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How much do the average person’s lungs get clogged with things, like asbestos fibers, by the time they reach an old age?
One of my nursing school friends died several years ago from Mesothelioma. Her Dad was a roofer and her laundry was washed with his she was in her early fifties and her sister died before she did.Here is some into and sources that may be helpful to you.What factors affect the risk of developing an asbestos-related disease?Several factors can help to determine how asbestos exposure affects an individual, including:Dose (how much asbestos an individual was exposed to)Duration (how long an individual was exposed)Size, shape, and chemical makeup of the asbestos fibersSource of the exposureIndividual risk factors, such as smoking and pre-existing lung diseaseGenetic factors, such as having a germline mutation in BAP1 (12)Although all forms of asbestos are considered hazardous, different types of asbestos fibers may be associated with different health risks. For example, the results of several studies suggest that amphibole forms of asbestos may be more harmful than chrysotile, particularly for mesothelioma risk, because they tend to stay in the lungs for a longer period of time (1, 2).How does smoking affect risk?Many studies have shown that the combination of smoking and asbestos exposure is particularly hazardous. Smokers who are also exposed to asbestos have a risk of developing lung cancer that is greater than the individual risks from asbestos and smoking added together (3, 6). There is evidence that quitting smoking will reduce the risk of lung cancer among asbestos-exposed workers (4). Smoking combined with asbestos exposure does not appear to increase the risk of mesothelioma (9). However, people who were exposed to asbestos on the job at any time during their life or who suspect they may have been exposed should not smoke.How are asbestos-related diseases detected?Individuals who have been exposed (or suspect they have been exposed) to asbestos fibers on the job, through the environment, or at home via a family contact should inform their doctor about their exposure history and whether or not they experience any symptoms. The symptoms of asbestos-related diseases may not become apparent for many decades after the exposure. It is particularly important to check with a doctor if any of the following symptoms develop:Shortness of breath, wheezing, or hoarsenessA persistent cough that gets worse over timeBlood in the sputum (fluid) coughed up from the lungsPain or tightening in the chestDifficulty swallowingSwelling of the neck or faceLoss of appetiteWeight lossFatigue or anemiaA thorough physical examination, including a chest x-ray and lung function tests, may be recommended. The chest x-ray is currently the most common tool used to detect asbestos-related diseases. Although chest x-rays cannot detect asbestos fibers in the lungs, they can help identify any early signs of lung disease resulting from asbestos exposure (2).A lung biopsy, which detects microscopic asbestos fibers in pieces of lung tissue removed by surgery, is the most reliable test to confirm exposure to asbestos (2). A bronchoscopy is a less invasive test than a biopsy and detects asbestos fibers in material that is rinsed out of the lungs (2). It is important to note that these procedures cannot determine how much asbestos an individual may have been exposed to or whether disease will develop. Asbestos fibers can also be detected in urine, mucus, and feces, but these tests are not reliable for determining how much asbestos may be in an individual’s lungs (2).How can workers protect themselves from asbestos exposure?The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is a component of the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) and is the Federal agency responsible for health and safety regulations in maritime, construction, manufacturing, and service workplaces. OSHA established regulations dealing with asbestos exposure on the job, specifically in construction work, shipyards, and general industry, that employers are required to follow. In addition, the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA), another component of DOL, enforces regulations related to mine safety. Workers should use all protective equipment provided by their employers and follow recommended workplace practices and safety procedures. For example, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)-approved respirators that fit properly should be worn by workers when required.Workers who are concerned about asbestos exposure in the workplace should discuss the situation with other employees, their employee health and safety representative, and their employers. If necessary, OSHA can provide more information or make an inspection. Information about regional offices can also be found on OSHA’s website at information about asbestos is available on OSHA’s Asbestos page, which has links to information about asbestos in the workplace, including what OSHA standards apply, the hazards of asbestos, evaluating asbestos exposure, and controls used to protect workers. OSHA’s national office can be contacted at:Office of Public AffairsOccupational Safety and Health AdministrationU.S. Department of Labor202–693–19991–800–321–6742 (1–800–321–OSHA)1–877–889–5627 (TTY) (workers’ page)Mine workerscan contact MSHA at:Office of Public AffairsMine Safety and Health AdministrationU.S. Department of Labor202–693–9400https://www.msha.gov (Hazardous Condition Complaint)The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), which is part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), is another Federal agency that is concerned with asbestos exposure in the workplace. NIOSH conducts asbestos-related research, evaluates work sites for possible health hazards, and makes exposure control recommendations. In addition, NIOSH distributes publications on the health effects of asbestos exposure and can suggest additional sources of information. NIOSH can be contacted at:Education and Information DivisionInformation Resources BranchNational Institute for Occupational Safety and Health1–800–CDC–INFO (1–800–232–4636) programs are available to help individuals with asbestos-related diseases?Some people with asbestos-related illness may be eligible for Medicare coverage. Information about benefits is available from Medicare’s Regional Offices, located in 10 major cities across the United States and serving specific geographic areas. The Regional Offices serve as the agency’s initial point of contact for beneficiaries, health care providers, state and local governments, and the general public. General information about Medicare is available by calling toll-free 1–800–633–4227 (1–800–MEDICARE) or by visiting the Medicare website.People with occupational asbestos-related diseases also may qualify for financial help, including medical payments, under state workers’ compensation laws. Because eligibility requirements vary from state to state, workers employed by private companies or by state and local government agencies should contact their state workers’ compensation board. Contact information for state workers’ compensation officials may be found at the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) website.If exposure occurred during employment with a Federal agency, medical expenses and other compensation may be covered by the Federal Employees’ Compensation Program, which is administered by the DOL Employment Standards Administration’s Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs. This program provides workers’ compensation benefits to Federal (civilian) employees for employment-related injuries and diseases. Benefits include wage replacement, payment for medical care, and, where necessary, medical and vocational rehabilitation assistance in returning to work. Benefits may also be provided to dependents if the injury or disease causes the employee’s death.In addition, the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Program provides benefits to longshoremen, harbor workers, other maritime workers, and other classes of private industry workers who are injured during the course of employment or suffer from diseases caused or worsened by conditions of employment. Information about eligibility and how to file a claim for benefits under either of these programs is available from:Office of Workers’ Compensation ProgramsEmployment Standards AdministrationU.S. Department of Labor1–866–692–7487 (1–866–OWCPIVR)202–693–0040 (Federal Employees’ Compensation Program)202–693–0038 (Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Program) veterans may receive health care at a Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)Medical Center for an asbestos-related disease. Veterans can receive treatment for service-connected and nonservice-connected medical conditions. Information about eligibility and benefits is available from the VA Health Benefits Service Center at 1–877–222–8387 (1–877–222–VETS) or on the VA website.What other organizations offer information related to asbestos exposure?The organizations listed below can provide more information about asbestos exposure.The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) is the principal Federal agency responsible for evaluating the human health effects of exposure to hazardous substances. This agency works in close collaboration with local, state, and other Federal agencies, with tribal governments, and with communities and local health care providers to help prevent or reduce harmful human health effects from exposure to hazardous substances. The ATSDR provides information about asbestos and where to find occupational and environmental health clinics. The ATSDR can be contacted at:Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry1–800–232–4636 (1–800–CDC–INFO)1–888–232–6348 (TTY) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulates the general public’s exposure to asbestos in buildings, drinking water, and the environment. The EPA offers a Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Hotline and an Asbestos Ombudsman. The TSCA Hotline provides technical assistance and information about asbestos programs implemented under the TSCA, which include the Asbestos School Hazard Abatement Act and the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act. The Asbestos Ombudsman focuses on asbestos in schools and handles questions and complaints. Both the TSCA Hotline and the Asbestos Ombudsman can provide publications on a number of topics, particularly on controlling asbestos exposure in schools and other buildings. The Ombudsman operates a toll-free hotline for small businesses, trade associations, and others seeking free, confidential help.The EPA website includes a list of EPA state asbestos contacts. In addition, EPA’s Asbestospage provides links to information about asbestos and its health effects, including suggestions for homeowners who suspect asbestos in their homes, and laws and regulations applicable to asbestos. Questions may be directed to:U.S. Environmental Protection Agency202–554–1404 (TSCA Hotline)1–800–368–5888 (Asbestos Ombudsman) EPA resource that may be of interest is the brochure titled Current Best Practices for Preventing Asbestos Exposure Among Brake and Clutch Repair Workers. Released in April 2007, this brochure includes work practices for both automotive professionals and home mechanics that may be used to avoid asbestos exposure. It also summarizes existing OSHA regulatory requirements for professional auto mechanics.The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is responsible for protecting the public from unreasonable risks of serious injury or death from more than 15,000 types of consumer products, including asbestos, under the agency’s jurisdiction. The CPSC maintains a toll-free 24-hour hotline where callers can obtain product safety and other agency information and report unsafe products. In addition, CPSC publications provide guidelines for repairing and removing asbestos, and general information about asbestos in the home. CPSC can be contacted at:Office of Information and Public AffairsU.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission(301) 504-7923 (M-F 8 am - 4:30 pm ET)1–800–638–2772 (Hotline)301-595-7054 (TTY) can also contact their local or state health department with questions or concerns about asbestos.Selected ReferencesAgency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. Public Health Statement for Asbestos. September 2001. Retrieved April 18, 2017.Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. Toxicological Profile for Asbestos. September 2001. Retrieved April 18, 2017.National Toxicology Program. Asbestos. In: Report on Carcinogens. Fourteenth Edition.U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Toxicology Program, 2016.Ullrich RL. Etiology of cancer: Physical factors. In: DeVita VT Jr., Hellman S, Rosenberg SA, editors. Cancer: Principles and Practice of Oncology. Vol. 1 and 2. 7th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2004.U.S. Geological Survey. Mineral Commodity Summaries, January 2016: Asbestos. Retrieved April 18, 2017.Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. Health Effects of Asbestos. Retrieved April 18, 2017.U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Health Effects Assessment for Asbestos.September 1984. EPA/540/1-86/049 (NTIS PB86134608). Retrieved April 18, 2017.IARC Working Group on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risk to Humans. Arsenic, Metals, Fibres and DustsExit Disclaimer. Lyon (FR): International Agency for Research on Cancer; 2012. (IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans, No. 100C.)O’Reilly KMA, McLaughlin AM, Beckett WS, et al. Asbestos-related lung disease.American Family Physician 2007; 75(5):683–688. [PubMed Abstract]Landrigan PJ, Lioy PJ, Thurston G, et al. Health and environmental consequences of the World Trade Center disaster. Environmental Health Perspectives 2004; 112(6):731–739. [PubMed Abstract]Goldberg M, Luce D. The health impact of nonoccupational exposure to asbestos: what do we know? European Journal of Cancer Prevention 2009; 18(6):489-503. [PubMed Abstract]Testa JR, Cheung M, Pei J, et al. Germline BAP1 mutations predispose to malignant mesothelioma. Nature Genetics 2011; 43(10):1022-1025. [PubMed Abstract]Related ResourcesLung Cancer—Patient VersionMalignant Mesothelioma—Patient VersionWhat You Need To Know About™ Lung CancerReviewed: June 7, 2017Most text on the National Cancer Institute website may be reproduced or reused freely. The National Cancer Institute should be credited as the source and a link to this page included, e.g., “Asbestos Exposure and Cancer Risk was originally published by the National Cancer Institute.”Please note that blog posts that are written by individuals from outside the government may be owned by the writer, and graphics may be owned by their creator. In such cases, it is necessary to contact the writer, artists, or publisher to obtain permission for reuse.Want to use this content on your website or other digital platform? Our syndication services page shows you how.National Cancer InstitEach Year There Are2,000 to 3,000New Cases of MesotheliomaGenderBecause men are exposed to asbestos more often, they are 4.6 times more likely to be diagnosed with this cancer.Race95 percent of all mesothelioma patients are white. Hispanics are diagnosed more frequently than blacks or Asians.AgeFor people older than 60 years of age, the risk of developing the disease is 10 times higherthan that of people younger than 40.Where Mesothelioma OccursStatistically speaking, most mesothelioma cases appear in the pleura surrounding the lungs; this can be as high as 70-90%. However, there are still 10-30% of cases that appear in the peritoneum, about 1% that appear in the pericardium and less than 1% that appear in the tunica vaginalis.70-90%Pleura1%PericardiumLess Than 1%Tunica Vaginalis10-30%PeritoneumMesothelioma Claimed More Than37,000Lives in the United States From 1999 to 2013Mesothelioma Deaths by State, 1999-20132,497 PeopleDied of Mesothelioma in 2013.Treatment OptionsTreatment for this cancer may involve surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Patients can also enroll in clinical trials to try experimental therapies.Multimodal TherapyResearch has shown improved survival with multimodal therapy, an approach that combines two or more treatments. A 2007 study on four-modality therapy reported a median survival of 26 months.Clinical TrialsHuman studies called clinical trials give patients access to the latest breakthroughs in treatment. As of April 2015, researchers have conducted nearly 250 clinical trials for mesothelioma worldwide.Top Five Countries for Mesothelioma Clinical TrialsGet the Treatment You Deserve.We'll help you or a loved one find the most qualified mesothelioma specialists and treatment facilities in your area.Get Help NowSurvivalStatistics on the outcomes of many past patients give today’s patients a general idea of their outlook. On average, 40 percent of pleural mesothelioma patients survive at least one year after starting treatment. By year five, survival drops to 8 percent.I hope this helps!
What engineering advancement had the most impact on the rise of long-distance non-stop airliners?
It was a gradual game, with some spectacular shows in between.As you’ll see in this painfully long discussion, “engineering” in an airline means a lot more than you think.On February 20, 1935, Leland S. Andrews and H. B. Snead had flown their single-engined Vultee transport from Los Angeles to Washington in 10 hr. 22 min. at an average speed of 221.6 m.p.h. And on January 19, 1937, Hughes himself piloted a specially-designed plane from Burbank to Newark, N. J., in 7 hr. 28 min., making the crossing at an average speed of 327 m.p.h.That seemed about the irreducible minimum until the Constellation [and, a few weeks later, a Mustang] came along.Powered by turbo compound Wright 18-cylinder twin-row radials of various sizes and horsepowers, the Super Connies loomed large on Lockheed’s drawing boards in 1943 in comparison with the DC-3.But Lockheed’s war work with Hudson bombers, the P-38 and later the jet P-80s slowed and sometimes stopped the Constellation’s development. It was 1950 before a worthy competitor for the Douglas DC-4 rolled off the line.The Connie and its competitor, the DC-7, were the final refinements of piston-powered airliners. Their top speed touched 260 knots with a range of 3,041 nm at cruise, which was to make them useful long after the major airlines replaced them with jets.The Connie stood up well against the Douglas DC-7.With about 100 more seats and about 170 knots more speed, it was the Boeing 707 that erased the existence of piston-engine airliners.In the last days of piston airliners, only a true ramp expert could distinguish a DC-6 from a DC-7, but a Connie was clearly a Connie, and was never called anything else.▲On April 17, 1944, TWA's new Lockheed Constellation hung up the record of 6 hours 58 minutes for non-stop flight, Burbank, Calif., to Washington, D. C. Average speed: 330.17 M.P.H. Constellations, developed for Transcontinental and Western Air Lines by Lockheed, will carry 57 passengers coast-to-coast on regular nine-hour flights, or fly to London or Paris overnight after the end of the war.— Advertisement in 1944.▲Demonstrating big plane's capacity, this scene will be repeated in peacetime service when 57 passengers can ride comfortably in Constellation-type planes. — Advertisement in 1944.▲In this cockpit, TWA's Jack Frye and Howard Hughes piloted Constellation to a new record.IT IS early Sunday evening, April 16. Howard Hughes and TWA President Jack Frye decide that tomorrow is the day.Edward J. Minser, TWA meteorologist, has predicted favorable weather.Orders go to make the plane ready.It stands out on the field at Burbank, Calif., looking like a gigantic streamlined whale with wings, its back humping as though it is about to dive.The triple-ruddered tail helps identify it as the Lockheed Constellation, world’s largest land-based transport plane.Crew members and passengers are instructed to be aboard at three a.m. Pacific War Time, Monday, April 17.All hands are on deck an hour before take-off.Field lights cut through the darkness.The ground crew services the craft.Hughes climbs into the cockpit, takes his place behind the pilot’s controls on the left side.Frye moves into the copilot’s seat on the right. C. L. Glover, radioman, slides into his spot behind Hughes. R. L. Proctor, flight engineer, takes his post behind Frye.Howard Bolton, navigator, goes into his compartment on the left side of the plane directly behind the cockpit.At precisely 3:57 a.m. the Constellation starts rolling down the runway. Exactly 6 hrs. 57 min. 51 sec. later, at 1:54:51 p.m. Eastern War Time, the plane is over Washington National Airport.A new transcontinental record has been set.The estimated 2,300-mile trip was accomplished at an unofficial average speed of 331.6 m.p.h. The Constellation was operating at only 65 per cent of its maximum power.Eight hours before the Constellation took off from Burbank, a TWA DC-3 took off from Los Angeles on a scheduled commercial flight to New York. It arrived in New York three hours after the Constellation had landed in Washington.The Constellation carried 17 persons on its record flight. It had luxury accommodations for 43 more. It could have carried 100 soldiers with full equipment.Frye said: “It was not a speed test. We came over in normal cruising power.”Further, flying conditions were not perfect. The flight started in darkness. A couple of detours were necessary to skirt restricted Army areas. Some “weather,” including light icing conditions, made it necessary for the plane to veer slightly off the Great Circle route.The Constellation cruises with nearly the speed of a Lightning, can outrun a Jap Zero. It is powered by the same 18-cylinder Wright Cyclone, 2,200-H.P. being used on the new Boeing Superfortress. Its flush riveting reduces drag; its triple rudders give it great stability. It is maneuverable and as simple to service as a DC-3.Twelve passengers accompanied the five crew members on the memorable trans-continental trip. They were L. J. Chiappino, Leo Baron, Robert L. Loomis, Edward J. Minser, Richard De Campo (who relieved Proctor as flight engineer at the half-way point), Lee Spruill and Orville R. Olson, all of TWA; Richard Stanton, R. L. Thoren and Thomas Watkins of Lockheed; S. J. Solomon, chairman of the Airlines’ Committee on Post-war Aviation Policy, and Lieut. Col. C. A. Shoop of the Army Air Forces.Let us make the record-smashing trip with them.They have plenty of room in the big plane. There are quarters for four extra crew members. Behind these, on the right side, is a cargo compartment. A diagonal aisle separates it from the radio equipment room on the left side of the plane. Behind these two compartments is the passenger section.The passengers have their choice of seats. On the left side is a row of 16 “bench” seats. On the right are 11 blocks of back-to-back seats, each block accommodating four passengers—a total of 44. To the rear are galleys. Thi one on the left contains a coffee-heater, a food jug and a thermos; that on the right has a refrigerator and drinking water. Behind the two galleys are the two rest rooms.At 3:57 a.m., the Constellation starts rolling down the runway. In seconds, Hughes has it off the ground, climbing swiftly and smoothly. The field lights fade from sight.At 15,000 feet, Hughes levels her off. The passengers chat casually. Bunks are made up for those few who feel the need of sleep.Less than an hour after take-off the lights of Needles, Calif., wink below the left wing of the Constellation. (Fast trains usually require 11 hours to cover the same distance.) Minutes later, Kingman, Ariz., comes into view.Only a few years ago transport planes had to stop here to refuel on the Los Angeles to Winslow, Ariz., run.The sky is still clear. The weather at this point is CAVU—ceiling and visibility unlimited. But a “front” is expected ahead.Dawn breaks shortly after five a.m. as the Constellation roars toward Winslow.Some of the dozing passengers stir. Olson and Watkins heat coffee. Breakfast is served in packed boxes—orange juice, fruit, cereal, sweet rolls, coffee and milk. Loomis goes up front to relieve Frye, who comes back for a bite to eat.The sun breaks over the horizon. Minutes later Winslow is left behind.The Constellation swings north. Just south of Durango, Colo., a bit of weather forms up. Clouds appear for the first time. Updrafts bounce the Constellation slightly. Light icing conditions develop near Wichita.Hughes takes the plane up to about 19,000 feet.Above, the sky is a deep blue. Below there is a solid mass of clouds. The ground won’t be sighted again until near Cincinnati. Outside, the temperature is below zero, but inside the passengers are in shirt-sleeves. The Constellation passes south of Kansas City and goes over Butler and St. Louis. East of St. Louis brisk tail winds push the plane along. She is crowding 400 m.p.h. and keeps it up to Cincinnati.The clouds below are breaking apart. Frye, who took over the controls somewhere over Kansas, brings the plane down a bit and levels off at 16,000 feet. The descent is scheduled to start just east of Cincinnati but thunderstorms are reported over the Alleghenies. Instead, the descent starts at Elkins, W. Va.Soon, Frye has the plane down to 7,000 feet.Somewhere near Cumberland, Md., there is the first evidence of excitement within the plane. Someone remarks that if Washington can be reached within 10 minutes, the Constellation will have a new transcontinental record.Up front, Frye and Hughes are not aware of this. But less than 10 minutes later, Frye circles Washington’s National Airport and guns across the finish line. Newsmen below clock the finish at 1: 54:51 p.m. (EWT), but when Hughes steps out and hears the news, he is astounded: “I forgot to wind my watch,” he admits sheepishly.The Constellation is the new cross-country champ―6 hr. 57 min. 51 sec.▲Hurtling cross-country at an average speed of 35.5 m.p.h., TWA is sleek new Lockheed Constellation arrives at the Washington airport Monday, April 17, 1944 with a new record of 6 hours and 58 minutes. This largest transport plane in the world has been turned over to the Army for whom it can carry 100 soldiers with full equipment.— 1944 Lockheed Press Release.▲AC Spark Plugs took out an ad in Flying Magazine Oct 1944 on the occasion of the flight.If the world were at peace, the Constellation—and many planes like it—doubtless would have been in coast-to-coast passenger service. This was part of the Hughes-Frye idea when they first conceived the plane five years earlier. TWA originally contracted with Lockheed for 40 Constellations but turned the contracts over to the Army when war started.The pressurized cabin of the Constellation is an important advantage for carrying men who, as a rule, cannot take high altitudes. The rate of change of pressure in the Constellation cabin can be adjusted so that the plane can ascend or descend at 2,000 feet per minute while the cabin pressure changes only at the rate of 500 feet per minute.The Constellation is able to get into and out of small fields. At sea level, its 8,800 h.p. will permit take-offs from a runway of less than 1,500 feet. Its landing speed is less than 80 m.p.h. and flaps make it possible for the craft to stop in a remarkably short space.Some idea of the tremendous size of the Constellation can be gained from these statistics: From wing tip to wing tip, it spans 123 feet. Its overall length is 95 feet—nearly one-third the length of a football field. Its overall fuselage height (static) is 18.8 feet and a 12-foot unloading carriage is necessary to get passengers into and out of the plane.It can carry a payload of 14 tons.There is enough radio and electric wiring in the plane for 31 homes of six rooms each. In all, there are 2,500 separate wires with a total length of 35,000 feet—nearly seven miles.The interphone system consists of stations for pilot, co-pilot, engineer, radio operator, navigator, cabin entrance door, at every nacelle and at external battery receptacles.It has nearly a mile and half of metal tubing with 1,500 separate tubing assem1blies.About 1,500 square feet of Alclad were needed for the plane, together with 650 pounds of dry paint primer.The Constellation can lift its 80,000 pounds to an altitude of better than 30,000 feet. With one engine cut, the plane can achieve an altitude of 25,000 and it can take off and cruise to 16,500 feet on only two engines. Each engine is controllable by either pilot and adjustable from the flight station by the engineer.Each unit packs 2,200 h.p. into a 55-inch diameter and has a nose section specially designed to permit use of a close-fitting cowl to decrease air resistance further. The 55-inch diameter is the same as that of the original nine-cylinder Cyclone which was introduced in 1927 with a rating of only 525 h.p. Each engine weighs just fractionally over one pound per horsepower.▲Wright Turbo-Compound engine ad: 1957. This was the last airline big piston.Wright engineers designed a special gear reduction system—with what is probably the lowest ratio (less than half of crankshaft speed) ever used on any aircraft engine.The propellers are Hamilton Standard hydromatics.In designing the power plant installation, special emphasis was placed on maintenance and serviceability. It is possible to make a complete erigine installation in about 28 minutes.Two-speed gear-driven superchargers begin operation the moment the plane leaves the ground. TWA estimates that the unusual economy of operation reduces existing mile costs by 20 per cent.Exhaustive wind tunnel and laboratory tests made the performance of the Constellation a certainty long before it ever left the ground. These tests were worked out in such minute detail that the actual test flights were routine.Principal test stages in the development of the Constellation:1. Wind tunnel to test speed, take-off, load and control characteristics.2. Laboratory tests of the hydraulic, control, flap and landing gear systems.3. Engine flight tests.4. Actual flights.A nine-foot model complete with running engines was set up in the wind tunnel, simulating actual test-flying conditions. Power effects were noted with one, two and three engines out. Wing flap settings were tested.An exact duplicate of the hydraulic and control systems was set up in the laboratory. This included cockpit controls and a control stand. Four Ford motors drove the hydraulic engines, making it possible to simulate landings and take-offs.Flying in cold weather was simulated through use of cold boxes. Experiments showed the systems could operate at a temperature of 70°.There were on-the-ground endurance tests for the various parts. Each part was put through a severe trial―500 hours of simulated flying time with full deflection of controls at short intervals. These 500 hours of testing represented thousands of hours of actual flying since, in actual flight, all controls are moved rarely or, at best, gradually.The power plants were run through three sets of tests, with Wright engineers working at the Lockheed plant on all engine problems.The tunnel model was set up to test air flow through each engine and determine whether the cooling flaps were effective.Test block experiments followed, then two complete power plants were mounted on a Ventura frame so that whatever “bugs” there were could be worked out of the engines before they went into the Constellation.Fuel consumption, engine performance and virtually all other problems were worked out in these tests.Then came the first actual test flights on the first Constellation, predecessor of the one which made the cross-country journey.Before Constellation I took off, a water ballast system was installed to simulate all types of loading conditions.This system consisted of 17 tanks, with 130 gallons capacity each, distributed throughout the plane to represent loads and connected with pipes and valves which made it possible to shift loads in flight with the turn of a hand.The first actual test flights with Constellation I were made January 9, 1943. Six test flights were made that day—three by Lockheed’s Milo Burcham and three by the late Eddie Allen of Boeing who noted after his turn at the controls: “This thing works so perfect you don’t need me around anymore.”United States peacetime service Constellations will be used primarily for speedy, deluxe travel passenger service capable of flying from New York to Los Angeles in 10 hours with one stop along the way—or approximately nine hours or less non-stop with full load. TWA estimates that the Constellation, carrying 50 passengers and baggage in peacetime service and allowing for intermediate stops, would fly from Washington to London in 13½hours, Washington to Honolulu in 18 hours, to Tokyo in 28 hours, Moscow in 19½hours, Manila in 35 hours, Melbourne in 42 hours, Chungking in 35¼hours and Paris in 14½ hours.Peering into the not-too-distant future, Frye predicts that planes of the Constellation class will be hauling all types of cargo to all parts of the world in peace-time commercial service, and at rates to fit middle income pocketbooks. He expects TWA will have at least 40 Constellations in service within five years after the war.The Connies are nearly all gone now. They were one of the first modern airliners and the last to be piston powered.Constellations had four of the biggest radial engines ever made, and three rudders. Their pressurized fuselage was curved as gracefully as a lady’s leg.Lockheed first made Connies for TWA, back when Howard Hughes had a lot to say. First known as the Lockheed L-049, she was a 1940 design built to compete with Boeing’s pressurized Stratoliner. For her maiden flight, in January 1943, she made a nonstop coast-to-coast run in seven hours. Most airliners couldn’t do that then.But the common man never enjoyed the new Lockheed, unless he was in uniform. All production went to the military, as the C-69 transport.During the war, Lockheed stretched its design with a 16-foot plug in the fuselage and gave the airplane a greater wingspan and bigger engines.The competition was now the Douglas DC-4. Wright and Pratt & Whitney kept building bigger radials, to keep pace with the growth of four-engine transports and the B-29 Superfortress.Douglas entered the postwar period with its DC-6.Lockheed, now building the L-649, named its new airliner the Constellation. Pilots called it Connie.Pratt & Whitney went for more cylinders to gain more power, and built a complicated radial that had four banks of seven cylinders. Wright opted for two banks of nine cylinders. Its R-3350, with six-inch pistons, got almost as much power as Pratt & Whitney’s engine. The Wright was used in wartime B-29s, but was unloved by crews because it had a reputation for catching fire.By 1950 Wright had revised the R-3350 into a turbo compound engine, its exhaust spinning the turbo, which fed power back to the crankshaft through fluid couplers. Takeoff horsepower rose to 3,400 H.P. from 2,800 H.P., thereby reaching that elusive goal of engineers—one horsepower per cubic inch. And the fires abated.Then the jets arrived.Overnight, engines changed.▲P&W JT3 engine receiving I,200-hour over-haul. American, for one, expects this to climb to 3,000 hours. —1960 pictureBritish jet transports were the unchallenged first to race the sun along the world’s commercial air routes, a modest new effort began to get United States development out of the doldrums. They lost the first round; they had no chance of participating in the beginning of turbine-powered air transportation.The de Havilland Comet, which British Overseas Airways Corporation went into passenger service in the spring of 1952—slicing in half many present scheduled flying times—enjoyed two years of freedom from competitive types.There stood the Comet stood one day in August 1951, its clean form silhouetted against the impressive terminal at Karachi—London 4,545 miles and 11 flying hours behind.Such proving-flight times became commonplace for the so-called Comet I, powered by four Ghost engines of 5,000 pounds thrust, of which BOAC purchased nine. Speed and range were to be boosted upward in the Comet II, to have four Avon engines of 6,500 pounds thrust, and BOAC had 11 of these on order. Comets carried from 36 to 48 passengers.Use of Comets on New York-Bermuda and New York-Nassau routes was 18 months away and, because the Comet II was yet to be developed, transatlantic operations into New York were not likely until 1954.BOAC also contemplated round-the-world operations including, apparently, a segment crossing North America which would link with services of another Comet customer, British Commonwealth Pacific Airlines.“Britain,” said Sir Miles Thomas, BOAC Chairman, “is after world leadership and we’re going to get it.”Turbine-powered designs to be produced in the US were expected to have superior performance to the 490-mile-an-hour British ship. The air world stood now at the threshold of 500-mile-an-hour speeds with all they meant, potentially, to business, recreational habits and international relations.Views of manufacturers and airline operators varied widely on the question of when American turbine-powered aircraft would come into general use.One uncannily good prophet, Frederick B. Rentschler, chairman of United Aircraft Corporation, said replacement of current types will not take place until more is known about the relative merits of jets and turbo-props.“Early indications appear to favor the propeller-turbine,” he said, “not only for range and economy but because of its inherent operational characteristics.”It will take three years to know definitely, and consequently a start on current fleet replacement is five years away, Rentschler said.Jet passenger service began in the United States in the late 1950s with the introduction of Boeing 707 and Douglas DC-8 airliners.▲Donald W. Douglas, Jr. and Sr.Pan American introduced overseas flights on 707s in October 1958. National Airlines soon began domestic jet service using a 707 borrowed from Pan Am. American Airlines opened domestic jet service with its own 707s in January 1959. Delta and United began flying DC-8s later that year.▲TWA started flying jets in the 1950s, starting with the revolutionary Boeing 707.British de Havilland D.H. 106 Comets and Soviet Tupolev Tu-104s had entered service earlier. But 707s and DC-8s were bigger, faster, had greater range, and proved more profitable.“THEY are the most efficient airplanes we have ever operated.”So said C. R. Smith, president of American Airlines, about the jetliners that are rapidly becoming the mainstay of the airline industry.And he was echoing the general enthusiasm for the big, new planes and their dependable powerplants.They’d been in operation for nearly two years, time enough for a realistic appraisal of their worth by both the traveling public and the airlines themselves.The public responded by flying in ever-increasing numbers.And the consensus among industry spokesmen seemed unanimous: the commercial jet age is turning out to be even better than expected.The key to this eager acceptance was reliability.The new planes established a standard of in-flight dependability that the Federal Aviation Agency labeled “unprecedented in airline history.”TWA and Continental, for instance, chalked up 99.8 per cent completion of schedules in 1959 with their Boeing 707s.And all jet carriers stated that they were operating their jetliners between eight and nine hours a day, seven days a week.That hasn’t been significantly bettered today.
How can you find a person by their driver's license number?
A number of states encode your name and date of birth in your license number. These include Maryland, Michigan, and Minnesota (prior to December 13, 2004 only). These states use the same system of encoding, or very similar ones. Given someone's driver's license number from one of these states, you can take good guesses at someone's name and exactly determine day of birth (but not year). With someone's name and date of birth you can guess some or all of their driver's license number.A typical license would look like this:S530-429-085-151 LLLL-FFF-MMM-BBB The above is for John Bennett Smith, born on February 27th.LLLL - Last Name, Soundex CodedLLLL is the Soundex coded last name. Soundex attempts to code similar sounding names to the same four character code. See my Soundex page for details on how to encode it.FFF - First Name, CodedFFF is the encoded first name. The name is looked up on the following table. If the exact name isn't on the table, look up the longest prefix that is on the table.a 027 aa 028 ab 029 ac 030 ad 031 ae 032 af 033 ag 034 ah 035 ai 036 aj 037 ak 038 al 039 ala 040 alb 041 alc 042 ald 043 ale 044 alf 045 alg 046 alh 047 ali 048 alj 049 alk 050 all 051 alm 052 aln 053 alo 054 alp 055 alq 056 alr 057 als 058 alt 059 alu 060 alv 061 alw 062 alx 063 aly 064 alz 065 am 066 an 067 ao 068 ap 069 aq 070 ar 071 as 072 at 073 au 074 av 075 aw 076 ax 077 ay 078 az 079 b 080 ba 081 bb 082 bc 083 bd 084 be 085 bf 086 bg 087 bh 088 bi 089 bj 090 bk 091 bl 092 bm 093 bn 094 bo 095 bp 096 bq 097 br 098 bs 099 bt 100 bu 101 bv 102 bw 103 bx 104 by 105 bz 106 c 107 ca 108 cb 109 cc 110 cd 111 ce 112 cf 113 cg 114 ch 115 ci 116 cj 117 ck 118 cl 119 cm 120 cn 121 co 122 cp 123 cq 124 cr 125 cs 126 ct 127 cu 128 cv 129 cw 130 cx 131 cy 132 cz 133 d 134 da 135 db 136 dc 137 dd 138 de 139 df 140 dg 141 dh 142 di 143 dj 144 dk 145 dl 146 dm 147 dn 148 do 149 dp 150 dq 151 dr 152 ds 153 dt 154 du 155 dv 156 dw 157 dx 158 dy 159 dz 160 e 161 ea 162 eb 163 ec 164 ed 165 eda 166 edb 167 edc 168 edd 169 ede 170 edf 171 edg 172 edh 173 edi 174 edj 175 edk 176 edl 177 edm 178 edn 179 edo 180 edp 181 edq 182 edr 183 eds 184 edt 185 edu 186 edv 187 edw 188 edward 189 edx 190 edy 191 edz 192 ee 193 ef 194 eg 195 eh 196 ei 197 ej 198 ek 199 el 200 ela 201 elb 202 elc 203 eld 204 ele 205 elf 206 elg 207 elh 208 eli 209 elizabeth 210 elj 211 elk 212 ell 213 ellen 214 elm 215 eln 216 elo 217 elp 218 elq 219 elr 220 els 221 elt 222 elu 223 elv 224 elw 225 elx 226 ely 227 elz 228 em 229 en 230 eo 231 ep 232 eq 233 er 234 es 235 et 236 eu 237 ev 238 ew 239 ex 240 ey 241 ez 242 f 243 fa 244 fb 245 fc 246 fd 247 fe 248 ff 249 fg 250 fh 251 fi 252 fj 253 fk 254 fl 255 fm 256 fn 257 fo 258 fp 259 fq 260 fr 261 fs 262 ft 263 fu 264 fv 265 fw 266 fx 267 fy 268 fz 269 g 270 ga 271 gb 272 gc 273 gd 274 ge 275 gf 276 gg 277 gh 278 gi 279 gj 280 gk 281 gl 282 gm 283 gn 284 go 285 gp 286 gq 287 gr 288 gs 289 gt 290 gu 291 gv 292 gw 293 gx 294 gy 295 gz 296 h 297 ha 298 hb 299 hc 300 hd 301 he 302 henry 303 hf 304 hg 305 hh 306 hi 307 hj 308 hk 309 hl 310 hm 311 hn 312 ho 313 hp 314 hq 315 hr 316 hs 317 ht 318 hu 319 hv 320 hw 321 hx 322 hy 323 hz 324 i 325 ia 326 ib 327 ic 328 id 329 ie 330 if 331 ig 332 ih 333 ii 334 ij 335 ik 336 il 337 im 338 in 339 io 340 ip 341 iq 342 ir 343 is 344 it 345 iu 346 iv 347 iw 348 ix 349 iy 350 iz 351 j 352 ja 353 jaa 354 jab 355 jac 356 jad 357 jae 358 jaf 359 jag 360 jah 361 jai 362 jaj 363 jak 364 jal 365 jam 366 james 367 jan 368 jao 369 jap 370 jaq 371 jar 372 jas 373 jat 374 jau 375 jav 376 jaw 377 jax 378 jay 379 jaz 380 jb 381 jc 382 jd 383 je 384 jea 385 jeb 386 jec 387 jed 388 jee 389 jef 390 jeg 391 jeh 392 jei 393 jej 394 jek 395 jel 396 jem 397 jen 398 jeo 399 jep 400 jeq 401 jer 402 jes 403 jet 404 jeu 405 jev 406 jew 407 jex 408 jey 409 jez 410 jf 411 jg 412 jh 413 ji 414 jj 415 jk 416 jl 417 jm 418 jn 419 jo 420 joa 421 job 422 joc 423 jod 424 joe 425 jof 426 jog 427 joh 428 john 429 joi 430 joj 431 jok 432 jol 433 jom 434 jon 435 joo 436 jop 437 joq 438 jor 439 jos 440 joseph 441 jot 442 jou 443 jov 444 jow 445 jox 446 joy 447 joz 448 jp 449 jq 450 jr 451 js 452 jt 453 ju 454 jv 455 jw 456 jx 457 jy 458 jz 459 k 460 ka 461 kb 462 kc 463 kd 464 ke 465 kf 466 kg 467 kh 468 ki 469 kj 470 kk 471 kl 472 km 473 kn 474 ko 475 kp 476 kq 477 kr 478 ks 479 kt 480 ku 481 kv 482 kw 483 kx 484 ky 485 kz 486 l 487 la 488 lb 489 lc 490 ld 491 le 492 lea 493 leb 494 lec 495 led 496 lee 497 lef 498 leg 499 leh 500 lei 501 lej 502 lek 503 lel 504 lem 505 len 506 leo 507 lep 508 leq 509 ler 510 les 511 let 512 leu 513 lev 514 lew 515 lex 516 ley 517 lez 518 lf 519 lg 520 lh 521 li 522 lj 523 lk 524 ll 525 lm 526 ln 527 lo 528 loa 529 lob 530 loc 531 lod 532 loe 533 lof 534 log 535 loh 536 loi 537 loj 538 lok 539 lol 540 lom 541 lon 542 loo 543 lop 544 loq 545 lor 546 los 547 lot 548 lou 549 lov 550 low 551 lox 552 loy 553 loz 554 lp 555 lq 556 lr 557 ls 558 lt 559 lu 560 lv 561 lw 562 lx 563 ly 564 lz 565 m 566 ma 567 maa 568 mab 569 mac 570 mad 571 mae 572 maf 573 mag 574 mah 575 mai 576 maj 577 mak 578 mal 579 mam 580 man 581 mao 582 map 583 maq 584 mar 585 margaret 586 mary 587 mas 588 mat 589 mau 590 mav 591 maw 592 max 593 may 594 maz 595 mb 596 mc 597 md 598 me 599 mf 600 mg 601 mh 602 mi 603 mj 604 mk 605 ml 606 mm 607 mn 608 mo 609 mp 610 mq 611 mr 612 ms 613 mt 614 mu 615 mv 616 mw 617 mx 618 my 619 mz 620 n 621 na 622 nb 623 nc 624 nd 625 ne 626 nf 627 ng 628 nh 629 ni 630 nj 631 nk 632 nl 633 nm 634 nn 635 no 636 np 637 nq 638 nr 639 ns 640 nt 641 nu 642 nv 643 nw 644 nx 645 ny 646 nz 647 o 648 oa 649 ob 650 oc 651 od 652 oe 653 of 654 og 655 oh 656 oi 657 oj 658 ok 659 ol 660 om 661 on 662 oo 663 op 664 oq 665 or 666 os 667 ot 668 ou 669 ov 670 ow 671 ox 672 oy 673 oz 674 p 675 pa 676 pb 677 pc 678 pd 679 pe 680 pf 681 pg 682 ph 683 pi 684 pj 685 pk 686 pl 687 pm 688 pn 689 po 690 pp 691 pq 692 pr 693 ps 694 pt 695 pu 696 pv 697 pw 698 px 699 py 700 pz 701 q 702 qa 703 qb 704 qc 705 qd 706 qe 707 qf 708 qg 709 qh 710 qi 711 qj 712 qk 713 ql 714 qm 715 qn 716 qo 717 qp 718 qq 719 qr 720 qs 721 qt 722 qu 723 qv 724 qw 725 qx 726 qy 727 qz 728 r 729 ra 730 rb 731 rc 732 rd 733 re 734 rf 735 rg 736 rh 737 ri 738 rj 739 rk 740 rl 741 rm 742 rn 743 ro 744 robert 745 rp 746 rq 747 rr 748 rs 749 rt 750 ru 751 rv 752 rw 753 rx 754 ry 755 rz 756 s 757 sa 758 sb 759 sc 760 sd 761 se 762 sf 763 sg 764 sh 765 si 766 sj 767 sk 768 sl 769 sm 770 sn 771 so 772 sp 773 sq 774 sr 775 ss 776 st 777 su 778 sv 779 sw 780 sx 781 sy 782 sz 783 t 784 ta 785 tb 786 tc 787 td 788 te 789 tf 790 tg 791 th 792 ti 793 tj 794 tk 795 tl 796 tm 797 tn 798 to 799 tp 800 tq 801 tr 802 ts 803 tt 804 tu 805 tv 806 tw 807 tx 808 ty 809 tz 810 u 811 ua 812 ub 813 uc 814 ud 815 ue 816 uf 817 ug 818 uh 819 ui 820 uj 821 uk 822 ul 823 um 824 un 825 uo 826 up 827 uq 828 ur 829 us 830 ut 831 uu 832 uv 833 uw 834 ux 835 uy 836 uz 837 v 838 va 839 vb 840 vc 841 vd 842 ve 843 vf 844 vg 845 vh 846 vi 847 vj 848 vk 849 vl 850 vm 851 vn 852 vo 853 vp 854 vq 855 vr 856 vs 857 vt 858 vu 859 vv 860 vw 861 vx 862 vy 863 vz 864 w 865 wa 866 wb 867 wc 868 wd 869 we 870 wf 871 wg 872 wh 873 wi 874 wia 875 wib 876 wic 877 wid 878 wie 879 wif 880 wig 881 wih 882 wii 883 wij 884 wik 885 wil 886 william 887 wim 888 win 889 wio 890 wip 891 wiq 892 wir 893 wis 894 wit 895 wiu 896 wiv 897 wiw 898 wix 899 wiy 900 wiz 901 wj 902 wk 903 wl 904 wm 905 wn 906 wo 907 wp 908 wq 909 wr 910 ws 911 wt 912 wu 913 wv 914 ww 915 wx 916 wy 917 wz 918 x 919 xa 920 xb 921 xc 922 xd 923 xe 924 xf 925 xg 926 xh 927 xi 928 xj 929 xk 930 xl 931 xm 932 xn 933 xo 934 xp 935 xq 936 xr 937 xs 938 xt 939 xu 940 xv 941 xw 942 xx 943 xy 944 xz 945 y 946 ya 947 yb 948 yc 949 yd 950 ye 951 yf 952 yg 953 yh 954 yi 955 yj 956 yk 957 yl 958 ym 959 yn 960 yo 961 yp 962 yq 963 yr 964 ys 965 yt 966 yu 967 yv 968 yw 969 yx 970 yy 971 yz 972 z 973 za 974 zb 975 zc 976 zd 977 ze 978 zf 979 zg 980 zh 981 zi 982 zj 983 zk 984 zl 985 zm 986 zn 987 zo 988 zp 989 zq 990 zr 991 zs 992 zt 993 zu 994 zv 995 zw 996 zx 997 zy 998 zz 999 MMM - Middle Name, CodedThis is the middle name, coded using the above table.As a special case, if there is no middle name and the first name is fully coded (say, "John" or "Mary"), this is 000. If the first name is not fully coded, encode the first unused character from the first name on this table and use it as MMM:a 001 b 002 c 003 d 004 e 005 f 006 g 007 h 008 i 009 j 010 k 011 l 012 m 013 n 014 o 015 p 016 q 017 r 018 s 019 t 020 u 021 v 022 w 023 x 024 y 025 z 026 BBB - Birth day and month, CodedLook up the birst day of month and the birth month on this table to find the find three characters.In the event of two or more people having identical driver's licence numbers, this final group of digits will be used to differeniate them. Simple add one to the final group of digits until you find an unused entry. If you reach a number allocated to a different date, instead subtract one until you find an unused entry. I don't know what is down if while moving down you hit a number allocated to another date or when you generate a number over 999 or below 001.January (001)01 => 002 02 => 007 03 => 010 04 => 012 05 => 017 06 => 020 07 => 022 08 => 025 09 => 027 10 => 030 11 => 032 12 => 035 13 => 037 14 => 040 15 => 042 16 => 045 17 => 047 18 => 050 19 => 052 20 => 055 21 => 057 22 => 060 23 => 062 24 => 065 25 => 067 26 => 070 27 => 072 28 => 075 29 => 077 30 => 080 31 => 082 February (085)01 => 086 02 => 088 03 => 091 04 => 093 05 => 096 06 => 098 07 => 101 08 => 103 09 => 106 10 => 108 11 => 111 12 => 113 13 => 116 14 => 118 15 => 121 16 => 123 17 => 126 18 => 128 19 => 131 20 => 133 21 => 136 22 => 138 23 => 141 24 => 143 25 => 146 26 => 148 27 => 151 28 => 153 29 => 156 March (158)01 => 159 02 => 162 03 => 164 04 => 167 05 => 169 06 => 172 07 => 174 08 => 177 09 => 182 10 => 184 11 => 187 12 => 189 13 => 192 14 => 194 15 => 197 16 => 199 17 => 202 18 => 204 19 => 207 20 => 227 21 => 229 22 => 232 23 => 234 24 => 237 25 => 239 26 => 242 27 => 244 28 => 247 29 => 249 30 => 252 31 => 254 April (257)01 => 258 02 => 260 03 => 263 04 => 265 05 => 268 06 => 270 07 => 273 08 => 275 09 => 278 10 => 280 11 => 283 12 => 285 13 => 288 14 => 290 15 => 293 16 => 295 17 => 298 18 => 300 19 => 303 20 => 305 21 => 308 22 => 310 23 => 313 24 => 315 25 => 318 26 => 320 27 => 323 28 => 325 29 => 328 30 => 330 May (333)01 => 334 02 => 336 03 => 339 04 => 341 05 => 344 06 => 346 07 => 349 08 => 351 09 => 354 10 => 356 11 => 359 12 => 361 13 => 364 14 => 366 15 => 369 16 => 371 17 => 374 18 => 376 19 => 379 20 => 381 21 => 384 22 => 386 23 => 389 24 => 391 25 => 394 26 => 396 27 => 399 28 => 401 29 => 404 30 => 406 31 => 409 June (411)01 => 412 02 => 415 03 => 417 04 => 420 05 => 422 06 => 425 07 => 427 08 => 430 09 => 432 10 => 435 11 => 437 12 => 440 13 => 442 14 => 445 15 => 447 16 => 450 17 => 452 18 => 467 19 => 470 20 => 472 21 => 475 22 => 477 23 => 480 24 => 482 25 => 497 26 => 500 27 => 502 28 => 505 29 => 507 30 => 517 July (520)01 => 521 02 => 523 03 => 526 04 => 528 05 => 534 06 => 537 07 => 539 08 => 542 09 => 544 10 => 547 11 => 549 12 => 552 13 => 554 14 => 557 15 => 559 16 => 562 17 => 564 18 => 567 19 => 569 20 => 572 21 => 574 22 => 577 23 => 579 24 => 582 25 => 584 26 => 587 27 => 589 28 => 592 29 => 594 30 => 597 31 => 599 August (602) 01 => 603 02 => 605 03 => 608 04 => 610 05 => 613 06 => 615 07 => 618 08 => 620 09 => 623 10 => 625 11 => 628 12 => 630 13 => 633 14 => 635 15 => 638 16 => 640 17 => 643 18 => 645 19 => 648 20 => 650 21 => 653 22 => 655 23 => 658 24 => 660 25 => 663 26 => 665 27 => 668 28 => 670 29 => 673 30 => 675 31 => 678 September (680)01 => 681 02 => 684 03 => 686 04 => 689 05 => 691 06 => 694 07 => 696 08 => 699 09 => 701 10 => 704 11 => 706 12 => 709 13 => 711 14 => 714 15 => 716 16 => 719 17 => 721 18 => 724 19 => 726 20 => 729 21 => 731 22 => 734 23 => 736 24 => 739 25 => 741 26 => 744 27 => 746 28 => 749 29 => 751 30 => 754 October (756)01 => 757 02 => 760 03 => 762 04 => 765 05 => 767 06 => 770 07 => 772 08 => 775 09 => 777 10 => 780 11 => 782 12 => 785 13 => 787 14 => 790 15 => 792 16 => 797 17 => 800 18 => 802 19 => 807 20 => 810 21 => 812 22 => 815 23 => 817 24 => 820 25 => 822 26 => 825 27 => 827 28 => 830 29 => 832 30 => 835 31 => 837 November (840)01 => 841 02 => 843 03 => 846 04 => 848 05 => 851 06 => 853 07 => 856 08 => 858 09 => 861 10 => 863 11 => 866 12 => 868 13 => 871 14 => 873 15 => 876 16 => 878 17 => 881 18 => 883 19 => 886 20 => 888 21 => 891 22 => 893 23 => 896 24 => 898 25 => 901 26 => 903 27 => 906 28 => 908 29 => 911 30 => 913 December (916)01 => 917 02 => 919 03 => 922 04 => 924 05 => 927 06 => 929 07 => 932 08 => 934 09 => 937 10 => 939 11 => 942 12 => 944 13 => 947 14 => 949 15 => 952 16 => 954 17 => 957 18 => 959 19 => 962 20 => 964 21 => 967 22 => 969 23 => 972 24 => 974 25 => 977 26 => 983 27 => 985 28 => 990 29 => 993 30 => 995 31 => 998 Thanks to Joseph Gallian for providing me with the information on which this is based.
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