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If you and your ultimate K-pop bias were in a zombie apocalypse, what are your odds of survival?

This answer has some violent words; events are fictional.This is supposed to be a funny answer; since like the Corona Virus is here now, the next thing should happen is thePlease, not this one…Let us see the [ L E V E L S ] of the two characters we have:c h a r a c t e r o n e ( 01 ) :(1) [ D u a ’a ] *with voice* (yo yo~)[ There is a glitch in the system; Please refresh your device, to show the image of this character bellow ](click) [ P R O F I L E_ C H A R A C T E R _O N E ] - [ D u a ‘ a ][ g e n d e r ] : Female[ a g e ] : Unknown[ f i r e a r m ] : Sniper Rifle[ S T A T S_ A N D _F A C T S ] :Used to play COD, CS-CO as a Sniper shooter for 6 years.Can run very fast only when panicked; usually walks in a chill way to avoid sweating.Coffeeholic; gets headaches and gets mad when not drinking 250ml (at least) daily; obsessed with looting coffee.Always shoots in the head when concentrating, when in panic she goes for the heart.Can fall of the stairs easily and die.Goes to the bathroom a lot. (LIKE A LOT)Does not like to go on the field because she has weak stamina, but recovers fast, and acts faster.Cannot do well in physical fight, but can go crazy in scream-kicking.Cannot see at all without glasses.Can get distracted while looting Banana Milk (ULT Weakness)c h a r a c t e r t w o ( 02 ) :(2) [ M i n Y u n k i ] *with voice* (Listen boi, my first love story~)(click) [ P R O F I L E _ C H A R A C T E R _T W O ] - [ Y u n k i ][ g e n d e r ] : Male[ a g e ] : 27[ w e a p o n ] : Axe[ S T A T S_ A N D _F A C T S ] :Always has headphones in his ears with music or radio on.Can do lock picking fast.Has faster reflex to running away than attacking.Has weakness to getting tired and sleeping- but rarely gets sick.Practiced Judo for 3 years.Whines a lot- but gets sh*t done.Can punch strongly only in panic-reflex.Hides a gun and can use it secretly well.Very practical and rational in survival; which can make him a leader.Very obsessed with snacks like Chips.Can get distracted when looting Wine in the cellars.C H A P T E R_ 00 : L O O T I N G _F O R_ R A T I O N S( G A M E _ S T A R T S )_____________ [ P R E S S _ E N T E R _ T O _ C O N T I N U E ]_______________( s o m e w h e r e i n K o r e a )( 47 h o u r s _s i n c e _t h e _o u t b r e a k )Duaa has been in the same position for 2 hours.Watching through the Sniper scope-lens over the area for Yunki to get pass the mesh fence. He is trying to get to the other side of the area to reach to the the Gas Station.“Gosh I told you this is the worst place to head for, I promise you there will be nothing left” Duaa said over the phone. Thank god that the communication tower didn’t go down, Duaa thought.“This is the nearest place we can get to now.” Yunki replied back. Gosh why he doesn’t listen to what I say, Duaa deliberated.There was a sudden movement on the left side of the open street, behind some bushes. Duaa’s body became tense, all senses are alert. And moved to focus on the target with the scope.“Yunki there is a positive movement on your left, go low.”“I am almost there I won’t go back” Replied back.What? That idiot-“I said go unnoticed, if you lower the sound of your movement you are unlikely to attract zombies” Dua’a said as a matter of fact.Dua’a’s scope is still focused on the area where there was movement.Yunki is crouching by the entrance glass door, trying to lock-pick.“I am in” Yunki reported.Dua’a saw him open the door and head in. She noticed that the place is still untouched. No broken glass, no stolen food; everything is intact. Which means no one came here before. OR there are people hiding there, guarding the place.A zombie appeared in the open view right after Yunki signaled for Dua’a the ‘safe’ gesture. Dua’a successfully eliminated the zombie. It is like video games, Dua’a thought.“One is down” Dua’a reported to Yunki.“You can come down” Yunki replied over the ear piece.Does this guy hear what I say? She wondered.“Hello? Yunki can you hear me?” Dua’a said to assure the situation.“I can hear you, I said you can come now, there is no one here.” Yunki replied annoyingly.“Gosh I thought you didn’t hear me! I said there was a zombie outside meaning there are other near if one is here GOSH” Dua’a replied angrily.Dua’a stands up from her position to start gather her stuff. But she can barely stand up because of lying down for 2 hours.Few moments later, Dua’a starts hear some cursing on the ear piece.“I can hear movement.” Yunki reports.GOSH“You better bring me coffee I need to focus on getting rid of-” Dua’a started to talk fast when she realized Yunki was serious.Hurriedly, she gathered the bag and ran as fast down the stairs of the building, to get a better view for inside of the store. She found another lower level spot beside a big opening. It shows better clear view of where Yunki is hiding. There was no one. She has to go down to him to get the supplies and run ASAP.“Yo I found your banana milk” Yunki said over the line.She placed her sniper rifle again to look through the scope-lens fast at Yunki. She found him putting some food in the back pack he carried.In the near distance to the station, there are none around as he suspected. So Dua’a carries the rifle over her back and head down stairs in a hurry while tripping at the last few steps.She runs very fast through the same hole in the mesh fence Yunki gone through, and across the street to the station.As she entered to the store quietly, Yunki started running away through the rows thinking that she was an enemy.“Gosh it’s me you idiot” Dua’a joked.“I was gonna raise my axe on your neck, you should have notified me you are coming.” Yunki said in relief.“Raise your axe? You ran away from me.” She laughed.She started to wander around to look for the Banana Milk he was talking about, when suddenly a voice of something falling happened.“Yunki! I said don’t produce any voices so that they don’t come!” Dua’a whispered angrily.“That wasn’t me! I thought it was you!” Yunki whispered back from a distant.Oh no. They both thought at the same time.Dua’a got up from her crouch position to sneak-peak around the shop fast. Her heart is beating in her ears. She was never on site when a zombie appears, and now she is.She bit her lower lip. Panic is ready to visit. She goes low for cover again.“I can detect movement.” Yunki whispered over the ear piece. “The row near the entrance”.“Where are you?” She whisper back to the ear piece.“Three rows behind you” He replied.Dua’a tries to walk while bending slowly to Yunki, while thinking all to herself that they are going to die for food.She found Yunki just crouching while cautiously looking out towards the entrance.Dua’a bends down beside him.“Are we going to die?” She whispers.“Shut up” Yunki whispers.“I think I need the toilet” Dua’a confesses“I said shut up!” Yunki whispers angrily.Dua’a goes a bit forward to watch the zombie that is wandering by the entrance. And at that exact moment he bumps into the front row, which hits several items and knock them down. The zombie starts to yell.“Damn, get ready to run” Yunki says abruptly.“How are we going to run while he is by-““Now” Yunki lunges for the door.Dua’a follows him, but the zombie was already heading for her because he saw her first. She starts cursing and running back to the rows she came from getting stuck. Idiot, she thought about herself.Yunki already escaped the shop. She can see him taking cover into a corner. The zombie is yelling while marching for her as a meal. He should be no problem, I can get past by him fast, she thought to herself again. But found herself stuck in the same space.“What are you doing, get out now!” Yunki yells over the ear piece.Dua’a tries to change her direction from the other side, but the zombie was fast enough to get close to her and lunge. One bite and I am done, she panicked.She starts to run faster out of panic, and knock over the tall metal shelf, which broke the glass of the shop itself. The alarm system started screaming.Dua’a ran out of the shop fast, with the zombie chasing her. Running towards Yunki, she hoped he would see her and get ready for fighting mode.Yunki got his axe and charged for the neck of the zombie, making him yell in reaction and falling down.This is bad Dua’a panicked, they are going to die.“More zombies will swarm up at the sound, let us get back to that building fast” Yunki gesturing to the building they were camping in.They both started running at a high speed, with the sound of zombies roaring in the back ground. She prayed, no one chase them.But the zombies did smell their high adrenaline, their fear.The big swarm indicated for high danger rate, and low probability of survival for any human in a walking dead zone.The odds are low, but not zero. We are both very dependent on technology and civilization more than on craftsmen and practicality, but I wouldn’t think we would stay alive more than 3 days (72 hours after the breakout). Just a guess.M A N U A L_ O N_ H O W_ T O_ S U R V I V E_ Z O M B I E S_ B Y_ Y O O N G I: i f_ t h e_ s t e p s_ a b o v e_ d i d n t_ w o r k - t r y_ t h i s_ o n e Will edit soon for proofreading.None of those photos are mine- credits to owners.Hope you enjoyed reading, I know that was long.I forgot, thank you Sven :)

If North Korea was no match for the U. S. military, why didn't we win the Korean war?

.T H E * F O R G O T T E N * W A RNorth Korea was no match, to be sure. For one, U. S. Air Force bombers dominated Korean skies, despite MiGs and flak. The United States even readied a clutch of atomic bombs to drop on the North. And aside from Soviet fighter jets flown covertly by Russian and Chinese pilots, North Korea’s air force consisted of everything from biplanes to MiG 15s, all flown by poorly trained pilots. Its ”Maritime Patrol”—Navy—was a single torpedo boat squadron.But what the North did have was a hulking ally right next door: Red China. With their overpowering ground game, the Chinese brought this brother’s war to a grinding halt. Neither they nor the United States achieved their strategic objectives. There was no winner.The U.S. military—some 300,000 troops—and the Republic of Korea (ROK), led a global United Nations (UN) army with twenty allied nations from every corner of the planet: Ethiopia, Thailand, the United Kingdom. Denmark contributed a fully-staffed hospital ship. Tiny Luxembourg did its part, supplying 44 soldiers.This “Forgotten War” began on 25 June 1950 with a massive surprise attack by Kim-Il-sung, the North Korean dictator and grandfather of Kim Jong-un. Initially, his forces crushed poorly equipped ROK units and drove the rest into a pocket around the southeastern port of Busan. Kim bragged he would take all of Korea in three days.Then, following a brilliant amphibious landing behind enemy lines at Inchon, South Korea, by UN Supreme Commander, General Douglas MacArthur, the UN went on the offensive. They pushed Kim’s army back over the 38th parallel and up to the Yalu River and Chinese border. By September, 1950, the UN occupied most of Korea. Victory seemed assured. Home by Christmas was the cry!Chinese rumblings about their possible intervention were brushed off as “blackmail” by U.S. President Harry Truman. With North Korean forces in full retreat, UN leadership grew dangerously complacent.Suddenly, UN success at the Yalu triggered a ferocious lunge by the Chinese. This changed everything, sending once-confident UN forces reeling down the Korean Peninsula in a desperate “fighting retreat.”A 250,000 strong People’s Volunteer Army (PVA) under General Peng Dehuai (below) had invaded Korea, the first phase of 3,000,000 troops and civilians China would ultimately bring in. China termed it “volunteer” to avoid an “official” war between its national forces—the People’s Liberation Army—and those of the United States. Everyone was tip-toeing around The Bomb.Peng’s camouflaged army slipped in by moving “dark-to-dark,” 7pm-3 am, halting when aircraft appeared. Any soldier caught moving was ordered shot. The sudden arrival of this vast army shocked UN forces.Chinese PVA first bloodied the U.S. Army on 25 October 1950 at the Battle of Unsan in mountainous terrain near the Yalu. Their attack caught poorly positioned American and ROK forces by surprise.When U.S. intelligence interrogated the first captured PVA, they realized the Chinese had entered the war. But how much had they entered? Were they merely backing up their North Korean friends, or committing a far larger force?At Unsan, 10,000 PVA soldiers encircled the U.S. 8th Cavalry with a three-pronged assault, overrunning U.S. defensive flanks. The Chinese lit forest fires to confuse UN aircraft and donned ROK uniforms to infiltrate UN positions. They also blew trumpets and beat gongs, so unnerving some UN soldiers that they threw down their weapons and bolted to the rear.Only one PVA soldier in three had a firearm. The rest threw grenades. The Chinese lacked heavy artillery and air cover. They suffered enormous casualties with their primitive “human wave” tactics. Yet at Unsan they put to rout the far more modern UN forces. The battle was a devastating loss for the U.S. and ROK. Chinese leadership was as surprised as the UN’s was stunned.Museum display of warmly dressed PVA soldier and one from the People’s Liberation Army in China’s Civil War. Note fearsome weapon in his left hand.Despite all evidence, General MacArthur in Tokyo (he never spent a night in Korea), refused to believe that the Chinese were “all in” to re-take the North. He was, instead, beginning his Home-by-Christmas offensive to end the war. MacArthur was never short on ego and, after pulling off the Inchon landings, was hailed as a military genius. Therefore, UN forces were caught between genius and…reality.The historic Battle of Chosin Reservoir provided a bitter dose of the latter. Again, the Chinese encircled unprepared U.S. Marines, Army and British Royal Marines. For 17 days, in sub-Siberian weather, UN air and artillery pounded advancing PVA waves. A Turkish Brigade fought a courageous—and costly—rear guard action, allowing the bulk of UN forces to escape, albeit with 15,000 casualties. Survivors were dubbed “The Chosin Few.”China’s victory catapulted it into prominence as a major military power. But was this truly a victory? By their own estimates, the Chinese lost a staggering 40,000 to 80,000 troops and still had not destroyed the UN forces as ordered by Mao Zedong, dictator of Communist China. There’s a name for such victories: Pyrrhic.Battle of Chosin Reservoir, 27 November —13 December, 1950. Dashed blue line to right shows retreat of UN forces.At the Battle of Chongchon River, the PVA 13th Army Group attacked and overran the ROK II Corps. The Chinese also inflicted heavy losses on the U.S. 8th Army which then began the longest retreat in U.S. Army history.While the Chinese were steadily pushing the UN down the peninsuula, the North Koreans, led by Kim Il-sung, were hemorrhaging troops, losing 70,000 of their initial 100,000. Therefore, General Peng sacked the militarily incompetent Kim, reducing his Korean People’s Army to a minor player.Kim had enjoyed early success because Joseph Stalin, dictator of the Soviet Union, had outfitted Kim’s army with the best in weaponry: from the formidable T-34 tank, to the “burp gun,”(so named for its sound) to trucks. Lots of trucks. By comparison, ROK forces were badly under-equipped in the beginning.Stalin also equipped the Chinese. However, Mao complained bitterly that Stalin was more a “merchant” than an ally: he was making the Chinese pay cash for everything.The American air campaign relied mainly on the B-29 heavy bomber, veteran of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It quickly reduced the North Korean capital, Pyongyang, to a smoking ruin. Air Force documents show that the North’s cities suffered greater bomb damage than German and Japanese cities in the Second World War. The arrival of the MIG 15 and radar-controlled flak forced the USAF to bomb at night. 34 B-29s were shot down.As Chinese troops poured into North Korea by the hundreds of thousands, President Truman considered using atomic bombs. Nine were brought to Okinawa, accompanied by their “fissile cores,” the triggers which would render them “live.” However, atomic bombs are essentially useless in the kind of warfare described above. They are “city killers.” And above all, the United States wanted to contain this conflict. Dropping atomic bombs hardly fit that strategy. By now the U.S. had 300 atomic bombs in its arsenal. That would grow to 31,000 by 1968.General Curtis LeMay, head of the Strategic Air Command, estimated that the USAF killed 20% of North Korea’s population and virtually destroyed it as an industrial society. One USAF pilot observed, “When we left, there was no electricity in North Korea.” Every North Korean knows the history of this merciless American bombardment.Korea saw the first air-to-air combat by jet aircraft, namely the USAF’s nuclear capable F-84 Thunderjet and F-86 Sabrejet versus the Rolls-Royce powered Soviet Mig-15. USAF figures show 792 Migs were shot down versus 78 UN jets. However, thanks to Commenter Leo Kinnaman, we can see just how controversial the stated results of these dogfights were. Read the debate on this website:Korean War Casualties (aircraft)Cold War secrecy cloaked the presence of the Russian pilots. They and their aircraft wore Korean or Chinese colors and were forbidden from speaking Russian on the radio. Nevertheless, American pilots reported hearing bursts of Russian profanity in the heat of engagements. Both Soviet and American governments suppressed reports of the Soviet pilots in combat. Again, that careful dance around The Bomb—or rather Bombs. The Soviets now had their own Bomb—tho they had not yet air-dropped it.The very air was a frightening enemy. In the brutal winter of 1950-1951—the worst in 100 years—some 45,000 poorly clothed PVA froze to death in temperatures that reached minus 35 degrees. Frostbite injuries plagued all forces. And there was hunger: 90,000 retreating ROK died of starvation, largely due to corrupt leaders pocketing money meant for food.All war is cruel. This war, however, was stained black by unspeakable atrocities committed by both sides. Such war crimes included the execution of children. When informed of Allied massacres, MacArthur dismissed them as an “internal matter.”On 16 December 1950, faced with the seemingly unstoppable Red Chinese advance down the Korean Peninsula, President Truman declared a national emergency. At this point he ordered custody of those nine atomic bombs be given to the USAF 9th Bomb Group on Okinawa. He signed the order, but never transmitted it. The bombs, therefore, remained in civilian custody, not military, an important distinction.I was three years old in December, 1950. My dad had commanded a U.S. Navy destroyer in the Second World War. Sure enough, he got The Call in the national emergency. The earliest, fragmentary memory of my life is one of my mother hastily taking shiny things off a [Christmas] tree. We then set out on a long, cold and, for me, mysterious drive from Massachusetts to Norfolk, Virginia where dad joined his ship.UN morale hit rock bottom when their popular commanding General Walton Walker died in a jeep accident on 23 December 1950. However, his successor, the charismatic General Matthew Ridgway, pulled the 8th Army out of the ditch to deny the Chinese their strategic objective: throwing the UN off the Korean Peninsula permanently.The United States did not win the Korean War for one reason: the stunning intervention of Communist China. Its rough peasant armies fought a super power—the super power— to a standstill. Exhausted communist and non-communist forces settled for an unsatisfying stalemate. No peace treaty was signed because war was never declared. President Truman always carefully termed U.S. involvement a “police action” under UN leadership..The Toll:U.S. killed..……………...36,574. Wounded, 103,284 and 7667 unaccounted for.S. Korea killed…..……..217,000 military, 1,000,000 civilian.N. Korea killed….……..406,000 military, 600,000 civilian.PVA: 183,108 killed... ..383,218 wounded, 25,621 missing and 21,400 captured.(U.S. estimated 400,000 PVA killed)Thanks to Chen Yankai for PVA figures..Truce talks dragged on for over two years. The problem was prisoner exchanges: many North Korean POWs refused to go home. Finally the North agreed to let their troops choose. Those North Koreans who did opt for home, often threw away clothes, shoes, chocolates, cigarettes—anything the UN had given them.North and South pulled their forces back about a mile from the line of battle, ultimately creating the most fortified boundary on Earth: the 2.5 mile wide, 160 mile long Korean Demilitarized Zone. The DMZ has separated the Koreas now for over 60 years at the 38th parallel. There are no plans for its modification or removal.The Zone has become embedded in the Korean landscape as an unnatural natural feature. Like the Great Wall of China or the Panama Canal. The Zone simmers with tension and some 1,000 military and civilians have been killed in it. The North has tunneled under it in four (known) places. Their portals have become tourist attractions.There is nothing sacred about the 38th parallel. For 1300 years Koreans had been han nara—one nation—unified under various monarchies, such as the Joseon Dynasty:Hwaseong Fortress from Joseon Dynasty, built in 1700s by King Jeongjo to honor his father, executed after refusing to commit suicide as ordered. Now a UNESCO World Heritage Site, 20 miles south of Seoul.August 1945: Japan had surrendered and Korea was up for grabs. The U.S. Army suddenly realized a boundary was needed fast or the Soviets, flooding down from Manchuria, would occupy all Korea.Two young Army officers set the boundary. One was Dean Rusk, later JFK’s Secretary of State. Rusk told the “amusing story” of how the two dusted off an old National Geographic map and pored over it for natural boundary features. Finding none, they picked the 38th because it placed the capital, Seoul, on the U.S. side. To everyone’s surprise, Stalin had no objections.This artificial frontier, set in such haste and ignorance, was bound to cause trouble and, as we’ve seen here, it did. Millions would die as the two Koreas, instant enemies, fought to impose their own brand of han nara, socialist or capitalist. Korea was the Cold War’s first casualty, the DMZ its still-unhealed wound.In the Korean War, Mao Zedong demonstrated China’s power to the world. He laid to rest nonsensical American accusations about who “lost China.” China was not America’s to lose! And Mao was not about to let his little communist upstart/ally suffer defeat by the United States. For North Korea served—and still serves—as a vital buffer for the Chinese. Which is why they will never let the Kim regime collapse—however much the United States would welcome that.It may surprise the reader to learn that South Korea isn’t interested in a Kim collapse either. Or, for that matter, re-unification. Either would unleash a human tidal wave of some 23 million impoverished North Korean “inmates.” They would require everything: food, shelter, lots of medical care and jobs. Their insatiable needs would overwhelm the national systems in China and the South and would certainly trigger violence from resentful citizens.The South has allowed in some 16,000 defectors. It welcomes them but scrutinizes them hard to weed out spies. China, on the other hand, tracks down and returns defectors, fearing that human tidal wave.Mao conferring with Kim Il-sung (right) founder of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK)—otherwise known as North Korea.What follows is a bit of a tangent, but I think you’ll find it interesting.Thanks to Mike Wu for introducing me to Mao Zedong’s eldest son, Mao Anying. He was a tragic link between two founders of Communist China: his father and his commander, General Peng Dehuai, who invaded Korea.Had Anying lived, he would have inherited his father’s “throne,” just as Kim Jong-un is carrying on the Kim “dynasty.”Mao essentially abandoned his family when he disappeared into the mountains as a guerrilla leader during China’s Civil War. On Anying’s 8th birthday, he and his mother were captured by a warlord. Ordered to denounce Mao, she refused under torture. Anying was then forced to watch as his mother was beheaded.Re-united, Mao sent his teenage son to the USSR at Stalin’s invitation. Anying attended Interdom (“International House”) in Ivanovo, about 158 miles from Moscow. This was an elite Soviet boarding school for the offspring of foreign Communists.When Hitler turned his forces against the USSR in the Second World War, Anying petitioned Stalin for a posting in the Soviet Army. Stalin agreed. Young Anying served—and served well—as an artillery officer in Poland.When Peng invaded Korea, he chose Anying as his secretary. They worked out of an old gold mining cave north of Pyongyang. At 28, Anying wasn’t shy about offering opinions in staff meetings with senior officers. One has the impression of a headstrong young man, perhaps a bit of a princeling. And why not? By now he understood his destiny.On the morning of his death, he had fried up some eggs for breakfast. UN planes were spotted. Other staff frantically warned him, but he shouted at them to get lost, he’d have his eggs! Seconds later, two USAF planes swooped down to bomb the cave with napalm.Mao Anying, 24 October 1922 -- 25 November 1950. Here in Soviet Army uniform.Anying’s death would ultimately return to haunt Peng. Following the war, he became Defense Minister and Field Marshall. But then, in 1966, during China’s Cultural Revolution, Mao’s last wife, the highly controversial Jiang Qing, had him arrested, “tried” and sentenced to life in prison for trumped up crimes against Mao.The Red Guard shown bringing Peng to Beijing. He was physically and psychologically tortured there for years. The writings are his “crimes.”Why this horrific fate for Peng Dehuai, once Mao’s comrade in China’s Civil War, victor of so many battles, including Chosin Reservoir where he put China on the map militarily?Thanks to Joe Huang for providing political background.The Mao/Peng rift emerged at the Lushan Conference in 1959 where Mao’s Great Leap Forward was discussed. Peng bravely criticized this Mao-made catastrophe where 30 million peasants perished in famines. Mao passionately defended himself, citing other great leaders who’d made a mistake or two. He swayed the others, effectively ending Peng’s political—but not military—career.A play, Mao Zedong and His Eldest Son (2017), produced in China, offers insights into the complex relationship between Mao, Anying and Peng.Mao’s paternal emotions grew as death approached and there was no bright son with whom to share thoughts deep into the night. No, only ambitious bureaucrats, quietly…waiting.At no time did Mao indicate he might release Peng from prison. He could not forgive Peng for failing to protect his beloved son in the war. Was that fair? Of course not. How could Peng have possibly known that Mao’s beloved son would unwisely choose fried eggs over safety?Love, war…politics. When is there ever fairness in these?Peng, still imprisoned, died in 1974. Mao died in 1976. His death set off a bureaucratic power struggle which convulsed the highest reaches of China’s government for the next two years.* * *The author is grateful to those many readers who, far more steeped in Korean history than he, improved this Answer with their thoughtful suggestions…and precise corrections.Thank you. -cb.123715

What are some lesser-known facts about Muhammad Ali Jinnah?

I will write a few :A. He was a Shia MuslimB. He relished BACON( pork) in breakfastC. When he was around 40 he ran away with daughter of his friend and they lived together for 2 years befor getting married.D. He disowned his own daughter When she married a Parsee.E. Nusli Wadia of Bombay Dying is his daughters son, his grandson.F. He was a second generation Muslim his grandparents were Hindus.G. He offered father of Ajeem Premji a fellow Kutchi position of Finance Minister if he migrated to Pakist, the offer was not accepted.H. He made father of Parvej Musharaf ambassador to turkey after he paid Rs, 200,000 to Pakistan treasury.I. Jinnah charged Khan of Kallat his weight in gold soveirgn for fighting case to prove Kallat enjoyed the same relation with GB as Nepal, Bhutan, Ceylon, and Burma.J. Kallat became independent on 5 th August 1947 because of efforts of Jinnah.K. Jinnah signed Standstill agreement with Maharaja Hari Singh of Jammu & Kashmir recognising independence of Jammu & Kashmir.L. He renegaded from both the agreement with Kallat and Jammu & Kashmir.M. The problems in both these states Kallat ( Baluchistan) and J& K were borne because of his decision.N. You can say he is father of problems created in Jammu & Kashmir and Baluchistan.O. In 1946 his doctors gave him not more than 2 years to survive because of Advance stage of TB of Lungs.P. He could not speak or write Urdu.Q. His mother tongue was Kutchi a form of Gujarati.R. He and mahatma Gandhi belonged to GUJARAT and similar communities.S. He never sold his house in Bombay and wished to retain it to spend his holidays .T. The house has been confiscated by GOI as enemy property.

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