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What is the best backup government exam for a UPSC aspirant?

Union Public Service Comission.The UPSC is the Central agency of the Government Of India which is responsible for conducting examinations for recruiting officers and staff's into various services of the Central Government.If you are are thinking for Upsc you should remove the thought of Back Up from your mind.If an aspiring student for UPSC fails in his/her first attempt than no worries he /she may prepare for the next attempt if they really want to do it (if he/she is a really serious aspirant). Not to get into the thoughts of Backup coz in rare cases only the UPSC examination is qualified in the very First attempt. Also if the candidate is from general category than the probability of getting qualified for IAS is very less 0.01 (approx). Because for the Position of IAS OFFICER a candidate must be fall under the range of All India rank 100.Than too if you don't want the next attempt for it you may go for the Backup options which are listed below if the candidate had prepared for the Upsc exam properly he /she can easily clear and get into these services.Civil Service Examination (CSE) :These is the main Examination for which aspiring candidates becomes Insane. It includes Group A jobs which are IAS, IRS, IPS, IFS, IFoS. these services are provided strictly on Rank. (If candidate don't fall into the List of these services you can go for Backup examination which are as follows).List of all the Examination conducted by Upsc.Engineering Services Examination (IES).Indian Forest Service Exam. (State as well central Govt).Indian Economic Service & Indian Statistical Service.Assistant Provident Fund Commissioners.Special Class Railway Apprentices Exam (SCRA).Indian P&T Accounts & Finance Services.Indian Audit and Accounts Service(IAAS).IRS (Custom and Excise Department).IRS (IT department).Indian Defence Accounts Department (IDAS).Indian Ordnance Factories Service (IOFS).Indian Postal Service (Bhartiya Dak).Indian Civil Accounts Service (ICAS).Indian Railway Traffic Service (IRTS).Indian Railway Account Service (IRAS).Indian Railway Personnel Service (IRPS).Post of Assistant Security Commissioner in Railway Protection Force.Indian Defence Estates Services (IDES).Indian Informative Service (Junior Grade).Indian Trade Service (Its).21.Indian Corporate Law Service (ICLS).The above mentioned Services are of Group A.Now comes the Group B Services.Armed Forces Headquarters Civil Service.Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Lakshwadweep, Delhi, Daman&Diu, Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Pondicherry Civil Services.Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Lakshwadweep, Delhi, Daman&Diu, Dadra&Nagar Haveli, Pondicherry Police Service.There are many more exams Like Railways Recruitment Boards(RRB). Staff Selection Commission (SSC). Combined Defence Services (CDS).You can also Give the Examinations conducted for the State Government Services.Note: According to New rule of UPSC & Indian Government. If the Candidate reaches till the last stage of Selection which is mainly Interview then the Candidates will also get a Central Government Job.All the Best:)Jai Shri Ram.

Are the Republicans correct in saying that Trump did not break the Impoundment Law in delaying funds for Ukraine because he had until the end of the fiscal year and he beat that deadline by several weeks?

Short version: The Republicans are incorrect, and President Trump did violate the Impoundment Control Act (ICA). The legal violation is, in itself, fairly mundane. However, the nature of the funds withheld matters, as does the apparently corrupt purpose of the deferral. Moreover, the legal violation matters in the court of public opinion because Republicans have insisted so loudly, for so long, that President Trump didn’t break any laws and therefore should not have been impeached - an argument which is wrong in every way.Now for the long version…Republicans are incorrect: the delay of military assistance to Ukraine violated the Impoundment Control Act.The GAO report[1][1][1][1] lays this out in clear terms; the relevant portion of the ICA is §684: Proposed deferrals of budget authority.[2][2][2][2] Since the administration delayed funding on its own initiative (rather than being constrained by external factors), this was indeed a deferral under the terms of the Act. All deferrals must be for one of three specific reasons: holding money in reserve for contingencies, realizing cost savings in implementation, or enacting deferrals specifically authorized by legislation. Trump’s deferral of military assistance to Ukraine was never justified with one of those three reasons by any party; instead, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) cited the need to avoid conflicts with President Trump’s foreign policy in its communications with the Department of Defense.[3][3][3][3] This is not a valid reason for deferral, so the deferral violated the ICA.There are multiple points of confusion which ought to be addressed.First, the question asks about the end-of-fiscal-year deadline. It is true that all deferrals must end within the fiscal year. However, that is not by itself sufficient for legality; deferrals are also required to be justified by one of the reasons given above. (Incidentally, some of the aid money could not be disbursed by the deadline due to the White House’s delay, arguably violating the deadline rule, but that is something of a gray area, and unnecessary to make the case.)Second, the top answer to this question at time of writing makes much of the Comptroller General’s role in the impoundment process, as laid out in sections §686[4][4][4][4] and §687[5][5][5][5] of the ICA, in order to argue that Trump did not violate the ICA. To be clear, though, the Comptroller General’s role as described in those sections is first to report on the deferral to Congress in the executive’s place if the executive branch violates the reporting requirement of the ICA, and second to sue the executive branch for release of funds if they find that the deferral itself violates the ICA. Both of these are remedies for executive branch violation of the ICA. They have nothing to do with delineating what an executive branch violation of the ICA is.Finally, the same answer makes a comparison to Biden threatening in 2016 to withhold loan guarantees unless Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin was fired. First, no deferral was made in that case, only a threat, so the ICA does not pertain. Second, the very first bullet point of the relevant Congressional act[6][6][6][6] required the administration to assist Ukraine’s anti-corruption efforts - Biden’s threat served to obey the terms of Congress’ authorization, not subvert them. Third, not that it explicitly matters to the statutory argument, but everyone knows the implied equivalence extends beyond that, so it bears repeating that this broader equivalence is totally false - Biden was known to be acting in the national interest and the interest of the international community against a much-despised prosecutor long known to be corrupt.[7][7][7][7] The difference between that situation and this one could not be more stark.By way of analogy: a driver who is cited for speeding down a city street avails himself little by protesting that he did not run the red light at the end of the block. “The policeman didn’t pull me over when he was supposed to!” won’t save him from a ticket. And “That other guy was going as fast as I was!” is not only not a defense, it’s plain silly if the other guy was driving on the highway.The violation of the Impoundment Control Act is trivial.Not in the sense that hundreds of millions of dollars being held up for months for invalid reasons is insignificant, of course. But pretty much every president has butted heads with Congress over where the boundary between executing legislation and making legislation should be drawn. Consider the legal battles over the DACA program[8][8][8][8] - this is the budgetary version. Indeed, this isn’t even the first time Trump himself has been in hot water with the GAO over budget withholding.[9][9][9][9] If the issue was merely that money had been left unspent without a good reason, Trump would not have been impeached.The impeachment issue is that, as we’ve heard from Sondland[10][10][10][10] and Taylor[11][11][11][11] and Volker[12][12][12][12] and Bolton[13][13][13][13] and Mulvaney[14][14][14][14] and on and on and on (despite the President’s indiscriminate[15][15][15][15] obstructive[16][16][16][16] acts), this aid was withheld from Ukraine, an ally embroiled in conflict, as part of an ongoing campaign to pressure Ukraine into investigating outlandish conspiracy theories and announcing an investigation into the then-leading opposition candidate - a personal political benefit to Trump coming at the detriment of both Ukraine and the US, a naked abuse of executive power. The fact that the aid was withheld in violation of US law is just reinforcing the illegitimate nature of the whole affair - it is not in itself a major part of the impeachment case.The importance of this violation is entirely a Republican-created issue.So if the violation is trivial, why bring it up? Because a central tenet of the defense Trump, his defense team, and his political party have chosen to offer[17][17][17][17] is that Trump didn’t break any laws, that the articles of impeachment do not directly cite any statutes violated, and therefore that Trump shouldn’t have been impeached in the first place. One response to this is to point out that impeachment is not dependent on a crime being committed,[18][18][18][18] and that abuse of power is squarely within the intended scope of impeachment going back to James Madison.[19][19][19][19] But the response is incomplete without also pointing out that there is, in fact, an extensive list of laws Trump broke in the course of enacting this corrupt scheme.[20][20][20][20]And that scheme starts with a fact everyone acknowledges - Trump withheld aid from Ukraine - and a statute that exists to say, “You can’t withhold money Congress has authorized just because you’re the President.” It doesn’t get more clear-cut than that.Footnotes[1] https://www.gao.gov/assets/710/703909.pdf[1] https://www.gao.gov/assets/710/703909.pdf[1] https://www.gao.gov/assets/710/703909.pdf[1] https://www.gao.gov/assets/710/703909.pdf[2] 2 U.S. Code § 684 - Proposed deferrals of budget authority[2] 2 U.S. Code § 684 - Proposed deferrals of budget authority[2] 2 U.S. Code § 684 - Proposed deferrals of budget authority[2] 2 U.S. Code § 684 - Proposed deferrals of budget authority[3] Page on washingtonpost.com[3] Page on washingtonpost.com[3] Page on washingtonpost.com[3] Page on washingtonpost.com[4] 2 U.S. Code § 686 - Reports by Comptroller General[4] 2 U.S. Code § 686 - Reports by Comptroller General[4] 2 U.S. Code § 686 - Reports by Comptroller General[4] 2 U.S. Code § 686 - Reports by Comptroller General[5] 2 U.S. Code § 687 - Suits by Comptroller General[5] 2 U.S. Code § 687 - Suits by Comptroller General[5] 2 U.S. Code § 687 - Suits by Comptroller General[5] 2 U.S. Code § 687 - Suits by Comptroller General[6] H.R.4278 - 113th Congress (2013-2014): Ukraine Support Act[6] H.R.4278 - 113th Congress (2013-2014): Ukraine Support Act[6] H.R.4278 - 113th Congress (2013-2014): Ukraine Support Act[6] H.R.4278 - 113th Congress (2013-2014): Ukraine Support Act[7] Explainer: Biden, allies pushed out Ukrainian prosecutor because he didn't pursue corruption cases[7] Explainer: Biden, allies pushed out Ukrainian prosecutor because he didn't pursue corruption cases[7] Explainer: Biden, allies pushed out Ukrainian prosecutor because he didn't pursue corruption cases[7] Explainer: Biden, allies pushed out Ukrainian prosecutor because he didn't pursue corruption cases[8] DACA Recipients Look To Supreme Court For Hope[8] DACA Recipients Look To Supreme Court For Hope[8] DACA Recipients Look To Supreme Court For Hope[8] DACA Recipients Look To Supreme Court For Hope[9] https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/the-trump-administration-wrongfully-withheld-funds-from-a-popular-energy-program-a-federal-watchdog-rules/2017/12/12/67606a24-d9f5-11e7-b1a8-62589434a581_story.html[9] https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/the-trump-administration-wrongfully-withheld-funds-from-a-popular-energy-program-a-federal-watchdog-rules/2017/12/12/67606a24-d9f5-11e7-b1a8-62589434a581_story.html[9] https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/the-trump-administration-wrongfully-withheld-funds-from-a-popular-energy-program-a-federal-watchdog-rules/2017/12/12/67606a24-d9f5-11e7-b1a8-62589434a581_story.html[9] https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/the-trump-administration-wrongfully-withheld-funds-from-a-popular-energy-program-a-federal-watchdog-rules/2017/12/12/67606a24-d9f5-11e7-b1a8-62589434a581_story.html[10] 'Everyone was in the loop': three takeaways from Sondland impeachment testimony[10] 'Everyone was in the loop': three takeaways from Sondland impeachment testimony[10] 'Everyone was in the loop': three takeaways from Sondland impeachment testimony[10] 'Everyone was in the loop': three takeaways from Sondland impeachment testimony[11] READ: Testimony Of William Taylor, Acting U.S. Envoy To Ukraine[11] READ: Testimony Of William Taylor, Acting U.S. Envoy To Ukraine[11] READ: Testimony Of William Taylor, Acting U.S. Envoy To Ukraine[11] READ: Testimony Of William Taylor, Acting U.S. Envoy To Ukraine[12] https://www.washingtonpost.com/context/full-transcript-of-testimony-of-kurt-volker-former-u-s-special-representative-for-ukraine-negotiations/369d63fd-09d3-4616-ace6-95659500e35c/[12] https://www.washingtonpost.com/context/full-transcript-of-testimony-of-kurt-volker-former-u-s-special-representative-for-ukraine-negotiations/369d63fd-09d3-4616-ace6-95659500e35c/[12] https://www.washingtonpost.com/context/full-transcript-of-testimony-of-kurt-volker-former-u-s-special-representative-for-ukraine-negotiations/369d63fd-09d3-4616-ace6-95659500e35c/[12] https://www.washingtonpost.com/context/full-transcript-of-testimony-of-kurt-volker-former-u-s-special-representative-for-ukraine-negotiations/369d63fd-09d3-4616-ace6-95659500e35c/[13] Trump denies explosive new Bolton allegations[13] Trump denies explosive new Bolton allegations[13] Trump denies explosive new Bolton allegations[13] Trump denies explosive new Bolton allegations[14] ‘Get Over It’[14] ‘Get Over It’[14] ‘Get Over It’[14] ‘Get Over It’[15] Trump Vows Stonewall of ‘All’ House Subpoenas, Setting Up Fight Over Powers[15] Trump Vows Stonewall of ‘All’ House Subpoenas, Setting Up Fight Over Powers[15] Trump Vows Stonewall of ‘All’ House Subpoenas, Setting Up Fight Over Powers[15] Trump Vows Stonewall of ‘All’ House Subpoenas, Setting Up Fight Over Powers[16] President Trump: 'We Have All the Material'[16] President Trump: 'We Have All the Material'[16] President Trump: 'We Have All the Material'[16] President Trump: 'We Have All the Material'[17] Trump team begins argument president broke no laws at impeachment trial[17] Trump team begins argument president broke no laws at impeachment trial[17] Trump team begins argument president broke no laws at impeachment trial[17] Trump team begins argument president broke no laws at impeachment trial[18] Does impeachment require criminal behavior? 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When we have such a tough selection procedure for civil services.. Then why still we have a very poor system for governance?

Let us imagine the following selection procedures for selection of candidates for certain professions.An IQ test or a Common Admission Test (CAT) for selection of Indian cricket team.A 100 meter race for selection of candidates for IIT and Medical CollegesA vocabulary test for selection of a music director for a film.It would be easy to see that if you would select the cricketers, engineers, doctors or music directors based on such criteria, you would end up being on the bottom in the world in all such arenas.If our civil services are one of the worst in the world, there has to be some reason for it.I am confident that if an International Agency makes an assessment, Indian Civil Services Examination (CSE) would be rated as the worst competitive examination for selecting the top civil servants in the WORLD.Here is the list of services for which the same competitive examination (CSE/UPSC) is used for selection.Indian Administrative Service (IAS)Indian Police Service (IPS)Indian Audit and Accounts Service (IA&AS)Indian Civil Accounts Service (ICAS)Indian Corporate Law Service (ICLS)Indian Defence Accounts Service (IDAS)Indian Defence Estates Service (IDES)Indian Foreign Service (IFS)Indian Information Service (IIS)Indian Ordnance Factories Service (IOFS)Indian Post & Telecommunication Accounts and Finance Service (IP&TAFS)Indian Postal Service (IPoS)Indian Railway Accounts Service (IRAS)Indian Railway Personnel Service (IRPS)Indian Railway Traffic Service (IRTS)Indian Revenue Service (IRS-IT)Indian Revenue Service (IRS-C&CE)Indian Trade Service (ITrS)Railway Protection Force (RPF)Group B ServicesArmed Forces Headquarters Civil Service (AFHCS)Delhi, Andaman and Nicobar Islands Civil Service (DANICS)Delhi, Andaman and Nicobar Islands Police Service (DANIPS)Pondicherry Civil Service (PCS)Pondicherry Police Service (PPS)Do you find anything common between the job requirements of IAS, IPS, IRS or IFS or other services?These services are so important that almost all top posts of Indian government is filled by the officers of these services.However, the same examination is used to selecting candidates and there is no connection between the service for which you are selected and what you write in the examination.For example, a candidate may be a Computer Science Engineer. However, he takes anthropology or Sanskrit or Tamil as a subject and get top rank in the IAS.Is there any relevance of these subjects when he is going to work as an IAS, IPS, IFS, IRS or any other officer of the above mentioned service?What is the relevance of such a long and arduous competition for selection of candidates if what is tested has no connected with the job or profession?You can very well ask the candidates to run for 10 km every day for one year and then select them on the basis of the timing of completion of run.This would be even tougher selection process.However, would you get better civil servants by just making the selection process tough?Who is to be blamed if we get such poor quality of civil servants in India while we have such brilliant pool of young men and women choosing to go for other jobs?If you want the best men to take the country forward, change the rules of the selection process.It is high time that government change the selection process of civil services examination and follow the best practice of the world in this matter.

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