 24 if BJP voted to powerNow: Eye trained on deficit, FinMin pushes for lowering LPG capRaising LPG cap was UPA mistake, oil minister to tell Modi govt Centre to deregulate diesel prices, reduce LPG capThen: BJP slams price hike of non subsidized LPG cylindersLPG cylinder price hiked, cylinder to now cost Rs.921LPG price hike: BJP slams govt, Congress chief Sonia GandhiNow: LPG price hiked by Rs 16.50 per cylinderLPG price hike to affect only 1% of consumers: GovernmentNon-subsidised LPG price hiked by Rs 16.50 per cylinderThen: Government's 'pink revolution' destroying cattle, says ModiNow: Modi govt’s biggest U-turn on ‘Pink RevolutionThen: Haryana: BJP's manifesto released, promise 24 hrs electricityHaryana polls: BJP promises to develop the state capitalNow: Can't assure 24x7 power in this term: CM - The Times of IndiaThen: Land Bill passed; gets majority support from BJPNo ordinance to amend land acquisition law, law min Gowda saysSushma Swaraj's pro-farmer stand on Land Acquisition BillNow: Govt approves ordinance to ease Land Acquisition Act for reformsStringent Land law to be amended without Opposition’s supportThen: Goa minister says centres to be set up to 'cure' LGBT youthsNow: Goa minister takes U-turn after facing flak for LGBT remarksThen: Full statehood for Delhi is top BJP priority | The Asian AgeBJP demands full statehood for Delhi, Congress sees politicsDikshit failed to get full statehood for Delhi: Harsh VardhanBJP releases 'Delhi-specific' manifesto ahead of Lok Sabha pollsNow: Modi may not grant Delhi full statehoodThen: Modi government plans 660 Centres for women violence victimsNow: Modi govt to build just 36 of the 660 promised rape crisis centresThen: Modi sarkar breaks from UPA, to rethink Section 66ASection 66A: Nightmare for citizens who dare to dissent Now: Modi government flip-flop: this time it defends net censorshipInternet needs stricter curbs than print, TV: Centre to SCU-turn as Government Prepares to Defend Controversial IT RuleThen: Declaration of assets of the Ministers of the UPA Union CabinetNow: PMO under Modi blocks access to information on ministers’ assetsThen: BJP accuses UPA Govt. of providing shelter to the corruptGovt protecting 'corrupt' ministers: AdvaniNow: Coal ordinance by BJP gives blanket protection to ministersThen: Will Modi's 'swacch bharat' spell acche din for Indian hygiene?Cabinet approves 5-year-long 'Swachh Bharat' missionNow: Modi has just washed his hands off Swacch Bharat in budgetModi's Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is nothing but a UPA schemeThen: Congress draws criticism from BJP as Khemka transferred againBJP, IAC demand probe into Ashok Khemka's transferNow: Ashok Khemka transfer: Bharatiya Janata Party justifies actionBJP downplays Khemka’s transferHaryana CM Khattar defends Ashok Khemka's transferAshok Khemka, whistleblower IAS officer, transferred againThen: BJP puts repealing of Article 370 in J-K manifestoModi's demand for 'debate on Article 370' sparks political rowNow: Will remove Article 370 when we have numbers in Parliament: BJPWhat explains the BJP’s U-turn on removing Article 370?BJP cannot abrogate Article 370 even with 2/3 majority: CongressThen: One rank, one pension scheme in this session: SwamyBJP MP demands early implementation of 'one rank, one pension'One Rank One Pension by April end: Army ChiefAt Mega Mathura Rally, PM Modi Expected to Announce OROPNow: PM doesn’t mention OROP, leaves ex-servicemen disappointedThen: Congress has neglected defense issues in its tenure: BJPParrikar says some ex-PMs ‘compromised’ India’s deep assetsNow: Mountain Strike Corps size to be cutWhy China-specific mountain strike corps has been downsized?Then: Community radio stations now face the heatNow: Govt. goes back on community radio content scrutiny orderThen: BJP gets into poll mode in Vidarbha, raises separate state demandState BJP ready to back govt resolution for Vidarbha in assemblyNow: First anniversary Shah gift for Vidarbha – no statehood!BJP omits promise of separate Vidarbha from 'vision document'Vid activists say Shah stance amounts to backstabbingNever promised Vidarbha: Amit ShahThen: Prime Minister Modi's Europe Trip to Push 'Make In India'PM Modi's 'Make in India' Push to Drive Investments, Create JobsMake in India kicks off with defence dealsRafale the next logical step under 'Make in India': DassaultNow: Modi abandons ‘Make in India’ as he opts for French planes'Make-In-India' Now is 'Make-In-France': Congress on RafaleRafale purchase a setback for ‘Make in India’ pitchCongress asks BJP why HAL was removed from Jet agreementThen: BJP Lawmaker Calls Gandhi Assassin Godse A 'Patriot'Now: BJP MP makes U-turn, says Gandhi's killer Godse not a patriotThen: Govt not taking Capt. Saurabh Kalia issue with Pak seriously: BJPNow: Modi govt backtracks on Saurabh Kalia issueModi govt shuts doors on Kargil martyr Captain Saurabh KaliaThen: Sikh prisoners: BJP bids to wrest issue from SAD Now: BJP's not for release of 13 Sikh prisonersThen: NDA govt to grant citizenship to Hindu immigrants from BangladeshNow: Modi has been high on rhetoric but low on action on Bangla HindusThen: PM Narendra Modi firm on changes in Land Acquisition ActBJP-States Demand Changes in Land Bill For Faster DevelopmentNow: BJP takes U-turn on land bill to bring back UPA’s key provisionsU-turn: Modi govt drops controversial amendments in land billThen: Address Jat quota stir, BJP tells government BJP spokesman calls Congress's Jat quota a hoax & camouflageNow: Jat quota stir: Modi government tries to follow in UPA's footstepsJat quota stir: Don’t take U-turn on assurance, Khaps tell govt BJP fears Jat quota stir may go out of control BJP gives in to Jat quota stir, will introduce bill on OBC statusThen: India to Britain: Kohinoor diamond belongs to youNow: In U-turn Modi government, promises to to bring back KohinoorThen: India issues visa to Uyghur 'terrorist' Dolkun Isa; China angryNow: India takes U-turn, cancels visa given to Chinese dissidentIndia does a U-turn, cancels visa to Chinese dissident Dolkun IsaThen: Hurriyat has no place in talks with Pakistan, says IndiaNSA-level talks off: After war of words, India and Pakistan decide not to talkNow: Major change in ‘Pak policy’? Govt says no problem in Hurriyat talking to Islamabad Hurriyat are Indian Citizens, Can Meet Any Foreign Representative, Says GovtThen: BJP Had A Very Different View On Demonetisation In 2014How BJP had termed demonetisation as ‘anti-poor’ in 2014Call-back of notes will hit poor: BJP - The Times of IndiaDemonetisation volte-face by BJP, not a sudden move by Centre?Now: India scraps 500 and 1,000 rupee bank notes overnight - BBC NewsWay: BJP had proposed 100% FDI in 2002:Back: BJP admits it promised FDI in retail in 2004Then: Nirmala says no to FDI in multi-brand retail BJP not to support more FDI in insurance, pension sectorsWill oppose FDI till our last breath: BJPNow: Govt departs from BJP to let FDI stay in multi-brand retailModi signals BJP rethink on multi-brand retail FDIBJP may consider higher FDI in insurance, but not in retailBJP not against FDI in pension, insurance, wants to see fine print'Guj will be among the 1st to implement FDI in retail' - OpinionBJP To Welcome FDI In DefenceDifferent types of FDI will benefit within reason, at different points of time. Doggedly opposing just one (retail) kind shows there behavior is just "posturing" as they tried to topple the UPA twice. Congress accuses BJP of U-turns on poll promises, 180 days, 25 U-turns by Modi government: CongressThis is beside the fact that Gujarat repeatedly tooted it's own horn on MoUs on foreign investment at its Vibrant Gujarat Global Investor Summits (Gujarat, the gateway to India: fact or farce, How vibrant is the Gujarat growth story)

Are most of India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi supporters irrational and uneducated?

YESNo person with the sane mind can support Modi.Modi is the worst PM of India.1.Ticket to Criminal Candidates :A report in Hindu says that 57 members of Gujarat cabinet have criminal cases on them. Well, I seriously don’t understand how my India will shine under criminal candidates. Can BJP stop giving tickets to criminals ? if yes,then I can think to vote for them.2 . Right to Information Act (RTI) –RTI activists in Gujarat are suffering , their RTI Applications are not responded and thousands of RTI applications are pending. Gujarat RTI Activists Association, which has around 5,000 members, says that there are around 14,000 RTI applications pending at different stages in various departments of the state government. According to them, these RTIs can expose Corruption on larger scale. So stopping an RTI and Modi ji wants India to be like USA, no that is not possible if you stop the Right To Information for your citizens.Apart from this , why Modi has to keep tainted minister in his Cabinet? Many RTI activists have received threats to life , RTI Activist Amit Jethwa was murdered and BJP MP Dinu Bogha Solanki has been held . Freedom of knowledge and Free Speech which can threaten the govt is silenced . BJP MP arrested for RTI Activists Murder3. Weak Lokayukta :In April2012, Modi ji passed a new bill, The Gujarat Lokayukta Aayog which allows him to1. Choose the Lokayukta of his own choice.2. Block Lokayukta from investigating any cases against himself or his cabinet ministers.3. Remove the primacy of high court chief justice and the governor in the appointment of Lokayukta. ReadSupreme Court Upholds Gujarat’s Lokayukta Appointment And Mr Modi was slammedIs this what you call a strong Lokpal, when you criticize central government for bringing strong Lokpal, Mr Modi? If this is what you call a strong Lokpal, then all corrupt politicians would have backed Anna Hazare for this bill.4. No Riots after 2002: Narendra Modi ji has claimed Many times that there are no riots in Gujarat after 2002, any intelligent person would try to do a re-search on this claim . No Riots in Gujarat in Last 12 years – ModiFacts : Large scale riots happened within Vadodara in 2006 (no coincidence that next Gujarat elections were in 2007), Apart from that, regular stream of incidences involving arson, stone-pelting, stabbing, lynching etc kept on happening regularly all over Gujarat – Ahmedabad, Rajkot, Dohad, Veraval etc.4. False Promotions and fudging of facts , there are many examples of the same. i will list out some.a) Claim: Modi Claims that Gujarat has generated 25 lakh jobs generated in 2009 link and also said that jobs generated will be 52 lakh in 2011 . 52 lakh jobs in 2011.Truth: Planning Commission Employment Report, page no 126, suggests that, number of people employed in major sectors has come down from 25.3 million in 2004-05 to 24.65 million in 2009-10. Check Page number 126, Planning Commission Employment ReportSo, these high figures are for what when the jobs have gone down from 2004 to 2009 ?b) Education : let’s look at the Gujarat’s education Sector .Gujarat is the worst state in the country, when we look at the reading, writing and math skills of the rural students. Planning Commission reports Education Report. Only 7% of Gujarat’s class 5 kids can read English sentences, way below all India average and it’s better not to compare with other states.ASER survey taken in Jan 2013, shows clearly this fact. ASER surveyA major part of survey was reported by DNA which can be read here. Gujarat’s Class 8 literates can’t read.Its clear that Mr Modi is too busy in infrastructure and building roads that he doesn’t have time for future generations, he is aware that they can’t vote.b) TOURISM : Under Modi, Gujarat has turned out to be the visitors favourite destination in India. this is a quote from Modi’s website : Potential of Gujarat TourismHere is a quote from Modi’s website : ‘In the last year Gujarat got over 22 million tourists and witnessed a tourism growth rate of over 16%, which is double of the national tourism growth rate. From Rs 30 crore in 2005-2006, the tourism budget today is Rs 500 crore.’As recorded in Gujarat’s official tourism website Gujarat Tourism.Number of tourists during 2010-11 = 19,811,936 (19.8 million)Number of tourists during 2011-12 = 22,354,665 (22.3 million)Anyone who can do simple calculation would find out that, increase is around 13% (12.8% to be exact) and not 16% as Modi tells the nation.c) FALSE CLAIMS : Automobile majors are flocking to Gujarat because of great industrial climate Modi has created.Fact: Plain lie. Tata was given sops estimated to be worth Rs 30,000 crores over a period of time for investing only a fraction (Rs 2,000 crore) in Sanand, Gujarat. That’s what brought Nano to Gujarat. Modi Team confirms Mega Loan For TataModi Gives Rs 30,000 crore loan to Tata : Free public money in form of Rs 9,570 crore loan as the interest is 0.1% and payment time is 20 years (23% of Gujarat’s budget for that year). Plus, usual sops of tax and duty exemption, infrastructure development and 100 acres of land near Ahmedabad for township. Which businessman will refuse such a deal? link –> linkd) Claim: Gujarat is only state in the whole India to provide 24*7 and 365 days electricity to almost all of its 18000 villages. Modi to Mulayam: Modi to Mulayam: Making Gujarat means providing 24/7 electricityFact : Plain Lie . This is a two part claim1. 100% village electrification2. Gujarat’s leadership in electricity availability to its populaceGujarat’s villages were fully electrified by 1996 (or even before), Modi has no role in 100% village electrification. Electrification of villages, Page 23, Annual Report 1996-97, Ministry of PowerMoving on to availability of electricity, refer to a report of Census 2011, Availability of Electricity Census 2011Percentage of households using electricity as the source of lighting in Gujarat is 90.4%, ranked 14th behind big states like (TN 93.4, Andhra 92.2), many smaller states and UTs. Thus, Gujarat is not the leader in providing electricity to its populace. Interestingly, Gujarat rank fell from 12th in 2001 Census to 14th in 2011 Census.E) FALSE CLAIMS :Every Gujarati is in love with ModiFact: Less than 50% Gujaratis are voting for Modi and around 40% are voting for Congress. BJP’s high vote share pre-dates Modi.Vote per cent share Gujarat elections.In last General Elections (2009) in Gujarat, vote share difference between BJP and Congress was only 3.5%. Correspondingly, seats won BJP 15 and Congress 11.In India electoral systems, winners are based on seats won in which Modi/BJP is clear winner, but that does not mean everyone in Gujarat is voting for Modi/BJP. Within Gujarat Congress too have a healthy vote share in range of 40%.Source: Election Commission of IndiaF) False Claims: Gujarat’s agricultural growth is 10-11% , modi proudly says this fact and writes on his official website too Gujarat Agricultural growthFact : Plain lie. In last 6 years, Gujarat’s agriculture had -ve years of growth -1.08% (2007) & -8.71% (2009), and a zero growth year 0.3% (2010). Gujarat has had a very peculiar growth rate for agriculture. Although I have to say that the Sardar Sarovar Project has had a huge impact on agriculture in Gujarat.Page 61, GDP by Industry of Origin, Data for use of Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission.Furthermore, another data table of Ministry of Agriculture, mentions Gujarat’s agriculture from 1996-97 to 2010-2011 (not given whether it is at constant/current price or gross/net DP), to have frequently years of high negative growth and high positive growth, the variance is so high, by selecting a year, the corresponding growth can significantly change over a period.Page 53, GDP by Industry of Origin, Data for use of Deputy Chairman, Planning CommissionBy no stretch of Imagination Gujarat has 10-11% Agriculture growth, if that be would the farmers do suicides in Gujarat? Yet another lie exposed from RTI. What drove 135 Gujarat farmers to suicide?One more interesting read on suicides of Farmers in Gujarat . -> Sudden rise in farmer suicides in Gujarat.g) FALSE CLAIMS:Gujarat is the only state in country to have “high speed wireless broadband” service in its all 18000 villages.Fact: BSNL brought that to Gujarat. Ironically this is one of deals for which former Telecom minister A Raja is under investigation.BSNL, US’ Soma Networks in tie-up for largest WiMAX deal.SNL Launches India’s First High-speed Wireless Broadband Network in GujaratNow,they say its the only state in the country ,is it so ? No. Wimax comes to GoaIncidentally, BSNL-SOMA WiMAX deal is under investigation in corruption saga of former Telecom Minister A Raja. A Raja may be booked in BSNL’s WiMax deal.In other words, its A Raja, who bought WiMax to Gujarat.h) FALSE CLAIMS :Modi made the Asia’s biggest solar plant.Intending: Solar energy revolution was started by Modi.Fact: Solar energy revolution in India was started by UPA govt in 2010. JLNSM was launched on the 11th January, 2010 by the Prime Minister. The mission has set the ambitious target of deploying 20,000 MW of grid connected solar power by 2022. Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar MissionSince launch of the JLNSM, the capacity of solar power projects has grown from 8 MW in January 2010 to over 979 MW in the country. Progress under Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar MissionClearly Rajasthan and Gujarat, being the biggest desert states in India, solar program was likely to have the largest impact there. Due credit to Gujarat though that it beat Rajasthan to first placeH) Also Modi PR people have claimed that “The entire length of SSNL canal network in Gujarat is around 19,000 kilometres and if even 10 per cent of it is used for this type of projects it could generate 2,400 MW of clean energy annually.” People have touted him as if he was the inventor of the idea of putting solar panels over the canals.Fact: Again Plain Lie. First and foremost, the World’s first over the water solar power project is in California, United States. It’s functioning over a pond since April 2011 (picture above and below). Thus, there is nothing original about the idea of solar panel over water nor Gujarat is first to implement that.Forget 2,400 MW, not even 2MW is a reality.In last one & half year, after 1MW launched in April 2012, not a even one MW more is added. At best there are few “announcements” of Gujarat government to fund 10-20 MW. No news of any further construction as of now. Perhaps Gujarat’s bureaucracy knows; the whole thing was just a publicity stunt, why waste more money on this one.The 0.75 km is the total length of the existing canal top solar panels; somehow fan boys are convinced that 1,900 km (2,500 times) is being covered on war footing and try to force this lie with full rhetoric over anyone skeptical.Just to add, the original purpose of Narmada canals, to bring water to parched lands of Gujarat (a high priority task for any Gujarat CM), as of now remains way behind schedule. Only 35% of the total 75,000 km canal work is complete and in Modi’s 10 years as CM, 10,000 km is dug. Modi’s announced deadline of year 2010 for the task expired 3 years back.I ) FALSE MODELS: Gujarat model of governance – Clean and corruption free.Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India has come up with many reports on How Modi government gave undue benefits to corporates resulting in several hundred crores loss to exchequer. CAG reportApart from this, there are many allegations of him providing land at Rs 1 sq/ft to Adani , 17 scams of Gujarat govt can be read here – > 17 Scams that Narendra Modi doesn’t want to talk.j) Gujarat has lost zero man days due to labour unrest (strikes, lockouts etc.), Modi ji in his videos and his speeches many times claimed the same.Plain lie : Check the annual report of Union finance ministry – The economic survey for the year 2010/11 (page no. 235 – 236), It clearly shows the “maximum incidences” of strikes and lockouts were recorded in Gujarat. Wage and allowance, bonus, personnel, indiscipline and violence were the major reasons.k): Somethings that are not spoken about.a. POVERTYThere are some things which Modi doesn’t tell you. In social sector, Gujarat is one of the worst performing states in the country. Source: Planning Commission Report on state Wise Population Below Poverty lineAnd this was not enough that. Now facts coming out that a person who earns Rs 11/ Day is not below Poverty line in Gujarat and so the person who earns below Rs 11/day are 24 lakhs in number. Read Rs 11/day and you are rich in Gujarat.These were my reasons, apart from that there are many reasons why I wouldn’t choose Modi as my PM. There are 24 hour trolling of BJP trolls on Twitter, Facebook. Their abusive nature and calling other parties with a bad name. Let’s know that showing disregard and abusing are two different things. Many of the journalists are being threatened if they say against Modi and they have shown disregard on Twitter and some of them even have been fired because they write against Mr Modi. Must read -> Why Sagarika Ghose can no longer criticize Modi.Apart from that, the silence of BJP on section 377, their links with LTTE funded Viako (please Google for that), Baba Ramdev’s and Subharamaniam Swamy’s dual nature forces me to not vote for Modi. Silence of BJP big wigs in Asaram Bapu case too is worrying . Apart from it, Wikileaks never said Modi as fully uncorrupt and the whole cable tells Modi to be communal and a ruler by few means and corruption in Oil refinery is evident.1 The Namami Gange schemeThe Modi government set up a separate ministry headed by Uma Bharti to oversee the work to clean and rejuvenate the Ganga. The Union Cabinet approved a budget outlay of Rs 20,000 crore for the mission - to be spent over the next five years under the Namami Gange Mission.This was almost ten times the amount allocated in the previous cleaning programmes - namely, the Ganga Action Plan phase I and II. The government also declared a 100% tax exemption for those contributing to the clean project in 2015-2016.However, a number of promises made under the ambitious project are yet to materialize. Take a look:Calling the 'Clean Ganga' scheme a failure, the National Green Tribunal slammed the Centre and Uttar Pradesh government for their failure to clean River Ganga in Varanasi.A major roadblock that the scheme is yet to overcome is the issue of sewage discharge into the river. Nothing concrete has been done so far to manage the massive waste disposal (2700 million litres a day (MLD) from all the cities located alongside the banks of the river.A major hindrance is the tussle between the Centre and the states. Most of the states through which the Ganga flows are governed by opposition parties. The scheme is now 100% centrally funded, but is still implemented by local authorities.Corporate houses in the country have shown no interest in funding the project under CSR. Data from the corporate affairs ministry has shown that among all projects of the Narendra Modi government, the Swachh Bharat and Namami Gange have received least amount of funding from private companies in the year 2014-15.The government plans to implement river-interlinking. However, environmentalists claim this could obstruct the natural ecology of rivers.India can’t afford another failure of gigantic proportions because 7,300 million litres of sewage is flowing directly or indirectly into the river every day and effluents from 764 polluting industries on the banks of the river are continuing to add to the problem.2 DemonetizationPrime objectives of Demonetization:Abolish the cash component of Black money. This was the major goal (over 99% weightage), estimated to bring in around 3.5–7 L Cr of total cash in circulation. But (as on 13th Dec 2016) with over 12.4L Cr (80%) currency already deposited out of 15.4L Cr (in 500, 1000 Rs notes) it’s clear that this goal has gone for a toss. Govt. (as on 4th Jan 2017) has not declared the numbers after 13 Dec 2016, it clearly points at the dire situation.However there is an advantage to it, much of this cash, was lying idle, has now entered the banking system and can now be put to use for development (if utilized properly).But since it happened suddenly, there is a huge disadvantage. Deposit rates have come down, so you won’t get less interest than you were getting earlier, but lending rates have not come down (As per latest RBI meeting), so housing or other industry activity will not get its advantage.Abolish Fake currency: The total fake currency estimated (by RBI) was around 400 Cr. which was 0.025% of total currency in circulation, making this a minor goal with <1% weightage. Surprisingly apart from mentioning it in initial speeches, Govt. did not released much data about this. And finally RBI confirmed that it has no confirmed data on fake notes.And within 3 months of Narendra Modi’s demonetisation move, fake Rs 2000 notes from Pakistan enter India.Fake currency will always keep getting generated and govt. has to keep reducing it. Advertising that such drastic change will end fake currency is just a stunt.All other objectives like terrorism etc. were dependent on these 2 prime objectives.B. Impact on Economy:In India, 94% transactions use to happen in cash. With 86% of currency notes suddenly out of circulation, most trade activities came to grinding halt for many weeks. Standing in ques for hours also caused sever loss of productivity. This caused hide loss to economy.As per CMIE 25 Nov. 2016 estimates there will be loss of 1.68 L Cr to the economy.Most conservative figures calculate the loss at 1% of GDP or 1.25L Cr. and some even count it at 2% of economy at 2.5L Cr.C. Social Impact:Job Loss: Demonetization has resulted in severe job losses. It’s hard to put exact number, but it runs in Millions. Here are few examples for it:Demonetisation-induced unemployment is pushing some in Bundelkhand to the brink of starvationMGNREGA hires plummet by 23% in NovemberConstruction workers return home as cash crunch heightensDeaths: Dozens of people have died due to one of the following reasons:a. Not getting treatment due to not having currency notes.b. Death while waiting in lines for Cash.c. Suicide due to conditions created by cash crunch.Though it is not an alarmingly high number, but for a family which lost even 1 member it’s devastating. And these death’s could have been averted with proper planning.Industrial output, tax numbers show note ban impactIt’s disheartening to hear that even as dozens of people lost their lives and millions got unemployed, some people still call it “minor inconvenience”?There are some social advantages to this too. Many people entered banking system for the fist time. This will increase bank savings in India, which is much required. But govt. Need to make people aware of this for long term results.Also some people became aware of digital transactions. This will increase the amount of accounted transactions. Which will marginally reduce corrupt practices and increase taxes.D: Digital Economy:Demonetization is not prerequisite for Digitization. It’s a separate activity and could (rather should) have been done earlier. But yes, not getting good result of demonstration compelled the government to look for alternatives and thats why it started talking about Digitization after 2 weeks of Demonetization.Lack of cash does gives a push to people to go digital but for the amount economy lost due to demonetization (1.25–2.5L Cr.), every Indian could have been incentivized by Rs 1000–2000 (very crude form) for going digital. And that would have much higher penetration than Demonetization.On other hand, if Digitization was planned properly, India had huge potential to start manufacturing the components to build digital infrastructure. One example is POS machines for cards are being imported in huge numbers mainly from China, could have been otherwise 'Made in India'. But ill planing gave such opportunities to foreign countries.If govt. is so serious about going cashless, why don't BJP declares that now they will take all donations only in cashless form (by cheque, DD, Online transfer etc.)? Why not practice what you preach?However there is a silver lining to this. Govt. was quick to realize the failure of demonetization, so it changed the focus and started pushing Digital money. This could have been done earlier also, but there was a lack of political will. Looming failure of demonetization, provided enough political will to push digital currency, even though the required infrastructure or awareness is not created by government. Penetration is still very low. But cash scarcity has Pushed some people to opt for digital currency. Which is good.E: Raids:Many raids were conducted during the exercise and it was widely covered on media. It felt like every corrupt person is raided and all black money will be recovered. But if we put the numbers in to prospective the total cash in old currency seized is 452 Cr, which around 0.1% of the estimated goal of over 3.5L Cr. So the catch was not as big as it was being portrayed.For undeclared asset, govt. could have conducted these raids any time. But yes, not getting desired results of demonstration “pushed the government” to conduct these raids, so there is some positive outcome.But again if we look at the flip side, new currency worth 110 Cr is also found in these raids, which points toward new avenues of black money being created.This is counter productive to the whole excise.The old black money is getting converted via various channels to new black money. And in the process it’s getting redistributed as black money to various people involved. On a lighter note this ‘redistribution’ is like “socialism of black money”.F. Corruption:Demonetization can only kill existing black money, that too only to some extent, it does not have any feature to end new black money from getting generated and as the raids suggest, that cycle has already begun. Creation of new black money while trying to convert old black money is a testimony to this.G. Long term Impact:Demonetization is not a structural policy change, hence it’s impacts (both +ve and -ve) are temporary and limited only to this event. Though the 2% loss of economy will have compounding ill effect in long term, but its very hard to calculate. While the advantages are mostly soft in nature, those fade off exponentially after the impetus ends.I don’t know why demonetization supporters are expecting long term changes without any policy change?Conclusion:Even if we over look the fact that only 3–7% of black money was in cash form (which is very less as compared to other forms). Isn't it a failure to achieve the main objective of demonetization?To make things worse it created a GDP loss of over 1.25L Cr. and a slew of other social losses?There are some benefits due to side effects, but those are either quite small as compared to the evident losses or could have been gained more efficiently by other less loss making methods. Overall it's a net loss to economy.3 Clean India CampaignThe specific objectives of Swachh Bharat mission areElimination of open defecationConversion of unsanitary toilets to pour flush toilets (a type of pit latrine, usually connected to two pits)Eradication of manual scavenging100% collection and processing/disposal/reuse/recycling of municipal solid wasteA behavioural change in people regarding healthy sanitationpracticesGeneration of awareness among citizens about sanitation and its linkages with public healthSupporting urban local bodies in designing, executing and operating waste disposal systemsFacilitating private-sector participation in capital expenditure and operation and maintenance costs for sanitary facilities.Source: Swachh Bharat AbhiyanNone of the objectives get fulfilled.4.Failure in creating new jobsThe India Exclusion Report 2016, released by the New Delhi-based Centre for Equity Studies (CES) on Friday, says that fewer jobs were created under the Modi government in 2015 compared to the previous government led by the Congress Party.Citing Labour Ministry Data, the report says that employment creation in 2015 plummeted to 135,000 jobs compared to 930,000 in 2011. "Yet more than half-way through his (Modi's) tenure, there are almost no jobs available. Job creation has fallen to levels even below those that the preceding UPA governments plunged to," the reportsays.The report also says that Dalits, Adivasis, Muslims and women, groups that have been traditionally oppressed, continue to be the most excluded from accessing public goods.Job Creation Under Modi Government Plunges To Levels Even Below The UPA Regime: Report5.Let us take Modi’s PET Smart City, the GIFT city and see it’s progress !! GIFT city is LIVING example of Modi’s LIES !!I guess 3 of 110 buildings have been completed in 9 years…another 107 buildings in 3 years is next to IMPOSSIBLE.2.7 percent work completed in 75% timeline ; do you expect remaining 97.3 percent will be completed in 25% time ?Coming to occupancy rate of 3 buildings, it is 82,12 & 6% ,Avg. occupancy = 33.33 % occupancy in 3 buildings (in spite of Modi forcing many PSUs and private companies to occupy these buildings) !!In the first year, Mumbai got Rs.100 crore as Smart City funds, this is not enough to clean silt in Mumbai gutters !!2007: We will re-negotiate nuclear deal: BJP2014: Ahead of Modi’s US trip, IAEA pact ratifiedIAEA to get more access to India’s nuclear programme.Then: Narendra Modi opposes GSTBJP blocks GST because of Gujarat minister (Amit Shah): PMNow: Modi’s GST U-turn set to make India single market for first timeThen: 1962 Indo-China war secret report 'blames' Nehru; BJP demands the document be made publicNow: In U-turn, Modi govt rules out release of Henderson Brooks reportJaitley Wanted China War Report Declassified, Changes OpinionJaitley Deletes blog post demanding release of Henderson BrooksThen: No talks till Dawood and Saeed are handed over, demands BJPNow: Pakistan PM to attend inauguration of India's Narendra ModiThen: BJP warns against removal of AFSPA - The Times of IndiaNow: After Article 370, BJP does a U-turn on AFSPA in J&KThen: BJP wanted files on Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose made publicNow: U-turn: BJP govt won't make Netaji files publicBJP following Congress path in suppressing facts on NetajiThen: We'll bring back black money in 150 days: BJP presidentWill bring back black money in 100 days: BJP chief Rajnath SinghNow: Never talked about bringing black money in 100 days: GovtBlack money: Back to square one, list same as last June, says SITBJP falling into black money ditch: SIT report will embarrass ModiBlack money case: Most accounts cleared or closedHave BJP's white lies on black money been nailed?Then: UPA failed to deliver on promisesNow: Congress accuses BJP of U-turns on poll promises180 days, 25 U-turns by Modi government: CongressThen: Irony: Rape accused PJ Kurien heads for global meet on womenNow: Sexual assault: No question of minister's resignation, BJP saysThen: BJP to oppose land boundary agreement with BangladeshNow: PM Modi endorses UPA’s land swap deal with BangladeshThen: BJP attacks Robert Vadra over ‘inappropriate’ behaviourNow: Robert Vadra continue to enjoy security check exemptionsThen: BJP looking for clean candidatesBJP wants Chidambaram, Sibal droppedNow: Half of Modi's new ministers face criminal cases, majority crorepatis Government’s FCRA tweak plan to benefit BJP, CongressThen: BJP dubs loan waiver as fraudulent propaganda by UPANow: Chandrababu Naidu to waive off farm loans totalling Rs 54,000 croreThen: BJP against hiking FDI cap to 49 per cent in insurance sectorNow: Determined BJP seeks to table insurance, GST BillsInsurance bill: The reasons behind BJP's puzzling about-turnThen: BJP calls for direct transfer of subsidiesNow: Modi's "Free Loans" depends on rapid expansion of cash transfersThen: Train fare hike unacceptable, says BJPDMK opposes railway fare hike, BJP wants rollbackNow: BJP defends railway fare hike, puts blame on UPAThen: We condemn the decision to deregulate diesel prices, says BJPNow: Govt raises diesel price, puts limit on LPG subsidyBJP allies want diesel subsidy to continueThen: BJP to strengthen institutions like CVC, CAGBJP to oppose any government attempt to dilute CAG authorityNow: BJP pulls up Narayanasamy for questioning CAG's mandateThen: BJP, Left hit out at interim budgetNow: Jaitley's budget is like Chidambaram's with a saffron lipstickBJP at pains to explain why Budget isn't extension of UPA policiesThen: BJP hails PM Modi's Jan Dhan YojanaNow: NDA copying UPA's financial inclusion plan: CongressIt's an UPA scheme: Congress on Jan Dhan Yojna's launch todayThen: BJP accuses Trinamool of using Saradha money to fund terror Now: Govt contradicts Amit Shah's claim Saradha money used for terrorThen: Congress opposed to being covered by RTI; 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Saurabh Kalia issue with Pak seriously: BJPNow: Modi govt backtracks on Saurabh Kalia issueModi govt shuts doors on Kargil martyr Captain Saurabh KaliaThen: Sikh prisoners: BJP bids to wrest issue from SAD Now: BJP's not for release of 13 Sikh prisonersThen: NDA govt to grant citizenship to Hindu immigrants from BangladeshNow: Modi has been high on rhetoric but low on action on Bangla HindusThen: PM Narendra Modi firm on changes in Land Acquisition ActBJP-States Demand Changes in Land Bill For Faster DevelopmentNow: BJP takes U-turn on land bill to bring back UPA’s key provisionsU-turn: Modi govt drops controversial amendments in land billThen: Address Jat quota stir, BJP tells government BJP spokesman calls Congress's Jat quota a hoax & camouflageNow: Jat quota stir: Modi government tries to follow in UPA's footstepsJat quota stir: Don’t take U-turn on assurance, Khaps tell govt BJP fears Jat quota stir may go out of control BJP gives in to Jat quota stir, will introduce bill on OBC statusThen: India to Britain: Kohinoor diamond belongs to youNow: In U-turn Modi government, promises to to bring back KohinoorThen: India issues visa to Uyghur 'terrorist' Dolkun Isa; China angryNow: India takes U-turn, cancels visa given to Chinese dissidentIndia does a U-turn, cancels visa to Chinese dissident Dolkun IsaThen: Hurriyat has no place in talks with Pakistan, says IndiaNSA-level talks off: After war of words, India and Pakistan decide not to talkNow: Major change in ‘Pak policy’? Govt says no problem in Hurriyat talking to Islamabad Hurriyat are Indian Citizens, Can Meet Any Foreign Representative, Says GovtThen: BJP Had A Very Different View On Demonetisation In 2014How BJP had termed demonetisation as ‘anti-poor’ in 2014Call-back of notes will hit poor: BJP - The Times of IndiaDemonetisation volte-face by BJP, not a sudden move by Centre?Now: India scraps 500 and 1,000 rupee bank notes overnight - BBC NewsWay: BJP had proposed 100% FDI in 2002:Back: BJP admits it promised FDI in retail in 2004Then: Nirmala says no to FDI in multi-brand retail BJP not to support more FDI in insurance, pension sectorsWill oppose FDI till our last breath: BJPNow: Govt departs from BJP to let FDI stay in multi-brand retailModi signals BJP rethink on multi-brand retail FDIBJP may consider higher FDI in insurance, but not in retailBJP not against FDI in pension, insurance, wants to see fine print'Guj will be among the 1st to implement FDI in retail' - OpinionBJP To Welcome FDI In DefenceDifferent types of FDI will benefit within reason, at different points of time. Doggedly opposing just one (retail) kind shows there behavior is just "posturing" as they tried to topple the UPA twice. Congress accuses BJP of U-turns on poll promises, 180 days, 25 U-turns by Modi government: CongressThis is beside the fact that Gujarat repeatedly tooted it's own horn on MoUs on foreign investment at its Vibrant Gujarat Global Investor Summits (Gujarat, the gateway to India: fact or farce, How vibrant is the Gujarat growth story)

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