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A simple tutorial on editing Business Manufacturing Equipment Personal Property Declaration Online

It has become quite easy presently to edit your PDF files online, and CocoDoc is the best free app you would like to use to have some editing to your file and save it. Follow our simple tutorial to start!

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How to add a signature on your Business Manufacturing Equipment Personal Property Declaration

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A simple guide to Edit Your Business Manufacturing Equipment Personal Property Declaration on G Suite

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What are some little-known facts from World War II that fascinate you?

Congress overwhelmingly approved a virtual suspension of American Democracy just 33 minutes after Roosevelt’s 7-minute speech…It is December 8th 1941 and Congress has just declared war on Japan.The vote is unanimous - - almost. It comes in at 382 – 1 in the House.Representative Jeannette Rankin an outspoken, lifelong pacifist, and the first female ever elected to Congress, casts the only vote against war to the angry hissing and jeers of outraged colleagues. They’re loudly demanding she change her vote to make the historic tally unanimous.Rankin was first elected in 1916, a time before American women even had a nationwide right to vote. She remains resolute during the tense special session, just as she did when she voted against U.S. involvement in the First World War:“As a woman, I can’t go to war, so I refuse to send anyone else.”Its one hell of a time to stand on principle but she’s insistent.Word of her dissenting vote travels like wildfire. A mob of excited reporters surrounds her as she tries to leave the House Chamber. It moves with her, taking on a threatening life of its own. She’s forced to literally shove and fight her way through the angry crowd, but it’s no use. The congresswoman becomes trapped in a telephone booth. Luckily, she has a dime; it drops and the United States Capital Police come to her rescue.3 days later, Rankin is called again to vote, this time for answering declarations of war from Germany and italy. This time she bitterly abstains.As Rankin well knew, the votes for declaring war meant that the United States would fight the fascist’s “Total War” with an unprecedented total war of its own, attempt to spend its way out of the Great Depression, and ‘fight for freedom’ by curtailing freedoms at home.The war would now mean expanded presidential and emergency powers, more government spying, more secrecy, total censorship of the media and even the U.S. mail.And she worries: Could American democracy ever be fully restored again?Within hours of the declaration against Japan, martial law is declared in Hawaii. People are told it’s only “temporary”, but it would continue until October 24th, 1944. And with it came military control of civilian daily life in Hawaii; mandatory curfews and blackouts every night, dictated work and business hours, a highly censored press, frozen wages and rents, and military tribunals replace the court system. Police departments were deputized by military commanders and habeas corpus was suspended, thus anyone could be arrested on the slightest of suspicions for almost any reason.Authorities in Alaska would consider the imposition of martial law too, but the territory had always been under military administration.But that wasn’t all…Within a few weeks of Pearl Harbor, all U.S. automobile production comes to a full stop. After producing over 3,000,000 automobiles in 1941 alone, American automakers would not manufacture another car for civilian use again until 1946. As the last cars roll off assembly lines, parts also stop being made, and the rationing of gas, tires, and nearly everything else takes over. 1942 sees the entire U.S. automotive industry converted exclusively to military production. Many other industries are given over to the needs of American military production as well. Extensive government price controls become law.Across America, construction of new homes and the production of many durable goods - - not just cars, but kitchen appliances, vacuum cleaners, silk stockings, and much more - - are banned “for the duration”. Due to tight gas rationing, home deliveries cease and public transportation becomes incredibly overcrowded. Schools grow “victory gardens” in vacant parking lots and on rooftops. Unemployment almost completely disappears as millions of housewives, retirees, and students enter the work force. Everyone with a job works longer hours at the expense of leisure. Sound trucks roll through neighborhoods blaring news of dire labor shortages, urging people to fill vacancies. Housing in industrial areas is especially in short supply; many people there accept cramped living quarters, doubling and tripling up, and then sleeping in shifts.But the build-up for America’s total war needs to be paid for.Taxes skyrocket to a top income tax rate of 81% in 1941 (the lowest tax more than doubles to 10%), and then to a full 94% in 1944 (while 23% becomes the new lowest tax). Skyrocketing taxes alone however, still can’t cover the costs of Total War production so the government taps into American savings too with massive patriotic bond drives. All Americans are challenged to tithe at least 10% of their annual income, and compliance towards that patriotic goal is extremely high. Factories everywhere fly minuteman flags to show they are members of the esteemed “Ten-percent club”, a group where EVERY employee has met or exceeded the 10% tithing goal.The first peacetime draft explodes into a quickly expanding wartime draft. After all is said and done, virtually every American adult and industry, at least indirectly, now works for the U.S. government.Meanwhile the U.S. military has been caught woefully unprepared for war. The U.S. Navy, with 125,000 men in 1939, is split between two oceans. Meanwhile, Japan and Italy have the 3rd and 5th largest navies in the world, and the Germans continue to aggressively and quickly build-up their powerful fleet of U-boats (They’d field 1,200 by war’s end).The U.S. Navy decides, literally overnight, to rebuild itself around new aircraft carriers, submarines, and amphibious vessels, instead of battleships. It grows from just 7 carriers on December 7th, 1941 to 143 by August 1945, bowing to the ascendance of air power. It improves and doubles its submarine force to 232; invents and then produces over 3,000 landing ships from just the glimmer of an idea.By 1945 the U.S. Navy has added so many ships it constitutes 70% of the entire world’s total military naval tonnage (among ships over 1,000 tons).And what about airpower? Aviation; an industry invented and pioneered by the United States barely 37 years earlier? The World War that began in 1939 caught the U.S. with just 1,700 military aircraft, and with too many different types, many obsolete. President Franklin Roosevelt desperately needs to catch up with the Axis powers, and then overwhelmingly exceed them, but fast. They’re years ahead of the Allies in aircraft numbers (Germany alone has over 8,200 in 1939), but also in technical advancement and battle experience.Amazingly, dramatically, Roosevelt somehow manages to EXPONENTIALLY increase U.S. military aircraft production to 3,600 in 1940 and grow it to 96,000 per year in 1944. In short order, the military aircraft industry becomes America’s largest and most advanced, producing over 300,000 bombers, fighters, and transport aircraft for arming not only the U.S. Army, Navy, and Marines, but her allies as well.The American aircraft industry would then prove itself unstoppable after the war, morphing into the modern airline industry and aerospace. It would produce supersonic jets, inter-continental ballistic missiles, permanently-orbiting satellites, nuclear weaponry of all kinds (and nuclear energy), and land men on the moon. The World War’s advancement of the air industry alone dramatically changes the world in a very short time.As military production surges to incredible new heights, revolutionary new technologies come secretly to life, all for the purpose of bringing ever more death.But there was also the problem of military manpower. The events of 1939 saw the U.S. Army with just 189,000 men - - it was one of the smallest armies in the world - - versus millions of Axis troops, many of them with recent battle experience in China, Africa, and Spain. Moreover, 1940 was an election year, and American voters were strongly against any overseas military involvement. Nevertheless, Roosevelt risked losing his bid for an unprecedented and controversial 3rd term as President by pushing for the first peacetime draft in American history. After much heated debate it was finally called in September of 1940, just before the November election.By the end of 1941, with a lot of help from the surge of enlistments after the outrage of Pearl Harbor, the U.S. military suddenly stood at over 1,800,000 in strength. By the end of 1943 almost 10,000,000 Americans would be under arms, and it would peak at 12,000,000 (including nearly 900,000 African-Americans) in 1945. All totalled, 16,000,000 Americans would serve during the war (far more than any other nation except the Soviet Union which it matched). Then again, the Axis forces were aggressively growing too.And so, where years of Axis atrocities had failed, the assault upon Hawaii suddenly inspired America to join the war, the most completely and profoundlyindustrialized in history. Between 1939 and 1945 the combined Allied GDP, overwhelmingly led by the U.S., proved itself to be ten times greater than that of the Axis. The Allies produced 16 times more crude oil; 8 times more merchant shipping tonnage; and supported almost 3 times as many military personnel. And perhaps even more critically, the close collaboration of American and British intelligence quickly led to a technological revolution - - electronic computers for code-breaking, the widespread application of penicillin, synthetics (rayon to replace Japanese silk, oil and rubber), radar and sonar, homing torpedos, the Norden bombsight, plastic explosives, the proximity fuse, napalm and atomic bombs.By 1944 the United States had single-handedly produced two-thirds of all allied military equipment used in the war.It seemed to overwhelmingly prove to the whole world that ‘free societies’ can out-produce the enslaving, plundering fascist nations. So why then did the people of the Axis nations - - civilian men, women, and families - - continue to support their oppressive military regimes? Why did the Axis countries persist in justifying the war, and in thinking God was still on their side, that they could still win, even in 1945?THE SUSPENSION OF AMERICAN DEMOCRACY…All along, Roosevelt had been preparing for this day.In fact, in 1936 he gave secret orders to the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), and other agencies, to spy on Japanese-Americans and to maintain a list of “…those who would be the first placed in concentration camps in the event of trouble” between the United States and Japan.Now, with the declaration against Japan, the ONI, the Army’s Military Intelligence Branch, and the FBI go to work building an even larger “Custodial Detention Index”. They accomplish it with the full cooperation of the U.S. Census Bureau (a fact publicly denied until 2007). Then the construction of an American concentration camp system begins, out of sight in the harsh Nowhere’s of America’s mountains, deserts, and swamps.The day after Pearl Harbor, Roosevelt suspends all naturalization proceedings requiring all foreign residents to register, restrict their mobility, comply with special curfews, and to surrender their cameras, radios, and anything else that could be used in spying or sabotage.Then, on February 19th 1942, President Roosevelt issues Executive Order No. 9066. It’s for “authorizing the Secretary of War to prescribe military areas... and areas of exclusion…” to protect against espionage and sabotage.Suddenly 130,000 Japanese-Americans living in California, Oregon, Washington, and Arizona find themselves ‘rounded up’ by FBI agents and the U.S. Army. They’re held in “Immigration and Naturalization Service Facilities” and “Civilian Assembly Centers”, then packed onto buses and trains under armed guard to “Relocation” and “Detention” camps”, or CIC’s - - “Citizen Isolation Centers”. They live in primitive wood barracks, many still under construction without full electrification or plumbing in camps without adequate medical facilities, surrounded by armed guard towers. German shepherd’s patrol the multiple perimeters of tall, barbed wire fences. Their own government has summarily sold their farms, businesses, and homes; disposed of all their personal property. They’re told it’s for the nations’ security, and their own safety, and that they’ll be interned indefinitely, or at least for as long as the war takes.( The internment camps had just 1 doctor for every 1,000 internees… Almost 2,000 would die from dysentery, childbirths without anesthesia, and general neglect…)Many are also eventually transferred to U.S. Army prison camps to live and work, side by side, with German and Italian prisoners of war. And they’re lucky, because the POW camps turn out to be far more comfortable and better medically equipped than the internment camps.Tony Purtell's answer to How did America treat Japanese prisoners of war during World War 2?In a 1943 nationwide Gallup Poll, 48% of Americans believe the detainees should not be allowed to return to the Pacific Coast after the war; only 35% feel they should be allowed to go back. Answers to the follow-up question - - “What should be done with them?” - - indicated 50% wanted them sent “back to Japan”, and 13% said, “Put them out of this country”, while an additional 10% said the U.S. government should “Leave them where they are - - under control”.This was the same country in which pollsters found in 1939 that 53% of Americans agreed that “Jews are different and should be restricted”; the same country that between 1933 and 1945 took in only 132,000 Jewish refugees - - just 10% of its own legal quota; the same country that doomed 20,000 Jewish children fleeing the Nazi’s in 1939 by not admitting them while the wife of the U.S. Commissioner of Immigration remarked at a cocktail party:“20,000 children would all too soon grow up to be 20,000 ugly adults”.Instead the U.S. presses Britain and Latin America to admit the Jewish refugees, but those nations refuse them as well. By June of 1942 the U.S. government and the Allies have hard irrefutable evidence of Hitler’s concentration camps and his campaign of genocide to annihilate the Jews, yet ships full of refugees continue to be turned away for the rest of the war, and even during the anarchic years immediately after.Meanwhile back in Hawaii, and paradoxically, where America’s security risk remains especially high, a total of just 1,800 Japanese-Americans are sent off to internment camps. This is because over one-third of Hawaii’s total population (423,000) is made up of Japanese-Americans (158,000).Many ask, what about the threat of 1.2 million ‘Germans’ and the 700,000 ‘Italians’ (immigrants, and naturalized U.S. citizens born overseas) living in America?Well… They’re noted in the “Custodial Detention Index” too, but mostly just watched, though sometimes brought in for interrogation, and only very occasionally arrested. The U.S. government temporarily detains as many as 13,000 Germans and Italians, but very few from these ethnic groups are actually sent to internment camps for the duration of the war like the Japanese-Americans.Executive Order 9066 also proves itself contagious. Just six days later Canada follows suit with their own racist government order, authorizing the detention and forced relocation of 8,000 Japanese-Canadians from British Columbia. Japanese people are arrested and interned in Latin America too, and thousands of them will be sent up to camps in the United States. And some 1,000 native Alaskans are swept up by 9066 too, against absurd fears they might somehow collaborate with the Japanese. They’re sent to “duration camps”; cold, wet abandoned canneries scattered across southwestern Alaska. Many will die in these harsh, forlorn places, far from their homes.Nevertheless, although the U.S. Navy, Marines, and Army Air Corp wouldn’t accept Japanese-Americans into their ranks, by war’s end some 33,000 Nisei had served with exceptional distinction in the United States Army, earning 8 Presidential Unit Citations, 21 Medals of Honor (20 of which were announced in 2000 after ‘further review’), 52 Distinguished Service Crosses, 559 Silver Stars, and 9,486 Purple Hearts, among many other decorations. 800 Nisei sacrificed their lives.As historian Stephen Ambrose said, we had “the world’s greatest democracy fighting the world’s worst racist, Hitler, with a segregated army”.Ironically, it would be a Nisei unit that would be among those that liberated the concentration camp of Dachau.The injustice of internment finally ended in late 1944 though, when the Supreme Court ruled that the incarceration of Japanese-Americans was illegal. Then this was the internees 1945 homecoming in places like Seattle:It takes a sucker-punch like Pearl Harbor to wake up America; to prove that in the modern world nobody is truly safe or free - - not without an enduring peace everywhere.And just 44 months later, there would be a “new world order” after all, though it wouldn't be German or Japanese or Soviet.America’s democracy and freedoms would be restored, but now they’d come with a Cold War nuclear arms race and a military-industrial complex spiraling out of control. And in spite of its geographically protected position and self-sufficiency, America would never be isolationist again.““We are determined that before the sun sets on this terrible struggleour flag will be recognized throughout the worldas a symbol of freedom on one hand…and of overwhelming power, on the other.”- - Henry L. Stimson, Secretary of War

If you rent a car and pay for it with AMEX, under what circumstances will a damage claim not be honored?

All… rental car coverage offered through a Credit Card will have exclusions that restrict coverage.The exclusions below are taken from American Express’s Premium Car Rental Protection Plan sample description of coverage. This coverage is different and broader than that offered automatically by basic AMEX cards. Though the exclusions are similar, the potential added benefits of this broadened protection makes it worth enrolling.Exclusions that may impact a greater number of renters are bolded:Excluded Vehicles The following vehicles are not considered a Rental Car and no benefit under the Plan will be paid for a loss if such a vehicle is rented:any truck other than a pick-up truck;a cube van or box truck;leased or mini-leased motor vehicles;vehicles that, after manufacture by the maker, have had any part customized or PCRP-DOC 06/05 Page 5 of 7 modified, except for driver's assistance equipment for the physically challenged driver;any vehicle more than 20 years old or that has not been manufactured for 10 or more years;limousines, off-road vehicles, motorcycles, motor bikes, mopeds, recreational vehicles, any motorized cart including a golf cart, campers and trailers; orvehicles rented in Australia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica and New Zealand.Excluded Items: Benefits will not be paid under this Plan for any of the following:costs attributed to the Rental Company's normal course of doing business and expenses assumed, waived or paid for by the Rental Company or its insurer;Damage that has occurred prior to Possession of the Rental Car;tires, unless other Damage occurs to the Rental Car from the same Accident, or Theft of the entire Rental Car occurs;defect in the manufacture of the Rental Car;diminishment of value, unless required by law;depreciation, unless reimbursement for depreciation is required by law;wear and tear, including such effects caused gradually over time;any property other than the Rental Car and Personal Property;lost items;animals;furniture;art;money, securities, tickets, or documents;items left in the Rental Car after the Cardmember or Authorized Driver has relinquished Possession;any injury, except coverage for a Covered Person described under the Accidental Injury Expense Benefit and Accidental Death or Dismemberment Benefit; orany injury or physical condition of a Covered Person existing before an Accident.Excluded Actions Benefits will not be paid under this Plan if the loss for which coverage is sought was directly or indirectly, wholly or partially, contributed to or caused by any of the following:violation of the rental agreement with the Rental Company; **acts by a Covered Person to intentionally damage or injure;consumption of alcohol at or in excess of the legal blood alcohol level for operating a motor vehicle in the state or locality in which the Accident occurred;being under the influence of any drug unless taken as prescribed or administered on the advice of a Physician or Dentist;war or act of war, whether declared or undeclared;actual, alleged or threatened discharge, dispersal, seepage, migration, escape, release of or exposure to any hazardous biological, chemical, nuclear or radioactive material, gas, matter or contamination;confiscation by governmental authority;freezing and mechanical breakdown or electrical failure, except where it results from Theft;the Rental Car being left unattended and unlocked or a window not completely closed;pushing or towing anything;violation of criminal law, or commission of a criminal act, whether cited or charged, by or behalf of the Covered Person;participation in a riot, civil disturbance or insurrection;suicide, attempted suicide or intentionally self-inflicted injury while sane.failure of the Cardmember or Authorized Driver to surrender all the vehicle keys following Possession;a Rental Car used outside the rental territory authorized by the Rental Company;a Rental Car used for any manner of racing or team sport;A Rental Car used for hire, whether for hire to carry persons or property;off-road operation of the Rental Car; orany disease, illness, or infirmity.** Be sure to have all potential drivers of the rental car listed on the contract at the point you pick up the car or reserve the vehicle online. Unauthorized drivers typically VOID your rental car contract.I have no affiliation with American Express, but suggest that there are significant advantages in upgrading to AMEX Premium Rental Car Protection.

What is the process to get an FSSAI licence in Delhi?

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI)The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India has been established under Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 which consolidates various acts & orders that have hitherto handled food related issues in various Ministries and Departments. FSSAI has been created for laying down science based standards for articles of food and to regulate their manufacture, storage, distribution, sale and import to ensure availability of safe and wholesome food for human consumption.You can apply For FASSI either by online or offline. If you want to apply online, there are so many online portal-Legalraasta is the one which provide quick and impressive legal services. Procedure for online process is as follow :Procedure for FSSAI registration :1.You are required to fill the details in simple questionnaire.2.Submit the necessary documents to the company via email.3.They create all the documents and file it with FSSAI Authority.4.Once FSSAI license is ready, They shall send it to you via courier.Document required to obtain FSSAI :1.Declaration form2.Authority letter3.Copy of Property paper (If owned property)4.Copy of Rent agreement (If rented property)5.Food Safety Management System plan or certificate6.Electricity/ Water bill (Business Place)7.Copy of Aadhaar Card/ Voter identity card of Proprietor/ Partners/ Director8.Form IX: Nomination of Persons by a Company along with the Board Resolution.Additional document for manufacturer :1.Blueprint/layout plan of the processing unit2.List of Equipment and Machinery3.List of food category desired to be manufactured4.Pesticide residues report of water.5.Upload Production unit photograph.If you want to register FSSAI online visit the site -FSSAI Registration. Another link for FSSAI certificate - FSSAI License

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