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Since the Manchester terrorist was a second generation British citizen, what methods can we realistically use to stop further attacks?

This answer may contain sensitive images. Click on an image to unblur it.Why we are seeing so many terrorists coming from second generation Muslim homes, even moderate westernized Muslim homes, has a lot to do with the insular nature of Muslim communities.Many immigrant communities form insular neighborhoods that become part of the culture of their cities. Think of the Chinatowns, or Little Koreas that exist. It serves as a buffer from culture shock and allows for ease of peaceful assimilation into the new culture. It’s also a none too surprising effect of basic psychology that people gravitate to those like themselves. In the United States, this has worked especially well with mixed European cultures, eventually melding so thoroughly that most white Americans have no clue to the extent of their Irishness, Englishness, or Germanness, but simply classifying themselves as American of European descent. It has also worked with communities that value success in the new culture. One might look at Chinese or Jewish families, who both have very strong cultural ties, but also very strongly promote success wherever they are. In doing so, you may have a mother who works very hard and lives culturally very similar to the life she lived in her homeland, but raises children aware of their ancestral culture, but still capable of living with, communicating and communing with, and later competing with their native peers in a style that other natives wouldn’t be able to differentiate from their own. The children of those second generationers will view themselves even more a part of the culture they are in than that of their grandparents, as their parents likely moved out to live the life of successful people in the new culture. Try to imagine a wealthy tech entrepreneur in San Francisco choosing between a home in Menlo Park or living below his mother in Chinatown - he will likely buy his mom a nice house and his kids will go to Palo Alto High School. They will know that their Grandmother was an immigrant, but they have lived their entire lives embraced by their new culture. They are far more likely to intermarry with other ethnic groups, having vastly differing values and belief systems than their grandparents, until they are culturally homogeneous with the new culture as assimilation has ran its full course.With a sizable portion of Islamic migrants, we see different challenges. Islam differs from other religions in that it is a codified work of political implementation of a religion, not just a religion itself. Within it are codes that govern behavior of men and women, require the implementation of extrajudicial Sharia courts where the state is not Islamic, and make certain acts, such as apostasy or the leaving of Islam, punishable by death. We also have to contend with the fact that culturally, many Islamic groups still function tribally, which is not to say they are barbaric or unsophisticated, but that very large family networks still govern much of their lives. To maintain these networks, many very large family groups will uproot and move as a cohesive unit, or bring over more of the family as the family grows in prosperity. In this way, one hundred or one hundred-fifty members of the same family could move in and “colonize” an area in successive waves in only a matter of a few years. Often, these families will police their own by means that are unseen and ungovernable outside of the community, enforcing governing codes consistent with Sharia law, which is not outlawed in the native state.Given all of this, we have an insular community that is very, very slow to assimilate to the new culture. This is also why we don’t see many of the behaviors many westerners are demanding of these groups, such as speaking out more publically against the terrorists, because for many moderate Muslims, speaking out against the direction of Islam’s modern radical evolution, or even admitting that they’ve lost faith in Islam, comes with severe social stigma, and can range from shaming yourself and your immediate family, exile from a community they don’t know how to live without, to even being killed via extrajudicial punishment in extreme cases. I’ve seen the experience compared to “coming out” like gays in America to express dissent or apostasy to the community. Given that, while I too want to see more Muslims more publicly vocal against Islamic based terror, I can see it hard for them to do so when their local community is so much a part of their lives, where it plays almost none in mine.*It needs to be said at this point that Americans fundamentally don’t understand this concept as the practice is far less common than it is in Europe. The costs of moving to the United States is prohibitive, especially for moving an entire extended family, meaning that the only Muslims which usually make it into the states are born from wealthier, more modern, more urban, and more westernized upper class Muslim households. The communities they form in the United States are less family based, and therefore, are freer to assimilate than European migrants. This might explain why various reporting agencies report that among worldwide studies of Islamic populations, the American Muslim community is less prone to radicalization than any other. This is also important in that most liberal defenders of Islam do so by basing their stereotypes of all Muslims on those they know in the United States, which is to say, judging a population of over a billion people based on an extreme minority of them. This is illustrated greatly in an Intelligence squared debate between now famous polymesists and apologetics for Islam. That lies outside the scope of this question, but I’ll provide a link to it for those interested. Is Islam a Religion of Peace?This doesn’t mean second generation Muslims are more or less prone to terrorism by their nature, but given the slowness to assimilate, it does present many problems.First, an Algerian living in France doesn’t view himself as French, even after three generations since their family moved. Regardless of how he is treated by the French, he is Algerian and will continue to identify with and even defend other Algerians, even when their beliefs are antithetical to those of the French. This isn’t such a big deal until something else happens. That something is networking through social media with other radicalized groups that push a message of victimhood and marginalization of the specific groups within these insular communities. These come in the form of truly radicalized clerics around the world, able to reach global communities. By taking advantage of native Liberal values such as the Freedom of Speech, they can spread ideas that directly lead to radicalization of Islamic adherents in places like Germany and Belgium, so long as they stay within a very vague degree of the law in not directly call for violence in their sermonizing. In comments sections and private chats, their followers can reach out and interact with prospective individuals and begin the radicalization process.It begins with messages of unity with fellows of similar background, moves on to messages of marginalization and intolerance by the outward culture, then moves toward taking action to support fellows, then guiding them towards acts of outward resistance or hostility of the now enemy culture. Somewhere between that third and second phase, many are recruited towards the Middle East to take part in actual jihad with al Qaeda, ISIS, or other various groups. Here, full radicalization takes place, and when they return, they are a danger to themselves and everyone around, as we have seen countless times before this.This is what actually occurred with the Manchester case. From news I have seen so far, the bomber actually had his passport taken away by his family, fearing that he would go to join the jihad. What he ended up doing, however, was pretend to want it to take part in the Hajj, the religious pilgrimage to Mecca which all able Muslims are required to experience. Instead, it seems he immediately went to Syria where he was radicalized, met with and networked these terror leaders who most likely planned out the attack. So here we have a case where the parents actively played a part in trying to prevent his further radicalization, but failed to take the necessary action once he had gone too far and once he came home. As a parent, I can only imagine how hard it must be to turn in a child who has gone to such extremes. Regardless of that fact, he still went on to kill some 20 children and maim another 70.What’s to be done?I agree with other answers that ask for more education, but education can be just as deadly when it is delivered through a filter of political correctness afraid to educate honestly. If we educate, but are too afraid to learn where in Islam the problems are originating (I’ve been very clear in the past exactly what branch of Islam I have a problem with) then we’ve effectively white washed the population to view any criticism of the religion, be it it's radicals or its moderates, as “wrong think” and hate speech, when it is clear that there is a link between behavior and culture where certain other conditions, such as those I’ve described, are met.Second, there has to be efforts made to prevent the growth of these insular communities by incentivizing young Muslims to do as other immigrants do, to leave their communities as they establish themselves as adults. Bill McDonald makes a good point by reminding us that immigration laws are meant to channel in quality workers, not to import whole communities. This is something I’ve argued for in the past, that we need immigration, but having a system that encourages one worker (which we may vet substantially) to bringing in numerous others we can’t is a poor system. Immigration policies need to be made to ensure that the specific economic hole is filled, and not invite a major population shift.Third, police and investigators must be free to enter and police these neighborhoods, and break up the extrajudicial courts and criminal vengeance rulings carried out by them.Fourth, shame them. Utterly and completely humiliate the people who commit these acts of terror, including shaming their families, and the making it known the community from which they came. The reason for this is that if a community feels threatened by the acts of its individuals, that the entire extended family may face ramifications for letting one of their own become radicalized, there is a greater incentive to prevent such radicalization from manifesting. This is why shame tactics are used so heavily in tribal cultures… they work.*Several people in the comments section aren’t comfortable with the idea of shaming families for the actions of individuals. I guess this one needs more explanation, because I feel that only a Westerner would have these reservations.Tribal cultures, which many who behave in this way hail from are, function in a way that western societies don’t understand. Here, you are ranked according to your merit (ideally), but in a tribal society, families are also ranked as well. Where we would work hard our entire life to get a good resume, there many people are given opportunity because they come from a “good family”. This reputation works when families gain and lose prominence based on the behavior of its members. For these reasons, shame became a powerful motivator for many societies, as the mistakes of a single person could lose the standing of an entire family going back generations. A noteworthy example of how shame was used in a completely different society would be studying Japanese samurai clans ( a tribal distinction) during the Japanese fuedal period.So, shaming works. But why would we act like tribal cultures if we are more advanced societies? Well, that one is obvious. Because we invited in tribal societies. Through the philosophies of openness and globalism, we held that all cultures have value, when in truth, some are counter cultural or even backward in the way that they represent a regression in our societal evolution. But we invited them and did so with conditions that encouraged them to maintain their culture and reject our own, a dangerous act when all that was trying to be solved was a labor shortage. We’ve unwittingly embraced their culture, but we are failing to acknowledge or adapt to their rules for governing their own behavior.Frankly, this is a case of having your cake and eating it too. You don’t get to welcome in tribal cultures and behave like perfect western democracies. If tribal cultures exist in the West, you have to treat them in the way that tribal cultures are treated, and in the manner which maintains peace, in the Middle East… at least so long as they remain unassimilated. This doesn’t mean we regress and become tribal, but if we welcome a culture in, we adapt through using the tools of their culture until they are like us.Fifth, the nations at risk must slow down their immigration of Muslim immigrants until those already present have the chance to assimilate. The massive influx of new migrants is taking a toll on the native culture of Europe and Europeans need to ask if the nation they give to their grandkids will resemble the nation they inherited from their grandparents. They are facing a labor crisis at the moment, so there is a need for new young laborers, and the idea of giving so many of these refugees a new life makes for a good altruistic rationale for the activity, but it is coming at a cost to the cultures and a cost to their security which they will have to contend with. A solution is looking to other parts of Africa which aren’t ridden with terror and calamity for young workers, perhaps even Central and South America, or South East Asia.Finally, people need to start being more afraid of kids being killed than they are afraid of being labelled. Today, former US Navy Seal Robert O’Neill, famed for being the trigger man who actually killed Osama bin Laden, spoke about how afraid everyone is of the labels. If you call out something suspicious from the outside, you’re an Islamophobe. If you call out something wrong from the inside, you’re a blasphemer and apostate. While little can be done to affect change in the communities themselves besides time, others need to educate themselves on the signs of radicalization, from all avenues, and know how to report it.What won’t help is latching onto a habit of attacking anyone who is critical of individual Muslims of specific acts or things which they have said, the history and practices of groups of Muslims, or specific groups (such as Wahhabists) as tantamount to “racist” intolerance of the whole of the Islamic diaspora. Likewise, assigning partisan blame to the likes of Donald Trump for a pattern of terror which began long before his presidency (Time - Yes, Donald Trump Is Making Terrorist Attacks More Likely. Here's How) is both nonsensical and pathetically desperate. If international terrorism is to be stopped, real reporting on the root causes of that terrorism need to start taking place, rather than how hard the terrorists had it because of a culture that didn’t understand them.Thank you for reading. If you liked this answer, please upvote and follow The War Elephant. If you want to help me make more content like this, please visit my Patreon Support Page to learn how. All donations greatly appreciated!

What has Raghuram Rajan done as the RBI Governor ? What were his achievements as the Governor?

Even though Raghuram Rajan has become a sort of a controversial figure in the recent times, unnecessarily delving into political statements in the last couple of years (Today is Nov 06, 2019), but after a careful analysis, I must say he has been one of the best Governors the RBI has ever seen, and let me tell you why.Dr. Raghuram Rajan, Governor, RBI - Sept 04, 2013 to Sept 04, 2016.First, let’s set the context of early 2013 so that you can appreciate Rajan much better.UPA Government was undergoing lots of scams, including 2G, commonwealth and what not. The Government had lost its credibility and people had become restless.Anti-Corruption Movement of Anna Hazare was going on for the Lokpal, and the entire country was on the streets, marching for a clean Government.The rupee was at its lowest ever. (Rs. 69 per dollar, which was shocking at that point of time)The Indian economy was named one of the “Fragile Five” and was seeing a downward sloping trend.Retail inflation was touching 9.84% in mid-2013. (It was way too damn high)Our ForEx reserves were at a 03-year low, bare minimum.The Indian banking system was rotting.RBI was just another Government body of boring bankers and old bureaucrats. The Indian youth didn’t care much about politics or banks at that time (when the scams were about to break).The tenure of all RBI Governors was 05 years, and it was a post given to almost retired bureaucrats, usually a resting retirement spot of old IAS officers.There was no much sheen for RBI, it was like the current CSO or the CAG. CAG rose to prominence after the 2G scam, and RBI was seen as a dull boring numbers job. (The way we see CSO now as, just statistics, blah)Raghuram Rajan then was an internationally famed finance wizard, the youngest Chief Economist at IMF, on his way to get a Nobel Prize, the only one to predict the 2008 financial crisis, a widely respected figure teaching away at Chicago Booth.India was restless, PM Modi was not yet made the Prime Ministerial candidate yet, he was in competition with Nitish Kumar (NDA was actually considering Nitish Kumar for the job, this was way before Modi became famous) - I had written an article in April 2013 on this - Akand Sitra's 2013 postWith no answer in sight, us 90s kids were restless due to the incompetence of the Indian Government, a drowning economy in 2012, so many scams, falling rupee, no Modi in sight yet, and all hopes were lost.This was when PM Manmohan Singh went to Rajan in early 2013 and asked to come back to India to join as the RBI Governor.Rajan was already the CEA to the Singh Government and was happily teaching and writing research papers for the IMF, but he agreed to take on the job and wanted to bring a lot of structural reforms to the Indian economy.It was announced in early August 2013 that Rajan would become the next RBI Governor.We were preparing for UPSC Civil Services examination then, so we were following the economic and political news very very closely then, and I distinctly remember the Sensex and Nifty jumping by over 10% just by the announcement of this News.The famous US-based Rajan, a renowned economist of IMF was coming to work for India in a full-time capacity. All of us waited with our bated breaths to see what magic this man could do. And we started following all RBI circulars and all RBI notifications very closely.Sept 04, 2013 - Raghuram Rajan takes over.He brought charisma and sheen to the other-wise boring RBI job. He was called the rockstar Governor, right from his first day. Rajan, with his suits, new fresh western ideas, and intellectual lingo made us common Indians look at him with wonder.But we were no fools. All show and pomp was over, now we needed raw actions, we were a bit skeptical what this westerner would do to India, without really understanding or knowing the ground realities? What would this IMF fellow do to the traditional RBI?We watched his every move with suspicion and were ready to critique every single this he did. Not just us UPSC aspirants, but the entire media, and the entire country indeed. All cameras were on RBI.And then his magic began.In his 36-month tenure, he brought a new fresh idea almost every two months. His RBI circulars and notifications would be in such detail that the idea was so well-refined and it stood out like poetry. I will give a list of all new reforms he brought in, and all of us studied each of them in detail to understand how they would have consequences on the Indian economy.Sept 2013 - From the moment he became the captain of the ship, his first duty was to stabilize the Indian economy - Fight rising inflation and falling rupee first.He announced the sole duty of RBI from now on would be complete focus on “monetary policy” and his goal would be to contain the inflation within the range of (2 to 6%) or more famously, the (4 +/- 2) rule.Oct 2013 - He started his tenure with an out of the box solution to enable banks to convert their FCNR deposits into rupees at a much lower cost, which allowed the inflow of foreign exchange into India, thereby braking the falling rupee effectively.It is not simple to counter such challenges in any economy that was struggling to move ahead. Clearly, it was time for some radical movements. This is exactly what Rajan proved by his announcements.Nov 2013 - Rajan took complete control of the interest rates (repo, reverse repo, MSF etc) to control the rising inflation. He started increasing the repo rates.Narrowing the LAF facility (Liquidity Adjustment Facility) ratios to further control the inflation crises.Till 2013, there was a 30-year old tradition that the difference between the repo and reverse repo rate would be 100 basis points exactly. Noone knew why. We were byhearting the rates, saying if repo was 5%, then reverse repo would be 4%, and the MSF would be 6%. Rajan asked why?Dec 2013 - He said why such a huge difference of 100 basis points even existed, and we need to start narrowing this width. From then on the difference between the repo and reverse repo started decreasing further. (Currently, repo is 5.15 and reverse repo is 4.90 - A difference of 25 basis points). This changed the traditions forever, he questioned the prevailing thinking which most of us took for granted.NPA Problem - Asked the banks to start cleaning up their NPAs. Till now, no one cared about the bad loans that the banks were holding, and not many were even aware of it. He brought the term “ever-greening” of loans to India, and I remember editorial articles on this new term, and it was shocking to see such practices.Identification of the problem itself and bringing the news to the public was a huge impact Rajan had.Jan 2014 - AQR - Asset Quality Review - As RBI is a regulatory body, Rajan said that all the banks would get their assets checked and they would be classified properly. Many banks especially Public Sector Banks had given loans to politicians, crony-capitalists, PSL lending, high NPAs and were structurally very ill.By bringing AQR, by classifying them into standard, sub-standard, doubtful, loss, NPA, SMA1, SMA2, SMA3 and many more such terms, Rajan brought clarity and discipline into banks.Banks started showing more and more NPAs on their books. Till now people thought the banks were doing fine, but this cleaning up of banks showed that the loans which were bad were not even being identified properly.Mar 2014 - Gold Bonds - Many Indians buy gold, lots of it and store it in their homes. RBI has to import gold to satisfy the Indians' demand for gold. This was lowering our ForEx and in return, the gold wasn't being used, it was just stored. This was a huge issue that we didn't even know we had. Rajan identified this and brought about something called the Gold bonds. We could buy the bonds instead and store it, and the RBI need not really import gold for it, and we could be safe as well.The Gold bonds move reduced our imports, and saved some ForEx and strengthened the rupee directly.May 2014 - Inflation-Indexed Bonds - Most of the bonds are not usually indexed to the inflation, so during a slump, noone would buy bonds and the economic activity would stall. By indexing the bonds to the inflation rate, Rajan would stimulate investments, bring out idle money sitting in the lockers and start fuelling the economy.May 26, 2014 - Narendra Modi becomes the Prime Minister of India.July 2014 - Bring in international best practices to Indian RBI so as to increase RBI’s compliance with the Basel III norms (Learn about Basel III) - This would increase RBI’s stature in the international economy as the central bank gets more standardized.August 2014 - Asset Restructuring Companies - RBI has given more power to ARCs to buy NPAs from the corporate banks, modify them and then sell them at a profit. This way the bad loans are removed from the bank’s balance sheet and they become healthy.October 2014 - First Modi - Rajan Clash. Modi Government asks Rajan to reduce the interest rates so that the growth can be given a boost by cheaper loans. Rajan disagreed. He had said that if he reduces the interest rates now, and the loans get cheaper, then the inflation will rise rapidly again. Any growth-related measure in this current situation should come from the fiscal policy of the Government, and not from the monetary policy of the RBI. Growth would be sustainable if it comes from investments, and not by giving cheaper loans.Rajan’s logic made perfect sense, but nobody stands up to Modi. Especially not a lowly RBI banker, and definitely not some foreign-studied super-hero. And Rajan was gaining too much attention and the common citizens were hailing him as a messiah of the poor.November 2014 - Banks Boards Bureau - An independent body should be constituted which selects the heads of the PSBs’ board members. This way no politician or businessmen can have their men on the board of banks. That way no bad corporate loans can be given easily. This was an attack on the so-called “phone banking”, where a politician or a businessman would call up a PSB and coerce them to give large loans to themselves. This would solve nepotism and favoritism in appointing Bank Chairmen.Guess who would hate such a bold move? Politicians and Businessmen, yes.No RBI Governor till now in the history of India had the balls to stand up to politicians, corporates, businessmen and criminals - All at once. Rajan did.Rajan wins the Central Banker of the Year Award.The Friction - 2015Rajan still had considerable political pressure to toe the line, and to reduce the RBI’s interest rates. As Rajan had complete control on the rates, he did not budge. He said the economy is just getting its inflation under control, we need this just for a little while to completely make it stable.Feb 2015 - Creation of the Bharat Bill Payments Systems. And start working on the UPI (Unified Payments Interface) - Works starts now and gets formally launched a year later, in April 2016. Rajan said the future of the country would be in digital payments and in a cashless society. He brought in important people like Urijit Patel (then RBI Deputy Governor, goes on to become next RBI Governor) to work on NPCI’s UPI and also Viral Acharya.Rajan expanded payment modes to everyone by introducing payments through mobile phones. The UPI will soon revolutionize M2M payments in this country. the BHIM App gets into design mode.Rajan inspired a lot of western Indian-origin economists to come back and work for the country. His good friend Aravind Subramanian has been the CEA, Urijit Patel, Viral Acharya, and many more such private corporate stalwarts took lateral positions in the Government bodies. So, automatically, it would create resentment amongst the career-bureaucrats of those organizations who have worked for decades to reach that position. Jealousy starts creeping in.April 2015 - Niche Banks - Small Banks and Payment Banks - To create further penetration of the banking system, Rajan brought in new types of banks into the Indian system. He started giving licenses to private players to start banking practices in an innovative and safe way. This could have been a blockbuster pill to the ailing economy, and combined with the PM Jan Dhan Yojana, could have penetrated banking services to all the rural parts of the country.May 2015 - Strategic Debt Restructuring - In the last 12 months or so, banks started cleaning up their books and started identifying new NPAs. To help them with this issue, Rajan started the SDR on the lines of the CDR, but ensuring that the banks get equity in the companies’ exchange of loan. This ensured that the banks would have majority rights in the companies who have taken large bad loans. Another brilliant tactic, on paper.August 2015 - Modi Government asks Rajan about the SDR, NPA, BBB issue and again asks him to reduce the interest rates. Rajan says, not yet, monsoons have ended, and there is a flood of crops right now, so economic activity is in full swing. If he reduces the interest rates now, inflation will spiral up again.This pisses off Modi further. Enough is enough. Noone disobeys the Prime Minister, and especially not Modi. So, he decides to remove Rajan’s power of handling interest rates.The Monetary Policy Committee plan is ready. But Modi cannot implement it yet, as Rajan would just gain more sympathy. Till now only the RBI Governor had the power to change the interest rates. With the MPC in place, a team of 07 (03 Government nominees, 03 RBI nominees and RBI Governor) would take the decision together. RBI’s 70-year-old independence would finally be hampered by making the Government of India an integral part of the monetary policy.RBI’s independence starts to hamper.October 2015 - S4A - Scheme for Sustainable Structuring of Stressed Assets - To further help the NPA crisis, an innovate way to restructure only the sustainable part of the loans was thought of and was implemented.India’s ForEx Reserves under Raghuram Rajan almost doubles within a span of 03 years. (See chart - July 2013 to July 2017)The CPI inflation rate which touched 12% when Rajan took over, saw that it decreased to 4% by the time he left.The Tough Year - 2016Erosion of RBI’s IndependenceThe MPC Discussion - The Modi Government wanted 4 : 3 members (4 from the Government and 3 from RBI). Rajan said no. The discussion went forth and back for a few months and finally (3 : 3 with RBI Governor as a tie-breaker) was agreed upon.Modi extended Deputy Governor H R Khan’s term without even consulting with the RBI Governor. This was a severe breach of protocol.Modi announced that the Cabinet Secretary will head the interview panel to select RBI’s new Deputy Governors. Till now this was an internal matter, and the panel was always headed by the Governor. The Government started interfering in internal appointments matters also.Forced cooperation between the monetary and fiscal policy. The Government’s budget allocation and the RBI’s interest rate framework were made to align to the Finance Minister’s whims and fancies. Another breach of protocol.Attack from the media as Rajan made a political statement on Hindutva.Attack from Subramanian Swamy, where he said Rajan was not fit to be a Governor.Attack from internal RBI career-bureaucrats. It is difficult for anybody to put up a fight against an institution that does not want you to do your job, but still accuses you of not doing the job properly.It is ironical that the blame for growth is on Rajan when he actually did his prime job of keeping the foreign exchange and the currency in line.Feb 2016 - Developed CRILR - A large loan database to improve the mapping of loan distress and better access to information in this area.April 2016 - Rupee Stabilizes in the last 24 months at around 62 Rs. At mid 2013, as seen in the graph, the Rupee goes on a free-fall from 55 to 65, when Rajan takes over, and it still falls till 69, after which due to Rajan’s quick measures he brings the rupee back down to 62, and then keeps it hanging there continuously for the next 02 years till late 2015. After which the Rupee again starts weakening and starts touching 65.5. May 2016 - Modi talks about his dream with Rajan - The Demonetization. Rajan says no. He says it would create a lot of chaos and would not really remove the black money much.6. June 2016 - Modi decides not to give Rajan a second term. He does not announce anything though. He waits for 02 months for his tenure to get over silently.7. July 2016 - India is no more a “Fragile Five” economy announcement is made. It has been named one of the fastest-growing large economies of the world with a stable exchange rate, stable ForEx reserves and a stable inflation rate. Rajan gives a speech on this achievement. He is finally satisfied.7. August 2016 - Rajan decides to get back to academia.Sept 04, 2016 - Dr. Raghuram Rajan leaves RBI as its Governor.8. October 2016 - Modi installs the Monetary Policy Committee and takes the interest rates decision-making into his hands.9. November 08, 2016 - Two months after Raghuram Rajan leaves, Modi announces demonetization.Rajan didn’t step down.He was pushed out of RBI in one of the most unfortunate and horrifying decisions of the Modi administration.Unlike the past RBI governors who were given 5-year terms, Rajan was only given a 3-year term by Manmohan Singh as he didn't know how the public would perceive a foreign-studied RBI Governor, and the present government used that loophole to deny him a second term.While there were tensions even in the past amongst the RBI Governors and the Prime Ministers, they were quite less. The RBI governors have usually been mellowed bureaucrats who are honest and smart but will quickly back down from a conflict. They are typically old too, almost retired civil servants, chosen carefully to not have too much energy.Rajan, on the other hand, is among the youngest RBI Governors and is a man with lots of energy. He has an international reputation no other RBI Governor ever had.Within his 40s, he has seen some of the world’s best economics-related posts - including being the youngest Chief Economist of the IMF (International Monetary Fund).He doesn’t require a job.India required him.He was brought in as a desperate move in the last days of the Manmohan Singh government which had lost all its credibility due to the scams and needed something to restore India’s credibility in the financial and banking markets.Raghuram Rajan 's lethal combination of superior performance plus charisma has made him the most famous central banker ever in India. And easily, with his policies, one of the best.The problem lies in the system where the heads of key institutions are not expected to stay independent.The appointment of a bunch of yes-men to the most prestigious institutions, be it FTII, ICHR (Indian Council of Historical Research), NMML (Nehru Memorial Museum and Library), NIFT or even to the Censor Board shows a bad precedent for the country’s benefit.Every independent institution is losing its independence.And we need to realize that sooner or later.Rajan’s story is just one of many. A story where a strong, independent, intellectual man wanted to do some good for the country, but the system kicked him out.It is the country’s loss.

Has China become more nationalistic recently?

Honestly, it has. For several reasons:1: Multiculturalism has failed in international relations.PRC thought it could persuade the West to co-exist. They thought money and trade and silence on political ideology could work out all the difficulties. However, the actions initiated by the US and its dogs in the past decades have shown that the West is structurally hostile to PRC in terms of its political ideology, economic system, social values and race, linguistics and norms. The PRC is not Christianized, white, English speaking, capitalistic, democratic and most importantly weak and divided. PRC also wants to be the leader of the third world, the leader of the developing countries.Thus, the co-existence in harmony between PRC and the West has been proved as a failure and the only one side wish by PRC.2: The coalition between Chinese and Chinese American/European has failed.Chinese American and European have to merge themselves into the West and prove their loyalty to the white by being ultra hostile to PRC in every direction. They Christianize, whitewash, liberalize themselves. Forming a tie between the Chinese and Chinese overseas in order to promote the mutual understanding and diplomatic relationship between the two countries hence also fail. The standard of PRC has been so low that a good Chinese overseas is the Chinese who isn’t hostile to PRC rather than that he/she has to be patriotic or serve for PRC.Similarly, the Taiwanese and HK overseas (not just in HK and Taiwan) in the West also accelerate this process of constructing hostility and division, though just to be clear not all of them are hostile. I’m just describing a general phenomenon here.In addition, almost all the Asian countries are getting increasing nationalistic, including the Chinese immigrants being assimilated by the countries they stay and who may not identify themselves as Chinese anymore. And most of the Asian migrants in the West are patriotic to their original homeland, ironically in contrast with the hostile Chinese migrants who like to wash themselves. All those phenomenons have been well-exposed and discussed by the Chinese public due to the advancement of social media.Again, the coalition between the two has failed.3: Communism has been proved as unpractical in the current stage.Social productivity at this stage does not grant the condition for Communism to be implemented. Thus, the Communists revolutionary worldview and policies aren’t fully implemented but to many aspects checked and contained by the state for the sake of preventing another cultural revolution and destabilizing the economic growth.4: Islamic terrorism and separatism are worsening the friendship between the Muslims and PRC. The social justice activism such as feminism, white supremacy, overtreatment to the foreigners, irrational westernization and etc are significantly angering the Chinese public.5: Socialism with Chinese characteristics is highly materialistic. It functions very and very well but ideologically it’s kinda weak to persuade and explain everything to the public, unlike demothology, Christianity, Communism that can simply indoctrinate someone in 5 seconds.Therefore, since all the paths have failed or suffered difficulty, the only alternative left is as we all know nationalism.This nationalism is emerging both materialistically as well as ideologically. It serves for the national interest as competing with the West militarily, economically and ideologically. (1) It’s a necessary bounce back and reversing phenomenon after 40 years of “humbleness” and reserved under the Western influence like a man who never had sex now decides to have a crazy one. (2) It is economically friendly as it promotes Chinese products, services and entertainment industry to replace the Western ones. (3) It is an easy or lazy solution for tackling the problems in PRC. The economic development creates income and social inequality between the classes and regions. Those difficulties would demand the state to increase its power in order to tackle the problems and related interest groups. The state needs nationalism in a sense as a big flag to unite the people and government to deal with those social elites and compradors.Nationalism serves for the Chinese public as it is able to explain the world by dividing that into Chinese vs foreigners(barbarians). Those Chinese immigrants who are hostile to PRC are automatically “barbarians”. Those Chinese (Han) and minorities and foreigners who are willing to become Chinese are hence Chinese. China is in the center of the world, the last ancient civilization, the new superpower and hence China is special. This kinda narrative answers perfectly all the puzzles which the 5 narratives I listed above failed to do.You can check several breaking news just recently 1) the hostility and general criticism on the front page against the Shang Qi superhero film with regards to its cast options and insulting to the Chinese, the purposely low grades given by Chinese American film commentators on the wandering earth and wolf warrior and the implication for Chinese and Chinese American relationship (how to view Chinese American’s backstabbing), 2) Sun Yang vs British, Australian swimmers in term of how the West unite against the Chinese, 3) the warm welcome for China male national football team that bring in foreign players as a comparison against Chinese American who are eager to wash themselves, 4) the criticism on Lebron James, Kobe and various NBA players who are potentially racists, hostile to PRC and Chinese, 5) strong anti-US, anti-whitewash, anti-HK and Taiwan sentiment. The Chinese nationalism is awakening and which is just the beginning.As for how to view this phenomenon, it would be rather difficult to tell for now. Personally, I agree with some of the principles such as its transparent and honest view on the westernization and whitewash, which is why I argue this process is happening naturally like a natural force and the change of season. Secondly, of course, there are dangerous and irrational parts such as closed minds, militaristic, expansionism which are the typical negative characteristics of nationalism.Instead of blocking nationalism to make it explode later and much bigger, it should be guided and taught and expressed rationally in order to minimize its damage but maximize its advantages. Nationalism cannot be stopped in 2019 because it’s a global phenomenon everywhere on earth except Sweden. There are internal logics that why nationalism is raising which Marxism can explain but have no perfect solution. It’s far beyond the power of any country or any state and party to just simply deny its existence or seek to eliminate it because the state doesn't have the power and even if they do their actions would only make nationalism stronger. The rise of far-right in the West and Trump’s “sent her back” are typical examples. So this process must be viewed scientifically and objectively for the better gains.

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