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Will the Christianity's reputation be damaged by the Evangelicals' and other churches' support for Donald Trump?

Short answer is Yes.The persuasive answer is much longer. Otherwise, Christians will never accept the short answer.To me, this is the most important question I’ve ever seen on Quora. I have a very long answer. It is not another attack on Donald Trump. There are plenty of those coming out every hour it seems. This is not a lament of why isn’t Hillary our President. It is not a political discussion. Nor is this an attempt to proselytize.I am a Christian. My intent here is to hold up a mirror to every Christian in America. We as a Church body have, in my opinion, taken a very dark turn against the commands of God by supporting Donald Trump.I documented this answer with quotes directly from Trump’s own mouth, not from reports of the “lying liberal media.” I also use Biblical references, which I find to be the only way to really speak to other Believers in a persuasive manner.If you have a documentable quote from Trump himself that contradicts the statements below, feel free to comment or message me. I will put it in the main body of this as an edit attributed to you. I will not post anonymous responses.When speaking to CNN about his repetitive audits by the IRS going back more than two decades, Trump said: "Well, maybe because of the fact that I'm a strong Christian, and I feel strongly about it and maybe there's a bias,"This is not a report from the “lying liberal media.” These are his words. Here is the video: Trump blames tax audits on 'strong' faith - CNN VideoHis testimony about his faith is, in my opinion as a Believer, the biggest lie he has ever told. Simply by this false testimony he falls squarely in the definition of “Deceiver” as defined throughout the Scriptures.On June 24th, 2016, a well respected Christian Leader, James Dobson, whom I admire greatly, said: “He (Trump) did accept a relationship with Christ. I know the person who led him to Christ, and that’s fairly recent. … I believe he really made a commitment, but he’s a baby Christian”Is Donald Trump now a born-again Christian?I think that’s great. I hope he is. However, his assertion that he may have been audited regularly for more than two decades does not compute. I must logically conclude that he testified to us that he has been a Strong Christian for at least longer than that.Here may be another 498 lies he has told us just since he started running:Canadian Newspaper Compiles List of Almost 500 Trump Lies During CampaignOk, this was reported in the “lying liberal media.” But there is at least demonstrable evidence to some items in the list.Let’s say it’s only twenty. How many lies does it take to be a Deceiver?I went through my Concordance (to those who may not be aware, a Concordance is a list of concepts in the Bible linked to their locations.) and I looked up “Deceit” and its incarnations.Here’s what God told Moses about Deceit:Leviticus 19:11“Do not steal. Do not lie. Do not deceive one another.”I will save the commentary on the “Do not steal” part for later.Proverbs 14:5“A truthful witness does not deceive, but a false witness pours out lies. “The Old Testament also says the a father can sell his daughters into slavery; many of us believe that its admonitions are outdated. So perhaps we should look more at what the New Testament has to say.MK 7:20 - 22 These are the words of Christ and should be in red.What comes out of a man is what makes him unclean. For from within, out of men’s hearts, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly.When I read this, I must say that Trump checks all of these boxes but murder. According to Christ, this man is “Unclean.” I do believe that since accepting Christ in June, (if he did in his heart) he has been made clean.Remember though, this man testified that he has been a Believer for more than two decades. After his profession of faith, he continued to rail his rhetoric that fueled the fires of hate, racism, violence outright, undeniable lies. He just did not provide me any evidence that he was even attempting to walk with Christ.Certainly, none of us are perfect in our walk, most certainly not me, but we at least attempt, if only in public, to convince ourselves and others that we are walking in faith. I have seen no such attempt in Trump’s case.COL 2:8Speaking to us as a Church, Paul says:“See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.”Ephesians 5:6“Let no one deceive you with “empty words” for because of such things God’s wrath comes on those who are disobedient.”“Empty words,” Let’s see about that.Newt Gingrich Says Trump Has Given Up On 'Draining The Swamp'Gingrich from Trump: “Oh it was cute, but he doesn’t want to use it anymore.”Come on, man.We all know of his promise to build the wall and have Mexico pay for it.“Trump said he’d accept a fence, instead of a wall, along parts of the border. Aides also say Mexico’s payments could be collected indirectly, such as by charging Mexico more to export its goods to the U.S. or by taxing money transfers.”This was a piece in Kentucky’s Lexington Herald Reader, which is hardly a bastion of “lying liberal media.”Read more here: Trump may set record for broken promises2 Peter 2:19When speaking of “False Teachers and Their Destruction” to us, Peter tells us:“They (false teachers) promise them freedom, while they, themselves are slaves of depravity - for a man is a slave to whatever has mastered him.”I don’t think I need to document his own words of depravity regarding women. This happened while he was supposedly a “Strong Believer.”Here’s what I found on Humility. I have never seen the man being humble. I looked hard, but I couldn’t find one instance.Eph 4:2 - 3“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the Unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.”While this was reported in the New York Times, the video clearly shows him encouraging his followers to violence.Trump’s History of Encouraging ViolenceIt is difficult for me to see that as “the bond of peace.”In a speech in Sydney in 2011, Trump said the #1 key to success in business is:"Get even with people. If they screw you, screw them back 10 times as hard. I really believe it."Apparently, Trump’s interpretation of the Biblical concept of “an eye for an eye” is really “ten eyes for an eye.”The Bible, both the Old and New Testaments speak of Humility in more than thirty places according to my Concordance.Here are just a couple of verses:Proverbs 11:2“When pride comes, then comes disgrace; but with humility comes wisdom.”Philippians 2:3“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves”I listened for Trump to use the word “we” when discussing his success; not just about God, but anyone. I never heard him say “we” when discussing his career, not even about his children. I can find no evidence of him valuing others above himself, or even as peers.On November 23rd, he told editors around the world not to publish photos of him that show his double chin. I’ve never heard a more vain statement.I don’t think the message from Paul, or anyone else, is that Vanity is ok.Let’s talk about the Ten Commandments:1: " I am the Lord your God."This is a personal belief and there's no real way to know what is in his heart.However, there are no references in any of his properties or his businesses that I can find that remotely refer to God as the owner or even give a nod to Him. There are multitudinous portraits of himself throughout his properties.His hotels do provide a Gideon Bible in the rooms.2: "Thou Shall Bring No False Idols Before Me."Anything I say here would be speculation. I’m trying to stick to facts, but the gold toilets and the painting in his DC hotel do come to mind.3: "Do Not Take The Name of the Lord in Vain."Please excuse the profanity, but they are direct quotes from Mr. Trump and I write them because they are the truth. I watched him say them. Now you can.I find it impossible to believe that a man who will say "Fuck" “Mother Fuckers” "Hell" and "Shit" at his public rallies has not used the words "God Damn." I know I did before I became a Believer.Of course, everyone is forgiven their sins when they come to Christ, but he says these things in the same rallies where he professes to be a Believer and thereafter.4: "Remember the Sabbath and Keep it Holy."Luke 14: 1–4“One Sabbath, when Jesus went to eat in the house of a prominent Pharisee, he was being carefully watched. There, in front of him suffering from dropsy. Jesus asked the Pharisees and experts in the law, ’Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath or not?’ But they remained silent. So, taking hold of the man, he healed him and sent him on his way.”I believe that Christ gave us a new interpretation of this Commandment. Perhaps the message is to do good works during the Sabbath.Of course Mr. Trump says he works every day of the week, which I clearly observed during his campaign. I’m sure that many believe that he was/is doing good works on Sundays.I do admire men and women who have the stamina to work long hours for a long time.5: "Honor Thy Father and Mother."Mr. Trump has consistently declared that everything he has done is because of him.He acknowledges that his father gave him a $1 million loan to get started. In a well-documented article based upon public records, The Wall Street Journal (hardly a liberal media outlet) reports that his father's support was in excess of $14 million. I have earned $14 million. Nobody ever told me that was "small.”Trump’s Father Helped GOP Candidate With Numerous LoansI have never found a reference that honors or thanks his father in public about giving him the foundation of his business, his education, his love, his support, his life or anything else. I searched hard.I can find no evidence of him talking about his mother at all, except in denigrating terms.6: "Thou Shall Not Kill/Murder."I'm not accusing, or even alluding to, him of committing any murders.However, As POTUS, he quite literally holds the lives of billions of people in his hands.In his public statements he has often said:"I will 'bomb the shit out of them" when referring to nations that may cross him.Here’s the video:He has repeatedly stated that he will bring back torture both inside and outside of the country.When confronted with the evidence that torture is not effective, he says he still supports it because "they deserve it.” It’s hard to believe that no one dies as a result of torture. Certainly Christ did.While there are valid, biblical reasons for people to kill other people and for people to order this, it is not to be taken lightly.Indeed, the credo of true warriors throughout the ages, (I , and like most of the men I served with) is that: "We fight for those who cannot.” Not “We Kill Because We Can."7: "Thou Shall Not Steal.”Here’s an article posted by Fox News. I think we can all agree that Fox was a very friendly outlet for him.Dozens of lawsuits accuse Trump of not paying his bills, reports claimAlthough more difficult to feel sorry for by many, the small investors and bankers that directly invested in his companies or lent him literally billions of dollars have often lost everything, billions of dollars of wealth lost based upon his representations and actions.“Atlantic City fueled a lot of growth for me,” Mr. Trump said in an interview in May, summing up his 25-year history here. “The money I took out of there was incredible.”“Early on, I took a lot of money out of the casinos with the financings and the things we do,” he said in a recent interview. “Atlantic City was a very good cash cow for me for a long time.”Log In - New York Times (the hyperlink leads to the article, not to a login page.) Yes, it was in the Times, but it is a scholarly article written by two highly esteemed academics that do not work for the Times.While his actions in Atlantic City may have been legally permitted, although even that is in dispute, I’m not sure God wouldn’t call this stealing.9: "Thou Shall Not Bear False Witness Against Your Neighbor.""Hillary had more affairs than Bill" or one that he said recently "There were millions of illegal votes cast against me." “Obama is a Muslim who was not born in the US” even though none of these claims, and many others, have been backed up with even the slightest credible evidence. He did recant the position about President Obama that he trumpeted for more than 7 years during the General election."I'm worth more than $10 Billion."Donald Trump: I'm worth more than $10 billionForbes, a “yugely” conservative magazine put it at less than $4 billion.Donald Trump's Fortune Falls $800 Million To $3.7 BillionIt’s still an enormous fortune, but why inflate it by 150%?10: "Thou Shall Not Covet Your Neighbor's Wife or Anything That Belongs to Your Neighbor."I am not aware of any instances where it can be proven that he coveted someone else’s wife.To say that he has not coveted others' property is to simply ignore his own accounts of his business practices.By my count, that is at least five direct and repetitive violations of these most basic tenets of our faith (and the Jewish faith and Islam).I spoke to a committed Christian woman for at least two decades and an ardent Trump supporter from the beginning. We talked about this issue just the other day. I was astounded by what she had to say. It gave me much deeper insight into the psyche of the serious Trump supporter.When I asked her how, as a Christian woman, she could support this man who has deceived us about being a Believer and in so many other ways, she said (I kid you not):“I know that Donald Trump is a Christian and has never lied.”“How do you know that?”“Because I do.”After I picked my face off of the ground, I realized that I was talking to someone who believed the conspiracy theories and fake news hook line and sinker.Here is a small portion of the conversation:“He sent his personal plane to Iraq twice to pick up stranded Marines.”His account is that he picked up 203 stranded Marines during the Gulf War. This, of course implies that they were stranded in Iraq and that he sent his personal aircraft, as she believed. It seems they were stranded in North Carolina and they were flown to Miami.“The Trump campaign has confirmed to The Sean Hannity Show - Call 1-800.941.7326 3-6 pm ET Mon-Fri that Mr. Trump did indeed send his plane to make two trips from North Carolina to Miami, Florida to transport over 200 Gulf War Marines back home.”Does it really make sense that his personal plane could carry 203 Combat Marines and all of their stuff? This is not the luxury that he parades to us. I have seen reports that his personal plane at the time could only carry 27, but I was not able to confirm this from an authoritative source.Lt. General Vernon Kondra, the man in charge of all airlift operations, didn’t hesitate to swat down the claim that Trump personally came to the rescue.Kondra said the notion that Trump personally arranged to help the stranded soldiers made little sense. “I certainly was not aware of that. It does not sound reasonable that it would happen like that. It would not fit in with how we did business.”“I don’t even know of how he would have known there was a need.”The next one: “The trade deficit is so huge that it is draining our country to the point of bankruptcy.”The calculation of the trade deficit does not include intellectual property, knowledge workers, banking, finance or Wall Street. That means that none of the export revenues from companies like Microsoft, Google, Oracle, Goldman Sachs...you get the idea..are considered. When they are, we have a huge surplus.When I told her this, she said, “ I don’t know about all that technical stuff that you know from your education. It doesn’t matter anyway.”And one more that she told me with complete sincerity:“Hillary killed nine people to cover up the scandal in the Clinton Whitehouse.I just said…”uh…okay.” I had come to the realisation that facts just didn’t matter.So, about him being such a strong Christian for so long, I asked her three simple questions. The answers to which are easily confirmed, even without his tax returns. I sure wish that our Christian leaders would have ask these. I wish anyone would ask them.1: Does he tithe?Numbers 18:26“Speak to the Levites and say to them: ‘When you receive from the Israelites the tithe I give you as your inheritance, you must present a tenth of that tithe as the Lord’s offering. ““He’s very generous. He helped that black family whose son died of AIDS or by the hand of police or something like that.”Me: “Even if that was $100,000, it is a pittance compared to the more than $300 million he earns every year”“That’s a lot of money.” (Speaking about the $100,000.)“Yes, but it is not 10% of his income.”“We tithe.”“Good for you.”“It’s still a lot.”2: What church does he attend?“I don’t go to church anymore.”“Yes, but you are 72 and can’t sit on anything hard or stay in one position for more than five minutes.”“Well, he went to a Presbyterian church when he was growing up.”3: Who is his Pastor?“He’s too famous to have a Pastor.”Oh. My. God.So, in conclusion, (I know you’re all cheering that it’s almost over.) Here’s the big challenge to my Brothers and Sisters:2 Thessalonians 2:13“And as for you, brothers (and sisters), never tire of doing what is right.”I have a hard time seeing how we as a Church are doing what is right.Perhaps I missed it.Edit:After I wrote that before Trump tweeted that he still intended to drain the swamp.“Someone incorrectly stated that the phrase "DRAIN THE SWAMP" was no longer being used by me. Actually, we will always be trying to DTS.”8:41 AM - 22 Dec 2016Okay, here are his words in a speech on his “Thank You Tour’The Daily Show - On his “Thank You Tour,” Donald Trump...I realize this is The Daily Show, which is certainly an anti-trump platform; however, the clip of him saying that he really didn’t care about it is in the video segment. It begins at 2:27.I named the woman who supported Trump from the beginning without her permission. That was not fair of me. I have edited this to remove her name.I also wrote personal editorial comments regarding his selection of General “Mad Dog” Mattis as Secretary of Defense. My opinion was very favorable to both the General and Trump for making the choice.

What meaningful accomplishments has Trump made for the people during his presidency?

None. Nothing. He has made the Republican party un-electable, without cheating. The USA’s international standing in the world is in ruins.He has proved to be as incompetent in the whitehouse as everything else he has done.He is hanging on in office because his departure will see him do jail time for Tax evasion and possibly treason.Lets list what Donald Trump has managed to do in the FIRST TWO YEARS of is presidency.The list:The government is currently going through its longest shutdown in history, with no end in sight. And Trump’s to blame. He said it himself, “I will be the one to shut it down.”Trump’s only significant legislative accomplishment gave massive tax breaks to rich and big corporations, while doing nothing to benefit workers.Trump vowed to protect Medicare and Social Security, but has proposed drastic cuts to both programs. He repeatedly promised that he would lower the costs of prescription drugs within weeks, but that hasn’t happened.Trump’s ongoing campaign to sabotage the Affordable Care Act has made health care less accessible and less affordable for millions of Americans.Trump has demonized and attacked immigrants while doing nothing to actually solve the issue of illegal immigration. He separated families, attacked asylum rights, and played politics with the lives of Dreamers.Trump has faced serious investigations throughout his presidency that are examining his campaign’s relationship with Russia, whether he committed obstruction of justice and whether he, himself - the President of the United States - has acted as a Russian agent.After two years, it’s already clear that Trump won’t deliver on his campaign promises, he has completely abandoned workers and families, and his presidency is a failure.Trump Shutdown: Abandoned Workers And Failed LeadershipTrump is responsible for the longest government shutdown in U.S. history. He said it himself, “I will be the one to shut it down.” Trump has abandoned hundreds of thousands of workers who do not know when their next paycheck will come.The Trump Shutdown is the longest in our history, and the third of Trump’s presidency. Before Trump, no shutdown had occurred when one party controlled the House, Senate and White House since the 1970s.Americans increasingly blame Trump for the government shutdown, and his approval rating has slid dramatically since the shutdown began.The Trump Shutdown is pushing the economy closer to a recession. It has eroded Americans optimism in the economy and support for Trump’s economic policies.Hundreds of thousands of workers missed their paychecks. The Trump Shutdown has so far cost workers more than $5,000 in wages on average.Nearly one million government contractors are out of work because of the shutdown.Coast Guard members missed their paychecks. This is the first time in our history active-duty service members have not been paid during a lapse in government funding.Trump’s Failed Economic PoliciesTrump repeatedly touts the economy as one of his biggest accomplishments, but under Trump’s watch wages remained largely stagnant, the stock market Trump once touted has plummeted, and the economic outlook of our country has worsened. While his administration has given wealthy corporations a short-term boost, they’ve rolled back crucial protections for consumers, student borrowers, retirees, and working Americans across the country.The gap between the richest Americans and everyone else has grown under Trump’s watch.The economic indicators Trump has frequently pointed to as evidence of his policies’ success have all begun to falterLast year, the stock market had its worst year since the 2008 financial crisis.Last month, a key manufacturing index tumbuled by the largest amount in a decade.Manufacturers’ confidence plunged to the lowest levels in two years.Consumer confidence fell to its lowest levels in over two years.Americans are more pessimistic about the future of the economy than they’ve been in nearly two decades.The Trump administration has systematically rolled back crucial protections for workers and consumers to benefit corporate interests and donors.Trump eliminated protections for student borrowers, gutted enforcement of payday lenders, and let corporate wrongdoers off the hook.The Trump Tax Law Did Not Benefit WorkersTrump promised workers that his massive tax cuts for the rich and big corporations would benefit workers, create economic growth, and pay for itself. None of that happened.Corporate profit growth hit a 6-year high, and corporations used their massive tax breaks for a record-high $1 trillion of stock buybacks.Workers did not benefit. 60 percent of voters said they had not seen an increase in their paychecks as a result of the Trump tax law.The Trump tax law has not created jobs. In fact, the 1,000 largest public companies actually eliminated nearly 140,000 jobs since the tax law was passed.The federal deficit swelled by more than 40 percent compared to a year ago largely because of a sharp decline in corporate tax revenues, and the CBO said the Trump tax law would add $1.9 trillion to the debt over the next decade.While workers were left behind, Trump and his family benefit greatly from the Trump tax law.Ivanka and Jared stand to benefit from a tax break they pushed, which offers massive tax breaks to real estate developers.Kushner’s family business bought $13 million in additional properties after they were designated part of an “opportunity zone” by Trump’s tax law.Trump and his family benefit substantially from massive tax cuts given to the richest Americans, and from tax breaks given to “pass-through” entities like the Trump Organization.Trump Did Nothing To Lower Prescription Drug CostsTrump promised to bring down prescriptions drug costs. Instead, he gave massive tax breaks to pharmaceutical companies and did nothing to actually lower costs, which continue to skyrocket.Despite Trump’s promises, pharmaceutical companies have already raised prices on more than one thousand drugs so far this year, including increases of nearly 10%.The biggest drug companies announced more than $50 billion in stock buybacks after the Trump tax law, but made no plans to lower drug prices.Trump’s drug pricing plan did nothing to lower costs, and could actually increase out-of-pocket costs for millions of patients.House Democrats have already gotten to work to lower costs and launched an investigation into pharmaceutical companies raising prescription drug prices.Trump Made Health Care Less Accessible And Less AffordableVoters made their voices heard in the midterm elections: They overwhelmingly oppose Trump’s sabotage. While the Trump administration has not learned its lesson, Democrats will never stop fighting to ensure that health care is a right for all.Trump’s health care sabotage is forcing premium increases as high as double-digits on millions of Americans this year, and millions more are priced out of the market and unable to afford coverage at all.For two years running, the open enrollment period saw a decline in health insurance sign-ups. 2019 saw a 4% drop in health insurance sign ups compared to last year because of Trump’s sabotage.Trump immediately celebrated a court ruling in favor of a lawsuit he backed to overturn the ACA. Here’s what Trump was really celebrating:Potentially taking health care coverage away from around 20 million Americans.Putting as many as 130 million Americans with pre-existing conditions at risk of losing key protections.Confusing tens of thousands of Americans who typically enroll in health care on the final days of open enrollment, making it harder for them to get the care they need.Trump broke his promise to address the opioid crisis. He failed to take the advice of his presidential commission to declare the opioid epidemic a national emergency, and tried to cut Medicaid and ACA benefits — both of which have played a key role in expanding access to substance abuse treatment.Though Trump fortunately failed to push through repeal legislation, he has continued his endless campaign to sabotage the Affordable Care Act. Here are just a few examples:New rules proposed by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services would increase out-of-pocket costs, drive up premiums, and put health care out of reach for many Americans.The Trump administration issued new guidance encouraging states to skirt the ACA’s current income and coverage standards for federal health insurance subsidies.One day after the midterm elections, Trump finalized a new rule — which now faces a legal challenge — to roll back the ACA’s requirement that employers provide birth control coverage.Trump’s administration repeatedly slashed funds for enrollment assistance and advertising programs intended to get Americans covered.Trump Broke His Promises To Protect Social Security And MedicareTrump vowed to protect Social Security and Medicare, but that was a lie. Trump tried to cut billions from these vital programs that millions of families and seniors rely on, and would have cut even more to pay for his massive tax cuts for the rich and big corporations.Medicare and Social Security both weakened under Trump.Trump sought a $554 billion cut to Medicare.Trump sought a $72.5 billion cut to Social Security disability insurance and supplemental security income.Trump Has Abandoned Our Nation’s VeteransTrump constantly lies about his accomplishments and has repeatedly shown disrespect to veterans and military service members. Despite saying he supports our troops, Trump has not done enough to help our nation’s veterans.Trump’s government shutdown disproportionately hurts our nation’s veterans.Trump’s VA is planning to betray millions of veterans by rerouting billions of dollars from veterans’ hospitals into the private sector.Trump’s VA set aside $6.2 million last year alone to advertise its crisis hotline to reach vulnerable veterans and prevent suicides, but it spent less than 1% of that budget.Trump’s VA is being steered by three of his Mar-a-Lago cronies with no relevant experience.Veterans have not been able to get the GI Bill payments they need and earned because of failures at Trump’s VA.Trump’s CFPB made it harder for the the Military Lending Act to protect service members and their families from deceitful lending practices.Trump’s Fearmongering And Anti-Immigrant PoliciesTrump started his campaign by attacking immigrant communities, and that would come to define his presidency. Trump has continued to fearmonger and push his anti-immigrant agenda, tearing thousands of children from their families, attacking immigrants rights, and diminishing the U.S. as a beacon for the world.The Trump administration separated thousands more children from their families than previously believed.Multiple immigrant children have died while in the Trump administration’s custody.The Trump administration fired tear gas at children and their families seeking asylum at the border.The Trump administration sought to rescind the right to asylum from victims of domestic violence and gang violence.Americans overwhelmingly oppose Trump’s border wall.Trump has repeatedly tried to manufacture a crisis at the border by lying and demonizing immigrants.The Trump administration announced they would cap the number of refugees that can enter the country at the lowest level in the program’s history.Trump rescinded the DACA program and then sabotaged multiple bipartisan deals to protect Dreamers.Trump has tried to end temporary protected status for immigrants from Haiti, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Sudan.Trump Has Made Us Less SafeTrump has repeatedly embarrassed us on the global stage, and his leadership has made us less safe and caused the world to lose respect for the United States. Time and again, Trump has praised dictators, while alienating our allies, and chose to side with the likes of Vladimir Putin over our U.S. intelligence agencies.Despite Trump’s summit and claims that he neutralized North Korea’s nuclear threat, North Korea secretly continued to build new missile bases.Global approval of the U.S. hit a new low under Trump.Trump damaged relationships with key allies, and the decline of America’s standing left openings for other countries to fill the leadership void.Trump withdrew the U.S. from the U.N. human rights council.Donald Trump praised dictators like North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un and he extended a warm invitation to Filipino President Rodrigo Duterte, who has openly defended the murder of journalists and extrajudicial killings.Trump refused to accept U.S. intelligence and stood by Saudi Arabia after the murder of Jamal Khashoggi.Trump stood on the global stage and sided with Vladimir Putin over U.S. intelligence agencies.Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian officials in the Oval Office.Trump’s SwampAfter campaigning on a populist pledge to “drain the swamp,” Trump has only further transformed Washington to enrich himself and his wealthy friends. Trump stocked his administration with donors and former lobbyists, and let special interest groups and corporations draft their own policy. His Cabinet secretaries have used their positions for their personal gain, while wasting taxpayer dollars.Trump broke one of his central campaign promises to “drain the swamp” by enacting reforms to reduce lobbying and influence peddling.Instead, the lobbying industry has boomed, while Trump has watered down lobbying restrictions and issue broad ethics exemptions to members of his administration.More than a dozen of Trump’s top appointees have been forced out amid ethics scandals, including three Cabinet secretaries in the last year. Trump’s culture of corruption has permeated his administration with an endless string of misuse of taxpayer dollars, conflicts of interest, and concealing information.Trump himself has continued to profit off the presidency through numerous conflicts of interest. Meanwhile, despite his promises not to take vacations as president, Trump has wasted tens of millions of dollars traveling to his own properties and golf courses.Trump’s Dishonest PresidencyTrump has repeatedly and blatantly lied to the American people over and over again. While he has failed to deliver on his promises or meaningfully improve the well-being of middle-class families, Trump has attempted to mislead Americans about basic facts and has tried to invent false statistics to push his unpopular policies.Trump’s record of blatant dishonesty is unprecedented: He has lied to the American people more than 7,600 times so far in his presidency, an average of more than 15 times per day last year.The majority of Americans say they trust Trump less than previous presidents, and fewer than 3 in 10 Americans believe the president’s most common lies.Trump’s lies aren’t innocent exaggerations. Trump has used misleading statistics to stoke fear about a manufactured crisis at the border, and has even lied directly to our active-duty service members and our nation’s veterans.Investigations Continue To Turn Up More Trump And Russia TiesLess than four months into his presidency, Trump fired FBI Director Comey because of “this Russia thing with Trump,” leading to the appointment of Special Counsel Robert Mueller. As the special counsel’s investigation continues to get to the bottom of links between the Trump campaign and Russia — and hold Trump’s cronies responsible for their crimes — it is essential the investigation be protected from Trump’s interference.Trump asked then-FBI Director James Comey to drop a federal investigation into Trump’s former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.Trump fired FBI Director Comey, admitting shortly afterward that he did so because of the Russia investigation.Mueller’s investigation has resulted in more than 100 criminal counts, 33 people and three companies charged, and guilty pleas from five Trump associates — so far.Trump’s longtime personal lawyer and fixer, Michael Cohen, pleaded guilty to lying to Congress about the timeline of the Trump Tower Moscow project in order to protect Trump.Trump’s former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI and agreed to cooperate with the special counsel’s investigation.Trump’s former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, was convicted at trial on eight counts related to money laundering. The next month, he pleaded guilty to two more counts in a separate trial and agreed to cooperate with the special counsel’s investigation (Mueller’s office subsequently revoked the plea deal because Manafort wouldn’t stop lying).Trump’s former deputy campaign chairman and Manafort’s longtime business partner, Rick Gates, pleaded guilty to two charges and agreed to cooperate with the special counsel’s investigation.Trump campaign foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his interactions with Russians.Trump publicly emerged at the center of Mueller’s investigation after being labeled “Individual 1” in criminal filings, suggesting that Trump continues to be a major subject of interest in the probe.Despite Trump’s frequent denials during the 2016 presidential campaign that he had any business deals in Russia, negotiations for Trump Tower Moscow continued until June 2016, well into the campaign.Trump discussed the project on multiple occasions with Michael Cohen, and Trump family members received briefings.Michael Cohen spoke with the Kremlin about the project, and the Trump Organization even planned to give Vladimir Putin a penthouse apartment in the finished tower.Nearly Everything Trump Has Ever Run Is Under InvestigationTrump has a decades-long history of acting as if he were above the law. In addition to the special counsel’s investigation, Trump and organizations he has run have been the subjects of fraud and corruption investigations by federal and state prosecutors, as well as party to lawsuits alleging that Trump is violating the Constitution by accepting bribe money from foreign nations.Trump was personally implicated in a hush-money scheme during the 2016 election to silence two women that alleged they had affairs with him.Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg was granted immunity by federal prosecutors to testify about Michael Cohen before a grand jury, giving prosecutors access to his unparalleled knowledge of Trump’s finances.Federal prosecutors were probing whether Trump’s inauguration misspent funds or accepted contributions in exchange for favors that run afoul of federal corruption laws.New York State authorities opened a probe into Trump’s company following a bombshell report detailing decades of tax fraud.Civil lawsuits alleging Trump is violating the Constitution’s emoluments clause put the Trump Organization’s financial records under fire.The Trump Foundation was forced to dissolve as part of an ongoing investigation by the New York Attorney General’s office into Trump’s years-long use of the foundation for his own benefit.I do not see a lot of ‘winning’ here.

Why do conservatives seem to have a huge issue with the government doing more things because it gives it too much power, but seem to have no issue handing Trump absolute authoritarian rule?

This “Trump handles absolute authoritarian rule” meme is simply false.Progressives view the government as the rightful owner of all power, and from that derive a vision of the President as some kind of absolute ruler. This is so warped that it is utterly nonsense.You need to take some time, and read the Constitution. Read it as if it was meant to mean something to you, personally, without some High Priestess of Progressivism redefining the words for you as they come off the page, to ensure that you get the acceptable PC understanding of the Constitution as defined by your Future Emperess.You should need no reference book other than the Dictionary published by Mr. Daniel Webster within 10 years in either way from 1892.If you find, after reading the Constitution from end-to-end and actually considering each phrase without a Progressive keeper hanging over your shoulder to ensure your interpretations fit the Narrative, and find that the Executive is granted “Absolute authoritarian rule” or any mechanism exists for him to acquire and hold “absolute authoritarian rule”, you are reading into the words that which is not there, so try again.Obama pretended he had Absolute Authoritarian Rule, waving around his magic phone and pen. In actual fact, he made whole speeches about what he was going to do, then never did it. His promise of 33 far-reaching steps which would end gun violence was the only such promise that made it near paper: it came as an Executive Order with 26 “steps”, most of which were orders to do what they were already doing, aimed at offices of the Executive.The best of the lot of them, made best because of its official response, was his order to the CDC to research how to research gun violence. Surely, this would be the first step in a long line of Executive Branch manipulations that would end in confiscation of guns, reduction of gun violence, etc. etc. etc.The CDC’s response was a book. It is published by NAP, and is available free to any American who has enough intelligence to find the NAP site online, search “gun violence” and select the book for download.I can save you some time, but I heartily assure you, you should get the book and read it, don’t just take my word for it. The response was:You really don’t want us to do that, Mr. President.Then, the CDC laid out for Mr. Obama how the studies which are validated indicate that 2/3rds of gun violence in America are suicides (so-called victimless crimes, since you can’t suicide someone else unless you are Hillary Clinton). Of the remaining gun violence which results in death or injury, crime takes up the majority of it, Police action takes up most of the rest. Your chances of being injured or killed by gunshot is about 300 times greater from a policeman than from another citizen. This is with something between 1 million and 25 million guns in private hands (the surveys to determine this number has always been more guess and by-gosh than science), in the hands of some 3 million (don’t ask) citizens, and yet the death and injury rates from private citizens (accidental and intentional) where commission of a crime is the reason for the attack indicate that Citizens are the safest carriers of firearms in the country.They also highlighted the known fact that the most relied-on sources of gun violence statistics are highly biased, unreliable, and that their results are never scientifically validated.They also pointed out little things like the Constitution forbidding the Government from infringing on the Right to keep and bear arms, and the historical background making it very clear that that right is an individual right, not a corporate or military right, and that there is no limitation which justifies outlawing Citizen possession/ownership/maintenance of any arms or armor. Thus, opening this can of worms is more likely to wash away the infringements which have been (stupidly) allowed, rather than enabling institution of new prohibitions.Obama immediately dropped all claims of what he was going to stop, although he didn’t drop his campaign against private ownership.All in all, the only thing that happened in Obama’s tenure which could be mistaken for absolute rule is how he managed, through concerted lying, willing assistance of the Media and a DNC-controlled Congress, and back-room dealing, to force PPACA on America, the Patient Protection and Afordable Care Act, which, by raising premiums, causing deductibles to swell into the new Elephant in the Room, and by exerting no controls whatsoever on costs, did more to destroy Health Care in the US than anything anyone else (including Hillary) has done.Having established that Obama came as close to “absolute rule” as anyone in the President’s role has, let’s look at Trump.What has Trump done? You are obviously going on what the Media, which is still a possession of Progressive Liberals, has reported about him. But is there fact there? Many claims have been made about discord in the Trump Whitehouse. A book was even written about it, by a journalist named Wolfe. In the preface, Wolfe takes the amazingly honest step of admitting that all the situations and conversations in the book are fabricated: he has not overheard a single word, witnessed anything he portrays, or actually have any first hand knowledge of what had gone on in Trump’s whitehouse. This did not stop him from writing the book. Instead, he made stuff up based on his own hatred of Trump and Republicans, and his imagination that such odious creatures couldn’t possibly have so good a Whitehouse environment as, say, his hero Hillary (whose perforations against White House staff, ashtray flinging at Bill, hit lists and closet full of dossiers of Republicans were only exceeded in oddity by the discovery of a box full of evidence about her former partner, the magic suicide whose .44 revolver was supposedly used by him but remained by his side at the supposed scene, instead of 20’ away, as is usual with a high-powered pistol as suicide weapon.)So the Media is not the source for Trump’s actions. Instead, try the National Archives, where the record is kept of all of his official actions. This is necessary with any President, incidentally, because reporters aren’t clairvoyant and often aren’t even mind readers, even though they love to portray themselves as all-knowing pundits.In the long run, you’ll find that Trump doesn’t “handle absolute authority” at all. He works hard to stay within the Constitutional boundaries of his job, which, as Chief Executive, grants him considerably less power than the average member of the House of Representatives.

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