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How to Edit Text for Your Yearly Calendar Template. Human Subjects Research & The Institutional Review Boa with Adobe DC on Windows
Adobe DC on Windows is a useful tool to edit your file on a PC. This is especially useful when you have need about file edit without network. So, let'get started.
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- Select File > Save or File > Save As to confirm the edit to your Yearly Calendar Template. Human Subjects Research & The Institutional Review Boa.
How to Edit Your Yearly Calendar Template. Human Subjects Research & The Institutional Review Boa With Adobe Dc on Mac
- Select a file on you computer and Open it with the Adobe DC for Mac.
- Navigate to and click Edit PDF from the right position.
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- Click the Fill & Sign tool and select the Sign icon in the top toolbar to customize your signature in different ways.
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How to Edit your Yearly Calendar Template. Human Subjects Research & The Institutional Review Boa from G Suite with CocoDoc
Like using G Suite for your work to complete a form? You can do PDF editing in Google Drive with CocoDoc, so you can fill out your PDF with a streamlined procedure.
- Go to Google Workspace Marketplace, search and install CocoDoc for Google Drive add-on.
- Go to the Drive, find and right click the form and select Open With.
- Select the CocoDoc PDF option, and allow your Google account to integrate into CocoDoc in the popup windows.
- Choose the PDF Editor option to open the CocoDoc PDF editor.
- Click the tool in the top toolbar to edit your Yearly Calendar Template. Human Subjects Research & The Institutional Review Boa on the target field, like signing and adding text.
- Click the Download button to save your form.
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What is your check list to follow before starting research?
There isn't one common checklist. Though many elements may overlap, each project requires its own checklist. Research process is also enormously different between academia and industry, an individual plodding from A to Z being quite common in the former, especially during Ph.D. and often during post-doc as well, while overlapping team-work is the norm in the latter. Starting with a broad-brush breakdown of basic immunology research into either mouse model or in vitro human cell studies,Mouse model studiesCarefully research pertinent literature and draft an Animal Study Proposal (ASP). Submit ASP to the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) and wait for their approval. Experiments involving animal models require prior approval by IACUCs. Typically, IACUCs meet once a month so already we see how planning is integral to basic biomedical research, especially if it involves animal models. The IACUC process ensures ethical animal use and is mandated by law.ASPs need to detail how many animals are needed for a year, how many experiments, how many animals per year, age- and gender-matched or not, plus clear scientific rationale for each choice. ASPs also need to account for situations involving unrelieved pain and distress. Would any animal be exposed to such? If yes, then need to explain why this is scientifically necessary and also need to scientifically justify the numbers of such animals. ASPs typically undergo annual renewal, at which point changes in experiment designs, numbers, especially for increases in those likely to be subjected to unrelieved pain and distress need to be rigorously scientifically justified.Special Knockout mouse, Genetically modified mouse require more extensive time outlays in creation and breeding. If procured commercially, need to factor cost and availability as well.Human cell studiesCarefully research pertinent literature and draft a human research study protocol and submit to the Institutional review board (IRB). Typically, if the human cells are just blood cells, i.e., requiring collection of blood samples, then the process is considered minimal risk and merits expedited review ( The IRB review process ensures that research involving human subjects is conducted ethically. Again, process requires advance planning since research can only proceed after IRB approval.Questions can then be broken down into:Sufficient supply of animals/human cell needed to do the entire study or not? If not, what's the plan? Proceed or wait?How many experiments? Per week? Per month? Etc.How many animals/human cell vials needed/experiment? Gender- and age-matched.Need specialized media bottles or supplements or not? If yes, are they readily available or tend to be on back-order? If the latter, how long is the back-order? Also, if the latter, need to stockpile such materials prior to starting such an experiment series. In that case, how long such reagents are good for also becomes a critical issue. Some reagents may be good for a year or more, others only for a few months. If the latter, then need to decide if entire experimental series could be done with one stockpile or not. If not, then multiple lots of a specific reagent would be needed and the need to control for this variable needs to be incorporated into the experiment design.Need Fetal Calf Serum (FCS*) as growth supplement or not? If yes, then need to order enough bottles of one lot of FCS from one particular vendor for an entire experimental series. Typically labs do or should screen for various FCS lots using their most common lab assays as the readouts and choose to purchase one FCS lot necessary to sustain their lab activities for several years. There is enormous lot-to-lot variation in FCS so biomedical experiments using it have to control for this.Antibodies, assay kits, enzymes, recombinant proteins, other reagents, lab consumables: Need to prepare a checklist of the foreseeable reagents needed for the planned experiments and check their availability from vendors. Experiments should commence only once all the necessary reagents and equipment are available to hand. For e.g., a particular experimental series might require unusual, specialized lab consumables such as moulded 96- or 48-well transwells that may need to be ordered ahead of time and stockpiled for an entire experimental series or may need a standing order delivery of specific number of units periodically.Protocols and Standard operating procedure (SOPs): Each slated experimental procedure should be clearly and succinctly written down, and shared with all team members who would be performing the experiments. In industry, SOPs may often need to go through a formal review process as well. Pilot experiments involving all team members are very useful to work out the kinks in new protocols and help minimize 'loss in translation' ahead of primetime. Once an experiment series is underway, it's also helpful to have a shared calendar charting all the steps. Different experiments can be color-coded. Shared calendars help work out schedules ahead of time, which in turn helps outline if staff need to come in on week-ends or holidays or not. Shared calendars also help distribute tasks among team members, and generally help keep the experimental pipeline running smoothly. Again, to minimize loss in translation, experiments should use standardized experiment templates, designed ahead of time as much as possible. In research teams therefore, daily conversations and discussions are the norm and necessity.Data collection, storage and analysis, ontologies, etc.: If some repetitive procedures require complicated calculations or estimations, excel macros and the like, these should be written ahead of time and saved in a common folder accessible to all team members. Electronic notebooks are more optimal compared to paper for data capture. Data can be uploaded to a central server as recorded with no scope for post-experiment modifications, only additions. Minimizes scope for fraud, data selection and other unscrupulous or dubious research practices. Team members should use common data analysis macros or cheat-sheets to ensure uniform and comparable data analysis.Basic theme? Research teams creating and adhering to a common experimental language, i.e., protocols, calendars, templates, calculations, data analysis approaches and ontologies, helps minimize experimental errors, misunderstandings and miscommunications. Each experiment series reveals scope for improvement such as greater granularity of detail required for successful reproducible experimentation. Electronic notebooks help here as well since date- and time-stamped notes can be recorded in real-time and saved at a central location, enabling ease of retrieval at future dates for post-study critique to tweak and improve the research process.Some aspects explained in greater detail here: Tirumalai Kamala's answer to What are your hearty suggestions to the students new to research?* FCS is used inter-changeably with FBS (Fetal Bovine Serum).Thanks for the A2A, Ratul Minhaz.
What are your hearty suggestions to the students new to research?
A 1st time researcher choosing a projectInitially choose to work on a method that has relevance to the Principal Investigator (PI)'s project.Why method? Developing or optimizing a method, one learns the Scientific method.It's also practical. Unlike an open-ended scientific project with many beginnings and ends, a method is finite and most method projects could be finished within a year. In that time, not only would you become experienced in the techniques the lab uses, you may also have enough data for a method paper, if you're lucky.An ancillary benefit? Your PI and colleagues would benefit from your work. Win-win.Here's an example. A few years back, I had a terrifically talented and unusually motivated technician. She had a Masters in bioengineering and was new to biomedical research in general and to immunology in particular. One of the techniques we use a lot in my particular line of work is intracellular cytokine staining of T cells and flow cytometry to assess their cytokine responses. The method we were then using was cumbersome, typically 18 hour days or longer, starting very early in the morning until late at night.With my inexperienced but extremely motivated technician, I mapped out an approach that broke down the process into a two-day protocol, i.e. a much more manageable 10-hour 1st day followed by a 5-hour 2nd day. One-day and two-day approaches needed to be compared side-by-side. Each change between the two protocols needed appropriate controls. Four months of focused work later, we had a working, validated (other teams generated similar data independently) two-day T cell intracellular flow cytometry staining protocol that worked so well everyone at our site now uses it.How to read papersA research paper's most important parts: Experiment Design (what they did), Methods (how) and Results (what they found).A research paper's least important parts: Introduction and Discussion, i.e. the authors' story around their data.An excellent researcher learns to analyze and interpret the data for themselves, and does not depend on the authors' spin. For this, basic interest in the subject and innate curiosity are necessary. Without them, the task is too tedious and laziness makes it easier to just follow the authors' lead and take their story at face value.Focus on Materials and Methods, Figures and Results. Pay less attention to the Introduction and Discussion. Initially very difficult but necessary.Goal is to be able to reconstruct the essence of a paper simply by reading its Figures.Try to read at least one paper per week with the goal of being able to reconstruct its essence from just its data, not from the authors' Introduction and Discussion.Start with papers published by your PI. After all, you are likely to work on a related topic. And you could easily clarify what you don't understand by asking your PI and/or colleague to explain.Once you get better at reading papers, you'll find it easier to choose papers and organize them. Why?Because once you find something in one paper that interests you, it'll lead to a reference in that paper you find interesting. In turn, that'll lead you to more interesting papers and so on.It could even be something as simple as reading other papers by the author(s).Read reviews to get an overview on a topic, and keep track of the work of the scientists who wrote them. They're likely among the leaders in that field.This is how you'll learn to map and build your own database of scientific literature.Ultimately, the best approach to learning the scientific method is through learning to effectively perform a critical analysis of data.One of the best techniques for rigorously learning the scientific method is through a weekly journal club.One person in a group presents a paper of their choice, and everyone joins together to critically examine the data, to find flaws in it or in the methods, and come up with alternative explanations for the results.Many labs pay lip-service to journal clubs so few scientists are themselves good with the scientific method.If you are committed to becoming an excellent scientist, try to participate actively in journal clubs in your lab/department/college/institute.No journal clubs? No problem. Start one yourself with the help of other students in your lab/department/institute.How to arrange papersI use a common nomenclature for naming saved papers: year-journal abbreviation-1st author surname. An example? Page on which I saved as 2014-NatComm-Dutilh.I maintain different topic folders. My topic sub-folders contain a topic's sub-categories and so on. Here's an example of my system for organizing papers, from microbiota, a topic of interest to me. Microbiota ---> Microbiota sub-categories, one of which I named Virome ---> Virome sub-categories, one of which I named Human Stool ---> Human Stool papers on Virome.Think of organizing scientific papers in your subject along these lines. Your job is to figure out a system with which to separate papers on a topic into its sub-categories. One way to look at the task? Like organizing a wardrobe. Also some papers may fit in more than one folder or sub-folder. In that case, I just save copies of that paper in each relevant folder.How to record experimentsRecord everything, everyday. Often, habits and laziness take over. That's why it's important to learn good habits early and learn them well.In any lab, there are a set of standard assays and protocols. Then habit takes over and the scientist just records something like, 'harvested cells, processed them using protocol #123'. Big mistake! No method is ever done the same way over and over.Learn to record as you go.You just need to develop habits that make it easy for you to record as you go. That means dividing your lab work into modules/chunks/units.It's easier to record data in real-time with electronic tablets in the lab rather than in physical lab notebooks. One advantage is that the entire experiment is electronically recorded in real-time and can be uploaded as a complete record into an electronic notebook, if your lab uses them.As you'll use the same methods over and over again, you'll come to understand how to efficiently separate out different parts of the work. For example, steps one can do ahead of time and those only do-able at a specific moment on the day of the experiment. From this, develop excel templates for each protocol you use.Cook on a routine basis? Think of lessons learned. Many cooking lessons are directly applicable to experimental lab work.In turn, this'll teach you to organize and divide the data recording into excel templates with pre-set formulas that are optimal for your work. This helps record data in real-time in a time-saving manner.I've often noticed that people leave the lab as soon as they finish setting up their experiment. Big mistake! I train people who work with me to take an extra half hour or so to finish recording everything about their days' work electronically while it's still fresh in their minds. No coming back the next day to do this. Many details will be lost to memory.What do I mean by record everything, everyday? An everyday example from my work life is a cell staining experiment followed by flow cytometry.I teach colleagues to record every step of the protocol. It's an electronic template. They just have to record real-time differences/changes from the norm.With antibodies for example, I teach to record every item, including reagent name, antibody clone name, flurochrome conjugate, vendor name, catalog #, lot #, expiration date, concentration, amount used.Using excel spreadsheets, one can make templates for recording this information and much of it can also be copied from one experiment to another with only minor details to be changed on the day of a given experiment.Setting up detailed and specific templates to record experiments takes time and effort initially but once set up, they are very easy to use and maintain, and data gets recorded more rigorously and with more granularity/detail.In my opinion, every lab should have electronic notebooks where data is recorded in real-time, date and time stamped, and uploaded to a central server, with little or no scope for post-modifications, only additions. There is far too much scope for fraud and misconduct in science these days, and we need widespread use of such electronic systems to pre-empt or minimize their scope.Getting along with the supervisorI don't know if I can give much useful advice about this since cultural differences are likely to be considerable. With a busy and pushy supervisor, try to pay attention to patterns. For example, does the supervisor have meetings at specific times of day and/or week? If yes, capitalize on that pattern and put yourself on that meeting calendar, i.e. make a habit of meeting with your supervisor regularly. Go in with a bulleted list of action items. Update on your work? Issues getting research materials? Issues getting access to a paper? Point is to make a habit of regular meetings with your supervisor. Use those meetings to make the supervisor familiar and comfortable with you. In those meetings, point is to start with information your supervisor likely seeks or finds useful such as status reports about your work. Then ask for information or support you seek or need. Overall goal is to build a rapport of some sort with your supervisor. Weekly meetings are more beneficial than not.Thanks for the A2A, Juan Jin.
What does Google know about me?
PRIVACY is touchy subject for sure. Many of us Know that Google tracks us on Everything.For those who don’t know.. have you been living under a rock? BecauseYour parents weren’t lying.Everything you put online, everything you’ve seen, everything down to the words you typed out to get to this page. This complete virtual rendering of ourselves is locked away by a singular Mega corporation with Unlimited control over this information..Starts to sound like the introduction of a futuristic Big Brother dystopia.Not a good thought. There is still hope!Other search engines are emerging that are focusing on privacy first. One such search engine is DuckDuckGO. So I highly recommend you add this extension as a safeguard for your information.If you feel Google is misusing your information or plans to in the future this is the most basic step in preserving your privacy in an increasingly open source world.Before we jump right into it. Feel free to look at my profile to learn more about the skills for preserving your privacy but also how to Leverage and Command your own sliver of the online landscape. Make profits in new unique ways only possible in our connected world.If You Can’t Beat Them Why Not Join Them?If you’re still adimment in beating the system, then you need to start by knowing what information the system is collecting from you.So..Buckle in, prepare, and keep your mind open to all the angles you’re being studied.I am no internet security expert nor do I work for Google themselves, so with everything you read online take it with a grain of salt, examine the facts, and decide for yourself.With that said, I have been working with the online landscape for the past 9 years. I have done my homework to make sure you’re getting the best information and want to help provide context for the average man and woman out there who just want to live their lives on their own terms.For those reasons I strongly believe I have authority to answer this question.So like always sit back, grab a drink, and get ready to buckle down for this new information.Plus once Google collected everything they can from us we can restock our fridge with the push of a button!Obviously we’ll need a solid foundation…So How Has Google Changed ?Google was originally just a search company, very much like how Quora is now just on a much larger scale. But over time the company saw the profitability that came with posting relevant ads based on what people like you and me causally search up.Everything from the vacation we book down to the toilet paper we use.And over time Google changed its business model from simply being a search engine, to positioning itself as the single greatest tracking platform in the world.Remember the Formula:The better Google can track what you search + The better they target ads at you.= Greater % you buy from their they make commissions from those ads.The Thing Is.You don’t even have to use Google products directly. They still can track your search habits because they embed trackers into non Google owned sites.((spreadprivacy follow by ads article)) I am still getting Quora’s algorithm to realize I am not a spammer so just search those keywords up in your preferred search engine.And through that link more explanation is given for how Google is able to track you through related Google apps, etc. But for us we just need to know that Google can and currently has trackers running on the 75% of the top million websites believe it or not.Let’s Dive Into The SpecificsLet's Say You’re Using One of Google’s ProductsDid you catch that?The diagram is the Youtube Logo (Google happens to own Youtube) so they can track you much further if you’re on that as well.On top of that if you happen to be using Androids. Google owns that too.Here’s some contextIf you have Location Services on, Google is tracking where you been.If you ever used and phone app ever. Google tracks, when you’re on them, where you use them, and who you do or don't interact with while using them.All text.All photos.If you’re watching Youtube on the toilet, just make sure you cover the camera lense.You can try to go into the settings to stop this but there are known to be many problems associated with this. Like not being able to make the most out of apps or technology like Google Home.Let's Move Forward, Why Does Google Want All of This Info On Us?Remember the formula:The better Google can track what you search + The better they target ads at you.= Greater % you buy from their they make commissions from those ads.So knowing all these points of data lets them build a virtual you which they have been marketing too. If this doesn’t raise red flags then it should because:You’re the Only One Not Profiting!Meanwhile Google collects all this information from you. And we are partly at fault because we allow Google to bid this information to thousands of online advertisers. No different than if you were the cow that kept producing milk.Often times we don’t even know we’re the cow or who is drinking the milk.What alternative is out there for us?Well a little know site DuckDuckGo is that very site. The site made for individuals. Made for you. And it’s far from the only step you can take to gain your independence. But we’re just taking some baby steps.For those arguing that no one should have anything to hide, they are lying. They are lying to themselves and sell us on a false sense of reality. If they have money saved in their bank account. Then they are benefitting from privacy. If they have never been a victim of identity theft they are benefitting from privacy. If they have never been exploited then again we see the benefits. And so on and so forth.What problems pop up when all this information is up for grabs?Everyone is unwillingly forced into a safe space, highly targeted ads are unfairly taking advantages of life situations and products are shoveled to consumers instead of them choosing on their own behalf.How Do We Escape Google’s Trap?There are many different ways to reduce your online footprint. Here are alternatives to use right now:Google searching> DuckDuckGo: All your searches will be private. Like Google it is free as well. There are additional options like shortcuts, instant answers and the certainty that none of the sites you seek are being filtered out.Gmail, Contacts and Calendar> FastMail: After paying you will have the same tools Google offers minus the tracking. Like Google it has these tools across all technology platforms.Youtube> Vimeo (free and paid): Not nearly as widespread as Youtube but if you are truly determined to reduce your online footprint this is the best alternative focused on creators.Google Maps> Apple Maps, Waze: These are free features are available for ios users and will not track where you have been. For those not using Ios then Waze is a cross platform app and offers many additional features which outperform Google Maps in many cases.Google Drive> Resilio Sync, Tresorit: Resilio will offer private file storage, any back ups, and lets you share files and so will Tresorit with their own additional features.Android> iOS: The most popular alternative ans in many cases the dominant software. One reason to start going Apple. They certainly have the nicest stores.Google Chrome> Safari, Firefox, Braze: Other than the occasional pop up that is not supported on Safari these sites will keep your searches private.Bloggers> Ghost, Wordpress: These both offer platforms for anyone looking to start an authority site. Feel free to check my profile if you want to know more about why these matter for making profit online. Wordpress power at least a quarter of the world’s websites and will offer a hosting service with no 3rd party trackers.Google Hangouts> Zoom, appear in: These communication mediums are very functional and provide exceptional quality. They offer paid options but their quality for the free versions is exceptional.Android messages> Signal: This platform is free and offers private messages and calls. These platforms are going to provide exceptional security to your most important calls and keep messages truly between you and whoever is on the other end.Google Groups> Discord: Also free but with paid options. This discussion platform offers private conversations and can hold massive groups which are truly private.All of these tools do offer paid programs but no need to worry because all of the tools work exceptionally well for the free version. So with other online products try the free version and see if you want to get more out of them if you feel their worth it.I want you to take these alternative tools and use them to empower yourself and take back your privacy.But you need to also take advantage of the opportunity you have today. An opportunity that you probably don’t even know that’s available to you.Never forget that you are more privileged right now where you are sitting, have more power, and potential reach than even the most powerful king in history. Even if it doesn’t always feel that way.Why Should You Care?You don’t have too, you could keep to yourself and do whatever you want. I’m not trying to convince you otherwise. Whatever you’re doing right now is 10 times better than what i’m talking about.My only concern is if you aren’t where you want to be in life. If you don’t have the life you want. Not in any cliche way either. I don’t care if you’re rich, or live in a normal apartment. No one does actually, people are usually thinking only about themselves.With that said, if you aren’t happy then Why are you not leveraging the online market like thousands of other people?It’s The Most Effective Tool Which You Don’t Use. Before I show you how to exploit this tool here are MORE Privacy Steps you can Take.To Stay Off of Tracker’s Radars Then:Use other browsers over Chrome.Never stay logged into your email accounts.Turn off location history, voice history, Youtube search, search history, then for all apps you use turn off saved history if you can.Use alternative keyboards like Swiftkey if you’re and Android user.Only keep your location services off unless you absolutely need it on.You can go into your bowsers settings and set it to clear any cookies you acquired every time you exit out of it.Opt-out of ads which are based on your interest.Switch to another provider over Gmail if possible for you. Switching your email could be a lengthy process but I will let you guys know if I can find a simple solution.If you have possibly dangerous javascript third party pop ups being a problem then get the addon like Ghostery.And avoid wherever possible not use Chrome on your phone or apps that use Chrome if you can help it.Here’s a Simple Way to Delete your Google Search History:This is what you’ll see when going into settings for your Google setting. Once you deleted your data from all time then most of you search history will be out of Google’s hands.Now to the good stuff.The barrier to jump into the online marketplace and begin to monetize from many different angles are seemingly endless.There are over 3 billion people with internet access and how much would your life change if you knew how to tap into a sliver of that?It would be unrecognizable.Detailed analysis:Little start-up cost. Maybe no more than $1000. Spend $100-250 to find the right designer to design your personal unique and attractive brand. A domain which cost you maybe $5/ year.A funnel building platform which the best current one starts at $49.99 / month and gives you the list builder and all the other tools you need. Finally you take the rest of the investment and use it to pay your designer, buy 2-3 courses for one type of traffic source, like how to get organic traffic, how to run facebook ads, how to do PPC ads, etc.And of course 6-8 months of consistent hard work to continuously engage, post content, optimizing your sales funnel, and continuously doing this until you built your first list which you will sell too.This is why we see little kids barely in their 20’s making just as much if not more than what their own parents made their entire working career in just a few years.Let’s Look at the bare bone essentialsAre you going to commit? Sit down and ask yourself what idea do I want to pursue and what is my goal. Why am I going to push myself to work so so hard? When you decide that you won’t waste your time and you’ll just execute then move to the next step.What’s your niche? And Become and AUTHORITY in that niche. Dog training, horse saddles, mug collections, surf boards. It can be anything in the world. The best tip is to choose something you’re already passionate about, or is a hobby.If you don’t have any passions and you just want the money. Then start with keyword researching the good or service that’s in demand and has low competition. See who’s currently making the most money in that niche in that moment and use the EXACT same sales funnel they are using. And fill in the model with your own research, keywords, etc. What matters most is using the same exact template + you give GREATER value than your nearest competitor. That way you will build you own list of warm leads which you can continuously sell too as long as you keep them engaged. There is no secret to that it just means emailing, using chatbots, posting content of social media. What takes the most time is that first list and maintaining that one. But from there you can just keep making more and more.Build and authority website. This is where your warm leads that have not yet purchased anything(converted) will be sent as a part of the sales funnel. Here you will continually give value!!! If you’re in the dog training niche then your lead magnet will be an ebook (Complete guide on how to train your dog as a beginner). Then in your site you can run a blog like this, you can post videos of professional dog trainers training a dog, post testimonials from others who have purchased from you and leave a video of satisfaction. All this takes time, work and implementation. So really ask yourself if you’re committed to doing all of this.If you’re promoting a (product/s) then it will just be to a page with blogs and videos about a certain item and up-sale your leads on many other similar products. Spend a great amount of effort to create a membership site that will be your personal hub to promote everything you wish to promote to your list.When you make mistakes or feel lost and confused. Don’t give up rather make it habit to break down every, single, aspect of your business and test each part that is not working. These test can be done within a month or so of seeing how many leads are going through your funnel. Again you need a software that will tell you this information. You can find the software I use in my profile link (Young Entrepreneurs) will take you to it. You don’t want to do what most people do which is say I guess I can’t fix it. Maybe I should move to a new businesses model. If you do this you’ll never make money. So choose the harder path and literally modify the words in your funnel, delete certain blog post see which is best, upload more videos, upload less. After you check everything you can make the best informed decision.Those are most of the essentials you need to know. I truly want you right here to make a promise to yourself. That in 2019 you won’t waste your invaluable time spinning your wheels. You either commit and fail a lot, get mentors, invest money, sacrifice some fun, friends, whatever you gotta do or not commit at all.Because giving up your life now is not worth BSing that you’ll make it in business just because you started to talk about it on social media. That’s a failing strategy.BonusYou guys know that I love giving you guys some treats. So I am going to making a video and upload it here to Quora on my next answer and in it I will be shouting out one random person who upvotes this answer.I know you guys are gonna be super excited to get this ball rolling this year.Take the next vital step now that you know how to keep yourself safe. Since you are safe start working towards getting the life you want to exploiting the tool that once exploited you without remorse. Plus here is an outdo video of some value I gave.0:00-0:30You know what you should do? Challenge Yourself.“Good things come to those who.. Go the heck out and earn it”.If you liked this information and wish to see more answers like this make sure to:Share this across platforms, Upvote, and give a Follow on my Profile page.Have an exceptional day!From the Young Entrepreneurs.
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