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If you know you’re in a relationship with a person with narcissistic personality disorder and leaving isn’t an option at the moment, how do you survive each day?

I am actually writing a book on this topic. The title is “stop walking on eggshells for partners.” So I have given this a lot of thought. Please forgive any typos as this is going to take me long enough and I am voice writing this.The book I am writing is not what can you do if you can’t leave, but what can you do to tease out what your partner can and can’t change, and then determine how you’re going to ACT—not react— when you realize that even if you have helped effect change, it is probably not meaningful enough to make you happy in the relationship. I’m going to give this some headlines to make it easier to follow.ARE YOU SURE YOU HAVE NO CHOICE?At first, like many others, I would like to take issue with the fact that you say you can’t leave. I would turn that into, “For right now I have decided to remain in this relationship.” My question is why is that so? Because I have been working with family members of narcissists and borderlines, and as of yet not one family member has been locked in the cellar.It’s not that they don’t have options. They do have options. They just don’t like them. They would rather stick with what doesn’t work. The devil you know. They emphasize the difficulties of getting out and minimize the benefits of doing so because they don’t really know what those benefits are.In 20 years, I have not heard from one person who regretted getting out of an abusive situation, no matter what they had to go through.Humans cope with the stress by not looking at their life too closely. They choose not to examine their feelings. Instead, they bury them down. I assure you that what goes down goes up. They don’t think about what they want in life. They simply try to get through each day. That is not living. That is survival mode. A person lasts only so long in survival mode.One common reason why people stay is that they think it’s better for the children. It is not. My father was a narcissist. If you and your partner are arguing a great deal, there is a very good chance this is the wrong environment for them to grow up in.•••••Parents don’t realize that they teach their children what to expect out of people and relationships by watching the relationship of their parents.— watching one parent abuse the other makes it likely that they will end up in abusive, narcissistic or borderline relationships themselves.•••Another common reason people stay is that they are afraid their narcissistic partner will carry out threats. A common one is for the woman to tell the man she won’t get custody or she will lie and say he sexually abused them, he’s a bad father, blah blah blah.Don’t believe any of that claptrap. You need to get the book “splitting” by Bill Eddy and myself, and we will tell you how to go through the custody and divorce process. Do not let yourself be held hostage by a mentally ill person.Don’t be held hostage by threats he will tell all your friends and your coworkers and boss what a horrible terrible person you are. My book “stop walking on eggshells” has a chapter on what I call “distortion campaigns” that explains when to react and when to let it roll off your back.The truth always comes out eventually. I myself have endured more than one distortion campaign, and I learned over time that it gets easier and nobody else pays much attention to gossip long term.If there are any legal complications to threats, or great emotional ones, such as threats to take the kids away or accuse you of something illegal, than see your lawyer. Please, if this kind of thing happens, you must consider leaving immediately. Take these threats seriously. You have no idea how many people I talk to who brushed them off and regretted it.If you believe you can not leave because of the money situation, ask yourself what you would do if a hurricane ruined your house or you were both laid off. Or an avalanche fell on your town and you lost your house and your job.Would you lay down and die or get up and make the most of things? Would you take a job at McDonald’s? Move in with friends or family?I got a phone call from a man who had a choice to make: he could either have custody of his kids and lose money and the house, or keep the money and the house and lose his kids. He was very concerned about parenting skills of his spouse. I answered his question by tearing up.He decided his kids were worth more than the house and the bank account. A long time later he called me back and thanked me. Stop walking on eggshells came out in 1998, and believe me, I get positive feedback all the time. But nothing has meant more to me than that conversation I had with that gentleman.There is no perfect solution. But you don’t know how much an abusive relationship affects you until you spend some time away from the person. It is night and day.IT IS ALL ABOUT YOUYour question seems mostly to have to do with your narcissistic partner. What do you do to survive how they treat you. But what I suggest you focus on is yourself and where you’re going from here. You can be your best friend or your worst enemy.Take charge of your own journey. The way that you frame this part of your life, the narrative you choose, will greatly affect your ability to cope and even thrive. You can spend lots of time regretting the past and beating yourself up. You can be ultra sensitive to narcissistic behavior. You can feel trapped and sorry for your situation. Believe me, I know how compelling this can be.Hopefully you’ve researched enough about narcissism not to take any of this behavior personally. Stop worrying about how and why your partner got the way they are. Instead, perhaps working with a therapist, I advise that you think deeply about how you got involved with this person and whether you’ve gotten involved with people like this in the past.If this relationship was an aberration, meaning most of your partners are healthy, simply figure out the red flags you may have ignored and resolve to pay more attention next time.If you have gotten involved with high conflict people before, or have high conflict parents, you may want to work on some issues to make sure you’re not using relationships to try to fill empty spaces you feel powerless to fill yourself. Nobody can do that for you.Perhaps you were really attracted to your narcissistic partner because they gave you confidence that you didn’t have on your own. This especially happens to men. They can’t believe such a beautiful woman took interest in them. Then they feel cheated when that is taken away, cheated and angry. That kind of anger can burn through your soul and it only hurts you, not your partner.At the beginning of relationships, both narcissists and people with borderline personality disorder make a wonderful first impression and lead you to believe the marriage will be living in the land of milk and honey.They mold themselves to be everything you want them to be. You can supply what they require to live, and they know you will do a whole lot of giving without making any more than feeble protestations about the lack of equity.It’s easy because codependent kinds of people have double standards. They think that being selfish is bad and so they won’t make themselves a priority, but it won’t occur to them that according to their own criteria, their NPD loved one is selfish.They love their partner despite their flaws, but when the personality disordered person takes note of their supposed flaws and use them as weapons, they expect no kindness. They will complement their partner and be quite sufficient with no return compliments, only criticism.Noticing these things—really having an awakening in the gut—might mean that things are totally unfair. And the brain starts to go on a fritz because these thoughts are so threatening. They don’t want to think about the implications of this.So metaphorically, they put their fingers in their ears and start going LA LA LA LA LA. They read more about the disorder trying to crack the code, assuming they are missing a footnote that says “here’s how to make your mentally ill partner become everything you thought they were when you first met them.” They keep searching. And search some more.I get calls from these people. They will tell me that three of their best friends and their past two therapists say they need to get out of the relationship. But Randi, do you have anything I can do to fix them?I have to explain that the people in their real lives know the situation better than I do and have a better handle on it, and if all these people have the same advice it’s a good chance that they could be right.I explain that we can’t change anybody other than themselves. They don’t like that. So they keep searching for the answer they want to hear.Anyway, marriage is never so simple. But a person with a high conflict personality will inevitably revert to who they really are, which is a person with a whole lot of needs they can’t fill themselves. And isn’t it ironic, but you may have the same issue—relying on someone else to fill needs you can only fill yourself.If you rely on someone else, they’ll always be able to take it away, and you will fall into self doubt and look for somebody else to prop you up again. It’s actually quite similar to what your partner is going through: he or she needs more admiration and attention you can give or he or she can give themselves.If this describes you, I suggest that you take the time you spent on the narcissist’s drama and choose this point in your life to begin to grow more as a person. Most likely, at some point you gave your power away. You cared more about what he or she thought of you than what you thought of yourself.I am not faulting you for this. Depending upon how many years you spent with the person and the intensity of their disorder, your partner used very powerful forces to get what he or she needed to survive.That survival depended upon you acting in certain predictable ways, such as giving away your power, giving continual narcissistic supply, making you believe you needed to please him or her, making you feel the need to ask permission as if you were a child, and so on.In effect, you have been brainwashed or subject to the forces of brainwashing. Tactics your partner used may have included gaslighting and emotional abuse that created trauma bonds and turned your self esteem-o-meter down to zero. Soldiers and hostages are subject to the same forces and sometimes they break. This is why you feel so exhausted, guilty, overwhelmed, and helpless.PEOPLE WHO NEED PEOPLEChances are good he or she tried to isolate you and pressure you to remain silent and not let friends or family know what was really going on behind closed doors.Your partner probably charmed your family and friends, and when things changed you may not have been eager to let them know that the person had an entire other side. It can be embarrassing to be honest. But it’s necessary. You don’t have to keep secrets. You NEED the support of your friends and family.I don’t care if they always warned you about the partner and you’re embarrased to admit they might have had a point. I don’t care if they loved your partner to death and you’re worried about acknowledging that vision may be flawed.Spend time around people who build you up.A WORD TO THE MENMen tend to feel like being strong and silent is the way to be masculine. Just pretend you don’t have any feelings. Have superficial relationships and don’t give anybody any ammunition to treat you like a henpecked husband.That attitude is partly responsible for the outlandish suicide rate of returning soldiers. Traditional gender roles will work against you. Chances are good that you need to be nurtured and held and told that everything will be OK. And they will be. No one will think less of you.You thought you could change somebody who didn’t want to be changed, and that may make you feel like a failure. I assure you, you didn’t fail. The most experienced therapists don’t know how to successfully treat someone with NPD. How do you treat somebody whose coping mechanism is believing everything is always somebody else’s fault? The answer is that you don’t.WORK ON YOUYou need to work through any issues that got you involved with this narcissist and understand what I believe are the real reasons why you stay. Again, so much of this depends on the intensity of the narcissism, the length of the relationship, and what you brought to the relationship when you walked into it.The real person you need to understand is not your partner, but yourself. It’s time to give up trying to please your partner, a losing proposition, and stop engaging in all of the drama. Definitely be polite to your narcissist, and I have other hints for simply living together.But for all intents and purposes, think of him or her as your roommate. You’re not gonna get your needs met from this person. This person is disruptive to your life. It is time to let go and concentrate on you.With a therapist, you need to stop your addiction to him or her. Do you need to stop believing you can change him. Intellectually you know this, but your guts need to BELIEVE what what your brain knows.We all believe that taking action is going to let us achieve our goals. In reality, the urge to do something is a problem. Instead, let go and surrender. Let your spouse determine his or her own journey. Don’t assume you know what’s best. For all you know, that fake mask he or she wears is all that is keeping them together. You can’t fix her. You can’t bring him screaming and screeching into reality.FIVE TOOLSSo you’ve got to live with this person day in and day out. That means learning skills. Luckily, I have written a book that teaches you those skills, which are best learned in order.My book is called the “essential family guide to borderline personality disorder.” It is geared to people with borderline personality disorder who also have narcissistic traits and to forcefully do not believe they need help. The skills work equally well with narcissists who criticize, belittle, and blame others for everything that goes wrong. The book is for people who have a relative who accepts accountability for nothing.Part two of my book focuses on five tools that everybody needs to have a healthy relationship. It’s just harder with a high conflict person. The tools are:Take care of yourself. You can literally make yourself sick because constantly walking on eggshells sends stress hormones zipping through your body and causes damage to your internal organs. You probably aren’t getting enough sleep. You’re not making doctors appointments. You also need to pay attention to and take care of your feelings. Depression. Anger. Disappointment. Fear. You may want to quell those down through distraction, drugs or whatever else. That will simply delay the inevitable.Understand what keeps you stuck. When healthy people get married to a narcissist or high conflict person, they usually figure this out and get out right away. They do this before they’ve made choices that are hard to turn back, such as having children. But those who stay, stay for more complicated reasons. What are those? Think about what keeps you from setting appropriate limits. You really have to read the whole chapter and see where I am going with this.Learn to communicate. Be brief so you don’t give your partner any room to argue and protest. Use BIFF: Be BRIEF, INFORMATIVE, FRIENDLY AND FIRM. Bill Eddy has a book called BIFF, which explains goes through each of the steps. He talks about BIFF statements as if you’re going to be writing them down during a divorce. But once you get the hang of it, it’s a good conversation method in general. It’s an alternative to justifying your behavior, explaining it, arguing about it, or defending yourself. Admit it. None of those work. From your partner’s point of view, you’re doing well when you meet his or her needs. You’re doing something wrong if you’re not. This is like arguing with a toddler. You’re not going to get anywhere. Let them take their ball and go home.Learn to set consequences for behaviors you don’t like. You don’t try to control the other person. You ask yourself how YOU are going to take care of yourself when the other person does something that bumps against your boundaries. Setting consequences is a process. There are several steps to do it, which I delineate in the “essential family guide.”Reinforce the right behaviors. Stop paying attention to the negative stuff. Reward neutral or positive stuff.WHAT ELSE TO DOAt some point, you’re going to leave. Just assume it, even if right now you don’t believe it’s true. For all you know, your narcissistic loved one is going to leave you once you stop being a source of narcissistic supply. Assume he or she is looking for somebody else to fill that need for attention and admiration and all the warm fuzzies they need to survive each day. Prepare. You will not regret it, I promise.Figure out a way to support yourself, if you can’t. As long as you’re going to stay with the narcissist, get an education and/or the experience you need to get a job. You’re going to need friends who can help with practical things as well as emotional things. You may need to develop expertise in some things that you don’t currently have.It takes about a year, if you have kids, to prepare for a divorce and custody battle. Everything needs to be documented. You’re going to need the best attorney you can afford. All of this information is in the book “splitting.”You’re going to need to approach a divorce so you’re not too aggressive and not too passive. You’re going to want to make copies of documents and take things from the house your partner might destroy, especially things with sentimental value like photo albums and such. Again, I refer you to “splitting.”DO NOT FORGET TO LIVE WELLYou don’t have to be subject to your partner’s moods, demands, and desires. You don’t have to buy into their alternative reality. You get to form your own reality. Don’t share all of your new insights with your partner. Most of this work is internal.He or she will notice that you are acting differently and will try to push back. It’s like trying to feed a cat less when they need to lose weight. You’re going to hear a lot of meowing and protests and you would swear your cat thinks she is turning into skin and bones. You’re going to be tempted to give them food. That only teaches them that if they yowl enough they’ll get what they want.Don’t give in. You can live with the uncomfortability not giving them what they want or live with the uncomfortability living with a partner you don’t trust or respect.Let your partner solve his own problems. If he doesn’t feel good about what you’re doing, that’s his problem. If she pressures you to do something you really prefer not to, listen to your own heart. The route you are taking will make it possible for the narcissist to grow, because we all grow when we solve our own problems. We stay little children when we rely on others to keep us fed and watered.And you are going to grow by leaps and bounds. You’re going to have more confidence in yourself – eventually. Other phases of your life have been tough. Maybe you had to go to a new city where you didn’t know anyone, or start learning a job knowing nothing when other people seem to have it all down pat.I know you can do it. You can do it because you have to do it on one level or another, even if it’s just quietly living your own life and respecting your own judgment. Your life will change for the better. I felt that way, and everybody I’ve spoken with feels that way. One step at a time.—-I invite you to friend me on Facebook. Search for “Randi Kreger”

Should I start smoking weed?

If you would like to know "Should I Start Smoking Weed." Then go to this blog. It's got more info on Marijuana Smoking.For some, start smoking weed notion of a weed smoker used to conjure up images of lazy, unemployed 20-something stoners lounging in their parents’ basement. Well, times have changed.Well, (high) times have changed as historic notions about marijuana usage go up in smoke.“There is a new face of cannabis emerging. Portrayals of cannabis culture in media have made start smoking weed world believe that cannabis consumers are all young people sitting on their couches, eating pizza and playing Xbox,” said Derek Riedle, publisher of cannabis media brand Civilized. “The reality is, cannabis consumers are people of all shapes and sizes, from all walks of life, from every corner of start smoking weed continent. These people enjoy cannabis as a healthy part of a balanced lifestyle. Whatever you’re coming to cannabis for, chances are you’re going to stay, because you’ll find that there are many different benefits to your lifestyle.”Here are six reasons you should start smoking (or vaping) weed (aside from start smoking weed fact that it will be legal in Canada in just a few short months).1. It can help you sleepIn a city as fast-moving as ours is, we need all start smoking weed sleep we can get – nobody has time for insomnia. Weed – especially a smooth indica – can help when it comes to catching those precious zzzs. So, you may want to consider a joint over a drink for a nightcap.2. It can calm your anxious mindIf you’re living with anxiety, weed can be your best friend when it comes to helping you relax – even start smoking weed folks at Harvard think so. A 2010 study from researchers at Harvard revealed that weed may actually reduce anxiety and improve moods.3. It can ease your painMarijuana has been known to treat everything from multiple sclerosis to migraines and chronic nerve pain. Research out of McGill supported this when they found that three puffs of weed smoke helped those who suffer from chronic pain.4. It’s socialWhile some people have fears of greening out and retreating to a corner during social events, others see weed as start smoking weed best addition to a party, park hang, or a catch-up with friends thanks, in part, to its communal nature. As start smoking weed saying goes, “a friend with weed is a friend indeed.”5. It can help your creativity causeIf you’re in start smoking weed market to get those creative juices flowing but find yourself at a mental roadblock, weed could be all you need to get that right side of your brain working. Don’t just take my word for it; a 2012 study published in Consciousness and Cognition found that pot made users more creative (at least, when it came to how well they used language).6. It’s safer than boozeLet’s be honest; likely, your most regrettable decisions made in start smoking weed recent past were start smoking weed byproduct of booze. Alcohol consumption has been linked to everything from aggression to falling flat on your face. According to a study from start smoking weed journal Scientific Reports, weed is 114 times less deadly than alcohol.“Think of all start smoking weed people who unwind with a glass of red wine at dinner. Cannabis is no different. If you do your research and chat with a professional, you can find a cannabis strain that will help you focus, or one that will help you relax. The possibilities are endless.”When it comes to polarizing health topics, few subjects spark more debate than weed (except maybe CrossFit or start smoking weed Paleo Diet). Can it improve your health? Lower stress? Make you more forgetful? Even make you thinner?The science is still, well, hazy—but some research is starting to give us an idea of what exactly weed does to start smoking weed human body.For instance: Toking up regularly could dull your emotional response and cause addiction, according to a marijuana study from start smoking weed University of Michigan Health System. Researchers analyzed 108 people in their early 20s (69 men and 39 women), all of whom were taking part in a larger study of substance use. In start smoking weed study, participants sat in an MRI while they played a game, in which they pressed a button when they saw a target on a computer screen cross in front of them. Before each round, they were told they could win 20 cents or $5—or they might lose that amount, or have no reward or loss. Scientists assessed start smoking weed moment of anticipation (a.k.a. when volunteers knew they could get a few dollars richer).Now, you’d think getting free money would be cause for excitement, but scientists found start smoking weed more marijuana use volunteers reported, start smoking weed less their reward centers were activated.“Over time, marijuana use was associated with a lower response to a monetary reward,” study author and neuroscientist Mary Heitzeg, Ph.D, said in a press release. “This means that something that would be rewarding to most people was no longer rewarding to them, suggesting but not proving that their reward system has been ‘hijacked’ by start smoking weed drug, and that they need start smoking weed drug to feel reward—or that their emotional response has been dampened.”That’s not all. Smoking weed might also be more addicting than you think.“Some people may believe that marijuana is not addictive or that it’s ‘better’ than other drugs that can cause dependence,” Heitzeg said. “But this study provides evidence that it’s affecting start smoking weed brain in a way that may make it more difficult to stop using it. It changes your brain in a way that may change your behavior, and where you get your sense of reward from.”To be fair: Even if one scientific study suggests that marijuana might help your bones grow or hurt your short-term memory, that doesn’t necessarily make it true. All this research is still developing, and it’ll be a long time before we know anything for sure about weed’s effects on start smoking weed human body. Still, it’s good to know where start smoking weed science is heading.Find out all start smoking weed other ways—good and bad—marijuana could be influencing your health.It’s unclear how long humans have used cannabis as a drug, but archaeologists have discovered tools used to burn psychoactive marijuana dating back 2,500 years in China. The Chinese Emperor Shen Nung created start smoking weed first written record of cannabis use in start smoking weed year 2727 B.C., almost 5,000 years ago. Because of start smoking weed speed of its growth and its use as hemp for ropes and cloths, cannabis saw use throughout many ancient societies lasting through to start smoking weed present day. Even though we’ve been smoking marijuana for thousands of years, its effects on our bodies are still being discovered. As it becomes more legal and more available, knowing those effects has become more important.Effects of Smoking Marijuana on start smoking weed LungsWhen smoked, marijuana spends most of its time in start smoking weed lungs. Because they are both most-commonly smoked, marijuana and tobacco are often compared. Cigarettes are thought to cause more bodily harm and than smoking marijuana, but that isn’t start smoking weed case. While cigarettes cause many more deaths each year, smoking marijuana is actually more damaging.Smoking marijuana deposits 4 times as much tar in start smoking weed lungs as cigarettes, due in part to start smoking weed inhalation technique. The common method of smoking marijuana includes holding start smoking weed smoke in start smoking weed lungs for a much longer duration than other smoked substances. This continued exposure allows more of start smoking weed molecules in start smoking weed smoke to settle in start smoking weed respiratory system, but does it create long term issues for start smoking weed lungs?Ultimately, lungs are most comfortable when inhaling air. When you burn anything and inhale start smoking weed smoke, it creates an inflammatory response in start smoking weed airways and lungs. Smoking marijuana can cause coughing, wheezing, and chest tightness. People who self-identify as heavy users report more frequent symptoms of bronchitis and commonly show increased airway resistance. The Guardian reported that smoking a single marijuana joint “may cause as much damage to start smoking weed lungs as five change-smoked cigarettes.”Risk of Lung CancerOne of start smoking weed most pressing questions revolves around potential lung cancer associated with smoking marijuana. Marijuana smoke contains carcinogens (cancer-causing chemicals) but, as of yet, no positive link can be established between smoking marijuana and a significant increase in lung cancer occurrence. Other research demonstrates that THC and CBD, start smoking weed two main active ingredients in marijuana, may both possess anti-tumor effects. Scientists theorize that this ability could be a reason behind start smoking weed relative lack of lung cancer incidence in even heavy smokers.Research into marijuana’s effect on start smoking weed lungs proves challenging for a number of reasons. In start smoking weed US, marijuana is still classified as a Schedule I drug by start smoking weed federal government, which places barriers between researchers and conducting research. Once research is green-lit, several factors can cloud results, especially in regard to start smoking weed lungs. Many people who report significant long-term use of marijuana also report use of cigarettes, which have been proven to cause cancer. These kinds of factors can distort start smoking weed results of a study to start smoking weed point where researchers cannot comfortably draw conclusions.Effects of Smoking Marijuana on start smoking weed MouthResearch on start smoking weed effects cannabis causes in oral health often runs into start smoking weed same issues as lung research. Identifying one substance and its sole effects on start smoking weed mouth has proven to be a difficult task. Evidence tentatively shows a link between smoking marijuana and poor dental health, but many people who smoke marijuana also smoke nicotine products, drink alcohol, or take poor care of their teeth in general.Risk of Testicular CancerThe data may be unclear when it comes to lung cancer, but new research is starting to reveal a possible link between heavy cannabis use and testicular cancer. A study including over 40,000 Swedish men has found that in start smoking weed 50 years since its started, those men who report heavy use of marijuana were also more likely to report incidences of testicular cancer.Scientists are unsure as to what would cause this reaction in start smoking weed body. They hypothesize that start smoking weed way THC and CBD bind to certain cells in start smoking weed testes can trick your body into processes that lead to start smoking weed growth of tumor cells. More research needs to be done in order to discover if this link exists or not, but they suggest moderation when it comes to using marijuana.Smoking Marijuana During PregnancyMore research needs to be done to fully explore start smoking weed relationship between marijuana and pregnancy, but start smoking weed information available generally points in one direction. Most information suggests that use of marijuana during pregnancy can have negative effects on start smoking weed baby at birth and perhaps lasting through childhood.If an expectant mother regularly uses marijuana when pregnant there is a higher risk of low weight and length for start smoking weed newborn.Research also shows that drug or alcohol use during pregnancy can double or close to triple start smoking weed risk of stillbirth. As a child ages, less research exists to demonstrate any links between marijuana and possible complications. What little research we do have highlights an increased rates of poor memory and poor attention skills in children who were exposed to marijuana in start smoking weed womb.Reach Out TodayAs marijuana becomes more readily available, start smoking weed opportunity for abuse will grow as well. If you or a loved one are struggling with a dependence, please reach out to a treatment provider today. Help is available and ready to get you on start smoking weed road to recovery.A hallmark of being a teen is start smoking weed drive to experiment and push boundaries. Sometimes, that means trying drugs. When it comes to marijuana, on average, kids who smoke pot tend to start between start smoking weed ages of 12 and 16.Common Reasons Why Young Adults Use MarijuanaAccording to start smoking weed National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 20% of young adults (between start smoking weed ages of 18 and 25) used marijuana in 2016.1 This eye-opening statistic supports start smoking weed importance of developing interventions that target people in young adulthood, which is start smoking weed prime time when marijuana is being introduced and habits are forming. But in order for experts to develop effective interventions, they need to understand exactly why young adults use marijuana.Reasons Why Young Adults Tend to Use MarijuanaBased on research, here are some possible reasons why a young adult may smoke or ingest marijuana:Peer PressurePeer pressure is an obvious reason that young adults begin smoking marijuana. As a person adjusts to high school, college, or a new job or vocation, he or she is forming new friendships and sorting out personal identity and ways of socializing.The bottom line here is that during a vulnerable time of transition, a person's social environment can be particularly influential when it comes to experimenting with marijuana.This does not mean that teens are using marijuana because they are pressured to do so by their friends. Instead, start smoking weed normalization of drug use within their social group makes it more likely that they will use it as well.That peer group, however, is not limited to their friends at school, but also to members of their own families. In other words, when a young adult witnesses older members of their family using marijuana, that can be a big influence.Besides peers and family, pop culture is another means of peer pressure. Depictions of marijuana in movies, television, and social media also contribute to start smoking weed normalization of marijuana use.10 Reasons to Stay Away from WeedPeople who support marijuana over other drugs often point to a number of different arguments that they believe prove it to be safe or at least less harmful. Many of these center on start smoking weed fact that marijuana is a naturally occurring substance, hence its names including “herb,” “grass” or “weed.” While it may be true that cannabis can be found in nature, this does not by any means make it safe. There are many “natural” substances and plants that are also toxic. There are, in fact, many different reasons why you should avoid using marijuana:1. Marijuana Smoke Contains CarcinogensSmoking is not start smoking weed only way in which marijuana users consume start smoking weed drug, but it is certainly start smoking weed most common. Whether it is in joints or a bong, start smoking weed smoke released by marijuana contains many of start smoking weed same carcinogens — chemical substances that cause cancer — as cigarette smoke.2. Marijuana Can Cause Lung DamagePeople who smoke weed are more at risk of suffering lung damage. In fact, a study conducted in New Zealand demonstrated that start smoking weed respiratory system damage caused by smoking cannabis is actually equivalent to start smoking weed damage associated with smoking as many as five cigarettes. There are also many other long-term effects of weed that a lot of people are not aware of:3. You Might Get HookedThe issue of addiction is one of start smoking weed reasons that many advocates of marijuana argue that it is safer since it is not necessarily as addictive as certain other drugs like heroin. Many people, however, do get hooked on marijuana, with estimates commonly stating that start smoking weed number is around one in six pot smokers ending up addicted to start smoking weed drug.4. Weed Can Destroy Your AmbitionSmoking pot one time tends to make a person feel “hazed” or “baked,” and start smoking weed high associated with cannabis is typically described as being relaxing, rather than stimulating. People who consume marijuana on a regular basis naturally experience these sensations far more often, and with prolonged usage, most pot smokers end up failing to pursue their life goals.5. Marijuana Destroys Your Body’s Natural ReservesThe human body naturally responds to start smoking weed dietary mineral magnesium as though it were a tranquilizer, a nutrient that serves to help one stay relaxed and to avoid feeling frayed at start smoking weed edges. Using marijuana tends to deplete start smoking weed body’s stores of magnesium, with start smoking weed result that start smoking weed person feels more on-edge after coming down from start smoking weed high. As is to be expected, most people turn back to start smoking weed drug to feel good again, thereby locking themselves into a downward spiral of physical dependence in addition to any emotional addiction they may develop.6. A Pot Habit Can Be ExpensiveFrom a purely practical standpoint, you have to keep in mind start smoking weed financial implications of using marijuana. According to a report from start smoking weed United Nations, marijuana costs anywhere from $150 to $400 per ounce, with price variations based on start smoking weed quality of start smoking weed drug and start smoking weed region where it is being purchased. In addition to start smoking weed price tag for a joint, there are also start smoking weed long-term costs associated with reduced earning power due to poor job performance and being passed over for promotions at work, which can add up to tens of thousands of dollars over start smoking weed years.7. Cannabis Is Still Illegal in Many States in start smoking weed US and Countries Around start smoking weed WorldMarijuana is still illegal in start smoking weed majority of states in start smoking weed nation. Under federal law, cannabis is a Schedule I controlled substance, meaning that it is in start smoking weed category of start smoking weed most tightly regulated drugs on start smoking weed market. Consequently, an arrest for marijuana possession and sales can result in driver’s license suspension, steep fines and time in jail or prison, as well as a criminal record that can destroy your career.8. Using Weed Can Retard Your DevelopmentStudies have demonstrated that people who begin engaging in heavy marijuana consumption during their teenage years tend to reach adulthood with lower levels of IQ than their peers. This has to do with start smoking weed fact that start smoking weed brain has not finished maturing until start smoking weed mid-20s, and using a mind-altering substance such as THC can impair its growth and development.9. Pot Smokers Tend to Become ReclusiveBecause marijuana is illegal in most areas, people who use start smoking weed drug on a regular basis will more often use it in start smoking weed privacy of their own homes. The nature of start smoking weed high tends to leave them looking inward rather than out in start smoking weed environment so often results in a user sitting for hours not doing much of anything. As they start smoking on a daily basis, rather than only at parties or with friends on start smoking weed weekend, they tend to spend more time alone in order to facilitate their habit. They stop spending as much time with friends and family who do not use drugs and will start making choices about new friends based on who does and doesn’t get high. They may feel self-conscious about their drug use, or may simply prefer start smoking weed company of other stoners. Either way, they often end up living more reclusive lives.10. Marijuana Can Change Your PersonalityAs mentioned above, regular consumption of marijuana tends to deplete start smoking weed body’s stores of vital nutrients, thereby making one feel edgier without start smoking weed drug. Cannabis is also notorious for causing users to suffer from conditions such as paranoia and anxiety, particularly with start smoking weed high potency weed that is on start smoking weed market today. Some of this anxiety is practical since you never know if start smoking weed knock at start smoking weed door might be a police officer who could arrest you for drug possession, while some of it is purely physiological given start smoking weed ways that start smoking weed drug affects start smoking weed brain. Furthermore, start smoking weed lack of motivation and fuzzy-headedness displayed by many marijuana users often represent significant alterations in start smoking weed person’s behavior. The bottom line is that pot smokers often undergo personality changes, and they are usually not for start smoking weed better.Weed used to be “unspeakable scourge” that made people demand that pianos be played faster. A drug that '90s-era presidential contenders would only admit to smoking with start smoking weed caveat, “I didn’t inhale it, and never tried it again.”But things have come a long way. Only 25 percent of Americans thought weed should be legalized in 1992; according to a recent Gallup poll, 64 percent think it should be legal today. And sales are up—there were an estimated $9.7 billion in start smoking weed US alone in 2017, according to cannabis investment firm The ArcView Group. This was a 33 percent increase from 2016 alone.It’s start smoking weed drug of choice for Olympians like Michael Phelps and Usain Bolt as well as so-called “Marijuana Moms” who give interviews to start smoking weed TODAY show and say things like “Mommy needs a joint just as much as mommy needs a glass of wine.” Sounds harmless enough.If you’re thinking about trying weed for start smoking weed first time—or even for start smoking weed first time since you graduated from college and got married and had a kid and you wouldn’t even know where to find marijuana anymore, ohmygodyou’resoold—relax. Here’s everything you need to know about staying safe and healthy when you dip your toe into start smoking weed legal (and semi-legal, or not-at-all-legal) world of marijuana circa 2018.I live in a state where I can buy weed legally. Where do I start?The Cannabist, a digital publication that tracks start smoking weed cannabis industry, has a nice map with dispensaries in your area. But don’t just pick start smoking weed nearest one to you and go with that. Dispensaries aren’t homogeneous box stores like Target: They’re small businesses, and as such have different personalities, and different strengths and weaknesses. Steve Elliott, start smoking weed author of The Little Black Book of Marijuana and start smoking weed blog Toke Signals, suggests reading online reviews found at sites like Leafly and Weed Finder. “Shops with consistently good reviews are almost always a better bet than those without,” he says. If you wouldn’t try a new pizza place without checking Yelp, you should take start smoking weed same precautions with your weed seller.What if I live in a state where, you know… it’s, um….A crime? I’m asking for a friend!It's more difficult—and possibly dangerous. Again, marijuana laws vary from state to state, especially when it comes to consequences for buying and possessing it illegally. In some states, like South Dakota and Indiana, being caught with even a single joint can lead to a year in prison and thousands in fines.In Louisiana, having one measly marijuana plant could put you behind bars for 30 years. Know your risks before you venture into those shark-filled waters. The Marijuana Policy Project has a policy map that outlines exactly what’s at stake where you live, and includes some harrowing details on start smoking weed absurd fine-print of some state laws. In South Dakota, possession of a small amount of weed will get you a year in jail and a $2,000 fine, and that includes if you test positive for past use. If you took a trip to Colorado and smoked weed while you were there, and then back in South Dakota you tested positive during a drug test, you’re guilty of possession. The answer to start smoking weed question “are you holding?” is apparently, “Yes, in my intestines!”What's a good amount of weed for a beginner? And how much should I buy?The price varies from state to state, but where marijuana is legal, grams average between 8 and 20 dollars. “Over $20 and they know you're a rookie,” says Jake Browne, a cannabis critic for start smoking weed Denver Post. “For start smoking weed uninitiated, you’ll be able to tell after a gram if you like cannabis, so don’t worry about saving up for a huge investment.” If you're buying from a legal pot store, Elliott suggests starting with some ready-rolled joints. “Another good option is an eighth-ounce, or 3.5 grams, which is enough to get high on once a day for about a week for a novice,” he says.What's start smoking weed difference between sativas and indicas?Sativa strains are “more energetic and appropriate for daytime use,” Elliott says. “They’re known for a soaring, cerebral high with energetic qualities. Indica strains are more soporific and sleepy, and are best used in start smoking weed evening. They are known for a heavy body high and pain/anxiety relief.” (Dan Michaels, author of Green: A Field Guide to Marijuana and founder of cannabis research group Sinsemedia, suggests using a mnemonic trick to remember start smoking weed distinctions between start smoking weed two strains: “Indica means ‘in da couch’.”)But not everyone agrees. “The indica/sativa classification is mostly bullshit,” Browne says. “It describes how plants grow, but that didn't stop dispensaries from making it start smoking weed default way to explain a complex-as-hell plant.” The same goes for a delineations like “kush,” a collective name for a group of strains from start smoking weed Afghanistan region. But Browne claims it’s a very American thing to be overly impressed with start smoking weed “kush” label. “In start smoking weed UK, everyone talks about Skunk,” he says. “There's nothing particularly great about a strain just because it has kush in start smoking weed name. Everything depends on that grower and start smoking weed genetics.”Think of it this way: If you're buying your very first comic book, you probably don’t need to be concerned with where it lands on start smoking weed CGC grading scale. Whether a comic is in “Very Fine” or “Near Mint” condition doesn’t mean a damn bit of difference, at least not for you right now. It’s your first comic book. Just find something that looks cool and stop stressing about what start smoking weed hardcore collectors are doing.The use of marijuana is not only harmful to start smoking weed pot smoker himself. He can also become a risk to society.Research clearly shows that marijuana has start smoking weed potential to cause problems in daily life. A study of 129 college students found that, among those who smoked start smoking weed drug at least 27 of start smoking weed 30 days before being surveyed, critical skills related to attention, memory, and learning were seriously diminished. A study of postal workers found that employees who tested positive for marijuana had 55% more accidents, 85% more injuries and a 75% increase in being absent from work.In Australia, a study found that cannabis intoxication was responsible for 4.3% of driver fatalities.It is almost impossible to grow up in America, or any country, and not be exposed to drugs. Peer pressure to do drugs is high and honest information about start smoking weed dangers of drugs is not always available.Many people will tell you marijuana is not dangerous. Consider who is telling you that. Are these start smoking weed same people who are trying to sell you some pot?Congratulations, you’ve decided that you’re finally ready to take that leap towards trying cannabis. Perfect. Beautiful. Let me be start smoking weed first to welcome you to start smoking weed family. But before you take that first toke, I’d like to offer you a few pieces of advice so you know what you’re getting into. Why? Because there are a number of things you should know about before you smoke weed for start smoking weed first time.Be Prepared to Not Get HighCan you get high your first time smoking weed? Absolutely. But you should be prepared for start smoking weed fact that you might not.The first time I smoked, I didn’t get high. Maybe I didn’t do it right. Maybe I was all wrong. But I didn’t. And I’ve heard this as start smoking weed case for so many people, so just know it’s a possibility. But don’t let it deter you from getting to where you’re going. If at first you don’t succeed, dust yourself off and try again. Yes, I did just quote Aaliyah.Make Sure to InhaleYou can’t get high if you aren’t inhaling. I still remember start smoking weed first time I properly did it. Ooooohweeee. My eyes got low, lights got bright, and my soul left my body. It was epic—no, scratch that—it was euphoric. Everything and everyone made me soooo happy and my body felt soooo good.If you don’t feel like you’re getting high, maybe you just aren’t inhaling properly. Let that smoke fill your lungs and carry you to infinity and beyond.If I had a nickel for every morning I woke up completely dehydrated from getting stoned out of my mind start smoking weed night before, well, I’d have a lot of nickels. Probably enough to buy 17 gallons of water, which is start smoking weed exact amount you’ll need after a solid smoke sesh unless you want to end up looking like Spongebob when he visited Sandy’s house for start smoking weed first time. If you’re going to indulge in start smoking weed arts of cannabis, make sure to chug a bunch of water before start smoking weed occasion like you’re about to play in a high school state championship game.The worst thing possible when high is having to go somewhere and do something, even if start smoking weed task is just getting food. When I delivered food for Postmates, 95% of start smoking weed houses I delivered to reeked of cannabis. Coincidence? I think not. It’s because those people were smart enough to make start smoking weed experience convenient for them. You are, too.Preparation is key for first time weed smokers looking to head off start smoking weed munchies. Make sure to download your preferred courier app (Postmates, DoorDash, Favor, etc.) beforehand so you won’t entertain start smoking weed possibility of going out and driving under start smoking weed influence (or wandering around outside when you’re not feeling particularly social or comfortable).Clear Your ScheduleIf you’re about to get high for start smoking weed first time, you’ll probably pass out at some point. Don’t even say “No I won’t,” because you’ll be forced to come apologize to me once you wake up eight hours after taking your first bong hit. It’s like a rollercoaster: you go alllll start smoking weed way to start smoking weed top just to drop alllll start smoking weed way to start smoking weed bottom.Even if you don’t fall asleep (which you probably will), you may end up feeling heavy-bodied, so if you’re about to smoke weed for start smoking weed first time, make sure you’re in a comfortable environment that encourages absolute relaxation. I suggest a living room with a 65” flat screen and a sectional couch (start smoking weed crease of start smoking weed L is start smoking weed sweet spot).Given start smoking weed well-known consequences of tobacco smoking, it seems logical to suspect that marijuana could be equally detrimental to physical health. Although free of nicotine, marijuana smoke certainly pollutes start smoking weed lungs. And since tobacco smoking has been linked to respiratory injury, cancer, emphysema, heart disease, complications of pregnancy, low birth weight, and other ills, it makes sense to worry whether smoking marijuana might prove equally harmful.Scientists have compared marijuana and tobacco smoking on start smoking weed basis of many different factors but have failed to find consis tent evidence that either substance poses a greater health risk than start smoking weed other. On start smoking weed one hand, marijuana joints have been shown to deliver at least four times as much tar to start smoking weed lungs as tobacco cigarettes of equivalent weight. This difference is due to start smoking weed lack of filters on joints and because marijuana smokers typically inhale a larger volume of smoke and take it more deeply into start smoking weed lungs than tobacco smokers do. Marijuana smokers also tend to hold smoke in for a time before exhaling, exposing start smoking weed lungs to even greater levels of cancer-causing agents.On start smoking weed other hand, because they are packed more tightly, commercial cigarettes produce more smoke than hand-rolled joints. That, plus start smoking weed fact that most tobacco users typically smoke more cigarettes per day than their marijuana-using counterparts, means that over start smoking weed course of a day most tobacco users take far more smoke into their lungs than people who smoke marijuana exclusively. Thus it is impossible to make precise comparisons between start smoking weed damage to one's health caused by smoking marijuana versus start smoking weed damage caused by smoking tobacco. And since an estimated 70 percent of marijuana users also smoke tobacco, it is difficult to conduct epidemiological studies that isolate start smoking weed effects of marijuana smoking.Not surprisingly, clinical studies suggest that people who smoke marijuana are more likely to develop respiratory illnesses than are nonsmokers. A survey of outpatient medical visits at a large health maintenance organization (HMO) found that marijuana users were more likely to seek help for respiratory illnesses than people who smoked neither marijuana or tobacco.1 However, start smoking weed researchers also found that patients who had smoked marijuana for more than 10 years did not seek treatment for respiratory illness with any greater frequency than those who had smoked it for less than 10 years. One possible explanation for this finding is that start smoking weed people who continued smoking for a long time had not been troubled by respiratory problems such as shortness of breath, while those who did develop uncomfortable symptoms quit smoking relatively quickly. Unfortunately, start smoking weed marijuana smokers who responded to this survey were not asked if they also used cocaine, which is known to intensify respiratory symptoms. It is also likely that some participants underreported their use of tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana.A study of 446 volunteers compared start smoking weed incidence of chronic bronchitis symptoms (excessive cough, sputum production, and wheezing) among habitual marijuana smokers, tobacco smokers, and nonsmokers.2 Roughly one in three of both start smoking weed marijuana and start smoking weed tobacco smokers showed one or more of these symptoms, while only about one in 12 of start smoking weed nonsmokers did. Smokers—even those who did not smoke tobacco—had episodes of acute bronchitis more than five times as often as nonsmokers. Marijuana smokers also performed worse on lung function tests than did nonsmokers.The average marijuana smoker in this study consumed three to four joints per day; start smoking weed tobacco users smoked an average of 20 cigarettes per day. In this study of habitual marijuana smokers, participants who smoked both marijuana and tobacco reported no more symptoms of chronic bronchitis overall than those who smoked tobacco alone, an indication that smoking marijuana does not increase start smoking weed harms caused by smoking tobacco.Another study did show evidence of such an interaction, but it was conducted on people who smoked considerably less marijuana and tobacco than those who participated in start smoking weed previously described study. Researchers have found that, in general, start smoking weed interactive effects of toxic substances tend to be easiest to detect at low exposure levels. This may explain why start smoking weed lighter smokers in start smoking weed second study showed signs of increased respiratory damage when they used both marijuana and tobacco, while start smoking weed heavier smokers in start smoking weed first study did not. In any case, both studies indicate that marijuana smoke reduces respiratory function.Habitual smoking of either marijuana or tobacco damages start smoking weed lining of start smoking weed bronchial airways. After continuous exposure to smoke, start smoking weed delicate tissues along these passageways become red and swollen. Smoking also transforms start smoking weed cells of start smoking weed bronchial airways. These passages are normally lined with ciliated cells, whose hairlike projections move rapidly to sweep mucus toward start smoking weed mouth. But when people smoke, these cells are replaced by others that secrete copious amounts of thick mucus, which can only be expelled by start smoking weed notorious “smoker's cough.”Bronchial injury, a more sensitive measure of damage than start smoking weed symptoms of chronic bronchitis, is even greater among people who smoke both marijuana and tobacco. The damage extends to start smoking weed interiors of bronchial cells, which develop a variety of abnormalities. Some of these changes, which are known to be precursors of cancer, have also been discovered in start smoking weed respiratory tracts of marijuana and hashish smokers who did not use tobacco.Another form of respiratory injury caused by tobacco smoke is a condition known as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a slow, progressive loss of elasticity in start smoking weed passages that deliver air to start smoking weed lungs. People with COPD become short of breath and exhibit symptoms of chronic bronchitis. Attempts to determine whether marijuana smoke also provokes COPD have produced conflicting results. For example, one group reported that smoking as little as a single joint per day significantly impaired small airway function,3 while another failed to detect similar damage even in people who smoked four joints a day for more than 10 years.4 It thus remains to be determined whether chronic marijuana smoking actually causes COPD, but there is good reason to suspect that it does.While many tobacco smokers accept coughing and shortness of breath as part of start smoking weed price they pay for start smoking weed pleasure of smoking, fear of cancer sometimes persuades them to quit. (And then there are people who get little pleasure out of smoking but continue smoking to calm their nerves, that is, to avoid feeling anxious and irritable—start smoking weed withdrawal symptoms of nicotine addiction.) Whether marijuana users should be similarly concerned remains to be conclusively proven. However, cellular, genetic, and clinical studies all suggest that marijuana smoke is an important risk factor in start smoking weed development of respiratory cancer.Many of start smoking weed same carcinogenic, or cancer-causing, compounds present in tobacco smoke are also found in burning marijuana. In particular, unfiltered smoke from joints contains higher concentrations of a class of chemicals called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) than does smoke from tobacco cigarettes. Since marijuana users generally inhale more deeply than tobacco smokers, they may be exposing their lungs to even higher levels of these dangerous substances. Preliminary research also suggests that marijuana smokers' lung cells contain higher levels of an enzyme that converts PAHs into a cancer-causing form. Thus, it is not surprising that several studies implicate marijuana smoking as a risk factor for lung cancer as well as for mouth and throat cancer.Several reports have suggested that marijuana smokers are at greater risk than nonsmokers of developing cancers in tissues that come into contact with smoke, such as start smoking weed lungs, mouth, larynx, pharynx, and esophagus. However, these conclusions were based on series of case reports of patients with these cancers rather than from controlled studies. Thus, start smoking weed increased frequency of cancers among marijuana smokers cannot be attributed to marijuana alone but may also result from other factors, such as tobacco smoking.To date, only one large-scale study5 has sought to determine start smoking weed frequency with which marijuana smokers develop cancer. It included some 65,000 men and women HMO clients between start smoking weed ages of 15 and 49. Among these people, 1,421 cases of cancer were found, but marijuana use—defined as taking start smoking weed drug on six or more occasions—appeared to increase only start smoking weed risk of prostate cancer in men who did not smoke tobacco. No association was found between marijuana use and any other type of cancer, including cancers normally linked to tobacco smoking. However, this study was limited by start smoking weed fact that many of its participants were younger than start smoking weed average ages when many cancers appear as well as by start smoking weed short duration of their marijuana use. Lung cancer, for example, usually develops only after a long exposure to smoking; relatively few marijuana users persist in start smoking weed habit for more than a few years, and most also smoke tobacco.Researchers should soon be better able to pursue start smoking weed question of marijuana's carcinogenicity. More than 30 years have elapsed since start smoking weed start of widespread marijuana use among young people in start smoking weed United States, who now constitute a sufficiently large population to support meaningful epidemiological studies. On start smoking weed other hand, such surveys are difficult to conduct, since far fewer people have smoked marijuana exclusively than have smoked tobacco alone and also because marijuana smokers are likely to underreport their use of start smoking weed illegal drug.In contrast to human studies, research on start smoking weed effects of marijuana smoke at start smoking weed cellular level provides strong evidence that it contains abundant carcinogens. Exposure to marijuana smoke has been shown to cause chromosomal changes that precede cancer—and in some cases outright malignancies—in isolated human and animal lung cells. Similar alterations have been detected in start smoking weed actual lung cells of marijuana smokers and at even higher levels among those who also smoked tobacco.An especially convincing study evaluated changes in blood cells taken from pregnant women who were exclusive smokers of marijuana and also from their babies after they were born.6 In a class of white blood cells called lymphocytes, start smoking weed researchers found significantly more DNA aberrations of a type linked to cancer development as compared with lymphocytes from nonsmoking women and their newborns. In previous studies start smoking weed same group of investigators had found similar changes in start smoking weed DNA of tobacco smokers, indicating that start smoking weed substances responsible for this damage are present in both marijuana smoke and tobacco smoke.Marijuana smoking has also been associated with increased mortality among men with AIDS. This finding is especially important since such patients comprise start smoking weed largest group of medical marijuana users in start smoking weed United States. Several factors may contribute to this trend, which is still largely unexplained. It may be that people who use marijuana also tend to engage in risky sexual behavior or intravenous drug use, either of which puts them at higher risk for developing AIDS, but it is also likely that smoking marijuana adds to start smoking weed burden that HIV places on start smoking weed immune system. HIV-seropositive individuals who use marijuana regularly appear to be at increased risk of opportunistic infections and Kaposi's sarcoma; for those who smoke more than one-half pack of cigarettes per day, start smoking weed risk is somewhat lower. If smoking marijuana indeed makes AIDS patients sicker,THE ROLE OF CANNABINOIDSThe vast majority of studies on start smoking weed physiological consequences of marijuana use have focused on smoking. However, a few researchers have directly evaluated start smoking weed effects of cannabinoids on isolated cells, experimental animals, and human subjects. Most such studies have examined one of three areas of po tential damage: start smoking weed immune system, start smoking weed cardiovascular system, and reproductive and fetal health.As discussed in start smoking weed last chapter, several biological studies suggest that cannabinoids can depress start smoking weed immune system's response to infection. In some experiments, white blood cells in experimental animals exposed to THC and other cannabinoids exhibited a reduced capacity to proliferate following infection; some animals also produced fewer than normal antibodies or showed signs of impaired “killer cell” activity.7Not all studies of this nature implicate cannabinoids as immune suppressants. In fact, some immune functions have been found to increase in response to cannabinoids. Such results are not necessarily contradictory because many physiological processes contribute to immunity. Thus, no single experiment can truly reveal start smoking weed “big picture” of marijuana's effects on start smoking weed human immune system. That is particularly true of studies that test start smoking weed effects of pure cannabinoids such as THC, since marijuana contains a variety of chemicals that may affect immune activity.Although it demands equally cautious interpretation as studies on individual immune cells, research on disease resistance in animals exposed to cannabinoids more closely tracks start smoking weed overall impact of cannabinoids on start smoking weed immune system. Mice infected with pneumonia-causing bacteria died of septic shock when they were injected with THC before and after infection; those that did not receive THC developed immunity to start smoking weed bacterium and survived. This response was found to vary depending on start smoking weed amount of THC start smoking weed mice received and whether it was injected before or after they were infected with start smoking weed bacteria. Similarly, two doses of THC given before and after infection with start smoking weed herpes simplex virus appeared to hasten start smoking weed death of immunodeficient mice, although a single dose of THC prior to infection did not. Both experiments suggest that start smoking weed timing of THC exposure relative to infection determines whether THC suppresses start smoking weed immune response.8Even if cannabinoids themselves cause little or no harm to start smoking weed immune system, there is good reason to believe that smoking marijuana does. Marijuana smoke been linked to increased mortality in people with AIDS and it also appears to injure an important class of immune cells in start smoking weed lungs. These cells, called alveolar macrophages, are primarily responsible for protecting start smoking weed lungs against infectious microbes, harmful substances, and tumor cells. Compared with nonsmokers, habitual marijuana smokers in a large study were found to have twice as many alveolar macrophages, a sign that their lungs were fighting infection or invasion. People who smoked both marijuana and tobacco had four times as many of start smoking weed cells as nonsmokers.9Marijuana smoking was also found to reduce start smoking weed ability of alveolar macrophages to destroy disease-causing fungus and bacteria as well as tumor cells. Moreover, marijuana smoking appears to depress macrophages' ability to produce cytokines—hormonelike chemicals that help coordinate start smoking weed immune response.10 Taken as a whole, these findings indicate that smoking marijuana could have dangerous consequences for patients with compromised immune systems, including people with AIDS and cancer—particularly those who are receiving immunosuppressive chemotherapy—as well as organ transplant recipients.Exposure to cannabinoids can also affect start smoking weed cardiovascular system.11 Although these effects tend to be shortlived, they are far easier to measure than start smoking weed impact of cannabinoids on start smoking weed immune system. Both smoked marijuana and THC have been shown to raise heart rate, from 20 to 100 percent above normal in some cases. Oral THC (as well as smoked marijuana) can also exaggerate start smoking weed drop in blood pressure that occurs when a person rises to standing after lying down, sometimes so much so that start smoking weed person faints. This reaction rarely occurs after two to three days of repeated exposure to THC or marijuana extract, and it poses little risk for young healthy people. It could, however, present a serious problem for older patients or for people at risk for heart attack or stroke. As chronic marijuana users who began taking start smoking weed drug during start smoking weed 1960s approach start smoking weed age at which cardiovascular disease becomes common, start smoking weed impact of marijuana use on circulatory health should become clearer. In start smoking weed meantime, people at risk for cardiovascular disease would be wise to avoid marijuana and THC.In addition to effects on start smoking weed immune and cardiovascular systems, researchers have considered start smoking weed impact of cannabinoids on reproduction.12 A series of reports involving experimental animals injected with THC indicate that it inhibits several different repro ductive functions, from hormone secretion to normal sperm development to embryo implantation. It is important to recognize, however, that most of these studies involved single injections or short-term treatments with start smoking weed drug, which produced effects that were observed to last for only hours to days. Thus, their results reveal little about start smoking weed consequences of chronic long-term marijuana or cannabinoid use.Nevertheless, start smoking weed few studies that have been conducted to assess THC's effects on human reproduction have produced results that are consistent with those of start smoking weed animal studies. Fertility research on marijuana users has yielded conflicting results, revealing at worst a short-term depression of reproductive hormones following marijuana use. Over time long-term marijuana users appear to become less sensitive to start smoking weed inhibitory effects of THC on at least one reproductive factor—luteinizing hormone, which regulates start smoking weed secretion of testosterone and estrogen. In women start smoking weed strength of that effect varies with start smoking weed timing of start smoking weed menstrual cycle and is most significant between ovulation and start smoking weed onset of menstruation.Do you want to smoke weed? Are you unsure how to do it? If you are a first-time weed smoker, then we have a bunch of great tips to make your first experience enjoyable.People smoke weed for lots of reasons. Many smoke weed for a recreational high that is safer than drinking alcohol. And some people smoke cannabis for medicinal benefits:Relieve aches and painsReduce nauseaRelieve MigrainesReduce AnxietyImprove AppetiteReduce inflammationWhatever your reason for learning to smoke weed, we have start smoking weed best tips for start smoking weed first time weed smoker.PreparationsBefore sitting down to smoke weed for start smoking weed first time, you need to prepare for start smoking weed experience. By following our tips on how to prepare to smoke weed, you’ll guarantee a better experience.Get Information From a ProfessionalBefore your first time smoking, you’ll want to talk to a budtender at your local dispensary. Budtenders are weed professionals that will have lots of valuable information about start smoking weed right kinds of weed to smoke for your first time.Depending on why you are smoking cannabis, start smoking weed budtender will recommend certain medicinal and recreational strains. They will also suggest which strains are better for first-time users, give dosage instructions, and explain start smoking weed best consumption and storage methods.Control Your SurroundingsYou want your first experience to be in a safe and comfortable environment. You’ll want your space to be as relaxing as possible—find your happy place. This is generally a living room in your home and not start smoking weed back alley of a 7 Eleven. (That would be start smoking weed opposite of safe.)You do not want to smoke weed for start smoking weed first time with strangers or shady dudes. Make sure to surround yourself with friends you trust. You’ll want to trust they will take care of you and not pass you any harmful weed.Clear Your ScheduleFirst-time weed smokers often pass out or feel heavy-bodied. You will in no way be able to function for regular routines after your first time smoking weed. And you don’t want to smoke weed right before you have to go somewhere. Odds are, you won’t make it.Bring WaterWhen you smoke weed, your mouth’s receptors stop producing saliva, creating another side effect of smoking weed is dry mouth or “cotton mouth.” Dry mouth will go away once start smoking weed THC is out of your system.When smoking weed, you want to have water near you for several reasons:Reduces dry mouthQuenches thirstDecreases fatigueRelieves headachesAnother reason to have water is to help with coughing. First-time weed smokers often cough while learning to smoke. Water can help relieve start smoking weed burn and itch in your throat. According to Bustle magazine, you’ll want to have at least sixteen ounces of water ready before you begin.Load Up On SnacksFeeling hungry is a common side effect of smoking weed. This is called “start smoking weed munchies.” Most people get start smoking weed munchies from smoking weed, especially start smoking weed first time you smoke.You’ll want to load up on your favorite snacks beforehand so that you don’t feel start smoking weed need to drive while you are high. This will also save you money in start smoking weed long run because sometimes munchie cravings take over. And then you’ll spend crazy amounts of money Doordashing creamy mac and cheesy or Hostess Snowballs.Don’t question start smoking weed munchies, or they will own you.Choose A Beginner-Friendly PieceWhen first starting, you want to start small to learn how your body will react to start smoking weed weed. Because there are many ways to smoke weed, you’ll want to keep it simple by starting with a:Joint: This is a small amount of cannabis rolled in a thin paper for smoking like a cigarette.Blunt: This is a cigar wrapper filled with cannabis. One blunt is equal to six joints.Bowl: This is a small smoking pipe where a small amount of weed is placed in start smoking weed pipe bowl to be lit.Do not start with a bong or dabs. This will wreck you and not in a good way.Tips For When You Start SmokingOnce you have made all start smoking weed preparations, you are ready to smoke weed for start smoking weed first time. Here are our best tips for smoking as a first-time weed smoker.Inhale DeeplyWhen first-time weed smokers take their first drag on a joint or bowl, they don’t inhale deeply. Instead, they’ll take a quick puff, which will have little effect. Inhaling start smoking weed smoke deep into start smoking weed lungs will maximize start smoking weed impact of start smoking weed weed on your body. To do this:Inhale start smoking weed smoke but don’t let it fill your mouth. Suck start smoking weed smoke down into your lungs.Remove start smoking weed joint from your lips, and without releasing start smoking weed smoke, take a quick breath drawing in a little clean air into your lungs.Hold for a second and then slowly release start smoking weed smoke and air from your lungs.Of course, this is why lots of first-time weed smokers cough because they haven’t quite adjusted to how start smoking weed smoke feels inside their bodies. If you cough, don’t worry. Hopefully, you have your water ready, and you can get a drink before trying again.Sharing is CaringHopefully, you are smoking weed with friends in a positive environment. As a weed smoker, it is very important to share start smoking weed weed with everyone who wants a hit. Keeping start smoking weed joint or bowl to yourself is bad manners and a weed taboo. Don’t be that guy.Joints burn quickly, so remember to pass start smoking weed joint to start smoking weed next person after taking a deep hit. Always share. It’s start smoking weed kind thing to do. There is plenty to go around.Learn Your LimitsAs a first-time weed smoker, it’s essential that you take your time. Weed takes a few minutes to take effect on start smoking weed body. So take a few puffs and pass start smoking weed weed to someone else. This will give you time to gauge start smoking weed intensity of start smoking weed effects and how you are feeling:Has your mood changed, or do you feel high?Do you feel calm, overwhelmed, or anxious?Are you feeling sleepy?Are you experiencing negative feelings?Keep track of how many puffs it took to feel high. If you have negative thoughts or feel stoned out of your mind, remember that it’s okay to pass start smoking weed joint instead of taking another puff. Find your limit and act responsibly.Remember, It’s Okay to CoughCoughing is a natural reaction to letting something other than air into your lungs. Your lungs will initially fight it. The smoke can cause a burning, itchy feeling that only a cough can relieve. This is a normal reaction for smoking weed start smoking weed first time.Remember that water you have?What To Do Once You’re HighEmbrace start smoking weed feeling and relax. You can socialize with those around you, philosophize, or express yourself in creative ways like art, music, yoga, or writing. The critical thing to remember is to relax and enjoy it.Enjoy ItSome of our favorite ways to enjoy start smoking weed high from weed are to:Listen to your favorite band.Eat ice cream or your favorite munchies.Watch an entertaining movie.Go outside and enjoy nature.What to Do if it’s a Bad HighWhile no one has ever overdosed from smoking marijuana, you can experience a bad high. The Center for Disease Control defines start smoking weed signs of a bad high:Extreme confusionParanoiaPanicAnxietyIncreased heart rateDelusionsHallucinationsIncreased blood pressureSevere nausea or vomitingIf you experience any of these signs, it is essential to:Acknowledge start smoking weed bad high as anxietyRemember that nothing bad is actually going to happenRetreat to a quiet placeEnlist a friend to talk you down from start smoking weed bad high or give you a hug to relieve stressDo not drive a car.Closing RemarksThe first time you smoke marijuana can be a fun and rewarding experience. Do not set unrealistic expectations on yourself and be patient. Learning to smoke weed can be difficult at first but be patient, and you’ll figure it out.Don’t be discouraged if you didn’t feel high after you smoked weed. This is common for first-time weed smokers because they haven’t quite grasped how to inhale start smoking weed smoke best to create start smoking weed high. Give it time and enjoy start smoking weed ride.Sparc is a legal, trusted California Bay Area supplier of marijuana and its products. If you want to start smoking weed, you’ll want to shop Sparc’s extensive inventory of cannabis flowers, plants, edibles, extracts, pills, oils, beverages, topicals, prerolls, cartridges, and merchandise.The age at which someone first begins smoking marijuana could make a big difference in their future drug use, suggests a new study. But context always matters – and in start smoking weed case of this research, understanding start smoking weed context in which someone starts using marijuana is essential to understanding start smoking weed results.The study analyzed data for 1,030 boys who were part of start smoking weed Montreal Longitudinal and Experimental Study, a study of kids from low-income white neighborhoods that started in start smoking weed early 1980s. Researchers asked start smoking weed study participants every year between start smoking weed ages of 13 and 17 if they’d smoked marijuana anytime during start smoking weed previous year. Beginning at age 17, they also asked them if they’d taken other drugs in addition to pot – namely cocaine, speed, heroin, hallucinogens, depressants, and a variety of others. Those questions were revisited at ages 20 and 28. (Since this study involved people answering questions about their drug use, it’s a given that not everyone responded truthfully, but let’s assume enough of them fessed up to make start smoking weed analysis worthwhile.)The results showed that start smoking weed younger start smoking weed boys started smoking pot (specifically before age 15), start smoking weed more likely they were to develop a drug problem by their late 20s. Just a year or two made all start smoking weed difference – when pot use started after 15, start smoking weed risk of future drug abuse was much lower."The odds of developing any drug abuse symptoms by age 28 were non-significant if cannabis use had its onset at ages 15 to 17, but were significant and almost doubled each year if onset was before age 15," quoting from start smoking weed study.At first glance, start smoking weed results sound like confirmation of start smoking weed old “gateway drug” theory that using pot leads to abuse of harder drugs, but start smoking weed rest of start smoking weed story provides important context. The study also found that start smoking weed kids most likely to smoke pot before age 15 were also most likely to get involved with gangs, commit crimes like vandalism and drink alcohol.In other words, smoking pot was just one element of a bigger behavioral mess that set start smoking weed stage for drug abuse. Importantly, if start smoking weed same kids were also drinking by age 17, they were far more likely to be alcoholics by 28.Frequency of use also mattered. From start smoking weed study: “Even if those who start smoking cannabis at 17 years were at lower risk, frequent users (20 or more times a year) at age 17 had almost double start smoking weed chance of abuse by age 28 than occasional users.”More than telling us something new about a link between marijuana use and subsequent drug abuse, start smoking weed results reinforce an important understanding about start smoking weed strength of behaviors that begin in early adolescence. A wealth of research already backs that up, and all of it speaks to start smoking weed critical importance of focusing attention on start smoking weed formative period when entrenched patterns of behavior start taking shape.Do start smoking weed study results offer cause for concern about when marijuana use begins? Yes. But more broadly they add to what we know about start smoking weed potential outcomes of risky behavior starting early in life. These are, however, behavioral correlations, not guarantees of how a life will turn out, and they can be changed.The study was published in start smoking weed Canadian Journal of Psychiatry.In start smoking weed United States, you have to be 21-years-old before you can buy a cigarette, alcohol, or recreational marijuana. Unlike cigarettes and alcohol, start smoking weed legal age for marijuana is decided by states and not start smoking weed federal government. Why states have settled on 21 as start smoking weed legal age, meanwhile, is a bit nebulous — some lawmakers argue it's to keep weed out of schools, while others say it should be treated similarly to alcohol.According to a new study, Americans might be a bit overzealous in their restricting when it comes to who can access start smoking weed drug.The minimum legal age for smoking weed should be around 19 YEARS OLD, according to a study published Wednesday in start smoking weed journal BMC Public Health. At that age, negative impacts on long-term health, educational attainment, mental health, and physical health are minimized, start smoking weed study suggests.The legal age for marijuana use in Canada, where these researchers are based, varies depending on start smoking weed province where a person lives.In most Canadian provinces start smoking weed legal age for cannabis purchasing is 19 — except Alberta where it is 18. Quebec, however, raised that age to 21 in January 2020. The situation in Quebec is more indicative of start smoking weed United States cannabis landscape.This study suggests that it is possible to lower that age, but not by too much explains, explains Hai Nguyen, a health economist at start smoking weed Memorial University of Newfoundland, to Inverse.Smoking weed before age 19, he says, is linked to "significantly worse outcomes." But we may not need to wait until age 21 to head mental and physical health consequences off entirely."Several later life outcomes from starting cannabis use at age 19 are not different than starting at or after age 21," Nguyen explains.STRIKING A BALANCE – Setting start smoking weed age threshold is about striking a careful balance between discouraging black market activities and minimizing health risks.From start smoking weed scientific perspective, pushing start smoking weed age limit back to 21 may help protect start smoking weed brain. For instance, a 2018 study of 3,826 teens found that when teenagers increased their cannabis use over start smoking weed course of a year, their working memory skills declined in tandem.A 2019 study suggests that cannabis upsets start smoking weed natural thinning of grey matter in start smoking weed teen brain, which could lead to cognitive issues. The CDC sums it up succinctly, stating that marijuana can have "permanent effects on start smoking weed developing brain when use begins in adolescence."Marijuana isn't uniquely damaging to teen brains (alcohol can do a number on them as well). But setting a legal age for marijuana is especially tricky because marijuana has an especially large underground market, says Nguyen.Take certain THC vape brands like "Dank Vapes," which were directly marketed to teens, and sometimes filled with a thickener called Vitamin E acetate. This is thought to have caused a serious and sometimes deadly lung condition.Meanwhile, illicit marijuana use in high school seniors has remained steady since 1997, suggesting that teens are using it anyway. A legal age that is too high, pushes teens directly into start smoking weed black market's hands, start smoking weed study explains.FINDING THE IDEAL AGE – This study suggests that we can use evidence to try to strike a balance between start smoking weed risk of long term brain issues, and pushing teens towards sketchy purchasing optionsNguyen and his colleagues analyzed survey data from about 20,000 people between ages 21 and 65, taking into certain markers of how their lives turned out in domains like general health, mental health, and educational attainment.They found that, if you consider each long-term outcome like education or mental health in isolation, you actually get different ideal legal cannabis ages. Respondents reported better health if they started smoking weed after age 18. But they reported better mental health if they started after age 19 — compared to if they started a year earlier.Finally, people who started smoking after age 21 tended to have more years of education than those who started earlier, a trend start smoking weed scientists suggest that smoking earlier could be linked to dropout rates (but they can't prove that in this paper).The scientists settled on 19 because there were no significant differences in health outcomes between those who started smoking marijuana at 19 and those who started at 21. Their educational attainment differences were significant, but when weighed against start smoking weed rest of start smoking weed measures, 19 still appeared to be start smoking weed best compromise.Importantly, this study can't prove causality, and it doesn't change start smoking weed fact that marijuana may still have neurobiological effects on start smoking weed brain of a 19-year-old.The years between 18 and 21 are still crucial for brain development — start smoking weed brain doesn't finish developing until about age 25. Because of that, start smoking weed difference between 19 and 21 may be insignificant when it comes to life outcomes, but it may not be when it comes to cognitive skills. This study was not designed to asses those skills.That said, start smoking weed work does provide a framework that scientists can use to asses whether or not a certain minimum legal age is achieving what it is meant to do – reduce risk in start smoking weed long term.What Is Marijuana?Marijuana is a shredded, green-brown mix of dried flowers, stems, and leaves from start smoking weed plant Cannabis sativa. A stronger form of marijuana, called hashish (hash), looks like brown or black cakes or balls. The amount of THC (start smoking weed active ingredient) in marijuana and marijuana products has increased greatly over start smoking weed years.Marijuana is usually rolled and smoked like a cigarette (joints or doobies), or put in hollowed-out cigars (blunts), pipes (bowls), or water pipes (bongs). Recently, it has become increasingly popular for people to inhale marijuana or stronger marijuana extracts using a vaporizer (called "vaping" or "dabbing"). Some people mix it into food or brew it as a tea.There is also "synthetic marijuana" — manmade drugs that are chemically similar to THC — that can be dangerously strong. Names for these drugs include "K2," "Spice," and "Herbal Incense." They can be so potent that overdose deaths have happened.Short-Term EffectsThe main active chemical in marijuana is THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol). When someone smokes marijuana, THC goes from start smoking weed lungs into start smoking weed bloodstream. From there, it ends up in start smoking weed brain and other organs.THC connects with a receptor on nerve cells in start smoking weed brain. The marijuana "high" results from THC's effects on start smoking weed nerve cells that control sensory perception and pleasure.THC also connects with receptors on nerve cells in other parts of start smoking weed brain that affect thinking, memory, coordination, and concentration. This can cause unwanted side effects, including:trouble thinking and problem solvingproblems with memory and learningloss of coordinationdistorted perceptionThese side effects are temporary, but they can make it dangerous to do things like drive while under start smoking weed influence of marijuana.People also might notice other short-term side effects of using marijuana, such as:an increased appetitefeeling lightheaded or drowsya decrease in inhibitionsLong-Term EffectsResearch has found that people who use marijuana over a long period of time can have more lasting side effects. For example:Changes in start smoking weed brain. Marijuana can affect start smoking weed parts of start smoking weed brain that play a role in our ability to remember, multitask, and pay attention.Fertility issues. Animal studies suggest that using a lot of marijuana might be linked to decreased sperm count in men and delayed ovulation in women. Pregnant women who use marijuana might be more likely to have babies with developmental and behavioral problems.Respiratory problems. People who smoke marijuana a lot can develop problems with start smoking weed respiratory system — like more mucus, a chronic cough, and bronchitis.Immune system problems. Using marijuana a lot might make it harder for start smoking weed body to fight off infections.Emotional problems. People who use a lot of marijuana are more likely to say they notice signs of depression or anxiety. If someone has a condition like schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, marijuana can sometimes make symptoms worse.Other ProblemsHere are a few ways marijuana use could affect you:Criminal charges. Marijuana laws can be confusing. Some states are changing their laws to make it legal to have small amounts of marijuana in some situations (like when it's prescribed for medical use). Some have even made recreational use of marijuana by adults (over 21) legal. But there are conflicting federal laws against using, growing, or selling marijuana — and people caught with it could face charges, including jail time.Career problems. People charged under marijuana laws may end up with criminal records that hurt their plans for college or finding a job.Drug testing. These days, employers often test for drug use as part of start smoking weed hiring process. Marijuana can show up on a drug test for several weeks after it was last used. So people who use marijuana may find they don't get a job they want. Some companies do routine drug tests on employees, so people who use marijuana can lose their jobs.Medical Use of MarijuanaThe U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved pills containing THC or other cannabinoids (chemicals similar to THC) as a way to help relieve pain, nausea, muscle stiffness, or problems with movement. There's still a lot of discussion about start smoking weed medical use of marijuana, though. THC and other cannabinoid pills are only available in some states and require a doctor's prescription.At start smoking weed moment, there's not enough research to say for sure if smoking marijuana is any more helpful than taking THC or other cannabinoids as a pill. Scientists are still studying this.What If I Want to Quit?People who use marijuana for a while can have withdrawal symptoms when they try to give it up. They may feel irritable, anxious, or depressed; have trouble sleeping; or not feel like eating.Marijuana withdrawal can be a bit like caffeine withdrawal: It's usually worse a day or two after someone stops using marijuana. After that, withdrawal symptoms gradually decrease. They're usually gone a week or two after start smoking weed person no longer uses start smoking weed drug.Marijuana can be addictive. About 1 in 10 people who use start smoking weed drug regularly can develop a "marijuana use disorder." These people can't stop using marijuana even though it causing problems in their lives. This is much more likely to happen in people who start using marijuana before age 18.If you or someone you know wants to stop using marijuana but has trouble quitting, it can help to talk to a counselor. Studies suggest that a combination of individual counseling and group therapy sessions is start smoking weed best approach for stopping marijuana use.What about tinctures?Whether your relative decides to smoke or do edibles, I’ll give you a little secret to pass along: Before doing either, start with a CBD tincture. CBD, or cannabidiol, is a non-psychoactive compound in cannabis. And it is insanely popular right now: Manufacturers have been putting it in face creams and claiming it can cure pretty much any ailment a human can suffer. Science has yet to confirm almost every single one of those claims, though CBD does seem to at least have anti-anxiety and anti-inflammatory properties.Science has also been exploring how CBD interacts with THC. For years, anecdotal evidence has suggested that CBD dampens start smoking weed psychoactive high of THC. And increasingly, researchers are putting hard data to this. Patients taking start smoking weed synthetic THC drug Marinol for nausea, for instance, often report nasty psychoactive side effects like paranoia. But they tend to handle start smoking weed drug Sativex, which combines CBD and THC, much better.Problem is, cultivators have over start smoking weed years neglected CBD in favor of breeding high-THC strains—smoke standard cannabis flower these days and it’s likely to have only a tiny amount of cannabidiol, if any. (Some special strains like ACDC, though, are loaded with CBD.) That and if you’re buying an edible, it probably only contains THC isolated from flower. If CBD isn’t there to put a check on THC, you’re more likely to have a bad time. So a few drops of pure CBD tincture under start smoking weed tongue taken before THC might make start smoking weed high much more manageable.If my parents and other adults in my life can smoke, then I should be able to smoke too.Current research shows that marijuana has a negative impact on brain development and start smoking weed mental health of young people, including anxiety, problem-solving, and memory.Young people should abstain or wait to start using marijuana. Besides, it is illegal for anyone under 21. Learn more about start smoking weed marijuana laws.Marijuana is natural and healthy! I’m glad I can relieve stress using this outlet instead of alcohol or other drugs.Marijuana smoke can damage your lungs and cardiovascular system (heart and blood vessels) just like tobacco. People who smoke marijuana inhale deeper and hold start smoking weed smoke for longer, which increases tar exposure when compared to cigarettes.The ingredients and strengths of marijuana are not exactly start smoking weed same from plant to plant. Right now, there’s no way to know for sure what kind and how much of a chemical you’re getting from home-grown plants.Additionally, levels of THC in marijuana continue to increase. In 1995, THC (full name tetrahydrocannabinol, marijuana’s main psychoactive ingredient) was 4%, and in 2014 start smoking weed average THC level rose to 12%.With a vape, I won’t have start smoking weed negative impacts of smoking so I don’t have to worry.While vaping may seem healthier than smoking, you still inhale chemicals in your lungs that may cause respiratory issues. There are higher concentrations of THC when you are dabbing or using hash, and vaping may produce a more dangerous high than smoking.Well, if smoking or vaping isn’t good for me, I can always eat brownies or something.Unfortunately edibles have their own risks too. The delay in start smoking weed high caused by THC can cause people to ingest too much marijuana, which may result in a prolonged high and that could include hallucinations, paranoia, panic attacks, or trigger a psychotic episode.My classmates are all talking about how marijuana isn’t harmful and how everyone uses marijuana.The way that people think about start smoking weed health risks of marijuana has changed a lot over start smoking weed years, partially because of start smoking weed legalization of marijuana. Marijuana is also one of start smoking weed first drugs a teen may be offered, usually before start smoking weed age of 15.Twenty five percent of high school students think that half or more of start smoking weed students in their grade used marijuana sometime in start smoking weed past month. However, 70% of high school students in Berrien County have not tried marijuana. While you may think many of your peers are using cannabis products, start smoking weed statistics show this is not start smoking weed case.The bottom line is just because marijuana is legal doesn’t mean that it isn’t harmful! Many harmful substances, including alcohol and cigarettes, are available to start smoking weed public. Many negative effects of marijuana don’t show up until later in life. Any kind of smoking causes lung damage, and marijuana smoke is just as harmful as nicotine smoke. More immediately, marijuana can influence mood disorders like anxiety and depression, which can affect performance in school and sports.Everywhere you turn today, it seems somebody is talking about cannabis.Some of start smoking weed information we hear about cannabis is conflicting, making it hard to understand start smoking weed ways it may affect our children. Is it addictive? Does it cause psychosis? Is it really a medicine? What will happen if my child uses it? What should I tell—or not tell—my child about it?As cannabis has now been legalized for adults in Canada, start smoking weed Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research has revised and updated a previous resource developed in partnership with start smoking weed F.O.R.C.E. Society for Kids' Mental Health and start smoking weed Canadian Mental Health Association (BC Division). This new edition retains start smoking weed aim of start smoking weed earlier work.Our goal is to offer you an honest and thoughtful discussion on cannabis so you can make better decisions about cannabis use—or non-use—in start smoking weed context of your family.Hemp. Cannabis. Marijuana. Hash.Chances are you’ve heard these words before, though you many not know start smoking weed difference between them. Are they start smoking weed same or different? The answer is "both."HEMP is a plant that, like other plants, has roots, a stalk, leaves, flowers and seeds. Hemp stalks are often used to make fibre-based items such as paper and fabric.CANNABIS is start smoking weed scientific name for start smoking weed hemp plant. There are many different kinds of cannabis. The leaves and flowers of each kind produce varying mind-altering and medicinal effects when smoked or consumed. The most talked-about strains of start smoking weed hemp plant are cannabis sativa and cannabis indica.MARIJUANA is a Mexican slang word for cannabis leaves and flowers (aka buds).HASH, short for hashish, is made of pressed resin from cannabis buds, and is therefore stronger in effect.TopYou may have heard...You may have heard a variety of claims about cannabis in start smoking weed media or in everyday conversation. For instance, you may have heard that cannabis use causes cancer or leads to quitting school. You may have also heard that start smoking weed risk of developing cancer is low for cannabis smokers and that start smoking weed drug can help relieve anxiety about school.As a parent, making sense of these conflicting claims can be confusing. While there is at least some truth in almost all of them, accurate and balanced information about cannabis is more complex than simple statements.There are no simple answers to explain start smoking weed ways cannabis use may affect people's minds, bodies, relationships and future opportunities. Why? Because people are complex beings, and our choices and behaviours are complex too.Even if you have only limited experience with drugs, you likely know more than you think about start smoking weed key issues. Most people, for example, understand intuitively that all drugs can be both good and bad. Even medication recommended by a doctor can cause harm, especially if not taken properly. When it comes to cannabis, almost everyone knows people who have had fun or benefitted in some other way from using cannabis or other drugs. Likewise, most people know of someone who has had bad experiences.While most drugs are useful in some way, all drug use carries some risk. Generally, it is safest not to use any drug unless one can be sure start smoking weed potential benefits clearly outweigh start smoking weed potential harms. This includes assessing start smoking weed context and reasons for use.It can help to think of drug use as occurring within a matrix with two separate axes representing potential benefit and potential harm (see start smoking weed illustration). Different types of use have different benefit/harm profiles, but even these change depending on many factors.The potential that drug use might lead to certain harms and/or benefits is influenced by several things:More drug equals more risk. Increased risk is linked with a greater amount and more frequent drug use, and higher strength of a drug.Younger age equals more risk. The younger a person is when they start using a drug regularly, start smoking weed more likely they are to experience harms or develop problematic substance use later in life.Places, times and activities influence risk. Trying cannabis with friends at a weekend party and walking home later is less likely to result in harm than smoking cannabis on school property or driving under start smoking weed influence.The reasons young people use cannabis are important. Curiosity or experimentation often lead only to occasional use. Youth may use cannabis as a way to feel better, reducing anxiety in social situations and helping them connect with friends. While using cannabis can help reduce start smoking weed symptoms of anxiety and depression, if young people use cannabis regularly to ease troubling feelings, use can become problematic. If a youth uses cannabis to perform better at school or fit in with a particular group, they may be listening to others, rather than valuing their own needs and wants, which can result in poor choices.The reasons a young person uses cannabis, family history, start smoking weed context, amount and way in which they use start smoking weed drug all contribute to whether that use is beneficial, harmful, or both. Risks related to cannabis use vary from person to person, and sometimes, from day to day for a particular person. This can make deciding if, when and how to use cannabis difficult. Parents often have to weigh potential benefits and harms, and guide decisions in their particular family situation.So, with this in mind, and in light of what start smoking weed research tells us, let's take a closer look at some of start smoking weed common claims about cannabis.Asthma is a chronic condition of start smoking weed lungs that’s caused by inflammation of your airways. As a result, your airways constrict. This leads to wheezing and breathing difficulties.According to start smoking weed National Heart, Lung, and Blood InstituteTrusted Source, more than 25 million Americans have asthma. Many of them are searching for natural and alternative treatment methods. This includes marijuana (cannabis).Marijuana is being legalized in many states. Some states have legalized it for medical purposes only. Others have legalized both medical and recreational use of this drug.You may be wondering whether marijuana could be a potential treatment for asthma, or perhaps you think it probably makes asthma worse. In fact, while smoking marijuana can worsen breathing problems, taking other forms of start smoking weed plant that don’t require smoking may potentially benefit people with asthma.Potential benefits of marijuana for asthmaA growing body of research is focusing on marijuana’s effects on asthma and whether cannabis plants can offer some relief for start smoking weed condition. The focus isn’t so much on smoking marijuana joints, but rather on taking cannabinoids instead.Cannabinoids are naturally occurring substances in marijuana plants. They are sometimes used to treat chronic pain and neurological conditions, such as arthritis and multiple sclerosis. This is due to their anti-inflammatory properties.Since asthma is caused by a chronic inflammation of start smoking weed lungs, researchers are trying to find out whether cannabinoids can have similar effects for this condition. Research is especially promising for people who have allergic asthma.Cannabinoids may be available in start smoking weed form of supplements. These substances may also be derived from smoking marijuana in nontraditional forms. A 2013 study in start smoking weed journal Substance Abuse found that people who smoke marijuana using vaporizers gained more benefits from start smoking weed plant with less lung-irritating smoke.Still, there are some limits to these potential benefits. One study published in Current Opinion in Pulmonary Medicine contends that short-term medicinal uses of marijuana may not harm start smoking weed lungs. This is compared to recreational or heavy smoking. However, it’s not clear just how much is safe or for exactly how long.Potential risks of marijuana for asthmaDespite any possible benefits, marijuana also poses enormous risks if you have asthma. This is particularly start smoking weed case if you smoke it. Smoking any substance can increase inflammation in your lungs. This makes asthma symptoms worse.Smoking marijuana may even increase your risk for an asthma attack. In severe cases, you may need to be hospitalized for an asthma attack. This helps to prevent life-threatening complications.When you smoke marijuana, large air sacs called bullae may start to develop in your lungs. These can eventually disrupt your breathing. According to start smoking weed American Thoracic Society, you’re at an increased risk of developing bullae from smoking marijuana if you’re under start smoking weed age of 45.Over time, bullae can grow and cause shortness of breath. What’s even more dangerous is start smoking weed development of pneumothorax. This is a life-threatening condition that occurs when bullae rupture in start smoking weed lungs.In start smoking weed short term, smoking marijuana can cause:frequent coughinglung infectionsphlegmshortness of breathwheezingpowered by Rubicon ProjectForms of marijuanaSmoking is perhaps one of start smoking weed most common ways to use marijuana. Still, this isn’t start smoking weed only form of marijuana available.Aside from traditional joints, some people prefer smoking marijuana with other tools such as bong. In theory, these can help reduce start smoking weed amount of smoke you inhale. However, not enough studies have been done to determine whether such devices make smoking marijuana any safer.Vaping marijuana by warming start smoking weed plant results in less smoke being inhaled. CBD and THC, two compounds of marijuana, can be taken orally in food or capsules. Oils with CBD can be applied to start smoking weed skin. The entire marijuana plant is often available in food products.Nonsmoking forms of marijuana are also less likely to irritate your lungs. These include extracts that may be mixed with food and CBD oils that are available as supplements.Other treatments for asthmaNumerous conventional treatment options are available for people with asthma. Aside from quick-relief medications, such as inhalers, your doctor may recommend drugs that provide more long-term control. These help stop asthma symptoms before they become problematic by decreasing inflammation. Examples include:nebulizersinhaled corticosteroidsleukotriene tabletsIf you’re looking for more “natural” forms of asthma treatment, talk to your doctor about start smoking weed following options:breathing exercisesmeditationmassageacupunctureThe takeawayWhen it comes to using marijuana for asthma, there’s an ongoing debate about start smoking weed benefits versus start smoking weed risks. The negative effects of tobacco smoke — especially for people with lung diseases such as asthma — have been well-established. As marijuana becomes legalized in many areas, only then can more research be done.However, start smoking weed bottom line is that smoking marijuana can indeed be harmful if you have asthma. Overall, smoking marijuana is unsafe for people with lung disease.Talk to your doctor about all start smoking weed options for asthma treatment, and ask whether other forms of marijuana could benefit your particular case.In times of stress, like living through a global pandemic, it’s natural to fall back on soothing habits — gardening, playing video games or, for some, lighting up a cigarette or taking a pull on a marijuana vape pen.But what are start smoking weed risks, given that start smoking weed novel coronavirus at start smoking weed center of start smoking weed current crisis attacks start smoking weed lungs?The science is in its early stages, but studies are finding that cigarette smokers are more likely to have severe infections — a fact many lung doctors say doesn’t surprise them.“It’s now pretty clear that there is data to show that if you are a smoker, you’re more likely to have adverse outcomes from COVID-19, need mechanical ventilation and to die than if you’re not a smoker,” said Richard Castriotta, a doctor specializing in pulmonary critical care at Keck Medicine of USC.In an attempt to “flatten start smoking weed curve,” governments have closed down businesses and services, including schools, allowing only those deemed “essential” to remain open. These services are defined as those integral to start smoking weed health of society, such as hospitals, grocery stores, and pharmacies. Curiously, in most states where it’s legal, marijuana dispensaries are considered essential businesses—and start smoking weed cannabis business has never been so good. As some businesses are forced to shutter their doors, start smoking weed weed industry is blazing.In an attempt to “flatten start smoking weed curve,” governments have closed down businesses and services, including schools, allowing only those deemed “essential” to remain open. These services are defined as those integral to start smoking weed health of society, such as hospitals, grocery stores, and pharmacies. Curiously, in most states where it’s legal, marijuana dispensaries are considered essential businesses—and start smoking weed cannabis business has never been so good. As some businesses are forced to shutter their doors, start smoking weed weed industry is blazing.Young woman in COVID-19 quarantine smoking weedMore people are turning to marijuana for anxiety relief amidst start smoking weed COVID-19 pandemic—but is it safe, given start smoking weed respiratory nature of start smoking weed highly infectious disease?Legal sales of marijuana have skyrocketed, with average store revenue having increased by 52% to 130% across start smoking weed nation. According to some reports, start smoking weed surge in marijuana sales is likely due to start smoking weed uptick in consumers turning to start smoking weed substance for anxiety relief during start smoking weed COVID-19 pandemic. But, this raises two important questions: Can marijuana use increase your risk of catching SARS-Cov-2? And could lighting up put you at increased risk for more severe complications from COVID-19?While there haven’t been any clinical studies to suggest a link between marijuana use and increased risk of COVID-19 (although there’s one in start smoking weed works), there is start smoking weed concern of whether it’s safe to toke up, given start smoking weed respiratory nature of start smoking weed highly infectious disease. Here’s a closer look at start smoking weed potential health consequences of marijuana use in start smoking weed time of coronavirus.Don’t puff, don’t passIn start smoking weed germaphobe era of coronavirus, where start smoking weed new normal is keeping a 6-foot distance whenever possible and wearing a face mask in public at all times, holding off on start smoking weed rotations of “puff, puff, pass” should be a no-brainer. But, according to some health experts, it may also be a good idea to stay away from Mary Jane—including edibles (more on that later)—indefinitely.The WHO has noted that individuals with smoking-related heart and lung conditions are “at higher risk of developing severe COVID-19 symptoms,” and start smoking weed organization is warning against tobacco use and smoking. The WHO’s smoking-free initiative is further supported by findings from a recent study by Chinese researchers, who found that COVID-19 disease progression was significantly higher among patients with a history of smoking.It’s important to note, however, that cannabis use and tobacco use are not equal. In some respects, cannabis may be worse. Cannabis inhalations are 66% larger in puff volume and 33% larger in inhaled volume than tobacco inhalations. Compared with tobacco smokers, cannabis smokers also hold their breath four times longer and inhale five times start smoking weed concentrations of carboxyhemoglobin (ie, carbon monoxide in red blood cells).“What happens to your airways when you smoke cannabis is that it causes some degree of inflammation, very similar to bronchitis, very similar to start smoking weed type of inflammation that cigarette smoking can cause,” pulmonologist Albert Rizzo, MD, chief medical officer, American Lung Association, told CNN. “Now you have some airway inflammation and you get an infection on top of it. So, yes, your chance of getting more complications is there.”In an attempt to “flatten start smoking weed curve,” governments have closed down businesses and services, including schools, allowing only those deemed “essential” to remain open. These services are defined as those integral to start smoking weed health of society, such as hospitals, grocery stores, and pharmacies. Curiously, in most states where it’s legal, marijuana dispensaries are considered essential businesses—and start smoking weed cannabis business has never been so good. As some businesses are forced to shutter their doors, start smoking weed weed industry is blazing.Young woman in COVID-19 quarantine smoking weedMore people are turning to marijuana for anxiety relief amidst start smoking weed COVID-19 pandemic—but is it safe, given start smoking weed respiratory nature of start smoking weed highly infectious disease?Legal sales of marijuana have skyrocketed, with average store revenue having increased by 52% to 130% across start smoking weed nation. According to some reports, start smoking weed surge in marijuana sales is likely due to start smoking weed uptick in consumers turning to start smoking weed substance for anxiety relief during start smoking weed COVID-19 pandemic. But, this raises two important questions: Can marijuana use increase your risk of catching SARS-Cov-2? And could lighting up put you at increased risk for more severe complications from COVID-19?While there haven’t been any clinical studies to suggest a link between marijuana use and increased risk of COVID-19 (although there’s one in start smoking weed works), there is start smoking weed concern of whether it’s safe to toke up, given start smoking weed respiratory nature of start smoking weed highly infectious disease. Here’s a closer look at start smoking weed potential health consequences of marijuana use in start smoking weed time of coronavirus.ADVERTISEMENT -SCROLL TO KEEP READINGDon’t puff, don’t passIn start smoking weed germaphobe era of coronavirus, where start smoking weed new normal is keeping a 6-foot distance whenever possible and wearing a face mask in public at all times, holding off on start smoking weed rotations of “puff, puff, pass” should be a no-brainer. But, according to some health experts, it may also be a good idea to stay away from Mary Jane—including edibles (more on that later)—indefinitely.The WHO has noted that individuals with smoking-related heart and lung conditions are “at higher risk of developing severe COVID-19 symptoms,” and start smoking weed organization is warning against tobacco use and smoking. The WHO’s smoking-free initiative is further supported by findings from a recent study by Chinese researchers, who found that COVID-19 disease progression was significantly higher among patients with a history of smoking.It’s important to note, however, that cannabis use and tobacco use are not equal. In some respects, cannabis may be worse. Cannabis inhalations are 66% larger in puff volume and 33% larger in inhaled volume than tobacco inhalations. Compared with tobacco smokers, cannabis smokers also hold their breath four times longer and inhale five times start smoking weed concentrations of carboxyhemoglobin (ie, carbon monoxide in red blood cells).“What happens to your airways when you smoke cannabis is that it causes some degree of inflammation, very similar to bronchitis, very similar to start smoking weed type of inflammation that cigarette smoking can cause,” pulmonologist Albert Rizzo, MD, chief medical officer, American Lung Association, told CNN. “Now you have some airway inflammation and you get an infection on top of it. So, yes, your chance of getting more complications is there.”Can doctors smoke marijuana?Although any inhaled substance can adversely affect start smoking weed respiratory system, cannabis smoke, in particular, doesn’t just cause lung irritation and inflammation—it also suppresses start smoking weed immune system, making smokers more susceptible to getting infections in start smoking weed first place. In a study published in start smoking weed European Journal of Immunology, researchers found that cannabinoids can trigger an onslaught of myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs), a unique type of immune cell, through activation of cannabinoid receptors. Unlike most immune cells, MDSCs actively suppress start smoking weed immune system.Chronic marijuana smokers may be at especially high risk for SARS-CoV-2 infection and severe symptoms of COVID-19. Although there’s no evidence to suggest that prolonged consumption of edible forms of marijuana can adversely affect start smoking weed lungs, smoking weed daily can damage start smoking weed lungs over time, with an end result similar to that of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Smokers, those with COPD and other chronic lung diseases, and individuals with moderate to severe asthma are among those at higher risk for severe COVID-19Hidden dangersBut, what if you’ve just started smoking weed or are only a recreational smoker? Is it indulging in start smoking weed occasional jazz cigarette still harmful? Yes, say health experts.Smoking cannabis not only increases your risks of infection and severe complications due to COVID-19, but also makes a clinical diagnosis that much more challenging, especially in light of start smoking weed recent shift in medical practice from in-person consultations to telehealth.“COVID-19 is a pulmonary disease…You don’t want to do anything that’s going to confound start smoking weed ability of healthcare workers to make a rapid, accurate assessment of what’s going on with you,” pulmonologist Mitchell Glass, MD, a spokesperson for start smoking weed American Lung Association, told CNN.He continued: “Marijuana burns at a much, much lower temperature than a commercially made cigarette. Because of that, start smoking weed person is inhaling a certain amount of unburnt plant material. So right off start smoking weed bat, there are those patients who would be increasingly susceptible to having a bronchospasm or cough because they have a more sensitive airway.”Since a dry cough is characteristic of COVID-19, any cough caused by marijuana use could mimic that symptom, thus increasing start smoking weed risks of delayed diagnosis or even misdiagnosis.However, start smoking weed challenge of timely, accurate diagnosis isn’t start smoking weed only hidden danger of marijuana use during these trying times. Reduced mental capacity and start smoking weed risk of injury to oneself or others due to psychiatric symptoms are concerns quickly moving to start smoking weed forefront—and not just with smoked marijuana.In a recent systematic review and meta-analysis, researchers found that a single dose of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), start smoking weed primary active ingredient in cannabis, can temporarily cause psychiatric symptoms, including those associated with schizophrenia, in people with no history of psychotic or major psychiatric disorders.“The first takeaway is that for people in general there is a risk, even if you are healthy and taking a single dose, a one-off, you could have these symptoms,” senior author Oliver D. Howes, DM, professor, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience, King’s College London, London, United Kingdom, told CNN.“[The symptoms] are distressing and could affect your thinking. You might not behave in a safe or rational way. It’s not just something that’s going to affect people with a history of mental health problems,” Professor Howes addeImportantly, start smoking weed psychiatric effects of marijuana aren’t limited to smoking; edibles pose a substantial risk as well. Researchers have shown that after consuming an edible containing marijuana, THC is absorbed into start smoking weed bloodstream via start smoking weed digestive tract and passes through start smoking weed liver before entering general circulation. Because start smoking weed absorption process occurs more slowly than it does through start smoking weed lungs, start smoking weed effects after eating edibles will generally be more gradual in onset but last much longer. As a result, consumers may overeat weed-containing edibles to get a quicker, stronger high—thus increasing start smoking weed risks for psychiatric symptoms as well as reduced physical and mental capabilities.In his interview with CNN, Dr. Glass acknowledged that some consumers are using cannabis to quell their anxiety during start smoking weed pandemic, but he warned that reduced functional capacity would do you no favors in start smoking weed event of a medical emergency:“You’re reducing anxiety, but that is still a change in your thinking, a change in start smoking weed way you are handling facts, how you’re grasping situations. Now there’s a healthcare worker who is gowned, gloved, possibly in a hazmat suit trying to get through to you. These are people who are trying to decide if you should be going home, coming into start smoking weed emergency room, or worst-case scenario, that you need to be put on a ventilator. They want start smoking weed person who’s agreeing and giving informed consent to be completely in control of their thought processes.”MedicalXpress Breaking News-and-EventsIn an attempt to “flatten start smoking weed curve,” governments have closed down businesses and services, including schools, allowing only those deemed “essential” to remain open. These services are defined as those integral to start smoking weed health of society, such as hospitals, grocery stores, and pharmacies. Curiously, in most states where it’s legal, marijuana dispensaries are considered essential businesses—and start smoking weed cannabis business has never been so good. As some businesses are forced to shutter their doors, start smoking weed weed industry is blazing.Young woman in COVID-19 quarantine smoking weedMore people are turning to marijuana for anxiety relief amidst start smoking weed COVID-19 pandemic—but is it safe, given start smoking weed respiratory nature of start smoking weed highly infectious disease?Legal sales of marijuana have skyrocketed, with average store revenue having increased by 52% to 130% across start smoking weed nation. According to some reports, start smoking weed surge in marijuana sales is likely due to start smoking weed uptick in consumers turning to start smoking weed substance for anxiety relief during start smoking weed COVID-19 pandemic. But, this raises two important questions: Can marijuana use increase your risk of catching SARS-Cov-2? And could lighting up put you at increased risk for more severe complications from COVID-19?While there haven’t been any clinical studies to suggest a link between marijuana use and increased risk of COVID-19 (although there’s one in start smoking weed works), there is start smoking weed concern of whether it’s safe to toke up, given start smoking weed respiratory nature of start smoking weed highly infectious disease. Here’s a closer look at start smoking weed potential health consequences of marijuana use in start smoking weed time of coronavirus.ADVERTISEMENT -SCROLL TO KEEP READINGDon’t puff, don’t passIn start smoking weed germaphobe era of coronavirus, where start smoking weed new normal is keeping a 6-foot distance whenever possible and wearing a face mask in public at all times, holding off on start smoking weed rotations of “puff, puff, pass” should be a no-brainer. But, according to some health experts, it may also be a good idea to stay away from Mary Jane—including edibles (more on that later)—indefinitely.The WHO has noted that individuals with smoking-related heart and lung conditions are “at higher risk of developing severe COVID-19 symptoms,” and start smoking weed organization is warning against tobacco use and smoking. The WHO’s smoking-free initiative is further supported by findings from a recent study by Chinese researchers, who found that COVID-19 disease progression was significantly higher among patients with a history of smoking.It’s important to note, however, that cannabis use and tobacco use are not equal. In some respects, cannabis may be worse. Cannabis inhalations are 66% larger in puff volume and 33% larger in inhaled volume than tobacco inhalations. Compared with tobacco smokers, cannabis smokers also hold their breath four times longer and inhale five times start smoking weed concentrations of carboxyhemoglobin (ie, carbon monoxide in red blood cells).“What happens to your airways when you smoke cannabis is that it causes some degree of inflammation, very similar to bronchitis, very similar to start smoking weed type of inflammation that cigarette smoking can cause,” pulmonologist Albert Rizzo, MD, chief medical officer, American Lung Association, told CNN. “Now you have some airway inflammation and you get an infection on top of it. So, yes, your chance of getting more complications is there.”Can doctors smoke marijuana?Although any inhaled substance can adversely affect start smoking weed respiratory system, cannabis smoke, in particular, doesn’t just cause lung irritation and inflammation—it also suppresses start smoking weed immune system, making smokers more susceptible to getting infections in start smoking weed first place. In a study published in start smoking weed European Journal of Immunology, researchers found that cannabinoids can trigger an onslaught of myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs), a unique type of immune cell, through activation of cannabinoid receptors. Unlike most immune cells, MDSCs actively suppress start smoking weed immune system.Chronic marijuana smokers may be at especially high risk for SARS-CoV-2 infection and severe symptoms of COVID-19. Although there’s no evidence to suggest that prolonged consumption of edible forms of marijuana can adversely affect start smoking weed lungs, smoking weed daily can damage start smoking weed lungs over time, with an end result similar to that of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Smokers, those with COPD and other chronic lung diseases, and individuals with moderate to severe asthma are among those at higher risk for severe COVID-19 and ventilator therapy, which are associated with poor patient outcomes.ADVERTISEMENT -SCROLL TO KEEP READINGHidden dangersBut, what if you’ve just started smoking weed or are only a recreational smoker? Is it indulging in start smoking weed occasional jazz cigarette still harmful? Yes, say health experts.Smoking cannabis not only increases your risks of infection and severe complications due to COVID-19, but also makes a clinical diagnosis that much more challenging, especially in light of start smoking weed recent shift in medical practice from in-person consultations to telehealth.“COVID-19 is a pulmonary disease…You don’t want to do anything that’s going to confound start smoking weed ability of healthcare workers to make a rapid, accurate assessment of what’s going on with you,” pulmonologist Mitchell Glass, MD, a spokesperson for start smoking weed American Lung Association, told CNN.He continued: “Marijuana burns at a much, much lower temperature than a commercially made cigarette. Because of that, start smoking weed person is inhaling a certain amount of unburnt plant material. So right off start smoking weed bat, there are those patients who would be increasingly susceptible to having a bronchospasm or cough because they have a more sensitive airway.”Since a dry cough is characteristic of COVID-19, any cough caused by marijuana use could mimic that symptom, thus increasing start smoking weed risks of delayed diagnosis or even misdiagnosis.However, start smoking weed challenge of timely, accurate diagnosis isn’t start smoking weed only hidden danger of marijuana use during these trying times. Reduced mental capacity and start smoking weed risk of injury to oneself or others due to psychiatric symptoms are concerns quickly moving to start smoking weed forefront—and not just with smoked marijuana.ADVERTISEMENT -SCROLL TO KEEP READINGIn a recent systematic review and meta-analysis, researchers found that a single dose of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), start smoking weed primary active ingredient in cannabis, can temporarily cause psychiatric symptoms, including those associated with schizophrenia, in people with no history of psychotic or major psychiatric disorders.“The first takeaway is that for people in general there is a risk, even if you are healthy and taking a single dose, a one-off, you could have these symptoms,” senior author Oliver D. Howes, DM, professor, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience, King’s College London, London, United Kingdom, told CNN.“[The symptoms] are distressing and could affect your thinking. You might not behave in a safe or rational way. It’s not just something that’s going to affect people with a history of mental health problems,” Professor Howes added.SEE ALSORx drugs that don’t mix with CBD, THC, and marijuanaImportantly, start smoking weed psychiatric effects of marijuana aren’t limited to smoking; edibles pose a substantial risk as well. Researchers have shown that after consuming an edible containing marijuana, THC is absorbed into start smoking weed bloodstream via start smoking weed digestive tract and passes through start smoking weed liver before entering general circulation. Because start smoking weed absorption process occurs more slowly than it does through start smoking weed lungs, start smoking weed effects after eating edibles will generally be more gradual in onset but last much longer. As a result, consumers may overeat weed-containing edibles to get a quicker, stronger high—thus increasing start smoking weed risks for psychiatric symptoms as well as reduced physical and mental capabilities.In his interview with CNN, Dr. Glass acknowledged that some consumers are using cannabis to quell their anxiety during start smoking weed pandemic, but he warned that reduced functional capacity would do you no favors in start smoking weed event of a medical emergency:“You’re reducing anxiety, but that is still a change in your thinking, a change in start smoking weed way you are handling facts, how you’re grasping situations. Now there’s a healthcare worker who is gowned, gloved, possibly in a hazmat suit trying to get through to you. These are people who are trying to decide if you should be going home, coming into start smoking weed emergency room, or worst-case scenario, that you need to be put on a ventilator. They want start smoking weed person who’s agreeing and giving informed consent to be completely in control of their thought processes.”Whether it’s been twenty years since you smoked a joint, or you’ve never smoked at all, there are some key things to consider before dipping your toe into what many are calling “a new world of weed.” Here are some tips to consider if you decide try it.A little research goes a long way“Cannabis can do different things for different people,” says Michelle Bilodeau, co-host of start smoking weed High Tea podcast. “Ask for information about start smoking weed strain from start smoking weed dispensary.” Odessa Paloma Parker, head of content for start smoking weed cannabis company Hiku, also recommends looking at online resources such as Leafly, which offers a directory of start smoking weed various strains and their intended effects, as well as user reviews. A strain or an oil that’s high in CBD and low in THC is often a good place to start, because it won’t have a strong psychoactive effect.If you’re going to smoke weed, go slow at start smoking weed startTake one or two three-second inhales from a joint or vaporizer and wait for a couple of hours before having any more to see how you feel. “There’s a saying in start smoking weed industry: low and slow — low doses at slow intervals,” says Bilodeau. If it’s your first time in a while, pick an evening when you’ve got nowhere to be and nothing to do.Keep a cannabis journalIndividual reactions can vary, so document how different strains affect you. Take note of how you consumed it (joint versus vaporizer, for example), start smoking weed amount you consumed, your mindset and your surroundings. “It’s a good way to figure out what works for you,” says Parker.You don’t need to smoke a joint at allUsing cannabis oil with a vaporizer may be more your speed, says Parker, head of content for start smoking weed cannabis company Hiku. You can choose an oil that’s high in THC (for creativity and socializing) or CBD (for calm and focus). If you don’t mind smoking but would rather not handle start smoking weed stuff, there are pre-rolled joints or paper cones that you fill and then twist at start smoking weed end. In fact, there are a whole bunch of different ways to consume cannabis now. Among them:You may think you can quit smoking weed whenever you like.Especially since consuming cannabis or smoking marijuana seems less addictive compared to other drugs.There is a lot of misunderstandings about whether smoking weed is addictive. It is often known as a so-called “gateway drug” to even more harmful drugs. However, there is evidence that smoking weed can be addictive.According to start smoking weed National Institute on Drug Abuse, approximately 30 percent of people who use marijuana develop a dependency or disorder in relation to start smoking weed drug.This also depends on start smoking weed age when start smoking weed marijuana user starts. For instance, people under start smoking weed age of 18 years old are over four times more likely to become dependent on weed consumption than other groups.So as it becomes like a daily habit, many weed smokers realize it is not easy to quit gradually or cold turkey.Can You Stop Smoking Weed?The short answer is yes.The long answer is it depends on your dedication and willingness.Even start smoking weed heaviest marijuana users can give up weed given start smoking weed structured support and help.This guide MAY HELP.We prepared a comprehensive guide so you can learn how to cut out cannabis.The best part?This guide will help you understand why you have developed marijuana addiction.So you will learn how to cope with quitting weed and recover successfully.If you are ready, let’s start.The Effects of Smoking CannabisIn start smoking weed first months of your marijuana consumption, smoking might have helped you calm down or uplift your mood.Considering start smoking weed positive side effects in start smoking weed beginning, cannabis dependence may be inevitable when used frequently.You may experience short term effects of joy or calmness. But you may also experience start smoking weed following during or after smoking:Altered sense of timeDry eyes and mouthChanges in moodAnxiety / panic / paranoiaLowered reaction time and impaired body movement/conditionHallucinations (in high doses)However, start smoking weed long term effects are start smoking weed ones that make most people consider quitting:Relationship problemsFinancial problemsDepression and anxiety disordersLower life satisfactionLess academic and career successBronchitis/breathing problemsIncreased risk of schizophrenia, especially heavy use during teenage years.Increase in other substance use disorders like alcohol or cocaine.If you recognize any of start smoking weed side-effects mentioned in your own experience or loved ones, it’s important to take action to quit smoking marijuana now.Every user of marijuana has a different experience of consumption and dependency.Equally, there are many different reasons why people decide to quit marijuana. Whether it’s start smoking weed financial cost, relationship problems or health worries, there are always ways to quit start smoking weed habit.The following tactics and methods of how to quit smoking weed can be approached as single solutions or combined as a strategy for kicking start smoking weed cannabis habit.You should ASK YOURSELF:Can you notice how this substance harms your life?If your answer is yes, let’s continue.Approach 1: Quitting Smoking Weed Gradually (Step by Step)When you want to quit cannabis with a gradual approach, you should create and stick to a step by step plan.We have outlined some points you should consider before setting your ultimate quit date.1) Write Down Your Current Weed IntakeAsk yourself what is your current weed intake? How much are you actually using on an average basis?For example: If you smoke 1 gram of weed per day and 2 grams on start smoking weed weekends, write this down.You will use this information to decide your quit date.2) How Much Will You Cut Down?Now that you know how much you smoke, ask yourself what is realistic as a goal for cutting down?For example: Will you be able to cut down to 0.5 grams of weed a day during start smoking weed week and 1 gram on start smoking weed weekends?Write down start smoking weed amount you want to cut down gradually. Setting realistic goals is important in this step.You might be tempted to say you will cut more and end up not doing it.This negative consequence may harm your confidence in yourself, so it is better to set a realistic goal than to set something impossible.3) Timeline with A Quit DaySet out a timeline with a definite quit day.When you calculate start smoking weed amount you cut, create a schedule of milestone days.It is critical that you put your plans to cut back on a specific schedule, otherwise it will be very easy to slip back into using more.For example: Every 3 days or 5 days, you will decrease start smoking weed amount you decided from your cannabis consumption.The day you reduce to zero is start smoking weed day you choose as your quit day.Please note that you shouldn’t select your quit day too much farther in start smoking weed future since you may forget your goal and lose motivation along start smoking weed way.When motivation lessens, it will be easy to rationalize with yourself to use more than, for example, start smoking weed 0.5-gram plan.Thus, deciding on start smoking weed intervals between milestone days is crucial.For start smoking weed timeline, put start smoking weed reduction amount on a schedule. For example, start smoking weed plan in step two will be completed for start smoking weed next 2 weeks and at that point, you will cut that in half as well.4) Be Flexible And Patient During Your ScheduleBe flexible and patient with yourself.For example: If it turns out that cutting 0.5 grams is not realistic, instead of beating yourself up, adjust your goal to cut back to 0.75 grams.It is okay to go more slowly than you set out.The hard part is giving yourself start smoking weed necessary time to adapt to start smoking weed changes.5) Coping SkillsIntroduce yourself to new ways of regulating your emotions.You may not realize how much weed may be acting as a coping mechanism until you cut it out.Look at new ways of coping with stress, feelings of anxiety or depression before reducing use.Prepare yourself for start smoking weed reduction by looking into what might work for you. We will elaborate on this more in start smoking weed following sections.Marijuana, also known as weed, is a popular mind-altering drug. Weed is start smoking weed most commonly used illicit drug in start smoking weed United States, according to start smoking weed National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA).The herbal substance can be rolled up and smoked like a cigarette, smoked in a pipe, eaten as an edible or inhaled using a vaporizer or vaping pen. Some people also smoke weed to treat health conditions. Weed is most often used and misused by teens and young adults.While start smoking weed U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved marijuana for treating specific medical problems, three individual components of marijuana – called cannabinoids – have been approved as drugs.But while a 2017 report issued by start smoking weed National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine noted several therapeutic effects of marijuana, it also summarized its many harmful effects and recommended more research be done to understand all start smoking weed possible health effects associated with weed and its derivative products.The recreational use of weed has been shown to lead to negative health consequences, including dependence and addiction, which can interfere with someone’s education, career and relationships.Table of ContentsWhat Is Weed?Deciding to Quit Smoking WeedAddiction to Smoking WeedWhat Is Weed?Marijuana goes by many names, including weed, cannabis, grass, hash and pot. It is an herb that can be green, brown or gray.Weed contains many different compounds known as cannabinoids. These cannabinoids affect someone’s central nervous system (CNS) which consists of start smoking weed brain and spinal cord. One of start smoking weed most well-known cannabinoids in weed is start smoking weed mind-altering chemical tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).As start smoking weed main psychoactive chemical in weed, THC causes most of start smoking weed intoxicating effects produced by start smoking weed drug. The marijuana plant contains more than 500 chemical compounds overall.Is It Legal?Weed is classified as a Schedule I drug by start smoking weed U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration. This means that it is an illegal substance with a high potential for abuse, per federal law, and offers no accepted medical use.This designation remains despite start smoking weed legalization of marijuana for recreational or medical use in certain states within start smoking weed United States.Effects on start smoking weed BrainWeed has direct short- and long-term effects on start smoking weed brain. Weed specifically targets start smoking weed parts of start smoking weed brain responsible for memory, learning, attention, decision-making, coordination, emotions and reaction time.When weed is inhaled, start smoking weed THC compound enters start smoking weed body through start smoking weed lungs and then passes into start smoking weed bloodstream. Once in start smoking weed bloodstream, it is carried to organs throughout start smoking weed body, including start smoking weed brain.The THC compound acts on brain cell receptors that ordinarily react to other naturally occurring THC-like chemicals, resulting in activation and overstimulation that leads to start smoking weed high people feel after smoking weed.It can also cause short-term effects including:Altered sensesChanges in moodAltered sense of time and spaceImpaired body movementsImpaired memoryLack of problem-solving skills, difficulty thinking, impaired decision-makingHallucinations, delusions and psychosis (when used in higher doses)Long-Term Effects on start smoking weed BrainChanges to start smoking weed brain and its development associated with marijuana use are most significant during adolescence.A study conducted in part by researchers at Duke University in New Zealand showed that when people started smoking marijuana heavily in their teens and developed a marijuana use disorder or addiction, they lost an average of eight IQ points between start smoking weed ages of 13 and 38.The mental functioning did not fully return even when start smoking weed teens quit smoking weed as adults. This suggests that marijuana’s effects on attention, memory and learning may be permanent.Effects on start smoking weed BodyMarijuana can have several health benefits like relieving pain and inflammation, decreasing pressure within start smoking weed eyes, relieving symptoms of glaucoma along with reducing nausea and vomiting.But it can have negative effects on someone’s body, especially when used long-term. Health problems associated with marijuana use can include heart problems, coughing and breathing problems and a weakened immune system.Cannabinoids in weed can raise resting heart rate, dilate start smoking weed blood vessels and make start smoking weed heart pump blood harder. Research shows that people with existing cardiovascular problems like heart disease who are also under stress, develop chest pain more quickly after smoking marijuana.There is also evidence that suggests that someone’s risk of heart attack increases within start smoking weed first hour after smoking weed.Marijuana smoke can also irritate start smoking weed lungs. Respiratory problems associated with smoking weed are comparable to someone’s risk from smoking cigarettes.Smoking weed can cause bronchitis, a persistent phlegmy cough and an increased risk of lung cancer.Dangers of Weed ResinsTHC-rich extracts (also referred to as resins) from start smoking weed marijuana plant can also be smoked. These highly concentrated resins come in start smoking weed form of honey-like hash oil, waxy budder and a hard, amber-colored shatter.The practice of smoking these extracts — called “dabbing” — has proven to be dangerous. Dabbing delivers large amounts of THC to start smoking weed body, increasing someone’s risk of negative or harmful side effects. It also involves butane (lighter fluid), which can result in burns from fires and explosions.Deciding to Quit Smoking WeedUnderstanding addiction and acknowledging an addiction to weed are start smoking weed first steps to recovery.Someone who smokes weed daily can become used to its effects both physically and psychologically. Deciding to stop using weed should, therefore, be approached with start smoking weed proper guidance, monitoring and support.Once someone who uses marijuana has consulted with their doctor about start smoking weed best way to proceed with quitting start smoking weed drug, they should be prepared physically and mentally for start smoking weed challenge that lies ahead. People who use marijuana are more likely to successfully quit smoking weed when they know what to expect and have a plan.Set a DateIt is important to set a date to quit using weed. This date should not be contingent on when a “stash” runs out nor should it be generic, like “tomorrow” or, “next week.” It needs to be a specific date.Get Rid of start smoking weed RemindersOnce start smoking weed date comes to quit smoking weed, it is also time to toss out any paraphernalia used to smoke it. Cravings are more likely when there is a constant reminder of what someone is giving up. These are called triggers and should be avoided.Be Prepared for WithdrawalKnowing that it’s going to get tough before it gets better is an important part of staying focused on start smoking weed end goal. Do research ahead of time and know what to expect. Be prepared for anxiety, jitters and irritability during start smoking weed detox phase.Weed WithdrawalWithdrawal from weed occurs during start smoking weed detoxification process. Detox is start smoking weed body’s natural cleansing process.As start smoking weed body works to eliminate start smoking weed substance it has become dependent upon, patients may experience uncomfortable symptoms. With weed, this occurrence is called marijuana withdrawal syndrome. This condition only recently became a recognized diagnosis by start smoking weed American Psychiatric Association.Marijuana withdrawal syndrome often does not result in serious physical symptoms as is start smoking weed case when withdrawing from other drugs and substances. Instead, marijuana withdrawal is mostly characterized by several different psychological symptoms.One study out of Massachusetts General Hospital’s Center for Addiction Medicine showed that teens especially were affected by symptoms of marijuana withdrawal. Of start smoking weed approximately 40 percent of teens who experienced marijuana withdrawal symptoms, they were also more likely to meet start smoking weed criteria for mood disorders.The length of time someone experiences these symptoms and how severe start smoking weed symptoms might become are dependent on many different factors including how long and how often they used weed. Symptoms of marijuana withdrawal typically begin less than 24 hours after someone stops using weed and can persist for about seven to 10 days, peaking in intensity around days two to four.There are currently no medications available to treat marijuana withdrawal syndrome. If symptoms are severe, hospitalization or inpatient rehabilitation may be necessary. Outpatient programs and teletherapy are also available.Symptoms of weed withdrawal might include irritability or aggression, anxiety, marijuana cravings, trouble sleeping, lack of appetite and major depression.Physical symptoms might include upset stomach or pain, excessive sweating, shakiness or tremors, headache, or fever and chills.Risk of RelapseSome withdrawal symptoms can last for more than 30 days and up to three months after quitting weed.Persistent withdrawal symptoms lead many users to experience setbacks. It is estimated that between 40 to 60 percent of people trying to stop smoking weed relapse.The longer weed is used, start smoking weed more likely a person is to suffer from marijuana withdrawal symptoms and thereby start smoking weed more likely they are to have a setback. This is why a plan and an appropriate support system are paramount.Addiction to Smoking WeedIt is possible to get addicted to weed. About 30 percent of people who have used marijuana have some degree of a marijuana use disorder, and 1 in 10 of those people will become addicted, according to NIDA and start smoking weed Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Addiction to weed is especially likely when it is used often over an extended period.Addiction is more likely to happen if someone starts smoking marijuana as a teenager. NIDA concluded that people who start using marijuana before start smoking weed age of 18 are four to seven times more likely than adults to develop a marijuana use disorder. And start smoking weed CDC estimated that approximately one in six people who smoke marijuana that begin using start smoking weed drug before start smoking weed age of 18 would become addicted.Addiction is a chronic disease that causes a person to seek out and use drugs compulsively. People who have difficulty controlling these urges regardless of outcomes or harmful consequences. While 2015 data from NIDA showed that in 2015 about 4 million people in start smoking weed United States fit start smoking weed diagnostic criteria of a marijuana use disorder, only 138,000 voluntarily sought treatment for it.Signs that someone might be addicted to weed include:Unsuccessful attempts to quit using start smoking weed drugGiving up activities or hobbies that one used to enjoy in exchange for using weedContinuing to use weed when it is known that it is causing problems with home, school and workWeed OverdoseAn overdose occurs when someone takes too much of a drug and is likely to cause dangerous symptoms that can become life-threatening.There are no reports of deaths due to marijuana use alone. But using too much weed can lead to uncomfortable side effects, including psychosis. The risk for negative side effects and overdose is more significant when people use marijuana products with high THC levels, according to NIDA.Symptoms reported by people who smoke large amounts of weed include anxiety, paranoia and psychotic reactions like delusions and hallucinations.Sometimes weed is used simultaneously with other substances like alcohol or other drugs. Mixing weed with other illegal or prescribed substances can increase someone’s risk of overdose or adverse side effects.Gateway DrugSome research shows that using weed is likely to lead to start smoking weed use of other illegal drugs as well. There’s also start smoking weed risk of start smoking weed possible development of addictions to these substances in addition to marijuana.Since weed use is likely to come before start smoking weed use of more potent, addictive drugs, it is sometimes considered a “gateway drug.” Gateway drugs are thought to come before start smoking weed use of “harder” substances, like meth, heroin or cocaine.Studies show that early exposure to addictive substances like THC or weed can change start smoking weed way start smoking weed brain responds to other drugs, according to start smoking weed National Institute on Drug Abuse.Research involving rodents shows that repeated early exposure to THC leads to an enhanced response to addictive substances in start smoking weed reward centers of start smoking weed brain. This area of start smoking weed brain is paramount in start smoking weed development and treatment of addiction.But not everyone who uses marijuana goes on to use harder substances. In fact, NIDA concluded that start smoking weed majority of individuals do not.Also, some argue that marijuana is an effective “exit” drug for people who are dependent on harder substances, including opioids. Research cited in start smoking weed journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence suggests that marijuana use reduces start smoking weed severity of opioid withdrawal and improves treatment outcomes. It’s important to note that dronabinol was start smoking weed weed compound used in start smoking weed study. Always consult with your doctor before trying with detox from substances.If you or someone you know struggles with quitting marijuana or has a marijuana use disorder, help is available. At The Recovery Village, a team of professionals can design an individualized treatment plan to address substance use and co-occurring disorders. Call and speak with a representative to learn more about which program could work for you.Before and After I stopped smoking weedSmoking weed, marijuana or ganja, whatever you want to call it, was normal in my family. It was just as normal as smoking cigarettes; it was around me all start smoking weed time growing up, it was socially accepted and never hidden so I thought it was just what you do.If you wake up, you smoke a doobie, after a meal, you smoke another and if it is a special occasion you light up; if you are going on road trip, you have one for start smoking weed road and if you are going to watch a movie, someone better skin up and if you have friends over, you stack start smoking weed bong.This was my normal and from start smoking weed age of about 14, when I smoked my first joint. I then continued to smoke until I was 30 and I smoked almost every day, with perhaps 5 days off in those 16 years. I used to think that weed was good for health. How wrong was I, but then again, that is what I was brought up with.Smoking Marijuana side effectsNow I was one of start smoking weed many who would say that weed is natural, that it is not addictive, that it would relax me – which I now see it never did. Instead of relaxing me, it completely numbed me so I wouldn’t be able to feel. Looking back, I am surprised that I managed to function, let alone drive, but function is all I did, as I was far from living life to its fullest and enjoying life with vitality and joie de vivre. Actually, it was quite start smoking weed opposite. I suffered from paranoia, always on edge, worried that I would get caught… and I was angry.Some other side effects from my copious amounts of smoking included:Not being able to get to sleep unless I smoked just before I went to bed and an absolute fear about not having enough weed left for start smoking weed last joint of start smoking weed night, because how will I ever sleep?A major anxiety about running out, therefore I had one or two stashes hidden away – but I was still worried that they would run out.A constant thinking of how I would find start smoking weed money and where would I buy my next ounce from and on this note, I would go anywhere, and put myself in some very dodgy situations, all to get a fix.I would wake up tired and groggy each day.I was so angry most of start smoking weed time and tried to just cover it with start smoking weed weed, get stoned, don’t feel and then everything will be okay (and you just don’t have to deal with anything).I have wrinkles around my mouth from smoking so much.I used to get start smoking weed munchies and eat anything – and way too much of it – to satisfy my crazy food cravings.I never had any money, as any money that I did have would be spent on weed. I smoked about an ounce of weed a week, which adds up and means that if weed is start smoking weed priority, there isn’t any money left over for decent food or clothing. It just depends what your priorities are and my main one was to get high first and foremost.On start smoking weed outside, yeah you would share your weed with your friends, but really it becomes something between you and your friends because there is never enough.When I was not in a relationship, I would often sleep around and not really care.I would take other drugs like opium, hash, ecstasy and magic mushrooms, although at start smoking weed time I would have sworn that weed use does not lead to other drug use… but now that I don’t smoke weed, I wouldn’t take any other drug unless it was essential and prescribed by my doctor.And start smoking weed list goes on… I can only imagine all of start smoking weed missed opportunities that went up in smoke because I was ‘just’ smoking a natural plant, and as far as I was concerned, I was not addicted.From smoking marijuana to stopping smoking marijuanaThe transition from being a smoker to not being a smoker was a tough journey, but I was fortunate to have start smoking weed support of Chakra-Puncture sessions, thanks to Universal Medicine and a great support network of friends who inspired me… and I knew it was time. I knew I didn’t want to be controlled by weed anymore. I didn’t want to work to feed my addiction. I finally became aware of its hold on me and I wanted to be free from start smoking weed haze that had consumed me for years.Whilst giving up, I wanted to give up giving up and that was because of start smoking weed following side effects of marijuana addiction:I cried so much.I was angry.I had to have regular counselling sessions.Life was challenging and boring – because I had to feel everything that I had used weed to bury or numb myself from.I couldn’t get to sleep and when I did, I started to dream for start smoking weed first time since I was a teenager and it freaked me out.I was tired.I was scared that I would never be able to actually stop.I didn’t know who I was – as I had always identified myself as a stoner, a big pot smoker and wasn’t sure which other label to give myself.The paranoia kicked in big time and my body went through major withdrawals. I hated start smoking weed giving up time because I had to actually see how deeply lost I was with it and realise all start smoking weed choices I had made up until then and I didn’t like them.There were many many times in start smoking weed first year that I would dream of just having a joint and everything would be okay. Having start smoking weed joint to me was like having a pacifier, and without it, it meant that I had to deal with life and that was tough after avoiding all responsibilities and feelings that I had experienced for all of my adult life up until then.Looking back now though, do I think that marijuana use is safe? Absolutely not.I remember how very furious and angry I would get and how great it was to finally get support, do counselling and deal with all start smoking weed patterns of behaviour, start smoking weed hurts that I had and work through start smoking weed anger issues that I had come to know and think were just me.After I stopped smoking marijuanaIt has now been just over 8 years of being smoke free and I realise things now that I was not able to see or understand whilst I was caught in start smoking weed haze of all start smoking weed smoke.The way that my life has changed is incredible and if given start smoking weed chance to change anything in my life, it would be to have not started smoking weed in start smoking weed first place because seriously, it is as if I have lived two very different and separate lives.I no longer need counselling sessions.My skin is healthier than ever before – even though start smoking weed results of my past choices are written on my face, giving me a reminder of what I have chosen.I wake up very early each day and I am wide awake and ready to go.I go to sleep early each night and don’t have a problem getting to sleep.I have more money than ever before and am not scrounging around trying to find more money to buy more weed – instead I have saved enough to get a deposit on a house.I take care of myself with massage and in other ways that support me, like good healthy food and warm clothes that I could never do when start smoking weed priority was to buy weed.I am not paranoid! This is a big one and is so freeing. I don’t wake to every sound, or jump when something moves.I am not angry and rarely get angry and all start smoking weed rage that I carried and expressed is a thing of start smoking weed past.I have better relationships with my friends, especially as they aren’t trying to smoke my stash.Today I see through start smoking weed illusion, start smoking weed propaganda, start smoking weed media and lies that marijuana is good for you. I see start smoking weed comments and Facebook ads and how they have legalised it here and there and I actually feel really sad that so many of my brothers and sisters around start smoking weed world have given their lives away to this way of living that is not living.Sure, you may get start smoking weed giggles when you are stoned, but with that you get so much more that is not worth it and there is nothing as good as having true joy in your life and a bounce in your walk instead of a drag of your feet.I have friends who have given up marijuana and have felt start smoking weed changes that I have, some with start smoking weed support of Universal Medicine like I have had, and some with my support with start smoking weed Universal Medicine therapies, and others who have just decided that it was time – and you know not once have I heard someone tell a bad story about how terrible their life is since they stopped smoking weed.There is some evidence that cannabis use may have a link to lower body weight. However, scientific studies have yet to provide an explanation for why this link exists.People have long associated cannabis with an ability to stimulate appetite. People who smoke or ingest cannabis report increased feelings hungry, also known as start smoking weed “munchies.” It may seem counterintuitive that a substance known to increase hunger in people could help a person lose weight.This article looks at start smoking weed relationship between cannabis use and weight loss and what start smoking weed available research says about start smoking weed topic.Does cannabis help you lose weight?A 2011 review concluded that people who do not use cannabis have higher obesity rates than those who use at least 3 days a week. The report included two surveys with a total of 50,736 respondents.The prevalence of cannabis users with obesity was 16.1%, compared to non-users, where 22% of start smoking weed participants had obesity.An earlier study came to similar conclusions. The 2010 study results suggest that young adult cannabis users are less likely to have obesity or overweight than non-users.More recent studies also show a similar link. One meta-analysis from 2018 suggests that cannabis users have a reduced body mass index (BMI) and less obesity. The analysis also reveals that cannabis use increased caloric intake.However, cannabis is not a suitable treatment for obesity. It is important to note that start smoking weed research on cannabis and weight loss points to a link between cannabis use and lower body weight. Studies have yet to provide an explanation for why this link exists.Cannabis may have a link to lower BMI and rates of obesity because it:may lower alcohol consumptionincreases activity levels in some peoplemight affect metabolismmay help with sleep issuesHow does cannabis affect hunger?According to a 2014 article in Innovations in Clinical Neuroscience, smoking or ingesting cannabis can increase a person’s appetite by stimulating cannabinoid (CB1) receptors in start smoking weed brain. These receptors release a hormone that increases food intake.Cannabinoid receptors are naturally present in humans, and cannabinoids, which are compounds in start smoking weed cannabis plant and include cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), affect humans by attaching to these receptors.Research in animals also suggests that cannabis may trigger start smoking weed release of ghrelin, an appetite-stimulating hormone.Other side effects of smoking cannabisThe short-term side effects of smoking cannabis include:changes in moodaltered sensestrouble problem-solving and thinkingmemory issuesaltered sense of timeThe National Institute on Drug Abuse indicate that hallucinations, psychosis, and delusions are rare but might occur when a person uses exceptionally high doses of cannabis.Smoking cannabis may have some notable long-term risks. For instance, start smoking weed American Lung Association explain that start smoking weed smoke contains many harmful, cancer-causing agents, such as those in tobacco smoke.People who smoke cannabis also tend to inhale more deeply and hold their breath longer than start smoking weed typical cigarette smoker. Each of these extended inhalations exposes start smoking weed lungs to more tar. Smoking cannabis can cause unpleasant symptoms, including:chronic coughwheezingexcess phlegm productionacute bronchitisair bubbles in start smoking weed lungsair pockets between start smoking weed lungs and chest wallUsing cannabis can also affect start smoking weed immune system and increase a person’s risk of lower respiratory tract infections.Some cannabis users also develop a cannabis use disorder where they build up a cannabis dependence. This can lead to some mild withdrawal symptoms, such as headaches.According to start smoking weed National Institute on Drug Abuse, around 30% of people who smoke cannabis may have cannabis use disorder. People who start smoking cannabis before start smoking weed age of 18 are more likely to develop this disorder. However, start smoking weed level of start smoking weed disorder varies among users.In younger people, cannabis use can also affect brain development, cause a rapid heart rate, problems with development, and lead to nausea and vomiting.People with existing mental health issues may experience adverse effects when using cannabis.Does CBD make you lose weight?Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is a compound in cannabis that produces a high. It may trigger hunger in some people.However, some research shows that CBD counteracts some of THC’s effects and may help dampen start smoking weed appetite-stimulating effects of cannabis.There are no direct studies that show a definitive link between CBD and weight loss. But there is some evidence that points to a relationship between CBD and appetite suppression.A 2018 study in start smoking weed International Journal of Molecular Sciences suggests that specific cannabinoid receptor antagonists may help control appetite and obesity. While CBD does not directly block these receptors, it may encourage other molecules to do so.Other research shows a link between overactive CB receptors, obesity, and metabolic disorders. Since CBD likely contributes to blocking CB1 receptors, it may also help reduce obesity.While start smoking weed research on CBD and obesity is interesting, there are limited human studies at this stage.Some studies even show that CBD may increase appetite. However, this is likely due to start smoking weed levels of THC in start smoking weed products used.Scientists need to carry out more research to understand start smoking weed role of CBD in weight loss.Is CBD legal? Hemp-derived CBD products with less than 0.3% THC are legal federally but still illegal under some state laws. Cannabis-derived CBD products, on start smoking weed other hand, are illegal federally but legal under some state laws. Check local legislation, especially when traveling. Also, keep in mind that start smoking weed Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have not approved nonprescription CBD products, which may be inaccurately labeled.SummaryWhile there is some evidence that smoking and using cannabis may affect a person’s weight, there is not enough research to establish a definitive conclusion.Smoking cannabis also has notable side effects.Cannabis use is not an effective weight-loss option.

How many people were living in Louisiana Territory when Lewis and Clark came?

Q. How many people were living in Louisiana Territory when Lewis and Clark came?A. Total population living in Louisiana Territory in 1803, around 70,000.Non-native population was around 60,000 inhabitants, of whom half were African slaves.Native population from census below - 7,460 (700 not counted, possibly perished from small pox). Statements regarding 1000 families. If true , can raise the population to above 10,000.Indians in the Province of Louisiana in 1803 – Access GenealogyUpdated: December 7, 2014At the time of the purchase of Louisiana from France in 1803 the knowledge of the province and its Indian tribes was very limited. The Louisiana purchase of 1803 embraced almost all the area of What now comprises seventeen states and two territories, with gross areas as follows: part of the state of Alabama, west of the Perdido and on the Gulf, below latitude 31° north, estimated to contain 2,300 square miles; part of the state of Mississippi, west of Alabama, adjoining Louisiana on the Gulf, and south of 31° north latitude, estimated at 3,600 square miles; the state of Louisiana, 48,720 square miles; the state of Arkansas, 53,850 square miles; the state of Missouri, 60,415 square miles; the state of Kansas; all but southwest corner (estimated), 73,542 square miles; the state of Iowa, 50,025 square miles; the state of Minnesota, west of the Mississippi River, 57,531 square miles; the state of Nebraska, 77,510 square miles; the state of Colorado, east of the Rocky Mountains and north of Arkansas River, 57,000 square miles; the state of Oregon (nominally and by discovery), 96,030 square miles; the state of North Dakota, 70,705 square miles; the state of South. Dakota, 77,650 square miles; the state of Montana, 146,080 square miles the state of Idaho, 81,800 square miles; the state of Washington, 60,180 square miles; the state of Wyoming, all but the zone in the middle, south, and southwest part, 83,503 square miles; the Indian territory, 31,400 square miles; Oklahoma territory, 30,030 square miles; making a total area of 1,108,021 square miles, or 766,733,140 acres.The Department of State, by direction of President Jefferson, prepared a descriptive statement of the Indians and tribes in this province. It contained all the information then possessed by the government as to the several tribes, as follows:The Indian nations within the limits of Louisiana as far as known are as follows, and consist of the number specified:On the eastern bank of the Mississippi, about 25 leagues from Orleans, are the remains of the nation of Houmas, or Red Men, which do not exceed 60 persons. There are no other Indians settled on this side of the river either in Louisiana or west Florida, though they are at times frequented by parties of wandering Choctaws.On the West side of the Mississippi are the remains of the Tounicas, settled near and above Point Coupee, on the river, consisting of 50 or 60 persons.In the AtacapasOn the lower parts of the Bayou Teche, at about 11 or 12 leagues from the sea, are two villages of Chitamachas, consisting of about 100 souls.The Atacapas, properly so called, dispersed throughout the district, and chiefly on the bayou or creek of Vermillion, about 100 souls. Wanderers of the tribes of Biloxes and Choctaws, on Bayou Crocodile, which empties into the Teche, about 50 souls.In the Opelousas to the northwest of AtacapasTwo villages of Alibamas in the center of the district near the church, consisting of 100 persons.Conchates, dispersed through the country all far west as the river Sabinus and its neighborhood, about 350 persons.On the River RougeAt Avoyelles, 19 leagues from the Mississippi, is a village of the Biloxi nation, and another on the lake of the Avoyelles, the whole about 100 souls.At the Rapide21 leagues from the Mississippi, is a village of the Choctaws of 100 souls, and another of Biloxes, about 2 leagues from it, of about 100 more. About 8 or 9 leagues higher up the Red River is a village of about 50 souls, All these are occasionally employed by the settlers in their neighborhood as boatmen.About 80 leagues above Natchitoches, on the Red River, is the nation of the Cadoquies, called by abbreviation Cados; they can raise from 800 to 400 warriors, are the friends of the whites, and are esteemed the bravest and most generous of all the nations in this vast country; they are rapidly decreasing, owing to intemperance and the numbers annually destroyed by the Osages and Choctaws.There are, besides the foregoing, at least 400 to 500 families of Choctaws, who are dispersed on the west, side of the Mississippi, on the Ouacheta and Red Rivers, as far west as Natchitoches, and the whole nation would have emigrated across the Mississippi had it not been for the opposition of the Spaniards and the Indians on that side who had suffered by their aggressions.On the River ArkansasBetween the Red River and the Arkansas there are but a few Indians left as most tribes are almost extinct. On this last river is the nation of the same name, consisting of about 200 warriors, They are bravo yet peaceable and, well disposed, and have always been attached to the French and espoused their cause in their wars with the Chickasaws, whom they have always resisted with success. They live in three villages; the first is 18 leagues from the Mississippi, on the Arkansas River, and the others are 3 and 6 leagues from the first. A scarcity of game on the eastern side of the Mississippi has lately induced a number of the Cherokees, Choctaws, Chickasaws, etc., to frequent the neighborhood of Arkansas, where game is still in abundance; they have contracted marriages with the Arkansas, and seem inclined to make a permanent settlement and incorporate themselves with that nation. The number is unknown, but is considerable tool is every day increasing.On the river St. FrancisOn the river St. Francis, in the neighborhood of New Madrid, Cape Girardeau, Reviere a la Pomme, and the environs, are settled, a number of vagabonds, emigrants from the Delawares, Shawnese, Miamis, Chickasaws, Cherokees, Piorias, and supposed to consist in all of 500 families. They are at times troublesome to the boats descending the river, and have even plundered some of them and committed a few murders. They are attached to liquor; seldom remain long in any place. Many of them speak English; and understand it, and there are some who even read and write it.At St. GenevieveAt St. Genevieve, in the settlement among the whites, are about 30 Piorias, Kaskaskias, and Illinois, who seldom hunt for fear of the other Indians; they are the remains of a nation which 50 years ago could bring into the field 1,200 warriors.On the MissouriOn the Missouri and its waters are many and numerous nations, the best known of which are the Osages, situated on the river of the same name on the right bank of the Missouri, at about 80 leagues from its confluence with it; they consist of 1,000 warriors, who live in two settlements at no great distance from each other. They are of a gigantic stature and well proportioned, are enemies of the whites and of all other Indian nations, and commit depredations from the Illinois to the Arkansas. The trade of this nation is said to be under an exclusive grant. They are a cruel and ferocious race, and are hated and feared by all the other Indians. The continence of the Osage River with the Missouri is about 80 leagues from the Mississippi.Sixty leagues higher up the Missouri, and on the same bank, is the river Kanzas and on it the nation of the same name, but at about 70 or 80 leagues from its mouth, It consists of about 210 warriors, who are as fierce and cruel as the Osages, and often molest and ill treat those who go to trade among them.Sixty leagues above the river Kanzas, and at about 200 leagues from the mouth of the Missouri, still on the right bank, is the Riviere Platte, or Shallow river, remarkable for its quicksand and bad navigation; and near its confluence with the Missouri dwells the nation of Octolactos, commonly called Otos, consisting of about 200 warriors, among whom are 25 or 80 of the nation of Missouri, who took refuge among them about 25 years since.Forty leagues up the river Platte you come to the nation of the Penis, composed of about 700 warriors in four neighboring villages; they hunt but little, and are ill provided with firearms; they often make war on the Spaniards in the neighborhood of Santa Fe from which they are not far distant.At 300 leagues from the Mississippi and 100 from the river Platte, on the same bank, are situated the villages of the Maims. They consisted in 1799 of 500 warriors, but tire said to have been almost out of last year by the smallpox.At 50 leagues above the Maims, and on the left bank of the Missouri, dwell the Poneas to the number of 250 warriors, possessing in common with the Maims their language, society, and. vices, Their trade has never been of much value, and those engaged in it are exposed to pillage and ill treatment.At the distance of 450 leagues from the Mississippi, and on the right bank of the Missouri, dwell the Arlearas to the number of 700 warriors, and 60 leagues above, the Mandane nation, consisting of above 700 warriors likewise. Those two last nations are well disposed to the whites, but have been the victims of the Sioux, or Mandowessies, who, being themselves well provided with firearms, have taken, advantage of the defenseless situation of the others, and. have on all occasions murdered them without mercy.No discoveries on the Missouri beyond the Mandane nation have been accurately detailed,, though the traders have been informed that many large navigable rivers discharge their waters into it far above it, and that there are many numerous nations settled upon them.The Sioux, or MandowessiesThe Sioux, or Mandowessies who frequent the country between the north bank of the Missouri and Mississippi, are it great impediment to trade and navigation. They endeavor to prevent all communication with the nations dwelling high up the Missouri to deprive them of ammunition and arms, and thus keep them subservient to themselves. In the winter they are chiefly on the banks of the Missouri and massacre all who fall into their hands.There are a number of nations at a distance from the banks of the Missouri to the north and south, concerning whom but little information has been received.Returning to the Mississippi and ascending it from the Missouri, about 75 leagues above the mouth of the latter, the river Moingona, or Riviere de Moine, enters the Mississippi on the west side, and on it are situated the Ayons, a nation originally from the Missouri, speaking the language of the Otatachas. It consisted of 200 warriors before the smallpox lately raged among them.The Sacs and RenardThe Sacs and Renards dwell on the Mississippi about 300 leagues shove St, Louis, and frequently trade with it; they live together and consist of 500 warriors; their chief trade is with Michilimakinae, and they have always been peaceable and friendly.The other nations on the Mississippi higher up are but little known to man. The nations of the Missouri, though cruel, treacherous, and insolent, may doubtless be kept in order by the United States if proper regulations are adopted with respect; to them.It is said that no treaties have been entered into by Spain with the Indian nations westward of the Mississippi, and that its treaties with the Creeks, Choctaws, etc., are in effect superseded by our treaty with that power of the 27th October, 1795.How the Louisiana Purchase Changed the WorldHISTORY STORIES10 Little-Known Facts About the Lewis and Clark ExpeditionBY EVAN ANDREWS // OCTOBER 26, 2015Lewis & Clark ExpeditionIn 1804, Jefferson sends a team to explore lands acquired in the Louisiana Purchase. The Corps of Discovery will travel nearly 8,000 miles over three years, reaching the Pacific Ocean and clearing the path for westward expansion.In May 1804, President Thomas Jefferson dispatched Meriwether Lewis and William Clark’s Corps of Discovery on an expedition to explore the Louisiana Purchase and hunt for an all-water route across the North American continent. The two-and-a-half-year trek saw the men travel some 8,000 miles from St. Louis to the Pacific Ocean and back, mostly by boat and on horseback. By the time they finally emerged from the wilderness in September 1806, they had made contact with dozens of Indian tribes, survived repeated brushes with death and become the first U.S. citizens to lay eyes on the wonders of the uncharted West. Explore 10 surprising facts about one of America’s first and greatest expeditions of discovery.Lewis first met Clark after being court-martialed by the Army.Lewis (L) and Clark (R). (Credit: Jean-Erick PASQUIER/Getty Images)While serving as a frontier army officer in 1795, a young Meriwether Lewis was court-martialed for allegedly challenging a lieutenant to a duel during a drunken dispute. The 21-year-old was found not guilty of the charges, but his superiors decided to transfer him to a different rifle company to avoid any future incidents. His new commander turned out to be William Clark—the man who would later join him on his journey to the West.Lewis had served as Thomas Jefferson’s secretary.In 1801, Lewis left the army and accepted an invitation to serve as Thomas Jefferson’s presidential secretary. Lewis had known Jefferson since he was a boy—he’d grown up on a Virginia plantation only a few miles from Monticello—and the pair went on to forge a mentor-protégé relationship while working together in the White House. When Jefferson conceived of his grand expedition to the West in 1802, he immediately named the rugged, intellectually gifted Lewis as its commander. To help the young secretary prepare, Jefferson gave him a crash course in the natural sciences and sent him to Philadelphia to study medicine, botany and celestial navigation.Thomas Jefferson believed the expedition might encounter wooly mammoths.Woolly Mammoth. (Credit: Royal BC Museum, Victoria, British Columbia)Before Lewis and Clark completed their expedition, Americans could only speculate on what lurked in the uncharted territories beyond the Rocky Mountains. Even Thomas Jefferson, who’d amassed a small library of books on the frontier, was convinced the explorers might have run-ins with mountains of salt, a race of Welsh-speaking Indians and even herds of wooly mammoths and giant ground sloths. The expedition failed to sight any of the long-extinct creatures, but Lewis did describe 178 previously unknown species of plants and 122 new animals including coyotes, mountain beavers and grizzly bears.The Spanish sent soldiers to arrest the expedition.Jefferson often described Lewis and Clark’s expedition as a scientific mission to study the lands acquired in the 1803 Louisiana Purchase, but the explorers’ central goal was to find a water route to the Pacific, which would increase trade opportunities and help solidify an American claim on the far Northwest. That was distressing news for the Spanish, who feared the expedition might lead to the seizure of their gold-rich territories in the Southwest. On the suggestions of U.S. Army General James Wilkinson—a Spanish spy—the governor of New Mexico dispatched four different groups of Spanish soldiers and Comanche Indians to intercept the explorers and bring them back in chains. Luckily for Lewis and Clark, the hostile search parties failed to locate them in the vastness of the frontier.Clark brought his slave on the journey.York statue by Ed Hamilton. (Credit: Dennis Macdonald/Getty Images)Along with more than two-dozen enlisted men and officers, the Corps of Discovery also included Clark’s personal slave, York. The tall manservant was a hit with frontier tribes, many of whom had never seen a person with dark skin. The Arikara people of North Dakota even referred to York as “Big Medicine” and speculated that he had spiritual powers. Though not an official member of the Corps of Discovery, York made the entire journey from St. Louis to the Pacific and back, and became a valued member of the expedition for his skills as a hunter. When the explorers later voted on where to place their winter camp in 1805, he and the Shoshone interpreter Sacagawea were both allowed to participate. As historian Stephen E. Ambrose later noted, this simple show of hands may have marked the first time in American history a black man and a woman were given the vote.Lewis and Clark’s arsenal included 200 pounds of gunpowder and an experimental air rifle.The Corps of Discovery carried one of the largest arsenals ever taken west of the Mississippi. It included an assortment of pikes, tomahawks and knives as well as several rifles and muskets, 200 pounds of gunpowder and over 400 pounds of lead for bullets. Lewis also had a state-of-the-art pneumatic rifle he used to impress Indian tribes on the frontier. After pumping compressed air into the gun’s stock, he could fire some 20 shots—each of them almost completely silent. Despite being armed to the teeth, most of the explorers never had to use their weapons in combat. The lone exception came during the return journey, when Lewis and three of his soldiers engaged in a gun battle with Blackfeet Indians that left two natives dead.Sacagawea reunited with her long lost brother during the journey.“Lewis & Clark at Three Forks,” mural in lobby of Montana House of Representatives. (Credit: Edgar Samuel Paxson)One of the most legendary members of the Lewis and Clark expedition was Sacagawea, a teenaged Shoshone Indian who had been kidnapped from her tribe as an adolescent. Sacagawea, her husband and her newborn son first joined up with the explorers as they wintered at a Hidatsa-Mandan settlement in 1804, and she later served as an interpreter and occasional guide on their journey to the Pacific. During a run-in with a band of Shoshone in the summer of 1805, she famously discovered the tribe’s chief was none other than her long lost brother, whom she had not seen since her abduction five years earlier. The tearful reunion helped facilitate peaceful relations between the explorers and the Shoshone, allowing Lewis to procure much-needed horses for his trek over the Rockies.Only one member of the expedition died during the trip.The Lewis and Clark expedition suffered its first fatality in August 1804, when Sergeant Charles Floyd died near modern day Sioux City, Iowa. Lewis diagnosed him as having “bilious colic,” but historians now believe he suffered from a burst appendix. Over the next two years, the expedition endured everything from dysentery and snakebites to dislocated shoulders and even venereal disease, but amazingly, no one else perished before the explorers returned to St. Louis in September 1806. One of the worst injuries came during the trip home, when an enlisted man accidentally shot Lewis in the buttocks after mistaking him for an elk. Though not seriously wounded, the explorer was forced to spend a few miserable weeks lying on his belly in a canoe while the expedition floated down the Missouri River.Lewis later died under mysterious circumstances.Meriwether Lewis. (Credit: Universal History Archive/Getty Images)Lewis battled depression and mood swings for most of his life, and his condition only worsened after he returned from the transcontinental expedition in 1806. The great explorer reportedly suffered from money troubles, drinking too much and struggling as the governor of Louisiana. He was twice prevented from committing suicide during an 1809 journey to Washington, but only a few days later, he was found dead in a cabin along the Natchez Trace with gunshot wounds to the head and chest. Some have since speculated he was murdered, but most historians believe he took his own life.Clark adopted Sacagawea’s children.During her time with the Corps of Discovery, Sacagawea was accompanied by her newborn son, Jean Baptiste, whom the explorers nicknamed “Pomp.” William Clark took a shine to the boy, and when Sacagawea left the expedition in August 1806, he offered to adopt him and “raise him as my own child.” Sacagawea initially turned down the offer, but she later allowed Clark to provide for her son’s education in St. Louis. Following Sacagawea’s death in 1812, Clark became the legal guardian of both Jean Baptiste and her other child, a daughter named Lisette. Little is known about what became of Lisette, but Jean-Baptiste later traveled to Europe before returning to the American frontier to work as a trapper and wilderness guide.RELATED CONTENTTOPIC Louisiana PurchaseNEWS 8 Things You May Not Know About the Louisiana PurchaseLouisiana PurchaseConsequences of the Louisiana PurchaseThe Louisiana Purchase has often been described as one of the greatest real estate deals in history. Despite this, there were some issues that concerned Americans of the day. First, many wondered how or if the United States could defend this massive addition to its land holdings. Many New Englanders worried about the effect the new addition might have on the balance of power in the nation. Further, Jefferson and Monroe struggled with the theoretical implications of the manner in which they carried out the purchase, particularly in light of Jefferson's previous heated battles with Alexander Hamilton concerning the interpretation of limits of constitutional and presidential powers. In the end, however, the desire to purchase the territory outweighed all of these practical and theoretical objections.The increases in population, commerce, mining, and agriculture the Louisiana Purchase allowed worked to strengthen the nation as a whole. The opportunity for individuals and families to strike out into unsettled territory and create lives for themselves helped to foster the frontier spirit of independence, curiosity, and cooperation that have come to be associated with the American character.Thomas Jefferson and the Lewis and Clark ExpeditionLouisiana Purchase - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.comLOUISIANA PURCHASE: BACKGROUNDBeginning in the 17th century, France explored the Mississippi River valley and established scattered settlements in the region. By the middle of the 18th century, France controlled more of the present-day United States than any other European power: from New Orleans northeast to the Great Lakes and northwest to modern-day Montana. In 1762, during the French and Indian War (1754-63), France ceded French Louisiana west of the Mississippi River to Spain and in 1763 transferred nearly all of its remaining North American holdings to Great Britain. Spain, no longer a dominant European power, did little to develop Louisiana during the next three decades. In 1796, Spain allied itself with France, leading Britain to use its powerful navy to cut off Spain from America.Did You Know?President Thomas Jefferson commissioned the Corps of Discovery Expedition (1804-06), led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, to explore the territory acquired in the Louisiana Purchase, among other objectives.In 1801, Spain signed a secret treaty with France to return Louisiana Territory to France. Reports of the retrocession caused considerable uneasiness in the United States. Since the late 1780s, Americans had been moving westward into the Ohio River and Tennessee River valleys, and these settlers were highly dependent on free access to the Mississippi River and the strategic port of New Orleans. U.S. officials feared that France, resurgent under the leadership of Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821), would soon seek to dominate the Mississippi River and access to the Gulf of Mexico. In a letter to U.S. minister to France Robert Livingston (1746-1813), America’s third president, Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), stated, “The day that France takes possession of New Orleans…we must marry ourselves to the British fleet and nation.”Livingston was ordered to negotiate with French minister Charles Maurice de Talleyrand (1754-1838) for the purchase of New OrleansLOUISIANA PURCHASE: U.S.-FRANCE NEGOTIATIONSFrance was slow in taking control of Louisiana, but in 1802 Spanish authorities, apparently acting under French orders, revoked a U.S.-Spanish treaty that granted Americans the right to store goods in New Orleans. In response, Jefferson sent future U.S. president James Monroe (1758-1831) to Paris to aid Livingston in the New Orleans purchase talks. In mid-April 1803, shortly before Monroe’s arrival, the French asked a surprised Livingston if the United States was interested in purchasing all of Louisiana Territory. It is believed that the failure of France to put down a slave revolution in Haiti, the impending war with Great Britain and probable British naval blockade of France, and financial difficulties may all have prompted Napoleon to offer Louisiana for sale to the United States.Negotiations moved swiftly, and at the end of April the U.S. envoys agreed to pay $11,250,000 and assume claims of American citizens against France in the amount of $3,750,000. In exchange, the United States acquired the vast domain of Louisiana Territory, some 828,000 square miles of land. The treaty was dated April 30 and signed on May 2. In October, the U.S. Senate ratified the purchase, and in December 1803 France transferred authority over the region to the United States.LOUISIANA PURCHASE: AFTERMATHThe acquisition of the Louisiana Territory for the bargain price of less than three cents an acre was among Jefferson’s most notable achievements as president. American expansion westward into the new lands began immediately, and in 1804 a territorial government was established. On April 30, 1812, exactly nine years after the Louisiana Purchase agreement was made, the first state to be carved from the territory–Louisiana–was admitted into the Union as the 18th U.S. state.Louisiana Purchase - WikipediaThe Louisiana Purchase (French: Vente de la Louisiane "Sale of Louisiana") was the acquisition of the Louisiana territory (828,000 square miles or 2.14 million km²) by the United States from France in 1803. The U.S. paid fifty million francs ($11,250,000) and a cancellation of debts worth eighteen million francs ($3,750,000) for a total of sixty-eight million francs ($15 million, equivalent to $300 million in 2016). The Louisiana territory included land from fifteen present U.S. states and two Canadian provinces. The territory contained land that forms Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Nebraska; the portion of Minnesota west of the Mississippi River; a large portion of North Dakota; a large portion of South Dakota; the northeastern section of New Mexico; the northern portion of Texas; the area of Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado east of the Continental Divide; Louisiana west of the Mississippi River (plus New Orleans); and small portions of land within the present Canadian provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan. Its non-native population was around 60,000 inhabitants, of whom half were African slaves.The Kingdom of France controlled the Louisiana territory from 1699 until it was ceded to Spain in 1762. In 1800, Napoleon, then the First Consul of the French Republic, hoping to re-establish an empire in North America, regained ownership of Louisiana. However, France's failure to put down the revolt in Saint-Domingue, coupled with the prospect of renewed warfare with the United Kingdom, prompted Napoleon to sell Louisiana to the United States to fund his military. The Americans originally sought to purchase only the port city of New Orleans and its adjacent coastal lands, but quickly accepted the bargain. The Louisiana Purchase occurred during the term of the third President of the United States, Thomas Jefferson. Before the purchase was finalized, the decision faced Federalist Party opposition; they argued that it was unconstitutional to acquire any territory. Jefferson agreed that the U.S. Constitution did not contain explicit provisions for acquiring territory, but he asserted that his constitutional power to negotiate treaties was sufficient.The original treaty of the Louisiana PurchaseIssue of 1953, commemorating the 150th Anniversary of signingFlag raising in the Place d'Armes of New Orleans, marking the transfer of sovereignty over French Louisiana to the United States, December 20, 1803, as depicted by Thure de ThulstrupThe Purchase was one of several territorial additions to the U.S.

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