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How did the University of Göttingen become such a magnet for talented people in the 19th and early 20th century?

My interest in this issue derives from the fact that my parents studied in Göttingen and I spent my childhood there. The university was always a topic of conversation at the dining table. I will try to answer this question, but I apologize now if I do not convince you of my views.First, the Georg August University of Göttingen has been a source of inspiration for many very smart and talented scientists of different faculties in its 274 year history.The founding of the University of Göttingen in 1736 was performed by Georg II August, who was King George II of Great Britain and Ireland (since 1714), Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg and prince-elector of Hanover. The first "Spiritus rectus" was the Hanoverian Minister, Baron von Münchausen, who with the Georgia Augusta University created a new type of college: it was used to further the aims of the Enlightenment. Therefore, scientific research was liberated from theological censorship and academic teaching produced great value. Münchausen created new professorships to the university, called distinguished scientists, that sponsored the establishment of a library that was unique at that time. The students were also able to access the library.Its importance and meaning in the 18th centuryAmong the great number of the sometimes famous scholars that were called to Göttingen include, for example, the Swiss physician, naturalist and poet Albrecht von Haller (whose period of teaching was 1736-1756), and who obtained his doctorate from the most significant physician of the time, Herman Boerhaave in Leiden, Holland. (Institutiones medicae in usum annuae exercitationis, Leiden 1708)Herman BoerhaaveOthers were the theologian and orientalist Johann David Michaelis (1746-1791 periode of teaching), the ancient scientist and director of the University Library Christian Gottlob Heyne (1763-1812), the mathematics and astronomer Tobias Mayer (1723-1762), physicist, philosopher and writer Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1770-1799) and the publisher and historian August Ludwig von Schlötzer (1769-1809).A major reason for the success and advancement of Göttingen to a scientific center with European significance was the Acadamy of Science, whose guiding principle was 'Fecundat et ornat'. This academy was founded in 1751.While universities, which functioned as teaching institutions, generally remained strictly separate from colleges and research institutes, at Göttingen, the personnel from both institutions were closely linked from the beginning. Academic research and university teaching were integrated to enrich each other directly and immediately from the start.Albrecht von Haller led the Department of anatomy, surgery and botany at Göttingen. In his term, the botanical garden was created and he became the personal physician of King George II. His writings shaped the thought of his period into were influential in the 19th century sustainable. Haller is the founder of modern experimental physiology.Primae lineae physiologiae. 1747; Opuscula sua anatomica: De respiratione de monstris aliaque minora. 1751; De partibus corporis humani sensilibus et irritabilibus. 1752; Icones anatomicae 1756; Elementa physiologiae corporis humani. 8 Volumes, 1757–1766 Onomatologia medica completa Frankfurt am Main & Leipzig 1758 Medicinisches LexiconAlbrecht von Haller was one of the most productive correspondents of the 18th century. He had more than 12,000 letters addressed to him and had 17,000 written by him. He was the founder of the Botanical Garden, the Anatomical Theatre, the Academy of Drawing and the Maternity School of the University of Göttingen.Tobias Mayer (1751-1762) chair of economy and mathematics was a astronomer famous for his studies of the Moon.His first important astronomical work was a careful investigation of the libration of the moon (Kosmographische Nachrichten, Nuremberg, 1750), and his chart of the full moon (published in 1775) was unsurpassed for half a century.But his fame rests chiefly on his lunar tables, communicated in 1752, with new solar tables to the Royal Society of Sciences and Humanities at Göttingen. In 1754 he became superintendent of the observatory, where he worked until his death in 1752.For his work (Theoria Lunae juxta systema Newtonianum 1767 published in London) the calculation of longitude, he received posthumously by the British Parliament (Board of Longitude) a prize of £ 3,000.It was the dedication and superb contacts of the director Christoph Gottlob Hyne (1763-1812) that brought about the excellent reputation of the University Libary. In 1799 he bought the estate of Johann Georg Forster, who with his father had accompanied James Cook on his second circumnavigation (1772-1775). So, for example, the important anthropological collections gathered from the South Sea have been an attraction and resource for scholars and students since the end of the 18th century. The Göttingen Cook-Forster Collection is one of the most important collections of South Sea Enthographica found anywhere in the world.Worthy of mention George Christoph Lichtenberg. He studied from 1763-1766 at the University. After two study trips that took him to England and brought him in contact with George and Johann Reinhold Forster. In 1770, he became the first German professor of experimental physics and since 1793 he was a member of the Royal Society in London. His influence was great and sustainable. ( prominent role of the Georgia Augusta University did not arise from the particular geographical location (51° 32′ 2″ N, 9° 56′ 8″ E) of the city, located in the valley of the small river Leine and between the foothills of the Harz in the north-east and Solling in the west. Göttingen is a provincial town, with a rural population; the weekly market with the 'Gänsellieselbrunnen' at the center of the medieval town.Its importance and meaning in the 19th centuryThe time of the 19th century is closely associated with the name of Carl Friedrich Gauss. He was the outstanding mathematician and belonged to the university from 1807 until his death in 1855. Gauss created with his activities and studies the nucleus for the development of an astronomical and mathematical 'hot-spot' in Göttingen.'Carl Friedrich Gauss, one of the greatest mathematicians of human history, was a professor in Göttingen astronomy. The far-flung investigations of Gauss determine in many ways the present. An example of this is the first working electromagnetic telegraph that he and Wilhelm Weber in 1833 installed by Paul's Church'-Göttingen-'to the observatory. This created a basis for electronic data transmission, which significantly influenced in the form of fax, SMS and internet our lives today.''A highly evocative coincidence - it could be a coincidence? - was that in the same year 1833 a seventeen-year-old rabbi's son from Kassel went to Göttingen, just to start a bank training. This was Israel Beer Josephat (called Paul Julius Reuter) using the Gauss-Weber's invention, it receive worldwide glory when he built up a global news agency (Reuters), in London 1855.'Carl-Friedrich Gauss was an infant prodigy and an exceptionally gifted mathematician. At the age of just 21, he wrote a textbook of mathematics - 'Disquisittiones Arithmeticae' - published 1801. (; influence and impact was extraordinary and he himself answered the question posed above, regarding the importance of Göttingen. He was the fountain where a lot of students could satisfy their thirst for knowledge.In the middle of the 19th century, the railway network was installed (1854), which now connects the provincial town with the rest of the German Confederation (Deutscher Bund 1815-1866).The scientists Carl Friedrich Gauss, Wilhelm Weber, Bernhard Riemann and Friedrich Wöhler were the founders of the modern natural sciences. Ultimately, they established Göttingen's worldwide reputation as a mathematical and scientific center (1880-1933).Johan Rudolph Thorbecke (14 January 1798 – 4 June 1872) was a Dutch politician and statesman of Liberal signature, one of the most important Dutch politicians of the 19th century.In 1848 he virtually singlehandedly drafted the revision of the Constitutution of the Netherlands, giving less power to the king, and more to the States-General of the Netherlands. In 1823 -24 he became a lecturer at the University of Göttingen and published here his philosophy of history work "About the nature and the organic character of history".Its importance and meaning in the 20th centuryAt the end of the 19th century, with the establishment of the Prussian university system, the University of Göttingen developed into a center for mathematics and physics. Besides government initiatives, there were also private foundations, such as the "Göttingen Association for the Advancement of Applied Physics and Mathematics", which is founded in 1898.Emil Johann Wiechert (1861–1928) was a German geophysicist.In 1897 Emil Wiechert worked at the University of Göttingen, where he received in 1898 the reputation of the world's first Department of Geophysics. After completion of the newly established Institute of Geophysics at the grove hill above Göttingen Wiechert began in 1901 with the construction of the currently much in-use seismic observatory.1898 he was named professor of geophysics and Director of the Geophysical Laboratory at Göttingen. He became a full professor at the institution in 1905, and would remain there for the remainder of his career.Emil Wiecher founded the seismology and the earthquake observatory in Göttingen. Wiechert was discovered in 1899 the first horizontal seismograph. Göttingen also hosts today the oldest seismographic archive.1903 Emil Wiechert, a founder of the International Association of Seismology, emerged from today's International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior (IASPEI).Emil WiechertIn the first half of the century, no other university had as many Nobel prizes awarded (since 1901) as Göttingen: Robert Koch (1905 for Medici), Rudolf Eucken (1908 for Literature), Iljja Metschnikov and Paul Ehrlich (1908 for Medici), Otto Wallach (1910 for Chemistry), W.C.Werner Wien (1911 for Physic), Max von Laue (1914 for Physic).Robert KochPaul EhrlichIlja MetschnikovThe Göttingen Nobel Prize winners came mainly from the fields of physics and chemistry and to a lesser extent from medicine and other disciplines.In 1900 many new institutions were founded, such as the Institute of Physics, Applied Electrical Science, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Physical Chemistry and Geophysics. With the new institutions established, the physical chemistry combined with the names of Walther Hermann Nernst (1929 for Chemistry), James Franck and Gustav Hertz (1925 for physic), Richard A.Zsigmondy (1925 for Chemestry) A.O.Reinhold Windaus (1928 for chemestry).Walther Herman NernstIn 1920 James Franck was appointed professor of experimental physics at the University of Göttingen, where he worked with his students, Max Born and Patrick Maynard Stuart Blackett, Edward Condon, Fritz Houtermans, Hans Kopfermann, Kroebel Werner, Heinz Maier-Leibnitz, Robert Oppenheimer, and Friedrich Hund, Eugene Rabinowitch came into contact with him. One of his employees was the physicist Hertha Sponer. Franck in Göttingen was director of the Second Institute for Experimental Physics.James FranckFrom 1921 to 1933 Max Born was professor of theoretical physics in Göttingen. Here he developed among others, Wolfgang Pauli, Werner Heisenberg, Pascual Jordan, and Friedrich Hund large parts of modern quantum mechanicsMax Born (NP for physic 1954 Princeton)Max Born developed the school of theoretical physicists in Göttingen which was attended by many foreign travelers and physicist. His students include Maria Goeppert-Mayer, Victor Weisskopf, Robert Oppenheimer, Siegfried Flügge, Friedrich Hund, Pascual Jordan, Maurice Pryce (Princeton), Herbert Green (in Edinburgh).Robert OppenheimerThe time between the two world wars is described as the "Golden Age" of the mathematical and physical sciences in Göttingen. They are the leading figures in mathematics, physics, medicine and chemistry and justifies the international reputation of the university.This ended with the takeover of power by the National Socialists in 1933.Max Born, Georg Bothe, Richard Courant, James Franck, Victor Moritz Goldschmidt, Emmy Noether were forced to emigrate or were dismissed from the scientific community. For example Emmy Noether (modern algebra and Noether's theorem) was still the most significant female mathematician, she received as a guest professorship at the Women's College Bryn Mawr in Pennsylvanian. Unfortunately, she died in 1935. the second half of the century,the university benefited from the fact that Göttingen was not destroyed by bombing the city. Göttingen became the first university in Germany, capable of delivering teaching after world war II.Max von Laue returned from exile and works with Otto Hahn (1944 NP for Chemistry), Max Planck (NP 1918 for physics) and Werner Heisenberg (NP 1932 for physics) at the University.In addition, the university 'is connected with the resumes of more than forty Nobel prize winners.Twelve of them have been awarded the Nobel prize forthe very research conducted during their time in Göttingen.'Max von Laue 1959Otto Hahn 1965Werner HeisenbergReferring again to the question asked, many extraordinary smart inventors and scientist, as I have named, were included in the structure and the excellent facilities of teaching at the Georg Augusta University of Göttingen.Yet the list of outstanding scientists are not complete, some are even self still been unknown to me while writing the answer and thanks to an attentive reader (Joachim Pense) now listed with, such as @David Hilbert (1895-1930 Prof.of Mathematics, keep looking at the list of doctoral students !! ( Aufgebauer: Die Anfänge der Sternkunde in GöttingenFinally,what is Göttingen's effect and influence? A master that binds his students, is revered by them, praised and cited. The sustainability of the impact is can only be detected over generations, as Herman Boerhaave, Carl-Friedrich Gauss and Werner Heisenberg have demonstrated. Her students determined the spirit and later the research. What would be Princeton without Einstein?

What are some abnormal weather phenomena in the United States believed to be products of global warming by wide consensus among scientific communities?

WRONG. No evidence of abnormal weather patterns in the US from global warming and no SCIENCE consensus about the cause of severe weather.We are easily fooled about severe weather seeing it happening from our kitchen windows. The weather has never been stable everywhere. But we must look at the data to see if there is a new weather pattern or just are inclination to overrate the current bad weather. We must resist seeing trends from too short a time period. Based on data there is no evidence that any natural disaster are changing from climate change.There are many exaggerated claims, about increased storms, floods, and droughts, but none of them are scientifically established. Indeed, they are not even universal predictions of the models; some models predict increased storms, others predict decreases, and others predict no change.Richard Muller, CoFounder, Berkeley Earth, Professor of Physics, U. Calif. Berkeley, creator of "Physics for Future Preside...Written Dec 29A few minutes ago I wrote an answer to the question: what do I tell my teenager about climate change? My answer summarizes my understanding, so I repeat it here:There is strong evidence that the average surface temperature of the Earth has warmed by about 1.5°C, ever since the thermometer was invented. That’s not much, but it is enough to have caused the sea level to rise by about 8 inches (mostly because warmer water expands).We know this warming is due to increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, mostly from burning fossil fuels. That’s called the “Greenhouse effect”. Carbon dioxide increases the effectiveness of the atmosphere at trapping heat, so when carbon dioxide increases, it gets warmer.Also tell him that he (the teenager) will hear a lot of exaggerations from people who are genuinely worried about future temperature rise. We do expect that the temperature will rise another 1.5°C in the next 50 years, from continued carbon dioxide releases predominantly from China, India, and the developing world. They need more energy to improve the standard of living of their people, so we need to help them produce energy with low carbon emissions. That means nuclear, energy conservation, and natural gas.He should know that the 1.5 C rise in 250 years is too slow a rate to be noticed by any humans. People who claim that they can see climate change are actually disagreeing with science, which measures the change as quite small, so far. But another 1.5°C rise in 50 years could cause hardship.Sea level is expected, in that period, to rise another 4 to 12 inches. That won’t be enough to have disastrous consequences (not even in Bangladesh), but some alarmists claim (incorrectly) that a 4 to 8 foot rise is likely. They are exaggerating, possibly out of conviction, but they are not accepting the science of climate change.There are many exaggerated claims, about increased storms, floods, and droughts, but none of them are scientifically established. Indeed, they are not even universal predictions of the models; some models predict increased storms, others predict decreases, and others predict no change. Climate change has many alarmists and exaggerators. He should watch out for them and ask them for the evidence. Then he should check with people who disagree (Quora is a good way to do that) and find out if the “facts” he was presented are true. Doing this will be good practice for evaluating facts in everything else he encounters in his life. (I recall, in 6th grade, when my sister showed me that I should not necessarily trust advertisements!)There is no need to panic over climate change, but there is value in acting. Ironically, our next president, Donald Trump, has expressed skepticism over whether the world is really warming or not. But his beliefs hardly matter; if he supports additional nuclear power, natural gas, and energy conservation (and he clearly supports at least the first two) then his actions might actually be effective in slowing global warming.He also needs to beware of the strong convictions of his fellow students and possibly those of teachers, who may be passing on what others have told them without carefully checking the facts. Some people believe that any questioning of facts of climate change suggests that you are anti-science. Indeed, it is the opposite that is true. Those who tell you to accept authority, and not be skeptical about what you are told, are the ones who are acting against the principles of science.Global warming offers not only a lesson in physics and geology, but also a lesson in human behavior.For details on climate change, I recommend the website created by Berkeley Earth, a non-profit research organization founded by my daughter Elizabeth and me: Home - Berkeley Earth. SHOWS EXTREME WEATHER IS NOT WORSE NOWTHE widely held belief that ‘Extreme Weather’ has become worse, as a result of man-made carbon dioxide emissions, is a tribute to the success of climate change propaganda pushed relentlessly by CO2-centric politicians and compliant mainstream media.PROMOTING Extreme Weather is specifically designed to shift public opinion about the purported seriousness of human-inducedglobal warmingclimate change, through the use of emotional imagery and dire prognosticationsin order for draconian and costly climate policy to be accepted and implemented with as little resistance as possible from the taxpaying public.COGNITIVE BIAS fuelled by an era of mass hysteria, delusion, groupthink and panic has helped foster dark and far-fetched clichés of a current “climate crisis”, that is an “existential threat” which will “end civilisation by 2030”.*THANKS to the dramatic rise in personal weather recording devices – smart phones and CCTV – the sampling rate (what you see or hear directly) of Extreme Weather events, broadcast via social and mainstream media, has risen dramatically in recent years.BUT, have actual Extreme Weather events increased in frequency or intensity? In particular, over long-term ‘climate’ scales?THE short answer is a big fat NO! Extreme Weather events have not increased in frequency or intensity as carbon dioxide emissions have increased. In many cases the exact opposite is occurring.THIS ‘inconvenient’ fact has been proven by empirical data and confirmed by the last two (warmist) U.N. IPCC reports on Extreme Weather: SREX (AR5) 2013 report and the latest SR15 report released August, 2018:SORRY ALARMISTS : The IPCC Once Again Reports Extreme Weather Events Have Not Increased | Climatism (SR15 2018)No steel roof required: IPCC dials back the fear of extreme weather | Climatism (SREX AR5 2013)***EXTREME WEATHER METRICSDROUGHTUN IPCC : “Low confidence in the sign of drought trends since 1950 at global scale…likely to be trends in some regions of the world, including increases in drought in the Mediterranean and W Africa & decreases in droughts in central N America & NW Australia” – UN IPCC SR15 (2018)GLOBAL TRENDLittle change in global drought over the past 60 years | Nature*NO historical trend in U.S. drought as CO₂ rises :Climate Change Indicators – Drought | Climate Change Indicators in the United States | US EPA*1934 : WHEN CO₂ WAS AT ‘SAFE’ LEVELSIN 1934, when CO₂ was at ‘safe’ levels, severe to extreme drought covered around 80% of the entire U.S. Such conditions endured for most of the decade known as the “Dust Bowl” era :Historical Palmer Drought Indices | Temperature, Precipitation, and Drought | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)*400 PPM ‘DANGEROUS’ CO₂CURRENT U.S. drought conditions with CO₂ at ‘dangerous’ levels (400PPM) :U.S. Drought Monitor*CALIFORNIA’s “PERMANENT DROUGHT” UPDATETHANKS to superstitious climate kiddies wagging school, in just 3 years, California went from 97% in drought to just 1% : Bevan✔@TomBevanRCPPretty remarkable: In 3 years, California went from 97% in drought to just 1%.1,319Pretty remarkable: In 3 years, California went from 97% in drought to just 1%.— Tom Bevan (@TomBevanRCP) March 8, 2019Pretty remarkable: In 3 years, California went from 97% in drought to just 1%.— Tom Bevan (@TomBevanRCP) March 8, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy*WHEN CO₂ was at ‘safe’ levels, droughts in California lasted for 200 years :The Difference Between Weather And Climate | The Deplorable Climate Science Blog***FLOODS“There is low confidence due to limited evidence, however, that anthropogenic climate change has affected the frequency and the magnitude of floods.” – UN IPCC SR15 (2018)Roger Pielke Jr.✔@RogerPielkeJr·Roger Pielke Jr.✔@RogerPielkeJr·2⃣Temperature extremes: Nor change from AR5 or SREXVery likely= ⬇️cold days and nightsVery likely= ⬆️warm days and nightsLikely= "consistent changes are detectable on continental scale in North America, Europe and Australia"— Roger Pielke Jr. (@RogerPielkeJr) October 8, 20181⃣A short thread on what the new @IPCC_CH report says about trends in extreme events, specifically: heat waves, drought, floods, tropical cyclones, tornadoes. Let's go . . .— Roger Pielke Jr. (@RogerPielkeJr) October 8, 2018Temperature extremes: Nor change from AR5 or SREXVery likely=cold days and nightsVery likely=warm days and nightsLikely= "consistent changes are detectable on continental scale in North America, Europe and Australia"Roger Pielke Jr.✔@RogerPielkeJrDrought. No change vs AR5"low confidence in the sign of drought trends since 1950 at global scale... likely to be trends in some regions of the world, including increases in drought in the Mediterranean and W Africa & decreases in droughts in central N America & NW Australia"323⃣Drought. No change vs AR5"low confidence in the sign of drought trends since 1950 at global scale... likely to be trends in some regions of the world, including increases in drought in the Mediterranean and W Africa & decreases in droughts in central N America & NW Australia"— Roger Pielke Jr. (@RogerPielkeJr) October 8, 2018Twitter Ads info and privacy3⃣Drought. No change vs AR5"low confidence in the sign of drought trends since 1950 at global scale... likely to be trends in some regions of the world, including increases in drought in the Mediterranean and W Africa & decreases in droughts in central N America & NW Australia"— Roger Pielke Jr. (@RogerPielkeJr) October 8, 2018Roger Pielke Jr.✔@RogerPielkeJr·1⃣A short thread on what the new @IPCC_CH report says about trends in extreme events, specifically: heat waves, drought, floods, tropical cyclones, tornadoes. Let's go . . .— Roger Pielke Jr. (@RogerPielkeJr) October 8, 2018A short thread on what the new @IPCC_CH report says about trends in extreme events, specifically: heat waves, drought, floods, tropical cyclones, tornadoes. Let's go . . .Roger Pielke Jr.✔@RogerPielkeJrTemperature extremes: Nor change from AR5 or SREXVery likely=cold days and nightsVery likely=warm days and nightsLikely= "consistent changes are detectable on continental scale in North America, Europe and Australia"292⃣Temperature extremes: Nor change from AR5 or SREXVery likely= ⬇️cold days and nightsVery likely= ⬆️warm days and nightsLikely= "consistent changes are detectable on continental scale in North America, Europe and Australia"— Roger Pielke Jr. (@RogerPielkeJr) October 8, 2018Twitter Ads info and privacySee Roger Pielke Jr.'s other TweetsDrought. No change vs AR5"low confidence in the sign of drought trends since 1950 at global scale... likely to be trends in some regions of the world, including increases in drought in the Mediterranean and W Africa & decreases in droughts in central N America & NW Australia"Roger Pielke Jr.✔@RogerPielkeJrFloods:"There is low confidence due to limited evidence, however, that anthropogenic climate change has affected the frequency and the magnitude of floods. "39Roger Pielke Jr.✔@RogerPielkeJr·3⃣Drought. No change vs AR5"low confidence in the sign of drought trends since 1950 at global scale... likely to be trends in some regions of the world, including increases in drought in the Mediterranean and W Africa & decreases in droughts in central N America & NW Australia"— Roger Pielke Jr. (@RogerPielkeJr) October 8, 20182⃣Temperature extremes: Nor change from AR5 or SREXVery likely= ⬇️cold days and nightsVery likely= ⬆️warm days and nightsLikely= "consistent changes are detectable on continental scale in North America, Europe and Australia"— Roger Pielke Jr. (@RogerPielkeJr) October 8, 2018Drought. No change vs AR5"low confidence in the sign of drought trends since 1950 at global scale... likely to be trends in some regions of the world, including increases in drought in the Mediterranean and W Africa & decreases in droughts in central N America & NW Australia"Roger Pielke Jr.✔@RogerPielkeJrFloods:"There is low confidence due to limited evidence, however, that anthropogenic climate change has affected the frequency and the magnitude of floods. "394⃣Floods:"There is low confidence due to limited evidence, however, that anthropogenic climate change has affected the frequency and the magnitude of floods. "— Roger Pielke Jr. (@RogerPielkeJr) October 8, 2018Twitter Ads info and privacy4⃣Floods:"There is low confidence due to limited evidence, however, that anthropogenic climate change has affected the frequency and the magnitude of floods. "— Roger Pielke Jr. (@RogerPielkeJr) October 8, 2018Twitter Ads info and privacyRoger Pielke Jr.✔@RogerPielkeJr·3⃣Drought. No change vs AR5"low confidence in the sign of drought trends since 1950 at global scale... likely to be trends in some regions of the world, including increases in drought in the Mediterranean and W Africa & decreases in droughts in central N America & NW Australia"— Roger Pielke Jr. (@RogerPielkeJr) October 8, 20182⃣Temperature extremes: Nor change from AR5 or SREXVery likely= ⬇️cold days and nightsVery likely= ⬆️warm days and nightsLikely= "consistent changes are detectable on continental scale in North America, Europe and Australia"— Roger Pielke Jr. (@RogerPielkeJr) October 8, 2018Drought. No change vs AR5"low confidence in the sign of drought trends since 1950 at global scale... likely to be trends in some regions of the world, including increases in drought in the Mediterranean and W Africa & decreases in droughts in central N America & NW Australia"Roger Pielke Jr.✔@RogerPielkeJrFloods:"There is low confidence due to limited evidence, however, that anthropogenic climate change has affected the frequency and the magnitude of floods. "394⃣Floods:"There is low confidence due to limited evidence, however, that anthropogenic climate change has affected the frequency and the magnitude of floods. "— Roger Pielke Jr. (@RogerPielkeJr) October 8, 2018Twitter Ads info and privacy4⃣Floods:"There is low confidence due to limited evidence, however, that anthropogenic climate change has affected the frequency and the magnitude of floods. "— Roger Pielke Jr. (@RogerPielkeJr) October 8, 2018***HEATWAVESACCORDING to the EPA, the low-CO2 1930s had (by far) the worst heatwaves in US history :US Annual Heat Wave Index | EPA*WHEN CO₂ was at ‘safe levels’, Adelaide’s temperature climbed above 100°F, six days in a row.ADELAIDE – March, 1940 :Friday – 24°C (74.4F)Saturday – 24°C (75.7F)Sunday – 28°C (81.7F)Monday – 34°C (93.5F)Tuesday – 31°C (88.4F)Wednesday – 35°C (94.9F)Thursday – 40°C (103.9F)Friday – 42°C (107.7F)Saturday – 43°C (110.1F)Sunday – 42°C (108.3F)Monday – 42°C (107.9F)Tuesday – 40°C (103.6F)RECORD MARCH HEAT WAVE : Six Consecutive Days Above 100°F | Climatism***GLOBAL TROPICAL CYCLONES“Numerous studies towards and beyond AR5 have reported a decreasing trendin the global number of tropical cyclones and/or the globally accumulated cyclonic energy”– UN IPCC SR15 (2018)“There is only low confidence regarding changes in global tropical cyclone numbers under global warming over the last four decades.” – UN IPCC SR15 (2018)Global Tropical Cyclone Activity | Ryan Maue*AUSTRALIAN TROPICAL CYCLONESAUSTRALIAN tropical cyclones are declining in both intensity and frequency as CO₂ rises :OPEN Letter To The Bureau Of Meteorology – Tropical Cyclone Trends | Climatism***HURRICANESGLOBAL Hurricanes are declining in both frequency and intensity as CO₂increases :Global Major Hurricane Frequency | Ryan Maue*Joe Bastardi: Climate Crisis? Four Major Metrics That Say Otherwise — The Patriot Post*CAT 3+ U.S. Landfalling Hurricanes (per decade) declining rapidly as CO₂emissions rise :HURRICANES & Climate Change : Landfalls | Climatism*FLORIDA Major Hurricane Strikes – Still No Trend :Florida Major Hurricane Strikes: Still No Trend « Roy Spencer, PhD***TORNADOES2018 was one of the least active US tornado years on record, despite record and rising CO₂emissions.AS of October, a new record low tornado count was set. The cumulative total for 2018 is 759; the previous lowest number of tornadoes for this date was 761. The SPC has records extending back 65 years.This lack of tornadic storms in recent years should also correlate with lesser severe thunderstorm activity in general in the U.S., since the conditions which produce large hail and damaging winds are generally the same as are required for tornadoes (strong instability, plentiful moisture, and wind shear). – Roy Spencer PhDNB// The US represents about 75 percent of the world’s recorded tornadoes.New Record Low Tornado Count as of October 3 « Roy Spencer, PhD*Joe Bastardi: Climate Crisis? Four Major Metrics That Say Otherwise — The Patriot Post*THE frequency of strong to violent tornadoes is also decreasing :Joe Bastardi: Climate Crisis? Four Major Metrics That Say Otherwise — The Patriot Post*Joe Bastardi: Climate Crisis? Four Major Metrics That Say Otherwise — The Patriot Post*THE trend is clearly down across the board. Yet why are no mainstream journalists curious about this?NB// IPCC SR15 “Extreme Weather” report made no mention of Tornadoes. Nor, the mainstream media!***GLOBAL WEATHER DISASTERS / LOSSESGLOBAL weather disasters/losses as a percentage of global GDP are declining as CO₂ emissions rise.THROUGH 7 months of 2018 weather disasters as % GDP were on record (low) pace… Pielke Jr.✔@RogerPielkeJrWith @Aon_plc 1st half 2018 catastrophe losses out (HT @SteveBowenWx) I have updated graph of weather disasters as proportion global GDP (2018 annualized).Through 7 months of 2018 weather disasters as % GDP are on record (low) pace (crosses fingers)19With @Aon_plc 1st half 2018 catastrophe losses out (HT @SteveBowenWx) I have updated graph of weather disasters as proportion global GDP (2018 annualized).Through 7 months of 2018 weather disasters as % GDP are on record (low) pace (crosses fingers)⬇️— Roger Pielke Jr. (@RogerPielkeJr) July 30, 2018With @Aon_plc 1st half 2018 catastrophe losses out (HT @SteveBowenWx) I have updated graph of weather disasters as proportion global GDP (2018 annualized).Through 7 months of 2018 weather disasters as % GDP are on record (low) pace (crosses fingers)⬇️— Roger Pielke Jr. (@RogerPielkeJr) July 30, 2018Twitter Ads info and privacyNB// LOSS data does not include the two big CAT4’s that struck the US in 2018 – Florence (Sep) and Michael (Oct).***CONCLUSIONBIAS BY OMISSIONIN my opinion, the worst form of propaganda is ‘bias by omission’ – information and facts that you are ‘not’ told about, in order to keep the truth from you.THE mainstream media has not and will not report the facts on “Extreme Weather”, as clearly laid out in the science and data above, because such facts are obviously extremely ‘inconvenient’ to their “catastrophic” man-made global warming narrative.*VITAL information central to the potential seriousness of climate change – Extreme Weather – has been purposely omitted by the mainstream media and replaced by emotions, alarmism and exaggerations in order to fit the climate-calamity narrative designed to scare you into belief and obedience.THIS is why theglobal warmingclimate change debate has become so dangerously deceptive and dishonest. Climate truths hidden from you and replaced with a narrative far more acceptable – Hollywood-style climate hysteria based on alarmism, increased sampling rates and overheated, CO2-centric climate models that do not accord with observed reality.•••UPDATEDID not see either of these instructive graphs painted on a placards at any of the kiddie climate rallies last Friday. Guess they don’t fit their ‘catastrophic’ climate narrative…Global Deaths from Climate and non-Climate Catastrophes, 1920-2018Carbon Emissions and World Prosperity*PERHAPS the climate kids would have been wise to read and learn the words of H.L. Mencken, before being forced out by their parents and teachers to act as standard bearers of new radical eco-socialism, protected by ‘innocence’ and lack of age :“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary. The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule it.” – H.L. Menckensevere weather | Search Results | ClimatismLeading German Meteorologist Tells Audience “Dangerous” To Declare Climate Debate Ended…Too Much UncertaintyBy P Gosselin on 13. April 2019High profile German meteorologist Donald Bäcker recently told an audience that there remains great uncertainty as to what is really behind climate change. He told the biggest problem the planet faces is waste, particularly plastic in the oceans.Hat-tip: halloLindenLimmer.deDonald Bäcker regularly gives his weather forecasts on flagship German public television and spoke in an entertaining way before an open-minded and very interested audience in the Ihme Centre in Hanover.The lecture lasted two hours and the videos posted at halloLindenLimmer.deshow the climate excerpt of it.Plastic pollution a greater problemThe topic of climate change was emphasized in his lecture under the title: “Is our climate going crazy?” Bäcker rejected climate panic and recommended to the climate striking pupils to go back to school and learn.His conclusion on the climate debate: “Plastic in the sea is worse”.On climate he told the audience that it is very difficult to figure out what part man plays and what natural factors play in the complex system of climate. At the 5:30 mark of the 32-minute video excerpt, he told that rolling back CO2 is not going to save us and that the worst problem is plastics and coping with the population growth.Too many people living in naturally hazardous areasConcerning natural disasters hitting populated areas, he tells the audience that it’s not climate change causing the tragedies, but rather people living in hazardous areas.“Dangerous” to declare climate science settledHe also criticizes the climate discussion and calls the claims that the discussion is over and that CO2 is the main driver today “dangerous”. Bäcker points out that predictions made by climate scientists in 2000 that Germany would dry out have turned out to be wrong.At the 14-minute mark he warns that the climate model predictions are lacking in quality and that climate scientists know their predictions will be forgotten 30 to 40 years down the road. He reminds the audience how scientists warned in the 1970s of a coming ice age, which today we know never showed up.At the 16-minute mark, Bäcker reminds the audience that renewable energies like solar are not what they are cracked up to be, saying that the production of solar modules “is very energy intensive” and more damaging to the environment than we are led to believe.Today’s climate not unusualWhen questioned about the “dramatic” situation in the Arctic, Bäcker remined that this is not an unusual situation in that people once settled in Greenland 1000 years ago and how the climate back then was warmer than it is today.No consensusAt the 18:00 mark he sharply criticizes the notion that the science is settled and finds it disturbing that people who present alternative explanations get dismissed and labelled as nuts, and shut out by the press. He adds that there is in reality no consensus and there are scientists out there who don’t agree.Leading German Meteorologist Tells Audience “Dangerous” To Declare Climate Debate Ended…Too Much Uncertainty

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