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How is gravity created? Is it because of the rotation (spinning) of the layers within big bodies? The surface of the Earth is rotating so its nucleus is probably spinning too. How many layers are rotating in the Sun? Is this why gravity exists?

I just answered that actually, but I’ll copy and paste it here, as the question is more direct:This image represents Bekenstein’s approach to what became Holographic Theory:It was based on an equation by Bekenstien, after a few generations evolved to:Lp is the Planck length (10^-35 meters), tp will be the Planck unit of time (10^-44 seconds). These are the smallest slice of space and of time possible in normal space-time. They are the Zero Point for space and time, in a quazi logical way.Where N refers to the number of ‘bits’ of information and AΩ is our world-sheet, as we fill that empty void with information (N) we inadvertently create the world-sheet AΩ. In order to derive the value of what 1 ‘bit’ of information is, we can simply do this:Setting ‘c’ as a natural number and equal to 1: Lp = tpthenGiven Einstein’s filed equationsreduces the geometry of space-time toNoting that G on the left referring to the geometry of G(uv), we end up withThe geometry of space-time is an emergent phenomenon of Information, as a fractal.The termCan only be interpreted as:However, a triangle is impossible because of the hypotenuse and height not being integers of LpWe run into the same problem with a cube (your pixel) because it is wrought with non-integers of LpA circle has pi (not even a rational number)Since every possible shape is wrought with values that are not integers of Lp, no shape is possible on a Planck Scale.On a Planck scale, space-time is shapeless. In 1957 Wheeler derived the equations for Lp and tp, in the study of the propagation of Gravity Waves, and found what he referred to as the ‘Quantum Foam.’ It is a turbulent, dynamic shapeless domain where virtual particles pop in and out f existence at a very high rate.In 2004 Wilczek (a friend of Wheeler’s) earned the Nobel in Physics for measuring the effect of the Quantum Foam on the Strong and Weak forces.As for ‘pixelation,’ we can only regard the cosmos as a 2-dimensional rendering of a 4-dimensional facade. And in this 2-dimensional, holographic construct, time is not a valid dimension.This is Holographic Theory. From Holographic Theory we are finding emergent space-time, mass-energy, and the forces of nature. For instance, above we saw the short version of how space-time actually emerges from Information along with its geometry (gravitation). Note that we are on our way to a Quantum Description of Gravitation without any Higg’s Bosons. In fact, if the Higg’s really does exist (I’m not a ‘believer’) it is emergent from the description above.Mass-energy arises from quantum entanglement and superposition within this geometry we have made out of our world-sheet AΩ. Let me find that - wait; here it is:If we take into account Wheeler’s Space-time Foam on a quantum scale, [John Archibald Wheeler with Kenneth Ford. Geons, Black Holes, and Quantum Foam.1995 ISBN 0-393-04642-7.] we might conclude that as a part of this foamy characteristic of space-time on a quantum scale is the motion of a macroscopic object progressing forward in this go-stop-go fashion described above at v=c and v=0. In today’s vernacular we might say that the object were moving as though pixelated, and as we back out from the quantum to the macroscopic we no longer see the pixelated but a ‘normal’ progression of a macroscopic object. However, there can be no ‘pixelation’ on a quantum scale, as I will describe later on, because of the foamy characteristic of space-time on a quantum scale. In fact, there can be no shape, again, this will be described.Wheeler first describes the Quantum Foam as early as 1955 [Wheeler, J. A. (January 1955). "Geons". Physical Review. 97 (2): 511. Bibcode:1955PhRv...97..511W. doi:10.1103/PhysRev.97.511]The Quantum Foam in short, is an extension of the existence of Virtual Particles that come into existence via the Uncertainty Principle. The very brief and over simplified description of this Quantum Foam is that in any volume of empty space, virtual particle-antiparticle pairs are being created and annihilated constantly. The other characteristic is that space-time on a Planck scale can conform to no shape, because every plausible shape has characteristics that are not integer values of the Planck interval. We discussed this characteristic at length in The Holographic Principle of Quantum Mechanics. These particle-antiparticle pairs arise from the Quantum Electro Dynamic Vacuum Energy, that is, they 'borrow' energy from Heisenberg's Uncertainty principle. The virtual particle-antiparticle pairs exist for extremely brief periods of time, and recombine to annihilate themselves back into nothingness again. This occurs at a very high rate of speed and is constant, on the order of 10-44 seconds. We say that space, therefore, has foam like character that is referred to as the Quantum Foam. The Quantum foam plays a direct role in the Quantum Electrodynamic Vacuum Energy, on the order of 10120 joules of energy per cubic centimeter of absolute nothingness (described in the glossary).The effect they have on a Planck scale (of size, 10-35 meters) is to curve Space-Time in such a way as to give space-time a 'foamy' characteristic. A few -1.Thorne, Kip S. (1994). Black Holes and Time Warps.2.W. W. Norton. pp. 494–496. ISBN 0-393-31276-3.3.Ian H., Redmount; Wai-Mo Suen (1994). "Quantum Dynamics of Lorentzian Space-time Foam". Physical Review D 49: 5199. Doi: 10.1103/PhysRevD.49.5199. arXiv:gr-qc/93090174.Moyer, Michael (17 January 2012). "Is Space Digital?:". Scientific American. Retrieved 3 February 2013.5.Baez, John (2006-10-08). "What's the Energy Density of the Vacuum?". Retrieved 2007-12-18.6.John Archibald Wheeler with Kenneth Ford. Geons, Black Holes, and Quantum Foam. 1995 ISBN 0-393-04642-7This describes the ‘quantum foam,’ a characteristic of space-time that describes the dynamic structure on the Planck scale. There is a short review of this by wilczek, who actually measured the quantum foam’s effect on the strong and weak forces (for which he earned a Nobel, at 48 minutes into: https://youtu.be/914jzZ4LXcUIn this bit, N, we either have information in it, or there is no information in it. If there is information in it, it by definition is entangled with some other bit of information somewhere; because they were created as a particle/antiparticle pair vie the HUP. As the distance between these two bits N and N’ increases, the probability that they are quantum entangled decreases, because the wave function in the HUP limits the amount of time such a thing can exist, and thus the distance. If N is entangled with N’, then each has an element a or its symmetric partner a’.If there is no N’ then there is no space-time in this scenario. If there is an N’, then time limits us to the probability that it contains either a or a’. From this time constraint, the number of possible superpositions is defined, and so the size of our world sheet, AΩ.That is, as the number of superpositions increases, we have entropy, as the number of superpositions decreases, we have Ordiny. Gravitation is unidirectional Ordiny. So is a magnetic dipole. The Strong Force has two components, the Internal Strong Force that binds hypothetical ‘quarks’ together; Ordiny, and the Intermediate Strong Force (mediated by mesons) the binds protons and neutrons together, more Ordiny.The Weak force can be viewed as a form of entropy, as a W boson escapes the nucleus, decaying into an electron and electron-antineutrino.For the most part, the forces of nature represent Ordiny. Entropy occurs under extreme conditions only, such as the Big Bang and Black Holes.To simplify again, the surface of our world-sheet AΩ is defined by the number of Lp^2 available on this 2-dimensional surface. As the number increases, the number of possible superpositions increases and entropy emerges. If the number decreases, the number of possible superpositions decreases, and Ordiny emerges.This is how space-time is then an emergent form from information entropy vs. Ordiny. You may also note that ‘c’ is not a velocity, it defines the relationship between the world-sheet AΩ with respect to Lp and tp (space and time). It is not a ‘speed limit’ it is the definition of space-time. The ‘speed limit’ is actually the result of c=1Lp/1tp:1.Arntzenius, Frank. (2000) “Are there Really Instantaneous Velocities?”, The Monist 83, pp. 187-208.2.Barnes, J. (1982). The Presocratic Philosophers, Routledge & Kegan Paul:3.Barrow, John D. (2005). The Infinite Book: A Short Guide to the Boundless, Timeless and Endless, Pantheon Books, New York.4.Benacerraf, Paul (1962). “Tasks, Super-Tasks, and the Modern Eleatics,” The Journal of Philosophy, 59, pp. 765-784.5.Bergson, Henri (1946). Creative Mind, translated by M. L. Andison. Philosophical Library: New York.6.Black, Max (1950-1951). “Achilles and the Tortoise,” Analysis 11, pp. 91-101.7.Cajori, Florian (1920). “The Purpose of Zeno’s Arguments on Motion,” Isis, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 7-20.8.Cantor, Georg (1887). 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Does quantum mechanics show that the universe is pixelated?

This image represents Bekenstein’s approach to what became Holographic Theory. It started off as Black Hole physics, then turned into thermodynamics. Bekenstein then turned it into information.It was based on an equation by Bekenstien, after a few generations evolved to:In this equation, N refers to bits of information. However, as of yet that remains undefined, but I will derive what a ‘bit’ of information is a little further on.Lp is the Planck length (10^-35 meters), tp will be the Planck unit of time (10^-44 seconds). These are the smallest slice of space and of time possible in normal space-time. They are the Zero Point for space and time, in a quazi logical way.For those who suspect space-time is infinitely divisible, not quantized, see my former discussion at Bill Bray's answer to Why is it impossible for anything to be smaller than the Planck length?Where N refers to the number of ‘bits’ of information and AΩ is our world-sheet, as we fill that empty void with information (N) we inadvertently create the world-sheet AΩ. In order to derive the value of what 1 ‘bit’ of information is, we can simply do this:Setting ‘c’ as a natural number and equal to 1: Lp = tpthenGiven Einstein’s filed equationsreduces the geometry of space-time toNoting that G on the left referring to the geometry of G(uv), as well as G being on the right hand side of the equation, leads to a self-similar (fractal)we end up withThe geometry of space-time is an emergent phenomenon of Information, as a fractal.Also, the term T(uv) is supposed to represent the tensor that describes the forceful bending of space-time. However, since its internal components (uv) are on both sides of the equation (u and v represent rows and columns of values) these values are also fractals. Thus, the term (the tensor) is a highly localized phenomenon. This is what Wheeler was searching for but never found. The tensor is a fractal that starts nearly flat, then becomes increasingly fracked. THIS DOES NOT HAPPEN BECAUSE OF MASS - IT HAPPENS BECAUSE OF THE DENOMINATOR, N. AKA, the presence of information.The error for the past century was to assume that because mass and gravitation seem to always be in the same place, that there is a needy relationship. However, the recent discovery that Gravity Waves exist by the LIGO interferometer proves Wheeler’s description: Gravitation without mass, as he was referring to Gravity Waves. The Gravity Wave has information present, but no information that describes mass.If there were information in the gravity wave that described mass, then the gravity wave would possess mass, it does not. LIGO is an interferometer, just like the Michelson moerley, that functions by detecting its own change of state under a Schwarzschild transformation in General Relativity, which incontrovertible dismisses all prior art regarding frame of reference in General Relativity. All mythos regarding falling into a black hole, spinning black holes, black holes with magnetic fields, Hawking radiation, are collectively dismissed, and no evidence has ever supported such null hypotheses.The urban myth, mass brings about gravity and gravity tells mass where to go is incorrect. Gravitation is a fractal that results from the presence of information that may or may not describe mass. A Gravity Wave represents the fractal above, but the information in the wave does not describe the presence of mass.The termCan only be interpreted as:However, a triangle is impossible because of the hypotenuse and height not being integers of LpWe run into the same problem with a cube (your pixel) because it is wrought with non-integers of LpA circle has pi (not even a rational number)Since every possible shape is wrought with values that are not integers of Lp, no shape is possible on a Planck Scale.On a Planck scale, space-time is shapeless. In 1957 Wheeler derived the equations for Lp and tp, in the study of the propagation of Gravity Waves, and found what he referred to as the ‘Quantum Foam.’ It is a turbulent, dynamic shapeless domain where virtual particles pop in and out f existence at a very high rate.In 2004 Wilczek (a friend of Wheeler’s) earned the Nobel in Physics for measuring the effect of the Quantum Foam on the Strong and Weak forces.As for ‘pixelation,’ we can only regard the cosmos as a 2-dimensional rendering of a 4-dimensional facade. And in this 2-dimensional, holographic construct, time is not a valid dimension.That statement is fully compatible with the AdS description.This is Holographic Theory. From Holographic Theory we are finding emergent space-time, mass-energy, and the forces of nature. For instance, above we saw the short version of how space-time actually emerges from Information along with its geometry (gravitation). Note that we are on our way to a Quantum Description of Gravitation without any Higg’s Bosons. In fact, if the Higg’s really does exist (I’m not a ‘believer’) it is emergent from the description above.Mass-energy arises from quantum entanglement and superposition within this geometry we have made out of our world-sheet AΩ. Let me find that - wait; here it is:If we take into account Wheeler’s Space-time Foam on a quantum scale, [John Archibald Wheeler with Kenneth Ford. Geons, Black Holes, and Quantum Foam.1995 ISBN 0-393-04642-7.] we might conclude that as a part of this foamy characteristic of space-time on a quantum scale is the motion of a macroscopic object progressing forward in this go-stop-go fashion described above at v=c and v=0. In today’s vernacular we might say that the object were moving as though pixelated, and as we back out from the quantum to the macroscopic we no longer see the pixelated but a ‘normal’ progression of a macroscopic object. However, there can be no ‘pixelation’ on a quantum scale, as I will describe later on, because of the foamy characteristic of space-time on a quantum scale. In fact, there can be no shape, again, this will be described.Wheeler first describes the Quantum Foam as early as 1955 [Wheeler, J. A. (January 1955). "Geons". Physical Review. 97 (2): 511. Bibcode:1955PhRv...97..511W. doi:10.1103/PhysRev.97.511]The Quantum Foam in short, is an extension of the existence of Virtual Particles that come into existence via the Uncertainty Principle. The very brief and over simplified description of this Quantum Foam is that in any volume of empty space, virtual particle-antiparticle pairs are being created and annihilated constantly. The other characteristic is that space-time on a Planck scale can conform to no shape, because every plausible shape has characteristics that are not integer values of the Planck interval. We discussed this characteristic at length in The Holographic Principle of Quantum Mechanics. These particle-antiparticle pairs arise from the Quantum Electro Dynamic Vacuum Energy, that is, they 'borrow' energy from Heisenberg's Uncertainty principle. The virtual particle-antiparticle pairs exist for extremely brief periods of time, and recombine to annihilate themselves back into nothingness again. This occurs at a very high rate of speed and is constant, on the order of 10-44 seconds. We say that space, therefore, has foam like character that is referred to as the Quantum Foam. The Quantum foam plays a direct role in the Quantum Electrodynamic Vacuum Energy, on the order of 10120 joules of energy per cubic centimeter of absolute nothingness (described in the glossary).However, borrow is a metaphor. They merely exist for a short time.The effect they have on a Planck scale (of size, 10-35 meters) is to curve Space-Time in such a way as to give space-time a 'foamy' characteristic. A few -1.Thorne, Kip S. (1994). Black Holes and Time Warps.2.W. W. Norton. pp. 494–496. ISBN 0-393-31276-3.3.Ian H., Redmount; Wai-Mo Suen (1994). "Quantum Dynamics of Lorentzian Space-time Foam". Physical Review D 49: 5199. Doi: 10.1103/PhysRevD.49.5199. arXiv:gr-qc/93090174.Moyer, Michael (17 January 2012). "Is Space Digital?:". Scientific American. Retrieved 3 February 2013.5.Baez, John (2006-10-08). "What's the Energy Density of the Vacuum?". Retrieved 2007-12-18.6.John Archibald Wheeler with Kenneth Ford. Geons, Black Holes, and Quantum Foam. 1995 ISBN 0-393-04642-7This describes the ‘quantum foam,’ a characteristic of space-time that describes the dynamic structure on the Planck scale. There is a short review of this by wilczek, who actually measured the quantum foam’s effect on the strong and weak forces (for which he earned a Nobel, at 48 minutes into: https://youtu.be/914jzZ4LXcUIn this 4Lp^2, we either have information in it, or there is no information in it. That is, it is a shapeless bit of space-time (but we use the trigonal pyramid for visual purposes) is either empty or filled.If there is information in it, it by definition is entangled with some other bit of information somewhere in the universe; because they (we’ll call the two N and N’) were created as a particle/antiparticle pair vie the HUP. However, they do not have to be a particle/antiparticle pair. As we saw with the Gravity Wave, the information (N) does not have to describe mass. It will describe energy, but although we can stick the energy in an equation (E=mc^2, the Compton Wavelength, DeBroglie Wavelength, and so on) that doesn’t mean it actually has mass. In fact, it does suggest momentum either. As an example, a Gravity Wave can and does (see Lin-Shu Density Wave) keep a spiral galaxy and all of the massive stars in place, it possesses neither mass nor momentum.As the distance between these two bits N and N’ increases, the probability that they are quantum entangled decreases, because the wave function in the HUP limits the amount of time such a thing can exist, and thus the distance. If N is entangled with N’, then each has an element a or its symmetric partner a’.We’ll call the information in N has two possibilities (such as spin) a and a’. We’ll use a real particle for a moment and say they are an electron positron pair. Spin +1/2 is a, spin -1/2 is a’. So, each N can have a or a’. Also, N’ can have a or a’. So I’ll use an over simplified braket notation and refer to the systems as<a|N|a’> and <a|N’|a’>If N has a, then N’ has a’, If N has a’, then N’ has a. It’s either/or.If there is no N’ then there is no space-time in this scenario. If there is an N’, then time limits us to the probability that it contains either a or a’. From this time constraint, the number of possible superpositions is defined, and so the size of our world sheet, AΩ.That is, as the number of superpositions increases, we have entropy, as the number of superpositions decreases, we have Ordiny. Gravitation is unidirectional Ordiny. So is a magnetic dipole. The Strong Force has two components, the Internal Strong Force that binds hypothetical ‘quarks’ together; Ordiny, and the Intermediate Strong Force (mediated by mesons) the binds protons and neutrons together, more Ordiny.The Weak force can be viewed as a form of entropy, as a W boson escapes the nucleus, decaying into an electron and electron-antineutrino.This interplay between entropy and riding is the direct observation of force, and displaced the mythos of delta S as some ‘arrow of time' which is a non sequitur. A 19th century gas law does not describe the visible cosmos. The notion that entropy is ‘the loss of information regarding the Microsystems of a system' is obviously a pure technological limitation, not a priority of nature. It is less of a limitation every year, in fact. Every limit, every unexplained thing becomes the magic black box for physics, sad.The number of available superposition describes the entropy vs ordiny that yields force. this I laid out in a series of papers on Researchgate.For the most part, the forces of nature represent Ordiny. Entropy occurs under extreme conditions only, such as the Big Bang and Black Holes. Irreversible entropy that is.To simplify again, the surface of our world-sheet AΩ is defined by the number of Lp^2 available on this 2-dimensional surface. As the number increases, the number of possible superpositions increases and entropy emerges. If the number decreases, the number of possible superpositions decreases, and Ordiny emerges.This is how space-time is then an emergent form from information entropy vs. Ordiny. You may also note that ‘c’ is not a velocity, it defines the relationship between the world-sheet AΩ with respect to Lp and tp (space and time). It is not a ‘speed limit’ it is the definition of space-time. The ‘speed limit’ is actually the result of c=1Lp/1tp.At such time you are at c, you are superposition across the AdS horizon. There is no velocity other than c, only c exists, all else is a facade velocity. That was derived by Einstein Maric in the original 1905 paper, but no one has read it, that is true. There are only 50 citations to it, none in a century. There are millions of citations to papers about it, none of those papers have read the original, which bears no resemblance to modern convention whatsoever. 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Does everything that exists have a cause? Is there anything that exists (even in regard to quantum mechanics) that doesn’t have a cause?

Causality is a cognitive thing, Bondi.The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, the most misunderstood thing in all of physics, refers ONLY TO WAVE FUNCTIONS PRIOR TO DETECTION. At the moment of detection, the HUP is rendered non-sequitur.see Bill Bray's answer to The double slit experiment proved that direct observation altered results. What would happen if the sensors recorded results but the results weren't accessible by humans? For example, what if a computer put an impossible password on the results?The result is that time exists in a state of superposition. This is a fact in QM with too many references to list. Nonetheless, here is a list, most are freely available:Note that time being in superposition is not ‘causality violation,’ it is a statement that makes it clear that the order of events is not fixed. This is best explained in the following papers:R. D. 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