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What does it feels like to have an IQ of 190?
People with IQ’s within the 160–200 range (Sanford-Binet, WAIS etc) are extremely rare, IQ =190 extrapolates to 1 in 100M, meaning that there are ~ 15+/- people currently (global population of ~7.5B) in the world living today.Personally, I have out of insatiable intellectual curiosity and need to cognitively challenges myself at one point in my life, taken 4 IQ Tests Pennned by P. Coojman: Nemesis Test, Psychometrically Activated Grids Acerbate Neuroticism, Narcissists Last Stand & Alchemists Test. All 4 tests Mean/ Standard Deviation =190Positive/Pros:MCAT Score 40/401st Place, 1988-National Science Fair/NSF, Washington DCTopic:Feasibility, Geometric Proof of SDI (Direct Energy/Particle Beam Weapons, Plasma Laser Grid Network Defense Systems (Plasma Physics, Condensed Matter Physics)Highest FLUID Intelligence Score Ever Recorded (Executive Functions (99% Percentile)STEM PolymathPolyglot 6 Fluent (Read/Write/Perfect Dialect in 6 LanguagesAccompliashed Pianist, Performed Johann Sebastian Bach “Fugues”, Mozart, Tchaikovsky in Concerts from age 5–15 years oldProficient in Guitars, Drums, Violin, Cello, TrumpetAmbidextrous, Blackbelt in Tae-Keon-Do & Samurai Swords/Katana Master KobayashiAlong with Academic Giftedness, I also possess Metaphysical Abilities confirmed at IONS1). Advanced Cognition (Precognition, RetroCognition & MetaCognition)2). Psychokinesis/PK (Chronokinesis, Neurokinesis, Biokinesis and Tachykinesis3). Clairvoyance (clairsentience, clairaudience and claircognizance)4). Hypersensitive, Medium & Medical Intuitive (Predictive Sciences, Teiki Healing5). Mastery of Sacred Geometry, Alchemy, Grand Unified Physics Field Theories, GUTS, Superstring Theory/MTheory/Barnes (also: QT, SR, SST, HFT, LQG, HT,6). Mastery of Mega Engineering to Quantum/Molecular/NanoengineeringCreated Applied/Combinatorial/Discrete/Finite/Applied. Mathematics Taxonomies for Dimensionsal Harmonics, Singularity Mathematics, Tessellated Biogeometric Topology/HomologyConverge Sciences, Technologies, Engineering, Mathematics and Medicine (STEM Taxonomies)Cumulative Active Vocabulary of 150,000Read Daily Avg of 500K-1M words and 500–1000 images/dayEverything I have articulated here is NOT out of need to validate myself, persistent narcissism/megalomaniac or Sociopathic DiaorderCons:I. Confluence of Cognitive/Psychosomatic Disorders1). OCD2). ADD3). GAD4). Tourettes5). Auditory & Visual Processing Disorders6). Benign Growth/Mass on my Claustrum (2.4M 5 Pointed Star Fractal Morphology/TopologyII. Life-long Feelings of Cognitive Dissonance, Isolation, Inability to Socially/Societal BlendingIII. Personal, Professional Hardships, Life-long invariablity in Jobs/Professions because of Severe ADHD, Colleagues/Management fearful that I will take their jobs because of rapid learning, accelerationI have had 26 Jobs ranging from $30 to $750K Annual Salaries,Contract Project Jobs Ranging from $50-$5000/Hr,From Waiter to Chief Innovation and Strategy OfficerMeaning:Genius IQ DO NOT Correlate/Synonymous with Success, Wealth, Continuity, HappinessMy life’s pursuit/quest is for Ultimate Truth/KnowledgePoint: Every day life/Reality presents the biggest ongoing challenge in my lifeIntelligence and Knowledge is a Gifted that shouldn’t be squandered. But it’s both a gift and a burdenTook me 40 years to fully understand who I was, and be comfortable with myselfMoral:Do not be envious, curiosity and understanding is natural. People with High genius IQ’s DO JOT Look down on, chastise, ridicule, think lesser of or denegrate those with lower IQ’s.IQ”s ARE NOT a measure of Passion, Altruism, Empathy, Kindness….The true measure of a person is did they have passion, did they find joy in their life and did they try to bring joy to othersHi Matthew or Matt if i may….Unfortunately this is the only way I've found to contact you on quora. I'm hoping you may be able to shed some light on my conundrum ( I state at the risk of trying not to sound to forcibly intelligent).I believe that I have experienced many of the capacities / cognitive abilities that you yourself have as a fixed intelligence.My story starts at 18 years of age being diagnosed with the mental illness schizophrenia (and no I'm not going to go off my medication). My time during these states of being unwell (usually about 2 months) all of my cognitive abilities and related spike to what you have written in your for mentioned answer to the question ‘what does it feel like to have a IQ of 190’?Metaphysical abilities - I experienced the room i was standing in suddenly turn to a green tinge in colour and whilst i reached to grab something out of my bag i saw a cockroach residing within my clothes (xray vision) * prior to unzipping the bag. Once the bag was opened there it was.Regarding the other capabilities, I think mainly in pictures and i am really passionate about systems. I am like a safe cracker if you will. There is nothing i can't figure out. Please understand this is merely scratching the surface (i am now 38 years old) of what i have experienced.The downside is my normal operating level is hovering around an IQ of 120 ( bit of a guess). During these two month stints i wind up in hospital (eventually) though the memory still of my cognitive abilities and other faculties during that time.DO YOU KNOW OF ANY OTHER PERSON ON THE PLANET THAT THIS HAS HAPPENED TO OR WHAT IT IS??Although I do not directly have a relationship with others that have experienced these similar "abnormal/Metaphysical experiences you have undergone, rest assured I have read MANY clinical case studies of patients that have gone through either similar scenarios or even worse.Please take this point to heart OK: High Genius Intellects do not mean much in the grand scope of the real world OK? As I allude to in EVERY one of my many posts on the subject of Biometric Testing for IQ mean extrapolation, 98% of individuals with IQ'S in the 160–200 range DO NOT live "normal" lives. Again, as I have referenced in detail above, I have a litany of psychosomatic disorders ( 6 total including severe Synesthesia), Tourettes, Mild Asbergers etc). I live predominantly in the Quantum Metaphysical world not the real world (cognitively). I have been hospitalized for various overdoses in the past as the nature of my Tourettes and ADHD among others force me to take everything I do to extremes. I have learned to overcome, Reprogram and refocus/redistribute my cognitive/Affective difficulties into effective means of perfecting my craft which is knowledge acquisition and applying complexity, Convergence and intelligent design into designing and developing solutions to STEM grand challenges.I have designed an Adaptive intelligence Cognitive Modeling System that will teach you how to rapidly ingest vast amounts of data (alpha /numeric/images/symbols, then summon the appropriate areas of your executive functions sufficiently to solve what 99% of the planet perceive as impossible/improbable/intractable problems/challenges.Through the application of my system you can accurately predict within a + or - 5% variance, your score on ANY Biometric Intelligence cognitive/Affective/Behavioral test/exam because I teach you how to take the test from the perspective of the exam//test designer. All tests are designed with specific goals objectives in mind and tests for potential capacity/capabilities either in one specific area or multiple areas. I can teach you how to arrive at the right answer 99% of the time without knowing the subject beforehand.I'm what is referred to as a 1. STEM Polymath, 2. Multii-Potentialite and a 3). MetaCog. I analyze the reason/rationale for everything. There are many human intelligence Modeling concepts that I employ on a regular basis but FLUID Intelligence is what defines my personal Intellectual abilities. I use inductive, deductive reasoning and inferencing in everything I do. I have formulated my own personal nootropic compound based on my type of intelligence, Neurobiology, metabolism, Chemistry etc that allows me to unite & elevate my claustrum and Suprachiasmic Nucleus Neural functioning, recruit and unite my glial cells so that I can function at a very high level.of mental activity for long periods of time. My father grandfather, great great uncle, godfather were all active and even famous masons (1 was a 33rd degree master Mason and international Counselate member and masonic historian. Knowledge//ultimate Scientific truth is my life long passion, aphrodisiac and drug of choice.One past word of advice/caution, many high genius level individuals are extreme narcissists and love to pontificate about their IQ'S and collective 'g' ranges on peer reviewed blogsites like Hmolpedia for instance. Don't waste your time/Life telling people who intelligent you are but rather not the following primer:" intelligence/knowledge is a grand gift bestowed on the rare few by God the intelligent design Science master of all things and the gift can be both given and taken away; lastly it shouldn't be squandered but used and applied in ways to help those that cannot help themselves or enrich the lives of others namely the sick, old, impoverished etc.
What's the most honorable act in the history of war?
There are many examples of it. My top 3 would be.Christmas Truce‘’The Christmas Truce occurred on and around Christmas Day 1914, when the sounds of rifles firing and shells exploding faded in a number of places along the Western Front during World War I in favor of holiday celebrations. During the unofficial ceasefire, soldiers on both sides of the conflict emerged from the trenches and shared gestures of goodwill.Did you know? On December 7, 1914, Pope Benedict XV suggested a temporary hiatus of the war for the celebration of Christmas. The warring countries refused to create any official cease-fire, but on Christmas the soldiers in the trenches declared their own unofficial truce.’’ Source of the quoted paragraphs: Christmas Truce of 1914“First the Germans would sing one of their carols and then we would sing one of ours, until when we started up ‘O Come, All Ye Faithful’ the Germans immediately joined in singing the same hymn to the Latin words Adeste Fideles. And I thought, well, this is really a most extraordinary thing – two nations both singing the same carol in the middle of a war.” Source of the quoted paragraphs: Silent Night: The Story of the World War I Christmas Truce of 1914‘’Dec. 12: a metal frame representing a soccer ball, with two hands clasped inside it, and a week later, inspired by the events of the truce, the British and German army soccer teams played a friendly match. And though the Christmas Truce may have been a one-off in the conflict, the fact that it remains so widely commemorated speaks to the fact that at its heart it symbolizes a very human desire for peace, no matter how fleeting.’’ Source of the quoted paragraphs: Silent Night: The Story of the World War I Christmas Truce of 1914Source of the picture: A Brief Peace: The 1914 Christmas Truce2) Brotherhood of Enemies in Gallipoli‘’ The soldiers might have had a chance to savor these last items, enjoying a rum gimlet perhaps with a casual smoke as if on a blue voyage cruise on the way from Egypt to the Dardanelles strait, but there was surely no place for such luxury in the trenches. However, there were moments of serenity during cease-fires, often enjoyed by smoking a cigarette or nibbling on crumbs of Anzac biscuits or peksimet softened with canned milk. That was the moment the two sides could come to a humane state, even passing notes to each other to swap goods, food from Anzac side and Turkish tobacco and cigarettes in return. We do not know if Turks enjoyed the brick-hard biscuits they received, but they surely liked the canned milk but deliberately avoided canned beef out of fears that it was pork. One note attached to a cigarette pack thrown from the Turkish trench to the other side included a kind note written in broken French: “Notre Cher Enemi- Prenez-A Vee”(to our dear enemy).Upon receiving an unwanted bully beef in return, another note came along: “A Notre Herox Ennemis, Bully Beef -Non...Envoyez Milk.” (our heroic enemy, no bully beef, send milk).’’ Source of the quoted paragraphs: Biscuit crumbs in trenchesSource of the picture: Biscuit crumbs in trenchesAnother brotherhood story of enemies from Gallipoli:Amid the chaos of war, Ottoman War Minister Enver Pasha paid particular attention to graves and ordered the generals to respect them, and even directly told soldiers to take care of them. Upon the request of English, French and Austrian families, the graves of dead soldiers were searched for.The report of Monsieur Dolci to Roman Catholic Cardinal Pietro Gasparri, dated April 4, 1916, gives detailed information about the cardinal's meeting with Enver Pasha. Dolci first wrote about his talk with Enver Pasha and then the pasha's response. Some of the translated accounts include:"The military priests have confirmed that War Minister Enver Pasha gave the order with this intention. I am well-aware of his noble and heroic feelings; even though he has many responsibilities, he was ordering his generals to protect these sacred graves from the early days of the war.""The minister drew my attention to his strict orders to take the necessary precautions, and immediately bounded the cemetery areas with iron wires as well as restricted anyone from harming the graves, as much as the war conditions allowed.""He said if any of them were damaged, it was probably because of the howitzers of enemy ships hitting the graves, adding he even saw such an incident in a war zone. Honestly, I was also informed about this case. Shells damaged some of the graves inside the cemeteries, but when the firing ended, [Turkish] soldiers immediately intervened and returned them to their normal condition upon the order of Enver Pasha."Count von Lüttichau of the German General Staff, who was a Protestant military chaplain, wrote in 1996 about the conditions of the graves of English and French soldiers who died in Gallipoli. The original name of his work, "Bericht über den Befund der Gräber der französischen und englischen Gefallenen auf Gallipoli, Konstantinopel, Kaiserlicher Botschaftsprediger und Marinefeldgeistlicher" (Report on the findings of the graves of the French and English who died at Gallipoli, Constantinople by the imperial embassy's priest and navy chaplain). Von Lüttichau also described how Turkish soldiers took care of the graves.The story of the ANZAC lieutenant, Frank Matthew Coffee, stands out among all the letters featured in the book, and it has a special section about the case of Coffee who died after shrapnel struck his heart on Nov. 19, 1915. His unfortunate story began with the letter by his father who heard the tragic news in Sydney, far away from the war. His father wrote a letter to the Vatican to find his son's grave and send his body to his homeland in order to hold a funeral. Coffee's efforts took almost four years; Yungels, the head of the Ottoman Army Medical Department and the chief of staff of the mobile military hospital, sent a letter to Dolci on June 28, 1918 and suggested that Coffee's grave might have been damaged due to the bombardment. In his letter to Gasparri, dated June 17, 1920, Dolci said that he had received the record and photographs of Coffee's grave. Another piece, dated Oct. 5, 1920, reported that his body was not transferred and was left next to other soldiers in Gallipoli.The case of Coffee presents another question: Was Mustafa Kemal Atatürk aware of this incident? Did he know about the abovementioned letters or the search for the young lieutenant's grave? These questions are also addressed in the book, and Atatürk's statement that was delivered during the commemorations of the Battle of Gallipoli on March 18, 1934 is discussed as well."Those heroes who shed their blood and lost their lives … you are now lying in the soil of a friendly country. Therefore rest in peace. There is no difference between the Johnnies and the Mehmets to us where they lie side-by-side here in this country of ours … You, the mothers who sent your sons to far away countries, wipe away your tears. Your sons are now lying in our bosom and are in peace. After having lost their lives on this land, they have become our sons as well." Source of the quoted paragraphs: Gallipoli: The last gentlemen’s war3) French solidarity : Napoleon’s Return From Exile, Rallying an Army With His Words AloneDuring the last months of 1814, Napoleon grew bored playing at Emperor of Elba. He never took his eye off France, where the Allies had made the mistake of restoring an eager but weak Bourbon king to the throne. King Louis XVIII had neither Napoleon’s charm nor his charisma. France had a constitutional monarchy now, but with royalists threatening to abolish the gains of the revolution, and the economy floundering, the King soon became unpopular.For ten months, Napoleon watched and waited. Then, on February 26, 1815, he slipped off of Elba with a handful of soldiers and eluded the British fleet. "After making a mistake or suffering a misfortune," he said, "the man of genius always gets back on his feet."Once ashore, only the King’s army would stand between Napoleon and Paris. Six days after landing in France, he confronted a regiment of infantry ordered to bar his way. Napoleon advanced alone to meet them: "Soldiers," he cried, "if there is one among you who wants to kill his general, his Emperor, here I am." Suddenly, the soldiers began cheering wildly, "Long live the Emperor. Long live the Emperor." Source of the quoted paragrapha: Napoleon: Napoleon at WarThe 5th Infantry Regiment joined Napoleon on the spot. Source of the picture: Napoleon's Return From Exile, Rallying an Army With His Words Alone‘’ The following day, the 7th Infantry Regiment joined the cause, followed by an ever increasing number of soldiers. Marshal Ney, a high-ranking royalist commander, promised the King that he would bring Napoleon to Paris bound inside an iron cage. With 6000 men at this back, Ney then proceeded to march against the Imperialist army – only to swear his allegiance to Napoleon upon their meeting.By the time the army reached Paris, they were able to enter the capital city unopposed. The royalists had fled before the Emperor’s advance and, once again, Napoleon Bonaparte had reclaimed his throne.’’ Source of the quoted paragraphs: Napoleon's Return From Exile, Rallying an Army With His Words Alone
As a healthcare provider, do you agree with Republicans' claims that the original ObamaCare hurt healthcare providers and hospitals?
The short answer is that there is a giant stained glass window of interrelated factors packed in that question. This is a complex answer and fully addressed in the book: An American Sickness: How Healthcare Became Big Business and How You Can Take It Back - Kindle edition by Rosenthal, Elisabeth. Politics & Social Sciences Kindle eBooks @ is a complex interplay of pharmacy benefit managers, physicians, other healthcare professionals, insurance companies, politicians, and finally, patients caught in the middle. Everyone thinks they are not at fault for rising healthcare costs, and the patient gets caught in the crossfire. Will addend my answer later. Stay tuned.So - The Republicans are objecting the following parts of the original Obamacare plan (among many others, I just picked the big ones):The individual mandate, which means you must purchase Health insuranceThere might be death panelsThey might be forced to give up insurance that already worked well for themLet's address these claims one by one. As a human being, I get the sentiment that it is a little unreasonable to force you to pay for the healthcare of another person you don’t know. Why do I owe it to little Johnny across the town if I don’t know anything about him? My money is my hard-earned money. However, let’s now turn around. Say you are a lower middle-class person, through no fault of your own, and suddenly, you are blessed with a child - who also has congenital heart disease (born with a hole in the heart). You have car payments, rent, school payments, and have to pay the living expenses of your first child. You are also a single mother. Now, if you are underinsured, you are stuck with a potential $300 000 hospital bill, which is a rough estimate of the full cost of congenital heart surgery plus the hospital stay associated with the recovery. The price tag is composed of a vast array of things.a. That cost is not entirely composed of the greed of healthcare professionals, contrary to what the media might say. That cost is comprised of equipment, salaries, electricity bills, computers, the hospital bed, the food, the hospital CEO’s cut, the insurance company’s cut, and much much more. Everything you see inside a hospital, must be paid for.b. The really big-ticket items are the equipment that is used to bypass the heart during surgery, and the consumables like sutures/ tubing used to complete the surgery itself. We physicians have no control over these prices - we can only pay what the sticker price is, to the original manufacturers of these big-ticket items. That CEO - he or she still wants the multi-million dollar compensation package, so part of your hospital bill goes to pay that executive.c. The TV ads that share how awesome your hospital is - those are paid for out of the hospital collections.d. The medicines that are used in hospitals - much of the fee goes to pharmacy benefit middlemen who lobbied to stay in the game so that they can earn money off of the simple act of sending the drug from the factory to the hospital. The pills and liquid drugs themselves, if generic, cost only a few dollars. Why do you see 500$ bottles of injectable water?e. Pharmacy benefit managers, insurance companies, and hospital executives got together and decided to charge that price.f. And oh, by the way, physician compensation has grown linearly since the 1970s, but non-physician+ executive pay has grown exponentially during that same time.Lobbyists have been paid good money to keep things that way - at the expense of the patient. It is the healthcare professionals that actually care about outcomes - insurance companies and executives could really care less.look at these salaries- patients have to pay them.g. One method that insurance companies and healthcare executives are using to cut costs is deploying growing numbers of nurse practitioners and physician assistants and giving them something called “full practice authority”. This makes monetary sense because you don’t have to pay a NP or a PA as much money as a physician. However, there is a dark side to this approach. Many NPs and PAs are very skilled, and I cite my own team as an example. However, the difference in education required to arrive there is substantial:The difference in education is substantial. While I am not against the concept of NPs and PAs, I think the evidence out there demonstrates that full practice authority really should be decided by physicians and not legislators. There are literally thousands of examples out there of NP/PAs ordering excessive testing/ consults without doing their assessment properly, committing outright malpractice, or trying to pretend they have education that they don’t actually have. I present just one of the more extreme examples - a woman dying of a treatable blood clot that a nurse practitioner didn’t think to test for: ER Patient Death Due To Incompetent NP . If the Emergency Room physician had assessed this patient completely, her death would have been prevented. There are other examples of missing cancer until it was totally metastasized everywhere. NPs and PAs have their place, but should never be allowed to have patient lives in their hands unsupervised if that particular case is beyond the NP or PAs skill level. It’s not so economical when you add up all these considerations.Now back to you, the patient - if you are underinsured, you are expected to pay off that massive hospital bill over the rest of your life. I just this year was forced to watch a patient fade away from heart failure because he was an undocumented immigrant who couldn’t pay for his heart surgery. Insurance companies come into play here in surprise billing. Within one hospital system, the multiple insurers that work with the physicians arbitrarily decide which doctors are in their network and which ones aren't - based purely on profit motive. Such information is considered somewhat proprietary, and you, the patient, can only really find out if you do really substantial research. You still might get stuck with surprise bills even if you have a PhD in surprise billing - and are expected to pay. By the way, insurance companies have a vested interest in keeping things complicated, and making claims complicated, so that they can preserve their billion dollar profits. Remember, those billions of dollars are purely going to line executive pockets, rather than fix health problems. For all these reasons, insurance is both an evil and a necessity. National Health systems were created to negotiate with suppliers to forcibly push down prices, so that if a certain company didn’t agree to a specific low price, they had NO business whatsoever. I personally dislike how expensive hospital bills are, so I advocate for insurance purely so that Americans don’t have to face financial catastrophe for health conditions. The two faces of the “individual mandate” stem from all these complex interwoven factors. Many times, you just don’t know if a health problem will hit you or your family members. You don’t deserve to be bankrupt for this. If you still hate the individual mandate after this, you should study abroad for a month or two and ask someone from a foreign country what happens when they go to a hospital. I dare you to step outside your comfort zone and perhaps learn, the Swiss way of life, or the South African way of life. You will be surprised.2. There might be death panels. Well, the concept of death panels originated here: America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 - Wikipedia . The reality though is far simpler than what you heard on TV. Death panels in the truest sense of the word happened in Italy during the coronavirus crisis - Italian doctors ‘forced to choose who to save from coronavirus’ . In modern American healthcare though, end of life decisions are incredibly tough conversations, but I generally reach for the themes of comfort, are we doing something to the patient or for the patient, and ask the family to ponder what the ill patient would have wanted. There is never a situation where I or anyone on my team decides to unilaterally withdraw life support on a critically ill patient with first trying to consult the family. The assertion that death panels exist in modern hospitals is an extreme distortion of the original text of the bill (which had the controversial text removed anyway), and is against modern medical ethics that we are all taught in basic classes in medical school. This statement is just totally wrong.3. You might lose the insurance that you liked. This statement is partially true, and the more detailed explanation is shown here: PolitiFact - Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it' Essentially the Affordable Care Act allowed insurance companies to sell healthcare plans if they followed some preset rules. These rules were strict, so many plans were cancelled. The other perspective is that when insurance companies were forced to cover the costs of more people, they balked because they could no longer get billion-dollar profit margins, and rather, had to pay for the costs of the most medically complex among us. Plans were cancelled as a result. Back to human nature - if you are running a business, your sacred mandate as a business administrator is to keep that business afloat. You don’t necessarily care about patient health outcomes - your job is to earn money. That comes into direct conflict with the needs of patients. Healthcare is not like any other commodity - you can’t just refuse to buy it if you feel like refusing, especially if you have something life-threatening like an aortic dissection. Hence, this is yet one more incentive for insurance companies to push up the price. They don’t care about patients or doctors - they just want your money. And they are protected by well paid, powerful lobbyists - so they aren’t going anywhere anytime soon.So I realize that I have said some incredibly depressing stuff. Here’s what you, the patient, can do if you want to fight back against the behemoth.Ally with your healthcare professionals. You deserve an explanation that is to your satisfaction. If you are told you need a test, you deserve to know why it is being recommended. Same goes if you are admitted in a hospital. You have the right to understand every test in a hospital, and the right to demand a cheaper way if one exists.The converse of this is also true - the, shinest, glamorous, newest piece of equipment or drug on the block is NOT necessarily something you need to demand. You are more than welcome to ask about it, but demanding it and simultaneously steamrolling your physician’s objections is something that is going to push up the cost of your healthcare and your premiums. Let your healthcare team decide when the newest, glamarous, and most advanced test or drug is right for you. The uniquely American attitude of “We want the latest and greatest, and we want it right this instant”, is unhealthy when lives are on the line. Let the trained professional make that decision.Get involved in politics. Vote out the politicians who are in bed with the powerful insurance lobbies.Find out a way to make your local political leadership not so dependent on big money, so that your favorite elected official is not so dependent on big money to win the election. Smash that revolving carrot-stick door to pieces and make your elected officials truly accountable to your voice and not the rich dude’s dollars.If you know an insurance executive, force him to see healthcare through the eyes of real patients or friends. Bring him or her down from that ivory tower and make him see the consequences of his action.Seek out your Direct Primary Care practices, that are fee for service like we used to do before insurance. You might just get great care for a great price.Use science literacy and deny your elected officials the pleasure of manipulating you with phrases like “socialized medicine”. You don’t have to be a scientist, just use logic and curiosity. Force your people in power to prove their points using scientific reasoning or make them pay with their jobs for failing to stay accountable to YOU.Drum up support in your local communities for a state or national fee schedule (like what Medicare does now). If all the fees are standardized and publicly known, nobody can charge more.Don’t get sick in the first place. If you are otherwise healthy, teach you and all your friends a healthy lifestyle as soon as you can. So many diseases like diabetes, smoking, heart disease, and high blood pressure, are preventable with a healthy lifestyle. I currently see so many people in my clinic who have these problems who very simply, made poor choices. They wouldn’t have to buy that expensive Entresto if they had stopped eating Zaxbys and smoking cigarettes 20 years ago.Partner with your local leadership to create healthcare transparency and competition. If everyone has to compete with everyone else to drive down prices, they will go down like economics said they would.Understand the arrangement of your local hospital/ clinic. If that business is owned by private equity, you better not go there - because the leadership there is purely focused on money.If you can combine two procedures into one, try to do it.Request in-network blood tests and doctors.Request information about charges on telemedicine visits.Ask if your doctor will see you if you are hospitalized, or if the local hospital doctor will do it.So ladies and gentlemen, the reasons why Republicans hate the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) are complicated. Hopefully, this is enlightening to some and will be a call to action.
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