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A quick guide on editing My Child'S Doctor Is Online

It has become quite simple in recent times to edit your PDF files online, and CocoDoc is the best PDF text editor you have ever seen to make some editing to your file and save it. Follow our simple tutorial to start trying!

  • Click the Get Form or Get Form Now button on the current page to start modifying your PDF
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  • Affter altering your content, put the date on and create a signature to complete it.
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How to add a signature on your My Child'S Doctor Is

Though most people are adapted to signing paper documents with a pen, electronic signatures are becoming more common, follow these steps to sign PDF online!

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How to add a textbox on your My Child'S Doctor Is

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  • When you're done, click OK to save it. If you’re not happy with the text, click on the trash can icon to delete it and start again.

A quick guide to Edit Your My Child'S Doctor Is on G Suite

If you are looking about for a solution for PDF editing on G suite, CocoDoc PDF editor is a commendable tool that can be used directly from Google Drive to create or edit files.

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  • Right-click on a PDF document in your Google Drive and choose Open With.
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  • Modify PDF documents, adding text, images, editing existing text, annotate in highlight, give it a good polish in CocoDoc PDF editor before hitting the Download button.

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As a doctor in India will you allow your child to become a doctor in India?

Never.I will not let my child become a doctor at any cost.As a parent, why would i wilfully allow my child to destroy his entire life.Please understand that that I'm not saying this out of any malice. I'm saying this out of a carefully thought out and measured assessment of the situation of a doctor today, and 20 years into the future. And, I've done well for myself, being a consultant Gastroenterologist with complete confidence in my skills. I cleared all my exams from government colleges in a single attempt with only a single 1 year bond. So, this is not stemming from any sort of frustration.Today, it takes as many years of rural service to finish your education as it does to study for your degree. 3 years of bond at every level means 9 years of service with 10.5 years of education. Add to that multiple attempts of years of study when you don't clear an exam. By the time you end up a complete product, you feel well nearing expiry date. Added to this are extensive reservations which ensure many students live in uncertainty of ever going beyond MBBS.The government does not care about the most qualified bunch of people in the country because they are in a minority and don't form a vote bank. While doctors are beaten up all over the country, persecuted and subjected to frivolous cases to extract money, the administration looks the other way.While dealing with such an important and difficult job, of saving lives, doctors have been brought under the ambit of the consumer act, as if we are supplying shampoo and oil. I can understand filing cases of negligence in courts, but consumer laws deal with deficient commodities and service. It's easy to file a spurious case for rapid returns against doctors. How can a doctor make decisions in peace, if you are made to feel like a repairman who has a guillotine hanging constantly over his neck.Then they say, doctors are well paid. Somebody needs to get up and see the reality. People only look at the cream of the doctor world. How much do you think a ram jethmalani charges? Not everyone is a big shot lawyer or architect. The general doctor is paid peanuts for the amount of time and effort he/she puts in to become one. And, please don't give the altruistic crap that money is not important, as it is a service. The day sugar and salt is available to doctors for free, for doing a good job, is the day doctors will not need any more money. Most general physicians charge 150 rs to see a patient for 15 minutes. My electrician charges more for fitting a light switch that takes him 15 minutes as well.The general public, the media and everyone just seems to hate doctors. How does it feel to be in the most important but hated profession in the country?The big corporates and most hospitals exploit doctors to the T. All the work is done by doctors, but they're paid nothing by the management. Patients get a scapegoat when something goes wrong, while the management runs happily to the bank.So, whatever comes to pass, i cannot let my child willingly destroy his life or career for a glamorous profession that looks very pretty, but, is completely hollow from inside.Edit: in response to commentsThere are always people, as there are doctors, for whom money is not important. These are the altruistic people in the world who everyone admires. Not everyone can work with an altruistic motive and money runs the world. It is harsh, but it is a reality. My intention is only to impress that the general perception of doctors making filthy money is false.Secondly, i can always make assumptions about my child's future. I'm not forcing it down his/her throat. But as a father, it would be incorrect of me, not to pass on the wealth of my experience and opinions to my child. They can then form an informed choice. Why should i let my child suffer from his ignorance, if i can let him know the real scenario. He can choose to take it after that.I'm extremely happy to be a doctor. But, there are definitely problems that need to addressed. A large majority of doctors are unhappy. The lay person should at least make an attempt to understand the source of such unhappiness before dismissing their woes.Dr Prateik Poddar

Parents, what did your child's doctor do that ticked you off?

This is doctor AND insurance company.I have a 4 year old son with Autism. He is non-verbal. He can’t tell me “Mommy, my throat hurts.” or “Mommy, my tummy hurts.”This causes a lot of communication issues with us. Especially when he’s sick. He doesn’t sleep when he’s sick, and we have to HIDE medicine in order for him to take it.He was sick for AT LEAST 1/3 of the school year, and probably closer to half of the year. He turns into a totally different kid. He is an absolutely miserable sick kid.I took him in for his yearly checkup. I mentioned that my concerned with the amount of time he spends sick.New doctor, new insurance for my child. So, we go in for his yearly checkup.Everything is going well. I mention that my son has been really sick with colds and such all school year.He says “He’s 4? He’s in preschool? Totally normal!”I didn’t like that answer, and I want to get to the bottom of this.So, I asked his doctor about getting an allergy test done. “It’s not worth doing one on him.” OOOKAYYY????I also asked for a referral to an ENT, because my son has trouble sleeping (snoring, even when he’s not congested, his breathing pauses A LOT during the night, and he’s ALWAYS tired). The doctor said “Well, we can’t test him for sleep apnea, but that’s normal too.”When you’re a mom (dad’s too, to a degree) you KNOW when something isn’t right with your child.I ended up taking my son to an ENT on my own. I didn’t get a referral, we just went.The ENT didn’t even have to LOOK in my sons throat to tell that AT LEAST his adenoids are swollen, and possibly his tonsils.The ENT got a look and said “He needs to have his adenoids removed. He will start to feel MUCH better all around once they’re gone. He will sleep a ton better, too. This needs to happen ASAP. We will get him on the schedule.”Thank goodness, an actual ANSWER.So, we were scheduled. Then, we found out that the doctor is covered through our ins, but the surgery center is NOT.We had to start over with a new ENT.The old ENT called the new ENT and got the information relayed. This needs to be done ASAP, because it’s affecting his quality of life.They got us in, and the new ENT said the same thing the old ENT said, except that they want to remove both his tonsils and his adenoids.He was scheduled a week later.The insurance denied our request, saying it’s “not medically necessary.”Now, we’re having to jump through hoops to get insurance to cover a surgery for our son because he hasn’t been able to actually tell us he’s had a sore throat. He physically CAN NOT TELL US.I took a picture of his throat and sent it to the ENT and the insurance company. There is NO ROOM between his tonsils and adenoids.Yup. So, it’s a mess.We should find out this week if they approve his surgery.I hope they do. He needs to be able to be a kid and play and SLEEP THROUGH THE NIGHT.UPDATE: I found out today that the peer to peer was successful. My little boy is now approved for surgery!!! I find out next week when it’s scheduled for.UPDATE 2: My son had surgery almost 2 weeks ago. He has changed into a different kid! He’s sleeping through the night, he has more energy, and he’s so much happier!! THANK YOU ALL for the upvotes and comments!!

What careers do Japanese parents want their children to pursue?

When they surveyed 3,048 Japanese parents between 2015 and 2016, the number one answer (49%) was “子どもがやりたい仕事” - which means “the job my child wants to do”.子どもがやりたい仕事 (the job my child wants to do) - 49%公務員 (public service employee/civil servant) - 18%医療関係 (medical profession - pharmacist, nurse etc.) - 9%医師 (medical doctor) - 5%スポーツ選手 (professional athlete) - 3%サラリーマン (company employee) - 3%学者/研究者 (academic/researcher) - 2%警察官/消防/レスキュー隊 (police officer/firefighter/rescue worker) - 2%保育士 (nursery school teacher) - 2%教員 (teacher) - 1%Until a few decades ago, a “medical doctor” or “lawyer” would’ve been popular answers - no more. It’s interesting that “medical profession” (pharmacist, nurse, etc.) would come on top of “medical doctor”. Parents seem to be looking at what is stable and less stressful, perhaps. “Public service employee/civil servant” is always popular, for the perceived stability.When asked, “Why did you choose ‘the job my child wants to do’ answer?” parents answered:Because it should be more enjoyable if you choose the work you want to do.It’s important to find what you like to do.It is best to decide for yourself.It is best if you can do what you like.Nowadays, if you normally get a job at a company, you’d never know what would happen. I don’t want my child to have any regrets.You’d never last if you didn’t do what you want to do.I want my child to learn from their own experience.I want my child to pursue his/her dream.In a way, they might be projecting how they feel about their own jobs.Data source: Yahoo! Japan Crowd Sourcing Web Survey

Comments from Our Customers

The product is useful. Easy to make duplicate documents and resend.

Justin Miller