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How to Edit Your Combined Employer Registration Oregon Online

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How to Edit Text for Your Combined Employer Registration Oregon with Adobe DC on Windows

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How to Edit Your Combined Employer Registration Oregon With Adobe Dc on Mac

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How to Edit your Combined Employer Registration Oregon from G Suite with CocoDoc

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How do the wealthy minimize their tax burden in the U.S.?

Wealthy people in the USA minimize their tax burden by following, to the extent possible, the incentives and disincentives of Tax Law in the United States of America, just like everybody else. That is to say, the law (i.e. the Congress and the state legislators) is telling you (and everyone else) to:Invest as much as possible for the long term, and earn income from capital gains which are subject to the (lower) capital gains tax, rather than the income tax. Look for return on investment in capital appreciation rather than dividends or other regular distributions.Don't keep physical cash around, because inflation sucks.Leave as little cash in retail bank savings accounts as possible (i.e. just enough for your daily/weekly/monthly living expenses), because interest income is taxed at income tax rates. And inflation sucks! (banks never pay enough interest to beat inflation - you just lose less value (purchasing power) by being paid paltry interest on cash in bank accounts than you otherwise would by holding physical cash).To be completely explicit: the U.S. Monetary Policy target for annual Inflation of the U.S. Dollar as determined by the U.S. Federal Reserve is 2%. Does your bank pay more than 2% annual interest on your cash deposits? How about their Certificates of Deposit (CD)?No?Then you’re losing Purchasing Power: your USD cash will buy 2% less next year than this year, which is why it’s not a good idea to hold lots of cash as physical cash or cash deposits in banks. Just hold the required amount of cash for immediate monthly or quarterly expenses (see also my answer to Is there a way that I can borrow money without paying interest?).As much of your money as possible should be invested in long term investments that earn or appreciate more than 2% annually in the long term.Don't earn wage income, because that's taxed at high income tax rates, and is subject to FICA payroll taxes, too.If you must earn a wage income, take the after-tax proceeds, spend as little as you can (spending gets hit with sales tax), and invest, invest, invest.When your investments are large enough that you can happily live off your capital gains (less capital gains taxes), quit your W-2 job. See also Here's the difference between working for your money and having your money work for you.Reduce your taxable wage income as much as possible with tax deductions, e.g. max-out your 401(k) Retirement Plans contributions. Prefer to work for a company that will match 100% of your 401(k) contributions. This is more long term investment.If you're working for a pre-IPO startup, take as little cash compensation as you can (just enough for your living expenses), and as much equity compensation as you can negotiate (preferably Incentive Stock Options), provided that you believe in the probabilities of success of your employer. You're investing in your employer's company with your labor (hence “sweat equity”) if you do this, and the return on investment, if properly done, gets taxed at capital gains tax rate, rather than at the higher income tax rate ... if the company succeeds (yes, this is taking an investment risk).Live in a state with low total state taxes. Every state has some taxes (typically some combination of income, sales tax, and property tax), but the totals vary widely.Naturally, the governments of really pleasant, attractive places to live (e.g., San Francisco, New York City) will have higher taxes because they know that's what the market will bear (though they do overreach with regularity) - that's the trade-off you make by living in such a place.Buy a house (real estate), and keep a mortgage loan out on it so you can deduct the interest on the mortgage loan from whatever income you do earn (i.e. the mortgage interest tax deduction). Be sure to buy in an area likely to see economic growth and thus appreciating real estate values (e.g., not Detroit, MI).While generally true, sometimes real estate market conditions make renting more economically rational than buying - do the “rent vs. buy” calculation.Further, remember that buying a house reduces, to some extent, your economic mobility (i.e. it's harder to move someplace else to take a better, more remunerative job), depending on the liquidity of the housing market you buy in (if it’s hard to sell at a good price, it’s hard to leave). If you’re able to buy a new house in your new location (with your new job) with a mortgage, you could rent out the old one, but if you do that, you have two jobs: the new one you took, and Landlord (with all attendant headaches).Invest in tax-free government bonds (e.g. “municipals”) because the profligate government (state & local) always seems to need to borrow money. The yields (interest paid) on these bonds are lower, because the total effective return is increased by their returns not being taxable. However, watch out for credit risk - government entities do default on their bonds from time to time which is why they all have Credit Ratings, even the Federal Government of the United States.There is no such thing as a “risk-free” investment.Do contribute to non-profit charities - you can deduct some of that from your income subject to income taxes. Also, it's better to support private charities by charitable giving because they're more efficient & effective deliverers of services to the poor than their government competitors. They have to be better, because you're not forced to donate to them, and if you're not convinced they're doing good, you can stop supporting them at any time.Don't smoke Cigarettes, Cigars or consume other Tobacco products - they're taxed pretty heavily via Pigovian Taxes (Sin Taxes). Alcoholic Beverages also tend to be heavily taxed to discourage overconsumption (Alcoholism and its attendant effects on others).Buy as much stuff via mail-order and Internet from out-of-state vendors, thus legally avoiding sales tax and illegally evading your state's “use tax” (equivalent to the sales tax, generally ... if your state has a sales tax; some don't, e.g. Oregon (state)) just like everyone else does, because (except for vehicle registrations) the states have no enforcement mechanism available to them to collect use taxes (i.e. it's illegal for them to open your mail and see what you're buying because of the Fourth Amendment, and the Interstate Commerce Clause of the Constitution).Unfortunately, this bullet point of Personal Finance has been blown up by the 2018 U.S. Supreme Court ruling in South Dakota v. Wayfair, and states are rapidly moving to collect sales tax on out-of-state purchases (and online/mail-order vendors are moving to comply). The window has not yet completely closed, but it is closing.Ask any accountant, “what is the government telling me to do, and not do, in the tax laws?” and s/he'll tell you all this stuff, and more.See also Why should wages be taxed higher than capital gains? Doesn’t lower capital gains tax induce asset inflation rather than help the economy?

How do I start a food truck business in USA?

Pondering publishing the below on my blog; would love to hear your thoughts! Thank you!The Food Cart Revolution: Learn How You Can Capitalize on this Fast-Growing Movement!Food carts have increased in popularity over the past few years thanks in large part to the growing nature of the “on demand” culture. Many Food carts add value to the market by combining authentic, gourmet cuisine from various parts of the world with timely, expedient service and high-level convenience unmatched by traditional brick and mortar establishments.I began my food cart journey in Portland, Oregon in 2016. Widely considered the de facto food cart capitol of the world, Portland embodies a unique culture that celebrates localized entrepreneurship, so long as the undertaken venture leaves minimal impact on their environment and provides a product or service that directly enhances the growing diversity of the communities in which they operate. Food carts fit this narrative and contribute immensely toward meeting the needs of city dwellers, who often navigate the landscape using non-motorized modes of transportation.With a built-in business model touting easy access and efficient, affordable service—particularly when the environmental elements prove less than amicable toward consumers traveling on foot or pedals (rain in the Pacific Northwest appears incessant at times), food cart operators find success in a niche with ostensibly no limits. Barring an unlikely massive regulatory shift, there exists unbounded growth for enterprise in this ever-expanding market.Like any business, beginning a food cart operation will require a clear vision, a detailed business plan, exhaustive market research, and a modest amount of startup capital (although, comparatively less money is required upfront than most other retail establishments). From brainstorming and planning to development and launch, entrepreneurs will need to ensure each step within every phase, is clearly defined, logically compiled and comprehensive in nature.BrainstormingBrainstorming is the initial stage of realizing any entrepreneurial endeavor. The constructs of this process are characterized by rudimentary plans stemming from preliminary thoughts and ideas expressed in the mind and transcribed from pen to paper (or keyboard to screen).Begin by assessing your talents and desires. Introspection and self evaluation are integral to this phase of the process.Analyze those desires that truly motivate you in your daily life and highlight any correlations to the talents you’ve cultivated.Write or type your thoughts as they enter your mind, gathering inventory of anything that drives you.Assign a weighted score to each desire (1-5 based on levels of passion and desirability).Assign additional weight on a separate scale for those desires which correlate to your talents (1-5 by level of correlation to desirability or degree of confidence in a particular field of expertise)Begin narrowing the field to three areas of focus that you believe best reflect your talents and desires.Conduct preliminary research on what is required from you to materialize the abstractions from your mind. Utilize online resources and attend workshops as often as you can.Analyze market data from the area(s) in which you plan to operate your business. Determine barriers to entry or the hurdles you will have to overcome to begin operation in your market.Decide exactly which product(s) and service(s) are optimal for meeting your goals and providing the least barriers to entry based on competition and regulations. At this point, market demand should be factored into your product and service decision-making in order to maximize sustainability.Planning and DevelopmentPlanning and development should consume the majority of time, energy, and effort an aspiring entrepreneur expends leading up to launching his or her food cart business.By this time, you should have conducted enough preliminary research to determine the specific direction you would like to move with your business proposal. The products and services you have decided to incorporate in your business model should be clearly outlined for anyone to comprehend.Conduct a comprehensive research of the market data by analyzing competitors, consumer demands, regulatory measures, startup costs, logistical concerns and problem solving opportunities.Develop a mission statement that is concise and encapsulates your vision.Design and illustrate a business model congruent with your value sets, ensuring each component of your operation is clearly addressed.Describe the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to your business proposal.Utilize the information you’ve gleaned from the research to begin comprising a business plan or outsourcing to a firm to write one for you (You can find free business plan writing resources available at Small Business Administration or using an online search)Analyze your capital resources: do you have sufficient savings to account for startup costs? If not, what other sources are available to you? Find business loan resources at Small Business Advice, Loans, Credit Cards & Insurance since 1994 or you can apply for small business loans through your bank or credit union.Ensure you have enough funds set aside (or other sources of income) to survive the initial growing stages of your business. Know that unexpected expenses will arise, so plan accordingly. Maintaining access to at least one year’s salary at any given time is a good rule of thumb to follow while growing your business.Prepare to launch! You have the capital you need, and now you must use the costing research to make the required purchases to begin launching your business.Register your business with the IRS (An official website of the United States government), as well as the state and local governments in which you will be operating. Registration should be inexpensive and seamless in most cases, but each state, city, and county may vary in terms of cost and application.Begin the licensing application process through your county or municipal health department. You should have already determined your regulatory barriers to entry at this point, so any additional licenses applicable to your state and local governments should also be considered.Decide which companies you will entrust with your business. Research the Better Business Bureau (BBB: Start with Trust® | United States | Better Business Bureau), Yelp, and other business reporting resources to vet companies prior to making purchases and contracting agreements.Sign a lease agreement to operate in a fixed location or apply for an assigned service route. Your planning research should have led you to determine which area(s) you will be operating your food cart. Your business plan should clearly outline the logistical details covering this matter as well in order to thoroughly prepare you for this step.If you’ve made it this far, then congratulations! You’re nearly ready to begin your journey as an entrepreneur in the mobile restaurant industry. Check off the following to ensure you are ready to move forward with the “soft” opening of your food cart:Is your vision recorded in a business journal and clearly understood?,Does your mission statement succinctly reflect your primary goal,Does your business plan include a well/constructed SWOT analysis, “break even” projections, and a comprehensive market evaluation?Do you have access to capital?Do have an emergency reserve fund in place?Have ALL business and industry licenses, registrations, and insurance requirements been completed at the federal, state and local levels (IRS business registration, local operating licenses, food handler’s permit, commercial liability insurance, fire and gas permit, if applicable)?Have you vetted suppliers and contractors and determined which companies you will trust with your business?Have you contracted into a lease agreement on equipment and property, or decided an alternative mode of delivery for your products?Are your core marketing mechanisms in place (e.g. social media presence, website, local ads, flyers, etc.)?Have you purchased the required inventory and goods to begin your operations?Have you scheduled your health inspection?Carefully read each step outlined above, and ensure all health and regulatory requirements are satisfied prior to opening for business. When you have completed these tasks and been approved by your local agencies for operation, you’re ready to open. The rest is up to you! Believe me, if I can do it, so can you!Five-star flavor without the five-star price!Final words to the wiseYou will need to remain proactive in marketing your products and services by updating your social media pages and other online tools regularly. Offer promotions, discounts, loyalty rewards and any other incentives you can imagine to draw and retain customers. Right now, it’s all about building your base!Cultivate and refine your competitive edge or differentiation, and do not over extend your resources (including yourself—after all, you are the most important available resource). Embrace your strengths and understand your weaknesses, so you may adapt to market changes accordingly.Continue reinvesting in your business whenever possible in order to grow your brand. Continually employ new marketing techniques and modalities to further your reach. Increase productivity and improve servicing capabilities by hiring reliable help, reevaluating your internal processes, and streamlining your systems. Innovate frequently to enhance products and services. Don’t worry, you will formulate new ideas as you gain experience within your industry. You will be amazed by just how creative you become over time.Congratulations! You are well on your way to running a successful food cart business! But before you go, please click on the links below for additional resources covering all your business needs!

Do black men get jealous when they see beautiful women of color dating white men?

This will be a long answer. Sorry but it must be said because it’s time for some hard truth and knowledge building. A white man cannot take anything away from me. I understand this game called the United States Of America too well. Unfortunately, far too many black men prefer to waste their time; waiting for white people to acknowledge their humanity.I can only speak for myself and the answer is no, I do not get jealous at all. I am a black American male currently at my home in Hawaii but my main residence is my penthouse in NYC. I am CEO/Owner of several companies in Finance, Insurance, Real Estate, STEM, Construction, Architecture etc.I own 2 additional homes in Chicago and Fisher Island(Miami). I am 39 years attractive, affluent, educated, single, tall(6’4) highly successful, rich and wealthy.I date women of all race but will not marry none and I have no problem doing it. A white man cannot take anything from me and a beautiful black woman will not date a white man over me. I say this with great confidence because I am exactly the kind of man every woman wants. Please do not consider my statement arrogance, I’m simply stating facts.All women today want attractive, educated, physically fit, successful men with a big d*** and money. I have all these attributes in spades. African, Asian, black American, East Indian, Latina and white American and white European women. They all want the same.Therefore, a white man is not a threat to me. Again, I’m not being arrogant but white people believe most black men poor and inferior. It has been this way since Dred Scott in 1857. As Chief Justice Roger Taney so decisively determined, that black slaves had “No rights which the white man was bound to respect.” In today’s world this statement holds true, white men do not respect black men in general but you have to make them respect you.As Maya Angelou once said ”When people show you who they are, believe them the first time”. That’s how I feel about all white people. I do not trust white people at all. The only time I deal with white men is when I am collecting checks.Remember this because it will happen many times in your life. When people show you who they are the first time believe them.White people has shown black people who they truly are the first time but black Americans are still in denial. What’s so funny is that in most interracial(bw/wm) couples I have seen, the white male is unattractive.Currently, I am engaged to a unbelievably beautiful black woman. We have been dating now for 2 years now and I’m ready for a wife. I can’t wait to share my blessings and my life with her. We have a prenuptial agreement, I can’t let her take half and if she cheats then she leaves with nothing.I surprised her with a trip to the Maldives and proposed to her there. I cannot express how happy I am. I pulled no stops on this trip and it was amazing. Her joy brought me such a powerful level of happiness. This is the vision I had for myself in college. A beautiful life with a beautiful black wife.This was all made possible within 25 min because of this wonderful credit card. It is the only credit card I use. J.P. Morgan Reserve (Palladium) CardTo qualify for an invite, you need to be a member of the Chase Private Bank. I am a well qualified member of the Chase Private Bank. The is made out of Palladium and Brass. It’s weighty.Credit Card Forum has more:Palladium ConciergeThis is the top tier concierge service that is only offered on the Palladium card. Aside from the usual travel planning, dining reservations, and event ticket procurement, the guide states that they will “provide you with a virtually limitless array of unique offers, time-saving conveniences and personalized insider expertise.”Ultimate RewardsThe JP Morgan Palladium credit card participates in the Chase Ultimate Rewards program:2 points per dollar spent on travel1 point per dollar everywhere elseNo caps or expirationA bonus of 35,000 additional points after you spend $100,000 annually. Points can be used for almost anything. My favorite benefit is the ability to transfer Ultimate Reward points on a 1:1 basis to British Airways, Marriot, and Priority Club.Unlimited Priority Pass AccessA good number of Palladium Card holders fly by private jet (which I will discuss in a moment) but if they happen to be flying commercial, they can enjoy unlimited complimentary access at over 600 airport lounges across the globe.Marquis Jet PerksAs a Berkshire Hathaway company, Marquis Jet has access to the world’s largest fleet of private jets. For those with the JP Morgan Palladium, additional perks and benefits will be offered on Marquis Jet, including a free hour of flight time with the purchase of your first 25-hour jet card. To put that in perspective, the value of that exclusive Palladium card benefit ranges from $5,716 to $14,716!British Airways BenefitsEven if you typically fly private, maybe you want to be green and skip your gas-guzzling Gulfstream V ride to Europe? If so, with the Palladium you will receive these two benefits on British Airways: Complimentary upgrade to first-class with each purchase of a full-fare, non-restricted, round-trip business class ticket from the U.S. to London; Complimentary companion ticket for each full-fare, non-restricted, round-trip business class ticket from the U.S. to anywhere British Airways fliesEverything was prepared for us upon arrival in Maldives. Palladium Concierge delivered the engagement ring I picked out from Harry Winston to me in the Maldives in 24 hours.She is so beautiful that it’s frightening to touch her skin. At 5’10 with a body like a goddess and a brain like “Watson”(IBM supercomputer). I foresee a healthy, loving marriage.So why would I be jealous of any white man when I live better and I’m worth more than 99.9999% of them? Like I said, I understand this game called the United States Of America too well. Besides if a beautiful black woman doesn’t date black men that’s her choice. Again, who cares!For my black brothers this how you accumulate and keep your wealth if you are a young entrepreneur. A few personal tips. Instead of buying a S550 Mercedes Benz, while living in the projects or living in mom’s basement. Invest!Instead of buying your girl Louis Vuitton purses, expensive belts, making it “rain” at the strip club, “tricking” on money hungry women. Invest!Bottom line is if you have a kool-aid budget with champagne tastes. You need to Invest!• Invest as much as possible for the long term, and earn income from capital gains which are subject to the (lower) capital gains tax, rather than the income tax. Look for return on investment in capital appreciation rather than dividends or other regular distributions.• Don't keep physical cash around, because inflation sucks.• Leave as little cash in retail bank savings accounts as possible (i.e. just enough for your daily/weekly/monthly living expenses), because interest income is taxed at income tax rates. And inflation sucks! (banks never pay enough interest to beat inflation).• As much of your money as possible should be invested in long term investments.• Don't earn wage income, because that's taxed at income tax rates, and is subject to FICA payroll taxes, too.• If you must earn a wage, take the after-tax proceeds, spend as little as you can (spending gets hit with sales tax), and invest, invest, invest. When your investments are large enough that you can happily live off your capital gains (less capital gains taxes), quit your W-2 job. See also Here's the difference between working for your money and having your money work for you.• Reduce your taxable wage income as much as possible with tax deductions, e.g. max-out your 401(k) Retirement Plans contributions. Prefer to work for a company that will match 100% of your 401(k) contributions. This is more long term investment.• If you're working for a pre-IPO startup, take as little cash compensation as you can (just enough for your living expenses), and as much equity compensation as you can negotiate (preferably Incentive Stock Options), provided that you believe in the probabilities of success of your employer. You're investing in your employer's company with your labor (hence “sweat equity”) if you do this, and the return on investment, if properly done, gets taxed at capital gains tax rate, rather than at the higher income tax rate ... if the company succeeds (yes, this is taking an investment risk).• Live in a state with low total state taxes. Every state has some taxes (typically some combination of income, sales tax, and property tax), but the totals vary widely.• Naturally, the governments of really pleasant, attractive places to live (e.g., San Francisco, New York City) will have higher taxes because they know that's what the market will bear (though they do overreach with regularity) - that's the tradeoff you make by living in such a place.• Buy a house (real estate), and keep a mortgage loan out on it so you can deduct the interest on the mortgage loan from whatever income you do earn (i.e. the mortgage interest tax deduction). Be sure to buy in an area likely to see economic growth and thus appreciating real estate values (e.g., not Detroit, MI).• While generally true, sometimes real estate market conditions make renting more economically rational than buying - do the “rent vs. buy” calculation.• Further, remember that buying a house reduces, to some extent, your economic mobility (i.e. it's harder to move someplace else to take a better, more remunerative job), depending on the liquidity of the housing market you buy in (if it’s hard to sell at a good price, it’s hard to leave).• Invest in tax-free government bonds (e.g. “municipals”) because the profligate government needs to borrow your money. The yields (interest paid) on these bonds are lower, because the total effective return is increased by their returns not being taxable. However, watch out for credit risk - government entities do default on their bonds from time to time which is why they all have Credit Ratings, even the Federal Government of the United States.• There is no such thing as a “risk-free” investment.• Do contribute to non-profit charities - you can deduct some of that from your income subject to income taxes. Also, it's better to support private charities by charitable giving because they're more efficient & effective deliverers of services to the poor than their government competitors. They have to be better, because you're not forced to donate to them, and if you're not convinced they're doing good, you can stop supporting them at any time.• Don't smoke Cigarettes, Cigars or consume other Tobacco products - they're taxed pretty heavily via Pigovian Taxes (a.k.a. “sin” taxes). Alcoholic Beverages also tend to be heavily taxed to discourage overconsumption (Alcoholism).• Buy as much stuff via mail-order and Internet from out-of-state vendors, thus legally avoiding sales tax and illegally evading your state's “use tax” (equivalent to the sales tax, generally ... if your state has a sales tax; some don't, e.g. Oregon (state)) just like everyone else does, because (except for vehicle registrations) the states have no enforcement mechanism available to them to collect use taxes (i.e. it's illegal for them to open your mail and see what you're buying because of the Fourth Amendment, and the Interstate Commerce Clause of the Constitution).• Unfortunately, this bullet point of Personal Finance has been blown up by the 2018 U.S. Supreme Court ruling in South Dakota v. Wayfair, and states are rapidly moving to collect sales tax on out-of-state purchases (and online/mail-order vendors are moving to comply). The window has not yet completely closed, but it is closing.A white man is not a threat to me on any level. My formal/informal education and with my street smarts.I can interchange between black and white American culture because I have as much in common with a wealthy white man than the “average” white person but I can move within black culture as well because I’m black.Most white men are limited in this aspect because they only know white spaces and have no knowledge of black spaces. Do you believe a beautiful, educated, white female is going to date the middle class, upper middle class or poor unattractive white guy before me? The answer is NO!There are more white men whining today than ever before. One thing is for sure in society today, being a white man doesn’t mean what used to and they are stressed. To all the black women that do not date black men. Who cares!One thing I will say about black women is; The perception that Black women are hard to get along with, mean, bitchy, argumentative, bitter, etc. has become a reality for too many black women. I am not saying all black women fit these generalizations but some do.I know, because I have met plenty of black women that have short tempers and still have relapses on occasion of irrational behavior and constantly “going off” on people, especially your man, is not an attractive quality to have when trying to maintain a relationship with a man.This is something that most men hate, just because you are running things at work, doesn’t mean you are going to run things with your man. Some black American and Caribbean need to learn how to “check my attitude” at the door when dealing with your man.Again, I know it’s a stereotype but there is some truth even in certain stereotypes. A wise man once told me that anything with two heads is a monster, so only 1 can be head of the household, and in my opinion, it should be a man. Many Black Women Have Made a Conscious Decision To Be Single. To say it’s just a shortage of black men is only a small part of the problem, but Black women must re-evaluate their approach today.Black men don’t see the strong, quiet strength of their mothers and grandmothers; neither the homemaking/cooking skills either and overall understanding of how to take care of a man. I am sure this point will be unpopular but I do not need to see the independent, strong woman persona at home.I am not saying I need my partner to be my mother or my maid. However, I need my partner to allow me to be the masculine man I am. Black Women like many other groups of women, Have spent their best years pursuing their education and career goals not realizing that their strongest assets (e.g., Looks, Fertility) Decrease With Age.I know this may be unpopular, but it is the truth. A woman who wants to have a family should capitalize on her looks, age, and fertility while she is young instead of only focusing on chasing the high-powered career. I believe (and of course I could be wrong) that a man would more likely be with a young, fine woman that is less educated and makes him feel good than an average looking woman with a great career and education.)Many Black Women Haven’t Adjusted to the New Hypercompetitive Dating Environment That Exists Today. Attractive, affluent, educated, wealthy black men are in demand by all other races. Do not let this racial rhetoric lead you to believe otherwise.There is a lot of competition and Asian, White, Latina, Indian women will date a rich black man in a hot second. I know from personal experience and enjoy some great times with them all.I’m not jealous of any white man dating a black woman. If you had my hand would you be concerned? I doubt it.

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Justin Miller