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What kind of people make you ashamed to be a human being?

The lindbergh baby kidnapping.One of the many unsolved cases still trying to be solved to this day.I learned about this topic in only the fitfh grade. We were going to be working on a project about unsolved mysteries. There were several topics, I forgot because it was three years ago, but I chose the lindbergh baby kidnapping and I can never forget about it.Charles Augustus Lindbergh, Jr., 20-month-old son, (yes only 20 months year old. He was a one year old, not even two yet.) of the famous aviator and Anne Morrow Lindbergh, was kidnapped about 9:00 p.m., on March 1st, 1932, from the nursery on the second floor of the Lindbergh home near Hopewell, New Jersey. The child’s nurse, Betty Gow, discovered the absense of the baby a little later and notified the parents immediatly. They also found a ransom note demanding $50,000 if they ever wanted to see their son again.During the search at the kidnapping scene, traces of mud were found on the floor of the nursery. Footprints, impossible to measure, were found under the nursery window. Two sections of the ladder had been used in reaching the window, one of the two sections was split or broken where it joined the other, indicating that the ladder had broken during the ascent or descent. There were no blood stains in or about the nursery, nor were there any fingerprints.Household and estate employees were questioned and investigated. Colonel Lindbergh asked friends to communicate with the kidnappers, and they made widespread appeals for the kidnappers to start negotiations. Various underworld characters were dealt with in attempts to contact the kidnappers, and numerous clues were advanced and exhausted.A second ransom note was received by Colonel Lindbergh on March 6, 1932, (postmarked Brooklyn, New York, March 4), in which the ransom demand was increased to $70,000. A police conference was then called by the governor at Trenton, New Jersey, which was attended by prosecuting officials, police authorities, and government representatives. Various theories and policies of procedure were discussed. Private investigators also were employed by Colonel Lindbergh’s attorney, Colonel Henry Breckenridge.real photo of the ransom note ^^The third ransom note was received by Colonel Lindbergh’s attorney on March 8, informing that an intermediary appointed by the Lindberghs would not be accepted and requesting a note in a newspaper. On the same date, Dr. John F. Condon, Bronx, New York City, a retired school principal, published in the “Bronx Home News” an offer to act as go-between and to pay an additional $1,000 ransom. The following day the fourth ransom note was received by Dr. Condon, which indicated he would be acceptable as a go-between. This was approved by Colonel Lindbergh. About March 10, 1932, Dr. Condon received $70,000 in cash as ransom, and immediately started negotiations for payment through newspaper columns, using the code name “Jafsie.”About 8:30 p.m., on March 12, after receiving an anonymous telephone call, Dr. Condon received the fifth ransom note, delivered by Joseph Perrone, a taxicab driver, who received it from an unidentified stranger. The message stated that another note would be found beneath a stone at a vacant stand, 100 feet from an outlying subway station. This note, the sixth, was found by Condon, as indicated. Following instructions therein, the doctor met an unidentified man, who called himself “John,” at Woodlawn Cemetery, near 233rd Street and Jerome Avenue. They discussed payment of the ransom money. The stranger agreed to furnish a token of the child’s identity. Condon was accompanied by a bodyguard, except while talking to “John.” During the next few days, Dr. Condon repeated his advertisements, urging further contact and stating his willingness to pay the ransom.A baby’s sleeping suit, as a token of identity, and a seventh ransom note were received by Dr. Condon on March 16. The suit was delivered to Colonel Lindbergh and later identified. Condon continued his advertisements. The eighth ransom note was received by Condon on March 21, insisting on complete compliance and advising that the kidnapping had been planned for a year.On March 29, Betty Gow, the Lindbergh nurse, found the infant’s thumb guard, worn at the time of the kidnapping, near the entrance to the estate. The following day the ninth ransom note was received by Condon, threatening to increase the demand to $100,000 and refusing a code for use in newspaper columns. The tenth ransom note, received by Dr. Condon, on April 1, 1932 instructed him to have the money ready the following night, to which Condon replied by an ad in the Press. The eleventh ransom note was delivered to Condon on April 2, 1932, by an unidentified taxi driver who said he received it from an unknown man. Dr. Condon found the twelfth ransom note under a stone in front of a greenhouse at 3225 East Tremont Avenue, Bronx, New York, as instructed in the eleventh note.Shortly thereafter, on the same evening, by following the instructions contained in the twelfth note, Condon again met whom he believed to be “John” to reduce the demand to $50,000. This amount was handed to the stranger in exchange for a receipt and the thirteenth note, containing instructions to the effect that the kidnapped child could be found on a boat named “Nellie” near Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts. The stranger then walked north into the park woods. The following day an unsuccessful search for the baby was made near Martha’s Vineyard. The search was later repeated. Dr. Condon was positive that he would recognize “John” if he ever saw him again.On May 12, 1932, the body of the kidnapped baby was accidentally found, partly buried, and badly decomposed, about four and a half miles southeast of the Lindbergh home, 45 feet from the highway, near Mount Rose, New Jersey, in Mercer County. The discovery was made by William Allen, an assistant on a truck driven by Orville Wilson. The head was crushed, there was a hole in the skull and some of the body members were missing. The body was positively identified and cremated at Trenton, New Jersey, on May 13, 1932. The Coroner’s examination showed that the child had been dead for about two months and that death was caused by a blow on the head.The Investigation: 1932-1934On March 2, 1932, after a conference with the Attorney General, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover had contacted the headquarters of the New Jersey State Police at Trenton, New Jersey. He officially informed the organization that the U.S. Department of Justice would afford Colonel H. Norman Schwarzkopf, the Superintendent of the New Jersey State Police, the assistance and cooperation of the FBI in bringing about the apprehension of the parties responsible for the kidnapping. He advised the New Jersey State Police that they could call upon the Bureau for any facilities or resources which the latter might be capable of extending. The special agent in charge of the New York City Office of the Bureau, which at that time covered the New Jersey district, was instructed accordingly and, upon instructions from the Director, the special agent in charge communicated with the New Jersey State Police and the New York City Police, offering any assistance which the Bureau might be able to lend in this matter.During the next few weeks the Bureau was acting merely in an auxiliary capacity, there being no federal jurisdiction. However, on May 13, 1932, the President directed that all governmental investigative agencies should place themselves at the disposal of the state of New Jersey and that the FBI should serve as a clearinghouse and coordinating agency for all investigations in this case conducted by federal investigative units.On May 23, 1932, the FBI in New York City informed banks in greater New York that the Bureau was the coordinating agency for all governmental activity in the case. A close watch for ransom money was requested.The New Jersey State Police announced on May 26, 1932, the offer of a reward not to exceed $25,000 for information resulting in the apprehension and conviction of the kidnapper or kidnappers. In compliance with a request made by Colonel Schwarzkopf, copies of this notice of reward were forwarded by the FBI to all law enforcement officials and agencies throughout the United States.On June 10, 1932, Violet Sharpe, a waitress in the home of Mrs. Lindbergh’s mother, Mrs. Dwight Morrow, who had been under investigation by the authorities, committed suicide by swallowing poison when she was about to be requestioned. However, her movements on the night of March 1, 1932, had been carefully checked and it was soon definitely ascertained that she had no connection with the abduction.In September, 1933, President Franklin D. Roosevelt stated in a meeting with Director Hoover that all work on the case be centralized in the Department of Justice. He requested the Director to convey his views to Attorney General Cummings with the suggestion that the Attorney General make a request of the Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), either through the President or directly, for a detailed report of all work performed by the IRS Intelligence Unit. On October 19, 1933, it was officially announced that the FBI would have exclusive jurisdiction in so far as the Federal Government was concerned in the handling of any investigative features of the case.The President’s Proclamation requiring the return to the Treasury of all gold and gold certificates was a valuable aid in the case, inasmuch as $40,000 of the ransom money had been paid in gold certificates and, at the time of the Proclamation, a large portion of this money was known to be outstanding. Therefore, this phase of the investigation was emphasized.On January 17, 1934, a circular letter was issued by the New York City Bureau Office to all banks and their branches in New York City, requesting an extremely close watch for the ransom certificates and, in February 1934, all Bureau Offices were supplied with copies of the Bureau’s revised pamphlet containing the serial numbers of ransom bills. The New York City Bureau Office distributed copies of this pamphlet to each employee handling currency in banks, clearinghouses, grocery stores in certain selected communities, insurance companies, gasoline filling stations, airports, department stores, post offices, and telegraph companies.Following the distribution of these booklets containing the serial number of the ransom currency, there were also prepared and similarly distributed by the Bureau currency key cards which, in convenient form, set forth the inclusive serial numbers of all of the ransom notes which had been paid. This was followed by frequent personal contacts with bank officials and with individual employees in an effort to keep alive their interest.Prior to this time, the passing of ransom bills had been reported to either the FBI, the New Jersey State Police, or the New York City Police Department, none of which had complete information on this point. Therefore, arrangements were effected whereby investigation of all such ransom bills detected in the future could be immediately conducted jointly by representatives of the three interested agencies.One of the by-products of the case was a mass of misinformation received from well-meaning but uninformed, highly imaginative individuals, and a deluge of letters written by demented persons, publicity seekers, and frauds. It was essential, however, that all possible clues, regardless of the prospect of success, be carefully followed, and it was impossible in the vast majority of instances to determine at the inception whether they would be material or false.On March 4, 1932, a con man named Gaston B. Means was approached by Mrs. Evalyn Walsh McLean, of Washington, D.C., who felt that she might be of material assistance to Colonel Lindbergh in procuring the return of his child. Mrs. McLean had become acquainted with Means as a result of some investigative work which means had performed for her husband some years before. Means informed her that he felt certain he could secure a contact with the kidnappers inasmuch as he had been invited to participate in a “big kidnapping” some weeks before but had declined. Means claimed that his friend was responsible for the Lindbergh kidnapping. The following day, Means reported to Mrs. McLean that he had made a contact with the persons who had the child. He successfully induced Mrs. McLean to hand over to him $100,000, to be used in paying the ransom which he said had been doubled. Until April 17, 1932, he kept Mrs. McLean waiting, daily expecting the return of the child. During this period, he purported to be effecting negotiations with the alleged leader of the kidnappers, whom he called “The Fox.” Mrs. McLean finally requested the return of the $100,000 and additional money which she had advanced him for “expenses.” When he failed to do so, the case was turned over to the FBI. Means and “The Fox,” who was found to be Norman T. Whitaker, a disbarred Washington attorney, were apprehended, and Means was later convicted of embezzlement and larceny after trust, and sentenced to serve 15 years in a federal penitentiary. Whitaker and Means were later convicted of conspiracy to defraud, and were sentenced to serve two years each in a federal penitentiary.There were other attempted frauds which required extensive investigations before they could be completely eliminated from consideration in connection with the Lindbergh case.In all, there were literally thousands of leads in all sections of the United States which were followed to their definite conclusions by the Bureau. The results of all these investigations, no matter how trivial, were reported. The activities of the known and suspected members of the so-called “Purple Gang” of Detroit, and various rumors and allegations concerning this gang were carefully and thoroughly investigated. Numerous registries of boats were examined in a fruitless endeavor to locate the boat “Nellie,” on which the baby was to have been found according to the 13th and last ransom note handed to Dr. Condon at the time he paid the ransom money to “John.” Records of cemetery employees who were employed in various cemeteries in certain sections of New York City and near Hopewell, New Jersey, were examined. Information accumulated in various other kidnapping and extortion cases handled by the FBI was examined in closest detail and studied with particular reference to any bearing they might have upon the solution of the Lindbergh case. Hundreds of photographs and descriptive data of known criminals of all types and other possible suspects were exhibited to the few eye-witnesses in this case in an endeavor to identify the mysterious “John.”On May 2, 1933, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York discovered 296 ten-dollar gold certificates, and one $20 gold certificate, all Lindbergh ransom notes. These bills were included among the currency received at the Federal Reserve Bank on May 1, 1933, and apparently had been made in one deposit. Immediately upon the discovery of these bills, deposit tickets at the Federal Reserve Bank for May 1, 1933, were examined. One was found bearing the name and address of “J.J. Faulkner, 537 West 149th Street,” and had marked thereon “gold certificates,” “$10 and $20” in the amount of $2,980. Despite extensive investigation, this depositor was never located.Examination of the ransom notes by handwriting experts resulted in a virtually unanimous opinion that all the notes were written by the same person and that the writer was of German nationality but had spent some time in America. Dr. Condon described “John” as Scandinavian, and believing he could identify the man, spent considerable time in viewing the numerous photographs of possible suspects and known criminals. In this connection, the FBI retained the services of an artist to prepare a portrait of “John” from descriptions furnished by Dr. Condon and Joseph Perrone, the taxi cab driver who had delivered one of the ransom letters to Dr. Condon.In a further endeavor to identify the individual who received the ransom payment, representatives of the New York City Bureau Office engaged Dr. Condon to prepare a transcript of all conversations had by him with “John” on March 12 and April 2, 1932, the dates on which Dr. Condon personally contacted the kidnapper in order to negotiate the return of the child and the payment of the ransom. These conversations were, during March, 1934, transcribed in detail on phonograph records by Dr. Condon who imitated the pronunciations and dialect of “John.” In this manner the nationality, education, mentality, and character of the kidnapper were more clearly defined and permanently preserved for future use.Another interesting attempt to identify the kidnapper centered around the ladder used in the crime. Police quickly realized that it was crudely built, but built nonetheless by someone familiar with wood who was mechanically inclined. The ladder had been thoroughly examined for fingerprints and had been exhibited to builders, carpenters, and neighbors of the Lindberghs in vain. Slivers of the ladder even had been analyzed, and the types of wood used in the ladder had been identified. Perhaps a complete examination of the ladder by itself by a wood expert would yield additional clues, and in early 1933, such an expert was called in—Arthur Koehler of the Forest Service, United States Department of Agriculture.Koehler disassembled the ladder and painstakingly identified the types of wood used and examined tool marks. He also looked at the pattern made by nailholes, for it appeared likely that some wood had been used before in indoor construction. Koehler made field trips to the Lindbergh estate and to factories to trace some of the wood. He summarized his findings in a report, and later played a critical role in the trial of the kidnapper.Hauptmann is LocatedA series of ransom notes following the kidnapping of the Lindbergh baby led to a meeting between Dr. John Condon, a representative of the Lindbergh family, and a mysterious man named “John.” An artist sketch of “John” was developed from the verbal description of Dr. Condon and proved to be very similar to Bruno Richard Hauptmann, who was ultimately arrested on September 19, 1934 following a massive investigation led by the New Jersey State Police and supported by the FBI.A series of ransom notes following the kidnapping led to a meeting between Dr. John Condon, a representative of the Lindbergh family, and a mysterious man named “John.” An artist sketch of “John” was developed from the verbal description of Dr. Condon and proved to be very similar to Bruno Richard Hauptmann (right), who was arrested on September 19, 1934.For a period of seven months prior to August 20, 1934, no gold certificates were discovered except for those received in the Federal Reserve Bank, previously mentioned. Starting on August 20, 1934, and extending into September, a total of 16 gold certificates were discovered, most of them in the vicinity of Yorkville and Harlem. The long-awaited opportunity had finally arrived. As each bill was recovered, a colored pin marking the location of the recovered bill was inserted in a large map of the Metropolitan Area, thus indicating the movements of the individual or individuals who might be passing the ransom money. When the first few made their appearance, it was decided to concentrate on gold certificates, as experience had proven the futility of tracing the ordinary currency included in the ransom money. In keeping with the cooperative policy previously established with the New Jersey State Police and the New York City Police Department, teams composed of a representative of each of these police agencies and a special agent of the Bureau were organized to personally contact all banks in Greater New York and Westchester County. As a result, the various neighborhood banks discovered the bills close to the point at which they were passed, and it then became possible for the investigators to trace the bills to the person who had originally passed them. For the first time in the history of the case, the investigators succeeded in finding that the description of the individual passing these bills fit exactly that of “John” as described by Dr. Condon. It was determined through the investigation that the bills were being passed principally at corner produce stores.About 1:20 p.m. on September 18, 1934, the assistant manager of the Corn Exchange Bank and Trust Company, at 125th Street and Park Avenue, New York City, telephoned the New York City Bureau Office to advise that a $10 gold certificate had been discovered a few minutes previously by one of the tellers in that bank. It was soon ascertained that this bill had been received at the bank from a gasoline station located at 127th Street and Lexington Avenue, New York City. On September 15, 1934, an alert attendant had received a bill in payment for five gallons of gasoline from a man whose description fitted closely that of the individual who had passed other bills in recent weeks. The filling station attendant, being suspicious of the $10 gold certificate, recorded on the bill the license number of the automobile driven by the purchaser. This license number was issued to Bruno Richard Hauptmann, 1279 East 222nd Street, Bronx, New York.Hauptmann’s house was closely surveilled by federal and local authorities throughout the night of September 18, 1934, until at approximately 9:00 a.m. on September 19, 1934, an individual, closely fitting the description of “John,” as supplied by Dr. Condon, and the description of the purchaser of the gasoline, as supplied by the service station attendant, left his house and entered his automobile parked nearby. He was promptly taken into custody by representatives of the three interested agencies.After some investigating, he was found to be Bruno Richard Hauptmann, the individual to whom the automobile license had been issued, a German carpenter who had been in this country for approximately 11 years. A $20 gold ransom certificate was found on his person. His description fitted perfectly that of “John” as described by Dr. Condon, and in his house was found a pair of shoes which had been purchased with a $20 ransom bill recovered on September 8, 1934. Hauptmann admitted several other purchases which had been made with ransom certificates. On the night of September 19, 1934, he was positively identified by Joseph Perrone as the individual from whom he had received the fifth ransom note to be delivered to Dr. Condon. The following day, ransom certificates in excess of $13,000 were found secreted in the garage of Hauptmann’s residence. Shortly thereafter, he was identified by Dr. Condon as “John” to whom the ransom had been paid. It was also ascertained that he was in possession of a Dodge sedan automobile which answered the description of that seen in the vicinity of the Lindbergh home the day prior to the kidnapping.A painstaking analysis of Hauptmann’s handwriting by the Bureau’s new crime lab showed a remarkable similarity between the lettering of the author of the ransom notes and of Hauptmann. This evidence proved valuable in helping to convict Hauptmann of the murder.A painstaking analysis of Hauptmann’s handwriting by the Bureau’s new crime lab showed a remarkable similarity between the lettering of the author of the ransom notes and of Hauptmann.Shortly after his apprehension, specimens of Hauptmann’s handwriting were flown to Washington, D.C., where a study was made of them in the FBI Laboratory. A comparison of the writing appearing on the ransom notes with that of the specimens disclosed remarkable similarities in inconspicuous, personal characteristics and writing habits, which resulted in a positive identification by the handwriting experts of the Laboratory. Upon the apprehension of Hauptmann, it was found that he bore a striking resemblance to the portrait of “John” which had previously been prepared from descriptions furnished by Dr. Condon and Joseph Perrone.Further investigation developed that Hauptmann, 35 years old, was a native of Saxony, Germany. He had a criminal record for robbery and had spent time in prison. Early in July 1923, he stowed away aboard the SSHanover at Bremen, Germany, and arrived in the Port of New York City on July 13, 1923. He was arrested and deported immediately. After another failed attempt at entry in August, Hauptman successfully entered the United States in November 1923, on board the George Washington. On October 10, 1925, Hauptmann married Anna Schoeffler, a New York City waitress. A son, Manfried, was born to them in 1933. During his illegal stay in New York City and until the spring of 1932, Hauptmann followed his occupation of carpenter. However, a short while after March 1, 1932, the date of the kidnapping, Hauptmann began to trade rather extensively in stocks and never worked again.Indictment, Trial, and ExecutionHauptmann was indicted in the Supreme Court, Bronx County, New York, on charges of extortion on September 26, 1934, and on October 8, 1934, in Hunterdon County, New Jersey, he was indicted for murder. Two days later, the Governor of the State of New York honored the requisition of the Governor of the State of New Jersey for the surrender of Bruno Richard Hauptmann and on October 19, 1934, he was removed to the Hunterdon County Jail, Flemington, New Jersey, to await trial.The trial of Hauptmann began on January 3, 1935, at Flemington, New Jersey, and lasted five weeks. The case against him was based on circumstantial evidence. Tool marks on the ladder matched tools owned by Hauptmann. Wood in the ladder was found to match wood used as flooring in his attic. Dr. Condon’s telephone number and address were found scrawled on a door frame inside a closet. Handwriting on the ransom notes matched samples of Hauptmann’s handwriting.Lindbergh takes the witness stand during the 1935 trial of Hauptmann in Flemington, New Jersey. Hauptmann was found guilty on February 13, 1935. Photo courtesy of the Library of Congress.Lindbergh takes the witness stand during the 1935 trial of Hauptmann in Flemington, New Jersey. On February 13, 1935, the jury returned a verdict. Hauptmann was guilty of murder in the first degree. The sentence: death. The defense appealed.The Supreme Court of the State of New Jersey on October 9, 1935, upheld the verdict of the Lower Court. Hauptmann’s appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States was denied on December 9, 1935, and he was to be electrocuted on January 17, 1936. However, on this same day the Governor of the State of New Jersey granted a 30-day reprieve and on February 17, 1936, Hauptmann was resentenced, to be electrocuted during the week of March 30, 1936. On March 30, 1936, the Pardon Court of the State of New Jersey denied Hauptmann’s petition for clemency, and on April 3, 1936, at 8:47 p.m., Bruno Richard Hauptmann was electrocuted. Now since Hauptmann never admitted to the crime, they just assume that he was the person responsible. People are still making theories of who it could be, some people say it was the baby’s nurse, or it was the father. But now it’s too late to find out. But the person who killed Charles is a sick monster who killed an innocent baby out of greed and for money. It makes me ashamed to be a human being.Sorry for it being so long. If you read all this way, thank you :).Stay hydrated,Sofia <3

How common is it for elderly in rest home care to get picky about their food, and lose weight as a result?

Q&A: What to Do About Unintentional Weight LossQ: My 88-year-old father lives in his own home about 100 miles from us. He’s been living alone since my mother died five years ago. I thought he looked rather thin last time we saw him. I’m starting to feel worried about his nutrition. Should I be concerned? Would you recommend he start drinking a supplement such as Boost or Ensure?A: This question comes up a lot for families. It is indeed very common for older adults to experience unintentional weight loss at some point in late-life.The brief answer is that yes, you should be concerned. But I wouldn’t recommend you jump to purchasing Boost or Ensure.Now, in most cases, some nutritional supplementation is in order. But before focusing on this, you should first get help figuring out why your father is losing weight.For doctors, unintendedweight loss is a major red flag when it comes to the health of an older person.So in geriatrics, we usually recommend that an older person — or their caregivers — monitor weight regularly. This enables us to spot weight loss sooner rather than later.Once we’ve spotted unintentional weight loss, the next step is to figure out what might be causing it. And then we’re in a better position to recommend a treatment plan, which might well include a nutritional supplement.Why you should monitor for unintentional weight lossThis often goes hand-in-hand with malnutrition in aging. Now, they aren’t quite the same thing: it’s possible to be malnourished without obviously losing weight. But they tend to go together.Both problems are common in older adults. One study found that 39% of hospitalized older adults were malnourished.It’s important to detect and evaluate weight loss and malnutrition for several key reasons: They are often caused by underlying health problems which need to be diagnosed and managed.They leave older adults weakened and more vulnerable to additional illnesses and injuries.They may be a sign that an older person is impaired, or otherwise needs more support with daily life.Fortunately, there’s an easy way to screen for these problems: tracking an older person’s weight.How to track weight and nutrition in an older personTracking Weight: This is a terrific quick-and-easy way to monitor overall health and nutrition in an older adult.To track the weight of an older person who lives at home or in assisted-living, I usually recommend checking and recording the weight at least once a month.(Note that nursing homes are usually required to weigh residents monthly; some assisted-living facilities may do so as well.)You should keep records of the weight checks, preferably in a way that makes it easy to bring the information to the doctor’s office. Some families keep the information in a paper chart, but it’s potentially better to keep it in a shared computer file; see this article on keeping and organizing information for more details.You can also consider one of the newer “connected” scales. These are devices that can wirelessly connect to a mobile device or even the home’s wifi. The weight record can then be accessed through an app or website.A general rule of thumb is that unintentionally losing 5% of one’s original body weight over 3-6 months is cause for concern. But it’s also reasonable to be worried if you notice a steady downward trend.Once you’ve become concerned and documented a change in weight, you’ll want to bring it up with a doctor or other health professional.Tracking Nutrition: Monitoring for unintended weight loss, as detailed above, is probably the easiest way to screen for nutrition problems.Other red flags to take note of are: Loss of appetite.Decreased strength and/or ability to get around.Note: The term “nutrition” can be used differently in different contexts. In geriatrics, the focus is often first on ensuring that an older person is getting enough calories and protein to maintain energy needs and muscle mass. Obviously, there is more to nutrition than just this; it’s also important that people meet their body’s needs for vitamins and minerals, and that they eat a “healthy diet.” Exact definitions of a “healthy diet” differ, but it’s generally one that promotes health and well-being, and doesn’t cause or aggravate health problems. A Mediterranean-style diet can work well for many people.Common causes of weight loss and malnutritionIt’s important for an older person to get a clinical evaluation, once you’ve noticed weight loss or other signs of possible malnutrition. A simple initial assessment tool that many clinics will use is the Mini Nutritional Assessment.Some additional issues that particularly come up in older adults include: Difficulty leaving the house to purchase food. This can be due to limited mobility (e.g. due to pain, fear of falling, etc), lack of transportation, or cognitive problems.Difficulty affording food. Some older adults live on a very limited income.Difficulty or pain with chewing and swallowing. Many seniors fall behind on dental care for various reasons. This can lead to painful mouth conditions, or a lack of suitable dentures.Constipation. This is quite common in older adults and can interfere with appetite and eating enough.Paranoia about food, due to dementia or a psychiatric condition. A fair number of older adults become suspicious of others during early dementia. Occasionally this leads them to not eat enough.Forgetting to eat or having difficulty organizing meal preparation. This is especially common for those with Alzheimer’s and other dementias, but can also be due to problems like depression or even mobility limitations.Unappetizing food. Sometimes the food is not to an older person’s taste, especially if it is a low-salt, low-fat, low-carb, low-sugar, or other medically “recommended” diet.Generally, to sort through all these possibilities, doctors will need to interview the older patient and the family. For instance, they will want to know: How is the older person’s appetite? Do they like to eat or seem uninterested? How has this changed over the past year?Any pain or difficulty with chewing or swallowing?Any problems with diarrhea or constipation?Who does the shopping for food? Who cooks the meal and organizes the time to eat? Does the older person do this alone or usually with someone else involved?It’s also very helpful for the doctors to have as much information on what food — and how much food — the person is actually eating.Last but not least, during the clinical evaluation, the doctor will physically examine the older person and then probably order some bloodwork as well.How you can help doctors evaluate weight lossThe main way to help doctors is two-fold. One is to bring in a weight record, showing how the older person’s weight has changed over the past several months.The other is to bring in information related to symptoms and ability to obtain food. You can do this by asking your older relative — and anyone else who is familiar with the person’s daily life — the interview questions listed above.Of course, the doctor will still need to ask these questions, but it’s extremely helpful for patients and families to have thought through the questions ahead of time.The best treatment plans are based on a careful evaluation and correct diagnosis of what health problems — and social factors — are causing the weight loss.Unfortunately, it’s common for many doctors to quickly turn to prescribing high-calorie supplements like Ensure, or even prescription appetite stimulants.In fact, this is such a common problem that the American Geriatrics Society chose to address it in their Choosing Wisely recommendations: Avoid using prescription appetite stimulants or high-calorie supplements for treatment of anorexia (loss of appetite) or cachexia (loss of muscle mass) in older adults.Instead, optimize social supports, discontinue medications that may interfere with eating, provide appealing food and feeding assistance, and clarify patient goals and expectations.(Learn more here: Choosing Wisely: 5 More Treatments For Older Adults You Should Question)Now, even when social issues and medical problems are addressed, it’s often necessary to provide some extra nutritional support to those older adults who have been losing weight.This usually means providing extra protein and extra calories. Fat is dense in calories, so this can be a good way to increase energy intake. Technically it’s better to provide “good fat” like olive oil, but in the short-term, I encourage people to consider whatever fatty foods the older person really likes to eat, which might mean ice-cream or peanut butter.Research also suggests that many older adults may benefit from supplemental protein, especially if they’ve been showing signs of lean muscle loss. Many studies have used milk or whey protein.So should you consider Ensure or Boost? You should discuss more with your father’s doctor, but my take is that such commercial supplements should be used only as a last resort. They are expensive, usually contain a lot of sugar, and contain various additives. So it’s better to make your own smoothies or otherwise provide nutrient-dense snacks and protein to your father, if at all possible.I’ve provided a lot of information while answering your question, so let me summarize the most important take-aways.Tracking monthly weights is a good way to keep an eye on the health of an older adult. Put it on the calendar. A “connected” scale can make it easier to log and share the weight record.Unintended weight loss is a major red flag. Take action and consult a doctor if an older person loses 5% of more of their body weight, or if you’re otherwise concerned.Be sure to check for problems related to purchasing, preparing, and eating food. These are easily overlooked in older adults. They may be related to mobility difficulties, cognitive impairments, dental problems, depression, or unappetizing diets.Commercial supplements and/or appetite stimulants should be used only after careful consideration with the doctor, and after considering alternatives. They often feel like the “easiest” solution (assuming one can afford them) but they’re usually not the best way to maintain an older person’s nutrition and well-being.If you want a more scholarly take on nutrition in aging, here are a few good articles: Flu Shots for Older Adults During COVID Times: What to Know & Do for 2020 »I’m concerned because when I mention it to the doctor he just brushes it off. Having to get these sweet protein drinks because she really likes them, but even with that and eating more sweets, she is still losing weight. Over the course of ten months she has lost over thirty five pounds. She eats about 60 percent of the amount on the plate. Wondering if we need to find a doctor who will take it more seriously? Would a digestive enzyme help?A 35 pound weight loss sounds worrisome. The doctor should not leave you feeling brushed off. If he has evaluated it, he should explain what he did, what he found, and what his conclusions are regarding why your relative has lost weight. I would try asking him to explain what he thinks is going on.If you are not satisfied that he has looked into it enough, or if it’s hard to communicate with him, then a second opinion certainly might help.I wouldn’t expect digestive enzymes to help in most cases, but you never know. For now I say you need to find out more about why she isn’t eating much and why she is losing weight. Then you’ll be better positioned to counter the problem.I am almost 91 years of age and I am losing weight slowly. I have always weighed between 120 and 130 in my later years. I slowly lost down to 110, now in the last month I have lost down to 108. I eat well balanced meals, lots of fruits and vegetables.This amount of weight loss does sound concerning. I would definitely recommend that you see a health provider and ask for an evaluation. An initial evaluation for this type of weight loss can be done during a primary care visit. Good luck!Losing 60 pounds in 3 years is quite a lot, so I’m glad the doctor is evaluating him. If your father is eating 2000 calories per day and still losing weight, I would recommend you keep asking the doctor questions about what they have checked for and how they plan to evaluate further. Good luck!Hello Leslie, Greetings from me! My mother age 70, weight 35 kilos. She feels weakness, nausea every day. It’s been 3 years she has diabetes and arthritis rheum. Please advise.Hello and thanks for your kind greeting! That sounds like your mom has a low body weight, but you don’t mention her height or how much weight she has lost, and over what time frame. Diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis, and the medications used to treat those conditions, can interfere with appetite and have side effects that include nausea. If I were giving advice to someone in your situation, I would start by looking at the medications and other health issues, probably also ordering some screening bloodwork.My mother weight is dramatically declining, she is in a nursing home and her weight is around 67 pounds. She has always been thin but around 110 pounds. Is there anything that can be done in helping her gain more weight?That sounds like a dramatic change in weight, but it’s also vital to consider the rate of loss, other health issues and medications that a person is taking. I would strongly advise tracking the weight of someone with that much of a change and consulting with the health care team at the nursing home, including a dietician if possible.This is a very well thought out article about the complexities of unexplained, sudden weight loss in older adults. You are good to point out that it is first of all important to discover the cause(s) and not jump to conclusions, or a solution, before really delving in. Especially if an older adult is living on his/her own, far away from adult children who can help and monitor. Make sure the social supports are in place, including hiring help if necessary or enlisting neighbors and friends, if possible. This is really, really complex.But just dumping in the calories is probably not the best idea. I realize that providing cases of Ensure seems really simple especially if you live far away from your aging parent, but it does not help increase health. It detracts from health. It would be better to thoroughly examine the person’s diet, enlist the help of a nutritionist, keep a detailed food log, and go for nutrient dense foods rather than “protein” or “fat” to put on weight.Maybe spend some extended time with your father who lives 100 miles away, not just a short visit, but enough time to get a grasp on the problem from up close.There are few simple answers, when it comes to the health of older adults. If you are concerned about unintentional weight loss, you should consult a health professional. The article aims to help older adults and families prepare, so that they can get better help.So very true. I applaud your, as always, calm and methodical approach, bringing to light avenues which could easily have been overlooked. In this case, especial thanks for moving the easy fix supplements way down the list of things to consider! THank you.My mom was about 180lbs at 5’3 and over the course of the past two years, lost 40lbs by dieting. She’s been complaining lately (she’s 83 now) that she has no appetite, so isn’t eating enough and has lost another 5-10lbs. She feels a little sick after she eats, but it passes. She is also depressed because my brother and I are trying to move her cross country with us and she has to sell the house we grew up in. I’m making her go to the Dr on Monday, but I’m sooooooo worried she has something seriously wrong with her. Could she be in ketosis and burning the small amounts she’s eating quickly? Any advice is greatly appreciated! She would be living with me already but is so stubborn!Loss of appetite, weight loss, and feeling unwell after eating does sound worrisome, so a visit to the doctor is a good next step.I don’t know much about ketosis in older adults, it doesn’t strike me as something that most geriatricians would think about as part of evaluating someone like your mom. But I suppose you could see what the doctor thinks of this possibility, and perhaps it will be possible to check your mom’s urine for ketones.Normally, what we would do is a careful history and physical exam, and then some blood tests.You can help your mom get a thorough evaluation by asking the doctor to clarify, at the end of the visit, what he/she thinks might be the cause of the weight loss, and what are the next steps in exploring this. Basically, the doctor should have a plan for checking for the common causes of weight loss that are in the article; if he/she isn’t checking for one of them, ask for more information on why they’ve concluded it’s unlikely.Your mother may well be experiencing some depression and this can cause lack of appetite and weight loss. But it’s important to not conclude this is the main cause of weight loss until other causes are checked for and ruled out. good luck!My grandpa is losing weigh about 10 kg in one year Also has macrocytic anemia.He doesn’t lose appetite but has issues with dental problems. underlying diseases are polycystic kidney disease and hypertension.I would strongly recommend that he see his doctors. Your family can ask about evaluation for all the common causes of weight loss and malnutrition that I list in the article.I also cover the evaluation of anemia here: Anemia in the Older Adult: 10 Common Causes & What to Ask Macrocytic anemia can be caused by deficiencies in vitamin B12 or folate, but he may well have other causes for his weight loss (or anemia). Good luck!I have moved fromNJ,to be close to my father,and mother permanently. Prior to such,dad was at a healthy 170 or so pds, eating well,and still is… Last few weigh-ins, (also was diagnosed as still competent and gets around but healing from light to mild stroke, (Dec.2017) active 82 years, He,since then dropped a few pounds,but is eating quite normal. Three to four or so meals a day adding in snacks,(he love his ginger snap cookies, and other snacks his grapes,and he is again having NO LOSS OF APPETITE.)Dad, again in January last weighed in on or about the last week of January 2018 (At his shoulder/arm dr., after his fall) was at 162 pds. – Dad, with late onset(diagnose late)Dementia/ALZ has been eating so well. He also gets out at least 1x to 2x a day.He really enjoy going out and i ensure/making sure i do just that to get him out the house each day, with the exception of bad weather, snow and or rain storms, and he is always happy, laughing, and enjoying his days regularly, and has ZERO issue with bowels Development Mode.,but again he is now as of tonight, (i did a weigh-in) and am going to keep doing so at least once or twice a week,he is down to 159.2 pounds.” I shall schedule a dr.’s check-up,regular primary physician appt., tomorrow for this week.I would like your feedback please as to the feasible underlying issue involving weight loss with the elderly, as i am researching thoroughly, insofar as such relevance. I even learned some with such illness,diagnosis that this does not happen to him/her and i hoping you’re able to help til’ i reach his doctor, thank you very much. Dad is early eighties. Always was/is healthy such a long time. Thank you so much in advance for your courtesies and care when responding.Good day now. God bless us all.Hello, I had to edit down your comment as it was too long to be posted in its entirety.It sounds like your father has been diagnosed with dementia and has lost 10 pounds recently. Also sounds like his appetite is good and he has no particular complaints.Although it’s great if he’s feeling well, I think you are right to be concerned and to ask the doctor to look into things. Based on your father’s past medical history, and current findings on physical exam and when your family is interviewed for symptoms, his health providers should be able to determine whether any of the common causes for weight loss appear likely in his case.Regardless of what the health provider finds, it would probably be a good idea to continue to track your father’s weight, as you are doing.My girlfriend’s almost 26th four months ago she took 96 sleeping pills when I found her they said she her body was shutting down they saved her every since then she has lost so much weight almost 3 to 4 lb a week what should I do I’m trying to look for something to read up on it so I can call the doctorMy wife age 68 yrs. We are from India and living in a joint family. She is a patient of High blood pressure but we’ll controlled. She is having type II Diabetes also under controlled. She lost 07 kilogram for last 03 years. Lot of Medical tests have already been conducted and found suffering from Gastritis. She is being treated by Gastroenterologist and other concerned doctors. But her health is not at all improving and she is gradually moving towards depression. Request your advise for her weight gain.Impossible to say over the internet what might be causing her weight loss and what should be done. If she is not improving under the care of her current health providers, I would recommend considering a second opinion.You could also ask her doctors to clarify what conditions they feel they have ruled out, and what do they think is the likely cause of her weight issue. Good luck!Yes, there are many items to investigate with elder weight loss. I smiled as I read your list and wondered why you had left out poor dentition.Medicare does not pay dental bills and dentistry is expensive plus may not be accessible near the patient. If the person can’t chew properly or has gum or other related oral disease, then not doing so causes less pain and subsequently weight loss.Actually, in the article, I list “Difficulty or pain with chewing and swallowing” as an important issue to consider when it comes to weight loss in older adults, and I mention that inadequate dental care is common.I agree that it’s unfortunate that Medicare does not help older adults with dental care, as it’s certainly important to overall health and wellbeing.Hi Leslie, this is such great info. Just wondered if you would mind me posting on a local Facebook group I have set up Bayside community Aged Care and Disability group. Or you are welcome to join. Only 50 members do far but hoping to grow as only just set up.My husband and I have an increasing concern regarding his 90 year old mother’s nutritional intake (she presently looks like a war refugee). For over 5 months now, she’s been at a Christian Science care facility. In our view, the facility’s approach to kitchen-management is resulting in a form of anorexia.The mom has long been a “picky eater”, always outspoken about not being able to tolerate any food that’s even slightly spicy. Unfortunately, at this facility, the “head cook” is Latina, and by the mom’s account, ALL the prepared dishes are seasoned with hot spices. (She also says the desserts are all “disgustingly sweet”.) The cook also seems to have a large repertoire of “unfamiliar” dishes; due to the apparent onset of dementia, the mom won’t even taste anything she can’t identify. According to her detailed descriptions of recent meals, she often eats nothing, or only one item, from any lunch or dinner. (Example: “So I thought, ‘at least I can eat the roll’ – and then the roll was disgusting.”) Yet, it appears to us, that nobody at the facility is noticing or caring that her plates are going back virtually untouched.We have asked her why she isn’t making a general complaint, or even demanding a separate, unspiced, simple meal be made for her, that she CAN find palatable, so that she can eat a normal amount. She only gives us vague answers, that “people have tried asking”. We are wondering if the overall decrease in nutrition, combined with this scant energy supply being largely diverted to healing 2 broken bones over the past months, is actually diverting energy from the brain, and and accelerating her dementia, which seems to be worsening week by week.Now, this menu/nutrition/anorexia situation seems to me, to be a serious red flag for whether the place is providing a truly acceptable level of “care”. And I’m wondering if any facility which takes money from Medicare, and which therefore must have to meet certain standards, is entitled to an overriding religion-based “right” to turn a blind eye to some residents’ wellbeing. (Particularly those who are not fully competent to assert or articulate their needs.) It seems to us, that the mom, at least, is slowly starving herself to death (due to a resistance to the food being offered her). How much “freedom of religion” should be allowed, in this kind of situation? Should it extend to a “right” to employ someone who cannot or will not agree to modify the menu to suit the residents’ needs? Should it extend to a “that’s what we’re serving, take it or leave it”, Oliver-Twist-like institutional insensitivity?I’d like to find out if there is an “official” way to get government authorities involved, to at least compel the place to address the situation, by (a) assigning someone to record my mother-in-law’s evident food consumption, meal by meal – and her weight on a weekly basis – and make that record available to us, and (b) ordering the cook – who seems to be wilfully ignorant of geriatric residents’ basic nutritional needs – to make a reasonable effort to prepare food that the elderly can all eat and enjoy. Must we go through a long process of formally complaining and demanding corrections to the system (by phone, writing, etc.), or should I try to just “blow the whistle”?Your mother in law’s situation does sound concerning. Especially if you are worried about her mental function, you will likely need to step in and help get the situation resolved…it may not be realistic to expect her to make complaints or otherwise negotiate with the care facility.I am not sure just how the rules may be different for Christian Science facilities, but in general, nursing homes are required to weigh residents monthly and to make various accommodations to ensure that residents get adequate care.California Advocates for Nursing Home Reform has a good page summarizing standards of care here: Nursing Home Care Standards. This page also provides resources on how to lodge a complaint.Generally, every state should have a long-term care ombudsman; the office is required to investigate complaints. Many states also have local advocacy groups. You can find your local LTC ombudsman and LTC advocacy groups here: How to Find a Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program.It is usually advisable to try to first resolve the issue with the facility…if your parent is going to be staying there, it’s good to try to keep relations as positive as possible, and facility staff may understandably feel frustrated if families report them to the state without first giving them a chance to address a concern. You can start by asking to talk to the head of nursing or of operations; also a good idea to send a letter or email, so that your concerns are in writing.I have to say that it sounds unusual for a nursing facility to be serving highly spiced food; at such a facility, I would expect the menu and food to be determined by some kind of dietary professional, it should not be up to the whim of the cook. Have you actually sampled the food being served to your mother? It may be a good idea to discreetly do your own research; if her mental state isn’t quite right, she may not be accurately reporting what is happening.That’s not to say that the facility doesn’t have room to improve or perhaps isn’t living up to required standards. They may well need a reminder and a little persistence in order for your mother to get better care. Good luck!Hello. My father is 65 years old and he is loosing weight constantly. In last 1.5 years he has lost around 20 kgs. He was 92 and is now 70 kgs. The weight loss is drastic. Being concerned he got various medical check ups and got to know about diabetes and some stomach problem. Can the weight loss be because of that ? And is it something we should worry about? If yes then what can be done to improve his health? Your reply will be highly acknowledged Regards JaveriaSorry to hear of your father’s weight loss. I really can’t say whether diabetes or stomach problems are the likely cause, it depends on a lot of things. I would recommend you ask his doctors whether they think this explains all the weight loss you’ve noticed. You can also ask if/how they checked for the other common causes that I listed in the article. good luck!My mother (74) is unable to eat due to a dental infection. Her dentist has put her on antibiotics, but he won’t be able to work on the affected tooth until the infection and swelling are under control. It may be up to 10 days before she is back to normal, best case scenario. She’s gone without eating for five days so far, and feels tired and weak, spending her days mostly in bed.Other than making sure she’s getting plenty of water, juice, broth, etc., should I be concerned about her going this long without being able to eat? Or is a 10-day fast considered safe? Thank you again.I don’t know that 10 day fasts have been studied in women your mother’s age, and presumably the “safety” would depend in part on a person’s underlying health state.If she can’t chew food, I would recommend talking to her doctor or dentist about other ways for her to get adequate nutrition during this time. Couldn’t she drink bean soups or hearty shakes with fat and protein?It is definitely not ideal for a person her age to remain mostly in bed, because at this age the muscles get deconditioned very quickly when older adults are in bed due to illness. So I would encourage you to ask her doctors about ways to maintain her energy and nutrition while she’s unable to chew. Good luck and thank you for visiting the site, I’m glad you like it.Hi dr. Leslie I have been having a very slow process of weight loss of about 10 kg in last 5 years .I am middl aged 45 male suffering from anxiety disorders since age of 30 . However this weight loss in the recent 4 years is new . Doesn’t seem to stop. Have seen many doctors but none of them have been able to help. There is no significant finding in the tests. Not sure what kind of doctor to see and which test to perform further . Now at o 47 kg at 169cm .any advise will be Helpfull.Sorry to hear of your weight loss. Unfortunately, the only advice I can give is to keep asking the doctors questions. You may want to ask them what they have done specifically to check for the common causes I list in the articles. You may also want to try seeing a different type of doctor or a specialist. There are some people who have digestive issues that prevent them from absorbing their food as well as they could. Good luck!My mother is 77-years old. She had an angioplasty in December and had two stents put in. She is also diabetic. She takes Metformin for blood sugar and ticagrelor for anti-coagulation, along with other medications. Almost immediately, she began having stomach cramps and diarrhea. Since December, however, she has lost her appetite, can eat only a little, ended up with a hemoglobin of 80 that resulted in a blood transfusion and – perhaps most alarming – has lost between 20 and 25 pounds. She still gets occasional lower abdomen cramps and her bowel situation alternates between constipation / normal / diarrhea. Her blood tests are “normal” – except for the anemia – and her fecal occult blood test also showed no blood in the stool. Doctors are quick to place the blame for her anemia and loss of appetite on her ticagrelor, saying that causes angiodysplasia, resulting in microscopic bleeding. They say her 25 – pound weight loss could be ascribed to her medication-induced loss of appetite and, consequently, the fact she’s not eating much. My concern is, doesn’t 20 – 25 pounds of weight loss over 5-6 months seem excessive to just be attributed to loss of appetite / subsequent eating less? Is it just coincidence that her symptoms started immediately post angioplasty? Is a malignancy in the stomach, for example, a more likely reason for such significant weight loss? My Mom weighed around 172 pounds in December and is now down around 149 pounds…Needless to say, I’m quite worried.It does sound like a significant weight loss, so I think it’s reasonable to keep asking the doctors lots of questions.Regarding her anemia, you could ask them to explain whether she shows signs of iron deficiency on her testing, I explain that more here: Anemia in the Older Adult: 10 Common Causes & What to Ask.If you are very concerned about malignancy, I would ask them to discuss the possibility of further evaluation to look into that. What tests to do and whether they are appropriate will really depend on your mother’s particular health circumstances and past medical history, but also on what her preferences are as a patient.You may also want to consult a gastroenterologist, if you haven’t already done so, to make sure it’s not some type of digestive issue that the usual doctors haven’t considered. Good luck!My mother has dementia and lately she will eat very little food. She spits it out in her napkin ,she gags on it and almost http://vomits.It as if she is eating Rancid food. Anything that was sure bet is no longer.. She does not even like her sweets . Just me making sure she drinks some ensure plus, yougurt with effort, pudding ,tapioca, Homemade soups she rejects. Once in a blue moon she will eat shrimp cocktail. She has gone from 133 to 117. At this rate I see her going much lower. Food tastes horrid to her. Why is that? And is there any way to restore her tastebuds? No new medication has been added.Hm, I can’t say just what is going on with her, but developing eating issues certainly is common in people with dementia and can happen for a variety of reasons. Are you quite sure that it’s the taste of the food that she’s rejecting, or could there be something else? Sometimes people are reacting to pain or discomfort in the mouth or otherwise related to eating. People with dementia can also start to forget how to eat, or have difficulty coordinating the mouth and swallowing movements due to the ongoing degeneration of their brain cells.I would recommend talking to her doctor and getting her evaluated. Be sure they take a look in her mouth. You could also consider asking about a swallowing evaluation; these are done by speech therapists who have experience identifying difficulties people have with eating and swallowing.You also don’t say how far along she is in her dementia, but if it’s quite advanced, then it’s important to consider her comfort and whether it’s worth pushing for her to eat more than she feels like. I have more on planning for decline in dementia here: How to Plan for Decline in Alzheimer’s Dementia:A 5-Step Approach to Navigating Difficult Decisions & Crises with Less StressOlder adults do experience changes in their sense of smell and taste as they get older, and this might be worsened by dementia. If it’s not due to medication or to another health problem that can be identified and treated, I’m not sure it’s likely to be reversible.There is more on the physiologic causes of anorexia in aging in this scholarly article: Mechanisms of the anorexia of aging-a reviewHi Leslie, My 76 year old father is down to 81 pounds now, and my brothers and I are very very concerned. He had a throat issue which they were finally able to fix through surgery. He wasn’t able to swallow due to a flap of skin in his throat. Now he should be able to eat and swallow, but his stomach bothers him when he tries to eat. He continues to lose weight. His doctor authorized a feeding tube, which will Hopefully help him gain weight, but we are still concerned and wonder if there is anything else we can try. Any advice you can offer would be much appreciated!!Sorry to hear of your father’s weight loss. My main advice would be for you to keep asking lots of detailed questions and keep carefully following how well the doctors’ suggestions are working. You may want to ask his doctors to explain to you why his stomach is bothering him when he eats. Also, you could try to clarify whether it’s his actual stomach that is bothering him, versus some other aspect of his digestive system. And has he been checked for other common causes of weight loss (what have they done to check, what did they find)?Lastly, you could ask the doctor whether it’s possible to get a consultation with a dietician. Good luck!My mom is 95 living in a nursing home she has dementia and I was told today that she has lost 13 pounds in the last month … they putting her on a supplement to hopefully hold her weight from going any lower … is this part of the dementia ?Sorry to hear of your mother’s weight loss. Well it might be due to her dementia but it could also be due to something else, so they should be checking for the common causes listed in the article.Re dementia and weight loss: some people with dementia do lose weight because they forget to eat or otherwise have trouble organizing themselves to get food, prepare it, etc. This usually happens to people with mild or moderate dementia who are still living at home; it should not be happening in a facility.Otherwise, quite advanced dementia (when people are totally bedbound) can indeed be associated with weight loss. This can happen if the person starts to have difficulty swallowing, or if the body otherwise starts to shut down due to quite advanced dementia.I have more on the stages of dementia here: How to Understand the Stages of Alzheimer’s & Related Dementias.You may want to ask your mother’s doctors to talk about how she’s doing otherwise, and how they expect her dementia and other health issues to progress over the next few months. Good luck!My Dad has been a heart patient (valve regurgitation) for almost 7 years. At first his weight didn’t effect much and staid the same but for the last couple of years he lost weight significantly (25 pounds) and his muscle mass seems to be reducing by the time. I’ve read this article that says it could be because of less nutrients absorption due to decreased intestinal blood flow and weak overall blood circulation.I was wondering what should we do or how do we modify his diet to control this unintentional weight loss.If your father has been losing weight these past few years, then it’s important that he get a careful evaluation, as explained in the article. Effective treatment of his weight loss needs to target the underlying cause of his weight loss.Otherwise, general dietary approaches that tend to help is to make sure the food is appealing to him, easily accessible, calorie-dense, and includes a lot of protein. Good luck!As a 70 year old woman who has lost 35 pounds in the last 4 months I became concerned and found your site. Thank you so much for your insight and encouragement. As I am eating less and less and not enjoying food at al. Your no nonsense approach was what I needed. Off to the Doctor for a frank discussion. Thanks to this article I know how to approach the issue and what questions to ask. Thank you again.I am sorry to hear of your weight loss but delighted to know that the article was useful. I hope your conversations with your providers bring you the information and advice that you need.I do recommend going with a family member or other trusted companion if possible, as there is a lot to cover and it’s always good to have an extra person there to take notes and otherwise support you. Good luck!My mother in law, keeps dropping weight. She has moderate dementia. She will sometimes eat if something is put front of her. She keeps rejecting meals on wheels saying she is fine. We think she forgets to eat. She refuses home healthcare or assisted living. She is down to 112 lbs. How can we get her to eat? She has rejected all doctors suggestionsFirst of all, I hope she has had a thorough medical evaluation to look for medical problems that might be affecting her eating or her weight. If she’s had such an evaluation and nothing turned up, then it’s possible that it’s because of her dementia that she is forgetting to eat, or otherwise is too disorganized. If she lives alone and cannot feed herself reliably, then she is potentially experiencing self-neglect, and if she really endangers her health, she may eventually have to be forced to move. Below is a good site explaining self-neglect: Self Neglect | DSHSSelf-neglect is challenging, especially when people have dementia. The usual recommended approach is to ask the doctor for help and also report to Adult Protective Services. If she cannot be persuaded to accept whatever help is necessary to eat and maintain her weight, this might be grounds for moving her, even if it’s against her wishes. These are difficult situations. Good luck!My father is 71 years old. He is about 5 feet 9 inches tall and he used to weigh around 65kg back in 2006. He had lost around 16kg over 7 years. Since then he has maintained at 49kg. He only has hypertension. Blood test two years ago was normal including thyroid levels. He saw the doctor in 2013 but the doctor mentioned it wasn’t a drastic weight loss and concluded it was due to aging as he had no concern given my father’s appetite. He can eat a lot (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack and supper) and he eats very healthy (lots of fruits, vegetables, oats, bread). He also has a good bowel movement everyday and stools are normal. Is there any value in doing a colonoscopy? Also, he has tried Appeton 60+ and Ensure powder but still not seeing any weight gain. I read about whey protein isolate for sports people and was wondering if it would be a better option than the ones he has tried? Thank you.It sounds like he lost weight but for some time now has been stable at a lower weight? If this is the case, and he doesn’t have any other particular symptoms, then colonoscopy should only be done in the context of regular colon cancer screening. (See here for the options.)If you are concerned about him, you could consider getting a second opinion, to confirm that he’s had a reasonably thorough and appropriate evaluation so far.To gain weight, it’s important to counter whatever is causing weight loss (if it can be identified). Otherwise, we generally recommend calorie-dense foods and extra protein. Whey protein has been studied and can be helpful. You can also try eggs, tofu, yogurt. Some research suggests older adults benefit from 1.0 to 1.3 g/kg/day of protein. You can also increase calorie content with olive oil, avocado, and other healthy fats. Good luck!I am a 91 year old female was very fit playing golf body surfing no medicationuntil 5 years ago I had Giant cell arthritis Started on 40 Prednisolone reduced to 6 but had further symptoms so have remained on this medication. Normally weighed about 9stone which had reduced from 10stone before illness In last 6 months no longer play golf – stopped body surfing 2 years ago. Now find I am regularly losing weight – down to about 8lbs 4 ozs gone from size 16 to 12. Eat Weetabix or porridge breakfast. Midday Main Meal meat or pasta or fish with veg evening sandwich & yoghurt Do not feel hungry but always eat very reasonably for my age compared with others. People comment on my loss of weight – lots of loose skin. Do not feel ill – but tire. Live with 91 year old husband -large family close by. Try to eat things to increase weight but no luck. No difference in bowel action – regular once each morning. Have regular 2 monthly blood test because of being on Prednisolone so far no negative result from doctor Advice please how to put on weight – my clothes are all getting too big !!Sorry to hear of this recent weight loss. If you are still continuing to lose weight, I would recommend bringing it up to your usual health provider and asking them to help you figure out WHY you are losing the weight. How to stabilize or increase your weight will really depend on why it’s going down now. In the article, I cover the more common causes, so ask your health provider about those.Otherwise, to stabilize weight, we generally recommend calorie-dense foods with extra protein. It’s also a good idea to eat plenty of vegetables and fruit, but that’s for overall health and bowel health, and won’t necessarily help increase weight. Good luck!My husband has Parkinson and diabetes he has lost a lot if weight he was about 180 4 years ago drop to 171 since then he has progressively losed know 149 been to many dr. Two complete cat scans and mri of brain. He has Parkinson trouble sawallowing medication seem to help he does eat three meals a day not like he did but he does eat. Also dieabets so doesn’t try to eat to many sweets. No one seems to no why he is losing so much weight. It is becoming more loss in the pass weeks. Takes supplements.Sorry to hear of his weight loss, I can see why you are worried. It can sometimes be difficult to figure out why a person is losing weight. I would recommend continuing to bring this to your husband’s health providers. It might also help to see if they can assist with some kind of calorie counting and evaluation of how much he is actually taking in. Good luck!70 years old Lossing weight in the last 7 months.. I used to weight 140 down to 133 I did have endescopy done last month I was having burning sensation on upper stomach. Biopsy came back positive for H. Pylori & some inflametion. Feeling good now but every 3 months I may get same burning goes away by itself… Why taking a strong course of antibiotics I really feel this is not the real problem.. colonoscopy was normal I don’t have any issues with stool, except I noticed the smell is very different than 7 months ago..why the strong smell? I eat healthy don’t eat red meat. Never smoke don’t drink thanksWell, in some cases it can take some investigation to figure out why an older person might be losing weight. I would recommend continuing to monitor your weight and your symptoms, so that your providers can continue to monitor to you and see if more clarity emerges regarding what might be going on. You may also want to consider getting a second opinion.Hey my father suffered from heart attack about 1 years ago due to blockage in the arteries causeof increased level of cholesterol, 2 stent were placed. He was very healthy before the operation but after it he is being losing weight and by my observation leam muscles too , he also have diabetes and for few months his appetite is also not that good , as he got diabetes most of food is limited cause of fats and sugar . Can you suggest what can be the problem.Sorry to hear about your Dad’s health issues. It is difficult to say precisely what the cause of his challenges is however a good place to start might be documenting exactly how his weight is changing. Sometimes when we weigh someone regularly (every week or 2 should be sufficient) we find that things are actually stable or improving slowly. After a heart attack many people start medications which can affect appetite and energy levels and subsequently weight. Other things that are common after heart attack are dietary changes that can take off a few pounds and depression. Is also possible that because of the heart attack your Dad suffered some damage to his heart muscle which has affected his energy and activity level and subsequently his appetite. Here’s another answer from Dr Kernisan to someone in a similar situation. I hope this is helpful and best of luck.Dr Kernisan, just “found” you and subscribed. Your conscientious response to queries and down-to-earth, common-sensical advice are . . . well . . . really impressive! I’m 82. A workout regular. Good appetite. Healthy diet. Great zest for life. But I’ve unintentionally lost 30 pounds over the last two years, and still losing. Chronic digestive problems. Six or more BMs daily (including middle of the night), very loose, gassy, very OILY! Malabsorption? Doc recommends colonoscopy but I had one just 3 years ago. Aren’t there other tests, short of invasive procedures, to check out possible pancreatitis, gall bladder, liver and other factors that might cause malabsorption and weight loss? Thank you!Thank you for joining our reader community. Sorry to hear of your digestive issues though. Yes there are blood tests that can help check for pancreatitis, liver issues, and gall bladder conditions, but I imagine you’ve already had them done. Ultrasounds are also sometimes used, as are CT scans. That said, an internal procedure would allow the doctors to visualize the lining of your gut and also take some biopsies.I’m not a gastroenterologist so I really can’t advise on whether this is strictly necessary or a reasonable next step. If you have doubts, I would recommend considering a second opinion, preferably at an academic medical center. And of course, ask the doctors what they hope to learn from the colonoscopy and is there any other way to get this diagnostic information?Since you mention oily stools, this sounds like “steatorrhea” and you can learn more here: Steatorrhea - StatPearls - NCBI BookshelfI do think you keep getting it looked into as you are relatively young and fit, and likely to benefit from getting this diagnosed and treated. Good luck!My Dad is 74 years old. He has gone from 309 lbs in March 2019 to 210 lbs currently. He’s had every test ran thinkable. A colonoscopy which was normal. He recently had an EGD and that came back normal. They thought that he might have pylori bacteria. That tested negative. At this point he is frustrated because his appetite is steadily decreasing. He basically has to force himself to eat. Any advice would be helpful.Hi Kydra and sorry to her about your dad. You mention some imaging studies, which thankfully you report have been unremarkable, and remember that there are blood tests that can reveal causes of weight loss as well. Here is an answer to a similar question that I provided recently. Loss of appetite can be due to a variety of causes, ranging from depression to a medication side effect. I would suggest that you keep being inquisitive and working with your dad’s health care team.My uncle is 69 years old and has told me he has lost a significant amount of weight without changing his diet. He went to the VA hospital and the doctors have no answer either. He smokes and drinks regularly but no cancer was present. Any suggestions would be welcome.Hi Destiny. Here is an answer to a similar question from a few weeks ago that may be helpful. You mention smoking which can affect one’s sense of taste and smell, and can contribute to a reduced appetite. Good luck!My Husband is 85, was a healthy man until he had a heart attack, and had no problems since a triple bypass 10 years ago, however in 2016 diagnosed Aortic aneurysm 5.6cm in abdominal, and as 6 monthly scans. Since 2019 he has blood tests and had borderline anemia twice, first time took iron tablets for 3 months, and returned to normal, then test showed anemia again.For last 6 months he passed blood in urine, he has CT and Bladder test, determined cyst on kidneys and had gynecomastia, scan result no cancer in breasts.Checked with blood test his SHGB levels and has has actinic keratosis on his face, its slowly improving over last 4 months, of using prescription cream. He eats kealthy nutritious food and walks daily for exercise. the problem is over the last 2 years he remains the same weight 12 stone 11 pounds, height 5 feet, 9.5 inches but his body shape is changing, but looks about 3 stone thinner, his clothes are too big, he looks skin on bone, but weight on scales remains the same. He takes daily medication: 40 mg rosuvastatin, 2.5mg bisoprolol, 7.5mg clopidogrel, 400 microgram tamsulosin, modified release capsules for enlarged prostrate for last 3 years he was also took lanzoprazole for 7 years, stopped as had no problem with acid However, he still passes blood in urine and they don’t understand why. He always feels very cold no matter how warm it is. I have been the Dr’s many times and told its his age, I am having sleepless nights with worrying as the weight drops very thin, and his body shape changes. I think he should be checked by a Gastroenterologist and his esophagus. Please can you advise, many thanks.Thanks for your detailed comment. I can imagine it;s very frustrating to be told that a symptom that’s worrying you is due to “old age”. There are many changes that are a normal part of aging but to my knowledge unexplained blood in the urine and unexplained weight loss are not normal.Sometimes, the weight on the scale stays the same, but a person’s body composition can change. For example, the weight change could reflect a loss of muscle but a gain of fluid. This would show up as swelling, usually in the legs and feet.In terms of blood in the urine, medications that affect platelet function can make a person more likely to have bleeding but usually only if there is some other vulnerability in the system.I would advise someone with a story like yours to continue to advocate for answers and seek second opinions if needed.I’m 55 and 5’3″ the past year that I’m losing weight I went from 107 to like 99 I’m not trying to lose weight I have been trying to grain weight. I have very bad night sweats I wake up 2 to 3 times a night like I have work out for an hour or more. It’s really starting to concern me because I eat more than anyone in the house. I waiting to hear from the doctor he gave me some meds for the night sweats and checking my blood. I’m working on trying to find out the problem. I really getting concern I don’t feel sick and I really don’t do anything just go to work. I know a couple people that lost a lot of weight too, hoping I don’t loss weight like them and I am. feeling worriedHi Sue and sorry to hear about your weight loss, and I can understand feeling worried. Being a Geriatrician, I usually care for older adults, and the causes of weight loss in a younger person may be quite different, so I don’t want to speculate about what might be going on. I’m glad you’re working with your doctor to sort it out.My dad is 55years .. he has lost around 20 pounds in the last 4 months.. he has good appetite and no fatigue .. he has changed his diet a bit for past few months with low carbs nd low fat.. but the weight loss seems to be way too much.. all this blood workup came back normal what shld i do nxtIt sounds like your dad has made some lifestyle changes that could account for the weight loss. In most situations, that is normal, and can even be a positive step towards better health. Weight loss is worrisome when it is unintnetional.Loss of muscle mass can lower a person’s overall weight, and this could happen slowly, over a period of a few years. When weight loss is related to cancer, we usually hear about other symptoms, such as blood loss, sweating (particularly at night), or pain. Your doctor would best know your health history and risk factors for weight loss, so I would continue the dialogue with them if you’re concerned.My neighbor has always been very thin but in the last couple of years has been steadily going down in weight. She tells me she now weighs 75 pounds (she is about 5’6″). I am extremely concerned but neither she nor her family seem to be. How dangerous is this?It’s hard to get a handle on how dangerous it is for an older adult to have a low body weight, because it really depends on the person. Someone who is frail, for example living in a nursing home, who loses significant weight and/or has a very low body mass, is probably at increased risk of dying compared to a frail person who is heavier and has a stable weight. But that may not be so for a healthy, community-dwelling older adult who has always been thin.The other thing to remember is that people report incorrect weights all the time, so interpret anything you hear with caution.Thank you for your reply. She is not healthy – constant back problems and lately also problems with her gallbladder and recurring lung infections. I’m just wondering what happens to a person when they continue to lose weight – it seems like there must be a weight ‘limit’ when even worse things are going to happen. I’m not sure exactly about the 75 pounds but is stick thin and looks scarily skin-and-bones. Thanks again!What do you think…My Mom,88yrs for a good 10yrs was 116-118 . 2yrs ago started losing 2-3 lbs..but in the last 6 months has lost 6 pounds. She has 3 meals a day and a snack at night. She has 1 can of boost plus daily too. She does get full feeling quickly. She does have muscle atrophy and fatigues easily. Is this normal aging process?Anything more to add to diet. Thanks for your helpAs Dr Kernisan points out in the article, unintentional weight loss sometimes point to a concerning underlying problem, and it can take a comprehensive approach to sort it all out. The numbers you share, seem to add up to about a 5% weight loss over a 6 month period, which is less than the 10% amount in 6 months that is classically considered to be a rate of loss that should set off alarm bells.Feeling full early can be sign of a problem with digestion or swallowing, and fatigue and muscle atrophy can be a cause or an effect of poor nutritional intake, or there could be something else that is causing all of the symptoms. Normal aging shouldn’t be associated with weight loss.In a case similar to the one you describe, I would want to rule out another cause of the weakness, fatigue, and weight loss, before just adding another supplement. Keeping close track of weight, activity and intake is a good place to start before talking to a healthcare provider.My father is 5′ 10″, 82 yo and has parkinsons, heart disease and prostate cancer. In the past 8 months he has gone from mid 140’s to mid 130’s … Two years ago he was at 152, which is a good weight for him. Every time I go to his cardiologist, neurologist and most recently GP, I mention my concern about the weight loss, as I am guessing it could mean a cancer recurrence or could be due to heart failure. Last time I went to cardiologist he said it was likely due to Parkinsons. Neurologist doesn’t say anything when I ask. GP recently said that it was likely due to lower calorie intake but did not do ANY TYPE of evaluation, not even asking if his eating habits had changed. I know they haven’t because I’ve been feeding him for the past 4 months.Any idea why doctors would not be interested in doing a thorough evaluation to diagnose possible causes of unintentional weight loss? Is there some question I can ask that will inspire them to at least be interested in the situation? Or is a second opinion and a change of doctors the best approach at this point?I’m sorry that you’re getting the impression that your concerns about your dad’s weight loss are being dismissed. That must be frustrating. In the article, Dr Kernisan mentions the MNA (Mini Nutritional Assessment) which is a validated tool for looking at nutritional risk in older adults. There’s a form of it that your dad could complete on his own, or that you could do together. Sometimes it’s helpful to bring these types of tools to a doctor visit to share some objective information and show that you’ve done some research and thinking about the issue.There are many ways that Parkinson’s disease and heart failure can affect appetite and weight. These can include changes in sense of taste and smell, difficulty with chewing and swallowing, and effects of medications. Unfortunately, many physicians are not trained in interventions for these specific causes of weight loss, and many of those changes that I listed don’t respond to medications. I will often refer my patients to a dietician or speech language pathologist to help with managing weight loss and help discern the causative factors.In a situation like the one you describe, persistent advocacy about your concerns and asking to see other experts may be the best way to go.Thank you for your reply. I don’t believe that the weight loss is being caused by the Parkinson’s or the heart failure. I think it most likely means a cancer recurrence. He continues to lose weight. He is down to 129.6 now, and the doctors are beginning to notice, finally. Today he want to see an oncologist, who noticed the weight loss and suggested beginning cancer treatment might help. It is my understanding that once cachexia gets started that it is something of a speeding train. Hopefully, I am wrong and he will stick around for a few more years.Sorry to hear about the recurrence, but I’m glad that you feel your concerns are now being heard and addressed.Cachexia is a form of catabolism, a breaking down of muscle with inflammation, usually related to cancer, AIDS, or another advanced illness. Treatment involves supplementing diet and stimulating appetite, among other things. Cachexia can be hard to reverse, and usually the goal is to enhance the person’s comfort and enjoyment of food as much as possible.My wife. Lillian 87 has been losing weight and muscle mass very fast. She is down to 93 lbs. The doctors have given her many, many, many blood tests – all negative. She had a stool test – negative. She had a cat scan of the brain – negative. She had a frontal body scan – negative. If you have any ideas, please help. Thank you Leslie Kernisan, MD, MPHI can understand being worried about weight loss, and it sounds as though most of the workup has been very reassuring, although I’m not sure what a “frontal body scan” is. I can’t give medical advice over the internet, but in a situation where there’s a concern about weight loss, it is important to look carefully at dietary intake as well. Sometimes a nutritionist or registered dietician can be helpful if serious causes of weight loss are ruled out. The dietician may also be able to recommend supplements or dietary modifications that can put the brakes on weight loss and encourage healthy weight gain.Mom is 92 yrs old. She sleeps a lot and she doesn’t eat very much but she had to have sweets everyday and sometimes she has stomach problem first she has acid reflux and also when she eats she has to go to the bathroom or sometimee she is constipation. She has lost weightIt sounds like there are some symptoms related to the GI tract: variation in bowel habit and reflux symptoms. When I see an older person with complaints about digestion and weight loss, I usually turn to one of my colleagues in gastroenterology to make sure there isn’t an issue that they need to look into. Of course, a thorough evaluation by a primary care provider is the first step.Hello, My mom is 79 years old, 5’11” and recently had a physical and she weighs 95 pounds. She is also losing her memory. Her doctor is going to prescribe an appetite stimulant and also recommended for my parents to buy a protein supplement, I forget the name, but she only drinks 1 oz. in the am and 1 oz. in the pm. My parents live in Florida and my family and I live in California. I feel helpless at this point and wanted to know what you would recommend for my mom. Thank you for your time and for your help. Sincerely, StaceyHi Stacey. It must be so hard to be worried about your mom from a distance. I’m glad to hear that your mom is seeing her doctor, because weight loss can be a cause or effect of memory changes, and that can be tough to iron out. If I saw an older person with the numbers that you shared, I would want to have a thorough assessment done, including bloodwork and some imaging. I see a lot of older adults with weight loss and reduced appetite in my practice, so asking for a Geriatrics referral if possible might be a good idea.Many underlying conditions can contribute to weight loss, as Dr Kernisan points out. If all of those underlying conditions have been ruled out, nutritional supplements may be used, and guidance from a registered dietician or nutritionist would be helpful.My father is 63-years old, and has slimmed down too much over the last few months. His weight at present is only about 48 kg. We got concerned and had him go through a full body check up, but all of his results seemed normal. And the doctor had nothing particular to add. I can’t feed him with eggs and other high calorie foods, since his cholesterol levels are pretty high as it is. But recently, he’s been losing weight again, and I’m unsure as to how to proceed. He himself insists that he’s alright at every turn, and gets irritated at my nagging. What would you suggest I do?I’m sorry to hear about your dad and not surprised that nagging isn’t helpful.I often work with a registered dietician or nutritionist when there’s no obvious cause for weight loss and there are specific issues about supplements (like wanting to avoid eggs or other high cholesterol sources). Sometimes when individuals lose weight, their cholesterol levels normalize so that might be worth reviewing as well.My 87-year old father has dropped 30 pounds during the last two years, unintentionally. He has an incredibly robust appetite, eats way more than my husband, but can’t seem to gain weight. He’s been staying with us the last two months, so I know he’s eating well.I took him to the doctor, they did thorough work up — blood tests, comprehensive questions, CT scans. They found nothing. It’s like he’s not absorbing nutrients, like malabsorption.During this same time, he’s been suffering from mild cognitive impairment or mild dementia. Don’t know what to do at this point.Sorry to hear about your dad’s weight loss, and it’s great to hear that he’s eating well now.Malabsorption in medical terms is usually related to a gastrointestinal issues, and may be detectable with bloodwork (for example, you may see low levels of fat soluble vitamins or other elements in the bloodstream), so some of that may have been ruled out with a “thorough workup”. Some medications can affect absorption of nutrients, so that may be worth reviewing in more depth.Dementia can affect appetite and food intake, and it may be that your dad is eating well now that he’s living with you but wasn’t doing so on his own. He may also be more physically active now and burning more calories. In a situation like this, weekly weigh ins may be helpful to see if the weight loss is ongoing or stabilizing. If a pattern of ongoing loss is apparent, I would go back to the PCP for more advice.Hello! Same as most of the comments: My Mother is under doctors and nurses care for anemia dementia and neck pain. Due to covid her care is very under par and I feel I am on my own. I have been trying to get her psychotic meds reduced which make her have loss of appetite. My question to you is: “Besides Centrum Silver, isn’t there a B12 shot or supplements she can take to add nutrients to her system? She does eat, but not gaining weight.Hi Jenny and thanks for sharing your mom’s story. It sounds like you’re a great advocate for her health care, which must be challenging right now.We usually don’t recommend additional “nutrients” for weight gain in older adults, unless there’s a specific deficiency. If your mom has had blood tests recently, her doctor may be able to tell you if there’s a low level of some mineral, like calcium or magnesium, or if her Vitamin B12 needs to be replenished.Dietary supplements like Boost or Ensure can be a good way to get additional calories and protein, but they can sometimes satisfy the appetite such that a person has less hunger at meal times. Usually a small amount of a dietary supplement over a longer period of time (like taking 30ml five or six times a day) can add those extra calories that can stabilize or increase body mass.You’re on the right track thinking about a medication review as well, although many antipsychotic meds tend to promote putting on the pounds.The material on this site, including any exchanges in the comments section of the blog, is for informational and educational purposes only.Any comments Dr Kernisan may make regarding an individual’s story or comments should not be construed as establishing a physician-patient relationship between Dr Kernisan and a caregiver, or care recipient.None of Dr Kernisan’s website or group information should be considered a substitute for individualized medical assessment, diagnosis, or treatment.

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What can I do to stop calls that ask about my credit?Install a call blocker app(s) on your mobile phone; I use two simultaneously.10 Best Call Blocker Apps for Android and iOSTop Best Call Blocker Apps For SmartphonesBest Free Robocall Blocker Apps for iPhone and AndroidYouTube: Stop Robocalls and ScammersIf you only have a landline hangup. Please do not give out personal information from an incoming call. It's a scam and an attempt to steal from you by identity theft.SOURCE: Best Landline Call Blocker Devices to Block Robocalls | MashtipsHow to block robocalls on a landline phone - The Silicon UndergroundStop the Robocalls: Tips to Hang up on Them for GoodLocal Call Spam? Here's How to Block Robocalls on Landline and Mobile | Pivotal ITRobocalls Flooding Your Cellphone? Here’s How to Stop ThemAn official website of the United States governmentIdentity TheftHow to protect yourself against identity theft and respond if it happens.Identity (ID) theft happens when someone steals your personal information to commit fraud.The identity thief may use your information to fraudulently apply for credit, file taxes, or get medical services. These acts can damage your credit status, and cost you time and money to restore your good name.You may not know that you’re the victim of ID theft immediately. You could be a victim if you receive:Bills for items you didn't buyDebt collection calls for accounts you didn't openDenials for loan applicationsChildren and seniors are both vulnerable to ID theft. Child ID theft may go undetected for many years. Victims may not know until they’re adults, applying for their own loans. Seniors are vulnerable because they share their personal information often with doctors and caregivers. The number of people and offices that access their information put them at risk.Types of ID TheftThere are several common types of identity theft that can affect you:Tax ID theft - Someone uses your Social Security number to falsely file tax returns with the IRS or your stateMedical ID theft - Someone steals your Medicare ID or health insurance member number. Thieves use this information to get medical services or send fake bills to your health insurer.Social ID theft - Someone uses your name and photos to create a fake account on social mediaTake steps to avoid being a victim of identity theft. Secure your internet connections, use security features, and review bills. Read moreabout how you can prevent identity theft.Prevent Identity TheftKeep these tips in mind to protect yourself from identity theft:Hang-up to anyone you do not knowSecure your Social Security number (SSN). Don’t carry your Social Security card in your wallet. Only give out your SSN when absolutely necessary.Don’t share personal information (birthdate, Social Security number, or bank account number) just because someone asks for it.Collect mail every day. Place a hold on your mail when you are away from home for several days.Pay attention to your billing cycles. If bills or financial statements are late, contact the sender.Use the security features on your mobile phone.Update sharing and firewall settings when you're on a public wi-fi network. Use a virtual private network, if you use public wi-fi.Review your credit card and bank account statements. Compare receipts with account statements. Watch for unauthorized transactions.Shred receipts, credit offers, account statements, and expired credit cards, to prevent “dumpster divers” from getting your personal information.Store personal information in a safe place.Install firewalls and virus-detection software on your home computer.Create complex passwords that identity thieves cannot guess. Change your passwords if a company that you do business with has a breach of its databasesReview your credit reports once a year. Be certain that they don't include accounts that you have not opened. You can order it for free from your credit files with Equifax, Experian, Innovis, TransUnion, and the National Consumer Telecommunications and Utilities Exchange for free. Credit freezes prevent someone from applying for and getting approval for credit account or utility services in your name.Report Identity TheftReport identity (ID) theft to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) online at IdentityTheft.govor by phone at 1-877-438-4338.If you report identity theft online, you will receive an identity theft report and a recovery plan. Create an account on the website to update your recovery plan, track your progress, and receive prefilled form letters to send to creditors. If you don't create an account, you won't be able to access the report or letters later. Download the FTC's publication (PDF, Download Adobe Reader) for detailed tips, checklists, and sample letters.If you report identity theft by phone, the FTC will collect the details of your situation. But it won't give you an ID theft report or recovery plan.You may also choose to report your identity theft to your local police station. It could be necessary if:You know the identity thiefThe thief used your name in an interaction with the policeA creditor or another company requires you to provide a police report.Report Specific Types of Identity TheftYou may also report specific types of identity theft to other federal agencies.Medical Identity Theft - Contact Medicare’s fraud office, if you have Medicare.Tax Identity Theft - Report tax ID theft to the Internal Revenue Service.Report Identity Theft to Other OrganizationsYou can also report the theft to other organizations, such as:Credit Reporting Agencies - Contact one of the three major credit reporting agencies to place fraud alerts or freezes on your accounts. Also get copies of your credit reports, to be sure that no one has already tried to get unauthorized credit accounts with your personal information. Confirm that the credit reporting agency will alert the other two credit reporting agencies.National Long-Term Care Ombudsman Resource Center - Report cases of identity theft that resulted from a stay in a nursing home or long-term care facility.Financial Institutions - Contact the fraud department at your bank, credit card issuers and any other places where you have accounts.Retailers and Other Companies - Report the crime to companies where the identity thief opened credit accounts or even applied for jobs.State Consumer Protection Offices or Attorney General - Some states offer resources to help you contact creditors and dispute errors.You may need to get new personal records or identification cards if you're the victim of ID theft. Learn how to replace your vital identification documents after identity theft.Tax ID TheftTax-related identity theft occurs when someone uses your Social Security number to get a tax refund or a job. You may not be aware of the problem until you E-file your tax return and find out that another return has already been filed using your Social Security number. If the IRS suspects tax ID theft, they will send a 5071C letter to the address on the federal tax return. Keep in mind, the IRS will never start contact with you by sending an email, text, or social media message that asks for personal or financial information. Watch out for IRS imposter scams, when someone contacts you saying they work for the IRS.Report Tax ID TheftIf you suspect you have become a victim of tax ID theft—or the IRS sends you a letter or notice indicating a problem—take these steps:File a report with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) at You can also call the FTC Identity Theft Hotline at 1-877-438-4338 or TTY 1-866-653-4261.Contact one of the three major credit bureaus to place a fraud alert on your credit records:Equifax: 1-888-766-0008Experian: 1-888-397-3742TransUnion: 1-800-680-7289Contact your financial institutions, and close any accounts opened without your permission or that show unusual activity.Respond immediately to any IRS notice; call the number provided. If instructed, go to the IRS Identity Verification Service.Complete IRS Form 14039, Identity Theft Affidavit (PDF, Download Adobe Reader); print, then mail or fax according to instructions.Continue to pay your taxes and file your tax return, even if you must do so by paper.Check with your state tax agency to see what steps to take at the state level.How to Protect YourselfFollow these steps to prevent tax identity theft:DoFile your income taxes early in the season, before a thief can file taxes in your name. Also, Keep an eye out for any IRS letter or notice that states:More than one tax return was filed using your Social Security number.You owe additional tax, you have had a tax refund offset, or you have had collection actions taken against you for a year you did not file a tax return.IRS records indicate you received wages from an employer unknown to you.Don’tDon’t reply to or click on any links in suspicious email, texts, and social media messages. Make sure to report anything suspicious to the IRS.Medical ID TheftMedical identity theft can occur when someone steals your personal identification number to obtain medical care, buy medication, access your medical records, or submit fake claims to your insurer or Medicare in your name.Report Medical Identity TheftIf you believe you have been a victim of medical identity theft, call the Federal Trade Commission at 1-877-438-4338 (TTY: 1-866-653-4261) and your health insurance company’s fraud department. You can report the theft through to share with the FTC and with law enforcement. Also get copies of your medical records and work with your doctor's office and insurance company to correct them.If you suspect that you have been the victim of Medicare fraud, contact the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Inspector General at 1-800-447-8477.Prevent Medical Identity TheftTake these steps to prevent medical identity theft:Guard your Social Security, Medicare, and health insurance identification numbers. Only give your number to your physician or other approved health care providers.Review your explanation of benefits or Medicare Summary Notice to make sure that the claims match the services you received. Report questionable charges to your health insurance provider or Medicare.Request and carefully review a copy of your medical records for inaccuracies and conditions that you don’t have.Do you need help?Ask us any question about the U.S. government for free. We'll get you the answer or tell you where to find it.Call USA.govChat with USA.govForm Approved OMB#3090-0297 Exp. Date 07/31/2019Last Updated: February 14, 2019TopfooterAbout Official Guide to Government Information and Services | USAGovAsk Official Guide to Government Information and Services | USAGov a Question

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