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Have you witnessed or been subjected to a public confrontation over masks?
Every single day, I have witnessed or been subjected to a public confrontation over masks, where I have been surprised by covidiot maskhole mask debaters, and forgot that I have 100% power to protect ME first, and turn around and go elsewhere, instead of hanging around hoping they will mask up.In the state of Virginia US, it’s the law to wear a breathing filter mask in publicly accessible spaces, and people still walk and sit all over with no mask on, even trying to get through stores with no mask on.The say stupid shit like “… I have a mask, see? …” waving their mask in their hand, “… can’t you see I’m on the phone, don't be rude …”, “… I’m immune …”, “… you have a mask, so I don't need one …”, and one yelled at the top of their obviously healthy lungs, “… I have asthma …” as they stood beside someone, with no extra distance in compensation for not wearing a mask, another said “… you don't know the truth, you can't catch a virus …” … read Quora for more stupid shit covidiot maskhole mask debaters say.Yeah, THEY should be the ones to leave, but I got better things to do than to participate in trying to stop their public presence.I gotta protect me and mine.There is NO COMPROMISE on these rules:maskdistanceglovesdon’t touch anythingwash everything… and live to tell about it.I’m learning to turn around and go the other way immediately, no waiting to see if, suddenly, a covidiot maskhole mask debater will straighten out and fly right - it ain’t gonna happen.I want to carry an air-horn to blast them, a paintball gun to shoot them and mark them, a taser to drop them, duct-tape to put a mask on their face securely.But, no, these people are not worth going to jail over.They are making this go on forever, it will be 2030 and we still we be in the midst of a pandemic because they won’t mask up.- - - - - - - - - -In response to others who say they need to drop their mask, even if just for a moment, they have asthma, COPD, panic attacks, difficulty breathing:If you can’t breathe through it, then it’s inappropriate - isn't anybody trying different masks?Does anyone here just wear whatever shoes were handed to them, and never comparison shop to find the best fit and the best shoes for each purpose?Masks are no different - keep comparison shopping, keep modifying whatever we’ve got to make it right.There are even portable CPAP Continuous Positive Air Pressure machines:How about a face shield in compensation for not wearing a mask:Please, try something.This is not going to go away, there is no going back, we need to adapt and change, just as the virus did.And if you are gonna drop your mask because you need to take a breath, then keep your distance - 200 feet / 61 meters, and 20 minutes away from others, please.Seriously.Thanks for exploring this and sharing.- - - - - - - - - -In response to Dyanne DiRosario who wrote a whole much of science stuff …There are ~13,000 observed variations in ~100,000 novel corona virus 2019 samples, yeah, less than ~0.25% has been genomed, and even that tiny sample reveals that it is mutating at a rate of ~13%.Luckily the variations are around the same 10 letters of RNA, so it’s comparatively stable, BUT …… the more it reproduces, the more it mutates, and then the virus in the wild no longer matches the virus being inoculated against in the lab, and we have to start all over again.So we don’t just wear masks to stop ourselves from getting sick, or to stop getting someone close to us sick, we also wear a mask to stop the spreading, reproducing, and stop the mutating, so the virus remains stable long enough to kill it.Otherwise, it will be 2030, and we’ll still be arguing over covidiot maskhole mask debaters.Thanks for exploring this and sharing.- - - - - - - - - -Note to the curious, highlight anything I write, and right-click, and then web search, to follow up on anything, specific links are wandering, coming and going, and new stuff is arriving daily, so I share referenceable summaries, and then let’s all look stuff up fresh, and read as many corroborating science publications as we can find before we go off half-cocked, then don’t go off half-cocked, read some more.A 14-year-old won the 3M science prize … for CoViD research.Look her up, say her name.At 14, she has already also spent 8 years in the self-discipline of Bharatanatyam dance, and yes, she is holding her foot behind her head with her hand, and she is still standing, in perfect balance … and she is researching how to save everyone’s life while she’s at it.The least we can do is learn to say her name as we mask up.And we can say “… thank you …”Please mask up folks, please do not kill her.- - - - - - - - - -In response to Christopher Phillips who wrote “… sacrificing the economy is too great a price to pay for a virus that kills only .02% of the population …”Wow, where does this come from the “… let ’em die …” Republican chant at T-Rump rallies, the lack of consideration for all of we the people being equal under equal law with equal recognition, support, and protection secured by our self-governance for each individual’s individual rights to at least their own life?So, out of ~382,200,000 in the US alone, ~0.02% dying from CoViD is ~7,644,000 people dead, that’s about seven million, six-hundred forty-four thousand people dead, and that’s alright with you?That’s MORE than the COMBINED populations of Wyoming, Vermont, District of Columbia, Alaska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Delaware, Rhode Island, and Montana, the equivalent of all of them, every single child and adult, being wiped out, and that is ok with you?And when does your supposed “… only .02% …” stop?After wiping out only ~7,644,000 US residents?Or does the virus continue, and go on to kill yet another “… only .02% …” of the remaining people, every year, and then again, and again, and again, until there is no one left?Our US founding and definitive documents and principles do NOT say “… We hold these truths to be self-evident, that 99.98% are created equal …”All means all.And it’s critically important to understand that no one needed to die, and no “economy” needed to be “sacrificed” if we had a presiding governmental executive who took responsibility to be aware, prepared, and responsive, considering that there were CDC reports of an impending corona virus jump to humans in 2015, before the current presiding governmental executive took office, but instead of learning about that, and acting on that, the current presiding governmental executive eliminated CDC funding and scientists.Responsibility means responsibility.Each one of us can turn this around by practicing these simple prophylactic behaviors:maskdistanceglovesdon’t touch anythingwash everything.And vote.That’s the only way we are going to get rid of this virus:We’re on our own.We need to take responsibility.All of us.Thanks for exploring this and sharing.- - - - - - - - - -As a reward for those who have made it this far down my collected thread, here’s a treat, a little bit of high art, and lighthearted entertainment, ridicule-humor, back at covidiot maskholes and mask debaters:- - - - - - - - - -… um … I’m alive, is that enough of a relevant and specific credential?.
Who joined Justice Thomas when he wrote the opinion for the majority?
Which one…………….Writings by Justice Thomasgrouped by type, in alphabetical order by first party name[Opinions| Concurrences | Dissents | Concur in part, dissent in part ]M&G POLYMERS USA, ET AL. v. TACKETT, HOBERT F., ET AL. , , 01/26/15Opinions*NOTICE: This opinion is subject to formal revision before publication in the pr v. , 531 U.S. 206, 01/09/0114 PENN PLAZA LLC, ET AL. v. PYETT, STEVEN, ET AL. , , 04/01/09AETNA HEALTH INC., ETC. v. DAVILA, JUAN , 542 U.S. 200 (2004), 06/21/04ALASKA v. NATIVE VILLAGE OF VENETIETRIBAL GOVERNMENT , 522 U.S. 520 (1998), 02/25/98ALASKA, Petitioner, v. NATIVE VILLAGE OF VENETIE TRIBAL GOVERNMENT et al. , 522 U.S. 520, 02/25/98ALI, ABDUS-SHAHID M. S. v. FED. BUREAU OF PRISONS, ET AL. , 552 U.S. 214 (2008), 01/22/08ANDERSON, DIRECTOR, CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES, et al. v. EDWARDS, guardian ad litem for EDWARDS, et al. , 514 U.S. 143 (1995), 03/22/95ASHCROFT, ATTY. GEN. v. ACLU, ET AL. , 535 U.S. 564 (2002), 05/13/02ASTRUE, COMM'R, SOCIAL SEC. v. RATLIFF, CATHERINE G. , , 06/14/10ATLANTIC SOUNDING CO., INC. v. TOWNSEND, EDGAR L. , , 06/25/09AZ DEPT. OF REVENUE v. BLAZE CONSTR. CO. , 526 U.S. 32 (1999), 03/02/99BAKER BOTTS, L.L.P., ET AL. v. ASARCO, L.L.C. , , 06/15/15BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. v. CAULKETT, DAVID B. , , 06/01/15BARAL, DAVID H. v. UNITED STATES , 528 U.S. 431 (2000), 02/22/00BARNHART, COMMR, SOC SEC v. SIGMON COAL CO., ET AL. , 534 U.S. 438 (2002), 02/19/02BD. OF ED., POTTAWATOMIE CTY v. EARLS, LINDSAY, ET AL. , 536 U.S. 822 (2002), 06/27/02BEARD, SEC., PA DOC, ET AL. v. BANKS, GEORGE E. , 542 U.S. 406 (2004), 06/24/04BECK, ROBERT A. v. PRUPIS, ROBERT M., ET AL. , 529 U.S. 494 (2000), 00/00/00BEN CHAVEZ, PETITIONER v. OLIVERIO MARTINEZ , 538 U.S. 1, 05/27/03BLOATE, TAYLOR J. v. UNITED STATES , , 03/08/10BOARD OF EDUCATION OF INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 92 OF POTTAWATOMIE COUNTY v. EARLS ET AL. , 536 U.S. 822, 06/27/02BOGAN v. SCOTT-HARRIS , 523 U.S. 44 (1998), 03/03/98BOWLES, KEITH v. RUSSELL, WARDEN , 551 U.S. 205 (2007), 06/14/07BRIDGE, JOHN, ET AL. v. PHOENIX BOND & INDEMNITY, ET AL. , 553 U.S. 639 (2008), 06/09/08C. Elvin FELTNER, Jr., Petitioner, v. COLUMBIA PICTURES TELEVISION, INC. , 523 U.S. 340, 03/31/98CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS et al. v. MORALES , 514 U.S. 499 (1995), 04/25/95CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS, et al., Petitioners, v. Jose Ramon MORALES. , 514 U.S. 499, 04/25/95CALIFORNIA DIVISION OF LABOR STANDARDS ENFORCEMENT et al. v. DILLINGHAM CONSTRUCTION, N. A., INC., et al. , 519 U.S. 316 (1997), 02/18/97CALIFORNIA DIVISION OF LABOR STANDARDS ENFORCEMENT, et al., Petitioners, v. DILLINGHAM CONSTRUCTION, N.A., INC., and Manuel J. Arceo, dba Sound Systems Medi , 519 U.S. 316, 02/18/97CARCIERI, GOV. OF RI, ET AL. v. KEMPTHORNE, SEC. OF INTERIOR , , 02/24/09CAREY, WARDEN v. MUSLADIN, MATHEW , 549 U.S. 70 (2006), 12/11/06CARLSBAD TECHNOLOGY, INC. v. HIF BIO, INC., ET AL. , , 05/04/09CARTER, FLOYD J. v. UNITED STATES , 530 U.S. 255 (2000), 06/12/00CASS COUNTY v. LEECH LAKE BAND OFCHIPPEWA INDIANS , 524 U.S. 103 (1998), 06/08/98Charles T. ROBINSON, Sr., Petitioner, v. SHELL OIL COMPANY. , 519 U.S. 337, 02/18/97CHAVEZ, BEN v. MARTINEZ, OLIVERIO , 538 U.S. 760 (2003), 05/27/03CHRISTENSEN, EDWARD, ET AL. v. HARRIS CTY., TX, ET AL. , 529 U.S. 576 (2000), 05/01/00CLINGMAN, SEC., OK ELECTION BD. v. BEAVER, ANDREA L., ET AL. , 544 U.S. 581 (2005), 05/23/05CONNECTICUT NATIONAL BANK, Petitioner, v. Thomas M. GERMAIN, Trustee for the Estate of O'Sullivan's Fuel Oil Co., Inc. , 503 U.S. 249, 03/09/92CONNICK, HARRY F., ET AL. v. THOMPSON, JOHN , , 03/29/11CONSOLIDATED RAIL CORPORATION v. GOTTSHALL , 512 U.S. 532 (1994), 06/24/94CONSOLIDATED RAIL CORPORATION, Petitioner v. James E. GOTTSHALL. CONSOLIDATED RAIL CORPORATION, Petitioner v. Alan CARLISLE. , 512 U.S. 532, 06/24/94COOPER INDUSTRIES, INC. v. AVIALL SERVICES, INC. , 543 U.S. 157 (2004), 12/13/04CUELLAR, HUMBERTO F. R. v. UNITED STATES , 553 U.S. 550 (2008), 06/02/08CULLEN, ACTING WARDEN v. PINHOLSTER, SCOTT L. , , 04/04/11CUNNINGHAM, TERESA v. HAMILTON COUNTY , 527 U.S. 198 (1999), 06/14/99D. Grant PEACOCK, Petitioner, v. Jack L. THOMAS. , 516 U.S. 349, 02/21/96Dale FARRAR and Pat Smith, Co-Administrators of Estate of Joseph D. Farrar, Dece v. William P. HOBBY, Jr. , 506 U.S. 103, 12/14/92Daniel BOGAN and Marilyn Roderick, Petitioners, v. Janet SCOTT-HARRIS. , 523 U.S. 44, 03/03/98DELAWARE v. NEW YORK , 507 U.S. 490 (1993), 03/30/93DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION, ET AL. v. PUBLIC CITIZEN, ET AL. , 541 U.S. 752 (2004), 06/07/04DESERT PALACE, INC. v. COSTA, CATHARINA F. , 539 U.S. 90 (2003), 06/09/03DIR. OF REVENUE OF MO v. CoBANK ACB , 531 U.S. 316 (2001), 02/20/01DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA et al. v. GREATER , 506 U.S. 125 (1992), 12/14/92Donald Neal RAKE, et al., Petitioners v. William J. WADE, Trustee. , 508 U.S. 464, 06/07/93DOOLEY v. KOREAN AIR LINES CO. , 524 U.S. 116 (1998), 06/08/98eBAY INC., ET AL. v. MERcEXCHANGE, L.L.C. , 547 U.S. 388 (2006), 05/15/06EGELHOFF, DONNA R. v. EGELHOFF, SAMANTHA, ET AL. , 532 U.S. 141 (2001), 03/21/01Ellis B. WRIGHT, Jr., Warden and Mary Sue Terry, Attorney General of Virginia, P v. Frank Robert WEST, Jr. , 505 U.S. 277, 06/19/92Eloise ANDERSON, Director, California Department of Social Services, et al., Pet v. Verna EDWARDS, etc., et al. , 514 U.S. 143, 03/22/95ENTERGY LOUISIANA, INC. v. LOUISIANA PUBLIC SERV. COMM. , 539 U.S. 39 (2003), 06/02/03EXXON CO., U. S. A., et al. v. SOFEC, INC., et al. , 517 U.S. 830 (1996), 06/10/96EXXON CO., U. S. A., et al. v. SOFEC, INC., et al.Certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Nint , 517 U.S. 830, 06/10/96F. Dale ROBERTSON, Chief, United States Forest Service, et al., Petitioners, v. SEATTLE AUDUBON SOCIETY et al. , 503 U.S. 429, 03/25/92FARRAR et al., COADMINISTRATORS OF ESTATE OF FARRAR, DECEASED v. HOBBY , 506 U.S. 103 (1992), 12/14/92FED. MARITIME COMM'N v. SC STATE PORTS AUTHORITY , 535 U.S. 743 (2002), 05/28/02FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION and United States, Petitioners, v. BEACH COMMUNICATIONS, INC., et al. , 508 U.S. 307, 06/01/93FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION et al. v. BEACH COMMUNICATIONS, INC., et al. , 508 U.S. 307 (1993), 06/01/93FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION v. MEYER , 510 U.S. 471 (1994), 02/23/94FEDERAL MARITIME COMMISSION v. SOUTH CAROLINA STATE PORTS AUTHORITY et al. , 535 U.S. 743, 05/28/02FELTNER v. COLUMBIA PICTURES TELEVISION, INC. , 523 U.S. 340 (1998), 03/31/98FL DEPT. OF REVENUE v. PICCADILLY CAFETERIAS, INC. , , 06/16/08FLORIDA v. WHITE, TYVESSEL TYVORUS , 526 U.S. 559 (1999), 05/17/99Frank X. HOPKINS, Warden, Petitioner, v. Randolph K. REEVES. , 524 U.S. 88, 06/08/98FREIGHTLINER CORP. et al. v. MYRICK et al. , 514 U.S. 280 (1995), 04/18/95FREIGHTLINER CORPORATION, et al., Petitioners v. Ben MYRICK, et ux., et al. , 514 U.S. 280, 04/18/95GEORGE SMITH, WARDEN, PETITIONER v. LEE ROBBINS , 528 U.S. 259, 01/19/00GITLITZ, D., ET UX., ET AL. v. CIR , 531 U.S. 206 (2001), 01/09/01GODINEZ, WARDEN v. MORAN , 509 U.S. 389 (1993), 06/24/93GOOD NEWS CLUB, ET AL. v. MILFORD CENTRAL SCHOOL , 533 U.S. 98 (2001), 06/11/01GRAHAM COUNTY WATER DISTRICT v. U. S., ex rel. WILSON , 545 U.S. 409 (2005), 06/20/05GRANITE ROCK COMPANY v. INT'L BHD. OF TEAMSTERS, ET AL. , , 06/24/10GROSS, JACK v. FBL FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC. , , 06/18/09HARDT, BRIDGET v. RELIANCE STANDARD LIFE INS. , , 05/24/10HARPER et al. v. VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION , 509 U.S. 86 (1993), 06/18/93HARRIS TRUST & SAVINGS BANK v. SALOMON BROS., INC., ET AL. , 530 U.S. 238 (2000), 06/12/00Henry HARPER, et al., Petitioners, v. VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION. , 509 U.S. 86, 06/18/93HOLYWELL CORPORATION, et al., Petitioners, v. Fred Stanton SMITH, etc., et al. UNITED STATES, Petitioner, v. Fred Stanton SMIT , 503 U.S. 47, 02/25/92HOPKINS v. REEVES , 524 U.S. 88 (1998), 06/08/98HOUSEHOLD CREDIT SERVICES v. PFENNIG, SHARON R. , 541 U.S. 232 (2004), 04/21/04HUGHES AIRCRAFT CO., ET AL. v. JACOBSON, STANLEY, ET AL. , 525 U.S. 432 (1999), 01/25/99HUGHES AIRCRAFT COMPANY, Petitioner, v. UNITED STATES, ex rel. William J. SCHUMER. , 520 U.S. 939, 06/16/97HUNT, GOV. OF NC, ET AL. v. CROMARTIE, MARTIN, ET AL. , 526 U.S. 541 (1999), 05/17/99J.E.M. AG SUPPLY, ET AL. v. PIONEER HI-BRED INTL. , 534 U.S. 124 (2001), 12/10/01JANUS CAPITAL GROUP, ET AL. v. FIRST DERIVATIVE TRADERS , , 06/13/11JEANNE WOODFORD, WARDEN, PETITIONER v. ROBERT FREDERICK GARCEAU. , 538 U.S. 202, 03/25/03JIMENEZ, CARLOS v. QUARTERMAN, DIR., TX DOC , , 01/13/09JONES v. UNITED STATES (97-9361)SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES , 527 U.S. 373, 00/00/00JONES, LOUIS v. UNITED STATES , 527 U.S. 373 (1999), 06/21/99Joseph Roger O'DELL, III, Petitioner, v. J.D. NETHERLAND, Warden, et al. , 521 U.S. 151, 06/19/97KANSAS v. HENDRICKS , 521 U.S. 346 (1997), 06/23/97KANSAS v. MARSH, MICHAEL L. , 548 U.S. 163 (2006), 06/26/06KANSAS, Petitioner, v. Leroy HENDRICKS.Leroy HENDRICKS, Petitioner,v.KANSAS. , 521 U.S. 346, 06/23/97KNOWLES, WARDEN v. MIRZAYANCE, ALEXANDRE , , 03/24/09LAWRENCE, GARY v. FLORIDA , 549 U.S. 327 (2007), 02/20/07LECHMERE, INC., Petitioner v. NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD. , 502 U.S. 527, 01/27/92Leonard NOBELMAN, et ux., Petitioners, v. AMERICAN SAVINGS BANK et al. , 508 U.S. 324, 06/01/93Leroy L. YOUNG, et al., Petitioners, v. Ernest Eugene HARPER. , 520 U.S. 143, 03/18/97LOCKHEED CORP. et al. v. SPINKCertiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. , 517 U.S. 882, 06/10/96LOCKHEED CORP. et al. v. SPINK , 517 U.S. 882 (1996), 06/10/96MAGWOOD, BILLY J. v. CULLIVER, WARDEN, ET AL. , , 06/24/10MATSUSHITA ELECTRIC INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD., et al. v. EPSTEIN , 516 U.S. 367 (1996), 02/27/96MATSUSHITA ELECTRIC INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD., et al., Petitioners, v. Lawrence EPSTEIN et al. , 516 U.S. 367, 02/27/96McFADDEN, STEPHEN D. v. UNITED STATES , , 06/18/15McNEILL, CLIFTON T. v. UNITED STATES , , 06/06/11MELENDEZ v. UNITED STATES , 518 U.S. 120 (1996), 06/17/96MELENDEZ v. UNITED STATESCertiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circ , 518 U.S. 120, 06/17/96MITCHELL, GUY, ET AL. v. HELMS, MARY L., ET AL. , 530 U.S. 793 (2000), 06/28/00MONTANILE, ROBERT v. BD. OF TRUSTEES NEIHBP , , 01/20/16MOYLAN, ATT'Y GEN. OF GUAM v. CAMACHO, GOV. OF GUAM , 549 U.S. 483 (2007), 03/27/07MUSACCHIO, MICHAEL v. UNITED STATES , , 01/25/16NAT'L CABLE & TELECOMM. ASSN. v. BRAND X INTERNET SERVICES , 545 U.S. 967 (2005), 06/27/05NATIONAL CREDIT UNION ADMIN. v. FIRST NAT.BANK & TRUST CO. , 522 U.S. 479 (1998), 02/25/98NATIONAL CREDIT UNION ADMINISTRATION, Petitioner, v. FIRST NATIONAL BANK & TRUST CO. et al. AT&T FAMILY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION, et al., , 522 U.S. 479, 02/25/98NATIONAL PARK HOSPITALITY ASSOCIATION, PETITIONER v. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR ET AL. , 538 U.S. 1, 05/27/03NATIONAL PRIVATE TRUCK COUNCIL, INC., et al. v. OKLAHOMA TAX COMMISSION et al. , 515 U.S. 582 (1995), 06/19/95NATIONAL PRIVATE TRUCK COUNCIL, INC., et al., Petitioners v. OKLAHOMA TAX COMMISSION et al. , 515 U.S. 582, 06/19/95NATIONAL RAILROAD PASSENGER CORPORATION v. MORGAN. , 536 U.S. 101, 06/10/02NATL. PARK HOSP. ASSN. v. DEPT. OF THE INTERIOR, ET AL. , 538 U.S. 803 (2003), 05/27/03NATL. RR PASSENGER CORP. v. MORGAN, ABNER , 536 U.S. 101 (2002), 06/10/02NEBRASKA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE v. LOEWENSTEIN , 513 U.S. 123 (1994), 12/12/94NEBRASKA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE, Petitioner v. John LOEWENSTEIN. , 513 U.S. 123, 12/12/94NOBELMAN et ux. v. AMERICAN SAVINGS BANK , 508 U.S. 324 (1993), 06/01/93NORFOLK & WESTERN RAILWAY CO. v. HILES , 516 U.S. 400 (1996), 02/27/96NORFOLK AND WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY, Petitioner, v. William J. HILES. , 516 U.S. 400, 02/27/96NORTHEASTERN FLORIDA CHAPTER OF THE ASSOCIATED GENERAL CONTRACTORS OF AMERICA v. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, , 508 U.S. 656 (1993), 06/14/93NORTHEASTERN FLORIDA CHAPTER OF the ASSOCIATED GENERAL CONTRACTORS OF AMERICA, P v. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA, et al. , 508 U.S. 656, 06/14/93Northern Ins. Co. of New York v. CHATHAM COUNTY, GA , 547 U.S. 189 (2006), 04/25/06NOTICE: This opinion is subject to formal revision before publication in the pre v. , 534 U.S. 124, 12/10/01NOTICE: This opinion is subject to formal revision before publication in the pre v. , 530 U.S. 793, 06/28/00NOTICE: This opinion is subject to formal revision before publication in the pre v. , 532 U.S. 223, 04/18/01NOTICE: This opinion is subject to formal revision before publication in the pre v. , 532 U.S. 483, 05/14/01NOTICE: This opinion is subject to formal revision before publication in the pre v. , 532 U.S. 141, 03/21/01NOTICE: This opinion is subject to formal revision before publication in the pre v. , 533 U.S. 98, 06/11/01NOTICE: This opinion is subject to formal revision before publication in the pre v. , 530 U.S. 255, 06/12/00NOTICE: This opinion is subject to formal revision before publication in the pre v. , 532 U.S. 843, 06/04/01NOTICE: This opinion is subject to formal revision before publication in the pre v. , 534 U.S. 506, 02/26/02NOTICE: This opinion is subject to formal revision before publication in the pre v. , 533 U.S. 656, 06/28/01NOTICE: This opinion is subject to formal revision before publication in the pre v. , 530 U.S. 238, 06/12/00NOTICE: This opinion is subject to formal revision before publication in the pre v. , 527 U.S. 198, 06/14/99NOTICE: This opinion is subject to formal revision before publication in the pre v. , 531 U.S. 316, 02/20/01O'DELL v. NETHERLAND, WARDEN, et al. , 521 U.S. 151 (1997), 06/19/97OLYMPIC AIRWAYS v. HUSAIN, RUBINA, ETC., ET AL. , 540 U.S. 644 (2004), 02/24/04OREGON WASTE SYSTEMS, INC. v. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY OF THE , 511 U.S. 93 (1994), 04/04/94OREGON WASTE SYSTEMS, INC., et al., Petitioners v. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY OF The STATE OF OREGON et al. COLUMBIA RESOU , 511 U.S. 93, 04/04/94ORFF, FRANCIS A., ET AL. v. UNITED STATES, ET AL. , 545 U.S. 596 (2005), 06/23/05PASQUANTINO, DAVID B., ET AL. v. UNITED STATES , 544 U.S. 349 (2005), 04/26/05PEACOCK v. THOMAS , 516 U.S. 349 (1996), 02/21/96Pennsylvania Bd. of Probation and Parole v. Scott , 524 U.S. 357 (1998), 06/22/98PENNSYLVANIA BOARD OF PROBATION AND PAROLE, Petitioner, v. Keith M. SCOTT. , 524 U.S. 357, 06/22/98PERMANENT MISSION ETC., ET AL. v. NEW YORK, NY , 551 U.S. 193 (2007), 06/14/07Philomena DOOLEY, personal representative of the estate of Cecelio Chuapoco, et v. KOREAN AIR LINES CO., LTD. , 524 U.S. 116, 06/08/98PIERCE COUNTY, WA v. GUILLEN, IGNACIO, ET AL. , 537 U.S. 129 (2003), 01/14/03PLILER, WARDEN v. FORD, RICHARD H. , 542 U.S. 225 (2004), 06/21/04PLIVA, INC., ET AL. v. MENSING, GLADYS , , 06/23/11POLLARD, SHARON B. v. E. I. DuPONT de NEMOURS , 532 U.S. 843 (2001), 06/04/01PROFESSIONAL REAL ESTATE INVESTORS, INC., et al., Petitioners v. COLUMBIA PICTURES INDUSTRIES, INC., et al. , 508 U.S. 49, 05/03/93QUANTA COMPUTER, INC., ET AL. v. LG ELECTRONICS, INC. , 553 U.S. 617 (2008), 06/09/08RAKE et al. v. WADE, TRUSTEE , 508 U.S. 464 (1993), 06/07/93RAYTHEON CO. v. HERNANDEZ, JOEL , 540 U.S. 44 (2003), 12/02/03REED ELSEVIER, INC., ET AL. v. MUCHNICK, IRVIN, ET AL. , , 03/02/10REED, CLYDE, ET AL. v. GILBERT, AZ, ET AL. , , 06/18/15Reversed.SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES v. , 526 U.S. 541, 00/00/00Robert E. RUBIN, Secretary of the Treasury, Petitioner v. COORS BREWING COMPANY, Respondent. , 514 U.S. 476, 04/19/95ROBERTSON, CHIEF, UNITED STATES FOREST SERVICE, et al. v. SEATTLE AUDUBON SOCIETY , 503 U.S. 429 (1992), 03/25/92ROBINSON v. SHELL OIL CO. , 519 U.S. 337 (1997), 02/18/97ROUSEY, RICHARD G., ET UX. v. JACOWAY, JILL R. , 544 U.S. 320 (2005), 04/04/05RUBIN, SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY v. COORS BREWING CO. , 514 U.S. 476 (1995), 04/19/95Salvador GODINEZ, Warden, Petitioner v. Richard Allan MORAN. , 509 U.S. 389, 04/21/93SCHINDLER ELEVATOR CORP. v. UNITED STATES, EX REL. KIRK , , 05/16/11SCHRIRO, DIR., AZ DOC v. LANDRIGAN, JEFFREY T. , 550 U.S. 465 (2007), 05/14/07SCHWAB, WILLIAM G. v. REILLY, NADEJDA , , 06/17/10SHANNON v. UNITED STATES , 512 U.S. 573 (1994), 06/24/94Sharlene WILSON, Petitioner v. ARKANSAS. , 514 U.S. 927, 05/22/95SHAW, ROBERT, ET AL. v. MURPHY, KEVIN , 532 U.S. 223 (2001), 04/18/01Shirley M. MOLZOF, Personal Representative of the Estate of Robert E. Molzof, Pe v. UNITED STATES. , 502 U.S. 301, 01/14/92SIMS, JUATASSA v. APFEL, COMM'R, SOCIAL SEC. , 530 U.S. 103 (2000), 06/05/00SMTIH, WARDEN v. ROBBINS, LEE , 528 U.S. 259 (2000), 01/19/00SOSSAMON, HARVEY L. v. TEXAS, ET AL. , , 04/20/11SOUTH DAKOTA v. BOURLAND, individually and as chairman of the CHEYENNE RIVER SIOUX TRIBE, et al. , 508 U.S. 679 (1993), 06/14/93SOUTH DAKOTA, Petitioner, v. Gregg BOURLAND, etc., et al. , 508 U.S. 679, 06/14/93SPRINT/UNITED MANAGEMENT CO. v. MENDELSOHN, ELLEN , 552 U.S. 379 (2008), 02/26/08STAPLES v. UNITED STATES , 511 U.S. 600 (1994), 05/23/94State of DELAWARE, Plaintiff, v. State of NEW YORK. , 507 U.S. 490, 03/30/93STEWART, WILLARD v. DUTRA CONST. CO. , 543 U.S. 481 (2005), 02/22/05SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES v. , 526 U.S. 275, 00/00/00SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES v. , 526 U.S. 541, 00/00/00SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES v. , 525 U.S. 432, 00/00/00SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES v. , 524 U.S. 103, 00/00/00SWIERKIEWICZ, AKOS v. SOREMA N.A. , 534 U.S. 506 (2002), 02/26/02SyllabusNOTE: Where it is feasible, a syllabus (headnote) will be released, as i v. , 529 U.S. 576, 00/00/00SyllabusNOTE: Where it is feasible, a syllabus (headnote) will be released, as i v. , 529 U.S. 494, 00/00/00SyllabusNOTE: Where it is feasible, a syllabus (headnote) will be released, as i v. , 526 U.S. 32, 00/00/00SyllabusNOTE: Where it is feasible, a syllabus (headnote) will be released, as i v. , 528 U.S. 431, 00/00/00TALK AMERICA, INC. v. MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE CO. , , 06/09/11TAYLOR v. FREELAND & KRONZ et al. , 503 U.S. 638 (1992), 04/21/92TAYLOR v. FREELAND & KRONZ et al. , 503 U.S. 638, 04/21/92Terry Lee SHANNON, Petitioner, v. UNITED STATES. , 512 U.S. 573, 06/24/94TEXACO, INC. v. DAGHER, FOUAD N., ET AL. , 547 U.S. 1 (2006), 02/28/06The DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA and Sharon Pratt Kelly, Mayor, Petitioners, v. The GREATER WASHINGTON BOARD OF TRADE. , 506 U.S. 125, 12/14/92THINGS REMEMBERED, INC. v. PETRARCA , 516 U.S. 124 (1995), 12/05/95THINGS REMEMBERED, INC., Petitioner, v. Anthony A. PETRARCA. , 516 U.S. 124, 12/05/95TYLER, MELVIN v. CAIN, WARDEN , 533 U.S. 656 (2001), 06/28/01U. S., EX REL. EISENSTEIN v. NEW YORK, NY, ET AL. , , 06/08/09UNITED STATES v. SALERNO et al. , 505 U.S. 317 (1992), 06/19/92UNITED STATES v. LaBONTE et al. , 520 U.S. 751 (1997), 05/27/97UNITED STATES v. ATLANTIC RESEARCH CORP. , 551 U.S. 128 (2007), 06/11/07UNITED STATES v. SCHEFFER , 523 U.S. 303 (1998), 03/31/98UNITED STATES v. INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORP.Certiorari to the United States Court of Ap , 517 U.S. 843, 06/10/96UNITED STATES v. GALLETTI , 541 U.S. 114 (2004), 03/23/04UNITED STATES v. OAKLAND CANNABIS, ET AL. , 532 U.S. 483 (2001), 05/14/01UNITED STATES v. RODRIGUEZ-MORENO, JACINTO , 526 U.S. 275 (1999), 03/30/99UNITED STATES v. INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORP. , 517 U.S. 843 (1996), 06/10/96UNITED STATES v. BAJAKAJIAN , 524 U.S. 321 (1998), 06/22/98UNITED STATES v. PATANE, SAMUEL F. , 542 U.S. 630 (2004), 06/28/04UNITED STATES v. WILSON , 503 U.S. 329 (1992), 03/24/92UNITED STATES v. ALVAREZ SANCHEZ , 511 U.S. 350 (1994), 05/02/94UNITED STATES v. MEZZANATTO , 513 U.S. 196 (1995), 01/18/95UNITED STATES DEPT. OF DEFENSE v. FEDERAL LABOR RELATIONS , 510 U.S. 487 (1994), 02/23/94UNITED STATES, ET AL. v. BEAN, THOMAS L. , 537 U.S. 71 (2002), 12/10/02UNITED STATES, Petitioner v. Richard WILSON. , 503 U.S. 329, 03/24/92UNITED STATES, Petitioner v. Gary MEZZANATTO. , 513 U.S. 196, 01/18/95UNITED STATES, Petitioner, v. Hosep Krikor BAJAKAJIAN. , 524 U.S. 321, 06/22/98UNITED STATES, Petitioner, v. George LaBONTE, Alfred Lawrence Hunnewell, and Stephen Dyer. , 520 U.S. 751, 05/27/97UNITED STATES, Petitioner, v. Anthony SALERNO et al. , 505 U.S. 317, 06/19/92UNITED STUDENT AID FUNDS, INC. v. ESPINOSA, FRANCISCO J. , , 03/23/10UNITHERM FOOD SYS., INC. v. SWIFT-ECKRICH, INC., ET AL. , 546 U.S. 394 (2006), 01/23/06WADDINGTON, SUPT., WA v. SARAUSAD, CESAR , , 01/21/09WAGNON, SECRETARY, KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE v. PRAIRIE BAND POTAWATOMI NATION , 546 U.S. 95 (2005), 12/06/05WARNER JENKINSON CO., INC. v. HILTON DAVIS CHEMICAL CO. , 520 U.S. 17 (1997), 03/03/97WARNER-JENKINSON COMPANY, INC., Petitioner v. HILTON DAVIS CHEMICAL CO. , 520 U.S. 17, 03/03/97WASHINGTON v. RECUENCO, ARTURO R. , 548 U.S. 212 (2006), 06/26/06WASHINGTON STATE GRANGE v. WA REPUBLICAN PARTY, ET AL. , 552 U.S. 442 (2008), 03/18/08WEYERHAEUSER CO. v. ROSS-SIMMONS HARDWOOD LUMBER CO. , 549 U.S. 312 (2007), 02/20/07WILSON v. ARKANSAS , 514 U.S. 927 (1995), 05/22/95WOODFORD, WARDEN v. GARCEAU, ROBERT F. , 538 U.S. 202 (2003), 03/25/03WRIGHT, WARDEN, et al. v. WEST , 505 U.S. 277 (1992), 06/19/92YOUNG et al. v. HARPER , 520 U.S. 143 (1997), 03/18/97Concurrences44 LIQUORMART, INC., et al. v. RHODE ISLAND et al. , 517 U.S. 484 (1996), 05/13/96A.L. LOCKHART, Director, Arkansas Department of Correction, Petitioner v. Bobby Ray FRETWELL. , 506 U.S. 364, 01/25/93ADARAND CONSTRUCTORS, INC. v. PENA, SECRETARY OF TRANSPORTATION, et al. , 515 U.S. 200 (1995), 06/12/95ADARAND CONSTRUCTORS, INC., Petitioner v. Federico PENA, Secretary of Transportation, et al. , 515 U.S. 200, 06/12/95ALBERTSONS, INC. v. KIRKINGBURG, HALLIE , 527 U.S. 555 (1999), 06/22/99AM. TRUCKING ASSNS., ET AL. v. MI PUB. SERV. COMM'N, ET AL. , 06/20/05APPRENDI, CHARLES C. v. NEW JERSEY , 530 U.S. 466 (2000), 06/26/00ASHCROFT, ATTY. GEN., ET AL. v. FREE SPEECH COALITION , 535 U.S. 234 (2002), 04/16/02AT&T MOBILITY LLC v. CONCEPCION, VINCENT, ET UX. , , 04/27/11BANK OF AMERICA NAT. TRUST AND SAV. ASSN. v.203 NORTH LASALLE STREET PARTNERSHIP v. , 526 U.S. 434 (1999), 05/03/99BARTLETT, GARY, ET AL. v. STRICKLAND, DWIGHT, ET AL. , , 03/09/09BAZE, RALPH, ET AL. v. REES, COMM'R, KY DOC, ET AL. , 553 U.S. 35 (2008), 04/16/08BEARD, SEC., PA DOC v. BANKS, RONALD , 548 U.S. 521 (2006), 06/28/06BEDROC LTD., LLC, ET AL. v. UNITED STATES, ET AL. , 541 U.S. 176 (2004), 03/31/04BENNIS v. MICHIGAN , 517 U.S. 1163 (1996), 03/04/96BERGHUIS, WARDEN v. SMITH, DIAPOLIS , , 03/30/10BROWNER, EPA ADMINR. v. AM. TRUCKING ASSNS., ET AL. , , 02/27/01BUCKLEY, SEC. OF ST. OF CO v. AM. CONST. LAW FNDN., ET AL. , 525 U.S. 182 (1999), 01/12/99BUSH, GOVERNOR OF TEXAS, et al. v. VERA et al. , 517 U.S. 952 (1996), 06/13/96CAMPBELL-EWALD COMPANY v. GOMEZ, JOSE , , 01/20/16CAPITOL SQUARE REVIEW AND ADVISORY BOARD et al. v. PINETTE et al. , 515 U.S. 753 (1995), 06/29/95CAPITOL SQUARE REVIEW AND ADVISORY BOARD, et al., Petitioners v. Vincent J. PINETTE, Donnie A. Carr and Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. , 515 U.S. 753, 06/29/95CARACHURI-ROSENDO, JOSE A. v. HOLDER, ATT'Y GEN. , , 06/14/10CHRISTOPHER, FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE, ET AL. v. HARBURY. , 536 U.S. 403, 06/20/02CHRISTOPHER, WARREN, ET AL. v. HARBURY, JENNIFER K. , 536 U.S. 403 (2002), 06/20/02COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE v. SOLIMAN , 506 U.S. 168 (1993), 01/12/93CONCRETE PIPE & PRODUCTS OF CALIFORNIA, INC. v. CONSTRUCTION LABORERS PENSION TRUST FOR SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA , 508 U.S. 602 (1993), 06/14/93CONCRETE PIPE AND PRODUCTS OF CALIFORNIA, INC., Petitioner v. CONSTRUCTION LABORERS PENSION TRUST FOR SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. , 508 U.S. 602, 06/14/93COOK, REBECCA M. v. GRALIKE, DON , 531 U.S. 510 (2001), 02/28/01COOPER INDUSTRIES, INC. v. LEATHERMAN TOOL GROUP, INC. , 532 U.S. 424 (2001), 05/14/01CUTTER, JON B., ET AL. v. WILKINSON, DIR., OH DOC, ET AL. , 544 U.S. 709 (2005), 05/31/05DEPT. OF REVENUE OF KY, ET AL. v. DAVIS, GEORGE W., ET UX. , 553 U.S. 328 (2008), 05/19/08Dorsie Lee JOHNSON, Jr., Petitioner, v. TEXAS. , 509 U.S. 350, 06/24/93DURYEA, PA, ET AL. v. GUARNIERI, CHARLES J. , , 06/20/11EASTERN ENTERPRISES v. APFEL , 524 U.S. 498 (1998), 06/25/98EASTERN ENTERPRISES, Petitioner, v. Kenneth S. APFEL, Commissioner of Social Security, et al. , 524 U.S. 498, 06/25/98EDELMAN v. LYNCHBURG COLLEGE. , 535 U.S. 106, 03/19/02EDELMAN, LEONARD v. LYNCHBURG COLLEGE , 535 U.S. 106 (2002), 03/19/02ELK GROVE UNIFIED SCH. DIST. v. NEWDOW, MICHAEL A., ET AL. , 542 U.S. 1 (2004), 06/14/04ENVIRONMENTAL DEFENSE, ET AL. v. DUKE ENERGY CORPORATION , 549 U.S. 561 (2007), 04/02/07FARMER v. BRENNAN, WARDEN, et al. , 511 U.S. 825 (1994), 06/06/94FCC, ET AL. v. FOX TELEVISION STATIONS, ET AL. , , 04/28/09FOGERTY v. FANTASY, INC. , 510 U.S. 517 (1994), 03/01/94Gary GRAHAM, Petitioner, v. James A. COLLINS, Director, Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Institutional , 506 U.S. 461, 01/25/93George W. BUSH, Governor of Texas, et al., Appellants, v. AL VERA et al. William LAWSON, et al., Appellants, v. AL VERA et al. UNITED STAT , 517 U.S. 952, 06/13/96GEORGIA v. ASHCROFT, ATT'Y GEN., ET AL. , 539 U.S. 461 (2003), 06/26/03GEORGIA v. McCOLLUM et al. , 505 U.S. 42 (1992), 06/18/92GEORGIA, Petitioner v. Thomas McCOLLUM, William Joseph McCollum and Ella Hampton McCollum. , 505 U.S. 42, 06/18/92GONZALES, ATT'Y GEN. v. CARHART, LEROY, ET AL. , 550 U.S. 124 (2007), 04/18/07GRABLE & SONS METAL PRODUCTS v. DARUE ENGINEERING , 545 U.S. 308 (2005), 06/13/05GRAHAM v. COLLINS, DIRECTOR, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE, INSTITUTIONAL DIVISION , 506 U.S. 461 (1993), 01/25/93GRATZ, JENNIFER, ET AL. v. BOLLINGER, LEE, ET AL. , 539 U.S. 244 (2003), 06/23/03GREATER NEW ORLEANS BROADC. v. UNITED STATES, ET AL. , 527 U.S. 173 (1999), 06/14/99HARBISON, EDWARD J. v. BELL, WARDEN , , 04/01/09HECK v. HUMPHREY et al. , 512 U.S. 477 (1994), 06/24/94HOLDER, individually and in his official capacity as COUNTY COMMISSIONER FOR BLE v. HALL et al. , 512 U.S. 874 (1994), 06/30/94HORNE, MARVIN D., ET AL. v. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE , , 06/22/15HOWSAM, KAREN, ETC. v. DEAN WITTER REYNOLDS , 537 U.S. 79 (2002), 12/10/02IRIZARRY, RICHARD v. UNITED STATES , 553 U.S. 708 (2008), 06/12/08Janet RENO, Attorney General, Appellant, v. BOSSIER PARISH SCHOOL BOARD et al.George PRICE, et al., Appellants,v.TISBOSSIER , 520 U.S. 471, 05/12/97Jay PRINTZ, Sheriff/Coroner, Ravalli County, Montana, Petitioner, v. UNITED STATES. Richard MACK, Petitioner, v. UNITED STATES. , 521 U.S. 898, 06/27/97JEROME B. GRUBART, INC. v. GREAT LAKES DREDGE & DOCK CO. et al. , 513 U.S. 527 (1995), 02/22/95JEROME B. GRUBART, INC., Petitioner, v. GREAT LAKES DREDGE & DOCK COMPANY et al. CITY OF CHICAGO, Petitioner, v. GREAT L , 513 U.S. 527, 02/22/95JOHANNS, SEC. OF AGRIC., ET AL. v. LIVESTOCK MARKETING, ET AL. , 544 U.S. 550 (2005), 05/23/05JOHNSON v. TEXAS , 509 U.S. 350 (1993), 06/24/93JOHNSON, CORNELL v. UNITED STATES , 529 U.S. 694 (2000), 05/15/00JONES, DEWEY J. v. UNITED STATES , 529 U.S. 848 (2000), 05/22/00JONES, JERRY N., ET AL. v. HARRIS ASSOCIATES L.P. , , 03/30/10Joseph McINTYRE, Executor of Estate of Margaret McIntyre, Deceased, Petitioner, v. OHIO ELECTIONS COMMISSION. , 514 U.S. 334, 04/19/95Joseph ONCALE, Petitioner, v. SUNDOWNER OFFSHORE SERVICES, INCORPORATED, et al. , 523 U.S. 75, 03/04/98KANSAS v. COLORADO , , 12/07/04Kenneth LYNCE, Petitioner, v. Hamilton MATHIS, Superintendent, Tomoka Correctional Institution, et al. , 519 U.S. 433, 02/19/97KOONS BUICK PONTIAC GMC v. NIGH, BRADLEY , 543 U.S. 50 (2004), 11/30/04KOWALSKI, JUDGE, ETC., ET AL. v. TESMER, JOHN C., ET AL. , 543 U.S. 125 (2004), 12/13/04LaRUE, JAMES v. DeWOLFF, BOBERG & ASSOC., INC. , 552 U.S. 248 (2008), 02/20/08Lee M. TILL, et ux., Petitioners v. SCS CREDIT CORPORATION , 541 U.S. 465, 05/17/04LEVIN, RICHARD A. v. COMMERCE ENERGY, INC., ET AL. , , 06/01/10LEWIS, DIRECTOR, ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS, et al. v. CASEY et al.Certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circu , 518 U.S. 343, 06/24/96LEWIS, DIRECTOR, ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS, et al. v. CASEY et al. , 516 U.S. 804 (1996), 06/24/96LILLY, BENJAMIN L. v. VIRGINIA , 527 U.S. 116 (1999), 06/10/99LOCKHART, DIRECTOR, ARKANSAS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION v. FRETWELL , 506 U.S. 364 (1993), 01/25/93LORILLARD TOBACCO CO., ET AL v. REILLY, ATTY. GEN. OF MA , , 06/28/01LOVING v. UNITED STATES , 517 U.S. 748 (1996), 06/03/96LOVING v. UNITED STATESCertiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forc , 517 U.S. 748, 00/00/00LYNCE v. MATHIS, SUPERINTENDENT, TOMOKA CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION, et al. , 519 U.S. 433 (1997), 02/19/97MARYLAND v. SHATZER, MICHAEL B. , , 02/24/10McDANIEL, WARDEN, ET AL. v. BROWN, TROY , , 01/11/10McDONALD, OTIS, ET AL. v. CHICAGO, IL , , 06/28/10McINTYRE, executor of ESTATE OF McINTYRE, DECEASED v. OHIO ELECTIONS COMMISSION , 514 U.S. 334 (1995), 04/19/95MEADWESTVACO CORP. v. IL DEPT. OF REVENUE, ET AL. , 553 U.S. 16 (2008), 04/15/08MELENDEZ-DIAZ, LUIS E. v. MASSACHUSETTS , , 06/25/09MICHIGAN v. BRYANT, RICHARD P. , , 02/28/11MICHIGAN, ET AL. v. EPA, ET AL. , , 06/29/15MICROSOFT CORP. v. I4I LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, ET AL. , , 06/09/11MILAVETZ, GALLOP & MILAVETZ v. UNITED STATES , , 03/08/10MISSOURI et al. v. JENKINS et al. , 515 U.S. 70 (1995), 06/12/95MISSOURI, et al., Petitioners v. Kalima JENKINS, et al. , 515 U.S. 70, 06/12/95MITCHELL, WARDEN v. STUMPF, JOHN D. , 545 U.S. 175 (2005), 06/13/05MOHAWK INDUSTRIES, INC. v. CARPENTER, NORMAN , , 12/08/09MORSE, DEBORAH, ET AL. v. FREDERICK, JOSEPH , 551 U.S. 393 (2007), 06/25/07NASA, ET AL. v. NELSON, ROBERT M., ET AL. , , 01/19/11NORDLINGER v. HAHN, IN HIS CAPACITY AS TAX ASSESSOR FOR LOS ANGELES COUNTY, et al. , 505 U.S. 1 (1992), 06/18/92NOTICE: This opinion is subject to formal revision before publication in the pre v. , 534 U.S. 1, 11/13/01NOTICE: This opinion is subject to formal revision before publication in the pre v. , 530 U.S. 466, 06/26/00NOTICE: This opinion is subject to formal revision before publication in the pre v. , 533 U.S. 405, 06/25/01NOTICE: This opinion is subject to formal revision before publication in the pre v. , 531 U.S. 250, 01/17/01NOTICE: This opinion is subject to formal revision before publication in the pre v. , 532 U.S. 424, 05/14/01NOTICE: This opinion is subject to formal revision before publication in the pre v. , 531 U.S. 457, 02/27/01NOTICE: This opinion is subject to formal revision before publication in the pre v. , 532 U.S. 822, 06/04/01NOTICE: This opinion is subject to formal revision before publication in the pre v. , 533 U.S. 525, 06/28/01OHIO v. CLARK, DARIUS , , 06/18/15ONCALE v. SUNDOWNER OFFSHORE SERVICES, INC. , 523 U.S. 75 (1998), 03/04/98ORTIZ, MICHELLE v. JORDAN, PAULA, ET AL. , , 01/24/11OVERTON, DIR., MI DOC v. BAZZETTA, MICHELLE, ET AL. , 539 U.S. 126 (2003), 06/16/03PARENTS INVOLVED IN COMM. SCHS. v. SEATTLE SCH. DIST. NO. 1 , 551 U.S. 701 (2007), 06/28/07PERDUE, GOV. OF GA, ET AL. v. KENNY A., ET AL. , , 04/21/10PHARMACEUTICAL RESEARCH v. WALSH , 538 U.S. 644 (2003), 05/19/03PHARMACEUTICAL RESEARCH AND MANUFACTURERS OF AMERICA v. WALSH, ACTING COMMISSIONER, MAINE DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES, ET AL. , 538 U.S. 1, 05/19/03POSTAL SERVICE v. GREGORY, MARIA A. , 534 U.S. 1 (2001), 11/13/01PRINTZ, SHERIFF/CORONER, RAVALLI COUNTY, MONTANA v. UNITED STATES , 521 U.S. 898 (1997), 06/27/97Randall D. WHITE, Petitioner v. ILLINOIS. , 502 U.S. 346, 01/15/92RANDALL, NEIL, ET AL. v. SORRELL, WILLIAM H., ET AL. , 548 U.S. 230 (2006), 06/26/06RAYMOND B. YATES, M.D., ETC. v. HENTON, WILLIAM T. , 541 U.S. 1 (2004), 03/02/04RENO, ATTORNEY GENERAL v. BOSSIER PARISH SCH. BD. , , 01/24/00RENO, ATTORNEY GENERAL v. BOSSIER PARISH SCHOOL BOARD et al. , 520 U.S. 471 (1997), 05/12/97REPUBLIC NAT'L BANK OF MIAMI v. UNITED STATES , 506 U.S. 80 (1992), 12/14/92REPUBLIC NATIONAL BANK OF MIAMI, Petitioner, v. UNITED STATES. , 506 U.S. 80, 12/14/92RICHMOND v. LEWIS, DIRECTOR, ARIZONA , 506 U.S. 56 (1992), 12/01/92Ronald W. ROSENBERGER, et al., Petitioners v. RECTOR AND VISITORS OF the UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA et al. , 515 U.S. 819, 06/29/95ROSENBERGER et al. v. RECTOR AND VISITORS OF UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA et al. , 515 U.S. 819 (1995), 06/29/95SABRI, BASIM O. v. UNITED STATES , 541 U.S. 600 (2004), 05/17/04SAFECO INS. CO., ET AL. v. BURR, CHARLES, ET AL. , 551 U.S. 47 (2007), 06/04/07SAMANTAR, MOHAMED A. v. YOUSUF, BASHE A., ET AL. , , 06/01/10SELING, SUPT., SPECIAL CC v. YOUNG, ANDRE BRIGHAM , 531 U.S. 250 (2001), 01/17/01SHEPARD, REGINALD v. UNITED STATES , 544 U.S. 13 (2005), 03/07/05SMITH, ET AL. v. DOE, ET AL. , 538 U.S. 84 (2003), 03/05/03SOUTH CENTRAL BELL TELEPHONE CO. v. ALABAMA , 526 U.S. 160 (1999), 03/23/99Stephanie NORDLINGER, Petitioner v. Kenneth HAHN, in his capacity as Tax Assessor for Los Angeles County, et al. , 505 U.S. 1, 06/18/92SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES v. , 527 U.S. 173, 00/00/00SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES v. , 527 U.S. 116, 00/00/00SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES v. , 526 U.S. 434, 00/00/00SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES v. , 526 U.S. 160, 00/00/00SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES v. , 525 U.S. 234, 00/00/00SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES v. , 525 U.S. 182, 00/00/00SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES v. , 527 U.S. 555, 00/00/00SYKES, MARCUS v. UNITED STATES , , 06/09/11SyllabusNOTE: Where it is feasible, a syllabus (headnote) will be released, as i v. , 529 U.S. 803, 00/00/00SyllabusNOTE: Where it is feasible, a syllabus (headnote) will be released, as i v. , 528 U.S. 320, 00/00/00SyllabusNOTE: Where it is feasible, a syllabus (headnote) will be released, as i v. , 529 U.S. 644, 00/00/00SyllabusNOTE: Where it is feasible, a syllabus (headnote) will be released, as i v. , 529 U.S. 598, 00/00/00SyllabusNOTE: Where it is feasible, a syllabus (headnote) will be released, as i v. , 529 U.S. 848, 00/00/00THOMPSON, SEC. OF H&HS v. WESTERN STATES MEDICAL CENT. , 535 U. S. 357 (2002), 04/29/02THOMPSON, SECRETARY OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, et al. v. WESTERN STATES MEDICAL CENTER ET AL. , 535 U.S. 357, 04/29/02TILL, LEE M., ET UX. v. SCS CREDIT CORP. , 541 U.S. 465 (2004), 05/17/04Tina B. BENNIS, Petitioner, v. MICHIGAN. , 516 U.S. 442, 03/04/96TN SECD'Y SCH. ATHL. ASSN. v. BRENTWOOD ACADEMY , 551 U.S. 291 (2007), 06/21/07TROXEL, JENIFER, ET VIR v. GRANVILLE, TOMMIE , 530 U.S. 57 (2000), 06/05/00TWO PESOS, INC. v. TACO CABANA, INC. , 505 U.S. 763 (1992), 06/26/92TWO PESOS, INC., Petitioner v. TACO CABANA, INC. , 505 U.S. 763, 06/26/92UNITED DOMINION INDUSTRIES v. UNITED STATES , 532 U.S. 822 (2001), 06/04/01UNITED HAULERS ASSN., INC. v. ONEIDA-HERKIMER SOLID WASTE , 550 U.S. 330 (2007), 04/30/07UNITED STATES v. O'BRIEN, MARTIN, ET AL. , , 05/24/10UNITED STATES v. RUIZ, ANGELA , 536 U.S. 622 (2002), 06/24/02UNITED STATES v. LARA, BILLY JO , 541 U.S. 193 (2004), 04/19/04UNITED STATES v. LOPEZ , 514 U.S. 549 (1995), 04/26/95UNITED STATES v. R. L. C. , 503 U.S. 291 (1992), 03/24/92UNITED STATES v. HUBBELL, WEBSTER L. , 530 U.S. 27 (2000), 06/05/00UNITED STATES v. RESSAM, AHMED , 553 U.S. 272 (2008), 05/19/08UNITED STATES v. RUIZ. , 536 U.S. 622, 06/24/02UNITED STATES v. MORRISON, ANTONIO J., ET AL. , , 05/15/00UNITED STATES v. FORDICE, GOVERNOR OF MISSISSIPPI, et al. , 505 U.S. 717 (1992), 06/26/92UNITED STATES, ET AL. v. PLAYBOY ENTERTAINMENT GROUP , 529 U.S. 803 (2000), 05/22/00UNITED STATES, ET AL. v. UNITED FOODS, INC. , 533 U.S. 405 (2001), 06/25/01UNITED STATES, Petitioner v. Alfonso LOPEZ, Jr. , 514 U.S. 549, 04/26/95UNITED STATES, Petitioner v. R.L.C. , 503 U.S. 291, 03/24/92UNITED STATES, Petitioner, v. Kirk FORDICE, Governor of Mississippi, et al. Jake AYERS, et al., Petitioners, v , 505 U.S. 717, 06/26/92VAN ORDEN, THOMAS v. PERRY, GOV. OF TX, ET AL. , 545 U.S. 677 (2005), 06/27/05WEST COVINA v. PERKINS , 525 U.S. 234 (1999), 01/13/99WILKIE v. ROBBINS , 551 U.S. 537 (2007), 06/25/07WILKINS v. GADDY , , 02/22/10WILLIAMSON, DELBERT, ET AL. v. MAZDA MOTOR OF AMERICA, ET AL. , , 02/23/11Willie Lee RICHMOND, Petitioner, v. Samuel A. LEWIS, Director, Arizona Department of Corrections, et al. , 506 U.S. 40, 12/01/92WYETH v. 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BILLING, GLEN, ET AL. , 551 U.S. 264 (2007), 06/18/07CSX TRANSPORTATION, INC. v. AL DEPT. OF REVENUE, ET AL. , , 02/22/11Dan GLICKMAN, Secretary of Agriculture, Petitioner, v. WILEMAN BROTHERS & ELLIOTT, INC., et al. , 521 U.S. 457, 06/25/97David DAWSON, Petitioner, v. DELAWARE. , 503 U.S. 159, 03/09/92David RIGGINS, Petitioner v. NEVADA. , 504 U.S. 127, 05/18/92DECK, CARMAN v. MISSOURI , 544 U.S. 622 (2005), 05/23/05DIRECTV, INC. v. IMBURGIA, AMY, ET AL. , , 12/14/15DOCTOR'S ASSOCIATES, INC., et al. v. CASAROTTO et ux.Certiorari to the Supreme Court of Montana. , 517 U.S. 681, 05/20/96DOCTOR'S ASSOCIATES, INC., et al. v. CASAROTTO et ux. , 517 U.S. 681 (1996), 05/20/96DOE #1, JOHN, ET AL. v. REED, WA SEC. OF STATE, ET AL. , , 06/24/10DOGGETT v. UNITED STATES , 505 U.S. 647 (1992), 00/00/00DOLAN, BARBARA v. USPS, ET AL. , 546 U.S. 481 (2006), 02/22/06Dolores M. OUBRE, Petitioner, v. ENTERGY OPERATIONS, INC. , 522 U.S. 422, 01/26/98Donald L. HELLING, et al., Petitioners, v. William McKINNEY. , 509 U.S. 25, 06/18/93EEOC v. WAFFLE HOUSE, INC. , 534 U.S. 279 (2002), 01/15/02ELONIS, ANTHONY D. v. UNITED STATES , , 06/01/15ERICKSON v. PARDUS , 551 U.S. 89 (2007), 06/04/07EVANS v. UNITED STATES , 504 U.S. 255 (1992), 05/26/92FARAGHER v. CITY OF BOCA RATON , 524 U.S. 775 (1998), 06/26/98FEC v. CO REPUBLICAN FED. CAMPAIGN , 533 U.S. 431 (2001), 06/25/01FEC v. BEAUMONT, CHRISTINE, ET AL. , 539 U.S. 146 (2003), 06/16/03FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP. v. HOLOWECKI, PAUL, ET AL. , 552 U.S. 389 (2008), 02/27/08FISCHER, JEFFREY A. v. UNITED STATES , 529 U.S. 667 (2000), 05/15/00Fortis MORSE, Kenneth Curtis Bartholomew and Kimberly J. Enderson, Appellants, v. REPUBLICAN PARTY OF VIRGINIA et al. , 517 U.S. 186, 03/27/96FOUCHA v. LOUISIANA , 504 U.S. 71 (1992), 05/18/92Frank B. McFARLAND, Petitioner v. Wayne SCOTT, Director, Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Institutional Divis , 512 U.S. 849, 06/30/94FRIEDMAN v. HIGHLAND PARK , , 12/07/15GALL, BRIAN M. v. UNITED STATES , 552 U.S. 38 (2007), 12/10/07GARLOTTE v. FORDICE, GOVERNOR OF MISSISSIPPI , 515 U.S. 39 (1995), 05/30/95GEN. DYNAMICS LAND SYS. v. CLINE, DENNIS, ET AL. , 540 U.S. 581 (2004), 02/24/04GEORGIA v. RANDOLPH, SCOTT F. , 547 U.S. 103 (2006), 03/22/06Gerald R. CARON, Petitioner, v. UNITED STATES. , 524 U.S. 308, 06/22/98GLICKMAN, SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE v. WILEMAN BROTHERS & ELLIOTT, INC., et al. , 521 U.S. 457 (1997), 06/25/97GLOBAL CROSSING, INC. v. METROPHONES, INC. , 550 U.S. 45 (2007), 04/17/07GOMEZ-PEREZ, MYRNA v. POTTER, POSTMASTER GEN. , 553 U.S. 474 (2008), 05/27/08GONZALES, ATT'Y GEN., ET AL. v. OREGON, ET AL. , 546 U.S. 243 (2006), 01/17/06GONZALES, ATT\'Y GEN., ET AL. v. RAICH, ANGEL M., ET AL. , 545 U.S. 1 (2005), 06/06/05GONZALEZ, HOMERO v. UNITED STATES , 553 U.S. 242 (2008), 05/12/08GRAHAM, TERRANCE J. v. FLORIDA , , 05/17/10GRANHOLM, GOV. OF MI, ET AL. v. HEALD, ELEANOR, ET AL. , 544 U.S. 460 (2005), 05/16/05GREEN TREE FINANCIAL CORP. v. BAZZLE, LYNN W., ET AL. , 539 U.S. 444 (2003), 06/23/03GROH, JEFF v. RAMIREZ, JOSEPH R., ET AL. , 540 U.S. 551 (2004), 02/24/04GUSTAFSON et al. v. ALLOYD CO., INC., fka ALLOYD HOLDINGS, INC., et al. , 513 U.S. 561 (1995), 02/28/95HALBERT, ANTONIO D. v. MICHIGAN , 545 U.S. 605 (2005), 06/23/05HAMDAN, SALIM A. v. RUMSFELD, SEC. OF DEFENSE , 548 U.S. 557 (2006), 06/29/06HAMDI, YASER E. ET AL. v. RUMSFELD, SEC. OF DEFENSE , 542 U.S. 507 (2004), 06/28/04HARRIS v. UNITED STATES. , 536 U.S. 545, 06/24/02HARRIS, WILLIAM J. v. UNITED STATES , 536 U.S. 545 (2002), 06/24/02Harvey F. GARLOTTE, Petitioner, v. Kirk FORDICE, Governor of Mississippi. , 515 U.S. 39, 05/30/95HAYWOOD, KEITH v. DROWN, CURTIS, ET AL. , , 05/26/09HELLING et al. v. McKINNEY , 509 U.S. 25 (1993), 06/18/93HENDERSON v. UNITED STATESCertiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circ , 517 U.S. 654, 05/20/96HENDERSON v. UNITED STATES , 517 U.S. 654 (1996), 05/20/96HOLLOWAY, FRANCOIS v. UNITED STATES , 526 U.S. 1 (1999), 03/02/99HOPE v. PELZER ET AL. , 536 U.S. 730, 06/27/02HOPE, LARRY v. PELZER, MARK, ET AL. , 536 U.S. 730 (2002), 06/27/02HUNT, GOV. OF NC, ET AL. v. CROMARTIE, MARTIN, ET AL. , , 04/18/01INDIANAPOLIS, IN, ET AL. v. EDMOND, JAMES, ET AL. , 531 U.S. 32 (2000), 11/28/00JACKSON, RODERICK v. BIRMINGHAM BD. OF EDUCATION , 544 U.S. 167 (2005), 03/29/05James ROWLAND, Former Director, California Department of Corrections, et al., Pe v. CALIFORNIA MEN'S COLONY, UNIT II MEN'S ADVISORY COUNCIL. , 506 U.S. 194, 01/12/93JAMES, ALPHONSO v. UNITED STATES , 550 U.S. 192 (2007), 04/18/07JEREMIAH W. (JAY) NIXON, ATTORNEY GENERAL OF MISSOURI, et al. , PETITIONERS v. SHRINK MISSOURI GOVERNMENT PAC et al. , 528 U.S. 377, 01/24/00John H. EVANS, Jr., Petitioner v. UNITED STATES. , 504 U.S. 255, 05/26/92JOHN HANCOCK MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. v. HARRIS TRUST & SAVINGS BANK, as , 510 U.S. 86 (1993), 12/13/93JOHNSON v. De GRANDY , 512 U.S. 997 (1994), 06/30/94JOHNSON, GARRISON S. v. CALIFORNIA, ET AL. , 543 U.S. 499 (2005), 02/23/05JONES, GARY K. v. FLOWERS, LINDA K., ET AL. , 547 U.S. 220 (2006), 04/26/06JOYNER v. BARNES , , 06/29/15Keith J. HUDSON, Petitioner, v. Jack McMILLIAN et al. , 503 U.S. 1, 02/25/92KELLY, WILLIAM A. v. SOUTH CAROLINA , 534 U.S. 246 (2002), 01/09/02KELO, SUSETTE, ET AL. v. NEW LONDON, CT, ET AL. , 545 U.S. 469 (2005), 06/23/05KIMBROUGH, DERRICK v. UNITED STATES , 552 U.S. 85 (2007), 12/10/07Kitrich POWELL, Petitioner, v. NEVADA. , 511 U.S. 79, 03/30/94LANUS v. UNITED STATES , , 06/27/13LAWRENCE, JOHN G., ET AL. v. TEXAS , 539 U.S. 558 (2003), 06/26/03LOCKE, GOV. OF WA, ET AL. v. DAVEY, JOSHUA , 540 U.S. 712 (2004), 02/25/04LOPEZ v. MONTEREY COUNTY , 525 U.S. 266 (1999), 01/20/99LOPEZ, JOSE A. v. GONZALES, ATT'Y GEN. , 549 U.S. 47 (2006), 12/05/06M. L. B. v. S. L. J., individually and as next friend of the minor children, S. L. J. and M. , 519 U.S. 102 (1996), 12/16/96M. L. B., Petitioner, v. S. L. J., Individually and as Next Friend of the Minor Children, S. L. J. and M. , 519 U.S. 102, 12/16/96MASTROBUONO et al. v. SHEARSON LEHMAN HUTTON, INC., et al. , 514 U.S. 52 (1995), 03/06/95MATA, NOEL R. v. HOLDER, ATT'Y GEN. , , 06/15/15McFARLAND v. SCOTT, DIRECTOR, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE, INSTITUTIONAL DIVISION , 512 U.S. 849 (1994), 06/30/94MEdIMMUNE, INC. v. GENENTECH, INC., ET AL. , 549 U.S. 118 (2007), 01/09/07MELLOULI, MOONES v. HOLDER, ATT'Y GEN. , , 06/01/15MILLER-EL, THOMAS J. v. COCKRELL, DIR. TX DCJ , 537 U.S. 322 (2003), 02/25/03MILLER-EL, THOMAS J. v. DRETKE, DIR., TX DCJ , 544 U.S. 660 (2005), 06/13/05MINNESOTA, ET AL. v. MILLE LACS BAND, ETC., ET AL , 526 U.S. 172 (1999), 03/24/99MITCHELL, AMANDA v. UNITED STATES , 526 U.S. 314 (1999), 04/05/99MORSE et al. v. REPUBLICAN PARTY OF VIRGINIA et al. , 517 U.S. 186 (1996), 03/27/96MUSICK, PEELER & GARRETT et al. v. EMPLOYERS INSURANCE OF WAUSAU et al. , 508 U.S. 286 (1993), 06/01/93MUSICK, PEELER & GARRETT, et al., Petitioners, v. EMPLOYERS INSURANCE OF WAUSAU et al. , 508 U.S. 286, 06/01/93NASA, ET AL. v. FED. LABOR REL. AUTH., ET AL , 527 U.S. 229 (1999), 06/17/99NEGUSIE, DANIEL G. v. MUKASEY, ATT'Y GEN. , , 03/03/09NEW HAMPSHIRE RIGHT TO LIFE v. DEPARTMENT , , 11/16/15NIXON, MO ATTY. GEN., ET AL. v. SHRINK MO GOVT. PAC, ET AL. , 528 U.S. 377 (2000), 01/24/00NORTHWEST AIRLINES, INC., et al. v. COUNTY OF KENT, MICHIGAN, et al. , 510 U.S. 355 (1994), 01/24/94NOTICE: This opinion is subject to formal revision before publication in the pre v. , 533 U.S. 431, 06/25/01NOTICE: This opinion is subject to formal revision before publication in the pre v. , 531 U.S. 288, 02/20/01NOTICE: This opinion is subject to formal revision before publication in the pre v. , 532 U.S. 36, 03/20/01NOTICE: This opinion is subject to formal revision before publication in the pre v. , 531 U.S. 32, 11/28/00NOTICE: This opinion is subject to formal revision before publication in the pre v. , 534 U.S. 246, 01/09/02NOTICE: This opinion is subject to formal revision before publication in the pre v. , 530 U.S. 914, 06/28/00NOTICE: This opinion is subject to formal revision before publication in the pre v. , 532 U.S. 223, 04/18/01O'NEAL v. McANINCH, WARDEN , 513 U.S. 432 (1995), 02/21/95OUBRE v. ENTERGY OPERATIONS, INC. , 522 U.S. 422 (1998), 01/26/98PA STATE POLICE v. SUDERS, NANCY D. , 542 U.S. 129 (2004), 06/14/04PANETTI, SCOTT L. v. QUATERMAN, DIR., TX DCJ , 551 U.S. 930 (2007), 06/28/07PEPPER, JASON v. UNITED STATES , , 03/02/11PHILIP MORRIS USA v. WILLIAMS, MAYOLA , 549 U.S. 346 (2007), 02/20/07PLUMLEY v. AUSTIN , , 01/20/15POWELL v. NEVADA , 511 U.S. 79 (1994), 03/30/94PRESLEY v. GEORGIA , , 01/19/10PRESTON, ARNOLD M. v. FERRER, ALEX E. , 552 U.S. 346 (2008), 02/20/08PUD NO. 1 OF JEFFERSON COUNTY et al. v. WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY et al. , 511 U.S. 700 (1994), 05/31/94RIGGINS v. NEVADA , 504 U.S. 127 (1992), 05/18/92Robert O'NEAL, Petitioner, v. Fred McANINCH, Warden. , 513 U.S. 432, 02/21/95ROELL, JOSEPH C., ET AL. v. WITHROW, JON MICHAEL , 538 U.S. 580 (2003), 04/29/03ROTHGERY, WALTER A. v. GILLESPIE COUNTY, TX , 554 U.S. 191 (2008), 06/23/08ROWLAND, FORMER DIRECTOR, CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS, et al. v. CALIFORNIA MEN'S COLONY, UNIT II MEN'S , 506 U.S. 194 (1993), 01/12/93RUSH PRUDENTIAL HMO, INC. v. MORAN, DEBRA, ET AL. , 536 U.S. 355 (2002), 06/20/02SCARBOROUGH, RANDALL C. v. PRINCIPI, SEC VETERANS AFFAIRS , 541 U.S. 401 (2004), 05/03/04SCHWARZENEGGER, GOV. OF CA v. ENTERTAINMENT MERCHANTS, ET AL. , , 06/27/11SECURITY SERVICES, INC. v. KMART CORP. , 511 U.S. 222 (1994), 05/16/94SHAFER, WESLEY A. v. SOUTH CAROLINA , 532 U.S. 36 (2001), 03/20/01SHALALA, SEC. OF H&HS, ET AL v. IL COUNCIL, LONG TERM CARE , 529 U.S. 1 (2000), 02/29/00SKINNER, HENRY W. v. SWITZER, LYNN , , 03/07/11SMALL, GARY S. v. UNITED STATES , 544 U.S. 385 (2005), 04/26/05SNYDER, ALLEN v. LOUISIANA , 552 U.S. 472 (2008), 03/19/08STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTO. v. CAMPBELL, CURTIS, ET UX. , 538 U.S. 408 (2003), 04/07/03State of WYOMING, Plaintiff v. State of OKLAHOMA. , 502 U.S. 437, 01/22/92STENBERG, NE ATTY. GEN. v. CARHART, LEROY , 530 U.S. 914 (2000), 06/28/00STEWART v. MARTINEZ-VILLAREAL , 523 U.S. 637 (1998), 05/18/98SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES v. , 526 U.S. 473, 00/00/00SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES v. , 526 U.S. 172, 00/00/00SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES v. , 527 U.S. 229, 00/00/00SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES v. , 526 U.S. 314, 00/00/00SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES119 S.Ct. 2176138 F.3d 893, affirmed in part, v. , 527 U.S. 581, 00/00/00SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES119 S.Ct. 966 143 L.Ed.2d 1 v. , 526 U.S. 1, 00/00/00SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATESCEDAR RAPIDS COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT, PETITI v. GARRET F., a minor by his mother and next friend, CHARLENE F. , 526 U.S. 66, 03/03/99SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATESCITY OF CHICAGO, PETITIONER v. JESUS MORALES et al. , 527 U.S. 41, 06/10/99SyllabusNOTE: Where it is feasible, a syllabus (headnote) will be released, as i v. , 529 U.S. 667, 00/00/00SyllabusNOTE: Where it is feasible, a syllabus (headnote) will be released, as i v. , 529 U.S. 1, 00/00/00TAHOE-SIERRA PRESERVATION v. TAHOE REGIONAL PLANNING , 535 U. S. 302 (2002), 04/23/02TENNARD, ROBERT J. v. DRETKE, DIR., TX DCJ , 542 U.S. 274 (2004), 06/24/04TENNESSEE v. LANE, GEORGE, ET AL. , 541 U.S. 509 (2004), 05/17/04Terry FOUCHA, Petitioner v. LOUISIANA. , 504 U.S. 71, 05/18/92Terry STEWART, Director, Arizona Department of Correction, et al., Petitioners, v. Ramon MARTINEZ-VILLAREAL. , 523 U.S. 637, 05/18/98THOMAS JEFFERSON UNIVERSITY, dba THOMAS JEFFERSON UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL v. SHALALA, SECRETARY OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES , 512 U.S. 504 (1994), 06/24/94THOMAS JEFFERSON UNIVERSITY, dba Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Petitione v. Donna E. SHALALA, Secretary of Health and Human Services. , 512 U.S. 504, 06/24/94THOMPSON v. KEOHANE, WARDEN, et al. , 516 U.S. 99 (1996)., 11/29/95TN STUDENT ASSISTANCE CORP. v. HOOD, PAMELA L. , 541 U.S. 440 (2004), 05/17/04TORY, ULYSSES, ET AL. v. COCHRAN, JOHNNIE L. , 544 U.S. 734 (2005), 05/31/05TURNER, MICHAEL D. v. PRICE, REBECCA, ET AL. , , 06/20/11U. S. TERM LIMITS, INC., et al. v. THORNTON et al. , 514 U.S. 779 (1995), 05/22/95U.S. TERM LIMITS, INC., et al., Petitioners, v. Ray THORNTON et al. Winston BRYANT, Attorney General of Arkansas, Petitioner, v. , 514 U.S. 779, 05/22/95UNITED STATES v. CRAFT, SANDRA L. , 535 U.S. 274 (2002), 04/17/02UNITED STATES v. BOOKER, FREDDIE J. , 543 U.S. 220 (2005), 01/12/05UNITED STATES v. WHITE MOUNTAIN APACHE TRIBE , 537 U.S. 465 (2003), 03/04/03UNITED STATES v. COMSTOCK, GRAYDON E., ET AL. , , 05/17/10UNITED STATES v. CRAFT. , 535 U.S. 274, 04/17/02UNITED STATES By and Through INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, Petitioner, v. Bruce J. McDERMOTT, et al. , 507 U.S. 448, 03/24/93UNITED STATES, Petitioner 04-104 v. Freddie J. BOOKERUNITED STATES, PETITIONER 04-105v.Ducan FANFANSUPREME COURT OF , 543 U.S. 220, 00/00/00VARITY CORP. v. HOWE et al. , 516 U.S. 489 (1996), 03/19/96VARITY CORPORATION, Petitioner, v. Charles HOWE et al. , 516 U.S. 489, 03/19/96VIRGINIA v. BLACK, BARRY E., ET AL. , 538 U.S. 343 (2003), 04/07/03WHITMAN v. UNITED STATES , , 11/10/14Concur in part, dissent in partANZA, JOSEPH, ET AL. v. IDEAL STEEL SUPPLY CORP. , 547 U.S. 451 (2006), 06/05/06AT&T CORP. v. IOWA UTILITIES BD. , , 01/25/99AT&T CORP. et al. v. IOWA UTILITIES BOARD et al.Certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for , 525 U.S. 366, 01/25/99BANKS, DELMA, JR. v. DRETKE, DIR., TX DCJ , 540 U.S. 668 (2004), 02/24/04BATES, DENNIS, ET AL. v. DOW AGROSCIENCES LLC , 544 U.S. 431 (2005), 04/27/05CAMPBELL v. LOUISIANA , 523 U.S. 392 (1998), 04/21/98CHENEY, VICE PRESIDENT OF U.S. v. USDC DC , 542 U.S. 367 (2004), 06/24/04CITIZENS UNITED v. FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION , , 01/21/10COLORADO REPUBLICAN FEDERAL CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE et al. v. FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION , 518 U.S. 604 (1996), 06/26/96CSX TRANSPORTATION, INC. v. EASTERWOOD , 507 U.S. 658 (1993), 04/21/93CSX TRANSPORTATION, INC., Petitioner, v. Lizzie Beatrice EASTERWOOD. Lizzie Beatrice EASTERWOOD, Petitioner, v. CSX TRANS , 507 U.S. 658, 04/21/93CUOMO, ATT'Y GEN. OF NY v. CLEARING HOUSE ASSOC., ET AL. , , 06/29/09DAVIS, ADRIAN M. v. WASHINGTON , 547 U.S. 813 (2006), 06/19/06DENVER AREA EDUCATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONSORTIUM, INC., et al. v. FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION et al. , 518 U.S. 727 (1996), 06/28/96GRUTTER, BARBARA v. BOLLINGER, LEE, ET AL. , 539 U.S. 306 (2003), 06/23/03HILLSIDE DAIRY, ET AL. v. LYONS, SEC., FOOD AND AGRIC. , 539 U.S. 59 (2003), 06/09/03HOLDER, individually and in his official capacity as COUNTY COMMISSIONER FOR BLE v. HALL et al. , 512 U.S. 874 (1994), 06/30/94KIMEL, J. DANIEL, ET AL. v. FL BOARD OF REGENTS, ET AL. , , 01/11/00McCONNELL, SENATOR, ET AL. v. FEC, ET AL. , 540 U.S. 93 (2003), 12/10/03MEACHAM, CLIFFORD B., ET AL. v. KNOLLS ATOMIC POWER LAB., ET AL. , , 06/19/08NATL. CABLE TV ASSN., INC. v. GULF POWER CO., ET AL. , 534 U.S. 327 (2002), 01/16/02NEW YORK et al. v. FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION ET AL. , 535 U.S. 1, 03/04/02NEW YORK, ET AL. v. FERC, ET AL. , 535 U.S. 1 (2002), 03/04/02NORTHWEST AUSTIN MUN. UTIL. v. MUKASEY, ATT'Y GEN., ET AL. , , 06/22/09NOTICE: This opinion is subject to formal revision before publication in the pre v. , 532 U.S. 557, 05/21/01PENRY, JOHNNY PAUL v. JOHNSON, DIR. TX DCJ , 532 U.S. 782 (2001), 06/04/01SAFFORD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT v. REDDING, APRIL , , 06/25/09SPECTOR, DOUGLAS, ET AL. v. NORWEGIAN CRUISE LINE LTD. , 545 U.S. 119 (2005), 06/06/05State of NEBRASKA, Plaintiff, v. States of WYOMING AND COLORADO. , 515 U.S. 1, 05/30/95SyllabusNOTE: Where it is feasible, a syllabus (headnote) will be released, as i v. , 528 U.S. 62, 00/00/00Terry CAMPBELL, Petitioner, v. LOUISIANA. , 523 U.S. 392, 04/21/98UNITED STATES v. ALASKA , 474 U.S. 1044 (1986), 06/19/97UNITED STATES v. O'HAGAN , U.S. 642 (1997), 06/25/97UNITED STATES v. HATTER, JUDGE, ET AL. , 532 U.S. 557 (2001), 05/21/01UNITED STATES v. REORGANIZED CF&I FABRICATORS OF UTAH, INC., et al. , 518 U.S. 213 (1996), 06/20/96UNITED STATES v. JAMES DANIEL GOOD REAL PROPERTY et al. , 510 U.S. 43 (1993), 12/13/93UNITED STATES of America, Plaintiff, v. STATE OF ALASKA. , 521 U.S. 1, 06/19/97UNITED STATES, PETITIONER v. JAMES DANIEL GOOD REAL PROPERTY ET AL. , 510 U.S. 43, 10/06/93UNITED STATES, Petitioner, v. James Herman O'HAGAN. , 521 U.S. 642, 06/25/97UNITED STATES, Petitioner, v. REORGANIZED CF & I FABRICATORS OF UTAH, INC., et al. , 518 U.S. 213, 06/20/96UTAH ET AL. v. EVANS, SECRETARY OF COMMERCE, ET AL. , 536 U.S. 452, 06/20/02UTAH, ET AL. v. EVANS, SEC. OF COMMERCE , 536 U.S. 452 (2002), 06/20/02
In what year can we expect climate change to have a serious impact on the planet?
Every year! This question capitalizes on public misunderstanding about climate change and severe weather. The fable of stable weather is very often used by alarmist media to scare the public and to cover up the hard truth that the climate is now and always has been and always will be subject to severe weather with a serious impact on people somewhere in the planet. This is reality that is not respected by alarmists and big media who thrive on gossip level of weather analysis to sell newspapers.Dr Gerrit J. van der Lingen is a geologist and paleoclimatologist. Studying climate change in the past made him realise that the belief in modern catastrophic man-made global warming, caused by carbon dioxide, is not supported by sound science. He became involved in the debate between the belief in dangerous man-made global warming and science based on observations and actual measurements, a debate between ideology and proper science. For fifteen years he wrote articles, gave lectures and took part in oral and published debates. He has now collated these activities in this book. These “memoirs” provide a fascinating insight in the disagreements about this global obsession.Most information provided to the public about climate change comes from persons who study weather and weather processes, to whom a 150 year long temperature record represents “a long time”. To Dr van der Lingen, 150 years represents just a single heartbeat of the geological history that provides the proper context within which to judge modern climate danger. Read this book not just for the intelligent perspective it provides on the global warming scam, but also because it is at the same time a rattling good account of some of the most fascinating aspects of the history of our planet Earth.Professor Bob Carter, Townsville, Australia.Author of “Climate: The Counter Consensus” and “Taxing Air”For many years Dr van der Lingen has been actively engaged in debunking the man-made global warming hype, exposing the facts as an antidote against the misinformation, bordering on climate propaganda, which is often presented in the mainstream media. The result of his endeavors can be found in this fine and easily accessible collection of essays, which is a must read for all who are interested in what is mistakenly called the ‘greatest threat to mankind’.Hans Labohm, Leimuiden, The Netherlands.Independent economist and lead author of “Man-Made Global Warming: Unraveling a Dogma”.I will start with a long detailed list mostly from media of the serious weather in the past and then I will offer science papers the debunk the correlation between severe weather and climate change.Bad Disasters Happen, Again & AgainThe below is a list of past severe weather events and natural disasters - prior to the consistent 350+ppm CO2 levels attained in the 1990's. In addition, scattered throughout the list are interesting "expert" climate predictions and observations. Based on the review of severe weather history below, extreme climate change has been happening a very long time. Most of these events (approximately 1,600) took place years before the claims of man-made global warming. © Copyright 2009 - 2016 | C3 Headlines (Updated: 1/02/2016)Many items in list are a direct result of Steve Goddard's effort at Real Science and Popular Technology's site. Also, James Marusek has published a huge list of historical weather incidents, many of which are included below. (see Modern & historical temperature charts.)1801: Thomas Jefferson Notes Dramatic Climate Change In Virginia1803: Farmers' Crops Suffer From Long Sidney Drought1804: Hurricane Brings “extreme violence” To Charleston, South Carolina1804: "A change in our climate is taking place very surely." - Thomas Jefferson1806: Report On The Significant Climate Change of Great Britain - More Humidity, Clouds & Cold1809: Thomas Jefferson Reveals That Snow Is (Nearly) A Thing Of The Past1811: The Large New Madrid Quake Was Accompanied By Brilliant Auroras In The South1811: Severe Drought Empties Sydney's Water Tanks1811: Australian Drought Pushes Corn To Extinction1812: Massive Hurricane Ravaged New Orleans1814: Long Drought In Australia Drives Wheat Prices Up – Affecting The Poor1815: New England Struck By Major Hurricane1816: 519 Manhattans Worth Of Glacier Ice Broke Away From Greenland1816: 'Year Without A Summer' - Global Temps Sink and Famine Results1818: Danes Discover that when it is severe winter in Europe, it is mild in Greenland1824: 30,000 Perish From Flood In Russia1825: Forest Fire Destroys One-Fifth Of New Brunswick’s Forests1829: NSW, Australia: A 3-Year Drought - “little or no rain fell”1830: “Devastating” Hurricane Strikes Tennessee1832: Dramatic Climate Change In Italy1833: "Awful and Destructive" Hurricane Hits Barbados1833: Typhoon Strikes India - Causes “damage beyond conception”1835: New South Wales, Australia Drought Could Become Calamitous1836: New York Destroyed By A Ferocious Fire1837: Maldive Islands Disappearing Under The Sea - "Wasting Away"1837: Earthquake & Hurricane Devastate Puerto Rico1838 : Calamitous Drought In New South Wales1839 : Severe Drought In Australia1839 : Severe Floods Hit Scotland At 30 Year Intervals1839: “A terrible hurricane swept over the whole of the West of England”1840: Tornado Kills Over 300 People In Mississippi1841: Great Floods At Middlesex, England - Many Lives Lost1841: Queensland, Australia Has Major Flood1841: “Tremendous" Tornado and Hurricane Strikes Washington, D.C.1841: Severe Thunderstorms, Tornadoes & Hailstorms Across France During Spring Months1841: A Sirocco Sweeps Across Italy - Blast Furnace Heat Makes Life Miserable1841: November Floods In France Cause Immense Damage1841: Philadelphia Has 10-Inch Snowstorm In November1842: France Hammered By Continuous Cold and Snow of Winter - Great Suffering1842: Waterspouts & Floods Wreak Havoc Across Limerick, Ireland1842: Six Inch Rainstorm In 2.5 Hours Submerges Philadelphia, PA1842: Violent Thunderstorms Pound Mid-Atlantic States Throughout June1842: Northern France Suffers From Severe Drought During Summer1842: Paris, France Has Hottest Temperatures Since Beginning of Century1842: Coldest November Ever Recorded In Many Parts of U.S.1843: Major Mid-March Snowstorm Buries East U.S. - Up To 2-Feet of Snow1843: Multiple Summer Hailstorms Cause Much Harm In England1843: Northeast U.S. Has June "Killer" Frost - Plant and Crop Damage Extensive1843: Severe Drought In Area of Hobart, Tasmania1843: Immense Storm In Pennsylvania & Delaware Washes Away 50 Bridges1844: Hail As Large As 11 Pounds Bombard France1844: Abnormal Long & Snowy Winter In Europe Finally Ends In Late March 18451844: Port Phillip In Australia Experiences Its Greatest Flood1845: Temperature In Central Australia Hits 135F In Shade1845: Whole Provinces Submerged In China From Flooding1845: Entire Potato Crop of Ireland Ruined By Severe Blight1846: Aborigines blame 'white-man' for climate change in Australia1846: Terrible Winter Across N. America - Mississippi, Ohio & Wabash Rivers Frozen1846: Streams & Wells Go Dry In Great Iowa Drought1846: Scarcity of Food Result of Australian Drought1846: Huge Floods Inundate Central France1846: Great Rainstorm & Hail Pound Many Areas of England and Ireland1846: Other Countries Come To Aid of Belgium During Famine1847: Hurricane Blasts Havana and Key West, Florida1847: Bitter Cold & Snow Cause Miserable Winter In France, Spain & Switzerland1847: Severe Drought In Holland Dried Up Most Of The Wells1847: Heat & Drought Cause Famine and Food Riots In France1847: New South Wales, Australia Again Hit With Bad Drought1847: Australia's Aborigines Say White Man Has Changed The Climate1847: Winter Cold Brings -34F Temperatures To Dartmouth College Campus1848: Niagara Falls Goes Dry - Severe Weather Conditions Stop Water Flow1849: Sweden, Norway and Russia Have Extreme Winter Cold - Quicksilver Freezes!1849: France Heat Wave Sizzles - 106 Degrees In Orange, France1849: Flood In New Orleans Had Deeper Water Than Katrina1849: “Dreadful Hurricane On The East Coast Of Scotland”1850: Sacramento Completely Destroyed By Flood1850: Calamitous Flood Overwhelms Belgium1850: San Francisco Nearly Destroyed By Fire1850: Capt. McClure Saw No Ice In The Beaufort Sea In August1851: Ireland Struck By Great and Destructive Floods1851: Two year Drought Ends In New South Wales, Australia1851: Heat Wave & Brush Fires Brings "Day of Horrors" To Victoria, Australia1851: Famine & Emigration Causes Ireland's Population To Fall By 20%1852: 100 Perish When Reservoir Bursts From Excessive Rainfall1852: Extreme July Heat Wave Strikes Paris Over 8 Days1852: Severe Flooding In Parts of Switzerland, France, Belgium, Germany1853: Europe & U.S. Blasted By Severe Winter Starting In December Through March1853: Northwest Passage - Open Water Found In The Arctic Basin – In May1853: Dust Storm & Hot Wind Howl Across Melbourne, Australia1854: "The Great Drought In The United States"1854: Charles Darwin Documents How Climate Change Killed Off 4/5's Of Bird Population On His Property1856: Whole Villages In France Swept Away By Great Floods1856: A Summer Resort Island In Louisiana Is Completely Submerged By Terrific Storm - 170 Die1856: Arctic Explorer Discovers "vast open iceless Polar Sea"1857: Floods Cause Immense Destruction In NSW1857: Massive Snowstorm Dumps 24 Inches On North Carolina, Baltimore and Washington D.C.1857: Three Bad Heat Waves Strike France From June to August1857: Great Storm Off Coast of Scotland - 42 Fishermen Lost1858: A Severe Drought and Extreme Heat Saturate Portions of Europe & Algeria1858: Adelaide, Australia Suffers In Fourth Year of Severe Drought1858: 5-Foot Floods Swamp Areas of Tasmania1858: Southern Italy Struck By Unusual November Snowstorm1859: California Stuck By Intense Heat Wave, 133 Degrees In San Bernardino1860: A Tornado Destroys Towns In Iowa And Illinois1860: India's Farmers Unable To Plant Crops Due To Drought1861: England Has Frigid Christmas, -21.7°C1861: Montreal Submerged By River Flood From Melting Ice1861: Almost 200 Wrecked Ships From Major Storms On British Coasts1862: England Hit By Huge Hailstorm - 6 to 7 Feet Deep In Some Areas1862: The Great Flood - West Coast battered for 45 days with extreme storms1863: River Flood Drowns Melbourne, Australia - 40 Feet Above Normal Level1863: Major Drought Strikes Argentina - Dust Storms Wreak Havoc1863: U.S. Winter Brings Incredible Cold & Snow - Mississippi River Freezes Over1864: Record Floods In Queensland, Australia1864: Great Cyclone Smashes Calcutta - 70,000 Perish1864: Devastating Hurricane Strikes Portugal1864: Floods, Drought & Famine Lead To Mass Misery In Hungary1865: Frigid Winter In Paris Freezes Seine River1866: France & Britain Ravaged by Severe Regional Floods1866: 1,500,000 People Perish From Famine & Drought In India1866: Hurricane In Bahamas Smashes 600 Buildings, 60 Persons Dead1867: Cyclone & Tidal Wave Sweep Away 30,000 Homes In Calcutta1867: St. Thomas Island Survives Dreadful Hurricane, 1,000 Lives Lost1868: Massive Earthquake Hits Peru1868: Many Lives Lost In Baltimore, MD Flood1868: Most Destructive Tornado In Tennessee Takes Lives1868: Huge Earthquakes, Volcanic Eruptions And Tsunamis Hit Hawaii1869: A Tornado Destroys Georgetown, Colorado1869: Fearful Floods In England – Worst In Leeds History1869: Arctic Summers Believed To Be “almost free of ice”1869: Dublin and Cork Ireland Suffered From Great Floods1870: Torrential Rain Dumps 24 Inches Over 4 Days In Brisbane1870: The Great Flood In New South Wales, Australia1871: New York Times Reports On Worrisome “Climate Change”1871: 3.8 Million Wisconsin Acres Burn & Hundreds Perish In America’s Largest Forest Fire1871: 100,000 Starving People In Chicago After Heat, Drought And Fire1872: 140 Degrees Reported During Australia Heat Wave1874: Tuscumbia, Alabama Destroyed By A Tornado1875: Ahmedabad, India - Historically High Flooding1875: Arctic Warming, Melting Ice Causing East Coast Rains, Floods & Crop Failures1875 : Fire, Heat And Drought In Australia - 115F In Shade1875: England suffers from big floods1876: Three Storms In Succession Flood 3,000 Square Miles Of India – Kill 215,000 People1876: Severe Drought In Turkey - 200,000 Lives Lost1877: Serious Drought In Australia In Its Second Year1878: Three Year Massive Drought & Famine Ends In India1878: Southern Morocco Droughts Turns Populace Into "Living Skeletons"1878: Officially announced that 7,000,000 persons have died of “famine in China.”1878: Prolonged Drought In South Africa Threatens Disastrous Famine1878: Eleven Days of Extreme Hot Temperatures Torch America's Midwest1878: Malaria Outbreak In Brooklyn, NY1878: Winter In England Is 5.4 Degrees Colder Than Average1878: Devastating Hurricane Strikes Tahiti1878: Terrible Australian Drought Followed By Disastrous Floods1878: Southern England Suffers Tornado, Followed By Snow1878: Ceylon Hit By Multiple Floods Causing Great Property Damage1878: Indian Ocean Cyclone Wipes Bourbon Island Clean1878: Hundreds Lost At Sea During Bay of Biscay, Spain Hurricane1878: Wisconsin Tornado Hits Multiple Rural Towns, 30 People Killed1878: Tornado In Connecticut Kills 301878: France Suffers From Large Floods1878: Immense Floods Overwhelm Sacramento, California Region1878: Hurricane & Two Waterspouts Bash Canton, China1878: Hailstorm In Austria Wrecks Crops, Hailstones Unusually Large1878: Severe Thunderstorms & Hailstorms Thrash Switzerland - Fires and Floods Result1879: Half A Million Dead In Brazil From Drought, Starvation And Pestilence1879: New Years - Great Floods In England And Scotland1879: Severe Drought Affects Texas, South Carolina & Georgia1879: 165 MPH Winds Pummel North Carolina1879: Explorer Discovers That Alaskan Glacier Shrunk By Some 30 Miles In Less Than 100 Years1879: 70 Million Chinese People Starving From “2 centuries of climatic change almost without a parallel”1879: Severe Drought In West Texas1879: Account – Destructive Earthquakes Hit Japan Every Ten Years1880: Raging Forest Fires In Pennsylvania & New Jersey1880: Massive Snow Storm With 100MPH Gusts Dumps 6' of Snow On Seattle1880: Record Setting Heat Wave In Adelaide, Australia1881: Newspaper Reports On Concerns That The Telegraph Will Change Earth's Polarity, Thus Arctic Ice Melts1881: Baltic Sea Frozen1881: “A Great Many People” Suffering From Malaria In New York1881: NY Times Predicts Extinction of Walrus, Seal, Bison, Elk, Fish, Reindeer1881: Spain Records 122 Degree Temperature During Heat Wave1881: Global Warming Brings Heat Waves, Hurricanes, Earthquakes And Yellow Fever1882: Hailstorm In Midwest Wreaks Havoc - Hail 3.5 Feet Deep In Some Spots1882: Disastrous Hurricane Strikes NW Australia1883: Huge Earthquake Hits Italy1884: 500 Killed By A Southern Tornado – 5,000 Houses Destroyed1884 : Humans Blamed For Glacial Retreat In The Alps1884: Terrible Earthquake Hits England1884: Explorers Determine That Polar Sea Is Free of Ice At Times1884: Levees Fail Due To Mississippi River Flood1885: "Water Famine In Jerusalem.”1885: U.S. Congress Considers Climate Engineering Legislation1885: Extreme Heat Wave In The UK – Children Dying By The Hundreds1886: Middle of Spain Devastated By Hurricane1886: Charleston, SC Destroyed By A Huge Earthquake1886: Huge Earthquake Hits Greece1886: 12 Inches of Rainfall & Flood Submerge Georgia Region Over 3 Days1886: Texas Town Destroyed By Hurricane1886: Seven Hurricanes Pummel U.S.1886: England & Ireland Swept By Great Hurricane1887: Streets In Brisbane, Australia Under 15-Feet of Flood Water1887: Storm Surge of 25 Feet Submerges Burketown1887: Huge Earthquake Hits France And Italy1887: China's Terrible Flood Leaves Millions Homeless & Starving1887: 700 Perish From Australian Hurricane1887: Prolonged Drought In England And Scotland Disastrous To Crops1887: Terrible Hurricane Strikes Great Britain1888: Severe Blizzards Rips East Coast - New York City Cut Off From Rest of World1888: The Baltic Sea Frozen1888 Study: "Is Climate Changing" - Strongly Marked, Periodic Shifts In The Climate1888: “Complete Change Of Climate” Makes Adobe Useless As A Nebraskan Building Material1888: Colorado Heat Wave Hits 118 Degrees1888: Floods Kill Hundreds Of Thousands Of People In China1888: Australian Drought Killed Almost All Of The Sheep1888: 'Schoolhouse Blizzard' Strikes U.S. Great Plains With Brutal Cold & Snow1888: Severe Weather Extremes Plague The World1889: US Hurricane Strikes Peaked In The 1880s1889: "Disastrous Floods In China"1889: "Great Flood In India"1890: U.S. Snowstorms - Passengers On Eight Trains Dying From Cold & Hunger1890: NSW, Australia Suffers From Big Floods1890: 200 Russians Freeze To Death From Intense Cold1890: New York Times Worried About Global Warming1890: Rapid Glacial Retreat In Alaska1890: Massive Tornado Levels Louisville, Kentucky1890: “Great Heat In America Hundreds of Deaths From Sunstroke”1890: “The European Crops. Ruined By Rain And Cold Weather”1890: Forest Fire In New Mexico & Colorado A "Cyclone" of Devastation1890: Hurricane Slams Australia1891 Study: 1°C Climate Changes Happen Regularly Scientists Discover1891: “Intense Heat In New York”1891: Joplin, Missouri Stuck By Terrible Tornado1891: Four Hundred Thousand Left Homeless By Japanese Quake1891: “Intense Cold In England. Sheep Roasted On The Frozen Thames.“1891: “A Severe Winter, Streets of Naples, Italy Impassable"1891: “The Cold In Holland And Belgium. Antwerp Harbour Icebound”1892: Severe Drought In Australia – 115 Degree Heat Wave1892: Great Floods In China Kills 50,000 - More To Die From Starvation1892: Huge Icebergs Seen As Far South As New York1892: Severe Cold In England & America - 50 Frozen To Death1892: Rapid Glacial Retreat In The Alps1892: Rapid Retreat Of Rocky Mountain Glaciers Due To "Climatic" Change1892: Alaskan Glacier Experiences Massive Shrinkage - 77 Billion Cubic Feet of Ice Each Year Lost1892: Heat Wave In Europe Forces School Closures1892: Disastrous Drought In Mexico1892: “Heat in America - Deaths From Sunstroke; Work Suspended”1892: Indian Ocean Hurricane Kills Thousands1892: Devastating Tornado Strikes Chicago Area1892: Destructive Kansas Tornado Causes Enormous Damage1892: Terrible Tornado Kills Many In Illinois And Missouri1892: Mississippi & Missouri Rivers cause Disastrous Floods1892: Washington, Arkansas Destroyed By A Tornado1892: Japanese Typhoon Takes 300 Lives - 42,000 Homes Destroyed1893: It's 1,800 Years Of "Low CO2" Floods And Storms1893: Severe Heat Wave & Drought In Queensland Australia1893: “A Terrible Famine. Dreadful Reports From China: Parents Selling Their Children. Dead Bodies Devoured”1893: “The Winter In Europe. Intense Cold In England And On The Continent. Traffic Delayed By Snowstorms. Thames And Seine Frozen.”1893: Snow Blizzard & Tidal Wave Blast Chicago On Same Day1893: Heat Wave And Drought In Europe; Deaths by Sunstroke1893: “Malaria Everywhere” In Wisconsin1893: “Intense Cold In Sydney. All Previous Records Broken.”1893: Biggest Flood Ever In Queensland, Australia1893: Sea Islands Hurricane Leaves 1,000+ Dead In Its Wake1893: Chenière Caminada Hurricane Demolishes Louisiana Island - 2,000 Dead1893: Five Hurricanes Make U.S. Landfall During Year1893: NYT's Reports That Australia Suffers From Sudden & Violent Climate Changes1894: New Zealand Struck By Rare Major Snowstorm & Extreme Cold1894: “The Severe Cold In England. People Frozen To Death.”1894: “Destructive Forest Fires In America. Great Loss of Life and Property."1894: Severe Flood In England1894: "Serious Flood In India"1894: Earthquake In Texas Releases Huge Volume Of Subterranean Water1894: “The Blizzard In America. Hundred Persons Perished From Intense Cold.”1894: “Cold Weather In New Zealand.”1894: “The Japanese Suffering From The Cold.”1894: Record Flood In Queensland, Australia1895: “A Terrible Winter. Terrific Snowstorms Throughout Europe. Many Cities Isolated. Great Number Of Lives Lost…"1895: The River Thames In London Frozen1895: “Phenomenal Heat Wave In America”1895: Disasterous Australian Drought Wipes Out Livestock Populations1896: National Geographic describes Alaska's glacier retreat of 40 miles over 100 years1896: Deaths From Australian Heat Wave "Alarmingly High"1896: “Intense Heat In America" Appalling Death-Toll1896: “Famine In Tonquin. People Dying In Thousands.”1896: Tornado Levels St. Louis1896: Spain & England Suffering Great Heat Wave1896: England Suffers From Protracted Drought1896: Rare Paris Hurricane Destroys Multiple Buildings - 50 Dead1896: White House Severely Damaged By Hurricane1896: Japan Hit By Earthquake, Tsunami And Typhoon On The Same Day1897: Australia & England Suffer From Great Fries and Cyclones1897: “Heat Wave In America. Thousands Prostrated. Numerous Deaths.”1897: Russia Has Severe Drought1897: Severe Drought Too Hot For “unfortunate little savages”1897: Worldwide Drought Causes Huge Crop Failures1897: Immense Loss Of Life From Japanese Quake And Flood1898: Mississippi River Frozen Over Its Entire Length1898: Forest Fires Ravish New Zealand1898: Heat Wave In New York - 170 Deaths In Single Day1898: Mega Forest Fires Blaze Across Colorado1898: Heaviest Flooding In Thirty Years Across Great Britain1898: "Awful Destruction By Hurricane In Windward Islands"1898: Hurricane Hits Coast of 'Westralia'1899: Was A Very Cold & Hot Year1899: Australia Hit With Severe Drought, Floods, Cyclones, Volcanoes1899: Tens Of Thousands Killed In Japan By An Earthquake And Tsunami1899: Tornado In Wisconsin Kills 117 People1899: Appalling Floods In Texas Brazos River Region - 250 Drowned1899: South Africa's Drought Kills 1.4 Million Cattle & 2.1 Million Sheep1899: Dry Weather Culprit For 322 Forest Fires In The Adirondack Mountains1900: Forest Fires Raging In Michigan1900: Forest Fires In New York "Beyond Control"1900: "Frightful Forest Fire" of "unparalleled magnitude" Rages In Ontario, Canada1900: Great Floods In Calcutta and Bengal1900: A Year of Extremely Bad Weather Events1900: The "Great" Australian Drought - 4 Years1900: 500,000 Acre Forest Fire In Montana Territory - "Appalling"1900: Yellowstone Hit By "Another Big Forest Fire"1900: Galveston, "Half the city swept away", By Hurricane - 8,000 Perish1901: Disastrous Flood Strikes Pittsburgh1901: Hottest July In U.S. History - 19011902: Australia, Queensland “the utter desolation and misery wrought by the drought"1902: Disastrous Floods In Southern Bengal, India1902: Melbourne, Australia Warms 0.7 F Degrees Over Previous 40 Years1902: Radical Climate Change In U.S. Due To Electricity Some Say1903: New York Deaths From Heat Wave1903: Massive Floods Inundate Parts Of New York & New Jersey1903: The Great Pacolet River Flood1903: Drought Dries Up Niagara Falls - Water Disappears1903: A June 59-hour deluge swamps London area with new records1903: 200 Die In Kansas City Flood, 20,000 Homeless1903: Texas Forest Fire Burns Up 6.0 Million Acres1904: Disastrous Drought In England1904: Rare Tornado Hits Central Russia – 100 Lives Lost1904: January Alabama Tornado Takes 137 Lives1905: Christmas Heat Wave In Australia - 119 Degrees1906: England Has Record Drought1906: Earthquake & Fire Destroy San Francisco1906: Torrential Rains, Foods & Storms Pound Southern Europe for 3 Weeks1906: 200 Buried By Volcanic Eruption In Italy1906: Scientists Find 90 Glaciers Shrinking - Some Have Disappeared Entirely1906: Earth's Surface Water Disappearing1907: Climate Wackiness: “warmer in Northern Greenland than in Southern France”1908: "New York City's climate is changing for the hotter, notwithstanding the temperature of out-of-town places is about the same as ever"1908: Extremely Rare Hurricanes Develop During March & Early May1908: South Carolina's Record Flood1908: Scientist Says European Glaciers Have Been Melting Since 18641908: 110 Degrees In Shade During Australian Heat Wave1908: Italy Devastated By Earthquake - 100,000 Dead1908: Terrible Forest Fire Minnesota's Pine Forest Country1908: Tornado Across Multiple States Kills Over 4001908: 'A Black Grave' - Destructive Flood In India1908: 350 Fishermen Lost In Japanese Typhoon1909: Heat Wave In Australia Produces Temperatures In Excess of 120 Degrees1910: Raging Forest Fires Devastate The US1910: Prolonged Russian Heat Wave Withers Crops & Orchards1910: The Great Paris Flood1910 : Ontario, Canada - Hundreds Of Dead Bodies From "Appalling" Forest Fires Strewn On Train Tracks1910: Forest Fire Flames Cover 700 Square Miles In Montana1911: Niagara Falls Completely Freezes From Extreme Cold1911: Heat Wave In Queensland, Australia Hits 120 Degrees1911: Drought Is Prevalent Throughout England1911: UK Climate Expert & Other Scientists Say Human Wireless Communications Are Causing Climate Change1911: 2 Million Expected To Perish In China's Famine1911: Tornado Brings Death & Destruction To Illinois1911: Australian Town Leveled By Cyclone1911: UK Crippled By Two Month Severe Heat Wave & Drought1911: Heat Wave In Berlin Claims 36 Lives; Paris Hits 100 Degrees1911: Heat Wave In Melbourne Sets November Record1911: Terrific Heat Wave Leads To 53 Infant Deaths In Chicago1911: Czechs Swelter From Terrible Heat Wave1911: Vancouver Temperatures Reach 38-Year High1911: Heat Wave Causes 305 Infant Deaths In Leipzig, Germany1911: At Least 1,200 Babies Die From Heat Wave In London Over Two Weeks1911: 380 Die During One Day of Great East Coast Heat Wave1911: Heat Wave Reaches 149 Degrees In Death Valley, Say Residents1911: Montreal Reaches Highest Temperature Ever Recorded During Heat Wave1911: Heat Wave Claims 150 In Chicago; 41 In Boston, 53 In Philadelphia1912: "Change In Climate" - "shows that the northern climate is becoming warmer"1912: "Most of the glaciers in Antarctica are dying"1912: Fierce February Tornado Slams Into Shreveport, Louisiana1912: Australia, NSW “The drought is the most severe which has ever been experienced in this district”1912: New Madrid, Missouri Wiped Out By A Flood1912 New York Times : Melt The Arctic In Order To Tip The Earth On Its Axis, And Improve The Climate1912: Hot Weather In Greenland (94F) Sank The Titanic1912: Fast Glacier Retreat In Alaska To Benefit Canada1912: Canadian Town Suffers Severe Damage From Tornado1912: Widespread Typhoon Devastation In Japan1912: Geo-Engineering Proposal To Warm Arctic & Improve Global Climate1913: Arctic Experiences Incredible Heat & Curse of Mosquitoes1913: Floods In India Cause Widespread Destruction1913: Nebraska Town Entirely Wiped Off Map By Tornado - Hundreds Killed1913: July High Temperatures In Death Valley Averaged 129 F1913: Abilene Kansas Had 53 Days Over 100 Degrees1913: Great Kansas Drought Finally Ends1913: Disastrous Floods - Midwest Struck Hard - Great Dayton Flood1913: November's 'Great Lakes Storm' Kills 250 - Blizzard With Hurricane Speed Winds1914: Polar Climate Expert Reports Rapid Ice Loss At Both Poles1914: Earth Is Drying Up Scientist Finds1914: Ohio region poured on - 7 inches of rain in 30 minutes1914: Royal Society Scientist Explains 2,000 Year Climate Cycles1914: Monstrous Forest Fires & Drought In Russia1915: Ten Million Sheep Die Due To Australia's Drought1915: Fiji Island hit by hurricane - great property damage1915: Earthquake In Italy Kills 20,0001915: Galveston, TX again Hit By Major Hurricane - 275 to 400 Dead1915: Ganges River Flooding Leave 80,000 Homeless1915: 16 Mile Wide Tornado Roars Across Kansas, Nebraska & S. Dakota1916: One Million Chinese Made Destitute From Greatest Floods On Record1916: 10,000 Killed By Italian Alps Avalanche1916: Two July Tropical Cyclones Strike North Carolina - Devastating Floods Result1916: "The flood of 1916 broke every record in the book" - North Carolina1916: Canada's Great Forest Fire - 223 Lives Lost1917: Tornadoes Rage Across 6 States Killing 100+1917: California Town Had 42 Days Straight of Temperatures Over 120 Degrees1917: Long Drought In Texas Is Disastrous1917: Natal District, South African Floods Leave 1,000 Dead1917: Queensland, Australia Swamped By Flood1917: 1,000 Dead From Japan's Latest Typhoon1917: Millions homeless, thousands dead in China flooding1918: Extreme Drought In Texas, Louisiana & Mississippi1918: Rhone region floods, inundates urban areas1919 : Worst Drought In 50 years In Australia1919: NSW, Australia Suffers 7 Droughts Since 18801919: 772 People Lost In 'The Florida Keys' Hurricane1919: 200,000 Acres Burned As Yellowstone Area Ravaged By Forest Fires1919: Georgia Has Record Flood Levels After 3-Day Rainfall1919: Drought In North New Zealand Worst Ever1920: "A Great Flood Occurred At Jamshedpur" - India1921: England Suffers Record Heat & Drought1921: Paris Temperature Record of 60 Years Broken In Heat Wave1921: Heat Wave In Swiss Alps - 100 Degrees On Mountain Peak1921: "Long Siege of Freak Weather" - World Is Finally Recovering1921: Combination of Floods & Fires Claim 1,200 Lives In Colorado1921: Scientist Says Climate Is Changing: World Is Getting Warmer & Drier1921: Texas hit with 36" of rain over 18-hour period1921: Fatal Floods From Abnormal Rainfalls In Allahabad, India Region1922: An Extreme Weather Year1922: Arctic waters now warmer by 12°C versus earlier years1922: Record Arctic Warmth Allows North Coast of Spitsbergen To Stay Ice Free During Winter1922: Global Warming, Poles Melting, Early Spring, Polar Ice Disappearing, Glaciers Rapidly Receding1922: Frozen Viking Found In Greenland1922: “extraordinary warmth in the Arctic during the last few years”...Greenland ice sheet might melt1922: 100F In The Arctic - Extraordinary Heat Wave1922: Greenland Ice Cap Melting, Northern U.S. Will Be Sub-Tropical1922: Seals Disappear Due To Severe Arctic Warming1922: Indications That Arctic May Become Temperate Zone1922: August Sweltering Heat In The Arctic While A Typhoon Killed 100,000 People In China1922: Searing Heat Wave In Europe Causes Alpine Glaciers To Melt1922: All Previous Drought Records For England Broken1922: 22 Inches of Rain In 3 Days Swamps Portions of India1922: Hotspot In Libya1922: Mississippi River Flooding Leaves 10,000 Homeless1922 : “One of the deadliest snowstorms in U.S. history “1923: Glaciers Melting In The Italian Alps, Forming Rushing Streams1923: Extreme Warming In Arctic Melts 80 Feet Of Ice1923: "CAUSES OF CHANGE OF CLIMATE...Is the North Pole going to melt entirely?"1923: American weather officials interested Arctic melting – “radical change in climatic conditions”1923 Japanese Quake Killed A Quarter Of A Million People1923: Iceberg 80 Feet High Melts And Reveals A Large Solid Island Underneath1923: Sunspots Produces Titanic Icebergs1923: "The North Pole - Causes of Climate Change"1924: Extreme Drought In California, Oregon, Washington & Nevada1924: "Whole French Atlantic Coast Ravaged" - Tidal Floods Do "Tremendous Damage"1924: Newspapers Says Global Warming To Make The World Explode1924: Delhi Region Submerged From Major Floods1924: Workers Battle Seine Flooding In Paris1924: 105 Degree Weather In Russia's Heat Wave Damaged Crops1924: Mysterious Mud River Appears in California; Attributed to Melting of Shasta Glacier"1924: West Australia Suffers From Devastating Drought1925: “Hurricane Sweeps Through Holland”1925:1925: Hurricanes, Tidal Waves & Severe Cold Thrash Multiple European Centers1925: "Expect Alaska's Climate to Stay Warmer As Result of Continued Volcanic Eruptions"1925: Pine Beetle Destroys Forests in Oregon & California1925: Unprecedented Australian Drought Finally Ends1925: Hurricane Slams West Australia - Severe Damage1925: Worst Storm In U.S. History – March TriState 'F5' Tornado Kills Over 900 Across 6 States1925: 8-Day Heat Wave Claims 605 Lives In U.S.1925: Several U.S. States Impacted By Disastrous Drought1926: Heat Wave & Bush Fires Strike Victoria, Australia1926: Explorers Discover Open Water At North Pole1926 : Heat Waves And Floods In Scotland1926: Maryland 'F4' Tornado Hits Elementary School1926: Devastating Hurricane In The US1926: Record East Coast Storm Surge (15ft) Overwhelms Coconut Grove, Florida1926: Month of May Has Open Water At The North Pole1926: 10-Day Heat Wave In West Canada Causes Great Crop Harm1926: Weird Weather In September: Waterspouts, Tornadoes, Cold, Snow Plague Nation1926: “Radical Permanent Warming” Predicted For Alaska Due To Volcanoes1926: Warming of Climate In U.S. Started During Mid-1800s1926: Combination of Heat Wave & Cholera Wreak Havoc Across China1926: Enormous Damage In Burma & India From Floods1926: Red Cross Says This Was The Worst Year For Natural Disasters1927: January Hurricane Pummels England & Scotland1927: Violent Gale & Storms Thrash Great Britain, 21 Killed1927: New England Blasted By Hurricane - Record Rainfall For Region1927: Super Flood Strikes Vermont1927: German Flood Kills 150, Entire Towns Wiped Away1927: 78 Dead After Tornado Rips Through St. Louis1927: 'Great Mississippi Flood' Most Destructive In U.S. History1927: Torrid September Heat Wave Visits U.S. Midwest1927: Nine million inhabitants of the Shantung province are starving owing to a drought, visitation of locusts, civil war, and banditry1927: Typhoon & Tidal Wave Hits Both China & Japan - 5,000 Perish1928: Plans Afoot To Change Climate Of Africa1928: England & France In Grip of Heat Wave1928: Okeechobee Hurricane - 2,500 Killed When Storm Surge Flood Breaks Lake Okeechobee Dikes1928: Heat Wave Kills 99 In U.S., 28 In New York1928: Mammoth Ice Dam Breaks - Flood Waters Roaring Down From 17,000 Feet In Kashmir1928: Arctic Ice Cap Melting? Open Water Found At North Pole1928: Melting Rapidly, Antarctica Ice Use To be 800 Feet Thicker1929: Arctic Ocean Has Finally Been Circumnavigated By Ships1929: Heat Wave Hits U.S., Europe And Russia Too1929: Droughts Strike Argentina, Europe, China, Australia & U.S. At Same Time1929: 25 to 30 Inches of Rainfall Over 3 Days Produces Huge Alabama Floods & Misery1929: Most Severe Flood On Record Hit India1929: “Mississippi Rips Through Dykes To Flood Huge Area”1930: Australian 11-Day Heat Wave Produces 118 Degrees Temp1930: Extreme, Record Cold Kills Thousands In China - Famine Still Threatens Millions1930: "Cold, Death Stalks As Blizzard Races Across Nation"1930: Mesopotamia Heat Wave Causes People To "Drop Dead" - 130 Degrees In Shade1930: Worst Flood In France's History - Three Rivers Inflict "Terrible Losses"1930: "Panic Follows Hurricane and Earthquake In Italy" - Possibly 3,500 Dead1930: Thousands Battle Multiple Forest Fires In Eastern U.S.1930: Dixieland Heat Wave Broken By Tornado & Storms1930: 103 Degree Heat Wave Kills 12 In Washington D.C.1930: 7,000 Lives Lost In Burma/India Region - Earthquake, Tidal Wave & Fires1930: 31 Dead From U.S. Heat Wave1930: Wind Storm Kills 17 and Destroys 100 Buildings In Oklahoma Town1930: U.S. Drought Affects Entire Nation - 48 States Without Rainfall1930: Much of Europe Sweltering In Extreme Heat Wave1930: Hurricane Storm With 120 MPH Winds Slams Southern England1930: Massive Pine Beetle Infestation In Montana Forests1930: Earthquake Destroys Town In Argentina1931: Chicago Blizzard Leaves 13 Feet of Snow1931: Children In Bus Marooned 36 Hours During Blizzard - 6 Dead1931: 300 To 400 New Mexico Pinon Nut Hunters Missing In Blizzard1931: British Experts Determine Tilt of Earth Causing Arctic Sea To Warm1931: New Zealand Earthquake, Tidal Wave & Fires Kills Hundreds1931: "An Almost Continual Earthquake" Rocks Mexico1931: Terrific Earthquake Devastates Managua1931: Beginning of U.S. Dust Bowl - It Won't End Until 19391931: Extreme Drought In Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Virginia & New York1931: Near Cyclonic Wind Storm Levels Small Town In Ohio1931: Raging Forest Fires Roar Unabated Through Grand Teton National Forest1931: Tourists Join National Guardsman In Fighting Huge Forest Fires In Yellowstone Park Region1931: Worst Drought In Canada's History1931: Appalling Damage & Starvation From Floods In India1931: Flood Killed Two Million People In China1931: Brisbane Facing Worst Floods In Its History1931: Texas Families Starving From Drought1931: Not Just A Heat Wave - Terrible Summer Weather Across The Entire World1931: Hurricane & Tidal Wave Destroy 70% of Belize, British Honduras Capital1932: "World Growing Cooler U.S. Scientists Assert"1932: Antarctica glacier shrinks by some 30 miles over 30 years1932: Different World Regions Experiencing Unparalleled, Freak Weather1932: Death Toll From Cuba's Hurricane Reaches 1,8001932: Large Death Toll From Cholera During China's Heat Wave1932: Hundreds Killed In Alabama Tornado1932: Drought In England Shows "Extraordinary Persistence"1932: "Strong Earthquake Shakes Western United States"1932: Mexico City Struck By Earthquake1932: Tidal Wave Slams Into Small Bahamian Island1932: China Earthquake - "Tens of Thousands of Persons Perishing"1932: Torrential Rainfall Sweeps Across Japan With Flooding1932: Texas Slammed By Category 4 Hurricane Packing 145 MPH Winds1932: Tidal Wave Swamps Santa Cruz del Sur, Cuba1932: Mexican Town Virtually Wiped Out By Tidal Wave1932: Severe Earthquake Shakes California, "Great Damage"1932: Winter Olympics – Too Warm, No Snow In January1933: Climatologist Says Winters Are Milder Now1933: 11 Die In California Blizzard1933: 44 Die Across Nation From Icy Cold Blizzard - Eastern States Hit Hard1933: Destructive Hurricane Strikes Canada After Tidal Wave1933: West Australian Heat Wave - "Severest In History"1933: Heat Waves, Floods, Droughts, Famines Plague China1933: Hottest June In U.S. History - Heat Wave & Drought1933: 21 Perish During Texas, Louisiana Tornado & Hail Storms1933: Southern California Earthquake, Toll Exceeds 1001933: Violent Earthquake Centered Near Greenland1933: Japan Overwhelmed By Earthquake, Tidal Wave & Fire1933: Drought In South Africa - "Worst Outlook For 50 Years"1933: Flooding In China Kills 50,0001933: Ganges River Bursts Its Banks - Widespread Flood Damage & Fatalities1933: Southern California Floods Takes 31 Lives, Greatest Single Rainfall Day1934: Weather Bureau Scientists Predict Climate Change - Colder Winters, More Snow1934: "Weather experts believe that the world is entering a long spell of dry weather.''1934: "Drought In West Effects Politics"1934: Extreme U.S. Winter Weather Leaves 60 Dead In Its Path1934: "Heat Wave In China Kills One In Every Thousand"1934: Antarctic Has Incredible Heat Wave – 25 Degrees Over Zero1934: February Tornado & Storms Strike Several U.S. States1934: World Wide Drought & Heat Causes Vast Majority of Alps' Glaciers To Melt1934: Iowa Heat Wave In May - Pushes Temps Over 110 Degrees1934: All 48 U.S. States Over 100 Degrees During June1934: 14 Days of Above 100°F Temps Kill Over 600 Americans1934: Giant Tidal Wave From Texas Hurricane Submerges Coastal Area1934: South African Drought Severely Hits Farmers1934: Nebraska Temperatures Soar To 117 Degrees1934: Drought, Heat, Floods, Cyclones, & Forest Fires Hit Europe1934: Worst Drought In England For 100 Years1934: 7 Days of Incessant, Torrential Rains Cause Massive Flooding In Eastern Bengal1934: "7 Lives Lost As Tropical Storm Whips Louisiana"1934: Multiple Earthquakes On Single Day - Germany, Nicaragua & Turkey1934: Afghanistan Suffers Strong Earthquake1934: Global Warming Causes 81% Of Swiss Glaciers In Retreat1934: Canadian Crops Blasted By Intense Heat Wave1934: "South African Floods Are Unprecedented"1934: Possibly 20,000 Lives Taken By Earthquake In Bengal1934: Typhoon Hits Japan Followed By A Massive Tsunami1934: Record Heat And Drought Across The Midwest1934: Five Million Americans Face Starvation From Drought1934: Adelaide, Australia Has Record Dry Spell1934: Gigantic Hailstorm Blankets South African 10-Year Drought Region1934: Earthquake "Empties Philippine Bay Then Pours In Tidal Wave"1934: Drought And Sweltering Heat In England1934: Record Heat Bakes Wisconsin - 104°F1934: Illinois Officials Fear Milk Famine From Drought & Heat1934: 20 Nebraskans Succumb To Unprecedented 117 Degree Heat1934: Poland Swamped By Floods - Hundreds Perish1934: Tidal Wave Ruins Norwegian Fishing Villages1934: 115 Degrees In Iowa Breaks Record1934: Nebraska Farm Areas Hit By Damaging Hailstorm1934: 115 Degrees Reached In China In The Shade - Heat Wave Ruining Crops1934: Majority of Continental U.S. Suffers From Drought Conditions1934: Severe Northern Hemisphere Drought Causes Wheat Prices To "Skyrocket"1934: "Disasters of 1934" ... "Millions Were Rendered Homeless" ... "Death & Destruction"1935: "Trail of Death Left By Blizzard" - Pacific Northwest1935: "Unprecedented Conditions" in India - "Hundreds Die of Pneumonia" associated with intense cold1935: Severe Wind Storm Lashes Western States With 60 MPH Gusts1935: Rare winter heat wave in London, June-like temperatures1935: “The Worst Dust Storm In History” - Kansas City1935: Worst Drought Since 1902 Has Queensland, Australia In Its Grip1935: “50 Dust Storms In 104″ Days1935: Earthquake Wipes Out City In India - 20,000 Dead1935: Formosa Earthquake Toll At 3,000, Water Famine Adds To Woes1935: Eastern Canada & 17 States Hit By Rare Earthquake1935: Rainfall & Floods Produce Much Misery In Japan1935: Russian Icebreaker Cruises In Ice-Free Water, Only 500 Miles Away From North Pole1935: Tropical Windstorm Strikes Texas With 85 MPH Gusts1935: Memorial Day Deluge In Colorado - 24 inches of rain in 6 hours1935: 'Black Dusters' Strike Again In The Texas Dust Bowl1935: 'Sand Blizzards' Blanket Kansas & Oklahoma1935: India Hit With Extreme Heat Wave - 124 Degrees1935: Heat Wave, Drought & Torrential Rains Cause Misery In Europe1935: 100's die during extreme heat wave in Italy1935: "Floods In China," "Thousands of Lives Lost," "Refugees Starving"1935: Labor Day Hurricane - Florida Burns Its Dead After The Most Powerful Hurricane In US History1935: "Raging Blizzard Strikes East" - 16 Dead From December Storm1936: "Niagara Falls Freezes Into One Giant Icicle"1936: Huge Blizzard - "Worst Winter Storm of Century Reported By Chicago"1936: Ice Bridge In Iceland Collapses From Heat Wave & Glacier Melt1936: Violent Tornadoes Pummel The South - 300 Dead1936: China's Huge Famine Area Struck By Heavy Earthquake1936: Big Landslide Produces Huge Tidal Wave That Devastates Norwegian Area1936: "All Eastern American Under Flood Waters"; "Terrible Duststorm Rages In West"1936: Major Flood Submerges Pittsburgh1936: March Floods Leave 168 Dead & 260,000 Homeless In Ohio and N.E.1936: Dust, Snow & Wind Storm Hit Kansas Region In Same Day1936: Unprecedented Heat Wave In Moscow1936: Ukraine Wheat Harvest Threatened By Heat Wave1936: Heat Wave Deaths In Just One Small U.S. City: 50 Die In Springfield, IL1936: Michigan Heat Wave Temps Reach Record 112 Degrees1936: Missouri Heat Wave: 118 Degrees & 311 Deaths1936: Alaska's 10-Day Heat Wave Tops Out At 108 Degrees1936 : Record Heat Wave Bakes Midwest; "Condition of Crops Critical"1936: 12,000 Perish In U.S. Heat Wave - Murderous Week1936: Single Day Death Toll From Heat Wave - 1,000 Die1936: Violent Earthquake & Landslides In Colombia Take 300 Lives1936: "Earthquake Razes Town In Salvador" - 200 Known Dead1936: Iceland Hurricane Sinks Polar Research Ship Filled With Scientists1936: Earthquake In China Kills Hundreds1936: Severe Drought & Disastrous Floods In Southern Texas1936: 20,000 Homeless In Flame Ravaged Forests of Oregon1936: Northern California Ravaged By Forest Fires Over 400-Mile Front1936: Tremendous Gale & Mountainous Waves Pound S. California - 7 Persons Missing1936: Glacier Park Hotel Guests Flee As Forest Fire Advances - Worst Fire In Years1936: Iowa Christmas Season Heat Wave Sets Temperature Records - 58 Degrees1936: Sec. of Agriculture Fears Climate Change Making U.S. An Arid Land1937: Expert Explains Difference Between Weather & Climate1937: Hong Kong Submerged By Typhoon's Tidal Wave - Many Dead1937: 350 Navajos Caught In Blizzard, Near Starved - Eat Their Horses To Survive1937: Brazil Heat Wave Sets Off Tempers & Combustion1937: Exceptionally Early Season Iceberg Menaces Shipping1937: Dramatic Climate Change In The Arctic - 7° Change In Average Temperatures Is Experienced1937: Some Arctic Regions Have 80 Degree Temperatures1937: Soviet Camp At North Pole Threatened By Heat Wave And Rain1937: Arctic Winter Temperatures Up 5-7 Degrees1937: Volcano, Earthquake & Tidal Wave Slam New Britain - 500 Die1937: Arizona Struck By Rain, Hail and Dust Storms1937: Heat Wave Brings 114 Degrees In Saskatchewan, Canada1937: Typhoon, Tidal Wave & Floods Wreak Havoc On Japan1937: Ohio River Flood - One Million People Left Homeless, 385 Dead1937: Blizzard, Sleet, Freezing Temps Add To Misery Of Victims From Huge Flood1937: Mississippi Flood Forced Evacuation Of 600,000 People1937: Tennessee Earthquake Strikes Mississippi River Levee Area1937: "Earthquakes Jar Midwestern Area" - 5 States Shook Up1937: "Devastating Earthquake Hits Mexican Region"1937: Worst Earthquake In 40 Years Hits Manila, Terror Reigns1937: 45 MPH Wind Storm Blasts Evansville, Indiana After Super-Flood Hits1937: Eastern Canada Suffers From Snow & Dust Storm Combination1938: Monster Hurricane Surprises Then Slams NY and New England1938: February "Tornado Demolishes Village" In Louisiana1938: Rainfall and Huge Landslides Bury St. Lucia Area1938: 5 Dead After 14-Day Old Hurricane Strikes Near San Francisco1938: Soviet Explorers Say “World Climate Growing Warmer”1938: Melting Ice Caps To Raise Sea Level 100 Feet - Islands Will Disappear1938: Tornadoes Wreak Havoc Across 5 States1938 : Surging Floods In China Kill 150,0001938: Chinese 'Dust Bowl' - No Rain In Szechuan For A Year – One Million Starving To Death1938: Dust Cloud, "Black Blizzard" Perils Crops In Midwest1938: Japan Tormented By Floods, Tornadoes & Earthquakes Over 2 Days1938: Europe Shaken By Earthquake1938: Worst Drought In 150 Years Hits Europe - "Dispels War Clouds Over Europe"1938: Three Major Forest Fires Burning Up Kentucky1938: Major Ocean Storms Unleash Huge Los Angeles Basin Flood - 115 Persons Perish1938: "Unprecedented Drought," Wildfires In Everglades Threaten Property & Lives1938: Severe Drought Threatens Russian Harvest1938: Drought Spreads From Texas To Canada1938: Flash Flood In Georgia Sweeps 13 To Their Deaths1938: Heat Wave Grips America - 110 Degrees In Dakotas Reached1938: U.S. Suffers A Forest Fire Every 3 Minutes During 19381938: Entire Nation Of Greece Hit By Earthquake1938: Great New England Hurricane Delivers 800 Deaths & Massive Destruction1939: Amer. Instit.of Physics Says Global Warming Unprecedented In Recorded History1939: "Chile Fears 24,000 Died In Big Earthquake"1939: Weather Bureau Confirms Winters Are Milder Than Previous Years1939: Controlling The Climate With Coal Dust Proposed1939: Blinding Snow Blizzard Paralyzes Midwest To New England1939: "Abnormal" April Cold Temperatures & Blizzard Brings Misery To Ohio1939: Russian Scientists Say Hotter Winters & Summers For Both Polar Poles1939: Half Of Victoria Burned During Heat Wave's Disastrous Brush Fires1939: “Scientist Would Paint Arctic Black, Increase Habitable Area of World”1939: Unprecedented Warming In Norway1939: 90 Dead From 100 Degree Heat Wave, Another 39 Californians From Windstorm1939: "New England Hard Hit By Forest Fires"1939: U.S. Suffered A New Forest Fire Every 3 Minutes During 19391939: Heat Wave In Canada Causes 21 Deaths1939: Roaring Windstorm Whips U.S. East Coast - 65 MPH Winds1939: On A Single Day Earthquakes Hit Turkey, Tangier, San Salvador & Los Angeles1940: Hot Temperatures In Queensland, Australia - "Greatest Heat Wave In State's History"1940: Greenland's Glaciers Melting From Milder Climate - "these glaciers were nearing a catastrophe"1940: Arctic Sea Ice Melts: One-Third Less Than 50 Years Ago1940: February Tornado Leaves 15 Dead in Georgia1940: Cold Paralyzes Europe, Heat Wave Boils Brazil At Same Time1940: Killer Heat Wave Produces 29 Fatalities in Argentina1940: Multiple States Across Entire U.S. Hit By Extreme Drought1940: Raging 'Armistice Day' Blizzard Dumps 27" Over Midwest1940: After Six Years Of Drought, Dams Almost Empty In Australia1940: Hurricane and super flood take 50 lives in S. Carolina & North Carolina1940: Russian Explorers Say Arctic Regions Are 6 Degrees Warmer Than 40 Years Earlier1941: Severe Droughts Until 1990 Predicted - American Assoc. For Advancement of Science1941: Rio De Janeiro Heat Wave Toll At 331941: Flood Waters Rampage Through Northern California1941: Heat Wave Takes 23 Lives In Argentina1942: Tidal Wave In India Kills 10,0001942: No Snow At Lake Placid In Dead of Winter1942: 18,00,000 Chinese Become Famine Refugees1942: Torrential Rains Cause Widespread Flooding In Thailand1942: Pennsylvania Deluge: 34" of rain in 12 hours1942: Jumna River In India Flooding - Villages Destroyed1942: Ohio River Watershed Flooding Halts War Production Effort, Many Homeless1943: Famine, Cholera, Dysentery Stalking Bengal & India1943: Torrential rain blankets West Virginia with over 14 inches in 90 minutes1944: Heavy Floods In Burma Reach 3 to 4 Foot Levels1944: Severe Duststorms Blanket Australia1944: Scientist Blames Japan Quake On B-29 Raids1944: Missouri River Floods 500,000 Acres1944: Siberian Tundra Region Is Melting1944: Atlantic City, NJ Suffers Severe Damage From Hurricane - 100+ MPH Winds1945: Waist-High Floods Inundate Burma1945: Homestead Hurricane plows into S. Carolina, brings massive flooding1945: Soviets Propose Massive Geo-engineering Project For Their Pacific Coast1946: National Research Council - Melt The Arctic With Atomic Bombs To Improve The Weather1946: Worst Winds Ever Hit Hobart, Tasmania - 87 MPH1946: Japan-Honshu Quake And Tsunami Wiped Out 39,000 Buildings1946: 100 Foot Tidal Wave Sweeps Away 50 Schoolchildren In Hawaii1946: Queensland, Australia Drought Causes Big Sheep Losses1946: Falcon Island In Pacific Keeps Disappearing Under Sea Surface1946: Floods, Droughts & Insects Plague World Food Supply - Millions To Suffer1946: Communists Infiltrate Democratic Party And Labor Unions1946: Former Pres. Hoover Says One-Third of World Faces Starvation1947: Bitter Winter In Europe Brings Thoughts of Another Ice Age1947: "Whole Earth Seems To Be Warming Up"1947: Greenland Melting – Sea Level Rising At A Dizzying Rate – Seashores To Be Inundated1947: Time Magazine Reports Iceland Ice Melting, Greenland Warming1947: “Enormous” Warming In The Arctic1947: 10° Warming In The Arctic Since 1900 – Greenland To Melt, Seas Will Flood Cities1947: Arctic Explorer Experiences Rain, Slush & 50 Degrees At North Pole1947: Greenland Getting Greener, Iceland's Glaciers Disappearing1947: New Zealand Glaciers Are Shrinking At Abnormal Rate - Began Melting In 1860s1947: Central Europe Hit By Prolonged Drought, Food Prospects Grim1947: Biggest Mississippi Flood Since 18441947: Heat Wave In America's Midwest Takes 112 Lives1947: Cape Sable Hurricane Delivers Widespread & Severe Flooding to Florida1947: 1,000,000 Affected By Floods In Eastern Pakistan1947: 2,000,000 Homes Inundated By Flood Waters From Typhoon That Struck Tokyo1947: Two-Mile Wide 'F5' Panhandle Tornado Causes 67 Deaths1947: Large Forest Fires Strike New England1948: Scientific Expedition To Investigate Antarctica's Warming & Climate Change1948: U.S. scientists consider atomic bomb geo-engineering to melt Antarctica1948: Columbia River Flood In Oregon Turns Into National Calamity1948: Massive Pine Beetle Infestation In Washington State Forests1948: Heat Wave Scorches U.S. - 59 Dead So Far1948: Sweltering Heat Wave Across U.S. Takes 173 Lives1948: "Flood Havoc In India" From Ganges River1949: Mile High Geyser Of Methane In Italy1949: "Drought Grips England"1949: Heat Wave Visits Arctic and Europe1949: New England Crops And Forests Threatened By Heat Wave1949: Hurricane Batters Florida With 100 MPH Winds1949: 152 Lives Lost From Heat Wave In Northern States1949: Flood In Africa's Atlas Mtn. Region Threatens Hollywood Stars1949 : Scientists Suggest Nuking Antarctica To Melt The Ice1949: Army Corp. of Engineers "Seeking To Tame Wild Everglades"1950: U.S. Consensus Science: Continental drift theory is invalid1950: World's Weather Trends: "MOVEMENT to MILDER TEMPERATURES"1950: No Snow In New England Region Devastates Winter Recreation Business1950: Strange Atmospheric Events Affect World's Weather1950: "Ocean Levels May Rise As World Gets Hotter" & "rise in temperature has been going on for about 100 years"1950: Hurricane Sweeps Along New England Coast - 60 MPH Winds, Mountainous Waves1950: 1,000 Villages In Pakistan Destroyed By Flooding1950: Cold Wind And Dust Storm Sweep Over Bombay, India1950: Record Rain In Queensland, Australia1950: Minnesota, N. Dakota & Nebraska Regions Swamped By Flooding1950: Wild Bushfires Scorch 60 Square Miles of Colorado1950: Pine Beetle Population In Idaho Forests "Building Up To Alarming Proportions"1950: Floods In Brazil & Ecuador Take 150 Lives - Train Plunges Off Washed-Out Bridge1950: Oregon Heat Wave Breaks Temperature Records1950: Oklahoma's Dust Bowl Struck By New Drought1950: Nine Die In Midwest Dust Storm1950: 3rd Dust Storm This Year Strikes Wheat States1950: Canada's giant Chinchaga forest fire produces 'Great Smoke Pall' that reaches Europe1950: Scientists Say Earth Warming And Glaciers Melting1950: Great Appalachian Storm Wreaks Havoc On 22 States - Massive Rainfalls and Blizzard1950: Eroding Beaches In Australia Due to Rapid Sea Level Rises1950: Rapid Warming In Greenland - Sea Temperatures Up By Several Degrees1950: Six Nations Send Scientists To Arctic To Investigate Glacier & Ice Cap Melting1950: Scientist Says Sidney, Australia Climate Getting Hotter1950: "The World's Weather Is Just Crazy"1950: "World Climate Is Changing"1951: Consensus Science: Dark colors on Mars caused by vegetation1951: MIT Scientist Correctly Predicts Global Cooling – Based On Sunspots, Not CO21951: Weather Cycle Expert Predicts 50 Years of "Colder Climate To Come"1951: Bone-Dry Texas Swelters From Heat Wave1951: Bakersfield, California Life Halted Due To Blinding Dust Storm1951: Warming of Greenland & Melting Exposes Medieval Farm-Homes Buried Under Ice For Centuries1951: A Top U.S. Climate Scientist Reports 250 Years of 'a slow but constant warming' for N. Hemisphere1951: "Glaciers, Icebergs Melt As World Gets Warmer" & "Summers are hotter than they used to be"1951: Scientist Reports Ice Caps Growing Larger1951: Hurricane Level Winds Lash America's Midwest - Flash Floods, Snow & Heat Wave!1951: Kansas River Flood Displaces Over 500,0001951: Mississippi River Reaches Highest Level For 107 Years1951: Floods, Drought Ravage China Over 3-Month Period1951: Fierce Hailstorm & 40 MPH Winds Wreck Apple Crop In Australia1951: Kansas City Crippled by Missouri River Flood Waters, St. Louis Next1951: Mount Lamington Eruption Causes 3,000 Deaths1951: Hurricane Charlie Blasts Jamaica - 150 Dead1951: Philippines Loses 541 Lives To Typhoon1951: 100 Degree Heat Wave Lasts For 7 Weeks In Texas1951: Eastern Airlines Pilot Runs Into A Sahara Dust Storm 700 Miles From U.S. Coast1951: London Temperatures On "slight but steady rise for more than 200 years"1952: March 23 - Hundreds Killed In Southern Tornadoes – Flooding On Lake Erie – Blizzard On the Plains1952: "Worst Ever Seen" Dust Storm Covers The Columbia Basin In State of Washington1952: Previously Submerged Town Behind Grand Coulee Dam Has Dust Storm1952: Exodus Begins - Imminent Starvation Due To Drought Facing Mexican Families1952: World record 24-hour rain at La Reunion Island - 73+ inches1952: Missouri River "Savagery" Causes Massive Flooding In Iowa1952: Mississippi River Floods - Record Crests In Minnesota & Wisconsin1952: Norwegian & Alaskan Glaciers Shrunk 50% Since 1902 Says Scientist1952: July Extended Heat Wave – 104 Degrees In Norway – 106 In Italy1952: March Earthquake, Tsunami And Snowstorm Hits Japan1952: North East India Floods Submerge 391 Villages1952: Alaska is really getting warmer1952: Scientist Says Both Polar Ice Caps Melting At Alarming Rate1952: Glacier Expert Reports Global Warming For Last 100 Years & Accelerating1952: Billowing Dust Storm Shrieks Across Southwest U.S.1952: Massive Arctic Warming, Glaciers Lose Half Their Size, Seas Are Ice Free Most Of The Time1952: Floods Follow Record Texas Drought1953: "A REVOLUTION is taking place in the world's weather, with the heat zone moving north and winters becoming milder and drier"1953: Hurricane's Sea Floods Kill More Than 900 In Europe - Worst Since 15th Century1953: UK Floods Kill 300, Farmlands Made Infertile From Salt Water1953: Scientists Say Antarctica Ice Melting Rapidly1953: Australia's 'Atomic' Port Struck by Hurricane - Every Single Building Damaged1953: UK Tornado - 89 Deaths1953: Wisconsin Heat Wave Pales To Heat Wave They Had In 19361953: Choking Dust Storm Darkens Most of Texas1953: Severe Drought - Texas & Oklahoma Declared Major Disaster Areas1953 Multiple May Tornadoes Pummel Waco, TX - 115 Die1953: May Tornadoes Roar Through Georgia & Alabama - 24 Dead1953: 3rd Huge Dust Storm In 10 Days Blasts America's Wheat Areas1953: June Tornado Rampage Killed Hundreds In Massachusetts, Michigan, Ohio, Texas1953: Drought Dries Up Rio Grande River, Missouri River Is Flooding Montana1953: Heat Wave Blisters U.S. East of The Rockies1953: Sweden Takes Steps To Stop Paratyphiod Epidemic1954: Thames River Over 4 Feet Above Normal, Famous Eton Swamped1954: Britain Hit With "Flood Havoc" - Gales, Snow Add To Misery1954: Heaviest Snowfall In 15 Years From Blizzard Blankets Chicago1954: No Survivors When Blizzard "Wrecks" Japanese Fishing Fleet1954: Worst Blizzard In Turkey In Over 40 Years Paralyze Istanbul1954: 100 MPH Blizzard Winds Howl Across Nebraska1954: Worst Flood In Centuries - Baghdad, Iraq1954: 'Great Iran Flood' Killed Over 10,0001954: 100,000 Battle Severe Flooding In China1954: Scientists Tell Congress That The Arctic Might Be Navigable By 19791954: "Top Half of World Has Warmed Up"1954: Arctic Permafrost In Canada Melting - Natives Have To Be Moved1954: Swedish Scientist: "His theory suggested that the ocean brings about long-period swings of climatic change"1954: "New York In Grip Of Blizzard"1954: Austrian-German Border Area Suffers Disastrous Floods - 16 Killed1954: "Freak of Nature" Produces Famine, Flood & Drought For Region of India1954: Melting Himalayan Glacier Flooding - 200,000 Homeless1954: North African Earthquake Followed By More Tremors - 1,340 Deaths In Algeria1954: Egyptians Scream "the end of the world is coming" As Torrential Rains Bring Unfamiliar Flooding1954: Longest Drought Grows To Four U.S. States1954: Scientists Discover Australia Climate Has Changed Dramatically1954: Heat Wave In Illinois Registers 117 Degree Temperature - Highest Ever1954: Dixie First Hit By Dust Storms Then Tornadoes1954: Drought Turns To Floods In Texas1954: Gales Blasts Portugal - 4 Die1954: Worst Floods of Century Devastate Areas of Nepal1954: Hurricane Carol Stampedes Through New England - 49 Dead1954: Hurricane Edna Blasts New England & Canada1954: Hurricane Hazel Strikes Haiti, U.S. & Canada - At Least 1,000 Dead1954: Hurricane Alice Dumps Record Rain On Texas Region, Terrible Flooding Ensues1954: 8 Hurricanes Wreak Havoc On U.S. During 1954 - Worst Year On Record1954: Spanish Coastguard Vessel Sunk By Gale Near Gibraltar1954: Record Flood Damages & Losses Reported In Areas Of Australia1954: Record Heat Wave Brings Death1954: Gale Creates 15 Foot Waves In English Channel, Slams Britain's Coast1954: 18 Die In Airliner Crash Caused By Mexican Dust Storm1954: Across The Globe, Weather Breaks All The Rules1954: Floods & Landslides Leave 10,000 Italians Homeless1954: Radioactive Dust Storm Injures 23 Japanese Fishermen1954: "NINE DEATHS IN COAST-TO-COAST STORM Plains Swept by Snow and Blizzard"1954: 69 MPH Gale Pummels Adelaide, Australia1955: "Science Agrees! Our Weather Is Changing"1955: Heavy snows strike France1955: Northeast US Hit By The Worst Floods In History – Twice1955: Blizzard Kills 42 Across The U.S. Great Plains1955: Long Island Sized Iceberg Breaks Off From Antarctica1955: Record Rains & Huge Floods Swamp Northeast - 73 Dead1955: Muggy Heat Wave In America But Buenos Aires Has 1st Snowfall In 37 Years1955: Heat Wave Brings Milwaukee Extreme Temperatures1955: 51 Los Angeles Residents Die From Heat Wave1955: 83 Die In Kansas Tornado1955: Europeans Suffer From Long Heat Wave - 70 Die1955: 25 Million Indians & Pakistanis Lose Their Homes To Floods1955: 5-Year Drought Ends With Big Floods - Texas, Colorado & Oklahoma1956: 400,000 Square Miles of Australia Threatened By Floods1956: "It Hit Like A Bomb" - Freak Tropical Storm Floods & Blackout Large Areas1956: “Moisture conditions are the worst in recorded history”1956: "Drought Specter Creeps Across Great Plains, Granary of U.S.1956: Texas/Oklahoma Blizzard Leaves Up To 43" of Snow1956: Likely 58 Japanese Dead From Blizzard1956: Large Cracks In Taj Majal's Main Structure Appear - Heavy Floods To Blame1956: Earthquakes Rock Afghanistan - 20,000 Feared Dead1956: Torrential Rains Swamp Tasmania - "Worst Flood In Years"1956: "Flood Of Snakes" Threaten Farmers1956: "Ike Will See Farm-Ranch Drought Scars No President Has Ever Witnessed"1956: 125 Die In NYC Region Blizzard - 13.5 Inches Of Snow Quickly Dumped On Area1956: Crippling Blizzard Follows Tornadoes In Dakotas - "One Of The Worst Storms On Record"1956: Nova Scotia Struck By 40MPH Gales, 20" Of Snow, 12ft Drifts1956: 23 Day Cold Wave Toll In Europe Stands At 7771956: Turkey's "Worst Winter" Brings Torrential Rains & Big Snow Melts1956: "Threat of Famine Hovering Over Ice-Shrouded Europe"1956: Flood Mud Carpets Toulon, France Region - Rare Heavy Storm To Blame1956: Black Dust Storm & Tornadoes In U.S. Kill 161956: "White House Plans New Drought Aid"1956: "Ike Declares California Fire Major Disaster" - Brush Fires Spread1956: Floods & Avalanches Affect Areas of Germany and Austria1956: Cyclone Strikes Queensland, Australia1956: Southern Ohio Fights Forest Fires From High Wind & Low Humidity Conditions1956: Los Angeles First Hit With Record Storm Flood Then Sizzled By Fire1956: 2,000 Chinese Die In Typhoon1956: Canadian Farmers Lose Crops To Golf-Ball Sized Hailstorm1956: Famous Historian Predicts Devastating World Famine To Come1956: Tidal Wave 24 Feet High Roars Into Calcutta1956: Cloudburst Storm Triggers Dangerous Floods In Brazil1956: Idaho's Forest Fires Increase By 20 As New Storms Strike1956: South Pole Iceberg Sighted That Is 3X The Size of Manhattan Island1956: Hurricane Flossy Floods New Orleans's Streets1956: Tornadoes & Floods Plague Central U.S.1956: 600 Mile Wide Typhoon With 140MPH Winds Rips Into Okinawa1956: Vast Forest Fires Rage In Alaska1956: 30% of U.S. Has Extreme Drought Conditions1956: Greek Islands Struck By Earthquake, Volcano & Tidal Wave1956: Monsoon Dumps 11 Inches Of Rain On Australia In 24 Hours1956: 150 Forest Fires Plague New Mexico & Arizona1956: Hurricane Hits Florida1956: 19 British Die From Forest Fire On Sun-Baked Hills Of Cyprus1957: Volcano Erupts In Guatemala1957: Volcano In Sicily Erupts Every 10 Minutes1957: Volcano Erupts In Nicaragua1957: Volcano Erupts In Ocean Off Azores1957: Volcano Erupts In New Britain1957: Volcano Erupts At Japanese Resort1957: Volcano Erupts In Italy - Mt. Etna Release Lava Stream1957: Earthquake & Tidal Wave Hit Alaska Region1957: 33 Die In Weekend Blizzard Across 9 States1957: 27 Dead In NY Plane Crash During Blizzard1957: Rocky Mountain States Buried Under New Blizzard - 30 Inches1957: "Worst Heat Wave In 100 Years" Scorches Argentina1957: Arctic Heat Wave Has Russian Scientists Sunbathing; Polar Thunderstorm Is Reported1957: "Forest Fire Rages Over Long Island"1957: Hurricane Winds & Bushfires Make Sydney Area A Hellhole1957: Flood, Drought & Typhoon Bring China to Brink of New Famine1957: "Weather Extreme Over U.S."1957: Torrential Rain Swamps Japan - 309 Dead After 32 Inches In 24 Hours1957: Epic Panhandle Blizzard Produces 30-foot Drifts In Parts of Texas1957: Greenland Ice Mountains Melting From Extreme Heat Wave1957: "Big Forest Fire Still Burning" - Los Angeles Region1957: Severe Drought In Algeria & Morocco Leads To Famine Conditions1957: St. Louis Flash Flood Takes 17 Lives1957: U.S. Heat Wave Deaths Mount1957: Worst May Blizzard Dumps 2 Feet of Snow On Colorado & Wyoming1957: June Blizzard Hits Pikes Peak1957: Huge Fire Races Into Queensland1957: 300 Dead In Ankara, Turkey - Submerged By 30-Foot Flood In Some Places1957: Pacific Storm With 158MPH Winds Barge Into West Coast1957: 200 Swept Away In Philippines Flash Flood1957: 14-Foot Flood Inundates Las Vegas1957: 350,000 Homeless & 250 Dead From Ceylon Floods1957: European Heat Wave Claims 339 Lives1957: 28 Killed In Missouri From Series of Tornadoes1957: Crop Failures Lead To Famine For Indonesia1957: Japan Struck By Big Tidal Waves1957: Hurricane Audrey Kills 431 - Texas & Louisiana Suffer Greatly1957: Tropical Storm Ester Unleashes On Louisiana1957: Hawaii Hit By Its First Recorded Hurricane1957: "60 Dead, Missing In Spain Flood"1957: "Freak Rains Flood" Alice Springs, Australia1957: 'F5' Tornado Plows Into North Dakota - 100 Blocks of Fargo Devastated1957: "Typhoon 'Bess' Smacks Southern Japan1957: "86 Persons Die As Typhoon 'Virginia' Rakes Asiatic Sector"1957: Typhoon 'Agnes' Rips Into U.S. Bases In South Korea1957: Howling Typhoon 'Wendy' Strikes Hong Kong1957: "Typhoon 'Lola' Rampages Across Guam" - 140MPH Winds1957: "Typhoon 'Gloria' Hits Red China"1957: 'Vicious' Typhoon 'Faye' Slams Japan1957: Hurricane-Like Storm Lashes Texas Coast - 10 Inches of Rain Over Short Period1957: “One of the worst droughts in American history”1957: After Four Years, U.S. Drought Expands To 29 Million Acres1957: Heavy Rains Flood Texas Drought Area1957: Texas quickly goes from drought conditions to flooding1957: Swollen Rivers Flood Dallas1957: Baseball-Sized Hail Batters Farmers In Texas1957: Surging Flash Floods Sweep Through Kansas1957: Nine Dead In "Worst" Floods In Oklahoma History1957: 30,000 Italians Flee Po River Region Floods1957: "Wild November Weather" Brings Tornadoes, Snow, Rainstorms, Floods To Multiple States1957: North Atlantic Iceberg Menace Worst In Memory1957: "Worst Flood Disaster In Japanese Memory"1957: Weather Scientist Says Earth Warming & Man's Activities Help Brew Violent Storms1957: Harvard Expert Says New England Entering Period of More Frequent Earthquakes1957: Scientists Concerned About Melting Ice Caps & Glaciers1957: Noted American Scientist Predicts NYC Under Water By 2010 From Greenhouse Gases1957: Expert Scientist Predicts World Famine By Year 2000 - Nature Will Halt Population Growth1957: Balmy, Spring-Like Thaw In December Brings Floods To Quebec1958: Famous Atomic Bomb Scientist Told Eisenhower That Russia Will Defeat The US Through Weather Control1958: Geophysicist - world is “heading into another Ice Age.”1958: "Giant Iceberg Spotted In The Atlantic"1958: American & Russian Scientists Say Arctic Warming "Appreciably" - Sea Ice Getting Thinner1958: USS Skate surfaces in water above Arctic Circle1958: "Solar Winds Have Effect On Weather"1958: "Nation Hit By Unusual Weather" - Texas, Indiana & N. Carolina Affected1958: Florida Shivers From Record Cold Winter1958: End-of-Winter Snowstorm Blasts East Coast With Hurricane-Like Conditions1958: Baltimore Crippled By 16-Inch Snowfall1958: 182 Die In 26-State Cold Wave, Eastern U.S. Hit With Record Lows1958: Devastating Snow Blizzard Buries New England - 45 Dead1958: "Record Breaking Storm Rakes Western Prairies" - Blizzard & Tornado1958: Britain Suffers Worst Arctic Blizzard In Decade1958: "Huge Ice Gorge Threatens To Cause Floods"1958: Canada's Prairie Drought Called Disaster1958: "Severe Drought In China" - Worst In 20 Years1958: Violent Hailstorm Causes Havoc In Australia - Hailed For 15 Minutes1958: Northwest U.S. Suffers With Bad Heat Wave1958: Iowa Torrential Rainfall - 13 Inches, 5 Dead, 12 Missing1958: "Forest Fires Plague Pacific Northwest" - Tinder-Dry Environment1958: B.C. Heat Wave Disastrous, 280 Forest Fires Burning1958: "250 Fighting Glacier Park Forest Fire"1958: U.S. Navy Rescues 134 In Morocco Floodwaters1958: 40% of Terre Haute Submerged By Wabash River System Flood1958: Hailstorm Pummels Farm Regions In Montana1958: Strong Winds Whip Up Forest Fires In Florida1958: 10,000 Soldiers Battle 35 forest Fires In Turkey1958: "Violent Storm Batters Kansas"1958: "New Floods Ravage North California" - Santa Cruz County Hit Hard1958: 51 Inches of Rain Floods Australian City1958: 7 Dead From Flash Flood In West Virginia1958: "Gigantic" California Brush Fire Out of Control1958: Midwest Tornadoes Kill 131958: Wisconsin Tornado Toll Stands At 301958: 12 Dead In Mississippi From Tornadoes1958: A Dozen Tornadoes Torment Wyoming, Colorado & Kansas1958: "Texas Ravaged By Hail, Bad Weather" - Hail 10 Inches Deep, Forming Drifts1958: 10-inch Rain Brings Flood In Honolulu1958: "Worst Flood In 45 Years" Strikes Pennsylvania Area1958: Iowa Cloudburst Dumps 13 Inches of Rain - 5 Dead, 12 Missing From Flood & Tornado1958: Flash Flood Takes 41 Lives In Peru - Hamlet Wiped Off Map1958: "Rio Grande Moves Near Flood Crest"1958: Typhoon 'Alice' Leaves 33 Dead In Its Wake - Japan1958: Typhoon 'Ida' Kills 303 Japanese, 1,300 Missing1958: Typhoon 'Winnie' Leaves Manila Flooded - 9 Dead1958: 9 Killed In Rare French Hurricane1958: Hurricane Janice Kills 181958: Hurricane Helene Blacks Out Sydney1958: "Terrific Quake Shakes Alaska"1958: Earthquakes Strike Peru & Ecuador - 38 Dead1958: Jolting Earthquake Shakes Up New Zealand1958: "Major Quake Rocks Japan"1958: Azores Isle Volcano Erupts1958: Dueling Volcanoes Erupt In Italy1958: Southern Japan Volcano Erupts -12 Dead1958: Flood Waters Hit Four U.S. States1958: Greatest Bushfire Tragedy In South Australia's History1958: "Longest Torrid [Heat] Wave Continues Over The U.S."1958: Thousands of Mexicans Flee Flood Waters1958: Drought Stricken Brazil Has Hunger Protests1958: U.S. Considers India's Plea For Emergency Wheat Shipment Because of Drought1958: Miami Newspaper Endorses Plan To Melt Arctic Ice To Minimize Cold Weather1958: "New Science of Weather Control"1959: Famine In Haiti Perils 2 Million1959: January "Killer Flood" Swamps 4 States1959: "Blizzards, Winds Devastate Nation"1959: Ohio, "Giant Storm Causes Blizzards and Floods"1959: "Avalanche, Drifts, Gales Isolate Capitol" - "Newfoundland's Worst Blizzard In History"1959: Midwest Blizzard Kills 331959: "37 Buried In Avalanche In Italy"1959: "Cold Wave Fires Kill 39 Over Nation"1959: China Suffers Severe Crop Losses Due To Major Drought1959: "3 Million Called To Battle China Flood Menace" - Torrential Rains Cause1959: Soviet Union Harvest Decimated By "Bad Weather" (Drought)1959: "Europe Hard Hit By Drought"1959: "Freakish" Storms, Heat Waves Plague Europe1959: "Torrential Rain Hits Iowa Towns"1959: U.S. Sizzles Under Scorching Heat Wave1959: Heat Wave Causes Massive Power Outage Across Manhattan1959: Torrential Rains In Peru Cause Landslides - 7 Dead, 25 Missing1959: Midwest Drought Causing Local/State Governments To Seek New Water Sources1959: Spring Heat Wave, Humidity Brings Floods & Tornadoes To Midwest - 29 Dead1959: Early Summer Heat Wave Sizzles Middle Atlantic Coast1959: "Rampaging Floods Ebb In Argentina"1959: "Dozen Forest Fires Blazing In California"1959: Swiss Glacier Sliding Is Close To Destroying Village1959: Kansas Battered By 2-Hour Hailstorm - 18 Inches of Hail On Ground1959: "2,000 Fight Los Angeles Brushfire"1959: Wall of Water From Torrential Rains Submerges Slumbering Village In Spain1959: Missouri Town Struck By Flash Flood From Cloudburst - Water 10 Feet High1959: Aussie Tennis Open Threatened By 100 Degree Heat Wave1959: "Tunisia Flood Kills 16" - 25 Missing From Torrential Floods1959: Violent Windstorm, Torrential Rains Flatten Buildings In Florida1959: Holy Land's Longest Drought In Memory Finally Ends1959: "Hot Winds Shove Flames Over Oregon" - Forest Fires Spread1959: Storms With Hurricane-Level Winds Lash Europe - 60 Dead1959: Hurricane-Like Winds Blast Texas Areas1959: Hurricane Debra "Leaves Heavy Damage"1959: "Hurricane Wrecks U.S. Pacific Island"1959: "Hurricane Gracie Smashes Into South Carolina Coast" - 125 MPH Winds1959: "Mexican Hurricane Toll Feared 1,000"1959: "Hurricane 'Dot' Lashes Tiny Hawaiian Island"1959: "Port Destroyed By Hurricane In New Hebrides"1959: Torrential Rains Leave 45 Dead In Japan1959: Thousands Stranded In Austria From Heavy Flooding1959: Torrential Rains Cause Dam In France To Burst - 300 Feared Dead From 40-Foot Wave1959: Thousands Flee Floods In Oklahoma1959: 62 Koreans Die In Stadium Stampede As Flash Storm Strikes1959: Typhoon 'Charloette' Hits Okinawa - Death Toll At 471959: "Formosa Counts Big Flood Toll After Typhoon" 'Ellen' - 498 Dead, 541 Missing1959: Philippine Death Toll At 25 From Typhoon 'Freda'1959: Typhoon 'Georgia' Claims 891 Lives In Central Japan1959: Typhoon 'Gilda' Leaves 160 Dead In Philippines Region1959: Typhoon 'Iris' Slams China Coast - 720 Deaths1959: Formosa Hit By 2nd Typhoon - 'Joan' Kills 111959: Typhoon 'Sarah' Brings Deaths To Japan & S. Korea - 125 Perish1959: Japanese Typhoon 'Vera' Kills 3,7141959: 3 Typhoons Cause Food Shortages In Okinawa1959: 7,000+ Asians Die During Typhoon Season - 19 Storms1959: "Gales With Hurricane Force Tear Across Britain"1959: 100 Missing In Columbia - Lashed By Torrential Rains & Flash Floods1959: Forest Fire Blazes Sweep 4-State Area1959: Tornadoes, Torrential Rain & Floods Unleashed On Miami1959: 100% Crop Damage From Multiple Hailstorms In Alberta1959: Madagascar's "Unique" Cyclone, Torrential Rain & Floods Leave 50,000 Homeless1959: Torrential Rain Floods Western Washington1959: "Tornadoes Kill 5 In Oklahoma"1959: 10 Lose Lives To Tornado In Virginia1959: Yellowstone Park Earthquake Takes 19 Lives1959: At Least 10 Victims In South Mexico Earthquake1959: Earthquake Hits San Francisco1959: Earthquake Shakes Parts of Georgia, South Carolina1959: Earthquakes In Greece & Italy1959: 7 Die In Peru Earthquake1959: Strong Siberian Earthquake1959: Washington State Rocked By 2 Earthquakes1959: "Famine Again Stalks Haiti In Wake of Killing Drought"1959: Torrential Deluge Swamps Nebraska With 12 Inches of Rain1959: Disastrous Snow Fall & Floods Cripple South Africa - Snow 8 Feet Deep1959: Calgary "Experts Assess Damage" From Devastating Hailstorm1959: "St. Louis' Tornado Toll Stands At 21"1959: Ice Free North Pole Months Before Summer Melt1959: Open Water & Thin Ice Let U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Close In On North Pole1959: Drought Reduces Farmers' Crop Production In North Dakota1959: "Smog Blinds Los Angeles"1959: "Brazil Tornado Kills 46"1959: Hawaiian "Volcano Fires Record Burst"1959: "Volcano Erupts; Russians Have A New Island" In Caspian Sea1959: Heat, Smog Added To Los Angeles Drought1959: "Falls Worst Blizzard Hits Montana"1959: "Montana Battered By Second Blizzard" In A Week1959: Blizzard With 50 MPH Winds "Blasts Central States"1959: "Choking Smog Clouds Roll Across Wide English Area"1959: 95 Perish When Ship On Maiden Voyage Rams Iceberg and Sinks1959: "New England Hit By High Tidal Flooding"1959: Chinese Study Melting Enormous Glaciers To Provide Irrigation Waters1960: Hurricane Winds Lash Northwest Europe1960: Hurricane Donna Pummels East Coast - From Florida To New England1960: Tsunami From 9.5 Chilean Earthquake Crashes Into Hawaii, 61 Dead1960: Raging Seas & 40-Foot Waves Pound California Coast1960: Record Blizzard Burys Boston In 11-Foot Snow Drifts - 130 Die1960: New Scientist Magazine Says Arctic To Be Ice Free By The Year 20001961: "Scientists Agree World Is Colder"1961: “China Faces New Climate Calamities – Less Than A Year After The Worst Natural Disasters Of The Century”1961: Drought Disaster In Manitoba, Canada1961: 3 Storms Produce Record Flood Cresting In Mississippi1961: Outside Opera Stage Collapses In Italy From Windstorm - 40 MPH Gusts1961: Hurricane Carla With 170 MPH Gusts Delivers Devastation Across Texas1961: “Crushing Drought” Hits Australia1961: Heavy Damage From South African Floods1962: "Hong Kong Heat Wave; 14 Straight Days Above 90 Degrees"1962: Four-Story Waves Slam U.S. East Coast - 27 Dead - "The Great Atlantic Storm"1962: Largest New Jersey Storm Surge Ever (7ft) Inundates Atlantic City1962: Severe Drought Hits Everglades, Wildlife Afflicted1962: Hurricane Daisy Causes Severe Damage In New England & Canadian Maritime Provinces1962: U.S. submarines meet at North Pole in open water1962: Avalanche In Alaska Triggered By Violent Windstorm1962: Storms & 117 MPH Winds Take Big Toll In Europe1963: U.S. Research Station Breaks Away From Antarctica - Now A Floating Iceberg1963: Soviets Evacuate Villages In Path of Glacier Growing 55 Yards Per Day1963: "Europe's Deep Freeze In Pictures"1963: Hurricane Winds Lash At Ireland, Wales & England1963: Windstorm That Strikes Eastern U.S. Packs Winds Up To 90 MPH1963: “Ice Age Holds Europe”1963: After 200 Years of Melting, Norway's Glaciers Grow Again1963: 99 Day Drought In Texas Ends With Flood1963: Hurricane Flora Kills 4,000 In Haiti1963: Residents Flee Homes In East Pakistan As Flooding Continues1963: "Killer Heat Wave Hits Brazilian Towns"1963: Saipan Typhoon: 50% of Homes Destroyed, 100% of Farmers' Crops Ruined1963: Hurricane Ginny Brings Rain - Lessens Drought/Fire Potential In New England Area1963: Oregon Raked By 90 MPH Windstorm Gusts1964: Gigantic 9.2 Earthquake Hits Anchorage, Alaska1964: Portland, Oregon Hit With Flood Waters & Windstorm Gusts of 45 MPH1964: "Worst U.S. Drought In Century"1964: 75 MPH Windstorm Gusts Smash Texas Coastal Area1964: Hurricane Hilda Lands In Louisiana, 120 MPH Winds - 20 Dead1964: Evidence of Past Climate? "Mysterious Salt Bed Found In Antarctic"1964: Hurricane Dora Slams Directly Into Florida's East Coast1965 : Drought Emergency In The Eastern U.S.1965: Proposals To Save Parched Everglades From Drought Considered1965: Avalanche In Alaska Kills 8, 17 Missing1965: Demon Hurricane Betsy's 120 MPH Winds Do More Damage Than San Francisco Fire & Alaskan Earthquake1965: Palm Sunday Tornado Spree - 47 Tornadoes Leave 217 Dead Across Midwest1965: One-Third of Australia Is Affected By Drought1965: Hurricane 'Billion-Dollar-Betsy' Slams Louisiana With 150 MPH Winds1965: Africa's Parched Wasteland From Drought Threatens Imminent Starvation1966: Midwest Heat Wave Blamed On Jet Stream & High Pressure Zones1966: Scientists: "Britain's Weather Could Be Better"1966: Tashkent Suffers Worst Earthquake In Over 100 Years1966: U.S. Northeast In 3rd Year of Extreme Drought1966: Destructive Windstorm Pummels Cleveland, Ohio1966: Worst Italian Flood In Centuries1967: Rare Tornadoes Sweep Across Europe - 20 Dead1967: Seared Everglades In Grip of Drought, Fires Adding To Misery1967: "Hurricane Like Winds Batter New England" - For Two Days1967: Two Days of Torrential Rains & Flash Floods Takes Lives In Sao Paulo, Brazil Region1967: Hurricane Beulah Hits Mexico With 165 MPH Winds, Causes 115 Tornadoes In Texas1967: Scientist Predicts Pine Beetles Will Destroy Idaho Forests By 19871967: Scientist Predicts Hundreds of Millions Will Starve To Death By 19851967: Buffalo, NY Hit With Tremendous Windstorm - Winds Up To 96 MPH1967: Hindus Slaughtering Sacred Cows To Hold Off Starvation Caused By Drought1967: 3rd Major Flood of Year Raises Brazil's Death Total To 900 - Incessant Rain To Blame1967: Rainless Heat Wave Produces Roaring Forest Fire Across Italy's Vacation Island of Capri1968: Expert Predicts 65 Million Americans To Starve During The 1980s1968: From UK To Middle East, Blizzards & High Winds Cause Destruction, Death Over One Day1968: Heat Wave Causes 550 To Collapse At Wimbledon1968: Sudden Windstorm On Lake Eire Turns Perfect Night Into Nightmare - 15 Foot Wave Surge1968: Sahara Sand Falls On London While Fist-Sized Hail Bombards Wales1968: Violent Windstorm Lashes Sicily's Earthquake Disaster Area1968: Windstorm & Hail Wreak "Near-Catastrophic" Damage On Oregon Forest1968: Windstorm Batters 60 Block Area of North Miami Beach - Significant Damage1969: 4 British Arctic Explorers Go On Polar Bear Killing Spree1969: NYT Reports That Arctic Will Be An Open Sea By The 1980s1969: NYT - Instant Ice Age On The Way1969: "Experts Say New Ice Age Is Imminent"1969: Scientist Predicts Humans Only Have Few Decades To Solve Global Warming1969: Northwest Passage Normally Open 2-4 Months A Year1969: Wisconsin State Fair Slammed By Windstorm - Large Tents Collapsed, Hundreds Hurt1969: Record Storms, Droughts And Floods Hit US1969: Freak Windstorm Packing 125 MPH Winds Slams Into Boulder, Colorado1969: Monster Cat-5 Hurricane Camille Flattens Mississippi With 190 MPH Gale1969: Tundra & Forest Fires Plague Alaska's Arctic Circle Area1969: 9-Day Rain Deluge Brings California Its Worst Flooding & Mudslides In 30 Years1969: Severe Windstorm, Giant Waves & Torrential 6 Inch Rainfall Roar Through Lake Erie Region1969: Brazil Gets Sizzling Heat Wave & Hong Kong Flu At Same Time1970: Brazil's Torrential Rain & Floods Leaves Tens of Thousands Homeless1970: 35-Foot Storm Surge Waves Swamp Bay of Bengal Region1970: Torrential rains, floods, high winds and a heat wave produce worst modern Romanian death toll1970: Massive wildfire sweeps across S. California1970: Super Typhoon Patsy leaves 241 dead & 351 people missing1970: Everglades "Deer Crisis" Result of Too Much Water1970: Heavy rains in Israel cause terrible disaster as rocks crush bodies - 20 dead1970: 50,000 Likely Dead From Huge Earthquake In Peru Says UN1970: Bangladesh Struck By 13 “disastrous cyclones” Prior To Major 1970 Storm1970: Killer Pakistan Flood Toll Now At 55,0001970: Lubbock, TX Downtown Business District Struck By 'F5' Tornado1970: Super Typhoons Joan & Kate slam Philippines a week apart1970: 30+ tornadoes rip across U.S. Midwest & South over 3 days1970: Most destructive tornado ever documented in Australia1970: Strong Earthquake Jolts New Guinea Coast1970: Colombia suffers an 8.0 magnitude earthquake1970: Cyclone & Tidal Wave Hits E. Pakistan - 1,000,000 Deaths Likely1970: Major F3 tornado hits Canadian city of Sudbury, Ontario1970: Tropical Storm Norma considered Arizona's deadliest1970: Hurricane Celia was one of the most costly tropical storms in Texas history1970: Arctic Has Most Ice In Over 60 Years1970: Climatologists Forecast A New Ice Age1970: Global Cooling - "Will Igloos Be The Homes of The Future?"1970: "Pollution Could Cause Ice Age, Says Agency"1970: Internal Combustion Engine Brings On Ice Age - 20 Degrees Colder1970: A new ice age by 21st Century, scientist predicts1970: USSR & USA researchers seek answers to why Arctic becoming more frigid1970: NOAA: Dirty air is feared to be cause of new ice age1970: Popular Mechanics: Global Warming To Raise Temperatures Nine Degrees By 20201970: 1970: Peru–Ecuador earthquake leaves 81 dead1970: Gediz, Turkey earthquake - 1,086 people die1970: Chinese earthquake measured at 7.7 and kills at least 15,000 people1971: "World Is Weather Beaten" - Multiple Areas of Europe Experience Extreme Weather1971: Huge Snows & 50 MPH Winds Paralyze U.S. Midwest1971: Tornado Kills Several People In French Town1971: Large Ocean Earthquake Strikes Near Siberian Coast1971: Cyclone & 16-Foot Tidal Wave Slam India - 20,000 May Have Perished1971: Six Months Of Heavy Rain Cause Severe Flooding In Colombia1971: 20,000 Sq. Miles of East Africa Severely Impacted By Cyclone & Floods1971: Hundreds Missing In Cape Province, South Africa Floods1971: Torrential Rains & Floods In Brazil Claim At Least 160 Lives1971: 24 Perish During Australia Floods1971: Big rains & unusual flash flood sweeps across this Canberra region1971: Floods Leave 200,000 Homeless In Malaysia1971: Powerful Earthquake Staggers California - 30 Trapped In Collapsed Hospital - 80,000 Flee Weak Dam1971: Drought Leaves Everglades Parched & Fire-Plagued1971: Heavy rains & landslide destroy Canadian village leaving 3,490,000 sq ft crater1971: Mississippi Delta deadly tornado outbreak - at least 19 tornadoes1971: Waterspout strikes Hawaii resort town1971: Tropical Storm Doria dropped heavy precipitation in New Jersey, peaking at 10.29 inches1971: Hurricane Bridget, one of the worst hurricanes to strike the Mexican city of Acapulco1971: Hurricane Lily was Puerto Vallarta's worst in two decades1971: Typhoon Hester regarded as one of the most destructive storms to strike Vietnam since 19441971: Violent and intense Typhoon Rose blasts Hong Kong1971: Doublet earthquake rumbles Solomon Islands - triggers a tsunami1971: Bingöl, Turkey earthquake leaves 1,000 persons dead1971: Canadian Blizzard - "Storm of the Century" with record snowfalls1971: NASA Scientists Predicts New Ice Age Likely By 20201971: "Ocean Floor Sediment Holds Clues to Future New Ice Age on Way---It's Colder Already"1971: President Carter Signs 'National Climate Program Act' To Do Battle Against Global Cooling1972: Arctic Expert Predicts Ice Free North Pole By Year 20001972: "Weird Weather Sweeps Europe"1972: 118 Dead, 400 Thousand Homeless From U.S. East Coast Floods1972: 100 Degrees In Moscow Heat Wave1972: Expert predicts northern U.S. To Warm 25 Degrees1972: Over 200 Feared Dead From Flooding In Rapid City, South Dakota1972: Hurricane Agnes produces a very deadly tornado outbreak1972: Portland–Vancouver Tornado carved 9-mile path of destruction across Oregon and Washington1972: Typhoon Helen brings torrential rains and flash flooding to Japan1972: Typhoon Ora kills 131 in Philippines1972: Simultaneous Typhoons Rita and Phyllis terrorize multiple Pacific nations1972: Pacific's Johnston Atoll struck by its very first tropical cyclone1972: There's A New Ice Age Coming!1972: Geologist: "The next ice age is definitely on its way" - indicated by deep sea temperatures1972: Time Magazine: "Another Ice Age?"1972: UK climate scientist predicts weather will get colder1972: Major Stanford Univ. Scientist Predicts Billions Will Disappear In "Blue Steam" By 19921972: Scientists Predict Huge Tsunamis To Strike Coasts of Japan & Russia1972: Earthquake Destroys Capitol of Nicaragua, Kills Thousands1973: Augusta, Georgia Has Record Snowstorm1973: Argentina struck by powerful tornado - "most violent ever recorded" in Southern Hemisphere1973: Southern New England belted by huge ice storm1973: Pacific Hurricane Ava reaches category 5 intensity1973: Sweltering Heat Wave Causes Water Shortages In Midwest & East Coast1973: Mississippi River flood one of the worst in 20th century1973: Oklahoma Deluge: 15.7 inches of rain in 24 hours1973: Worst Floods In Pakistan's History1973: Heavy Rainfall & Flash Floods Produces Records In Northern Alabama1973: Japan Jolted By Three Earthquakes, Then A Tidal Wave1973: Typhoon Nora lays waste to Taiwan & Philippines - ranks as one of most powerful ever1973: North Africa Ravaged By Floods - 102 Dead, Over 40,000 Homeless1973: Popular Science: "New Ice Age Coming?"1973: Christian Science Monitor: "Weather-watchers think another ice age may be on the way"1973: What worries scientists? Man-made ice age!1973: California Shaken By Earthquake1974: SCIENCE DOCUMENTARY: "A new ice age could grip the world within the lifetime of present generations, Britons were warned"1974: Chicago's Sears Tower Loses Multiple Windows From 60 MPH Blizzard Winds1974: Winter Rainstorm In California Claims 14 Lives1974: Tornado Destroys Zeppelin Hanger In Germany - 28 Die Across Europe1974: The Super Outbreak is the largest tornado outbreak on record for a single 24-hour period - 148 tornadoes, 13 US states1974: Major Earthquake Strikes The Solomon Island Area In The South Pacific1974: Cyclone Tracy Completely Destroys Darwin, Australia1974: Brazilians Face Famine Due To Torrential Rains & Major Flooding1974: Typhoons & Tidal Waves Bash Philippines and Bangladesh1974: 20 Inches of Rainfall Cause Record Flooding in Mississippi1974: Wildfires Raging In Everglades - Cause Is "Worst Drought Ever"1974: Massive Floods In India And Bangladesh1974: Cholera Strikes Half-Flooded Bangladesh1974: Brisbane Swamped with Record 34 Inches Of Rain In January1974: Hurricane Fifi, catastrophic tropical cyclone killed between 3,000 and 10,000 people in Honduras1974: Hurricane Dolores regarded as the worst hurricane to strike Acapulco since 19381974: Major Pacific Northwest Storm Claims 15 Deaths1974: Philippines Typhoon Bess produces heavy rains (30.80 in) triggering floods & landslides - 26 dead1974: Subtropical Storm One dumps some 20 inches of rain on Florida areas1974: Great Plains has significant tornado outbreak - 36 tornadoes1974: Nome, Alaska "Ravaged" By Flood & Storms1974: "Extremely Dangerous" Hurricane Carmen To Slam New Orleans After Hitting Yucatan1974: Summer Tornadoes Kill 23 Across Kansas, Other States1974: Another Ice Age? - Climatologists Blamed US/Pakistan Flooding On Global Cooling1974: Scientists Worried About The Earth Entering An Ice Age - Damning the Bering Strait Seen As Solution1974: Global Cooling Causes World Food Shortages1974: NCAR Executive Director Warns Of Global Cooling And Resultant Crop Losses1974: Climate Change to cause "food wars" say U.S. & European scientists1974: Fortune Magazine: "Climatologists now blame those recurring droughts and floods on a global cooling trend"1974: Time Magazine: Polar vortex another indicator of global cooling say scientists1974: Expanding Ice Cap And Himalayan Glaciers Threaten World’s Food Supply, Leading Scientists Say1974: CIA Determines Moscow Drought And Midwest Floods Result of Global Cooling1974: Scientific support for theory of a cooling world1974: BBC/New Scientist: "may be in for new ice age with very little warning"1974: "New ice age could be in our lifetime"1974: Scientists at National Academy of Science propose evacuation of 6 million from homes due to global cooling drought conditions1974: Major Stanford Univ. Scientist Predicts England, India, Japan & Brazil Gone By 2000 Due To Shortages & Starvation1974: Combination of Cold Weather & Meningitis Kills 500 In Brazil1974: China's Zhaotong earthquake possibly resulted in 20,000 deaths1974: Approximately 5,000 perish in Pakistan's Hunza Earthquake1975: Scientist John Holdren Claims More Affordable & Better Supplies of Energy Will Cause Unemployment1975: U.S. Democrat Senator Predicts 85% of Animal Species Will Be Extinct by 19951975: The 'Great Storm' ..... 65+ people dead from 45 tornadoes in South & from 24 inches of snow/blizzard conditions in North1975: Powerful Spring Blizzard Blankets New England With Up To 32 Inches of Snow1975: Strong Central Rocky Mountain Earthquake Rumbles Through Salt Lake City1975: Chicago's O'Hare Airport Closed Only For 3rd Time In History Due To Paralyzing Snow Blizzard1975: Strong Earthquake Rattles Northern California1975: Hawaii earthquake results in 47 foot tsunami1975: Both East & West Coasts of U.S. Hit By Torrential Rains1975: Iowa and Illinois hit with destructive group of tornadoes1975: Hurricane Eloise Brings Destruction To Puerto Rico & Dominican Republic1975: Typhoon Nina rains down 62 inches, Banqiao Dam fails and approximately 229,000 Chinese die1975: Hurricane Olivia considered worst hurricane to hit Mazatlan, Singalong since 19431975: Canadian Prairie Heat Wave Does "Irreversible Damage" To Crops1975: "Heat Wave Bakes European Cities"1975: Sweden Closes Manufacturing Plants Due To Heat Wave1975: UK record-setting torrential rainfall – 6.6 inches over 155 minutes1975: 36 tornadoes plow over 6 U.S. states1975: New York Times: "Major cooling widely considered to be inevitable"1975: Newsweek Magazine: The Cooling World1975: Chicago Tribune: "B-r-r-r-r: New Ice Age on way soon?"1975: "Summer of a new ice age" - "things may get worse in the next few decades"1975: During Global Cooling, Malaria Makes Comeback In Pakistan1975: NYT: National Academy Of Sciences Warned Of A Coming Ice Age1975: Scientists want to melt Arctic ice to stop new ice age1975: Scientist claims oil spill will cause new ice age1975: "Cooling Trends Arouse Fear" From NASA Scientists & Climatologists1975: Climate Modelers Ponder Return To An Ice Age1975: “New Ice Age Dawning?”1975: "The Ice Age Cometh"1975: New York Times: Solar input implicated in world's changing climate1976: College Professor Predicts Sea Level To Rise 330 Feet By 20501976: Aussie's Flee Doomsday Predicted Tidal Wave - Scientists Were Wrong, The "Wave" Only 6 Inches1976: Massive Earthquake Predicted For California By U.S. Govt Scientist1976: Worst Drought In England And Wales For 500 Years1976: Global Cooling Is Source of California's Current Drought1976: Extended Heat Wave In Many Parts of Europe1976: Heat Wave In London Causes Tempers To Flare & Fisticuffs1976: Big Thompson River Received 14 Inches Of Rain In Four Hours - 176 Perish From Ensuing Flood1976: Rare Tropical Storm Blasts Southwestern U.S. With Torrential Rains & Near Hurricane Winds1976: Violent Storm Hits Maine's Coast - 15ft Flood Surge In Bangor1976: "Mother Nature On Rampage" - Earthquake In Philippines & Volcano Erupts On Caribbean Island1976: "Pine Beetle on Rampage In Oregon"1976: 1,000 Feared Dead From Hurricane Liza - 130 MPH Winds & Mudslides Leave 70,000 Homeless1976: Vail Ski Resort Has No Snow To Ski On1976: Multiple western states report horrible snow conditions for ski resorts1976: April 20 - 98 Degrees In Rhode Island And Seventeen Tornadoes In Texas1976: Battered & Snow-Bogged Buffalo, NY Hit With Yet More Snow1976: Torrential Rains Bring Flash Floods To California Desert Region1976: U.S. Wheat Shipped To Flood Ravaged Pakistan -- 5 Million Forced From Homes1976: National Geographic reports Iceland cooled since 1940 - that sun drives the climate1976: National Geographic describes massive Austrian glacier shrinkage over early 20th century1976: NASA Study Expresses Concern About Global Cooling – Recommends Focus On Climate, Not Space Exploration1976: CIA Experts Predict Political & Economic Upheavals From Global Cooling Over Next 40 Years1977 : “Second Coming Of The Ice Age”1977: "Huge Antarctica Ice Mass Appears To Be Collapsing...Could Raise Levels of World's Oceans By 20 Feet..."1977: Antarctica Iceberg Is 45 Miles Long & 25 Miles Wide1977: National Geographic: "The Year the Weather Went Wild" - climate cooling blamed1977: NYT "1977, a Year of Weather Extremes, Causing Concern Among Experts"1977: Professor Says CO2 Has Saved The Planet From An Ice Age1977: Tornado In Bangladesh Killed Hundreds Of People1977: Giant Earthquake's Tsunami Plows Through Indonesia1977: Earthquake 'Swarm' Shakes Aleutian Islands - Too Many Quakes To Count1977: Almost Every State Registers At Least 90 Degrees During Great Heat Wave1977: Heat Wave Said To Be A Result of Atmosphere Being In A "Rut"1977: Drought Plagues California - Concerns That All of S. California Will Be Impacted1977: Worst Drought In California History - Year 21977: Western U.S. Drought Blamed On Global Warming1977: Arctic Tundra Fire Burns Half-Million Acres - Lightning Caused1977: 46 Dead From Johnstown, Pennsylvania Flood1977: 2 Feet of Snow Buries New York While Torrential Rain Deluge Causes California Mudslides1977: "Cyclone, Tidal Wave Wreak Havoc In India" - 10,000 Dead, 2 Million Homeless1977: Severe weather creates coffee shortage fears1977: Massive Forest Fires In New Mexico1977: Blizzard With 80 Degree Below Zero Temperature Conditions Roars Through U.S. Midwest1977: Caribbean Island Nation Suffers From Severe Drought, Many Near Starvation1978: Freak Tornado Strikes New Delhi, India1978: “we’re entering little ice age’1978: 80 MPH Winds & Snow Blizzard Cripples Ohio, Indiana & Kentucky1978: Freak 1-Day Rain Downpour Unearths Corpses In California1978: Indochina Monsoon Deluge Threatens Millions1978: Torrential Rain Causes Rock Slides In Arizona & Mudslides In California1978: U.S. Scientists Fear Indiana-Sized Bulge of Earth's Crust In S. California1978: 8 Inches of Rain Cause Severe Flooding In Arizona1978: Chinese Authorities Act To Protect Workers & Students From Extreme Heat Wave1978: Huge Iceberg Floating In S. Atlantic Is 30 Times Larger Than Manhattan Island1979: World Climate Conference: Continuing extreme weather could lead to political instability1979: Midwest Blizzard Leaves 29 Dead In Wake - Chicago Closed Down By Huge Storm1979: 2nd Massive Snow Blizzard In a Week Smothers Chicago1979: Record Rain Deluge Finally Ends Florida's Drought1979: Drought In Soviet Union Likely Cause Crop Prices To Increase1979: Earth's Strongest, Most Massive Storm Ever – Typhoon Tip1979: Hood Canal Bridge In Washington Destroyed By Windstorm - 100+ MPH Gusts1979: "French Riviera Swept By Huge Tidal Wave"1979: Storm dumps 24" of rain on Houston & Texas areas1979: Another Bad Drought In The Making For Northern California1979: Extreme Rainfall Creates Record Floods In Alabama1979: Mississippi Floods: Heavy Rainfall of 20 Inches Over 3 Days1979: Massive Earthquake & Tidal Wave Flatten 6 Towns In Columbia1979: “Cooling trend expected to continue into next century”1979: Scientist Predict Global Warming, Then Global Cooling1979: Skylab's Crash Caused By NASA Underestimating Solar Warming of Atmosphere1980: Mt. St. Helen Blows Her Top - Massive Destruction Creates Wasteland1980: Skyrocketing Death Toll (600) From Heat Wave - Arkansas Highways Melting1981: Major Stanford Univ. Scientist Says Civilization's Collapse Imminent1981: Researchers Identify Antarctica Warming; Could Lead To Sea Level Rise of 15 Feet1981: 200 Feared Dead From Major South African Flood1981: Worst Drought In 30 Years Has Thousands Near Starvation In Somalia1981: Two Months of Drought Caused Wildfires In Everglades1982: JPL Scientists Blame Cold On Low Solar Output1982: Climate scientists blame global warming for Antarctica ice melting1982: Aussies “gripped by the worst drought in recorded history”1982: Two Brits Stranded By Polar Melting As Heat Wave Melts Ice Around Them1982: Massive Storm Strikes California; Huge Dust Storms Blow Through Arizona1983: EPA Says New York Climate Will Be Like Daytona Beach, Even If There Is A Total Ban On Fossil Fuels1983: Heat Wave Delivers Record Temperatures In Mideast & Europe1983: Iceland Has Its Coldest July Since 18871983: U.S. East Coast Scorched By Heat Wave Temperatures1983: U.S. Midwest Heat Wave Claims 138 Deaths1983: Tahiti Hit By 5 Hurricanes In 1983 - Normally 1 Hurricane Every 50 Years1983: EPA Predicts Milder Winters1983: December Frigid Temperatures Set Cold Records In 45 U.S. Cities1983: 700 U.S. Deaths From Severe Weather Events During 1983 - Double 19821984: Hawaii's "Pineapple Current" Brings Warm January Temps & Flooding To Washington State1984: Unusual Trio of Tornadoes Kill 69 In Russia, 804 Injured1984: Africa-Wide Drought Threatens 35 Million Needing Help1984: Record-Breaking Heat Wave Kills 20 In Brazil1985: Brutal June Heat Wave Blankets U.S. Southeast - Record Temps1986: James Hansen of NASA Predicts “2 to 4″ Degrees Warming From 2001-20101987: NCAR Scientist - “Canada might rival the Soviet Union as the world’s most powerful nation” because of global warming1987: 3 nuclear subs surface at North Pole in open water (additional source)1987: Rare Dust 'Haboob' Makes Appearance In Utah1987: Gigantic Iceberg Leaves Its Home In Antarctica1988: James Hansen - 2-5 Degrees Warming By 20181988: Climate scientists predict hurricanes will be 50% more powerful due to global warming1988: World will warm by 4 to 9 degrees within 50 years1988: Australia's Top Climate Scientist Predicts 2-4 Degrees Warming By 20181988: Climate Scientists Predict Oceans Will Surge 83 Feet Inland By 20201988: Killer Heat Wave In China - 444 Deaths1988: 18,000 Homes Destroyed By China's Worst Typhoon In Years1988: 155 Die From Torrential Rains, Landslides & Flooding In Brazil1988: Midwest Drought Dries Up The Great Mississippi River1988: Largest Yellowstone Park Forest Fire, Since 1600s1988: U.S. EPA - Sea Level Could Rise Four Feet By 20251988: Dept. of Energy Says Temperatures Could Rise 30 Degrees By 20081988: Environment Canada Forecast : 8 Degrees Higher Temps & And 1 Meter Sea Level Rise By 20501988: 90-Mile Long Iceberg Floats Away From Antarctica1988: The UN & the WMO predict 0.54°F per decade increase starting in the 1990's1988: Extreme, record-setting summer weather strikes across the globe1989: No Evidence Of Climate Change Says NOAA1989: Kevin Trenberth Says No Link Between Heat, Drought And The Greenhouse Effect1989: Tornado Hits New York Elementary School, 7 Killed1989: Environmental Group Says Planet Has Reached A "Pearl Harbor" Point, Millions To Starve1989: 160 MPH Hurricane Hugo Roars Through South Carolina - Damage In BillionsNote: Below are previous headlines that now have bad links - '404' errors. Most are from a web site that no longer is available on the internet.1854: Long Drought In Switzerland Reveals 5,000 Year Old Settlements On Dry Lake Bottoms1865: A Maldive Island Completely Disappears1874: Climate Change Impacts Scotland's Agriculture Sector Hard1880: Rare Tornado Rips Across Germany - 56 Perish1881: Furious Hurricane Crosses England1881: Tropical Heat Wave In Europe - Berlin Has 100 Degree Temperatures1881: Tropical Heat Wave In Europe - Berlin Has 100 Degree Temperatures1881: Port Huron Engulfed By Forest Fires, 1 Million Acres Burn In Disaster1885: 60 Blocks of Galveston, Texas Burned To Ground1889: Science Expert Predicts Imminent Terrible Drought From Climatic Change1891: Melting Austrian Alps Glacier "Bursts" & Floods Valley1892: Colorado Struck By Rare, Severe October Blizzard1893: 16 Million Acres of Crops Destroyed By Severe Drought In France1893: Existing Record of 4 Atlantic Hurricanes On A Single Day Set1894: Serious Drought Affects Germany, Austria & France1899: and Herman, Nebraska Obliterated1900: Research Finds That Vast Majority of Swiss Glacier Shrinking1901: Scientists Say London On Verge of Being Submerged By Melting Antarctica Ice Cap1901: January's Tennessee Tornado - "Death & Ruin In Its Wake"1901: Extreme Kansas Heat Wave - Temperatures In Streets Reach 128 Degrees1902: Europe's Glaciers Disappear - Melting Was Several Thousand Feet Over Last 20 Years1906: October Snow Blizzard Strikes Michigan & Ohio - Up to 8 Inches On Ground1906: Antarctica Ice Sheet Recedes 30 Miles Over Last 50 Years - "South Pole Warming Up"1906: "Heat, Fire & Death" Lay Waste To Australia1906: Scientists Determine From Evidence That Earth May Lose All Its Water1906: German Scientist Finds That Moon Is Cause of Earth's Weather Changes1906: San Francisco Earthquake Cause: Scientist Blames Melting Polar Ice1906: Antarctica Ice Sheet Recedes 30 Miles Over Last 50 Years - "South Pole Warming Up"1907: Mutilation, Suppression & Misrepresentation of Meteorological Data Is Crime Against Community1907: Climate Wackiness: Iceland's Winter Weather 50 Degrees Warmer Than Venice1908: New South Wales, Australia Experiences Its Worst Drought1908: Heat Wave Sparks Michigan Forest Fire - "Ten Miles Wide of Flame"1909: British Columbia Fire In Kootynay Forest Destroys 2 Towns1910: March Heat Wave In Michigan - 82 Degrees1910: 9-Day Blizzard Unleashes Giant Snow Avalanche In Washington - 96 Die1910: Canadian Drought Destroys Half of Winter Wheat Crop1911: 88 Inches of Rain In 4 Days Submerges Philippines1911: Oklahoma's Terrible Tornado Brings "Devastation & Death"1911: Forest Fires In Newfoundland Cover Immense Area1911: Grave News About Swiss Glaciers: "They are disappearing"1913: Death Valley Records Its Coldest Day Ever1913: Wisconsin October Snow Blizzard Kills 51916: Australia's Queensland Regions Suffers Deplorable Drought1917: Germany's Heat Wave Now In Its 3rd Week, Water Famine Possible1918: Scientist Plans To Dissolve Arctic Ice, Turn Siberia Into Summer Resort1918: Australia Slammed By 2 Cyclones, 5 Ft. of Rainfall Cause Huge Floods1920: Consensus That Cooling Is Affecting The Gulf Stream1920: South Africa Plagued By Severe Drought & Famine1921: Long Drought & Heat Wave Rapidly Melting Glaciers In The Alps1922: American Drought Causes Riots1923: Disastrous Drought Grips South Africa1923: Scientist Predicts Glaciers Will Reach Equator Within 200 Years1924: Australia Regional Heat Wave Reaches 161 Days of Over 100 Degrees1924: Pine Beetles Destroying Yellow Pine Forests In California & Oregon1924: North Atlantic Warms By 7 Degrees1924: Scientist Predicts Polar Ice Sheets To Expand To Equator1925: German Forest Fire Burns 40,000 Acres1926: 17 Inches of Rain In One Hour Falls On Townsville District In Australia1926: Miami Blasted By 3 Hurricanes During 19261927: Texas Tornado Leaves Up To 200 Dead In Its Wake1927: 10 Inches of Rain In 30 Minutes Pours On Queensland, Australia1928: Severe & Strange Weather Plagues World1928: South Africa Reeling From Record Drought Then Record Flood1928: Rockhampton, Queensland Submerged By Floods1928: Worst Flood In 7 Centuries - London "Terrorized"1928: Record Winds & Fire Whip Across New South Wales, Australia1929: February Tornado Rips Up Mississippi Town1929: Forest Fire In Mexico Leaves 40 Children Dead1929: Climate Expert Says World's Glaciers Are Melting Due To Global Warming Since Little Ice Age1930: Raging October Snow Blizzard Buries New England - Up to 20 Inches1931: England Has Rare Earthquake1932: Antarctica Glacier's Are Shrinking1933: Bitter Winter Weather In Russia & Europe: Snow Causes Wolves To Attack Train1933: Rare Hurricane Slams Into South Africa1933: Spain's Heat Wave: 130 Degrees In Shade1933: Heat Wave Causes New Jersey Road To "Explode"1935: France Cooked By Heat Wave1936: February Was Coldest In U.S. History1936: Italian Alps Glacier Shrinks: WWI Army Bodies Uncovered By Melting1936: 780 Canadians Die From Heat Wave1936: Iowa Heat Wave Has 12 Days of Temperatures Over 100 Degrees1936: Ontario, Canada Suffers 106 Degree Temps During Heat Wave1936: Midwest Climate So Bad That Climate Scientist Recommends Evacuation of Central U.S.1936: 3rd Major USA Drought In 6 Years1937: "Huge Forest Fire In Canada"1938: Extreme Winter Weather Drives Wolves From Mountains Into Romanian Villages1938: "Pacific States Swept By Fires" - 600 Fires Burning Forests1939: 5-Day Heat Wave Breaks Australian Temperature Records1939: Scientists Say It's A Riddle Why All The World's Glaciers Are Melting1939: Scientist Thinks Warming Has Peaked and New Ice Age Soon To Come1939: Since 1910 Arctic Winters Have Warmed 16 Degrees1940: Queensland, Australia Swamped By Floods1940: First Time In Recorded History, Adelaide, Australia Baked Two Years In Row By Sizzling Heat Waves1940: Japan Stuck By Disastrous Tidal Wave1940: Glaciers of Greenland Facing Catastrophe - Warm Climate Causes Melting1941: 60 Forest Fires Raging Across New York1941: October Heat Wave Makes D.C. Cherry Trees Blossom1941: War Blamed For Extreme Hot & Cold Weather Conditions1942: Tornado & Fire Wipes Texas Town From Map1942: Rhode Island Forest Fire Spreads To 50 Square Miles1946: March Washington D.C. Heat Wave Has Cherry Blossoms Blooming Early1947: Average Life Expectancy For Greenland: Women, 28 Years & Men, 23 Years1947: Severe Heat Wave Raises Temperatures In Australian Homes To 127 Degrees1947: "Drought Grips England"1947: Forest Fires In Alaska Widen To 70-Mile Front, 400 Fires1947: Scientists Want To Melt Antarctic Ice Sheet With Atomic Bombs1947: Texas Fighting 96 Raging Forest Fires1948: Melting Glaciers Drive Herring Away From Greenland & Iceland Coasts1948: London Olympic's Opening Ceremony Blasted By Heat Wave - Spectators Overwhelmed1949: Thailand Suffers From Big Flooding1949: Spain Has Its Worst Drought1950: "Climate Change - World Is Warming"1950: European Countries Finance Antarctica Research To Investigate Warming Earth1951: Slow Moving Blizzard Leaves Iowa City With 27" of Snow1952: Arctic Scientist Says Polar Ice Cap Melting Threatens Australia's Seaports1952: Many Species Migrate Northward In Northern Hemisphere Due To Warming World1952: Another Severe Drought In Australia1952: Yugoslavia's Agriculture Suffers From Repeated Drought1953: Consensus Among Meteorologists: The World Is Warming1953: China's Authorities Report Severe Drought Impact1953: Texas Drought Dust Falls In NY's Times Square1953: West German Drought Close To Drying Up An Important Water Reservoir1954: Mainstream Media Reports That Past Was Much Warmer Than Current Temperatures1955: Iceland Hurricane & Snowstorm Sinks 2 Ships - 40 Men Lost1955: "Brisbane Facing Worst Flood In Its History"1965: "100-Year Flood" Submerges Kansas1966: NYC Water Supply To Dry Up If Drought Continues Within 6 Months1967: The Year Without 'Spring'1971: Massive Early-Season October Snow Blizzard Claims 8 Lives In U.S.1976: Colorado Flooding Toll Over 80, May Hit 2001980: Winter Olympics In Lake Placid Without Snow1980: Texas-Sized Heat Wave - 69 Days of 100 Degree Temperatures Bakes Dallas Area1988: Climate Models Predicts Longer & More Violent Hurricane SeasonsBad Disasters Happen, Again & AgainThe scientific papers about severe weather and where we stand living in the Quaternary Ice Age today.The Scientific Literature Squelches Climate Alarm: Warming REDUCES Extreme Weather Event Frequency, IntensityBy Kenneth Richard on5. July 2018Since 2015, at least 18 papers have been published suggesting the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events — droughts, floods, and storms — have either been reduced or no detectable trend is indicated for recent decades. This directly contradicts the claim that the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events will worsen due to rising CO2 concentrations.Below is a list of 18 peer-reviewed scientific papers indicating that there has been no detectable increase — and in many cases there has been a decrease — in the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events (floods, droughts, storms) in recent decades.Scientists have found that more frequent instances of unstable and intense weather occurred during cool periods such as the Little Ice Age (approximately 1300 to 1900 A.D). Warmer periods such as the Medieval Climate Anomaly (approximately 900 to 1200 A.D.) and the 20th/21st centuries were associated with a reduction of extreme weather events.This warmer-climates-stabilize-weather conclusion finds experimental support in a 2015 paper published in the journal Science (full paper available here).Entitled ‘”Constrained work output of the moist atmospheric heat engine in a warming climate”, Laliberté and co-authors use a heat engine model to detect how warming affects work intensity, or the capacity for the hydrological cycle to produce “very intense storms”. They found that warming constrained the hydrological cycle’s ability to generate “global atmospheric motion”, which effectively means that warming has a stabilizing and calming effect with regard to generating energy for storms and precipitation extremes (droughts and floods).Laliberté et al., 2015“Global warming is expected to intensify the hydrological cycle, but it might also make the atmosphere less energetic. Laliberté et al. modeled the atmosphere as a classical heat engine in order to evaluate how much energy it contains and how much work it can do (see the Perspective by Pauluis). They then used a global climate model to project how that might change as climate warms. Although the hydrological cycle may increase in intensity, it does so at the expense of its ability to do work, such as powering large-scale atmospheric circulation or fueling more very intense storms.”“Incoming and outgoing solar radiation couple with heat exchange at Earth’s surface to drive weather patterns that redistribute heat and moisture around the globe, creating an atmospheric heat engine. … On a warming Earth, the increase in perceptible water has been identified as a reason for the tropical overturning to slow down, and studies over a wide range of climates suggest that global atmospheric motions are reduced in extremely warm climates.”In sum, there is little to no support for the position that anthropogenic global warming results in more extreme weather events. The validity of the “dry gets dryer, wet gets wetter” paradigm has not been affirmed (Greve and Seneviratne, 2015, Byrne and O’Gordon, 2015).1. Highest Extreme Drought, Flood Events Occurred In 1790sZheng et al., 2018“For the extreme drought and flood events in total, more frequent of them occurred in the 1770s and 1790s, 1870s–1880s, 1900s–1920s and 1960s, among which the 1790s witnessed the highest frequency of extreme drought and flood events totally.”2. Flood Events ‘Are Not Getting Stronger Or Occurring More Frequently’Schedel, Jr. and Schedel, 2018“Flood events on the U.S. East Coast are not more severe or frequent than in the past. However, because of sea-level rise, these events are starting from a higher baseline height. Thus, the same severity of a flood event today reaches a greater absolute height than an identical flood would have reached 50 or 100 years ago. Based on current data, the good news is that the apparent worsening of flood events is due to a single, primary cause: sea level rise. Flood events are not getting stronger or occurring more frequently than in the past. They are instead starting from a higher point, allowing them to reach higher levels more often. The bad news is that sea-level rise will be a fact of life for many years into the future. Communities need to start now to make informed plans and decisions about how best to adapt.”3. 7 Flood Events/Century During 1550-1948, 2 Flood Events/Century During 1949-2000Valdés-Manzanilla, 2018“This study presents a chronology of historical and measured flood events in the Papaloapan River basin of Mexico during 450 years. Twenty-eight historical floods were recorded during the period 1550–1948 [7 per century] on this river and one flood event (1969) in the instrumental era (1949–2000) [2 per century], of which 14 were extraordinary floods and only 15 were catastrophic ones. There were several flood-rich decades during 1860–1870, 1880–1890, 1920–1930 and 1940–1950. Wavelet analysis found a significant flooding periodicity of 58 years. The wavelet coherence analysis found that flooding had an in-phase relationship with the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation and also with the Pacific Decadal Oscillation. Logistic regression corroborated that there exists a positive relationship between floods events and these two natural climatic oscillations. The logistic regression model predicted correctly 92% of flood events.”4. Less Storm And Hail Frequency May Occur With WarmingZou et al., 2018“The Tibetan Plateau (TP), one of the world’s most sensitive areas to climate change, became significantly warmer during recent decades. Since 1960 (1980), storm (hail) days have been decreasing by 6.2%/decade (18.3%/decade) in the region. … Based on 53‐year continuous weather records at 48 TP stations and reanalysis data, we show here for the first time that the consistent decline of storm days is strongly related to a drier midtroposphere since 1960. Further analysis demonstrated that fewer hail days are driven by an elevation of the melting level (thermodynamically) and a weaker wind shear (dynamically) in a warming climate. These results imply that less storm and hail may occur over TP when climate warms.”5. Changes In Flood Frequency And Magnitude Due To Enhanced Greenhouse Forcing “Not Generally Evident”Mangini et al., 2018“The main objective of this paper is to detect the evidence of statistically significant flood trends across Europe using a high spatial resolution dataset. … Anticipated changes in flood frequency and magnitude due to enhanced greenhouse forcing are not generally evident at this time over large portions of the United States for several different measures of flood flows. … Thus, similarly to the main findings of Archfield et al. (2016) for the US, the picture of flood change in Europe is strongly heterogeneous and no general statements about uniform trends across the entire continent can be made.”6. IPCC: “Globally There Is No Clear And Widespread Evidence Of Changes In Flood Magnitude Or Frequency”Hodgkiins et al., 2017“In the current study, trends in major-flood occurrence from 1961 to 2010 and from 1931 to 2010 were assessed using a very large dataset (>1200 gauges) of diverse catchments from North America and Europe … Overall, the number of significant trends in major-flood occurrence across North America and Europe was approximately the number expected due to chance alone. Changes over time in the occurrence of major floods were dominated by multidecadal variability rather than by long-term trends. There were more than three times as many significant relationships between major-flood occurrence and the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation than significant long-term trends. … The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concluded (Hartmann et al., 2013) that globally there is no clear and widespread evidence of changes in flood magnitude or frequency in observed flood records. … North American trends in … frequency of extremes in the 1980s and 1990s were similar to those of the late 1800s and early 1900s. There was no discernible trend in the frequency of extreme events in Canada. The results of this study, for North America and Europe, provide a firmer foundation and support the conclusion of the IPCC (Hartmann et al., 2013) that compelling evidence for increased flooding at a global scale is lacking.”7. “No Significant Trends” In Flood Frequency Or HeightsMcAneney et al., 2017“[A] 122-year record of major flooding depths at the Rarawai Sugar Mill on the Ba River in the northwest of the Fijian Island of Viti Levu is analysed. … It exhibits no statistically significant trends in either frequency or flood heights, once the latter have been adjusted for average relative sea-level rise. This is despite persistent warming of air temperatures as characterized in other studies. There is a strong dependence of frequency (but not magnitude) upon El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phase, with many more floods in La Niña phases. The analysis of this long-term data series illustrates the difficulty of detecting a global climate change signal from hazard data, even given a consistent measurement methodology (cf HURDAT2 record of North Atlantic hurricanes) and warns of the strong dependence of any statistical significance upon choices of start and end dates of the analysis.”8. Drought Frequency Appears To Have Decreased During 1901-2014McCabe et al., 2017“In this study, a monthly water-balance model is used to simulate monthly runoff for 2109 hydrologic units (HUs) in the conterminous United States (CONUS) for water-years 1901 through 2014. … Results indicated that … the variability of precipitation appears to have been the principal climatic factor determining drought, and for most of the CONUS, drought frequency appears to have decreased during the 1901 through 2014 period.”9. “A Significant Decreasing Trend In Severe Weather” During 1961-2010Zhang et al., 2017“Based on continuous and coherent severe weather reports from over 500 manned stations, for the first time, this study shows a significant decreasing trend in severe weather occurrence across China during the past five decades. The total number of severe weather days that have either thunderstorm, hail and/or damaging wind decrease about 50% from 1961 to 2010. It is further shown that the reduction in severe weather occurrences correlates strongly with the weakening of East Asian summer monsoon which is the primary source of moisture and dynamic forcing conducive for warm-season severe weather over China.”10. “The Most Frequent Climate Instability” Associated With Global CoolingKawamura et al., 2017“Numerical experiments using a fully coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model with freshwater hosing in the northern North Atlantic showed that climate becomes most unstable in intermediate glacial conditions associated with large changes in sea ice and the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. Model sensitivity experiments suggest that the prerequisite for the most frequent climate instability with bipolar seesaw pattern during the late Pleistocene era is associated with reduced atmospheric CO2 concentration via global cooling and sea ice formation in the North Atlantic, in addition to extended Northern Hemisphere ice sheets.”11. Frequency Of “All Mexico” Droughts Have Not Increased In Recent DecadesStahle et al., 2016“The El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is the most important ocean-atmospheric forcing of moisture variability detected with the MXDA. … [A]nalyses based on the millennium climate simulations with the Community Earth System Model suggest that the moisture balance during the winter, spring, and early summer over northern Mexico may indeed be particularly sensitive to ENSO forcing. Nationwide drought is predicted to become more common with anthropogenic climate change, but the MXDA reconstructions indicate that intense “All Mexico” droughts have been rare over the past 600 years and their frequency does not appear to have increased substantially in recent decades.”12. “The Net Effect Of Climate Change Has Made Agricultural Drought Less Likely”Cheng, 2016“The current California drought has cast a heavy burden on statewide agriculture and water resources, further exacerbated by concurrent extreme high temperatures. Furthermore, industrial-era global radiative forcing brings into question the role of long-term climate change on CA drought. How has human-induced climate change affected California drought risk? The model simulations show that increases in radiative forcing since the late 19thCentury induces both increased annual precipitation and increased surface temperature over California, consistent with prior model studies and with observed long-term change. As a result, there is no material difference in the frequency of droughts defined using bivariate indicators of precipitation and near-surface (10-cm) soil moisture, because shallow soil moisture responds most sensitively to increased evaporation driven by warming, which compensates the increase in the precipitation. However, when using soil moisture within a deep root zone layer (1-m) as co-variate, droughts become less frequent because deep soil moisture responds most sensitively to increased precipitation. The results illustrate the different land surface responses to anthropogenic forcing that are relevant for near-surface moisture exchange and for root zone moisture availability. The latter is especially relevant for agricultural impacts as the deep layer dictates moisture availability for plants, trees, and many crops. The results thus indicate the net effect of climate change has made agricultural drought less likely, and that the current severe impacts of drought on California’s agriculture has not been substantially caused by long-term climate changes.”13. Flood Frequency Higher With Lower Solar Activity/CoolingCzyzmik et al., 2015“Flood frequency in the discharge record is significantly correlated to changes in solar activity during solar cycles 16–23 (r = −0.47, p < 0.0001, n = 73) [1920s-2000s]. Flood frequency is higher when solar activity is reduced.[when cooling occurs]. These correlations between flood frequency and solar activity might provide empirical support for the solar top-down mechanism expected to modify the mid-latitude storm tracks over Europe by model studies. A lag of flood frequency responses in the Ammer discharge record to changes in solar activity of about one to three years could be explained by a modelled ocean–atmosphere feedback delaying the atmospheric reaction to solar activity variations up to a few years.”14. “The Frequency Of Extreme Floods Has Decreased Since The 1950s”Benito et al., 2015“A compilation of 46 case studies across Europe with reconstructed discharges demonstrates that (1) in most cases present flood magnitudes are not unusual within the context of the last millennium, although recent floods may exceed past floods in some temperate European rivers (e.g. the Vltava and Po rivers); (2) the frequency of extreme floods has decreased since the 1950s, although some rivers (e.g. the Gardon and Ouse rivers) show a reactivation of rare events over the last two decades.”15. Droughts More “Severe, Extensive, And Prolonged” Before The 20th CenturyCook et al., 2015“Megadroughts reconstructed over north-central Europe in the 11th and mid-15th centuries reinforce other evidencefrom North America and Asia that droughts were more severe, extensive, and prolonged over Northern Hemisphere land areas before the 20th century, with an inadequate understanding of their causes.”16. Sea Surface Temperature (Warming) “Does Not Significantly Affect Drought Intensity Or Frequency”Stevenson et al., 2015“SST forcing does not significantly affect drought intensity or frequency of occurrence, even for very persistent ‘megadroughts‘ of 15 yr or more in length. In both the CESM1.0.3 and NADA, with the exception of the Southeast United States, droughts in all regions have intensities, persistence lengths, and occurrence frequencies statistically consistent with a red noise null hypothesis. This implies that SST forcing is not the dominant factor in generating drought and therefore that many decadal megadroughts are caused by a combination of internal atmospheric variability and coupling with the land surface, with SST anomalies playing only a secondary role.”17. For The Past Century, Drought Percentage “Has Not Changed” Despite WarmingMcCabe and Wolock, 2015“[F]or the past century %drought has not changed, even though global PET [potential evapotranspiration] and temperature (T) have increased.18. High Storm Activity During Cold Periods, Low Storm Activity During Warm YearsDegeai et al., 2015“A comparison with North Atlantic and Western Mediterranean paleoclimate proxies shows that the phases of high storm activity occurred during cold periods, suggesting a climatically-controlled mechanism for the occurrence of these storm periods. Besides, an in-phase storm activity pattern is found between the Western Mediterranean and Northern Europe. Spectral analyses performed on the Sr content revealed a new 270-year solar-driven pattern of storm cyclicity. For the last 3000 years, this 270-year cycle defines a succession of ten major storm periods (SP) with a mean duration of 96 ± 54 yr. Periods of higher storm activity are recorded from >680 to 560 cal yr BC (SP10, end of the Iron Age Cold Period), from 140 to 820 cal yr AD (SP7 to SP5) with a climax of storminess between 400 and 800 cal yr AD (Dark Ages Cold Period), and from 1230 to >1800 cal yr AD (SP3 to SP1, Little Ice Age). Periods of low storm activity occurred from 560 cal yr BC to 140 cal yr AD (SP9 and SP8, Roman Warm Period) and from 820 to 1230 cal yr AD (SP4, Medieval Warm Period).”The Scientific Literature Squelches Climate Alarm: Warming REDUCES Extreme Weather Event Frequency, Intensity
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