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  • Click on the Get Form or Get Form Now button on the current page to jump to the PDF editor.
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  • Use the tools in the top toolbar to edit the file, and the added content will be saved automatically
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A simple tutorial on editing My Daemen Online

It has become very simple nowadays to edit your PDF files online, and CocoDoc is the best free tool you have ever used to do some editing to your file and save it. Follow our simple tutorial to start!

  • Click the Get Form or Get Form Now button on the current page to start modifying your PDF
  • Create or modify your text using the editing tools on the tool pane above.
  • Affter changing your content, put on the date and make a signature to bring it to a perfect comletion.
  • Go over it agian your form before you click on the button to download it

How to add a signature on your My Daemen

Though most people are accustomed to signing paper documents by handwriting, electronic signatures are becoming more accepted, follow these steps to sign a PDF!

  • Click the Get Form or Get Form Now button to begin editing on My Daemen in CocoDoc PDF editor.
  • Click on Sign in the tool box on the top
  • A popup will open, click Add new signature button and you'll have three ways—Type, Draw, and Upload. Once you're done, click the Save button.
  • Drag, resize and position the signature inside your PDF file

How to add a textbox on your My Daemen

If you have the need to add a text box on your PDF so you can customize your special content, take a few easy steps to get it done.

  • Open the PDF file in CocoDoc PDF editor.
  • Click Text Box on the top toolbar and move your mouse to drag it wherever you want to put it.
  • Write down the text you need to insert. After you’ve filled in the text, you can utilize the text editing tools to resize, color or bold the text.
  • When you're done, click OK to save it. If you’re not satisfied with the text, click on the trash can icon to delete it and start afresh.

A simple guide to Edit Your My Daemen on G Suite

If you are finding a solution for PDF editing on G suite, CocoDoc PDF editor is a recommended tool that can be used directly from Google Drive to create or edit files.

  • Find CocoDoc PDF editor and install the add-on for google drive.
  • Right-click on a PDF file in your Google Drive and select Open With.
  • Select CocoDoc PDF on the popup list to open your file with and allow CocoDoc to access your google account.
  • Edit PDF documents, adding text, images, editing existing text, mark up in highlight, polish the text up in CocoDoc PDF editor before pushing the Download button.

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How can I exit from the rat race and live a life of purpose?

Put in the hours & the workWhat you need to do if you want to escape the rat race, is work more hours. But don’t go working extra hours on the job you already have. You will never get rich that way. Plus, half of the money you’ll make will go to taxes anyway.The harder you’ll work, the more wealthy somebody else becomes. In the meantime, your salary remains the same. Plus, working more hours at your job, means you’ll have less time to work on your own project and build your own business. And that’s exactly what you should be doing.If you’re working 8 hours a day, that means there’s 16 hours left everyday. Minus 8 hours of sleep, you’ll have 8 hours to do your own thing! And that’s not even counting the weekends. Make that time count. Don’t just work 9 to 5 and not work on your dreams afterwards. Don’t let time just pass by, doing meaningless stuff. Time is your friend. You’ve got to use it!But what do most people do when they get home from work? They have dinner, bingewatch Netflix for a few hours and go to bed. The next day, they’ll do it all over again. They’re not using their potential and wonder why they are feeling depressed! If you’re serious about escaping the rat race, you’ve got to get your lazy ass of the couch. Work on your project.Set goals and use your time to achieve them. Start analyzing your activities and make priorities. Ask yourself this question, the next time you want to play video games all evening:Is what I’m doing bringing me closer to my goals and my freedom?Yes, there should be time to relax and have fun. But you know the saying: work hard, play hard. You’ve got to deserve your down time. Above that, there’s a big distinction to be made when it comes to having fun. Having fun is not the same as wasting time. Spending time with your kids for example, is not wasting time and should be one of your top priorities. Or you can spend your time on a meaningful hobby, instead of wasting your time in front of your television.And who says ‘work’ can’t be fun? Let’s say you absolutely love photography. Get busy and gain extra knowledge every evening. Improve your photography skills. Then you’ve made very good use of your time. It could even be a way to grow your own business and start to make money outside of work! So put in the hours and make it happen! Nobody’s going to do it for you!Believe that there’s another wayRich people don’t work for a paycheck. They work for cash flow. They work for money, but they do not trade their time for it. They spend their time working FOR a business (theirs), not IN a business.For many of us, the rat race seems like the only way to live. It’s what we were taught and what we’ve always seen. We go to school and get a degree. So that afterwards we can get a solid job to provide for the family. Getting a job seems like the only way to make money. But this simply isn’t true.People are like sheep. We follow the masses and we do what we see everyone else do. But most of the time, following the masses isn’t a great idea. It’s usually the wrong decision. It’s time to become a wolf. If you want success, you’ll have to act differently than the rest. You’ll have to be more unconventional in your ways.“Working IN a business is the only way to make money.” “That’s just the ways it is.” For somebody who’s been a sheep all of his life, this is the only truth. It’s hard to grasp that there are other ways to make money. He thinks freedom and money are only for the lucky, or that you should be born rich. So, first, it’s important to change your belief.The first time you make real money outside of your job is an eye-opener. It doesn’t matter if it’s big or small (usually small), it will wake you up. It will not be enough to survive on, but for the first time you’ll believe their’s an exit to the rat race.Creating Passive IncomeBasically, there are 4 ways to make money:Being an employee: having a jobBeing self-employed: owning a job, but still working IN your businessBeing a business owner: working FOR your Business, creating passive incomeBeing an investor: owning investmentsIn the rat race, the worst position to be in, is being an employee. He’s got no freedom at all. Plus, most employees have a continuous shortage of money. And if he’s got no shortage, he will always be at risk. He’s trading his time and effort for a monthly paycheck. By doing so, he’s being used as an asset by a business owner to create income for somebody else. He’s giving up on his own dreams to create someone else’s.The situation of someone who’s self-employed is a little bit better. He’s got more freedom, because he doesn’t work for the man. He can make his own decisions. Sadly, he’s still trading his time for money, because he’s still working IN the business. He’s an employee in his own business. Financially, he’s not always better off than the employee. Often, he still struggles to make ends meet.On top of the ladder is the investor and the business owner. They are creating passive income, often multiple streams of income. The key is to create a system that runs on autopilot and delivers passive income every month. They invest time and energy (and/or money ) in something one time, which keeps creating income.For example, if somebody creates a product and makes an online shop to sell the product. He invests his time and effort into this once. Afterwards, anytime someone buys his product, it creates new cashflow for the owner. He doesn’t solely get paid for the hours he puts in everyday. He doesn’t exchange time and effort for money to work IN the business. He puts his energy in working FOR the business to make it grow further (new products, promotion,…) He can also hire employees to make everything work on autopilot for him. Instead of investing time, he’s buying time.When he’s making enough money, he can invest his money (Stocks, Real estate,…) That way he can make his money work for him.If you’ve got a job, the key is to start earning passive income in your free time. Invest all of your energy into making this happen, until your passive income is exceeding your paycheck!Follow a strict scheduleYou should plan how you will efficiently use your time outside of your ‘normal work hours’. Don’t ever look at it as just a hobby or a project. Call it a business and act that way. That means you’ll have to make a plan.Decide how many hours a day you can work on your escape. Write down all the steps it will take and when you’ll execute them. Writing everything down will make it easier to follow through afterwards. Too much flexibility will allow too many excuses to get in the way of your dreams. So your schedule should be as non-negotiable as possible. See what works and what doesn’t work. Adjust accordingly.Action is your default modeIn order to build something, action should be your go-to behaviour. Yes, planning and thinking things through is still important. But it’s very easy to go overboard and get caught up in your head. Overthinking can be very counterproductive. You will fail, if you spend too much time thinking instead of doing. It’s time to adopt a ”I’ll figure it out later” attitude. You don’t have to have everything planned out exactly to get started. Don’t let your thoughts keep you from taking action. If you keep planning, you might not even get started!I sincerely hope this answer was helpful to you and will get you on your way to plan your perfect escape!If you’re interested on the topic and want some more information, feel free to check the link below, good luck!How to escape the Rat Race - The Manly Men bloggreetings

What are some workouts that male celebrities do?

The 300 warrior workout: How to get the spartan physique of Gerard Butler300: A movie for the manly manThe movie 300 is probably one of the most manliest movies ever made. It’s full of action, special effects and violence. Watching this testosterone-filled macho movie, you can literally see the blood spatter against the big screen, while you enjoy the amazing Spartan battles. And of course, The Award of The Manly Man goes to Gerard Butler playing the main role.Looking at his amazing physical transformation, I bet at any given time watching the movie you thought; Hey, I wish I looked like that guy!So if you want to become super ripped like Gerard Butler in 300, you better keep reading to learn exactly how he did it!Becoming King LeonidasTo become King Leonidas, Gerard Butler went through 4 months of heavy training and dieting to get in perfect shape. Enduring these intense workouts, he managed to mentally and physically become the real king of Sparta.To prepare for his role , Gerard Butler trained like an animal, because he thinks you have to believe that you ARE the character to successfully pull it off. To become a warrior, he trained like one:I wanted to look really strong. I’ve seen so many actors play these kinds of roles, and you see all this equipment on either a big belly or skinny little arms.GERARD BUTLERTo look the part, Gerard had to build a ton of new muscle and had to destroy any fat that was left on him.The 300 workoutThe 300 workout was designed by Mark Twight. Mark Twight is an American mountainclimber, a writer and the founder of Gym Jones. He was a personal trainer for many athletes, including different MMA fighters, NFL players and professional cyclists. He also got the actor Henry Cavill ready for his role as Superman in Man of Steel.To execute the 300 workout, Gerard had to train 5 to 6 days a week for 4 months. He didn’t do any exercises to train individual muscle groups. He did exercises that worked his whole body and literally beat the crap out of him.He did a lot of Olympic lifts. He was flipping massive tires and sprinting while he was tied to a bungee cord. Flipping heavy tires gave him a great lower body, back and shoulders workout. He did a lot of circuits, where weight training and cardio are combined without breaks.To become super ripped, Gerard also did Olympic ring exercises. Doing push-ups on the rings gave him insane results for his chest, triceps and shoulders.The pull-up became his friend. Pulls-ups are one of the best movements out there to build massive shoulders, biceps, back and forearms.It was amazing to put that cape and helmet on and not have to think that I should have trained more. Instead I stood there feeling like a lion, ready to lead my army.GERARD BUTLERThe Famous 300 challengeThe 300 workout challenge has become famous all over the internet. People all over the world are testing their strength and abilities. If you want to challenge yourself and your physical condition, the 300 challenge is the way to go. I’ve tried it myself and the workout left me breathless and completely wiped out. To be honest, I felt like I would die.Warning/Disclaimer: this workout is not for the lazy and out of shape couch potato. Before you try it, get yourself in decent shape first!The workout gets his name for the total number of repetitions. To execute the workout, you’ll have to do 300 repetitions of various exercises as quickly as possible. Not only Gerard Butler, but every actor had to complete the circuit as fast as he could.Apparently, one actor, Andrew Pleavin (Daxos), finished the circuit in about 18 minutes. But do not be fooled. For us mortals, it will take a hell of a lot longer!According to Mark Twight, the 300 workout was the finale after months of training. It was sort of a graduation test.To pull off the 300 workout, finish the following exercises a quickly as possible:25 pull ups50 Deadlifts at 135 pounds50 push-ups50 box jumps with a 24-inch box50 Floor Wipers at 135 pounds50 clean & presses at 36 pounds25 more pull upsTHERE’S NO REST IN BETWEEN EXERCISES AND YOUR SCORE IS BASED ON YOUR TOTAL TIME!If you’re interested in learning more about this workout, you can find it here:The Gerard Butler 300 workout - The Manly Men blog

What can help you build muscle mass faster?

1. Eat enough calories to build muscleYou can not build a house without bricks. In order to build muscle mass, you will need to eat a sufficient amount of calories. Between working out, your muscles need calories for them to repair and grow. Ideally, you need to be in a caloric surplus. That means you should be eating more than you are burning. That’s why it is hard to gain muscle and lose weight at the same time. Because if you want to lose weight, a caloric deficit is required. That’s why many bodybuilders use cutting and bulking phases. Cutting to get lean and losing body fat. Bulking to gain mass.Although it’s likely that you will gain a little bit of fat a long the way, it’s best to opt for a clean bulk. A diet consisting of mainly pizza and fast food is not considered very healthy and you will gain a lot of fat. It can be tough to lose afterwards. Eat enough , but eat healthy!A lot of people think they should limit eating carbs. That is not true and you should know that carbs are not the enemy. Carbs are fuel for your body. Without them, your workouts will suffer and you will not be able to kill it at the gym. Just don’t go overboard.2. Focus on making progress.For building muscle you need to focus on constant progression. At the gym, you can see a lot of people lifting the same weights over and over again. At the same time, you don’t see their bodies improving. If you’re not consistently increasing your workload, you will not build any muscle.The concept is called progressive overload. It means you have to constantly force your muscles to do more than they’re accustomed to. They will not grow unless you give them the right stimulus to grow. To challenge your body, you need to frequently increase your weights and try to improve every workout. You can also increase your workload in other ways. You can try doing more reps or sets with the same weight or decrease your rest time between sets. Whatever you do, make sure you keep challenging your body and forcing it to change.Sure, distractions at the gym can make it hard to focus on progression.3. Use compound exercises.Weak men complain,make excuses and quit, strong men deadlift.If you’re going into the gym and only doing the exercises you like, you’re not training to your full potential. Chances are you’re also focusing too much on isolation exercises.For building muscle, your best bet is to use the big compound lifts to get fast results. These exercises will place the most stress on your body. Instead of isolation exercises, where you’re mainly working one muscle per exercise, compound lifts will work your whole body. Another advantage of compound exercises is that they will allow you to lift heavier.For example, with the biceps curl (isolation) you will be training mainly your biceps. The barbell back squat for example, will work your back muscles, your abs, the quadriceps, the glutes,… I’m not saying that isolation exercises are bad. They can certainly have their place in a workout routine, as long as you know what your main focus should be.The following are some of the best compound lifts for you to use:DeadliftSquat.Barbell rowBench pressShoulder pressChin ups/pull upsDips…Sure, the exercises are harder and take a lot more effort. They will also force you to get your technique and form down to avoid injuries. Then again, the easy road never gets you anywhere.4. Make Sleep & Rest a priority“Say what? You’re saying I should rest and sleep more?”Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying. Muscles are not built in the gym. During your workout, you’re only breaking down your muscle tissue. Your recovery time is when your muscles are repaired and rebuilt. This is when the magic happens and your muscles grow bigger and stronger.During sleep, growth hormone is released by your body to aid you in muscle recovery and growth. This mostly happens during the stages of deep sleep. Above that, testosterone is released, which has great anabolic effects on your body.When you don’t sleep enough, your energy levels will also get depleted. This can sabotage your motivation. Plus, without energy, you cannot give it your all during your workout. When you experience a lack of sleep, cortisol is also released into your body, which has devastating effects. Cortisol is a catabolic hormone which will cause you to breakdown muscle. It’s also released in times of stress, which should be avoided.So how much shut-eye should you get? That’s a difficult question to answer, because it depends on the person asking. Everybody has different needs. Generally, for most adults, somewhere between 7 to 9 hours is required.Not only should you be sleeping well, you should also make sure that you’ve got enough recovery time between your workout sessions. In case of building muscles, more isn’t always better. It’s not recommended to work the same muscles days in a row. You should take some rest days, where your body can recover from the damage done. It is also important to avoid injuries. Just give your body a rest; your joints, tendons and neurological system will thank you.5. Be consistentIt doesn’t matter which workout program for building muscle you use, if you’re only going to do it half-assed and not consistently. Any training program, even a mediocre one, where you consistently put in the work and finish to the end, will always get you better results than doing the best program, but not following through.If you want to get big, you cannot skip workouts because you don’t feel like it or whatever the reason might be. And if you always cut your workouts short, you will not get the results you want. Be honest to yourself and stick with what you should be doing.If you’re currently working out, but not using a designed program, I advise you to reconsider.The same goes for your diet. If you’re always having cheat days and eating fast food, you will never have the body that you’re dreaming of.From the article:

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The PDF was exactly what I needed. Easy to complete, change and print

Justin Miller