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Has President Trump failed America throughout the COVID-19 outbreak?

HAS PRESIDENT TRUMP FAILED AMERICA THROUGHOUT THE COVID-19 OUTBREAK?The answer to that question is best summed up in an article written by somebody who really knows what he is talking about, based upon facts and figures.Please take the time to read the article below, which is arguably the most enlightening assessment of Donald Trump’s handling of the coronavirus, COVID-19 Pandemic thus far.Statement…None of the following article is written by myself, with no wish to give the impression of using somebody else’s work as my own. But the coronavirus situation is of such importance, that I believe this article by David Frum, forCommentator David Jeffrey Frum is a Canadian-American political commentator. A speechwriter for President George W. Bush, Frum later authored the first book about Bush's presidency written by a former member of the administration. He is credited with inspiring the phrase "axis of evil" in Bush's 2002 State of the Union address.David Frum - WikipediaThis needs to be read by the American people.It directly criticizes Donald Trump’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic, and his attitude towards it.This criticism is in no way driven by political motivation, but by a clear belief that when it comes down to handling this national and world health crisis, the man in the White House is simply not up to the job.Before dismissing the article as politically biased, please read it, to gain insight into just what is happening here, to protect the American people from this pandemic, or rather…What is not being done!As for Quora moderation, I can only hope that they will view the article as it is intended…For the purpose of information, and not for the purpose of plagiarism.ARTICLE…This Is Trump’s Fault…Written for The Atlantic, By David Frum.© MANDEL NGAN / AFP / GETTY“I don’t take responsibility at all,” said President Donald Trump in the Rose Garden on March 13. Those words will probably end up as the epitaph of his presidency, the single sentence that sums it all up.“Trump now fancies himself a “wartime president.” How is his war going? By the end of March, the coronavirus had killed more Americans than the 9/11 attacks. By the first weekend in April, the virus had killed more Americans than any single battle of the Civil War. By Easter, it may have killed more Americans than the Korean War. On the present trajectory, it will kill, by late April, more Americans than Vietnam. Having earlier promised that casualties could be held near zero, Trump now claims he will have done a “very good job” if the toll is held below 200,000 dead.”“The United States is on trajectory to suffer more sickness, more dying, and more economic harm from this virus than any other comparably developed country.”“That the pandemic occurred is not Trump’s fault. The utter unpreparedness of the United States for a pandemic is Trump’s fault. The loss of stockpiled respirators to breakage because the federal government let maintenance contracts lapse in 2018 is Trump’s fault. The failure to store sufficient protective medical gear in the national arsenal is Trump’s fault. That states are bidding against other states for equipment, paying many multiples of the pre-crisis price for ventilators, is Trump’s fault. Air travelers summoned home and forced to stand for hours in dense airport crowds alongside infected people? That was Trump’s fault too. Ten weeks of insisting that the coronavirus is a harmless flu that would miraculously go away on its own? Trump’s fault again. The refusal of red-state governors to act promptly, the failure to close Florida and Gulf Coast beaches until late March? That fault is more widely shared, but again, responsibility rests with Trump: He could have stopped it, and he did not.”“The lying about the coronavirus by hosts on Fox News and conservative talk radio is Trump’s fault: They did it to protect him. The false hope of instant cures and nonexistent vaccines is Trump’s fault, because he told those lies to cover up his failure to act in time. The severity of the economic crisis is Trump’s fault; things would have been less bad if he had acted faster instead of sending out his chief economic adviser and his son Eric to assure Americans that the first stock-market dips were buying opportunities. The firing of a Navy captain for speaking truthfully about the virus’s threat to his crew? Trump’s fault. The fact that so many key government jobs were either empty or filled by mediocrities? Trump’s fault. The insertion of Trump’s arrogant and incompetent son-in-law as commander in chief of the national medical supply chain? Trump’s fault.”“For three years, Trump has blathered and bluffed and bullied his way through an office for which he is utterly inadequate. But sooner or later, every president must face a supreme test, a test that cannot be evaded by blather and bluff and bullying. That test has overwhelmed Trump.”Trump failed. He is failing. He will continue to fail. And Americans are paying for his failures.“The coronavirus emerged in China in late December. The Trump administration received its first formal notification of the outbreak on January 3. The first confirmed case in the United States was diagnosed in mid-January. Financial markets in the United States suffered the first of a sequence of crashes on February 24. The first person known to have succumbed to COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus, in the United States died on February 29. The 100th died on March 17. By March 20, New York City alone had confirmed 5,600 cases. Not until March 21—the day the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services placed its first large-scale order for N95 masks—did the White House begin marshaling a national supply chain to meet the threat in earnest. “What they’ve done over the last 13 days has been really extraordinary,” Jared Kushner said on April 3, implicitly acknowledging the waste of weeks between January 3 and March 21.”“Those were the weeks when testing hardly happened, because there were no kits. Those were the weeks when tracing hardly happened, because there was little testing. Those were the weeks when isolation did not happen, because the president and his administration insisted that the virus was under control. Those were the weeks when supplies were not ordered, because nobody in the White House was home to order them. Those lost weeks placed the United States on the path to the worst outbreak of the coronavirus in the developed world: one-fourth of all confirmed cases anywhere on Earth.”© AP The US was late ordering medical supplies.“Those lost weeks also put the United States—and thus the world—on the path to an economic collapse steeper than any in recent memory.”“Statisticians cannot count fast enough to keep pace with the accelerating economic depression. It’s a good guess that the unemployment rate had reached 13 percent by April 3. It may peak at 20 percent, perhaps even higher, and threatens to stay at Great Depression–like levels at least into 2021, maybe longer”.“This country—buffered by oceans from the epicenter of the global outbreak, in East Asia; blessed with the most advanced medical technology on Earth; endowed with agencies and personnel devoted to responding to pandemics—could have and should have suffered less than nations nearer to China. Instead, the United States will suffer more than any peer country.”“It didn’t have to be this way. If somebody else had been president of the United States in December 2019—Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush, Mike Pence, really almost anybody else—the United States would still have been afflicted by the coronavirus. But it would have been better prepared, and better able to respond. Through the early weeks of the pandemic, when so much death and suffering could still have been prevented or mitigated, Trump joined passivity to fantasy. In those crucial early days, Trump made two big wagers. He bet that the virus could somehow be prevented from entering the United States by travel restrictions. And he bet that, to the extent that the virus had already entered the United States, it would burn off as the weather warmed.”© Reuters Donald Trump addresses the daily coronavirus taskforce briefing at the White House.“At a session with state governors on February 10, Trump predicted that the virus would quickly disappear on its own. “Now, the virus that we’re talking about having to do—you know, a lot of people think that goes away in April with the heat—as the heat comes in. Typically, that will go away in April. We’re in great shape though. We have 12 cases—11 cases, and many of them are in good shape now.” On February 14, Trump repeated his assurance that the virus would disappear by itself. He tweeted again on February 24 that he had the virus “very much under control in the USA.” On February 27, he said that the virus would disappear “like a miracle.”“Those two assumptions led him to conclude that not much else needed to be done. Senator Chris Murphy left a White House briefing on February 5, and tweeted:”Chris murphy.Chris Murphy ✔ @ChrisMurphyCT“Just left the Administration briefing on Coronavirus. Bottom line: they aren't taking this seriously enough”.“Notably, no request for ANY emergency funding, which is a big mistake. Local health systems need supplies, training, screening staff etc. And they need it now.”“Trump and his supporters now say that he was distracted from responding to the crisis by his impeachment. Even if it were true, pleading that the defense of your past egregious misconduct led to your present gross failures is not much of an excuse.”“But if Trump and his senior national-security aides were distracted, impeachment was not the only reason, or even the principal reason. The period when the virus gathered momentum in Hubei province was also the period during which the United States seemed on the brink of war with Iran. Through the fall of 2019, tensions escalated between the two countries. The United States blamed an Iranian-linked militia for a December 27 rocket attack on a U.S. base in Iraq, triggering tit-for-tat retaliation that would lead to the U.S. killing General Qassem Soleimani on January 3, open threats of war by the United States on January 6, and the destruction of a civilian airliner over Tehran on January 8.”© Getty Donald Trump insisted at Davos in Switzerland in January coronavirus would be 'fine'.“The preoccupation with Iran may account for why Trump paid so little attention to the virus, despite the many warnings. On January 18, Trump—on a golf excursion in Palm Beach, Florida—cut off his health secretary’s telephoned warning of gathering danger to launch into a lecture about vaping, The Washington Post reported.”“Two days later, the first documented U.S. case was confirmed in Washington State.”“Yet even at that late hour, Trump continued to think of the coronavirus as something external to the United States. He tweeted on January 22: “China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!”“Impeachment somehow failed to distract Trump from traveling to Davos, where in a January 22 interview with CNBC’s Squawk Box, he promised: “We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China. We have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.”“Trump would later complain that he had been deceived by the Chinese. “I wish they could have told us earlier about what was going on inside,” he said on March 21. “We didn’t know about it until it started coming out publicly.”“If Trump truly was so trustingly ignorant as late as January 22, the fault was again his own. The Trump administration had cut U.S. public-health staff operating inside China by two-thirds, from 47 in January 2017 to 14 by 2019, an important reason it found itself dependent on less-accurate information from the World Health Organization. In July 2019, the Trump administration defunded the position that embedded an epidemiologist inside China’s own disease-control administration, again obstructing the flow of information to the United States.”“Yet even if Trump did not know what was happening, other Americans did. On January 27, former Vice President Joe Biden sounded the alarm about a global pandemic in an op-ed in USA Today. By the end of January, eight cases of the virus had been confirmed in the United States. Hundreds more must have been incubating undetected.”“On January 31, the Trump administration at last did something: It announced restrictions on air travel to and from China by non-U.S. persons. This January 31 decision to restrict air travel has become Trump’s most commonly proffered defense of his actions. “We’ve done an incredible job because we closed early,” Trump said on February 27. “We closed those borders very early, against the advice of a lot of professionals, and we turned out to be right. I took a lot of heat for that,” he repeated on March 4. Trump praised himself some more at a Fox News town hall in Scranton, Pennsylvania, the next day. “As soon as I heard that China had a problem, I said, ‘What’s going on with China? How many people are coming in?’ Nobody but me asked that question. And you know better than—again, you know … that I closed the borders very early.”“Because Trump puts so much emphasis on this point, it’s important to stress that none of this is true. Trump did not close the borders early—in fact, he did not truly close them at all.”“The World Health Organization declared a global health emergency on January 30, but recommended against travel restrictions. On January 31, the same day the United States announced its restrictions, Italy suspended all flights to and from China. But unlike the American restrictions, which did not take effect until February 2, the Italian ban applied immediately. Australia acted on February 1, halting entries from China by foreign nationals, again ahead of Trump.”“And Trump’s actions did little to stop the spread of the virus. The ban applied only to foreign nationals who had been in China during the previous 14 days, and included 11 categories of exceptions. Since the restrictions took effect, nearly 40,000 passengers have entered the United States from China, subjected to inconsistent screenings, The New York Times reported.”“At a House hearing on February 5, a few days after the restrictions went into effect, Ron Klain—who led the Obama administration’s efforts against the Ebola outbreak—condemned the Trump policy as a “travel Band-Aid, not a travel ban.”“That same afternoon, Trump’s impeachment trial ended with his acquittal in the Senate. The president, though, turned his energy not to combatting the virus, but to the demands of his own ego.”“The president’s top priority through February 2020 was to exact retribution from truth-tellers in the impeachment fight. On February 7, Trump removed Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman from the National Security Council. On February 12, Trump withdrew his nomination of Jessie Liu as undersecretary of the Treasury for terrorism and financial crimes, apparently to punish her for her role in the prosecution and conviction of the Trump ally Roger Stone. On March 2, Trump withdrew the nomination of Elaine McCusker to the post of Pentagon comptroller; McCusker’s sin was having raised concerns that suspension of aid to Ukraine had been improper. Late on the evening of April 3, Trump fired Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson, the official who had forwarded the Ukraine whistleblower complaint to the House and Senate Intelligence Committees, as the law required. As the epigrammist Windsor Mann tweeted that same night: “Trump’s impeachment distracted him from preparing for a pandemic, but the pandemic did not distract him from firing the man he holds responsible for his impeachment.”“Intentionally or not, Trump’s campaign of payback against his perceived enemies in the impeachment battle sent a warning to public-health officials: Keep your mouth shut. If anybody missed the message, the firing of Captain Brett Crozier from the command of an aircraft carrier for speaking honestly about the danger facing his sailors was a reminder. There’s a reason that the surgeon general of the United States seems terrified to answer even the most basic factual questions or that Rear Admiral John Polowczyk sounds like a malfunctioning artificial-intelligence program at press briefings. The president’s lies must not be contradicted. And because the president’s lies change constantly, it’s impossible to predict what might contradict him.”“BEST USA ECONOMY IN HISTORY!” Trump tweeted on February 11. On February 15, Trump shared a video from a Senate GOP account, tweeting: “Our booming economy is drawing Americans off the sidelines and BACK TO WORK at the highest rate in 30 years!”“became the unofficial policy of the administration through the month of February, and as a result, that of the administration’s surrogates and propagandists. “It looks like the coronavirus is being weaponized as yet another element to bring down Donald Trump,” Rush Limbaugh said on his radio program February 24. “Now, I want to tell you the truth about the coronavirus … Yeah, I’m dead right on this. The coronavirus is the common cold, folks.”“We have contained this,” Trump’s economic adviser Larry Kudlow told CNBC on February 24. “I won’t say airtight, but pretty close to airtight. We have done a good job in the United States.” Kudlow conceded that there might be “some stumbles” in financial markets, but insisted there would be no “economic tragedy.”“On February 28, then–White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney told an audience at the Conservative Political Action Conference, near Washington, D.C.”:“The reason you’re ... seeing so much attention to [the virus] today is that [the media] think this is gonna be what brings down this president. This is what this is all about. I got a note from a reporter saying, “What are you gonna do today to calm the markets.” I’m like: Really, what I might do today to calm the markets is tell people to turn their televisions off for 24 hours ... This is not Ebola, okay? It’s not SARS, it’s not MERS.”“That same day, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo scolded a House committee for daring to ask him about the coronavirus. “We agreed that I’d come today to talk about Iran, and the first question today is not about Iran.”“Throughout the crisis, the top priority of the president, and of everyone who works for the president, has been the protection of his ego. Americans have become sadly used to Trump’s blustery self-praise and his insatiable appetite for flattery. During the pandemic, this psychological deformity has mutated into a deadly strategic vulnerability for the United States.”“If we were doing a bad job, we should also be criticized. But we have done an incredible job,” Trump said on February 27. “We’re doing a great job with it,” he told Republican senators on March 10. “I always treated the Chinese Virus very seriously, and have done a very good job from the beginning,” he tweeted on March 18″.“For three-quarters of his presidency, Trump has taken credit for the economic expansion that began under President Barack Obama in 2010. That expansion accelerated in 2014, just in time to deliver real prosperity over the past three years. The harm done by Trump’s own initiatives, and especially his trade wars, was masked by that continued growth. The economy Trump inherited became his all-purpose answer to his critics. Did he break laws, corrupt the Treasury, appoint cronies, and tell lies? So what? Unemployment was down, the stock market up.”“Suddenly, in 2020, the rooster that had taken credit for the sunrise faced the reality of sunset. He could not bear it.”“Underneath all the denial and self-congratulation, Trump seems to have glimpsed the truth. The clearest statement of that knowledge was expressed on February 28. That day, Trump spoke at a rally in South Carolina—his penultimate rally before the pandemic forced him to stop. This was the rally at which Trump accused the Democrats of politicizing the coronavirus as “their new hoax.” That line was so shocking, it has crowded out awareness of everything else Trump said that day. Yet those other statements are, if possible, even more relevant to understanding the trouble he brought upon the country.”“Trump does not speak clearly. His patterns of speech betray a man with guilty secrets to hide, and a beclouded mind. Yet we can discern, through the mental fog, that Trump had absorbed some crucial facts. By February 28, somebody in his orbit seemed to already be projecting 35,000 to 40,000 deaths from the coronavirus. Trump remembered the number, but refused to believe it. His remarks are worth revisiting at length”:“Now the Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus, you know that, right? Coronavirus, they’re politicizing it. We did one of the great jobs. You say, “How’s President Trump doing?” They go, “Oh, not good, not good.” They have no clue. They don’t have any clue. They can’t even count their votes in Iowa. They can’t even count. No, they can’t. They can’t count their votes.”“One of my people came up to me and said, “Mr. President, they tried to beat you on Russia, Russia, Russia.” That didn’t work out too well. They couldn’t do it. They tried the impeachment hoax. That was on a perfect conversation. They tried anything. They tried it over and over. They’d been doing it since you got in. It’s all turning. They lost. It’s all turning. Think of it. Think of it. And this is their new hoax.”“But we did something that’s been pretty amazing. We have 15 people [sick] in this massive country, and because of the fact that we went early. We went early; we could have had a lot more than that. We’re doing great. Our country is doing so great. We are so unified. We are so unified. The Republican Party has never ever been unified like it is now. There has never been a movement in the history of our country like we have now. Never been a movement.”“So a statistic that we want to talk about—Go ahead: Say USA. It’s okay; USA. So a number that nobody heard of, that I heard of recently and I was shocked to hear it: 35,000 people on average die each year from the flu. Did anyone know that? Thirty-five thousand, that’s a lot of people. It could go to 100,000; it could be 27,000. They say usually a minimum of 27, goes up to 100,000 people a year die.”“And so far, we have lost nobody to coronavirus in the United States. Nobody. And it doesn’t mean we won’t and we are totally prepared. It doesn’t mean we won’t, but think of it. You hear 35 and 40,000 people and we’ve lost nobody and you wonder, the press is in hysteria mode.”“On February 28, very few Americans had heard of an estimated death toll of 35,000 to 40,000, but Trump had heard it. And his answer to that estimate was: “So far, we have lost nobody.” He conceded, “It doesn’t mean we won’t.” But he returned to his happy talk. “We are totally prepared.” And as always, it was the media's fault. “You hear 35 and 40,000 people and we’ve lost nobody and you wonder, the press is in hysteria mode.”“By February 28, it was too late to exclude the coronavirus from the United States. It was too late to test and trace, to isolate the first cases and halt their further spread—that opportunity had already been lost. It was too late to refill the stockpiles that the Republican Congresses of the Tea Party years had refused to replenish, despite frantic pleas from the Obama administration. It was too late to produce sufficient ventilators in sufficient time.”“But on February 28, it was still not too late to arrange an orderly distribution of medical supplies to the states, not too late to coordinate with U.S. allies, not too late to close the Florida beaches before spring break, not too late to bring passengers home from cruise lines, not too late to ensure that state unemployment-insurance offices were staffed and ready, not too late for local governments to get funds to food banks, not too late to begin social distancing fast and early. Stay-at-home orders could have been put into effect on March 1, not in late March and early April.”“So much time had been wasted by the end of February. So many opportunities had been squandered. But even then, the shock could have been limited. Instead, Trump and his inner circle plunged deeper into two weeks of lies and denial, both about the disease and about the economy.”“On February 28, Eric Trump urged Americans to go “all in” on the weakening stock market.”“Kudlow repeated his advice that it was a good time to buy stocks on CNBC on March 6 after another bad week for the financial markets. As late as March 9, Trump was still arguing that the coronavirus would be no worse than the seasonal flu.”“So last year 37,000 Americans died from the common Flu. It averages between 27,000 and 70,000 per year. Nothing is shut down, life & the economy go on. At this moment there are 546 confirmed cases of Coronavirus, with 22 deaths. Think about that!”“But the facade of denial was already cracking”.“Through early March, financial markets declined and then crashed. Schools closed, then whole cities, and then whole states. The overwhelmed president responded by doing what comes most naturally to him at moments of trouble: He shifted the blame to others.”“The lack of testing equipment? On March 13, Trump passed that buck to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Obama administration.”“The White House had dissolved the directorate of the National Security Council responsible for planning for and responding to pandemics? Not me, Trump said on March 13. Maybe somebody else in the administration did it, but “I didn’t do it ... I don’t know anything about it. You say we did that. I don’t know anything about it.”“Were ventilators desperately scarce? Obtaining medical equipment was the governors’ job, Trump said on a March 16 conference call”.“Did Trump delay action until it was far too late? That was the fault of the Chinese government for withholding information, he complained on March 21.”“On March 27, Trump attributed his own broken promises about ventilator production to General Motors, now headed by a woman unworthy of even a last name: “Always a mess with Mary B.”“Masks, gowns, and gloves were running short only because hospital staff were stealing them, Trump suggested on March 29”.“Was the national emergency medical stockpile catastrophically depleted? Trump’s campaign creatively tried to pin that on mistakes Joe Biden made back in 2009.”“At his press conference on April 2, Trump blamed the shortage of lifesaving equipment, and the ensuing panic-buying, on states’ failure to build their own separate stockpile. “They have to work that out. What they should do is they should’ve—long before this pandemic arrived—they should’ve been on the open market just buying. There was no competition; you could have made a great price. The states have to stock up. It’s like one of those things. They waited. They didn’t want to spend the money, because they thought this would never happen.”“Were New Yorkers dying? On April 2, Trump fired off a peevish letter to Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer: “If you spent less time on your ridiculous impeachment hoax, which went haplessly on forever and ended up going nowhere (except increasing my poll numbers), and instead focused on helping the people of New York, then New York would not have been so completely unprepared for the ‘invisible enemy.’”“Trump’s instinct to dodge and blame had devastating consequences for Americans. Every governor and mayor who needed the federal government to take action, every science and medical adviser who hoped to prevent Trump from doing something stupid or crazy, had to reckon with Trump’s psychic needs as their single biggest problem.”“As his medical advisers sought to dissuade Trump from proceeding with his musing about reopening the country by Easter, April 12, Deborah Birx—the White House’s coronavirus-response coordinator—appeared on the evangelical CBN network to deliver this abject flattery: “[Trump is] so attentive to the scientific literature & the details & the data. I think his ability to analyze & integrate data that comes out of his long history in business has really been a real benefit.”“Governors got the message too. “If they don’t treat you right, I don’t call,” Trump explained at a White House press briefing on March 27. The federal response has been dogged by suspicions of favoritism for political and personal allies of Trump. The District of Columbia has seen its requests denied, while Florida gets everything it asks for”.“The weeks of Trump-administration denial and delay have triggered a desperate scramble among states. The Trump administration is allocating some supplies through the Federal Emergency Management Agency, but has made the deliberate choice to allow large volumes of crucial supplies to continue to be distributed by commercial firms to their clients. That has left state governments bidding against one another, as if the 1787 Constitution had never been signed, and we have no national government”.“In his panic, Trump is sacrificing U.S. alliances abroad, attempting to recoup his own failure by turning predator. German and French officials accuse the Trump administration of diverting supplies they had purchased to the United States. On April 3, the North American company 3M publicly rebuked the Trump administration for its attempt to embargo medical exports to Canada, where 3M has operated seven facilities for 70 years”.“Around the world, allies are registering that in an emergency, when it matters most, the United States has utterly failed to lead. Perhaps the only political leader in Canada ever to say a good word about Donald Trump, Ontario Premier Doug Ford, expressed disgust at an April 3 press conference. “I just can’t stress how disappointed I am at President Trump ... I’m not going to rely on President Trump,” he said. “I’m not going to rely on any prime minister or president from any country ever again.” Ford argued for a future of Canadian self-sufficiency. Trump’s nationalist selfishness is proving almost as contagious as the virus itself—and could ultimately prove as dangerous, too.”“As the pandemic kills, as the economic depression tightens its grip, Donald Trump has consistently put his own needs first. Right now, when his only care should be to beat the pandemic, Trump is renegotiating his debts with his bankers and lease payments with Palm Beach County.”“He has never tried to be president of the whole United States, but at most 46 percent of it, to the extent that serving even the 46 percent has been consistent with his supreme concerns: stealing, loafing, and whining. Now he is not even serving the 46 percent. The people most victimized by his lies and fantasies are the people who trusted him, the more conservative Americans who harmed themselves to prove their loyalty to Trump. An Arkansas pastor told The Washington Post of congregants “ready to lick the floor” to support the president’s claim that there is nothing to worry about. On March 15, the Trump-loyal governor of Oklahoma tweeted a since-deleted photo of himself and his children at a crowded restaurant buffet. “Eating with my kids and all my fellow Oklahomans at the @Collective OKC. It’s packed tonight!” Those who took their cues from Trump and the media who propagandized for him, and all Americans, will suffer for “.“Governments often fail. From Pearl Harbor to the financial crisis of 2008, you can itemize a long list of missed warnings and overlooked dangers that cost lives and inflicted hardship. But in the past, Americans could at least expect public spirit and civic concern from their presidents”.“Trump has mouthed the slogan “America first,” but he has never acted on it. It has always been “Trump first.” His business first. His excuses first. His pathetic vanity first”.“Trump has taken millions in payments from the Treasury. He has taken millions in payments from U.S. businesses and foreign governments. He has taken millions in payments from the Republican Party and his own inaugural committee. He has taken so much that does not belong to him, that was unethical and even illegal for him to take. But responsibility? No, he will not take that.”“Yet responsibility falls upon Trump, whether he takes it or not. No matter how much he deflects and insults and snivels and whines, this American catastrophe is on his hands and on his head”.About the writer…Commentator David Jeffrey Frum is a Canadian-American political commentator. A speechwriter for President George W. Bush, Frum later authored the first book about Bush's presidency written by a former member of the administration. He is credited with inspiring the phrase "axis of evil" in Bush's 2002 State of the Union address.David Frum - WikipediaEXTRA INFORMATION…About this answer.There is no plagiarism involved with this answer, It is stated crystal clear at the beginning of the answer, exactly who was the author of this article, being Mr David Frum, a major speech writer for George Bush, and where the article was gained from. The article by Mr Frum has already gained over 20 thousand views, with over 200 upvotes, proving how popular it is with the readers. There is also information at the end of the article regarding the Author David Frum. So to consider it to be plagiarized is not plausible.To collapse or delete the answer, removes information which should be shared by the American people about the Coronavirus, Covid-19 Pandemic. Also about the American governments handling of it.ABOUT THE ANSWER BEING COLLAPSED…This article by David Frum is one of the most important ever to be written.An article containing the truth, concerning the dangerous Covid-19 Pandemic, which has already claimed the lives of over 100 thousand American people, and over a million World wide.This is also, a highly popular article…Having gained over 70 thousand views with over 704 upvotes, being shared by 82 people, including a mass of comments, within a healthy comments, debating section, gained in a very short period of time, proving how popular it was, and still is. Only a handful of people out of 70 thousand, who took the time to read the answer, complained or disagreed with the writer in the comments section about the article.Being collapsed, deleted, and re-instated, several times…When Quora collapsed this article by David Frum, one of the finest speech writers in history, with a message saying that “It may need improvement” they threw away one of the most important articles ever written, along with 70 thousand views, 704 upvotes, 82 shares and a mass of comments, within a healthy debating session.Thankfully, the answer is now restored, to where it belongs to be…Where the people can read it, and sample the truth, about how this Covid-19 Pandemic, has been handled by the American government, under the leadership of Donald John. Trump.Please enjoy a chance to read the truth…While Quora allow you to.Also…For an informative article informing…TRUMP THREATENS TO SUSPEND THE “WHO” WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION FUNDING…Plus more information on the handling of the coronavirus, COVID-19 Pandemic in the U.S.A by Donald Trump and the Republican party, please visit the comments section below.

Who would win in a war between Russia and the European members of NATO?

There are 2 parts I will divide this answer to and that is both nuclear and conventional warfare.Nuclear WarfareBrief Answer: The most likely winners to possibly survive this are the Russians. They are simply building brand new ground radars to monitor Europe as Europe is doing the same thing. But the majority of their nuclear weapons ignore Europe’s defense shield still with the capability to strike any country, while the US or Europe has yet to present weapons similar to Russia.Longer Answer to whyKinzhalRussia Releases Footage of New ‘Kinzhal’ Nuclear-Capable Air-Launched Missile“The missile flying at a hypersonic speed, 10 times faster than the speed of sound, can also maneuver at all phases of its flight trajectory,” Putin continued.”At least the U.S.(I do not think any EU country has the same capabilities) has mobile defense systems that can intercept IRBMs, MRBMs and SRBMs than eventually ICBMs(we can only do it with ground based air defenses). They have launch phases, midcourse phases and terminal phases. This is a nice image of interceptions done before ballistic missiles enter the terminal phase. The Kinzhal would have been an easy target but its purpose as Putin stated is to maneuver at every stage and doing so would throw off guidance systems trying to intercept the missile.ZirconPutin Reveals Zircon Mach 9 Missile SpecificationSo far tested at mach 9 but this missile is slightly more problematic than kinzhal because.The flight ceiling is at 30–40kms and if you look at the graph that means radars barely have time to track this hypersonic target because the radar horizon to track it is way lower. You can use this Horizon calculator - radar and visual and put whatever you want for H1 and you will realize why scramjets are more difficult targets than ballistic missiles.Just like the Kinzhal it is a very maneuverable missile with a semi-ballistic trajectory.Uses a plasma cover to make itself supposedly invisible to radars based on low altitude density and speeds. To know more how it can be done look into one of my popular answers here. Jeff Jaworski's answer to Is the Zircon missile invisible to radar because of its plasma covering?AvangardThis hypersonic vehicle gets released from an ICBM at altitudes of 100–150kms. Its basically what I call the successful version of the U.S. HTV-2 project. It is a maneuverable target with speeds similar to ICBMs with a low altitude flight ceiling. Also a small target with a 5 meter length giving radars an already limited time to track the target besides its altitudes. And finishes off the final portion of its flight going mach 27 with a scramjet engine. Sources are here in one of my previous popular answers. Jeff Jaworski's answer to Will the new Russian Avangard missile really "make missile defenses useless"?Sarmatian missileSarmat“The Sarmat's silos will be protected by active protection measures including 100 guns capable of firing a metallic cloud of forty thousand 30mm bullets to an altitude of up to 6km. The Russians are also planning to protect the Sarmat with their new S-500 air defense systems. Finally, the missile's preparation to launch is under 60 seconds utilizing a highly automated launch system. All in, the Sarmat will be the best protected silo-based intercontinental ballistic missile ever put into service worldwide”The U.S. will need 500 anti-missile rockets to beat Russia's new ICBM, senator boastsTitle is self explanatory.It has liquid fuel in which I have heard solid fuel has a shorter boost phase but it seems that this liquid fuel might be a little special for it offers a short boost phase as well. Current missile defenses would be given a less time to track and intercept this ICBM and has its silos protected by defense systems to allow this missile to go full speed ahead.BurevestnikBurevestnik“The Burevestnik, 'Stormbringer' in English and previously known as Global Cruise Missile, is a small supersonic cruise missile provided with artificial intelligence (AI) to evade missile defenses. The missile has intercontinental range in excess of 10,000+ kilometers (probably close to 20,000 kilometers) and may be equipped with a nuclear warhead. The missile existence was confirmed by President Putin on March 1, 2018. The missile is fired from a ground facility and is directed autonomously to its intended target flying at low altitude avoiding both obstacles and missile defenses following an unpredictable trajectory. The key element of the cruise missile is a nuclear power unit which allegedly provides unlimited range. The missile is expected to follow any trajectory to reach its intended target. The first test firing of the Global Cruise Missile occurred in late 2017.”A nuclear ramjet missile with speeds estimated mach 3–5. Missiles that can hit anywhere. Avoid defense missile shields by flying at low altitudes and specifically avoiding them taking different flight paths. More specifications have yet to be disclosed about the project but its brief explanation tells us its intended purpose.PoseidonPoseidonThe Russian Navy Ocean Multipurpose System Poseidon, also known as Status-6, is a strategic torpedo delivered by special submarines capable of crossing distances of 10,000 kilometers at speeds of up to 185 kph and depths of 1,000 meters. Derived from the T-15 torpedo, the new weapon is basically an unmanned underwater vehicle equipped with an advanced navigation system. The Status-6 torpedo may be used to deliver massive nuclear warheads (up to 100 Megatons) or highly radioactive cobalt bombs off the coast of the United States of America against targets such as naval bases, industrial facilities, ports and large cities. The Status-6 weapon existence was leaked in November 2015 and may enter into service in the 2019-2020 timeframe. On March 1, 2018, President Putin revealed the Status-6 unmanned underwater vehicle with the capability not only to hit onshore facilities but also US aircraft carriers battle groups. The Status-6 is to be released by a modified Oscar-class submarine. Russia will deploy four submarines, two in the Northern Sea fleet and two with the Pacific fleet, with eight torpedoes each begining in 2019.A new Russian video may show a 'doomsday machine' able to trigger 300-foot tsunamis — but nuclear weapons experts question why you'd ever build one"A well-placed nuclear weapon of yield in the range 20 MT to 50 MT near a sea coast could certainly couple enough energy to equal the 2011 tsunami, and perhaps much more," Rex Richardson, a physicist who researches nuclear weapons, told Business Insider in March, referring to the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami that killed more than 15,000 people in Japan."Taking advantage of the rising-sea-floor amplification effect, tsunami waves reaching 100 meters in height" — about 330 feet — "are possible," he said.Greg Spriggs, a nuclear-weapons physicist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, said a 50-megaton weapon "could possibly induce a tsunami" and hit a shoreline with the energy equivalent to a 650-kiloton blast.We have 2 physicists contradicting each other where ones says close to shoreline where waters are shallow and the other said near sea coast and well placed detonation. Even if Spriggs estimation was based on a detonation in a not so effective area the supposedly reduced detonation he is referring as a 650 kiloton blast will still commit its purpose to kill a lot of people. You also can’t have your detonations to deep like the Mariana trench or the nuke wont be that effective fighting off the water pressure. Currently we do have seabed SONAR projects but as of now there is no defense system in development to intercept these weapons. And of course no satellite or radar information can pick this up.EU NATO’s Nuclear InventorySRBMs: Hades and Pluton: In France range too short to reach Russia. J-600T Yıldırım III: supersonic easy to intercept by short or medium range SAMs. Grom: 500km range, numbers have yet to be determined.MRBMs: Blue Streak: Cancelled. SSBS: Retired. J-600T Yıldırım IV: In development.IRBMs: Thor: 250 built no estimation on who got what amount between Britain and the US. However since development was in late 1950s most of it is retired. S3: all silos and missile facilities dismantled.ICBMs: No European country has these.SLBMs: Trident 2: 4 Vanguard submarines can carry 16 each so 64 of these. M45 and M51: The Le Redoutable class has been decommissioned so that leaves the Le Triomphant class with 4 nuclear submarines each that can carry 16 of these so 64 of these.Basically Russia’s goal is to intercept at least 128 SLBMs and to do that lets look at their missile defense shield next.Russia’s Defense ShieldS-500SLBMs are pretty much like ICBM targets that our launched from sea instead of Land. Valeriy Ivanov on VKO, S-500, S-400 There are 10 battalions that are planned to be built maybe the numbers could have changed. 41 s-400 battalions consisted of s-400 320 launchers and an S-400 system with 8 launchers is considered the usual norm with its multiple radars, trucks and missile armament so just about 10 s-300 systems each with the capability to simultaneously track and engage 10 ICBM targets and if each system would work separately this can consist of 100 SLBMs to be destroyed depending on their successful interceptions.These are the projected missiles so far:40N6M “The 40N6M is an extended range variant of the 40N6 long-range surface-to-air missile developed to support the S-500 long-range air defense and upgraded variants of the S-400 missile system. The 40N6M missile has a maximum range of 310 nautical miles (575 kilometers). The missile flies at very high altitude at hypersonic speeds of Mach 9. The 40N6M can engage targets flying up to Mach 15.6 at altitudes of up to 155 nautical miles (290 kilometers) such as satellites and hypersonic aircraft and missiles. One of the key elements of the new missile is its guidance system that differs from its predecessors due to the inability of ground-based radars to guide missiles in near space. The 40N6M missile blast fragmentation warhead has been designed to provide a hit probability of 95 percent.”77N6-N “The 77N6 is a hypersonic interceptor family developed for the S-500 strategic air defense system to engage incoming ballistic missiles and warheads at very high altitude in near space. The first 77N6 interceptors were tested in 2014 and are expected to enter service by 2020. The missiles have a maximum range of 600 kilometers and can reach an altitude of 200 kilometers.The 77N6-N missile remains classified but it would be fitted with a hit-to-kill, conventional or small tactical nuclear warhead.”A-235Just to let everyone know this map image is incomplete. For example they are planning to build the Voronezh-SM in Crimea by 2020 and are planning to build 2 more new Voronezh ground radars in the Komi Republic and Murmansk region.Russia Successfully Tests Short-Range Anti-Missile SystemThe A-235 will have missiles capable of operating at three different ranges: long-range, based on the 51T6 and capable of destroying targets at distances up to 1500 km (930 miles), at altitudes up to 800,000 m; medium-range, an update of the 58R6, designed to hit targets at distances up to 1000 km (620 miles), at altitudes up to 120,000 m; and short-range (the 53T6M or 45T6 (based on the 53T6)), with an operating range of 350 km (215 miles) and a flight ceiling of 40,000-50,000 mVery modest expectations: Performance of Moscow missile defenseThe A-135 in 1987 was expected to handle 1–2 ICBMs and 35 IRBMs. Basically a S-500 with a mobile radar can handle 10 ICBMs simultaneously and since the A-235 is an ongoing development this behemoth of a missile defense shield might give some huge staggering numbers on the ICBM count range.Europe’s Defense ShieldI do not even really want to bother with this but here we go anyways.Jeff Jaworski's answer to How well does the Patriot missile system really work?The majority of their missile defense systems are PACs-3 and if you click on my answer link you will realize why I draw the conclusions that these missile defense systems are absolutely horrible with interception rates and why Raytheon outsourced the development to Rafael.EPAA(European Phased Adaptive Approach)Has 4 phases in which the 1st two deal with SRBM and MRBM targets. 3rd phase deals with MRBMs in addition to IRBM targets. and the 4th phase in 2020 timeframe is to deal with MRBM and IRBM targets and eventually in the future ICBM targets. Most of these systems consist of AEGIS and THAADs which according to test results so far can deal with 1 MRBM and IRBM at a time. Maybe they can handle more but those are the results as of now.Conclusion to Nuclear WarfareI wanted to list Russia's current nuclear missile arsenal but there is no point because they can still annihilate Europe. And if Europe was able to bring out battalions of S-500s with the A-235 related system close to Russia the Russians still have too many ICBMs among other ballistic missiles to still destroy Europe. And If Europe gets to the point like the Russians to deal with many ICBM targets there is no guarantee that they would be able to deal with Russia’s new nuclear weapons whose intended purpose is to ignore missile defense shields and still go on their marry way to hit their strategic targets.Conventional WarfareBrief Answer: To me this is counted as using no nukes but troops, tanks, air force and missile related kind of things. However my answer to this is that the Russians win again. Europes air force would get immediately decimated by either long range SAMs or hypersonic missiles when landing in their locations. Newer tanks + upgrades, exoskeleton body armor, new weapons, longer range artillery like rockets and howitzers with the combination of EW will allow the Russians to blitz through Europe.Longer Answer to whyDealing with Europe’s AirforceSpot on: Russia to track future US missiles with upgraded over-the-horizon radar“The 29B6 OTH radar was reported as deployed for trials near the town of Kovylkino in Mordovia in December 2013. This is where the receiving antennas and main processing equipment were located. The transmitting antennas were located outside Gorodets in Nizhny Oblast.This was the first OTH radar capable of monitoring airspace up to a range of over 3,000km. Its coverage included airspace over Poland, Germany, and the Baltics all the way to Turkey, Syria and Israel.Unlike the Duga, the Container's signal is reflected by the ionosphere only once, allowing for more accurate target detection. This allows it to track even small planes over Western Europe. The station can detect a mass launch towards Russia of cruise missiles, deployments of aircraft and hypersonic cruise missiles, when they are ready.Upgrading the watchful eyeBy 2018, the Container system was significantly improved. In early December, the Ministry of Defense announced that upgraded OTH radar is now on trial duty in Russia's Mordovia region. In six months, it is expected to be fully operational and enter regular service.Basically, the same location was used for the deployment of a new OTH radar station that is far superior to the old Container (29B6). The new station has a larger detection zone. Now it is capable of discovering aerodynamic targets in a 240-degree arc, compared to 180 degrees for the old system. The computing systems and tracking stability have been improved significantly.The new Container radar is capable of detecting and tracking over 5,000 air targets simultaneously. It can also track a small plane right on the runway, or detect launch and track the warhead of short- or intermediate-range ballistic missiles, which have smaller radar cross-sections than their intercontinental cousins.There is one more important thing. When hypersonic aircraft and short- and intermediate-range missile warheads fly at high altitudes, an ionization signature forms around them in the form of a compression wave in front and an ionization wake behind. This makes them easier to detect by OTH radar already trained to analyze the state of the ionosphere.”Modeling and performance of HF/OTH (High-Frequency/Over-the-Horizon) radar targe “Several Radar Target Identification (RTI) techniques have been developed at The Ohio State University in recent years. Using the ElectroScience Laboratory compact range a large database of coherent RCS measurement has been constructed for several types of targets (aircraft, ships, and ground vehicles) at a variety of polarizations, aspect angles, and frequency bands. This extensive database has been used to analyze the performance of several different classification algorithms through the use of computer simulations. In order to optimize classification performance, it was concluded that the radar frequency range should lie in the Rayleigh-resonance frequency range, where the wavelength is on the order of or larger than the target size. For aircraft and ships with general dimensions on the order of 10 meters to 100 meters it is apparent that the High Frequency (HF) band provides optimal classification performance. Since existing HF radars are currently being used for detection and tracking or aircraft and ships of these dimensions, it is natural to further investigate the possibility of using these existing radars as the measurement devices in a radar target classification system. “Cruise missiles aircrafts all in the description of this radar system. I am assuming the bulk of Europe's air force consists of F-35s, Rafales, Typhoons and some F-16s. Currently the thing is the Russians will know wherever you are. I am very sure Europe's aircraft inventory consists of less than 5000 targets the Container radar can monitor. The majority of SEAD operations will all be done within the 3000km range. Also it is very important to take in the combat range calculations of all these aircrafts. Regarding all the S-400s, S-300s, tor, pantsir, buk and eventually s-350 and s-500 systems that come later. The majority of their entire missile defenses carry way more missiles than what NATO’s entire air force missiles can carry.Lets say that none of Russia’s air defense managed to hit a single aircraft but only their SEAD weapons. Taking combat range into account these aircrafts would be positioned at least 1000kms away or more depending on external fuel carry to make their back and forth trips. It would take roughly 3–6 minutes for the Russians to launch hypersonic missile to the location of these aircrafts that are about to land, re-fuel, restock on ammunition than about to take off. It took over 38,000 combat flights for NATO to stop the Serbs whom like the Iraqis have no long range missile defenses, constellation of satellites or OTH radars to strike aircrafts that are landing in their facilities. Looking at Russia's SAM inventory and territory in comparison to the Serbs 38,000 flights will not cut it and they will reduce that number very very quickly with long range missiles. These air defense can mobilize to Europe. Here is an example of what the future would be for their air defense systems. Jeff Jaworski's answer to Can the U.S. Air Force break the Russian Air Defence? It talks about the usage of photonic radars and mobile nuclear power plants for higher power radarsDealing with Europe’s Ground ForceAir defenses will mobilize and provide coverage from bombers,strike aircrafts and SEAD weapons and for every aircraft you see trying to attempt your demise will be the only time you will see them because each flight is their last journey of staying alive and regarding the majority of Europe's air defenses capabilities it is safe to say goodbye for each one you see on your radar screen. Also there is more coverage that protects their soldiers such as EW.EWPalantin EW systemРоссийские военные впервые применили новый комплекс подавления «Палантин»“For the first time, a separate battalion of electronic warfare at the exercises near Voronezh used the latest Palantin complex, using it to cover an interspecific group of forces in southwestern Russia. According to the tactical design of the exercise, the complex was used to protect the enemy from missile-cannon and high-precision weapons.At the moment, this "Palantine" in combat units is the only one. The second such complex is located in a training center in Tambov, where EW specialists are trained for the entire army.The Palantin complex, in accordance with its name, is able to hide an army from the enemy. It consists of 22 machines, which, scattered along the front line, work in a network, jointly deploying an invisible but impenetrable defense over the troops.Including cars can suppress satellite navigation and enemy radio communications. In addition, they are able to substitute signals that orient enemy bombs and missiles, and they will fly on their own.”Rtut-BmRtut-BM“The Rtut-BM, 'Mercury-BM' in English, is an electronic warfare (EW) system intended to protect troops and equipment from artillery rockets and shells equipped with proximity fuses which explode at 3-5 meters of altitude. The Rtut-BM affects the proximity/radio-controlled fuse making it explode at higher altitudes keeping the troops and equipment safe. Besides, the system is able to neutralize radio-frequencies employed by the enemy's communications. The Rtut-BM system is deployed on an MT-LB armored vehicle fitted with a television antenna which provides coverage for an area of 50 hectares (500,000 square meters) or a semi-sphere of 400 meters radius. The antenna can rotate -/+150-degree and its jamming signal can last for six minutes. This EW system requires a crew of two-man and can be ready for jamming within 10 minutes. The KRET corporation has been manufacturing and delivering KRET systems to the Russian Armed Forces since 2011.”Europe does not have anything close in terms of air defense and EW systems that can protect their ground forces from aircrafts, bombers, missiles, drones, rockets, artillery shells but lets further expand what protection levels can still be further given.Exoskeleton SuitsRatnik-3Ratnik 3 - Russian Combat Suit | Future Infantry Exoskeleton Combat System“One suit of the prior version, Ratnik 2, costs 200,000 rubles, equivalent to $3,500 dollars. The Russian military received 200,000 sets already. The cost of Ratnik 3 is unknown because it is still developing. The suit is comprised of five subsystems: life support, command and communication, engaging, protecting, and energy saving.It is not yet known if all of the powers and capabilities claimed by Russia can operate effectively in the Ratnik 3. The suit on display was a static example. The exoskeleton is proven to be bulletproof, fireproof and explosion-proof by tests completed by the Central Research Institute.”Feet can sense planted IEDs, Life support to stop hemorrhages, Temperatures that can handle -22 degrees to 122 degrees Fahrenheit, torso protected from shrapnels, protection from flames, invisible in the infrared field, protection from nuclear and chemical attacks, electronic boosted hearing and protection from noise,etc.Ratnik-2Экипировка "Ратник" увеличила боевые возможности пехотинца в два разаCombat equipment "Warrior" doubled the capabilities of the infantryman. The accuracy of shooting increased 1.6 times, the range of target detection at night and in conditions of limited visibility - one and a half times.This was told by the Army Commander-in-Chief, Army General Oleg Salyukov, in an interview with the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper on the eve of the Ground Forces Day, which is celebrated on October 1. He added that the set of combat equipment of the second generation "Warrior", and it has been supplied with weapons since 2015, includes elements of systems of destruction, control, protection, life support and energy supply.Army General Salyukov specified what all these elements consist of. In the destruction system - rifle, grenade and flamethrower systems, hand grenades and cold steel, in the energy supply system - power sources and chargers, power conversion and transmission equipment, in the life support system - combat equipment kits (safety glasses, hearing protection, equipment disguises), food, aid, combat clothing, and a functional state monitoring kit. The control system includes a complex of intelligence, control and communications, information processing and display facilities. An armor helmet and a protective kit are part of the protection system.“The staffing of the ground forces with new sets of combat equipment already exceeds 70 percent,” said Oleg Salyukov.Also said to withstand 10 sniper shots from 10 meters away, etc. The U.S. is making Onyx and TALOS exoskeleton suits yet nothing from Europe. So European ground troops are going to more than likely worried as hell from getting hit by all of these things while Russian ground troops are going to say something like, “I feel like Moses dividing the red sea” as they proceed to move through Europe for the amount of protection they receive from so many different assets.Tanks, Howitzers, Rocket artillery, Vehicle Launched MissilesThe worst is still far from over for our fellow European NATO military members as their adversary still sharpen their swords in other military related technologies as well.Koalitsiya-SV“The 2S35 Koalitsiya-SV, Coalition-SV in English, is a self-propelled howitzer (SPH) intended to hit ground targets with high accuracy as the replacement for the 2S19 howitzers. It is fitted with a new 2A88 152mm or 155mm high pressure cannon with a maximum range of 70 kilometers firing precision-guided rounds. The Koalitsiya-SV also features automatic targeting and charge selection system reducing the vehicle's crew to four or three members only. The unmanned turret is fitted with pneumatic loader and microwave shell priming system as well as 50-70 shells allowing for a maximum rate fire of 16 rounds per minute. The artillery system is able to hit the same target simultaneously with multiple shells traveling along a different path. The early versions of 2S35 showcased in 2015 were mounted on T-90 tank chassis instead of the Armata platform.”Fires 16–20 rounds per minute and one more addition PG-9“Currently, the Armed the forces of the Russian Federation have some artillery systems whose shells, when shooting at maximum range, reach great heights. Of the flight trajectory can be found in the upper layers of the stratosphere where the air is very tenuous and its resistance is minimal. This factor has a positive effect on the range. With such systems, the shells of which overlook the stratospheric heights today are Coalition-SV AND 2c7m Malka. According to domestic and foreign experts, it is planned to within three years to complete the development of long-range high-precision artillery ammunition (DVAB) with a range of up to 170 km.”PzH 2000“The PzH 2000 is a 155mm 52 calibers (L52) self-propelled howitzer designed to provide indirect fire support to rapid reaction forces and artillery regiments. It is compatible with all 155 NATO standard shells and charges, and features high rates of fire with outstanding accuracy. High mobility, transportability, availability and automatic shell handling system make PzH 2000 a rapid reaction system with a round capacity for 60 units. In addition to the 155mm main gun the PzH 2000 features one coaxial and one roof-mounted 7.62mm machine guns. The 155mm main gun can hit targets at 30 km with conventional ammunition and targets at ranges of 40 km employing assisted ammunition. PzH 2000 also features Multiple Round Simultaneous Impact (MRSI) capability.”Or as other sources suggest max range 60kms and can fire up to 13 rounds per minute max. Outranged by Russia’s howitzers meaning NATO ground troops will be getting shelled and cant shell the Russian’s back for a longer range and if they did they are under the divine protection of their mentioned EW equipment.Smerch-MSmerch-M“The Smerch-M artillery system is an improved derivative of the combat-proven Smerch Multiple Rocket Launcher System (MLRS). It employs modified 9M55 rockets with a new propellant to extend its maximum range up to 90 kilometers.”Could also launch dronesВстроенный в снаряд РСЗО «Смерч» беспилотник прошел испытания“The drone built into the MLRS Smerch missile has been testedThe first samples of the drone are likely to be sold abroad, since Russia has already identified "structures that ensure the use of drones in the interests of the army."The press service of the concern "Tehmash" stated that work on the creation and testing of the UAV launched in the projectile of the Smerch multiple rocket launcher is in the final stage.As the General Designer of the Splav Research and Production Association Nikolay Makarovets said earlier, the UAV was developed, which is launched in the Smerch rocket launcher. According to him, the first customer is likely to become a foreign buyer, as in the Russian Federation "structures were identified that ensure the use of UAVs in the interests of the army."Recall, the MLRS "Smerch" is a 300-mm caliber Russian rocket launcher system designed to destroy personnel, armored vehicles, as well as artillery and mortar batteries and other targets.The delivery time of the drone to the target area is about 150 seconds.The MLRS "Smerch" UAV was created according to the aircraft scheme. Its main tasks are to determine wind parameters in the target area, transfer data on the recognition of reconnaissance objects with their coordinates to the command and staff vehicle, and conduct shooting results in real time mode.The information provided to the drone reported that the time spent in the air drone is up to half an hour, the mass of the payload - 7 pounds.The speed of the UAV is about 100 kilometers per hour, the maximum height is 3000 meters.”Tornado-STornado-S“The Tornado-S is a long-range multiple rocket launch system (MLRS) developed to hit targets at ranges of up to 120 kilometers with pinpoint accuracy. The Tornado-S guided rocket utilizes an improved version of the special GLONASS satellite navigation system used in the Smerch missile system. As of late 2012 the Tornado-S was undergoing acceptance trials for deployment with the Russian Army. The new guided rocket may have a diameter of 300 millimeter as was reported erroneously with the Tornado-G rocket system. The Tornado-S rocket family maybe equipped with a variety of warheads with the possibility to increase its effective range to 200 kilometers in the near future.”Iskander VariantsIskander-KThe Iskander-K, 9M728 industrial designation, is the newest version of the Iskander road mobile tactical ballistic missile system featuring an extended range of up to 2,000 kilometers and a circular error probable (CEP) of up to 7 meters. The new weapon seems to be targeted against NATO's ballistic missile defense (BMD) system to be deployed in Europe and therefore should be equipped with a tactical nuclear warhead. The Iskander-K was under development as of late 2011 and still classified as top secret by the Russian Federation. According to new information the Iskander-K might be an hypersonic cruise missile capable of Mach 5 at an altitude of 50 kilometers. The Iskander-K, also referred to as SSC-8, entered service with the Russian Armed Forces in February 2017. Dismissing previous reports the Iskander-K is a subsonic cruise missile with a maximum range of 2,000 to 2,300 kilometers. The maximum range might be limited to 490 kilometers carrying a conventional warhead.Iskander Maneuverable“The Iskander Maneuverable is an improved variant with a maneuverable warhead and extended range to avoid interception by missile defenses. The short range missile has a range between 50 to 416 kilometers. The first reported test launch of the Iskander Maneuverable tactical ballistic missiles was carried out in August 2019.”Max range is 480kms to meet the 500km max range INF treaty supposedly. R-500 missile has been designed to be deployed on the Tractor-Erector-Launcher (TEL) vehicles utilized by the Iskander missile system. The R-500 missile follows a non-purely-ballistic path including violent maneuvers in the terminal phase of flight to defeat missile defenses. Besides its quasi-ballistic flight path, the missile is equipped with a heavy payload of decoys for enhanced survivability against existing and planned missile defenses.M270DeepStrikeCan use something like this. “The DeepStrike is a long-range surface-to-surface missile being developed by Raytheon to meet the US Army Precision Strike Missile (PrSM) requirements. The DeepStrike has been designed to be launched from existing US Army M142 HIMARS and M270 MLRS launchers using pods each equipped with two missiles. The missile has been designed to engage targets at a distance between 60 kilometers and 499 kilometers. The DeepStrike missile also features a new guidance system to achieve improved accuracy compared with the ATACMS tactical ballistic missile system. The US Army expects the new long-range weapon system to be fielded by 2023.”Europe uses the M270 and can utilize ATACMS which the 4th block is at a 300km range but no extended range yet to 500kms. If both sides start firing these the Russian troops still have more protection from their air defenses and EW systems designed for things like this.TanksT-14 Armata100km AESA radar meaning range can depend on radar horizon and a flying attached drone. Even if they do suck in the infrared technology field relying on France they got these assets to 1st identify their targets. Vacuum-1 has a 1 meter penetration and there is development work on the Vacuum-2 to go deeper regardless most protected front tank areas like Leopard 2A7, M1a2 SEP and Challenger 2 will still get destroyed with one hit from its KEP which is nearly 2km/s, 100 of these are planned for 2020. They are upgrading 400 T-90s to the T-14 standards, and upgrading T-72s to T-90 standards. 1100mm protection+ VS KEP with an additional 900mm RHA capsule for their troops.Leopards of 2A6 and 2A7 would be the only challenges but not enough for their newer tanks and the rest of Europe's tanks are not worth a challenge. I would also get into many of Russia’s robotic tanks but maybe for another time for another question on Quora.Dealing With Europe’s ships and SubsYasen-MThere are 2 planned Yasen-M Subs in development that have 10 VLS that can hold 40 zircons each meaning a potential to sink 80 ships and their current torpedoes outrange any other submarine.Futlyar“The Russian Navy Futlyar, also known as Fizik-2, is a deep water torpedo capable of a top speed of 60 knots and a maximum range of 35 nautical miles. Compared with the Fizik-1 the new torpedo features improved homing system, remote control system and range. Besides, the weapon would be able to reach a maximum depth of 540 yards (roughly 500 meters). It can be released by both surface fighting ships and submarines engaging both platforms from safe ranges. The Futlyar torpedo test program was completed by the Russian Navy by the end of 2017 with the new weapon to be deployed starting in 2018.”Worked on their stealth, while also have deeper depths to be less noticeable by Ship SONAR as well. Claimed the best SONAR in the world. and have neat things like thisVist-2“The Russian Navy Vist-2 is a small size hydro-acoustic countermeasure system designed to divert torpedo homing heads from surface ships and submarines. Besides, the Vist-2 decoy device is also able to jamming sonar systems typically used by submarines. The Vist-2 device creates a powerful hindrance for more than five minutes which silences the homing heads of enemy torpedoes and enemy submarines sonar arrays with the ability to simulate a false submarine or ship. The device is also able to emit radiation simulating the nuclear power plant of a submarine. The Vist-2 decoy first batch was delivered to the Pacific fleet of the Russian Navy in late 2016 and entered service in March 2017.”Also the submarines that carry Poseidon can sink ships with tsunamis consider Europe's entire fleet dead according to just these submarines alone.Conclusion to Conventional WarfareIt ends the same way the Russians are more suited for both conventional and nuclear warfare. With the military equipment the EU has in comparison for both types of warfare they do not have much of a chance to lay a dent on Russia’s military. They are keeping their swords sharp while EU NATO members relied too much on the U.S., dismantled most of their nuclear arsenal, military companies are not competitive to the level the U.S. or the Russians are as clearly shown in the above examples. I will say it again EU members of NATO are completely screwed without any support from the U.S.

Is Indonesia the worst place to take a flight in Asia considering its poor aviation safety record?

I would never fly an Indonesian airline, how much is your life worth….According to data from the Aviation Safety Network, Indonesia has had 104 civilian airliner accidents with over 1,300 related fatalities since 1945, ranking it as the most dangerous place to fly in Asia.EXPLAINER: Why Indonesia's plane safety record is a concernIn June 2007, the European Union banned Garuda Indonesia, along with all other Indonesian airlines, from flying into any European country due to poor safety records.In Indonesia, there are 22 commercial scheduled airlineswith flights carrying more than 30 passengers (AOC 121), and 32 airlines that only operate flights with fewer than 30 passengers (AOC 135).[10][56] Some notable Indonesian airlines, among others, include:[57]Garuda Indonesia, the government-owned flag carrierof Indonesia.Citilink, the low-cost carrier subsidiary of Garuda Indonesia group.Lion Air, currently the largest private low-cost carrier airline in Indonesia.Batik Air, the premium subsidiary of Lion Air group.Wings Air, the regional short-haul subsidiary of Lion Air group, connecting towns and small regional airports.Sriwijaya Air, currently the largest medium service regional carrier in Indonesia, also the country's third largest carrier.NAM Air, regional short-haul subsidiary of Sriwijaya Air, also using "Medium Service" concept.Indonesia AirAsia, the Indonesian branch of Malaysian-based AirAsia.Xpress Air, a medium service regional airline. Mostly serving cities in eastern and central Indonesia, but also have several routes in western Indonesia.Trigana Air, a medium service regional airline serving towns and small regional airports with small aircraft. Mainly serving eastern and central Indonesia.TransNusa, a medium service regional airline serving towns and small regional airports with small aircraft. Mainly serving Nusa Tenggara routes.Susi Air, regional airline serving towns and small regional airports with small aircraft. Started as a chartered cargo airline carrying fresh seafood from Pangandaran to Jakarta, owned by Susi Pudjiastuti.Aviastar, domestic passenger airline started as a helicopter charter services company with various leased helicopters, now is an established company dealing with air transportation services either for chartered flights or schedule flights.Aviation market share in Indonesia (2015)[58]Lion Air (41.6%)Garuda Indonesia (23.5%)Sriwijaya Air (10.4%)Citilink (8.9%)Wings Air (4.7%)Indonesia AirAsia (4.4%)Others (6.5%)In mid 2015, Lion Air rules Indonesia's domestic air travel market share by 41.6 percent, while Garuda Indonesia came in second with 23.5 percent share. Sriwijaya Air came in third with a market share of 10.4 percent, followed by Garuda's low-cost subsidiary Citilink (8.9 percent) and Lion Air's short-haul subsidiary Wings Air (4.7 percent). Indonesia AirAsia, a unit of the Malaysian budget airline, had a 4.4 percent market share.[58]Overall, Indonesian domestic air travel business is overwhelmingly ruled by two groups; Lion Air group and Garuda Indonesia group. By mid 2015, Lion Air group accounted for 43.17 percent of market share, while Garuda Indonesia group had a 37.08 percent market share.[59]from Wikipedia…List of aviation accidents and incidents in Indonesia - Wikipedia1930s6 October 1937: a KLM Douglas DC-3-194B "Specht" (PH-ALS) crashed just after takeoff from Talang Betoetoe Airport, killing four of 12 on board. The number one engine failed, causing a fire. Although the pilot cut fuel to the engine, the aircraft could not gain altitude on the remaining engine.[20]1940s22 January 1940: a KNILM Lockheed 14-WF62 Super Electra (PK-AFO) lost altitude after takeoff from Denpasar Airport in Bali and crashed into the Indian Ocean after a wingtip struck the water, killing 8 occupants and leaving only 1 survivor.[21]6 December 1941: Dutch Navy Consolidated PBY-5 Catalina Y-44 crashed at Tandjong Pandan, killing five.[22]29 December 1941: a KNILM Douglas DC-3-194B "Nandoe" (PK-ALN) was destroyed on the ground by Japanese fighters while parked at Polonia Airport.[23]29 December 1941: a BOAC Short Empire Mk.I "Cassiopeia" (G-ADUX) crashed on takeoff off Sabang after it struck debris, killing four.[24]30 January 1942: a Qantas (leased from Imperial Airways) Short Empire "Corio" (G-AEUH) was shot down by seven Japanese Mitsubishi A6M Zero aircraft and crashed 3 nmi from the mouth of the Noelmini River; 13 of 18 on board died in the attack.3 March 1942: a KNILM Douglas DC-3-194B "Pelikaan" (PK-AFV) was attacked and shot down by three Japanese Mitsubishi A6M2 Zero aircraft, whom returning to base after attacking Broome in Western Australia, causing the evacuation flight from Bandung to force-land at Carnot Bay, 90 kilometers north of Broome; three passengers and one crew member (J.F.M. Blaauw, mechanic) died during a later strafing attack.[25]August 1943: an Imperial Japanese Airways Nakajima L2D (J-BIOA) was shot down near Sulawesi.[26]24 January 1945: an Imperial Japanese Airways Nakajima L2D (J-BKOA) disappeared between Denpasar and Surabaya.[27]29 July 1947: an Orissa State Government Douglas C-47B (VT-CLA) was shot down by a Royal Dutch Indies Army Curtiss P-40. The C-47 went into a dive, crashing into trees and later into rice paddies in Ngoto, Bantul and broke up, killing eight of nine on board; only the tail remained intact. The C-47 was chartered by the Indonesian government to deliver Malaysian Red Cross supplies. Dutch authorities claimed that they were not informed of the flight and that the aircraft had no Red Cross markings.[28]25 October 1948: a Pacific Overseas Airlines C-47 (HS-PC103) crashed off Sumatra Island; the aircraft was probably shot down by Dutch pilots.[29]2 December 1949: a Bataafse Petroleum Maatschappij (BPM) Boeing-Canada Canso B(PK-AKC) crashed on landing at Muntok Bay during a survey flight, killing six of 11 on board.[30]1950s17 November 1950: a Garuda Indonesia Airways Douglas C-47A-65-DL (DC-3) overran the runway into a ditch while landing at Juanda Airport, killing 2 crew aboard, while 20 passengers and a crew member survived.[31]11 April 1955: An Air India Lockheed L-749A Constellation was en route from Hong Kong to Jakarta when it exploded in mid-air and crashed into the waters off the coast of the Natuna Islands; 16 people were killed in the crash and three survived. A time bomb had been placed on the aircraft in an attempt to assassinate Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai.[32]16 July 1957: KLM Flight 844 was taking off from Biak Airport in West Papua when it plunged into Cenderawasih Bay. Out of 68 people on board, only 10 people survived the accident. The cause of the crash was never determined.1960s24 January 1961: Garuda Indonesia Flight 424, a Douglas C-47A (PK-GDI), struck the western slope of Mount Burangrang, (15 km north of Bandung), killing all 21 occupants aboard. The DC-3 took off from Jakarta for a flight to Bandung, Yogyakarta and Surabaya; wreckage was found four days later.[33]3 February 1961: Garuda Indonesia Flight 542 Douglas C-47 went missing while flying over the Java Sea. All 5 crew and 21 passengers on board were believed to have been perished.[34]1 January 1966: The only known mid air collision in Indonesia, two Garuda Indonesia C-47A collided in mid-air near Palembang, killing all 34 on board both aircraft.[35][36]16 February 1967: Garuda Indonesia Flight 708 crashed on landing at Manado due to pilot error, killing 22 of 92 on board.[37]28 May 1968: a Garuda Indonesia Convair 990 bound for Karachi, Pakistan crashed into the sea shortly after taking off from Bombay Santa Cruz Airport. All 29 people on board (15 passengers and 14 crew members) died. In addition, there was one casualty on the ground.[38]1970s1971–197210 November 1971: A Merpati Nusantara Vickers Viscount 828 (PK-MVS) "Sabang" crashed into the sea 75 miles (121 km) off Sumatra killing all 69 people on board.[39]5 April 1972: a Merpati Nusantara Vickers Viscount was the subject of an attempted hijacking. The hijacker was killed.[40]197328 February 1973: A Merpati Nusantara Airlines DHC-6 crashed into terrain near Nabire, Papua, killing all 13 on board.1974Edit22 April 1974: Pan Am Flight 812 crashed into a hillside at Grogek, North Bali. The flight was a scheduled international flight from Hong Kong to Sydney, Australia, with an intermediate stop at Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia. All of the 96 passengers and 11 crew on board were killed.[41]7 September 1974: a Garuda Indonesia Fokker F-27 crashed on approach to Tanjung Karang-Branti Airport. The aircraft crashed short of the runway while on approach in limited visibility. The aircraft eventually struck buildings near the runway and caught fire. 33 out of 36 people on board perished.[42]1975–1979Edit24 September 1975: Garuda Indonesia Flight 150 crashed on approach to Palembang Airport. The accident, which was attributed to poor weather and fog, killed 25 out of 61 passengers and one person on the ground.[43]4 November 1976: a Bali International Air Service Fokker F-27 was landing at Banjarmasin Airport when one of its propeller auto-feathered due to crew error. The plane crashed into the side of the runway and burst into flames. 29 out of 38 people on board were killed in the crash.[44]7 February 1977: a Merpati Nusantara Douglas C-47A PK-NDH was damaged beyond economic repair in a landing accident at Tanjung Santan Airport.[45]29 March 1977: A Merpati Nusantara DHC-6 Twin Otter stalled and crashed into the woods in Sulawesi after the pilot made an erroneous maneuver to evade an imminent collision with terrain. 13 people out of 23 people on board were killed.[46]5 October 1978: A Merpati Nusantara Douglas C-47A (PK-NDI) burned out whilst parked at Ngurah Rai International Airport, Bali.[47]11 July 1979: a Garuda Indonesia Fokker F-28 on a domestic flight hit a volcano on approach to Medan Airport, Indonesia. All 61 people on board were killed.[48]1980sEdit1981Edit12 January 1981: a Garuda Indonesia Douglas DC-10-30 PK-GIB overran the runway on landing at Ujung Pandang Airport, Sulawesi, Indonesia and was substantially damaged. The aircraft subsequently returned to service.[49]28 March 1981: Garuda Indonesia Flight 206, a McDonnell Douglas DC-9-32, PK-GNJ "Woyla", was hijacked on a domestic flight from Palembang to Medan by five heavily armed hijackers. The hijackers diverted the flight to Penang, and then to Bangkok. The hijackers demanded the release of 84 political prisoners in Indonesia. On the third day of the hijacking (31 March 1981) the airplane parked in Bangkok Don Muang International Airport was stormed by Indonesian commandos One of the commandos was shot, probably by his comrades, as was the pilot, also probably by Indonesian commandos. The rest of the hostages were released unharmed. Two of the hijackers surrendered to the Thai commandos, but they were killed by the Indonesian commandos on the plane taking them back to Jakarta.[50][51]1982Edit20 March 1982: a Garuda Indonesia Fokker F-28 on a domestic flight overran the runway at Tanjung Karang-Branti Airport in bad weather. The aircraft subsequently burst into flames killing all 27 people on board.[52]24 June 1982: British Airways Flight 9 from Kuala Lumpur to Perth, flew into a cloud of volcanic ash thrown up by the eruption of Mount Galunggung in West Java while flying over Indian Ocean, resulting in the failure of all four engines. The aircraft was diverted to Jakarta while gliding out the ash cloud. All engines were successfully restarted, although one failed again soon after, allowing the aircraft to land safely at the Halim Perdanakusuma Airport in Jakarta.[53][54]1984–1987Edit30 December 1984: a Garuda Indonesia DC-9-30 on a domestic flight touched down too late and overran through a ditch, trees and a fence at Ngurah Rai International Airport. The aircraft broke in 3 and caught fire. All 75 on board survived.[55]4 April 1987: Garuda Indonesia Flight 035, a Douglas DC-9-30, struck power lines and crashed short of the runway at Polonia International Airport due to possible windshear, killing 23 of 45 on board.[56]1990sEdit1992Edit24 July 1992: Mandala Airlines Flight 660 – PK-RVU, a Vickers Viscount 816, was flying from Makassar, South Sulawesi to Ambon, Maluku. Suddenly a strong gust of wind from above caused the plane to lose altitude rapidly. It slammed into the side of Inahau Hill in Mount Lalaboy. All 70 people on board perished. Investigators concluded the strong wind and pilot error were the cause of the crash.18 October 1992: Merpati Nusantara Airlines Flight 5601, an IPTN/CASA CN-235-10 (PK-MNN) struck the side of Mount Papandayan while on approach to Bandung, Indonesia, killing all 31 people on board. The plane lost contact with control tower while above Mount Puntang. A search and rescue team found the debris of the plane and no survivors. Merpati's sole female pilot was among the dead.[57]1993Edit1 July 1993, Merpati Nusantara Airlines Flight 724, a Fokker F28 Friendship, smashed into a hill and impacted on water after the crew lost control of the plane whilst on final approach to Jefman Airport in Sorong, Papua. 41 people were killed.1994Edit30 November 1994, Merpati Nusantara Airlines Flight 422, a Fokker F28 overran the runway at Achmad Yani International Airport with no casualties among the 85 on board.[58]1995Edit10 January 1995: Merpati Nusantara Airlines Flight 6715, a de Havilland Canada DHC-6(PK-NUK) "Sangihe", went missing over the Molo Strait between Flores and Rincaislands. As of November 2016, the aircraft was never found. Search and rescue operation were called off. All 14 people on board were presumed dead.[59]1996Edit7 December 1996: Dirgantara Air Service Flight 5940, a CASA C-212 Aviocar was taking off from Banjarmasin when one of its engine suddenly malfunctioned. The pilot had attempted to return to airport. However, it failed to reach its intended destination and crashed into an industrial factory, killing 18 people including 3 on the ground. 1 passenger survived the crash.1997Edit19 April 1997: Merpati Nusantara Airlines Flight 106 – The plane was on approach to Buluh Tumbang Airport in Belitung when it suddenly stalled and banked to the left. It then crashed into the ground, killing 15 people. Investigators concluded pilot error was the cause of the accident.17 July 1997: Sempati Air Flight 304 – A Fokker F27 crashed onto a residential area near Bandung after one of its engines caught fire and failed in flight. 28 people were killed.26 September 1997: Garuda Indonesia Flight 152, an Airbus A300B4-220 flying from Jakarta to Medan, crashed in Sibolangit, 18 miles (29 km) short of Medan airport in low visibility, killing all 234 people on board. Airborne searchers and National Search and Rescue Agency later found that the plane crashed 25 km south of Medan killing 234 passengers and crews on board. The plane impacted terrain due to ATC error, and didn't aware that the plane was in close proximity to terrain as there were no visual references due to 1997 Southeast Asian haze. It is the deadliest aviation incident in Indonesia.[60]19 December 1997: SilkAir Flight 185, operated by a Boeing 737-300 plunged into the Musi River in Sumatra during a routine flight from Jakarta to Singapore, killing all 104 people on board. The US NTSB concluded that the crash resulted from an intentional act by a pilot, most likely the captain. NTSB stated that the plane crashed due to suicide by pilot, while Indonesian investigators couldn't determined the cause as because of lack of evidence. The Los Angeles County Superior Court suggested that the cause of crash was due to rudder failure.[61][62]2000sEdit2000Edit18 November 2000: Dirgantara Air Service Flight 3130 failed to take off from Datah Dawai Airport in East Kalimantan and crashed to nearby forest due to overloading. No passengers or crew were killed however everyone was injured. Investigation found an astonishing fact that the pilot voluntarily endangered the occupants by accepting bribes to let a handful of passengers board the already fully loaded aircraft.2002Edit14 January 2002: Lion Air Flight 386, a Boeing 737-200 crashed on take-off and was written off at Sultan Syarif Kasim II International Airport. Everyone on board survived.[63]Garuda Indonesia Flight 421 after its "successful" ditching, dubbed as "Miracle Flight" in Indonesia16 January 2002: Garuda Indonesia Flight 421 en route from Lombok to Yogyakarta was forced to make an emergency landing in poor weather on the Bengawan Solo River, due to an engine flameout caused by water and hail ingestion. In the process, the cabin floor suddenly ripped, causing two flight attendants to be sucked out. One person, a stewardess, was killed in the accident. The remaining 59 people survived.[64]2004Edit7 September 2004: human rights activist Munir Said Thalib was murdered on Garuda Indonesia Flight 974. Garuda's CEO at the time, Indra Setiawan, his deputy Rohainil Aini, and pilot Pollycarpus Priyanto were all convicted of his murder. Garuda was found negligent in refusing to perform an emergency landing and was ordered to pay compensation to Munir's widow. The airline then failed to pay the compensation.[65]30 November 2004: Lion Air Flight 583, a McDonnell Douglas MD-82, was landing during a rainy condition at Adisumarmo International Airport when it overran the runway and crashed onto an embankment and a cemetery. 25 people died.[66]2005Edit5 September 2005: Mandala Airlines Flight 91 shook violently, stalled and crashed into a residential neighborhood in Medan, North Sumatra. A total of 149 people were killed in Indonesia's deadliest air disaster involving ground fatalities. Flight crew took-off with flaps and slats retracted.2006Edit11 February 2006: Adam Air Flight 782, registration number PK-KKE (c/n 23773), lost navigational and communications systems twenty minutes into a flight from Jakarta to Makassar, Sulawesi. The plane was subsequently flown into a radar "black spot" and was lost for several hours, eventually making an emergency landing at Tambolaka Airport, Sumba.[67]4 March 2006: Lion Air Flight 8987, a McDonnell Douglas MD-82, crashed after landing at Juanda International Airport. Reverse thrust was used during landing, although the left thrust reverser was stated to be out of service. This caused the aircraft to veer to the right and skid off the runway, coming to rest about 7,000 feet (2,100 m) from the approach end of the runway. There were no fatalities, but the aircraft was badly damaged.[68]24 December 2006: Lion Air Flight 792, a Boeing 737-400, landed with an incorrect flap configuration and was not aligned with the runway. The plane landed hard and skidded along the runway causing the right main landing gear to detach, the left gear to protrude through the wing and some of the aircraft fuselage to be wrinkled. There were no fatalities, but the aircraft was written off.[69]2007Edit1 January 2007: ATC lost contact with Adam Air Flight 574 en route from Surabaya (SUB) to Manado (MDC). The aircraft, a Boeing 737-400 with registration code of PK-KKW (c/n 24070), had 96 passengers and 6 crew. On 10 January, parts of the aircraft's tail stabilizer were found 300 meters offshore in Makassar Strait.[70] All 102 people were killed.Adam Air Flight 172.21 February 2007: Adam Air Flight 172, a Boeing 737-300 aircraft flying from Jakarta to Surabaya with registration PK-KKV (c/n 27284), had a hard landing at Juanda International Airport. The incident caused the fuselage of the plane to crack and bend at the middle, with the tail of the plane drooping towards the ground. There were no reports of serious injuries from the incident.[71][72]7 March 2007: Garuda Indonesia Flight 200, a Boeing 737-400 flying from Jakarta to Yogyakarta, bounced three times after suffering a hard landing at Adisucipto International Airport, Yogyakarta. The aircraft overran the runway and crashed onto a nearby embankment. 21 people were killed. Investigators found the pilot did not extend the flaps to the recommended position and was fixated on landing the aircraft immediately, even though it was traveling too fast.[73]2008Edit10 March 2008: an Adam Air Boeing 737-400 aircraft flying from Jakarta to Batam with registration PK-KKT (c/n 24353), skidded 75 metres off the end of the runway while landing in Batam. All passengers survived and two were treated for shock. The plane sustained damage to one wing.[74][75]2009EditThe wreckage of Mimika Air Flight 514, seen on the slope of Mt. Gergaji23 February 2009: Lion Air Flight 972, a McDonnell Douglas MD-82 landed without the nose gear at Hang Nadim International Airport, Batam.[76]9 March 2009: Lion Air Flight 793, a McDonnell Douglas MD-90-30 (registration PK-LIL) ran off the runway at Soekarno–Hatta International Airport. No-one was injured.[77]17 April 2009; Mimika Air Flight 514, a Pilatus Porter PC-6 crashed upside down into Mount Gergaji, Papua, killing all 11 people on board. Investigators blamed the pilot for the crash.2 August 2009: Merpati Nusantara Airlines Flight 9760, a de Havilland Canada DHC-6 crashed on the island of New Guinea, about 14 miles (23 km) north of Oksibil. All 16 people on board were killed. Pilot error was blamed for the controlled flight into terrain(CFIT).[78]3 December 2009: a Merpati Nusantara Fokker 100 PK-MJD made an emergency landing at El Tari Airport, Kupang when the left main gear failed to extend. There were no injuries among the passengers and crew.[79]2010sEdit2010EditMerpati Flight 836 overran the runway in Manokwari, crashed and split into two in April 201013 April 2010: Merpati Nusantara Airlines Flight 836 – A Boeing 737 operated by Merpati Airlines overran the runway in Manokwari with 109 people on board. The plane impacted terrain and broke up into three pieces. All 109 people on board survived; 44 people suffered minor injuries.2 November 2010: Lion Air Flight 712, a Boeing 737-400 (registration PK-LIQ) overran the runway on landing at Supadio Airport, Pontianak, coming to rest on its belly and sustaining damage to its nose gear. All 174 passengers and crew evacuated by the emergency slides, with few injuries.[80]2011Edit7 May 2011: a Merpati Nusantara Xian MA60 PK-MZK, operating on the Sorong-Kaimana route, crashed onto the sea several meters from Kaimana Airport. The aircraft was on approach to Kaimana in Papua when it impacted water 500 meters from the runway. A total of 25 people were killed in the incident. The Captain chose to abort landing and performed a sharp left turn. It was also revealed that the Captain didn't retract the flaps properly causing the plane to lose altitude rapidly.[81]29 September 2011: Nusantara Buana Air Flight 823 – As the aircraft flying quite low over Gunung Leuser National Park, the crews encountered a thick cloud. Knowing that there were no other options as there were no gaps between the cloud, thus forcing them to fly into the cloud. But without any visual reference, the plane lost altitude and impacted terrain. All 18 people were killed.3 December 2011, a Merpati Nusantara CASA C-212 Aviocar passenger plane sustained substantial damage in a landing accident at Larat-Watidar Airport, Indonesia. There were three crew members and 19 passengers on board. Two passenger suffered minor injuries.[82]2012EditA graffiti in Solo regarding the Mount Salak Sukhoi Superjet 100 crash9 May 2012: a Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft crashed on a demonstration flight operating from Halim Perdanakusuma Airport, Jakarta, Indonesia.[83] The aircraft hit the cliff in Mount Salak, a volcano in the province of West Java, killing all 37 passengers and 8 crew aboard. The plane was on a demonstration flight in Indonesia, carrying potential customers and reporters. But few minutes later the plane impacted Mount Salak with 'no chance of survival'. Final reports indicated that the crews ignored the Terrain Warning System. They thought that the warning system was broken so they turned off the warning system while enganging in a conversation with a potential customer. Unbeknownst to them that the plane was in extreme proximity with terrain.[84][85]2013Edit13 April 2013: Lion Air Flight 904, a Boeing 737-800 (registration PK-LKS; c/n 38728) from Bandung to Denpasar with 108 people on board, crashed into the water near Ngurah Rai International Airport, Bali, while attempting to land. The aircraft's fuselage broke into two parts. While Indonesian officials reported the aircraft crashed short of the runway, reporters and photographers from Reuters and the Associated Press indicated that the plane overshot the runway. All passengers and crew were evacuated from the aircraft and there were no fatalities.[86]10 June 2013: a Xian MA60 PK-MZO, operating Merpati Nusantara Airlines Flight 6517from Bajawa to Kupang with 50 people on board, crash-landed at Kupang airport in East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. Twenty five passengers were injured. The aircraft, which has been damaged beyond repair, lay on its belly on the runway with its engines jammed face down into the tarmac and its wings bent forward.[87]6 August 2013: Lion Air Flight 892, a Boeing 737-800 (registration PK-LKH; c/n 37297) from Makassar to Gorontalo with 117 passengers and crew on board, collided into a cow in Jalaluddin Airport. All people on board survived.[88]2014Edit1 February 2014: Lion Air Flight 361, a Boeing 737-900ER (registration PK-LFH; c/n 35710), from Balikpapan Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Airport to Ngurah Rai International Airport in Denpasar/Bali via Juanda International Airport in Surabaya, with 222 passengers and crew on board, landed hard and bounced four times on the runway, causing a tail strike and substantial damage to the plane. There were no casualties, but two passengers were seriously injured and three others had minor injuries.[89]Tail section of Indonesia AirAsia Flight 850128 December 2014: The Indonesia AirAsia Flight 8501aircraft, operating the route from Surabaya to Singapore, crashed into the Java Sea during bad weather, killing all 155 passengers and seven crew on board. A little crack in solder caused a significant electrical interruption to the rudder travel limiter. The crews tried to fix the problem, but just made it worse as they pulled the circuit breakers off, causing protection system to go off. Subsequent miscommunication later caused the plane to plunge into the Java Sea. Had the crews not pulled the circuit breakers, the flight would have made it through to their destination. It remains the third deadliest accident in Indonesia.[90]2015Edit30 June 2015: an Indonesian Air Force Lockheed C-130 Hercules crashed near a residential neighbourhood with 12 crew and 109 passengers on board shortly after taking off from Medan, killing all aboard, along with 22 people on the ground.[91]16 August 2015: Trigana Air Service Flight 267 – The ATR 42 was on final leg to Oksibil Airport when it suddenly slammed into Tangok Mountain, few miles from the airport. Search and rescue teams found that none of the 54 people on board survived the crash. Both black boxes were retrieved by the National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT). A preliminary report indicated the plane hit the terrain instantaneously, indicating a CFIT.Crash site of Aviastar Flight 75032 October 2015: Aviastar Flight 7503 – Missing over Sulawesi, SAR team later found that debris have been found in Latimojong Mountain. As they reach the crash site, there were no survivors found. All 10 people on board were killed in the crash.2016Edit4 April 2016: Batik Air Flight 7703 – While taking off from Halim Perdanakusuma Airport in Jakarta, the Boeing 737-800's left wingtip collided with a towed (across the active runway) TransNusa Air Services ATR 42-600. The wingtip sliced off the ATR 42's left wing and vertical stabilizer, destroying it. The Boeing's left wing then caught fire. All passengers and crew were evacuated unharmed.14 June 2016: A Cessna Citation 208 Grand Caravan belonging to Associated Mission Aviation (AMA) crashed into three traditional honai houses in Papua. Seven people were injured, including the American pilot.2018Edit29 October 2018: Lion Air Flight 610 – Less than 15 minutes after taking off from Soekarno–Hatta International Airport, the Boeing 737 MAX 8 crashed into the Java Sea. 189 people were pronounced dead, making it the second-deadliest air disaster in the country's history.2019Edit28 June 2019: Indonesian Army – A military Mi-17 helicopter with registration number HA-5138 carrying twelve people crashed on a flight from Oksibil to Jayapura in Papua province, killing all on board and their military weapons and ammunitions were seized by the Free Papua Movement rebels. [92][93][94]2020sEdit2020Edit23 March 2020: Indonesian Air Force - A CASA/IPTN CN-235 with registration number A-2909 cargo plane was shot with five bullets from an M-16 assault rifle by a faction of the Free Papua Movement while flying over Serambakon district in Oksibil, Bintang regency, Papua, from Sentani, Jayapura. The Free Papua Movement rebels took responsibility through its spokesperson, Sebby Sambom, who resides in Papua New Guinea.[95][96]12 May 2020: Mission Aviation Fellowship – An American pilot Joyce Chaisin Lin, 40, died when her plane malfunctioned while she was on her way to deliver Covid-19 rapid test kits to a remote Indonesian village in Mamit Sentani, in Papua province, in a Quest Kodiakaircraft. She was a missionary with the Mission Aviation Fellowship, in an effort to bring test kits to the local clinic. Within minutes of takeoff, she reported an emergency but the aircraft fell into Lake Sentani[97][98]6 June 2020: Indonesian Army – A Russian-built Mi-17 helicopter of the Indonesian military on a training mission, about an hour after taking off from the provincial capital, Semarang crashed into an industrial area in Kendal, Central Java, killing 4 people, five others were hospitalized with serious injuries.[99]2021Edit9 January 2021: Sriwijaya Air Flight 182 - Shortly after taking off from Soekarno–Hatta International Airport, the Boeing 737-500 went missing and debris was later found amid the Kepulauan Seribu islands off Jakarta.[100] All 62 passengers and crew on board are presumed dead (as of 16 January 2021). This accident is currently under investigation.

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