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How do I learn to become more self-disciplined?

“In reading the lives of great men, I found that the first victory they won was over themselves… self-discipline with all of them came first.” (Harry S Truman)Ever heard of Ronaldo? Of course, you have, everybody has.His achievements are totally insane.5 times rewarded with the Ballon d’Or (best football player in the world).5 times he has won the UEFA Champions League (Highest ranking trophy in football).Basically won the UEFA European Championship with Portugal all by himself in 2016.In addition, he looks like this:What is the secret to Ronaldo’s success?Self-discipline.He does not drink alcohol.He eats a strict diet.His workout regiment is insane.He dedicates time to his family.If you ever want to be close to as disciplined as Ronaldo is, READ ON!Self-discipline: the ability to control yourself and to make yourself work hard or behave in a particular way without needing anyone else to tell you what to do.Self-discipline is the number one trait you need for sustainable, long-term success in all aspects of life. Whether it is diet, fitness, work or life goals, Self-discipline is the ultimate key to a happy and successful life.Despite what you may believe, self-discipline is a skill that you can train! It requires practice and repetition in your day-to-day life.Here are 5 steps for gaining better self-discipline.#1 YOU NEED TO HAVE A REASON WHY“The successful person has the habit of doing the things failures don’t like to do, they don’t like doing them either necessarily. But their disliking is subordinated to the strength of their purpose.” - E.M. GrayTo develop self-discipline, you need to have a purpose, a mission, a clear sense of direction and value. Something that gives you a strong desire to achieve a specific goal. A desire that makes it possible to say “no” to other things. A desire that makes you do the hard things that failures don’t dear to try.The combination of a “reason why” and the discipline to act according to that reason is powerful and something you should implement in your life.This combination will enable you to do the stuff that others won’t do. To do things that really demands toughness and risks. The power to do something when you don’t want to do it.But, the process to define your “why”, is not a simple task, no, it’s a complicated process.That’s why you need a Personal Mission Statement.A Personal Mission Statement is a declaration of an INDIVIDUAL purpose and focuses in life. The Statement is focusing on what important for the individual and outlines the core values, your expectation and your personal measurement of success.In other words, you state your purpose for being here. Not me. Not your parents. Not your kids. Not your siblings, friends, enemies; not your boss or co-workers. You.The point of this is to begin every day, every week and every month with the image of how you want to end up. Each part of your life, today’s behavior, next weeks behavior, can be examined in the context of what really matters to you.Read these successful peoples Mission Statements for inspiration.When you know what it means to be successful you can start to focus your life. You can start doing the things that matter and stop doing the things that don’t,Want to learn more? Read our FREE PDF about the Personal Mission Statement.#2: CREATE A DETAILED PLAN FOR ACTIONClarity is key. If you want to develop self-discipline, you need to be clear about what you want to accomplish. Have a clear goal, a clear destination that you want to end up at. You must also have an understanding of what success means to you. If you don’t know where you're going, it's easy to lose your way or get sidetracked.A clear action plan is built on the divide & conquer principle. You need to break your goals into a thousand pieces, then attain each of those thousand pieces and in the end reach your goals. This means that you must outline each step you must take in order to reach your goals. This will help you to stay on track and establish a clear finish line. It will also help you measure progress. Learn more about this principle here.To help you set small goals for yourself and develop self-discipline, I have created the “week of self-discipline”. A week where you get daily challenges via Facebook Messenger to develop your self-confidence. A week where I introduce you to one habit that you should implement every day. Join it here!For example. If you want to be disciplined enough to wake up 5:30 am every day, a good plan would be to start small. Start waking up 10 minutes before your normally wakes up. After some days you scale to 20 minutes, then 30, then 45 and before you know it, you are waking up 5:30.#3: REMOVE TEMPTATIONS & DISTRACTIONSRemoving temptations and distractions from your environment is a crucial step for improving your self-discipline.Why set yourself up for disaster? No, try to improve your chances of developing your self-discipline by removing the elements around you that can lead you to failure.E.g. If you are on a diet, it will easier if you're removed the presence of unhealthy foods in your environment.E.g. If you are working on a project. Remove the things that can take your focus away. The app RescueTime, is great for this. It automatically categorizes the websites that you find distracting and blocks those sites when you need to be productive. Read our review of RescueTime here.#4 CREATING THE HABIT OF SELF-DISCIPLINEWe are what we repeatedly do.Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. - AristotleOk. This is the hardest part. The part where you need the self-discipline to create the habit of self-discipline.Yeah. I think you can see that this is sometimes counterproductive. Maybe impossible?We aren't born with self-discipline. It’s a learned behavior. Read that again. IT'S A LEARNED BEHAVIOUR. Everybody can attain it. Just like going to the gym, willpower and self-discipline take a lot of work. The effort and focus that self-discipline requires can be draining.That’s why you need to start simple. This process starts in the previous point. You need to set small goals along the way.But ultimately, there is no way around it. To develop the art of self-discipline you need self-discipline. Remember, self-discipline is the art of making decisions and choices and to act in accordance with them. Decide which habit you want to pursue and then act in accordance to plan.“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.” - Jim RohnRemind yourself about the importance of self-discipline by inserting this wallpaper on your phone.#5: LEARN FROM FAILURE, DON’T LET IT DISCOURAGE YOULet me tell you something, you will always fail, there will always be something that doesn’t work. You will not be perfectly disciplined overnight, so expect some failure.It’s so easy to get wrapped up in guilt, anger, or frustration, but these emotions will not help build your self-discipline.The key lies in how you respond to failure. You need to move forward and learn from your mistake. Use it as education. Mistakes are simply learning experiences. Self-discipline is the act of trying, failing and trying again.“A man who refuses to admit his mistakes can never be successful” (Proverbs 28:13 TLB).It’s a wrap. Don’t let this be another one of those Quora answers you just read, NO, take action and change your life.BTW: I have just created a Facebook group for people who want to increase their productivity, make the most out of their lives and live with purpose. Join it here.Also, I just created a twitter account. Check it out!See you on Quora soon!

What is an example of the successful application of Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals?

What is an example of the successful application of Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals?Saul Alinsky wrote Rules for Radicals to pass on his accumulated wisdom and experience in helping ghetto communities organize to advocate for their interests.Ironically, though, the largest-scale applications of Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals have been by the Republican Party . . .Saul Alinsky (1909–1972) is known as the first community organizer. The role is to help ghetto communities organize so they are able to receive attention and consideration from established power that is predisposed to ignore them.Alinsky was a pragmatist, espousing bold but calculated action to achieve a particular end. In this respect, he criticized much of the blind, anger-driven action of his era (Great Depression to Vietnam war) as squandered opportunity.If the real radical finds that having long hair sets up psychological barriers to communication and organization, he cuts his hair. If I were organizing in an orthodox Jewish community, I would not walk in there eating a ham sandwich unless I wanted to be rejected so I could have an excuse to cop out.Saul Alinsky, Rules for RadicalsEventually, Alinsky’s ongoing work with communities in Chicago and Oakland brought him to national prominence as noted here by William F. Buckley:Saul Alinsky of Chicago is becoming very fashionable; indeed churches and civic groups are vying for his favor. For a fee, Alinsky contracts to come to your city and, so to speak, bust up the joint. His purpose, needless to say, are like the Jacobins in France who sought to break up the power structure so as to release the energies and increase the opportunities of the lower class. Alinsky is twice formidable. For one thing, he is very close to being an organizational genius. For another, he has a way of making practical idealists feel sort of foolish — by pushing aside their efforts to help the poor or the racial minorities as ventures in facility.Source: The Fashionable Saul Alinsky, Chicago Daily News, October 19, 1966 (For full article see p41: us.archive Alinsky_Saul-HQ-2.pdfAfter his death, Alinsky faded from the public consciousness. Outside of community organizing circles, he was completely forgotten until opposition research connected him to two rising-star Democratic politicians — Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton.Alinsky died in 1972 when Obama was 11 years old. So, of course, the two never met. However, they are connected through Obama’s early work as a community organizer.Hilary Clinton did her senior thesis (1969) on Alinsky. In the thesis acknowledgements, she thanked Alinsky for two interviews and a job offer which she declined.Now, all this was political gold for Republicans, who in 2004, began a smear campaign that recast Alinsky as a Marxist-Satanist bogeyman and Clinton and Obama as his zombie disciples. Ben Carson, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, David Horowitz, and Newt Gingrich were frequent “smear campaign contributors.”Of all the hyperbole Republicans spun from Rules for Radicals, the most political hay came from one analogy which playfully cited Lucifer as the first radical — cast out of heaven for his rebellious efforts but at least winning something from established power in the process.Here we see Ben Carson invoking Rules for Radicals. To summarize Carson’s straw-bogeyman argument— Alinsky worshipped Lucifer. Therefore, Alinsky bad. Hilary is a zombie Alinsky disciple. Therefore, Hilary bad.Anyway, the smear-campaign application of Rules for Radicals has been going on for years. It seems to have been a successful application of the book, at least in triggering the right’s righteous indignation.But perhaps the biggest application of Rules for Radicals was by the Tea Party movement. It provided the book to its leaders, along with training, to help them with radical tactics like disrupting congressional town halls (see Right loves to hate, imitate Alinsky).It’s hard to say how big a part Rules for Radicals played in the Tea Party and Republican rise. All we know is, the radical reactionaries are now in power. If they’re still using the book, it’s in a way Alinsky never imagined — punching down, instead of up.

Was there ever a Nazi resistance after Hitler fell and Allies took control of German territories?

As in an organized guerilla insurgency? Not really.Another answer here makes a fantastical claim; the last SS troops fought in the Caucasus Mountains until 1963. Doubt, there is not one shred of evidence to support this claim. But hey, Martin Bormann was a Soviet spy apparently as well as the head of Operation Werwolf. Makes sense. No offense to our mutual followers but almost everything he writes has sprinklings of truth with the aim of legitimizing the rest of it. If I lose followers by saying that author is consistently unreliable and quite likely posing as a member of an organization (one which I cannot verify the existence of) to appear authoritative then so be it. I won’t lose any sleep over it.Operation Werwolf is pretty much the definition of a paper tiger. That’s not to say such a thing didn’t exist or that it was dissolved by Hitler’s secretary just as the war was ending. The Allied Powers knew about Werwolf before the war ended and they took the threat seriously but it never really appeared. The US Army believed there were over 22,000 members of Werwolf but this has since been proven to be an alarmist outlook. The most liberal estimates from today put the numbers at 5,000, most of whom were inexperienced and largely untrained members of the Hitler Youth.Toward the end of the war the German military was woefully understrength in terms of manpower, equipment, weapons, armor, etc. There were hardly any resources to dedicate to an insurgency such as this. Both the SS and Wehrmacht withheld equipment from the efforts behind Werwolf, neither saw the point in giving material support to an operation that would no impact on the war.On September 19th, 1944 SS General Hans-Adolf Prützmann, the actual head of Werwolf, was appointed by Himmler to lead a resistance against Allied forces, kill German collaborators, distribute propaganda, and generally harass the occupying forces. Prützmann did not survive the war, killing himself after being captured by the British in May of 1945. Werwolf was already a chaotic shambles at the time in terms of structure and organization and his capture/suicide certainly did not help.The most impactful operation by Werwolf operators happened before the war ended and wasn’t even undertaken by true Werwolf members:On 21 October 1944, US troops captured the German city of Aachen near the Belgian-Dutch border. Most of the Nazi administrators, as well as much of the civilian population, had fled the city, and the Americans appointed a local politician with anti-Nazi credentials, Franz Oppenhoff, as mayor.Bent on making an example of Oppenhoff so as to discourage other Germans from collaborating with the advancing Allied forces, Himmler decided to have the US-appointed mayor assassinated. In January 1945, he instructed Prützmann to use the Werewolf for this task, but Prützmann ended up assembling a small hit squad made up mostly of regular SS soldiers, apparently for lack of suitably trained Werewolves.Using a captured US B-17 “Flying Fortress,” the Luftwaffe dropped the SS commando over Belgium, where they crossed back into Germany and headed for Aachen. On 24 March, two of the assassins, SS Major Herbert Wenzel and SS sergeant Josef Leitgeb, reached Oppenhoff’s home where they identified themselves to the mayor as downed German pilots. Oppenhoff offered them sandwiches and advised them to surrender to the Americans.When the team leader, Wenzel, hesitated to execute the hospitable mayor, Leitgeb grabbed the pistol from him, pointed it to Oppenhoff’s left temple, and pulled the trigger. The mayor died instantly. On their flight from Aachen, the two SS men survived a shootout with American soldiers, but Leitgeb subsequently stepped on a mine and died. Wenzel disappeared in the chaos of post-war Germany and was never heard from again.[1][1][1][1]Admittedly an impressive operation but it was nothing other than a relatively minor propaganda win.No other large-scale operations were made under Operation Werwolf. The threat of operatives working out of the Alps was overestimated, to say the least. The biggest threat from Werwolf was as a propaganda device and even this threat was largely unimpactful. The German populace was tired of the fighting already, they had no reason to stand up and fight the occupying forces. The positive reaction of the German people to the assassination of Mayor Oppenhoff was almost nonexistent and was a one-off. Even if there had been widespread assassinations to reinforce the example set it is doubtful that the average German would have engaged in organized, forceful resistance.Werwolf was dead on arrival. It changed nothing and, if anything, diverted some German resources and attention away from the fight against the Allies.There was minor military resistance immediately after the war ended, mainly in southern Germany, which probably reinforced the fears surrounding Werwolf. These incidents were mainly due to a lack of communication with higher headquarters and the odd act of zealotry.(The source is Attacks on American Troops in Postwar Germany by Perry Biddiscombe. I only have the PDF I downloaded a while ago, I can’t find the link again but if someone comes across it I’ll put it here.)As you can see there is a trend here. SS, Hitler’s fanatics, young men, mines/timed explosives. There were instances in other parts of Germany where time bombs were left behind during the withdrawal of German forces and set to go off days later, these are likely the same case.By the end of May/beginning of June pretty much all resistance by members of the German military, primarily SS, had dissolved. Most of these are cases of wire-cutting or setting up piano wire to attack Americans in vehicles, not a single fatality resulted from either of these methods. Oftentimes the culprits were kids, not military or even Hitler Youth.However, there was still some resistance by the German populace. There were mobs that sprung up and attacked American troops but much of this was directed toward troops who were fraternizing with German women.[2][2][2][2]In fact, much of the German “resistance” wasn’t really directed toward actual resistance of the occupation but toward individuals. Some it was as banal as drunken fights. Other times there were instances of muggings, not with the intent to kill but simply to rob. Of course, some of the attacks were out of anger toward the occupying powers but this is the exception, by far, not the rule.In the time period ranging from May 9th, 1945 to December 31st, 1948 380 incidents were reported by the US military (I don’t have data on the other powers) resulting in the death of 48 Americans and a further 189 injured. The vast majority of the injured were not even hospitalized. For comparison 90 Americans die in car crashes every single day.[3][3][3][3] It should also be noted that in many of the incidents reported the perpetrator, if there even was one, is unproven. There are quite a few cases of explosions but not all of them necessarily need to be designated as sabotage. Of course, without any proof one way or the other the military is going to feel it was due to mal-intent by the German people but there is little to back this up.Something else that must be considered here is retaliation against the Allied Powers throughout Occupied Germany, not due to the occupation, but as a response to sexual assaults carried out by Allied troops. Sexual assault was a major problem in the immediate aftermath of WWII, with instances of rape sometimes exceeding 500 per week and sometimes resulting in the murder or suicide of the victim.[4][4][4][4] Surely there were cases when mob mentality took over and the perpetrator was not the one targeted but I cannot classify this as true “resistance” against the occupation. What the perpetrators did was the most heinous of war crimes and I can hardly blame people for responding violently.There were some incidents where pro-Nazi propaganda was handed out but there was no increase in violent activity or resistance as a result.Another “resistance” group was called the Edelweiss Piraten but this amounted to little more than a gang mostly made up of homeless people and orphans who were trying to survive, not destroy the occupying powers:The case of one Edelweiss Pirat, Karl Hans Strassmuth, is illustrative. Born in Hanover in 1927, Strassmuth moved to East Prussia with his family in 1933. In 1941, he joined the Hitler Youth and in January 1945 was drafted into the Volkssturm, a paramilitary organization set up at the end of the war and consisting mostly of older men and underage boys. While Strassmuth fought the advancing Soviets as a machine gunner, both his parents were killed in an air raid. When the Red Army invaded East Prussia, he took refuge with a neighbor. In September 1945, he managed to flee west. Eventually, he reached Bremen and joined one of the many roving Edelweiss youth gangs that spent their days on the margins of society.Like many other Edelweiss Piraten, Strassmuth had not joined his group in order to build a Fourth Reich, but rather out of despair and for lack of an alternative. Strassmuth’s gang, observed a CIC agent who had infiltrated the group, “was nothing more than a band of roving transients, who could never stay in one city for any lengthy period for fear that they would become too well known.”The information gleaned from the interrogation of hundreds of Edelweiss Piraten like Strassmuth led Army intelligence officers to conclude that “[t]he Edelweiss Piraten presents no security threat. It is a name adopted by…loose living youths…who have been forced into small gangs in order to obtain food and lodging. The gangs are formed usually in the vicinity of railroad yards or stations. The goods they steal are usually sold to black market operators. The Edelweiss insignia is seen frequently in Germany, and it has become fashionable to wear the badge.”[5][5][5][5]Occasionally members of the group would harass Allied troops but hardly ever resorted to violence. After 1947 the Edelweiss Piraten effectively ceased to exist due to efforts to house and feed the homeless as well as more draconian methods such as mass arrests.There were additional strikes by workers and demonstrations by Germans and many of these were directed at the occupiers but they either dispersed peacefully or resulted in arrests of the instigators. It is also worth noting that those arrested were often released with minimal punishment, if punishment was handed down at all.In conclusion, while there was sparse resistance it was largely unorganized and did not even begin to approach the levels anticipated by the Allies. Werwolf, for all intents and purposes, was a practically nonexistent factor other than in the realm of propaganda. The German people didn’t have the stomach or the means to continue fighting the Allies, if an organized resistance did form it would have been a fool’s errand when compared to the sheer power and widespread control of the Allies.And no, the last Germans to surrender were not members of the SS in the Caucasus Mountains, but members of a weather station in the Arctic on September 4th, 1945, after their distress signal was received by Norway.[6][6][6][6] In a roundabout way Call of Duty: Black Ops is kind of true, though there was no battle and the soldiers surrendered without a fight.Footnotes[1][1][1][1][2][2][2][2][3] Car Accident Statistics in the U.S. | Driver Knowledge[3] Car Accident Statistics in the U.S. | Driver Knowledge[3] Car Accident Statistics in the U.S. | Driver Knowledge[3] Car Accident Statistics in the U.S. | Driver Knowledge[4][4][4][4][5][5][5][5][6] He Was the Last German Soldier to Surrender, Four Months After the End of WW2[6] He Was the Last German Soldier to Surrender, Four Months After the End of WW2[6] He Was the Last German Soldier to Surrender, Four Months After the End of WW2[6] He Was the Last German Soldier to Surrender, Four Months After the End of WW2

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