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Should we stop using plastic bags?

Plastic bags or single use plastic material must be ban to save environment and beauty of earth.Indian government is banning these from second of October 2019.We should look at the growing plastic menace and how the movement against it came to be.Also its historical use and hazard s.are also to be known.On August 20, the Parliament said it would ban the use of plastic items in the complex. From October 2, the Indian Railways will ban single-use plastics.Both announcements come just days after Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his Independence Day speech urged citizens to abandon the use of single-use plastic.The government has already announced it plans to phase out disposable plastics by 2022. But it wasn’t easy for the anti-plastic movement to get to where it is today.Almost half of all plastic ever made has been produced since 2000Since the year 1950, 8.3-9 billion metric tonnes of plastic has been produced globally – equivalent to more than four Mt Everests of waste. About 44% of all plastic ever manufactured has been made since the year 2000.India generates 25,940 tonnes of plastic waste daily – that's the weight of about 9,000 Asian elephants. Yet, Indians are among the world's lowest consumers of plastic. An average Indian consumes 11kg in a year (2014-15), below the global average of 28kg.From wonder material to public enemy No. 1Not just the common man, even experts are surprised at the extent of the backlash against plastic in recent times, with many having grown used to scientists’ warnings going unheeded.Some say the severity of the plastic crisis is overstated in the public sphere, which has led to an arguably more critical issue like climate change getting sidelined. But how did public opinion on plastic get here?1. THE EARLY PROMISE OF PLASTIC19th century: A brittle, early form of plastic, called Parkesine or celluloid, is used to make household items.1907: First iteration of modern plastic, Bakelite, is invented in the US. It is initially intended for use in electrical wiring, but its producers quickly realised the potential for use in thousands of products.Over the next few decades, more varieties of plastic are invented that quickly become popular for their versatility.Household goods, including radios, were made of Bakelite2. WAR MAKES PLASTIC ESSENTIAL1939-1945: Plastic becomes indispensable during World War II, and is used in almost everything at a time when most other resources are scarce. US plastic production, in particular, triples during the war, creating the enormous petrochemical industry.3. POST-WAR PLASTIC BOOM1950s-1970s: After the war, plastic products continue to spread, eventually replacing cotton, glass and cardboard.1954: Already, people warn of future problems. Lloyd Stouffer, editor of trade journal Modern Plastics, said the “future of plastics is in the trash can,” a claim for which he is mocked.1965: Plastic enters the 13th consecutive year of record growth. The throwaway container market displaces the returnable container model. From a 96% return rate of reusable containers in 1950, return rate falls below 5% in the 1970s.1970: Global soft drinks majors begin to replace their glass bottles with plastic.Glass on its way out with soft drink companies preferring plastic4. CORPORATIONS FIGHT OFF EARLY OPPOSITION1970s: US media outlets raise concerns over the growing waste disposal crisis. New York City begins taxing plastic bottles, the US Congress considers a ban on non-returnable containers and Hawaii bans plastic bottles. But courts strike down the bans and Congress abandons its plans after lobbyists say it will destroy jobs.1970s-1980s: Oil and chemical companies band together with drinks and packaging producers to shift the responsibility for plastic waste to the public, arguing irresponsible consumers are behind the waste crisis, not the corporations producing them. The plastic industry pushes for household recycling to tackle the waste crisis.But the industry overstates the potential of recycling plastic, which degrades every time it’s recycled and can’t be reused as effectively as glass or metal.A recycling factory near Nairobi, Kenya5. RESEARCH FINALLY BEGINS TO SWAY PUBLIC OPINION1990s: Researchers find 60-80% of waste found in oceans is non-biodegradable plastic.Some 5.35 trillion pieces of plastic with a collective weight of 2.75 lakh tonnes – from plastic bags to nylon ropes to fishing gear – are floating in our oceans.The Great Pacific Garbage Patch in the North Pacific Gyre (large system of circulating ocean currents, particularly involved with large wind movements) is the largest oceanic collection of marine debris.2004: Another oceanographer coins the term “microplastic” to describe miniscule pieces of plastic that break off from larger objects. Researchers find that microplastics are being consumed by marine life, resulting in serious damage.2010s: Widespread protests against microbeads, small grains of plastic used in cosmetics and cleaning products, over the harm caused to sea life. Public groups also protest synthetic fabrics that shed microscopic fibres with every wash, and tyres that shed plastic fibres when used.2015: A University of Georgia research team estimates between 4.8 million and 12.7 million tonnes of plastic enters the ocean every year, which is expected to double by 2025.Fish swim next to plastic bags at the bottom of the sea off the coast of GreeceHow the sea spits out plasticGovernments are taking action against plasticApproximately 5 trillion plastic bags are used worldwide every year, according to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). Plastic bags are extremely harmful for the environment – they can clog waterways, endanger animals, birds, marine life and provide a breeding ground for mosquitoes. When dumped in landfills, they can takes centuries to decompose.The future of plastics is in the trash canLloyd Stouffer, Editor, Modern PlasticsInterestingly, Bangladesh was the first country to ban plastic bags in 2002. Several African nations have bans in place to make up for the relatively low waste-collection and recycling rates. The US as a whole has no ban on plastic bags yet, although some states are implementing their own bans.But almost 80% of all plastic remains in the environment450 years to forever – that's how long plastic endures in the environment. About 40% of plastic produced is packaging that is used once and then discarded. A whopping 79% of all plastic produced since 1950 is still in the environment.Pressure on firms to take responsibility for plastic pollutionThe plastic industry is expected to come under more regulations and public pressure, which could hurt their bottom lines. Beverage companies could lose 5% in profits to increasing regulations and taxes on plastic over the next decade. Four of the biggest plastic packaging producers could see a potential decline of 11-33% in pre-tax profits in the medium term if they continue producing plastic.Petrochemical firms continue to expandAn estimated one-sixth reduction in demand for petrochemicals is expected in the next 20 years in the face of increased regulations. Even so, Royal Dutch Shell is among several petrochemical giants continuing to expand with new plastic production plants in the US. The new Shell unit alone is expected to produce more than a million tonnes of plastic a year when it is complete (Pic: Construction site of Shell's latest plant in Pennsylvania).So it is good to ban single use plastic to save our ever fresh environment to die.Thanks.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a marine engineer?

Well, like every other job option, it has its own fair set of advantages and disadvantages. So, let's see what do we have in Pandora Box.ADVANTAGES1.Salary, Earnings & MoneyIt offers a decent package right after you get out of college, which increases even further once you gain some experience and clear some competency exams. If you are doing good then you can be way ahead in your earnings in 5-6 years as compared to your fellow mates.2.Financial PlanningAlmost every seafarer earns a NRI tag because of his job in international waters and earning in foreign currency (USD) which exempts them from income taxes. (Indian policy). So, you can get your entire salary in your hand and plan your finances well.3. Job SecurityMarine Engineering, requiring a specific training accommodates only the guys who have taken this course and prohibits competition form candidates of other streams.. This, less competition- More security.4. Job Options & opportunitiesA well qualified and experienced Marine Engineer can switch his career on seas to other sites as well as he tends to possess a variation in his experiences. He can easily switch to management side of that company itself he was working for, earlier.5. Varsatility in knowledgeA Mar. Engg is expert in almost every thing which we come across in our daily lives. Form A.C. to pumps, from Refrigerator to fans. Everything. So, he can easily deal with household issues.In fact, it is also said that "A Marine Engg is Jack of all traits but maybe master of few (or none)."‌6. Family timeYes, it's a bitter truth that a Mar. Engg. has to stay for longer durations when he is on job, but once he is back from sea, he can be all to his family. 24*7. Family time, tours, vacation. Everything can be planned without any problem.7. Adventure.A Seaman gets to see the different parts of the world (ports very often). He leads a tough and challenging life onboard, which can only be experienced when you go on sea yourself.8. Punctuality & Discipline.Job at sea requires uttermost level of discipline, patience and discipline which can easily be noticed in a Mariner.I won't be exaggerating if I tell you "After defence, Merchant Navy is the second best thing which makes a true gentleman out of you."DISADVANTAGES:-In spite of all it's benefits, it has its darker side too.1. Tough and Challenging Job profileWorking on a ship and especially in its Engine room (as a Mar. Engg is a challenge in itself. The environment down there is not very pleasant and at times, it can burn the last calory of your body. Continuous and long work hours added with sleep deprivation is not a big issue if you suffer a major breakdown in Engine onboard.2. Seasickness, Homesickness & Social InsecurityThese are very common issues which arises when a fresher goes to sea for the very first time. Not adapting to the environment there, missing home and socially isolated (although there is internet nowadays on most oofthe ships) but still, seeing the the same 15-20 faces daily can ruin your Social life very well.3. Away from family.A Mar. Engineer can't be with his family all the times. He needs or go away for his job and during this time, if he or his family needs each other, it turns out to be a real challenge to get together. Not always possible.4. Continuous and regular studyIn order to do his job well, he needs to keep studying regularly and make himself aware of the development and modification in thier work areas. Additionally, it requires you to clear some promotional exams in order to get a pay-raise.5. Health IssuesSome people claim that, working on a certain type of ship (oil/chemical carriers) can lead to some heath issues later.I hope, it gives you a fair idea of how is life of a Marine Engineer. Despite all it's challenges, it's an interesting field, No doubt.To calm your soul, remember one thing..Only the best men go the seas. :-)Cheers….

What are the worst U-turns made by BJP after forming the government? Before the Lok Sabha elections, BJP made many promises, but it slowly seems it's taking many U-turns.

Since coming into power, Modi Government has took many key U-Turns from its own Poll promises. Lets count.. The count here is around 30, though if you separate it as claims came one after another, the count may go beyond 45.(1) Electricity RatesBJP before Delhi Polls promised 30% cheaper electricity but after assuming power at center and as Delhi was under President's rule, it was the duty of Central Government to propose Delhi budget, the Modi government took U-Turn and since then increased the Electricity twice. Once in July by 8.32% and in November by 7%. Not only that when AAP government ordered CAG Audit of Power Discoms and discoms are not co-operating with CAG, instead of asking Discoms to co-operate they are increasing electricty charges..BJP Promise in 2013BJP promises cheaper power, vegetables in Delhi | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & AnalysisU-TurnJuly - Delhi: Power tariff raised by 8.32% for all 3 discoms - Hindustan TimesNovember - Business Standard(2) Its known fact that BJP is stern opponent of Article 370 and even mentioned it in their manifesto that they will scrap Article 370, but recently as Polls in J&K are due so BJP is again taking U-Turn.BJP Election 2014 Manifesto never sought abrogation, amendment of article 370: V.K. Singh - Hindustan Times(3) Modi government has called off talks with Pakistan (Oh that’s another U-Turn, we don’t cover here, he called his Pakistan counterpart after hell lot of barbs) citing separatists meeting with Pakistan ambassador, but as the J&K assembly election are coming, the hardcore separatist Sajjad Lone is suddenly becoming nationalist for BJP and they are seeking alliance with them for the polls. Also the RSS hardcore Vedik meets terrorist Hafiz Saeed and Ram Madhav hints at alliance while BJP supports bothHere’s brief history of Separatist Leader Sajjad Lone;Asma Khan�s wedding turns into political gatheringBBC NEWS | Voices from KashmirBJP StandNarendra Modi govt calls off talks with Pakistan over separatists meetU-TurnEx-Kashmiri separatist leader Sajjad Lone praises PM Modi: ‘He talked as if I was PM, not him’Ram Madhav hints at post-poll alliance with Sajjad Lone's party(4) FDI was the core issue for BJP, they not only protested against FDI in retails but also against increase in FDI in Defense and InsuranceBJP questions legal, political intentions behind FDI in insuranceAgainst FDI in Insurance and DefencePage on indiatimes.comBJP against proposed 100 per cent FDI in private security firmsU-TurnFDI cap raised to 100% for Railways, 49% for defence projectsGovernment Won't Revoke Decision on FDI in Multi-Brand Retail: Sources - NDTVWhy Narendra Modi government is likely to do a U-turn on FDI in retail | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & Analysis(5) Narendra Modi wrote to Manmohan Singh regarding pre-budget hike in rail faresIn 2012, Narendra Modi hit out against pre-Budget fare hike - The Times of IndiaU-TurnGovernment Hikes Rail fare before Budget SessionGovt hikes railway fares by 14.2 pc, freight charges increased by 6.5 pc(6) Arun Jaitley Slams AAP government over subsidy calls it will lead to more taxesAAP's sops in Delhi will lead to more taxes, warns BJP's Arun JaitleyU-TurnUnder President’s Rule, Arun Jaitley gives power subsidy to Delhi with hiked prices as per U-Turn No.1Delhi budget gives power subsidyBJP also protested against AAP’s subsidy and its MLA asked for 800crore subsidyBJP leaders seeks 800cr grant for subsidy in city budget(7) Narendra Modi in almost every Bhashan promised youth jobsBJP leaders seeks 800cr grant for subsidy in city budgetU-TurnModi Government Plans no new Government Jobs for one yearModi Government's Austerity Measure: No New Posts, No First-Class Air Travel - NDTVWhile due to flawed policies, job generation is dropped by 20% in July-SeptemberJob Generation in July-September Down 20 Per Cent on Quarter: Assocham - NDTV(8) Narendra Modi promised to bring back Blackmoney and give 15 Lac to every Indian, Rajnath Singh even claimed BJP will bring back blackmoney in 150 daysWill bring back black money in 100 days: BJP chief Rajnath SinghBJP demands UPA to disclose all 700 namesBJP demands govt reveal names of all 700 black money holders | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & AnalysisU-TurnWhile Modi raising issue at non-concerning platforms like G20, his government not attended the Agreement with 51 countries to sign pact against BlackmoneyBlack money: India misses the global war against tax evasionWhile 51 Countries signed the Bank Secrecy Pact as Obsolete to avoid tax evasion51 countries declare banking secrecy ‘obsolete’, sign pact in BerlinModi says he doesn’t know how much Blackmoney is stashed abroad but claimed 15 Lac each,PM Narendra Modi on 'Mann ki Baat': 'Trust Your Pradhan Sevak, Every Penny of Black Money Will Be Brought Back'Refuses to disclose the name of Blackmoney account holdersNow, Modi govt too refuses to name foreign bank account holders - The Times of India(9) Vadra was and still the main issue for BJP and Media to divert attention from wrong doing of Modi Government, they promised to send him to Jail if come to powerVadra will be in jail if NDA comes to power: Uma Bharati - The Times of IndiaU-TurnModi became PM in May but no action taken against, Rajasthan Government formed by BJP in 2013 yet no action, many people looking forward to Haryana as BJP formed government but as usual BJP takes U-Turn, now Central Government, Rajasthan Government and Haryana Government all are under BJP still no action against VadraDay after, BJP in Haryana does U-turn on Robert Vadra, DLF land deals?BJP – Congress signed deal, hence no one will do anything against each, that’s why Modi haven’t revoked the security of Vadra instead it increased his security.'We'll drop Vadra, you drop Vanzara': BJP and Congress 'strike deal to(10) Everyone knows that BJP in Maharashtra took NCP “Naturally Clean Party” support while BJP took undemocratically stand by going for voice-vote in assembly it always defamed AAP for taking support from Congress. Though AAP didnt have any option but BJP,Congress & Media slammed AAP for not taking responsibility. In Maharashtra BJP has option of Shiv Sena but still went ahead with NCP. Though AAP filed FIRs and opened cases against Shiela, will BJP Maha take action against AJIT PAWAR in irrigation scam??(11) Whether deregulation is good or bad, but BJP opposed this too(12) Modi always critized UPA Government over ceasefire violationsPage on indiatimes.comWhile many BJP leader demanded to bring back 10 heads for Hemraj, a soldier’s martyrdomGet 10 heads if they don’t return it, says Sushma U-TurnPM Modi criticizes opposition over politicizing issues like Ceasefire violationPM Modi criticizes opposition for politicizing ceasefire violations issuePM Modi invites Nawaz Shareef even though Shaheed Hemraj’s family protested against it,Beheaded soldier Hemraj Singh's family protests Nawaz Sharif's visit to Narendra Modi's inauguration | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & Analysis(13) Modi was too serious about Ganga cleaning and Uma Bharti, now Ganga rejuvenation minister claimed to clean Ganga river in 3 yearsI guarantee future of India's youth, says Modi in VaranasiUma Bharti promises clean Ganga in 3 years | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & AnalysisU-TurnAfter coming to power SC slammed Modi Government many times regarding adopting same policy for Ganga Cleaning and not taking it seriously, Modi Government even told SC that they will clean Ganga in 18 years with huge money requiredCleaning Ganga will take 18 years, massive investment, Centre tells Supreme Court - The Times of Indiakeep in mind Uma Bharti claimed 3 year plan just days before asking 18 years in SCSupreme Court slams Centre over Ganga cleaning projectPage on Narendra Modi slammed UPA over Italian marines caseModi Rakes Up Italian Marines Issue, Slams SoniaU-TurnModi Government allows Italian marines to go homeIndia 'won't oppose' ailing marine's pleaThough, we are concerned about India’s relationship with foreign countries about such issues, and it’s a normal routine in every country but the hypocrisy to tell something and doing something is condemnable(15) Modi always slammed congress over anti-sikh riots and government also announced compensation for the victimModi government to pay Rs 5 lakh relief for each killed in 1984 riotsU-TurnModi Government takes U-Turn and says there is no such decision madeNo decision on compensation to 1984 riot victims:Home Ministry to Election Commission | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & Analysis(16) Modi Government promises austerity drive and disallows any 5 star hotel meetingModi government's austerity drive: Cut down on 5-star seminars, foreign tours, no first-class travelU-TurnJust after days of such announcement the Ganga rejuvenation ministry spent 43 Lac in just one meetingGovernment spent Rs 43.8 lakh on ONE Clean Ganga meeting(17) Government decided to slam fine on Reliance for under producing gas, though UPA government has too imposed fine on RIL to the tune of $1.8 billionGovernment to slap additional penalty of $578 million on Reliance IndustriesMukesh Ambani does not run Government: P ChidambaramU-TurnEven though RIL producing less gas, modi government increase the gas price from $4.2/mmbtu to $6.17/mmbtu, it was reported in media that its $5.61/mmbtu but India purchases all gas on NCV termsDue to yesterday 46% hike by #Modi govt,... - The Logical SpinModi government also gave premiums for RIL’s deepsea projectsGovt raises natural gas price to $5.61 per unitDue to this Reliance register huge profitsGas pricing decision has a silver lining for RIL(18) Modi Government announces bonanza for Safari Karmacharis to show its Swach Bharat AbhiyanModi's bonanza for safai karamcharis - The Times of IndiaU-TurnNo such decision has been taken yet(19) Modi Government took Women Safety as utmost important step and also gave slogans like “Bahut hua naari per atyachar…” but his cabinet and BJP backed rape accused minister Nihal Meghwal who is missing from Rajasthan and Modi recently appointed Deve Gowda as Law Minister whose son is on bail in rape case(20) BJP Protested against Shiela and slammed UPA for Nirbhaya rape case but Jaitley recently remarked it as “One small rape which caused billions to India”(21) Modi Slammed UPA over coalgate quite frequently, but as SC termed all coal blocks allocated since 1993-2010 as illegal, Modi Government is now planning to bring ordinance against SC Order to save corrupts(22) Using CAG’s finding, BJP always slammed UPA over every corruption issue but recently Jaitley warned CAG not to sensationalize findings against government(23) BJP always slammed UPA over misusing CBI especially when SC called CBI as caged parrot, recently Jaitley slammed CBI for raking up issue in CoalGate scam which featured NDA man but finally SC termed all coalblocks as illegal, huge slap to Arun Jaitley(24) Modi always slammed UPA over price rise, but since assuming office there have been steeped rise in prices of almost all basic household commodities, they even claimed to cool down price rise within few weeks(25) Arun Jaitley claimed to disclose Henderson report over 1962 war, right after assuming office Modi government refuses to disclose the report in June and Arun Jaitley also deleted the blog in which demanded disclosureIn U-turn, Modi govt rules out release of Henderson Brooks report - The Times of India(26) Modi Government claimed Minimum Governance but took U-Turn and expanded the cabinet taking total to 66 against Manmohan Singh’s 77(27) Modi claimed to end criminalization of parliament by denying criminals in government and now everyone knows that his Cabinet has more than 34% criminals including rapist, corrupts, and criminalsNarendra Modi vows to cleanse political system and Parliament, to set up panel(28) Modi in almost every speech raked Farmer’s issue and promised to increase MSP price to give atleast 50% profit to farmers by saying UPA government gives Rs. 100,200,400 increase in MSPNarendra Modi reaches out to farmers, promises high minimum support price for cropsU-TurnAfter assuming office Modi Government announces only Rs. 50 increase in MSP prices for many items including cotton and shamelessly citing it will increase production and economyPrint ReleaseThought the Rs. 50 was proposed by CIC in april, but Modi was supposed to change UPA policiesBusiness StandardDue to misgovernance by Modi Government, Cotton farmers who used to sell it at Rs.5000 last year now selling it at less than MSP price of Rs. 4050Indian cotton trade stalls as China trims imports, prices drop(29) BJP claimed Aadhar is fraud and will scrap it after coming to power, some terming it as it is helping Bangladeshi illegal migration and also claimed it is waste of tax moneyAadhaar a 'fraud', will review it if voted to power: BJP - The Times of IndiaBJP-led govt to tackle ill-conceived Aadhaar risksAadhaar can save Rs30,000 crore of taxpayers’ money: NilekaniU-TurnNow Modi government giving Aadhar all the timeAadhaar card set to become lifeline for citizens - The Times of India(30) Corruption has always been big issue for Modi before coming into power, but as soon as they formed government, there has been zero reduction in corruption and also there’s no transparency left as there’s no appointment of chiefs of many anti-corruption organization like CIC, CVC and Lokpal and the health minister even removed two honest officers from AIIMS who unearthed many corruption cases at AIIMSHealth Minister removes honest CVONo taint on ex-AIIMS vigilance officer Sanjiv Chaturvedi: Environment ministry - The Times of IndiaHundreds of AIIMS staff ask PM to reinstate 'tainted' CVO ChaturvediAnother officer who saw threat and wanted protection was removedMCI's CVO seeks protection against harrasment, Health ministry recommends removal from the postMedical Council of India vigilance officer complains of harassmentTo surprise, Prime Minister Narendra Modi who claimed Maximum Governance and asked Babus to expose every act of corruption has not uttered a single word on these issue, instead he appoints JP Nadda as Health Minister who demanded removal of AIIMS CVOBJP General Secretary wanted all cases initiated by AIIMS CVO to be put on hold - Hindustan TimesThere are many more U-Turns taken by Modi Government like free Visa to Bangladeshis, Diesel Price Hike (though it has been reduced now due to global price reduction, but they increased it earlier), Bowing down to Khap Panchayat which disrespects women, Low government advertisement regarding government achievements and Augusta Westland deals.There are some U-Turns which are good for the country but it exposes the hypocrisy of BJP which disturbed many parliament session and its workers destroyed many buses, public properties when UPA done it thus wasting the tax-payers money. Whether in government or in opposition BJP is adopting UPA policies at will and taking U-Turns for which they have done massive destruction of public property and tax payer’s money by disrupting parliament sessions.

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Justin Miller