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Drawing from your own observations, what specific aspects of the family system seem to be linked to the appearance of addiction, and what is the evidence?

The interaction of “nature” (genetics) and “nurture” (culture) on families is complex. Both have deep, lasting effects on family members starting at a young age, and, when untreated, can lead to a continuation of unhealthy patterns for generations.Scientists are only beginning to understand the role of genetics in specific substance use disorders and behavioral disorders. Because genes are activated in some individuals and not others, there is the possibility that parents can pass genetic markers for mental health and substance use disorders to their children, without displaying problematic behaviors themselves. Investigations have shown that addiction tends to be heritable, depending on the individual’s relationship to the person with the substance addiction. First-degree relatives with substance use disorders, for example, put a person at a high risk of becoming addicted to alcohol or drugs.Studies involving identical twins have helped researchers begin to find genetic markers that might contribute to problems involving substance abuse. For example, a group of medical researchers conducted a study through the National Institutes of Health that measured a spike in brain activity called P3 after study participants had experienced a sudden stimulus like sound or light. In people with alcohol dependence disorder, and their children, the amplitude of this brain activity was lower than in some other populations. Further, studies showed that this P3 response appears to be associated with other disinhibitory disorders, including other forms of drug addiction, behavioral disorders, and adult antisocial personality disorder.The link between parents with substance abuse issues and their children suggests a genetic component to the brain’s response. Further studies into genes involving neurotransmitters or the GABA receptors have also suggested that a genetic component could cause specific brain developments, which put the individual at a higher risk of mental health disorders, like behavioral disorders or substance abuse.Mothers who abuse any drugs while pregnant can cause disruptions in fetal development. Beyond genetic or environmental factors, these changes can cause serious developmental problems, behavioral issues, and disability. While it is well understood in the medical community that substance abuse during pregnancy can cause serious defects in babies, 40 percent of women report some alcohol use while pregnant, and 10 percent of women in the US are alcoholics. In addition, about 20 percent smoke while pregnant. Many women who abuse substances while pregnant use more than one substance, and women who abuse substances while pregnant may also have co-occurring mental health issues.Learned BehaviorsA family’s cultural history can lead to behavioral disorders and substance abuse too. Patterns of interaction between parents and/or children struggling with substance abuse have several key characteristics that can negatively impact the psychology of those involved and lead to mental health issues like depression or behavioral disorders. According to a study conducted by the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) at Columbia University, risk factors for mental health issues and substance abuse in children and adolescents were similar. Low self-esteem, academic problems, loneliness, depression, and the desire for social acceptance contributed to both sets of conditions. These can be influenced by family culture, which can be passed on by specific behaviors. Some of these include:Negative communication: Expressions of displeasure, complaints, criticism, or ignoring positive behaviors can be symptoms of behavioral disorders, mental health issues, or substance abuse in parents. They can also trigger children to develop behavioral disorders or substance abuse due to stress.Inconsistent parenting: Erratic rule-setting and enforcement, lack of regular boundaries that leads to confusion, and inadequate family structure can all be symptoms of a parent’s mental disturbance or substance use disorder. These issues can also lead to high levels of stress or trauma in a child, which can then lead the child to substance abuse or trigger a behavioral disorder.Unrealistic expectations: These unreasonable expectations may be particularly present if parents expect too much of their children, whether it is pressure to perform well in school or take care of a single parent who needs emotional support. Behavioral disorders and substance abuse can be expressions of a child’s rejection of parental needs. On the other hand, a parent’s mental health issues or substance abuse can lead a child to take too much personal responsibility for their family.Denial: Ignoring a drug or alcohol problem, and/or symptoms of mental illness like depression or anxiety, can enhance the underlying problem. Children whose parents suffer from these disorders often overcompensate for their parents’ poor behavior, but parents can struggle with denial regarding their child’s behavioral disorder or substance abuse symptoms.Misplaced anger: Inability to process negative emotions appropriately can lead to substance abuse as a way to express that displeasure or even as a form of self-harm. Parents with mental health or substance abuse problems will not be able to handle a child’s anger appropriately, and when children cannot express these emotions in a healthy way, they can develop similar problems.Self-medication: Mental health issues like behavioral disorders can lead to substance abuse as a form of medicating the symptoms. Similarly, substance abuse can change brain chemistry and lead to symptoms of a mental health issue or behavioral disorder.Specific Types of Behavioral DisordersSubstance abuse among adolescents is potentially a problem of genetics influenced by easy access to addictive substances in the environment; however, it is also considered a symptom of underlying behavioral disorders, especially if the substance abuse is used to self-medicate or rebel against authority figures. According to SAMSHA, about 3.3 percent of adults in 2014 had a mental illness and a substance use disorder; about 340,000 children 12-17 years old had both a major depressive episode and substance use disorder.There are many kinds of behavioral disorders, and these often manifest in childhood:Adjustment disorders: The most common sign of this type of disorder involves a child’s inappropriate or maladaptive emotional or behavioral response to changes or stress in their lives. For diagnostic purposes, symptoms must appear within three months of the life change and last no more than six months after the end of the stressful event. Symptoms include extreme distress, disruptions of friendships or social bonds, and impairment at school. Other symptoms include truancy, fighting, or vandalism.Anxiety disorders: This classification covers a wide range of disorders, including phobias, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, and others. The primary feature is overwhelming anxiety beyond the average response to stress or disruption. Physical symptoms of anxiety can include headaches or stomach aches. Changes in conduct, such as refusing to do homework, and inappropriate emotional responses, such as giggling at a tragedy, can indicate an underlying anxiety disorder.Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD): This group of disorders is most often characterized by repeated and persistent obsessions (e.g., constant doubt or the need to have objects in a specific order) or compulsive behaviors (e.g., inability to stop washing one’s hands, requiring the doorknob to be turned a certain number of turns, or silently repeating words). These are time-consuming and increase distress in the person suffering from the condition. Even when the person who suffers from OCD knows that their thoughts and behaviors are unnecessary or not reflective of reality, they are unable to stop.Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTDS): This condition develops when a person is exposed to a traumatic event or series of events. Consistent feelings of fear, helplessness, insomnia, nightmares, reliving the event, anhedonia or general unresponsiveness to emotional situations, or increased arousal are common symptoms of PTSD.Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): The most common symptom of this condition is the inability to concentrate, which is inconsistent with other mental development. Other symptoms are hyperactivity and impulsive behaviors. These symptoms are typically noticed in children early on, around the elementary school.Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD): The main features of ODD are a negative attitude and defiance toward authority figures, such as parents and teachers. Although ODD involves the refusal to acknowledge the person in charge or acting against that person, it does not involve violence. Common behaviors more typically include arguing, refusing to follow directions, blaming others, deliberately annoying other people, or being vindictive.Conduct disorder (CD): This condition is defined as a repeated, persistent pattern of behavior that violates social norms and the rights of other individuals. Behaviors associated with this disorder include violent lashing out, running away from home, truancy from school, bullying, or physical cruelty to animals or other people. Children with CD tend to become involved in sexual behaviors, substance abuse, and reckless behaviors early in life.Major depressive disorder (MDD): People who struggle with MDD are diagnosed after they experience at least two major depressive episodes, with at least two months between the incidents. Symptoms of depression can appear as an inability to get along with others, including avoidance or aggression, along with general sadness, anhedonia, and malaise.Children who grow up in an environment with parents or other relatives who have a substance use disorder, such as alcoholism or drug addiction are more likely to develop behavioral disorders. Substance abuse in the family can lead to a variety of stresses, including incarceration, divorce, or abuse, which all affect childhood development. However, there are many other ways that substance abuse can affect a child’s development and lead to behavioral disorders.

Is it dangerous to wear a MAGA hat?

Yes, there have been hundreds of violent assaults(mostly on youngsters and the elderly) by mentally ill leftists who have been whipped into a frenzy of fact free narrative and indignant rage.Being a Jew I became very familiar with being mistreated, discriminated against and even physically threatened based on wearing a head covering that reflected my beliefs and affiliation so I’ll tell you what I tell my son.When the cap goes on your head the pistol goes on your hip, period2020.02.21 – IN: Indiana couple drove boys with Trump flags off road: police2020.02.12 – TN: Woman Punches Man in the Face at His Birthday Party Because His Red Cap Looks Like a MAGA Hat2020.02.11 – NH: Man Assaults 14-Year-Old Boy for Wearing MAGA Hat at New Hampshire Primary, Police Say2020.02.10 – NM: New Mexico GOP Headquarters Vandalized2020.02.08 – FL: Man drives van into Republican party tent at Walmart parking lot in Sandalwood2020.02.08 – CA: Humboldt County Republican HQ was attacked for the 6th time in 2 years. Windows were broken, rocks thrown, liquid was poured on merchandise. Man was arrested after attempting to flee and engaging in a struggle with police. He was booked on suspicion of burglary, felony vandalism, attempted arson, resisting arrest and providing a false name.202.02.07 – CA: College Republicans tabling at the University of California, Santa Cruz on Feb. 7, 2020, were accosted by passersby who ripped their signs, spit on their Betsy Ross flag, tussled with them physically, and yelled obscenities2020.02.08 – CA: A man set fire to two American flags in the bed of a pickup truck at an Orange County high school, and is facing felony arson charges2020.02.06 – FL: Cane sword-wielding man arrested after being accused of threatening Trump supporters2020.01.20 – FL: Florida man stabs and kills Trump-loving boss in fight, deputies say2019.11.18 – NC: Young Democratic Socialists member Sprays Paint into Eyes of Conservative on NC State Campus2019.10.31 – MI: University of Michigan Student Destroys Turning Point USA Recruiting Table2019.10.25 – FL: Florida man sentences to 90 days for battery in connection with spitting, hitting man’s MAGA hat2019.10.17 – TX: Veteran who attended Trump rally was attacked while leaving rally and walking to his truck2019.10.10 – MN: Outside of Trump Rally, Video of 10 Separate Violent Incidents of Hate Against Trump Supporters2019.10.10 – MI: University of Michigan student has MAGA hat stolen off his head2019.10.04 – NV: University of Nevada, Reno Police: Student Arrested for Attacking Campus Conservatives2019.09.11 – NC: Trump supporter targeted in multiple car vandalism cases2019.09.02 – CA: Man in ‘MAGA’ hat assaulted in California restaurant bathroom; suspect arrested, police say2019.08.24 – OR: Man and woman are arrested outside bar for attacking MAGA hat-wearing Trump supporter who was on a date night with his wife2019.08.20 – OR: Man receiving death threats over GOP Headquarter security camera donation2019.08.19 – CA: Shortly after an ice cream social at the East Valley Republican Women Headquarters, the building was egged. In the past, the building has had windows broken and surveillance cameras destroyed.2019.08.17 – OR: Antifa Protesters Mace, Beat Elderly Man Unconscious2019.08.01 – NY: NYC man was beaten for wearing MAGA hat2019.07.01 – TN: McDonald’s manager attacked with stun gun, pulled out of drive-thru window, “because he voted for Trump he deserved this”2019.06.23 – CA: Vandals attacked Roberge Jewelry in Palm Springs and spray painted “Impeach Trump”, “Anyone but Trump 2020” and “Free the Kids” on top of the store’s controversial displays2019.06.04 – UK: Pro-Trump Protesters has MAGA hat thrown in horse poo2019.06.04 – UK: Protestors chanting ‘Nazi scum’ throw milkshake on Trump fan moments after Corbyn’s anti-hate speech2019.06.04 – UK: An elderly supporter of the US president is pushed to the ground during anti-Trump protests in London.2019.05.03 – AZ: Conservative Jewish Student ‘Forced to Go Into Hiding’ After Admitting She Voted for Trump2019.06.02 – CA: Leftist Attacks Trump Supporters at Pro 2nd Amendment Rally in L.A.2019.06.02 – Daily Beast Doxx Trump Supporter Behind Viral Video of Nancy Pelosi2019.06.02 – CA: Assault at L.A Trump Supporter Street Rally2019.05.30 – D.C.: Theater cancels Kristy Swanson and Dean Cain’s pro-Trump performance over ‘threats of violence’2019.05.16 – CA: For sixth time, Republican HQ hit by ‘random’ vandalism in Humboldt County, California2019.05.01 – TX: Four Texas State University students were arrested Wednesday after a conservative student says one of them grabbed a “Make America Great Again” hat off his head and later kicked it as it lay on the ground.2019.04.30 – D.C.: Two men grab MAGA from the head of a man and harass a group of Trump supporters.2019.04.15 – WA: Surveillance video shows a conservative student trying to escape a fellow student she said is trying to run her down with his car. The woman said the two got into a heated discussion about her politically conservative views.2019.04.15 – MD: Immigrant from Togo pummeled by 2 men for wearing ‘MAGA’ hat2019.04.14 – PA: Antifa, others threaten Candace Owens event at U. Pennsylvania2019.04.11 MO: – Daily Wire’s Michael Knowles is attacked by student protestors while giving a speech at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. Protestors rushed the stage and squirted a bleach-like substance at him and his crew.2019.04.11 – NY: ‘Model’ Assaults #WalkAway Founder Brandon Straka at the Airport for Wearing a MAGA Hat2019.04.08 – UT: High School Student Hospitalized After Vandal Pepper Sprays Venue for Conservative Group TPUSA Event2019.04.06 – CA: A Hispanic Trump supporter was attacked and called a racist at a post office by a customer who was triggered by her “Make America Great Again” hat2019.04.01 – CA: California Woman Spazzes Out, Tries to ‘Shame’ Elderly Man in MAGA Hat at Starbucks2019.03.28 – CA: Shattered Window at Humboldt’s Republican Headquarters Again!2019.03.25 – PA: Arsonist Torched Woman’s Car Because Cardboard Cutout of Trump Was Inside2019.03.23 – LA: Tulane University Student, Who Was Doxed For Being A Young Americans For Liberty member, Had His Dorm Room Door Set On Fire2019.03.17 – ID: Man assaulted for wearing a MAGA hat at a St. Patrick’s celebration2019.03.16 – CA: During Trump Flag waving rally man was hit in the head with a soda can filled with Bong water [video]2019.03.15 – NM: Vandals spray-paint the word ‘traitors’ on Republican headquarters building2019.03.12 – AZ: Woman admitted to slashing tire over MAGA hat seen inside SUV2019.03.07 – VA: Virginia Teacher Wraps Trump Flag Around Student’s Neck2019.03.07 – FL: Video shows bus aide pulling ‘Make America Great Again’ hat off teen’s head2019.03.02 – TX: Woman assaulted at a bar for wearing a MAGA hat2019.02.26 – OK: Trump Supporting High School Student Cornered, Harassed, had Hat Knocked Off and Flag Stolen2019.02.25 – NJ: 81-year-old Trump supporter assaulted over his MAGA hat at a supermarket2019.02.21 – MA: Woman Attacked Trump Supporter for wearing a MAGA Hat at a Restaurant2019.02.21 – CA: While recruiting for a conservative group at UC Berkeley a leftist thug comes & assaults activist, punching him in the face & hitting him repeatedly2019.02.17 – KS: Vans Store Employee Fired After Telling 14-year-old ‘f*ck You’ for Wearing MAGA Hat2019.02.17 – KY: A Tennessee Man Was Arrested And Charged After He Pulled A Gun On A Man Who Was Wearing A Make America Great Again Hat Inside Sam’s Club2019.02.12 – NY: Conservative students at SUNY-Oswego receive death threats for set up a table with signs promoting President Donald Trump’s southern border wall2019.02.08 – MD: White House counselor Kellyanne Conway revealed that a woman has been charged for grabbing and shaking her while Conway was eating out with her teenage daughter in Bethesda, Maryland.2019.01.19 – D.C.: Pro-Trump Journalist Owen Shroyer presses charges against a woman who grabbed his genitals on camera during the 2019 Woman’s March in Washington D.C.2019.01.18 – D.C.: Tens of Thousands of Threats Including Death Threats Were Made Against The Covington Catholic School Students2018.11.28 – VT: Trump supporter wakes up to burned flag on Vermont porch2018.11.13 – AZ: Man wearing MAGA hat assaulted while walking downtown Tucson2018.11.05 – OH: Building targeted in bomb threat cleared ahead of visit from President Trump2018.11.03 – FL: Gillum (D-FL) intern arrested in Florida for throwing chocolate milk at College Republicans2018.10.31 – MI: Traverse City GOP office evacuated for bomb threat2018.10.31 – MI: Grown Woman Threatens Violence Against 11-Year-Old over Trump Halloween Costume2018.10.29 – FL: Shots Fired into South Daytona Republican Party Office2018.10.25 – IA: Johnson County Iowa Republicans Headquarters vandalized2018.10.24 – N.J. GOP Congressional Candidate Receives Letter Threatening His Children2018.01.23 – CA: Boulder thrown through Republican Kevin McCarthy’s office window2018.10.19 – NY: New York Man Charged With Threatening Two Republican Senators Over Kavanaugh Support2018.10.17 – NV: Dem operative for Soros-funded group arrested for ‘battery’ against Nevada GOP candidate’s campaign manager2018.10.17 – TN: Restaurant owner’s life threatened for renting space to GOP’s Marsha Blackburn2018.10.16 – NM: Comedian George Lopez Charged With Battery … After Trump Joke Triggers Fight2018.10.15 – MN: Republican State Representative Sarah Anderson confronted a man for kicking her campaign sign when he charged at her2018.10.15 – MN: Republican candidate for Minnesota House seat suffered a concussion after a man punched him in the face at a Benton County restaurant2018.10.12 – NY: Vandals Smash Windows, Deface Doors of Metropolitan Republican Club in Manhattan2018.10.12 – AZ: A Republican campaign office was reportedly vandalized in Mesa, Arizona2018.10.10 – CT: Stanford College Republicans President John David Rice-Cameron Assaulted at Pro-Kavanaugh Event2018.10.10 – WA: A truck with ‘Trump 2020’ bumper stickers was set on fire2018.10.07 – CO: Republican Sen. Gardner claims wife received a beheading video through text message2018.10.06 – IL: Republican headquarters in Rockford vandalized with word ‘rape’ because of Kavanaugh hearings2018.08.03 – TX: 2 hospitalized after exposure to powdery substance at Cruz’s Houston campaign office2018.10.02 – D.C.: GOP Congressman Andy Harris (R-MD) assaulted by protesters2018.09.11 – CA: Man Tries To Stab California GOP Candidate For Supporting Trump2018.09.06 – WY: Wyoming GOP office set on fire in apparent arson2018.08.29 – NC: Gay #BlackForTrump Supporter, wearing a #TeamTrump shirt & a MAGA hat, was sucker punched at the local club2018.08.28 – CA: Student Arrested and Charged for Stealing Another Students MAGA Hat and Smacking Teacher2018.08.19 – Dad Dares Daughter To Knock Off Dude’s MAGA Hat For 100 Bucks. And She Does It!2018.08.14 – CA: Punk Rock Frontman Jumps Off Stage, Attacks Trump Supporter In Middle Of Concert…2018.08.06 – FL: Vandals throw dead fish on Lee Co. Republican headquarters2018.08.07 – CA: Humboldt Republicans headquarters vandalized2018.08.06 – PA: Antifa Protesters Attack Charlie Kirk & Candace Owens in Philadelphia Restaurant2018.08.04 – PA: Man parks his car with Trump sticks in Philadelphia. When he returns he find all 4 tires slashed and serious dents all over.2018.08.01 – MA: Woman enraged by Trump bumper sticker intentionally rammed into car, police say2018.07.26 – KY: Fayette County GOP headquarters vandalized2018.07.26 – CA: Trump Supporters Attacked At Donald Trump’s Walk Of Fame Star2018.07.22 – MA: Republican opponent of Elizabeth Warren, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, was Attacked by Elizabeth Warren supporter2018.07.18 – CA: Leftist Mob Hurls Feces At Pro-Trump Kosher Coffee Shop2018.07.18 – WA: Leftist Assaults Teen Trump Supporter For Wearing MAGA Hat2018.07.13 – UK: In London, pro-Trump counter-protesters hit with abuse, some violence2018.07.13 – CA: 76-year-old Man Assaulted by Anti-Trump Thug, 36-year-old Attorney Benjamin Siminou, in San Diego2018.07.09 – VA: Longtime Hillary Clinton aide publishes contact information about bookstore owner who stopped the harassment of Steve Bannon in order to harassed the bookstore owner2018.07.06 – IL: Brick Thrown Through Front Door Of Wheeling Township Republican Headquarters2018.07.06 – NY: Man threatened to kill supporters of Trump, GOP congressman outside campaign office, police say2018.07.04 – FL: Homeowner says he was attacked over President Trump flag in yard2018.07.04 – TX: 16 Year Old Teen Attacked for Wearing ‘Make American Great Again’ Hat2018.07.03 – NE: GOP office windows smashed, ‘ABOLISH ICE’ spray-painted on sidewalk2018.06.25 – D.C.: Burned animal carcass left on Trump staffer’s porch2018.06.16 – CA: Jewish Trump Supporter Attacked Outside Kathy Griffin Show In San Francisco2018.06.16 – CA: Jewish Trump Supporter Attacked Outside Kathy Griffin Show In San Francisco2018.05.23 – MN: Water & Profanities Thrown At Fox News Contributor Tomi Lahren In Minneapolis2018.05.13 – FL: Cheesecake Factory Employees Attack Black Man For Wearing MAGA Hat2018.04.14 – NY: Danish tourist mugged at knifepoint over MAGA hat2018.04.05 – FL: Trump Supporter Punched While Waving Trump Signs in Public2018.04.04 – Texas: Councilwoman accused of yelling obscenities over teen wearing Trump shirt2018.04.04 – TX: Law enforcement filed a disorderly conduct charge against Councilwoman for yelling obscenities at teen wearing Trump shirt2018.04.03 – D.C.: Trump supporter ‘brutally attacked’ in D.C. restaurant2018.04.02 – D.C.: Woman says she was attacked by 2 women after telling them she was Trump supporter2018.03.18 – CA: Trump Supporters Peacefully Protest Anti-Police Coffee Shop and Get Attacked2018.03.16 – D.C.: Capitol Police Arrested Male Dem Operative For Assaulting Female Trump Admin Official2018.03.15 – MN: Student with ‘Trump’ flag assaulted by mob during National School Walkout2018.02.27 – NY: Trump Supporter Threatened With Knife For Not Opposing Trump2018.02.07 – NY: Suspect in ‘white powder’ letter to Trump Jr. donated to Dems, posted anti-Trump rants on Facebook2018.02.06 – NY: Anti-Trumper Pulls Knife on Man Who Doesn’t Hate Trump [Media tries to claim it was a Trump supporter]2018.01.20 – NY: Protester Charged in Serious Attack on Trump Supporter at a NYC Mike Cernovich Event, Also Tried to Put Cop in Headlock2017.12.14 – NY: Woman accused of supporting Trump gets robbed, groceries thrown at her in Bronx deli2017.12.07 – NY: Students wearing MAGA hats booted from ‘safe space’ coffee shop2017.12.02 – MA: Antifa attacks Trump supporter outside of a Harvard Book Store2017.12.02 – MA: Trump Supporters truck and home vandalized for the second time2017.11.27 – TX: Man Who is Not a Trump Supporter Attacked For Being a Trump Supporter2017.11.20 – IL: University of Illinois PhD student/instructor assaults conservative students at Anti-Trump rally2017.11.12 – CA: Blaire White assaulted in Hollywood for wearing a Trump hat2017.11.03 – KY: Anti-Trump Democrat Charged with Assaulting Senator Rand Paul at His Home2017.10.09 – CA: Trans Pro-Trump Student Assaulted By Anti-Trump Activists at Travel Ban Protest2017.09.28 – CA: Angry Student Steals MAGA Hat, Demands Victim Be Punished2017.09.17 – Denmark: An American woman decided to throw a glass at another american in a Danish Bar in the city of Aarhus. She didn’t like that he was wearing a MAGA hat.2017.09.07 – NY: Hunter College professor wishes death upon Trump supporters in Florida2017.09.07 – WA: Roosevelt High School Republican Club Co-President was Physically Assaulted in the Gym Because of His Support for Trump2017.08.28 – CA: Vandals In SF Place Trump “MAGA” Bumper Sticker on Car and then Spray Painted it “KKK” and Slash the Tires2017.08.27 – CA: Berkeley Antifa Terrorism2017.08.26 – KY: Republican headquarters in Fayette County, Kentucky were vandalized with “Die Nazi” and “Nazi Scum” sprayed onto their windows2017.08.24 – Black Trump Supporter Spit On For Being a Black Man Wearing ‘MAGA’ Hat2017.08.23 – CA: Antifa Richard Losey Arrested for Sucker Punching Trump supporter after Laguna Beach Rally2017.08.22 – AZ:Trump Supporter Punched By Protesters While Fleeing Arizona Rally2017.08.17 – NH: ‘Nazis’ spray painted on New Hampshire GOP headquarters2017.08.14 – VA: Conservative Student Attacked For Wearing YAF Hat At Vigil For Charlottesville2017.07.07 – Student Brutally Threatened by Left-Wing Teammates for Being Republican and Supporting Trump2017.07.06 – NY: Conservative activist Jovi Val attacked by liberal @ NYC bar after Milo’s party. Beer bottle was smashed on his face for wearing a MAGA hat2017.07.02 – PA: Philadelphia Antifa Attack Trump Supporter Carrying “Trump 2020” Sign with a Bottle2017.06.15 – VA: Republican Congressional Baseball Shooter was Big Bernie Supporter and even Volunteered for the Campaign2017.06.15 – IN: Several shots fired at truck flying ‘Make America Great Again’ flag on I-4652017.06.10 – WA: Trump supporter beaten with ‘Queers for Muslims’ sign2017.06.07 – WA: Woman Brutally Beaten for Simply Admitting to Being Trump Supporter2017.05.19 – CT: Man arrested on 103 counts of vandalism at UConn, many anti-Trump2017.04.23 – DC: Antifa Gets arrested in 15 Seconds after Assaulting Trump Supporter2017.04.15 – CA: Berkeley Free Speech Rally Attacked By Antifa (Anti-First Amendment) Comrades with Rocks, M-80’s, and Bike Locks2017.04.14 – MD: 2 Arrested For Burning Trump Sign. Police: “Trump sign burned for ‘race and religious’ beliefs”2017.04.14 – D.C.: Jackie Evancho Opens Up About Being Bullied For Singing At Trump’s Inauguration2017.04.09 -2017.04.07 – CA: Cal State Professor: ‘Trump Must Hang,’ Republicans Should Be Executed For Each Immigrant Deported2017.04.02 – WA: Antifa Violence Against Trump Supporters at Pro-Trump Rally2017.03.25 – CA: Pro-Trump March Pepper-Sprayed & Attacked By Protester2017.03.19 – CA: Violent Kids Hit Trump Supporter in the Face with a Skateboard. Says “I Can Do What I Want”.2017.03.16 – CA: ‘M_rder Trump ASAP’ Graffiti Found on Freeway Wall2017.03.15 – MI: U of M Student Detained After Pulling Trump Supporters’ Flag Off His Trailer2017.03.15 – CA: Pro-Trump Radio Host Michael Savage Attacked. ‘It Is Clearly Open Season on Prominent Trump Supporters’2017.03.14 – MA: In Newton, Young Trump Supporters Are Online Targets2017.03.12 – MN: Conservative Students Say They Have Been ‘Violently Threatened’ at St. Olaf College2017.03.11 – ‘Dreamgirls’ Jennifer Holliday Canceled Trump Inauguration Because of Death Threats2017.03.08 – FL: Man Punched In Face Claims Trump Bumper Sticker Motivated Road Rage Attack2017.03.06 – CA: Berkeley Student Arrested After Destroying College Republican Signs2017.03.05 – FL: Supporter of House Republican Ted Yoho was punched in the face by Anti-Trump protestor2017.03.04 – MN: March 4 Trump Protesters Used Tasers, Pepper Spray, Smoke Bombs, & Were Swinging Fists!2017.03.04 – CA: March 4 Trump Berkeley Rally Protestor Thugs Acting Like Thugs And Bring Violence To A Peaceful Trump Rally2017.03.04 – TN: At Pro-Trump rally, Protester arrested after stealing President Trump shirts2017.03.04 – Opera star Andrea Bocelli backs out of singing at Trump’s inauguration after receiving death threats2017.03.04 – TN: ‘Dead Trump supporter’ comment prompts school district to ban substitute teacher2017.03.03 – CA: Berkeley condemns ‘disturbing’ attacks on College Republicans2017.03.01 – OR: Trump Supporters Car Is Vandalized With Paint And Dents From Rocks Because of Bumper Sticker2017.02.27 – TN: Former Labor Secretary nominee Andy Puzder withdraws nomination after opposition groups threatened his family by sending white powder to his wife2017.02.26 – NY: Glenn Nocera, Who Ran For Brooklyn Borough President and is a Trump Supporter, Had His House Egged Three Times2017.02.25 – CA: Protester Assaults Female Trump Supporter at Boycott of Oscars2017.02.25 – OH: Anti-Trump Mob Viciously Attacks Man Outside Bar2017.02.17 – NC: UNC Flyers Incite Violence Against Trump Supporters2017.02.16 – MO: Kansas City Man with AR-15 Taunts Trump supporter over Trump Flag and Rips It Down2017.02.15 – CO: Trump supporter’s historic Denver home has their window shot at with a BB gun and left hateful messages.2017.02.13 – MS: Hate crime hoax perpetrated on Trump supporting radio host.2017.02.09 – CA: Man Grabs Trump Supporter and Police Immediately Arrest Attacker2017.02.09 – CA: Berkeley Thugs (Including Teacher Yvette Felarca) Beating Up Trump Supporter In Front of the Police2017.02.08 – NY: Black Lives Matter Activist Threatens to Smash Girl’s Laptop Because of Donald Trump Sticker2017.02.08 – NC: Police investigating 20 reports of property damage including anti-Trump graffiti2017.02.08 – CA: Cal State Fullerton Instructor Has Been Suspended for Striking a Student During a Rally Against President Trump’s Policies2017.02.07 – CA: Vandals egg home, deface Trump sign. “It has a smiling face, and the word ”f” you, ‘f” you a-hole,’ but the full word, signed ‘a Mexican,'”2017.02.04 – MO: 12-year-old suspended because he was beaten up on school bus for wearing ‘Make American Great Again’ hat2017.02.02 – NY: Protestors at NYU Gavin McInnes Event Use Pepper Spray & Attacked2017.02.02 – CA: Random Attack On Trump Supporter The Day After Berkeley Riot2017.02.01 – CA: Berkeley Anti-Trump Protesters Riot And Shut Down UC Berkeley Milo Yiannopoulos Speech. “…They [were trying] to burn the building with us in it.”2017.01.30 – NJ: Anti-Trump Criminals Spray Painted Threats of Punch Nazi’s on NJ’s Rowan University Sign2017.01.30 – WA: Spokane police investigate vandalism of county GOP headquarters as hate crime. Scrawled “Refugees welcome” and “Nazi scum” across the front door and windows.** 2017.01.29 – TX: Gay Trump Supporter Beaten Unconscious on Texas Street After He Pulls Out Trump Lighter2017.01.29 – OR: Blackbloc Protesting Against the Travel Ban at Portland Airport. Trump Supporters were Surrounded and Brutally Attacked2017.01.29 – WA: Trump Supporter Has House, Flag, Vehicle and Camper Vandalized2017.01.29 – OR: Protesters damage Trump supporter’s vehicle after march downtown2017.01.27 – MA: Donald Trump Campaign Sign Set On Fire In Massachusetts2017.01.26 – NY: Shia LaBeouf Arrested In NYC At His Anti-Donald Trump Livestream Art Project LaBeouf tugged on a man’s scarf and pushed him, police said.2017.01.23 – MD: Woman kicked off plane for berating Trump supporter2017.01.23 – NY: Golden Trump Graffiti Sprayed Onto Bentley in Queens, NYPD Says2017.01.23 – FL: Woman charged with trespassing at Mar-a-Lago, smeared bananas on vehicles, typed “F***UTrumpB” on computer inside2017.01.22 – CA: Woman Slashes Trump Sign Because it ‘Ruined Her Chill’ (Admitted to Holding a Knife During the Confrontation)2017.01.21 – NC: Graffiti Girl Gang Arrested for Scrawling Anti-Trump and Black Lives Matter Slogans Over a Cop Car and Stores2017.01.21 – UK – “VIOLENCE IN LONDON: Fights break out during unofficial protest against Donald Trump”2017.01.20 – WA: High School Senior Beaten by Mob for Wearing American Flag Hat at U of W Milo Yiannopoulos Event2017.01.20 – NY: Trump Supporter Hit with Sign by Anti-Trump Protester in NYC2017.01.20 – D.C.: Inauguration Day Antifa Violence – Limo Set on Fire at Trump Inauguration Parade2017.02.20 – OR: “…he ran up and punched the Trump supporter at the back of the head…”2017.01.20 – D.C.: Deploraball Inauguration Attack: Project Veritas Exposes Plans to Deploy Butyric Acid into Ventilation Systems2017.01.20 – D.C.: Anti-Trump Protester Lights a Trump Supporters Hair on Fire2017.01.20 – Nigeria – Donald Trump Inauguration Rally – 20 Biafrans were Shot Dead and Many Missing During March To Support Trump** 66 Inauguration Day Trump Assassination Threats On Twitter2017.01.20 – CO: Vandals destroy Donald Trump supporter’s truck. Spray-painted, dented, keyed, tore seats, and broke radio2017.01.20 – D.C.: Trump Supporters Coat Slashed During Inauguration2017.01.20 – D.C.: Two Gold Star family members ‘assaulted and spat on by protesters’ as they tried entering the Veterans Inaugural Ball2017.01.20 – D.C.: At Trump Inauguration, Protesters Go After Actor Scott Baio2017.01.20 – Infowars Owen Troyer Gets Slapped in the Face2017.01.17 – MI: Couple attacked in their car over their support for Donald Trump2017.01.17 – NC: Womans Car was Vandalized with Swastika Because of Trump Bumper Sticker2017.01.05 – IL: Kidnap And Torture Of Trump-Supporter Streamed On Facebook Live2017.01.04 – CA: Man Verbally Abused for Wearing Trump T-Shirt2016.12.31 – WA: New Year’s Eve ‘Red Baseball Cap’ Wearer Assaulted2016.12.29 – NC: Wayne County GOP Headquarters Break-in and Defacement of Ronald Reagan Mural2016.12.23 – PA: Bryn Mawr College Student was Harassed Online After She Asked for a Ride to a Donald Trump Event, Eventually Causing her to Leave School.2016.12.20 – AL: Deputies investigate rash of anti-Trump vandalism. 8 Homes & 6 Cars were damaged.2016.12.19 – Trump Electors Receive Death Threats2016.12.13 – MD: $300,000 McLaren ‘Trumpmobile’ Tourched2016.12.09- CA: Actor T.J. Miller arrested because of an altercation with his Uber driver over President-elect Donald Trump2016.12.08 – NY: Man Murdered UPS Driver he Believed was Trump2016.12.05 – MD: Trump Supporters’ C7 Z06 Corvette Vandalized2016.12.02 – WI: Truck Spray-painted with Anti-Trump Slogans, Set on Fire in Madison2016.12.01 – PA: 69 Year Old Woman Left With Bloody Head Wound After Man Brutally Beats Her With a Chair for Supporting Trump2016.12.01 – WA: Trump argument leads to cutting the neck of a Trump Supporter at Pasco bar2016.11.30 – MD: Another Trump supporters car vandalized by hate criminal in Montgomery County2016.11.29 – MO: Man Attacked at Plaza Bus Stop Says Teens Asked Him Political Question Before Throwing Punches2016.11.29 – FL: Navy Veteran & Trump Support’s Home Torched, Ransacked, and Tagged with Anti-Trump Graffiti in Florida2016.11.27 – PA: Police: Youths smashed car window over Donald Trump sticker2016.11.22 – MD: Trump Supporter Victim of Hate Crime in Montgomery County – Swastika Spray Painted on Front Door.2016.11.20 – CA: Blue-haired woman sentenced to more than 100 days for scrawling anti-Trump graffiti on government buildings2016.11.20 – Australia: The moment ‘anti-bullying advocate’ and Safe Schools founder ‘harassed a Donald Trump supporter’ at a Melbourne rally2016.11.20 – D.C.: Trump Supporters Kicked Out of Bar. “We Came to Dance and Were Approached By Multiple Feminists But Never Provoked Anyone. Then a Bouncer Got Hostile and Passersby Attacked Us.”2016.11.18 – OR: 1 Car Set on Fire, 2 Cars Spray Painted with Anti-Trump Vandalism2016.11.16 – MD: Student Attacked for Wearing ‘Make America Great Again’ Hat2016.11.16 – NJ: Man who was marching in support of a “sanctuary campus” attacked a Trump supporter, punching him in the face and knocking his “Make America Great Again” hat off2016.11.15 – NJ: “My Pro-Trump Stickers, Flags Got my Tires Slashed”2016.11.15 – GA: Man Murdered in Shooting Outside Atlanta Bar After Joke About Voting for Trump2016.11.15 – KY: Business Helps Trump Supporter Whose Car was Targeted By Vandals Because of Trump Bumper Sticker2016.11.15 – MA: Trump Supporter Attacked Outside Boston Bar2016.11.14 – MT: Polson residents angered by Trump vandalism on Republican Headquarters2016.11.14 – Anti-Trump Woman Throws Coffee on Trump Supporters in their Car2016.11.14 – FL: Trailer Homes Spray Painted with Anti-Trump Messages And BLM. One Home was Set On Fire.2016.11.13 – CA: Mustang Vandalized and Set on Fire Because of Trump Bumper Sticker2016.11.13 – TX: Department of Public Safety Arrested 6 Members of a Communist Group, Red Guards Austin, for Assaulting Pro-Trump Members2016.11.12 – CT: Two Men were Arrested After Punching and Kicking a Man Holding a Donald Trump Sign2016.11.12 – AZ: “F*** Trump” was tagged three times on a central Phoenix home2016.11.11 – NY: Elderly uncle of Manhattan Rabbi attacked for wearing red Yankee hat mistaken for a MAGA hat2016.11.11 – NY: Black Lives Matter Activist Arrested For Assaulting 74-Year-Old Man At Trump Protest2016.11.11 – TX: Mother Kicks Out 8-year old Son for Wanting to Vote for Trump at School Vote2016.11.11 – CA: High School Student Attacked for Supporting Trump2016.11.11 – OR: Anti-Trump Protesters Attack Jeep Driving Through City, Rip Off USA Flags, Smashed Windshield, Beat Vehicle With Bats and Fire Extinguishers, and Set Off a Smoke Bomb2016.11.11 – NY: Man Wearing ‘Make America Great Again’ Hat Attacked & Choked on NYC Subway2016.11.11 – WA: Seattle Protest – Attack on a Donald Trump Supporter During Protest2016.11.11 – TX: “All because I had a trump sticker at a liberal arts university…” – Car Vandalized2016.11.11 – OR: ‘Peaceful’ Anti-Trump Protest Turns Into Riots**2016.11.10 – IL: Trump Supporter Was Pulled From Car, Beaten, Car stolen, & Dragged Down the Road in Chicago2016.11.10 – NY: Trump Supporter Attacked at NYC College; MAGA Hat Almost Set Alight – Black Student Victimized Accuses Public Safety of Cover-up2016.11.10 – NY: Anti-Bullying Activist Charged with Assaulting 74-year-old Trump Supporter During Protest2016.11.10 – CA: After Election, Resident Discovers ‘[Expletive] Trump’, ‘666’ Spray Painted on Car2016.11.10 – VA: GOP headquarters vandalized amid anti-Trump protests2016.11.10 – NC: Anti-Trump vandals hit Old Chapel Hill Cemetery gazebo and path. Spray-paint “Nazi Pres Elec”.2016.11.09 – FL: Man’s BMW with Trump Sticker Vandalized in Fort Myers Community2016.11.09 – AZ: Trump Supporters Car Vandalized. “Their Windows were Smashed, and they Found Graffiti on their Mailbox.”2016.11.09 – NY: NYC Man’s Dog Brutally Attacked by Unhinged Rioters During Trump Protest2016.11.09 – TX: 11-Year-Old Student Gets Beat Up For Supporting Donald Trump At School2016.11.09 – MI: Anti-Trump vandals target Lansing building by smashing a window and a glass door, and spray-painting vulgar anti-Trump graffiti on the building2016.11.09 – FL: Student Punches Classmate Over Donald Trump Sign at Local High School2016.11.09 – TX: Anti-Trump Protester Punches Trump Supporter2016.11.09 – IL: 16-year-old Trump Supporter Receives Death Threats and has Car Vandalized2016.11.08 – CA: Vandals Target Bay Area Trump Supporters’ Homes, Cars, Flags2016.11.08 – VA: Gun stolen from Trump supporter waving sign on I-952016.11.08 – FL: Woman Handing Out Campaign Literature Supporting Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump was Assaulted2016.11.08 – NY: NYPD Investigating Tires Slashing On Hasidic Trump Supporters Van2016.11.08 – FL: Woman’s Trump sign, Art Gallery Vandalized2016.11.08 – NY: Election Night, President of the Cornell College Republicans Was Assaulted for Being Republican. “Fuck You, Racist Bitch, You Support a Racist Party,” the Attacker Grunted at Corn, as He Shoving Her to the Ground2016.11.06 – CA: Man Approached 72-Year Old Trump Supporter Holding Sign, Cursed at Them, and Stole Giant Trump Sign. Arrested On Robbery Charge.2016.11.06 – MA: “Kill Your Local Trump Supporter” graffiti was spray-painted on Massachusetts School2016.11.05 – CA: Black Trump Supporter Is Told “Ni**as Like You Should Be Killed”2016.11.05 – IL: Rock Island County Republican office vandalized with spray paint2016.11.04 – CO: Suspect in custody after rock breaks window at Trump’s Denver campaign office in the second act of vandalism in a day2016.11.04 – CO: Trump’s Denver Campaign Office Vandalized with Painted Anti-Trump Message2016.11.04 – NC: Alamance County GOP Headquarters Vandalized with Anti-Trump Graffiti2016.11.03 – CA: Vandals continue to attack Trump headquarters in Ukiah2016.11.03 – MA: Person Dressed as Gumby Destroys Trump Sign on Halloween2016.11.03 – CA: Trump Supporters Truck Torched Because of Bumper Sticker2016.11.02 – IL: Evanston man’s Donald Trump sign burned on his front lawn2016.11.01 – CO: Arsonist Sets Trump Campaign Sign On Fire, Endangers Entire Neighborhood2016.11.01 – MD: Trump Staffer Assaulted for Wearing ‘Make America Great Again’ Hat on Towson University Campus2016.10.31 – ID: 100’s of Pro-Trump Signs Destroyed. Swastikas. Car Keyed.2016.10.31 – FL: Campaign Signs Vandalized with Racist Nazi Stickers2016.11.30 – PA: Church Hit With Anti-Trump Graffiti2016.10.28 – MI: Criminal Who Ran Over Trump Signs Didn’t Realize They Were Messing With The Wrong Person2016.10.28 – CA: Truck Vandalized Because Of Pro-Trump Bumper Sticker2016.10.28 – FL: “Someone sprayed swastikas on his Trump sign — but he won’t take it down until Election Day”2016.10.28 – CA: Hollywood Homeless Black Woman Attacked for Supporting Trump2016.10.26 – CA: Family woke up to their two cars’ windows smashed-in, home covered in eggs, and Donald Trump campaign signs stolen2016.10.26 – PA: University of Pittsburgh Trump Supporters Campaign Table Flipped2016.10.26 – CA: Donald Trump’s Star on Walk of Fame Vandalized with Sledgehammer2016.10.25 – AL: Car With Trump Bumper Stickers Gets Destroyed…Spray Painted “F*** Trump” On Car2016.10.24 – NV: Trump sign and vehicle vandalized at Reno gun shop2016.10.21 – WI: Man Arrested After Torching Trump Sign2016.10.20 – UT: #FeelTheBurn “AmeriKKKa” – Trump signs were damaged or defaced with vulgar graffiti, and the vandals also damaged a front door and two vehicles painting signs and property with profanity along with “#FeelTheBurn” and “AmeriKKKa”.2016.10.19 – VA: Leesburg Neighborhood Tagged With Anti-Trump Graffiti2016.10.18 – IN: Vandals Throw Bricks Through Windows at Delaware County Republican Party Office2016.10.18 – FL: Driver Who Posted Video of Himself Busting Through Trump Sign, Busted by Police2016.10.18 – FL: Trump Signs Spray Painted with Swastikas in Cape Coral2016.10.17 – WI: Wisconsin woman ‘fed up about the entire election’ smears peanut butter all over cars in misguided Trump protest2016.10.17 – NC: Hillsborough GOP Headquarters Firebombed2016.10.16 – MD: Student Wearing Trump Hat Is Punched & Kicked to Ground2016.10.15 – MN: Trump Supporters Lawn was Salted and Sign Torched2016.10.15 – HI: Maui Trump supporter’s home egged by vandals2016.10.15 – AR: Woman finds Trump signs burned; arson investigation underway2016.10.15 – ME: Anti-Trump Criminals Spray-Painted About 20 Parked Cars Outside of the Trump Rally2016.10.13 – OH: Gay Couple Gets Death Threats from Tolerant Left for Supporting Trump2016.10.13 – MI: Trump Mobile Vandalized in Walled Lake2016.10.12 – MD: “Streak of vandalized Trump signs ‘unprecedented,’ local party leaders say”2016.10.12 – MD: 2 Attacks – After they burned his sign, they came back and torn it down.2016.10.08 – IN: At GOP office, signs for Trump were hanging in the window when landscaping bricks were tossed through the windows, shattering them2016.10.06 – TX: Vandals have spray painted her garage. Painted swastikas on Trump signs and stole others. Shot BB’s through her living room window. Broke her landscaping lights and windmill. Egged her Trump signs, car, driveway and garage. “I never back down, and when the dust settles, my friend, it will be me and Trump still standing!”2016.10.01 – CA: Stealing Trump Signs and Fighting Trump Supporters2016.09.28 – IL: Anti-Trump Vandalism Outside Polish Center Ahead of Appearance2016.09.28 – CA: Trump Supporter Attacked Outside Trump Rally2016.09.27 – NJ: I Wore a Trump Hat Around Rutgers University for a Week and One Girl Threatened to ‘Shit on My Face’ if I Didn’t Take It Off2016.09.26 – Trump-supporting Minnesota co-ed says she was ‘assaulted’ on debate night2016.09.25 – FL: Man Steals Trump Sign and Urinates on MailboxCanada – SJW Attacks & Steals Hat from Trump Supporter at Mount Royal University2016.09.02 – PA: Philadelphia ‘Democrats For Trump’ Supporter Attacked By Protester2016.08.20 – MN: Anti-Trump Idiots Crash Trump Fundraiser, Attack Motorcade & Assault Trump Supporters in Violent ‘Gauntlet’2016.08.18 – TN: 68-Year-Old Man Punched in the Jaw at Yard Sale For Being a Trump Supporter2016.08.12 – CA: Twitter Video Purports to Show Trump Supporter Assaulted After Being Refused Service2016.08.09 – NJ: Man’s Trump T-shirt Sparked Crowbar Attack By Stranger2016.08.09 – FL: Trump Sign Vandalized with “KKK”2016.08.08 – NH: Trump Campaign Sign Torched Near Nashua2016.08.07 – NY: Pro-Trump ‘installation’ torched on Staten Island2016.08.07 – TX: Woman’s Home Vandalized Because Of Trump Signs2016.08.06 – MA: Susan Bryant of North Reading Charged With Vandalizing Trump Sign, Attempted to Run Over Resident2016.08.03 – NJ: In Liberal South Jersey Town, All-in for Trump Means Vandalism, Threats, Rock-throwing, Thefts, Arson Threat2016.08.01 – NY: Hate Mob Forcefully Ejects Trump Supporter From NYC Park2016.08.01 – CA: Trump Supporters Pushed Out of San Francisco Bar Zeitgeist & Stalked Down the Block For Being Trump Supporters2016.08.01 – MI: Trump Campaign Sign Burned on Lawn2016.07.31 – PA: Clinton Supporter Attacks Trump Supporter & Lights Flag On Fire2016.07.27 – OH: Trump Supporter Shot at Cleveland Bar During Heated Political Debate2016.07.09 – AZ: Trump Supporter Attacked by ‘Black Lives Matter’ Protesters2016.07.07 – FL: Trump Supporter Ambushed, Hit in the Face, Stomped on the Ground, Broke his Arm2016.06.29 – VA: Virginia Family ‘Enraged’ After Trump Sign Vandalized. Five American flags they placed on the sign broken and tossed on the ground. Signs were spray painted and eggs were thrown.2016.06.29 – African-American Teenage Trump Supporter Received Death Threats By ‘Black Lives Matter’ Activists2016.06.24 – NY: Vandal Attacks Gowanus Trump-Fan’s Home2016.06.18 – Nevada: Man Who Attempted to Grab Gun at Rally Wanted ‘To Kill Trump’2016.06.16 – CA: After Anti-Trump Vandals Destroyed Signs and Windows at His Business, Business Owner Confronts Vandals With a Legal Weapon to Stop Attacks2016.06.07 – PA: Vandals Graffiti “Trump Truck” in Scranton2016.06.04 – WA: Vandals take destruction of Trump signs to a new level. First they tore them down, then they threw paint on them, now they burn them.2016.06.02 – CA: San Jose Riots and Attacks at Trump Rally2016.06.02 – CA: San Jose Woman is Stalked, Spat On, Shoved, Pushed and Hit For Being a Trump Supporter2016.06.02 – CA: While Leaving a San Jose Trump Rally an Angry Mob Attacked Gay Latino Trump Supporter & Log Cabin Republican2016.05.24 – NM: Trump Rally Protesters Attack Trump Supporters, Burst Through Police Barricades, Throw Rocks, and Set Fires in the Streets.2016.5.24 – IL: Milo Yiannopoulos Assaulted by BLM ‘Protesters’ at Chicago’s DePaul University2016.05.24 – NM: Disabled Trump Supporter Gets Water & Water Bottles Thrown At Him By Protesters2016.05.24 – NM: Moron Tries to Attack a Trump Supporter Entering Rally. Falls Twice While Throwing His Water.2016.05.20 – FL: Trump Supporters’ Home Vandalized, Lawn Burned2016.05.16 – CA: Vandals Egg Home of Trump Supporter, Destroy Trump Flag, & Throw Paint on his Truck2016.05.08 – WA: Man Says He Was Called a ‘Trump Supporter’ before Bellingham Beating2016.04.29 – CA: ‘Complete Chaos’ as Trump Protesters Beat Up Trump Supporter & Threw His Phone2016.04.28 – CA: Trump Supporter Gets Beaten Up. Rocks are Thrown at Trump Supporters, Police, and Police Horse at Costa Mesa Rally.2016.04.27 – CA: Pair of Girls, Ages 8 and 11, Were Among the Bystanders Struck by an Anti-Trump Counter-Protester’s Stream of Pepper Spray2016.04.24 – Man Arrested, Charged With Threatening To Bomb Trump Rally2016.04.16 – OR: Masked Anti-Trump Protester Spits In Trump Supporters’ Face2016.04.16 – NY: Trump Supporter with 2nd Amendment Banner is Grabbed and Pushed By Anti-Trump Protesters2016.04.13 – OR: Portland Man Says His Car Windows Were Smashed Twice Because He Supports Donald Trump. Won’t Back Down And Remove His Trump Bumper Stickers.2016.04.13 – PA: Trump Supporter Attacked Outside Pittsburgh Rally2016.04.10 – WA: Trump Supporter’s Tire Slashed; Vandal Claims “It Was An Act Of Community Service”2016.04.08 – OR: Protesters Crash Pro-Trump Student Event. “Every single Trump supporter has a full legal name attached to a social security number with a place of residence, [and] an employer…that information is easy to find online,”2016.04.06 – NC: Trump Supporter Shocked After Vehicle Vandalized Because of His Trump Supporter2016.04.04 – WI: Teen Arrested After Throwing Egg at Donald and Melania Trump at Milwaukee Rally2016.03.29 – WI: After an Anti-Trump Protester Punched a Trump Supporter, and She Gets Pepper Sprayed In Return. “I Deserved That”2016.03.19 – Protesters Block Road Near Trump’s Fountain Hills Rally in Arizona2016.03.19 – FL: Man shatters door & throws taco at Donald Trump Jacksonville headquarters2016.03.18 – RI: Vandals Scratch Up Coventry Man’s Car Bearing Trump Bumper Sticker2016.03.18 – CA: Republican Students Pro-Trump Bumper Stickers’ Vandalized at Saint Mary’s College of California2016.03.17 – NC: Idiot Records Herself Running Over A Trump Sign With Her Car2016.03.16 – FL: Trump campaign signs stolen from a Naples home, home vandalized2016.03.14 – VA: 70 Year-Old Virginia Trump Supporter Faces Threats, Harassment, and has Home Vandalized2016.03.14 – FL: Vandals target neighboring Trump supporters by spray-painting ‘Nazi scum’, ‘KKK’, and ‘f*** Trump’ on street in front of homes2016.03.12 – NJ: Donald Trump supporter’s billboard burned in Egg Harbor Township2016.03.12 – OH: Psycho Tries To Attack Donald Trump2016.03.11 – Riots After Trump Chicago Rally Cancelled. Police Officer Attacked by Anti-Trump Protesters. Blocking Ambulance.2016.03.09 – GA: Trump Supporter has Trump Sign Taken & Gun Pulled on him by Trump Haters2016.02.29 – FL: Trump Volunteers Brutally Assaulted & Body Slammed While Campaigning2016.01.26 – IA: Protesters Threw Two Tomatoes at Donald Trump at a Rally in Iowa City2016.01.25 – NH: Trump Supporters Large Sign Vandalized with Graffiti2016.01.09 – MA: Donald Trump’s campaign headquarters in Mass. vandalized2015.09.04 – TX: Attackers Beat Texas Teen Because He Seemed Like a Donald Trump Supporter2016.05.25 – CA: Young protesters attack Trump supporter after Trump rally

Have there been any reported incidents of racial violence in the USA in the aftermath of Trump's victory?

The only sales pitch that Donald was honest about was his Bigotry, everything else was just empty false promises with no substance or plan.It is quite clear that racism hate crimes and other bigotry are seeing a resurgence of historical levels that many of us had hoped to have dispelled to the history books.Donald encouraged visceral racist bigoted misogynistic xenophobic attacks and chants at his campaign rallies and even promised to provide legal defence for those who physically assaulted any decent-HRC supporters.Prior to and particularly since the election results with Donald scheduled to win the electoral college there have been a significant increase in hate crimes, vandalism, arson, assaults, verbal abuse and other bigoted attacks against all of those not fitting Donald’s perverted views of superiority and supremacy.The Presidency and Cabinet for the first time in decades will contain members openly hostile to large segments of our population. It is disheartening that those at the top of our government will have a long history white supremacist bigoted behavior. Further the administration is flinging hate in all directions with its positions supporting sexual assault, racism, sexism, misogyny, homophobia, religious bigotry, xenophobia and all other imaginable forms of hate. We have elected the propagators of Hate to lead our country backwards towards a tyranny of social order of supremacy and oppression. Donald and his sycophants have de facto legitimized hate and bigotry, his campaign was little more than a codified plea that he would advocate for such bigotry. None of the empty promises of future improvements had any substantive plan behind them, and in many cases his proposed prescription would only exacerbate the problems he was advertising he could fix, what economist would label cheap talk. The only sales pitch that Donald was honest about was his Bigotry.U.S. Hate Crimes Surge 6%, Fueled by Attacks on Muslims - New York Times- By ERIC LICHTBLAU - NOV. 14, 2016WASHINGTON — The F.B.I. reported Monday that attacks against American Muslims surged last year, driving an overall increase in hate crime against all groups.The data, which is the most comprehensive look at hate crime nationwide, expanded on previous findings by researchers and outside monitors, who have noted an alarming rise in some types of crimes tied to the vitriol of this year’s presidential campaign and the aftermath of terrorist attacks at home and abroad since 2015.That trend appears to have spiked in just the last week, with civil rights groups and news organizations reporting dozens of verbal or physical assaults on minorities and others that appear to have been fueled by divisions over the election.In its report on Monday, the F.B.I. cataloged a total of 5,818 hate crimes in 2015 — a rise of about 6 percent over the previous year — including assaults, bombings, threats, and property destruction against minorities, women, gays and others.…Reports of Bias-Based Attacks Tick Upward After Election - New York Times- By CAITLIN DICKERSON - NOV. 11, 2016In New York, men shouted, “You’re next!” at a black policewoman, making shooting motions with their hands. In California, a high school student told a classmate, “You support Trump? You hate Mexicans!” before throwing her to the ground and hitting her. Online, anonymous users wrote on Twitter, “Just reported you to ICE. Expect a van at your door tomorrow” to illegal immigrants.Since voters elected Donald J. Trump president on Tuesday, outbursts of vitriol — verbal and physical — have been widely reported in the news and on social media. Civil rights groups say their inboxes and call centers are lighting up with reports of attacks.But the groups caution that it is too early to be certain how many of the accusations are legitimate, or how long the uptick will continue.“It doesn’t compare to the civil rights movement. No one is blowing up churches,” said Richard Cohen, the president of the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks hate groups. “But I don’t think there’s any question that there’s been an increase.”…Refugees Discover 2 Americas: One That Hates, and One That Heals - New York Times - By ADEEL HASSAN - NOV. 14, 2016

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