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Our car oil use isn’t much since we don’t drive it much. It is still necessary to change the oil?
ToyotaToyota highest efficiency engineMAZDA SkyActiv-X HIGHEST EFFICIENCY ENGINEFirst you do not specify any data on the car motor manufacturer ,Is it a 4 cylinder a 6 cylinder or V8 ?2- Synthetic Oil ?3-Oil change can be as high as (3) years with synthetic oil.[ Stop Changing Your Oil! ….Breaking the 3,000-Mile HabitOil chemistry and engine technology have evolved tremendously in recent years, but you'd never know it from the quick-change behavior of American car owners. Driven by an outdated 3,000-mile oil change commandment, they are unnecessarily spending millions of dollars and spilling an ocean of contaminated waste oil.The majority of automakers today call for oil changes at either 7,500 or 10,000 miles, and the interval can go as high as 15,000 miles in some cars. Yet this wasteful cycle continues largely because the automotive service industry, while fully aware of the technological advances, continues to preach the 3,000-mile gospel as a way to keep the service bays busy. As a result, even the most cautious owners are dumping their engine oil twice as often as their service manuals recommend.After interviews with oil experts, mechanics and automakers, one thing is clear: The 3,000-mile oil change is a myth that should be laid to rest. Failing to heed the service interval in your owner's manual wastes oil and money, while compounding the environmental impact of illicit waste-oil dumping.][ Scared Into Needless ServicePart of the blame for this over-servicing lies in our insecurities about increasingly complicated engines that are all but inaccessible to the average driver. Pop open the hood of a modern car, and a mass of plastic covers wall off the engine. On some vehicles, the only thing an owner can easily access is the oil cap.How Mercedes Made the Most Efficient Racing Engine EverMercedes' Formula 1 engine has hit a landmark achievement on the dyno at the team's Brixworth factory after breaking the 50% thermal efficiency barrier for the first time.The German car manufacturer's progress is thought to have made its M08 EQ Power+ the most efficient ever racing engine, and one of the most efficient in the world.][ Thermal efficiency has become a key focus for modern engine builders, and is calculated on the amount of useful energy that can be produced from a given amount of heat input.In F1's turbo-hybrid era it has become particularly important because of the strict fuel-flow limit rate of 100kg/hour.Mercedes's F1 engine is incredibly efficient. Here's how it doesn't waste energy.][There are quite a few elements to this, like the combustion process and the unique split turbo which splits the compressor and turbo across both sides of the engine. These are elements that I'm definitely not qualified to explain in detail because I'm not close to being an engineer of any sort.But Jason Fenske from Engineering Explained is an engineer and should be able to help:Updated: 04/23/2013 - by Philip Reed, Senior Consumer Advice Editor Ronald Montoya, Senior Consumer Advice Editor]Some engines since 2014 and up are so efficient they do not contaminate very much the oil; THEY ARE CLEAN GREEN ENGINES; Toyota, Mazda, Nissan, Mercedes. Volkswagen, Porsche, Audi etc. So clean they do not require oil changes for over 3 years as others only the filter should be replaced, if combined with Synthetic oil.Toyota has announced that the all-new Prius will have a gasoline engine with a maximum thermal efficiency of 40 per cent. This is the highest thermal efficiency, they said, of any mass-produced gasoline engine in the world and, although the percentage may seem low, it is impressive. Most gasoline engines operate in the 25 to 30 per cent thermal efficiency range.Thermal efficiency refers to the percentage of heat energy from the fuel that is actually used to do work — ie: move the vehicle down the road. For example, an engine idling at a stop sign has virtually zero thermal efficiency, as the heat from the fuel isn’t really doing any work.Even when the vehicle is moving, thermal efficiency is low because most of the heat created by the burning fuel goes out the tailpipe as exhaust gases. More heat is transferred through the cylinder head, cylinder walls and piston into the cooling system to be removed from the engine.Finally, some of the heat energy is used to overcome internal engine friction between moving parts. Thus, only a small percentage is actually used to provide power to the wheel.For Toyota to achieve 40 per cent thermal efficiency, the Prius 1.8-litre engine has been completely redesigned. Changes are made in several areas, including redesigned air intake ports to improve airflow that aid in improvements in combustion efficiency.Another change is the use of a large-volume exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system that puts some of the exhaust heat back into the cylinder. Coolant passages have also been redesigned to optimize internal engine temperatures, and friction of rotating parts, the oil pump and piston skirts against the cylinder wall have all been reduced. Low-viscosity engine oil reduces friction further.Another method of improving thermal efficiency is using the variable valve timing to enable the engine to operate in an Atkinson cycle. Our vehicles operate on a four-stroke cycle: intake, compression, power and exhaust.Driving very little has very little involvement with the oil in these motors as they are using synthetic oil. Porsche, Mercedes, and others have oil change interval over 15,000 miles / 25,000 Kilometer and they meet warranty specs. Todays Hybrid gas Engine do not work all the time. Oil is not contaminated in a Hybrid car …Why should it be contaminated in a late super high efficiency combustion gas engine ?Oil analysis by Blackstone Labs show the Oil contamination content very accurately.up to 30,000 miles. Saving Engines The number of particles are counted in seven different size ranges (see the sample Particle Count test results below). The left column shows the size in microns. The right column is the number of particles counted in the sample that are larger than each micron size. In the sample below, the number of particles found above 5 microns in size was 244.The ISO Code in this example is 15/12. These two numbers (15 and 12) identify a range of particles counted in the size above 5 microns and 15 microns, respectively. The higher the ISO Code, the dirtier the oil. However, different oils can have different levels of "clean" and "dirty." The chart below shows the ranges for four types of oil:14/12/9 - 16/14/11- 18/16/13- 20/18/15We have always had the technical ability to save engines and other mechanical systems from failure. As sales grew we saved more engines. As our saves increased, so did our reputation. When we save an aircraft engine it is often a life-and-death ;thousands of dollars in a client's pocket. When you compare the cost of an oil analysis to the potential savings, the payback is tremendous.However you are required to change the Oil filter every year, minimum. This is the bottom line condition as the filter picks up up to 98% of the impurities in oil after gas combustion, including condensation. Oil filters by-pass ;these are, however, auxiliary systems you can add to your engine's lubricating system that will keep the oil clean enough to use over an extended period of time. By-pass filtration units are the most common system used for this purpose.In-line oil filtration, which comes installed on your engine from the factory, filters oil entering the engine down to roughly 30-40 microns (millionths of a meter). This is about as finely as in-line filtration can filter, because when the oil is cold or the filter is partially plugged, a finer filter would cause too great a pressure drop, forcing open the filter by-pass valve and allowing unfiltered oil to circulate through the engine.By-pass filtration works differently. When this type of auxiliary system is installed, some of the sump oil by-passes the in-line filter system, passing continually though a by-pass filter and then returning to the oil sump. Using this method, sump oil is constantly being cleaned any time the engine is running, and it can be filtered down to a very fine size. All you have to do to maintain the system is occasionally change the by-pass filter.Not only do the by-pass filtration units cleanse the sump oil of blow-by and oxidation products, they also reduce wear metals and silicon accumulations, both of which are abrasive. Oil does not wear out. Its usefulness is limited by contamination. By-pass filtration removes most of the contaminants.How long can an oil fill be run using by-pass filtration? We've heard claims of large (Class 8) diesels going 1,000,000 miles on the same fill of oil with no harm done to the engines. We have analyzed oils which have been in service 240,000 miles and found nothing unusual in the analysis, other than higher than average iron and lead (from steel parts and bearings), and these wear accumulations were not intolerably high.After having run many tens of thousands of diesel engine oil samples, it is our opinion that a by-pass oil filtration system is one of the most important factors in extending oil drains. If you are interested in extended oil drains, we suggest you investigate adding this type of system to your engine.The 3,000-mile myth is also promoted by the quick-lube industry's "convenient reminder" windshield sticker. It is a surprisingly effective tool that prompts us to continue following a dictate that our fathers (or grandfathers) drummed into our heads: It's your duty to change your oil every 3,000 miles — or your car will pay the price. But as former service advisor David Langness put it, the 3,000-mile oil change is "a marketing tactic that dealers use to get you into the service bay on a regular basis. Unless you go to the drag strip on weekends, you don't need it."Car dealers' service departments are also guilty of incorrectly listing the mileage for the next oil change. We've seen them recommend a 3,000-mile oil change on a car with a 10,000-mile interval and also list a 5,000-mile recommendation on a car that has a variable oil change schedule. Synthetic oil is the same (5) year after the oroginal analysis.The biggest problem with the internal combustion engine is that most of the energy generated by combustion is wasted as heat rather than converted propulsion for the vehicle. Toyota's new Dynamic Force Engine has made a breakthrough in thermal efficiency in being 40 percent efficient as a conventional engine and 41 percent efficient in hybrid form. Most internal combustion engines are only 20 percent thermally efficient, according to Green Car Reports.The efficiency of the piston engine, in general, is around 28 to 45%. It can have hundreds of moving parts that can be the source of more maintenance, noise, and energy losses than in rotary or electric engines, which have fewer parts and less complexity. Despite these issues, the weight-to-power ratio is keeping IC piston engines on top—for now.The most common engine on the road today is the four-stroke IC piston engine. Each stroke performs a task in a combustion cycle that rotates the crankshaft or driving shaft. With each stroke, the piston travels from top dead center (the top-most position the piston can reach in the cylinder) to bottom dead center (the bottom-most position).Download this article in .PDF formatThis file type includes high resolution graphics and schematics when applicable.Automotive engineers are concerned with weight-to-power ratios when designing vehicles. While light-weighting is a strong focus within the industry, researchers are also looking at more efficient engine design. The internal combustion (IC) engine is currently the engine of choice for vehicles, but the growing concern regarding climate change has given electric vehicles increased attention over the years.Understanding the difference between these engines and how they affect resources—not to mention, the weight-to-power ratio—reveals key properties that might indicate when or if the IC engine could be in decline.Piston IC EngineResearchers have found by adjusting a piston engine’s valve timing, performance can be greatly improved. Some companies, such as Ferrari, developed dynamic valves. One example boasts a three-dimensional lobe with a sliding camshaft that alters engine timing as demands on the engine changes. (Credit: Welcome to Driving Test Success!)The first stroke, the intake or induction stroke, draws air and fuel into the cylinder. In diesels, this stroke only draws in air; the fuel is injected just before the power stroke. As the piston returns to the top, it compresses the mixture; a spark plug then ignites it. Diesel engines have higher compression ratios that generate higher temperatures, thus causing combustion when fuel is injected without a sparkplug. Diesel engines have heating elements, called glow-plugs, where the sparkplugs are located that help warm up the combustion chamber for cold starts.Finally 130 years after Karl Benz patented a three wheeled vehicle powered by a single cylinder engine, Germany is home to 41 car and engine plants, which make one in every five cars sold worldwide. Cars represent the country's biggest industry. German giants BMW, Porsche, Audi, and Mercedes-Benz have changed the shape of the world by exploding gasoline.Yet last week, the country turned its back on that history. The Bundesrat, which represents German states at the federal level, voted to ban all diesel and gasoline cars by 2030. Yes, in just 14 years, the country wants all new cars to be emissions-free.Mazda Just Made a 'Holy Grail' Breakthrough in Engine Tec By REUTERSOctober 25, 2017In the high-stakes, high-cost battle among global automakers to develop ever more efficient vehicles, one of the biggest breakthroughs in internal combustion engine technology in years looks to be coming from one of the industry’s smaller players.Japan’s Mazda Motor Corp (MAZDA-MOTOR) has zoomed past its larger global rivals to develop an engine which ignites gasoline using combustion ignition technology, a fuel-saving process considered something of a holy grail of efficient gasoline engines.As global emissions regulations get tougher, not only could Mazda’s technology prolong the life of internal combustion engines, it could also improve “greener” engines as they can be used to produce more efficient gasoline hybrid and plug-in hybrid vehicles.Mazda will showcase the Skyactiv-X technology at the Tokyo Motor Show this week. When it launches the engine in 2019, the automaker says it will deliver as much as 30% fuel efficiency over its Skyactiv-G engine, already one of the most fuel efficient gasoline engines on the market.“Our resources are limited, so unlike bigger automakers, we don’t have the array of options in which to invest our R&D funds,” said Mitsuo Hitomi, managing executive officer at Mazda who oversees engine development. “That’s why we’re betting on this technology … We were determined that no matter what, we would develop this engine,” Hitomi told Reuters in an interview at the company’s headquarters in Hiroshima.Many automakers with big spending budgets have invested heavily in developing a host of new powertrain technologies, including gasoline hybrids, battery electric cars and fuel cell vehicles, as fuel efficient alternatives to gasoline and diesel vehicles.Its latest technology is a variant of homogeneous charge combustion ignition (HCCI) technology, which marries the clean-burning qualities of gasoline engines and the fuel economy and grunt of diesel engines to produce an efficient, powerful engine.PRECISE TIMING REQUIREDMazda’s engineering team began developing the engine around the time it completed developing its Skyactiv-G engine, which came out in 2011.From the start, solving the multiple variables required to balance performance with successful compression ignition was a challenge so complex and frustrating that there were “countless times” the team wanted to throw in the towel, Hitomi said.Engineers at General Motors, Honda Motor and other automakers have also pondered how to develop a cost-effective way to control the HCCI process, which requires precise timing inside the engine chamber to achieve efficient ignition.Hitomi and his team came up with a relatively simple solution — to facilitate sparkless ignition, use a spark plug to light a high-pressure “fireball” inside the chamber to compress the super-lean mix of fuel and air.The process is controlled by precisely monitoring each movement in the combustion chamber, enabling visibility of when the intake valve allows air to be drawn into the chamber to when the fireball is ignited.“Kudos to them for taking the next step,” said Paul Najt, Group Manager of Research & Development at GM, which began showing an early HCCI prototype around 2007.GM has since applied HCCI technologies to develop smaller, turbocharged engines, but Najt said the automaker was not developing a full system at the moment due to cost concerns. In the meantime, it has released gasoline hybrid and other electric models.‘A MONSTER OF AN ENGINE’Hitomi said Mazda’s spark plug breakthrough came during a crisis point around two years ago, when the development team showed him an early rendition of the engine.“It had so many parts to it, like separate controls for variable valve timing and intake and exhaust levels, that it had become a monster of an engine,” too costly to produce, he said.The team then “performed massive surgery” to simplify the engine, using a spark plug to achieve an even compression ignition process and stripping unnecessary functions.Now the Skyactiv-X engine consists of just three additional key components compared with the Skyactiv-G: in-cylinder sensors to monitor the combustion process, a high pressure fuel system to create the optimal fuel mix and a supercharger.The cost of the new engine “falls somewhere between a gasoline and diesel engine”, Hitomi says.Massachusetts Institute of Technology Prof. William Green, who has worked with HCCI development teams at U.S. automakers, said Skyactiv-X’s efficiency gains may be limited compared with hybrids and the even larger longer-term potential benefits of EVs.But the automaker could win over customers looking for an inexpensive, fuel-saving option which does not require battery recharging time or infrastructure, he added.© 2018 Time Inc. All Rights Reserved. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy (Your California Privacy Rights).Mazda Just Made a 'Holy Grail' Breakthrough in Engine TechThe German Auto Industry Is Finally (Maybe) Done With Gas | WIREDRicardo presents best-in-class ethanol combustion efficiency at Brazil summitDownload this article in .PDF formatStop Changing Your Oil! | Edmunds.comHow Mercedes Made the Most Efficient Racing Engine EverMercedes F1 engine hits 'remarkable' efficiency target on dyno
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