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In the opinion of Pakistanis, how has Pakistan contributed to the world, since gaining independence?
1: Discoveries of Pakistani Scientist:The first Prime Minister of Pakistan, Liaqat Ali Khan made various reforms to initiate improvement in higher education and scientific research.The real growth in science in Pakistan occurred after the establishment of the Higher education Commission in 2002 which supported science in a big way and also became the major sponsor of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences under the leadership of Prof. Atta-ur-Rahman.Some of the most renowned and famous Pakistani Scientists are:Abdus Salam[1]:Winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics (1979) for his electroweak theory that combines weak nuclear force and electromagnetic forces.Dr Abdus Salam is the most highly decorated scientist of Pakistan, honored with most state awards including the Sitara-e-Pakistan (Star of Pakistan) in 1959.Atta-ur-Rahman[2]:Winner of the UNESCO Science Prize for pioneering contributions in natural product chemistry in 1999. He is the first scientist from the Islamic world to have won this prizeRiazuddin:Winner of Einstein Award (2000) for his contribution in theoretical physics, notably the contribution in neutrinos. Riazuddin, pupil student of Salam, remains the most state decorated scientist of Pakistan with receiving state honors and international prizes, second to Abdus Salam.Prof. Dr. Mohammad Aslam Khan Khalil:He modified scientific understanding of “global climate change”. He also identified methane’s role as a powerful greenhouse gas, tracing its increase in human activities. His work has contributed to the Kyoto Protocol to limit the emissions of greenhouse gases.Dr Naweed I Syed:He is the first scientist who managed to ‘connect brain cells to a silicon chip’. Currently he is a Professor and Head Department of Cell Biology & Anatomy at the University of Calgary, Canada. He was also featured in Time Magazine.Shaukat Hameed :As the director of lab, he began to develop the fuel techniques, and have done the preliminary work on the different models. He developed the techniques and methods to work on the image processing methods. He was also the was part of the small team of scientists who had central role in the development of the cooling device.Dr Samar Mubarakmand:Mubarakmand was assigned to Ishfaq Ahmad’s Nuclear Physics Division where he took charge to carry out the calculations in implosion method, and mathematical multiplication involved in nuclear fission. He provided the technical assistance to the engineers there. He has been associated with the country’s space program where he largely contributed his research in computational fluid dynamics, aerodynamics, and fluid physics.Dr Nergis Mavalvala:Mavalvala was among the team of scientists who, for the first time, observed ripples in the fabric of spacetime called gravitational waves. It was announced to the public on 11 February 2016. The detection confirmed a major prediction of Albert Einstein's 1915 general theory of relativity.Pervaiz Hoodbhoy: [3][4]Hoodbhoy provided the brief mathematical proofs and description to understand, logically, the subject of Sitter space— a scalar curvature in general theory of relativity.At National Center for Physics, Hoodbhoy conducted research on different aspects of particle physics, and pioneered studies in modern physics and its extension to mathematical and nuclear physics. In 2006, Hoodbhoy published a brief mathematical description of Generalized Parton Distributions. In 2007, Hoodbhoy re-published the work of Jens Lyng Peterson the Maldacena conjecture (a conjectured equivalence between a string theory and gravity defined on one space, and a quantum field theory without gravity defined by one or less dimension) where he contributed mathematically to the theory.2: Pakistani Startups, Inventions and Discoveries:Fertilizers With Non-Explosive Materials:In 2013, a Pakistani firm invented a new formula to make fertilizers that cannot be converted into bomb-making materials. The firm, Fatima Fertilizer, had succeeded in making non-lethal alternatives to ammonium nitrate, a key ingredient in the fertilizers it makes. Fertilizers with ammonium nitrate, however, can easily be converted into bomb-making ingredients.This invention was praised by the Pentagon. “Such a long-term solution would be a true scientific breakthrough,” US Army Lieutenant General Michael Barbero, the head of the Pentagon’s Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization.Human Development Index:Pakistani economist Mahbub ul Haq [5]devised the Human Development Index in 1990 in order to move the focus of development economics to people centered policies from national income accounting.Noval Cancer cell detection Method and Device:Dr Samir Iqbal developed a novel cancer cell detection method that improves early diagnosis through a tool that tracks cellular behavior in real time using nano textured walls that mimic layers of body tissue.Link: Electrical engineers develop device to diagnose cancer rapidly at the cellular level, improve early detectionLavatory That Transforms Human Waste into Charcoal, Minerals, And Clean Water:Pakistani researcher at Loughborough University, Sohail Khan designed a lavatory that converts human waste into biological charcoal, which can be burned, and clean water.Link: Ommaya Reservoir:[6]Developed by Ayub K. Ommaya, the Ommaya reservoir is a system used for injecting the medicines into the cerebrospinal fluid for treatment of patients with brain tumors.Pleuroperitoneal Shunt, Endotracheal Tube: [7]A Pakistani American doctor from Peshawar, Pakistan invented the Pleuroperitoneal Shunt and a Special Endotracheal Tube tube to supply oxygen during fiber-optic bronchoscopy in awake patients.Anti-Terrorist Algorithm:In 2014 a Start-up Company by the name of Go-Fig Solutions entered into a competition called Startup Cup Pakistan. They had a simple concept. Eliminate Terrorism! Sounds simple enough. This group of forward thinking Pakistanis had developed an algorithm to detect where the next International terrorist attack would take place. The algorithm was based on complex behavioral patterns and data-mining techniques. It has a success rate of an outstanding 35%. Go-Fig after that, won the World Start-up Cup as well. Since then, the Anti-Terrorism Algorithm has found its way to Silicon Valley, USA.Workable Plastic Magnet:Organic Chemist and Polymer Scientist Naveed Zaidi [8]developed world's first plastic magnet that functions at room temperature. Along with his colleagues Prof. Andy Monkman, Mr. Sean Giblin and Dr. Ian Terry from Department of Physics of Durham University, research took 4 years making him first scientist to develop world's first practical plastic magnet.World’s first Computer Virus (for MS DOS):Amjad Farooq and Basit Farooq made the World’s first Computer Virus also known as ‘Brain’. It was made for MS-DOS operating systems. The virus used to infect the boot sector of storage media formatted with the DOS File Allocation Table (FAT) file system. This virus was suppose to stop and track illegal copies of their disk.Read: Brain (computer virus) - WikipediaThe SMB Probe:As far as dangerous energy sources go, nuclear power has to be one of, if not the most dangerous of all. Since it’s creation, nuclear power has created multiple disasters around the globe, causing many deaths and toxic environments. In an attempt to counteract this problem, Sultan Bashiruddin Mehmood created the SMB Probe which is thought to reduce the chance of a nuclear disaster by a significant amount. The SMB Probe’s job is to keep power plant operations under control and check whether there are any heavy water leakages, thereby reducing the possibility of accidents.Water Generator:Rehan Aziz Farooqi, an engineer from Swat, invented a generator that can not only run on water, but can also allow any engine – whether it’s diesel, gas or petrol – to run on water as well. The generator works by separating the hydrogen and oxygen found in water and converting them into viable energy source. As hydrogen is extremely explosive however, the generator’s inventor wants to ensure there are no dangers before making it available to the public.Community Sanitation:For many third-world countries, the risk of contracting deadly diseases due to poor sanitation is a huge problem. In an attempt to lower these risks, Professor of Sustainable Infrastructure at Loughborough University Sohail Khan invented a lavatory that transforms human waste into minerals that can be used to enrich soil. The facility also processes water to ensure it is clean and consumable.The World’s cheapest Electricity:Shahzaib Hussain, a seventeen-year-old from Quetta, created a device that can be used to reproduce electricity when he was only in Grade 11. The device was first proven to work when Shahzaib managed to light 44 LED lights that would usually require 3 Watts with only 1.5 Watts that were fed through his machine. The device is currently still in it’s prototype stage, but could lead to huge developments in the near future.Pleuroperitoneal Shunt:Syed Amjab Hussein, a doctor from Peshawar, invented the shunt. This surgically implanted catheter transports fluid from a pleural space into the peritoneal cavity where it is absorbed, relieving breathlessness in patients suffering from cancer. It is used to treat malignant pleural effusions, basically a condition where cancer causes fluid to gather in the space between tissues(pleura) lining the lungs and chest, making it hard to breathe. S.A. Hussein’s work has led him to being inducted into the Medical Mission Hall of Fame.25 year old Scientist part in Gravitational Waves:Imran Khan from Quetta has been known to have worked with a team of scientists at Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) that recorded gravitational waves for the first time in history.Read: 25-year-old scientist from Quetta took part in discovery of gravitational waves - The Express Tribune3: Politics, Sports, Culture and Art:First Female PM Of an Islamic Country:A bit controversial figure (and for a good reason), but proved that a woman could stand up to a military dictator and be democratically elected to the top leadership position in a conservative Muslim country.ex World No. 1 professional Squash player:Jahangir Khan, During his career he won the World Open six times and the British Open a record ten times. From 1981 to 1986, he was unbeaten in competitive play. During that time he won 555 matches consecutively, the longest winning streak by any athlete in top-level professional sports as recorded by Guinness World Records.He retired as a player in 1993, and has served as President of the World Squash Federation from 2002 to 2008, when he became Emeritus President.Plantation of 1 Billion Tree:Pakistan planted 1 Billion tree in order to fight the climatic challenges. Although there’s a lot of work that needs to be done, but this is a sincere start. I hope other Countries learn from it too.Pakistan help to Algeria:Pakistan was a strong supporter of Algerian independence even before the inception of Algeria.Pakistan was one of the first countries to recognize the “Provisional Government of Republic of Algeria” in exile on 19 September 1958 under the Prime Ministership of Farhat Abbas and had permitted it to open its Mission in Karachi. The Government of Pakistan provided diplomatic passports to prominent members of the Algerian government in exile for their foreign travel, such as Ahmed Ben Bella.Pakistan's firm support to Algerian cause angered France which expected Pakistan to remain aloof of this affairs especially since Pakistan was signatory to SEATO and CENTO.Economic Plan of Seoul:A delegation from South Korea visited Pakistan in 1960, and discussed the economic development plan of that of Karachi for Seoul. Karachi (largest & coastal city of Pakistan) was seen as an economic role model around the world, and there was much praise for the way its economy was progressing. Many countries sought to emulate Pakistan's economic planning strategy and it has been learnt that one of them was South Korea, who replicated the second "Five-Year Plan" and World Financial Center in Seoul was designed and modeled after Karachi. It is also said tht Dr. Mahbub ul Haq a renowned Pakistani econmist and the originator of the Human Development Index (HDI), gave five year plan to South Korea which helped South Korea to progress rapidly.Link: The Seoul TimesPakistan and Armenia Relations:Due to Pakistan’s close relation with Turkey and now Azerbaijan, Pakistan is the only Country that does not recognise Armenia an official state and the very few Countries that recognise Khojlay massacre as Genocide of Azeri people.Pakistan help to Azerbaijan:Pakistan supported the Azerbaijan right to self determination in 1988, and was the first Countries with Romania and Turkey to recognize independent Azerbaijan.Pakistan Army supported Azerbaijan during the Grabakh war and have vowed to continue its support. Pakistan and Azerbaijan are also UnOfficial Allies.Pakistan Rs120 million Aid to West Germany in 1963:The situation is totally opposite now. By 1953 Germany had debts for rehabilitation and reconstruction. Pakistan was a prosperous economy, and for that Germany seek Pakistan’s help.Sagar Veena:Raza Aslam started working on this variation of the Veena, called the Sagar Veena, in 1970. His daughter who helped him test it, is currently the only person who has complete mastery over it. So what is Sagar Veena (Ocean Chordophone)? It’s not any Veena, it is a unique design with an unmatched range of timbres and pitch registers.The sound has an extremely high resonating quality and the instrument provides artists an extensive palette of sounds to evoke human emotion. There is nothing like classical music accompanied by the music from the Sagar Veena!World renowned Islamic Calligraphers:Syed Sadequain Ahmed Naqvi:World renowned Painter and Calligrapher. He was also awarded with "Laureate de Paris" international painter award.Ismail Guljee:Was an award-winning, globally famous Pakistani artist born in Peshawar. He was a qualified engineer in the US and self-taught abstract painter and portrait painter.He is famous for Painting the Saudi, Iran and Afghan Royal families. He received numerous awards from Saudi Arabia for his work on Islamic Calligraphy.According to the Metropolitan Museum of Art "Gulgee's calligraphy paintings are abstract and gestural interpretations of Arabic and Urdu letters. His sweeping layers of paint explore the formal qualities of oil paint while they make references to Islamic design elements."Coke Studio Pakistan:Coke Studio is a Pakistani television series and international music franchise which features live studio-recorded music performances by established and emerging artists.The show is noted for promoting Pakistan's multiculturalism by inviting artists from various regions and of various languages to collaborate musically in live studio recording sessions.After the success of Coke Studio Pakistan, the similar model was adopted by Indian and Arabic Musicians, making of the Coke Studio India and Middle East.Pakistan’s first female Architect:Yasmeen Lari being the first female Architect of Pakistan, worked on Low-income housing; mud and bamboo Construction. For the success of her work, she was awarded membership of Royal Institute of Architects, JAPAN'S FAKUOKA PRIZE, RIBA Architecture Prize, and UNESCO Recognition award.Her low income houses are being built in African Countries, Yemen, Bangladesh, Syria and Iraq. More and more Poor countries are seeking her help.Refugees in Pakistan:Pakistan has been a wonderful host for the Refugees. According to the UNHCR, Pakistan ranks 2nd amongst the countries hosting the highest number of refugees. UN Geneva praises Pakistan for its efforts to relocate displaced refugees, mainly from Afghanistan. Pakistan prevented World Refugee crisis by accepting millions of Afghan refugees.World Giving Index:In 2011, Pakistan was ranked 32nd most Country in World Giving Index. This number has largely declined due to Internal war of terror and debt due to War on Terror. There’s been a slight increase in list since 2016.Please read my answer: Shahnaseeb Babar's answer to What inspires you about Pakistan?‘Joy of Qawwali’:Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, re-introduced the 600 years old concept of Qawwali. He has won numerous international awards; UNESCO Music Prize, Fukuoka Asian Culture Prizes and UK Asian Music Awards. In Japan he is known as Budai or "Singing Buddha"Declining CO2 Emissions:Pakistans CO2 emissions have been declining and have dropped overall 10% per capita since 2007.Data for Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, AfghanistanUSA and China Relations known as ‘Nixon—China talks’[9]:After the Korean war, Pakistan played a vital role in the USA and China relations. Ever since the independence of China, Pakistan and China have been friends. Pakistan being allied with US, and a friend to China, helped opening up diplomatic relations with Countries and settled down some disputes.It was an important strategic and diplomatic overture that marked the culmination of the Nixon administration's rapprochement between the United States and China. The seven-day official visit to three Chinese cities was the first time a US President had visited the PRC; Nixon's arrival in Beijing ended 25 years of no communication, nor diplomatic ties, between the two countries and was the key step in normalizing relations between the U.S. and China.Shia — Sunni Balance:Pakistan has always remained neutral with Iran and Saudi relations. In a way preventing any war between the two Countries considering Iran is the neighbor of Pakistan, and Pakistan an old ally to the USA.Eqbal Ahmad[10]:He was a famous Pakistani political scientist, writer and academic famously known for his anti-war activism support for resistance movements globally. He became a strong activist against the Vietnam War which lead Ahmad being charged as part of the Harrisburg Seven in January 1971, after the trial the jury acquitted Ahmad from all charges in 1972.Ahmad was admired as "an intellectual unintimidated by power or authority". He influenced a few notable Political scientists all around the world which include: Edward Said, Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, Ibrahim Abu-Lughod, Richard Falk, Pervez Hoodbhoy, Alexander Cockburn, Edward Said and Arundhati Roy.Sahabzada Yaqub Khan[11] help in ‘Hanafi Seige, 1977[12]’:In 1977, three buildings in Washington DC were seized by 12 armed gunmen. Sahabzada Yaqub Khan who ex Pakistan Army officer, and was as Pakistani ambassador to US who along with the Ambassador of Eqypt and Iran helped with the negotiations.He also arranged the Nixon and Beijing talks.Time magazine noted: "That the toll was not higher was in part a tribute to the primary tactic U.S. law enforcement officials are now using to thwart terrorists—patience. But most of all, perhaps, it was due to the courageous intervention of three Muslim ambassadors, Egypt's Ashraf Ghorbal, Pakistan's Sahabzada Yaqub-Khan and Iran's Ardeshir Zahedi.Islamabad; a role model:In 1960, Pakistan decided to build a new Capitol, Islamabad. The idea was to place this capitol away from the busy metropolitan of Karachi.Islamabad was the first city which was built keeping the needs of a Passive Urban design. It was an ideal example for a sustainable city[13]. The basic rule of thumb was to follow concrete and gardens side—by—side. The more you build, the more Parks/Grounds you leave. Even today this Law is observed by the local administration.4: In Defence:3rd Highest Contribution to UN Peace Keeping:As of the recent report byUN, Pakistan is the 3rd highest in sending Troops for UN Peace Keeping.List of countries by number of UN peacekeepers - WikipediaSoviet Afghan War:Pakistan was the major part of Operation Cyclone[14]. Defense and Intelligence forces of Pakistan allied with USA, it is known to be the biggest Intelligence Cooperation and the longest most extensive covert operation between the spies of any two Countries.Operation Cyclone - WikipediaPakistan Army help to Sri Lanka:Pakistan helped Sri Lanka fight the terrorist group ‘Tamil Tigers’ by providing the Sri Lankan military the necessary training, equipments, and also some Intelligence. On the successful defeat of Tamil Tigers the Sri Lankan president said:"The government and the people of Sri Lanka have considered Pakistan as a true friend of Sri Lanka, which has always stood by it in times of need..."Pakistan help to Bosnia:The Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) intelligence agency of Pakistan allegedly ran an active military intelligence program during the Bosnian War which started in 1992 lasting until 1995. Allegedly executed and supervised by General Javed Nasir, the program distributed and coordinated the systematic supply of arms to various groups of Bosnian mujahideen during the war.The ISI Bosnian contingent was organized with financial assistance provided by Saudi Arabia.Grand Mosque Seizure of Mecca:The Grand Mosque of Mecca’s seizure occurred during November and December 1979 when extremist insurgents calling for the overthrow of the House of Saud took over Masjid al-Haram in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. The insurgents declared that the Mahdi (the "redeemer of Islam") had arrived in the form of one of their leaders – Mohammed Abdullah al-Qahtani – and called on Muslims to obey him. For nearly two weeks Saudi Special Forces assisted by Pakistani commandos known as Special Services Group (SSG) fought pitched battles to reclaim the compound.50 of the Pakistan’s Elite Commandos or SSG, were sent to Mecca, which carried out the raid in the Holy mosque and successfully eliminated the terrorists.Battle of Mogadishu (1993):On 3 October 1993, Task Force Ranger of the United States of America began an operation that involved traveling from their compound on the city's outskirts to the center with the aim of capturing the leaders of the Habr Gidr clan, led by Mohamed Farrah Aidid. The assault force consisted of nineteen aircraft, twelve vehicles (including nine Humvees), and 160 men. The operation was intended to last no longer than one hour.Shortly after the assault began, Somali militia and armed civilian fighters shot down two UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters. The subsequent operation to secure and recover the crews of both helicopters extended the initial operation into an overnight standoff and daylight rescue operation on 4 October. The battle resulted in 19 deaths, 73 wounded and one helicopter pilot captured among the U.S. raid party and rescue forces. At least one Pakistani soldier and one Malaysian soldier were killed as part of the rescue forces on day two of the battle. American sources estimate between 1,500 and 3,000 Somali casualties, including civilians; the Somali National Alliance (SNA) claims 315 dead, with 812 wounded.Early the next morning, a combined task force was sent to rescue the trapped soldiers. It contained soldiers from the Pakistan Army. "Green Line" dividing the warring factions in North and South Mogadishu, Pakistan Army was stationed at the North side of the line. A contingent of the Pakistan Army was sent to assist US Army.In the end, 1 Pakistani soldier was killed and 2 were wounded.Battle of Mogadishu (1993) - WikipediaWhat was the contribution of Pakistan Army in the Battle of Mogadishu in Somalia?ISI’s External Wing:The Inter Services Intelligence or ISI of Pakistan, is said to have shared intelligence regarding numerous terrorist activities to Heads and Intelligence of foreign countries when there is a suspicion of Terrorist activities.At such occasions; Pakistan’s ISI is said to have collaborated and shared Intel to Mossad of Israel, Intelligence of Saudi Arabia, Turkey, China, Egypt, Libya, to name a very few, and which later saved some precious lives.Please note: It is the nature of such supreme agencies that they do not disclose much information which can put the lives of their field agents at risk.Inter-Services Intelligence - WikipediaDeployments of Pakistan Armed Forces in KSA:Pakistan deployed troops in Saudi Arabia for "security duties" in the wake of the 1979 Iranian Revolution. A protocol was signed between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia on 14 December 1982 following the latter's request for military manpower assistance. Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, up to 15,000 Pakistani troops were stationed in Saudi Arabia, to provide defense to the country. Some of them were part of a brigade combat force positioned near the Israeli-Jordanian-Saudi border.As of the Gulf War in 1991, up to 13,000 troops and 6,000 advisers from Pakistan were posted in Saudi Arabia. Under the 1982 protocol, cooperation was widened to include military training, defense production and sharing, and joint exercises. As an Ally to Saudi Arabia, and USA, the presence of Pakistan Army in the Saudi Arabia was very much appreciated. Mainly air defense division was stationed in Saudi Arabia, considering if any Iraqi jets try to raid Saudi cities. It is also said to be the numbers might be around 65,000.Contingents of the Pakistani Armed Forces have frequently participated in joint military exercises inside Saudi Arabia in conjunction with the Saudi Armed Forces. Pakistani military presence in the kingdom continues presently, providing Riyadh support against internal and external regional threats.Pakistan Army in Kuwait as a Member of Coalition forces:Defence cooperation between Pakistan and Kuwait dates back to the late 1960s. Officers from the Pakistani army, air force and navy have been deployed in Kuwait to provide training and instruction to Kuwaiti forces. In 1990, up to 700 personnel of the Pakistan Armed Forces were stationed in Kuwait. Pakistani officers served in technical and advisory roles in the Kuwaiti Army during the Gulf War. Pakistan was a member of the coalition forces against the 1990 invasion of Kuwait, and Pakistani personnel took part in UN mine hunting operations in Kuwait.Pakistan Army help to Afghanistan in Afghan-Soviet War[15]:Prior to Arming and training of the Afghan Mujahideen, Pakistan Army was also directly involved and assisted in fighting the Soviet Army with Afghan Mujahideen.One such is the Battle of Hill 3234[16], where Soviets reported they were fighting Pakistan Army’s SSG despised as Afghan Mujahideen. In assistance of the Mujahideen, Pakistan Air Force lost one F—16.Foreign Cadet Training by Pakistan Army:Allied Cadets of Pakistan Army include cadets from Afghanistan, Albania, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Oman, Bangladesh, Bosnia, Brunei, Srilanka, Sudan, UAE, Ghana, Iraq, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Turkmenistan, Nigeria, and Zambia. They are trained in Pakistan Military Academy[17].Pakistan Navy Mission ‘Umeed e Nuh’[18]:Umeed e Nuh was a humanitarian and rescue mission in order to secure the merchant vessel MV Suez.Upon receiving request for help by the commanding officer Captain Syed Wasi Hassan, the Pakistan Navy dispatched its combatant frigates and naval helicopters to escort the merchant vessel to safety. On Monday, 13 June 2011, naval frigate PNS Babur successfully evacuated and later shifted the crew members to safety on F-251 PNS Zulfiqar. The crew members, consisting of 4 Pakistanis, 6 Indians, 11 Egyptians and one Sri Lankan, were successfully brought to land at the port city of Karachi.Pakistan Army help to Iraq fighting ISIS:Pakistan quietly helped Iraq in its fight against ISIS militias, which reached a major milestone this week with the liberation of Mosul from the terrorist group’s control after three years of occupation.Talking about Pakistan’s help, besides getting intelligence on terrorists, Iraq also received arms and ammunition and military medical assistance from Pakistan.Some of the Iraqi pilots, who took part in action against the ISIS, had been trained in Pakistan.Pakistan helped Iraq in defeating ISIS, says Iraqi envoyFootnotes[1] Abdus Salam - Wikipedia[2] Atta-ur-Rahman (chemist) - Wikipedia[3][4][5] Mahbub ul Haq - Wikipedia[6] Ommaya reservoir - Wikipedia[7] Sayed Amjad Hussain - Wikipedia[8] Plastic magnet - Wikipedia[9] Richard Nixon's 1972 visit to China - Wikipedia[10] Eqbal Ahmad - Wikipedia[11] Sahabzada Yaqub Khan - Wikipedia[12] 1977 Hanafi Siege - Wikipedia[13] Islamabad, A Town Planning Example For A Sustainable City[14][15] Active Pakistani involvement during Soviet invasion of Afghanistan[16] Battle for Hill 3234 - Wikipedia[17][18] Operation Umeed-e-Nuh - Wikipedia
What is the new Apple U1 chip, and why is it important?
What is the Apple U1 chip, and why is it important.The biggest Apple announcement today was what Apple actually didn’t announce—yet.“Hey Siri, we lost Spot the dog, do you know where he is?”Siri:”Spot is located 87 feet forward and down 2 feet from the height of the iPhone. Please hold up your phone and follow the Balloon to Spot’s location”Today, September 10th, 2019 Apple announced the iPhone 11 and iPhone 11 Pro series of phones. Not mentioned on the stage, but briefly shown on the screen during Phil Schiller’s presentation was the new Apple U1 chip. Hidden in plain sight much like how he pre-announced Apple Pay, we see the Apple U1 Chip there for the world to see, yet most missed it until after the event.Specimen Apple Event September 10th, 2019 showing Apple U1 Chip.In 2012 Phil did precisely the same thing during the announcement of TouchID as a credit card machine, a Hypercom device [0], was presented on the screen as a potential use case for TouchID. I wrote this would be a nearly 100% confirmation of what became Apple Pay (I called it the iWallet, I know very 2012 of me). Many folks in the payment industry including disruptive startups thought me insane and went about becoming redundant when Apple Pay was released. Of course I had far more basis than a single Phil image. History is about to repeat itself.Specimen of Phil showing TouchID use cases in 2012.Why was the Apple U1 chip on a graphic behind Phil and not announced overtly and only lightly mentioned on the Apple website? We will explore this in more detail at the end. Yet the first mention of how Apple will use the U1 Chip was presented on Apple’s own website as a new highly directional version of AirDrop.The text on Apple’s website for iPhone 11 series says it all:Ultra Wideband technology comes to iPhone.The new Apple‑designed U1 chip uses Ultra Wideband technology for spatial awareness — allowing iPhone 11 to precisely locate other U1‑equipped Apple devices. Think GPS at the scale of your living room. So if you want to share a file with someone using AirDrop, just point your iPhone at theirs and they’ll be first on the list.And:Can you be more precise? Yes.The new Apple‑designed U1 chip uses Ultra Wideband technology for spatial awareness — allowing iPhone 11 Pro to precisely locate other U1‑equipped Apple devices. It’s like adding another sense to iPhone, and it’s going to lead to amazing new capabilities.With U1 and iOS 13, you can point your iPhone toward someone else’s, and AirDrop will prioritize that device so you can share files faster.And that’s just the beginning.Just the beginning, indeed.Specimen Apple website September 10th, 2019 showing Apple U1 Chip promotion.Specimen Apple website September 10th, 2019 showing Apple U1 Chip promotion.Meet Ultra-Wide Band Radio TechnologyThe “U” in the U1 chip relates to the Ultra-Wide Band Radio Technology (UWB) [1] technology it uses. UWB can be used for many application and use cases. One use case that will become very large for Apple as they move to AR/MR technology and Apple Glasses is to be able to track spatial relationships of objects. One way to do this is using lasers and IR systems, and Apple is already doing this to some degree with FaceID and Animoji. The other way to do this is via the radio spectrum.The Apple U1 Chip most assuredly uses a variant of the IEEE 802.15 WPAN from the IEEE 802.15.4z Enhanced Impulse Radio group of which Apple is an active member. IEEE 802.15.4z to put in simple terms wants to absorb, in some ways, and extend Bluetooth, NFC, WiFi and other network standards and protocols.The early concept of this technology was used in an all but abandoned Apple initiative called iBeacons [2]. This technology was centered around Bluetooth and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). The idea was sound, however the technology was low resolution, so low that it would be hard to be with-in a few feet without triangularization of 3 or more iBeacons and even then it can drift significantly with heat and obstacle issues.Parallel to the iBeacon research, Apple was testing a newer and more exacting technology in their research labs in 2005. By 2006, before the iPhone was even announced, they applied for a patent for “Ultra-wideband radios for time-of-flight-ranging and network position estimation” via a research grant at Livermore Labs. It took until September 2010 for the patent application to be released by the US Patent and Trademark Office. Apple went on to do a lot of work with iBeacons and BLE. However, the 3 dimensional spatial resolution was not nearly as accurate as Apple needed and thus they abandoned the concept of the iBeacon.The “Smoking Gun” Apple UWB PatentsMore recently Apple has applied for a few more patents centered around UWB. Inventor Joachim S. Hammerschmidt has developed some amazing extension of this technology. Apple inventor Benjamin Vigier has also contributed greatly to the UWB beacon concept. Joachim is a bit of an Apple patent savant submitting a few dozen patents on UWB and other radio frequency technologies.Specimen Joachim S. Hammerschmidt Apple Patents.Even though the concepts of UWB has been around since the dawn of radio first developed in a useable way by RCA in the 1950s, the miniaturization and low power chips has it taken on this new form.I have surfaced three very interesting Apple patents centered around UWB that most have overlooked.Beacon Triggered Processes 2019 (United States Patent Application: 0190272567)Ultra-wideband radios for time-of-flight-ranging and network position estimation 2006 (United States Patent Application: 0100225541)TIME INSTANT REFERENCE FOR ULTRA WIDEBAND SYSTEMS 2018 (United States Patent Application: 0190199398)Pulse Shaping Interoperability Protocol for Ultra Wideband Systems 2017 (United States Patent Application: 0190007093)Specimen Joachim S. Hammerschmidt Apple Patent embodiment.Clearly Apple had predicted the need for UWB as far back as the early 2000s. There are more Apple patents that relate to this technology, but these give an interesting overview:Beacon Triggered ProcessesAbstractTechniques and systems for beacon triggered processes are disclosed. A described technique includes causing a beacon device to broadcast a beacon message, the beacon device being within the vicinity of an establishment; detecting a presence of a user of a mobile device based on receiving from the mobile device a first message that is responsive to the beacon message; retrieving a transaction record based on a user or mobile device identifier in the first message; generating and transmitting a second message based on the transaction record to facilitate a completion of a transaction associated with the transaction record at the establishment; the second message being configured to provide notification of an arrival of the user and dispatch an employee to meet the user and handle the transaction; and generating and transmitting a third message based on the transaction record to facilitate the completion of the transaction at the mobileSpecimen Benjamin Vigier Apple Patent embodiment.And:Ultra-wideband radios for time-of-flight-ranging and network position estimationAbstractThis invention provides a novel high-accuracy indoor ranging device that uses ultra-wideband (UWB) RF pulsing with low-power and low-cost electronics. A unique of the present invention is that it exploits multiple measurements in time and space for very accurate ranging. The wideband radio signals utilized herein are particularly suited to ranging in harsh RF environments because they allow signal reconstruction in spite of multipath propagation distortion. Furthermore, the ranging and positioning techniques discussed herein directly address many of the known technical challenges encountered in UWB localization regarding synchronization and sampling. In the method developed, noisy, corrupted signals can be recovered by repeating range measurements across a channel, and the distance measurements are combined from many locations surrounding the target in a way that minimizes the range biases associated to indirect flight paths and through-wall propagation delays.And:TIME INSTANT REFERENCE FOR ULTRA WIDEBAND SYSTEMSAbstractEmbodiments enable communicating Ultra Wideband (UWB) devices to collaborate by exchanging pulse shape information. The UWB devices use the pulse shape information to improve ranging accuracy. The improved ranging accuracy can be used in complex multipath environments where advanced estimation schemes are used to extract an arriving path for time-of-flight estimation. To determine the pulse shape information to be shared, some embodiments include determining location information of a UWB device and selecting the pulse shape information that satisfies regional aspects. The pulse shape information includes a time-zero index specific to a ranging signal that is used by UWB receivers to establish timestamps time-of-flight calculations. Some embodiments include measuring performance characteristics and selecting different pulse shape information based on the performance characteristics for improved accuracy.And:Pulse Shaping Interoperability Protocol for Ultra Wideband SystemsAbstractEmbodiments enable communicating Ultra Wideband (UWB) devices to collaborate by exchanging pulse shape information. The UWB devices use the pulse shape information to improve ranging accuracy. The improved ranging accuracy can be used in complex multipath environments where advanced estimation schemes are used to extract an arriving path for time-of-flight estimation. To determine the pulse shape information to be shared, some embodiments include determining location information of a UWB device and selecting the pulse shape information that satisfies regional aspects. The pulse shape information includes a time-zero index specific to a ranging signal that is used by UWB receivers to establish timestamps time-of-flight calculations. Some embodiments include measuring performance characteristics and selecting different pulse shape information based on the performance characteristics for improved accuracy.In the “Pulse Shaping Interoperability Protocol for Ultra Wideband Systems” Apple patent we find very enlighten embodiments:[0021] Precise knowledge of pulse shape information used at a station's transmitter allows the use of receivers that isolate pulse shaping or other filtering effects from true propagation channel effects. Knowledge of the pulse shape information also allows the use of signal processing techniques that may be referred to as "deconvolution" techniques--methods to look at an overall received signal (e.g., end-to-end impulse response from transmitter to receiver) and factor out known artifacts such as, for example, transmitter pulse shaping including antenna effects or receiver transfer characteristics. These signal processing techniques allow extraction of a desired contribution of a wireless propagation channel in the overall system response; in turn, this extraction can be used to determine a time instant of an arriving propagation path.Other embodiments present an example system that may include but is not limited to UWB devices such as wireless communication devices (iPhones # 110 and 120), vehicular transponder device (#130), entry transponder device for doors (#140), a household device (#150 thermostat), pet leash tag (#160), and anchor nodes l70al70c.I have been studying patents for over 35 years and in particular Apple patents. The Apple UWB patents have been of great interest to me as I knew UWB will become not only an indoor mapping system, like GPS for indoor spaces, it will become crucial to AR/MR/VR environments for fine tuning of spatial coordinates. UWB will also be very useful with automobiles, drones, and robotic systems. I wrote a few reports for clients and one VC commented that “this would forever change the way we view indoor spaces”, I agree.These Apple patents are a potpourri of ways Apple can and very likely will use UWB. I could literally write a book on how this will play out for Apple just via these patents. Some of what I have learned since 2010 I will use in this answer.The Apple UWB Personal Radar SystemUWB can also serve as a sort of personal radar that can self reference the waves it sends out and echo locate your spacial world with a high degree of precision. I can see this as one way to avert some folks hunched over and thumb clawing at the screen walking down the street and the iPhone puts up a notification of an imminent collision.Specimen of a whimsical radar screen.Although humorous, if Apple makes this into an open standard, and there is evidence some aspects may become open sourced, imagine a world where UWBs are in all automobiles and pedestrians. The collision detection and avoidance systems can become very powerful, and save many lives.How does UWB Work?UWB IEEE 802.15 WPAN devices collaborate with each other by exchanging pulsed shapes of information that can be used for a future ranging exchange. This is achieved by the receiving UWB devices using the pulse shape information to improve the ranging accuracy. The improved ranging accuracy can be used in complex multi-path environments where advanced estimation schemes are used to extract an arriving path for time-of-flight estimation. Time-of-flight is the basis of how UWB works, very much like GPS.Specimen of waveforms used to calculate time of flight.The pulse shape information includes a time-zero index specific to a received ranging signal that is used by UWB receivers to establish timestamps for time-of-flight calculations.This includes measuring performance characteristics and selecting different pulse shape information.The UWB receiving pulse shape information from other devices, where the pulse shape information is used in UWB communications between the electronic device and the another electronic device, receiving a ranging signal that uses first pulse shape information, and determining a distance between the electronic device and the another electronic device based at least in part on the pulse shape information and the ranging signal.Thus determining the distance includes calculating a time-of-flight associated with the ranging signal and the pulse shape information includes a time-zero index that may be a sample of a main lobe of the pulse shape information (e.g., a first sample or a center sample of a main lobe of the pulse shape information.) The pulse shape information also satisfies one or more regional aspects associated with location information of the electronic device.One or more of the anchor nodes may be used in conjunction with an iPhone or other device to improve the accuracy and reliability of ranging. The devices may triangulate and determine a geographic location that may be used to provide local direction information.The primary UWB can also serve as its own Anchor Node and self reference the ranging signal pattern itself. Very much like personal radar systems, this may not have the same high resolution as using two or more devices to triangulate, but it can be quite useful.Apple U1 ChipThe Apple U1 chip is a application specific low power chip design very much like the new Decawave impulse radio ultra-wideband (IR-UWB) DW1000 Radio IC chip set. They have sold millions of these chips thus far and has better than 10 centimeters guaranteed indoor accuracy. It is very possible the Apple U1 chip uses the Decawave chip, licensed technology or a customized OEM version. It is possible to achieve better than 3 centimeters of accuracy in theory with this technology.Specimen Decawave DW1000 chip.The Decawave DW1000 Radio IC [3] for example, can move 6.8Mbps of data with an accuracy that is 100x better than WiFi or Bluetooth. It can reach 290 meters of distance with a very minimal power requirement with a 50x faster speed compared to standard GPS latency. Although the Apple U1 chip is not yet released, I suspect we will expect the same or better specifications. Thus based on the DW1000 as the base, we can imagine just how important the Apple U1 will become.Specimen Apple U1 Chip.Although Apple only mentioned indirectly the U1 chip in the new iPhone 11 series, I think it is likely to be a part of Apple Watch Series 5. And if not yet in Apple Watch Series 5, it will be in a future version. I also imagine the U1 in AirPods, AirPod cases, Apple Glasses, MacBook Pros and of course in a stand alone device similar to the Tile.Specimen Apple U1 Chip.The very low battery consumption of the U1 chip may make it possible for a single coin cell hearing aid battery to have a life of a year or more in normal settings. It is also possible to use the ambient radio frequencies that surround all of us to charge the battery using the patented technology from the Apple acquired company Passif [4]. It seems a very natural use case for Passif technology and was once used to power early internal testing of iBeacons.Specimen of UWB topography.Using the very low power consumption of the Apple U1 Chip and Passif ambient radio wave battery charging, it seems that we may see a less than 2 inch disc, what I will call this Locate or AppleLocate (internally called Rose Tag by Apple), device in the market. It seems the existence of AppleLocate was revealed in iPhone Find My app. Thus it seems very likely one of the first things we see utilizing the U1 chip, outside of the iPhone 11 series is this new device. Many have speculated this would be a stand alone device and today this seems to be the case. I have asserted this technology would come about since 2012 originally as iBeacons and later as UWB.Specimen of the Locate or AppleLocate image found in Apple software.The AppleLocate tags will be relatively inexpensive, starting at about $20 and likely drifting to less than $2 in high production, it seems likely it will become widely used for countless reasons.We will thus see AppleLocate tags in just about all Apple devices at some point for very precise location tracking and perimeter fencing. For example, you can be notified when the AppleLocate tag has entered or left an area as well as the U! chip built into other Apple devices. It will become orders of magnitude more difficult to steal an Apple product in the future with perimeter fencing breech notifications.HyperLocal And HyperPrivateIt is entirely possible to build a useful AR/MR/VR map of any indoor space using the Apple U1 chip in just a few minutes few minutes. This can be utilized with the same laser and/or IR technology found in the iPhone for FaceID. Thus with a combinations of the Apple U1 chip and Apple A13 Bionic neural engine we will have one of the most sophisticated spacial mapping and analyzing systems in any currently available consumer device.Indoor mapping has been tried via many methods over the years, including using the Roomba robotic vacuum cleaner systems. Roomba met with a great deal of push back by users of their products when it was discovered the company may be selling indoor maps of the user’s homes [5] using SLAM technology. In the case of Apple, the U1 chip along with the results of FaceID/TouchID system is stored in the Secure Enclave. The data stored in the Secure Enclave is physically, nearly impossible to retrieve from the chip and is held only local to the device fully encrypted.There will be endless allegations that Apple is trying to collect and sell the results of indoor mapping and other telemetries from the Apple U1 Chip, but this will not be the case. Apple simply does not have access to the information and could not use it without you supplying it.Developer OpportunityIt seems very likely Apple will open up some of the abilities of the Apple U1 chip to developers. This will of course be by explicit permissions granted to the developer much like sharing location data. However I feel strongly Apple will never let a free flow of U! chip data be shared with any developer app. The opportunities with a well crafted API supply by Apple can be quite amazing. From AR use case to collision avoidance systems and just about everything in-between, this will become a very interesting new frontier for Apple developers. I think we will begin to see the API by the Apple World Wide Developer Conference 2020.Apple Glasses: The Held And Worn New Software VersionMore than anything else, the Apple U1 Chip helps telegraph the Apple Glasses AR/MR platform. Internally at Apple this is known under a few names, Project StarBoard is linked to the first generations of Apple Glasses. The ARDisplayDevice SDK in iPhoneOS 13 also clearly confirms an external AR/MR display device. The first versions will use the iPhone 11 Series as a tether base—wirelessly. Much like Apple Watch and Apple CarPlay the Apple Glasses will interact and interplay with full apps on the iPhone. There is likely to be an Apple U1 Chip built-in to the Apple Glasses as well as new Siri chips and Bone Conduction sound chip Apple has been working on. The Apple U1 Chip on the Apple Glasses and on the iPhone will work together as node anchors.Specimen of a hypothetical Apple Glasses display monitor using AirPlay.Apple will allow for two versions of the same code to run. Called held as in the iPhone and worn as in Apple glasses. And like CarPlay the worn version for the first generations of Apple glasses will have less information. Apple has slowly been adding features that will use Apple Glasses in Apple Maps, Find My app and other Apple apps to help build the infrastructure and early developer interest in Apple Glasses. Thus as we see use cases slowly rolled out by Apple for the Apple U1 Chip, imagine how it will related to Apple Glasses. As this slowly plays out, it will become abundantly clear how deeply Apple has been thinking about this.The Apple U1 chip will be used to help decode hand gestures in an AR/MR/VR spacial environment. The unfortunate aspect is just like the QWERTY keyboard there may be dozens of “standards”. It is my sincere hope that American Sign Language becomes the “Silent Voice” for this new user interface. It is robust and nuanced and will include a far wide audience. If we must learn new gestures, let me be gestures that a significant portion of the population already know. A great artifact is compared to thumb clawing at glass screens on the 1870s QWERTY keyboard, ASL is 10X faster. The Apple U1 Chip will help bring this about with the combination of other technologies.If we gave an #ASLVoice to this next generation adopting American Sign Language to spacial gestures we would unlock future generations from thumb clawing on glass screens into the next century.It is a #VoiceFirst future, #ASLVoice will change the world in astonishing ways.— Brian Roemmele (@BrianRoemmele) September 13, 2019Specimen of open source MediaPipe GPU based software decoding ASL.I have been experimenting with Glasses in my garage lab for a few years that display contextual information and interact via a Voice First system I call The Intelligence Amplifier. I use a number of systems in my cheap glasses including the Decawave DW1000 Radio IC with a very early version of the IEEE 802.15.4z spec. I have had robust success and see no reason why Apple will not do as robustly with this technology. There is no doubt Apple Glasses will be a Voice First device.I‘ve been using a UWB IEEE 802.15.4z WPAN chip from Decawave the IR-UWB DW1000 for over a year with robust success.I can now say I have this chip in my cheap glasses below.Many may find interesting, the Apple U1 Chip is IEEE 802.15.4z and based on the DW1000.Coincidence 🧐— Brian Roemmele (@BrianRoemmele) September 12, 2019Specimen of my cheap glasses modifed in my garage lab..Apple Pay, Retail and Industrial UsesAs I mentioned, there will be countless new use cases for the Apple U1 Chip. I built the first and still the largest Apple Pay Map in the world, PayFinders [6]. One of my challenges was to push a notification to the iPhone user’s phone when they were inside the business, but also close to the checkout. In large stores like Target, I had great accuracy. However In smaller stores the boundaries were in and sometimes near the store. I urged Apple to use Bluetooth at top line merchants to help users know where an Apple Pay Credit Card machine was located and operational. My research showed people just did not want to ask or even test in most circumstances. With the AppleLocate tags on Credit Card Machines, the Apple Pay user can be directed precisely to with-in a few millimeters.The same can be said of product locations. The “Beacon Triggered Processes” Apple patent just released on September 5th, 2019 goes a long way on how the Apple U1 Chip will be used with Apple Pay to begin and complete a sale. Apple Stores are already testing AppleLocate tags in their stores today. Although it takes some interesting radio frequency equipment to find them, I have been successful at two locations. The use case will allow for you to find a product like you world on a website with a whimsical Balloon, also used in the Find My app, to direct you to the precise location of the Apple product. With FaceID and Apple Pay you just look at your phone and confirm and leave. It is not hard to imagine many retail businesses adopting the system. It is also not hard to imagine AppleLocate used in industrial locations and medical locations. I will have much to say about this over the next few months as I have studied these use cases in depth for over a decade.Finally it is entirely likely a form of UWB will fully replace NFC for many payment transactions in the physical world. Although this will not take place any time in the next few years because the merchant payment systems are always on a 5 to 8 year upgrade cycle, however it will be likely to take place in the next decade.Open Sourced Apple UWB TechnologyI think it is likely some of the technology around the AppleLocate system and the Apple U1 Chip will be open sourced for adoption of other companies. Much like elements of AirPlay it would make a great deal of sense for Apple to get as many manufactures to adopt this system as possible. Apple is light years ahead of Google, Samsung and Amazon in intellectual property and public patents that would give them a big edge in home automation and help guide Siri to a more favorable position in the home.Speculative But Very Likely Use Cases Of The Apple U1 ChipI have written a few reports over the last few years on how UWB technology will be used in the future. I presented the rather certain use cases in this article, however there will be many others. Time and space constraints presented here I will mention a few:Bitcoin wallets and merchant payment systemsMedical biometricsVoice First HyperLocal HyperContextual systemsWhy Apple Did Not Announce The U1 Chip?So with all of these amazing attributes, why did Apple not announce the Apple U1 Chip? I assert it is a confluence of things:The iPhoneOS software needed is not yet releasedApple will release AppleLocate tags for holiday shopping 2019Apple had too many things to announce at this Apple Event and this would take too much timeApple is aware of the privacy implication many will cast and wants to spend more time to explainOther issues I can not present at this moment in timeThus it was not in the cards to hear anyone on the stage talk about the Apple U1 Chip but it certainly was presented behind Phil during his time on the stage and later indirectly communicated as part of a new version of “directional” AirDrop. Some people find it intriguing that AirDrop will use the Apple U1 Chip, however it will make much more sense how AirDrop will work in an AR/MR world that is on the map for Apple. In the meantime, being able to precisely locate via people and device via AirDrop will allow for new ways to send larger amounts of private and encrypted data.The findable abilities of the U1 chip will bridge across a multitude of Apple systems and software. It begins with AirDrop:, the largest file sharing social media network for the 14-23 age cohort. Quite hidden on campuses across the US AirDrop and Apple Messages serve as an ad-hoc HyperLocal HyperPrivate social network. Built into all new iPhones is this new permission based HyperLocal Social Network with permission based people finder systems built-in. Before we hear how bad this is, understand this is permission based and by invitation.The new AirDrop will allow for extremely high resolution to discover and send files and other new elements to friends and devices in a room. The precision is within millimeters. This will be achieved by simply pointing the phone in the direction of the person and a screen animation will allow in a held or worn (think Apple glasses) position to visualize the direction and avatar of the recipient.Specimen of the new AirDrop location system.We may begin to see the Apple U1 Chip take shape as early as September 30th, 2019 but more likely over the last quarter of 2019 on to the announcements of Apple Glasses.The Biggest Apple Announcement Today Was What Apple Actually Didn’t Announce—Yet.Apple began to give developers a small insight on the future of some aspects of the Appel U1 Chip during the World Wide Developer Conference 2019 {7]. The talk on “Introducing the Indoor Maps Program” will begin to more sense today. In the talk there was indirect reference to how Apple may use this technology.The accelerometer systems, GPS systems and IR proximity sensors of the first iPhone helped define the last generation of products. The Apple U1 Chip will be a material part of defining the next generation of Apple products.This all will move us to the ambient world of computing where the mechanical user interface will become less needed and situational images and video will present on the closest Apple U1 Chip enabled display. In some ways most of this is already here. I was urged to post a sort of recursive video below about this Quora answer as an example of the non-mechanical future.My drive this morning with Ms. #TheIntelligenceAmplifier.I was remiss and did not have her build my last 24 hours better but she is up to the task and found some solutions.I seriously don’t know what I would do with out her and— Brian Roemmele (@BrianRoemmele) September 12, 2019Specimen real-time video interaction with Agatha.Best, The Intelligence Amplifier from my garage lab.I feel rather strongly the Apple U1 Chip, over time will be seen as one of the most important aspect of the September 10th, 2019 Apple Event. We will see it as the start of the HyperLocal world of computing that ultimately will lead to less of a need for the cloud. The Apple U1 Chip is the start of this process of HyperLocal and HyperContextual computing where holographic crystal memory [8] and very fast local computer speed will render the cloud as we know it redundant and far less useful. With Petabytes of data on every device, all of your data and a useful base of the Internet will be local in a chip, on the device. This is far more than the speculated IoT edge computing and the Apple U1 Chip is one important part to bring this about. We will once again leave the Mainframe computer and become—cloudless.[0] Brian Roemmele's answer to Why is Apple’s iPhone Touch ID Important?[1] Ultra-wideband - Wikipedia[2] Brian Roemmele's answer to What are some interesting applications that are enabled by iBeacons technology featured in iOS 7?[3] DW1000 Radio IC - Decawave[4] Brian Roemmele's post in Accepting Payments[5] Hey, Apple and Google: iRobot wants to sell its Roomba vacuum indoor mapping data[6][7] Introducing the Indoor Maps Program - WWDC 2019 - Videos - Apple Developer[8] Formation of holographic polymer-dispersed liquid crystal memory by angle-multiplexing recording for optically reconfigurable gate arrays
Why can the Chinese government bear all the medical expenses in this outbreak (Chinese people do not need to spend a penny), but the US government can’t?
Because in the US, no amount of money could ever do what was done in China. Both Americans and Chinese have naïve assumptions about how the American health care system works. One of the most naïve assumptions is that the US has a robust system of public health. It doesn’t. It has a for-profit system of personal healthcare for individuals. Never the twain shall meet.More money put into a fundamentally dysfunctional system doesn’t necessarily lead to better outcomes. It can even be part of the process of worsening the problem.America’s private healthcare system doesn’t simply mean private doctors as opposed to state-owned clinics, hospitals, and provider services. It means that the mission of American health care is to tend to private individual’s personal emergencies and healthcare needs. In what may be called ordinary times, the medical difference between a personal emergency and a public health crisis may seem purely abstract, to some. Events like the pandemic of 2019/20 show that the distinction has a direct bearing on costs and outcomes, and even the functioning of society itself. America lacks a system of public health, and many Americans don’t even know that a system of public health and a system of personal health treatment are distinct things, let alone understanding their intersection.America’s private system is costly to the point of exclusion by design. Despite having a generalist to specialist ratio not very different from other industrialized countries, the US relies on more costly specialists for treatments far more often. The system is organized to serve providers, not the patients.American professionalization is based on complicating treatment for its own sake, as can be seen from comparing certification regimes on reiki and other remedies. Parallel with this, maximum profit comes from using the most expensive options to charge each patient the most, while providing limited services and service categories to individual patients. This also reduces costs to the provider and healthcare system, but not the costs of treatment.Less inclusive of the overall population, but requiring a greater part of national wealth.For instance, in pretty much any other country but the US, not only would a tooth crown be cheaper than in the US, but there would be a choice of materials and procedures from bare-bones cheap to very expensive, including shorter-term solutions. In the US, only the most expensive option is considered —which is usually more invasive and dangerous to boot. So, in this example of a tooth crown, given any excuse a crown will be discouraged. Instead, much more expensive implants will be preferred, and even the crown will only be available in the most expensive materials.This is pitched as saving the patient money by making a more long-term investment, but this also ignores that it is unaffordable for many. This forces many to forego otherwise accessible treatment altogether. Misleadingly, the health care industry will often justify lack of choice and access as a cost containment measure they are helpless to control, rather than the monopolistic practice to inflate prices that it is.Like the US, China’s pandemic response has been constrained and determined by the bureaucratic/ organizational processes and interests. For China, this means those who came to full hegemonic ascendancy in the suppression of the anarcho-communist uprising of 1989. Nothing that could even vaguely resemble a gong dong, a grass-roots mass campaign, is tolerated. This has institutionalized an organizational logic and structural framework of highly imperfect, sometimes contradictory, rigid top-down public emergency response mechanisms. These mechanisms are actively hostile to the transparency and independent state health authority that its public health campaign needed against this unforeseen outbreak. They are better suited to respond to outbreaks of political and material brush-fires. This led to China’s slow and counter-productive initial response.On the other hand, China, despite sharing many of the systemic dysfunctions as the US, has preserved a medical professionalization based on simplicity, fluid protocols, patent-free treatments and medicines, and popular accessibility, as well as potentially backed up by a material command structure that can be coherently mobilized for the national interest. They also could mobilize local party members as a ready-reserve for popular enforcement once initial reactions and political confusion were overcome. That allowed them to organize treatment and containment responses whose effectiveness the United States would be horrified to achieve, even if it could.China’s leadership is engrossed with maintaining social stability through active social and economic management. The goal is adequate employment and a rising standard of living to promote stability, and stability to promote economic growth. On the other hand, the US leadership deliberately promotes social insecurity as a means of labor discipline and social control, resulting in a polarized society.Thus, in contrast to the universal social mobilization necessary in the US, we see exclusion and selective concentration. With the Covid-19 epidemic, ventilators could be produced more cheaply and in greater quantities, but preference is given to the most expensive, patented-feature-rich, deluxe-models. Use of these expensive ventilators is for patients that have deteriorated to the point where many won’t survive, even if they are cured of the virus. Lengthy use of ventilators for advanced Covid-19 is physically traumatic, potentially bearing complications that can be debilitating or fatal.Less invasive, traumatic, and expensive treatments at less severe levels of Covid-19, such as intravenous vitamin C and holistic medicine, are dismissed in favor of promises of time-consuming development of expensive and scarce patent medicines. Delays in diagnosis and treatment is early treatment itself, also called “letting nature take its course”, as if nothing can be done until the patient gets worse.Likewise, some evidence shows that masks may not prevent contracting Covid-19, but may at least reduce the load of exposure, which may reduce the severity of illness. Added to this, more severe infections are more likely to lead to long-term health problems, particularly inflammatory and auto-immune reactions. Those reactions can even include provoking allergic reactions to the expensive pharmaceuticals necessary to save the patient. The American system systematically increases costs, and reduces effectiveness and efficiency through restricting and delaying accessibility as a design choice.The lack of public regulation leaves no other standard than the complicity between commercial and political interests, including insurance, pharmaceutical, and provider industries. Patients are reduced to objectified consumers based on where they fit in this model. If a patient can’t afford something, doctors will conclude there is something wrong with the patient, not with the options given to the patient. After all, the doctor is making a fortune off of the patient and assumes the patient has a sheep to fleece, too. Smaller charges, and cheaper procedures, are refused because given the same profit margin, the more expensive option is more profitable. An individual patient wanting a lower-profit procedure is not worth their valuable time, nor is a lower-profit population segment. The medical gaze and the vast gulf of social inequality means that many doctors are completely disconnected from their patients’ realities. Deeper pocket institutions dominate the process and determine the provider’s perspective.Scarcity is built not only into the provision of services, but into the corporate buy-outs of smaller clinics and hospitals to concentrate services in vast expensive, centrally-located campuses that monopolize the medical market in order to set prices at will. Increased money to for-profit health providers, like in the cases of banks bailed out in 2008, would be most profitably used by healthcare companies to buy out rivals and consolidate the market, not to increase beds and services, or to decrease wait times.What public clinics exist are often adjuncts of the private system, mostly careful not to offer competing services, supporting the for-profit sector by providing limited services to low-income people. They are often operated by the local public health departments, confusing that agency’s role. Treatments often consist of giving patients referrals to private providers that they know those patients can’t afford. While some public health officials are adamant about performing their public duty, pressure to under-report pandemic infections has resulted firing and public discrediting of whistle-blowers. Meanwhile, hospitals have accepted that they can only prioritize but not meet public needs, and they depend upon public health officials to help manage public perception of this.Pandemic response #1, recommended by public health authorities: One hand washing the other.The subordination of public health to personal providers presents a fundamental structural contradiction to pandemic control. Pandemic control requires testing that is uniform, systematic, and comprehensive. When public health authorities refer the public to private healthcare providers, who test for individualized treatment according to the providers’ interests, an ineffective and profiteering response is hard to avoid. When public health authorities subordinate themselves to the needs of business “flexibility”, even those who test positive are brought back to the workplace. When data and public information is fetishized as private property, there can be no rational coordination, such as between hospitals, nursing homes, or other providers: Nor importantly, among employees or citizens.CDC regulations state that someone who is positive can return to work after being positive for 30 days. Meanwhile, a plethora of agencies with particular jurisdictions and mandates set contradictory standards. Many healthcare workers are not tested because positive tests could lead to staff shortages. And since health is a strictly private matter, outbreaks can be covered up under the guise of protecting personal information.Since the US lacks a structure to provide universal healthcare access, one must ask what the financial arrangements for universal testing would look like. In many cases, even free testing requires a doctor’s order, which can be costly, especially if it requires an ER visit. Meanwhile, testing would remain voluntary, which means the most irresponsible and selfish people, who are most likely to do stupid things, are most likely to not be tested.And even when the state provides health insurance, there is no legal requirement that it be accepted, and no mechanism to regulate fees. There is only participation in the market. Since the state’s insurance pays less, and there is no legal obligation to accept it, providers who accept it subsidize the excessive profits of those who refuse it. The market does not regulate but deranges economy by redistributing wealth upward to the most predatory.Ron Paul, doctor and perennial presidential candidate of the libertarian right in the US. As a doctor, he refused to accept patients with state health insurance on the principled grounds that it was paid for with “stolen money”. A personally convenient principle and definition of theft. Paul called the Covid-19 pandemic a ‘hoax’, and called for Anthony Fauci to be dismissed from the White House Coronavirus Task Force to stop him from hurting the stock market and grabbing power for big government; After all, power is currently in the right hands, where God’s wisdom put it: Those of the Wall Street barons who finance his presidential bids.Since the for-profit healthcare industry has such monopolistic powers, and those profits work in parallel with those of the pharmaceutical companies and insurance companies, the more money put into this system, the higher the profits and less the service. In answer to one reader who doubts this, I would add that according to David Belk, author of The Great American Healthcare Scam: How Kickbacks, Collusion and Propaganda have Exploded Healthcare Costs in the United States: “The revenue for any health insurance company is tied directly to its expenses. In other words, the more a health insurance company spends each year, the more revenue they can earn (through premium increases the next year). Therefore, the last thing any health insurance company would want is for their overall expenses to drop.”This is not simply a racket or scam, however, but an integrated system of vertical and horizontal monopoly. It is deliberately structured for absence of substitutes, many buyers but most lacking negotiating leverage, price discrimination, and legal protection. And despite the ideological pretense of economic liberalism, since this is a monopoly, participation is by definition not voluntary, nor is exclusion.The private insurance system is the tip of an ice-burg of a system not only of collusion for inflated price-fixing, but parallel strategies from patent monopolization, price kickbacks, and corporate buy-outs. Monopolistic practices reduce treatment options through service rationing and market exclusion. The 2012 buy-out of ventilator manufacturer Newport Medical Instruments by Covidien to remove their simpler and less expensive rival ventilator from the market is a case in point. This is a system that doesn’t necessarily respond to increased investment the way free-market ideology teaches us it does.US HOSPITAL CONSTRUCTION SPENDINGThis enormous increase in debt-financed hospital construction has been paralleled by the closing of small cash-starved rural hospitals with lower profit margins and smaller urban hospitals to engage in real estate speculation. This trend continues to accelerate, even during the Covid outbreak, as shown for the first quarter of 2020 alone.Wait times for service have increased at a time when increased money has gone into hospital and clinic construction, mostly financed on debt that includes junk bonds.During the Covid-19 response in the US, the Trump administration announced that environmental regulations would not be enforced during the crisis. What could that possibly have to do with the pandemic, besides the chronic excuse that ‘business’ needs more money? Answer: The same thing as the country’s weak food safety regulations and weak work safety regulations. In response to the pandemic, the Trump administration’s Department of Transportation has also removed limits on the hours many truck drivers can (be forced to) work. Or as they put it, they would, “provide hours-of-service regulatory relief to commercial vehicle drivers.”What a relief! Clearly, America is over-protected.Those regulations exist within a legal system dependent on civil litigation to enforce the laws that do exist, rather than direct enforcement by the state, as exists in Europe. This creates a legal system subordinated to powerful individuals and entities who can purchase the law and suppress its enforcement, as enforcement is tied to a weak and politically complicit public authority.What this has to do with an effective epidemic response is that, as I said, for most intents and purposes the US does not have a genuine and coherent public health system. It simply isn’t anyone’s job. It is not the private providers’ job and isn’t supposed to be. It isn’t the public authorities’ job, as they are tasked with defending private interests. It is then left to ‘personal responsibility’ and ‘choice’. Choice is a word that neoliberals chant like a mantra, but more perceptive people understand that what is called ‘exercise of choice’ usually is just a right-wing double-talk for exercise of privilege. Even elections are not really choices but exercises in privilege by the most powerful.Times like the Covid-19 pandemic of 2020 reveal how deeply and fundamentally divided and contradictory our societies are, but liberal ideologues can say that looked at from a certain perspective events like these affect us all equally and bring us all together as one. We can choose to rely on our neighbors and families and come together in a common effort. The virus doesn’t discriminate and we’re all in this together. Were it only so, as it is the sentimental imaginations of these people.Yes, looked at from a certain perspective, the perspective of someone privileged. Yes, we are all coming together to funnel trillions to corporations, speculators, and capital markets. Yes, those who have the money and security to prepare for events like this, as they can prepare for major medical events of other kinds, or even retirement, do have a choice and do come together to secure their private, personal interests. Yes, the virus doesn’t discriminate, but people do, and they do in their use and abuse of the pandemic, and in who receives testing and treatment, who gets protected and exposed, and who dies abandoned in their homes.No matter how much is funneled into private interests, aspects of the public interest will be left unattended, or even worsened, by all matters being decided by a competition of winners and losers. Regardless of what course is taken, no universal solution will be implemented, because anything universal would be a right rather than a privilege. Americans never even speak of their social rights, only obliquely of a social “safety net”, for a reason. Unequal and inconsistent treatment and prices seen in American healthcare reflect the parallel lack of equal educational advantages, livable wage job opportunities, affordable housing options, environmental and work safety standards, and legal protection.The Association of American Medical Colleges estimates despite market saturation in many specialties under current conditions in the industry, an overall shortage of over 20,000 doctors in the US in 2017. In addition to that number, there is an added shortfall of 30,000- 95,000 doctors that would be needed immediately in order to equalize healthcare use patterns across race, income and social demographics, insurance coverage, and geography, “in addition to the policy changes and economic considerations needed to improve equity.” Lack of medical insurance was described as a relatively lesser issue among these. Covid-19 pandemic has brought out the deep and fundamental structural divisions and inequalities determining national responses to the crisis, and demonstrates the misanthropy of the ruling ideology that justifies it.Aside from the fundamental structural change that the US would need to undergo to do what the more advanced countries like China and Korea are doing, Americans would have to undergo an equally fundamental change in their fanatical neoliberal ideology. There is a reason that communist governments have been popular and successful in countries with high rates of infectious diseases that have long gone unattended by their predecessor regimes.Public health, however, is not a communist idea, but a small “d” democratic one, a popular institution. It is therefore an idea opposed by fanatical anti-communists, and by stubborn regimes of entrenched interests, like the current American one, which has proven systematically incapable of improving the lives of the bulk of its own people for more than half a century now despite extreme need.The principle upon which the fight against disease should be based is the creation of a robust body; but not the creation of a robust body by the artistic work of a doctor upon a weak organism; rather, the creation of a robust body with the work of the whole collectivity, upon the entire social collectivity.Someday, therefore, medicine will have to convert itself into a science that serves to prevent disease and orients the public toward carrying out its medical duties. Medicine should only intervene in cases of extreme urgency, to perform surgery or something else which lies outside the skills of the people of the new society we are creating.The work that today is entrusted to the Ministry of Health and similar organizations is to provide public health services for the greatest possible number of persons, institute a program of preventive medicine, and orient the public to the performance of hygienic practices.From: On Revolutionary Medicine, Ernesto Che GuevaraEven if I were to accept the fantasy that the US has the best health care in the world—a laughably ignorant and subjective claim—that best treatment could only apply to a small group of winners. In American thinking, that is the “best” outcome.In Chinese thinking, the “best” solution may not be the best treatment for a minority of the population that looks like something from a science fiction movie. The solution is important, but access to the solution is important too. The best solution is the one that balances the best outcome with benefit reaching the most people. A solution that is a less Buck Rogers, but still an effective treatment that applies to 99% of the population, is seen as better.Western allopathic medicine objectifies the patient and projects the doctor’s interests and views onto the patient, as a number of studies of racism in western medicine has shown, referring to the abuses of the “medical gaze”. Health care providers in both countries treat patients according to their own treatment goals, not the patients’ goals or any “objective” need. This cultural tendency as to what constitutes the ‘best’ solution will color what subjective judgment providers make.Let the Market sort ’em out.Someone who hasn’t worked in the US healthcare system, let alone during this pandemic as I have (though in my case I am an active observer rather than an interested one), might naively think that American doctors would like to do a more comprehensive job of infection control, but they are victims of the larger healthcare system. This vastly underestimates the violent hostility many doctors and nurses have to administering any tests ‘unnecessary’ to their own needs as healthcare providers, and takes certain reassurances from them too much at face-value. This naivete misunderstands their role integral with an entire system. It also assumes that public health authorities in the US don’t have interests parallel with the dominant social interests, often deferring to the private system.The spiral of infection this anti-testing attitude provokes can lead to misleading complaints by the medical profession. Though doctors may complain that the healthcare system in the US isn’t supporting them as they would like it to, don’t assume you know what they mean by that, or it is necessarily in your interest.And while the liberal mantra of individual choice is invoked whenever the broader interest rears its devil-spawned head crowned with hissing snakes, it is these same people, as Margaret Thatcher famously did, who say, ‘TINA’, There Is No Alternative. Tax cuts starve public services. Regulatory agencies are often administered by the corporate lawyers and executives whom they are supposed to be regulating but instead protect. This means that structures that could provide public interest have been subordinated to a system of specific private interests.Legal roles supporting Dr. ZaiusConsolidation of regulatory agencies in the name of ‘efficiency’ means that agencies have such a broad and disparate set of missions that they can’t effectively perform all the many functions they are assigned; Their broad mission scope creates a vague and complex mechanism for enforcement where regulation is undertaken. And while these choice-loving people hate ‘big government’, they ignore that corporations only exist at all by virtue of charters granted by governments. They say that those governments who abrogate that part of their power to those companies should demand nothing in return, even that those companies pursue their private profit in the broad public interest. Instead, they say, these companies should be left to their ‘choices’. They tell us that where regulation is in order, it should be “self-regulation”.For the American private healthcare system, there is nothing it can do with “mild” cases of Covid-19. “Mild” does not describe the experience of the person with the illness, but the requirements for healthcare provider treatment.Treatment in early stages and while symptoms are less severe, as China did along with quarantine dormitories to deliver that treatment while controlling contagion, simply can’t be translated into American private care terms. In the US, most of these people would fall under the category of, DENIED, not worth the system’s valuable time. Meanwhile, there is simply no institutional place for them to exist in the American neo-liberal ideological and economic structure.This kind of treatment in Wuhan is deemed worthwhile because of a broader concept of value, not strictly a private one.What the American system did instead is to promise to send checks to ‘everybody’ and tell them to stay home for an indeterminate time. It was a questionable promise, already disproven by those who have been excluded from payment, but for the sake of argument: That money could go to certain private individuals to help with their choices, and to provide private treatment, which may include testing IF it is relevant to that personal treatment. But the distribution of cash simply evades the question of the contradiction of a personal strategy against a social problem, such as a public health crisis.Some think that such spending makes us all a closer and healthier big family with common interests. But most of the bailout money will be spent to privilege maintenance of business as usual and the status quo everywhere, including in the healthcare system. So, how can anyone seriously believe that any amount of such money could change anything when that’s what it is prioritized to prevent?Personal emergencies and circumstances will take precedent over public prevention, because that is not a private service. This will inevitably lead to infecting others. No personal treatment regime will be tailored to preventing progression of the illness once, let alone before, it is contracted, unless it relates to that individual’s treatment begun after they became seriously ill.Putting more money into a system that prefers high-cost treatments of serious illness over treatment of a multitude of lower-cost, less-serious early stages of the illness, doesn’t necessarily mean improved outcome. It does, however, while reducing the total number of patients, carry the highest cost per patient treated, obviously by more exclusively and more often treating more highest-cost patients. This is the definition by which many claim that the US has the ‘best’ healthcare in the world.Compare this mapWith this mapThe American system has a toolbox of hammers, which is why it has “wars” over social issues, such as poverty and drugs; It has no such scalpels as a universal system of testing, universal data collection and sharing, comprehensive safety regulation, and targeted isolation that are the cornerstones of an effective contagion response. Where it has such tools, such as the NSA’s data collection, re-purposing them for public access contradicts why they exist. Blunt instruments ensure that the system’s fundamental details are not altered or eliminated.“War Is a Racket. It always has been…one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives”—Smedley Butler. Fitting caption to Trump, acting as self-proclaimed “war president”, invoking Defense Production Act and authorizing trillions to the oligarchy.Wars are logically fought to defend the existing society, the status quo. War is a means of addressing a question by mobilizing a society rather than by changing a society in any fundamental way. The endless social “wars” are fought as a defense of privilege against whatever that privilege feels may be challenging it. The War on Poverty at the height of the cold war was fought against the threat of a rival system emerging.Just as testing is subordinated to private treatment, so is protective gear. In the US, masks have also been privileged to healthcare professionals, though not to say necessarily available to them. Their public at first was actively discouraged from wanting, much less using, them systematically. American authorities then moved on to encouraging DIY solutions that ignore standardized quality and effectiveness, coordination, and the reason that disposable PPE is disposable. Rather than reducing exposure, or taking responsibility, the American system thinks mostly of reducing liability.By contrast, in China, people in public places wear face masks so they won’t infect others. Americans are acting in ways that do not care about infecting others, as there is no shame in it and little profit in infection control. In fact, a display of defiance is a rejection of potential liability—a cornerstone of business. The western ideal of freedom gives a false sense of liberty that the objective reality of the virus has made impossible, not “big government”; This is something that only privilege can ignore.Thatcherism #1: A person’s first duty is to themselves.Rather than being a problem of individual or collective psychology, this is a matter of a particular psychology, championed by powerful, interested narcissists, that imposes itself onto policy, even in collectivist shame cultures, like Japan.Whatever is going on in society is somehow not real to people with this ideology. Society is something that happens to somebody else, often beneath them, if at all. Hence, they view the pandemic as a hoax or those with public space concerns as paranoid meddlers.We see the sobering implications of this extreme ideology at work in the Covid pandemic. Despite the British NHS being state-operated, it exists within the same ideological and financialized regime. NHS’s public efforts are contradicted and sabotaged by a society where public health emergencies and private emergencies are distinct and separate, and one is exclusively privileged over the other. Predictably, the UK’s response to the pandemic has been among the worst in Europe in terms of infection and mortality rates, as the crisis has been left to be solved by individuals and families in the scope of their private lives, and by statistics.Americans can treat infection as a public order question, but not as a public health issue. That’s because the public is a threat hanging over the privileged, not something they share in.They can lock down the country, but they can’t universally distribute effective face masks, because that is an individual matter to be solved by uncoordinated individuals with unequal standards, no particular professional training, and disparate intentions.Contrast American DIY this with the kind of comprehensive public health crisis response in by Taiwan:Deutsche Welle (DW) English language report on Taiwan’s face-mask strategy.In the American cultural ecology, there simply isn’t any central agency to administer the tests on a massive scale, even on autopsies, and no systemic logic for one to exist or be organized for public use. Even the CDC lacks such a mandate, deferring to local authorities that may not even exist in some places, much less cooperate with other jurisdictions. There would be nothing for a central authority to do with the information, even if they had it.Where data is even collected, there is no comprehensive standard or systematic process that enables data to be combined from local health authorities in a way that we can even get an entirely coherent national picture. ProPublica reports, “the quality and speed of the data coming in varies so much that it can feel like wrangling reports from more than 50 countries.” There’s Been a Spike in People Dying at Home in Several Cities. That…The same ProPublica article says American public health authorities can not even give real time Covid-19 data to the public in April 2020 because of, “thin staffing or antiquated computer systems”. If this is war, America is going to war with the military it has, not the one it needs.What does exist within the American healthcare system is an ecology of service providers and vendors, and an infrastructure that supports that system. To understand that ecology, let’s take a look at the supply chains that support the American healthcare system.Service provider supply-chains can be vague, mysterious, and complicated. That is even more true for health service providers because of safety concerns, standards that can be subjective, a decentralized market, and multiple people within an organization who can be responsible for ordering supplies. Healthcare supply chains contrast with traditionally more integrated and centralized manufacturer supply chains.Manufacturer supply chains tend to be throughput-oriented, while healthcare supply chains tend to lack standardized processes that help overcome bottlenecks and systematically address quality control issues. American private health care systems center on individual doctors, even in large groups, who may have unique preferences in terms of quality and quantity assessed per appointment or procedure.The US is geographically diverse and spread-out. Given that most US healthcare is provided by disparate providers and non-acute centers rather than hospitals, there are few centralized inventories, and no large public stockpile. Disparate providers have different needs based on staffing and local circumstances and infrastructure. There is no standard distribution, quantity, price, or availability, and a plethora of parallel markets.Despite some particularities, this is not entirely unique to the American healthcare system; However, in the US, this highly imperfect, slow responding, and inefficient supply chain system exists in an economic and political regime hostile to regulation, long-term planning, or overall economic coordination. Coordination would smooth out supply, but it would also have the unwanted effect of reducing speculative and market profits from imperfect information, local imbalances and supplier availability, bulk and limited purchase, and market swings. This means that, in the US, there is no structure or motive to meaningfully coordinate and track all raw and finished materials in that supply chain. Materials may be hoarded or encounter production or distribution bottlenecks, but there is no recognized process for resolution or command.On the contrary, the Defense Production Act invoked by President Trump to coordinate the public response has been interpreted to turn this problem on its ear. It was iconically used to attack the site of the first work and food safety regulatory reforms of the 20th century in the US, the meat packing industry. The Trump administration identified supply chain “bottlenecks” as regulatory closing of unsafe work environments in the meat packing industry by state and local authorities. Meanwhile, rather than enforcing high uniform quality control, such as in use of PPE by health workers, policy has been to allow relaxation in standards, resulting in elimination or a multiplication of particular workplace protection regimes, further complicating the market. Complication also enhances profits.The freedom of speculative and other capital to circulate, and prices and supplies to fluctuate unhindered, is a priority to those with commanding positions in the intangible goods economy, which the United States dominates. Bottlenecks in the flow and leveraging of capital, not in production or delivery, are the issue. Or, to be more explicit in what I am saying, there is a direct connection between deregulation, which has been done for reasons of speculative profit, and the demotion or absence of public health and other infrastructures necessary to mount an effective pandemic response.Due to commodities being rapidly resold and arbitrarily repackaged on an international scale countless times a minute, horse meat ended up shuffled into IKEA’s beef lasagna like financial packages were turned into toxic assets in the financial crisis of 2008. Enron made billions before going bankrupt by profiting from the change in value of oil and gas, not the price itself. Such crises only attract lawmaker interest when it threatens to provoke unwanted regulation, which it’s their job to prevent, rather than protecting public health and interest.In the case of surgical masks, the Covid-19 panic led to some withholding of materials and supplies, including finished products. 3M, which manufactures some N95 masks, does not sell them directly to health care providers. Instead, they use distributors who are free to charge whatever they see fit and withhold supplies themselves, or to sell them to other middle-men. This also gives an example of the unnecessarily complicated and vague supply chain management that reduces quality at point of service, and makes supply chains, and products and services, mysterious.To further inflate prices, companies have resisted converting production to much needed medical supplies, such as PPE, because that would reduce their rate of profit on existing stock, which is the reason for hoarding, and reduce profit margins on future sales in an monopoly-established market demand. Any expansion of production must happen within that system of monopoly. What is produced is diverted to the highest profit markets, not the place of greatest need. That includes primary resources, such as cotton used to make masks, that speculators withheld from manufacturers to raise the price. The US Pentagon, with its revolving career door to its contractors, has not had the world’s best record of being an institution that suppresses the corruption and delays that a mysterious and complex process can elicit.Once the Covid-19 pandemic resulted in medical supply shortages, American lawmakers responded with protectionist legislation to protect American medical supply chain vendors from Chinese competition against what they weren’t making and selling. This is the precise opposite of the Chinese response, which was to ease import taxes on pandemic essential supplies for epidemic preventative public health measures until domestic production could catch up.This is based on two distinct ideas of economy. The Chinese idea of economy, having been influenced by socialism and their specific culture, sees economy as a collective body as well as an arena of personal profit. The American idea of economy is strictly one of personal profit, dismissing all else as “inefficiency”.The American president delegated policy-setting for invocation of the Defense Production Act to people like his chief China advisor, trade-warrior Peter Navarro—a man without expertise either about China nor in public health and infectious disease control. The intersection of the US pandemic response with the trade war against China is not arbitrary nor the result of what Chinese responsibility for this pandemic may or may not exist.Monopolies rely on controlled production and closed markets. Markets are controlled through some level of production as well as exclusion. The “liberation movement” pushing to maintain production, even in the face of drastically reduced demand and rising inventories, has no better example than the Covid-induced oil glut. That came about as a result of nations refusing to reduce production in order to maintain their existing market share at a time of plummeting consumption.Oil tanker waiting off-shore with nowhere to put its cargo. Crude oil prices temporarily entered negative territory in 2020, when inventories from over-production was set to exceed storage capacity. Though exacerbated by the Covid-19 panic, over-production of oil is a long-standing issue.Under supply-side economics, production and consumption have lost any direct connection, with production for its own sake and for market dominance, unrelated to economic coherency. Instead, production is finance capital-driven and directed toward wealth concentration and cost reduction. Ideally, the suppression of wages is compensated with exports expanding markets by undercutting rival nations’ wage costs. Under pandemic conditions, this model is in chaos. The auto industry is pushing for an unregulated return to work and unregulated market, in order to maximize profits, despite rounds of factory start-up and shut-down from outbreaks, supplier bottlenecks causing backlogs alongside excess inventories, and lack of available stock of specific options in a production model based on high consumer-specific variants.While war-time production commands were invoked by President Trump, there was no public health authority to participate in prioritization and standards to direct and coordinate production. Instead of a public health or infectious disease experts, efforts are overseen by interested parties and political appointees. Those officials act in continuation of overriding policies and existing business relationships, not necessarily in the interest of fighting the pandemic itself.This kind of direction of efforts, where the pandemic itself was a secondary consideration, has even meant forced prioritization of some things, such as chloroquine, that has no proven value against Covid-19; That is according to President Trump’s own scientific experts on his pandemic task force and a director of the agency overseeing vaccine development efforts.The arbitrary privileging of chloroquine purchases, production, and even export for Covid-19 treatment has diverted supplies of the drug away from patients with conditions the drug is proven to help. What this can be thought to have accomplished would only occur to a “businessman”, like Trump or Navarro: They are fulfilling the needs of a targeted market demand that they have themselves created or that may not even objectively exist, regardless of the broader implications or its impact on overall human needs.Why specifically chloroquine as the arbitrary choice of expensive patent snake-oil cures for Covid-19? According to one article, The Covid-19 "Manhattan Project" and its Ties to the CIA : “Novartis, working on a hydroxychloroquine treatment for the virus, paid (Donald Trump’s recently convicted lawyer Michael) Cohen more than $1 million for “policy insights” after Trump’s election in 2016. After their relationship was leaked, Novartis apologized. Later, a congressional investigation revealed the real objective of Novartis, the company: “explicitly sought to hire Michael Cohen to provide the company ‘access to key policymakers’ in the Trump administration…”Policy in implementing the DPA is to “negotiate” price and quality through the market, not to regulate it; The complex decentralized medical supply chain in the US makes such command implementation both legally and technically more complicated, and all the more in need of coordination on the highest level, including international.It has been said that the cure is worse than the Covid-19 disease. Perhaps they are, but this is only said to evade that prevention, through a rapid, coherent, regulated public health response would have avoided both, as it has in Taiwan. There, the regulatory infrastructure was already in place, and will remain so.Safe work, production, and product regulations would require vastly increased staffing, specialization, and litigation by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, among others. Instead, a regulatory regime is being negotiated by public pressure and market operations, including illegal reopening. It is being negotiated by lawyers and business people rather than set by public health experts.Pandemic-response regulation would strengthen the role of unions, who have a leading role in complaint-driven investigations. It would strengthen direct spot policing authority to inspect businesses for violations, such as exists in Taiwan. It would be:Leaving regulation of the pandemic to private companies, and their own profit and security driven priorities, has demonstrated itself to result in companies hiding outbreaks and whitewashing compliance through their control of information. This is done to evade employee opposition and imposition of public regulation. Only that kind of enforced state regulation would provide effective and supply-chain consistent measures to better ensure consumer and employee safety, as well as integrate into a coherent social response necessary to contain contagion.Employee temperature check at Amazon, which has not prevented infectious outbreaks at their facilities, nor has it contributed to coordinated efforts to control the pandemic. It has fragmented them. Policy under the Trump Administration has been toward systematic fragmentation of response to evade blame, and to disorient public response.Placing testing in the hands of private doctors and hospitals is just as fundamental a conflict of interests. American private care is about doctors rationing services to individuals to contain costs and maximize profits, while providing testing to serve their treatment regimes and profits. The public interest is not in their scope. Asking hospitals and doctors to implement a regime of universal testing doesn’t actually make any sense in the context of their logic and role. There is nothing THEY can do with the data from those results, because they don’t test for data points.Test results would need to be managed by a public health system that doesn’t exist in America, that nobody is responsible for creating, and that the existing system will continue fighting furiously to block, sabotage, undermine, prevent, and exploit any opportunity to achieve its opposite.That isn’t to say the American system can’t respond at all to infectious outbreaks. The response to hepatitis shows it can, but only within existing frameworks. In the case of hepatitis, success in reducing the overall incidence of the disease in the US, even while local outbreaks continue, has come from public vaccination campaigns. This means individuals receive injections, even provided by public nurses and clinics.In the case of an infectious disease that doesn’t have the private treatment option of vaccination, the system doesn’t have many effective solution options. Despite success with reducing hepatitis, the increases in lyme and other vector-borne diseases in the US demonstrates the systemic indifference or hostility to anything that doesn’t fall within the treatment goals and methods of the existing healthcare infrastructure.Even in the case of vaccination, vaccination records are often discarded, though some states have recently been developing a limited registry. However, since the providers have no obligation to keep the records, and public authorities have no mandate to keep records either, responses tend to be incidental and uncoordinated. The lack of organization, as well as a lack of international coordination, make it difficult to martial a response when there isn’t a vaccine manufacturer and/or major stake-holder to lobby for it.President Trump has pursued a deliberate policy of local entities creating their own infection control regimes rather than the federal government, including establishing a presidential task force that severed and further fragmented existing national emergency response networks. Ineffective, but in-line with pre-existing policy and resistance to taking any action that would harm corporate profits and deregulation. One of Trump’s first actions was to initiate a travel ban, which many experts contend is an ineffective strategy, but aligned with his existing hermetic and xenophobic policies.His America-first policies see everyone as a competitor. In April, 2020, he moved to cut off the World Health Organization’s funding in a competition with its authority, calling its response too, “Chinese”. Ironically, WHO’s failings in the Covid-19 crisis, which are real, may be the product of WHO’s lack of independent enforcement authority over governments and lack of American interest in such institutions. This made WHO weak to Chinese pressure and influence, as they tried to coax more information from China without alienating them. In another irony, equally in line with American de-regulatory policy, cutting WHO funding will do nothing to alter Chinese policy, but it will hinder efforts by poorer, smaller nations, estimated to be half of 182 countries surveyed by the IMF, who lack their own resources that can as effectively oversee pandemic efforts. Meanwhile, lack of complete information sharing mean that every interested party must endlessly duplicate each other’s research efforts if only just to insure having all the relevant detail, costing time and wasting limited resources on counter-productive competition.Of course, sidelining WHO also supports American efforts to control market concentration. One example is how this serves US attempts at domination of vaccine development, which is subordinated to the American healthcare monopoly system. WHO’s organizational logic would potentially support vaccine development and administration outside this closed system. That has the potential to allow outside interests to invade the American market by diversifying sources. Such a development would potentially abrogate intended American domination of global markets.Apparently, those supporting this course of action against the Chinese virus would like a more American response; As if this is a national, rather than a human, problem, or as if the problem is governmental and foreign“interference” rather than the objective reality making state intervention and international coordination necessary.Listening to the experts is never enough and isn’t a solution in itself. As with Global Warming, some have advocated “listening to the science”; However, science can only tell us about the disease, not how to implement a response to it. That’s a political rather than a purely technical decision that can be left to engineers and markets to sort out. When left to the experts, those decisions and strategies are left to the experts’ bureaucratic interests and social biases. A xenophobic nationalist course of action simply contributes to entrenched national interests dominating that nation’s response, and in doing so obstructs what may be the most appropriate response to the situation. One of the first principles of managing infectious disease is that they are specific, and have specific requirements.As Prof. Terry Lum told a committee of the UK parliament investigating that country’s high nursing home death rate compared to Hong Kong’s, the UK relied on its own past experience and the institutional logic that evolved from experience with flu epidemics, while also conforming to a strictly private solution within existing structural frameworks. In the UK, and in the US, nursing homes are vulnerable due to the casualization of health workers employed at multiple locations, and lack of community isolation facilities as a contagion firewall. Instead, every individual nursing home requires their own on-site containment wards, which is a practical impossibility.Countries that experienced the SARS and MERS outbreaks may have developed organizational processes and structures more appropriate to Covid-19. The American rejection of international expertise, in favor of its interested domestic experts, means America will not learn from foreign experience; Instead, as with each nursing home, Americans will be required to re-invent the wheel under conditions that resist change inconsistent with existing structures and practices, ensuring that responses permanently lag behind developments. Without structures for national and international coordination, lessons, when learned, are learned too late and when ignored, serve only the entrenched interests at the expense of the public. Meanwhile, the lack of shared resources results in weak links that promote outbreaks that will spread.One group of experts, Scientists to Stop Covid-19, is led by self-styled “venture capitalist” Dr. Tom Cahill, and includes such notables as biotech and pharmaceutical philanthropist Michael Milken, (pictured above as young hot-shot junk bond promoter) implicated by Ivan Boesky for racketeering and securities fraud and pardoned by Donald Trump on February 18, 2020. Another member of the group is Peter Thiel, whose philanthropy goes beyond medical solutions to include seasteading, literally creating off-shore private capital havens beyond the laws of any nation. He justifies himself through the intellectual pretensions of fascism expressed in the “theories” of Carl Schmitt. Thiel has also made news in threatening to move operations he controls out of California because of what he calls California’s over-regulation of the pandemic. The Wall Street Journal reported that “the FDA and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) have implemented some of their suggestions, namely relaxing drug manufacturer regulations and requirements for potential coronavirus treatment drugs.” Actions by the members of this group revealed a significant intersection of interests: Not only have they vastly profited by benefit from, and insider knowledge of, new laws, regulatory changes, government purchases, and treatments though; They also have also used advanced knowledge of, and participation in formulation of, trade war measures against China to reap stock and bond market windfalls.In the US, limited public health authorities, which are often local, also often have limited authority to direct jurisdictions as to what steps to take. Instead, it is often experts in non-public health related areas, under no central coordination or authority, to make decisions when and how it suits them. Agencies may purchase vaccines, but that doesn’t necessarily connect with IP, storage, distribution, and administration of the vaccines. Each step is uncoordinated and ad hoc, leaving no one watching the watchers. This not only causes slow and haphazard response, but quality control, corruption, and competition issues. During the Covid-19 crisis in the US, the price of ventilators has multiplied as different states, jurisdictions, and companies compete to purchase those available.New York Governor Cuomo speaks about ventilator purchase competition.I could go on about patents and patent monopolies, healthcare industry kickbacks to doctors, financing an entire economy or individual sectors such as healthcare through unsupportable debt bubbles, and tax policies that encourage charges so excessive that they can’t be paid, with the resulting secondary market of the selling of unpayable consumer debts being a leading source of hospital profits. I could also talk more about trade wars and tariffs, and data ownership issues in sharing pandemic related data with the public having implications that stretch to Google, Facebook, and other data barons. I could even go into tax regulations and subsidies that support existing manufactures and services (that is lobbyists for entrenched interests) over creating new ones, or measures that promote specific American colonization schemes, such as genetic engineering. This answer is only the tip of a very large and largely ignored, unexplained, or neoliberal-splained ice-burg.Administering and overseeing this glacier are public officials who live their lives in a bubble of lobbyists; They are protected by a public who, like their public officials, have their narcissism catered to, while they live in a self-absorbed bubble, indifferent or hostile to anything outside their private scope.It may even be claimed that if you don’t have a solution, then there isn’t a problem. Since the American pandemic response can not be repaired within the current parameters of its healthcare system, they tell us there is nothing to be done except continued expansion of deregulation, austerity, and liberal economics, while waiting for ‘herd immunity’ to kick in.However, to put it more succinctly, you just can’t get there from here.
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