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What is the most overlooked muscle (group) regarding an aesthetic physique?

I’m torn (no pun intended) between hamstrings and rear delts, but I’ll go with the former.A lot of guys skip leg day entirely, but even when they do show their lower body some love, it’s mostly squatting, leg extensions and leg press. Those are mostly quad movements, and aren’t gonna do much for your hamstrings.Why do I find hamstrings aesthetic?Mostly because I respect guys and gals that have some go with their show, and when I see a meaty pair of hamstrings and adductors, I know I’m looking at a monster. You don’t get muscle there by doing easy stuff.They’re crucial for explosive power. If someone can run fast or jump high or just be a general all around badass…they’ve got hamstrings, and usually big ones.Bolt’s quads aren’t much to write home about, but look at those hamstrings!Allyson Felix has ‘em, too.A lot of MMA guys have them as well…look at those GSP hammies!You just won’t find anyone fast or powerful without hamstrings.They can be visually quite impressive in and of themselves.So, how do you get some hamstrings of your own?Here are a few movements I use regularly.CURLING MOVEMENTSHamstring curls on a machine are great. Don’t arch your lower back, keep your hips pressed into the pad on this one during the entire range of motion. I prefer slightly higher reps here, 10–15 are a good call, but sometimes I go up to sets of 30–40, even. You can even go to failure on the full range of motion, and then do partials at the bottom. Those are miserable but work marvelously.The glute-ham raise is a great hamstring builder as well. This will put meat on your “back side” like nothing else. You can adjust the pad location to make them easier or more difficult. Sets of 5–10 reps are best.You can also do hamstring ball curls. These work the hip and knee joint at the same time and burn like crazy from the constant tension. Sets of 15–30 work well-go till you can’t.The Nordic hamstring curl is a brutal exercise. Hook your heels under a bench that is bolted down or you’ve already put plates on to weigh it down. Lower yourself slowly and under control as far as you can, then use your arms to push yourself back up to the starting position. Try not to cheat by letting your lower back arch. Low reps are better, 3–5.These can prevent hamstring tears, BUT don’t do them within 1–2 days of sprinting or running as you need time to recover.HINGE MOVEMENTSBack extensions are awesome-I prefer holding the weight on my back for more range of motion and a better stretch. At the top, don’t arch back-push your hips into the pad using your glutes.You can do them with a barbell in your hands, too. These have less range of motion but you can load them about twice as heavy. Don’t smash up your gym floor, lower it under control. Double chin is optional. Sets of 8–12 reps work well.The basic conventional deadlift is great for hamstrings, too. Focus on driving your heels into the ground and keeping the tension in your lower body. Sets of 5–10 reps work well but don’t go crazy with the volume.Pulling from a deficit increases the range of motion further. You can take a wider grip to increase the range of motion even more if you want, but don’t let your back round. Sets of 3–8 reps work well. Keep the volume low on these as well, just a few sets are fine.Good mornings I usually feel more in my spinal erectors, but they stimulate the hammies as well. Focus on sitting BACK into the movement as much as possible. Higher reps with light weight are best. Shoot for 10–15 reps, not letting your back round even an inch.Finally, the best hamstring exercise is probably the Romanian deadlift, or RDL. Again, push your hips back as much as possible, getting a stretch at the bottom. Range of motion isn’t important here, but that stretch is crucial. You can put plates under your toes for an even better stretch. Don’t round your back at all. Sets of 8–15 work well on this one.Don’t do these all in one workout or you won’t be a functional human being for about a week afterwards.Choose 1–2 curling movements and 1–3 hinge movements. Aim for 8–12 total working sets per workout.Do this once every 4–5 days.A few weeks of this and you should notice you have some new hamstring development, and are even perhaps a bit quicker on the field of battle as well. Enjoy becoming just a little bit more badass.Follow me on Instagram for daily diet and training tips! Subscribe to my YouTube channel for longer form, informative content.

When evidence is made inadmissible in court, do juries REALLY not consider it when making their decision?

Your question raises an important legal vs. factual question. Once evidence is stricken, can we rely on jurors to disregard what they have heard or seen as instructed? We hope that they can and if we are not confident that they will or can, a mistrial can be granted and a new trial will be set with a new jury pool.The remedy for this dilemma is to avoid/prevent it before it happens in front of the jury. Admissibility of certain evidence is usually determined during pretrial proceedings through a motion to suppress or motion in limine. This determination is made by the judge without the jury having been impaneled. You may be thinking of testimony given by a witness which could happen during the trial and before the jury.Competent attorneys can anticipate the scope of a witness’ testimony and may seek to limit the testimony through pretrial motions. Knowing what is and isn’t permitted beforehand is key to proper direct and cross-examination. A bench conference with counsel to remind everyone of the Court’s prior ruling on the testimony will put everyone on notice of what may and may not be introduced to the jury. These safeguards are in place to prevent having to have testimony stricken and the jury admonished to disregard the testimony.The importance of avoiding striking testimony is underscored by our belief that it is difficult to ask people to “un-hear” something that was said in court. Despite all of these safeguards, sometimes inadmissible testimony sneaks in. A witness may just blurt something out or may answer a question with a response that is “out of left field”, the remedy for the opponent of the testimony is an objection based upon admissibility. Once sustained, a secondary motion to strike the testimony followed by a request to admonish the jury is made.Depending on the egregiousness of the error, a motion for a mistrial may be made. If granted, it means the trial will end without judgment and the current jury is excused. Another trial date may be set and a new jury empaneled.

What is the best way to build big arms naturally?

I’ll give you my top 10 exercises for arms, how to program them, some tips and tricks, how to visualize them and some strength targets to keep you motivated.You ready? Let’s go.The main muscles we’re going to focus on are:Biceps-which flex the elbowTriceps-which extend the elbowBrachialis-which also flex the elbowForearms-which also flex the elbow as well as move the wrist and fingers.Don’t do all of these exercises on one day; you’ll need to work them into your current program in a smart way.Neutral grip pullup.Here’s a video. This will work the biceps, brachialis and forearms. Be sure to use full range of motion-actually go up even higher than I am in this picture. This will fully contract the biceps and forearms. I like to squeeze my forearm against my bicep at the top to really make sure it’s full range of motion.An experiment showed that chinups had the best biceps activation of any exercise, so anyone ignoring this exercise is a fool. You can curl 40kg barbells all day, but curling YOURSELF up to a bar is going to be way more effective.Just bodyweight is fine at the start, I’d rather have you do the reps correctly than add weight too soon. Sometimes I do reps as low was 1–3 sometimes. Vary the reps. One to twenty is fine. If you can do 5–8 reps with half your bodyweight, you WILL have huge biceps. If you cannot do these, a pulldown machine is an acceptable, temporary alternative.2. Close grip bench pressThis is another compound movement and really works the triceps hard. This will work every part of the muscle pretty equally, and you get a big chest and shoulders as well.I promise I don’t wear the same shirt all the time. Just a coincidence!I wouldn’t go much narrower than the picture. Yes, it’ll give you more triceps activation, but it’ll also beat up the wrists a bit. I’m using a thumbless grip to get a bit more external rotation; if you are using a bar that rotates/spins easily, definitely use your thumbs. I like to pause at the bottom position.Keep your elbows TUCKED, not flared out. The sticking point will be high up, so just keep driving the bar the entire way. I like lower reps, 5–6 per set, but sometimes go up to 10–15.If you can do your bodyweight for 10 reps, there’s just no way your triceps will be small.3. T-Bar rowThis is a really fantastic exercise that I’ve rediscovered recently, and it’s made my biceps grow noticeably-which is really rare as I’ve been lifting half a decade at this point. So when I see any growth, I analyze why it happened. There’s always a reason. Here’s a video of a strict set.I prefer higher reps on these-going very low is just not a great idea. The lowest I’ll go is maybe 10 reps, and I prefer controlled sets of 20. The range of motion just isn’t very long, so higher reps provide enough stimulus. I occasionally cheat a bit, but not excessively. These also had huge bicep activation numbers, greater than curls. These will massacre the brachialis like nothing else.If you can do 1.5x bodyweight for reps, your brachialis will be eye-catching-if you are lean as well.4. DipsBouncing back to triceps, here is a great exercise that will also crush your chest and front delts. I don’t advise doing dips in a specific way for triceps or chest. This runs against a million or so Instagram graphics but it’s totally true-stay too upright and you’re gonna have shoulder issues. Too bent over, same story.Just do what feels natural, your triceps WILL be working. All of them have elbow extension, there’s no point in sacrificing your joint health for MAYBE a bit more activation. Higher reps are good here, don’t go below 8 reps if you value your shoulders.I usually go down to slightly deeper than this, but I feel it out. Extremely deep dips are probably a recipe for disaster for most people!Aim for bodyweight+50% for 8–10 reps for a good amount of meat on the back of your arm.5. Curls“Finally, an isolation exercise!” yell the bros in delight!Not so fast. The barbell curl actually works the lower back, abdominals, shoulders and traps an incredible amount, along with the biceps and forearms. Repeat after me: it’s not an isolation movement…it’s not an isolation movement. You can either use a straight bar or an EZ curl one, like below.I typically stay somewhat strict, but have been known to cheat a bit-as long as you keep your glutes tight and don’t arch back TOO much, you’ll be OK. I prefer sets of 8–12 reps. You can vary the grip width slightly-wider will be more inner head, narrower as shown will be more outer head, but the difference is slight.Curling 2/3rds of your bodyweight for 6–8 reps is a badass benchmark of biceps bigness.6. Overhead Cable ExtensionOK, this is an isolation exercise. This is one of my favorite extension exercises, it’s fairly easy on the elbows, safe and hits the long head of the triceps well-in a front double bicep that’s about half your arm that’s shown.Start light with this one, and make sure to use a full range of motion. You’ll be stronger and/or it’ll be easier if you do just the end half of the range of motion, but you won’t get much out of that-go back as far as you can, as shown in the picture above. Higher reps are better here, I prefer 15–20. Make them burn. I’ve done up to 50 before.Shoot for half bodyweight for the 15–20 reps. That should get you some tremendous triceps.7. Bent Over RowsBack to heavy compounds! This is a wonderful exercise, and can be done in a few different ways. My own personal favorite style in bent slightly forward maybe 30degrees, and pulled to the lower abdomen. This allows a lot of weight to be used and really hammers the traps, lats, forearms and biceps. I typically use an underhand grip, and you should too if you are interested in arm growth. 10–15 reps work well, start the sets strict and maybe progress to cheating slightly as long as you feel OK.A good goal would be the same as T-Bar rows, 1.5x bodyweight for reps.8. Overhead Dumbbell ExtensionThis triceps exercise is another long head attacker. It has quite a different feel than the cable due to the line of pull and single arm nature. It requires a bit more balance and stability as well. I prefer 10–15 reps, slightly lower than cables. Your instinct will be to use partial range of motion; don’t. Better to go lighter and use full range of motion. Try to keep your elbow fairly motionless during the set; only the forearm should move.If you can do a quarter of your bodyweight for 10 reps with full range of motion, your triceps will be thick and juicy.9. Dumbbell curlsIt’s really a testament to compound movements at how my biceps have IMPROVED after dropping curling movements-I rarely do these anymore. They’re still great, though, and I’ll add them back in eventually. They’ll work the biceps and forearms mostly.I prefer alternating arms, you can also do these standing and do both arms together. Shoot for 6–8 reps per arm. If you can curl a quarter of your bodyweight per hand for 8 strict reps each, your biceps will be bountiful.10. JM pressOnce there were two exercises, a beautiful and vivacious close grip bench press and a handsome and dashing skullcrusher. They traveled far and wide and were used in many gyms by those wanting to get huge triceps.Alas, they were lonely, and had never felt true loves first kiss.One day, at a gym called Westside barbell, these two exercises finally met each other.It was love at first sight!The close grip bench press loved how the skullcrusher was daring and dangerous, and how he had a tremendous “range of motion”.The skullcrusher took one look at the close grip bench press, and immediately fell for her stability and tension, her ability to multitask and balance pressure.That night, when all the powerlifters went home, they danced that ancient dance.The next morning-hey, ideas gestate quickly-they had a little baby boy-the JM press.A match made in heaven.These are named after JM Blakely, the famous powerlifter, so I’ll give him at least the very small honor of using his picture. :) They’re awesome for triceps, and his are way bigger than mine anyway!I like skullcrushers, but he doesn’t agree with everyone. He can be abrasive. He scorches the ligaments and tendons…I guess you could even say he…smokes the joints.Close grip bench press is nice and all, but she’s too much of a generalist at times. Sometimes you just want something specific.These are a nice compromise-instead of lowering to the head or chest, lower to the chin/neck area.I prefer sets of 5–10 reps; a good goal would be using 75% of your bodyweight for somewhere in that amount of reps.Now that you’re armed with all that information, it’s time for the most important step of all:Doing them.Follow me on Instagram or YouTube for diet and training tips!

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