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What's the biggest mistake you ever made during an interview?
Warning! Long post ahead.This was my dream job.Post of Management Trainee at McDonald's Mumbai corporate office, where I would have been rotated between 4 different departments in a span of 1.5 years.Hi, Myself Rishi Rishabh Jain, qualified to be a Chartered accountant, cleared CA Final in November 17 and Ex-employee at EY, Mumbai and Ex-Industrial Trainee at Unilever, Mumbai.I was looking for a corporate job in Mumbai from Feb 18, after I cleared my CA finals in Jan 18.Now, coming back to my story, The vacancy was rolled out on their official website for Management Trainee post and they asked me to send my CV on their email i.e. [email protected] mentioning Application for Management Trainee profile as Subject.I applied for the same during Feb 18 and got their interview call during first week of April 18. As I live in Textile city of India, Bhilwara Rajasthan so they asked me to come down to Mumbai for an interview.I was really excited for this job because of attractive job profile plus their brand name and big companies do offer a handsome package. Plus it was management trainee profile so, once I am posted as a regular employee, the package shall be even Higher.So, I went to Mumbai, wore white shirt, blue dotted tie, specs, clean shaved, wrist watch, all suited up and like an ideal candidate wore a Smile on my face. I could not afford to lose this opportunity, so I also brushed up my technical knowledge and read few quick facts about the organisation and their market share and their strategies and their future plans.This is the most important thing while appearing for an interview. First, you should know for what profile are you being interviewed for and what are your job responsibilities and second, you should have a considerable knowledge about the organisation, about its business, about its competitors, about challenges it is facing, etc. (If you are from Finance or Management Background).So, there was no HR round of interview, as I forgot to mention earlier, they already had my HR round on call for around half an hour, when I was in Rajasthan. They were quite impressed from me, maybe due to my profile or maybe my confidence.So, the first round was directly the PI round, where the immediate Hiring manager, under whom I was supposed to be recruited, interviewed me. Now, this guy was a CA, in his early 40’s and in this company since last 10 years and was even from Ajmer, Rajasthan. Because, he was from industry, I knew I could easily impress him with my technical knowledge.The interview went for around 45–50 minutes where he asked in a structured (maybe pre-decided) process, technical questions from every aspect of our CA curriculum. From Company law to competition law, AS/Ind AS, Form 3CD Tax audit report, CARO report, Auditing Standards, Income Tax, Assessment and appeals, and few topics of Financial Management.I would like to mention here that since I appeared for technical interviews at all of the Big 4’s (where Technical round is much more rigourous) I was excellent performer and confident enough and knew all of those answers. During the Interview, I actually mentioned a point, where he himself admitted, “Well, I don’t know that point, even I have to research.”Clearly, He was impressed with my technical as well as soft skills. He ended the interview with the words, “HR will get back to you for further rounds of Interview.” This meant I am being taken further for next rounds of Interview.I came back to my lodge and waited for next 2 days. I still didn’t receive a call from HR. I got nervous and thought maybe I have overplayed in the interview and now my smartness will cost me the job.In a hurry, I just called the HR to ask whether I am selected or not. She bluntly said, “Rishabh, I have been trying to contact you from last 2 days. You’re not picking up the call.” Clearly, she lied. She didn’t call me once, neither did she left a mail that she tried to contact me and I didn’t answer, In case if she genuinely wanted to contact me. Nonetheless, me samajh gaya, Yeh HR jhol hai, ye lafda karegi.I knew there’s no sense in arguing but I politely denied receiving any call from her. She said that she will drop an email for the details of next round of Interview which shall be the Presentation Round with the CFO of the company. I waited for next 2 days, just to receive this mail.So, I waited for long 7 days with all hopes high just to read this kind of mail, after performing so good. I was not ready to accept the defeat. I decided to fight back. I wanted to call the HR to know whether they have actually rejected me and if so what was the actual reason behind it. I even thought I would ask her when can I come to the office to meet her in person.So, amidst of all I called her (on her cellphone) to know the reasons for rejection. Man I’m not good at handling rejections. Also, I might sound desparate but yes I wanted what I deserved. Simple.She didn’t answer the call, as expected. I was sitting on Marine Drive at that time. It was around 7:30 and the breeze was cool and the noise of waves were heart-soothing. She called me back in 5 minutes and directly asked me to complete the assessment. Wait what? What kind of assessment? I thought it might be some kind of Feedback about the interview process. So, I asked her what was that for? She said, “In order to further proceed this interview, you have to complete this assessment. It is not an elimination round, just an assessment to know you better.”Wait what? I am being taken for further round of interviews?So, I was completely confused and asked her about the above mail I received. She said She don’t remember sending any such mail to me. Then she opened her mailbox and said exactly what is written in this trail mail.I jumped up with joy. Yes, it's not over.So I asked, “Are we onn with the presenatation round?”. She said, “Definitely Yes. We are not going to loose such High Calibre Candidate.” And asked me to complete the assessment and prepare my Presentation.I got 2 days to prepare for the presentation round, make presentation and present it in front of CFO himself. I printed annual reports of last 3 years and made very attractive ppt of 10 slides. Because 10 was the limit.On the big day, I reached the place before time just to look confident and after few minutes of decided time, I was called by the manager in the presentation room. There was one Head HR manager sitting alongwith the HR (that lafda) and the hiring manager. We attached my laptop with the projector and waited for CFO to come.Now, came the CFO, age around 60’s and in formal half shirt with trousers. I was amused with his outfit. He made me comfortable with the situation and asked me if I want something as he was having his cup of coffee. His humbleness and down to earth Attitude made me crave to join this company more.(Sir, if you are reading this, you are great human being, I couldn't say it that day.)So, I started my presentation with confidence and some attention catching comic punch. The presentation went on for 30 minutes (even though I was said the max time limit is 20 minutes). They all were too much impressed with my soft skills as well as my analysis part. At a point between the presentation, the CFO signalled to the manger, with his finger pointing towards the ppt and he uttered Waah! He wanted to say, wow what an analysis. That was a point where I researched hard and was actually a good observation point to be analysed about the company.He ended the presentation with extending his hand for a handshake and said , “Well done! We will get back to you!” This was the point where I decided I have to join this company, I have to work and learn under this person. Such an amazing personality with so much humbleness.I knew I have to wait for long since the HR is lethargic and will delay my appointment as much as possible. But, I was ready to wait for it.Meanwhile, I got an appointment letter from EY and was asked to join next Monday. I shifted my joining date to further next Monday just to buy some time so as to wait for McD.I waited for more than 2 weeks, but I didn't receive any call or mail. I called her many times just to know the status of my application. She kept me assuring that we will soon declare the result but the results are positive for me, so I should wait.They kept me waiting whole april and finally on 30th April, EY HR called me for my final answer and if I am really interested in joining their firm or not as I shifted my joining date thrice. So out of courtesy, I accepted their offer and agreed to join on 7th may, because I was in doubt if actually Mcd is going to recruit me or not. Since in doubt, I accepted the offer in hand.I happily joined EY but there was an urge inside me that I am joining a company which actually I don't want to join. However I joined EY and worked really hard day and night to complete the audit.Now, you will be wondering what mistake did I actually make?Actually, After one month of joining EY, I received a call from HR of McDonald's that if I am willing to join their company but in a different department and under different manager. Now, I was frustrated from their sick hiring process and I didn't wanted to go through the whole process once again. So I asked her if it's ok that I have joined EY and will leave it in one month's time. She said, “ if you are ok with resigning from EY in one month then we have no issues.”I asked whether I have to appear for technical and presentation round once again? For which she said yes. Now this was my dream company, ideal place to work, with decent job profile and attractive salary package. Also, I was fed up of hectic work culture of EY, so I had two optionsFirst, to go through their entire interview process and then join an interesting job in my dream company.Second, Don't compromise with my self respect and deny the offer.So, I went with the latter one and told her, “Rachel, I am not interested in walking the same path once again and if you are willing to offer me a call letter asap without interviewing, then only I am willing to join.”And I cut the call. This, my friend this, was the biggest mistake of my life relating to an interview. Maybe I shouldn't have said that, Maybe I shouldn't have done that. I should have gone through the process but I made a decision and I am sticking to it.Self respect is greater than any other materialistic things in life.Next week, I again received a call from her that the vacancy is still open and if I am willing to join? I had no answers.End of story.Thanks for readingRishi Rishabh JainPlease comment!Your opinion is important to me.
How are the various Masonic degrees (especially the appendant degrees of Scottish Rite Freemasonry) conferred?
To answer your question, perhaps it would be best to explain how Masonry works in the first place - others have done a good job explaining some of your question, but I'm going to work to put things into a little bit of order in my answer here.So you've decided you want to become a Mason! Congratulations! You're taking your first step into a larger world. But how do you become a Mason? Who is going to be the one that decides whether you're in or not? And who is it that will make you a Mason, anyway?Here's how it works:1. You've decided you want to be a Mason - so you go and talk to someone who has known you for a while (most lodges ask that a person knows you for at least a year) and who you are pretty sure is a Mason. You've seen the emblem on their car, or you've noticed the ring they wear. You've talked to them about the fraternity and you've decided you want to join. So you ask this man for a petition to join the lodge. He'll either reach into his pocket and give you one right then and there (some Masons carry a petition at all times just in case!) or he'll go back to his lodge to get a petition and give it to you as soon as he can.2. You fill out your petition and have it signed by two people who know you and who are Masons. These are the people who are recommending you to the lodge for membership - they're vouching for you as a man of good character who meets all the requirements for being a Mason in the first place. Typically, the two men who sign your petition recommending you will also be your mentors as you come through the degrees and learn about Masonry. They may serve as "guides" during the ritual and will work with you in between degrees to help you learn all the things that you need to learn.3. Once you've filled out your petition and had it signed, your petition will be taken to the next stated meeting of the lodge in your town. The secretary of the lodge will read the petition in front of all the members of the lodge so that everyone can know who you are, where you live, what your occupation is, and who recommended you. After your petition is read, the Worshipful Master of the lodge will assign an "Investigating Committee" - usually three members of the lodge - to learn more about you. In some lodges, your petition might be posted somewhere where brothers can come read it later - it might include a photo of you so that people can know who you are and introduce themselves to get to know you better over the next month.Note: The Worshipful Master is a member of the lodge who has been elected by the brothers to serve as the leader when the lodge is at work. He's like the "president" of the lodge, so to speak - but being the Worshipful Master does not make him a "higher degree" than anybody else in the lodge, nor does it make him particularly special or more powerful.4. The committee assigned to investigate you will contact you so that they can meet with you. They'll make sure the meeting is somewhere where you'll be comfortable - if you have a wife, children, or other family living with you, they might ask to meet them as well. A lot of what we do as Masons includes our families - plus, we don't want your family to feel excluded or that you are involved in something that they can't know anything about. This is a chance for your wife, kids, etc. to ask any questions they might have, as well. During the interview, the committee will probably ask you some particular questions: Do you believe in some kind of supreme being? Why do you want to join the lodge? What's your work like? Are you generally an upstanding citizen, not prone to get into trouble or make trouble? Things like that. Once the committee is satisfied that they've gotten to know enough about you that they can report back to the lodge, they'll thank you for your time. You'll have to wait a little bit now while the next steps happen, but be patient and don't worry!- As I said in #3, you might have some other folks besides your committee come up and introduce themselves to you and try to get to know you a little bit. These men are other members of the lodge who may have seen your petition posted and wanted to take a minute to introduce themselves to you. Don't worry - nobody's going to stalk your house or follow you around for a month or anything else.5. At the next stated meeting of the lodge, the committee who "investigated" you will give their report to the lodge, as well as their recommendation. If they thought you would be a good addition to the lodge, they will give a positive report and recommend that the lodge accept your petition. On the other hand, if their chat with you reveals anything they find to be troubling - say, for example, that you tell them you're joining Freemasons because you want to know if the conspiracy theories are true, or because you'd heard that Freemasons can get out of speeding tickets (which is NOT TRUE, btw) - if they find your reasons for wanting to join Freemasonry to be suspect or if they determine that you would not be a good fit for the fraternity, their report will reflect that and they will recommend that the lodge not accept your petition.6. After the committee has given their report, the Worshipful Master (WM) of the lodge will then direct the proper officers of the lodge to prepare the ballot box so that the lodge can vote on your petition. It is the entire lodge that makes the decision whether to accept a new member. Each member of the lodge will come forward to the ballot box and place either a white ball, which is a "yes" vote, or a black ball/square, which is a "no" vote. In some lodges and jurisdictions, just one black ball is enough to keep you from becoming a Mason, though the more common practice in today's lodges is that it requires 3 or more black balls to deny a person membership in the lodge. We do this because we believe that the lodge should always maintain peace and harmony - and so since everything we do is done as one group of brothers, we must also speak with one voice in determining who is to be admitted to our membership. If there are black balls in the ballot box, the ballot will be re-cast one more time to ensure that someone didn't put a black ball in the box by mistake, and then if the black balls persist, you will not be able to join this lodge, or any other lodge, until such time as the people who put the black balls in the box are satisfied that their objections have been resolved between you and them.- Fun fact: this is where the term "blackballed" comes from.7. Once your petition has been voted upon, you will receive notice from the lodge (usually from one of the people who signed your petition) about the results of the vote. Assuming you've been accepted, as it's very rare that a person is "blackballed" these days, you'll be invited to come to the lodge at a given date, usually within the next month, to receive your first degree, the Entered Apprentice degree, and be officially made a Mason.- Note: When you receive your degree work, it is supervised and "performed" by the Worshipful Master of the lodge, with assistance from the lodge officers. It is not, however, the WM who has the "power" to give the degree as much as it is him representing the lodge as a whole in initiating you into the fraternity.8. Once you've received your first degree, you'll work with some of the members of the lodge over the next month to help you prepare to receive your second, or Fellowcraft, degree. Each jurisdiction and each lodge may have different expectations as to how to be best prepared to receive this next degree, so depending on what your lodge expects, you may be asked to present a paper on a particular topic in the lecture that you were taught about in the degree ritual, or you may simply be expected to have memorized the obligation you took during the degree. You'll repeat this process both as you are "passed" to the Fellowcraft degree and "raised" to the sublime degree of a Master Mason.9. Once you are "raised" to the sublime degree of a Master Mason, you have officially attained the highest "rank" in Freemasonry that anyone can attain. There is no higher degree in Freemasonry than that of a Master Mason. Period. Whether you are the Worshipful Master of a lodge, or even the Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Grand Lodge in your jurisdiction, you are still a Master Mason - nothing more, nothing less. This is what makes Masonry such a profound fraternity - kings and cobblers alike meet on the level when in the open body of the lodge.10. However, there are the appellate bodies that you have asked about, and this is where the common misconception occurs. While there is no higher degree than that of a Master Mason, there are what are known as "symbolic degrees" in which a Mason can partake as long as they are a Master Mason and in good standing with their lodge. These degrees are given numbers, but the numbers have no real significance with regard to any kind of hierarchy or "ranking" that some conspiracy theorists, etc. ascribe to them. These "symbolic" degrees include the Scottish Rite (which has degrees from 4-32, and then a 33rd degree which is an honorary degree given to those who do exemplary service for the fraternity), the York Rite (consisting of 4 degrees in the Royal Arch, 3 degrees in Cryptic Masonry, and then a final four degrees in the Knights Templar, which FYI is the only order in Freemasonry that specifically requires Christian faith as opposed to simply a belief in a supreme being), and the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine (also known as Shriners), which has just one degree. There is also an additional group that is open to women as well as men, called the Order of the Eastern Star, which has one degree as well. In addition to the appellate bodies, there are also a variety of other orders, research lodges, and even Masonic Youth groups, such as the De Molay, Job's Daughters, and Rainbow Girls, that allow for Masons to participate and experience various other rituals and lessons - some of these groups are by invitation only, while others have open applications for membership through petition.11. Should you have a desire to be involved in one of the above mentioned groups, you would go about doing so generally by talking to a member of your current lodge whom you know is involved with one of these bodies. Once again, you'll usually have to ask for a petition (unless the group is by invitation only, in which case you will be contacted personally) and have another two Masons sign that petition for you to join. The petition will then be read, either by a membership committee of some form, by the appellate body itself (if it is a small enough body), or as was the case when I joined the Shrine in St. Louis, you just bring your petition with you and pay your initiation fee.12. For bodies with multiple degrees, like the Scottish Rite and the York Rite, you may have to come to several scheduled events to participate in all of the degree rituals - most Scottish Rite "valleys" or "orients" (as they are known) attempt to do the degrees in clusters. Interestingly enough (and showing once again that the degrees do not in any way denote "ranking" in the fraternity) the degrees of the Scottish Rite, at least, are not always given in numerical order, either. If I were to join the Scottish Rite, for example, and the soonest scheduled degree ceremony was not the 4-14th degrees, but degrees 15 and above, I would be welcome to attend and take part in the rituals for those degrees before I took part in the 4-14. In fact, I could be made a 32nd degree Mason in the Scottish Rite without having seen or heard any other degrees (except the three blue lodge degrees that I already have). The York Rite is structured a bit differently, however, and I believe it must be done chronologically. Ideally, the Scottish Rite is better experienced chronologically, as well - but it is not required.13. The only "symbolic degree" that requires some further and more "elite" consideration that I am aware of is the 33rd degree of Scottish Rite Masonry. It is a high honor given by the Scottish Rite and only through the "Supreme Council" (which is like the Grand Lodge of a Blue Lodge). The Scottish Rite page on Wikipedia explains it thus:In the United States, members of the Scottish Rite can be elected to receive the 33° by the Supreme Council. It is conferred on members who have made major contributions to society or to Masonry in general. In the Southern Jurisdiction, a member who has been a 32° Scottish Rite Mason for 46 months or more is eligible to be elected to receive the "rank and decoration" of Knight Commander of the Court of Honour (K.C.C.H.) in recognition of outstanding service. After 46 months as a K.C.C.H. he is then eligible to be elected to the 33rd degree, upon approval of the Supreme Council and Grand Commander.In the Northern Jurisdiction, there is only one 46-month requirement for eligibility to receive the 33rd degree, and while there is a Meritorious Service Award (as well as a Distinguished Service Award), they are not required intermediate steps towards the 33°. A recipient of the 33rd Degree is an honorary member of the Supreme Council and is therefore called an "Inspector General Honorary." However, those who are appointed Deputies of the Supreme Council that are later elected to membership on the Supreme Council are then designated "Sovereign Grand Inspectors General." In the Northern Jurisdiction a recipient of the 33rd Degree is an honorary member of the Supreme Council, and all members are referred to as a "Sovereign Grand Inspectors General."Other than that, however, all the degrees and orders are conferred much the same as the blue lodge degrees: you fill out a petition and the body as a whole (generally) makes the decision to admit you or not.
Which is the best and cheapest country to do mbbs?
It depends on different factors but, I can say these places are best for studying MBBS abroad in low cost.1.Russia2.Ukraine3.Philippines4.Kyrgyzstan1.For MBBS in RussiaFor one of the best infrastructure in every field, the country of Russia has been a constant pull for education, medical studies such as MBBS or any other technical advances in Russia. With a wide and adventurous history, there is more to learn that meets the eye.Climate and DevelopmentA past of wars and revolution pushed the country to progress in technology and medical needs. The geographically vast expanses of the country show record extreme temperatures in summer at a sweltering 45 degree celcius to a freezing -70 degree celcius as well. Russia has always taken initiative as one of the most active countries working and gaining insight in space.Why MBBS in Russia?There is no better way to learn from the experts in this field for many decades now. one should consider to study in Russia as an option for many non-exhaustive reasons.Low cost education – The Russian government has subsidized education where a student pays about Rs 2.5 -5 Lakhs annually for fees and accommodation. Enough number of seats for all students and a big patient to doctor ratio considering the sizes of hospitals.Government institutions, internationally recognized degrees and accredited by the Medical Council of India and WHO making the students eligible to practice in any country they deem fit.Students are trained in the MCI screening test to be registered to practice in India.Course is taught in English and the student will also be taught the Russian Language alongside to be able to converse with the local patients. During the 4th, 5th and 6th year, the surgeons (students who are studying MBBS course from Russia) in hospitals act as tutors and start to work with the students teaching in Russian.The professors of the university are well aware of the MCI regulations and the syllabus and pattern of these exams. A Student is simultaneously coached for the MCI screening test. The student is also coached for the USMLE preparation the entrance exam to study or practice in the USA.Secure facilities for students with well-furnished hostels.Check Your Eligibility to Study MBBS in RussiaA student with 12th Standard in Science or Equivalent Examination with a minimum of 50% Marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology and if the student belongs to reserved category, then a score of 40% in Physics, Chemistry & Biology is sufficient – as per MCI guidelines is good to go for MBBS.No Common Entrance Test requiredThe pattern is similar to the Indian curriculum and the doctor will be awarded the MBBS degree at the end of the 6 years as compared to the 4 years MBBS in India. The student can get an internship to study Russia or in India.Applications along with the required documents of the education will be sent to the college and once the admission letter is received with a Visa invitation letter. Complete assistance will be provided by Imperial for the visa application procedure.Learn more about best medical colleges and fees here Study MBBS in Russia- For Indian Students|MCI Approved Colleges2. For MBBS in UkraineAbout UkraineUkraine is a country in Eastern Europe. The country is located at the northwest end of the Black Sea sharing its borders with Russia to the east, Belarus to the north, Poland to the northwest, Slovakia and Hungary to the west, and Romania to the south west and south, with Moldova in between. Ukraine is the second-largest country in Europe. At present, Ukraine is ranked at the fourth position in Europe for having the largest number of post graduates in fields of medicine. Ukraine has a number of Top Government Medical Universities offering MBBS, MD and other degrees in medicine to the local students as well as international students. All the medical universities in Ukraine are accredited by the world’s major organizations like WHO and UNESCO.MBBS in UkraineNowadays, Ukraine is gaining a lot of popularity among international students who want to pursue their MBBS from abroad. Ukraine comprises many of world class Government Medical Universities that offer MBBS, MD and other degrees in medicine at a very affordable price. The students who complete their MBBS or any other medical degree from a medical university of Ukraine are eligible to apply for job in any part of the world.The complete duration of an MBBS program in Ukraine is 5.8 years. The students are not required to pass any entrance examination to get admission in a medical university in Ukraine. Thus Ukraine has made it very easy for the aspiring student to fulfil their dreams of becoming successful doctors.The most popular medical fields of MBBS in the medical universities of Ukraine are listed below:General medicinePediatricsPharmacyDentistrySurgeryWhy Study MBBS in UkraineUkraine Government is very keen on the improvement and development of medical education in the country. The medical universities get constant help from the Ukraine government for maintaining the standard of education. The students who graduate from a Ukraine Medical University can work in any part of the world. Here are some of the factors that attract the foreign students to get their MBBS degree from Ukraine:The quality of education and infrastructure in Ukraine medical colleges is very good.The government is always there to help the universities in resolving research and financial issues in education.The expense of MBBS in Ukraine and accommodation is very low.No donation is required to be paid by the student for getting admission in a medical college in Ukraine.Many extracurricular activities and sports activities are held in the medcal colleges that keep the students fit and active.The students are encouraged to take part in various seminars and international conferences.The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine manages all the medical universities of Ukraine. These medical universities of Ukraine offer the best value for medical education for students from around the world in terms of quality, infrastructure and cost.Advantages of Studying MBBS in UkraineUkraine has become one of the most preferable destinations for the aspiring students who want to study MBBS in abroad. Some of the advantages are listed below:The medical universities of Ukraine are recognised by WHO, UNESCO, MCI and medical councils of many other counties.The medium of instruction in Ukraine is English which makes it much easier for international students to adapt to the environment.The cost of accommodation is very low as compared to other countries like USA, UK and many European countries. Apart from this, the travel for students in Ukraine is very cheap. Students get special discounts for travelling within the country.The medical colleges of Ukraine offer high quality facilities to the students.The students studying MBBS in the universities of Ukraine are provided with various opportunities to participate in the international exchange programs, conferences, and other scientific projects in various international universities which opens more doors for them to achieve their goals in the field of medicine.Indian students who complete their MBBS from a Medical University of Ukraine can easily get a job in India as the MBBS degree obtained from a Ukraine University is recognized by Medical Council of India (MCI).Step by Step Admission ProcessFilling the University application form and submitting requisite documents and admission fee.Receiving admission letter and invitation letter describing the academic year details and fee structure.This process will take a maximum of 10 days.Upon receipt of Admission and Invitation Letter, we shall work upon Visa documentation process.which will take maximum of 2-3 weeks.Board the flight to Ukraine.Eligibility : 12th Science / A Level PCB (Physics-Chemistry-Biology)Duration : 5.8 YearsIntake : Sep 1st weekHolidays : July & AugustRequired documents for registrationOne set of photocopies of marks sheet of 10+2A valid passport (if you have)2 photographs, size 3×4 cm, black and white on non-glossy paperRegistration amount of Rs. 50,000 as draft or bank deposit/RTGSKnow about best colleges and fees over here Study MBBS in Ukraine- Admission For Indian Students | MCI Approved3. For MBBS in PhilippinesPhilippines offers American system of medical education and the Primary Medical qualification is M.D. degree(MBBS). This qualification is globally recognized including the Medical Council of India.Who can do MBBS?The MBBS program of Philippines is a unique opportunity for students who have passed 12th standard or equivalent examinations to pursue medical education of International standards. Colour, splendour and hospitable people, are all in the country of Philippines. With beaches and islands around it, the Republic of Philippines is like a mini retreat to vacationers and the local population alike. Weather condition in this extensive coastal region is very similar to that in India, with rain and a temperate climate.Is it safe and Affordable to Study MBBS?Yes, there is immense cultural diversity in the society with an international exposure. It is in close proximity to other Asian countries thereby being a constant tourist destination. It has extensive business centres and advanced information technology.With the highest literacy rate of about 94% in Asia, Philippines is home to a major student crowd. It is much affordable to study MBBS in Philippines rather than in various other countries that offer high quality education. Many parents believe that Philippines is the right place for their children to study MBBS because it offers many good reasons for quality education.IntroductionEligibilityAccreditationsFacilities in UniversitiesAdvantages of Studying Medical (MBBS) in PhilippinesPhilippines is the world’s third largest English-speaking country with a highest English literacy rate in Asia. The mode of instruction in all levels of education is English which is the widely-used language for business, education, communication and trade.It has a tropical climate with a disease pattern similar to IndiaClimate and disease pattern is similar to that in India, giving the students a firsthand practical experience before they start practicing.Degree Recognized by Medical Council of India (MCI): The accreditation with MCI defines the MBBS holder from India and an MD holder from Philippines at the same level.Global recognition and acceptance of the degree. Quality medical education as recognized by World Health Organization (WHO), IMED of ECFMG- USA, MCI, FAIMER, USMLE and similar other bodies. Top Universities renowned worldwideIntegrated problem-based learning approach giving future medical practitioners a better exposure even before they have started practiceModern teaching methods with first-rate facilities and equipped with the well-established infrastructureOption to start working on preparation for the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) to study Post Graduate DegreesExcellent boarding and lodging provided by the university. Separate Hostel for both boys and girls. Availability of Indian food for students.Global exposure by working alongside various nationalities as well.5.5 years for complete degreeAsian country with close proximity to IndiaEasy accessibility with several daily flightsExtensive Syllabus and curriculum similar as in IndiaAffordable cost of educationExcellent hands on practiceIdeal student-patient ratioKnow more about list of colleges and their fees over Study MBBS in Philippines-Admission for Indian Students|MCI Approved4. For MBBS in KyrgyzstanMBBS in Kyrgyzstan : Before Going to Study MBBS in Kyrgyzstan, You should know about the beautiful country Kyrgyzstan which is located in the central part of Asia and follows a parliamentary republic system. Kyrgyz is the national language of the country which bears a close resemblance with that of different Turkic languages. It also shares strong cultural and historical ties with the country.The country is divided into seven provinces, which consists of different districts and is administered by governors. Bishkek is the capital of the country.HistoryThe history of the country dates back to 2000 years. In spite of its rough terrain, the country played an important role in trade through Silk Route. Until the nineteenth century, the country was ruled by different dynasties and its independence was invaded by different foreigners. In 1876, it was included in the Russian Empire. Later in August 1991, it emerged as an independent nation and gradually a democratic government was established.GeographyThis country shares its borders with China, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. It has high deposits of gold and other rarely found metals. Majority of the landmass of the country is covered with mountains which is about 80% of the total area and leaves little scope for cultivation. Issyk-Kil Lake is the largest mountain lake of the country. The terrain of this country makes the country often refered as the Switzerland of Central Asia.Why Study MBBS in Kyrgyzstan?Medical colleges in Kyrgyzstan are premium colleges that provide world class medical education. It is the best choice for Indian students who hope to attain in career in medicine. The teaching staff in the medical universities of Kyrgyzstan are world renowned and globally acclaimed professors that have the ability to turn students into doctors. The low cost of living and education make Lithuania very attractive for Indian students to study MBBS abroad.Rapid GrowthKyrgyzstan is advancing in all sectors at breaking speed and is not showing any sign of slowing down. The country provides the best possible facilities from healthcare to education to transportation. Being part of such tremendous growth does wonders for your personal growth as well as providing all the necessities to satisfy anybody’s standard of living. All of this is given to you at very affordable prices making Kyrgyzstan an optimum solution for study.No Entrance ExamsMany countries like India have very demanding and difficult entrance examinations that you need to crack before you can actually attend medical school. Such entrance tests have many times destroyed many MBBS dreams. In Kyrgyzstan, no such pressurizing exam exists and you are free to join any university of your choice. This is one of the main reasons that you should do your MBBS in Kyrgyzstan.Cost EffectiveThe fee structure of MBBS courses in Kyrgyzstan is lower than any other medical colleges in the world. They provide quality education that is in par with any college in the US or UK at a very budget friendly price. Students studying MBBS in Kyrgyzstan have nothing to worry when it comes to financial matters.Quality Hospitals for internshipsAll the hospitals affiliated to the MBBS colleges in Kyrgyzstan where the students undertake internships are of the highest quality. They use the most advanced medical equipment and innovative medical practises. These hospitals have the capability of housing a large number of patients and students along with providing exquisite health care.Globally Recognized Medical DegreeThe medical degree is globally acclaimed and is recognized by many International bodies such as World Health Organization, European Union, The International Medical Education Directory and General Medical Council, UK. Also, the MBBS colleges in Kyrgyzstan provide training for USMLE and other medical licensing examinations. The Kyrgyzstan medical colleges are recognized by the MCI. The students who graduate from Kyrgyzstan will be allowed to sit for the MCI screening test.Good AccommodationSeparate hostels are provided for international students with hot and cold water. Central heating is also provided in all hostels. All types of vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes are also provided. All this at a very low cost.Advantages of studying medicine in KyrgyzstanHigh quality education is provided at very low costs.Globally recognized medical degree upon graduation.Instruction medium is English.No TOEFL or IELTS required if education was in English medium.MBBS Scholarships in Kyrgyzstan are given to many deserving students.Internships at very prestigious hospitals.I hope you liked this answer. You can consult for MBBS in abroad over hereMBBS Abroad for Indian Students|Study Abroad Consultants|Chandigarh
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